Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, February 01, 1855, Image 4

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--''' •i• 4 '.....-_,_....-. ._t.5z1...=__.:......_ _ .:',•_..... _
. —icy:: , li-.) .
v l f.° l i*pf t iif a il' i i, l / 4 1 , • .a. I
titigt*rifitilie4'*ii t ialion.—ADretuic
-,. -, As, I ant,not apt to dream*, the - lay ICowie
to 110po is'This:- 'Raving fraid'a geed deal
orseolthig about:, thiT. - 4Sehool - Law, Of ,
• -.end not being postnd np,
.on 7 =tl#t }lead.* I
droldliki;,fobe,riat`de4n Ai illy aisn-eld!lt
• tO - tiudititejor„. . Now. tarlaw is Mitt opium
toine;and before I had' readthreePefes Eyre '
'.ltist asleep, and I dnactrA as follows:
.1, I thought 1 iias, ia i: new hailding t .: hil,:in
Itifitngle ro om , befog , fintishtcf" - iritli 'wheel
formbi,iiiiit'anii,itieW!l%aw:many devi
' 4 hiiiiiiliout t 4 .0 _taonr, gut.cring: '6s . iti .
'-ixerelnield,'hut which I found' to. le' ord.
bogus. Eantr-Ree)* a motto, dollar stall . * '
' from sixteen= to ti)ltty.4 . 7"; and a ' bfWgolde -
~ pocket below :Own., ,:. The inott,‘ read .
_ .
School I.AVT;/Ftee Saida;;'. Insti
.3y .
' tiztec tilFeotors„ T r lnicerinity otß ooks, Teak -
ing, Government, Good ,Wtmes, .&e. f
ovtitlat . doeitc: Was SuPeslutendet4yi 'An
ciaudt iooking ear was
_thero *hi& had been.i
- EntAhlased_at'coartie'end lini,Worii - bit whicti i
' .64144-been kushed upalittle for hettei7
employment. :There was.oriP Tilaure IV ilielp
. . 7 1
puzzled me:more than' the rest. Many fig- I
ures, male and - female, were t drawn in a cir,-
„Cie, ~beyriag to,'„one. in the ..eentre,' - ns the
sheave/of Ji3seph's hrethren did to his.-- r
Soine scores of lamps of hogus „silver; gave
out a very da=ling, singular and mysterion
light, being constantly supplied • with a new
kind m a d e
of gas, and furnishe d by a 'very
. -,-
singnlar furnace near the lamps. Several
Clusters of young persona were busy at - low
whispering, while. .varnpyres of large size
and singular , form, continually flitted from
=company to company - as news-hois. , .
Now; I did nol feel easy in my situation,
because I thought my presence to be unwel•
corne, as the whisperers often looked towards
'me.;-.-and all of them had ranch bOgus metal
.ornaments on their , dre&i. At length one
of them, a glib-tongtied beardleas youth, came
faced - me: His collar and :pockets Nye+
faced with some shining-stuff, and ornamcn tr
ed with "Inititutei'!..,- . .;01 his klnds -in , his
pockets - surd shaki ng 41 ” s ee m ed . `t° l !e`';'i n t i ; - .1
hermitic , to me, • "Alt., may I' presume you
have Conic, intejoin, us?, We want help-4-
. - ,
welaVe a doe prospeef—this,-is not a mint,
hut willhe next tO it-.-oo outlay. is,. neeessa.,.
~. ry,..-..-the -law is- iii-(He farr—get the direc4-,
ors right, and We ii7tWe'jlothing. :to, fearrthe
wheels . Will-then roll to. our own door, and
the'arvest,..will then be - sure. What -say l''
Sir, - sild 4' j . " lie vet.vgage Where / do not art
,derstand. May'. : l .know your motive,? 4:
. "Certainly, sir, certainly, in eonjidenee: Our
Scht - 361 law' is most - exeellent c.N., the many 4. 1
&gra itmakes. - . Some have good pay, and,
all ought to. have. The people dislike the
law and won't use it. Our design is to use
it for them toonr, hattAt, if they will he 9-
..stinate againsttheirchildren's - "Office- .
-a, yon ImoW; arc made fur pay; and pay, fur
_and just :so' schools' are made for
'4. - eachers, and te.icher.s -for, schools. Salaries
follow of course, do they net 1 None winwhi)
dOnegt play.. Is not that , geod. - .looc t 7...:. . :, i
Just nowonother of the club came in - Vith I
shining capital plume,•on wltiehl read in large
letters "Titoszssoia," . but of the.saine, hogu i s
stair. , Ail eyes Wire now turned on hint iii
adoration, and our , conversatieri,"*Was ended.
but my wonder continued, ,- The Proftsso i r
- eyed the - venerable car with_ mach Aterest3
took higt , ,sent*fflr :it.;. 14 :0e-Whele, comp j
iy eaute49 order. Several speeches were 1
,made,upon school . mana,gement., Sorne'were '
4. tot" religi*sdlielpliee,, some for,tgentle an
...humane,' and others- for letting -- schi;lais 11
just as Ilie.y:Pt- It `
eras agreed tlistr books
eahould he utdform, and , that "the"t eachers
fitioUld di 'Naideiiihathooki should be used, to
Whiciiiits Shouidsubiait. - : , All weie titian-
Itatis, that - file - law should be Sig ti l tg
'ftiitiiili , f:fird for_teaehers, and then the "pu - 7 1
P i blroahl : b 6 Mr ll6l V3 is .thei' l itail 44 'ke; out
- :trpiirpyti#,l/04 7 41 . 1at,tiesoure of:treble
~-wita-that parents'woUld meddle andcpresurne
ta Ovr-ce, 'as ,trey ,stanild not, a nd which the
. :laW - araSild p **
est. 1 - 7 - "I
All this while I noticed an oldish lookiri —
Chap, of darit complexion, thin 'visage, and'a
PectiliarlY - eregtO and sharp nose, and whi
appeared very neat** . At length 'he: took I
,the floor,,cir-sather, the old ear„ and with a
miSehieVonigrin and seoWl he played etittl. I
fish. , After bowing AI 'while td - the ?re- I
fessgiiii he turnothis.cant and jeer upon tho
Ate fuherig for their :meanness for trudging:
feta 'emits to the scholar for 'lying the. Su
perintendent of thi r .notn4; who had labored
iohtird,inii4Otie - such great good. 416
- this speaker , re red,, another took his plaei...
sma afrerva a resolution of thanks for the . verif
amiiasfe and 'gratifying" manner . in,,,,which
the,Superintendent had examined the teacir
ers atlas. tounty., This speech called out
the! Py9tvli.(4. an d; ..Stipezintendent, (for .hq
held both of,) ad •be told them Ina short
speech, that ik,,m, qe.,,iliCJito.'sareF and to,li .
tare.young minds by any thing Ilk an exam*
insico l 4hat no man ofgoedlitinaeniid hei r
ing would - do so-that it was 4alulgerws 0 I
itir#6,*h,trrinis4--that be had.koooo:*iehi.
genlasAadlalentdestreYo thereh.Y - .thst 0 4;
law did' not absofsie t .reqUirejt, and that he
sQinfd nereedOit.' --- . "- ' ..• ' -: ' 1 , 1
~3 e l*f. a ,llatq,trete- p reserit. and , took partirk
lik,*(fiseisesVjand it 'TO remarkable`
elf+alfei - :0,e 1 0 ,- pealth"1., lifitiA•Pgrse . Yr
peekez,,kgs* in thisor her hand, oio gazed hi
tentlynpanithi'gfitteringileigireS Whiehhung'il
. nd theta.. -la fact oeitfinV:l3P6' au , 1
i" !eY,i,eC-v'iFe#*l:4l,ol'lVs,-,-?*kiff ed .
~ ~:' '
..., .1.. e - . . ► ..u.1 0 , ,
i . , new toble the' r staid IrOm wia'-'-' "''ll
4:Expected - ! o l e armitielilL4o 4 llsl: o ;id:4 DITII
eltY. ht ;s 4 iikol -L iniddhive :aiateS, inen4ll
Axidintetics and.drawinboolttret Oeliiheili'
. 1 1 - 1 1 ,#,AltSlikAa.*** .'I L- gii::,
witititioryfrriusitulusao .confrot , thilatintr
the - seat in the; Ad. wai t ; v ile ;would have
414u41044Ch4heirfeet,Ifihey ekitild-46,
n°4Ptils : . '' €ini l .- . .4 i it.- V, ,. ..0 1 - iiieau . i s half liii.
~;;Ithe44o3fe 15w11),anYlablv‘i°ine*".1'(a'-'
'ltilrtholru# l- "tlw . ,l::ltatilittle' 64te -Or
ailk i t'iopike, - . ',-*lii:oooii 4 had been tia4it- -
i ng z:i,i_r :J A
k . idegoe - coke this law, said I;
~, d
a l
essikaraiksidei IT - ,the t te‘ r ,#!"i i ;"'''4t.
the first 01437g#Y-‘o.l"4,i3jet-Aeiliii.:tt:t
e".7estr:ofihaftlilsk giver: Ay , ihi'. tea - ',
IS •te a tf •
asicociatiozq tv ßejin 2 0%
iiitira" - Orestpittlatjqti:73 , fte:J;l**lollo
AWAM.449:oolf;k4l4 l) ri° were
Many `khitt* , 4-11)3: estini *as. fdreatnto
tho:eetie:l ll 4, 4 iliAtti:d rains ito' ,ranv' `troika
4nlit- irterpr ~ et tiupi. Lind t Clore
great a more bon thati roar g e,( 4ll l 4its l iti
niiikit*4tlati,ari4 I lit4i4y.e.'*o4,affnad.
