Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, February 15, 1855, Image 3

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    Nothingism ;in Congress'
Extract from Ike spetc4of:ll:on. AS A. s7llh.
of :-Tenniseces delivered an 'the . .
ATmese . q
Rei revWaal:es; Feb. 8, 1855.
The resu lts •of ;The. late, elections in the
N ort he r n States are well:Calculated to
. ;cause
the people of the South to pause' and . reflect •
It ore e ntering into bonds with this new sect}
I t," Know. Nothings. LOok to the record.,
They have
,rovolutionized Maine,.and sent. to.
w the Senate of the. Unio States. an ; open,
avowed. uncompromising abolitionist' 1n the
place of Bradbury,;a KatiOnal Democrat;
and to this House (with but one exception)
they have returned abOlitionist,s; or--what
,alnounts: to the same in the. North—Whigs.
And the'Old' Bair; State— which. stood ishoul
- ..._
der: to shoulder with the: foremost in the days
that tried men's souls ; whose
w sons giwe'',their
ork ;
time, means and talents 'to thocgood
and who, notwithitanding her modern; bere-
sies; bas ever had men in the Cengress;of the
United States who have commanded_ the re
speet and nom .
A ' of the whole country---
i l tion
how fares it W
ith her? In her recent elect
tion all. m en of enlarged and statesmanlike
views_mere make room .fOr Bur
linaatne., Coniio. Davis, and Knapp,:; abolt.'
tionist Of the. darkest 'hue. And in the other
',ranch of CotigresSolie - seat Once filled and:
a dorned .by ,'Webster, Choate, and Ever? tts ia'
now to be disgraced by Henry .W,ilson who,'
i t i s -said,. was a supporter of Henry Clay in
is'44- - --a supporter of Van Buren and Adate
in 1848—a coalitionist in 18121,-;-a repUblican
t ill 1854, and afterwards a Know Nothing:
Ili: only inquiry, bas been for the shortest cut
to office. - - A graphic. picture, Mr. amirmatii
but a true one ; and a faithful likeness of more
than on' prominent sia.embir of this•uew pl6r;
air;il sect, Ido not wish to do initiStice to
11.1r,‘Viisini; ; 'end, as his election is one of. the :
most important political acts of the new par
ty. I la* leave to read a short speech !of his,
tae in •Iloston on Thursday last, at an anti-
s a vory meeting. ' • ' • .., .• . •
" Mr. Chairman and Ladies and Gentlemen:—This
is not the time nor the .place_ for me to utter. a word.
You have listened to, the eloquence of my young friend,:
and here to-night I, endorse every sentiment lie has
uttered. - In public or in private life,. in majorities or
in minorities, at home or abroad, I intend to live and
tedie with unrelenting hostility to slavery on in Bpi:
I laalie no compromises anywhere, at home or Abroad;
I shall yield nothing of my anti-slavery sentiments to
advance my own personal interests, to advance party
imerests,.or to meet the demands of any Suite or sec.i
;ion of our country. rhope to be able to imainaiti
on all occasions these principles, to comprehend in
my affections the whole country and the people of the
whole country—and when I say the whole country, I
want everybody to understand that I include in that
term Massachusetts and the North. This is not the
.time for roc• to detain. you.
,: You have called on me,
most Mtexpectedly i - to say word, and; having done
so, I will retire, thanking you for the .honor of this
occasion." ' '
I have read this speeeh, 'that the count .
try may see . the - character of this new party,
ill the Northern States.:. I would like to cow
. in tlit. the treasonable. deetrines here assert- ,
Ina time will not permit.
I have still an abiding Nth in the good old
Gamnenwealth, , She cannot long resist the
' silent appeal's of that towering • monument
oveillook's . her
,chief city, erected to
chnunemorate the first great battle. &our rev
'nary sires in. favor g equal rights, eqnal
laws,.and the freedom of conscience.:
. Front the. great Empire State they haie:
re:urued . Whigs or Abolitionists, in• the stead
;I" [Won—loving and Constitution-abiding
I)..ttioerats. From Nes• Jersey, that gal little State, within whose , borders the,
iniportapt battles. of • our 'Revolution,
were fought,- one Dqaocrat and four FusioP
istshave been returned to 'the next CongresS.
end in Pennsylvania, whose toemocray
.2‘...e ,
heretofore hasknoWn no North, no )0 , 11111 , 1` .
it . -Yirirk -o;zse of the old thirteen.
');11 has been true to, the. ,Whole country-, " . Vied the' COristitinion of the ill. S. July 25,'
1 -
p; iceand in.war, this new order has not on .y i 1 . 88 , • : 1. .
stricken. d(v\Vll' Democrats whose nationalsy. 1 . : grew-i,_Q - ne id' th e 9 1,1 thi r t eee , 7 ,...•
-• ii` .
-,v.,.: pri iverinal,- bu t they .have invaded t'e i R ttifted the :Constitution of. ' f the U. S. Dec.
ranks or their allies, the H'nigs, and: immO- 1 1 , 1757. : t ,-.! 1 ! 0.
',. - • .
lated [ - won the iitar of . intolerance all of that i
1 Ohio,Forined out of territory ceded to,
parte who were knov entertain politiehl. i...thi ,
U. S. by i \ - 0... Admitted iNovember 29,-'-
views broad enongbitO extend south of Ma- i i i 1 4 02. i
.. .
al Gov. estat
init and Di -on's line, or who were supposed', !
t I,or . egbn Terri ±ory—T errito ,
to entertain the religons
..dogmas which had'
lislied.AAgus:t, 14, 1848. I ,
• been tabooed by this' new **order. ~ ' ','Pertits'ylvaiiia—onti of the 'thirteen. Rat-,
FrOm:6hio, the National Democracy have
Hied the 'Constitution of - the U.
.. S. Dee..l2
no-, elected ,a single member to the next' am-.! 11 *. i. 1 4 .
1- - ' - ' ,
grass.. ,There ; Abolitionis'ff; Free-Soilism, i . ,'Rhode:lshind—Cine of the thirteen. Refl.;
W liirri , F.m. or its other..sfnonym,.Know-Moth- fii.‘d the of the U. S, \fay • 29,
~ . . .
ingi: , m, reigns supreme t, , -. !'I 179. ];.. 1. •
, 1
. From Michigan, the 'hentie of thegreat. : enneioe4.--Formed of territery ceded to
I::_ader of the Democratic party, and the able , the U: S. byi N. C. Admitted June 1, 1796
-advocate of the doctrine of 'non-intervention,, i :Texas hid.'L Republic- Admitted Dec:
ti n , \\ hi gs, Abolitionists, and Knew-Nothings, i 0r4; 1 845 . i•, , • • ii • •
~. 1
}sine eleeted three out of the four members i .
!' bah ITeriritory,-Territekal government '
•1 I
. to, ih:2, illst. Congress ; and'the present KinoW- . . ; es ' ta i lis w a geptember 9, . lE *,
', i
: N.•othltv Legislature has•passed the following l',-- 1
:2 , t, Irirginia4-ofie of the original- thirteen. =',
re;olutions : . • - li Ratified the,! Constitution of the U. S. June•
, .I,' , N.,-'red, That our . Congress be, and i o n , 4 t.Q,,i . i !,
1 • • • I
• they are hereby, instructed, and our Representatives "'" ~-''`--" , , ,
requ, , sted ievote tor, and use their NeW-York. •Admitted';
best exertions-to 1 , t1"ru),..,---nt---From
.• 1 _.
prociire- the passage of an act of Congress, that Shall i 179 t . ; . . -.;
; 1 i
, . ..
.I.9rohibit the introduction or exercise of slavery in anY.l •Illiscontia—Formed from pair., of the ter
of the Territories of the United States, and wpecially t ritott of l'iliOigan. Admitted May 29,1848,
in }sancta and Nebraska, and to introduce,.without 1 - . 4
delay, a bill for the latter,purpose. • - , . I
li;ialred, That our Senators in Congress be, and
they are hereby, instructed; and our Representatives
requested, to use their best exertions to procure the,
immediate repeal of the act of. 1850, known as the
. Fugitive Slave Law. .
F•rkirn these resolutions it appears that-the
. .
linow-Nothings of Michigan - , are not only
willing to . make. Lewi4.CaSs stultify. himself,
and end his long and useful public ‘career by.
anoict of•folly and shame, but are willing to
• hazard the existence of the Union 'itself, by a
. fanatical crusade against the 'constitutional
ri.h (41 * lots the South. - • , .
