ICE A t 1•4144. 40- ift,..:Fii' From . Petite:is', 32 . /Ale. MIGRATION OP LANTS ' •It is the Caucasian races alone who have caused the migrations of-the most Important plants from their original lietne, wherever t hat - • may be, to: the fourquarters - of the globe.-- Europeans have, by degrees, transplanted' to their own land all the-characteristic plants of other 'races. They have . fetelicti_ the finer • fruits,thS almond, apricot jai - M peach, from, Persia and Asia Minor; they 'have brought the -orange from Chiea,-transplanted rice and cotton to the shores of the Mediterranean and carried maize and potatoei from America to Europe. But the influence ofttcse races • in Clanging the natural distribution of plants is even more evident in the colonies which they have established abroad. These bey have endowed not only with their own vegetables, but also with those which would not -flourish' in Europe, but might thrive in' more favored regions.' . Thus we find all European corn, plants in every part of America; the vine j has been carried. to Madeira and the Canaries, to the southern parts of Africa and America ; rice and cotton are raised in. 'vast quantities in the United States end in Brazil ; nutmeg, and, clove have found their way teMauritins, Bourbim and the West India Islands, and tea is now cultivated in Brazil, India and Java. Other races have done but little; the Arabs helped to diffuse cotton, which the ancients already knew in India, and later, in Egypt, coffee, sugar and the date-palm ; the Chinese hive Imported cotton from . Hindostan,, and the Japanese tea 'from China. • The earliest- grains known' in were undoubtedly wheat and barley; although even the oldest authors are at variance as to. their first home. Charred grains ofboth are found in Pompeii, and pictures on the walls . of the silent city show quails picking erdins out ofe, spike of barley. • Theßible, li6iner, and He, rodotus, already mention them as widely dif fused, and ,Diodorus Siculus even speaks of the belief 'entertained 'by many, that wlicat grew. wild in tleu Leontine fields and, several . „other places in Sicily. So eertian is it that Antiquity itself was at a-loss where to , fix the original abOde of these 4 2 ail referenc es, however, point to India, nd yet Hum boldt tells us, that thevareties ere found in. our day bear' unmistakable evidence cat they wery, once yultivated, and have but reActitly - become outcasts. . The Spaniards carid,, wheat to Mirth America; a negro slave . of 'the great C•ortes Nies the first who cultivated it in NeW Spain, beginning with three.grains which be had accidentally found among the rice brought out as provision& for the army. At Quito, they show to this day ; in a' Fran ciscan con,vent, the earthen vessel 'which had contained the first wheat sown • there by a monk; a - native of Flanders, in . front of his I convent, after cutting down the original:for- - est. The great Humboldt says-justly, in con nection with this fact: Would that the names bad been preserVed, not of those who ,made the earth desolate hy brtorly conquests, but of those who intrusted to it first these, its fruits, so early associated with the civilization of mankind. Barley; which Bonier mentions as the . food of his heroes' horses, has. at least .this merit, that it is the tuest widely spread of all the nutritious -grasses. .--It is known from the utmost boundary- of culture inn Lap land down -to the elevated plains near the equator. , 'At a much later period, rye ; eras brought to Europe; at the time of Galeiths it found its way.throughThraciainto Greece; and Pliny . *speaks of it as having been brenght from Tau ria by Massilian merchants; inbis day it was -occasionally met with in the neighborhood of • Turin. Serbian Wendes brought . it In the seventh century-to Germany; where .Charle 'magne at once distingUished its great importe ance, And wisely encouraged its . culture, so that it soon spread over • the continent, and now sustains at least 'one third - of. its inhabi • - tants.: Teis grass also was apparently found growing wild in the Caucasus,but more care ful observation§ have since shown . that the ii . presumed originals Were a different species : their stems were so brittle that they could not be threshed: More recently still, oats were .brought to EUrope,from the East; and whilst in Greece they were only u.sed'as green fodder, Pliny already represents the Germans as living upon oat groats, a dainty ;which they have by no:means abandoned since.. Rice seems at a Very early period_Of Euro pean history to have acquired no • small ire- portanct' among the more widely diffused grasses.: Hence we can 'more% easily follow, its gradualiraigratiens from its home in India, 1 'to which, even the . Sanscrit name Vii peints, ' and'where the 'Danish missionary, Klein,. be lieves that be found it growing 'yrild,.to vari ous parts : of the .World. In the 'East, we know, it was from the times of antiquity the principal article of food ; at the time of Alex, ander the Great it was cultivated as far as the " lower Euphrates, and from• thence it was Car ried to Egypt._ • The ROmans do not seem to have knowele. The Arabs, however, bro't it after their_great conquests in - Africa, Sici: 1 ly, and' Spain, to Southern Europe. North America knowS it only since the beginning of 'the - last century, 'but produces now a large proportion of all the rice consumed in the Old • World. ' The New World claims maize alone as its I own indigenous prOduct among - the nutritious, . grasses. But even this is not allowed with-1 opt-some opposition.:. Theophrastus speaks of a certain, peculiar .wheat with grains of the :size of an olive kernel, which came from In, and many belieVe that _this cannot have -- , been anything else but maize. They try to strengthen thir position by the . fact, that not one of the many carefully searching travel- I lers in'Ameriea, has ever yet found maize i growing otherwise than cultivated, cr evident ly- run wild. It§natneein Eurepean languag,-; es certainly refer it to the East. Germany': and Italy call it "Turkish Wheat," and • the 1 Greeks also point will their P-Arai ic wheat," to an Oriental home. • • It is almost cruel not to Allon-• this coml.' pent the merit of heingZetleast ; the. original • home of the potato,as is generally believed. It was said to grow Wild in Peru, chili, and.. Mexico, but learned botanists and 'careful ob: servers have since ascertained that the tuber there found is not the common pareet, but only a different species nfthe numerous /1118 to whidi the, potato belongs. Another curious . evidence is, that in Mexico itself ,only quite recently attempts have been made along the coast to raise potatoes, mainly for the-pur pOse of giving to the Earopearts•in the so . called home of that most, usefulplant,' the fa , ' vsrite - vegetable of their owyr mother coun try.. But alas !, - ; _they hdve stoutly -- . groW any longer In the presumed land of their fathers, and every. effort has, so far 'signally failed. - - As every great .good has its necessary evil; and as every army of brave soldiers is 4lniost . inevitably followed by. crowds 'or Stragglers and robbers, so man also has been compelled to take along with these eminently useful grasses their.inseparable companions, a whole ' rabble of weeds; thorns, and thistl%L. *Mist of these, az now fawn! in our - fields; mune, . without doubt, with the cerealia. In still larg ,i.ernumbers, however, and without the igen . cy of man, certain other plants attach: them . selves tii.the lord of creation, and follow hind wherever he goei,- and builds hinisell hits. These seem Ma to be - bound to their kinsfolk. • • . the grainfirlin . d.grafxsils, but ',OD man's own' im mediate hone ; the-y settle Ivith never-failing punctualitylaronnd 'his house, near to his sta ble, or luxuriate on 'this - duneall. Travellers can thus trace, .as the celebrated Nugastin St. Hilaire- did ; in Brazil, by thettnefe presence of weeds, even in the t nidst of a desert, the place of abandoned and atterly .. flestroyed settle. meats. 