Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, February 15, 1855, Image 1

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Beieet f/ozikg.
gip_ d WOUNDED
BT purl
Hunter of the herblesspeak—
Rubitant 'twist earth and sky-4 -
Snow-white bird of bloodless beak,
Rushing 'wing and rapid eye!
Rath the fowler's fatal Sim
' Of thy free-born righti bereft thee,
And, 'mid natures curbed or tame,'
Thus encaged, n captive left Tee!—
Thou wbo, Earth's low valleys scorning,
From thy cloud embattled nest,
Wont to catch the earliest morning
Sunbeam on thy breast!
Where , did first the light of day
See thee bursting from thy shell?
Was it where Ben-Nevis grey
Towers aloft o'er flood and fell?
..Or where down'upon the storm •
Plaided shepherds gaze in wonder,
Round thy rocky sides, Craingorm!
Rolling with its clouds and thunder?
Or with summit,•heaven-directed,
Where Benvoirliell views in pride,
All his Skiey groves reflected
In Loch Ketturin's tide?
Boots,it not;—but this we know, - '
That a wild, free life was thin;
Whether on the peak of snow,
Or amid the clumps of pine; •
Now on high begirt with heath, • • .
Now, decoyed by cloudless weather,
To the golden hrorn beneath,• ,
Happy with thy mates together.
Yours were.eN'ery cliff and cranny •
•Of your birth's majestic hill, .
Tameless flock! and ye 'were many, .
Ere the spoiler came to kill
'Gazing, wintry bird „,at thee,
Thou-dost bring tile Wandering mind
Vi' itinS of the Polar Sea,
Where, impelled by wave and wind, ---
Drif: the icebergs to and fro,
Crashing oft in, fierce commotion, -
While the snorting whale below
In fts anger tumults ocean ;
Naked;-treeless shores, where howling
Tempests vex. he brunatair, -
And te famished wollub prowling
. Shtins the fiercer bear.
And far north the daylight dies, . • .
s And the twinkling stars alone
Glitter through the icy skies,
Down from mid-slay's ghastly throne;
And the moon is in her cave,
-And no living sound intruding,
Save the howling wind and wave, • .
'Mid that •tkkess ever brooding ;
Morn as 'twera in anger blotted
From Creation's wistful sight,.
And Time's prcigress only noted
• By the northern light..
Sure'tWaS sweet for thee, in sprint,
Nature's earliest green to hail,
As the cuckoo's slumbercius wing
Dreamt along, the sunny ralU;
As this I,l:tekivirti from the brake •
Hymned the moiMing-star serenely,
And the mild-swan o'er th.elake,
lee-unfettered, oared it queenly!.
.I._ ogyocovo o than
in-rpmallT t 0 ILL+ nzmramt-
Or the boundless' moors before thee,
With their bells of blue?
Then from lat•clien grove to grove;
And from wild-flower glen to glen'
Thine it was in 141145 . to rove, •
High - o'er hills, and far from men; . ,
Wilds Elysian'.—not wound
Heard except the torrent's booming;
Nought beheld for leagues around,.
-Save the heath in purple blooming.
Why that startle? From their Phealing
On the hazel-gii-diid mount, :
Tis the doe and fawn down-stealing
. To the silvery fount. .
Street to all the summer time—
But how sweeter far to thee, . •
Sitting in Thy home sublime,
High o'er cloud-land's sounditigs sea!
Or if morn, by July 'dressed,.
Steeped the hill-tops in vermillion,
Or the sunset made the west
Ereif like Glory's own pavilion,4 •
While were fixed, thine ardent eyes on
Realms, outspread in blooming mirth,
Bounded bitt by the horizon
Belting Bearen to Earth.
Did the Genius of the place, -
Which of livihg things but you
Had for long beheld no truce;
• That.unhallowed visit rue
Did the gathered snow of years • '-
Which begirt that Mountain's forehead,
Thawing, melt as 'twere in tears, .
O'er that natural outrage horrid?
Did the lady-fern hang drooping,
And the quivering pine-trees sigh,
As, to cheer his game-dogs whooping,
Passed the spoiler by?
None may knowthe dream is o'er—
Bliss and beauty. cannot last; .
To that haunt, for evermore,
Ye are creatures of the past!
you' it mourns in vain; •
. the dirgefufnight-breeze only
Sings, and falls the fitful rain,
'Mid your homes forlorn and lonely..
Ye have pcvsed—the bondscenthiall you
Of supine and wakeless death;
Never more shall spring recall you ;
To the scented heath!
Such their fate ;—but•unto thee,/
Blood-soiled plume, protricted breath,
Hopeless, dreli.r captivity,• "
Life which in itself is elitt. " • •
Yet alike, the fate of him' -
Who, when-all-his views are thwarted,
Find Earth but a desert dim-- . •
' Relatives Nand race departed; -
.soon areFaney's realms ElYsian
I'cajited by the brood ot Care, •
Truth,finds Hope's gilded vision "
Painted but—in air. "••••,,
. .
A DwAia , RAcr. or. IIEL;---The Newport
c{cury gives the following:
There is U,§ingular race of dwarfs in Up_.
per Peru ( Bolivia) known as `i Chibnitos."
Or little men," that are as worthy our alien=
tion as the Aztecs. Everything connected
with them seeins to indicate, that they are in•
digenous, though their general aspect gives
the impression ofu 'people Tedueed in stature
by poverty and hardship. The tallest are'ot •
more than four and ik half feet in height, while
many will not measure more than
.three and'
a' hag. Their legs, apparently, arc devoid of
mUseles, their eyes black and elongateknose
nquiline4 7 -cheeks drawn in—with high cheek
bones, forehead low and retreating, hair black
and wiry, and mouth tending - to muzzle.--
They travel south, on-foot, and :are absent
from hOme two or three years, returning with.
small hoards of silver gained in traffic, thavel
illbri about fiv'e:or six miles a day: Front long
habit they can' do,without food an eitraordi.
nary length of tithe, supporting nature by
sucking cocoa -leaf, gathered from a shrub tree
`analogous to the betel-nut of the East Indies:
It is equivalent to tobaccO,.,latidatitim—or
strong infusion" of tea : and it isonly when
their animals die of disease they 60 a plea.
tiful Of food. Their covering is a coarse'
hin t ' of cloth, which they prepare the mselve4
Their ahodk!s are rude huts, and when travel
lag day sleep on the ground, htiddled togeth
er to keep wartn uu the dry cold desert. where
'l l O2 are principally found.