Ir6m . the State of Indiana, in the preSent
1 1 . • Cor - Tress, we have. seven Detnocrats, whese .
• I ) .cour , e upon . great exciting questions has gisren
~ . ;.-uratice that their: principles and patriotism
' are coextensive with the . whole country,--- . •
live 'of these seven have been defeated , for
-'., • re-election, and Fusionists . , the modern name.
t. , r- Abolitionists, have beep,- by. aid of the
. 'Kuuv. , Nothings,,returned in. their: stead.--7---
'. 1 .-1.1 ',gallant young Senator from lowa hao
i. b,,( ii . superseded by an Abelitionist,ilimmial
': wlir, Was supported, it not brought Ibrward, -
; .1.1,v tht. new .party, 'ln 'Mapes. every /I"qttbit.!
.', i al' lionorrat who was a 'candidate for office,
had to encounter the ceaseless, unsleeping Op
.‘: position of the i Know NothOgS.. • . I:
- - .
t.. 1 ,In all-of the eleetions • Which - have talieo
place in the North, the Knew Nothings have',
1 4 X ,. / elded their'power and Influence in favor of
. the Fusionist.? or Abolitionisti., • I have ,not
I c. serit a resolu4on passed at any of their eelivii-
- tau, or. by any of the -Legislatures of . whtoh
;ifitcy'have . .control, that national men can sane
'.iion.' Nor have 1 been able ti - ;) find that they
- `, elected a single man to whom - the pea.
) ple of the South. can give their confidence: - -
- 'The antecedents of the men thev...luive,'eleet-r,
.;. c , t'd, so fitr as I am informed, go to show that
. 11l of.them are the uncomprornising.-enemies
;.._ if the Sonth. In the. next Congretts 'we shall
tee the seats nbw occupied by..-tnen
.of .repu- '
: - tttion ruideharacter filled .hy preachers who
• - irive long since . ceased t* worship 'th e M. 04,
- Iligliand to preach Jesus and him crucified,
• and have...substituted in their stcad.the Most'
.- sheet of God's created ineeliigenms, the' rte
. '• , f . gra! or by politicians of one idea, Opposition
. :to the Southi; or es their. tnob.orators elegant
••• '.. ly terra it "opposition to the slave . z,,wer-7
find yit,•• strange to say, Southern
• Stand te . rejoice at the victories Juthieve .by
t his party in the .North over the firm consist
. 'out ad voottes of State-rights ; . They-wilfully
. shutt - their the fact that the only nien
C:l2( ., .ied by the North who are wiling to eOn
. cede the i us(consttto Lionel . rights of the South
;re e+tti...Know. '! othing, Democratsl i. 'and .itt.
tempt' 0, misleid the people there by referr
ing Ito, the that that William 11. Seward is
oprosei by a portion of the Know Nothings
in lis I S ate. .; But , sir I predict thatthis chief
lea er 4f the ibolition party will this day"be
ree ected to the Senate of the United. States
by the New Ybrii Legislature; of which the
Know Nothings have control. ~
Th.*Mr.Phairman have been the POO.
ml, fruits hereOfore bor ne: by this 'At:delicate
tree; i , lAnd I have produc.ed them here to ex
' hibit,i,tl national men everywhere the teal ob
jects and ultimate designs of this new organi
zation:? i .
• 1 , . ; •
1 tStates: and Territories-38. ,_.
.Ale ma—rormed out of teiti - fory Ceded
to; t elUnitedStates by South Carolina and
Georgia. Admitted into the Union Dacem
bet. 1'404 1819.
• ;], \
. Aijkainsas—Formed from territory*ed
to th 4; Pnited ; States by France. Adniitted
June I I§th, 1896:
Cat(ornia4 . -Formed of Territory ceded
bylMe.tieo. Wdmitted Sept. 9th, 1850.
Ccirii/iita, NOrth—One of the original thir;
teen.; i IRatified The Censtitution'of the United
States Novembir'2lst, 1789. f
- COmitisa, South-One of t e,old thirteen.
Ratified the COnstitution of the /Jnited States
May, 29d. 1788. ' / -i, '
- Connecticut,: One of the old thirteen. Rat
ified' tie' Conatitution.of the United States
Januat l y 9th, )788. '/ \ - I.'
Delqwit_i:e--:One of the thirteen. original
States.l Thitified the. Constitution of the Unit
ed St+slDeepmber 7th, 1.787. -.
0 •
Floliclq- r -Eolnied from territory ;ceded to
the United States by Spain.. Adniitted March
3d, 1845,;' : '
Georgia—One •of the original thirteen.
Ratified the Constitution of the ; United Statesl
JatiOary 2d. 1788.., • ; -
itlitiois,.-Formed Out of territory ceded to
the lUnited States by Virginia.
J Admitted
Deceinber 3J ; 1818.; '
Indiana—Formed; from terr itory ecdcd to
-the United States by Virginia. Admitted
Deeen3bcr 111 h, 1816. , I -
Biwa—Forined friim part of the territory
of Wi4consin. Admitted Dee:: 28th, 1846.
Kiii;tucky—'.;--Froml Virginia' Admitted
June l!st, 1790. I ,
aaaVart of the Louisiiina session by
Franey. Orgiinized ns territory July, 1854.
.403,isisiosiss-,Fortned froni territory ceded
to. di; U nited, Statesj by Fian ce. 'Admitted
April Bth, 1812. , ;.... .
Ataine--IFroni`Mnssachusetts. Admitted
March 15th, 1820. i
.Ifay/a7o—Osie of the old thirteen. Rati
fied the Oinstitution of the United States
Aprill2Bth, 1788. 1 .;
Mir;snichusetts—O'ne of the' Original thir-
- 1" ---
.teen. i Ratified the jeonstitution February
6th;' 1763, ,
-.3fiehigan4Foriried from tdrritory' ceded
to thq Unit'pdtates.l) : Virginia. Admitted
• ..
Jannary . 20th; 18.17. ' , . . .
- ..11 - iti any` ta l Territery—Territorial Govern
ment lestab,ished in' 1849. - •
*.*fsissippi—Forinpi ,fromiterritory ced
ed ' tq thej United States by Gelargia, . Ad-
Mitteil De tuber 10th, 1817.'.' . ' -
. ' .3fisourt-4FornA from territory ceded 1
to th United. States by Frande. Admitted
c r ,
Auga.-t 10tb,!1821. ' . i
',. Ne'braska-LPart of: Louisiana sessimi , bv, ,
. . .
France. ttr,Onized: as dterrii.ory Joly., '54.
Neu , iii i imhshire-bite of the old thirteen.':. )
Ilatified th Constitution, of the IjnitcliTAitcs
t , ,
Ji4ne 21st i 1763 i- '.. - ,4
11 - ew ..Ifc.riro; Territory--Frorii Territory'
ceded by ::.*xic'o and Texai. Teriitorial
gOvenimentestaf?lished 1850.3 •
,• I -.
Toward' the end : of last - year acurious
corrilspondence took place heiween the Gov . -
krnnjent of King Romba, 6f.saples, and hiS
nos faithful subjects theJcsnits. The doy
etnnient found out that by the teachers in the I
JeSnit schools the Pope . was i p . ronouncied sti,'
peri6r to; all the sovereigns of the earth, and
that such doctrine was! ! revolutionary. In
consequence; the Chief o theiNeapolitan Po
lice 'sent fir' the Head or• , i ineial of the Je
suitsl, and infhrrned him that this sort of teach
ing mutt be, stopped, otherwise the 'reverend
body spuld i be kicked out of the kingdom: ,
The frikinened owls -coneocted instantly an,
humble' aneservile petiti(m to the King; as
kuring -lis }Majesty of their devotion, and .