'Stranger still is it, that the different races of Men' have i Oifferent ,Ikinas of . Weedi fullbwing. in th eir . Wake, so 4at a careful ob- i server can In travailing see #t„ once, by mere-. ly nOticingthe preVitiling weds, whether En. rbp; s ans or,Asiatic4),Gerthatis or - slaves, Ne gro or Indians .14te dwelt Ott certain places. It was notnot without goad reason,' then, some that; Of our, ladian tritmis called the com mon plaintai in 't/t l . eii languifge " the white I I man's fi3etat ps;" il, Simple but distinct'vetch marks in lik nutini4 even now, • long after the 'entire abandotiMent of the land, the for mer, dwellin .plac4S of Norlvqian colonists • , in Greenlan . .ltit'orians,'i-also, may thus ~ learn yet n: .i ' ny a eason,.even from weeds, as to the direct on au length or the great mi grations of he ' hlintan inc/. One of . the ~4 . • most'reinar able ntithe kimk is perhaps the almost mar sal ilmersion Of the so-called i Jamestown . eed. It came at first . from In, die, whenee ypeie !carried it Over the wide world making cod, ant use if its medicinal virtues..and. vices. - 11:They alvays kept it on hand; and ..even raised it around their encamp ments, at . 4thus itlfollowed their trace from the far east; tb the ro West. One peculiar effect of this migration in masses is,;:that certain plants first introduced by inan,ltave . subsequently.'becOme so gen erally difftised, ImPpendent felfhis. agency, as to displace iii some'. instances:Alio wrigle, orig ' inal flora of a cotinfry.The•jrieh pampas - of South' America-have tus be4n overrun with i i the artichoke and. peac tree - Of another conti -111 'fent ; immense tracts re no! covered with thesd_intruders from : broadi and rendered useless as pastures. Even islands have not escaped . thiS titte. i Ini St. Helena, original plants have almost 'entiklY (*appeared, and made room for those Iwhiel4 were - brought tinire- from Europe and Lksia: i In eastern Chi nathe population b d soldenseland the culture of 'he be soil so high,. that; with - fthe exeeptlon of a ew, wafrr-plants . i in. .1: i I fully-flooded rice /fields, all the plantli Nihielf driginally grew wild. therCAaveJJeri driven mat. - The whole land is now exelusii . .c:ly (*veld . with grains .raised by - the . h.lnd nt man, all the botanist finds,. in-the lowland i at. least., not .-a single plant whieli is. not artificially cultivated. --- • The Oiegon Pei:. ... • : ' We reeeived a St#' all sample of this pea, last spung. from a•friend in Mississippi, where it flourishes well, ati-yields 01 poor lands, a d r very-large amount o fodder:l The gentle man who sent us, the seed - esieems. it very. highly, bothfor focal aryl as a tenovator of the Soil. We planted .I3tir seed lon good soil, Witha southern .e.tposure. _The seed came up 'well, and gee* luxtfriantty early in the season. They continued - green through the drouth, but gave no signs oftrait or flower. We see' from the !Rural - New "Yorker, that. other eultirators have had. sinlilar slice:6s.— It will be a long while, we. flank, beforelndi an c*rn Will find airival asan.fartiele of fod der. 1 ' . , -4 , - W. C. ..-" blowing accoutits have been published of this new plant, and.considerahle inqUiry 'eli cited for further information. For a sOuthern latitude it tnly.beall that is Maimed Jur it. But hereabouts this° who tindertake Its cul. tivation, We opinei will be innich . mistaken. . " The writer reiVed sainples of this 1.).3, fromthree or four,' diPrent slurces the past winter, a ,portion , cif which .he .planted!oti the 6th of May, alongside the Japan peal and a Stock, pea from Mississippi, op soil but mod erately rich. The plants camp up well, and Inadeta tolerably' fair growthti but not - equal to the other kinds Not a vestige of a flower had Made its appeatattee on the 21st>of Sep; tember, When we had a frost 'hat .killed-.the plantl, while the Stock, pea had ripened•a- few pods, and the Japan had so. fact matured a por tionof its fruit as to leaVe' no ,lottbt of its yeg., etativo power. It} fact, the ;Japan was but little affected .by 016:frost, wijich completely killed the foliage of the -Orcion -pea. Lik . e. the Japar; the stalks and brahches of the Or egon are half wooly, - but nog of a vigorous. growth, Neithevwere they apparently .af .. eeted by he drouth, - but pre nted a green and healthy habit - The : plan,is of both vatic!! ties havepore the look of giant bush beans' than of raids, the,japin havini Much the lar, gest ]ear s, which; withthestems, pods Sze.; are hirsute. - It. May be eitatihe Oregon is an i . excellenttenovater of the soil, but where due 1 has to depend on seed from a distance, it seems our northern farmers can fiial other plants i more reliable, better tasted, tend far cheaper. T. E. W.,"-American Agriculturiit. . :-,• • • • . • i `The h Little Wok 'One,' .' . • - - One 'hibuflost in.the+billing in lying in ,bed, will 'tut back all the ustness of the day. , ci One hoer gained l3y . ti ing early is 'worth a month f . labor, la a yea i . I; •Otte hole in ;.fence will ettst ten times as it Will tofix it at onfe. - - - One 'anilnal will leapt all others in company bad tricks, and the Bible says, ' One unruly sinner desiroyS tnuehitood.' -. . Onh drunkard Will keep alitmily poor and make them miserable. - 1 - • • One wife that is always felling how fine her neighbor dre.ises,.and hisw . little she can get, will look . pleasanter V she will talk about something else. One husband that is pen(irions and lazy, and deprives htuily ufg necessary .com forts, such as their_neiglubors,'l enjoy, is not as dtsirable'as he might to be. One good newspaper is Ole gozd thing in every family. • - .STATIsiTs-OE!Otn no.r..4 7 .iiie census of .1850 'shows us .that ,the oldtst person th . en. living the United States- *as .140. .This person was an Indjan.woman, tesiding in North Carolipa. In the State was ad Indian aged 125, a negro worhan 111, two black slaves 110 each, One unilatto .male 120,.and several White wales'. Undleinales frote 106 to 11.1. lir Pia., was a female black, , aged .in severid of the States there Wert?. (found persons, t bite, and aged from 1101tO 1154 : There,were in the United States'," in 11850, 2,555 persotis over 100 years of age;, - 'Phis shows that ab4ut one person in 9.000 ;will be likely to live Ito that age. 7— Therei no* about 20 ; 000 p6rsons in the United states 4,0 were living when the Dec laratinti'.of Independence wad signed in 1776. They must tieceSsarily be nearly 80 years old now, in order tn have lived I t that time— The French' cen's'us of 1851 . I sll., cows only 102 personS;o.ver 100, yearsold;though their -to tal populationrs near 3060;000. " Old age istjthettfor' .. 