Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, February 08, 1855, Image 1

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?oef's ect4lielr.
Rudolph is w . baron _
He dreams till noon on a pillow fine ;:
From the dusk of eve till the dusk of da
Drinking deep , of the. amber wine. '
But Ludovic, the p easant,
Lies like a deer in the dewy brake ;
With his broad hand for a drinking cup,
Stlxrps to a breezy lake.
findolpb . rides to tin; knightly chase,
With hawk, and pack, and mounted
Ludovic, with a single hound,
Wanders afoot o er the windy plain.
The one will rest in a silken tent,
When the quarry is' dropped, and therm)
The other lies in the , cleft of a rock,
Under a hemlock shade.
Budolphwill give me a palfry white ;
With silken - saddle and stirrup of gold;
But Lodovic, in f his arm of strength,
Ras-borne me far throngh the heat and
The noble has promised a chain of gems,
. Broidered kerchief , and mantle gay;
The peasant will sheer'ine a fleece, to en*.
A gown for my wedding day.
What should do with jewels
On my'neck, that is brown with the sun
How*out(' I fasten m' loose long hair •
With a comb of peaitor a golden chain
I'll crown it Pair with a nityrtle wreath, ,
I'll Rather it back with a ribbon_ gay ;
And I'll wrap myself in my peasant's cl-
To keep the cold away! •
I hold l my breath in yon lone old hills;
Echoes that lurk in the niches there,.
Say over my. words with a hollow laugh,
Stealthily follow,from stair to stair ;
&nights and dames on,the pictured wall "
Look, as I pass, with a steadfast frown;
And the mastiff that's chained in the cast'
Barks at my peasant's gown.
I)rnow a roof where the wild grass bangs - '
From moss and mould to the cabin door ,
I know a bound that.will crotrb and fawn
At the a n :d of my.step on the rush-strern fl
Keep your gifts, oh Rudolph, . 1
The chains of pearl and the golden band;
To match the pride of a fait** neck, 1
- To shine on a whiter band. •
~i ~~~a~` ~i~~y.
Among the many books:which haN,e.lately
been issued from the New York preis,. nine
are more readable, inst riled ve, or bet - ter caleu ,
lated to exert a salutary inffuenc`f upon
'the minds of the reader than. the life - pf flOr
nee.Greeley, Editorof the New York Tribtme,
by James Parton. 'published by M4son
Brothers, a hook of-1-1,2 pages closely Printed.
We take the libertyoftransferringtol,urc,.ol
umns a page here and there, which will
up a little of the early history of- . .one
perhaps wields a greater-influence oxer the
minds of the American peftple thin aaVot her
live man. Of hiS parentage and . early .chkd
hood a reviewer of the book thus briefly states
the main facts: • ..1 11.
Morace G - reeicy wasborn at A mherst, 1.1 ills
borough Cothity; New thirpshire, onithe 2d
day of February, 1511, and. is,. conseoentiy,
nearly fiAty-four years of age. The Mai en
name of hi 4 mother, who is Spoken oil as Itn
many respects a remarkable woman ; was Nia...
ry Woodburn: nit father's Christian a na p ' e:
was Zaccheus.- • \ . 1-• • !-
lie early, rnanifested signs.of extranrilina s ,
intelligence, and took, instinetively, .and, it ,
pie.ssibly to learning. For his first h4tru •t-,
or he had his mother, and
.a better one ile
-could not hay . e had. lie, learned to riad t
home, and catin4 now :remember the ti !ti
When he could not read, nor hoW he acitii •il
the art. A.l the friends and neighbors of his
early childhood agree 'in asserting that lat-th*
age of fair years he could nut.only veaid any
book whatever, but could read with 'hisl- tick
in any rslsition.: right side up, up side down.
or sidewise! .
. ,
- •
Here is a picture of . • •.
i '
'On one of the first boches - if the bindon
derry school house, nelr the fire. we•may ina-•
agine the little white-headed fellow, . thoin
everybody liked, to be seated durin the
winter oclkill 4-1 5. He
. was eager tolgoto
school. . When_ the snow .lay on the ground
in drifts too deep -for him' to wade through,
one Of his aunts, who lives to tell, the tory.
Would take Lath' up Cif] her shoulders; and -car
ry him to the door. lie was in the possesa
ion that winter, of ,three . 'booloi,' - the "Cjilum
bian Orator," " Alorse's Ocograpliy," latid - a
yeiling book: From the ".‘CA' ilumbian Ora' tor", he learned many pieces .by heart, and
milting others, that very celebrated o4tition
which probably the majority, of • the initabit
ants of this nation have at Some time of their
lives been able to repeat, beginning: : ,
*You'd •scarce expect one of mv age,
To.,apeah in public on the stage."
One of hig,schoolfel low's haKs Vivid re
bratice of Iliwaex's reciting. this pie . Ce • 1
the whole school. in Londonderr . v, :hero
•was old etniugh to tittvr the w•trds plain
lie had a:li.pitig, whining little voice,
my infbrmant. but. ayoke with the u
confidence, and kreatly . to the amuse
of t e school.
_ „..
`S__pelling Schools' were popular in ' hose
days, Ind
.Hornee was exceedingly fond ;flit,.
tending them. - . Spelling appears . to have heen
a perfect passion with ytiri. Ile is well] re
metnbered liy his eom patiiims in orthography.
They delight still to tell of the little, fellOw,
in the long evenings, Ealing asleep in his place,
and when it came his turp,lis neighisirsitive .
him an anxious nudge, and he would walie in
stantly, spell of 'his word, and drop asleep in
a moment.
He was i also a great P ' roficent in Arithme
tic, and noted for his kind,Obliging, and.pesce
ful disposition, and for helping 'his • comrades
to solve their hard • sum*,' As Anav be easi-.
ly 'conceived, he Soon knew to o much f ur ': his
teachers, and was obliged to continue:MS ed:
ucation at .his father's fireside,- where hei was .
accustomed to read and study during,. the
long winter evenings,• by the light of a hlay
in pine knot • • • .
While Horace was yet quite. yOung o
father met with a peenhiary miSfOrttme,
depri;Ve,d him of all his property, and soo
. ter removed to Westhaven, Vt.. Here ii
. time; they seem - to : have had a hard
nobly sustained struggle with • poverty
hardshie.. We are thus introduced to
family ts they are wag their supper of
• A fire'fitiartmilkpen filled with betinor
ridge—an hereditary - dlskaniong the'Res - teh
irish—was placed upon . the floor, - Childreil
'(l tr i terint.around it. Each child was prdviii.
f I
. . i
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• H. 11! FRAthEli, 'EDITORS. .1
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( 1 4
, . ,1 .
with Oman, and ; ipped. into the porridge,
the spoottgOing dire t, ;from the common
dish, to thepartiettlattnouth, without an, in, .
termediate landing 4pon a . plate, the meal.
consisting of pirridge 'and porridge - only. - - .
