Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, February 22, 1855, Image 1

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Pe. t.Ae Republican.
"Amid the silence ot a beautiful moonlighted night,"
said the Emperor', "a dog leaping Budded) from be=
neath' the clothes of his dead master rushed upon
and then immediately returned to his 'hiding place,
howling piteously. He alternately licked his master's
h an d and ,ran towards us, as if at once :soliciting aid
inid seeking revenge."
The pale moon rose in cloudless light,
And throws her radiance silvery. bright,
On all who fell is homor'd fight,
On glbiT's field.
. ,
. With faces.turned tbpod's high throne_'
As praying mercy to be shown, "
To souls that now from earth had flown, •
' Their corses lay.
• a litiw birds and human beasts of prey ,
Who'd watch'd afar the mnrd'rous fiay,
In fiendish,triumph held their away
O'er glory's toys;
, •
But one, whose breast Was plough'd by death,
Thai tore the spirit from its sheath,
And gave iii lieu the blood-stAined wreath, -
That Victory wore, - •
- Was left unsnath'd by ought:beiide •
The steel which had his pallet dy'd,
With crimson rivers Bowing-Wide '
Around his bed.
A sad and pity-moving yell .
Was borne uitm the winds low swell,
Which e'en a,pland'rer's heart could quell,
And bow in shame—
dog lay by his master's corse, •
And nerv'd by friendship's deathless forte,
• E'er turn'd the sirsge prowler's course, ;
.. On other quest;
Be lick•'d his master's band, that now
Would ne'er again caress bestow, ,
And then to his, dead eyes would throw
Beseeching glare.
We came, and then his watch was 'done; •
A gleam of joy an instant shone
In eyes whose brightness now was gone
. ' And lost in giief.
Once more he look'd ; then downward'tured
His grief-stor'd eyes, as though he'd learned
That heart was cold, for which his boned
• And mon'rn'd for e'er.
A low sad wail was his Let cry; ,
It told of mortal agony, ,
And mournfully did testiff,— .
. .
J. M. M
tkrttr 4 4;hca.
Or, Picture" of the New Year.
The Old Year:was fast drawing to a close.
But a few hours and the advent of its succes
sor would be hailed by merry shouts and
joyful gratulations, mingling with the merry
chime of bells ringing out a noisy welcome
from church tower and steeples.
Adam Hathaway, a wealthy merchant, sat
in his counting room, striking a balance 'be
tween his gains and losses for the year which
had nearly passed. From the smile that
lighted up his, countenance, as he. drew near
,end of his task,_ it might be safely inferred
that the result proved satisfactory
Ile threw down, his pen, after footing pp
the lait column, and exclaimed joyfully : .
`Fivethousand net gain in one year. That
will do very well, very well indeed. If lam
as well ptospered in the year to come, it will
be a 'Happy New'Year. f
His'mcditations were 'interrupted by a
knock at the door: He .opened -it and saw
• 'standing before him a man of ordinary_ ap
pearance. bearing under his arm something
the nature of which he could not conjecture,
wrapt up in a brown paper. • • • .
Mr. Hathaway, I believe?' was the stran
ger's salution. • _
'.Yoit are Corr e ct'
`PerhaPs, if not particularly engaged, you
will allow me a few minutes conversation with
You are a wealthy man, Mr. Hathaway,
and every year•increases you "posse - ssions.—
May I ask what is your object in accumulating
so much property l'•
This is a very singular Irestion, said
the merchant, who btigua to entertain doubts
as to-his visitor's 'sanity, very singular. , I
r.suppine I am influenced by the same motives
dint actuate other men, the necessity of pro
viding for my - p ysieal wants and so contrib
uting to my happiness.' -
'MA this' contents you? But your' gains
are not all devoted to this purpose. The last
yCar, for example, the overplus has amounted
to five thousand dollars.' -
1 know not where you gained your infor
ms' bon,' said Mr. Hathaway, in surprise.
However. you are correct.'
'And what do you intend to do with this?'
`You are Fomewhat free with 'your ques
tions,sir. However, 1 have no objection to
attswering vou. .1 shall lay it vp.',
4 -For what . purpose I T need not tell you
that itself is of no: value. Why,
then, do you allow it to remain idle?'
' flow else should 1 employ it ? I have a
eomfOrtable house furnished=should I
purchase• one more expensive ? 'My table is
well provided, should 1 live more luxuriously?
My wardrobe is well supplied, should I live
more expensively I'
T 9 these questions I atiswei, No. But it
does not follow, h-cause you have a good
house, comfortable clothing, a welt iupplied
table, that others are equally well provided.
Have you thought to give of your abundance'
to those who and needy, to promote your own
happiness by, promoting the happinesi of oth.
ers?' •-
I must confcss this is a duty which I have
neglected. But there are thus-houses and be
nevolent societies. There cannot be much
misery that escapes their :notice,' said Mr.
. •
You shall judge for yourself.' • -
The stranger commg.need unwrapping . the
Package under his arm. It was a - small min
tor.- with a veil hanging before it. He sloily
vithdrew the veil and then said 'Look.'
A. change passed over the 'surface: 1X the
tg4Tor. Mr. Hathaway, as he' looked at it
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intently, found that itireflected a small - room
scantily furnished: while a faint light flicker
ed ni the grate:, r .A bbd stood in one corner
of the room, .;on Whibik reposed a Sick man.
By the side : of it sat [a woman, with a thin
shawl over her iphoulders, busily plying her
needle. An infant toy lay in the cradle not
far o. which a little 01 called Alice, *hose
wasted form end featnres spoke of want and
privitionovas rocking to sleep. i
`Would ;youThear what they are saying I'
asked the Strtmger. I i
The merchant nodded aquieseence. l Im
-1 'mtdiately, therecame T ni, his ear the Confused
neise'of voices; from 'vrhielt - te--soon-distin
guk,4ied that of fhe siCklmul, Who asked for
some CA. r 1 ' • ;-_
1' , I
'We haVe none in the house,' said the'wife.
But I shall Ooniget this work finished - , and
then I shallbe able to get sonic.' _ '
The husband groaned.
