Jamison, Piatt, Quiggle, ,Sager, . Walton, Wherry", Ileister, Baker, 'Bush, ' Cbrist, Craig, Daugherty, Dunning; Edinger, Ftv, Johnson, M'Lean, Maxwell, Orr, Stock dale, • Thompson, • Wright-27, voted for CHARLES R. BUCKAUE.W. Messrs. AN'ery, Baldwin, Downing, Hol comb, Laporte, Lathrop, Lott; MeCalmont, McCombs,_ Penny packer' s , Wiekersham-1 I, toted for Davin WILMOT. Messrs. .Darsie, Frick,: Price: Skinner, Clutmtieclin, Powell, Ross and Nitnier---8, voted for THODIAS WILUAMS. Messrs. Ferguson,' j.'lenniken,Le*is,:Bell, Ball, Franklin, Herr, McCullough, Page—S, voted for JAMES VEECII. . . Mews.. Taggart,Youst, Harri s on, I-Jodg son;Linderman Megill, Simpson-7, voted J for J. PaINGI. . Messrs...Maddoelt• and Morris voted for-il. M. FULLER. Messrs. Lowe (Philddelphis) tind Stewart voted foi GIDEON J. Rail.. • Messrs. Thorne and Gwinner voted for THOMAS H. BAIRD. Mr.-Buekaleti voted 'for J. S. Bi.ses.' Mr. Jordan voted for J. C. Kumatt.. Mr. Bergstres,ser voted for 0. H. TiliA , Mr. Taggart moved to adjourn for two weeks front this day. On this motion the yeas and nays were called, mid were vita 66, nays. : YEAS—Browne. Crabb; Darsie, Ferguson ; Flenniken, Frick, Hamlin, Hendricks, Avery, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, BerOstre.sser, Bush, Phamberlain,"Craig,Downing; - Edinger, Fea ron, Foust, Franklin; Fry, Gwinner, Hvcrri ion; Herr, Hodgson, Holcomb, Hubbs, La porte, Jordan, Lewis, Mellinger,Priee, Sager,. Skinner, Ta fTart,'Walton. Wherry, Lathrop, Linderman, Lott, Lowe,M'Calmont, M'Clean,. M'CombS, M'Cullough, Maddock, Maxwek Megill, Menglc,•"Morris, Orr, Page, Palmer, Pennypacker, Powell, Ross, Simpson, Smith (Philadeltlitiacity,) Steel, Stewart, Stockdale, Thorne, Wickersham, Witmer, , NV right. NAYS—Messrs Cresswell, Frazer, Fry, Goodwin, Haldeman, Hoge, Allq-,ood, Barry,. Boal, Bowman, Caldwell,. Carlisle, Christ; Clover, Crawford,, . Criswell, Cumming s.- (Phila. Co) Cummins, (Somerset.) DatiAter ,ty, Donaldson, Dunning, Eyster, Fletcher, Foster, Frilev, Free, Gross, Gay, Haines, Johnson, King, Kirkpatrick, Krepps, Lane; M'Clin topic, Platt, Quiggle, Sellers, Shit man ,- Hiester, SPEAKER, Leas , M'Conkey, nen, Morrison, Muse, North; Reese, Ritten house, 'RUtter, Sal lade; Sherer; Smith, (All e gheny,) Smith, (Blair,) Stehlev, Sturdevant, Thompson; , Waterhouse, Weddell, Wood, Torkes, Ziegler, Strong, Speakir. • - The Convention then .adjourned, and the Senators having retired, the, Teller, reported the . proceedings. or, the Convention to the - House, ..when the Speaker adjourned the . House until to RIOTYQW at 11 o'clock, A. M.- Mr. Seward's Election. Maar 'PsooF..==,‘,lt is the last.feather that breaks the camel's . back,' -says - the adage; -rand Mr. Seward's : . final _coalition- with the Know-Nothings, which he obtained,, the V. S. Senatorship to continue the tar for six years longer against , the Sdutlr; clinches the aAail, and proves thc , secret party is the aboli tion party under another natne.'lVashington • 'The re-election, too, of Wm. H. Seward, k e y the 'New York Legislature", where the •bnow•-Nothings had the 'control ) is another =lost ::alarming . sigti; for the • . k , THE POPE'S LAST. Btia..—His Holiness, ttbe Pope, in his last. bUll,'.says to the Bishops :and Priests of the United States: • 'General Asoaltraiet!o . n. vitanracrtem trtirsdellty, - Sand citkeell.s 'the progress of _Catholicity ; bible' societies :are engines of mischief;, the freedom _of the Press is..a most foul, plague; liberty of con :science. a prolific source of heresy and crime. 'pernolis'it these, ar..d Catholicism has nothing ItO felt. in the United States.' • • ,State Senatorial Election ~.A special elOtion was held on Tuesday .oflast.week for, a State Senator in place of Levi Foulkrod, deceased. ''There were two candidates in the: field; • Henry . Pratt, Whig and American,. and J. Murray Rush, Democrat. The returns froM all the vari ous wards in the Senatorial district, show. a - total vote of '28,684, of which ; 15,513 was for Pratt, and. 13,171 for Rush, showing a ma jority: of two thousand three hundred and forty-two for Pratt, the . Whig. and American candidate. - This is some Of a majority, eon- . sidering that the district has heretofore been strongly DemOcratic, and that the most popu lar Man.• in: the PemoCratic ranks was pitted . . sgainst Mr. Pratt. ' • .- . _ . .E.Nroacr..o CoxtrsstoN.—Sarah E. Stock: wasliied at Womhester lately, for burn ing the barn of Henry F: Wing, of orallon. The evidence for ,govcrnment was chiefly the confession, of -the girl at the time of her ar rest. The Court ruled that this evidence was inadmissable, as l it was obtained under certain promiseS., and inducements. The ac cused was, therefore, acquitted. • A NATLMAL, I.FONDER.-.--Maj. B. Kirt:os =sr, .Of North TOwanda,. itptured—by. alightly..m•sounding in One wing -.-a few days :since, a snow' white Crow ! . This announce ment may be . discredited, but we affirurit is true, as strange as it may appear. • - Persons desirous of satisfying themselves in regard .to this bird, ,can - have the opportunity,. by. call ing upon the Major. > .. We have heard• of white blackbirds and white crows, : but never before saw one. Bradford Argue: , , - " Appointments by the Ekitrernat. GovernOr Pollock has made the following apppintments for the city .of Phil's, &e.: Harbor. Master, at Philadelphia- 7 George R. Grahara:Thiladelphia. • • Sealer of Weights and Measures, late city of Philadelphia—Abraham .Myres, Sealer of Weiglits and • Measures,._late oounty,of Philadelphia—SamuePD. Abbott, Philadelphia. . • Lazaretto Physician—Dr: Henry Pleas-. ;nits; Philadelphia:. ' _ Port Physiciat-Dr. Howard Taylor, Chester county. - - .• -- . . . Quarantine Master-Jacob Pepper, Dela ware county. Health Officer—J. W. T. M'Allister, - - Master Warden.-Joseph E. Reamed, Keeper of PoWder Magizine---Andrew Lean, Philadelphia.' _ Flour Inspectori-fitephen Miller, Dauphin 'ccunty. - • Whiskey Inspector—John W. Cowell, Bucks county.. . Whiskey luspector- 7 J 'oho H. Sel tier, Berk s county.:. Grain .Measurer—thos. E. Pollock, Phila.' Butter and Lard Inspector—George Metz gar, Philadelphia: . - Lumber Inspector—John J. Austin, North nmberland county. . • Salted Beef and Pork Inspector William , 4 1. Ott, Philadelphia. M a rble Measurer—lsaac B. • Garrigues, Philadelphia, a The list was . obtained at a late hour, and will be noticed more at length hereafter.