•. ' '
it SO.
'i .
. ' 1
.- / . ..t 'k :1'7 . 1 "1 ! I ''' ' ''- i f ' .. ;IC% ' ..' -.
:' i' ' tsetii4t)totteT"Btie6flops..-
'tl ",
• ' iFenn ilielyniCatie' Stai
. ..-riItHOWAS'IMAD. • • .
-..! - • - ;;'J--;4 .- 1 -- . --- -' 1 ...' :z
..tlielp t:tielpl—triw,stirffix‘ating. Oct me
out !, ''QuiCk! 'quiek r of. l',Atall:die.' .
; II
Sultivere ;dr '
‘vkirds uttOed in si3puletail
iniiea,ithrit;re.sonned, through some: rthe
apartments", ot. the , Ilitipire • House: 'aftet.:;the
liiteu'ders had "retirddiertheir, beds last night.
;•Of course tlieS,:- strueli 'ter* to - the-sonts ct
the'..Sy in pathetic himatei,'' and ' aroused, ',their,
,d'oi l imin„ cueigies to 4,lllst:int investtation ast...;
to the source from whebeei the sounds, pro-1
ceeded.' ken, soon :allied . -to ,theA '
ntr . :6064 eil Wathan ;to 4lte. !WIS.' 'Bells .
..were rd, ,tin- arid seri - anis' and guests joined in
the:seareli.l. ; '1 T . ' <.
' IlelP ! help! Tear:down the house.; Get.
me ou t,'- 'continued.' the same mysterious
voiee. :•,. 1 • I 7, - ; ,\S
; 4 AV ho yon t; N are y_ here arelyou ? hat
shall.we do? Wberei'can we find you r;' were
1 the interro,gatorics, uttered by t..e bewilder
- ed searchers in as mil- different parts of the'
;house. ! 11• 1 • 1- 1 , .. '
' Here in the' elffittney ! ChOkiug, suffocat
ing, head foremost dOwn the chimney- ,Do
get me out: - -
From room to room and hall to hall the
; philanthropists ruiheil; calling upon "the un
fortunate. to be patient, mid they would ex-
tricate him as -soon; as possible. A dozen
stove pipes were removed and tuouths wore ,
applitd to; the'sinolie holes, inquiring the
; whereaboufs Of the helpless beingaboseould
not be expected 'to hold out lottrm such a
dangerous ; position. ;But still the voice was
from a distanee. - 'i,' .' " .
'lt must•he higher; up,' said one., . ,
'lt must be lower :down.' said spottier,
' He is, lift ' the top lof the chimney, said 'a
third;, and iiWay they rushed to thestairease,
and speedily the ; male members (tithe crowd
were on•th r e roof of, 'the EmPire t 'enquiring
at the top - Of severe) cluzimeys. ~,.... .- - '
; -' 6 You; timidly ; enquit•ed one of
iu ;,-: Whom, ... a
the- females tit iiishatille, cautiously Ventur.
Ilag near the chimneys bole in her room.
t i
1 .. ' Dawn haFe;c,lase by theaklrcknen;feturn=
led thevoice.' ; 4" .''' .'l - ' '''''... -i• ' , :i -
The InOires rushed down stairs, Ler steps
4astceed t? t k ;the Ipitebus appears' of the suffer.:
'.,er: for helP. i: 1‘ - ; ' ,
gre is not near here,' said one.;. ; ,
( Ile must he!toWards the ueit muin,' Said 1
I another. ...1 ' .' ; , • i ; . • .
I ' Why 4op't tliey. get him outs' uttered a
delicate voice,. Whose 'owner • had not dared
venture out 'of her room before. - •
'ls it 4'l=o' ; -..1 ; •
i - 'ls it a'womtil' ; ,
1• ' Who is iti r 1 ', ' 1 •
1 What :isit l' passed in quick succession
1 from - One to abOther i lind" general 'alarm and
1 - consternation preVailed, amid 'which the:be
vildered women hoard s cene one say, 'lt is"
: Phil Huts ghoStr ; ; .'; - • •
1 • • ' 1 m:(1.04, - "lying, 44141' faintly mutter
' ed ; the mYsterlows vbiee, and the death-rattle :
was heard, as. though the poor victim' was I
about to giVe=up tho' 004.-- ..
'Courage, man ! Well have yea out! illere, 1
taliel:old!of this rope,'-' Alia the searchers on
the let dawn a long , rope procured ,
for the ptirposef.i -• 1 . ...' ,- -...1•- , . 1
' ' All mtt- ;was:in. " 14 1 state. of ' excitement un
; surpass - ed..'" •'', he an is 'searchers heeded
was 41 no the eblit • ;night ivrinti,, Their work
one of mercy, apd-littelriie-hearte.d men. they. I,
were det4Mitied thai no efforts should be 1
spared to rescue, a; hunitio•rbeing from such
an'ayful Ate., if posSibtelj. - •
- `I can't lienett it '4eintlV echoed the voice,
atul towitidiritti weilt_the rope. :: .
‘-Mee raßea. little ; more—more vet !'
and the hearts P otte:',iticuers leaped fa; joy.,
iiiiktliti,Vi•Oirits rose in anticipation of sue. I
eess, while all gathered .eloscr,:.prePared to 1
ilend their l eliergiosil3r. 1 4 a long pull, ; al strong
paill4. and*pnitall.;ttigetiter.* --. I:i .. .
. • -,‘ A= litile 'map zippe,'. implored.* suffer-
I er4 bleala4 - .l.the . .y{?le' r hangth of roue had
already beetnet. dd,wit, I.AreiiLiniqubis how
:pier suffitiei to -prOeilt* stotber r wldeblifter
„ •eit4 Nita:Slot , do#n till the voice'..tispond
; 4 Et!** „11‘.-Thtr 4 t-nOW.lialt 7, r' .;" 1 1
. ''.
-• sCaut. lo 4 and Oh palpitatin hearts,, the
searchers commenced misingthe rope-; -yards
• aad.vards: of' the fibrous'Manufteture, were
rsised,:lmt there .. .mai -po w eight at thejetid.-
';:' What Is the. taiitter 7 ',lie is not On I' re-'
oa - rkel;; ; .b,O, ilii,ectoks ofreTerimmles.:l -
HI Must be-deit d and let go,' waq. the re
'__'. -- - -_,,
t w 11 0)?: 17 YelWisum6 one dein the elfin':
tier: I I ‘A • ~ -; - J.
1 ; 1 11011ol' was returned: from theflowest
depths:;:' • . k ;' ' ,
I 1 -
, 1 ' NV)4,y loit't nu 'take ` hold of the roper
, rtilot,ll-=teho I,* sold r: aeemnpari)ed with
a; loinClattgh. 't =
The's,rehers cituld not believe their eari
till some one remarked,,' We've bee boaxeii
- "7 - regidailY •Soldri - ' - '.
' - All - lands it once gave up the search,
which' had 'cOntiniiied, ne.srly . Alt }slur, and
Made theirwiw - downstairs, When. they dis
co lfered.that - a w4ggish fellow in cute of the
.stores•oa the first.llloor had caused the 'great
commotion," the 6 ,EMpire thrOugh,' iby poky
ing his" head lu thtlistove aud.talking pp ehim
pey, untillie t gai,itriit and thcnett it time to
go to lied. - ' 1- : ',,. - '.
i l -` • 4-..= F. 1- -
..--rThitrnion - the iti*marouth - 3gs, ':
- L 'Th e, li .. -teit,i..14,11..'5.--rii4l; labors
~. 5p..... . , WI a great
1 ; 16 " 1 4-zelo tii4Ook - inee-the Free'. ere that
Faniik-,Nothingistiisayiro.4 . tfati i ety=msYrprrlent! i
This• r svillbea - so*lt•what hifficult - tash;COnsid.
leringtheJ3cs4lte 4ir the-iirpint, eleoiens in all
4 111 . n Free States: I Wherever KnoivOlothing
[l,l4,l4p i!4,9•ADsigimigtit,.zilwt4uitpli - a
siftepa4 wary sentient was the Most conj.'.
`t Ode. ' - 41etv;:? in; r Penrltrtithi, - , where, the
Kaniw4NOOlgs s ere t; "everything': before'
the Tail (10pg137. ',lsr- iras, 'most; effbetually
, 'tirzts*diant;', gi ling - us, a Governor,* Lscris..