The parents Sat at a tible enjoying the dignity
of a !YeParlate: dish. Ihis,was a homely way
Of dining; but, allota my kind infimmant,
41 t . tiey seelited so happy over their meitl; that
Many a tinte,. - assi 'lkea upon the group, 1
Wishexi otir Snottier would let ua eat that way
--it se,etriecl'so muchlbetter than Sitting at a ',
table and using knirtjs, and forks and plates.' :
At Westliav en, H4race worked, read •and
studied as industrioufly . as btfiire, and - Was
considered a pnidigyk eveyhoily whO knew
hint ,He dvoured Kiks of all kinds with a..
never-sated. appetite, nd remenibered all he
read. ;In person - -he- •its rather tall tor his
age, and in the costume descrihol below must
have 'l l ent a figure not less picturesque than,
striking., , --; . ~. . • •
• !'" T • .
1 • . rot: cuss E f ts
More t h a n
ii aLore t hree garments at the same
time,. IforaCe - seldom swore in the summer,
and thi!..e wilre: a,stw hat, generally in a
i4ate Of dilailidation, tow shirt; never but
tined, '.a pair of trowlers - nuale Of the family
n atertal and having he peculiarity of being
i t , , . -.
.vry short - in both legs, - but -shOrter in one
than the other. - In ti - e winter heiadded a pair
of shoes . mid -a jacket. Daring the five years
' of his fife, at -:W est haven, his elf a hes did nut
cOst three dollars a y .ar; and, 1 helieve, that'
dpring th 3 Whole per od of , his childhood, up .
to the .itne when he me of age, not. fitly
dollars i litalltwere es tided u p dn his dress..
He never nfiinitestO, on any otension, in Any
. 1
cinimanv, nor at ;any part of his early "life, the
sithte4i interest
.ia his attire, nor the least
care for its effecttipOn.others. L: - - .
ThiS, carelessness upon the subject „of dress
is I frequently alludcid to throughout the
book, and only in ! tw, or three instances does 1
it AppeAr to give ‘yay to the force of eirciint...
' .stances. Once, on hi_ first visit to New York,
when he applied TOr hoard and todging at a
third-rate. hotel, when the lawiloni eyed him
chisely fr on t r lieatl ;to 'oot, and 'then remark
ed,;'l guess We are a leetle too high for you.'
lifirace.went . instante and invested the larger
portion of hisi funds ia suit of clothes ! tho'
hJlhad not olitainedplifee to - work. An
other oecasion. ~
w as at the time of his marriage.
Itiseertis thati he considered silk stockings -sun
indispensable!.article in the proper attire of , a
bridegroOrn '
bUt; upon trying on his wedding.
garments he found that the l u n g continuations
of his.pantalotais entirely hid them from view,
:her made his tailor cut off a portion sufficient
to.l i exhibit thelStockings. - The old white coat
is ;alluded to ::-; it was.purchased, Greeley once
told a friend,*•:f an old country man, and. was
a very good Otte. Hence it was won) a long
time, and heeatne, almost as celebrated as its
owner. i ..,. L . .
- - lie Was soMetimes very absent , minded,
t and on Several'pecasions was - ' -'. •
i I,
; 1
I cold. ,
PliCe' l .whelJ he entered.h Store, - in'' - one of
the brownest Ofi his brown. studies-, and a stran;•
get; enqiiired,i'! . . What darn fool is that r and a. I `
second time it) !the .rnatincr following:- He i
wt's as
cc, his' father 'Sir,' both 1
in :Speaking fri.itud of him. One •day while
Horace; was ehOpping, wood, by the side of •
the.road, ii man came up on
. horseback and
inquired the Way to a distant town. Horace
could not tell slim, and without looking up,
said, 'ASk - .Si i-',. meaning, -ask fiither. The
stranger. p
stratteuzled - at this reply . , repeated his 1
quetion. and fil,grace again said, i . ' Ask Sir.' '
.1 ata asking shouted the man. 4 Well ask
Si;,',' said H.,i,ace once more.'. `Ain't I ask
. ind yon—fool,' . screamed the. intin. But I
want you tu-iilik Sir,' laid Horace. ' It was of.
tut avail, the man rode away in disgust, and
inquired at the ,next tavern, `wild. that tow-.
beaded-fool WO doWn the road.'
At a very erly: age he made up his mind
.11 1
to be a printer The way he got a place as.
apprentice, hilt e Office of the .Yorthern S i ve- ,
tater, East Ptilney, Vt., i thus happily de:
scribed i ;: I .. - .
• :1 • • . . •
- It was_a fiiie pring morning in the year
eStr.t, about ilea o'clock; when Mr. Amos
liiss, the Manager, and one of the,proprietiws
'of the Korthei.. i, Spectator, ' might have beeii'
setUf 'in the garden.', behind .his house planting
poMtoes: lie l bet4 the gate open behind
hint, and, witiatut turning or looking around,
bream, dinilY;Oonscious of the presence of a
boy, '
.But the hors of country villages go
intoiWhOseverilOr . den their wandering fhtwy
impels, them, an,d supposing-this boy to be
'one of his neighbors, Mr. Bliss - continued his
work_, and otnekly forgot that he. was nut
aforte. - In a fi* minutes .he .heard a voice
close behind him, a Strtinge volcv, high-pitch
ed 'mid whining. : - ',
-It'Saiti, ".areyou the man that carries on
the:printing-office?' . '
,M T . Bliss then turned, and resting upon hi 4
hoe, surveyed i'thei person who addressed him.
Ile .saw standing before him al - poy apparent,
ly ti l 4 , ,iut fifteen years 'of age. of. :v light, tall
and l Slender foi'tp, dressed in e- fite piatti farm
er's'Ailoth of the Anne, his garments cut with
an utter disregard elegance and fit. 'llls
trowsers were 'ex-ceeilitrigly short and volumin
ous; the wore tin st4stliitrs ; his shoes were
of the, kind denominated ' high-lows,' . and
much worn dOwn; hisi hat was of felt, of the.
olitatamp, with so small a.hritn that it loOk
ed mitre like Si twO .quart • measure inverted
than anytting Ilse; and was worn farbaeleon
' his bead ;-• Wlll White, with a tinge of. its eitiemities, and thinly upon
:a braid . forehead and aver a head ' rocking on
_'shoulders whieb,.siernUd too slender, to sup
the weight
. of a member - so dispropor
• tiorted 4o 'the general
.outli le.!• The genet-al
dryer:cif the figttre.andi its costume was so
outre, they pre-t0:144A Such
_a combination v or
the ruStie andludicrons, and the apparition
nad Cottle upon; hint
_so suddenly, that the
atniable _gardener could scarcely keep from
laughing.. „. _
• • „
*Helrestritined hinisel4 however, and repli-.
