0 II 1 . ! iTile — Oit;ltiOncitie Ritinb li mn. , Not : . long since re ntentiOn4 our intention • • ; to publish a statement of the eiiimber•orsub fieribera we i hie obtained sin ,"January JanUary Ist, 1 . 85 - . • !We nett 'roe4td to redeem ofir.rirom iSe,4o"also 44 Dive witch details as-Inny *of -'- . • interest ta. our 'Onderii. The nnmbe of nest '!Subtk;ribe& iiiiiieltesetiblitan Is 314.'1 - In thia : number we dO, not inclUdenewspaperlex . along- UNITED STATES SENATOR. 11! . 1 I • . r es, - nonfive. poisons to whom t he piper was Thnejuestion of the e l ection o f si, Senator It••• i• .' ,- • ,; • _, i i.. - ;sent by mistake ! , on -our part, and t f - y whom from this State, at the latest auvices,tron it'' was refused. ii • - - , -; Harrisburg had assumed an exciting and tit ;;!, , 1 .\•. , I ! . • ; • 1 ,. ! ; The n r rtnetpni p o rt ion-of . our . new_litt has us most unexpected shape. Simon Camer9a, , peen made. up at-offices in this county men- NebrAta Democrat, appears ! now to .stan d 11, - ;-- -- • .. : . . , , 1- •• itioned below, Ilie . balance being scattered the best chance for an ele c t i o n ., lithe tele- i- - • -.1 !, ;; 1 . - ~, -- - -- ,• - iitmonglnianr postofficeei in this, and. ;other graphic reports arc correct, he was c nomina- ;!6- tat ! cs. !• ; " 'il •• • ! •• - I ted by the Know-Nothing caucus on • Friday ;•,-,' , -I ' - 3'- --1- ' .-• • . . . , s - osfoffico. 4 , t . - 2leto Subs: night last - not, however, till a laige body ,of • - Ararat, 1 4 .• 1 - • .. ..... , . 3 the members had withdraivn from the eau. Auburn Corners; . 1 . - =;' ... . . .... ...... ..... . „.... 2 • • Brooklyn, -1 i • -..„ .. 7 013. 4 " The Democratic caucus,- ; composed•of tti moc k + l N . . r • ....23 2G• members, nominated CS. Buckalew, and T‘lndaill; :• • •',•!,;:4'• • • •••• • ••• • - • ,la Lake, . 1 3 the Whig caucus, , eoppriaing 8 Members,'Otiendstille,... i i! nominated Thos: Williams... Tuesday last was 1 111- 0 0 111 e ' 'i! 1 . (treat Ben 6, ...-..J,; . ' .... ......... .. ..... . t......•.. 32 the day - fixed by law for the election of Sen-- oibson, ator;and ; according to the telegraph, on the - 5 ....-•- ; . • - i. - 9- fink ballot the vote stoOd, or Cameron 58, i t e je r4 l% . : . - • 17 16 scattering 73 ; -on the Second ballot, Carnet-IV:m.610o; , " ' ii" - „ -19 ttle Mnadows, I. ;',.. - ' ' on 59, scattering 71 ; and a motion was then . Pairs-ville Centre, • , •- - ' '... 1 . - .- 7 . : .. • • - carried to postpone the election ' - two weeks. 1104letnorriCentrd, • ' , ''• • •-•" • - 3 - , - - We have not the particulars of the vote, ilV r° 4,, d, i: ; ? ! ., :.! • • 14 !. I ! - 3- but, believe that the, l'ilembrs from, our•own ret•ter R idge, ;i' . . .;! .1. -. 4 i ~1 : '• .- •* . 1 • 1 .12 •d.estrict and several neighboring. ones, have ! ,1P'4 1, • '.:t ;1.•• • • vet ..... , e . r•ukia. Llepot,-.!..i; - ;&...... ' ...21 remained true to their principles,' an d trust siafte:v, ! -• ' ' • • '', 1" - 3 they will continue so. But the boist that Penn- sPrinitlvle'; •• • •I• Jj '. .... ' • ... • • • •••• • • • ...... 7 Thomson, ........ i • ' ....,..; ... ... 4 sylvania•baS at last a reliable:Free-Soil Leg Prirningoffice(rnoitly citizens of Bridgevrater)and - • ishiture, seems likely-to -be- falsified. True, !:e'ar.rie4, •• • • •t- •• • ' ','. - I • 36 1• ' • 011dIer l'Ostoffices, • k t. .... 1. - ..... 41 Strong was elected Speaker of the ! House,- ", 1. • '"; ~, - -was ; , To t a l, ;: .- ,......_ and Eli Slifer elected ,State Trensurer. ..! ...... '' .; . '; • ! 314 , -the - and-both ar'e well known Free-Soilers,• but, • '11!e 1. 1- t - 'ofll ~ i i t ircu .1 oh) the , („,trer a the moral effect of their eleetion will be More of its di!scontintianec wa1912.4 We l sent than counterbalanced by electing an old po- the l3cPublicati o those who !rere taking the Mica! hack and time-serting ; dolighface" like , Begister, and j ust ; ten . persons . , viz ; four in Simon Cameron; to the United:States Senate." ! MontroSe,lone. ill New Mil(orl, one in Gib .' What excuse &in our Legislator's find for ! 56.111- one Ili 34ekson, one;iiiSesquehanna De placing Pennsylv a nia in a position of so Much ! pot, one iif Hartord,, and - one in Bristol, Pa., 'infamy, and, by a' single act, giving so suicid- .have' disContintited their paper, or Ideelined aI a still) to Northern rights and the 'cause ot ' taking the ;Reptiblican in Place of the Regis human freedom? What motives can they 'ter- ' li,eltinith'ese from the 912 subscribers "bave-fOr such an act ? Somethillg ,has " been I to ; the Begister,*d lit leaves, - , 902 - said in the present-Legislature o f the bribery Add ;new'` auhaeribers since Jan. 1, '55 -314 ! • - I and corruption that existed in former tegisla- ' l olin present‘list ;is 'lure; especially the last : • let them take. care 11. ! TwelVe htindrds .not•to give the people grounds to - suppose l a•lialf froin'the ante that they are. in that respect no better. thanilbe' liee ;is a Pretty f - their predeenssors--that the gold ! of 'Simon ;; 11 - .,, ; ., a r /et . . . ; !Cameron has' -more influent; . with them than I !fore tlie year' . is tit tin , the wishes and interests of theirconstituents.; C i t sait'll ' tbe - Wiest ! 'The people of this region, an d we believe the dp e i, tisv i va ,i l o) ; •• e I t i :.people of Pennsyleania, Acsire this - State to i l fr i nds in thelaitteret 'be placed beside every other free Stiate that i k‘:e;!a"(-:itio' wledgelolfi• Vitas lately elected' a LT. S. States Senator, on istir, thernselves, to e .-the - side- of Freedont. • lias.saCtrseits, New !; Let oth er p • i licT- i. S d 1 - York, lowa, - - . Wisconsin, Illiaois, all have giv- !portion to their 4bilii :On their voice-for freedom, and it we-yield to !done, arid we Sliall ht pro-slavery ". influences, we..' shall stand alonet - ore,!thekear is, hut. in our disgrace ; poor, pitiable, for ! we ll as t -,a t _ ! What :Pennsylvania." What- a position for the-land yes d ee i i , i t e i-i i i ipot i of Penn and of Frankilittlfor the State where- & :k ii - ; , ,,, epu bAj w , ll! p ii ne il an- was_ written the Declaration of 'ltidepend- (give the Republic:lllj acme! 7 ..." - 11 Ildence ? If SO, We t; .I ; ! iingly-! .; ! ;AN INTELLEfrr \' p1e.4... - ;ure to INo.al.fie INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN. CHARLES 'F. READ AND H. 11. FRAZEE!, EDITORS MONTROSE, PA. Thursday,;' February-15,-183S. . . .We have ;still some hopes that Cameron -nay Ve'def a l b ted, ha' if not, the Know-Noth ings vrho el tAiin—or any other Nebraska v.:- 100 l out for breakers. ".:.,_ ; ' znan—mu