— We observe among the appointments three Democrats, and, one old line Native Ameri geste-,ffarrierourg /fera INDEpOp . ES,,_...:tIF,Pu,BLIGAN - . CIIARLza F. BE AND H. H. FRAZIRR, EDITORS MONTROSE, PA. 99, 1143. . Ca:t" We refer }cur readers to the first page of this paper for an account of the pro. ceedings of the Quicus that nominated Came ron, and also of the preliminary proceedings in the Legislatfire, mpon L the charge of bribery and corruption' in relation to, the election of a U: S. Senator. The Senate Question. .. , During the two Weeks breathing spell_ that . our Legislators at Harrisburg are taking, on the Senator question, it -may be useful for them to hear froin ' : the " rural distriets. 4 ' Do they want to kneSai ; what the people think?— We' give it as Our; firm belief that_there are not half.a dozen rnen in Susquehanna county, of any. party, who ',are really in favor of Si mon Cameron.:. And to judge ,from the tone Of the public press) the same views appear, to pervade the' State generally. L It seems, how . ever, that, scarce as Cameron Men - are among I the people, the - y - arc quite mitnerous at Dar= Irislyfitg . . In other.'lwords the members of:the Legislature (a large number Pf them) and. I their ei:;kistituents disagree as trio the fitness of .1 Cameron for the 'Senatorship. i We will not pretend to say what has caused this difference Of opinion, 'but, we!think, it would be_ easy to account ; for the vie„W that the people at large rake of the question. When the NebraSka bill was before Congress 're.po4s were current, and unecintradicted, that Cameron was in Washington, exerting his peculiar talent for' intrigue; to prifvuie the pasl,ge of that infa,. moos acti -. The peiple.wat lied the progress t. a of that biil With t.lO, most in , nse anxiety, and when they discovered any man • laboring tila . procure V4,11.4ii, they put upon him, for 'all future titne!; the mark of their 'condemna tion. And when the letter writers from Washin.gton itiforined us that Cameron was h One of the ' boiersj' iu favor of that bill, and the Statement 'Was' Undisputed, the people con. demned him.: Afferwards, from the tirbe the Nebraska bill Waspending, down to Septent her last, we believe there was no public act of his' that would le4 us to suppose • hitn any thiagelse than tt consistent Nebraskaitel And when he went into the Dauphin County ;Dent ocratie ConvetitionOnst on the eye of the Oé tober election,:nnii helped to pass resolutions in favor of the-Nehittska.bill, ( as well as cer- Itain others, strongly' candetrining Free-Soil principles,) that ! was 'noti a proceeding calculated to win -fiar hitn the love and confi denceOf the peopleof Pennsylvania. Nor could it be set:dori l as any thing in his favor that the llarrisbnig, Democratic Union the t Organ of. the Hunkoir Democraerof this State, .., an.open and avow r ed advocate - 0 . the Nebraska hill and of, pro.sla4ery measures in general, and one of the bitterest enemies of free-soil.' prineiples in the Whole North, has all along .advocatedy and has,been ialmoSt . if not quite a.....,,,,Ai- po.perr itt lat. 8tE4... tin 4. aiof :ma rnesald 1 his' election to the Senate.! ..That paper, which i we believe, is.generhlly understOOd to be Cam- eron'aespeeial;orglin, has '' . ..Nontiiintied, up to the present time, !to- denounee the Free-Soilers as all that is Vile add infamous. - Such being „the' c state of facts, 'it is easy. enough. to see' the reasons I that lead the i i people to reriudiate Catri.eroni;but it is not i so easy to discover the motives that should 4 incluee an American Legislature, that hasbeen I heretofy l anti-Nebraska, and cer- ,I I 'talnly Would.' be if it represented the sentid ments i:k the riieHople, to elect: him. But it is I I Said .be has glvenistrong antf r slavery . pledg- es. Suppose' -he - i has, 'is that . any ' reason ' for eleeting hifp Senator ? There were plenty other candidates before the L. i ,*lslature, Men i far abler and iiurea, and whose political his. 1 tor a y ispledge ofl their:sincerity, instead of affording, like ihis, im evident( of- insincerity aud duplicity.; Why were all these - cast aside 'for Cameron ?[ The cause indicated by metn bers - thelpseltes IS bribery, and committees have been appointed by both Houses to in- vestigate the dbarge. , We hope . that investi gation will Ifieti th'orough one, and any can- didate Who has beet] guilty of tampering with theetnetabk.ra ftir their suffrages, will ofcourse be , at- °nee . rep!udiaiod' 'From;ll that we can learn, from the man ifesto- of t e bulteris and. newspapers, of the 1 proceedlngs o4the (*toms that nominated Cant eron,_.we belive the nomination was unfairly made, and thitt therefore the 33 bolters are' justifiedtorth'eir course, and the other mem bers.ShOuld not cOnsider themselves bound by the actton ipf the caucus. We refer our readers t 9 the address'signed by 28 members -.which will bejfilundin another column, for a vindication of the Bourse they felt called upon to pursue, As fal as we cab judge from the 'voice, of ithe Press of the State, they will be_ sustained by the p6ple, - iti their dete'rmina tion never to vote tor Simon Cameron. . • -We think we e4l sce in the late proceed ings at ITarrisburg, evidences of one. more desperate effort of the Slave Power to retain their hold Upon the North. Suite after State has given in its adhesion to the principles of -freedom.. 'A stami, must - be made in Penn sylvania," wboseDemociacy " as Mr. Smith of Tennessee recently said in a congressional speech, " have heretofore known no North and no South." The phttt has been well laid. It was diseOered.that the Americans. and the Dem ocrats 'were the only parties that possessed much; strerig,th in the Legislature. WOuld . not be an excellent arrangement if each of these parties mulct de induced, to put in nom k • - tuatidn a _pro-sla*ry man, so that slavery would( be sure 'to *in,' whichever side might triuMph ? That teas the plan, in our view, and Cameron and Buekalew ;Were the men piteb‘d upon for candidates, an&then bribery and enn.uptiori ive resorted to, to effect their nomination. : , In ; the , case Backalew—a pro-slavery Dernecrat who opposed the anti-Nebraska resolutions that were before the Pennsylva nia Senate, last wipter, in a long speech, and was rewarded by President Pierce with a luerativeforeign appointment, ere seems to have been no diirsialty. He wee nominated by fl) Democratic caucus, and uniformly supported by the Democratic members, ex cepti, that Mr. Sallade, a Hunker Democrat, whdso election was strongly opposed by the KnOwNotbingi, on the second ballot , went °Veil form puckalew to Omicron, thinking it would make b 4 diffeicnee.which of the two; was elected. And probably some of his Democratic, brethren will follow his exam ple,',should'such a course become necessary to effect Cameron's In the ease Of Cameron more difficulty was experienced. It is true that, by the introdne tion into. the American miens of mar( who havb in the Legislature uniformly oppo*d the I party, and who would have been admit• ted;there for no other purpose than to' nomi nate Cameron; and by many other 'unfair means, alleged, Camercn was, declared the nothinee of the party. lut this ...is net effected till a large major. ity 'of the niembershad " bolted," protesting against being thui,soldlo the Slave Power. 