g.:3 Mil THE INDO'ENDENT - PUBLICAN. • ~ ~. •. , ,-,:, ' I vitamin°. wins t- tnonsnit , nanto,,aeitorrnosit; , 'pi. it $1;60 ran A . ,IN AlWAtei. 1 { Rate! 01 AO Xiiiiiiiii:: - ; One square (Id lines ir , kei) oti , wee/4'. 4 ::. .. .$6,0 onw square - -,., i , " ' '' t , weells, •.. • • .0./n ti v One square A! - ' weeks,. . - ....1,00 One awe ri - " .- '--- utontiy:i. i.: -- .1 1 15 One square " • - tw months,: .; ....2,10 fine square :. ,: " • . tif m0nt1a5„,:....6• 00 , this .equate : " • 'six months, .. 1, ...squares, i rte _OO One square • " , ' 074 e year ... ...I. , • I h uu, For two or . ;more d bitnelear, .„1 deduction nem the above prices ,is mole- . Yowl; NI: 1 reinsert win hate the privilege totaltcring or =inn , i, to their Advertisements without additional charge:. Business..cards,not moan fi ve 111 * 1 4. tweed t`X , , it $2,00 per Mum.' - ,- 1 Job Wor, . . , ' 116 Office It sup Pl ied with- a nood'ltiottoten t 44' 'Jobbing sn it e riag. /Ind all kinds f Job Work, attett wh e im b 4 p o ,tes, Panphieuir, kei e - wM bedew neat Ity and pranctlY. • - I'.. 0 , - ;. , ' - _.......... in bets tqe4ts, . . . . .-,-- • . Ildattialstiatiotk oltiles? ., . •,' ' ;1 'I\TOTICE is hereby given thatktteM of a ininistM4 .., 1,111 Alois ;upon the estate of Da vid N. Lewis late of 'Herrick township deceased, have been granted•.th'a undersigwl, -and All .pi - ersons ind bted to:saidiest* will please inake,irnmediate paym t,and those.hat.; lag clahis will invient• - thc same duty attested, i f , 61 . -. settlemen . _ HA - NAII - , LEWIS.'i „Berri an. 27.185, ; , i - •,.. -l• •. 1 1 f[Wfli . - "; - -; s 9l — imirtfits-gales. • i 1 -i 1' Court . 41. mit of VemL . isattedituf 'of tit 13 -Court of Common Pleas of . usquehanna conmli ty and to me diated, I will expO. to public saki at the Court noose, in3lontrose, onSa turday the Pi th .: - - 5 44, , ,Of•Febro*y;n6xt; at -1 o'clock . ix., all that cier4, ' till:U.o'cm or parcel of land l yin g a d being situated in the Township of Harmony in Sushuehanna county,! 'bounded' aid aesetibed - as, follows,4 wit : On the - north by land of - Amos and. Simon er, east : by the 1 Belmont k OcpuvrturnPike,..and on the South -and • *wed bylaild of.Fsmon and .Amos-Barnes, containing . Ime 'acre of laid more orless, with the appurtenances, • one fratnedbou3e and barn and all ioprovecl. . , ' Taken - af - .ole' snit of D.' , 11,1,y0 s & Bro th er vs. • I r a Nuns ';'.. 'P. P. lIOL ISTEIt,-Sh'ff. - - -13,lievirs °Mee !denims°, Jan. 29 11134 , .- 7” ttfi LA I TEST NEWS ET . STEAM. , • - EBB ARE, rrILAT the Spanialreourt has deci td not to U the Mood of ea*, but Joseph Witte ` berg & Brother bare recently decided to open ane store;, in the s few doors east-Of PeOt's store, ',opposite Wilsou's dwelling,houae, corner of thestnut -l a nd trraitet strietis'irhere - they.Swill )1, on ,hand a 4rplendid assortiment of Ready Made t • •g; also in saiditition gomfasacti' • Broad /Ma, Oastsimere,. itentachey Jeans, &c.; in -here, genend anortnient of Gimtlemen's fornishing r • • • 8.1 • Also. a •-. apical:Ed assortment of Ladies' Dress •• • Enka, Me 'Aiwa; DelainesiAlpacess, Embroideries, Shair4, Lac es, Dress Trimmings, &c. &c., all of which - they are de , ,tetwfbied to offer to the pnbllc at very low prices.