• latare,'*ad. aCo • rese*ei delegation feeid:.
tally AlitiSlover `:in Sentintent. , rl'hia 'does
not tOtticiers. iii - like I killing' Piet-8(.448m
stone ;dead.' 8ut:,0 4 ,t, :oaf 00 ~,‘ dough;
' facP 1 . 411 0, 31 ::4-ill e Viii9a. Jur . dui: fret-SO:
'ens; ; l;t4rtiltainfmeiples. t Ifis
only4geet is -WOO-pito' a itoiiiri:litiiiin the,'
01:tpodentioft31*rt iiiiid jhe", -'ilikti444;
Lit!ifibils*:4; _ 00,,AiitiAlei441, , entinifsit.
at 41564 ; pareiti)e.triy fora triumph
03 31
of iliis„stave P , *, of whiehlhe-is)t ; tne Ofdie
willini•-tao Is.. - i l
kr - itt f ,Of his (iwn pap!.r
'We wll ' ;tic' i....lirtm - Did g 444. issue.. in
Nitiriikg ' ' '-' • .- :tit' giuifilvertitile
Solle‘silieq: '''':4 T ‘ *- - . iiribit; KileiraltithillgiSM 1
IS ac'lif:. Ntiiiiiiil ; ilOyegWeit 4 :ettinOri.* * telt4i'
Tecifatil Deulr ie'eoike*iiilatt at:Wash
ington, ebarginei: timiti 'psr.hothensat I
4 b! ..4 . l t e r4l_4 4 lT'i l .otti pteizaktailigairl
F 44 ,1 : orsters". 7 o•, .....,-,,,..m . .t.„...11
.1 i -•:-.o !De., ,n• ;
il A • i .... - . ~.,1,-,-,.. ...14 .1.1
, :mit ,fooille 'Pit:A.llle
it 1 , • - ~.. . .... ,
toittla It tyttiovettataft . -'' iiii'ap-,
lascluuksts, 3 h
are rotor;
, era ,ttotd sith Ic_lhai froin*lN 'th2" -tE ' 1
4. , ,,,:: - ~,,,---, 4
-4 - sow
1 •
' , ; , :Ui-ksa .06 .-- •
• g 'out, w Oi
TRESTIOfftrE:MiIYSNIAtiOiciiKS4 ,I I4 , .,
Nov, . atter this , we hopeJ to hear •AOthing,
more from: ,the itio c 4 Atoll; Know-Ipthirw
ism • being L- 3. itis: T etel4l4lr
t kAling4 - rAerSOlni;i 4 *nedeila: lat
Vie n — a"
won't . *in I Free-s'ollcm milt: twit 4ito.'ae,
such IY.bititi muctiTi•str
ury _ ~ a,rm
..r• t
• ' '
...... • • ').„. 14,'t
'" - lii**iT4.i.. FOR : t VII : A.V..IIXPIi 7"; , ~34i
t 43
-Thaoil4r remarkable' thine:hire is * et hosi
- pitnl • for' (Iris. :This was found&TTO4 ,by
Ia rich 'it-litviug 3fUssulatan, _and astgine of
6.4 ~ rAi. - v (I iu itutknis its-the':eitv *
_ln c li old t: rri t t l isq ° u l e e l appropriated S to dui - iti - f:..
ww/ s
',.pine., under the charge of several dire4toey
and here sick cats are nursed, hopaele
_ - ;eAtts
find shelter, and deciegt+rifilirtit* rtirlty
away th E cir,'derlining i years„. The,a•holccatc
-1 gom efetbracesseverali t t t
~ t• afutitii3OitC
{ a site. 16, behold the. court, • e•cerrHdots• and,
1 terraces oftflici iniAque -:: , thitntivAtih'thOr t t
1 Hen vo i l e*ith a - b vied' litfib i,x . i . rgeekving a
cAtapid.4iii if theo;4eataltiptiC patient ist, tcri!-,
derly eared, f)trl and so on-through the ::lont,
Conattena a of feline Al'seAsn.t. Aleppo.
, reo • r rej 9 i c es in,,a greater nt,...l___ --
t e+6lViler”-L#
moreoyei rejoices i u,,a greater "author 0f 1 474s
,tliapzei-61 1 V3pritatetit., At a rotigh. lll .4lteiN I
fr-hould tlnti,state the poptitation of the ehY-1:
Turks and:Aram, 70,000; Christitata of all
deuomitiattons, 15,000; Jew . s i 10,000 . ; . dogi,
12,000' and eats, 111 , 11. 1
• •1
Legislature hac•
meted to provide thernselv
'and the in'ern hero- With American stationer
Caleb Weeks. -
riago Zimmer, Stn,- at: his dwelling housb,
. .
' . ,:' A. &:13. Baldwin,. - :, - ,.
1, I,txtrAcTur.Ens OF SADDLES, lIA4NESS ,
' 1. l Trtinks, Whips, &c., in the Basement of Searifs
'lintel, MOntrose., Pa.
- . ---- : ...........:—, -,. • \
. .
. • • C. )L 0 • 412Mi11a, , • ' -
111110071tiD SHOE "HAKER. Shop, first door et
of chki F e lt on TOropike 40/tiosc.
• W Singleton - •
rt icor be found at stamion .ow* at.
ld two ,tloons west of Searle's . ifotel; where
fachtaliy,, repairs with dispateA, Watches; Clocks,
Jewelry, :Gins, and every description of .11achinery.
Wheel t•utting ; Gua anti-Watch materials. anpphed
to the trade. • - •
'. Dr. - IL' Smith, • -.•
QUMRAN' DIPAITIGM*. - Montrose, Searle's
k...7.llCote,l,;)fonckvs and Tuesdays of each seek.
• At:tray S. Xnapp,'
xfONTROa,- 1 1 . k.,
with Roe, Wwdresir &par
trei„;Wboleiale_Groeers and Conuidadon Mer
chants, Ni0."173 Washington street, between Conn
atediwud Pey streets, Neal York. - •
Miler dclowler,
si►d Solicltots in Cliancery. Office No. 44 Clarke
street, COraga, //I. • - • • •
Pitbifie Hotel,-
GREOIVIC/1 STREET, *(near 'Broadway,) , Seto
.riaik. Salisbury At: Co., Proprietors.. In '-tho
sicinity'cir,the Mucipal atCaplx,t landings.. •
'ls .Thoinas Ingdnun.
TVALER IN DRY:GOODS, firoierfeN C l ot tlng,
-UR Crockery, Bec4o.2nd ke., SuitiurAanna
Depot, Fa. • .• . •
• _ ; Bentley a 'Pitch,
tq'TORNETS AT I. ; 11V, .Iforitr9se, Pa.
s.'s.llFAlty:S. " L. r.
Sohn Gro ves, • _ -
.v.isitIONABLE Txrpilt. Aop miter Searld's
lititel,'Maine street, •Ifozitrose, Pa. _ '
2: Bias,
TmOr - AND EXCR I ANGt erAni. cova in
in the rea' r of WlLAcafi Store, Montrotte,. Pa.
•. •• • 1...e0 en,
ryznpn STtitpl„" .Tin, Copper, and , Sheet
Iron Ware; Lofirt svi?/ , , neat' Great Bend Depot,
• ' M. C. Tylpr, ;
TNTERtSTEI) L HVNT, Imp orter o f
41.. Deal* m Tratilware' and Cutlery, Carnage Span"
Peiti street; 'Yew York, whin
candle Mends, In this ithd other counties, are. kindly
itt'aitcd; find e„Arlte..qtly solicited atll and p*hise.
"•:; •• L•E• Hinda, ~ •
VITORNEY•AT LAW, Susg:ucharane," Pe. 'epee
litaine ,streei, otk &war east of Leal:mid/IL • •
& c a s e ,
Wilco an Turnpike street,-.ono. 'door Sang or
Port's . tore, ifopirose, Pe- - - -
. 'Albert Cl4ailitilin, / ,
TTORNEY AT LAW 3nd Justice of the Peace;
ot•Or L L:Pcist fr:Co's SetbrO, ,Vontritse., ! ,
• •
Datipic toe thi kite- tifliPsi•Yoilciatil attend,
to all titiliness entrusted' to him with ;promptheil and
dent,: ' Office oa Publie• Square, • carple!l
• • Abet :1- -1 -
Dr. znves,. Ithindink Monica*
IX plats, Oils,' Dy&stur 9, -Grocertes, , Dry Goods,.
ilardwaie, Stoneware, . Ottawa:re, Clocks,- Witehea,
ictruirli Enter. Spoons, .Spectaclest; Muarcar instru-
Tnents,;Trumes, Surgical 'astral:Denys, Liguori, Per
cumery,lfirrora..Statkiiii, I.4llshett, Shoce,
R . B. Lyons tk,Co.,' I .
V Dri Goods, Groceries, Snit, .Flour, sad Hard
ware, Zenesboro, Pct. •
F. B. Chaadler, -
Dlr - DIii.GOODS, E r cUdy Made Cloibing,
Oroccriez f lluoki and Stationct7,, etc., . Public
3venilo, Montrose, Rte.
. . .
• 'Li Patrick & Dirtiock, -•-
11314IKCIA15S 'AND SURGEONS. Otrie, NO: 4
Oirega .ifoutroie 'Pa
Fjl. L. Pont &
ALERS IN , DRY GOODS, Groeiriet,treekety,
Ifiattweie, Leather, Elearceid.,;corner, cdruiti
pike *tied and Pablie-Avenae, ffrontsf..:, Pa
& Son.,
TARALERS IN DRY GOODS, i l itoCa ll*aware,
Cracker; lintrampreecri l eA, Books, ete.; else,
carry p" 'n the hook MiikiZrtibatlneiet- 7 Puleic Ave:um
. _
NeklYOwle• „ •
- 'Bentlitititeta;
ALE IN inty- 9ons,„Draim,
/Walk •1:41s; (Lotit..'eri; Madam;
Witehei; Jewitry;l3ihis
•-• - 4 . l SYteriSenilPirlkPeertinti — :' 3 ` "
ATILifVFACTftEttS:bP'A.WpW: ; ' id
1 - 1 -kttitilLor Chatia.Ok &area tt rpirk.
e tittli eta. 7 .9tliiie at SajTeti ipd
Miatitvl4 t 6 %Eggle: nu!' C re i d
NA Maitfraie; Pa. • • '
J .