Wilin:t and Petumlvanintaterests E. 0. Goodrich, seq., Editor of. the Brad for Reporicr, re-publishes, an article 'which .appcared in that paper, in, 1846, written by Senator George Sanderson, of Bradford cOnn -ty, 'which 'corroborates flip statements made in Judge Wihnot's letter, in every particular. - Gto: 3!. lleynolds, Esq., Editor of the Car bondale Transcript, says he heat 4 d the Judge snake, in 184, substantially the. same state snent and explanation of his course, as that contained in his late letter. lion. D. D. Warner, and other gentleMan2Wholt3ve long been prominent member.s of the Deinoeralie party in' this county, state that they have ,known that 'to be Judge WilmOt's - ;for years_ past. :The• record alsO shows, as his letter asserts, and us any one may see . by reference to his speechin Congress, July 18441, that be 'look an open and-bold stand in fiivor of a protective Tariff on iron and coal, .as articles of national importance and necessity. We may publish extraCts, from that Speech hereafter. .• • ,Franc the article refetred to by the Report er, as hiving been written by Mr. Sander. son, in 1840, we extract the following: The delegation from this State had it in their pow er to secure alinost any duties they could reasonably ask for by the new tariff; but they refused, and with the execption of Mr. Wilmot,,voted against the bill ; for the same reason, we presume, that a similar dele= -gation on a former occasion, e.rcept one; Toted to re •charter the gaited States Bank; assuming it for granted that the people were too gullible, to un derstand their rights, or accept of any explanation.—:- If Pennsylvania has not all the advantage under the tariff of 18-16, that she had under that of 1842, it is Ur own fitult. 31r. Wilmot endeavored to secure it for her; It was in her power to have but it was rejected: Why ? Because it was not the tariff of 7842. This is the begin 'ng, conclusion, and the whole argument. • - . Ex-mitaa- COLD.—The remarkably • cOld. .weather of last week- extep6d thronghout New, .York," New • England and parts of Pennsylvania - and - the Western States.— At Washington, D. C., it was the 'coldest known for, many years. :Here in Montrose,, the thermometer,, on the morning of Wedries- Alay, the 7th, stood at 27 degrees below zero, being the coldest day known here for the last 20 or 30 years. , Bangor, Me., it stood 35, degrees below zero, it Gorham - N. H. 37 • : .degrees, at West Randolph, Vt., 44, dx. - • , Itar• 'The Know-Ncthing . Legislature oil!. linois; (we believe it is so classed by'the Na tional Era,) has passed a resolution censur ing the U. S. Senators from. that State, Doug las and Shields, for their Course on the Ne braska question, has refused to pass resolu, tioni approving the - Compromise of 1850, and has elected llon. Lyman Trumbull, (Free Soil' Democrat) U. S. Senator in , place of Gen, Shields: What say the National Era and the Washington .American Organ • to such Conduct? - Viruonneetieue has twenty-eight clock fiietories, employs 5,279 hands, has $1,000,- 000 iuvested, in the manufactare,"and makes annually 700,006 clocks: I, One-fourth .of ittesp time-keepers find a market England. • Vir A re s olution conferring-upon Genet.. al Scott the brevet rank of Lieutmant-Gener al, has rand both honor's of Congrees, • , - 4 tscriberS; xi month , .and ,/ or commencement, . we-, air show / AOr a country dace so; l e hopes that be end w mean with truth 1., bireulation I ;in Northern ; otly beeepary for our it,,Town4lips (to whom. :, many, obligStions) to ',e ruct suehla ,kesult. ;p as well, by us, •in pro ty,.ds sorn4llave already aye 1500Istibscribers be ,.; We ckpOrt to do as say you, !rOetls! Do . litance to .11ijnaintenance iples in thi4 section, to 11 wide circulation and in -mit you will act accord --- jn 44vor 'cot' tha Inpedigenro trsel good sense oC the ipeople of Suiquell iairna Depot, and of the! old town ofH ai:mtinY"' generally.. As ant eildence of this -We ill mention that we have • • noW 53 subscribers tb the Republican in Sus suchanim and inlLane, oro, ma : ng B9 'within the limits Of the old Town:' When the ;writer. .of this eotorneCieed publishing the Reg ! .1 • : lster in the spring of t 185, there were only Copies Of thaeparer - taken at the Susque henna P., O.; ancfls -opies at Ltutc.StorO, or' 2% in all: For nee subscribers have been! ladcred to. our.list in the smile territory sin eel Ithe4)ublication ottho .Republican was com-1 'Anericed. l . That we Tall a very' good begin-1 ping. If our • e4mikS Can find anything to! rejo r ice over iu thiS siatement, they are wel come too. I • . • raurtax MllTAllLT:—The•movement a gaitist the existing tniilitary organizations in the United StatOs composed. of foreigners, l seems to have exoite4 the ire of John Mitch-' ell, the Irish. l l lVe find quoted in the Cincienati•Commercial the following ' extract from some speech or writing of his on the subject "For every Musket giV'en in to the State ArMory, let-three be piirchased . forthwith ; let , independent companies : be formed; thrice as numerous as the dis- I banded corpS4there;, are. no Arms Acts here yet— and let eecrp "forei.4i)er"'6e driiird and trained,. and hare. his arms always redwiy.. 11 , 'or you may be svary sure (having wine, expetiencel in that matter)i that those: who begin by 'disarming you, mean to , do you mischief.". • . • Whatever. people may think about I the movement I4ainstitoreign military companies such; talk, as4his an nnot fail to add streligth and !force to that 'movement. The jittlg• Merit of the exile geetils to have forsakersihint since his itrriVal id America. AiTEMPT +0 BUS A SCIIOOL house.--AXC learri that, one day last week, as a gentleman was passing the Sehool House near Heart Lake, in Bridgew4ter tpwnship, in this co., he discovered it te; be on fire. The fire had mad - but little pri - Tress, and on ,eutcring the bylding,he found that aluantity of shavings and4gther,coinbustibles had been placed 'un der a!ikriOn,l desk i and ignited apparently by means of coals taken from the ! stove. Being thus timely' disCosered; the fire was extin guished witbant_dii . 