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Tow skefehets.
Muth of the Last. War•
' • ; . BY' EllirLyAN CS' COBB, JR.
1 ; ' . -. .
• 1 IT irati alowery day, the 10th of July, 1814,
'so said an old Man, from whom-we .had the
partieulars of theincident we. are
,about to:
relati. . 'On a point of land at the mouth. of
'Saco River, which :makes out beyond a basin.
of . water -knowh as 'The. Pool,' stood taro . :
:Mee.. ~ They were; roughly'dressed, 'and the •
:cut and rig of their garbs showed them to,,be,
Ifilherinen; or, perhaps, lumbernien and coast:.
'sete elde r of the two was a•stout, thick- ;
set u4u4 s.emeWhere about fifty years of age,,:
and Nearing uponi his face the marks of a .
-bad, fearless persen. The other was several
-.: : :. , :
years i yeueger,l; and though . not quite So ;
stout fin . his btidd; yet showing enough -
Muscle to, entitle him to the respect of one
;who Molted for Manhood in physical strength.
The lii.,,t—he of the most years—was named
Sam Latham, and : everybody about the coast
knew ' ; :hint well;. The . other was . a Jerry
Clarke; and feeil were the people Whys, knew
one that, did net knew the othe r ,r. for they
Were always together;—in health and in sick
negs, in sunshinl and in storm, upon the shore
or upoh tlii; sea.',',
It was near nkon when they stood there,
end th.y were looking off to sea, where a brig
of-War ~ ,was undei reefed top-sails:
This brig was 411 Englishman, and . she had
li 4 -eti off the montli of the river nearly two
Weeks,: much toi„ the. discomfort ?of a .fleet of
lumbermen, wi were anchored ; along shore
nit thestreain. l I
i • .
1. `I tell you. whnt, Jerry,' said Sam Latham,
after he had gaiied some • ten Minutes upon
the EngliSh brigiin silence, ' we're fairly shut
tip here. ,113 y. tb'e great Moses, it's too. bad:
If we only; had our lumber do .s'n shore,' we
should hat e Ou ', dollars hard an' fast. - But
ii's no itsei, W ; can't i g et' by that sneakin'
• : , 1.
- PeCP.-.:
1 Bythaeder 4 like to sink'etn,' was Jet.- •
r s emph4tie response. )
I"like 101 - iterated Sam. l'lWouldn't l'
sink 'enti' it I could !'
. While theyl ere thus conversing on the
subject ;of the enemy, they became aware of
the: approaeh of a third party,tind on turning
they saW en of gentleman - whom they at
once- reedgnizil as a Mr. Webb, a very
wealthy; men, who , owned much of the ship-
pin,g in the river.( lie approached our two
friends, land after having gazed. a few mo.:
ments upon theitilockading brig, he turned to
Latham',,and said ii• • '
Sam' I've c o down to make a propesi
.. t •
tipe to eou.. - Pve s got &az—hundred .barrels.
41 lii cce aim:, WI UlF , trbo run :am Pilrtland. and '
I declare I can't lend it over the land. • Now
that, brig must le igoerid 'of, tit some rate?. '
:Beth ,S'itte and Jerry had eyes and ' ears
open. I'4 this accorded exactly with their
own feelings. ii . • . .
' l' I'm ready,'
,t.vas Sam's response; 'only
shOw me a way, fi nd give me a chance, and
I'll do anything...! ii
Well,' • returaed Webb ' i " 1 can . raise sev
,y,five men, -and arm them ; and they are
men that'll do Their duty, it need be. .1.
know them all, fclr they hate all, or nearly
all, sailed for me at.different times; There
are • :over . forty toasters Op
. the river here,
close . by;.' and ,We pan have nearly - every man
' of their Crews', if Sbniebody Will. only take the
, lead; and .put th re in a fair way to work:
Now if you Wi ll contrive some way to get
theta abosird that brig, I'll give you one hun
dred dollars. ; COme, now set your wits at.
work.' ~' -.. I
. .
'By thunder!') muttered Sajn, as he cast
his eyes lff upon the brig. It 'was- a simple
ejaeulation, and was only thrown Out as a
sort i Of. .index to, the weight of-hrs feelings...--
HeloOked . uponlthe .brig awhile,_ and then
upon thelsand at 'feet, and then' he looked
into Isit. ; i:Webb's face. -
- -.-
' What do you say, Sarni' • 1 4 :• ,
.-- -- Jiist as Webb spoke, the brig,tacked and
stood. off;. ~ • .- 1 .."Mee , the '
~ the saucy] thing works,':
Sam] muttered ;I \‘ standin'--off an' on here just
,to . 'ls?ther, us_ an' steal our bread an' butter.
Letthe think 'squire, just let use think.' ~
FOr some moments old Latham thought,
and the look of earnestness which rested 14,-
on his feattires, and the nervous working of
his handi,showed he Was thinking to some
purpose; . .1 - - : _
Jerry,' he said, - addressing his companion,
and Speaking in 4 thoughtful manner, 'it is
ping, toI 'he -dark!to night.' .
Clarkereieed his, eyes to ;the heavens, and
thenlheldAip his hand to ascertain which. way
, . .the wind -Wind ;Came frOm..
• 'lt .will • Ita" i ' hesaid. ' ' It's goin' to be
,sa a , , •
thick to-night, not no mistake. Them elciuds
are: eomitr River, an' I reeon4will rain some,
- too::
. . . .
Lithatsi looked into Jerr y 's face for so m e
monfientsaiid then he tureed.towards Webb.
'lll tell you what 'tis 'squire,' he said, 'if
I .4:sui have your old slObli—the Sally Anti-.
slid sevetitysfive Imen, well armed, I'll run
out this Very night. If it's as dark as I think
'twill be, Iwe c at; board the-Englishman in
spite of hiS:teeth.' . .
4 ' Goodk ejseAdated Webb, seizing Sam by
• ~
... -
• the hand. ': 'The Sloop is ehtpty and . in 'good
ord4, and' thelaen-shall all be aboard before
dark ; .l''i," . I
.. -
' 'Then let's be off. Come,. Jerry, we - are
in fOr it OW. You'll go with Me?' . . '
r Wont ',l 1' uttered Jerry, 'with a , quick
!sparkle oflithe eye. That was Jerty's meth
od4af givd;( 4 nsieeided affirmative. .