ITORNET4 AT wv, .atchfritak Prow
..Mitics in sisquelimila,- - nrifirord,' Wayn e; Wyo
*big land r Ligprr counties. , „.
• , •
rivmsET.l.A.mtitA lii m f-teep ooftew
V341'31014= asecatiaeat :orvidtidudii *Maier
-; 77 Wititoir& Any -
144 ,- 43'f nutzeiticitimp'
';4 .4 4 ,Gpoik . zr4fte,cook,,Amq iregsrau44 . 2ll
9e114,14a4c0u0ke:, ,1 / 4 ;
j4MFLOP:444L I IOII:‘ , I;i: 1,51
Ak i IAWACK4V -24MX.COMELLOR.;,AT. 4.01V7,
1-44-364.4olealraliMiest fatillfely-toa buebi
YiluPt&irgs innOeste, liTlAlrbiamitto
niimig.,,=4:9o44-PeP440441.7 1
,7Algiv,Pw.loyesiik- •
Louis az the office formerly mp w by I'. T.
ir±4 rff% lifit*Ptit o ig,Vtarti,s4btc: •t 5141,2,1 bite;
.! .1*
--Nrcr arc
.110ejtust hehleved a signal triumph. 'tonl.6l
44. litiiiiftirlleidtelidete***lth Freedom 1.1
Your witelfltOrd and the "terror of rueg!",for v 0
hank-oil:1 74mIiiii iiiinigik .ii reiolutioli *hi
tbe, Ohl; Vold woishl . Lave - abaken• :Ofrthettrb e •I' I
not thereticdcLoteviirjilleilim s audieuritifilditbeit j
the. aluttiticO ,- Adis ;lor--hissoirn' thitini.'• "And n 1 ,
id .7nlehltightliiejoftae- 'JubDant.thou of
‘ , 4 %la) • - fOive fiat th el
iftelthudirds in
A:4 11 (00in
0/P i ;fs s 4izsP e ..- 4 ..
o il
led. Montav , •,t .
n the victoryVl : l i
upon his e l
speaks itke l .
toads the sweei.
-I f
'l ,
, Y Frabmire WO tortnime no power can byline,.
4 uightAtrow of childhood steals the 130' 7 '
."0 00213 .4:311:i:l.l.t .:'I ' ,ti-'•-; 1 :, '
4•1 41 4. . 0 9 ' -Me s4ltaggc .ti Mardtooturitlf sepul-.
-:. , „. ; -- yo : i ~, i- I. •., . .. - 1 , ,
T hi !‘ tot ir. i o te43 4 i!:l4th
. 44' bitiOnif the w a rs :t tie,
' aY.. tii I,t .P. 1.-..1.1•.••• .; ...4....c.-`1 -
We iebec, n ag armed to theleeth, and rout.biciLi
. .viva/ion. • ! l.
4nd nos: Me Whigsind Democrats, and the Know.
.- - too,
• ; 'Nothing too, i • . ‘ it. ')- '1
Since *e - have tot the:reins of powir, we'll show itli: ti
• ' W: l s.loTtchk..4 - •I' '•!,'•' 1 --; 4 -1
Weil purge: the 4 !taugoaniiusbies" o f the oppos4ioril
— ;.clan; t ..- i •' • ' '' ' ' I'' 1
And thenoeith piereMateriat win fil deem up again,"
And' thoigh hostile . politician! eldfor l widely in chOri
"Milw's,• . •.. ' I
Of thtiteonfen 41! nfmeasurcs that each in turn #l.iyi
I , ' I.' 1 ,-. , ' -II 1 1
Yet W Feferenee ) to our polley . we
,sure shall no ti ' e!
Tbet nete*ms filtacid rottenness should be pilaf - 044
•• I :04 , 01;': 1 ; L . ,' • 1 1 1
• Nur .tlest :Wheel in f Oitem tai grown _rotten' infthel
',..... r -- '1444 1 •- ' 1 ' • ": I I
,The Ptlrhztp thatal ;he mischief should not be 11'T.er4
Tbilt, thou, le Irls we do in the cmpire.of thejmiek.; I
The elelti trants we expel, and abrogate their `I
If aught - valuable remains, that oar. preterviag ftur•
' 'Pole sultry' '' . • • r •
pull 1
We clivufso, and save It. all the rest we o f to
-. floHtoolL - -
Then on the ruins, by Mirth, we quickly' rear i •
An eras 4,f,urning Gold, with colonnades of Po si n!!!!
And noi,eur figure to complete, we only have 'setyl
These, wondrous imnitlialnations all are done,foripayl
't •t'}; !,: ' ::i 0, - D. 1/Et.fig i , ggrge4iialii
lipM4tie: soiviii*" 6 .--°64*
- C
Time hauged.
• . '' ';- :1 MINTER ARRANGEMENT .
fll4 : Aid atltei Thidvday,, Nov. 23; 1864,
NJ raissonger,lraln will depart - from
,__''' „'-' , - • .
.D'ue'at 41;reat Bend at 2.30 r. it. • -
.61meeting with the Danjtxpreitatv4h- 14' 4 ' . 2 0.
end WO** tbe:.,,N;.14•41:34 It. It;,; , whlch r arriOi lit
New ytik m 9,304% x. ind at , Dunkirk at 11. i -II •
• Reistin 41111i:we ' %eat-ilend -on the arrival ' f tile
ButEdillisioreset — bound'WeSt, (3.20. P. M.,) whi 44-
parta 6(44 New York at 7.4. II.; and arrives at ran
d' 5.63: s;:iit. 7•,' i ''. ,
.. • , . . ..
The'Prelkht Accommodation Triiin•with Pass4nge i r
Car .attielied 'will lewie Sciauton, at 1.50 r. It.; 'v.
illg at. cheat Bend at
.6 P.' x., eonnectir wi • the
Mall tiiiiilxnuld West, and the NightDspress 't is
bound'both East and West. a . . •, L? i i
Bette:dig, Will leave greit'Bend At 6.1116 A. X. and
iiviveat %mu:toil II - A. x. - • . k 11,
Stiges• . .4itt be In'waiting on the, arrival of pi.Tett
ger ttalits at ScOoton, to convey passengers ttri Cer
bondide.„' Pittston, WRleshittre, Philadelphia the
Reading Bitamod, Easton and .all other into ediite
places. ;' D, ii. DOrritall; SuPelintentkird-1
• . SuperittlezOlent's office, Scranton, Nov. '23, '44131
. I
f.; NEW - STORBI letiNr 'GOODS! td ''
. l, -
~,:. t. i, i : .. ,pc -Icsit • stn.vonti.. - 1.
rrirt - edbscrilkr having l eased th e Store if t a
I. lies.:6 Na
„ ti; thrmerly ;occupied by I ti l., t
tle, intend* to locate permauently in New Milf.
And he would ;site this method of infer:al; g the
inhabitanne of New Milford, and adjacent towns,. that
he bas'Anst rettirned from New, York with a larteand
splendid-eteek,pf fresh and cntiCely new Good cen-,
ststinkof !DRY GOODS 9f filmost- every co co:va
t:le tp.rietk, GROCEBIES'an. low as the lowc, liatd
wan, tieekelY; BOoti and gimes, Bats an Niue;
Bonnals-Of every. style, ke, £c., : which he oftbrn ,for
sale eit the IneitveasOlhableiern.., for ,eash, , obontry
prodeie,ar reßible ci edit. lie would itii.oSay.ol this
connc4tion,thit he has added to the establisonent,
tho', Oistaietbliag- rot' /tic IWtei-iiirti' 7 iri btP, oji'
ware In: AD foi Varieties, in WWI he is p. to
axed:le:ill kinds'of•jobs, by the very 'best mtirkbeth
.and4iti thentettpteasonitde tOrtoti'. I. ' '
. Diale.supplied at the loutest prices. "P Airs
in ielition to stoves la, at some future time. ; 1
: : ':- • ' . - .DACK,I4 I m ' % if:
';e 4 iltili&o l # l6, iii 4„ • , ~ „ 7t
A 71:11di - ASSORT/ LEST of rut; She 4t .i.on
. 40.CopOer . Ware.. of. tv own mamtillettici.srui
nuidp•of heavy plate, for isdebf , •- %
AN, - ,
~ - „ : - - IJ. DICKERM.Ii=
. I(4 * 301Stit 3413 1 11;:atcfrc; - A: ' 1
-.A, tlxi; aredinent Quitortivr F ec,egiteritiFT-o
..,. Joinkrol.troob, Piturp Olmin, and lixtur4 et, . .
Neir-iiilfettroluly, 1854.3 . 7,!•D1CKE51Mi1,N11.' .
.. , .
•Q 11. 1 CD1131419 )!$ 'or the best 4intiitY.' or ;sale
1 , C7 , eheip eV' '1 ' ' ')'•DICKERMANII„ .
1ORK; FLOlhit AND SALT by the baxml
' 'Craise, ak the lowest priees at,DIPhEhAI:,
rotstEns -
tiit s. tiot,itsarictsvig 44:01404,
niLti F olio cochrry4 p4i ,
CAPITAL, $200,000. •
snai Mortggage ors the tie.l lift ate
-; of the Stock/whirrs.
thbarexigabot.lon by,Ftre, °Thames, S' ` `
nthei imildings, Goals, Wares and Merehalitisei on
as ravorahle terms as any thaltr Institution.i Losses
prop - olf axgootom 4 64 pead.--1 _ ''fri •
DAi l t;TPurr-lion. Home Williston, Athees ; Iran;
cii,Tyler. do. ;;George A. Perkids do.; J. T. D MOyer,
Eltripteas, ,dto. O. F. Wefts,-Jr. ; E.