'O trust that'these latter will remain firm in the support of, their principles, and that a few; days reflection' will add to their.number I. naTY. (Airs who have been misled into a emrse contrary to the known wishes of their constituents: - • The pi.,444e0r nr tl' tern Pennsylvania have already indicated their first choice, but if ,he =not be'elected, they ask - at least' that the man to be elevated to that high office, to take his 'place beside Seward and Wilson, Harlan, Durkee and TruMbull, shall be a 'knownntal reliitble friend of r freedom. Give us 'suck a mane no matter frUtn whence he hails; and we shall be content. DE:VI : IL— -Mr. Howard, an o ld man about-70 years of age, a resident lof Bridge Water, in this ,County, suddenly fell dead in the bar-rOorn -a Hatch's Hotel,. - on Friday la.4t, Feb.! 14. He had come to at tend the Tow:lshii) election, and on reaching the' : hotel,;eomplained of being cold, when. it was suggested th4t he should take a glass of liqUor to warm him. 11e at first objected, but Imally walked, up to the and took the glans in his hand,: but sal it down with Out tasting, and immediately fell dead. 'lt is Op piised that his death was'caused by disease of theleart. : • 'tor tumors arc in circulation thatjudge in- 1.4-or of Simon Cameron for , U. P. Senator. The:falsi ; falsity of the report is evident from the 4 fact that there is not a pa f.er,l in his:district,unlms . we except the one which is deadly hostile to Mr. Wilmot, nor , a niember from .liis diitriet, that is friendly i, to .Mr.. Camemn. i On t he ontrary every one i otthcm is making the most strenuous effortS n. Any letters . . to defeat . his electio from Mr. - . i Wilmot eNpressing personal regard for Mr. Catneron; written in answer to similar ones 1 froin Mi.' Cameron to Mr. Wihnot, must have been, procured b y Mr. Cameron's strong per -1 sonal and political friends, and will be publish: ed Only by • such papers es are .really .if-nol' ostensi/ . .v; In faior of his election. The 10-b -ject is to;:procure 'five-soil votes for Cameron - at ;Harrisburg, and to injure Mr. Wilmot anitmo• Ma, 11 - Ct.:Kin trtentis at home. - lam .1 1 , 7 ) game is.tooshallow [ . for success. • 1 . i . i ! . i Scheme Worth Watellincp. • 1 ... We haye information from reliable sources that a rurie is a=foot at Harrisburg in which it would! be well that the People of the State should take a hand. It Was started by a:number of County Treasurer, in a prlyatc caucus held at Harrisburg, and as far na re candearn,;:it hai been united in by all the incumbents in the respective counties of the State. The'scheme is to put 'a . ! Bill thrtiugli .the Legislature changing their term of office from what it is at present to three years, and providing!, that those in office shall hold ores for the three yeara. This would be a Yery.Pret ,tv way of providing ore's self with a snug berth 6 f it should succeed, but we trust that the Peoplewill i speid: s o . ut and inforu the Legislature that they feel conipetent to decide: this question, and that if they desire the services Of any of the incumbentsfor a longer term than they-are now elected for, theviwill atttpd to them at. , lihe proper time.—Norrii &len Hotald. . I. commenting on the above, the-Hairis burg Herald says, very truly, that " any at tempt on the part of the Legislature to give coUtitenance to any such seheine, or to pass a law of the kind, alluded to by our Norlris- • . I . town eqtemporar, would be-tePudist.edl by the:people of the State. l'cuttstivo rim. LAWS FS TUX PAPER .—The Legis lature has rejected a resolution, requiring the la n' s to be published in one of the papers of each county.* The only way the people - can obtain! a knowlcdle of the laws, is' by such publication. The expense will be but little more than the present method of pub- lishing a number of pamphlets, to which not one in a litintired Can have access.. The plan is not a novel ty. i It has been in operation in Ohio, for some years, and has givfn general satisfaction.—Allentotrn Demo ; crai. ; . We• believe our legislature could dci no . better act than provide fur the publication of, all ,acts Ot 'Assembly. Sorely the . peOple ought to *now the lairs they . bound to obey and ,execute, and there is no better way to give ; them publicity than through: the newspapet. columns. Bribery and Corruption TheThirriSburi Correspondent of the Phil adelphia ;Worth American, who says there . is more honesty in our present Legislature than in any tor a duzen yearS past, writes is fol loWs concerning the progress of the Commit tee to investigate the charges of bribery ' and coiruptitin, to procure the election of United !States Senator: ram informed this Committee are-in the way of gaining important information, which will materially affect the standing of certain Senators and members. Senator Jordan, the Chairman of the Committeet id an indefatigable and unpurchasable man, who will not weary in the noble work of aiding in the destruction' of the infamous business which has covered our, Leg islatureswith shame, enacted bad. bills into laws, and committed repeated and gross outrages upon public and private interests. • OPINION. OP THE PUBLIC PRESS. : Vrom Me Juniata Sentinel, 1V70.] We,hope that. Cameron may yet be de feated, 'and some good man, we care not whether he be Democrat or Whig, so that he is ieliably.American and Anti-Nebraska, bo'chOsen. Cameron is a mere adventurer in the American party, without principle, and has net the least claim upon it • for support. His election will require explanation, and create. a suspicion that money was the potent instrument in bringing it about. We hope our Setiatoi- will continue to resist his elec. tioh. .;• trrom the 'York Republican, Whig.] NST3 are informed that the' American ' 'Can cuS at Harrisburg nominated General Simon Coiner6n, on Friday evening last, for U. S. Senatot:, the open election for whom was to be , held. yesterday. We do ' not see that our party: yield- a Cellells, `Simon says witwaf,,' I'and theMCmbers tag-wagged, Notwitts) ing the fie:ice::, anti-Know-Nothing resolw adopted,' by ,the Dauphin' county, Loco convAiltion, last fall, of which the General was the leading Member, he is nominated bir .Ito 'American' Caucus. 