their sciundna in respect ,of !Absolutist M6 . -'
na.rchi4l prineiplss. Aslevldenee, they in
voked in their favor the contempt in whicli'
they are held by all liberals,land appealed to
the' doetrines held by Suarel,lßellarmino, and
'otter doctors of the Coni:paliy, who taught
that 843(403 monarchy W this best form of
G6terfpnent, ' ; -•
, '
1 •
, 4
, I
The ads& fathers were-wisely silent as to:
the doitrines of the Jesiiit `,..liialagruda andr
others,] his Oredeeessors, justifying the murder
of a limg; in cases of a di6greement with
Pope. i i-
i ! ; .'• -
l ln 6 of the llts , I
of '.thr
, ~,,., paragrap i hs,u, ic p in; '
the ti , .. . 4esuit , '? and his Council, twentyj
three ft nutnt;er, hay that "O'esUlts are, .1)Y
Maxim and edtuaition, devoted to absolute
nionar y,
_in which Cathollcism can alone
have re! defers and prosperity."
s i u
It w uldl:le Cuiious atul instructive to dlsi. !
eiiver ! hat are the, convi4tions, the doctrines;
'and t . t4acitingS of: the numerous Jesuit
schoolsn Our owit country ;j to what ex*,
tdey in tillipoison into the Minds or Aincri;
can youth ;j and Whether the 4, contradict the
1 4
profession Of faitg•of their_European 'and l'ie
-apolitan btethret,i. Whasay the Roman
United ,
Cititholi) clergy in the States concera n
i 4 the ', be pa rag, raph from this truly Jea
pities] 'cation? il Can we hope that they *4l
clutr iet .hr co
nilemn theli,e principles, SO
e.apres V Do hey sgree With the Fatheiti,
tir hawi they bedfi favored ;with Some new
1 krid contrary liglitit—.ll7. Y.; Tribune '
Motir. NEw : 7EB .—Thg, House of B.
, resent,*tives has '' used thel bill authorizing
the plerof Or to form a State Consti
tution alprepa l for admiision into the Uri.
lob. is, bill will be aeeepted , and Oregon
pe t ui
will dciubtless be ladmitted !during the next
Comgresiti , The admission cif Minnesota can.
nate deh i ved mitre than tiwo years. Kin
-1I 1 ,
, i
1 1
• i I
siu4 - Nebraska and Washington Territories ,
will soon folio*, and then our Union ' will con =
suet of thittpsix sovereign States. 1
Independent Order of Good Templars.
he undersigned inhabitants of
belieVing the Independent Order of 'Goo(l -
Teinplara well calculate(' to extend the hies;
.. ,
sings of Total promote Abstinence , and the
general welfitie of mankind respmteully
OF G. T. to grant to them a Chart 4, to open
a new Lodge tip be called Lodg4
No--of the I. 0. of G. T. to be located
and under your jurisdie ion.
We pledge ourselves, individual] and col.
leetively, to be governed •by the 11iles and
LTiages of the Grand Lodge. -
Enclosed in the charter Fee, $5.
log Books, $l. Three Degree 800 l
r•R''Aiplic.ations to open new
should be signed by
,12 persons, in , ge
lag in the community and sent tre
tage, to S. B. CIIAS, IX D. G. W.
Susi. Co. Great Beild; Pa.
• ["sRev. A. 0. Warren will preach
Said the 3d Sunday in February (18th) at, i
.L. ii., instead of the fourth.
ar There will be a meeting of the S nehanni
Teacher's Association at Harford Unliersity on Sat:,
urday, Feb. 24, at 12 o'clock if, It is expected them
will he an evening session.
At the meeting held in Jackson on the
the:eleetion of officers was postponed till
'appointed abovel • ' Per
Toi/te Editors of•the Indrpctideid Repuyi l
! ,GF.NTLEIIEN I—Permit us, the subscriber
;jour paper, to express our thanks to the C
Directors of the Fariners' Union Insurance
for the prompt and liberal manner in whic
.es Sustained by the late fire at 'Montrose.
idjusted and paid: and we do recommend
patiy to -the favorable notice of who may
erty td insure: 1
Their Agent,.(l. S. Beebe, Esq., is desitl
Ingalls on very favorable terms..
-Very Respcetfully„
!NriatimB k TuATE; F. M. Fortnnax
-.1 1 : A . LOCKE,'" • • 'Ann Tunnr.t.t..,
Montrose, Feb. 1, 1855. - :
rpIIE annual meeting for the election
1. for the Lackawanna Railroad Compa
held at the house of Win. W. Bronson in
Carbondale; on Tuesday, March 13th, 135:1
fly order. D. W. LATIIRO
Carbondale; February 1, 1655.
Or I expect to beat Great Bend on 11Way, Fehji
16; amtehould like to meet the teachers a snake collt l .
venient place in the evening, On Satur4l4 ',evening;;
Feb. 17, I will meet the teachers of liarmoni at.',
Lano•boro. All perSoris whO feel an interest arc
apectfidlc solicited to attend. I have ohlaine.4l
quantity of Blauk Reports for teachers.
furnished to me at two cents apiece. Te
have - them at the same price.
In Montrose, on the 12th inst. by Ell
Mr yiticAl. be Fr.AnN, to Miss Lucy 710
of Tioga i Tioga Co, IC. Y..
In Fusquehanna, on the 7th inst., by Na
of Susquehanna.
In this Borough, on the Pith ult., MN
L.; wife ; of Geo. B. Lewis, in the 39th.
-.' r A., AT $1,50 PER ANICRY, IN ADPX. - CE. , •-•, .
. - •• . I-
Rates of Adverthing. .
One 4quare (16 Hiles or less) one week, so,so •
One square • . " two weeks, 0,7,5
One square . la three week5,1.......:1,t)i)
One square one mouth, 145
One square. two mouths, . 2,45
One square . " three months, - 3,00
One Square " six months, 5 60'
On square: tt -
one year, ..1 . 8,90
For two ior more squares, inserted by theleari a.
deduction from the above prices is made. Yearly ad
veilisers will have the privilege of alterin
ing theiradvertis?ments without addition chnrgei
)3tisiness cards, - not exceeding five lits, inserted,
at, , , it,„2,1 - )0 per annum. '
- . Job I Work: < .
. .
This office is . supplied" with. a good a. rtment !or
Johbint , " materials, and all kinds of Job York, sitelt
as Cards, Posters, Pamphlets, &e., will done nett- .
ly antl promptly. - 1
e)) -
Ajdrge quantit_y of Delains—a lai
alnetta—Silk, Wool and Cotton
Cambric gmbroiders= Dress Trimi
large, stock of Ready Made
'stock of Fancy artieleic---and a fel
at; Cost:till the Ist of April ilex+
February 14 1855. -
10,000 Firkin
WANTED by the subsM•i' bees . 4 4 °
Heading timber and Hoor4poles-1
pity the highest market price. Seasoneit stares/pre
Brooklyn, Feb. '54 '• 1. •
}NA SALE,A first rate 5 years old Ifol
ery ray. Enquire at the ,Store of
Brooklyn, Feb: 13.] SBITII k , HEIIIPSTEAD!
Mr To:Persons outiof Eml toy
274 e moat Elegant and Useful I'olume
'LUST published, 'an Illustrated Descri
RUSSIAI4I EMPIRE. Being a phy.i
lltical History of its Governments and,P '
ductions, Resources, Imperial Gore
tierce, Literature, Educational Means, *.
pie, Manners, Customs, Antiquities, et.
the latvst and must authentic , sources.
With about 200 Engravings, and Maps
and Asiatic Russia. The w,tiolecomplet
octavo voltune of about 700 pages, elega
stantially bound. Retail price, $3.
This work tuts been, several years In
arid will, it is believed, meeVin sthe ful
tion of the word, the want so universall,l
able information on the history and inte
of a country occupying so large a portio
ern Hemisphere, arid holding so formida l ,
it the present time to the rest of Europ
but of which far less is known than of
iopeaa nation.
Me Also, ti deeply interesting vole ,e, entitled
BRATED PERSON'S," embracing the ' , mantic Thci—
dents and- Adventures in the lives o Sovereigns,
Statesmen, Generals, Princes, Warrio , Travelers,
Adventurers, Voyagers, &c., eminent in the History
-Of Europe and America, including Ske hes of river.
fifty celebrated heroic characters. -Bea ' ully Inas.
*ed with numerous engravings. One volume; 4po
pages, royal 12mo, cloth, gilt. Price, $1,25. 1 , :
- The subscriber publiihes a number of most_ intina
ble Pictorial Books, very popular, and ' such 14kOr.
i t s
al and religious influence that while men: tna . y
adely engage in their circulation, they ill confer a
public benefit, and receive a fair corn all* for
their labor.
t ir To, men of enterprise and tact,
in opportunity for profitable employme
be met witb. , , '
**: rte' Persons wishing to engage:l l; th
receive promptly by mail, a Circular
particulars, with " Directions to person
act as Agents," together. with -terms o
wiU be furnished, by addressing the-au
' . ROBERT SEAL% ? 1,
• 181 With:
;CI.P.LENDID Prints and Ladies' Broad
&c., jag, opened and for ale
PREAP at our Store. J. LY
fllloptriee, February I, 1856.