`,oh, that, I should" be obliged to remain
idle on a sick bed, when I might be earning
money tor you and the children - . The doctor
Says th4t now the fever is One, I need noth
ing but pourishibg food to raise 'me up again.
But, alas, ! see. no means of procuring it.—
Would that some rich man out of his abun
dance ~ cl o uid supply the with a trifle from his
board.' Tolini it would be' nothing—to me
everything.' -
The scene vanished, and I
gradully another
formed itself upon the surface of the mirror.
It - was a small room, neatly, but not 'ex
pensively furnished. There were two occu
pants, 'a than of middle age; and a youth of
bright intellectual-enuntennece, which at pres
ent seemed overfSpread iiith - an air of dejec
tion.-- I
1 1
Mr. •Hathitslsti, to his surprise, recognised
in the gentleman, Mark Audley, a fellow mer
chant, andifoiMerty intimate ' friend, who, but
a few months, before, hid failed in business,'
and-too honest to defraud his creditors, had
given up all his, property. tince his failure
he had.been,rediteed to accept a clerkship.
'.am Sorgy, :Arthur,' said he to his son,
' very SorEy- !that' I Could not carry one my
intention of entering you at college. I know
your tastes have always led you. to think of
a professiOnal career, but it is on:, of my pow
er to gratify i god': It is best arlyou to accept
the situatiOniwhieh,has been 'offered you, and
enter Mr. Ifiellartiv's atom. it Ili a very, fair
situation, and kill Suit you aslwell as any.'
'I belieVe you are right, sir' Said Arthur re
spectfullythough it will b:3 hard to resign
the hopes that. U have so long cherished: I
met Henry"; Fulham to-day: 1- He was my
class-mate, at school, and is to' enter college
next fall. II at
help envying him. How
soon will Mi. Bellamy,wish• me to enter his
shire?'; . i , .ii '
1 .
' Day atta , r, to:I mdrrow, I believe, that is
the beginning ofIL the-year—New Year's day
being considered the holiday '
- vlety , Cif i jivu umaj uti iiilult 1 Witt 41.Xftnic
at that tinie.l .;', '
The scene vanished as before, a change
passed oven the lace of the mirror. Again
the merchaat loOked, and to his surprise be
held the interier i lof his own store. A faint
light was burning, by the light of which a
young man, whoin he recognized to be one of
his clerks,lwas residing a letter, the contents of
which see Med td agitate him powerfully.
The, scene, was :brought so near that he could
wihout difficulty, trace these lines written Ina I
delicate female "land as folloirs : . r
'My DEAR Ses.—You are not, probably
expecting o heir from me at thiStime. Alas,
that'she, "d have such an occasion to write.
At the lire' of your father's death it was sup
posed that' by the sacrifice of everything, we
had spore ded in liquidating all his debts.—
Ever that, consolation is now dbnied us. 1
recieted *Veal] from Mr. Perry this morning,
who presented, fOr immediate paament a note
given by your father for fifty dollars. Imme
diate payreent !' How, with a salary barely
sufficient to support, us, can you meet such a
charge? 'Can any way be devised ? Mr.
Perry Ihreatenii• if the money be not forth
coming, to seize our furn,iture. He is,a hard
man, and 1 hay , no hopes of appeasing him.
I do not knoW "hat you can do anything to
retard it,' but IF have thought:it right to se
quaint yon witliithls new calamity., Your
affectionate mother, MA,Ri Dcars.t.
The yobng Min laid down the letter with
an air of depression. - i
`I Scarcely khow how to provide for this
new contingency,' said he meditatively, `My
salary is igmall land it requires the strictest
economyto meet my expenses. I might ask
for an ad ance t but I know that Mr. Hatha
wayl is particular onithat point, and
.I should
but cou'rti,a refdsal. I But to have , my Moth
er's furniture liken from the house, the whole
amount 'Would hardly cover the debt. - There
is one , r urge; but alas! that I ,shoUld
ever thin of resorting tc? it. I could take
the mon from theltill, and return it when
I am-'abl .• ;Ilk shtill I ever be able? It
i f
would no. more nor less than robbery. At
all. even I ; Will not do it to-night , who know s .
but som thing may turn up to help us 1
,y(ung Man blew out the light and left
the store t . -The picture faded. -
'I will IshoW you another picture somewhat
differentlfroM the others; it will be the list,'
said the , stranger.
The next pieturatepresented the interior
of a baker's shop. The baker, , a coarse fea
tured man,. With a hard aspect, was waiting
ing . on -R. wounm—thiily clad in garments
more suitable for June
_thane December.—
She was purch.toing two losves of bread and
some crackers. , There was another customer
waiting Iris turn ;it 'was a gentleman, with a
plesaaut smile on his face.
' Make. beige,' said the baker rudely, to the
.woman, who' was searching for money to pay
- for her p urchases ; 'I can't stop all day; 'and
here i's algentlenum that 'you keep waiting.'
' Oh, never mind me ; I tun in no hurry,
the gentleman said,
'1 awn , lafraid: said the woman in an alarm
ed tone;, that L haye lost my money. I had
it heie i my poeko, but it is gone.'
' Then you May 'return the hread; I don't
sell for othilli. . I
. -
`Tru --me for once, sir ; 1 will pay you In
ar day or two. r l , Otherwise my titildren must'
go withoiut food to-rnorroir.' ', .
' Can'thlP Oat You, sbouldnkehave been
so circle r
s' 1 : I - -: - . •
The wir.soan ,was 'about terningaway, when
the veil if the other customer 'arrested her
steps- i, ,, • .. . '
' II" much twee have y ou lost?' be in
quired. e I ' , . i
a liwastut a half a-dollar,' was tlie reply ;
' but it wiof Consequence to me, as I can get
ao more fir a l day_ or two l and how we are
1 to live' [lj theni.liesven only knows.
. •
i ~ ~
j ~~ ~~
r i'
. , .
'Ot* l - 1*,.4..0n - . 46.;gt - , .
E•g . o -T O.'' . - .ipiapii!AboT: 0-ii/iO4„'..:Akt-.24iiiincjvv--'
.'. - ATONTRQSE, THURSDAY,' , FEBRUARY; 2 2,- 1855.