..edi l'i#3, rm the - inan.l. ' - . ~ ' ,
• 7i , Y hereupon
_-•he stratiger \ aske4, 'Don't you
:wan:t. - a'-boy Wl — earn 'the trader • . -
,•.1w,1 1 ,' said Mr. BILiS, ' We have been think-.
ing 'pt. it. po ' w '-'ou wept to learn' to print ?'
r ve had
snipe notion of it,'. said the boy,
in true Ytuikee, faahiou'iJas th. ugh he had nut
1-liecr i k i dreaming about it; and longing fur it, fur
Y ea ,„, ; .' • Li .- • '(,' - - —.
Air. Bliss wss both atonished and 'puzzled
—4ittaiitilied' that suchll.-fellOw as the . boy
4f . ikeii, to be, .should have ever thought of
learning to print, and PUrzied bow to c o n ve y
.to Win an idea . 4 i
the Ithwurdity ofthe notion.
Both an ciOressitg 1 in ..hip criuntensitce,
e be
I n at
r a
such as ‘thaeof tender hearted dry.goods; i nnei:
ehant'might be - supposed to assume if *h6d l 2,
carrier should apply fora place :in .the: lido
department, he said; Well, •• my
you .knoW, it takes considerable learninF'4o .
be a printer. "hie " you been to scliOnl
mu . .; - .2
Nii,'.intid the bOy, - '1 hav'nt had rntieli
chance to ko to school." have read sortie:' ,
',What.have you rend asked Mr. 81i55. ,; 2
Well, I've read wine; history, -and 'liplike
travels,- and :a little •of most everything.' ;;
Where do you live?'
':At Westhaven.' . .•
• 'How did-you come over t'
(*the ou.--pot.,• , ,
• .
what , . your unmet' :• • • - ; ]
, Holtace Greeley. 1 - • ; •,
Now it happened that Mr. Amos BlisS ;I
been for the last three years an Inspecto'r
iComnion Schools, and in fulfilling 'the - dtitiek : l
office- r exateininglind liCensing
•-ers--;..hetad,acquired an uncommon' faciliti.;:
lax asking questions, and a fondness • fur
eXercise which ;men generally entertain for.;
•;.any employment, in which they suppwetlietri;‘, ,
'selves to excel. The youth before him
the language of medical stuilent'
fresh subject,' and the Inspector procee44::
Id ; try his skill upon hiin, 'advancing f`rojii
easy questions to hard . oliesruptOthoselipi*
ty, problems with which he had been wont to;
stump" candidates for the office of teachet;
boy w ti.s a match for him. He answ4red2
':every question,-promptly, clearly, and ittod .l ,
•,e,itly. He could not be • stumped' . in Ili&
. .I . ooinary school studies, and of the books'!lici.
-- ; i110 read, he could give a correct and ciiin!
tlete analysis.
* • • •
. ,
',After half an hour's conversation with ; : thei4
liny, Mr, Bliss intimated, that he thought I hel
.I,vi i iiild do, and told him to go into the pritit
jog office and, talk. to . the foreman. :-- HoracieSl
kwent - to the printing office; and there.his iii)-;
FO..s,rance produced an effect on the tender,'
I - ininds of the
,three apprentices who were: -at .
l . WOrk therein,' which can be inuefi•hetter irn-.
•- k
risgmed than described, and . which is . most Viii
• : ..
rememb4ed by the.two who survive;±:
i'ro the . foreman Horace addressed If,i.
regardless certainly, 'oblivious probahly;; 0 : .
:thh.stare and the rein:irks of the boys, , The;' .
iiii t reman, at• first, was inclined to wonder that,
'gr: Bliss should for one moment, thiiiii W.
I. possible ' ld':
that a boy got Up-in that style COM
Iperform the most ordinary duties of a .pri4- ,
4-r!s appremiee.,l Ten minute's talk with hirry
hoiWever, 4ffeeted a partial revolution in Ili3.
-, 11-.lnd in the boy's favor, and :LS IV was grinit- s
Iv; in want of another apprentice, he was nit`
tinelined to be over particular. HeAcire of it'
slip of proof paper, wrote a fee:- war& ..ipponi
it hastily with a pealed, and told.the boyl tp
I tAc it to Mr. Bliss. Thatpiece of paper WaS
I hi 4 fin;!. Thi.words were :-/.-6-reese we'd
• ,
te try .
• r
~„„. ,
'Nearly the first work as a journey.nin
printer` by the editor of this . paper was . I.bine '1
in an office where the man who wrote thOsel
fivii words—Horace Greecy . s.'
iiv4rk•at the printer's ca-; - . .Ife- 1; -1 heen,-1
prOsperous in business, hut a devastating 00,1
had brought him down so that he had to wtitk;l
'when he .had passed the prime of lite, tor . ; . ,
Men who were every' way hi4inferiors,
4 - nore than a year, until fat take' relieve4l
• During this time we have often listen=!,
ed to his stories of Horace, of whom ho alt
• I
Ways spoke with affection. Some of th4se4
ark as graphically related in the book belli're'it
us as . tht.tlgh ti ey Were taken from the
!good Old _Anse) Warren. . ;
or an account of El's career. since, as priOtO
r.,." editor,: publisher. politician, member 'or
COngrt%s, we must refer our readers to Mt.:l
Tartan's deeply interesting ['ma, as we have;
:only space firr brief extracts.
Mr. Greeley is still subject to fits. of at 4.
'serve of mind, a• gOod illustration 'of
ilmay be found in the story of . r
One scene, if it could be portrayed on. the
printed page as visibly as it exists in the
;iaries of those who witnessed it,'wOuld NhoW;',
:better than declaratory words, liow• absoro4.
''Mr. Greeley was in polities during 'this
`mous • 'campaign.' [lB-10.1, it is a • funny
'story, and literally true.
Time—Sunday :evening..