Se the ,
ee ..
started off towards the other
IsidelOfthe,smallcitpe; and there they took a
boat; and !)-owed up 'the river. The sloop
;Ball y Annbivas a solid coasting craft of some
hundred tone. burthen, and Ltitham had sailed
4*.h.ei long enough to know that she behaved.
441 4 sea . She was hauled up alongsideof
one 1 a thl numerous wood. wharves, and
;While Wehb, kept- along up the river .to 'col.
Ilect: the trio,/ilina and Jerry, went en - board
;the Osop to put things in shape there. They
'lief that ,the sails- were - securely bent, the
running rigging in order, and that the deck
was clear iron all needless eumbranee. •• '
1 As soon •as this was attended to, Jerry
'Cltirke went .up to a high rise of land' where
, JieCould seethe brig, and while be kept watch
there, Sam followed Mr. Webb. Before
.darit till-the `men Webb had engaged were
collected ,:and rowed out to the Sloop, which
.had been hauled out into the stream, to avoid
'beiiig leVaground at low ebb. ' Each man
.1 . s
P • Giewsonis Pictorial.
• „ •",.,i, •• • • ,
',E 4 : Rz%[:)6 l lALni[op Q. my an•Ao
had either a good cutlass or some WcifipoO.
tbat answered , the same
. puipese, and . in§Sti Ofi
them were supplied with' pistols, alistik
dusk the sloop hoisted her anchor,
s and i lfr,
Webb went on shore; There was'a lurgei
crowd collected upon the river's bankAki sei
her on; as her sails filled and she heliah:
to move through the water, they gava Otte§,.;
hearty cheers.. By the time the sloop rftach-;'
ed the Pool it was fairly dark, and hero
dropped her anchor again. • i
Sam' Latham now called his men on lieek'
and informed them of his plans. He kriltr,
nearly all of them, and he knew them
•a brave.set of fellows, and after he had stay 11:
plainly just what he intended to do, thei . .oo-; 1
proved of his decision, and promised-tot464'
by hiin to the last. • He had no ddsiro :Of
start out until nearly midnight, for* he.4:44tH
ed utter darkness to cover his work
At about 'nine o'clock, a light drizzlyi rain
set in, and it was dark as Egypt. Not a; st 4
could be seen, rior'was there the least Spntbf
re l ief in the black canopy that. hunt!' OV , et
earth. At tent o'clock the wind rdeW
the northwest and was, quite ' , fresh' •Thi
bonnet was taken from the Jib, and.the
sail reefed, and as the darkness was, as coilit
plete as could be desired, the Yankee Skipp 4
'resolved to get *under weigh: Accordingly ,
the anchor was run up once morel, and ;sail
made. Latham steered by the • colpilk:44
and he knew very nearly the direetiOn
which the brig would be most
found. 'Lookouts :where stationed forwnrd,
and one man took up biz station on thel!elid
of the bowsprit.
Fur over an hour .the. sloop stoodlioPt
nearly east, with the wind upon the larlq)arkl
quarter. The binnacle light was so skided
that: scarcely.a ray could escape, only It av
ing an aperture large enough for the heltn.
man to see the compass. • About 1 half past
eleven the man on the bowsprit reported that
he could see a light ahead. Latham sptang . ,
lOrWard, - and after gazing a:few moment
made cut the brig's light. Ire could.,lsce
'that she bad a: lantern at the binnaele'?andl
another at' .the forecastle companion-Way.. :
Her ports were open; and the rays. of the
Ilanterns • were seen , through them.' 'After
Watching some minutes he decided that i.the,
~Englishman was standing' to the nortlerd, „
'close hauled; and she was now passing ditieet-'
ly under the sloop's fore-foet. --
By the manner in which she passed, Latham
knew she had but very little sail set, *4- he
,saw that he could run her by the board as
soon as he pleased. The drizzling rain !till
,continued, and thenight was as black as_.eter.
Ile brig ~,could: not have been over an ogh i k
'of a mile distant, for even her lights could - ,
not have. been iseen through the thick
kirther than that. I ',;
Now, my men,' said Sam, as he cattle. to.
.the _gangway,. trm aboaVtif
follow as soon
,ss can. Tres
on the-larboard tack, and I can 1,114 -
pn.the quarter in tea minute:s. You thathaV6
' the grapplings be sure and throw then). its l
soon as we touch, and mind.that, you thi:oW
them sure, too, for one Mistake may ruin us.
; If we make a miss the first time andifall:'
`off, the Englishman 'II have time to beat t.O -
quarters, and then we're done to,. By the
time we're alongside, her lanterns will '4IVe
I us 'light enough to see how to operate:
. 44
out for your arms, now, and remember }shat
You've got:to do. Step sure, but step ,
tow look our - sharp for my orders.'
Sam then stationed men-at the sheets and -
I; then he went forward again and gut hi
upon the brig. .•
, . .
"You may lutTa couple of points,' he Sitid,
as soon as he got the 'brig fairly in sight.----?
Round in a.little on the sheets. Steady, Si)." •
By this time Sam could see the dark for,rnS .
!pethe men as they passed to and fro by t.he
ports, through' which the rays of the lanterns
came. and 'he distinctly . ' heard the order's. of
'the offieerwho had charge'of the deck.. Inle,
feu, - moments more he could: make out.ithe
lines of the brig's nettings, and he saw4hat.
he could strike, now by- luffing :sharp up..
Accordingly he passed the order la aslo* :
tone-as possible : The sloop came up hand;
ssamely: •.
Let, - eVerything go cried Sam, ati
.Sprang frOm.,his post and leaped tom ardaith.o .
'starboard', gingWay. -`Let everthing:!igo'
and stand:ready,to board !' .
, _
On the next instant the stoop's uuws struc k
Wither severe shock, nad she glided, alunr/ider
(knit:W . l;2 All on boar -the twig wa s cou r a .
ion in a monient. The voices of her- offlers
could be .heard in wild, ga.sl_ung tones,-land
the men could be seen rushing , towards'; the
Jarb - oard rail. The grappliiigs thrwn,',
with pr4,iion, and the two vt_sels Wcre . lfast
together. ! _
Not one of the Englishmen was - arrned,
for theyprobably thOught the wilfsion oar the'
result of accident, as they had not distiuFtly
understoo';' Latham's order to his men. . • -
What ho ! yon rascally lubber,'
, y4le4-
the Englistman; push off! push off!'