'N attained tiloyirr us much • more Trequ en t. 14 than in Fraice. . • • .;! • . . a 1267 Th e phil!?sophy of dyspepsia is thus stated by a recent medical *titer : As soon.f4d reaches ttie stomach of a hungry; h Ithylman, it pouts out a fluid sub stance, call gastric juice, ap instantly as the eye yields sate if it be touched With any thing el s hard , 6 this n ice dissoltes the food from ~. , without inarida. , if from ally cause the foOd is not thus Ch* id dissols*i, that is inch : gestion or- yipSp.sia.. Vinegar, in its action on food, ieinOr. nearly like the gastric juice than any. other fluid known T hus it is that a pielife'of.a little vinegar 'will settle the stomach wen acme diseomeprt is experienc ed from ea, ' 1n ,, ..1 " , g ; i =II CARDS. • Caleb Weeks. 141- O,ADD,LE, HARS.9, TRUNK MAKER and Cad riage Trininter.l Shop at his dwelling house, nearly, opposite Henry Drinker's. at: & Z. Baldwin, ANITFAIdTtItERS OF SADDLES, DAM 1!1.i runlca , whips, te., in the Basement of Ifotel; Montrose, Pa. C. IL Simmons, - BOOT . AIM SHOEMAKER. Shop first door of Odd Fellows' Hell,' Turnpike st., Mostroae. W. Singleton now be found at his new stand on Owego st. two doors west Of Searle's Hotel, where' ho' ef fectually' repairs with dispatch, Watches, Clocks; Jeweli7, Guns, and every description of Machine • Wheel cutting; Gun- and Watch materials supp • to the trade. Dr H. Smith, SUIIGEON DENTIST, Montfose, Pa., at. Sead Hotel, MondayS and Tuesdays of each week. Henry S. Knapp, Ce 11 , 17,7' 5 ,;M.Palthw"chnRa 4 triin C ir oVird t lon & chatiti, i10.;173 Washington street, between Cou andt and Dey streets, New York. miller & Fowler, • , ATTORIYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LA anti So 'chefs in Chancery. Office No. 44 aa street; Chic , go, 111.1 . , _ kaciflolHotel, . . LIBEENNVICII STREET, (near Broadway,) Now 1, - ork.: Salisbury & Co., Proprietor& In the vicinitj of the principal steamboat landings; , • • ThaBs LEtIN l Tas Groce ri es, Depot, pa. a • • 'Bentley & Pitch, - iii.l l ,Toll'AETS AT LAW, Montrose: Pa. 0. IiENTLETt: .L.F. FM . - John , Groves, 17.0IIIONATILR TAILOR. ,Shop under Sear! 8 1190, 3lttine street, ..Ifonfrose,-Pa. .„ D. D. Hi l uds, T IVERY:,AND EXCHANGE STABLE.. Office in .14 in the tear of Wihion's Store, ifontroar, Pa. d. Colsten, • • IAVALEI4 IN STOVIS, Tin,. Copper, and Sheet J 1 Iron Ware, Lo:/crari//e, near Great Bend Depot. DeetitlA+ 4. : • M. C. Tyler, • INTERESTED with HUNT,.lmporter d Dinder in Hardware and Cutlery, Carriage Sprin , &c. ; -.215 Pearl street , -Vre York where his M - xtantile friends, in tills and other counties; are kin( y invited, ' and earnestly solicited to call and•purehase. • Hind A TTOR.NET Sump s lchanna, Pa. NE 1-1 kut Maine street, one dooreast of Leolteim's. Frazier & Case, • , A- TTORSEYS AND,COUNSELLOR AT LANI Offine! on Turnpike street, one door East Post'A Store Monfrise, Pa. Albert Chamberlin, 4 TTOItIEY AT. r LAW and Justice oil the Peac it oterti; ;d: 'Co's Store, Monttbse. • ; , • .. • ; Win.. H. Jessup, I • • TIORI4ErAT r iLAW .A COQ D - ITIOIONER 1 !Dcrop.„ for th e State of New. York,! will atte to all busineKl entrusted to hint with prinnptnees a flelitiy.. Office on Public Square, occupied by Ho. Wm. 'Jessup. • 1- • ' • • • ; Abel Terrell, • -1. . ALER ,IN. DItUGS, MEDICINES,' Chemical D , , : Paints' Ilse-stuff:, Groceries, Dry Good hardw a re, Stoneware, Glassware, Clock Watch Watch !. Jewelry; Silrer Spoons, Spectacles, Musical Inst tul'tt4, TrusSes; SurgiCal Instruments, Liquors, P• Annecy, 3lirrors, Stationery, ,Drushes, Shoes, Yanki Notions, Sc; - B. R. Lyons & C 0.,: L AN D RETAIL DEALERS Il Day Good 0 . cries, Salt, Flout., and' lIA Laneliborrt, P. ' •• H 1 . F. )3. Chandler, • TIEA . LER LN. DWI GOODS, Ready Made Clothin s,!Groceties, Books and .Stationery, elc., Pub Avenue, Miintrom, Pa. - • Patrick & Dimock, . aysigANs ...txl) SURGEONS. Officc No. P Owegci street, ifontrose i Pa. 'LL Post & co., ItALF.R.s IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crocke ' Rarthvare, Le:itlier e Flour, etc:, corner of Tu pike street and Public Avenue, _lfonfrcte, Pa.. J. Tiyon.! & Son., • - TAE.ILEItS nDRY GOODS, Grocerie.ta, Ilartiwa .13 Ciockfrv, Tinn:are, Groceries, Books, ete.; at. carry on, the Book Abuling business---Public Aren Monirose, Pa. ' • Bentley dc Read, DT:A.FIRS PS DRY GOODS, Drugs, Medicin IGroccrie.4; ..11ardware, Crocke Ircrn,. Clock; Watcln..s, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, P ninety, of Public Avenue, Montrose. Siyie, Bentley & Perkins, - I.r.txttA(lurt:Eßs . OF AM) DEALERS IN I kinder of Clisting4,. Stoves, Agricultural Impl menta, etc Office c ut Sayre's .Store, Public Avenu ; ManufactorY at itlie'Eagle . Foundry, Foot of Che street, Illotilrose, Pa. •; William H. Jessup, - TTORSTEYS AT LAW, Montrose, Pa.. •-* tice in Susquehanna, Bradford, Wayne,,Wy. ming and:Litzerne counties. ' William W. Smith & CO., C*BECET MAKERS; They keep constantly .n ;hands good assortment of all kinds of Cabin t Fufaitnre. F Shop and Ware tooma at the foot 4' Maine street, Montrose, Pa; Rockwell, Winton & Co., A,FANITACTURF,RS and DEALERS in -Str r te 11.1. 6'noar, Hats, Ca p.•?, Furs, Cinbrillas, Pa - auts,t lattons, dc. dc:, No. 20 Courtlandt street, -Yot*; (up etaira.) • R. tj . J. 110 WARD. W. W. WINiCFIG. •• Franklin Fraser, ,CTTORNET • COUNSELLOR AT, LAS 11i ..11witi.n.te, •tvill attend Etithfully to all !mid; ues.4 to him in the county of SusquhatuF. ConlVeyancing and writing of all kinds will be do e neatly, and 'charges moderate . He will also attend to the prosecution of claims of soldiers, their, widows atil agairist the . United States Government, or Ilouhty Land , P • cnsititts, .IL-e. May be found at itll .at the office folinerly occupied by J. T. Rh ands; Esq., north of the Court House." . • 1 49. DAlli.litTlEN, TAKE NOTICE! rphE sub s cribers having; secured • the sole right to _Li DA Wei .A.DJUSTeIBLE* CHURN AND BUTTER-S lireiß AVER; for Susquehanna and .sevefal adjUining counties, respectfully invite all nutter mak ers frk examine and TEST the merits of this new d valuable iniention. :We propose to furnish each and all oil you with a Cuites that will produce u mush butter in an short time as any other churn—one that will cilnpletely .i.rpel the buttermilk, wash a l rid ttorklin the salt, clijiising it perfectly through, the .butter and fit it for ude, without removing it from the chutzi, This Churn is simple in its construction, entitle in its operation, and cosily cleanedluad kept in order, and -can be easily attached to any propelling power." For further particulars, apply personally. or by let ter to JAS. C. BUSHNELL and J. N. IiBBNSBN I Am at, Susquehanna county, Fai. • PUMPS :PUMPS ! Th'e•Oretitest Improvement of the A.Oe!