- ,
1" Perhaps that will help 'yon to decide the
question,' and he took from his pocket a five
dilillar bill, and handed it to her.. _ 1
1' lA, sir,' said she her face lighting up with
- gratitude; ' thisls indeed generous,and noble.
The bletisings of those you _have befriended
attend you.
She made a few pnrchases, and theri with
a)isht heart departed. ,
The last picture Wed' from the mirror--
and the . Stranger, weapping it up, simply said:
' You have seen how much happiness a tri
fling sum can produce. Will you not, imtlof
your abundance, make a similar experiment?'
• ' 1 The stranger disappeared ;and Mr- Hatha
way awoke to find his drwun terminated by ,
the chime of the New Year's bells. '
' This "is something more than a dream.'
stud he thoughtfully. , -,
, 'I will, at all events, take counsel of the
mystic vision; and it shall not,be my fault if
some hearts are not made happier through
My means before another sun' sets.' 1 '
I When.",the Merchant rose on the following
Morning,' it was with the light heart which
a)ways accompanies the determination to do
right. He 'was determined that the salute
tion of " A Happy New Year " should not
he with him a mere 'natter of lip service. -i
I ; " I believe," said he "I will go and see
my old , friend, Mark Audley. If his son
Arthur, is really Oesirou§ of going to cibi.
lie, what is there to prevent my bearing
the expenses ? lam abundantly able,o .
can dispOse of my money in no better l wa .7
As he Walked alone with his' praise-w
4 r '
thy determination in hislheart, his attention
was draWn towards a little girl who was ga
zing withoager, wistful eyes into a windvi
4if 4 neighboring shop, where were display d
in tempting array some fine oranges. I e
thought—tnay be was quite eertain—that lin
her he recognized tl- r ie little girl who figured
in the first scene, unfolded the evening he
fore by 'the mysteribus mirror. By way 'of
ascertaining he addressed her in a pleasaikt
1 ' Your ;name, is Alice is it not? ,
! `Yes, sir,' she said, lboking up surprised
and somewhat awed. I
' And Your father is sick, is he not?'
' Yes, Sir.; but he is alm ost well now.'
.' 'I saw '.you looking at the oranges in that
Window. , NoW Lwill buy you a dozen if you
Will let rile heip, you carry them home.'
' Tile piirchase was made: and the merchant'
walked along, conversing with his little con
ductor who soon lost her timidity. I - , '
Arrived at the little , girl's home, he found
that, he had not been deceived in his preserit
imenta. It was the same room that he hhd
seen pictered in the mirror.. The sick man
*as tossing uneasily,in bed when Alice ent
'See papa,' said she joyfully; 'sec what
Rifl e nt,effiffolikeilhWAJACTl44 k Mei is i'''
The merchant, before he left the, humble
apartment, gave its occupants a timely dona
tton, aftd. made New Year's Day a day io.
thanksgiving. • • I
.Hathaway soon found himself at t
4*idence of his friend Audley, who gave hi
a warm is indeed kind, s! 1
he. Giendship that adversity cannot.'
•terrupt il.really valuable.'
Mr. Hathaway now introduced the" obj
Of his visit, asking, 'What do .you intend
do wittt Arthur ? • . He Was nearly ieady college. was he .not ?' , •
He' was, and this is one of the severest
als attending my reversed circumstances, t
I, am eothpelled to disappoint his long ch
fished wrsh of obtaining a collegiate edu
I ' That',must not be, said Mr. Hathawa
'lf you and Arthur .will consent I will uly
pay his charges through 'College.' '
'Mr. Hathaway,' said Mr. Audley—i '
glow of Oprise and pleasure, 'This evinces a
noble !generosity on Your part that I shall
never forget. You must let me tell Arthur
the good , news.'" ;
1 ,Mr.•Audley summoned his son, and po i
ing to Mr. Hathaway said, 'This gentleiri
has offered to send you to college at his h
- • •
expense: - . -
, '' I
The dyes of the youth lighted up—i.
grasped; the hand of his benefactor, situ!
saying,' Oh, if yoh but knew how happy y
have made me!'
'.l do'not deserve your thanks,' was
simple'reply. -‘ I have learned that to m
others happy is the most direct way to
cure my own happiness.'
Mr. Hathaway took his way to the store.
Arrived' there he sought out Frank -Durell
and requested him to step into his office„
he wished to speak tti him in private. 1
! ‘iYour salary is five hundred dollars a
rear, I believe,': said he. I
I" 'Yes,... sir,' said Frank Durell, somewhat
surprised. , • !.
1 'I have come to the conclusion that this is
Insufficient, and I shall therefore advance ,it
twO hundred dollara; and, as a part of it
!may not, be unacceptable to you
,now, here
area hundred dollars that' you may consider
an itiVairce.', •
'Sir,' l ,said Frank- furell, hardly belieVing
his sehaes, ' you; crinnot estimate the benefit
I *shall
,i derive from this - generosity. -My
depends upon-me for support,
;was about to be deprived of her furniture by
ian; extortionate creditor ; but this timely gift
-for 'I imust consider it so—will remove this
terrible necessity. I thank you, sir, from
,my heart' -
‘ Yodre ,quite welcome,' said th 3 iner
ichant, ki dlv. 'ln future consider me your
i i
;friend; lifscif you should at any time-be in
!want of advice or assistance, do nct scruple .
Ito confide in me.' , •
," At least,' said the merchant, thoughtfully
4 I havgdone something to make this a 'My
py New Year' for others. The lesson : eon.
veyed in the dream of last night shall mot be
throwir away upon me, I will take care! that
many hearts shall have cane to bless the vis.
ion Writs VITLED Minton. '
rirTlfe growth of the iron trade and man
°facture of !he United States, during the last
forty Years has been enormous. 1816 there
were '153 furnaces, producing 45,000 -tons of
pig iron; in 1845 there were 450 blast furna
ces, ayeraging 900 tons each annually, yield
ing 486,000 tons ; and 950 bloomeries, forges,
rolling and splitting mills, yielding of bar
hoo"*.c.-291,600 tons. and of blooms
imstings machinery , and dove plates,lsl,soo
tons, making that year an aggregate of 929,
100 tons, at the value of $23,940,500. In
1856 die rapid increase in this class of mann
actilie was such as to yield much more' than
a million tons of pig iron.