But the lubber did not push oil; but iii tie,'
stead thereof he clung the closer, and in a ioo:
ment more the brig's side was 'lined 'ith
armed men. - Half a'dozen lanterns bad lieen
lighted by the Englishman for the purpose
of enabling : them to look into the cause oftlie - .
catastrophe, and when their beams fell upon.
'the smne they discovered that their . deck '.. l ,Avas
'swarming with strangers. 'The glitter Of
bright steel flashed ;upon their sight, and be.
'fore they could fully realize what had ocenrr.
ed, they found themselves overpowered.
`Jump to the main braces,' shouted Siun,
as scan as be saw that there was - light
- enough to;enable ins men to work ; `jUnip,
'soiree - of you, and lay the main-topsail aback.
You -take the helm, I Jerry.' < -
.These orders were quickly obeyed.
Down With the hatches.: was our Yankee
Skipper's next ordtr, as he 'saw that the off
.watch wasitumbling on deck. 'Knock back
every manilhat attTnpts to come up. Now
where, is the captain of this craft?' .
• ;Before Sam received any` answerto :this
question, ha.notieed that some of the btig's
crew had °armed themselves from the arm
,•ehest, whielt stood!abaft the mainmast, land
be ordered his followers to down with they
'at once. There were not more than:a ddzen
;at most 'who had thus got arms, and in !Skis
than two Minutes they were sprawling upon
the. deck., ;Our hero saw that now wa his
!time to strike without stopping to ask qites
guns, so ha turned ,1 to his men and gave ;the
',word to strike. i 4
'if there's,any captain to this brig,'!': he
.cried, 'Jet him look), out, for down goes every
' num that sbows,hirtiself until - you surrender.
ICry for quarter. as Soon as you please; ,but
iyou'll die fast if yon
• , ],
- -,-- ---
• ' -*ONTROSi.,]'',TILURSAi:
.. •
- ' I
The Yankees- were all, - 'n 4ird •r now, and
there was light enough fo' .thimitii see lain-:
ly aboitt the deck, as the lanterns had been,
hung upon their buckets o erjth4 gyns, when
the Englishmen' ..had started Or the arm!
chest. . i
' You would rob us of -O 1r Ihard,ear.ned.
bread, and - starve our wives tmd little ones,'!,
cried Sani, 'us he 'dashednft, tlfter. haling!
seen a sufficient guard ore tlni chiist.! ' We'll!
see whether you sh4ll H e rough-shod over:
the rights offree-born peo le. i wn ! -down !.
Strike boldly, my brave i min. Strike for .
the honor of our, noble flat. ! 1
.-. And they did strike. A 4w minutes the
the stubborn Briton held lout., And then he:
. yelled with all his might for, quitr4rs. Ho had
_nrms, and he saw his Men lalli driven into'
a solid' body without the pip mit.cifdefence;
..' Latham gave the word to stopithe-cotiflict,,
andin a few moments tno ! the din of battle!
ceased.. The English Ca tail . c.;:tne forward
and reported himself tote lan -ee skipper.:
•ll.aVe•ye surrendeerd 'l' asked. Sam.
'Yes,' uttered the Briton. • r NVe are not
:tble to cope with a - power thht tiettks upon
'us like a snake at . midnighi.' I f . •
'Then you shouldn't tread . 11 . 1?4!n snakes at
'!midnight,' answered Sam;. ! !I know ye.--!
You talk about sneakin'.! l What do you call
the tourderin' of poor wo neo and children,
and the burnin' of poor m n's . i hduses ? But
it's no use of talkin'.. Cnlli
,yolir nien aft, sir,
and we'll see Io 'ern.' 1 t - •
1 The captain said 'no moreiin the way of
!recrimination, but his men ,wee all called' aft,
and as soon as the brig's irbn'o,ald be foUnd, ,
. - : o ur hero set his men at W01 4 .k .4eetir lp ine , the
.1 ,
;prisoners. As soon as hit part ofllie Ivork
was done, the few who had been Calledd r of the
enen-.y Were gathered toget teri an then Sam
, -
sent Jerry Clarke on bo d the sloop with
six good men. Ere long the dra plin were
, ~ 41 ., gs
,ttst loose, and the brig's tnaiktoptitil *filled,
and as soon as good gronlidif,Wa6 found the
' , prize_ was brought to, tineht. i
i i • , •
i , The next mornine carte o i etea and bright.
,The clouds were all - rolling,off io the .F. : outh'rd,
ittlil the sun arose without even a' trust to ob
seure its glowing; glerioui ace! -The tide set
114' the Saco River, and wit - ,ideitine the lit
rt.tle sloop Sally ,Ann i and in teri . wail:e . fcillowed
ithe English brig Aleeto. Ili iti=s than an hour
,the riv . :r'sbanks vrere - linediwith rqjOiciiig pet).
:pie, and glad shouts', relit he stir Old Mr.
:`.Webb was' among, the firs . tq., .camel down,
and he met Sam Latham as , e entrie on shore.
;'; To's. a) - that Sam Waist 1 Oniwoid& not be
i;balf; but the noble Yank skipW was by
.tio , tne.ans willing to have H ithii honor to
1 liilnself. Ile took the pay' which' bad been
~ promised him, beeauSe he %as poOr'and need- .
,ed it; but his brave followers didl , not go tin
i,ewarded. From the proet.edi3 of the prize
they Were all amply paid, thouhlieach and all.
44~1 hut little. for the anns+.3. . oomper
-0 with the igitisfeetien they experienced in
- liapturing the Englishman, end thus ridding
themselves and their emintr . tinpnOf a danger
'i,ing and troublesome lenetn::. .7
Saiii Latham has left, a gloly number •of
41cseendatits, and Some of then :tie still liv
ih,; , • and there are quite a nur#beti of -young.
I .
0 Sums who take much pride In'ha'ling the
story: old Sam's Mtnstotr (nut' il
• .
' - , '. . An Americasaelf-ni : . • Iran: . .