—V. Ti r illiarne.Double-Acting Ball. Value Forde tied Lift Pumps— ' Aimprovement above all other'pumps or Ma.; chines for lifting, throwing, and.carrying water, combining lboth a Pomp and a Fire Engine. is Putim, patented' in February, 1854, is the whole o it :metallic. No bolts. or screws about it to rust, co e quently it Will hit a man's life time. It can be in gverryariety4of form--kmn draw water from any situation, and carry it, to any part of a building. It is superior' to all other. Pumps for Distilleries, Paper Tanneries, Brick Yards, Iron Works and Kan ufaCturing esMblishnients of all kinds. • All orders must be addressed to ADDISON DINIIItS, Lodersville:, Pa. wha . has the sole right for Susq e barma county: ' . . , . • I • Those prirsPna indebted. to the subscriber for feat as Register 4 *corder and Clerk of the Orphan's court worild confer 4 favor, by settling the same soon. lifontrure, like. 6 ISS1•. - J. T. LANGDON . , r ttrizt - 1.1 A rt imr boeiw,t achieved a sigtntrtriumph.--Oii the I.ibloodiess !held of Peace, with Preedoik*r ymirrwateliwont and the "terror of Kluge for•!;3•06r ' botde4ax_ A e's you :have wrought a re*Antleo 'Whitt Iln the Old World *mild have shaken off the croliht,J if not the head of every despot, and buried him berleith the shattered rims of his own throne. ; Andilnlow amid* vont'. high rejoicings awl the jubilant shouts , *tin. • 04, : et band,l beseech . you forget not th ose humble. eompardnns • who clung to Your tumult+ 4 1n, the days of your advnnity and defeat, and who . ure with! You no* prosperity and success, amide. Ey yotte - nld :.patristic friend Tug Dentist, ; '1 WhciAna the sunny heights of 'far famed Monter : up, Has met gnu enemy and ;won the victorY tee. Entrenched within his gates of pejul upon hhiYehou lie *ears a tarrn of aching nerves, and speakstiha man gnnuts, I Heilorri* beauty's round cheek, clouds the sweet maiden'd;smile, 4 t 4 - t• Fad hilt - empire with tortures ne power can be)Hie, Front the bright brow of childhood steals the:rose ateldoom, . , r' Shroudi the visage of ma nhood, with Orkin!. chiral ; • I ; ; This Coe rest; and health, and bloom, the world iu airerratitm, ; !I I We tie4t4 though armed to the teeth, and rout • eak , atiotil And; nowOlke Whigs and Democrats, and the now • ry Nothinglloo..- * I Snachwe ,have got the reins of - power, we'll abosyrhat weean do. • We'lllpurtv thitse "Augean stables" of the o ; •11 .; C 4 I N And with lure material will di/ them up ngain, And - 14 itii, g h hostile politicians differ widely ',Amt." views, Of thtieentra sets of measures that each in turn •. ; clitmse, • t Yet•i V reference to our policy We sure shall. i told 1 ! That nauseous Filth and rottennmw should be iv' '-' tr,i , • t 4,,,, ( Nor thatrwhert! any system has grown rottendi - - ' '''brine 11 • ; .... . t The'. pOwers th 4 did the mischief should not be ;41itirn.11 - • , . • . I ,! This, - what we do in the eittptre of the ja i sit, ThelelPtrii tyrants we expel, and 'abrogate theirilaws. If Might ;'valuable remains, that Aar priservinj fn , pull , . We"elettiltte . and save it, all the ,rest we -0 , .. , tth r fool*, . i Then n n the niins, by our art, w 6 quickly rear i An itri.lit)f.burtiing Gold, with colOntiades ofTorti And tt4w!our - flgure to coritplete,*e only have II? Theie:kondratts transformations all are done foij .;•':„'., :i .f•'C. D. V IRGIN Surgeon Detio kontatue 'l6 4 o'r-ember 6, 185-.': 1 ',!' ' ;:Time Changed. DELOVARE:i LACKAWAO.3, AND WEST l . " :. 1; KAILROr. .„ i ;•• ;i i , -,. WTETER ARRANG SIENT I. OON! and aller Thursday,- N6v. 23, 1854, di( ! ta4engtir Train will depart from • Salon . 112 ii.i' ; ' L': • . - ,1 Due at Great Bend et 2.30 POL . i. 'Coßoce.ling with the Daily ExTireM Trains botl and' wok, \on - the N. Y. St EIL:R., whiCh arri New .Yorli at 9.30 c. x. and at DUnkirk at 11: i! i , - . netintii will leave Great Bend, On the arrival pfthe ButtideM i i.prefiu bound West, (3.20 P. M.,) whhih Ile partk frog NeW, York at 7 A: M. ; and arrives titran at 6.50 - r. 3/. !; , - il Thii Vreight r ,Accommodation Train with PasOnger Cart attached Will leave Scranton at 1.50 P. mJ; krriv ing ;at Ortuit Bend at 6 p. tt., connecting With the Mail Truitt boniul West, and the Night Expl-esSiTrains ' botutdlKith Eiiiit and West. • 1,1 ';',: Refurtiing, will leave Great Bend it 6.30 Al,ivr. and arriveat B,cranton 11 A. x ... - , I .' ':-i !! '. Stages.will be , in waiting on the '.arrival of. p:tssen ger:tntinti at SCranton, to convey. passengers tot Can; bondllePittston Wilkesbarre , Philadelphia v4al the i Readirlo. Railroad, Easton and all other interi4diate I , plaCefi.: • d b.. 11. DOTTERER,Superintenllent. Surieiinten ent's office, Scranton; Nov. 23,14 185. , ItENV, STORE! NW GOODS E ~ i ,• . i ,: •IN NEW MILFORR. \ , .: Tfl lubsciitber having leased *the Store ,-0:i i the *it,rs. Pratte, formerly occupied by 14 tit tle,!inteside to:locate permanently in-New Milfihil. And he wOuld take this niethod of informing the inhabil.atits or. New Milford, andr adjacent towt).4, that he returned from New York with alaigie arid splendidistock of fresh and entirely new Goods; eon sisting of • hit Y GOODS of alinoit every copeeiva ble.varitity, GROCERIES as low as the lowest; Hurd tgare,i('rikkety, Boots 4n4.1 Shoci, Hats undrape, BoatiOs'of every style, 4tc. &e. 1., which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms for cash i .tintry Rodney, or - reliable credit. Tie, would also sawn this, connection, that he has added to the establiehment, the;.niaaufactuting of Ten, Sheet-irott,,and, :c c ipper scare IF.. all its varieties, in which be is ,prep 4 to exe.r op the All kiitids of jobs, by the verybest w a lane!' lt and : the nitast reasonable terms: , • ; 1 lienleis suPplied at the lowest prices. Partieulars in rel4titat to : stoves &c.; - at some future time, 3 1 A • ~i, J: DICKER*AT, 7eli! Miff*, May 16, 18.51. roLL ••AASSORTMENT Sbe# Sri tl Coiver Ware of my own tnanufact9 tnade'#(lteayy plate, for sale by 1 _i • , i4l' _ DICICERMASI •$tnillilfot ! :11, July 12, 1853. - AErLL istgorlment of Hardware, Carpen '4oiner?, ToolA, Pump Chain, and fixturei Nevi- Milton! July , 1854.] . DICICERH of the best quality. fur 'sale 0 elijap at: ' DICSEIN.4I's—S. 130ftg, FLOUR AND SALT, by the barrehor oth 1.4 erilse , tbelowest prices at, DICXERMAN'S. ; ,:' ,!, i FARMERS', - p l 1.11 1 1(10N41 1 11SURAIIIVID ILVIIIIPA IVY, DOEtic.E,''ATEIENS BRADFORD COUNTY, ?AI i :i ~ CAPITAL, •$200,000. -,,i -I Secured b,y 41,0nd and Mortgage on the Ara; &tate 4.. of the Stosiholtiers.., ~I i Tamil:es ag,itinst loss by Fire, of Houses, Sto4s, and other hhildings, Goods, Wares, and liferchan4e,l on as tayorable terms as any similar Institution. }!set; prnnrOdy adjusted and paid. ~ DtatOoas.i—Hon. Horace Williston, Athens, r Fran. cis Tylde, do. George A. Perkins do.; J. T. EqMeyer, d 0.4 O.i . N. Shipman,. do. ' • C. F i t . Welles, Jr. dd.t J. E. Canfield , do. ~-1 Hon. John Laporte, Towanda; pen. B. W4krtnin,. tileeyviile; Geo. M. Hollenback,;.Willies barre i ' ! iiichier Meylert, Laporte, Pa. - . i. Qrstekas.-Hon. Horace Williston, President ;1 C. F. Wells, jr:' V. Pres. and Treas.; J. E. Cwint3cld, Setlretery. 