'Despite his strdti Orp , portia r f the Douglas Ncbraskality, he isl el be chosen U. S. Senator by this professedly anti Net'Fitsita lA4islature. .` To thiS complffion we haie Coffin at last.' 'Oh! consistency, thou' 44 a jelier—and se forth. Now l wh at are we going to' do nett?' 1 . ': ' ; .. lllttrithe Radon Sentinel, 40c0.1 1 Wei trait qtat there are enough hone-I'l intelligent niqn'in the Legislature, who,l, alittli 'mil Ikeileetion upon the:doings past; ,iti* dhit,i, at liarrishurg, will defers arell titaitok and demagogue Cameron. us an:lipnt ran, let him be, whom he but slive flit!, State from being disgradi sending such a man as Cameron to the Bennie.;:i , . , [rrOnt..tho'!Lfollidaysburg Register, Whig ; lie delighted if he fail.' • E[Froni the Bearer drgeu, Whig.' A_,A*s l iuttO (ruin totindi another ephimn, as well as private . advg•es frotnill'o Sat& qtiarter, justly creates th& fear that :ObN tmon ...Cameron wris yesteAay ehekSen•l.l . .l Si.l Senator. - The choice of It• Isle, brai3kit:inziOuch as he is, after the'eniphhtic anti-Nettaska expresSion .tif last October, atnoSt :palpable 'disregard Of the pnblic yoice,-. We sincerely hope "N 1 Will niz,be-tintler the necessity of chronlelhFhis r g, eleetitni. • ' • -•...;. 11 ' .----- ItToift Me iffcruch Chunk Gazieo,..4tnericti 1 n.,),' - , 4; ,•:.• etitnerOn :is a Taritf,-proSlavery,-Fin'ow- Noth ; ing,Dt4nocrat. He was once ei,e(ited. Detnoerat.ieciSeuator by the help of Millik vore...i,.;ind ICI he now succeeds to the l ,s time offi*o 7 , as.! : a iikilow-Nothin g ..by ' the .helpl t O i f j Deln'peratie cotes, he will. hare the rtiptita-j tion f 'belmthe best eardplaver in the State. But 1t- 1 . . , ii'el: hope better things.. . • i f A - .- -I i • .i. - - i; _ - '' [frino.th Tilikeibarre Record,' T r iri.a and Anil I • '• • • The allianee of Sinion Canieron may bring! to thi(Atherican . party mailyl Loco FoOi!butt it Nrif . l leae t the old Democratic'party strong er tldni:Oeri i in a feW years; ',while it WO; troddce itito!the new party an element cori4 already. foreshadowed in the Cauens,j which will ultimately bIOW it sky. high,l . • •!: C.E.V,V)ii the Philadelphia el - 4•11‘ • , Ttjo; . k , ftectf E. ±of 00 adjournment fOr' two' wet { cz is; adverse. to den. Cameron's tptos. poets; for,; the reason that . it' will give time for,i he virtuous and intelligent citizens i of the'Statel!to prott , st against ra nominationt i .which - WaS made in ;defianc.e( of their )s. l ,i.s.hes:,f and in betrayal i,f their interests; that itWillf give, itiine fdr the honest massei , poiel the . i Atiferican; organization to relOsel I their; -i,efdruf' Movement - trim - I -the .stiernft of . eliiating .the lofty position of a Senator of theNniteil• States one of the oldest andi r inosti coefigt pOitleians the State has ever produe4', ed ; and ,that if, will give those of the int . - ein- berskif the t.egislat,ire who, in'a morri' l eilt exeitiernent, 'svere betrayed into his support, an opportunity to red cem.f, the m sel VeS.front the just which attathed t 8 theiri Unfortunate poSition; In' every a . speetiof thel caSe,s the adjOurnineht deserves to be.rejoieedi over t' as it bolds out the prospect that; then st4tio may yet be saved - the misfortinie Of; Sinrion Catneron being one: of its Seliaiors,l, and fth'at - :thp Order may yet ‘•tre savep; the i l 'carrying tipOn its. shoulders the . weight off SitnoriXameron's isuspicious antecedes is--=a Weightwhieli, if it will not check the stHigtif . - ,i l 7i- 4 .,!,4 1 4- ex:11-4 *i..f lie u tit us profession of anxiety to fill public stations With new, pure and' able men. !-'1 • el 1 , • • ,• IFro4 the Carbondale Transeript.] 1 s ' • The ;Shat Cameron has. reeeiveW thc. nomination of the American. Party in elikusi • is tine;xpeted as. to asiuniSh that partj, • it4ff e and ey l erywbere, out ot the purl efts ot . Ilartisturgo has called forth unmitigated denunciation, Gen. Cameron, who ot=4l6sh;-0ig ,, 1 or puppy '—anything tol4arnj hid 41141 S has no Allay in; feeling with the PePt4., has been on: . all sides 14 . - all qtieMionsF' has scrupled at no Means howevf efi . *e• accomplish his purposes inllime4. p4si,i, tied; w:e trust will be: prevented', &unt iinto:.',office upon the strength.fif the Atneriativdte-, When elected to tlitiSent t . ate . tivelve ykrs ago it Wa4. by .Whig bi,otesi because, Of professed friendship ffir prof tectiun.; td*Pennsvlvania interests,—hnt hie dUtj , ; : to thc4). keystone was entirelyibyeia r shadowed iiwtriackling subserviency tolparti dietolon; . an i d his pledges to those wholl:leet,!'- ed fil,tri; . were '.entirely turgotten.. lie op f>osed the„.electinn• ;of Gov. Polluek, and tra(rticA; through his organ, the Democratic Union, the Atilelkatilparty, until he found it. ,wlis the controlling power in the Legislature,!lwhen he-* ; erept intO • its organization : by i )9 ,e11 tiaoc..L• • • • ••,• 'font the suck, County TheF • I are:jthirty-one bolters----lmonithenl IlarrhiOnand Magill ot. our .county.l'AV4. 400.svareelY a doubt that they will •EYe'su . 4 taifi'ed home. Can it be4sibl that the iir(Aent legislature. will elect p Simo Cal:neitint to the U. S. Senate? .• : . 1 :' Ili.otti the Bradford Arg ij ir . . ru i Tir:t fonl.Play has been used in thik . • -hollk eransaction,..there is not a Shadow of doubt:, that the ;,most. unholy and unscrululouli means, have been resorted to, no one Cita de r ni, - , IT.very:tuan wbo could be influeneed by money; or by any other inducement., ni) mat. ter: - how uhAerupulous, has been drilled intgi hisseriee, from - all sections of the Si,itte.4 The .1 - 411 S of the Legislature have swarmed with them : for the last two weeks. :1h fact, in : ,- many sections of the State the gati'le..wak begun befotie the last election. Caincron• trntnaged io;iectire the nomination and elect :lbn of, a Is,* number of members, pledged to SupPorkbitn, and as the time apprnxehe for:the eleetion, a horde of paid borers: wer brought-iti, to aid- the members who' l were previously Pledged to his support, toribuild up444nith enough to elect him, and We fear their Purpose is effected.: ' Many of the prOmineut partizan friends of,Shunk, Buchan an;, and Porter, who in times past were'fou4l. fighting Carneron have been on the ground 4:linttiming tnenib'ers :to. vote for hien; rO Which, add rill the leeches and blood suckers who have Wen sapping the vitality frO,,nt the Coinnrionvietilth fur years about our canas. `Pod Pose the Commonwealth.' - i 1 . 