:i It is said that 'some men ar beim teigreatnesS,.
and-Oda:lT have greatness t mat upon - them,'
hut) of Gen. Wilson; the S-nator elect from
',Nlas,,aebusetts, it mai be sa cl- - he bits risen to
his present - eminence, from t le plebeian ranks,
lii, ~i- his own indomitable ene ,' j,t and per.sever,
attee unaided by wealth or ill4ential friends.
lie is eniphatiCally a 'self mnila-man--having
;earned, and nobly earned - ,lth4 - honors that-
tiOw so thickly cluster ationt/ 1 hihi. -IWe learn
from our Boston eithanges that. Gill. Wilson
Went to DiassachUsetts in • 1,•39 spoor and
ifriendless, and worked as'aurney an shoe
!niake.r at Natick. ',lie tool- :the ‘,. tnmp' in
iIB4G es the ' Natick Shoem kir,' M favor of .
Gen. 'Harrison, aid was hi Fir . lected to
the Massachusetts Senate i that year.., lie
Was several times re-elect aid in,11850 was
Tresident of the Senate. ' uhseqUently
. he
; hi:mine the lcaller ..;of the ti-soil party of
Massachusetts, and was twig their candidate
lir Gove rn or. • in:1853 Ir 4 a,ine_mber of
4lie' State Constilotional Co . velitioir, and' re:
!, .
, ~„
tent& we believe,gave- in i hls . adhesion to .
the Know-Nothing meyement.l He is now
..the successor to the seat in. 'he:rniled States
Senate lately occupied by on. - Edward Er
ciett,,and at present by _.ll ralocitwell,-
nted temporarily by the Gt:,vernor.. The
origin, rise, progress, and success ot . the poor
',-&aticli. Shoemaker' furnites; . ar+ther ' , cm;
Pliatie demonstration 'of - tilt. ttuth pf,the old
• cOuple.t, that— . F . 1 ... i .1 •- - -
i: • ' - I ;I - • • i • • -
.., ~. Honor and fume from no e ne4tionir?.se ;-
;\.t. 4 ti well your part--eAere all iha, honqr lies.” '
:* e. Locofocos obj l ect to isft...W, ilSon that
be is ii, - ,l:ree-Soilcri,.. I.l3ut.suli T i an 3 objection
e4tne. , with a bad Igrace from the Party who,:
at . a caucus in NN i 'litibingtoil list S'eptember,
invited,. by eimss resolve; ',-i' 411 n;-,en of all
cqeds and partiO, f , ;ithout"rigard to their
ahtecedeuts; to vidte;With -thein int a .grand
Party in opposition tc.411.5... Acileari.organiza t.' The Locofecoinrez‘a pied from mak
ingi any objection to Gen. ;W:j.sen.4n account
of,his Free•§oilisn3.-- Their r i otieetieti ' • "how.
# . er,- is - his bestrnm
recoendatlon+and a re
thinmendation without.which -`:, man an hope
tq'go to the United Suites to fronk-Penn
syjvania.—Har. Herald.. - . I \\
• i-. i
, I
1 .
ITRE FOUR Poirrri.- 7 'l -The !'plow;
points, which, by recent arrival, of i
.it Is announced that 'the Cz..riof '
'added to. .It is'. probable, shoe
they have been somewhat • t o li4eil
1. ' The abolition ,of t he- .you
'l.liissia over the - Danubian IPOI
and the possession; of those ' rbviii
under the collective guarante . . of th_
b' ! 'g Powers. , • 1 , l i i _ ~`, _
.". The free nnvigation o ',the pond's oi
the Danube seeuredAecordin 1 to the princi
ph* established by the Pon . oft Vienna.
.3... . The revision of the tre ty o the 13th
drily; 1841, 1 . in the interest f,'thel balance of
power in Europe.' ' - 1
. . 4.* The abandonment .by
_claim to exercise -an official pi
thil, Christian subjects of the
eviii sect they might belong
tion.Of the Powers giving the
:once to obtain: from. the Sul
Coil and observance of the ref
pf ill Christian colianunitiet,
quaint wi ter ha
be ! 1 ‘ the vehicle that carries
• ,
- @Law - 4Ru AR3O) ;
/ 4 FEBRUAitY 15, 185
. ,
'May I gn . on the emrimon to p' 1.4 Y 7 I've
been ~a good girl to-day,' warbl4d . the dear,,
little pet, Isabel Lee,: in a voice that was
sweeti as, the song ofi birds at sehlight; and
up and dOwn the stairs she Wentylsinging her
childish ditty, and seitiching..eagrly, for her
mother that she might xibtain the desired per
mission,.. 'Sy yes, •do • now, tlities , a dear
goodnalether, ~ she exclaimed, When: she J et
length fniind herself in the arms 'kif. the loved
one. 1, , Miss Jane says..l'veheen a very good
girl; indeed; and She says,, too, that air and.
play Will do me muctigood. Ail- there's no
place lin all the world where I 14e.50 well to
play as en that delr'old common lofburs. I
call it;our little oauntii, itiother, 'cause: there
ain't no houses the rei I nothing bt i gress and
trees and: venter.'
' Ahd birdlings from human nesls,' said the
tnother4 as she'lovingly kissed thq darling:—
' Yes, I,n,t may go; but mind . ant i net play
too hart' -.andbe sure,'Bell, to g4t. hem 3 be
fore thedinneris ready.' .
, . 1,1 • ,
IMerrily then patttired the slippered feet
after bonnet and capeand hoop, and inerrily
I sang the happy voit.v.:l -• I
‘tinia!,. go on the eetinnon to plav,l
Igue.s 111 he good then every f34,' I .
• 1.. -I
Very demurely did gii
the little rl.pace the
crowded . and fashionablb thoroughfare;. but
0, how lightly- . and rjoyou•sly she bounded
down 'the stotte steps . . i And epee / , ti the gav
elled path, with God ' s green grasl i beside her,
his noble trees arching above hcr i his free;
glad stiOtine quivering en theirtopS, danc
ing through their. iqerlacing . bi ighs---once
beside..;the - mimic lake; with its les aing, laugh 7
in g, rintstical.fountain=--once out hi that little
country ; ) and Isabel, happiest• oil thel happy,
. flitted `through - the 'Ong walks Itiithl a step
that seemed ahnost Winged, so Net, so airy
was its'itread; While her voice rag now
:childish glee, and again in birdlike
'and , heripulses i beating with quicke ned life,
sent fresh,•bilght hue to the de4ate:cheek,
gave anladded lustre
,to the be: tnieg eye, a
warrn,;.gied gush to the panting litart, l and a
thrill of joy to the i
_m prisoned soul. Out On
!the common she might be. what Oodi,meant
she shotild be while: her yearsThwere yet
young u;: child, it ronwincf, wilNfrol l iotne
;child ; !and gather in her I;uoyanti ?porta that
strength ISo needed ini the life to 1.4,, that
:vigor Whielf shields the heart from Muffled
notes.: She_rolled her hoop, she toss ed her
Telvet hall ; she " hipped and hopped the bar-. :
ber's slie3';' she. made; friends . with' the little
girls who
,romped beside her, anddent them
her hoop While she . jumped their; rope; she
: Watched the little boys .launch.their,lboats,
smiled With. theto...wh4n . they bor4:.a 0) 1 1:mt.