'ing tnueh damage. lloose; Veit, ofNew York, has de cided:in Alm case of a Sunday paper, suing for money due for advertising, that, as the Revised Statutes declare that lhene shall be no servile labor or working cin that day, except works ofneemsity, and no exposing of wares for sale, except whatever' the .moral obligation' may be., the . inice stipulated to be paid for the servic*, cannot be recotred •in any c _Court of Justice in .that State., rzr Our "Pim& agent" informs. us tnat the statementlhat he has used , deception or rnisrepresentati4 in procuring subscribers for* Republican,iis unqualifiedly false ; and he challeng4s thomi who have accused him of doing so, tolproxlnT3 their witnesses, —The tietic - Ika, eau Whaling Ground, is giving ou according to the New Bedford Mereery,'whieh behig published at the head. quarters of the whqemen, may be presumed tf.) epeahlku 'wingiv. • • • MID gives Us record lour testimouyi Bobber'at Stusgaehaana Dettot. Feur:perso." ns,a man; and dire() boy; vere lodged in the jail of this County, on bfgadey last. .it appPars that.on Sunday ; night last,. the atOro of D. L. Klaiber, at Susquehanna -Depot, was' broken open and robbeit i Of cloth- Itig pork, 444, 4korth'sOme twOorthreebund- T edr,`:dallars.i The perpetrators of the act were tracked to their houses, where the ;sto. lon articles (were found.: The .Consequenea was Ana the 'man, Chilson, a younger brother Of his about ; l I years of age, an d two; ; other boya named ;Qmick. and Dibble, were nr.rest 7 ed. /. All atiirst.asserted their innocence, ex cept:Quick ;Ibut when the found that lie had - Colifess4 his guilt, the others the same, and thereupon - they . were all committed to jail. • A Il i t t urisbnrg correspondent Of the Bradford .Argus, writes to that paper as,fol- long 9 • A letter frtorri Judge Wilmot, addressed to EC La pone, Esq., a member from your county, under date of Jan. 22d, appeared in the Morning Herald of Tues., day hist, explaining his course in Congress upon .the tariff tluestion ; and hia.viewsi in regard to protecting the Wan intereats.of this State. It has bad the effect to bring out a iscurtiloos letter in the Penniylvania Patritet,.or to-day, from Ex-Speaker Chase, df Sus! quehamia county, who is here evidently attending to the inirrests of feenild be Senator Cameron.: assailing Mr. Wilmot interins of insinuation and distrtutt, with outrefuting one single position taken by that Igentle man in , his lettet... ' Another attack appeared strnulta; neously with the above, in the editorial eolomns the Tnion' of to-day. Cominm e' front such disin terested !sources", they,. of course , have no reference, in any . way, to Mr. Wilmot's support of Gov. Pollock, butariselfrom att honest desire to enlighten the pub-, lie mind uponliis tariff views; and from the same spirit that dictated Mr. Chase, in tyying• to make the people believe thefore the late electibn, that Gov. tigler was an anti-Nebraska man, and will pet, doubt have abitut as Much weight. Instead of answering the end for which they were evidently deSigned, these ;unjust attaCks appear to have the effect to press npon the minds of the conservative members in both branchei of the Legislature, some idea that they owe Mr. Wilmot a debt of gratitude, for his 'aid in brioging Mau t the late political revolution in this State.: Honest men should come to his rescue) while such influences seek to destroy his well deserved popularity. 'Th it( 'nt will - 'subside after the election - Mr , .SSISS. Ei last RCpubli- Can, that fiom, Ton the Teach er's ,)ssCoiation, and in his interpretation tberet'?f, con 7 chides . that thpici is more bogus than genuine 1 about it. - • : . Wonder if he lias not seen and kialawn eital In that respect, , if:, of the as. , oCiation, claim to the adVance.' Nile are well aware that there 4 in the eTementS of that kociety, just.as is in s'i.!ry department of education, in politic, - in ever; profvsiOn; in religion. But we lelaita, nevertheless, that it is doing vastly more good than none: The drearier, it appears; must be prepared to render L testiznony to that fact, since it has been in= strumental in arousing him from his sluinbers. Theeoricluslottlis; that his main objection to the msochitiOri, is bawd upon the fact, that it is not real ly a ' Out,' vtere.tlie genuine gold dollars can be If it we . tie; no doubt, he would invest of his eapitartherein, and ply :di his energies theretoyat once. To judge ethers by one's self is sometimes a judgment,' but not always. It dOes not absolutely follow) that no one has an idea timid ‘eolnifig . tn:me..z.,' because he has pot. , • • In hiS' dream, he imagined, just what othem have • talked,4hat the present school laa takes children from the 6ontrol of patents. If man could dream of a ht dicriti and flimsy objection, we have it in Amoni those who, are . most clamorous, that 'the law takes Our' cbildreti from uuder'our Control, art those whose Ichildren' have groivn up, (uule he may be FOirlc! • i jlopcful ' milther father, dirOctors nor law iv)" control,) sand th 0.46 who have none, Inerer had,:and; who, irc2 may safely conjecture, never ex • I - I. Peet; to have. - • - I • lint, , athnit that 'it does take children from parents' .1 control," for the sake of argument. -Parents rarely visit sellools to' see what directors are 'doing with children,l while miler their control; hence, does tint appehr that th'ry entertain any serious apprehen sionS for the safete of their children, either injbody, mind, iir.porals., ;Besides, many of them will be very particular to bear }in mind the precise day, when the clireetOrs . " 'schools Will close; or, in other words, when the public, monei-will be esed.7,%—that the,• may take their childrety from School.] And, though six months May interl.. - ene between one public . elnaol anti another, it is seldom that these anxious parents will avail themsetves of ,the opportunity to atart parents' school, mitwithstanding 'they have trol'orieliolin , ,antl the pr ivilege lof the publics 'boob . house, at no expense beyond repairs. . ' ; Schools aic made. for scholars, and scholars ' for sy4toOls; the 4gislature males the - law, the law makes tbOdirectoni, and they make the school-hOuses, and take:the childr*n from the cohtrol of parent's and j send them to school; Otherwise, there would ire no 'ls not titat good 'ogler 1 S. T. scoit , T T A Mica r I.4cF. TO .LIVE 1..1i.—1t ,-, writer , in . , i the .liiSt tittinberof Harper's!, Magazine says "During the last century, the average mur ders in llotne, With a population of one !lUD- 1 dred :and fifty thousand seds, was five,,r six a clay; . told on one occasion fO Whilel urteen. occupied by thd French, there were ina!sin gle day one hundred- and twenty assassina tions; • And as', late as IS2B they averaged one 'daily. - A chapel of the jAfadunna, in the churdll'Of the Augustins, is hung about waif! knives, :dirks, and other ' murderous inStra- 1 . 