Scene— the
jor of a friend• •
s house. -1.1.'4 mipaity—namer4
cuss and politic il—except the aitei
gracious and hospitable. Mr. Greeley is ex
, peeted to tea, but does not come,. and ilk
meal is transacted without him. Tea over his
'arriveS,- and plunges headlong into a conver..:
'ration on tin currency. The lady of the hoii.4
Thinks he had better take sonic tea," btit
can not get a hearing on the subject; is did.'
tressed, puts the question at' length, and ha's'
:her, invitatior. hurriedly declined ; brushed
in fact; with a wave of the hand.
`,Takea cruller, any way,' said she, 'hand
-114 him, acake basket containing a dozen . o'r ; :.
'tly"e unspeakable Dutch indi;gestible*z r
. The .expounder of the currency, dimly cotij
', e! ,!,us that a, :large object was approachint
puts forth his hands, still - vehemently!!
talking, and takes,. not a cruller, but the caket: .l .
bOket, and depOsits it in his lap. * The corn', 7 lt:
many are inwardly conxulsed, and some of the:i
weaker members retire to the adjoining apartP,
ment, the expounder-continuing hisitarangueo
Unconscious of their emotions or its causes.—i.,l
Minutes elapse. Ilk hands, in their wandeftl
inglthrough the air,
-come in contact
-with thql
topm o st cake, which he took and - brOke.. lie 1
begins to eat ; and, eats and talks, and talk,il
Lind eats, till he has finished a cruller. Then
60 feels for another, and eats that, and goes::
mistiming the contents of the bas..;
• ilet, till the last crumb is gone, The winria.:,i
tly,llook on amazed, and the kind lady of
house fears for the consequences:. • She glad
heard that cheese is'an antidote to indigest
Taking, the empty cake ; basket from his.-lap,
lie silently puts a : plate of cheeSe in its Piacei,
hoPing. that instinet - would - guide.. his hand
aright. The experiment suia:eeds. Gradu:!',.
ally, the blocks of white new cheese disap.
pear.. She 'removes the plate: No ill Con:,
sequences follow. Those who saw this sight r i
are :fixed in the belief, that Mr. Greeley wtoi.,
tact then, nor lies since become aware, that otf, - ;
-that evening he partook of sustenance.
With one further extract. we close. Those
WhO wish to.knowknore.of Greeley
Meet read the book. Ilerels a glimpse of ,1
. waited an hour. 'There came a double”'
avid decided ring at the bell. No one an-t i
sWered-the - suninione. Another and morell
treMendoui ring , biought the servant to th.
doc4r, acid in . s : moinent, ..the face of. the point
apologizedAtm:. ought to }um belerhel.
tee,of the bum* beamed into the room: -
sonnets, but I couldn't.' - .
~ - ,nag off his
overepat,:hung it up in the all and looking . 1 1
intOithe,parlor, said: 'Just - i
and '.see my' babies,i: one *a te ;,I haven't 1.. From the, Christian 'Advocate Anti .Teturoal.
seen 'em all daY,; , yon know;'; - tild he sprung 1
.I. :' - COLONIZATIO*. • , ,
tiP tlte: stairs :two steps at 'li t f i ne. .l' ~- , N r .
1 heard ; colonization de-serves tneeattention,
hitn;kalk in high glee to the p4i diet) in the , (African,i . - •l
. and, in out opinion, the united support :of All
rotint above, for just ' one inita,c,' and then -
the Ainerieen eople. The centinent of Afri
heMoined me. - .He begitn . tti , th,lt something , ail its ~0 .. . eft, /1I present condition, presents 4 gloomy
in•itlifis stile:. I, pie -Lure ofsuffering and degradationi , t
'' Withdu
Sit down. I haste had rip tip day of - it (*an merce, without manufactoriesli - destitate
-4,atett . nothing Since brealtfo ::,Just got' in of the arts 4 civilized nations', it still remains
front my farm—been up the
. ..ritry teeter-
Ini-started'.froln Gosh it thi i ! Morning at ..
sunken loiY, , in. Pagan; ignorance, l'a 'cipher,
aniimithe,grana divisiOns of the . The
five4-broliedown--erossed - lh
,;river on the, little republic. 4 Liberia is extending a happy
iceiHhad a hard -time—iP4 good deal influence •oit that benighted conti -vent , acid
inti,ikeri and quite dangeroult the cart; on Ye(the Annie success of that littl republic
this l' , .,siik—ivetit dogging ' AT,
,t 1 to hire a Will . depend, to a great (*xtent; on t
. p amount
cony . eyance—gOt to Sing SlitOtWent over
ofemlgration from . the United_ Stays. • .
to, my far:wand transacted Myz business there I ' Then . restore to Africa her lunglhas.Well as I could in the tiniie4started for.. dren, build; up
her.;shoresi"inst tutions.•uf
the, city, and as luck would taitOt., they had Warning, yid She will 'vet _inhale be. breath
taieeii.ofr the four o'dlock traia-4, idn't know of life and activity, mad the, darkl clouds of
that I should get down at all.-41iitnessed up ignera - nee and rice whien have so long lower
, m . s,f i tiwif team and - pti hed oy4 t t .f . Sing Sing
again--hatiff't gone far before is ti p w eut the n i, lle &
ett over tlitit unhappy country will be dis
y the,Sunlight of intelligence; and hy'
A .
whlPPletree--got another tbOug and reach- th 'principles of Christanity.; t
ed. Sing Sing just two minutes:, Pre the ears 1 4
The institutiOn of domestic, slavdry cannot
i caute . ,ii , long—l've just get ti'l4 . -ky
_feet are b iternal, and it abolition Will bi t ` hastened
cold- ; - l et ' s goo the fire, ~ I 1.( -. . byr colonization. 7 Liberal sums aye been'
'4iihrthese "words he rose.. Oickly
. and appropriated by the legislatures of several of
.wetit lnt° the back room, not i.b the fire-place
the . States to' assist in this work ;. and we haye
. but; to tivorner near the folding idoor; where nu l reason to disbelieve that! appropriations
hot':air gushed up' froth a cheerle4,round hole 'will be made eventually in fifivor of coloniza
in :tile floilr. His,.dress, as-1 ni,`q;: observed, tiOn by the".national governMent. • .
artiPlY.Corroborated . his account .4 the day's .
. l'P-olitically considered, should the emigre
adveritiireltirt Fall. crumpled' cravat till- tarn . popArtitiop eve beconie
:ttwry, coat . all wrinkles, stoeknigs about his gAeral it votiii.l remove the.evilslattendirig
-heels; and general dilapidation!. lI„ - the-residence of the : (hilt:rent races in the
• 1 said'it was not usual at. t. 41 ;',west :to go
:.. ~ ~ sacne country ; ,and aside from- thisi it. is evil
,. into, a corner to ,warns , ne l .a fo L et,; - to which dein . that in
,the course of yea rt all the
1 : 6 .ficoll'ed-b.Y quoting some YO se t ' ir ii°la ' es '&intaiie of our republic - will be heeded Or
1• . ,
.. whtch I - did not catch.' I entreated him to go our own Caucasian race. .: -
tolea p as he niust,- , be liungry4l4 he refused.