sail; and spoke a comforting wordiwhen they .
met NYl!h ' a saddening wreck; she ftlay.6'd with
the babies.H-gladdetteci•the hearts 9f the wea
ry nurses 'i
'tl kind ''lnd loving Word ; and
q . VI 1 a t ,
then, fairly tired out, wandered aWaY i from
the noiSy group. . - • .'1 ' i, - • •
' I won't go home qttite yet,' said she. 'l'll.
get rested first. Yes, I'll find rue a nice,
cool, shady place, and sit dow n ' there arid•
Oink 4wliiic. - 111.0th4 says' it .does, little
girls goody) think,' mid so she tripped away
in search ;of a musing tput. . .. .; 1 .
But Suddenly her steps were arrested; the
light faded from • her joyous eye ;_..the, ,song
died onl her lip. There, On the green turf be-
Side ter,,fhe midsummer sun pouring its tor
rid rays 'upon his 'uptiurned face,[ buried in
what see Med . deathless slumber, lay a. niUn .
in the prime of life.. Tattered' and-orii were
his garments, a battered hat beside him, a
broken i bottle clenched in his right haiad, a
blotted iiper in his left. *. il . •
! 'The, phor, sick mao, said. the wondering
child, `but here in the sun asleepl It's too
bad, toci . bad. How 'sorry his folks .Would
lis if they' only [knew, where he wit. l l. He
,Must.haveteen oingto the doet4's, for he
Ilas a lxfttle and papr, and I guess he was
fl ;
so weak', he soul n't get there, aridell down.
The pooh Sick man--how I wish I c4 uld Make
him well.' !. • -
l She rooked awhile,and then lit
approached him,. and, sat down besit
She took :out her handkerchief an
away the 'great dropi,tliat had gatl
his brow', and then finmed•him with
delicate motion which we give to
friend. , !And all the time 'tears werl
ing dOwn 1-ber cheeks, and she Wii
With a hushed voice but sobbing ti 4
his lenelY lOt. She was wondering
n wife and : little children—and if th
how sick! tie was '
• - and she wished li
wake up !id' tell her where they lli
she migh t "ring them there. - • 1
A long while she sat there, al patient,
thoughtfid ' Only
watcher. once' shb e4ased
. • ,
the cOoling,breezeit as\ t o fold
,her little
hands as; she -had been taught, and breathe
over him a childiSh -prayer. That l prayer !
The angels hushed their harps to listen; and'
'.there wits joy bi heaven.'
' I Al. length 'the sick man turned and t owed
as thoUgh_his sleep .was,mostly,over - `Poor
than,' said his little nurse, `poor n - i4n, you'll
be sore and Stiff, I'm afraid,-sleepin oil the
ground. W•lien it rained only last mg! t. Poor
Man, host sorry.l am for yoti.' Bu noW her
:little :cheek, is laid close to' his . blo: tediface,
for his' lips:murmur and she. would ear his
words. Broken, indistinct ones, t y were
at first, boat:then audible and pleadi , g.
i 'Just One glass more—one, one, l onlyl one:
l',ant ,dying ; for iv—give, give, one lore-;--on
ly thie more!' - ' l .
He s,begging for water,! Sob . she,:as
she . raisekher damp face. ' I~le's d earning,
and think they wont give it to hitri.. Ci, if I
only had to;meit's 60 hard .to wan :a drink
of water tuid norto have - it.'. Her s her: eye
'rested on! the brokeni' bottle, and.. . happy
thought stritek her. ..She.earefully nehisped
his hand; eized•the dark4lass and' hastbned
eti . the poi 'lt will _hold ; _Will 'be
better than hone,' Said:she, as'ishe ipped it
and bore away the coaling, lifelivitig draught.
She pour4a" few drops on
.his p • hed lips,
and then, 10Aed his hot forehead an , b4r,ning
Oheeks. • ifhat - water; that dewl O hutiukti
lOve, - dripped through his-lifb-porea
. d dew* ,
tO his verkisoul. It broke the it ir ;that
eidsied - hikl nerves. tie opened . !
' hi a heavy
yelids and gazed
. firit vacantly,l tl en Wan
eringly, *it him. I - 1
-1 I' Do`yoUlifeel any bCtter 1' whist' l - r
• :I:
little girl; ni.tOnes lowl and sweet 4:
die hymn ()fa mother;. 'de you feel
ter? I ant :sorry for you.'
l ' I
`Better, ibetter l ' murmured he,
." y
- I •
I better-, Bit where am ? what i liti
. • ,
g are the
e Pacific,
ussia has
ever, that
%ctorate of
ces placed
ia of her
orate' over
(to what
tual assist
' oefi
ed time to
thing into
'I From GlecriOn's Pictori;4
1 1.1 FRAZIER4
lay down. in bell a,devil tramping,
and I wake up heaven; an angel watching
over me. Ain't yOu an angern ain't lin
heavens' and he peized her hard
, •
'Don't say such 'naughty wordi,' said she,
don't, sir,. you'scarer me: No, I ain't an
angel, nor you 'ain't in heaven, You and out
here on the common: - ;I found .you here
asleep in the.sun,;and I; was so sorry for you,
I sat Aown and took care of you. lain noth
ing but a little girl Shall' L . giVe yon. some
More water r and she bald the broken battle
to his.lips. . • •
Water!. water !-lies, give me comet Wa
ter from an angers 'hand may save my
And he drank, and then•lfe sat'up and looked
around; and qt the: little one beside hiM. • .
Little angel, little angel,' •said;he ' j` there
is hope forme yet ; hope for me::. Heaven
sent yonto Save me.. Bless youl . ,bleSS you,
little angel!' • . • f
' But Fain% an angel,'. said she artlessly.—
' inm only a little girl. Feel of TnYland ;
.you touch me if I was an angel; And
see, I han't got ndwings - either.'. Bilthe on
ly said, . little Angel, little angel,' and laid
his head in her lap And wept.