— , .4.11 Opals marrsuated to pre • satisfsetr, as; well in (porgy,* in .priet!4- - „Please f*e tts a: trial before' pureba WITTENIIERG & ..Montrose, Jan.'. 26, 1854: --- • • _ Courts, °CAI» MEM Cmintj , Commissioners ' Sollowing.daptand dates . Ing Appeals "from the . Asst essm 1855; at.the'Vernpissioners` - wat Montrose, - 2- ' ' :No) Apoiaccm,_ Choemnit, - : Forest • Late, Priendirßle, k dietown, —3l( yratdclit,'Libertb and :surer "-take,: ..Tin Anbarrr, Jessup, aid Rash, ..15r• Dinicair„••Lathrop, A• GreatMelid, &ITO' Iffilfork•Fridtin ifarniony; Oakland and Sus- ,• , - eft, ..Monday; 71. 121 Ararat, 3ankson Thomson, Tuesday, 13 " Clifford, Ihridalta.nd town, Wed'sday, ". 141 ". Gibs* liatford d - .TbOrsday, "I 15 BritAgrraier and ifrooklyn, ..Frida "j 18 " By order , of the Commissioner& 1 , • ACV. A, CUOSSMAN Ofte, Jahtuuy 22, 1855.. 'WINTER CLOTHING . . . an' .airinanna i.m.,a i 1 , 4 6 we are unxicrin to close out our of deal , .tll.. ing - tin make room for our , Spring • Bustimer parebase we are sell*it at greatly red,ctied ,prices. ..Callas- now is the time to buy thew . . ritei .• . Over coats titan lIS,OO in /4.10 X, D ' Frock: and • • ;Mak costa, good patterns and new styles. , ants from ilitralli SSA. Vests of ever Style ., ts.. FUT.; - , iii*giGoods.of every kind, : - . ! ALL WOOL LONG 81TA • 15 percent. cheUper than ere ' bfferad in * tram' . • • ' .•• ••,- •- ' .b.E.LALNP..- - ' .1 1, Good quality'and, - ;tatat patterns selfmg L la s h, - - A.: LATIIROI ~ Fibril:try I, ispAr t • DEAD the adveitiseniettt ofi A. ..I.IIO.I.ATBROP #Ol--#1 anlither col ago irbOri you ambiy . go . Os bargain: February 1, 1855. ', r . ..; t A.' 1 e I -PACTS PoR ,Tri it PEOPLE. PDHE'sabscribei is ing on the. CiLf4R..itik " 1 73 - 19:11118137'S'5 in all its various bronchi% 'ot • the CVO and-7are shop in Milford, *iiierie_ma l y be found a greater" variety of Winamor"-and Rooting theirs than at any. other establishment in thoeounty ; also Flag, And Cane Scats, Bureans„ Bedstesida, Lotinr es, Bettees,libles,.'Stands, Le. cbe.', ail or Iflikh i4ll - be" Iry thelowest prices at retail, (or 1 - holesale, 2:.'irlth Abbit'bOtice.4 All work warranted ell made -iatikil of good material : - Short credits and , prate I t will be tny'Aiotto. For itetnenstration and - .e Pbtrie .•*ta - please till' at ialt Shop hi 'Buford •ri e. , ~ ,•-..,,A... ;.,- • ~ ~' A.'w GREEcWooD•I gaziotl;-'4,7*0. 