!gut AfriCti.N . Vill derive the principal benefit
"pine . !blOck.'.. Ttic copy Nation tell futon po
rdaultittg- from ,:colonization, for -she can he
netrY. I lie said there was one bobk more he -i ra.laimed only by People of her trivii race+
:should like to make.befot'e heiltitd. and that
unify by lier;own children. And interest and
'WaSa Swig Book for time Peopte t t, There was .
pinky should Mine! the - colOred ilOptilation
no t.bileetion of songs in existent:el Which_satis. toetnigraze.:' They leaye . a ciianti.± in which
fiedlhis idea of What a popular
onght:,to be. He shotild like ith compile
-1, . they have never been considerol as the equals
of he whiteS, for the land of their_ father* M
1 tine. ir help do it. lie said,We, ifitd -written which they can, enjoy the blessing-. of self.
-verSeS himself, but was no pd11;, 1 and burs- goerntitent; for a
_country yieldg all the
ling into a prolonged peal of lanOter. he ad-
-lukuriant productions of a tropical flifnat
ded, that when he and - Park Illiotimin were a eountrY warmed by the genial rpys of an
,editing the Kew Yorker, he wr) , ,..some •er , -
equatorial Sun, 'and sit:ll:d lby filiA . green
se s.for insertion in that paperiund • showed" orangel.irkois and by the cocOa-trofs. .)
•Park.'-and • Park'. roared out, !tl'hunder and If you- WOuld . see' Afriea reclaim d, if you
lightning, GreeleY, do you . call ?,,l'fti , poetily r would sec prOud'citieS . skirt it sea-1 card 4s
l. Speaking. of a certain well knovt iversifklii colnrce Whitening the adjog peeans :If
kid , : Ille's a good fellow en(t.l i gh , butt ae f i'v n would r ice idolatry and harbiristn cils-
I •,- •
Lean% write poetry, and if 1144 remaine Cl . p ° ltiecd br Christnunty, virtue, an'd • inte.,,t
in Ille4on he Would havt,--, killed'; }in, he takes geliee, do all Th . your po , st.r to s istain tin:
tr . itleiSm so lard,. As for me 1 Ake a little imPortant wOrk t'4 . colonization, a work - whieh
oppOsition, I erijoyLit, I can't& qi erstandithe , wid pr ,, Tre . ic _ neficiv i l _. f. ,, A. f . ri ,... c ...i. c , I : ft...picric *
feeling of those thin-skinned Ople' .1 "1 ' and -to the ‘ i;- 01 4, ( 3 . ; • -
'A little child, Tour years of , with long • • . !,
flaxen liair.atid ruddy cheek's, t,catne in and • l; - • - Jowl: NN , .
C lion.t:
fr7fonfeton Pa.; got 6, 185-i.- 1
Said; 'Mother wants :you urq.ltair.s. He f;
caught it up in hi 4 arms with o . .et , y manifes 7
1, A Wild rbl; Statc
tat ion , o f N',cesSilt:t fondness. ' tt i tiing, 4 ! Xot
t otirt.igue, its /PAZ that wants ltnn ;' and :the'
Child wriagied tuit of his arms Luid ran away,'
',. • k•-1.4 I was going, some ladies!, 4m . e in; and
I rcintiined a moment longer, if- • e i t'S request.
Ile made a languid and quitOodescribillde .
attempt at introduction, merely Mentioning
the names of the ladies with
. a. oint Lob,: at
- each. One of them asked a qiition 'about
Spiritualism, Hesaid :. ' I havi., paid no at
tOtion to that subject for two; i tirs. I be-
Catu'r. Satisfied it would . lead to thisgood. In
fact 'I am so taken up with the things of this
World that 1 have ton little timel . dp spend on
the itilliirs of the other:. She mid, ' A dis
tinction ought to be made Ixttwetin those who
investigate the phenomena as pheitiomena,and .
those is-ho embrace. them frantieolly:: 1 1 - e,'
5.4i/1 le, ' I have no objection td .'their being
iti44tigated, by those wiao.have . ,Ithore time
thani I . i have." Ihve you heardtts' Iced the
lady; 'kit - the young man whO t personates
Shakspeare•l'' ' No.' he replied;„ l' but 1 am
satisfied tbere is no, folly it aril) "*c l i.rtsr. 1nt,.. ,
Then he rose, and said, ' Take•otli'your things
• and *4 up stairs. • I muse get title supper,
firl:have to go to that meetingf,litt the Tab;
eiliaele to-night' (anti-Nebritskti4
. ';' As I passed the hat-stand in tki hall I said
' lieretis that. hill-aortal whitelcoat ?' lie
stnilid, and . said, 4 PcOple siipposle it's . the , ; , l
sanie old cOat, but, it isn't.' 1 Jobk.eil ques
-0 tiOninti ' ly and he confirmed; 'the otagitial white
..• , ,
4024 mm from tre
amt. : An enligraet bro't
it oYer ; he' wanted .tinniev . and i 1 i wanted - a
etiat4 , So I. bought it of, him fOr lwenty dol.
llarcand it was the best coat 1 01... r had.—.
,-Tliei do,work well, in the old coittitries; not
t,in - stiela a hurry as - We dn. .. ' , 4 i :
i' The door close!, and I was ; ; gl obe with
I;the Hlainp-post, In .aninlier luitir, Horace
iiGreeley, after such a day of I,4iiger and
Liflitiglie,, Was speaking to an audicule of three
rth6utiaial - people in the Tabernaeli.....l. , --
, , ;
i :1
1 • ',l .The UiciugteiGun.