Work 7 ,
s, $2. •
of pos.
. T. for
Nev 11411.,.]
:0 o'clock;
oth ;nett
. .
fficcrs ith4
l o om:
ire .beet }
lhate propi
us of tal
S ; Co.,
lOf officerit
P Secy.
• :
Tlicc wets{!
.IL. Posi;:
ihniel Ilin,
ear of laqr
I ,ent. ..I*l
the Yit
lo don of; the.
etc., fiom
.f Europan
in one liOge
-I aidh
est acceitta
felt for Mi
al rtsOuices
of the tiet-
lea position
and Aia
y other' sa.
utaining; tug
disPosell to
w they
' post
*Luau, j
' St.; N.I,T.
ikths r)dmillest
i tss S9F.
1: , •
.AdmallaDttirall` ialiNetilsp4l.l t
3SIP' ct iiiltereby given thmilettersorad*stra,
tiokinprm the sistate of David N. Leila bite of
Remick township deiessed, have beeul granted the
itudelritiOed, and all ' persons indebted' in siiii estate
wilt ignoble moke . in/walla PaYinent, ail titoselhav- I
ing Mit will Present the same duly i tts6teil for
Settleinenl. • i 1 'HANNA LEWIS
;• ilfrrick Jan. 21., I bb.; - . 1i I bw6
*.i-4----- . ---., - .- , -.---1- ---,---
Tit tAissir DEWS BY 130 1 8111,01
V 1 ' ERB ABA — r, I ,•
rrtivithe.ouidi 0312 Ti has decided MA to
slanit slitlis'
-A- of Cuba , b;ut Joseph W ittenberg .1, B rot her;
hav ' ! :,recently decided to open a new slim ; " in the
building tif L.. Searle: a,few doors east of Polet's store,.
oprolite Mirilson'S dwiellinghonso, comer Of !Chestnut
and Owego streets,
w here they will keep Lott hind a
splendid assortment . pf Ready' Made CloOnag; also in
ad.dititioti to this, a good assortment of prowl Cl ot h,
Casiiinere, Kentuckey Jeans, &r.; in shpit,tix v i t t er a
assortment of Gentle Men's furnishing Gosl -41 80 , a
splendid smortment of Ladies' Dress Goolds,tt o.
l e .
!inn; ' DeWnes, Alpailxias, Embroideries, IShim . L a
es, Dresi Trimmings; &,a1l of which tgey de
teritinedito offer to the publi c at very iew !prides.—
All floods warranted to J give . , satisfacikali ea Well in
'quslity ;4 in price. ji • li 1 I '
Please:giv. & e-us a trial before purchasing 6lsei
4: I . J. VqTTENBESG " siltoH:
ontruse; Jan. 2e, 1854. 4 I
4 I,
.. , Colors of Appeal. 1 ! I
1 4
fi ti rtll b lu r P o o rl
11;, following da C° y m ai rn a i n " d i da °n t ell es
Ing Appeals 'fro the Assessments fc_or; the"
1855, at the Conan'esioners' office inlllontroi
wit: 1 I - 4 1 - 1
Mootrose, . - 1 Monday, .M.lth,
Apoiacoo, Chocont4, Forest 1!:' 1'
. Like, friendsvilid, & Mid- -
dietown, I - • Mooda7, 'firth 5
'FroOktini Liberty, aod.SilvOr- : ,;..
- Like„ , , •. , i ... TTuesday,.
.1.1 6
Anburn,',4essop, and[Rush,..Wednesdaii7l 7
Dituock, ,Lathrop, I
& Spring- • k•' - 1
4i11e.: Thursday, 1! , " I. 8
Great Bend, & New Illford,l.Friday, !,,"1 9
IlaitnonY, Oakland nd Sus-_ 1- r
. ..
4 1 .1 '
..kratut,..Tackson oqiider, T,!:esday,
Clitrord,tpundaff LeFitx, ed Mar, 1r
Gibson, ITarford fi erriek,.lhursdai,
Bridgewiter and BrOoklyn,:.Friday, 1 1
jiy order of the Comnifssionera.
WM. A. CR(tSSMAS, Clerk.
Oomni . issioners' Office, -
Jandary °"; 1835. 1 .
(t_.3 .01
-1,72 Er2(o 1
are anxious to :close out our stoi
I : ink to,make room tor our Spring tai
purehaze we are selling It at greatly. redut
C 411; as pow is the time to,buy cheap.
Over Coats from $.3,00 to sllz,oo. • Dress
Sack cotio, good patterns and new style 4.,
$1;60 to $8,04). Vests of every
ttisbing . !kxxls of every I!
1r per cent. cheaper than ever offered In
,Cloodicineility and \ neat_pattenbo Relll
cash. ! A. LATH'
kebrliary 1, 1856,
c {
11R4ID the; adirertiseme
It LATHROP & CO. in another °.
where -S-OThccan but . goods at a bargain.
'lchniary 1, 1855
4 - rilideTs FOR TIIE- P • I PE;E:
IIE `subscribeti FOR
carrying on the 4 114 MA K
- 1
ILili"G BUSLTA'SS in all its sari.' i braUch at
tliC Chair and Wate Shop :11i 'radon], 'ivhere may be
found. it greater rariety of WintlFor.ind Rocking
Chairs than at any other cstabliAment hi the county;
alSo Fla and. Cane . Seats, Bureaust's, Loting-'
ea,„ Settees, Tablea, Stands, &c. dc., al f pf whieh,,will
,: i
ba,soltlat the lovrest prices at retail, 0. wholesale,
with short notice.) All work wart-wiled weft made
.and of iood material. Short credits afid small profits
will be Any motto. For demonstratiorijof, the above
.rietsi please call at my shop in ,lfarfoAvillage.
liTfarfiirtl, October 12 ; 1354. Iz z 1, , !.. ' 154Ern6
rrIlD subscriber will act as agOnt for Iluyingland sell
.l_ big Real Estate--Firtns, Mouses4ruid Lots--lo
cdted iti.Susqt itv 'a. AR who wish to
. , .
offer their prop, ?ea give a ipainrite descrip
tion of their F arts as follows t: Number of
acres, how ITICw: ..nproved, and how 'Watered, build
ings, oivhardS, grafted or common fritit ; other fruit
irea; - antl the nearest point to the D.
,y,. I: W. 11. IL
and N.A. it. E. R. R. i -
62 / farms on the list, 43 unsold. IV:calling on the
sitly-eriber a minute description, pricejaud terms can
lip given. . : '
Office on Turnpike at. 4 doors west vf Main at:
Montrose, August 15,..1854. A. DALDWIN.
. Aoounding Diseloginre:
13 LINE; is again in the Tailoring blasinem.—
4 • Those, therefore, who have Bough of the
right principle to encourage home ind Stry and desire
his-serrices, will please - take notice. .alis object will
to please ther'se who employ him, IQ receive a re-
Ward tbr his labor. Shoyorrrer llasle & Mott's store.
!', - Iloairose, November 20, 1834: • 11-
; TIJE subscriber having •purehased I,he entire,inte
rest of the old and well known Grist gill,' called Som
trier':43Gll, would give notice to his ;Old customers,
aPd atilt' concerned, that, he hag given it a thorough re
pairing, and it is now doing ruin ni.vr. work; and
tinder he charge of, Lewis A. Tomplitas, (whose rep
utation as a Miller stands second to ntirie in the coun
try,) apd with plenty of water , with ih ich we are-fa
v,ored:iit all times, we trust that i we ry receive our
glaare - tif publjc patronage. LROUMMERS: •
Summers, Deceniber 11, 1854.w4
• STOVES STOVI I ' 4 3 ' !
9111 E subscribers beg leave - to inft*m the citizens
1. lof Brooklyn and vicinity that tl+y have just re
- ceivcd! a lot of Stove; which they 'llTer for sale as
, low acthey can bo purchased klsewheke in the county.