0;1854. Hls4tms - = : .:}IAMB FOR *ALE. , - , , ' 'rrllE subscribes , will int as agentfor buying and Sell zer ..... ing Beni Estate--Fame, likruses, and ts—lop cated issiihstriuditsusui County, Pa. -,ltil whO Isiah 'to offer' their ptopeatt ikstie cats Ore a =III aeglidli. *lion &their' risine t , Of Lots asit folltnri„; 33 of sersia;,boktainYisoproyed,..and how traionsid,busli - Inks, oiphsa:ds,gsulted or =upon fruit; ,Asher fruit "trees, and - the nisarest point to the aL. k*. R.' .Ir an 4 N: Y. itE. It, R. : —-: . . a flunis'64 the list; 43 tussah]. , Ity -,tang on the ssutsseriher fiiiiiisinte description, - priee-snatitarsts du , Office. ' 3foiltteee; legtult,ls, 1854, • .. A. ITALVIVIN. - Ainistardliteg 13112:11' iffigePtta . the Taal buj i tt . two = Those, thereforo, iirho 'hit* enough of .the riga io;enrottrage Acme indwitty &We' Ids services, initpleas s Sake Ris °Nett will be to please titicio'sroploiiiint, And reeei4e s re ward for WALLIS*: 'I Shop over ILlit store. Mtn** Noyeirber 20;.18.54. • ' l . - NOTICE, •_I - • Ttui; annoeriber having 'purchased thebdo elid.and - well known Gals' t =trac - marls Itilt;--Wotdd give notice - •to his 41 Oudiuted, that be has grren . lt i asorauo pairing;ilndi-a is now '4oing rutstitattirixt; sod anderdhiehiign M - Lewis A.,-Voinpkins, (w4m, ye* ntation as a Hitler stands second to none la - epun 'try.) and with plenty or -atter, with which' We are -S.. `times; we trust that we may receive our ihaue orinaidie'tatronitge. IRA. 13134110:1M • • - *growler's ir4 •-•,;"- - : OTOVigii i leterViES 1 , , ' .;- 11 1 1.11 N I ssibeeribeits beg Uwe to Inform dies 'tinter . .1 of Brooklyn 'sod vicinity that they have re • ceired akg et =eh they offer APP air low imbeljetabg, elsewhere is the tY• ALBO T -a: - lot a STOVX-reE tall Pblriztthe *fret:oat sizes of sonittfoiriolteiiiri#B. - • WAlrrg ' Iraq, Copper, ufa Antsa r in es. dump for Stereo or ~goods- • - 1A.14 Akir f stock .of Winter 11brinle low bir • I 4144 5,000 tkuNSOKot Oak 22040 b6hiriof,Corj4,,, 1 0) 4 0 IPinhela: of g.T.e. and 1411 Z 4 , l4 o 3ti q s a Pit"' Prices. nic:exchswgi Ai I • ArPactrs Nor ake tl • i.iadebt 71**,164 aeocki \ &Ilthot it*llll* Teri • 4 • =RI 'rig elsewhere , ;ROTH(Na. the tar. year cost tor k CO. != Man 4f i gnst Asa titiiiiiiiiis w wspuums' ' ~Illiiie and published is pues uanci of ail Act otbrieintiY Alag of 15th . o ' A. A 4854. L COUNT 7 OF si it-eatsetave l yteelm "buppaktes -18%37 26 P 83, 89 , 19,04 663,03 2M79 156,99 1,111,85 588,43 .685,1)4 862,58 651,51 175v88 898,10 3809 10%16 257,48 682,94 5481 3060 i 389,03 410i26 88417 147,88 • 330,66 423,09 331,39 1,410,02 70,21 4f-4,58 408.23 520,67 188,99 ik Htlilu! Ahburn Brooklyn 2diddletowp Ailburn Aiolacon Ararat Blidgetrater Brooklyn . afford ctibcosuc . Dimock panda Forest Lake Franklin Friendaville Omit Bend Gibson Raiford Herrick Harmony Jackson - Jessup Lathrop Liberty - Lenox Middletown Montreme - New Milford, Rush - Si:mil:pine ; Susquelea Silver Lake Thomson , ',smell • N.`Altoberts L.sA.•Towniend B.l.:field . 'Marts yr antrum Williams D.'g,ll..Coos t a . _ A.' , Teerkstniry A.i riiito, " g. ' rk . C.. , Tingley: i A. ' Slocum • & hel d , • Jai /A 9 On D.