1 11 • tFrOn the,Vhambersourg Transcript, Arits.] 1 . , -,,, 1 .iNVe have .Seareety terms sufficiently xtrong, hy, which' to express our loathing cif • the .4.mericans lwho so singnally di-hdno .d themselvei and their party in the pr434dln ris cipast , ,Tuesday. It is• possible, thatsa 11,w l b mli, be blinded to the faults and wickixlness of 4 ,....nneeron,iand may over-estimate hitst4r•- it, nnd qualifications, but the •great mXjorliy cannot but ; be aware that, by theiOunse, ti they ate inflicting a wound upon dAxtuse oPtruth, and tarnishing the Honor and;Faine ofithe9ld Keystone. State. - Before they !go again intnedpvention and, by a repetition of their vote*upon Tuesday, add effronterynd I I iniult to thenr constituents, to the shine that already mantles their cheeks, if, indeed, they he not totali lost to the lotit remuintjof ;dr ' . ! , ;and. ptibns 'c'oco ~ 1 tue -- )3teeeding total slepravity• — , let them-,1, 1 fleet well., IWhat Section, what county; tow n i t'ship,;eity , or- Ward; desires the electio4 4 Simon . Canleron ? ' Has he talents and. - chari 1 acter that peculiarly . adapt• him, fut . auchl I jmaitton? • ,Has he tendered: ieryileis ti,t' tha State oi,lkiiition sc i- inval u able that his r 0 [• ward ought to be touting less than a seat iti U. S. Senate ? • :la $ 1 he'lin the lingiiiige Of -the' • ' tWenty-elght,' a '•htHexporient, em.bOdimen and personification of lAmericanism . ?' - - 1 - MemberS chosen;. tai promote the interests of the great IleforM Party, fluty, with . Gun'' eron 'at their head, ilend their aid in eromotii ing the ambitious . Oniposei and projects of that aspiring and dal gerous demagogue; they may iwoveirecrean - to all convictions of dui ty and the trusts re ( .. )te ,t t! in them ; they may perpetrate I this - out •, upon Americanism . and 1 reforin. but the - , disapprobation and' frown of their constituents awaits them, than will inea.M•ably ertpiile their power of . lovii motion in 'an ellbrt io return to the body which• they ' so disaraced • • • I' b i [ • it i..-1-- • . !., (I).am the :t?q4insi' 4 ournal,,,Whisr é American.] It and after ;'f the wife 1 3 Y, by I Ina, : iVh isr . . i • SO far as,..ve Cali, itia, rn, there is- but one opinion in this 'cortimenity with regard to dui propriety : nf .the cOurSe adopted by the se4 ceding.Americans,iand that, a voice' of un'm qualified .approra4 , 1 .Our. own opinion o , 'the Matterl chimes ;exactly with- tile exeellen address above give,n. 1 Unless we are greatly mistaken ‘ the game of 'Wig Wag'. which . Si, rum; has bben playin4, will be all to no p ut ,• i i pose. No; more thirOrtunate event could, oq. cur to the Cati:;e of Atnetieatt principles, than : his -electiot. The •yes or the people havL, been tamed' with It( 1) to the new power th:4 t has .itriseriiin , the S,4eH-they look to it f 4, the prostration of *Add party hacks and effet", dogmas. • shall t„it . 4. hopes now be :blast ' e i by the choice r)f 00 inati i ‘iiht.i've all iither:4 who'. is regarded i Asl the i most consummate f demagogue in the; L'entmonWealth?—a mat b a nkrupt in rep utat ion,:who has forswo rit" theOnly , principleA .Which he ever possessed in order to accottO:it his ambitious designs '4 'FOrbid.it IN'higs—forbid it Americans—fur:' bid it alllgood and, ttrue : men of * Nr% hat 0.- tiri party. Better eh - close an Out-an-out true bleb old 1 partyi_ man—ha - 'KtiowAothing hating Lop FocO, if yon tlease ' =than entail upott , 1 .1p -s t the Pew c rganizatiitelt a lead of infamy—i and!betterj still tot postpone the election al./ together ; than to I Submit to either alterna4 - five'. - . 1 ! 1 ' - - . . i • i : i rt ---- -• ) 1 j [Fromithe LanafWer Cit izen, American.] We publish . in- another part of to-day's, rig'. per ,rin ' Appeal. tit;tlie.Public,'. numerously signed.by•Atnerie4il members of - our - Legis t lature. Itj is a doOrnent worthy . of the gilt tlenten whose nantes ;are appended so it. IS: is a grand!expositilon pi the grandest political knaVe in Pennsylania,- and shows in •termi not tole ,in isundlSteod,. that Gen. Cameroti will not be the next 'United States Senator of Perinsylvdnia, and i Why .they--the signers -4. withdrew in diTuSt_filom the caucus that piaci,: et! hi A t) nt nomination. We commend thtt ' Appeal ' s to' the perifsal of every reader. A' 1 -!- 1 ' i' • _ , Fv -, • .. ;[Form Om Weil Chester Era Miner, IVhig.] -:z S ~ . The proceedings at Harrisburg, in'i'elatioi to the elation oft Stmatoi., have astenishea every bodY—Denthemts, - Know-Nothings and Wbigs. frpol - anioffice so important as this; the people--the ,tober, -thinking, patriotic; sovereign ! peopfe;t jeXpected the exercisel sound judgment, di 'cretiori, and - self-sacrifichl ' s patriotism; in ord I.kb:a some one, fitted h ; talentS, ant' of kinjWit probity and substantia worth silo* - hat, the InoSi •.1 • exalted m the gift Of , the peopl e; - i . ,Co i i R , N r. e , IF , . 2 ,,, I i .. Republican-i ' 1 RON. DAVID WILMOT. _ . I - . Mrss .s. pewits :-. 7 r tense anxiety is everywhere r ' A' ' inmanifested the electio i n of U. S. Senator by the Lei i islaturel of Pennsvlvania( It cannot be disguised ilia i' •-• . ?... weiectoo; feel a deep iriteilest in the selection that ,shall , . be made froin among !flip many candidates for th 4 high arid reiiponsibie offee. Ititerests far above an i , • I)ersomil or party • interlsts are at stake. Persomil prefereithes and part?, prijadices sink into insignifi canee before the grea? . ...yational question to be sei tied ,by the ,onators eleFted this winter: Before their tern of ofiicc shall explri, all the questions,. or , mint. ,pro - PerlY, the only question which now agitates .4 eountry,..ivill be finally di.4posed of by their action.* MasSathuse!:ts,'New Ybrk, Illinois; lowa and Wiscon sin have uttered astri4and determined voice againtt the increlOrig power of §lavery, and from among their many sons Who have fought on the bulwarks of frei. dom, they latve pickC„d Strong and determined mgn and sent them to the National council to oppose its farther extension. NOW it is Pennsylvania's turn lo speak.and to act.. WhiCh side shall she take _of tile great questiOn now brifore her! The whole counts', awaits with the most ! hitense anxiety, the .responle that shall come up fkirnlher halls of legislaticin. . 