1 i I ; 1 igilit, O.:S. Basile Monfro i se, Pa. - [1,32 . n.1:1 _ _ . • . . . i i i P CLERK weNTED. ' . IV : -- W 4 i 10; ' tlM ini h in tld ed experience, writes a . cti tes ve n ci fil e ii ri me and ii . pimnp4tent to take charge of a set of Books: link he, Pink -rate and willing to devote his time and atti•ticitin to;the interest i of his ehiiployers. 10 one that can ansWer td the aliore aiiiheral salary will 'lie given, . ,Non 6 others needapplv ;Good recotomend ationi i'tiquied. 1 'B.E.k R. H. Elitolii ' Ilarkird, *ay, 1854. 1 , ~1 1j •! . , 1 .- ..., 1 . 111EIV FALL GOODS. •,, *. Tr . BURRITT would invite the attentip' of his_ -I.i.griettds and the public totis new an -splen did a - of , Brocke, lre.l, and Cashmere L o' g - and S‘piare'.llldiiht, from $ . 2. to sl6—Ladies'e Dress (Medi, ineldding plain and fanty DelmieS, Del Elam, Paiatifpittis s : French Merinoes, S eiko,. Poplins Ging hatm4i, .11:c..itc., rich Rithons aneA Sonnets :ve new stAesiwhich ill connection with a large asscirtOerit-of staplel,•and !Taney Dry Goods, 9roreries, C . hery, Hardiseire, :Iron, Stoves; Iltstraloßobes,. Ca' , etinii, r f Booti!aitd Shoes, Hats and Caps,i Painted I 'index , : shitde4,l,ll'4l Paper, Oils and Paints, thc.,hwill be seta On the, most favorable terms and redute4 prices for ezlfb. prikluce, or approved credit. A r -_ , -"A - Salt by the barrel or load. 1 - - . . - Neii 7ifilford, September 2/.,..18-1. ' , \ ti. , „ A2iD'I4AW I l ii.Ll6. • 1)(Wr BROTHERS havinF pUrehased 114 abcive establWiment, will keep constantly on luied Su peVnii aviliste Incur, Corn aka of rapeti#r n?ra Chip and Bran at the lowest cash prices.,: 4 -- C1481.0111i WO* will be done with despatch,. arid inll qties*Orivotted. 1381tt gaPtmse. July. 1853. • • '• • '' ' Stoves: S ves I xx BilitRITT is now receiving a new asi rtment ' of Stoves, Including the I mostpop ar and improved kinds of Premium, Air•Tieht, and Elevated OiedlCooking Stoves, with Parlor, - Office, And. sliop ;Stbv4,.forjoarood or coal, in superior varietvatid style. whictilie *ill sell at the most reduced pric4. tie- TatiNtOveli stoves ofnew'ujd approved patOrns wiW be sold at $2O to $25, and other kinds In prOortiOn. AlsoiAovei pipe, zinc,' and sheetlron, stove tttbes ;Plait Mill:ord, Sept. 22, '54.f • H. BURRITT. • Window Sash. ;•• • FL& p.• SAYRE having been appointe4a 'agent is'for an extensive sash blind and door Annette toiy?ireprepared to furnish any articles in *lino at less rates than they have usually been,sobi 'July 24. i _ • . . 8. H. 44 D. S. flftliring Creeln• Alt !article which every num should • S. H. &I D. S.; new lot of Summer Hats and Cloths 7 :for sibanter wear just received and for u cheap . by • • D. R. L. CO. • . - 0 . . - .;' E 1 I 4 ;+i 'iA, . - • • - , - 1 .. . . 1- . v . , - 1, a ~. Altit - S., PILLS. ', ': . A., • , 70$ AidrIIE!PURPOSEB 07'A t 1,-.. '. I - riAls, , Lt ritystiO. .7 • 1 . , tram has long eisteti a public dentn d io n an eft I I' „fective•ptirgative•pill which could bd relied on as, sure and perfect in its **Wien, ! This has been, prepared to meet the daunted, and an .'dxterislie triP al of its virtueShas nonelusively shown with whadsue-. Cells it accpraPlishosthe purposes deli fined. , It la-ea. sy to make a tleYsieal pill, but not easy- to make :Ale? best - of allpills—b rici woleo should have nonel of thei objections, but all of :the advantages of every cither.— :l This his bee*atterntiteditte:'re, and with -whatlsueeess We would .respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been viFortnuavp Oar the patieid,: hitherito" tha almost every purgati,v4iiiedicine is ac'rmOnictus 'with irritating to the bowels. 1 This is not:: Many Of them!• pteduce so mitch griping pain and reinlsionl in thel system as tothote than counterbalance the good to be, derived from Dietn. . 1 i Those pills prodnee no irritation or pain, uulesf± it ariSe from a previously existing ob i ' struction or derangementin the bewels: - -Ile g pnies 4 ly vegetable, tio harm c arise from their us in an quantity ; bud itis liette that any medicine shoul be taken judieictitsly4 inute directions for eir u" 1 il i in the severalidiSeases Up which .they are a plicab are given on the box.. Among the complain whi have been seedily Cured by, them, we May entiot Liver CoMplaint; in its Aitrious forms of Jan dice, I 'digestion, I,4gnor and Loss of APpeti , Li. esn ! Irritability, Bilinua Ileatiache, Bilici,u Fere , Feve ie f and Ague, Pain iin the Side and . Loinis for, ' t truth - all these are hut! theiconsequenee of d sensed actio in the liver. ;As an !.aperient, ‘ they afford Prompt an sure relief in Cositivenesis, Piles, Cholie Dysentery • Hunters, Scrofida andStrvy, Colds', with soreness o t li he body, kerS and int utity of that tilobd iin short any and ever}, case Where a' purgative islreenired. . They have:, firtalecet some .singidarly sticcessfu cures in Ritetiinatisnit, Gout, Dropsy,lGraVel, lErysipe, -las, PalpitatiOn ef thh IteartFains hi the Back, Stout,: ach and Side,' IThev'shoughe freely takeit in du spring-of the "year, -1; • Orify the blood Ind i prepare the system for, the cliau*c of seasons. .An occasional dose stimulat4 the titomach and bowels nto 1 health, , action, - and riii4tereithe appetite and vigt,') . They, pill tify the blood, l and, by their stiMulant a don, on tit dircnlatoily system, renovate the strengtl of the body And'. restox-( the wastedier diseased. encrgs of th whole organistni Bence an occasional doses advanl tagenus, evenil ough no serious derangemertt exists i but unitecessaryl dosing should never be calvied to? far as every pUrgati4,e ' medicine reduces thestrengt i when taken to excess. The thousand cases n which - a physic is rehnired Cannot be.etimnerated I ere, bit they stiggesttheinselvest to, the reason. of eve'ry body and it is • coafithmtly believed this pill will answer a. -better purpoSe'thamanything which has hithtirto bee ' availableto Mankind. When their virtues.are one known the -diiil4ie Will ri crkinger doubt what. reiuedj. to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Be; ing Sug,ar-wrzipped t,heyi.are pleasant- to take} -and .b 1 ing purely vegetable, noltarm can arise-ft-inn the' use in any qUarttitY4 .. [ ' . . , • . For 'minute 'directions see . wriapp . r on the Box. Prepared hy JAMES C. ,TER, Practical and-A) alytical Chemist, fAiwel,3lass. - 1 , 1 a Price _2p Centis twi• Box. Five Boxes for fl C 72 t i be Oral an Zia 1 by gain say, i tog. t. I Mail ;an a east 'e at i Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. For the rapq 0114 of,Corighs, Colds, Ifo l ftrlteneß Bronchitis, ; Whiiopiiig-Cough, Croup,AsOnta,ank Consumption; -. 