1 1 tpent:S,',Suipe.nded there by i ltheir owners, at 1. order of their confessors,) as a condition of absolution and evith‘nce of !pardon of tbeir I 1 crimes:, . , .. ' "The streets 6f noMe ar not safe at the ~ - later-Jthnrs of _night, fur any one - whojhas .. aught:about him; to tempt the cupidity of its highWavmen. Tiernan friends of mine are 1 i accusOned., to plied their watches in t eir boot.4,When out late at night; Every house ! keeper'Will tell you the risks they run ini not keeping the strictest watch over their pretnis ' es; and-any one experience in visiting. tal ' iait families will Convince him that they have, more{ confidence in their portcullis, doors,iand . massive gratingOban in either the honesty • of - their country Men .or the guardianship of the pelii.v." , i . • , I • Ai!l ' AFRICAN COLO 4 IZATION.—Of the *A; received by the American Colonization Sodi ety diiring the past year, $12,700 came 0?In Massachusetts; chiefly in the form of legacies, $12,604 from Virginia, and about $lO,OO frOm New York! The charter of vessels, outfit, &c., fort the emigrants, amounted to $10,671. It is high ly creditable th the liberality of the Anieri cari people that no less than $7OOO werct re ceived in' response to special appeals bylthe society- to aid in .sending emancipated slaves to Liberia. One gentleman. from. Alabafria, in June 'last propOSed to be ode of a thouslnd, or one id five hUndred, to give $lOO or $2OO each! to wararaising *lOO,OOO for the purpose of pur chasing a • steamer or sailship fur the regular Liberia trade, agreeable to the circular at the Rev. Ur. Gurley., Thirteen gentlemenliave given' ititheir names fiir this desirable props 4 sltlon ", c - ThOinnual report states that many afore cmig6ints would have been sent to the- Afri can Republic if the weans had been 'provided, The Liberia Republic is in all respect; in a prosperous and Advancing condition. Two continents are blessed by its. influenes, t -- joq rr ial of annme. re", ; • '. ,-1 TBS . KNOW-N 011171(1 .elnnii4HlSetisitut New York Sta4l ~. MI( 'est Schenectady January 1 , ,,. .1 •.'- : 1 • „ f 1 :, The giemmitten tii'vlic* NV • 'Cs 4(1 the State s 'residiatit's 'Annuith:Rep* : • ' aented . ±-in ~,t*.idantie With the. : ipirit.the r *f-4e &Bowing, Reaoluit ons, which ate; t adopted . by titi•ilinost unanimous Vote;. and ihoStatc . . Sccretfiry was directed td- have jthel same ~.1- p - rinte and . .forwarded to r.putie .i Of 'coon.. :ties an :Presidents of Subordinate ;Councils : , I ~, -,•' - ~' ,„ i :nen' . re. ,, g, Thatt miavery,fike - Papaci,is a tutir id,,scielaPand political et . ..11-T.-at variance . with :the sot of our republican • institutipnl, and fit, is to the principles of free' `en that l t, is orouty to resist, its extensionan that Lrvo eilliOt as Arnericans . cousent lc) t !c ad, i)oiSsion to the Union of any new,Stats 'hose. .Cicinstiution recognizes human bong , . . 1 ~.I'oltted, That • no_ adult Alien - ean radi• to : .the:teachings and prejudices o*.youtli,l turd., getime • familiar with the priniiNes of pit . dvernnient„ except by patient fantl per, 13evelfitigi study ; that no . person- stiou,ld be :etiiith.sd to exercise the elective franehi ' who . lri se ini,S nip been a - resident of the Unit. t i 1 States f'or t4r4iity.one years. • . 1 1 i .',.c../iiiiiiiiied, That' tki.eivil,!religionia4d: po , I, liticitt . Prii lieges Americans concede It.h . others, • 4shouitlibti by others conceded to Anier cans; ' i tltatincifconintercial nor diplomatic inter lipulo be maintained .with anyryoreign ioovdrnMent that prohibits the fr i dedOin of 4f±ee4h,l' Old freedom of religous opltioti. .. ',1:.R44/tird, That the peaceful enjoy` i mut of , Ont. tigit4. is belt secured :hy a instant readilitisif and ability to resist encroaChnients ; I:that. Ithiii: Republic can, only secure respect I iitirolhlatid tranquillity at home, by tirr.elv 1_ ~ 1 , t eonsnitent and determined:- redress ' of all wrongs - inflicted ,. i , , 1. , , , ; on our citizens u}citne ties:. pettelirlders of Foreign lands. " ;.1 . : ;;,27 , iii4/4d, That freenien can be Orefiared •totri the,eXereise of the rights of citizetiship on- Ilv; bit thcfrotwli education: that it, isl the duty . r ,f • . 1, piTtiut. ii,vernincnt to . maintain fre.-',,schools, where republican sentiments should aught, 'line enforced •:. :, 1 .'. _ i'`• :./6iiiitd, •Tluit the Holy Bible ilia likes 1 .tile phreSt teachings of morality, vitiin ,ton. esty ailid patriutishi; that ,it., is the i 'llyok of, 800 - .1 and should have the first? Place 'on 'iJ . hiNv.4ll4lkl altars. • : il 1 . . ': - , I Reird/ei.c..f, That by sobriety, the : fostering if he s unei! industry, the eneoura,,ireltilept of dOincistic , ,; iMprovements, and, judicious and Ociiektnitill expenditures, we may sZigur i e the prnsticrity of the country, and the ihiccessful 'tlei - el4pntent of the principles of li.O.uhlican Uoverninent. • . , _ . ~ . , - . .. : Aeiio/ved, That the Temperance eCittAprise , isone .worthy of cordial support, nd .that . Ve','Will iii no case be drawn into a4.6urse Of `action .Iwhich will -interfere with y: aa- pro. gress ~ -i'l .• i' - . .:: , 1 , , ' tte.iwired That a Committee of fi . e 'bc ap iipinted fo invite the State Counci ,4, cif this tiiid . oiher,States to unite with us in it:,getteral O - rganizatft , n, based upon the principles ent ilOdiellin;l.the foregoing resolves. - I) .1 The President appointed James. 8...4n-ain .Of VeSteliester, IL 11-. Thompson, .ofl 'At i bany, : d.;T. ITaii'ris, of Saratoga, D. L:Sinrhons, of, 01044, aid A. NI: Clapp, of Erie,:a o.,(74nfrilt tee; in .ticebrdance with the ninth resiajution., .- .. • , • B. F. IZO'Nlltitt, - 1 r --. State Secretary, Albany; N IT. .. i Wore! be in much there - '.' - CAMERON. i i , ~. - 11. i •1:. Gen. Smog CAMERON, of :fiddletaili was Ot.Ofridaf, night last—or rather at an reariy lit4r Om :Saturday morning- 7 'nominatdd for .1.1.0. S. Seput,or from - Pet,nmilrunid p t by it 46iibtintipajority of the Anierican or `Know. Nathing' Sane:us made . up of 91 oft the 132 . 3temberzirt.oniposing. the ' I l egislatur Of tl - ,at State. lti, is reported that, on the` ;.second bOlot.,:92:`otes were cast in the Cat it 4, and. that on one of these ballots the :e. tin .vote thuS.6atidhlently cast _defeated the';noluina tibii of Cit'q. .A. G. Curtin, (formerlyihig.): G'dV. 'Pollack's Secretary of State. ~.1..t :all eietits,; Cialin had 4t votes on_on l ef I plat, while Canieron Was finally notoinatt i d by 44 tt, 13 foriall . others—mast of those opposed tri.:lhe nominee having retired. Theltthiction ii 'to tikei place to-morrow,' and We I:shall then see "how much Gen. Cameron 74 hard: train nomination will avail him. It ::14' I very P!',Obabie.that he may obtain 'a eons4erable wife frotirthese of his: Dernocratie .brei.hren WlO conldl riot be indueed to comnii: hem seVe:s directly to Nativiiin..:.