Ci":4814101440hn Latente,:Towande fine:i.
, At Ltee,TiDe - Geo,AL holenbaeki W il k
bolero ichael
heylek, LoPorte,Ta-
Horace Williston, Presi en t!; C.
F :Wells , jr r ; V. Piesi. and Treai; J. E.;'
;•• " -
Xgenf t 0. Montrlise, P. • ; 142.1
vitrA.74Tp;, luunemately z a gctod rave •
' litho ;has tad expenence, writes a r band,
and is cOmpptent-to ta i tic elm:go of a set ofi
malt be t eniiierate arid willing to devote hi wand
attcation.• to the interest of his -employers., 'TO one
that JIMA an ter to the :abase a liberal , sa adll be
giyari." Nona' others need apply. Good r • emend
-094 i B. F. T9N.
narford, May 1854; ;
i -1
. .
tel:/itnITT nook' :brae the atten4 te of his
laden& tbd-tbe. public tb his new' ind ,spleint
k Wool, and,:aseatereere 4,4 aid
foret ,Shoe/+,-_' front. 41.22• bl,-$l6-...Ladaa',:i.Dreile
slll°flab 'and ftweet.Debnies, a:111 0i
' g reed, ' Gine.
OA /taboos Anti Ron tit now
MleevOlekin ranseetion withilarfie at of
154 03 __,21 1 dr SIM DO ifirOodk ^Oronerirek fray;
, FrEuvyrevi ,s tori,isffikr#, Bufaio. Robes; ttelitsy,
jilpia,,seid Hitta,nrid. C44;Pcbstee
Wi 4 ripri.". and
lao, :99ithowistAtorable terms:Out teak
iff!froi" PrailUCEVIr apprcrre d aredit.: I
.4 1 4 keiktrbilltex barrel or load.
, liew;infmd, September 22;•1(11144,-01
*AMAMI. GIIRVIT amp imp ,
• AOLirildf
i o v 4 t4ickAlltt
*Oen fr
!,igtol Oven
lti at $1
Ail*'4tiltoe4ol ,
• rim
P tar : -t-rqW4
16 :4
.-;.. , : b 3 am. , x'.l* . •l4iN Ingtrinircleitt , g AI- i
Ts.',.-,21:i , FAMILY PHYSIC.
rpnEr,si i g ei411 , 11 a pubWtib?and for tloa:41:- .
itik g li
11- - fectivek tivelliil which eftld'bd relied had'
sure and p Olin itreokrati g rcte;.4bis has ' ,
prepared stittlte dattuntl, andAttc,titensii :'le y
111 of its virt i titilauts Connipeively shown/It h wha r i
ceis itrieco ' tales the purposes aeidglie2, • It
fr ,,q,.
sy to make It: yeicithflOtnt not *Crisith make .:thO
best of all ne worcerehmilditiiiitkinone.o ; -the I
objections, hilt„ill'of to ittl - rantagee4itiary otllW-•;4'4
• This kur b°lltßWltiPt4 hatr, owkiltith Ithat sliC
We would repectfully•submit to the{public decisinta f !
.It has been)lifOrt,,onai l e',,fiinhe pifientl4bert.il4.l4
almost everflturrttilit'hindteine l's Y tternionioust liter'
indts.liktg to the bowel.i. This is ince.'- c liliiity
n oftli66
produce so EttaebigliPinglAti antVaertiLion itiklhk•
system as t0,;n2074 thah chit iterhalVonit!lft good'hltt
derived frotritheni. these pills riro4* po irti ' If,
or pain, unlqes ffsiriseftOln a,previtinsty,,existit g. 13 , 1):
street:on oriliirinigemehtlei 'the boWchkl'l3eing te.r
ly vegetablehiet:httnitoili-inise frintiltSitiik'use ill Willi?
ittantity ; hilt:it fret bettor that ant. reediting .shoold•
be taken judieloualy. , .411 note d irections. for thenuse ,
in the severitl,litsdasea toirliich th ey aye. applicable.
are given orrtlie - bits.i Alienate complaints which
hare been sketlilf cured by -them,-wee -may mention
'Liver Comphihtti in is rations formi of driundiC., In:
digeltion, Lltnyttor and Loseof Appetite, Listlepiteas,.
Irritability, lliliOlnt. Headache, • Bilious...fever, 'Fever,
and Ague, Palivln tbp Side and Lolns'; for", in !truth,,
Atn these are:tut - the Carrierlnence of diiicalied action
in the liver. 1-(.Alt:tin aperient, they iffbedirornpt end
'Sure relief in positiveness,: Piles,' Cholic,..Dysontery, l
Humors, Se alit an d- Scurvy . , Colds with soreness. „of",
the body, Ci ers and 'impurity of the2hleed ; inlshoi,t,
any and ever ,ease Wherelt purgatiVe isreqinted.„ ,
)...They has 4 .i' , produced , Soti4 singitlatlf suctessdni
cures In Rh4turmtiSm; Gent, ElropsyrGravel, Erysipe-•
las, Palpitation of. the 'Heart,: Pains *the BackiiStele".
tiell and Side: ..,. They should be freely.taltcn to the
spring of thelyear, to purify' the blood - aid •pl-epare
the systeni'Or the change of seasons': Aiftwe..i.iimitil
thise stlinula I' 'the sternaelvitarboWelilido' bealtbi•
action, and
',M : .steres the appetite and vir. They rT s. pu
rify the ei , and, by their stimulant; no lctimieon- the .
dircuhttng system, renovate the strength orthe body,
and' restore', Ote" wasted or diseased energies "oflhe
whole orprilimil Renee art iktasional- dose is advan=
tageobs, even though'icieerious derangementiexisttt;
but unnecessary-dositigs should never be carried too
far as.every3tirgative „medicin e reduces the strength
when taken! o excess. The thousand cases in which i
a physic, is ti !mired ttartuothCenurnerpted•, heir, but!
, f
they sliggeSt themselves to the reason of every body,
and it is catzfidently believed thy' pill will anSwer al,
better rep* i ,‘ ' itOertobaftl.
avallatdc.ti ankind. Whe,ri,.,titeir vhipeSiqe °Pool
knaili, t he ; Oitte'silif Afro filoger &OM. what remedy
to employ , eat in need, Ole cathartic medicine., Be
ing:engin-al pped they are pteasant to take, Mid be- i
ing purely . ; egetuble, .no berth (can tuisolio#'. their
use in any itaritity. 1 ~. ;_.l- ' ". :".,.'i '1
Fo,s' mine 0 directions see wrapper on the pia. .. ,
" Prepared Isy :AMPS C. AlrEft, Practi eill, and Aral
alytical Che - nit,'4, , Lowel, liti:o...' 1 . : I_ . •
Price: 4 Cdrits:per Beth; "...Five Boses.for4l. _
. _j --•=4;:: h i... ,• T ,
A * o r' c,herry Pectoirliii.;
,For the ra id Mire; of Coispii, Colds, jilii i l "ra . rnesm
Brone.hic a,i Inociping-Croli o Croup, etsth i gia,aito 1
Consumptieri:-: ' • - 4 --, - 4-f .
This remedy bas for itself Such nOtdrietk from 1
its cure' of every-variety of:„pulmonary - disease, tha
it is entire! itinacceisary' to recount the evidences o ,
its virtues i anY:colnrenuity 'where it hailti em ,
ployed.. . wide iiiits field of usefulness, an so nut
mucous the =Oda etas cureitVthin almost - e#rsec i l-,
tion of the Mary abounds in persons publicly know '
Who have c on - restored frowsialarming arr
• l y -even de
perate dime ses at the lungslit".its use. ,filein one .
-tried its se mie'rity Over ev4,ry other inedic',Oe of i -
kind is toci praireht: to esespe oliservation,'Atid: tiller
its virtuesl re,knowi the nubile no longer-A - et:Wit ..
what'antith t o to-om Ploy for : the-distreing.Und da -
gerous affe tions of the pulmonary organs which are
incident t o our chin:lac. 'And:-hot only in. rormidabl ?.
attacks up4n the Rings, but for the milder varieties cf
Cal,/,, Coil. hit, Hodi-arne.ra,d 4 e., ; and-for Ckildien, f
is the ple.. - ntest and safest mateene that cambe o
tained. . 1 - 1 --
-is it ' -long been in constant,usethron4ROC s
secteo;r;.'i iteediVoeilci mire thainisure the peep
quality s kept up to the best that it cies has bee 4„
and that, the genuine article is sold by it —, Aitr . ,....1. !TT ;
ItELL, 31V111,TON; B. F. ,k. R. 'II—EATON,' nerd ;
Citrucht-if Piltisssi,.puudgf,' and by all leaters
medicine every wherw ~,,. .- i ;
. . .. - ,
, , •
1 'E .16 - Dux - • .
i • TI E, -1.,
,114 , ga , L.NSETTLEII.
SC°rriI'JOHNSTON & Co., are now receivi g
I from'+: t icgeneral' s
1m ew. or a,geoe assortment ofSprig
I and &Meier goodsj and we coil:liar invite, all 4.41..