Ø. nlilet W' Green. Fi , Jail E. Vbititey .T '.l frany E. . Ditnocli Eli . taniplipll das.l Y. Potter, 3 J.' . Itowell , •Wn . 14•bison‘f, Ira- nignck W. . Whitney E. P l ottor S. lititch6ll r A. S;' Witlkev ' N. It. •Snyder? • O. liatbrop to L. Si Pokl:s .. U. *edam 1:1 • l. 11.! Cross t • ;Amount of Thiplimtes, , Atoolint paid by Collectors, i . Amotint of Exonerations to Coiletore, ) Attkogot of Poreeutago to Coll4ctOii, Amotib: t 'unpaid by Collpetortc 1 Trotsurets' Officet.Mointhse, • beeet‘ber 31, 1854. 1" , , •r ' ' . I 1 i . coli"a 100 44 *. B:Metitlikt i N. H.tßoberts i,Samaal William!, Coop 1). 11 - . ' 41. E, TeirksburY A'; Betties: ' Ikaiiiici ,, 0. Shecet 'T ' 4 Taa. Lei On • D. 0. likler th .Win. iein ~ E. itney - E. T. • -Iffii,ny I ,E.b. ini,, eelt Eli P. pbell 'Jas. Y4Pot,ter ,3. A. Plowell Ira Corasteels. Wm: ripbison _E. Pottr - i -... S. lititeliel A. S. ‘YAer r;.evi S. 'page O. Lathiep ,ri 11. CieSS, - ..,- ..t . , ' ' , . i l'et" - ..,. IterapttiOntioa. i - '', • ; it i moubt 4 thiplicates ; • '. • • .•. '. . " $617;50 . . . Amount paid by Collectors ' , . •• . $305,12 1 I Ainount of ExoneratiOns . , -"'194,00 !.. -.. I Amount of Percentage to ColleetOrs - . 19,38 1 1 - Asu' punt, uripaul of 1850 ... . ' • .; ' 39,00 - $01750 1 .• . ! ' ' • . 7 _ Staitepienll I !tThslarrer's DR R.rtATEIROP, Treasurer. To amountirciieived imm Colketors, 1854, $355,12 • • ; - • ; , t , ,„ • * t • • 1 - . • - Did. - , `•,, A : 1 ' ' . • ' ..... , . Cosinaonire4daa,.-....• . 6 . . ... . • 49 30 . 00 Road Peewees;:.. • ' 402,00 ..... ..... . Road Da.. l . '.L., , 7 09,50 State Road Ra..tie,199,50 •ai Ai Ti e * er a . . ' - - • 201,50 J. Raneock,ilite tram.; - - ' - . 2.82, 50 e 69 50 A' ( - I', : , ...... .• -"..-.. , . J. , W. ksaddri 1" " .... .. .... . 4 94,00 =4. ... ... . ... ... 6 660 2 . .Titiorir, ' 1646,51; Grind Iht*,, %, • • 501,10 einzathles..l._. ; .... . .- . 478,95 Township . . i /*gm, 285,80; Ginieral ' ' ..•... .... 1.. 401,55 , Of Fire Printing, .. i StitionerY... 4 . l . :... ' .. . ;................ 821,67 • 4 .4„0:. •t •• ... . ~.., • 96,53 Court H ' 1 4. 97 - .. . • • .., Jueetiees of t i r ...... . ' . 5,11 eoioners' Iniaa ; ....; .. . 3,59 S.Viessinan,Prier, ' ' 66,60 G. 43, 181dredjl31iergrand Jailor, - 555,87.' Y. Wooer, Diet Sitortn,:.4 :. ..... 79,50 Coined,: ..I.' .... . . - 16,00 WiL .a.. Ornw, Berk,.. . .. .....300,00 F. A l f Ward, rnitbonotary and i3erk, ..240,61 'J. T. Langdop, 'Register, - ' 13,00 Nrrsr Court Ilintoe, ' , ..: —". • ..620,00 Wilted', • / • ....... . 4,00 AgrioultursdHodety, ' 100,00 inite:Wry, .. ;.. .... . ... ........ 127,88 H. 1L Prior,Al ' 392,35 Jag and Offiew • Fait,. .... .... .. . .. . :. a+ '.42,47 Win. 18. ' , ftsidb, r tatelritaißintr, as per bat M. , ' iTdoeiZqioeN, .... , ' .. . 1,639,65 1inie10641• 0 0 6 .; 4 *.• gm'' , 11 , ,_ ..' - -4, ' J'AV.4t3lOl4l. •• •• •-• • ' + c -• 1 8 , 00 Treinaktmes .Plincedig,...... . 452,17 6 Bilganftglirldirlica ea. ~i•ili•ml • ' . 