A NeW Way Of Paying Subierip
A. , correspondent of the Laireng Whig
gi i veS- the, following amusing: aceoun l ef the
Way a farmer was taught how eaply
he %could take the papers."` - The I in is
worth 'pondering •by a good many !en we
wtot,? of: t
! You have hens at home of. course, Well,
I *0 send you my paper one year for the
proeeedi of a single hen one season, Merely,
tbe'proceeds. It seems trifling; prepoiterous
tci l inta,gine the proceeds or a single hen'Will
pay ; , for the subscription; perhaps it wout,
bu't! lE make the offer.' j 1
Done,' exclaimed filrnier B--, I agree
and appealed to me as a witneiS in Ole
' I ,
.I"he flamer went away apparent
elated with his conquest, and the.edi
" bin way rejoicing.' 1 i I
iVitne rolled around, end the,,!.yorl ievolv
aiii iti . axis, and the sun moved infa orbit
just. as it formerly did, the farmer. 4eeiNted
I .
hia ,
.Tiaper regularly, and regaled , him.:',.alf
with the i information obtained from lit.. He
mit Onlyi knew the afrairsv i of W own County,
bt became conversant upon the leading cop.
i 'Of theday, and
. .political and financial eon
vipsions of the times. llisehildren delighted,
toO 3 .iti- perusing the contents of their{ Weekly
vistto. ,'.ln short he said 'he was surprised
at thq prOgress of himself ; and family ?n gen
eral ' information.' . • • ' •7 i 1.
:Sometime in the month of September, I
h4Pikineci up again in the office when Who
should 'step in but our friend the iariner.l
~11.ow': do you do Mr. B----I'l ai4;f the
editor extending_ his hand, and his' otirttte
n4iiee lit , up with a bland amile, take a chair,
sir", be seated ; 'fine weather we have'; 1-
f Yes, 'air ' quite fine indeed,' answered] the
fainter shaking the proffered ' paw r iofi the
editot, and. then a short silence enstied l du
ring .' Which our friend B—i - shitched his- ahair
baelf and forward, twirled his thuaibs} ab
stractedly, and spit profuSely. Starting up
qniekiy he said addressing the editor 'IMr.
Q. i ; I 'have brought. you the prdceeits of
tiiai lien4 . + It was amusing to see the pecul
ietf' (iitpression of the editor as he '.,followed
the ' filmier down' to the wagon. It could
scam:illy ;keep my risibles down. V,:hen at
the wageu the farmer commenced handing
overto ithe editor the products of the hen,
whieh on; being counted, amounted to,eighteen
pullets %tort!' a shilling each, and a inuniber
or,do4,eniof eggs, making in the aggregate at
the least ` calculation(s2,so; one dollar niore
*in theprice of the paper. • 1 1 '
'." Nit n ' said he, 'of men not i taking a
• • ,eedl
family newspaper, land paying for ie : tool I
d'On't miss this front my '.roost, yet , I lave
P4id . epr i'a year's ' subscription, and i dollar
over. I All folly, sir, there- is no man buizan
take a paper, it's', charity, sir, .chaily iou
"tt*TreAtrritealt - tb - eari i dr, - - 1 wurty .-ou
f4..whatlfis over the subseription. didinot
instittjteAis as a means of profit, bliti rather
tqconvince you: I will pay you for,---=''
~f Nbt.iibit of it, ir, a bargain is Aq.iaripin,
itii4 l am already (repaid, sir,--do: r laly.paid,
sir.;' Arid whenever a neighbor ake4 the
cOmplaitit I did, I will cite him t(i. the hen
..;1 .. ~
story - cod day,4e" ntlemen: 1.1
• I
• 1
• , f
F, • ,
~ , .
'''...,-- 1 V. S. SENATOR K.LECTIO .'
. f
.A- • feverish•anxiety Seeins to prevail id the
piiblie. Mind of this community to understand
the I - TiroCeedings of the .AMeriean- CaOeus eld
ai. Harrisburg, op Friday night - ; . kid this
*tidy 14 is but right and proper - ihatithe
Online press should satisfy as far as. it can.—
Thi.iugh!*e have not the official procieedings
di • that I t , celebrated midnight gathering of
PerittaylVania Solons, viel have yet, peconnts,
fibffeiently full and reliable, tb enable • to
resent ,bur readers with a I:pretty ace rate
lateinent of its doings. i •• I •
r 1 -
As We learn, there.were 91 members res.
tint 4. the organization thereof; 13.tero the
Sedate and 78 from the Hoese of kepresen
ttitiVes.l- Among these were about Innf ei t doz.
en meMbers - *hose rjght of Paribipation
;kaa questioned, it being generally understood
'they:, were induced to attend to sTomtilish
the:: 'noinination of Gen.; Cameron , end that
ifthey tailed • in it they 'would notitibidn by
- tbe:actiOn of the Caucus,. - These Oeptl men
litiVe',aliays been - Loco Focos, were el cted
as anehand a t the opening of the 4. "sla.
e l l
foreiVoted with their party for Speilie i and
'ether, officers o' the House. J. Alx. , Sirripson
;took:exeeptiort to these gentlemen, lytith such
;antecedents, participating- in the proceedings
;nf the Caucus, I and offereda rinoltitio re.
.4u4' . sting all Who never hitherto Oed_ with
,the; American organization; nor supqi rt d its
, pitatiiiiees, to Withdraw - . This led 1 • . ani
, tnAeddiscussion, but was fin ally, oil in don
TOf 5.,11,1 Bowman, indefinitely post n .
kailitig in the effort to purify 6 queus
1 41:•ett
`ofthei: who had no right there,
~ t. , . • Sknp
tiott nexi.moved that the noxiiinatioriO4 can
t:nate f'or U. S. Senator be by viva liocelVote..