-- His supporterS itEthe CatiOtts were:only ablaut one-thlid of a .fall:LegiSlature—so. that he .will need about tit more votes from some quarteri iolelect ' blin: __,- ;;,Wien.fltneron is a Bank officer, and ":iulder st4d tea be riek.or,at least able andlir !ling tO:.!dear. out 'money liberally wheti?'er he deems such dispensation advisable; inclipoli tWhe iS ai . Detnocrat of the . school Of Joel B, , Stitherland, , vhich one. of its magi les, in airivate. letter, declared•, to be the schcio.l of 4 Men nf i tirineiple according to •their int:o'est.' Tii . t.ltis,seltbal we are especially and arnest .ly,'„(ppOSeill - • : . . . ' i 1 : - - : Gen. ,Cameron in Congress .Wou 4,!'velte, right .oni abont.balf the: questions cottim,up ; but undet' i eueh circumstances that th 6 right would pol . ;be permanently advanced by. his support:l, ;The Southrons. Would thaPkt him' fon his votes in' behalf of Slaiery, but , Iwonid feel :under no obligation to give votei-for an effectiVe Tariff in return. They :would re gt(r,tl hint'.4:4 a Pennsylvania DEmocraitit'iiere jaiT,a.'llyiff man, and 'requite his tavoti by dniners and compliments— not by :lat, - C,s.-1 ILI , bits' been once already; in the Senate', 'clee- 1 tq : . - as i-,Zirifr Democrat .in a DeniOciatie I.cgislatfife;mainly , by Whig votes; ly*.4 we never heard that the Whigs were particUlarly i prOd fot their. agency in his: election.illl he is stow curried through a.tegislature.miitni: nAliy Whig, hut really ' Know-Nothibg,'; it will„be an evidence'of great tact, - or lack, or financial ability, on his part. We shall', not believe hei 6rtn succeed until 'We must:l i. 1 - tip t o the date of last October EleCtli in: hi & ,State it Was generall yunderstood that en. Caineroa.fwas not a 'Know-Nothing,' th ! ugh it!Was stated that one or two of his so4sihad joined - .the t;order. Now, we undsratand, an allOgedtrinisc . ript from the record is I.4ldt,vh, Which : rePresents: him as having joinedlthe Order on the 11th of September, on6 l i:e nth bilcii!' e the - : Election ! There:ha ve been tigii:xxl many sMart dodges in Ponn'sylvaniapOlitics, of the Sutherland school, - and perhapsi this is one of theni.—Tribune, 12th. • - i-: I .-1 - I 0 0 iTmt isoarri-WEST 'HC THE U. S. S E A E.- ll)i pis luislu.4t chosen Judge Trutntiu I, a tiue . man, to the U. S. Senate, in plac of Shield% , Wisconsin has alsO - chosen tlie ble'lDurkee - to suc,ceed'haae P. Walkei.lfOwa sends Jaines "'laden 1( Republican) 4:8 ;the sti4essor.hf l the doughface., Cesar A6guitus rtnAge. 'oniere has been no, election I(xet; in Indi a na whe:re the R4ublicaes haveillt it et. uottunated. Although Indiana gave ge ReOublioan majority ftt the lust eleet* 4'a: thoropgb-pAced repro9eot,hq' in the ficuuato, htieltlOn; ha beaUti(bl Peninsula State, is .sinillarlys4uft.: _tecr Het (itsSfs and Stuarts, treat wititseimn Atictc'outomtit, resolutions of instruction', Ohio garn 80,000' majority i fbr Freedom lasi Dito• bee, yet thejLegislaturo- elected a Nebkaska- Ito ,auccessot to S. P. who lut,a `2.falth rot,relr, ted Ob ' , : ifeminationi for U . S ..Senator. . ..-TnuasnAT,l Feb. 8,155. t • .In the Senate, Mr. M ' Clintoek twine tie a ry,soultisin that the Spaterneet in,piinvent 11,, .1 , In' the j fiall Of*); ifousolesp*eittohp4l on Theelay neilo4t;l2 iis,el k, Jit., *r thei 4 ::: i• • "• T , , • r 4 tOrposefileleitiptti Unitt+States Senatar and antlikirizingit , ylliapQingtentlidt Ctel . 04 i -4-t, its pa r t. - P' '•., • '..4? - ' . '-,-...:.- .. ' Y.. The Spate Pre ,'sled to i nominate ear di dates for U. S. SAnitor, as Billows : -• ' John Robins Jr. - II• .' Thonias 'Williams --- Wilson M'CandleiS - John Stiohni Simon Cameron - - 1' , • Win ' M. Mertslitli 11. T. Cenrad - 'll • - Jas. X. - 11 1 Lrinahan '- Arnold Plummer,!Wm.lßigler • - Wm. F.lJohnston Seth 'Clover -- . John Clinultel ..j ' James. Todd It D. Foster U , G. W.•WOodward Andrew G. Curtin' 4'• , J. K.lMorehead -:':•-• James Cooper ,• • - Henry Chapman - . • Daniel M. Smy4r , John [D. Styles • ..... WM. Darlingtonii • ' Thaddeus Stevens . Jamis \leech - , 11 David Wilmot Chas. R.lfluelialeiir ' Henry M.:Fuller: • • if •••- 1 .. ~1, ! „ TttuasniOr Feb; 8 185 In the Ilouse:llqt'. Smith moved to p o ceed to the nontintion',of caiididates fork! it ed States Serator h. Whieh was agreed to, ii•nd the folloiing get4lemen, were pond:I:AO: • D. M. SioySer, •,t - 11. D. Foster. Thos. E. Frankli'i Joseph Miner • R. 'T.. Ginrad,.- !•, M. M. Dimmock • . David Wilmot ' , 'Alex.' , Cummings ..' Jacob Fry - .Ji. •I' Ralph Clapp - I James M. Porterl= - Thos.l H.. Baird. I,G. W. Woodward : . Jacob Dewees 'i . J. Pringle Jones i! • John L. Dawson .I: James CON* •, J. .AL Kirkpatrick. 1 W. F. Johnston .1 f ' -A. GI Curtin t - James V4Celt Wilson M'CandlesS/ . s B. 11. Brewster i . JOhn ,Williamson. John S.. I.ittell : ill l . Seth Clover Otis Tifliniy 1•; Arnold Plummer Josephiftillington 1 . Simon Cameron John WI Howe 1 ',,, Jacob Broom • - llenry 11!. Fulled .l• Wilson Reilley Smith Follcr .', ' -C. B..Eyster. • ThaddeuSSteVen ' A. B - ; Dunning . : • Wm. Latimer 1 ••._ Ellis Lewis - Wm. Dhrlingtor . -CharleSFrailey James' Todd • I, '', Da\•id Taggart J. R. M'Clintotk I . Gideon J. Hall , ' Lewis.o 'Levin : D. M. BoYer , • David Jayne I James Tlitnupson - 1 J. M; BrOoinall I, . John C. Kunkel J. K: -- Morehead. I . John J. Pierson i Thos...C. Steele •,, I, Andrew Stewart , On motion thelpoininatioils closed.. , AL, uncel, d 11, Thellist .1 1.1 w \Vest Che. the . OisG4ery tba bass wooo,•says-: . , . No greatdisedery was ever made wi h• out some one stepping in, and - try log to. .b ar away, the' credit. 