• 1 i
1.! Mtiny of our journals, as Well as those in
r Ettliiiid, have endeavored - totiv4 the ',Alio
.1 trae idea of the construction air the
I:;ther above-named gun, which has s r ,
~fitriyl in the Crimea, hut we &a 5..4 to have
i)e'eli,4inazingiy bef,,gged with thisiii descrip
;tions;lral must say, ,that a littlerlmtbe reflec
ticiti i O ruld.have•convinced . every (I[l4 of them
`wlibfias . eialeavOred to be wiseonitlic subject,
„that ii, has been very soft. It 114 .been de
"scribe by one as the i' oval gun,' is hav
ng al ,oval bore, - from which lwe ithiitild infer
llattil was made for firin Off eggs.l By un
other t has been described 7 'as having. an ell
'.:ipticlOre, from we should infer chat it was
use fiilfor 811Nting ' eccentricaily.... 44w in the
name "Of common sense could a•lron ball
helitiMined down 'a-cannon if it ad a. &Ail:-
61(Iii—narrower . at the - breac than the
i . .. , • , -
rturzlo It is impOssibie. - The Lancaster
gun isitdinply a rifled cannon hay ii conical
balls east for it, each. with two' bra — projec4
tionitOlfit into the grooves.—ScieAti c Amer.
n;. 1 :' •. - ' . 1.1:
.Mott REvELATtoss.—Sarah, i ; Presi
tient, oung's numerous wives, left him,
and arrived at Chicago on the way, to Boston,
hei,native city, Where she prnpostmlto coin
n:ienrea.series of lectures on the mystery of
iniquity.among the Mormons. She promis
e.s tith make the lectures tlecidedly)4,cy.
. A:lr ARK IsistsuaTioN.—Prenti - of the
Lonisillle Journal, is as' mad a wiigias ever.
Ilis paper of. the 29th ult., contabisl the fol.
10*.ir ! g; "The editor of the New fi. mphhire
Patriot says he expects to grow fatl
as long
as hi fi ves. All, yes :but , when lie irk itill
not`thii fat be in the fire r 1
-•• . -
RT - 8, 1855.- : ,Tat4.ziEnec-SMITH, PUIftLISHERST-VOL:
i it. _en in the ...i.e An -Altine.
i •
A corresOndent of the Thornasion (\le.) .
Joi`frnal; writing to the.e,ditorlof 11lilt paper'
s•ays, ; . ~' . • I 11.
-..•1 ,
'- j
:On the inOrninr , ofJanuarY .`2,l;• l While en
gal 0
oed in chopping wood, a Short ...!distance
frotn my house inWaldoboro', I wari startled
by the moseterrifie scream that ev ' trreeted
- ~ e.
th t!
my errs; it seemed to proceed i:om tilt!
woOds'tuiar by. I immediately co' imenced
searching ronnd for time cause cif thii [Unearth-
1y !noise, - bnt. after . a half . hour' lfruitless
searell), I resnmed my. labors, but im i d , scai'ed,-
ly Ofuek a', blow with. my - axe. *hen the
sharp shriekLburst. out upon thipirt . Look,
ingltrp quiekly I discovered art OlOct about,
tent rod; fin, m me, standing ;bdti l een twO
trees, which 'had the appearace of a tiniatur . e
huntan being. I: advanced lowar i it, but
the little creature 'fled asi neared .it ' I gave,
elne4! and after a short suceededi in catch;..
. it. : Th; little fellow turned a tkost -irni.
ploring Igo - upon rrie, and then . nttered a&
shar'p shrill shriek,..reserriblingthe, whistle. of
an engine. : ..-toot, him t.,, my harms land tril
ed tO induce , :him . to - eat some Meat hut falli
ed in :the attempt,' I. then ofTt4ed ljiln some
wat4r of which hcidrank a small quantity.' I.
next; gave him some dried beach niits which .
he emeked •and' eat .readily. 1 lie. is of tame
male species about eighteen inehe.g in•height
arid ,his limbs are in, perfect prop ration.- `_
W ith the exeeptiott of his face, haul. and.feetl
he Is . covered with hair of a jer'bla k hue.---1 .
WhOever may. wish to see this Strati ge speci;
• men', of.huinati{trature, ean.gratifyt leir euri'.•
y by calling'. at my house in th ._eastern
part: of Waidi,boroi, near the Tr wbridge
tavern. I give these facts to. the üblie, tn,
see if there ; is any one Who .can a". aunt fora,
Wonderful.-plienomenoiL'. 1 - ' •.. -
. ,
Modern Church lantiie,
Air. Doesticks' has communicat
Detriiit Advertiser sortie of his e 7,
York., !hiving exhausted th•l
men of thel theatre, the opera, the
and the concerts, -he tried the churi hiS a..2eourit of the . Music
Pretty soon, manic—.organ'—so etimci
grand and solemn, but generally ast anit •
livelk enough for a contra dance. - [11..D.1
.said the player got
_a big salary :to how ofr
the - organ, arid draw - a big house.] le corn-1
meneed to. play 'Old Hundred.' . L first;•.
majeStic as it should • be, but soon his left - hand; -
began' to get unruly ainoilg thti bas.l notes,,,
then the right cut up a few monkey trines iyi
- the treble; left threw in a large asiTirtrr.ent
of quavers; right led off with a gratO flou'r.,
ish and a feW -dozen variations; left:. strug9
gled• mournfully to keep, up, bLit scßin• gavel
out dead beat,..and after that Went lback to;
first Principles; and - hammered ; away rcligi4 .
euslyat old Hundred irt,spitc of th6,' I tintictn
of iti't felloW;—right struck uP•a iParcti7-1
marcliCif into a quick stcp-:-quick stqp into a) .
gallop; left Still kept. at Old Handrei); - right
put i*,all cons -of ; fantastic extras, 0., entice',
the left from:its sense of propriety.; left still'
unmoved ; right put ina few laws oflti popu--
tar waltz; left wavers a little-; righstrikes.:
up a favoriteiPpika; left evidently y eldiug ii
rightdashes into 'a, jigi• left now iirl. ! deserts:
its cOlOr*' and goes aver to the one - I,4lnril
both Commence sin animated -horripie, leav-1
ing pnor Old Hundred to take care f itself:l
AL length, with .ti 'Crash, a squeak,.4 .ash, al
roar, ia rumble, and. a • expiring - griktn, the)
1 overture concluded and servicelregadi
II- .',. ".- H it . '
A Hnvr.— he following pretty k: hint
is front Div nea: .' What. if there eh ild ap
pear in tbu-n -xt European Farillily eeipt
Booklrevi ~. in London and Paris) . ".direc
tion herr to talc's 07.00 out of =Pr
4ri* GNO. D. PRIV/ICE.. ,
In the, ta•opieslseats
• There's a beautiful isle,
Where storms never darken, •
The sunlight's soft smile. -
Therelthe hyitin,of the breeze
• And the hymn of the stream
Are mingled iii one
Like sweet sounds in a dream.
There the son;-birds at morn
Flynt the, thick shadows start, . .
Like musical thoughts'. ,
- From the poet's full heart.