2 1 •I, This remedy has!worlfor itself such notoriety fixni its cures, of every variety of pulmonary disease, thai entirely iuuiecesSary to recount the evidences o its virtues ini . nny cotnniunity where it has been cnk ployed, So wide ii 4 its' i teld, of usefulness, and so ntf i morons the Pases of its cures, that almost every Se q.' tion of the country aboonds)n persons publicly know who have bribn restored from alarining and wen de. perate discales-pf thefinigis by its use. When one tried its Superiorit* over every other. medicine of i kind i...i too aPparetit to escape observation, *and whe its.virtues areknqwn the public no longei liesitati: what antidotb ; to efriploli for the distresking and' dati gerous liffeetions 4 chef pulmonary organs which ate incident to our elithate.r And hot only in Orniidabli! . attacks Upon, theßings,l but for themilder varieties cif Cohlt, Cwigks; 116arse.itrxie':&c. i and- for Cl+ i/t/ren, tf, 1 is the pleasantest and rifest medicene that dm be o ' ,tained. . ; ,'• As it.haS long been ut constant rise throughout th s section, we deed not dO more than assure the people its quality islkept pp t 1 the best that it ever has bed . and that- the genuine . rtiele is . sold by—ktom Teti- BEL L , MontrOse3 111, .. kR. 11. EATON . ,:lllarfordi; ettettim it-, littti:skr, • undaff,- and .by all dealers iti medicine erpric. whereas- . . . LATEiT lONCIT i EMENT. i - • . . . .., THE' NEDRASKA BILL. UNSETTLED. QCOTT, JOHNSTON & Co., .are now receivi . from Soy Ttirk a gerseral assortment of Sprin and Summe9goodS, and we Cordially invite all th t like to buy goodS 'cheap to give' us a call; as our stock is large; and; we air willing to sell for small profits. You can fi nd. hent almOst every . article wanted, at 1 we are Willitig to compare goods and prices with arty store in the County—Wc have taken special pains t;o find nice goods trt plenae.the Ladies, such as Black, Figured and Fandy Stilts, Silk Tissues, Bernges an'el Berab Delanes, plain 'and Fancy Lawns, Silk, French and Domestic Giughams,'Figured and Plain MUslini, Embroidered 'Curptins and Paper do., LadieS CollarS, Underhandlierchiefit aid Sleeves, Mantillas,lParaso i avid Gloves,. „Straw. and Fancy Bomfets, also frit! - mings to match. , A Cahn stock of "Goods. for Met. and Boys, also . 11;on, Steel, NaiLs, Horse Shoes, an • Horse Nailsj Pronghs, .i Salt; • Fish, Crockery, Grin 1 stones, and Stondwarej Stove pipe, Tin, Glass,, Sas Leather, Boots, SlineS - .tic.,',3e. Please- give us chance .of L•tliqw jog you our Stock before you .buy. Yours truly,; SCOTT, JOHNS d& Co, , Springville; Atiril, Is, 1854: . • i jr. lit Iron ,and • r and pt . , Butfialoltobes.'. A CHOICE lot just received, and offered low bs !SCOTT, - JOHNSTON & CO. Shawls! Shawls! ' 'C'llOl47, - kit of Wool Long Shawls very cheat .L 1 by , 'SCOTT, JOHNSTON S. CO. Springville; H4ceniber 3. - • ; , . ,- i : :. NRilir GOODS. . . • i 1/1 C 1it1 4 1.111 t i PARK return their gratetol iT.I. aeknOwledgeruepts to the public, and invite al tendon'. to .'She very large stock of Spring and Sinii-. mer Goods they *are now receiving and otTer for Slip at very toie!i'prieeit. In addition to their usual assort- Meat of staple Dry Gpods, Groceries; Hardware, Croc ery, Taints land i Oils, Sze. .I:c., they are . prepared (o exhibit a lam... atsortnient of Ladies' Dress Goods of every deseripiionHFigured, Phild and . Plain Silk , Bonnets, Shawls; Ribbons, Gloves,'Hosiery—Ladi s and Misses Shoet; of all kinds—also a laige stock of REA DnifilD E CLOTHING, Cloths, Ctissime , Tweeds, Jeitgs, Summer Clot)is, Vestings, Hats, Cal*, Bouts and Shoed, Ste. .. , ' They resPectfiilly solicit an early call from thole who wisli'm purchase /iond gond., at low prieeA. Springville, Mitv :4'54. 31eMILLEN St.PARK.I I ...---.._ —r-- Netvw. .. ... • ItIRIKWOOR TO MONTROSE'. I QTAGES twill leave Eirkwmi, passing. through Cok- L betntrille,, Liberty; &c., every - morning after the arrival of the 3lailTrains o cars, both East.and Wet, reaching 3lcinteose at I P. ~ -IL Returning, leaye Montrose daily ( (Sundays exeepted) at 2 P. 31., reach; ing Kirkwobd iti time to take the Mail traina of eatti4,- both East and West, tieing the nearest and most feit e sill. ronte•te reach the New' York anal Eriellailma I. This. linelh i jictlsects a tri-weekly line for, Dimoc -, Springville4 Tunkhannock, ,Wyoming, and- Wilk harre, which leaves - Montrose at 7 A." X. every Moh: diy, Wednesday and Friday. Also, a line to Frientlit ville; Leraaville, &c. - ' - . ; - 1 :, Good &Alas (,u.l cornfoealde carriages, are prod ded, and tbe,proprietors will, spare no pains to a:e counntodate the public. W. K. HATCH, April 6, 1854. MORGAN & WEST. Laneoinirti flash, - Blind,' and, Doe { Factory..; - HE subscriber will the Shop of Newtill T Etrotlie - re, Boors, Sguth, and . Blinds. • Turning on hand andfurnislied to order. Lundier kiln dried, nud worluntm uhsurpassed by 'nny in the country.'-- Orders addierkts< 4 .d to Me will receive prompt attention. (lodd Pine I:umber and Country Produce taken in e)c- Change tor Ple above. Terms; ready, par. .• " Lattesbozo,leb. 6. ; - • S. l A, 'LYONS. • s' ITIONTROSE DEPOT. • WILLIAM Mr.VILLAN ' • rrAVING pbrehased the establishment of Isaac j.. ,Postiik- Co. at the Montrose -Depot, would iO,- respeetfullit infOrtri hie friends that he will keep con stantly on hand;at.' the lowOst prices, a well selected stock of goixls.l 1 , • • t Lime, Salt, and. Plaster can be had cheap, as will alGroceries, 4.y Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, nuts,. &C., in exchange.for (rain and 'all:kinds of produce, it ,the beat priecs. 1000 cords Matti Wood wanled. -. ;• ". • 1 Montrose Depot, Feb. 2, 1844. • 3ffielodeaus ONSTANTLY-ON Lep or to order C chiwt notice. .J. LYONS k SON.g FOR SALE, a common'BUGOSY WAGOihr plontr*,,Sopt. 10,'M.] A. BALI 11'/V.; of Mail Stages, - FROM =II or is= • , Di 'AT - _!- I.:L. POST & CO. • • 1 - ITE now/offer to7the public the moat 'clioicemid VV• tho Liras? wrvi.i.s of Goods , to' be had ;any wheralnthe Country, and forth very;lowest prices, •. • READY ArADE .00271121r6. - SU I 4 I II4IR STYLES; L L TONT *CO. have Oust taidei large addition to their stock of clothmg, conStsting itow of , eicrYthing deArablet Or the buyer. at sudh prime as and sure' to snit: * The geode are made first rate, and we.warrant the work to be equal if not Superior to any ever before offered in this mar ket. Our:stock comprises Coats, fine black French Sacks Frocks and Business.; Tweed, cassimere and Jean Sacks and Frocks, also brown and white Sum mer pain and twilled; Vasys--'White and colored Marseilles, Valentin, Lasting, figured'llamthea, figur ed silk and Satin; and every variety;good and cheap. P.orra—line• black Oassiinftre, doctskin, 'col. tweed, Sunnier stuff; linen drill, cottonade, snipe, plain, check and plaids, so cheap as to be sure of sale to all who desire • ' - fILOVES AND . ROSIER Y-4:itdies and Gents VI white and colored Kid Gloves of the best.quali ty *wanted. A large. assortment of&kinds of blue, browti• and slate hose, and hokk , gents and ladies, cotton, Lisle thread; Tictlin and silk 'Gloves.,':Black and colors ; a large essortment of blac'k silk arid lace Mitts long and short.. POST & CO'S. low OOTS AND SIIOM-Llirew fine Boots, Coarse L.'' , Boots, Ladies fine Gaiters, Bootees and Buskins, a full assortment of Cheap Shoes, Childrens and Miss es Shoes and Bootees .Ladies. fine silk:linen, Slip , at • - • ' L.-P. ik-Co's. WHITE GOODS—AII steles and qualities, bleach ed Muslins, Swiss and Book Muslin's, 'Barred ,Muslims, Bislimps and Victoria lawns, &c., figured and dott. Swiss Muslims at P. t Co's. QIONGI.ES 'AND .GRINDSTONkS at ' • SLY 41 2 - ' -I. L. POST & CO'S. ( 1 ItOCP.RIES• ! -4 the bestanif_eheaj)est kind. A, lir' tof Sugars cheap at I. L. 