This John W. Killinger,,Senator frfitn, ba.
pop, 'ininved to . amend , by. strikingi o n
•voce and insert instead thereof ' ballot. ' ' On
this: amendment, to vote by thus
enable members to' skulk the respdrisibility
of haing their constituents know idr ivhom
; they *dted, the yeas and - nays were called;
and WOE, as follows: /.. ' ' 1,.-, l ' 1 •
! ~ Yeas4—Messrs. Flounkin, - Haldemitur ? Kil- ,
IMO., ;;and ,Millinger, of the Senate ; and
I.lifeaars,Allegood„ Barry,Boal, Bowintuij Gild.
*ell,lCrawfords, Criswell, Ciimunino, ( Phila.
eonn,y,), Cummins, ( Somerset ,) Pimaldson,
Eyste4 Fletcher, Foster, Free, Gll i n - ss, 'Guy,
':Gwinner, Haines, Hubbs, King, kt;kpatriek,
lirep'ps; Lane, Less, Lowe, WConn6ll,lllax
wellif lifengle, Morrison, - Muse ; North, Reese,;
`Rittenlibuse,,Rutter, Sherer, SmityAlleghe ,
, ;. ily;) Isthith, (Blair,) Steel, Stehle '',Bl.arde
lran.ti Weddell; Yorkes, and Ziegler, iiif the
! 11 1 - 4:trtit for secret vote. , . I l i . I' - I
11 'Pray*—Messrs; Crahli, Fergps4 razer,,
Ill'adribkii, Jordan, Lewis,,Selleri S hu man,
*2 Taggart of the Senate ;. and Mlttars. Bald-
iwi Ball, Berrtresser, Clapp, Clolre. - r, down- i
i..!ag;F*on, Faust, Franklin, Harrkion, fladg,
!aon:•.001con:ib, Laporte; Lathrop, Lindeiman,'
tt, )irCalmont, , M'combs, M'Pultough,l
litaddacic, Magill, 'Morris, • Pat4N Palmer,'
IP,ennytiacker, Simplon, Smith, i hila.leityJl
13tewart, Thorn, Waterhopse, iek ' ham,'
Witine,r, Wood, and Strong, Spetilier, f the'
Ilotiae-4--44 against, or fir an open v u -
? -•1
;plc . ': question was thus, with i4ie aid of
~,Itesiir* Allgood, Bowman, Cum' , and
3,..13t44, of this city, *long with Mesisks. raw-'
;fordo ritaxwell, Gross, N4rthi and 104; Who'
*1 nO:!right whatever these to vete, dreaded
in favor of skulking responsibility by a ma.'
jority of twO,iand the Caucus thereupon pro
ceeded tO ballot. On the sixth ballot, it wds
ditmiovered that one vote more was "depositsd
than thee were members present, whereupo?
fir Siiripson , moved to adjourn, but this, in
the! superior i'parliamentary. wisdom of the
Chairman, (Ilomaa S. Steel,) who had ato
doubt a duty imarked out for him to perforM,
was declared out ofirrilert Finding thus do
alte6atiye remaining, for those who &sin@
their constituents to know how they dischaf.
ed !their ;dutylin the premises, Mr. .111'Combp,
of I...awflenee called upon all opposed. to+a
venal nomination to .withdraw, and thirty
thrqe members., we believe, thereupon retirdd '
from the Caucus, after this Gen.. Camerdn
watt n oreinated- by , those remaining, he re
ceiaied forty-four,votes, including the five dr
six having no right. to vote, And being arias
declared the Caucus nominee, though he had
really not a majority of the whole Ameriein
vote.. i -
'.fhe result 'of all this is seen in yesterdays
proceedings. Two Ballots were had withotit
coming to a choice, and then , a postpone
ment effected for two weeks. Having now
given a simple . and' unvarnished stittemeht
of the events!which have transpired In' relit
tion to the Snatorship, many of our read4s
will naturally; look:for proper comments ula
on theid, and' in these we shall not fail at-the
prOper time freely to indulge. For the prOS
ent, we.!prefer to remain silent. It is but
reasonable to; suppose that those who left the
CAUCUS; and refuse to support its nominee,
as Mel( as thOse who remained and adhered
to "the nomination, will publish a defence Of
their (*lnduct uuder their own signatures,
and we tleeni . it but right. and proper - ito
await these statements before we give uttdr
ance our oivn feelings and sediments, and
those, sve know exist in the community E)n •
which we live. Suffice it now to say, that
the report of the Joint Committee, which was
yesterday ordered, will be eargly looked tor
by the !people, and do . mach either to ditty
or add to the general indignation now felt
in this 'city.-4'hi/a. Daily News:
y nitich
& ' wSnt
; llAanisnutio, Feb. 13, 1855,
In the Senate, Mr. Jordan . submitted ,the
following : [
WEIEREAS Reports are in eirculatiori dist
undue tind corrupt influences have been used
to control the election fora United States
Senator to supply ,he vacancy :Which will 4c,
cur by! the expiration : of the term of the H4p.
James'rooper : And 'Whereas, It is due pro
the character of the Legialature,' that the re-.
ports, if untrue, should be repelled,. alid if
true, that !the guiltY should be exposed aid
punish Cd. Therefore; g
Re.lllved, That, if the House of Represent,
tome mem ners rrtim Baca riouse;oe - appoipt- -
ed to hiquire whether.,any corrupt oritnproner
influenCes have been "used, or attempted to [be
used, to affect the Said election, and that said
committee have-power to send for pers4ns
and papers. I .
The! resolution 'was twice read and adSpied
by a ,u'nanimOus vote, as follows:
Browne. Buckalew, dr4ss- -
well, parsie! FergusOn,.tlennikin, ,Fraser,
Frick;l:Yry; Goodwin, Haldeman, Hamtin,
Hendrlcks, Hoge, larnison, Jordan, Killinder,
Lewis; M'Cliritock, Piatt, Price, Quiggle,
Shuman, Skinner, Taggart, NVal4m,
W herry,'Heiater+Speaker. .$ •
, Yeas 29.—Nays.; •
Crabb!mo4d that the senate take. a
recess; till 13 men. _before twelve , o'clock;
which was agreed t.O.