1 So we - einteeivl it to Se with Air,-1 Beardslce: .lle 'seeks to, appropri ate to himself atilltonOr whi4h bOongs to•hc other than ,that Iptignacion friend of .dp, youth, Tin Hcaotkr. That 'little gentleman, 'a veritable kni i allt i a the Garter, if one might judge frohl the stripes . which adOrn his pfr soil, is the very frat'discoverer of !the 'ail`of making paper froin :rood! 1 And :very go )(.1 'paper taxi does he make. TO be sure he bas not discovered the • bleaching. process, lut that Mir,' Beartbilee is weleoule to r but Ille must leaVe our friend, the llornet ',ithe merit of first making r , .paper fron wood:. It was only the Othe?r daY, we heard a ' g'Crltlefik 11 Setting at defianee . .the entire 'skill of Ainc . i. can 11Iechimics, by Stating the most ingenlops of them all, could: Inot • construct a Ilornet's Nest. Whether i;they can !ever learn tile mo.dus o,pi.rUrnili• 1 0 4 , beginniiig With a small cone-811:1w house, - and frond the InOcle wolk ing it - until it increases .itil- size a hundrpd fold, is rather dotibtful at 'present.' But ne vertheless we cannot tell ithat discover es may be made in this miraculous age. , OPe thing is very certain,. American ingenu4y has been trying tO , steal the i Ilornet's pattipt. for making paperAut . of Wood; and we hope the Conmtissioner,ot, Patent at WashiugtOur will see to it..z .. -,. i . . ' W eveii . rnuelu,; Ospect : that this same.l4 4 F. Beardslce! is a laz dog, iild that he has in dulged himself on! nany aline sunny day by lying dowo - alongsh• e _of an old chestnut fettie, and there:watching our little!.strippedlbaekid friend packing awta,y in the hopper . of his pa per mill the' half decayed fillres of the chet,t nut rail. • !Plc HOrnet inake' i s his paper-frclu chestnut — 7 1%1r. Ben rd sl ee chooses bass-woOtl. The object of the latter is' np doubt to' avoid infringing on the Patent but! it wilt not-liold water. K: '- L I We intend to send, our deft;nce of the odr , • -- Mal patentee to the Albany lEvening Journal which has;, already been in-inted 'on pap`,4 made from wood, and we shall ask of tde editors of the Jotninal 'to confront m t . Beards lee with the. charge, and were very sure be will acknciwledge the corn.'! If he ZieS we shall next summer setalhiM an 'lnfernel machine,' carefully boxed to his i addrev, which shall; be tuAhing less than a iHornees Nest, with ;"the whole army of little papir makers in it. 'flieYstake care of their oWn rights depend upon it, and . if 'he sh'iudd. hair eel., to opeti the missile in his paper mill operatives Will bellinstled _out with eyes buni. ed up closer than ;it. they' had ,been attending an Irish wedding. 11 • • . .Butler county iS l coming up. The citizet's of that county can now boast of a Coit"t House - equal in architectural, beauty and il - capacity. with any. in Western -- •Penns9- vania,' excepting that of•Pi ttsburg. The builil• ing has been something -outer_ two years fp progress, and cost, about $36,000. - The la` t court of the county was held .in the new buil4- ing, and in referring to' it in his charge to t h e Grand Jury, Judge Agnew i .quoteS from ,lit. work entitled " Bpeollectiona of the:West?' theSollowing - paragraph, • descriptive of the first court held within the co'rporatelimitS 6f Butler :i : '-' '' -•- . : • ; ; - A log Cabin just raised and covered, bOt without: . window Sash or doors or . datibini, • was prepared• for the hall of justiee. :A ear pouter's bench with three chairs upon it, wits the judgment seat; • The •hall . was barely suf ficient to contain the' bench the bar, jurors and constables, ft ; was on 'this occasion, tie .says,. big John 11114unkin stood astride of tl joists directly over, the heads.:Of theirlionor4, like the Colossus i)f Rhodes, And for his et tempt. was ordered to jail. - The jail wasevcfn mere unpretending than the hall Ofjustiee,fir the, author .tells us- that Sheriff - M'Oanille4,• much puzzled toiiknow where to lodge hs prisoner, at : last hit. on the •. ruckyl f liought - 4 1 . ,Bower's pig- pen; fennarking‘ the ipigs - ake 'kilt for eoorte, and, it's empty." " . . , . - • - . • 1 • Disonisan At.c&itM..—Thtem pqraucp. 14- i pers . are calling public •atten,ion to the fit4t ; that the'ettudy or aura dropslsold in the eon- • • fectionary stores are filled w;tlt brandy, :aini • that they are very mitelf use by warren anli' children, wlto, in this'disgulsford,,first ai quire a tosto.tbr alcoholic oiti Eulanti. . likfnie l cif those drape ai.o i 44 to ntain 'about- rii ti - inble.full of braUdY; ' Theatrocity of 4047 in such pokson , to children iii . too manifest 0. dale) l upon,, The tniOhief w i ill, no doubt, h , in a great degree,. cured:by .calling attends tettite.fai.'t, but . the question arises.. wheth r this illegal mode of s4lling rum is not indie).- able . underthe ;lieuselalf,---P4loatkphici . ... .. Lefivr o : :• 5 • .._ i-. • -:• .. l 1.-1 - • - : 1 . - 1-• • • -., -1 11 .er of Paper frora Wood.l f l ier Repielqicani sp. , akin o good riap4r ean be mad e I ' • ' Butler County ITEMS.' ' —Mout .10Q emigrant a for kansali , ;01 leave Pit i ...1;114 in the ' sprint( 4, '. .i.,, --L-A 41);?itory liquor lap- pa !ts? j , f ttl n . ti .110iejiror .on Freda I+ a ... i t . ) ,,,‘ t - la " f,tbakState. ,A. pto,hltiito ' l a fo l i so i °' ed ' (Illinois' Senate on *se • It s*lthat the Massa4usetisdttep. ft ithe tibti in - loyer House orConew, are keady . i'Zike2S(lr , the reduction of thet - tarif. —The bill appropriating * 30,000 tCilipen the mouths of the, Mississippi,,passed the U.S. Senate, , 'February 6th. 1 • _ farLelipyears are, those that are einetly divisible by 4, mid also by 400; and nit: by 100, The year 1900 therefore will not be it leap-vear. , 0- more Know Nothino" ! victories Are annotineed, one in Binghannien r N.Y., "and'tlip Other in - I - Animater; Pa. 'ln Lan easter a filSiCaf tiehet Was formed: - to di;feat the Know Not hings, wasluristiecesSful4 .--The editor who - wrote Ids editorialS with Stolen chalk: on the soles of Iris shoes, and went barefoot,while the boys, see,up the Cot has 'Purchased a reani- to band '-..,en've pes, Ond engaged' a girl to turn them inside put. —The . . women who mo'hbed.a sell- ex's premises, and destroyed $5200 worth of Ole "erathiir,” at Mount-Pleasant, Hamilton county, Ohio, have all bee&d , isehargett. t; The Commercial,eineinnati noticing.the'lnVe stigatien. says The wornen :Were most of them -young, and v all -pretty.". No -Wonder ,they were all discharged: i" •i! • —Gen. Cass says he wiltinot obey the in atiuttions of his Cegislatureitia resist th 6 tensing of Slavery, because the inajority:Ofthe .I.egisinture are fusionists and not. demOcrats. The - dOetrine Of instruct ion tiPS dwindled,own to thigil Hunker :democracy is a great &M- I • • cern, • f, —T • h 1 e fore o gn immigration; arriving atsone ,of theiprincipal ports of _North America du ring the, last year was as follows :-NewiYork 319.23 ; ()lichee 53,183 ; Baltimore 31,151 Bostoh 2.000;2 total 420.587.. The-arrivals at Philadelphia, New Orlealts, GalvestOn and San Francisco would raise this 0 daffreaate. -to 00, Over half a million'. - . . „ . Mayor Wood has issued his ultintalqm to the liqudr sellers !of New YOrk.. He Says to them, 'lf your shops are open, or you..again 4ell liquor on,Sunday, I Shall resort to every legal means .. .at my, command to .closelbly. establishments for the sale of liquor' -not only fipon that day,''but for-el-0y other day- in. the week. - • _;' 1 1 • - True Dignity of an 'Editor; • . MesSer, of the Stiubur? : (Pen nsy.l. l ania) . American. is a bit of a . 