Poor Man,' said she, as she bathed his hot
temples and flushed cheeks ; sick
I am so sorry for you . . • Hain% you got any.
home ?' • Ile ;hnswttred not, but otily , sobbed
the louder. . ;
. By and by ,he looked up mid said -to 4
pitying child, ‘. can you. pray :
Yes', sir, I can. I' prayed for you while
yO . O was : asleep.' , •
, . .
Vray -again—pray 'aloud—let me hear
you? And she knelt beside him, clasped her
hands and prayetl,'' Our Father, which art;
in heaven.' When She had ceased he laid hiS
.head again upon . her lap' and sobbed.
'Shan't 'I go and find your folks for- you;,
poor man ?' asked she. It's getting late and
I must go- home soob.' •
`Take me to then]; little angel-take'me
to them,' and he seized her 'hand and led her
away out of that beautiful green 'Spot, and
across several streets and down into a dark
gloomy, cellar-home. •'
A, pale, liagiartilOoking woman, with a
little, purple babe on her lap, sat . on a Tick•
ety hair, the only one, in the room,' close .to
the little window, stitching as fast as her . tiny
ge cou!d .On a straw bed in the cori,
ner lay two:other little ones, tossing in fever
fits, while a' boy of ,Ismhel's ale crouched he
side them,. crying,. 0, rm \ so hungry !
so hungry !' •
Thank' God ! yoU'Ve come back• at last
' said the woman, as they entered.
'Thank God I've been' brought back,' said
the man, with 'a choked 'vOce.
And here is the. little angel that brought'
me, saved me. Bless her ! Mary ; blesls
her!' _and, he., Jed the half-sacred child to , the
knees of the Wondetlyik wire. * .
4 I ain't dlittle. angel,' said she. l'in only.
a littlogirl—and I saW•lnm — stcr - atityttsteep
out in the sun and I fanned him, - and brOught
him'water,- and tookleare of him-.-j Weren't
you worried alut him. so sick :1 -- •
' Yes, . so . sick—sol sick,' said the mati.—r
Aad when they asklYon what ailed me, tell
them I ,was sin -sick, sin-sick.. Go linme now,'
little angel--go hack; to, heaven ;- you have
saved j me—made me Well:,
With fleet steps- Isabel ran off and reached
her house, all out of. breath,'just as . her fath-1
er was descending -the s ,Steps` in search of her.
0, father I - hither ! she exclaimed, • come
into the house, quick, qUick ;.1 what to tell
you Something. And I she 'heeded not the•
many questions „showered Upon her by her
worried parents till she had told her story..
And 0, father ! 0, •mOther ! if you could,
have seen where he lived. A poor, sick man'
down in i , eellar;,'onlY.lthinkt,a damp Cellar
and a sick' man, and two hide sick . children,
and one boy crying forlsomething to eat, and
a little baby thattwas_ lid - If:starved, and such
a poor; sick looking wife, nad„only one chair.
0, the poor folks !' j - .
And he would. haVe'it that I was a little
angel-- . --and he told hiSl.wife so. ;But
. ;I. told
him I was -not, and I told her so ; I was, only
a little-girl. But- she hkissed me 'over 'and
over again ,
and said Wasa-
. little angel•H
Doi: look like an angel, mother I • Do.lef
me see,' and she rata to . .a mirror. Why,
no ; fookr just what am,.a little
What made them , call', me an angel I t Do
you know, father ? do You know, mother ?'
But • they only clasped her in their arrnS, and
said, little angel, little ,angel.' i t -
In the parlor of Mr: W. there hangs an ex'
,quisite painting—a little girl is kneeling on
the tOrf, her eyes raised, to heaven, and her
hands clasped in prayer; 'ls it a pitortrait r
asked a . friend,after gaffing long and earnest
ly upon it,,for none can 'look without emotion
on. that 'pictured face. t
'lt is.'' ;
He asked of whom, and turning to hW 'host
was surprised to see the' great tears - rolling
down his cheeks. ) • 'I '
That is the little angel,' said a bright eyed
boy 'who-shi,KA beside him. Father always
'calls"it so.' I
And I cull it rightly,' said the father
solemnly. V She was a little angel—the ~`ang
el that - ,made file a happy man again.. That,
made your mother a happy - wife ; and you, a
puny, sickly babe,!.-the bright, glad. boy
you arc.'- ,
thole trot an angel, sweet Isabel, -
Inbeaveii thoa art a little angel still. - : 1 .
'e him.
'd wiped
erect on
'that soft,
the dying
: wading
art over
if he had
ey knew
e would
iced that
Edward Everett on Benjamin Franklin
The Printers of Manchester, - N. 11.,.gave a
festival on the anniversary ofthe birth-day of
Benjamin Franklin; and among the letters
received, was the iolloWing fromi
ward Everett : .
BOSTON, Jan. 18; 1855.
Gentlemen ha,ve .‘ reeieved your favoi
of the 13th, *politely inviting
,me to attend
d th a e y c o e f l e F b ra ra t t l i k o l i i i n o
b f
y t the
h a e n o i v r e in rsa titti ry
o o ti f y t o h u e r b e i
it would give me great pleasure to be pres
ent with you on this occasion, but it is not
itt my power to leave figme. The name, of
Franklin is one of theb:rightest hi our histo-
Cry, and his eventful life. is full 'of' interest
and iinstruction for men ;of all pu;uits. - He
wasa first rate printerka' industrious and
methodical man of business, in active citizen,
a Self-taught man, but a friend of, education;
o a brr s y stt erc ° f f n ih re c tu En rei g ii lial bo o l lan d r -seitia t gull : e,
h t e l i a. ifi l :: aga te:)tr e ru t ss ' t u ts s ,
us a patriot, intrepid , though cautious, and
idea of a federal union, as early 17 34.; he
was one of the committee for drafthig the dec
laration Of Independence in 1778; he alias one
red the
the era
any bee-
es I feel
n 1 ? I
f '
a - ;
of the negociators of the
. tmaty. of Peitect wit
Great Britain in 1783;; and an influentia
member of the convention which' fratiled the
Constitution in 1789, Boston has the lxmoi-1 -
of his birth ; "Philadhlphia holds his ashes; but
the whole Union mijoyes the 'hoick of his lei
sotis of wisdom .anil patriotism ; fame . ii
m•existant with they civilized world- and his
memory will jive fOr.ever•
irisbing you 'an! agreeable
remain, gentlemen, respeetrully,
Your friend and fellow eitiien,,
rawAm) Eirourrr,
To.W. N. Ilein i cer, and °titers: .