I like to but.koddlegtetaleidirti'u4Wein, itihilits — r k
' is large,d we are willingto. sell for small profits,
I You can d here alnieSt - et4ry article wanted, a . . cl
we sae w• • - tcietitintkare goods iniivices !With' y:
ai ug.
;store IA t' e .countyt.—ire-hard taken :epecialr pains o
Sari nide ' ato Will.selboU;2' dick . such es Bli -,
Figured dFaricil3hU,•siiiciThgugs - ,iser4c4 a
Berage.l): lanw. rlainiadVancvlawns,o*,-Freii . th
and. Dotntc Ginglautny Figaro:it and Plahli.-Mo.ffra,
, Fgattroitla cl,Curtains and tatierila.; Ladiew:Coll4s,
17 , Tlerhati •erchiefs iindTSleitett, Mantllla.o,4l'irit is
tl,lld. Olovi.s, ..Stray: 'and' ' Fancy" Ildittetkvldiii OM
gum to 'patch. i. , 4t.largii' etekk• 'Or' Gobdtt , Chit r 3lbo
.and Boy 4 Also Jrob, StetdoNalls; 'llistli'lilioes, ' -.' d
Horse. N : lit,.Plodihli, -Salt,:tisft ' ,, Orecketiy; Ai' d
stones, , Slorloltarer.Stovei PiPc;lltitc - gr. . h
Leather, i' oots, , Shoes : kc,'4lt- - -IrleaSe• rt; a a
-chance showing you our stock before von br it
...YOurs truly, scorr, JoliNscili - * co
Sprin . . .A4ril, 18,' 1854. -.--- . ir ,
. .
tiffalo Ito' ,:oggi'l :1 . _;, •
[ - A rCti KT, lo just received; and offered; low by ,
1 ri. , - i„ , 1 „.:5c01T,..11)10167 & co'
-1,- • ' ' Shiiiihii RlTtAltal ,
:A - at W,” lot iiat,Wpol LOW ShaMtS . leivl oi 4.l
.l. liy.l" ,SC G t . .1011104 - STON & V .-
,-- t kingvlle;kc 'l
ebinber 3:r. , , - , -, ` - '...1 •'I ' -; ''-
• I • FEW GOODS.., -;. j 1
Ar 0 ALLEN. -& PARK return' their: s t a r
- 11 aclatewledgrnens to the public; and tnvite at- -
tention tp the very large stock of Spring) and S
. ta
nits GoolLs they are now receiving and *ler for le;
at very /ow pried, Idaddition to their u. ual ass rt-,
nient of staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hattiware, Crcia....
ery, Pair is and Oils, Etc. &c.„ they aro fuleparedi to;
exhibit 4
large ussOrtment of Ladle? Dress m de
of ever} l descriptit—Pigured, Plaid and Plain Si kS ) .
Bonnets; Shawls, ißibbons, Gloves, Basle — Eat Ilea
and Ilisies Shoes jof all kinds--also 11stoe* or,
READY:HADA' OLOTIIING. Cloths, assimetes,.
Tweeds,Veans e gtimmer Cloth% Vestinis, , ats, Caps,
Booti - and'Shoes, &c. ' • -
They espectrodly solicit ,an early call
who wi to parchasesood,goods at /ow
SprinVille, Nlayi 3, '54. McMILLE:
i.. -- 7 ---
ew lane Mot Mail Sin,
• ,
i .- ,1 FROM ..
QTAIiES will !care Eirkwood, passing
v.,...) bettsville,.Liberty,l &c., every worm
Snivel C i f the MailTrairis of cars, both East
i•Ostchin„g MontruSe at ti P. 1!. Retm
Montrose daily (Sundays excepted) at ,2 t,
lug Kir,twood in time to take the Mail trait.
both gist and Wnst, i*ing the nearest and mos 'fea
sible route to reach the New York and Ede Eta
This ine intersieetv a tri-weekly line Or Di ock,
Springyille Timitbaneock, Wyoming, and Wilkes
bane, *ihicl letv'es Montrose at 7 5... x. les-eryGa
dfly; VlOnesday and Friday . Also, a lint to Fri rnds
-dile, Leraysville;Ac. - - 1 -
Goo 4 teams and. opttfostable carriage* are nr,ovi
cled, 144 the proprietors will spare no pains t ac , -
' commcidate the public. W. K. HATCH,
- Aptt,1824. 1 itORG.L.N . At, WEST ,
1 . .
• LaseaboreqSasli ,„
' --181/ridi-Atil ie. -
t aralvoi l lt,Wriii
we o ew
..C.J 4113rothprly Doors, Oink CM i T iym
on hind ainliftultr`taqe." l lfotistit,lal '. .e 4
and iiiirkrien• uvmetl• by any ht ihtiiiiiiti - .'1 , , n
Ordeittfad,h4tno4llii dielsifliqeW6**Cit, , ; . . .
,Gdoaltine , Ltunlier aid t, , ' - issitittryitA l oelsM :41 1
chait#4 At , tbo above, t:viiiiir.l,od, „f e e* „,;, 11 4-;tt
''Lititiaboree Feb': 41. •.. '''-' r e.:* l " • ' 'ir 4 .
:I+2l ,14 , 44 . 44 P.' ' _10414 -,;, tt, tit
' 1i..F.!4,12 . MIONTILOSE ,DE 0 1 T. , •,-u, "7
. .....- .....4.-:—. lirKLALeLitifelllLLANfr -
.1144;46001#; purchased the establishment Of .L.
L.I..JL Dust.L.Csi,at -tbejlioutrosetzDePot, - Te•
risik:;elNifitiroilliV.trAn da t uAt
a stir* t. ' ' ' 4
0041141 VOW& ,ifigr `, - nf f
stock olgoods. 1 • . '''" ," 4. - t
-Lhon, Salt, told Plaster can. Ile had cor * ~ 1
...setiliceries, D 7 Goods,. Hardware, 'l'
etbAtikitall4 - 41ges,ht atchwisiegbetadiii444 li 14601
Abooduce; at ttle.bast.pillai‘4olooo, ifig)*4lhilEwt
W=Atail..% .... , . iblilLidvfor - lf: i 4 itAta to
se Depot, Feb. 2, 1824. ' 1 -:- I , -
be abase
Cg Iti
TANTLY ON llAN odeo D.or flu*
bertntities• • .1 1 1 144 V -I tt
A 1 , • • - _ itrgle'et 4191
Witti me. .aiiia,44oassuOtivtic . pillow
i Seo, 18, 'B4l ',.•• A, lI,d.EDWIN;
1 ,
_ - . 1 1 ,I ;
. .
_......,...,,—. .
• i.. - A SELrcr tireg Op .' , ~;- .. \.l
: t.i....)." i 4-...-.-• - , • . . ,-, . .
.. i c Woe
and the Lyme rartis or: Got* iii-ti e ,bid - .„ a „.
ze .0 13 inftbticos 4ll **trOithil,ro34 4 werli..prie4
r it 4
w *out farintion. f : : -I
' . ' ' % ; .:
i ‘,:::,•'_ •• •
l • -' • 1144 DrikV4.l) . E . CII 91 , 711N01i 2 i. ,.. ';,.; S .. .
it"44PArietrteZt - iih:44t,
6 ., .
:a ' n ::d ork4n n e L4 : ic ; h fi ttivoc rs ti o P lt ks r e ili : d - Lslui vtto : l l tcssris : s w "l i;w n7: re rless, arran7 pekwsrzrs.=.ocatsp: t ::: 'B : o : tj ih: L W ree %t' rea i tkl a ° s :t; L. : , 7 ' d : kbii ; eotss e r. : a : uui ;4::: :,
arsailles, Videotiai Llocust,liiit;ro gi o ittfic;.gitir -:
.Asilk tioip e iutd*Fry oariet4teciatidieheap.
, -
J. in ii„14.1 . tutrism dipeskii . b..9 . l,. tweed, 1
, • urnmotf stO ,` ttriin, drik .ottiieidi c oftri4e,. jAaht;
1 , ,eek jaud plukri; io'eteap us - to c tiklUte.* 5a10;40.,
i , 1 who desiartodiuo.• ~ . . -
. 1. , -
' ~74 1! rer.47075/M ' 4 YtalitOit Aid: r
1 . *bite airtiekAol Kid GlioveS'ertti . e *B . qii: I:
; irarr4iiti4V . Ajsr44 . s.s.wwwuctotalifElA of bhie,
1 ,ww And slate hoot tkod 1 4 1 :04(7. , kerac-'4 64 ladies,
, tton; ,14* 4400,' : `Berlin_ w 4 . oilic Viocesii, :Mack
toil colori"Oi 'We tarittneritortack jok an tf lace
Mitts, le4iititshot - t.' 1 •'''''': lll V•o7 goys.
ocTSAlit :gOWNF.
'. quo'. Roo Coinw;
,ts ie lt (al te4 i iYs; :fal Osortinilit'olip Show; ]m iss- .
5h943 and,Booieesi, ladies' 'Etiie*llritnin itstorrt,' -
li t iTip PE G;x:•; :1- 21! styi,ii;idTuar'tiefi; c :leit:ti . l -
.1 1 led Shirtier, - Pillow Cattono/Se.-ond CanilMe
iii.uslins, Swiss .- mid Rook Muslinklllaire' d - . Muslin, llislio4 myi Vietorlk . ; 7 as I ,:iO4,tglifo4r.kird f i5 1.0.04,
Swiss l'ituslinsat '. :- : , -, . 1 J • ,
.Ir. &Co .„,,,.
ri_ROCERIES---of, die best ;uidLeheapeit kind.,
tof Sugars surprisia l giy ehe,art' ut, L. POST
pi:iN27s4.-the moat - desirablei stock: in the eoiiri
!Cry at very , lose. prices. C 0;:.;...