1, There is thit one matiirr-this broad Commonwealth, who can go 'ito Washington 'clothed With a moral it fluence, like; that which "invests the person of W. 10. sward, an makes him i the fittest man to represAt .toe? Anti-Slavery serii4inent of New York, and co I.'• vcrts his elc.tiion intiti strong rebuke to'the propa gandists or§iavery. .Ttiere is but one man ine great State of Pennsyl ania whose 'election would 1 e considered a stern .reb ke to the arrogant demands of the Slave pilwer, and hose presence in the Senate Chamber would alway!, be.regarded as the strongvt possible'evii l lence of / rnnsylvania's unqualified disaii proval of the act whi , j•repealed the Missouri COl prarnise. ''hatman i • David Wilmot. His talents, c , eloquence and _states anship fit him eminently take the station. 1 Nb man iCan go from this Stateand take a higher stand. among the great men of the natii)u than David Wilmot. I p ut it is the moral power toutgoes, with his name, ;the moral influence that s J r... rounds his person as to r eauthor of the Wilmot Pro I so, Which mitkes him llie proper and the only pro ',. r person to be 'selected 13, this State to represent it in te National Legislature. i . Be has so long been conne ,t -ed - with the Proviso tO! which he gave paternity art li his presencd or the mention of his name always brings up:in the mind the idea Of Slavery restriction. Wirt !tamer rebuke can be given the Administration whiih repudiates the great principle of Slavery restrietilia, and opens all the freeirvitorY of the Union to lie blighting influence of avery, than to place the tit:- thor of the Wilmot Ptorviso in the Senate Chambegof the United Mates, the' to defend its principles in tip own mastZrly manneri i ! . . . h t, - , —r...:1 - ;irk II To prevent an action' so honorable to the Legisla ture of our State, andlWo important to the future terests of oar countri, l ihe Democratic party of S rs quchanna County is *tit% forth its utmost exertiohs. Its paper s fer want of; a single respectable objection to bring against him, is filled, with low personal ab4se and blackgnard. Menet high and honorable statlen itiMontrmi are writing articles, dated from di& at townships, of which tl4y would be utterly astranied to aeknowiddge the anihonship in public. Men, siito are men in church*, write anonymous atil ries, in which they publish falsities whirl, they dire net utter will their lipS. Nen who have opposed the Proviso wits author ifrom ' its first inception uMII now, are professing free soil principles publicly, rd in the dark are strikinia deadly blow at the restriction 'of human Slavery. These- Nebraska Democrats ire not content with abusing and misrepresenting *. Wilmot at home, but they sent their hireling edttor , to Barrisbnig•to injure him there.. By misreprest ations and false statements; he attempted to abase, Mr. Wilmot In the puhlic mind and destroy the esegi dance repo, ed in hini:-by 'the whole country. Mr. Chase is known at 1114risbitrg,' and is therefore-pew ekess to 'plum - though clothed with al the power:the few Nebraska Democrats of this County can 4eleinio ti) him. ' . , II *lli is it that the Beniilbratle pi* of this Comity is out upon' Mr. Wilmot with such fiendish malignity ? It still firionn wetitdiiere, If nce to the principles of thd Proviso, thin iilty - doesit so bitterly - Oppose riiVil ntotiti. Is he Otring recreant to biaLfre e , 80 4 pOi c i. -plea itas never more 'out&kenitirs when his troviaci is trampled under tiot, a I . Popu lar Siverel,gnti is held as the ix4. l stai.'to guide the'party.::ls Icbecuse 'he denounceaf the tierna cra t. ie party for ihitreacifery to-freedom in ha mils:talent of tin; Nebraska,Rill ? :No, Mr. Grow dapotinced the party for the same act in a speech which is ac credited to be More - masterly and logical than the one delivered by Mr. Wilmot during the same everd?g.— Is it beeauie he . denounced Gov. Bigler for his par ticipation in the crime of passing that infamous - bill? No. ' From Mr. Grow come the statement that Gov. Bigler had it in his power to control a sufficient num ber of the delegation from Pennsylismia , to defeat the pasuge of the Nebraska bill. No fault is found With Mr. Grow. - Ile is the pet of the party. Then Why la *it that Mr, Wilmot is so fiercely assailed? Why is it that the Democratic party is down, with a vengeance, upon' the . only Democratic candidate before the Legis lature{ Who is , right upon the free soil question? Let me ask you, calmly, why is it? I will tell you why. it is because be refused to endorse tie Sebraska Kan sas Bill. Mr, Grow voted directly , against his Anti- Nebraska principles u drawn out and e4lained by himself. Mr. Wilmot refused, poiiiively to do so.— That is the difference between Mr. "Wilmot and Mr. Grow, and the Democratic party Is . meting out to them such rewards as it thinks each of them deserves. • Non- I defy the whole party with all its time serv "ing minions and dishonest politicians, to eubstantiate another charge against him. Pointing, are yon, to his rote on the 21st rule? Since that time, your Conven tions ,have' endorsed Lis Anti-Slavery principles, time and time tt , tt a ,in and threeiiimes have you endorsed his free soil principles at the ballot box. The men. tion Of it, by ',you, now, only betrays the baseness of the party and the extremitieslto whieh'itis,driven in its present degradation. Do you tell 'me about the Tariff? , Geo. S anderson, the man_ who pursued' Mr. Wilmot, like a blood hound from township to town ship through this County,, to prove he was wrong. on the Nebraska bill, i declares Over, hie. own -signature that Mr. Wilmot is light on the tariff question—=that he is true to the iron land coal interests Of Pennsylya nia. Dont you mutter that lie again. Sir. " Desert ed his old Friends!" it is false as h—l. •He takes the Proviso which has been' trampled under foot. by the part and holding it aloft as a standard, asks his old trienas to rally around him. But the Nebraska Dern ocratS, hiding their motto, Populai• Sovereignty, un der their cloaks,,stand aloof frora him, nay, join his pro-Slavery enemies in a crusade against Lim. He is deserted by his old friends because he, adheres to his principles after the party has repudiated them. That is hig sin. He carries his principles not only to the fornm but to the ballot box. No other charge is pre ferred against