1,t3.,.• in thp last number of his paper he says t.tiat, ti6nt'-one years ago' throe young gentkemen of Stnith-- 1 field county, and one from a ut:ighboring - town,_ 1 Were examincd together by ; ;a einninittee of tWelve lawyers, mid the nex,t. day • adMitted - ' tO • praetice at the' bar. One .of„ the *Young a. gentlemen, afters a career ot'ii , efulnesl . and , r. distinction at the bare serve&Severtil st 4srbns in .., Cow , o ress wittrirrelit crediti to himself, and new occupies.the importantt , und proud iposi- 1 tion of G rernor elect of this great ConiMon-.; Weath. The second-was idserone of the moSt .distinguished Members ofthOar r and reprti ' 'seated the county in the Legislattir&.with distinguished ability: Subsequenty he lOcated himself in Schuylkill country, and is no I V President Judg - of that, imitoriant distric . The third is' now a, distinguished lawyer i i Ni 1 estern Pennsylvania. -- The fourth4---bu i l t, here we must let Messer spv,o for hin4elf:i . `The fourth, the writei'W this article,`, 14tving higher as f tirations, new occupies the elevated position of editor mil proprietM\ of at count ry ncwspaper,. nod links down!' w lth epinplacency upon his valurift.: ; friend4:atip old a§sociates, with whom he' ha*..sPent some of the happiest hours of life, knpwitig fulliwell, if they have not reached so high a pinnacle on the ladder of , tlitu6, it was nOtifor: the;*ant of merit or ability on their p`a i ttc I . \. • . . .. - Applicants to: Office. , ~ 7. : The, Lewisburg 'Chronicle .contatne3 a let, , i, tilt. from Ilai•risburif, written.'We presurne,by Mr. Hickok, the New Dept': v ..S!lperintendent of'Cintimon, Schools, from which we make the following extract; in relationlo:the doings of the caw seehers and the GOlrernor : '1 ' - „ j;" Gov. - Pollock. has been o-eiy be.Aeged by throngs of applicants filiffice. They have been as persistent as gad.' ies in 6 . 0 dog days, but have thinned off W k ithin a. day or two. There are .over for,l the 20 offices athis disposal. ]';Some ofthem have discovered by this time that lie peisess.l •e firmn e ss and independence* character, as well as honesty of purpose, -aUd warm-heart ; and that he is4tot disposed to ;, _shrink from the responsibiliticS.throWn ttpon hini, dr suffer the helm to Pass from liis)ziwit cOntrol.. CireunistimeeS havejalso des eloped the fact, that hee-will not knoWingly, appoint any inebriate, or any.profaneswearer,oi, per son of otherwise immoral character to . any of , flee in his gift. ;06c - individual- aestroyed his ' prospects at once, bv:present+g, his •applica tiOn in person, while intoxicated.: AnOther person urged his iapplication iit lan gn age of tn o re strength than politeness; 'and Ott had his name sOicken from the. list,"as soon Its be left. , Still another had made' a favorable lodgment in the executive opinion, when the revelation .of ,tiasi,Mormon arrangements suddenly settled, the opinion Adversely-. Oth6rs bavo attempted • tolAktate and coerce, but bavtypot:foOnd him. qOito, so waxen and impmssable, as hisbenig- Dant . countenance had led -them to : suppose. These Casual indications of iihat may be, ex pcieted,l presume will •tiOt djAAsitill to the' ptiblic generally, however uneXpceted and un palatable to smaller 'circles.. , . • .1 , . • . • ' Novo. LAw SUIT...--A. sotnevbat rernantie suit at law has just been ternunated in Frank. lia,•county. . It seems that one - John :Ipscher bc..eatnd, pierced - with the arroWt of cupid ; and,: , , wd ihini to 'held the wound by lasyful . wedlock, he.maci,e a . proposal - to the object fit hi's - af. feption§ i i4ich, it seems, she received favorably; but the Tather, Air: Jacob . \Vyant, being a pru-`_ dent than, of much foresight', required: the said John Leseher to enter into)bonds of fitsoo conditiOned that the said John Leseher should live - With his wife - and treat ;her as a, kind and afftfctionate husband: should 'di); hut the ' partics,tafter living together some months,,sep arated, 'Mid this suit was brought, to recover thq amOutit of the bond. 'ltte lease was* first tried at the last April term of the Franklin ,i,,i, 'court, - ` - hen Judge kitntnel ,deeided the bond to 'be) valid.' - ' The case was carried of the supret e court; and it was' decided that' the bohd , " aageed'and valid, and' in accordance ". with the rlaw.'!- ' The case, thereffn - e, came up, nfpfin in` the Franklin ft) county courts, when the t i jury 'nd a Verdict fur the plaintiff of Wi'9,. 74ij -T e- resutt of -t his . suit . Indy' give - ti Val , Amble uggestion- to anxiotis-1 the,rs' whose daughters' are sought as partners at- the t altar, and an imitation, of Mr._ Wyatit!sforethOught would tdaiw a Prutienteencern ft,T their-dangh tet*'• welfare.--Carlisle (Penn .I) . .Detnecia I. . - ~ . _ .APPORTMENTE 3 inr Gov. ,r -—Rev . Steiphen hillier. of Ilatriaburgjilour Inspect. or at phiiiktialphio, Thomas J. Power, of Beaver county (Amer, lean Democrat) Adjutant Grentail oldie State. C. L. Magee, (Americo NV hipt.) . `,l4;.pector of Weights and, Measures for Allegheny court. ty, • _ • • Dir. Culp, ( Americtut ) Flo ut. InspectetTor Pittsburg.- •• ~ . . =MON NEWS. 1; emr.York . , ,„,, :: • . • telttnsliip Atlantic reache d ` . .e •ateify 9th, 'from Liv.erp*?l, bringing new s •,irope one week later:, . ThelQueen'of • $::- : ; iti_i''zis dead." LordiJohn Rassell•haar e . iii:"i d., . " - - poskas leader of the Ministerial p• 0 .. . • the Pous,e of COmaionS, and the _if!) . • .' - te - timed to prevail that the t ministry out. ' Affairs before Sebastopolare , unchanged. - The British army is in a wreteh , ed condition . front ' mismanagement. ' The- -_ Swedish army -is immediately to be placed an a war footing. - . lsrunteriuts . failure are re-' ported in Liverpool, but the amoants were exaggerated: Accounts froM various parts of Spain indicate' tin.approaciiing Carlist instir. rcetion. - 'Chinese advices to*Deceraber 12th,' report: that- political affairs In th4iouth of ci l o l 4 Ire c more '„ cri t lea; than. ever,. ." Trade was eompletelysuspendek and the Canton rlitiffi4llieii - have ' offiCially 1 applied: lto• the:' • American and EtigliSh-Consuls for assistance. "Ginsiderabla.reititi•reentents were 1 -reaching -I the allied . armies itt the Crimea. ;Sickness was -increasing in ''the camps.