34,34 ‘ _ , OtiteiteiNt Iltreomilirlets Ace Tt4 81.42War•Trollism - • '• To*Vireige,irnill . iFilite 'tar you, 18546. 4 0,19* To issiiireerd i re‘o kir.rmis • ism 4147 i Toot, menpoio, -1 44t OutScaOefor, Tow 2, , etro;iiiiOrs is 'ler kiatlgortuilßo. . • . Pain MI 1e,4411 Irimiiimirerga Accinuat ipielagr a : itio r llmimit am& illeburei. Taxer , " 1.- "' " - Unseated dii. " ' 1 ti.. ii ~,•,- -- - • , - f. . .- ::- ... 4: i '.• ~ 1 - 4 __ _ iT *wits Ow itaid Tositice 0/14111W101 /211 . 11 . 09141/14,.... .: . ..:. t . a .4".! - ASS DR. :.40110,111' riloosid doe Tonmiiipe, • •. „ • ISE(X)ND=.:-130.100:ils' ' " -*".. 't 41 t 11,1 " 1111111741 - lbS 1116 0 / 1 0 0 1* ... 1.11,1414 , Sy . , - .03..441 5 . , • .1 • • ' •ii • Pitr,6‘. •, . , , i I~R~J ftec'aStulaktioa. I2XII Stat TorrI4PL Clifford Auburn Ararat - Bridgewater Brooklyn Clifford; • Choconfit' Forest !Lek • Franklin Friendaville . Great,Bour Gibson Hayford Herrick _ • Harmony Jackson Jessup Liberty Lathrop Middletown lace:arose New - Milford , Susquehanna Springville , 1-Thomson $617 7 50 $385,1 SIISQUERA 413,1147. MOE net,:oritis award .1, oriirTßA., _ prif per con, Otrafims.uousamrs as mairi • ..* . ....... .. ...4;.1 - a rial;111 6.V-0311"1',40.0011200102 paradiliaget. , ; lOrgt - Cogiabikeers o . - .151,14, BT amount laid &aisliviagren. . . *Pessirehpar irate% BOA By - iniiiittThvgame at 1864 #l,prowkwn mal e ' ' M. 418,114 '130,011642 = USQUEZANNA. talikels4l, 105 e, 1 CZ - 6,73 SAO 17,00 7,97 3,15 15,83 2, 9 2 19,60 2,87 4,21 5,11 80 10,45 11,41 2,74 8,68 9,78 05 4;10 2 , 44 5,53 6,25 2, 38 6,78 .;5,10 5,46 15,35 31,84 7.33 7,90 $ 235 # 7 $7.15,41 si4t),mi 113,070,01 X 13,070,01 235,97 145,41 , 530,32-$14,501,71/ 1 1 , D. R. LATHROP, Trerer.l !titan Fines for IM, a 1114,14: Am't Pail Ezoaeratkins Parentage A,'t Dla t . • 1 2100: 19,48 11,00 1,02 i ' 9,05 I' 4,50 • . 45 1 13,30 14,25'L , 4,50 .70 ~ - . 17,58 - 1,50 92 '• 6, 05 4,50 ' $5 •I. - 12,83 - • , 3,50 =47 10,95 4,00 ' . 55 . 3,78 • 2,50 22 i 21,18 ,; ' 4,00 ' 1,82 I' 9,95 - 4,0(1 , 55 7,13: l,OO ` 37 1 . ,27,08 ' 7,00 ,'• 1,42. 1 ~ 57,48 ' , 24,00 . 3,02 - • 15,20 '- 2,0080 .• - 5,23 ; 2, 5 0 ' 27 '' , 9,50 i 9,00 50 H 1 • .11,40 '. 4,00 00 , - t• , ~ 15,2 , 2,50,, 80 1 16,15 8,00 85 ;18,53. 7,50 97 i i ;,18,52 ; '60,50 98 1, i t 15,20 2 8,00 'BO t 9,50 '2,50 50 i -4465,12 81'94,00 • 819,28 _ $39,00 . . . • . . " - nut with Blintarylropeil. , - • -1 - : , i.l . . I .. • ' - i• • • .sTRA:- co : .cIPI * i. - .-:.}:.,,:, $ 3 7 ick Paid illiSirtreex, &it'll& insPectar,_ _ _. i ~•ii ..-• as per kis ardatta for 1854,- - .... itsi4t, jay amount paid J. J. Roper, Captain of tTnion , • MU Anne?" , coluretuy, 111311; • -,1 -154* Da ' , i... '.,..,,, ...-: .54,00 By amount -paid Amearors, ISM , - - • i .....83,93 By amount paid for Ptitting'... : .. . ... .4 J... ~.3#,91 By amount paid for Telegraiddam ..... I, .... - .'..1,39. By amount paid Stisqueitauns illuaria,.. - 7. 1 : '• • .0,00; By ammo' paid for Dup li cates and Butt - int;:ii 11,0 . 