A O—A lot of STOVE PIPE al.l Elbows of the
differeht sizes, at manufacturers prie 'a.
WANTED—OId Iron, Copper, maul Brass, in ex
-411a14,ge for Stoves or other goods.
TA - 14EWS - tock of Winter Shawls ji(St received and
11 for sale low by SMITH ik
' i
' ! i.l WA — DIVED, lii I
5,000 bushels of Oats, 1,000 ling Diied Apples,
2,ooo.bushels of Corn, 1,000 bu 4 Bucltwheai,'
.I,ooo.T:bushels of Rye, 500 ' ,• 4 11 . Beans,
'and any quantity of Partridges, at thePplighcstlnaricl
prices, in exchange for goods, by , 11 , . .
" , BrOoklyn Soy '54. SMITH
_4k HIP"—
j Take Notlee:i
tzal., persons indebted to A. .4k,' . . BALDWIN. . y
1. ;
~..i. .riote or book accounts are. re4ctfidly remind.
ed that it will be very acceptable tbi!us to have tb
Mme paid soon. , A. Itr.44IBALDWIN.
Montrose„;Noveialser 20, 1851. l!
• E..' l
... .
i ,
11111171$1C ! MUSIC 1 . .
.1..)111 - NCE'SIMPROVED MELOD NS, more jt
'received by. , • .11:,; •GNS SON.I
calltET . MUSIC—a new lot for the 11 ' nice; Piano 6
,3 Melodeon and Guitar—some very; beautiful plc
eijuit publisbed--soltil by - J.I.TIONS &SON.
Shawl*. •11
foi.more left thsc will be sold re..lpi Icheap.
Pahunettas, Cashmeres k.Delainell it groat b
A freo supply of Groceries just 'opo by
3fnldaira at 3 shillings per gallon. 'los
& at 4; &
shillings, by • 1,70 N SON:'
. NEW Gooosi.l I "
A RIVING every 'week at A•L&IROP & Co'
''?January Ist E '
iffirtsiter Shawls and • Lanes,
CEILING off at great bargains. Von
I‘J 41asasuy Ist • A. LA I III OP& CO's-
5000 Dozen SotkiN
T V Jraquary ist
Grain! Gotta! G
O( A ran kinds, and at the highest
~/anuary lat ' A. LJ
TURKS Island Salt at, .LA IM
1. I' Montrose, January 1, 18E15.
his buSibesii
t, seliN3o;to
_,.. ,
Thaa Teinperance Sato. ;is Elfin among
you, contends that total abstiu ea from all that
inxicates Is the surest, safest guar4 ' fir the 'people.
Althpugh the proprietors of the, alfove Saloon were
among' the sufferers of the late firei and lost a good
portion of their foods, they madeput to save one
thing—that is, Principle, which the Simms worth a
pile.l, They now lave a small stobk lof Groceries,
Toyf, Quifeetionades, Yankee Notibti, Perfumery,
Ace.,:which they offer to the public - 1 11 1 4 ihr cash.—
Oysters *got up in all ways to suite ers.
This Saloon may be found hi the ! of Lyons &
Chandler's king building, facing 'onlChestnut street.
•-• ~' one and all, sad see the place' where we ere.
gostithotvniciembir If, 1864. •I. . , '
1• - -
`Stearns mid. ;Marviiies ..• IFlreArivot
. I Ilate 9 s4 • - -
[ • , • ;i
rrffE -subscribers hive wadi arrangements to fur
. 1 1.. nigh; to pottons who may be in want of theft; the
above named inyaluable .Safes at the slime priqes for
' which they can ; be obtained at the manufacturer s.--..
Having eaperietteed the benefit of such an artiale du
ring the kite eoullagration ourjelces, we wouit earn
estly others'hav,ing valuable books and
papers,the presCrving ofw Lich would be of inductee
implwtanee to them l motto do without one. •'
Pricesimnge from *SO to . $.5 , and we can explain
to any One wishing to pure, the difference in
Style, size, Nice, ,ke., and fa ish them on ' short_ no
tice, with the internal arrano e .vntent to suit the pur
chaser.' . ; • 1 , ', , BEXTLEY 3: 11.41), ~
Montrose, December 10, 18 4. '.
- Will he expesed at Public .7 1
the sebseiiber, In New Milfoi.
February nezti at 10 o'cloc:.
property,, to wit. • -
18 Cows, it mealier of head
of Sheep, a lot ;of Hogs, a lot
[coming-3 years ol&] one firs
quantity:, of Hey,-One Churni
horse one Sleigh and
two horse HainesS, Dairy
rtensilstoo numerints- to me
which is adapt:is:lie Grain or
.1211211 C known on the day of sial ,
New Milford JAn. :itid 1855.
I hear
e• to
• . - NEW GO DS,
WE are'.receiving dui week a of of_New (loops, just
pnrchasid in the ally, which renders our assilrunent
complet,b, and we offer on the most fai.orable
term!, at the new building, one door above tale Post
Office. • .4NTLEY kRP,AD.
Montrose, Febrility 8, 1855. 1 , . . 1
, ~
QOLE Deather, upper do., Calf Skins, - and Patni4
- 11.111 Kihfi r a ite!tv 'soppl,y, just] received and for lode
. . / ,
.I:IE!..:TLEY k. RgAD.
A fresirmvply of Silver Spa
&c. &c:4 just receicd.• '
Tr Subset iher • has on. -ha
whikh may he , bad at rea.
• Also ',on hand a lot of Super
12 "
131 ,"
14 1 "
15t "
-16 "
Oreni:BamElati. 15th 185.5
The Zaryeet Z6lig ions P
Edited ,by Pastors:
Chip-Mai in 'Neu- 1 - or t
Among the. eoiitribulors t I
Henry Ward- Rey.
k of cloth
d Sumtncr
•t•il Prices!
England, I.
the linty T.
this journa
Frock and
Punts from
cute. Fur
! -
In aildit
of relii,ion
means; of .
ness).antl -
make 4 it
or extent
Her, if pai,
niontlis, 5,
per, ai.eoi
- pnblisber,
at ckst
OP & CO.
'lt of A.
jm and go
thus instil
lune :ieve
• ADA' E
which will
eluding th
Mr Of
tlt._• - , . .
1 ,
; 1 ,
1 1 t • 1:
, . 7.t
• 1 1 . : PEQPr i .E. . -f...• T.( - .Robi.tuE.P.,t ELDRED have conitantle on han!.i
TV', *large i and well :••cle l eted astortmewt of tiu
ware Reels and Chain for wi.lls, pump ,• cif•tern
pinups, &c.,"; Ilydsaulic Ramsl Japanned wires, lead
pipett,of all sizes, &c., Sc, Job work done With net+
ness and de patch : all order promptly attended tlii.
2 '.•
kept constabtly on hand, a hike assortment of stoves
of the late: t; unproved and approved pafteims.. Otir
experience in the busincss.enhbles 141 to Select.thoic
that We can: sall'lly warrant tol'i.-.ive entire sn[tisfaction.
Amongst ourtiutnerons stuck ran be foutulOte
Paragon : air, tight ' Star of the West i !Elevated
New IlVorld' •• " ' Clinton, . [Oven.
, • - ! ; .„
Atlas, i_ ' - --' • Cultivator, . t .4 t
C ',
PhOepiX, • ! ! ". Fire Hy, ' 1 " ' i'
Three States, I ''".' . 11%44ern Qheen, i "
Globe, ' I• " Premium. . I .
.k •
;• n 1
S. .. WOW/RUFF( I S. D. rI.DitED.
I - I • : ; ~
A. Fresh Airical of .11Vew Goods, which
will sell reriy cheap.
• t '
1E hate a large sto.ek &Staple and fancy DTy
G 044, WhichWewill sell "theap. Call _arid
Itea d y.:111a de l i Clothing,.
We are not prepared to c othe all according to the
latest . lei E DAVE A 4AK:GE STOCK, *TUCK TrE
IT I LI; SELL 'ETiT LOW. Call and examine,liefore ptir•
hs. -- e
chasing. Also, a large stock of Clot,as.siments,
Jeatis, Satinetts, 'Needs, faco,onr stoek
in this linei is complete. We invite the attention of
cssit rraciusr.r.s to oar stock. All kinds of prOdu'ee
taken in exchange for gocahl at Gish priced.
Montios, 22;14. ' MANVI:ET di MOTT.