.Fifteen minute 4 before twelVe, Senate ?re
At t 2 o'clock M., 'Messrs. Cummings and
Carlisle, a COmmittee of the House; werenn
! :Jounced, and4informed the ; S6nate,. that [the
House, was ready Ito Meet the Senate in con
vention, for the ptirpose of proceeding to the
election of
,a .U. S. Senator ; whereupon fthe
Senate repaired:to the Hill of the: Housd of
RepreSentatives for that purpose.
• On returning to their Ilan,' after •thel ad:
..jourrint of the Convention, the Senate ad
journ . •
TcESDAY, Feb. 13, 1854.
In the Honse, prayer , by Rev. Mr. NNIIne
Mr.! Cumniings (city) moved for the! ap
pointnient ofia committee fo wait on the Sen
ate and introduce, that body into the Halt of
the House ,for the purpose of electing a quit
ed States Senator which was agreed, to, iand
the mover and Iker. Carlisle were appointed
said committee. ' -
A resolution from the Senate was introduc
ed into the licise,.requiring the raising 41`f a
committee with power to send for pertOni
and papers, to'inv6tigate the question wheth
er any undue or improper influences have
been used oradopted to procure the. eledtion
'of a eindidate for United States Senator; -
-The question being on the adoption of this
resolution. , i
Mr; Fraily Said he was not opposed t 4 the
object of this; resolution; but he believed it
had been offered to be made the . pretext . on
which' to, urge the postponement of the
tion of aU. S. Senator on this day. Who,
could not under Stand that this'was the object,
when the gentleman from Lawrence (Me;
Combs), and the gentleman from Philadelphia
county (Mr. Wright), were found. acting in
coacertl He did not believe that anything
could be found to sustain the charge or htsin
nation contained . ; in this resolution ; •and did
belieVe that, notwithstanding this fire bl'and,
there 1 1 a sufficiency of Strength in thiS Cody
to crush the object aimed at I -
Me. M'Conibsi was glad -that the apparent
oppw4tion to theiadoption of this resolntion
had elpine.fron the quarter it has.. Were ru
mors l not afloat in, every bar-room, hotel and
public, place, 1 and every newspaper lie} the
State; affecting evidently the honor and Integ-,
rity of metAers of this Legislature ahere,
might be sortie ground for charging aliiesign
in the introduction of the resolution; !neon.'
sistent with Virtue and propriety. But every
one4nows that such rumors are. afloat; -and
hence the necessity for such an investigation
for the protection of, the innocent and the pun-,
ishment of the guilty= .It is said thit a,letter
is in oxistemie, ‘Vhick set's forth that ninehund
red dollars had been paid to certain Ipartios
to seure the, nomination of a partici* L l ui:
did*. :These and other circumstance% were
objects of fardinary conversation- Put us{'
then; have. an investigation. - -He hoped, the
resolution would be adopted.'
' Mr. Carliale Would vote for the resolution.
He had leatied,much relative'to bribOy and
_cximiption, and was eady to hoar any rens.
1. NO. 11`'
ble statements which conld be adduced. Last
NVinter,be had been requested to .support a
bill in which money was
_said to have been
Used ; but he had promptly declined to sup. .
port it, and had given his reasons to the bor
er who asked him. That party, he believes ,
to have been from Lawrence county, although
no means were then taken to p u nish him.
Mr. Cummings, of Philadelphia, Would not
object to the passage of the resolution at the
proper -time. Its introduction to -day was too
transparent not to be seen through--tod bald
to mislead. He would vote for an early day
for its - carAideration—but rose now to the
point of order, that this was Tuesday, private
bill day , with which nathing could . interfere.
The Speaker decided the House had already
settled that question by agreeing to, consider
the resolution.
, Mr. Cummings then moved that the further
consideration of the resol tion be postponed
foi the present..
Mr. M'Combs hopeclit e resolution would
not be postponed, and t : t its object would
be accomplished. If bri ry existed, it should
not be pernaitted• suec- ed in its diunnable
Purpose. •
.Mr. Smith, of Philadellphia„ suggested that
if bribery had been attempted, we. now have
the opportunity of getting testimony upon
the subject. When the question of Senator
was settled and the people left Harrisburg, it
would be difficult to obtain the evidence) ex
cept - at great additional expense and delay.
He hoped the, resolution would bye at once.
adopted. 1
Mt. Chamberlain was tin favor of the im
mediate adoption of the resolution. It could
not interfere with the sworn duty of the mem
bers of the Legislature to meet to-day in Joint
Convention. He-believed' no objection had
been made to the adoption of the resolution
In the Senate • , and hoped 'none would be
made here. for one he'istoed ready to aid
in exposing iany guilty' man, and would con-,
l i
sent to screen nO one. The names, referred''
to had gone out L upon the winds—had enter-.
ed the public pruits--had been adverted to
in' a discussion en another - question—arid
true or false, cold not fail injuriously to af
fect the honor the Commonwealth, if this
were uncontradicted or • unexplained. He
triad.: no specific, charge of the use of undue
influences in the matter of a nomination fora
U. S. Senator or on any ; other: matter—but
he did not wish it believed abroad that a Sen
ator, if any was elected, had gained his posi
tion by means of briberY.
ti Mr. Cummings had announced distinctly
before, when on the floor,' that he would' vote
for the resolution;.and as the member from
Beaver (Mr. Chamberlin) had assured the
house that it was not the intention that the
resolution should operate upou the eleetion
to-day, he withdrew his Motion to postno . ny!
liners netorotne - nour mew-10r .
of b. United States Senator. -The rumor now
referred to, had prevailed before, the caucuses
were held ;- and he belie*ed if the curtain had
not dropped on Friday ;night last, and -cer
tain big- guns had not then been spiked, this
inquiry would notfhave - been hear of. It was
supposed, in certain quarters, that the mem
bers were men of straw, to be blown
'about by the wind. This was an essential
~error. It was said that a deposit had been
'made in
.a bank,. but it b
had net been by their
'-eriends. Gen. Cameron' friends were strong
nough to' accomplish their purpose, and he
,hoped they would do it! They stand here
as pure as any', and pifrer than the friendS
of the man who had made th'e deposit. They
'ifear not, the investigatioU. Let it come.