0' By amount paid Contotitudoraers, ... - J . ; 31,09 By amount paitEß: Y. 4 E.8.11 . ..c0.i. ;II:. 13,13 -By Trim:oar% Percentage, • , 3, By amount lit Treacly... .-' .. :,..... . 1 .-....'. 43,1" i NA COUNTY. ' • . lii: County Orders &deemed from No. 1 41 659 inclusive, " • 12 1 1132 By JO:O6M ,pudd County Auditors,:.. . 16;00 Bf By 8 , 34;34 Treasurees pet. mutative, •-• L ~. ? 111 OE EE ME Mil V y , M 182,57 17,74 VT" 10,88 26,80 13,29 7,69 22 65,58 28,67 33,31 IMO 17,18 • 1152 19,59 18,88 5,41 32,34 33,53 29,14 15,14 19,04 20,81 18* 7,27 1645 20,84 17,45 73,26 38,75 21,06 28,96 19,81 25,91 9,05 *14,581,71. tl€o 854 $ 365 , 12 , (IR $13,136,71) ~~= . ; f'" MIME oat oft 90.4ci0 -- :,' . i , " -- .- ''i i I":- , I ---1) • ATMROF ;,,,, - , ~.:: • _,, =lre, Ovooorreot 500ey,......:.., ..,T a .4.1;.,.....',.- ' 548,40', to unpaid -D Of 1863 10141";.; 20449; 10,100usiof or 1834. t :it , ~- 4 .., . 14,370,3211 , of To ; .14 .reoefit hocoltetase4 ti00K...... , 20,38 i To, a 4 - „G. • 11.-. , '.l3berit , { 7 , , ibils jog" Few. ... - ..".4; .i. .. '. .. . - 178,80! TO!: a ... ~ .00liodecoonte,:.i.1.-..-.;-;:..- . -..., zie,t4; To " of Loaned, .. . i... L. . :: ; ::. 8,600,06 I TO '-'•_3 ,oceir on ‘ l:l4l,3ated Liolds,4. - ..' ' 444,1 1 ,1 11orry II ; • ' I " .110.1.0144 at of 1 , • ' G. 13. ELDRED, Ego*: sanaist of Floes and /trim' as per coftificate of Cierk:of the of Qoar s2lB,oo To Imam as peed Wt .AudiWinstPort; • • 2 °l 4 *. - ' • ' • ' ; • 5228,0€ A - STATEMENT QE oDRINTY TR TA , +Minable fund 'County 44,324,0 Tp Susq'a Co. fin* received fit* . I" lateTressurev - O Sta .200,00 Tte Bank lieWs .., . c 21, - (4 TO other uneurrent fund 5... .,..; 221,00 T4'Othhr imeirrent finds IBSI, 52,00 - TO first issue of.Ceenty bends tone* Court : Ihmse Contrite - Om due Sept:llSO, 1645; $3,500p0! TO . 24 Issue due September 15114 126,. .. 3,500,M Tn 2d issue due Septikmber.lsololss7,.l.. 2,500,00 143 amount due. from Coßectors, 1833, 432,37. iC" .I. Et; *Pol . , - . • EMI ' SITZF FUEL C AYENUF 'I TNT here ave be glair see all our si. tv, those wbo will give ua a dal , feeling confident I good* rie can suit tßil iboso who willadl and CZOMIITI J. r. W. Ittivr,l I ' .',.. 1+ - ' . V. Et laernaor, 1 i • 1 . All night *Oa*. ~ i BOOTS 84 SHOE , READY . MADE AND MADE ,1 TO. DRDEit, - , t . rou:suwernieryriruld reipectilt 1: catstoraers and the Wile 14' again Prepay d, Pi, 9 10 Vo o t. Sna flaring just received film New To Sole and Upper Leither, Calf-Mona all OakhuutetL , AlSo„ In aiiiiistileii Work; sons sting in part, tif 'lleel'a lkodts, Boys Boots, l:;hilden's Enimeled Union 'Poo*. Polkit/Q Lasthig,Foa Goiters; Goat Laic ged Boota, Misses Kid Lace Booti, Dan* ire. ice.—,whi . th ' wilt be sold 1 than mal be bought eiSewliere .in pairing dons neatly.- ."- =. Mese call and esoindne: - . Scots ., the; dd Fellows Ball. • i , •I , • Ptarbuss Avon tom ',the tin*jt thni foe "rest* andllrefreshment.l i favors he holies by• strict attentln J merit a continuance by the saine: •, - 3.. X. B. Being somewhat in wa nd needful," (money;) be Would sum" toanber possible, the:propriety - of i lag and settling the some inane , ' Montrose. Dec. 4;150. . 