-. Jhe Russian 1. . Geniiral Liprandi has again advanced his o u t. • posts-to the Tehernita. ,- . A Ilusiial) army o f. 40,000 men, with a - battery of 80f.guns, is said to be at the Isthnius of Perekop. At— stibastopcd• . the .French'- had ' niinell the flag staff battery, and, only :waited a favorable - opportunity to •blow.,it up . : The 4tussiana have repaired and occupied the Qmarainitie .. 'Tort. :Arab deserters report that.:tite Turk:' ish troops were treated rWitit-Very little con: sideration by; the allies; A. despatch from St. - Petersburg announces that thef garrison. of Sebastopol .made two ;successful night. sorties ,i - ,m 'the - -13th and 15th, .killiiig a coo . siderable number'-of men, and taking four:, teen Prisoners. ' The .large, Russian force mustering at Perekop, is said tolhe fof an , 'attack on Eupatoria. '-} . . -' 1 . -,;, • State Officers of the Opmmon SehooTe;,*; A. brief visit to Harrishtirg, a Tose days ago . made us personally:acquainted, Pa lithe fir 5,L the State: SupOintende - nt: die result, is a . belief that the col'Ornon School sirs; t e m -is in good hands. 'Col:eartia . , has-been ;,for many yearS, - zari.. active - and' cffeetive Director of 'Common • &hoots of Bellefonte, wher he resided. In that-Capacity-it was our good fl)iltnie-to cot- respond with him and to learn his deVOtion to the school interest. This isAgoud beginning which a personal interview' inducesithe belief 'will lead. to a good ending.. Hickok seems' to be - clear minded, energetic and deVoteitto the Work before him. Good, service hi the good' cause *may be ex pected from him. • We hope to cbronielemUch`progress in the I• System during . .the coming \ three yeas. The officers take charge of it at h Most inter esting and important juncture. - 'lf - they con- . tent lemselves, as we have good 'reason to' hope they will, with building on the old-foun dations, and do not .tear dOWn for 'the..rneri ; purpose of.showing their pOwers ofioriginali ty,:all will yet be well. There is yet enough I undone needing their Utmo4 skill arid energy, Without undoing. that Vihieli jias' been-already well done.----Pean. Schp,ol-4u-rnatj - • - • Senator Wilson's Anti-Slavery Sentiments. The : following may be htift dowu as the, plalfortn of the .newly . elected linit:ed - States Senator, Aff.-W itz4m, of Massachu's'etts; who succeeds the Etlw:ird Everett: • bet, repeal the Nebraska ; . .2 . d; repeal the Fugitive Shive Law;; 3d, abOish': - 4,ldvery in the pi , triet of Colninbia ;4th,aboliSh the:ln, / ter-State Slave trade ; 'nest he : •v;.• - ould.de - dare that Slavery shenld . nOt spread to 'one. "6 inch of the territory of the union ; would then put the Government actually and per- petuatly yr; the . stchi! or thrcapi..., t,y; w hi,th h. %; means that the brighteyed boy of ISFa-ssachu setts ,:hould' have asg ood chitneel.for pro-. .fi; motion. in the navy its a boy cd drie of the ti• first hairlines of Virginia. 116 ivotildhave our foreign Consuls take kirks: with the noble . Kosstith i and agaiusi the Paipal , buteher - Ted ini: • He would .have judges who believe in a higher law, and an anti-Slavery COnrititntioti, : _ 4 an anti-Slavery Bible, 'and,:.an.autiSlavery iGod I Having thus denatinnalize4.iSlavery,2. he. would not Menace it-in . the States whefe• • it exist but would say. to the Stafes, it is your-local institution . ; hug - it to 'you bosom . - until itAle§troys- you. But he_ would say, ; you mustiet Our freedom - done.: ' , A New Tariff: fj: A Washinaton letter writeri und.'4 date of .IFebruary Bth, says . ; It is_supposed that the tariff agitation is concluded for this session; and the Democrzo. assert that Mr.- Houston, their ost(ii,iblP. lead:, er on the question,is very glad.of it. .1 - "le was all the tithe afraid that he-Should stteceed.— The singular course of the Massachusetts del egration hakhaturallyeliciti~d much-:feeling: - Three Of their number were*Sent., 4 the oth:- prs voted, seven for\revisingl'the tariff to 'one Against it'. A_humorons meraber, front Ohio has ..ivett them' notice, that he' shall ; on the first day when it shall bo . .in . f, Oder'', ; bring a bill to annex Massachusetts to Canada.—' A Deraocratic.menthery front "Pennsylvania, ircll "linown -for' his general' . concnirstice in• Southern policy. &dares that, if thP subject . comes up again, and Mr. Jones., of Tennessee, proposes an atnendment,f.n. free ii;on,..-as_ he ,is expected' to do, he (the 'Pinnsy;lyanian) will move an addenAtini, ana4or freeniggers:‘, . . . The - next campaign against' she Ind'', ails of the Plains is loblted forward to with inuch interest. lt, is gene - rally. belielied that the new volunteer. fox*, asked for' by dent Pierce and Secretary Davis, viil begrant, ed by COuiress, and it is. the intentiOn of thc, administration to haVe it commanded by Col, Harney, and. arnied.With -a rifle Whigh is a re cent _Arnericatt iinproverttent, oti the far famed Minie fire - itrrn:At is ,eliaracterizeil - 'by )iigh• er sights, and a niodification lor the equical ball,lind may be aimed, with destructive cer. taurty,,at a matt . five 'hundred !. yards . , of; and. the areouat befiire us even says that theywill carry a. h,ad.twiee'. that distance; Of etiure such an arm isTan in - intense 'advantage, iu a conflict with the well inounted Indians efithese vast plains, , ..1 • BiSIJOF REESE. OF DETROIT.—This .11Oman Caiholio prelate, having. - Offended- the Pope, was surrnuotied. to Rotn'e.,- where he. had linno . been, kept a. prisoner—and withoet hope of restoration to:liberty., The ; Detroit ; Tr bone says- , It would seem that-by an act wort yof the darkest days of the ; man •iyho Ints-cos . nmitt.4.,.4 no c6rne except th4t he performed the duties of hi 4 sacred office to - the enti?e satisfaction of the "Diticese, has lbeen_ in:lnured in a Dungeon for the-rest oftisda,y!l. And the Catholics of Detroit qui'c.tly to this flagrant outrage, upon them'anfl TO t pdCF -slavish. obedience to, one who is- willing trio,be coMeithe tool of the 'Burnish llierarthyis It catincitftlways 'men..i.i. not - Detnoeratio f , , , ri Ayi n s t ve turn into negrodOgs l and I..tl'i i t r e .o th en , fiwii , down fugitive blacks in,the . .fre - O fiel4s of • iho 'north , is mit -. Penaqi - tie-:-to' i ' . e*tend sliivery . iA'er territory !. where it .loatsrtot.:ae ! quired u..foothold is not Denioratio-'-tortOl, - . i ens t e it oil ' , soll 'where the' 'Federal ooieru',. meat lilisliciWer.,td abolish it; is not '; 14nio: eratie--to lieensoand :fortify. , the lkasAnedisr of .turaings(lber:men into cl6!nktirkis,,oo i's and eriniinals . 11. t . ot Pmocratie •-•.; uf :Democracy: . , .. . - NM