There the song-birds at noon -
• Sit, in•silence unbroken, ' -
Like an exquisite - dream -
' In the bosom unspoken. •
There the flowers: hang - like rainbors
On the wildWood•and lea
say, wilt - thou dwell • -
In that sweet isle with me-? •
In the depths Of the sky ' •
• There's a beautiful star, - -
Where no yew casts a shadow.
Tice bright mar ,
There the rainbows ne'er
f? ir
", .. And the dews are ne'er y,
And a circlet or moons • &
• ,Ever shines in the sky. •
There -the, songs of the spheres,
Are unceasingly heard -
Through' the infinite years.
There the soft - air floats down
- From the amaranth bowers, • -
All faint with the perfume
Of Eden's own flowers: • .
There truth, lore and beauty ----
Imnfortal will be— .
. 0, say, wilt dim! dwell.
In that with me? - •
West jersey not is the United Stral
When o conlidence in human nature l,
very low - an ebb as at the present ni
it is pleasaneio -knew t. at it has not d
the whole earth, and fled to other sph
Somp of it lingers yet on the
.western 1
of our State at least; according to the t?
of a traveller from ;New York, who sa
when he left the ears at Camden, he v
to visita place' .
diVerging from- the r.%
line about ten miles. . lie was. entir
known,' though Certainly a respectable
ing person • and, therefore, his first s
was, that die stabler, to whom -he al
should have fisted him out with' a hat
horse and buggy for his . journey with
ty, and without the Slightest recommel
or inquiry whataver; - . • . ,•
The - ,next avant ;that awakened v
happened thus. When- half way on
turn, he missed the - Valuable Whip,with
he had been entrusted:. - He . had !eft
dropt it, coming along—at any rate 1.114
was missing. HiS.Pgood horse did no
one, as far as he , knev.-; but he
,could ti
ceed with ,efirlifi)rt. without one notwitl
ing. But no whip'', could he pureha
Where. lie stopt at; a stable; nona. ,
he II:id - 026'r. - A boy, ' holftTer, • wa.
-with, who observed'; , hat he had one .11
but declined A 4 sell it at any price.
clear he had never been mNew York,
they will sell anything._ tiley, possess"
spirit •of independence had not been c.
by that of enpil ity and traffic from the
breast. But, says he, ! I will cut' you a
sir, that will answer. jour. purpose alto;
w. 11 . 4, 'He did so instantly, a - d it'vt .
as favorably as he had promised. for ?
1 the noble steed heither needed whip nog
, Still he had n his return, to recko
the 'owner. . - llaving paid for.'the loan
horse and buggy agreeably to contra
thing, the gentleman Observed,.remaitU
settled. ' What is thatV was the rej
' The. whip ; I , }i.isli. to pay for that, as y
I bring back nothing but a stick.' D' _ . .
lose it ?' he replied. ; ' Yes,' said.he, 4 er.el•se
I left it Where . ,l visited: ,` Very welV he
answered," 4 in either ease, as my pathis on
the-handl e, soave honest person will •ti t d and
return it to me: I a willing to trust t thatJ•
'But I am, not,' replied • the gentlema i . 'I
-don' believe - hat you .v. 11,1 ever . see your
i t,
Whip again; an , therefore insist upon paying
its value."f he owner, who appears tstl t . have
been in New YOrk as little as , the boy who
Cut the stick, pOsitively refused - to . tak4 any .
thing, repeating, that "some h,onest person
would return it to him; because it had -bl4 l
i ..
name upon it." 1 • 1.."`•• • '
Alas ! how many 'umbrellas, books and
numb, rlcss articles have been appropriated
by people as their own, though 'the names of
their real proprietors daily stared • the/n.46
the thee, and said as kind assuchnames'could
Speak,A you are a thietlr, for you have . got
another•person's property, and you know it.
Return the • stolen goOds, and do' , not be, a
mean scoundrel any .hinger.' h .
At length seeing the gentleman; who did not
know the worth of the article at all, or t he
Would have tendered the money (at once, at/ 7
solutely. resolved to pay an egniValent, the
owner coniltited to -seta .price upon it which
he accepted ; but it was !afterwards- weer
tained,lhat it could not; have . exceeded 'half
its value. These are Certainly primitive do 7
ings and prove sufficiently , that the western
part of Jersey at Any rate, 'lies considerably
out of the Criiited Stalt4.—Neiocirk Ado.:
d to the
'h. Th 6,
THE ORDISAT4CE or 1787. 7 —The autlio . r=
ship of this •eele'brated enactment has been
assigned to Mr. JefferSbn • aithost invariably.
It appears That this has been done on untelia
-ble'authority. The !Inn; Geo T. Curtis has'
addressed a long coinrininipatiOn to the Bos
ton Advertiser, in which he proves - conciti-,
.sivcly. that Mr. JeffersonAtad do ageny
drawing it - up, and that Mr. Nathan .'Dille
was the author. Three years previons t:the
passage of the Ord iiianee.„ Mr. Jeffertion/offer
;ed a. resolution in Congr6is to eichide/Slave
ry from the Northwest . Territory, and it is
fOr this reason that its authorshilyhtui-been
attributed to'him ybutihis restitution was not
to -.take effect Until the• year
„1808,. sixteen
years after, and beingimerely/att.act of the
Continential Congress, could/ have ; been, re-. the 'request oran,y newiState form
ed within the TerritOry, and'thereby the
prohibition would lia:ve/proven nugatory.—
Mr.- Dane's ordinance prohibiting slavery!
from the date ofits paSsage, could not be-re
pealed, and in,Oinsexpience of its passage, in
1850, there•were,ln the. five States provided
for by the Ordinance, population of-1,523,-
.154 souls, and,no slave.: .
1 •
duced - ,MIo/the publio-sehoOls of. New Hamp
aud books treating of •the :elements of
that/science have
,been ordered . tot be supplied
tu'pupilb. • ; .
ar'it is a very sohunn thing to be mar-
died,' said Aunt Petbaut. •
Yes, but it is .a great deal more solemn
act to veld as aid Maid of forty:
, " A SingtdarP
A valued. correspondent, -
-Anna Journal, who is-a faith
minister of the gospel, writ:
interior of Florida; and at tit
ter gives -the folloWing
many of
,our readers will,
new fact in natural history.:-
own Words for a heading-to
`!n. many places in the • 'othera parts` of
Georgia and Florida, during the Months of
October and November th re maybe akin
a' species of- a deep yellow butterfly,-irith {
some slight touches of blac on their- wings, 1
measuring some :24 inches rem the, point ]
of one wing to the point of .e other, go i n g I
six or eight miles to the hour Theirpredse
course is some four or five egreel - east of
South ; - and when they . Me t .with a forest
too thick for - them to pen rate, they rise
above it, but immediately on pAssing it, theY
WI back to within six feet ,of the earth.:-
Their course is frequently interrupted by
flowers on which they alight, and sometime;
change their course -in going from one - to
an - other ; but as soeu us their . appetite - is
satisfied, they again resunbe their travels,: io
that, by: watching thcM a 'few} rods, a person,
how Soever perplexed,' Mayt find the true
course; for they are al wads reliable. This, be.
ing the season for &beating stock in thote
trackless countries, wn sheuldl often be greitly,
] perplexed, especiall) . on 'tloudy. days, were
i it not chat God,- in 14 infinite wisdom and
'.goodness, has provided u S with a living eom
pass.: A few of their *tut' in April, but
not one of a hundred] that gojin the fall, ever
return. ' I I]
at so
30 22i--
~.. • ~ .