• -
ESS GOODS—Silks Muslin DeLartes, 1
Ages, Gingbams, Lawns' every desirable
y ;$ 1 , I. L..POST Sc Co's." _
LARGE and splendid, stock of Spring Prints.
• • irt'•-
t L P. &AN>
• •
TA..PLE Goids at this liniist 'price. V. -17
• • ! r. L. POST S.: Co.
OL&THS,.'.o2.4sinieri% Tweed%'.Kentneky -Jeans
' V catd Satinetts, Tery:eheap at ;!I. L. P. & Co's.i'-
iLltrEpODEir TWARAV-- 7 - Patent/Tab, Cedar Pilij
V I T and Wash; Tabs,,teoeow Nut Dippers, Butter
Ladleii, prints,. Willow Musket%ltopelislters, ; I#6d
emltari#lMkroi ot at the store st L co.;
el Op-FISH AND .MA OKEILEL . of the beat
• Duality. at. the lowest posrAble_rat*. • r.
April 5, 1854,.. • „ X., X.. , • O_6T &Co:
pj,ELEATll,Api'iyery: qlqukpi.
e.nt°, o K.E4 TANI? GL4I , S4'.WA
lot at ior prices; , POST ,kieck
IL, Carp*, m ; paper and•Wind6r Shades.''
‘ , 1 4 i .1 l- 1 1 . 0$T Aces
-1,147q, ; 19.Rryl i g stylet..-qqaiitr,veq
420 4: • - • * . l .RIDS/Ck:CO:
Ir 2 aNNET.SAndlioatiet Ribbons, kin4s;
ssols, fareatid , sina - 11 at very kw prices..
; .1": • , ••• , • •.• ••, -;•:: o4sesr
. . .
1: EStg TRLWAir4VGS- 4 :l*9:!litYle ,-, switrubTe
,nd Very cheap.. . , l'coST IS; cm
,)?...4 Er BA (iSf:th 0 IWK.4 -.,-
p ri
- • . .;, POST 4: . CA
Lime and Master at 1., - 4 .
• 'co*s:
It 'ADM' COLLAIA veto `choice
.. lot
.of the
!latest styles;• , flooleEmbrohleied Lyine4e, Lace,
ate* and llooltort imitations. L L. P. 4 CO.
BRCi E ED and bate UridetsleesTs, all dem
erable.styleg alai% *orked Wogs
.and insertings'imulliourteing.
VACE gdgings andin's . crting4t:'; imitations ever,
almost 33 goOd as genuine and Very cheap,
tirsoliiuret linen-wrought Lace,. I. L. P. & CO.,
.NORSINED 'arid - Hemp Carpet for - sale at
1 7_ • ' I. IL. POST & CO's.
UM mEn ~.T q -;_Pailitrini,:fitie- 'find <coarSe trim-
Q bled • and. 43y,, &kind; Pedal : Pabaleaf, for
boys, and men, sap •very ebeEtyr.. L L.P. lc CO.
A a DIES' art •childiee's Ititi; good variety, -al-
L; so a iteirkiti:of the itit&t - etyleeef s ßoennts at the
stot•4 of ' L. P. lc
CpOICE and fancy artiela of !S ay and Hair Oil "
ittfe4 l Peititaery at the store
, T.. POST &44
i - IRAIN of all kinds-,-Beans, Dried Apples, Tal-
VII low, Butter- ngeswax, all wool socks, Eggs,
for which we will exchange gootls at dash prices;
l II,L. POST kco:
. --r `REMOVAL.. - •
, .
4 • i
rIIVE subscriber wishes th mill the attention of his
.1.1 friends an4the public to his very iarge assort-. m
- ent of STOV it his naw Store Room in Loders
rillS, nest to L. I,S, Lenheim's store, and near the G
ilenid Depot De has, in arlditiOo to his former large.
Variety of Cooking and Parlor Stcilves, many new pair
terns, sonie of v(hich are— ....- -, 1 -.- '.- ' . -- - - ..
St. Nicholas 1 . Peach Branch,' Fire Glipßcr,,
'.' W r otterr. M 4,, Mohawk, ' Ifidalliow: '.i-
OSictet, 1 Blnek Worrier, Oak, Egg Slone.
L i
IVhiejs, togethe . wittrhis fotUrt-stOtiler NM - Perils
be 41te • -mat eit naive mid Tttrie.d ,tosortmeni of 'ti ll
Selected a:tot-es: the 'cp.ityty,
~ J. ,, 1 ' ~ '' •
Olinton' Stop s t well-fundshed, at, inw pric64 : ---•• :
'-Fall irik. sin his line, itOptonitaiid find Made
tti order as usuil,and prdvcsretiettedlit,his Old staid
AO,Greit &mil. - . '-'), ..TOILV_COL&MV-
`",catleiritiilli , (0 :Oreg.! ! ifend,ils'or puts •I• • . '•‘ • ,
• - No Ic6 tO 'the
-- ndsrAvns - Gi "relhiiiehrroid Nisi:l'ok I_ wish A 0
cal tife'ntithi of utp oltl *torts, grid .4)
'thee public In AL-'n'eriti;tci irif
• • • STOCK or QOObS
boitiglitiught tho .k:ore4, prices;
' find :01illisg %A Pr"
' - ferilhein 'at grei!tily
e,ehteci Prijits; *air:ale& Cisi ........
Ckitts iL),•std:.fomme
",dopir. Boom* Naffs; aelliriOvided:geif. kty, al to
;thoheat Nail* tole; $5;54 il_ llAtlkarid,Osps,
IkOis est sho4e,' MIMI° Itaberpf 41/. wool
rAthies,`CtOirereit: Piiiiii#o*:Dtesi., Silk
`Veli,er,"&e:' Vouslinl Di Uslum t )„ shillion, per, w,ard,
Bdrital • and 'llele,s)Lick, gps,,,Aimht4,s4.loo,
Disable tcig,"i-WlS,lThibet 4;,:eelhpg . # imporAetp..
abb.liew rid*cal' iireyq ; iea pgrfect t
tal'ithcf*Urgike.'nr„&s:ol::, . .1
.:140eshAro,' CA - ff.' 5, 1854: B:::*.i:4 7 :o4 s AL •
'c 49cKs--4.! g? . ? d tithe Itri; liayAveoloThu..-
I .i • - • 8. A LICONIX - 47
Putesbtilt4 tArie: '
NVl4,neA.'sNb:pTEiND-kpr9oo Alidea.: fo
r ,wbieh•rthelke4
'Rr . kl+ l )llf-9/4 0 •
• 5.
stiOuiurairi , PRODUCE-' , Okoit'iuqii l Aatvd.
.%J...:Gtob o itmy atom.. '' ''
~ 4anesborcylApril —•-• • •
n" -Lint Women, viten6wireVe . att
Nets Tori i everircrev;
. Java e4.eep!e{;;.. •
ITIRDECIMeMILLEN, hevingniavie amnemente
for-fo 'matting freittht to New:Poh - ht.theitere
"orratit7 11:111. CADWE s t,%9C,I }I. goAunty, will
toiwitaggswria•th 4.64 :vr
the week, to tekwybitogihatiotilVitritgfittprodtlei
il oil Way be c, l irtisteCtit o f filtrAketenst
litkpaik More of
firt , Meifer eiCetiiK ; TOrk;
constkiFtkottifilie• GoUto tir*:ol4lAkid:
or reiehew4, 1 ;..q 4 12111'..0#210,..
-L. D. Milk F
1 1 r_L.2-.Elarts, for Ole _People.
111041 11 / 1 4118TANDING the • predictions of the New
'./.A. .411Ilinty .Loigertthat-Youilt Pierce
. wlll-to
1 ad T -- Crittihlent because ilic., lata L l eo t al
, i3riowe . L i t,o,-104 teti I, , um,
1 I,e:ttgilet the subecriber'cao and w il l ea
1 L
___ m ' : (MOTS AND STIOW : - n-; ( '
VlNMillilliln any other sboiilo town, not evertlix
!opting the genuine hoot and shoeswe down , team
1t N. 8.--1 'Q . tae hoon'''444o - 00ffirr ai ' %RI
I *Wait. Mewl .desac :-** OP
SR Pftleilek, that they mot call and pity wp
th+l4o4wmif 04. " 4.-11ERRIVAN tl ,
Anniaisokkaa , , ~
gam. lpcm_4sr , ,
iilumrgoad kokinitiliinnk I n exchange
for woolen goods- ' 3 . LYONS At Mt
age Wee, Oelober Mtn ' _
n .• 1 ' '
. 0 , Patipers,tocits
Lrt. POST, & CO's.