him. But the Democratic party is wonderfully free soil just now,—righteously indignant. at the outrage upon_ northern rights." Who - is its candidate? Softie anti- Nebraska man of course. No, indeed'. An anti-N,e- briska man can never be a can4idate of the Democrat ic panty again.. The day has gone b y 'when free soil sentiments will be sustained by the Democratic par ty. In this - County such sentiments ,may l be, spoken and Published by the party, but mark , raylword, thep trill never be voted. The candidate of the party , for 11. S.' : Senator, like its candidate for Governor,ls out , I and dut Nebra'ska. - The only anti-Nebraska .date s opposed with the most unscrupulous vindk tiveriesa. Yet there is hope of his election. If defeated, and a man of opposite prixkiples elected, it. will be wholly by the exertions of theDemocratie par ty of the Wilmot Districi. If strong free 'soil ex. pression could be sent to Harrisburg f ont the party • in northern Pennsylvania, it would be!utterly impossi ble fOr a Nebraska candidate to be elected: As it is, individual remonstrances. must take the place . of party action. Prompt and energetic measures may yet de -feat the election of a Nebraska_eandidate;ind save the country from the great calamity threatened it by vernberntte !warm- • - - tiavesr,c-. New York Corre YEW YORE, .11t:ssim Entrons—The Curiard Steamship Asia ar-, i i . `rive'd at Boston yesterday. Sh sailed from Liver.. poor On the ?d. The English n ws is of greati me, Parliament seem? to ha e become convinced, mpor ta at last, of the utter inefficieney, 4 f the. Much vaunted coalition ministry. A motion expressive of a want Of confidence was made in the; Hou4e of Commons and Passed by a large majority ' The Ministers re signed their stations at once.l'he: Queen sent for Lord Derby and requested him , to form aCabinet, tnit at the last advices he was nnabfe to do so. There-' tiring ministers, as well. as the Oqeen herself, are es pecially severe on LOrd Joh/. Russel,' because ,he thought best to retire from the Cabinet before the fi nal crash. - .__ 1 1 ...- , • The news from the Crimea isinot Very cheering.-- - The weather is very cold, with snow storms of sever al days' duration. There is not much fighting—the respective armies having about] as ranch its they can -do id taking care of thernselvei. A very interesting letter from a New Yorker gives Some items, showing the state of the English. He sys, "aa soon as we had janchored, army and' navy t officemen worth thousands' of pounds—rushed on, beard; anxiously seeking an interview with the toward. Soon after, they: might . ,have been seen le vino, one With a keg of hinter, another with a turk y,, another having a head of cabbage , ke., all seem they h g in thighest. de- L gree' delighted with their purchases. One; on• being asked if he had heard any important : nws, replied, ,No,' but rye got a fine turkey / ' “The soldiers are very - anxious. anxtous to Storm the town, and promise, that if they could only have a chance, they would • provide themselVes . with comfortable quarters in Sevastopol.” 1 * - • ' I• . i The close of the war seems to be ail far Off tut 'at the beginning, and time - only 'eau tell what the end . will L. , II 11'• a telegraphic • dispatch - from Boston this ol've nine; I lern that' Judge Loring,,Who took so pronn nent!ia part in sending poor Anthony Burns baelt to slavery, has been defeated in his attempt to obtain the Law pi•ofessoyship in Harvard College. The vote l was.twentY to ten. - . ;..! 1 1 Our snow has almost all disappeared Under thej in- 1 • . thence of a two dais' lain. " i i • 1 , Yours Ake. ' B. Q. • 1 - • • . .• KANSAS OUTRAGE- . • ' - • •1': The Kansas• Free State of the 220th ult. aim , : tenni the fo Incit • llow i.• , ' ! 9 , • Some . of the most outrageous•eondnet that it his been 'our; painful duty . to reeordioe eurr'ed on the day after•elee• Oat, the 30t, of No4ernber, at the :house Of- Peterfiasinger, !.)f Hickory Point, 15 • Miles south of this plad:e. ' - • , - i • Mr. Basinger was a native; of KentueltY-- 7 - had. resided a' feW years` iii 'loa.; but came to this territory on the 23d of August and toflli up a claim. He - has. a wife and eight children. • .'. • . Ile went to the election and voted .for • Wakefield, the Free'Soil candidate , and nlso distributed ti good many; tickets for and . field. There was also a Man by the nante of Own, who_ lived . in Missouri, ; in company with 150 Others, at the 'place of ;Voting. Mr. Basinger. went hOrne and'• repaired his wagon in .the evening, so that h could . go to, independence the next 'ally; :Which he :did, taking his son, a young man; along with him.., After proceeding. about two mites, they ',met' a stranger, .said j to ho athitclUnun, wtao in. quiied about the conntry,- and said that he had;heard of Mr.;flasinger's hoUse, and. Want ed' Li) know if h could get his 'dinner.there. Mr. 1 Bisinifer.tOld him that he I .ould 'get ,his diner. • he butchman 'Went On; and stop pedlat :Basinger s. He had been there but a short tithe when the aforesaid ;Owen came in and ; inquired of the- Dutchman' where he was from: He replied* by sityixig I that he was from Illinois , Owen *eh tisk,4 him sever. al qaestkais about elainO, lit likhaautiwero as well as he . knew how. Owen _then told ,hilft-thif be stole his neat—that he stole nig. I The D u was 'sitting, alt the While ,. 1 in a ghai4-saying nothing offensive in reply, twheft OWen took' his pistol from his lioat; and fired_it the Dutchman's head. Pie bali oliog..st.p.his throWini his head back, struck 'theimper part Of the forateadi - and ,glancing, f took off shoo*, tWo inches of skin. lie then arose and walked out, when Owen •followed i him around 'the house and - knocked him - d own , senseless. There were about finiy :Missourians wh o accoMpanted Owen, returning from. the ele e .. thin, a , short . distanc e from,- the 'anise.- MO, Basinger- asked. them to_ take.ollen away- but they--laughed at her—sitting no_their her: . s6t seeming to enjoy 'the keno with toniider; able gusto: At this , time, -;one of the - fusty, or OWen I iniself-our..intOm an t is %not cc,.. tain-which,:rushed into the:.hens with aph OA; threatening .to Mrs. - ,Basinger.