Mr. Kirkpatrick said - it was well known
!he had opposed the supplement to the bribe
ry bill, and he now wished to raise his voice
againSt allefforts so insulting, and degrading
'to the character' of this Legislature as' the'
'present. He protested against fighting wind
mills, Don Quixote like; and asked the gen
tleman from Lawrence (Mr. M'Cmnbs) for
the data upon which to base the investigation ;
and for all the particulars of the $9OO trans
action, the name of the Man or men implicat- .
ed, with the proper dats! Rumors 'of -this
sort were rife before the nominations were_
made. We have asked for the names, but
have received no responSe; and now, at the
eleventh hour, it was proposed to interfere
with the duties presented by law n and we
have brought before thislilouse this bugbear
—this phantom of some ;deluded brain. lie
hoped- the resolution would be voted' down
as insulting to-the House, and to the constit
uents who made the *use. If 'the honor
of the members could] not sustain itself at i
home where well known, i it could receive
little aid from this movement. Ile hoped,-
cOnclusion, the resolution would be kicked:
out—sent back to the . Senate; ,hissing With
the scorn of the House.
Mr. M'Combs said the gentleman from.
Allegheny (Mr. • - Kiexekraiee,), had grown
vehemetitly eloquent concerning the diame
ter of the House. He firstdenied the means
of investigating-the charges, • and then com
plained that no facts hadr, been elicited! The
friends of this -resolution place it before the
, and ask -its adoption, that the .data
may be obtained: They want
,to know - '!
whether' these rutriors are idle or hot, and.
demand an 'investigation) ' as the best means,
of proving the_ integrity of members if they
have been misrepresented.
Mr. Simpson (of Philadelphia) regretted
the opposition which wag shown, to this reso
lution. Some days sin he heard at home,
from, a cornparativelfresponsible source, re
ports affecting certain of the Philadelphia rind
Allegheny members, and he pledged himself,
if the resolution was adopted, to give the
names of persons who. eat 'expose the whole'
Mr. Kirkpatrick said, after the remarks:of
the gentleman from Philadelphia, (Mr. Simp
soa„) he withdrew all opposition.
And the resolution .was then adopted, by
the;following vote: ,
YEAS—Messrs. Anegoce.c .Avery, Baker,_
Baldwin, Ball, Barry, I3erg,stresser, foal,'
Bowinan, Wish, (lildwell, 'Carlisle, Chamber
lin 'Clover Craig, Crawford, Criswell, auti
milngs, C 0.,) Cummins, (Somerse4).
Daugherty.,_ Donaldson, Downing, punning,
Edinger, Eyster, Fearon, Fletcher, Foster,
Faust, Frailey, Franklin; Free, Fry, Gross,
Guy, Gwinner, Heiner:, Harrison, Herr,
- Hodgson, Holcomb, IlUbbs, King, Kirkpat
rick, Krepps, Lane, Laporte, Lathrop, Leas,.
Linderman, Lott, Lowe,- MlCalihont,
Clean, M'Combs, M'genkey, M'Connell,
M'CullOugh; Maddock, i Maxwell, .
Mongle, - Morris, Morr4on, Mums Nnrth,
O RL l , 'ag li e Ctte P oh a o l m us e :, .RP4lNlVRtlacuttekerr,t.
, .
• _ --
.friherer, Simpson, Smith, (Allegheny,) Smith, ' '
Blair,) &MA, (Phila. City,) Steel, Stebley, •
tewart, Stockdale,-- Snirdevant, Thompson,
orne Waterhouse, Weddell, Wickerstn, - . •
'itmer% Wood, Wright, IYorkes, Ziegler,
trong—i S peakei'. 1 . 1, I - .-
Nov—Mr. Christ. r . 1
YEAS, '97—Nayi 1 - . 1
The Speaker and membeis of the Senate
eing introduced into the Hall of the House
bf Representatives, the Legislature resolved -. _
itself into 'a conventioq foi,tlie purpose of
electing a
. ' . enator in the Congnant of 'the
United States, to supply the place of Hon:
James Cooper, whose term of service 'will ei ,-
iiire on the 4th of March nett. The S'peak- , '
Cr of the Senate presided aver the Convert,
'en. The_foilowing ballotings were had.
1 / FIRST 'BALLOT. 1 1
Messrs. Gmbh,. Cmsswell,' Frazei, 74;
Inaldenum, Hendricks, Atlegood Barry
!Beal, Bowman , Caldwell, barlisle, Clover, ,
I Crawford ' Criswell, Cummings, (Phila. Co.) -
iCummins, (Somerset,) Donaldsen, -Evster,
Fearon, Fletcher, Foster Fridley, Free,
Gross, Gni, Haines, Hubbs, King,. . Kirkpat
rick, Krei;ps, Lane, Killinger, Sellers, - Shu- .
iman, Leas, .M'Conhey,. M'Cormell, Die le, '0;
( Morrison, Muse,' North, Palmer; Reese, Rit- .
itenhouse, Rutter, ' Sherer, , Smith, (Alto
gheny,) Smith, (Blair,) Steel, iFitehley, Star- -
'devout, Waterhouse:Weddell, Wixd,Yorkes,
Ziegler,. Strong—Spectker-58, voted '- for
,Sniox CiaiEnox. , . -
Messrs. Browne, Goodwin, Hamlin, Hoge,
'Jamison, Baker, Bush, Christ, Craige; Dough- ,
erty, Dunning, .Edinger, Fry, Johnson, M'.-
Clintock, Piatt,' Quiggle, Sage, Walton,
-Wherry, Hiester, M'Clean, Ma xwell , Orr,
Sallade, Stockdale; Thompson, and Wright,-,.
28, voted for CRAB. R. BuctroLzw. -
Messrs. Darsie, Frick, Chairtherliti Price
Skinner, Powell, Ross,-and Witmer-44, voted
for Toomos - Wtwous. - ' - . I
Messrs.. Ferguson, Flenniken, Ball, Frank
lin, Herr, Lewis, and DECullough--7,..veted
Messrs. Avery, Baldkin, Downing, Hot
tomb, Laporte, Lathrop, Lott, ArCimont,
'and Wickersham-9, voted for Davin Wm
Messrs. Foust, Harrieon,Hodgkon, Tag-
gart, Linderman, M'Comfra, Megill;
packet, Simpson; Smith, (Philadela. - City.)