'POST & CAi . • P qi . NTS—the most - de:siraqc stock in Th rt-.e• cou ' try, at very low prie.els. . • I:L. St CO. 1 . .TRESS GOODSIL-silks, 3fj isllns, .itteLanfta, Deita 7. . - 1 Gingliams, Lawns d:c., a every', desirable r yle •, . -I. L.. POST & Co's. A . IiLAIIGE and splendid stock of ;Spring Prints. L. PI &. Co. - - •STAPLE Goods - at theloivest ' . 1! - 1.1. POST &Cm . CLOTHS, Cassimeresk - Tweeds, sentacky .Ivan. :and Satinetts, very ehe'ap at X. L. P:r& Co's. •` . . WOODEN Ii AR Pails, Cedar Pails 'and Wash . Tubs, Cocoa N.utjliipp'ers,. Butter Ladles,' Print a,. Willow Baskeo,2_ll4spe Halters, Bed Cords, Minilld Ropes, Broomo,.i•godd -lova the store ' - I, Ti POST & CO. OP-FJ.S.I7 - AND MA (2K E10.:1 the best quality at the lowest possible rates: .April 5, 1854. I. t. POST & Co. S. l OLE LEATHER, very cheap, `' ii.; . 1 . COZOCKERY AND GLASS W 4 R lot' at low prices.' • ' • POST lz CO. OIL, Carpet, Room paper and Vindow Shades.. 11 POST & CO. t?.7( LI ILK HATS, spring. style--,t quality very .10 Cheap. • POST & CO.. B ON NETS and Bonnet Ribbons'Of all lands, Par asols, large and small at very io y prices. POST & CO. DRESS TRIMMISPS.--everri style desirable and very cheap.. !' POST d: Co. (IRA /X BA GS--:Of the - st POST'S: CO. VA , Q.A.L7', Lime and Plaster at !ADItS I— COLL. I "IIA—A very ehOieehit of the L] latest styles; Book tithroidered Linierie, Lade, Metilin and . Bonito!' imitations. I. L. P. & CO. FMBROIDERED and Lace lindeodeeves, all I 'deri -1 rable styles ; also, worked and? entbr'll. Edgings arld'lnSerting and Flouncing. LACE Edgings and Insetting; itni4Ptions of every kind, almost .as good as gettuitte„Mad very Chimp, I alsti . pure linen-wrought Lace. iL L. P. &CO. . • • IN , GRAINED land Hemp Carpet f at I. L ci i.,l4 3 )STa; CO's. Q . UII3IER ILVES-:—Panama, fine and coarse trim-1 kJ, med and fanuy bound, Pedal and Palmleaf, kill boys and men, sold very cheap. I. L. P: S CO. • - . • 7,- . i T i APIES"- and Children's , Flats, di , ,,itooti vatiety, al-1 l_ii so a new lot of the latest stylespf Boennts at the; stoke of !j. L. P. 5: CO. I riIIOICE and fancy articles Of Soup and Hair Oil also, some of the finest Perfumery at the store; I. I. l ‘. (POST CO. I anow ; also, Fanners tools in gen-I I. L.O'OST k. CO's. LHitt and era! at ' . el RAIN of all kinds—Beans, Dried . Apples, Tal Ul low, Butter, Beeswax, all wool socks, Eg . gs,Acc.,l for' which we will exchange.goods at cash .prices. j April, 5. . • 1.. L, POST & Co. I I . REMOVAL. • ~-, !. STOVES! STOVES:' STOVES! I THE subscriber wishes to call the, attention of hfis; 'friends and the publie to his very large asSort-1 'imint of STOVES at his new Store Room in .I;odrs ville, next to L. S. Lenheint's store, and near the• Gt. .Bend Depot. lie has, in addition to his former large variety of Cooking and,Parlor Stoves, many new pat. eel*, some of, which are:— • . ' . _ St. Ncholas, Peach Branch, ::Fire Clipper, Aliidern Troy, Miiheek, • ; - .11e(lallion, Orient, Black Warrior Oak, .EggSfone. Which, together with his former stok, will perhaps be; the most extensive and varied a..elortment of well selected stoves in the countv Clinton Stores, well furnished, atdow prices. I 1 . . "All articles in his line kept on ; hand and niade, tolortler as wild, and orders received at his old stand; in Great Berid. . JOffN COLSTEN. •Lodersville and Great Bend, Nov., 1854. Notice to , the Public. 's• T,TAVING just returned from NeW, York I wish tai _ILL, call the attention of my old customers, and ci this public in general, to my t-7 • NEW STOCK . OF GOODS, ; which being boaght . vith cash at the lowest prices; and wishing to.sell principally for the: same, I will of; fei them at greatlyreduced prices' • • • .Cocheco Prints, warranted• . fast colors; for only_B .. cents a:yard. Good' Brown. Sugar, I S pounds for one lloonten Sails, acknowledged . -by all to be the best Nail-in use, $5,50 per keg. Hats and Caps; BOots arid shoes . Buffalo Robes of alk prices, all wool' -De Laines,‘ Cashmeres, Paramettris i - i Silk, Silk Velvet, &e..lfOuslin De Laines, 1 s illing per yard, Satin Bonnets and • Moleskin Ilats,,Precbe Double Longshawls, Thibet do., selling at inconceiv- ably low prices. I . can safely warrant perfect satii 7 faOhm to all who'will give me a call. !' Laneshoro, Apr. 14.1854. S. A. LYONS. CLOCKS—'goodtime . keef;ers, only one dollar.. • -4. A. LYONS. • Lanesboro, Apr. 5. AA'TASTED-1000 Ilides, - ; for which' the highest V price will be paid. • S. A. LYONS. Laneshoro,'Apr. • - PRODUCE tnkcri, iri exchimge fur • k../ Goods, at my store. $. A. LYOSS, Wesboro, April 5. I • •1 • ' NEW ARRANGEIIIEIIT 1854. HINDS &McMILLEN'S Rail Road .Yreigs. • • Line between. Montrose Depot' and • ..• • Sete York, 'every day, Sun- . ! • . • dalis• exeeptet:. ITINDS & Medi u.gN, having M.ade arrangements JL for forwarding freight to New-York in the care or Capt. H. R. CADWELL, of :Orange County, will tip in attendance at the Montrose. Defo• elezy day of 'the week; to take charge of such freight tuna produce as way ho entrtu‘ted,to them. Returns for the same Will be paid at the Store of. William McMillen. • • j Greet:lie:4 in general, Flour, fork', Fish, Saft,- . &C., &e., constantly on.hand, for bile at the lowest Cash prices, or in exchange for countrYl4oduce. - '! L. B. iIIICIM • WILLI+IOICMILL):N. April 18.1854; • j• . , : . ' • ' Facts for the People NTOTWITIISTANDING the predictions of the New • I.‘ Albany .edges that Frsualc`Piolce will. be elect. ed President because the Frontlet Isaiah says that tire Lord giveth power to the faint," it is universai- IY admitted that.the subscriber ca wand will, sell BOOTS - AND SHOES CHEAPER than any other shop in toivn, not even ex. eepting.the genuine boot and shoe attire , down town.' , N. B.—My terms are cash or pay down, and Would therefore inform those who:are indebted to Merriman & i'atrick; that they mustlia and par up or nnff cad. : AL MERRIMAN. .Montrosa April 100 CORDS good split nieple wood ; in-exchange for' , ,woolen goods. : J. I 4 YONS it SON. Montrose 'OctoherlB. I • POST .k C4i's WANTED. 5: .8 .IiciGERS 01 - 04100 PrE,ltAtioo Ds. . GREAT 'ATTRACTION ! Great lettela•for the.lievi 'Goode at .Eaton' s .ONE PRICE TORE! THE larkest and chespest:i,tock of Fancy,' Domsi. tie and Staple Goods ever brought. into Susq ue . bans - county. hundred poises Dry Goods, cou l . prising inpart.•tui follows: •,1 • , ltichllhangeable Silks, Fashionable Silk and Sat. 4 7 StriPe " • [Bonnets, . Platt " Fretteb . Pltunes • •": Slack - •" • 200 picea . BoiSnetßi4. Glassa•Bonnet' t 4 1 . Bonnet satimy • 100 pcs. Fancy Drea s e w , Al! wool DeLainet • , Vielvet Drees Cuttons, Parisian do - Arcoli'd. Velvets, Plaid de Coma, • Flay Bay State Shawl s , Clouded de Berge, , Cashmere do English Merinoes, - Broclia do - Para:motto's Silk do Lyonese ClOtbs ! - Gloves, Hosiery, etc. . Coburys • Cloths, Calvimeres, French chan'ble de Helve, Vestings, Embroidered Robes, Flannels, Gine:inns and Prints, Wool Blankets, Scotch Plaids, • Linings, Wilite Goods, Ticking?, Wrought Chimizettes, - Damask Spreaks, " Collars, Linen do do MusMuslinEdgings, - Dish Linens, do Cambrick do , Black - Muslins,. do Linen do te. etc:. Harford,'Oct. I EATON ,k CO. - • Neat TOrk City - • iNunAiitcr. clomtrAigiy. '` • cifirci 9 - TFALi., STREET. G4rrAi DT .ANDROVED SERI - TIES, $5 OlOOO. • Insores again . sl . .l.9s - 8 Dcuitoge • A. Q. - Stebbins,-113 Broad ktreet; Peter C. Baker,- 4i 1 Spruce Street; Girard BiMcker, 118 13i : oadwa r ' ; Thomai Andre ,Ipe Cedar - street;. Samuel - G . , •Sotithrnayd, 377 est - street:: Albert L: "Conklin 814 - - Greenwich steet ; Crosby, 113 Broadway. . !Ma's. Lent, ILM7sbridgc, NJ- Y.; -Lambert 11;11; Chieag,o; .111.