— She remonstrated-repeatedly. for him to de sist and be silent ; but instead : of its'having the desired effect, it only, enraged': hire, and culled forth-more threats of .booting. . Tie ,then followed. a.child of lkisingei' g with his pistol pointed doseto. the .ehild's head, around the. house, - cursing and sweat. ing he Would- shoot it, The mother; followed, trying to.reseue, it., which she succeed in do ing after-a great ;effort. Owen told: the-tarn ' ily to leave the : house, iminediately, pr h e would kill them all' instantly, The - left, and Went. to, a neighbor's hobse. Mrs:. Basinger. in going out-of the door, obierve4 the brandiAing of a knife, and upon raisir.g.. her arm. toward off the blow, 'received; it or. the hack 'of her, hand. There was no 'one . Oar the. house at this time except the 31is. sourians.. , . 'A short time afterward, some four-of .the neighbors apprOilehed near- thc;:houSe, :. when the crowd started off, Waving their hats, threatening to go on - toward Westport, and kill Ba.inger and At Bull Creek, twelve miles frOm Basin, r , (v6r 7 'q . they , fearing the -arrest of.. Owen' sat • guard and eatnpeid.over Mrs. Basin. ger and a neighhbr Went to the house soon after, and looked If j r sonic money the family had stowed away in a trunk. .Ther e . we t , three •Mis.snuriaus,posent, who helped to look for the money. But •she - foimd; tp the sorrow of a poor family . , that the imoney was taken—MOO in trold: Foul .hundred dollars Were in .5,"20 'pieces, and.the other $lOO . W as in pieces ~ of sinaller, dencimination. : TN Atiksourians were searghed, no money was found. tt• Mr. Br on' the folly .asinger Teturded on' the followin g Monday, and -• on Tuesday .he went* the Shawnee Methodist Mission; the: "hand quay. ters of the territorial officials, 'to -procure a warrant for the arrest of OWen. He applied to she Assotqate ~.Tudge• Elmore—Leeompt e not then being in the - territory.' . . Elinore refused to issue a warrant; or to . have anything to do with it.. ' Some - -time ter he applied to the Governor, Who infOririeci Elmore that he Was hound to listie the war. rant, which was 'accordingly. , (10ne... By •thil time, however, OWen haff;maped! into thi interior of Missouri . . 'No 'reward has bien otreted fur his apprehension, nor are.we aware that there has b .en any reqiiisitiOn:• . made oa the` Governor of Missouri' !Pr his 'delivery. . . , • The above is- - the substance of the fiCts t p ~. relat6.l to us by: a friend who wrote ' them down froni the : lira of Mr. Basinger.. The man who was shut was f;Und some - time al. .: ter_the crowd had !.eff,abouti one hundred prds froni the house;- in a state of insensibil- ; r ity. It .was'some time -before, tt c could speak intelligibly. He has been 'pa tally deranged ever since, hiS sktill being som'eiVlua fractured, We.undergtand, that he as - noW, - - ty 'rig near Santa Fe i Missouri, at.: the poitit of death. , ~...Mrs. Basinger is not the . sat le person she '! was heforer the, - affair occurred .. We under- :. stand that she in the midst of he fiffray,tqfi ~ k i' up her husband's gun; but unfortunately it i was not. , loaded". Probably lif ,it . had, she ondence. ebnlary 16,.1555 wOuld- have setit the fiend tti the placeli wits-airnin r' frot. without so rout difficulty, 'oWer t ,took the gunfroin• her .41 broke it to - pieces on the ground.. • It is exeelingly. strange - that t'there hyc been no efr)rt" made 'for the. 4rrest, 'of thii high - erUilinty. • i•fri l3asinger's money nut b een ' taken, we pre:sume rno4 of the attoth§:” in the terri• tory would love ligeh ifoverina 'over him ...., counseling a d advising What course. he Ada. -.A A 1-..€ pursue, and dunning - for the apprehension 1 Owen, as wa r s the case with,Kibtiee. . r . .,'.. . .:* It-is interesting to tiotice thergreat contra,;.::-;-'.. between thee two shooting affairs,, which tv. il. curred alniut the same time. - 'Kibbee, (u. "'-," can be Seen .from the report' of . the , trial ii ' our last; issue,) 15ills a man,. supposed Iron - ; . ,the eyidenceLto be in . selfdefertee.• A gr4at ~, hue and, erylis raised; and threats that mob ff , violenceWitl..be ysod, if Kibbec is not iinine..l 1 diately arreSted,, tried' and conunitted. Ile .:1 .• Was- arrested and 'triad - before' AssoCiatii . ..',:l Judge Elnuire, and•committed on the charge of murder in the first 'degree. . 1 - Mr. fialdertnan, Esq. - , succeeded it ge.- .',..1 i tinff.thei 'prisoner (nit on a: rit of habeas ter . , - ,1 .r, , ~ pus, o btai ned front Chief Justice - Lecompte, - ,1 beibre whorit' there was a rehearing of alt the . 1 evidence, when Kibbee_ was bailed, in $lOOO 1 for his appearance at the first -session-of the 'U. S. Court.. - - . -... ' - •• - .1-.1:,: THE WHIIif'PARTIT- - : _ * \ • • CEASES IT TO Exist' ' Two'significant afid:iinportaut move.tnen6 in two reading Whig States, conspire'to make us institute. this enquiry.What give,: im portatice.to theinquiry is,. that the two Stata are States ; in which such illustrioUs Whigs 115,: e l: HEM - CLAY and - Thintzt Watist4s. :breathed t...; the - breath' of . life - - into the Whirparty..-r These tuovetnents are;. . •- _ The abandonment ofthe Whii-rto.nr" , tettive :TiN111: by the Mwsachusetts..:Deleo; tion in (Xingress i . one riremher of do Lower lious-e:. • . 2d. -. The abandonment the ;Whig or 11 4 • ganization in • Kentucky,- by , declining- to, cart u Whit , State Convention. ° • The abandonment of an organizatiOn Is t thirig to' be:got over, and for which there; may be cause,—bat' taken' in conearretio with, other fitct4. elsewhere , thii - Kentack . abandonment has pecidiiir significance, but the .abandonment.of a principle ii 4hp.alte abandottment,--nay, the 'scattering to the "•••• winds, of all party bonds, and the abs.lotion -of all bondsmen. from seek. bends: When. we . rentembee..where - and hoW Kentucky and. Massachusetts have..stood,.;.-4or.tiventy yeas, 'past, shoulder to shotilder,•.these great move• ments of theirs,,in• the political . faille, Pre sent - considerations msegue.ncei the' very - highest. and, gravest. - impertafices some of we propose ieview,—but it t . must 'be understoad that it is no pleasure to - us to write the obituary of a Party i that wo have-acted with fitiin boyhOod, and jeYed 'and rejoiced over,—but we pint journal, anewspaper,—dnot a book . of feamentations, .and,-therefore, proceed itioorollhe news, whatever they.inay..bn,.. . • The - Whig Party - started-. into life under t' 'Henry Clay—sloth an American system, of American prineiples f ind. lining an Anted. , • can creed: Prutc tiara' -firtilt; to our T c . .. ; manufactures . ',came from the early Fathers of the ittpublip,--VV,ashiagtcia-atd Tlnmilton; but it was ;not until.lBl6; that Clay and Calhoun (el to _Brute () sta'rtett• tt; tifq 1 4 1 0011"111 the Uditsid kitaWs 1 0 11 4 11 1 ) . •