Formation of American Leigtma .
The ladies of Nev York are signing an 4
ligatinn by - which tlpy agree not to purchase
any article .or foretgn manufaeture
forayear to come.. This is not the only -
stance where putthe attention has lately beeti
strongly directed , ,tOthe.irnportance of inereas' t
ing the entiauniPtion of Atneriam . &bring,'
and of giving to- the.destitute industry-and
skill at home that -employment - which tht
consumption of luxuries.and of many neen _
nary articles in this,country now farnishes to
the _labor and 'Skill of iforeignlands. Tho_
Providence Jouriml most pointedly says: -+
The same papers that .come to us freight
with accounts of.destitution- and' want; of
great-workshops closed, and large numbexi
of mechanis thrown out of employment,
so brina accounts of importations, by inillione
in a single yessel, of - articles that cart either
be manufactured, in this country, or cart be
Siholly dispensed with. That the true chari
ty is employment no one doubts, and that:,
`stt. - e cannot give employnient both. to foreign
kind domestic labor, is very plain. If we buy
the, silks, and the laces, and the gewgaw sr ,
p , .10 costly wirws and lite enervating luxuiiei
of Europe, wicannot buy the fabrics and the
.itroduets which give employment to ourown •
abor. the destitution is caused by want, 'o
employnient, and" employment can be sup.
plied to a great - extent, probably as ":far
needed, if we will all- purchase the product
bf American industry instead of foreign:
This is so obvious that it forces itself at one
Upon the notice `of those benevolent personi,
who are engaged in-plans for the temporary;
relief of the _suffering which so widely pct.'
"It is with this view that an American
league has been formed in New York to pro
mote the consumption of American manu
factures and to foster and sustain American
interests in every forni. Such a league, ~i
generally entered . into and faithfully 'kept,
wily very shortly raise our drooping industry
_the dust -and fill ; the homes of labor
with cheerful comfort. Nor would there‘ be
any, sacrifice of comfort, convenience,or even
of tasteful luxury in this. The artices which
We import so largely from Eu'ropie are, 40 'a
very, great degree, superior to those ottio
mestie production' only - An the. capricions.
Viittlatlolll2l Iftehttritt. Maliny s prottrlip rimy
:curl in soma -when we- say it, yet it is a fact
that- the foreign shawls,; which; are sold at
such fabulous prices, are not, to the eye, of
true taste; so handsome las those 'which are
made at home and sold At. less .thane a year's
interest on the oast of titeforeigra„artiele;--
Their value is in the curious fineness of - the
fabric, which only a cioseexamination can-de
tect, and in the fact th..t i ` only the rich-
those I WhO, foolishly 'imitate the rich wear
them. So'of many other, foreign articles:
The time has come when our active ingenuity
and diversified industry a're equal to the tore;
'ductiori of nearly, all the requirenaents of
-civilized We, excepting, ' of 'course, those
things to Which, on amount of climate or oth
er-physical eause, the country is not adapted: .
The time has come when the man who am
not clothe himself mainly, in American fab
rics, Wand who cannot find the - products taf
Atherican labor:mainly good enough NI wear
snd to eat and to drink, should pass, into the
glass of dandies; and fops ; and snobs. -There
clout(' not be a - More favorable time than the
Present to inauktiiate an. Atherican League,
Which shall include both - sexes mid all classes
of Americans its omanization; and shall
diffuse its 'blessings as widely and as general
ly. , This (Nan hardly be accomplished with
out the cheerful, assent and ,co-operation of
the women, butdthese are always readily cih
tained in a good Icause."- - -Phire. .Sun. .
BASS We 9, • PAl'R.—The Invention of
making paper of bass wood - isas much of a
reality as the making .of paper from Nv.- :
We have seen it, handledit, Sew it'in large
white sheets of newspaper, seen it 'with both
sides printed upon,- and seen- t under eircum- -
stances which render the utility of the inven- ,
tion as certain as anything in the present or
future-can be rendered. There. is raw mate-
riat enough;land 'mike' enongh e on the part -.
of the origiriatof Of the enterprise, and the on
ly thing now wanting is a halo tithe to pre
pare the maehiner,y for use. The-only ne
thing tieces.sary, indeed, is the preparation o
the pulp.frohi the basS wood shavings, as the
comma newspaper machinery ,will do the"
rest. The sltects that have been made have
been run eff, on the old paper mill eylin
dors\ at Little Falls and elsewhere.,Autd white
and .substartial as they are; theycati be mad .
of a much filer texture and i quality by redue: ,
leg and whi.ening the pulp'. We have -Veen
slow to behave alt this, but seeing is believ
ing. The *Fit part of the mews, however, re
mains to beitold. Bass wood popes, of as,
-- 1
good quality, as rag paPer, can. be soli, .at at,
very .handsoine prefit, at ono half the sum.
The wood does not even need a mixture of
rags. - The !Italy- thing neceasary is. to shave
the wood with the' grain, and the fibre be.
comes as soft as linen. Indeed, from:softer
woods it is 'possible- to a clothlabrie
as strong, durable and beautiful - us. cotton,
.and the. evidence offthis am; be demonstrated
to those who care to in'vestigatd the subject.
Among the recent discoveries; thesei particu
larly the one of trutking paper frOm wood,
are most important. The invention will bring
&fortune to the skillful inventor, George W.
Beardsles, Esq., 711 p is, haepily for himself
and his discovery,. amen of - lietals, and ought
to confer a vast benefit.also uppn paper ma
kers, newspaper proprietors book ma - k.ers'and
the public at large.—Daity Eifligiq6e. - -
A 'V ,
XTEAML-3finsieur loan Baptiste de
Bardeen; who participated las a 14 - Yeneti
tuiteer in the siege pf Sarniuiah, during' the
retiolutionary war; 'and was heir Pulaski
when he was wounded;,yisited,that eitY, last
Week. He is n native' of St. Doiningo, and
for the last sixty years has . residettin South
Qtrolina. ie is said to be Over one hundred
years of age. -