- I ' Smith - -iNobbie, Rochester;-N. -N. y. Vir., Leland New' Yoik ; Peter IL - Rauh, 138 Bank street; Staateli S. Bell, OrnerWest and Landr.. streets , ; John, L. Deen, 78. Writer street; P. vat... -Wart,' 118 Broadway; Gal lap, come- . West and Barrow streets; Prter H. - Foster, comer Ganseroort and West ;, Reuben. Ro ss Jr.; 48 Eighth Avenue; Stephen Cromwell,-Camden, N., Y.; Allis Wridleigh, Philadelphia ;'Deer B. Brittaimf. 49 Wa• • ;'1 ter street; SamuelSinclair i .bune Buildifigs ; , riel B. Shaw, Cleveland, Ohio.- •' • • BoYar.:Cuitunaintnai:President. Cittutrst C. Ctankx, Seereol7. - CHARLES L. BROWNnAgent, Montrose, Pa. EAGLE FOUNDRY. AYRE, BENTLEY & fiE Kns, aving pandas ed of Wilson (k.Co. the Eagle Foundry,,are scat, prepared - to fill orders froM the trade, an 'word( it their line with - skill and despatch. Tfiew-111' keel, constantly on bawl P/ow(rAbearkinds,j -Stores , (a 1 kinds,) Straw Cutters, Corn kihrhr,,, the. - the. 4'e . . • . We invite - partieular attention to . the Plows which we manufacture: We 'manutture and keep for eak The Celebrated .#1 h./thy Plow. . We have.purchased the exelusive right to ,mtinufite ture and sell in this county,(Wayne., Wyoming aad .Bradford; orliteh'r Patent 'lron Beam Plow. The Plow is made enter rly of irOn; e.xcepting the handles. It is celebrated for its easy . draught, being one-third easier than any now - in use, while its:strength-and thl. -rubility are greater. -• . • I . : • MACHINERY, "- dal! kinds manufactured afi4 repaired by experienc• •ed.maehinests. "! Steam Engines, Gearing for :Mills, Shingle 1la• ' . ihines .r.t..ei cf:..i.. - - , • . Among the', Stoves which W - e manufacture; are - tbd Kefistone.CookinfjStore, R.ou'qh and Read,, do., For. est Queen do:,Prenauln do., . P nnd . - other kinrls,.all ar— ranged for bn ning wood or Coal. Also, .Self-Rtgit-- 4, latar, Parlor Store, Cottage !Parlor do., Stanley*, two sizt, do., and a variety of - other Parlor Stoves, bOth wood - an .coal burners. 'i We keep also on hand Grindstone trimmings, Dog Churn tiiinmingS, Urn-. brella and Shovel and Tongs Standst, : &e. &c. Work v -done to order on short nptite and at the lowest rtiteF . ..., - 03. - Orders for Stoves, Akictitturai - linplements, Se., are solicited - from those - in the trade, and will be filled at reasonable wholesale prices. : . - • - -- - - ; 'S H. SAYR-E, . • -.- • - • ; B. S. BENTLEY. • Montrose, March-4. - I -S. PERKINS. Australia, California, Or any place on the Globe cannot..present' greater inducements than . - REELER & STORIDARD'S . •• - • - BOOT AND SHOE STORE. •. Wilal.Csoll„iisne"i7Offiallrtedieivi;elilitn t a hi li si e r * lin a e ll ,ea t ra en Ci i n T : a.general variety of new and elegant styles :of ladie; and. gentlemen's wear, among whiciCare Ladies French, Silk Laiting and - Prenille • Gaiters, Kid and Enameled Polkas, Kid; Patent . Leather. and .13rOnzeti Jenny Linda, Buskins and Ties ; - Gentlemen's French and phliadelphia, oak' tanned 'calf skin and kip, 13oois, Morocco, Calf and CoWhide Brogans &c: i ti ßoys kip. calf and -cowhide Boots . arid • Brogans ; I kipds of . Misses and Children's wear. Also, 'a ge eral assort-, ment of Findings, which 'consist in part - o lasts, pegs,' sparables, Hungarian nails, tacks, thread; wax, Bris tles,shee binding, awls, rasps;sandstopm3,• hoe knives. Also:'oak and hemlock, tanned •• upper and • Solcleather,• Morocco skins and linings. Work tuad6 to orderand repairing neatly dom. - REELER liontrose, April 6, - 1854. • , . VALUABLE *CAL -ESI 4 ATE fjin, S:\L E. O VILLAGE LOTS, situated in the pleasantest 'ill part of the village - of Susquehanna; also, three Houses Mid lots in the most business part of tho aforesad village. Also, a Farm containiag 133 . acra, with r ti' small imprOvement, the remainder- heavfli tiinbered, situate two miles from said village: . Susquehanna is the great Central. Depot of the N. Y. & E. Railroad, situate at the foot of the 'heaviest grade on the.road, near the great, worle of Starucca; Conewacta, and the CaSeade, and possessing by na ture the best watering place on the:route with the lo cality of eafensive Machhie Shops, Foundry &c., SUE- Susquehanna, although numbering. - bet ‘2000 . . inhabit aims, and but four years:or age, is destined soon to range alongside of the most flourishing and populous towns on the line of this great tiproqlafare. P. HINDS gent. • • . Office one door east of Lenheim's.. Susquehanatt Depot, Nov: IG. • tf Valuable Lands For Sale. , OR SALE-1N ONE BODY, about 45500 acres of F . Land On the waters of Spring Bro 4, a branch of the Lackawanna tlver, in LitzerneVounty,Yetin'a., about midway-between -.the thriving toWns'of Scran ton and rittston.. These-lands-are - covered with val uable timber, and being situate in the most extensive mineral, region In Pennsylvania—known to contain iron ore—and believed to abound in. coal,-and being also In the immediate - vicinity of several raillOaL made and now in progress—offer - to the • capitalist an opportunity for tht.t investment cif Motley that seldom occtirs. -For further information apply to N. P. Ho-. sack, Esq.; . No., 11, Wall stNet New York, or to the subscriber, at Montrose, Susimelianna conuty,Pa., the attorney' in fact of the owners. • - • • April G, 1834.... HENRY DRINKER. . PLOW SHOP. NEW MTIBLISIIMF.NT ectfully, inform the 'M. A n) they a w r o ettunt CelebratCd Pkiws. They 'akto 'keep constantiv on; hand,.Side Wayne' Colynty p and Men Plows, Cultirators, Dog Churns, Sleigh and Cuttrr Shoes, Plow Points of. various patterns, too numerous to mention.. :We hope, by strict attention, to businem, to receive our -share . of public patronage. Manufac. tory, P. Post'S old stand. Foundry, M. Mott, nee Searle's Mill.- • • . 01 - Repairing done on short notice._, MERRIT MOTT. •ELIJAH MOTT. Feb. 8 FIRE IFWSIIRANCE. 11Esubscriber is agent for the following Inmanle Companies, doing doing business at the lowezt stfe rates..:. • • ;State Jitutua?,-at .11ariisOirg.. '. - • - Catqta.l ;1350;000; Cad a Mutual at Hariisburg. - .' • - . . i • : . • ' Capital XOO,OOO. ffanie.jastirance ;Yew l'o., City.: . =: \ . capital -4500,000: F. B. MANDLER. .2.lontroso April 6, '54. LitRE AND PLASTER. /FITE -.subivritters aro no* bUrnlig. and wilt' keep constantly on 'very superior °finality - at Montrose Depot; and! will- sell it in any, quantities at a far price. , Persons wishing a large 9uantiti , can. be supplied t.:'on. a reasonable notice.. Superior ground - Piaster will •belteptconstlintly on hand hereafter. r • •: 1. ;J.. - PC4T. • . •• • IL DRUMM . . • • ..W..JESSVP.: . . Montrose Depot, Aptil 3. / '.14•EA14-Ag. i t Neu; Cutter and a two horse 4Pleature Car. iiagc tbr sa l e c h e a p by . A. I.I.7RitELL. H