TZAS just received from Now York a Tull assort
-41. molt of NEW GOO.DS, comprising a first
rate!varietY of DRUGS, MEpieINES, Cuoiletme, Ono,
DIKLATITS, G6Ass-vrAnn, Fltan Gnoennir.s. '41%7-
Faa:Or Goons', which will, be sold• extiemfly low for
cash.' Ilai iug recently sustained a loss by fire , of iat
least fire thousand dollars, above. insurimcci and goods
saved, I fancy I have strong claims for•th6 - patronage
- oftny friends and, the publielgenerally. Ask nb man
to give to ;toe, neither do 'llask or expect} addition il
profits in consequence of said loss, > will s6 - 11;goods
-as low, if not lower than can be bought elia.ewherein
: this:, town!, or: county.- Alli I ask is thatipatrcinage
"froMthe Otblic which will enable me With ,ndustryi!o
41ovily but gradually replace the loss sustained—fund
lbsi being!the hard earnings of a life of anxious
Store the lower end. of the burned- ilistrict t 'On
•'— • -
Slain street; tam doors belOw the cornersri
: .
• .
3lontrhie, December 14, 1854:
•. ',' • . All Right Again. I
• ; ; .-
i i -- TO.ORDER 1
THE ltllbscriber would teSpectfully announce to his
' Cu.s!blmers and the public in general: that he is
again p+pared for the Boot and Shoe businessl--
listing 'dzist received froth New York; it choice lot of
Sole auti Upper Leather, C:ilf Skins, Kip Skins; Sic.,
all 68k-dinned. Also,-an aSsortmentnf Ready-mide
woilc, - donsisting -In part of Men's Thick and Calf
BoOts, I)qys Boots, Children's Strap Boot* Women's
,Eniunel Id Union Boots, Polkas, Kid- BuSkins, Silk
'Laiting x GniterS, Goat Lace Boots,'Emimeled Peg
ged II Ls, Misses Kid Lace Boots, Children's Roan
~ q. e.—which wilt be sold for evh eheaper
thin eaa be bought elsewhere in this tairket. l l Re
palling Hone neatly. • ? 1., 'J 1
letti+ 'rail and examine. Store first door msti of
the Odd yellows Hall. ~ • I
Paaities hour/ from "the time to work" until i the
time fort `'rest" and “retivihment." H Gmti.ful for ast
favors he hopes by strict; attention to-business: t to
merit a continuance of the same. , I
1 .
N. B. i Beingsomewhat in want 4:!If tn ilione thing
needful," (money;) he would suggeit, iri :,the mildest
mariner possible, the propriety of those indebted dall
in Und Netting the some immediately. Nufced.i
... Montrbse, Dee: 4,-180.! C. r 1. SPIMONS.
. 1 7
bought by
' OP 41r. CO'B.
OP b. CO's
WTIEREAS I have just received a ni.w stock of
i Winter Goods which have btien bopght at ;the
to rest pikes, and whereas I am iu great want of Cult,
Wooleit Yarn, Corn, Oats, Mutter,. Eggs,Food, (four
feet lohg,) or any th ing elsO to keep! a. po o r man from
starving; I- am bound to .geooris at it very low
figure for any of , the - aboVe articles. Jtist call and
take i lobk, that's all! I IS. AI LYONS.
'Lanh'sboro, January I, 1855. . -
ROPHE and Scotch 'Plaid Shawls., French lied-
Paramettaa, DefAina.. ke rs at.
Lanesboro, Jaauary 1, 1855.] 8. A LYONS. •
rt s. livirt.soN • sox
ItIAT be foundi¢ Si S. Mulford's c•l4 atom East
In. side of Public vomit). .'
Siettbse, 14, 1654.
1 le on thepretes of
. on the 15th y - of
: A. M;,-tho following
of young cattle, a lot
of Poultry, 04 Colt
rate Working mule,
g, Macbine, one two
t i , one Cuttir,-.ona
• ixtures and . Farming
I lion.. Also thOarm,
ram. Terms Will be
.G. L. CORWIN. -.
ni ready Inadi coffins
noble prices..
r window Sa.qh:
per in the IVorld,
pf Congregational
4 and Vieinty,
ita Colunuia are Rev,
eor,ge_l3. .Clicever;
m s. Harriet 'Reedier
many other celebrated
harles. V. Brace,
inniq kyrde," and
ions of the ITtilin; froth.
enrich the col unns oc‘
largest, it isl l
the world ; /being
of adrancitg hhc cause,
he cost price!l Its pro ,
cut of tho'pthier ILA a
~e 4l in tdercolile huai
spare no CTeD.SI; to
tha / variety, richness';
1/fte sold on. WO follow,
inlents f all sec
rapee,„ ; enmity,
awl, Contribute to
,on to its being thi
I .li4ioiti , paper in
•olely with the vier
truth it is sold at
I . lt.irely indopeM
upPorti (being eng:
fire ; determined ti
Sid-pas:sett either in
.f• 'its natter; it wi
-. , / r E
—,42' ,
ti a num' by mail ; $2,5) ',l:ly car-.
. 'ler.
1 ;in ildrezner'i if ;not paid . withinthren
) cents will/be added. Orders for the pa: :
/ 1.) / y the . nioney, .addresSid. to tlia
acid Aire -paid - will .be considered tit our
« r•. [ I'F.
,76gri; the Tinielo sscr
tilihe . :
. ~ . ~
•Pii wisli for the paper hinediatel . ; or at, a
1 Ve arc daily reeciving
km danuarll ' 1855. Those who wish' to
I ! •
t Should send in their names Oarlr, and
1 , •
e die:reception of the first numl)Cfs if Yol.-
nth. , _. • , . . , il
ITISE3IENTS.—AIIimited numbet will be
.; • .
INGEA..—We will t i lxchange with tiny papei•
I,lvethis advertiz.onenf two inieitions,
Lis .notice.
ice, ,Np. 22 llcelanan Street', I , :tki-York.
I , JOSEPH 11. LADD, Dutilisher.
, .
7" subscriber offers for sale'the stinableFartri
nd Hotel recently owned and occupied by eels
Summers, deceased, said long knowitaa the •
• Said Farm is situated is the township of l
lford, Susquehanna -County; Pa., ; directly on the line
:of the Delaware, Lackawanna dj Western 'Railroad, i
four miles from its• junction , • irith the New York k
:Erie at Great Bend / and I+, miles , front the Depot at i
New Milford: • It contains about 210 acres-180 acres 1
;imraiived, 60 acres woodland. !, - It is well watered,
has a lasting stream 'running tkrouo, and a near. ;
failing bupply of water conveyed in lead' pipes to the
house, barns, and cattle-yards. is well fenced and
!under good cultivation, is well adapted to grain grow
lug, and is peculiarly fitted for
stock or far
;dairy tairioses. It has upon it the 'large and con
:•venient dwelling now occupied as a Hotel; two or,
; - chards of choice fruit trees; two' large horse and ear
iriage barns; one large barn . with, two cattle yards;
;ample sheds and all arrangements for feeding - stock - ;
' three smell hay and 'grain barns ;- ice house, brick
'smoke house, large corn house, and el! other out
buildings necessary on n large farm. • -
• The well established reputation of the Hotel sitars:
' a /iterative &miners .
Terms. of payment made , ease. For information,
address • R. IL SUTPHIN,
Summers, Susquehanna co., Pa.
November 27, 1854. , 2m
THE subscribers offer for sale on the. most liberal
and easy terms,one of the best loeated funnaformaking
money in Northern Pennsylvania. The said, fiun is,
situated on the Newburg and Owego Turnpike, two
miles east of. Mount Pleasant. village, and twelve from
the N. YL & E. R. R., also eery conveniently situated
to Churches, Schools, Grist-mills, Saw-mil s,. BlacV
smith shops &e. It contains one hundred and sixty-
One acres, one -hundred of it under a good state of
cultivation, well watered and *good buildings, consist
ing of a goodi framed house, well finisned off; and ver
conveniently,arranged. Also two, good barns and a
good barn shed well calculated for convefftencertwo
large orchards yielding from 500 to 1000 bus)rels an
nually, mostly grafted fruit of the best q4lity. The
fitrm is well adapted to grazing sufficient-to keep a
large stock. For price and terms apPli- to B. F.
EATON, or to ALFRED LAKE, .on z the-pi•ernises.