. . .. .
rat- - 4 0 4. 41 1MT 1 R. W(' i
'AarNI f
chicle, Aiiih'* -- ,6;P:iie,proo4t•' - i - gt" *
. ONE. -PRICE - STORE! - -
pat - Wow chakfatek illf Fancy. Dams
,.. .Z• .qollBlk&GrafrOOOdireteibr ft i c ia iraS uitte ,
4011 8 tOttar.o.: One' hundred easee4l 1166. eau-
Priehlfthr part ' s follows P 1 r= 11,7 , - r. ; 0 r
110.1.cbingeable. ply, '' FaOtralli
..`.`,o.Stripe ' I , i , `; tielsP r•-•• ,-- -
...!`i'',Pladd :•r: u " Reath'
~; U lu_ k ~.- '1 - " 200 1 ,16241 fi1i
tilas.4* kKallet , 44 ' ' • 1- :'" - P‘ ::, , q
'w o w sidki N - - , pcivout
All ri,nalD . fiLeineeiH ,:,- • ' 2 - Velvet Dral*
l'ariekriv.. avdo -• • , • .... v ,,,„.............
~........,- , ,_.. .„„ 3 ,.„.„,
Poudnd de Beige; ".• ' . ."', 4:,
English Malawi', • - '--Broiduv- • '; '':
Pararnettts t * %= - J --- i - s•'',... Silk
Igunenn I •; tot lise .:7 ,:.: --• GiovekUill
io 0;i - ' T al th i l&
- Eilifttdered:Rohes, - •••• . Mani
, O) .: 14111trns an
. 5 e . ,, , , 7. ,yitneklMil traim
Whi i toGoode ' ~ ''''7f, - : T1F44144:
Xtimipt,Eobbneti:es,' -?
Cellar, -`
do Muslin Edgingi
do.Canitnick do 7 " - -
do./Anen ..
, . - Barrottk Oct 41.
Idnefl do,
Irish.linens, •
„RA ,
'-':-• ' '-''' ' NeW;IT OII r4 Vltr , '
. , VlSlU*Allren VORIPAN •.1 _
: . ;11 '• '- - '43l7lt's 9 WA f . stiticeii,' . - .
CAPITAL, TN Caul A . kiAPPltikali ISIM:au
• ' • TERS e $.1•944000. t - •
. Insures. Fgainit boa or, DttrOitAs: IFi're:
,-., - , • --. 1. - "'"eittlteviiiti• - • ''' - • -
`A. Q. Stebbins, 118 Bicatitreett Peter 'Baker,
'I . Slime Street; ;Girard:Attacker, lia,.: - . way;
Minna* - Andrews, _ 186 - Cedar streit; , z ..., O. 1
&ntthtnayd, 877.Weat'street; Albert. L. .iddin 810
Greenwich. steet ; James A. Crosby, 1111 1 . . way;
'Chit's. Lent,' Kingthridge, N. I.; ., . ; .1,, R a g, -
'Chicago; 11L; • I Swath tragde,, ' • '-' '- Ft:R. Y 4
William. W. Leland New YOrk ti retei R. ' , - 188
Bank Street; fStaates lell , 'ecirilcw:.O r etit' .' ' Lori
'streets; 'John ',L., Deen, 78 Water . • • , - TR. Vas
rltrart' - 11.8 .Breadway; /Braila Gal.. .. - - Cornet.
West'Mul'Biirow. "streets; Peter 8. , P. ~..t eraser
Ganserta)rt and' ' West; Reuben Roil Jr. , .:.._ Eighth
- Avenue; Stephen Cantwell, Csunden,-„li.t.)4tAlbis
.M r ialefillirthaadelphbit: , Dextar B. iltiwL;4ll Wa
ter street ; 'Sanibel Sidelide;:.Tribune R kaall/*
Bow u..CHaianxwE,
eel B. Shaw, Cleveland, 0h10.‘,.... , - - -; 'l.!.'t '-', -i-' - -
,i --
Cliaiu.iik . C. Cz.aites, Secretary. r , .: i :.',,,r,
-I..,CHARLP.S L. BROWN, Agent,; MatTtstwaa• Pa.
' EAGLE . V - 0111,X11
~, ....
. ~.......... .........
Q 'AX4E , , - ;I3 . ENTLF.T_& ,PERKINS.: , k
, t.O .od of, Wilson k Co. ,the E agle Yo -ire now
prepared tan orders &ornate trade,. ' .. is
their line with - aka - and thtlititit , - eeP
constantly- i on band iloivs, (best:kiade,) roma, Ca n
1i1d1,)... Clidtiorttophcf!traie gifttcrsii: #keilers,
.. j k. ik ! .,41,—, :,_--- ,- -.--- - ~,,-,.1, Y
, 10- loti.!cliaiiicnbP;i fitiniion . to: the's*its *hick.
Ity ,
re tefouometure...- We - Ouleaseture and,
hie' :far sale
• " ". . : - TAi Celebrated illatekley ;Pk* ..: „E - •
~ W e kaveperchase4 the'exclusree tight 4e r ibarinfae
*up and" sell irk this county, Wayne "%IT finyling mid
- llnidiond 4 Orßieh r i,Potent /row Beim rpm. The
Plow is made entirely of iron, excepting the handles.
It is celebrated for,lta „eapy,..dangbt,
j 4i ii i• one-third
easier thlWititi'-nOW in'use, *Welts
,:iind di.
rabillts are: greeter. ' - • • ~,,.1
4 .
: liaCtllNEirr ''''
c)ro. kinds manufactured ` 'aid FelmirFaA7 - Oirrieue•-
`ed Inachicigts -- ' . -
Steam Eng ines ,
„liflarin far *ilk, _ , Ma
.S., • , . -,- •-•• 1 • — e h ki 5 ; 1 •,f.,,,," ,x,.. ` • .
' -, 1 ,•,-----..' s ;• ."1,... -
Among the Stoves which ~". e 'plan . „ _ pre the
Keystone _Coating giaiie, Rough 'aid It , Fen ,
est'Quein'ela:, Prendisei46 . 4 itidlcither - ' do; 41 sr
ranged for burning . Food .: or coal : • Arse '.,5e1,1-.Regu-''
later, Parlor; S!ove, eomisre irr.Paila :4 ;-, S
two sizu:do., and 'a - variety of ether,T, r.. , Sittrele
both wood and emit burners. 'We keep _ . "1 hand
,Grindstone trinnningtc- Doi: Chttit?tri ~ ~ , 4 :Wm
.bretla and Shovel and Tongs Staith l / 4 'oh 4:-. -Nark
;done, to order - on short, notice and lit the , elsos roes.
tar Orders', for. Stores, ,deeeltirt4 1 " PleoentN
fie:; are solicited frera these=itt 1 !he ..; ~. • in4 - 10rila be
filledat reasonable trbolestde ptlees.•_, ~i„___,: _ •_••,•• ''..l • '
: - :-
. • I .. 1 B: S. : 51111 INTI
' I. -S. PP-11'
3~Qntro3 ,ME 4.
Australia, , CalifOillitit t - ,
Or any pivot , on the Glorp .'ca - 'thee - knout -
Rreater 1 - uce. 74B- klthat .
1.-. ruiri t& mai:alum ,-
.., .
AAT 11l . _
en irnqw fillaNl :Willi a - - extiask re
,rY.T ...assortment °rankles in th 7
lin ' etriktickg -
4 ger,nil variety of neti'and elf**tett ilift
Mi ltos
d -gentlemen's . , wear, :among whi . Lire '
Puma, ,Silk Lasting andi:Prerfilk. Gaittitld :ind
Pnaineled Polk* Kid, PM:eat - Leather ' , Brimicd
'kTenny'Linds, - Braskins.and Ties t.thintleitit'.
and , Philadelphia, oak tanned taltskhr a# d• k I# ,
r liorocco, Calf knd Cowhide , Briiiaps ' SdAikip,"
calf, and cowhide 'Boots and . Iltropit AiIP-r , of
!Weft luta ChildTets,Awaim :14 41 1 ft . _ 1 1 0 11 assoft•
, ent of Findings „which °Mast in pit tuiewiegs,
,i_bic;,,...garfan...,,„63;....,.......„ Brie.
ties, shoe binding,..awki, r,,seitdston shoe knives,
ite. Also oak and heuannk„..tanntod..4o : l4 , 4mr ) and
* ol 6 l 4:4* : o;:skins_alia In' tngig.l
.'titkiinde'tb'or'der and retudcm. mttl at ai
- 14ntrosc;.Apiitili liO4, , . 1
r •r- , wiu4BUE REA!, AS ATE':
, • , '• -
12 0 VILLAGE LOTS, situated. Air"
4uict the 4 f c three
flank44a lots ,r
41"47,a. 4res,
with' i'EnnAP - nlittrOveniel24"' Atitorn,
timbered, tioO>miles,finna .1.. -• jSnoquebnina woe CentralD;
1r it E., ,' Muir° . aft - situate at .the_catitro the r iseaslest
gra& 'the road, near - the great, , • of 410 1 etto,
tc`Onitnem,' arid - the Cagnade, eed,„ • jw . mi .
tare the best wAte,ring pplace On theloo
cality .of extenelte ItaihmOshvit,y • 5,‘..a40-1
SAtnelnunia, q, bet 4,44' ,100,bit
end.lint &fa., years Or no,sto • " -1 0 011thia;
raw alkinpitlal 'the' most fienrialli - „ populcno:
towns Toil,tlie line Of this rna tq _T• I
,434fietona„doccilna4 44Fhthule,
SpSßUChkil4 PePa; 11/. • •
.7; "
--- Valuable ,
- usOR SARIN Ol e rlM l 7o l,l Oute,:itei4Of
-.41P-Lmid ittn'iiiiteri"of 'Spring :1) 1
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