Stewart-11, voted for J. Parstotx.:Jorms.- -
Mr. Buckalew,' voted for .TEILMILLEI Z.
BLACK.' ' . - I -- . •
Mr. Ilerkstresser, voted for 0. H. Titzt,
Messrs. Gwinner, and Thorne, voted for
Mr. Jordan, voted for JEWS C. Kmoret..
Mr. Lowe, voted for GiconoutuAmixas. •
Messrs. Maddock, And Morrts voted for
11. M. FCLI.FR.
the convention
. adjourned to meetagain
day three weeks..
_ The The
resolution was.disagreed to, as fol
-Yam3---Messrs. - Browne, Crabb, Darsie,
Ferguson, Flenniken, Frick, Goodwin, Ham
lin, Hoge, Avery, Baldwin, Boal, Bergstress
er, Bush, ,Chamberlin, Craig, Downing, Ed
inger,'Faust, Franklin, Fry,
_Gwinner, Har
risoa, Herr, Hodgson, Holcomb, Laporte,
Jordan,, Lewis, Price, Sager, Skinner, Tag
gart, Walton, Wherry, Lathrop, Linderman,
Lott, Lowe, M'Calmont, M'Clean, M.'Combs,
M'Cullough, Maddock, MegiP,lMengle, Mor
ris, Orr, Page, Pennypacker, Powell, Ross,
Simpson, Smith, (Phila. City,) - Stewart,
Stockdale, • Thorne, Wickersham, Witmer,'
and Wright---430. - ' -
Nays—Messrs. Cresiwell, Frazer, Fry; \
-Haldeman, Heiniricks„, IJaraisqn, Allegood, -
Baker, Barry, Boat, BnWrnati, Caldwell, Car
lisle, Christ, Clover Crawford, Criswell,
Cummings, (Ph ila._ C 0.,) Cummins,(Somer. ;
aet,) Daugherty Donaldson, Dunning, Eyster,
Fear,on, Fletcher, - Fester, Dailey,' Free,
Gross, Guy, Haines, Hubbs, Johnson,
Kirkpatrick, lirepps, Lane, Killinger, M'-
Clintock, Quiggle, Sellers, Shunuo,
- Leas,' M'Conkey, M'Conaell, Max-
well, Morrison, Muse, North, Palmer, Reese,
Ritteuhouse, Rutter,gallade, ,Sherer, Smith,
(Allegheny,) Smith, (Blair,) gteel, Stehle,y,.
Sturdevant, Thomp.s9, Waterhouse, Wed., '
'dell, Wood; Yorkes, Ziegler, and Stroag -
-Speaker-60. -
SECOND ',Amur- •
On motion to proceed to speond.ballot the
yeas and nays were called and were as fol
lows : •-
YEAS:--• 'Messrs. Creswell, F,7, Gtiodwin,
Haldeman, Hendricks, Hite, Jamison, At
legood, Barry, Bowl, Bowman, Bush, Cald
i well, Carlisle,- Christ, Clover, oraig, Craw.
ford, Criswell, Cummings, (Phila. C 0.,) Cuu..-
rnins, ' (Somerset,) Daugherty,= Donaldson,
Downing, Dunning, Eyster, fearon,
er, Foster, Franey, Free, , Gwinner, Haines, -
Jolnson; King; Kirkpatrick, litrepps, Lane,
Killinger, Piatt, Quiggle, Sellers, Shaman,
Hiester—Speaker, Leas, M'Conkey, 31141:11m
nell, 'Morrison, Muse, Nortk Palmer, Reese,
Rittenhouse,-Rutter, Sallade, Sherer,! Smith,
(Allegheny,) Smith, (Blair,) Steel, Stekey,
1 ,1 Sturdevant, Thompson, Waierhouse, Wed
dell, Wood Yorkes,, Zeigler Strong—Sfieak-:
NAys--MessrS. Browne, Ciabb; Darsie,
Ferguson,, Flenniken, Frick, Hamlin; Avery. --
Bker, Baldwin, Ball,' Bergstrasser, Cham
berlin Rdinger, Foust, Franklin, Fry,
Gross, Harrison, Herr, Hodtsoli, Holcomb..
!Tubb-Laporte, Jordon, Lewis, Mellinger ;
P.rice, \ er, Skinner; Tiet, Walton;
s„ \sat
Wherry, athrop, :Linderni , Lott; //Owe .
IrCalmont, \M l Clean, M'Coonths; ;Mtn" ,
lough, Matldk Mtufwell, lftill, Mangle,
Morris, Orr, Page, PennyPacker t Powell,
Ross, Simpson,- Srilli, (Phita.:Qty,) Stew - '
art, - Stockdale, Thorne, 'Wickersham, Wit.
Hier; ;Wright. - ' \-„,
YSAs, 70=NATS, SQ. \ . ,
The House then prdceeded to ballot a ' se
cond time and resulted as galleys*:
Messrs. Crabb-, Creswell, Froitikary, Hal
deman; Hendricks, Allegood, ,Barry, %al-
Bowman, CaldWell, Carlisle, Clove, Craw.
ford, - Criswell, Cummings, 'While. Co.)\Cum
mine, (Somerset,) Donaldson, Este;.Fw
-on, Fletcher, Foster, ,Fmailef,- Free Grow,
Guy, Haines, ' Hubbii, King; Kiri s patriek,x,
Krepps, 'Lane,' Killinger, Sellers, human,
Leas, M'Conkey, M.'Comiell, Mengle,.Morri-
Lon, Muse, North, Palmer, Beeson Ritten.
-liouse, &Ater, Ballade, Shore'', Smith, '(Alle , -•
g,heny,) Bmitlt, (Blair,) Steel,Stehley, Stur
.deyant, Waterhouse,Weddell, Wood,Torkev,
tiegler, Stront—Speaker,-59, :voted ftor ak:
SON' CAMSRON. . • . - .
Messrs. Browne, EfOodwin, Hairdinifiegt „
\.at \
1 , \
• • ..\.l
i\ \