Harford, Dec. 13, 1 / • I -
_ _
The subscribers have•takeii and fitted 4p the new
-building on the west side Of Public Avenut, twadoors
above Searle's fkitel,. and are now seedling large
and well selected itvortment of • • ° •
. Fall sized Wititar Goo a.
Their stock is almost NEW, h ring saved
hut a very fer"gocsis from the late destrhetive fire,
and compries their usual variety. of DRY (MODS,
Groceries," Crockery, llaidware, Drugs, Medicines,
Paints,Oils, Dyestuffs, BootsrShoes, Leather's, Glass,
Jewyliy, Watches ' •
Silver Spoons, Clocks, Yankee
Notions, Sze. &c. We are thankful for thelpatrdmgo
hitherto-bestoWed upon.. us, and trust that our ems
' totnem, and the public generally, wiU not fail togive
us a call in our new Zocaaon ' • confident that we can
I . supPly them with goods on asetvoiable terms us here
tofore. BENTLEY & READ
Montrose, 'November 5;),.185.1. • - •
More and 'More New GOOds.
BURRITT is 'nowreceiving new an full
11, supplies of Good 3 for. the Winter Trade?,
eluding a new and elegant assortment of fre.ndi. Mr
rinoes, iftrina and • C'dshine re. Plaids; Plaid, Fan
cy and Plain De Lanes, Paramettas,Broehe . , Square
and,Lony Shawls, all of new and . best styles, and will
be snit! at 2.5 per cent, less than last year's prices.—
Also a new assortment of Rich Ribbons and Bonmets
- Wide Silk Veleeta or Cloake • ar,ad Mantillas, Rid:
Silk and Velect Dress .nimmings, irnhairlfrad
Dresses, Rigolets kc. &c., 'with a general assortment
of other STAPLE, and FANer.Goons, usual, which
having bought wider the present pressure of the cash
markei,.will be sold at corresponding and reduced
pi ices.
New. Milford, November 27, 1754; : •
140LIG.RT at the loweSt prices, and. will he sold we
cordingly. - U. BURROWS &.CO.
Gib, on, October 11, 1854. . • -
Cloth*, Cactihneres and Vei..a.ingir..
A large assortment and at.prices lower than we have
eyer been enabled to offer theta heretofore.
Gibson; Oct. 11, 1854.'
Dress Goods, -
A great variety and beautiful styles, and almost as
cheap, as could be desired-- U. BURRO WS & CO.
Gib.4on 4 -
October h.', 1854.
Black Silk.
A good qnhlity for dresses at 81 cents per yard./
,Oetbber 12, 1854. - U. BURROWS & CO
• Shawls,
Long and square, wool, broche, and silk, very hand
some Lityles and at extremely lour prices.
October 12, 1854. BURRO WS kfi3O...
Cheaper than ever 'before known ; beautiful patterns
and Sue quality of 84 Broche Shawls, Lupen's man
ufacture, at 3:r.7. • U. BURROWS & CO.
Gibson, October 11, 1854. •
Ray Slate Shawls,
TRESS, $7,50 each. : U. BURROWS &CO. .
Gibson, October 11,.1854. , •
Carpets, -
A good assortment_ and handsome patterns, at very
Vow prices. • U. BURROWS & CO.
Gibson, October 12, 1854. • •
. .
Buffalo Robes, •
4 large lot of handsome Robes, a part. of thitn•whole,
Indian dressed and very superior color and. quality.
October 12, 1554. • • U. BURROWS & CO:
Ts I'oll - COMPLETE—and we would take this
opportunity to car that we can slow the most
beautiful and_ splendid patterns of Perlq and Cooking
Stoves to be found in the county. Among them can
be seen the Revolving Front and Gothic Parlor, for
svood Or coal, entirelY new and decidedly pretty stoves.
-Prices from:five to ten dollars. Of Cooking Stoves
we think it needless to say much; only to remark,shat
we are selling them at our former prices, and judging
from the rapidity of oni, sales, we believe the public
are entirely satisfied' with our prices and the quality
of our wares. We have "a few more left" of the
"Clinton Air-tight Elevated Oven Stove," acknOwl.:
edged to be the best cooking stove now in use. Rus
sia and English Stove Pipe at old prices, and Trim-.
mings and Tin ware of , all descriptions at the very
lowest rates. . J. DICKERMAN, jr.
New Milford, October 23, 1854.
Popular Patent, 'Medicine Agency.
A DEL TURRELL has just received a new supply
tl of all the popular PATENT MEDICINES Of, the day,
including Dr. Jayne's celebrated Medicines, Trask's
Magnetic Ointment, Tanner's German Ointment, My
ers' Extract Rock Rose,
Forest Wine, Ike. &c.,, PUls
of all sorts, all direct from the proprietors. Also,
Burning Fluid, Cantplane,. &c., cheap as the cheap
est.. A. TURRELL.
'Montrose, December CI, 1854.
• A Chance to Make Money.
TIIF subscriber is desirus of having an agent in
each county and town of .the Union. A capind
of from *5 to $.lO only will be regnired, and anything
like an efficient, energetic man can make from three
to ;five dollars per day ;—indeeil, some of_the agents
noW employed are realizing twice that sum. Every
information'will be given by addressing (postpaid,),
• F , ••
• , Box 601, Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office.
Will be exposed :it public' sale on the farm of the
subscriber in Milford (near Ira Carpenter's) on Tues
da;,.. the 2nth day of Februiry next the following prop
erty to wit.,
One pair of henry Oien, ten Cowl, nine Yearling's
fifteen Sheep, one covered Carriage,' &c. &c., -
Estie to commence at 10 o'clock A. M: I .
lerwis. Eight moutts credit will be given
n pon
notes with interest and approved security. •
.Administrator's Notice.
XTOTICE. is hereby given that letters . testamentary.
J_l upon the estate of ,Alonzo Bryant, deceased, of
Jackson township, have been granted.tcithesubserib..
-er, All persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having- claims
upon said estate to present thent duly attested for set•
dement. CIIARLES TINGLEY,_Admir.
,llarfortl, Nov. 21; 1854..
Clnto the enclosure of. the subscriber about
V the Ist of November kw; a dark red, mall size
two years.old Heifer. The owner is requested topay
charges and' take her away. JAMES, EASSON.
SpringvEle, 4 December 12, 1854. w 3
FOR - SALE. • -
subscriber offers for sale his lions° and Lot
situate iu the-Borough of Montrose, a few rods
East of the Court Rouse. Terms-4mi half, down
and the renudider in fire yearlypayments, with in.
West. • • -.- LISM,
Montrose, Janblin• 9,_i854.
Qmoncgra r -Shared Shlngleg
Ordebbir 141 J. t 1r
it S,CIoN
and !Silver Patent Lever; Atrehor: a tid
km Watches, just received-and fir ote - •
Jovvelry, Jelvelir.V
6 4 (mob a.vitirtinertt et Jewelry, ionolitittg cent"
Rier, IMar Dropt, Breast Pins, YintOr Wu",
justreeeltred at BRICTIIY U.Wi.
. Silver Sppoits. : I , "
Tea, D e l se rt, mat, kr., wairtingek•
for sire by , BENTLEY &
• Boots and ,Shoem, „
An tinustudlygood assortment of the• bestloalie;
fre4 ant/ perfect for sale by BENTLEY &
Drum,. and :Tile eines.l ../
A fresh stock genu ine Drugs 41114 Mellicintle, Nast ;
Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye?stuffr,.. &c.,lfor Sale bj
Dec. 13) . BENTLEY it READ,- /
, •
A l
• "ILAT : FIEREAS my wife Sophia is tlp
.1' my bed and board, and haa her , of . a 1 f z
property, This is to forbid all perspis" ~ ghat , '
iOn my account, as I will hereafter yli , de:btli orbit •
: coittractl l l* , - Js : - PrvaL ''
i Bridgetmter, ecember IC, U 4/ I f _', /
,Charles Tillman, linsber.
I p L re b n a l ge ov: i d ei l i l t; iji s li6
a f ri tll t r e crn t r o loc% e tip, roots : „ •
1 the same building, / in the rear of the barLfotuti, Whir's.
his cuStonters will be,maitedi,upon by 'that { esquisito
artist, -Professet/Charlei Morris, or isy.hirokelf,.-st . WV
reasonable htittrs, -. . - - -- .. '
~' : -...- --. :-. r -
Please 'Please )ear in mind- that dill is z tho only.shavjkit
1 shop in town where - the`thingis dons Scientilicillyl. - : s
Montrose - December . 10 1854' ' ' 1 .4 '
1 , 1 I 1 •• • --,.