. There. they are. •' Thatis i. e whole.- .Thao.
.the number'of
.thi peciple who - shape awl
cotitrol the Policy of otir overnmenctli ,
choice of our Public
_ffiders, and the legislc..
tion of CongressHin other. rds,-the :Slave
holders of the Union. Treatie - ;Lawb, Appoiitt
ments, Decisions, er made ith the view of
of pleasing them• before ell others.. Iryiin
doubt it; name the Piesiden ilie Senate, di...
House of . Represeiitatives, r. tliti' Feder&
Court that, prohounals again ....their Views In,
any - case where they taVe to en sides? : _
By the ,-! rule of, Aired,' 3 7P25 is to 25,
.I .
000,000 as 1
~ to . ',2. Each ne - SlaVeholder,
exercises more, political pow than s.e . ivintv
two Freemen: • The next , uestion is it a •
country where-theiselventy- 1 'ond part . of the
i n habi tan is-go verfr,i . IS a Ile'
...bile, what sort
5 1
of a thing Ise Despotism ? -. - 1 , -
• What an outcryjand l bustle there would b!...
if the National Policy was d coca. .solely U..
fOstering the inter4sts and in reasing-the.siv ,
of the Suite of New [No_r_lit I_'e...tiiiio ..4440-
of New rork at„. ;lei last •el don e4st aDOur
50,000 inure voted than all • e Slaveholder .
put together. 1. i - .
• t .• .. .-.- '
[ The six figures a the hea ofiliis artialo
I %illl he faund- emitietitly sug estive Of •reflee-
I Con. We 'do not purpose o , enlarge,upon
[ then, but simply to add that they are , voucla-•
1 cc) for by the - uffy. - 41e.nsus ea: . Put their.
on record for future rference .41Vany Elie.
1 Aurnat.' • • - .'. •• .
~. . •
L onder'
his re
it, or
{t _need
tpt pro
'tt vas
pc cll
i boy 's
,ost (Ls
n rut
tf the
t, one
to be
- RUSSIAN SER-rnost.TAmotr 1
of Russian, serfderri in Ivhiel
froth the chattel slavery of ti
are. these
• I.- The muster cannot se
out the. laud: on which the 'Ser
2.= Families cannot be sepa
unmarried children, after. the
constitute a family. I
3. The . master's power o\
the serf extends not to mairnil
life. . .
4. The master ean i not rey
marry :contrary . to his own cl t
tions. • ° ' ' . -
5. He is .entitled 1 to • the 'Jabot of ofilyy .
three days in the week, and- cannot requir'
lab* on the' Sabbath, !or on W h festivals. /: /
6. Serfs cannot be held- xeept by/tbe!
nobility and certain Priv . ileif claw.s ( anii - i
persons. I- j i ""'`7 . ''
7.. They cannot be held ex pt iopiepor
tioo to-'the master's . _ roperty in land/there
being required for each serf hlposiotif, i
by, the . master of twenty acres / y ~. .t
These provisions of the Itu an / Isfiv render ,
serfdoin, bad and oppressive itia; a condi
tion entirely di ff erent front t tt, of chattel,
slavery. The slave market,/ the wile ; the,
bonds, the incessant toil, ple. : concubinage,
are unknown; and the' ferf pulationitve
in vilhiges, have honies ,v`hich arc homes to.
them, have more than half their time to theni:
selves, -and, except/fOi - iinifitary 'service, enjoy
the most precious / nf / booni, sec iity.•
1 1
It's-queer t idfitra. Partini et, carefully
ii.- .
folding the pefpet/sh.t had beeu - readin g;
raising . her/ spectacles ` mt. bet .noser,. 'lt's -
strange,' said / She, pri the stateritent
that a tOcopiotive had been . riven ofr
b ,tha
trackST. e •the - sliitches.l: 'WhO,WOUId
ro i ..
thought,. •She mused, -,! that's •of them -- bk, .
iron/loeofocos - would have min ed 'such wilt.:
tle thing as a switch r- • . -.. _ -.--
• / ' Rtit, 'aunt,'..interposed fke,
,Minga limb. of his Christmas.,
bright- jack=knife that he foul
thereto, '.yOu know - the- - local
tender behind. *- 2
To .be sure, i s satieJ respond , !
ble danie; yuu • needn't
my son'
And she drew down hers. ,
sumed herreading, while•lke vi!
the cat out of the buttery.'
. ,
Miss Louisa Bradley, of P iladelphiaon e
a balloon •ascension from Balton, - Pa.i:
Thursday morning last. - The balloon , went
up straight to a great bight, len veered to
the ,east A short distance and, b ysted, -whem #
forming a paraclinto; she.'. s fast,
and landed four miles frori k jur
e& • • The excitement vavinl word
ywas received of her safet .
Springfield -(Nasal' Republi
in' Deerfield , it was unanii
1768, "thri,t if any generous
are willing tq shingle the
their Own expense,
.they la'
ample liberty.".
..rarAn exchange sey n,
returned a pair of trowsere iti 4. r ill Wit
week, because they were , „, 4 . 1116 th e
legs. ' But you told me to . :Melte thant-at
tight ass the skim' 'True: tie "colleague,'
'for I can sit down in • rny,- I k 4 -. 30 . 0.: , 111. be.•
3c4it ifi can in thotitbreeelnst I : :: ,-•
' r ii i I - i f 1
I. NO.
3 4 de s e'
111 anti tenable
to us from the
close of Itis-let ,
..unt, whith to
robattly; be - a
We will use*
the limitations
it is different
United States
e serf with:
abed ; and , the
eaih efparentai
l er the bedy of
ire thyserf to
oleo and afree,
•ho was Wm. , .
.with they
d suspended
lotivi3 has `a'
the caner's-
Italk aboutitt
tacles and=-re , ,
l ent .to
ose , nt