• - c 7--.- .
;To,, the People: Of .husqliehluenebi
~..„ ~ , . .
, •-.: .. County. --, ,:,„ • i ~ .
"MING One of the greatest sufferers b - y
the reset:dr , .
-1.1 destructive: fire in Mbhtrose, liiivitl:lostiAny
store-Nolte and nearly all . of - My goods, Irhay.not
however given over to despair, but; have W - taken s
store Timm hi the lower*part of the towniifirst dooi
north Of Keeler's Hotel, into which I have ;gaged lb.
small stock saved from the fire, and will in the, course.. ,
of a.Very short time fill up the store; with alien**. - '
new stock of goods. In my present 'new loetititM, l
will .he happy to see and wait on . -my Old.custcartert-
and the public generally who will .lavor. me-With is 7
call. :I have resolved to "n:terripire iip the ship."----- •
I am deeminined to keep a PRUIVSTORE,. and .te'
keep a good assortment or/kiwi, Mediciiies, Paints,:
Oil 0, - .Dye.stiO, Groceries, *9l ass-tra re, jitretry,Per
fumo-ry, Yankee Nottons, and all. aorta - of—Faxey
Goods, ge. &c., such as I kept beferethe fire, whiolk•-; • ,
devoured: the earnings of a life time tit an hour.. ' - .
Montraqe, Nov. 23,-1854; • ABEL TIIIIKELt.- ' .
. .
11) Will every man indebted to me, plia•O'
.111 • L.P• remember me in tills rortime'of need; '
by senaing to me the amount duil immediately.
November 23, 1854. 4.I:IF.f..•TUREELL.-
Artzmov.A!.:. • •
rIEELER, & STODDARD, since the late Sre, ma
y ,
IV be, found in the BASEMEAT F SEARLE's •
HOTEL. Notwithstanding the'. unprecedented is,- •
pidity with Which our atoelt".of Boots, *6, &e., '
."iwent off" on the morning of the Are, we still hart
- abnie on hand, and shall soon bq welksdpplied spits. hill
Montrose, NON-ember 13. 185 , :l. •
rilllE subscribers being seireke sufferers from the •
X late disastrous. Fire,, have; rentoxed with what
1 ttle remains of . their stuck, to the new building on
t e Avenge; opposite W. J. & R. H. Mulford 3 s store,
here thpy will be happy to sea alltheir friends an d
ustomers, and hope-in . the env eof ; some ten davit'
to be able to greet them wit an entirely .NSilr
\ s7'o OK OF 0001)S.
We trust that some of our eustoairs who hairW ,
been long in d e bt, will rethemhbr that this is.a.thne - -
of FIPECIAI,..SEEn and do as they Would br•
done by. . • BONTLEY & IItAD. .
Ilbairose; November 14. 1854.
BIBS . 01,1111.0 N. , .
copartnership heretofore known nnder. the
. name andJirm of NeweUs Brothers, in the-Sash,
DEO and Door husiness, is-'this darliy mutual ton- .
scut and agreement diSsolved. - , _ •
Lanesboro, July 11, 'S
-t. " /I. K. NEWELL..
The subscriber Would - respectfully call the attention
of those whowish to purchasi: anything in:his line at;
business, such as
Sash, Doors, Shutters-and Blinds;,,. •
Cabinet Ware of vitriouii kinds,
Bureaus, Tables, and * Se 4 kretaries,- • • . "
• v
Bedteads, Stands, Chairs and Settees.
Also, Ready-made Coffins. 'tainting and Gluing
if required. Country Produceid Lumber taken
exchange. Terros, ready pay.'; .
Lanesboro, July - 15. 1854. tpLBEftIrNEWELL.
But, very fortunately, the earth is not thrown
from its pridt,and the sun shines on as before; erut-•
bling the "Picture Man.!' to werk atlas trade. of Sem
and shade in his. usual satisfactory, manner. ' -
His New Stock, just purclutied,..comprises every
thing neat and desirable in. t're Daguerreotype line,
and he asks that you will not forget.. to call.
Ile has also some recently 'published Books, which
sill be sine to please those who wish good reading-r ..
W. B. -D
Odd Felloirs' Hall, Montrose Pa.
t W. B. D. does not take pieture,s for 2:i or SCP.
sews. Those :rho su4h trash must al? el ,fsers-1
- John Groves' Adivrtiiseatieli
,AS nature, who: furnishes the birds' and bens With-;
an extra coat for winter,- has not:made aibufla pro
vision for man,'l bave-eoncluded to take it Up° I
self to attend to kepartment; and the
think proper torannounce that all-Shivering male: bi
peds; that need new apparel, glorious - or ineciriona,.
fashionable or - .anfasbionahle can have their
supplied and _their tastes suited- bi,calling on me,
my shop in Montrose.'.,_ ,
I • lE* GOODS. -..
T C. LEE , ! AT 310 - TROSE DEPOT, his just re•
• ceired a {new supply I . :d* Spring and Sunaner
Oood which will be sold very low for cash or
- •
1 QPOUNDS good New Orleans Sugar fo,r z e e 4191
13 kw at ' ,J. C. LEE'S Ne3r Store..
rrEA ; Coffee,' Molasses, Fish., Rice
1 of ail kinds; very cheap a 6
Wanted, • •;. • •./.1_
A NY quantity of Eggs at 12 cents per; dozen.
1 - 1 L cid:alike for good,s4t . J, C; LEE ' S Etire./ •
. z
Ake ; /
A NY quantity,of Butter at 16 cents per pound; to
/IL excharge,fOr Goods at J. C. LEES Nor tore.:-,
HOSE , ivishing to purbbase for cash, in ex
change for barter, will find .it to their,interest, to
call aid einmine . tnY stock. of .Goods ang prices for
ttipth.telv'es. For barter of all kinds O:K./highest prio
es may at - all times be relied on at J. a LEE'S Store,
Montrose Depot. ,
Tbp Farnier 9 4:Store :
IV E w 'w e is h h av t :: a c y chrtZ r tt i 'e en dt ' devourin g c g us e=el ti tt
consented our. .Sto , 4 with- most of • our 13oorht, and
erected a convenient shanty, where we shall be hap
py to see our old customers as Well as new: We ate
going to sell - goods lower than ever, and we think ton
per cent:less than you can buy elsewhere In Susku*
hanha co. Call and see. WARREN
• Exeentorva NOttee.
TGTICE is hereby given that lettAlt.teattunentaiy•
1.11 with the .will annexed, upon'the-estate efJanieir
Kelly,. late Of Gibson tqwnship, deceased, have been
granted to the subscriber,-
and alk
,p g
,}lessons havin
claims upon said' estate will.please present theta tinty
attested for Settlement, and those indebted - tothe ea—
trite are , •equested to make immediate payment -
Gibson, Dec, 4,,1S t. ... • Tme3lAS KELItEL
h- •
- Clover nraTimottay
Vali We at 3. C. LDP'S Store
lioyntosE pETcer.
A- Guod Cutter but little worn—for sale at
IJonbtse, Jan 25, 1853. - '
- 'Sheriff's Sales. ..
BY ;dime of a writ Ut Vend . Er. isseedeut et de
Court of Coffman Pi* of Susquekamia ecen*,
ty and to me diiecteel, I will expose to public:Boe at
~the Court Ifouse in . Montrose, on Saturday : the 174
day of Ftibruaiy next, at I o'clock r. all that cer•
taro piece or.pareel of land lyiug and tiehig situated
in the Township of Harmony , in Susqueltanns tomb,.
beunded'and described , as follows, to wit: Oa the
north by land of Amos and gluon Barnes,: east by the
Belmont' k Oquage ftntPilte, and on the south .and
.eitevey , land orSbuon and , duos &mei; contandilt
one 'Lemon:nut tame ar lesaMth the apporseninces„,
one framed home end bare end alkimproved.
Taken at the suit of D.4,;Laus k Wok* Am.
five Williams 1'.1% liorx_lmptjtvelf;
tlikkirs ik - hti: trt Ten.
• d 'Groceries.