1 announce to his 1 caeral that he is V . 11C :etre: I C I A o S tOi Kiplikkie, Lc., - , of Reedy-made I 1 idi. :and Calf . Wein** d &diking, Silk Eatoeled Pei- Forldrett's l , Roan el& ceaper -.. 1 -t h . /le' e t ; . , , 1 . • nit - deer ees it Lwork" until the itetui it'Past . tg.bilfh"to 1 ' the ”oneithing hi the iiikleatt ed - uu la iodated call . " C 1 N 1 813 .11e4g. . 1 --- „I 1 • 1 - I ' isrvste I, niTswl I' • ,;, IIitMCE'S impnom•SELQII ONS. nor just 1 L tiocelred by • ' IX OXS'L SON. S iikEt- M 1 :Sle• - , - is lie.l`4 o t **ie. Feicc4 PlaO(! or ' Melodeoh end Gictitarriliwac Ira j beataifol }wo es part pubrtsbed—old hy. J., i CESS le SOpii: *. 1 i • - iIItuLIWIN. ll{ i - A fe* more left that iyal be Fold rety lcheap. , Parazoettaa, Cashtueres k Dersinttaatgreat bargains at i ' L'Y .11 & ISOVS. A fnlsh supply of Groc ,. !rinrjtust o 1M 1• t Molasses at 3 shillingi per gallon. 6 shi l liugi by • Mil _ NEW EfOOD*, A RRIVIVG every week at A-14' 4.."ll.l.lanuary lst = I Whaler Shatwls and QELLING off at great bargains. 4 AD /an nary Ist 1 • A. LA. 5000 Dozen Poe A. LAT W:iNTED at tet ____ ----17 4 rain ! rain ! Grain, : 1 O V all kind+, and at [the highest '':..- a *40114 by • 4aagary lat. • : •- • A...1411,1*1ta Ctra. rriTRKS Wend Balt lat. . 14 ROPt Nis 1- i Nontnne, Jan *y 1, 1855. : i , ' 1, . '- i .; ~ ' - i _ I, "I 1 COLE ANDSIZ VlL''''' 1 :, Thi-TesispOismiee fkitirili* 141 g 3 i ll sou, and contends tltati total fraii an th at intoxicate* 4 the a Bakst ' " ' net ;mile; A 41,0 * proini ra - ,01.. die `‘. ', Adobp, atra alum& ,th 4 ineftera the late tirei': Jon a *Oat portkia *filbert; they made -to , se One . toi otoron thingt--th# is,'Prineipie„ . ' which the . - It woe* a pile. !They now ba a s mall ato4 lot Groce+a, Toya, , Confectionaries,Yan kee S' ' 1 Perfumery, ize, - **kale,' offe r the,Public 4TP *41 14 i Ocateta got' up in an - to sate ciiinotioershi * Mitt Saloon rosy be din Vali fon. of i,yofia & . Cbandier's . long b ,Aidzili' 669011:10 street. 'Comelone and all, and See the place 'where ate are; Ft)Rpilltii.t. CO.I , Montrose,, beeeinberili, j 8154: • f -I - i . VOICE! T.... ,IrCitscillsims went* , , friends and the ptitolleVenerally, that hhi stnalof. goods .now complete! in every bra*h. Thank 4tl ,for ma Arens, he intends; ti selling 15tOPD 4500. PS :AT 1 . :(1 IV PRICES, Uto pier ti . sVpare W pilbite palronisgef. Reapeetfhlli' •K . Tf. Montrose, November 09 - ..• I _ • - Dress Goods. i • Tainimit4e,.... ,, trona 40 to 6.2 * Ft :tits j'ark -Oehler, ' *omit) io p !Wats per pail. "Plaid.' fi•ont 14 to 10qt.. per yard. Prints,!..l;. • • troto 4 tixgi per `Caryl. gbeetiog . Akoilt B.tO "91 -ye.r-yarll. .WoOleo goods . and Jeltrus ; tt e very tirety petii 10 cents to ,3.00 per yard.l 1 • L, Ready-inside 01011 sag . , A Yeti loge stock. at ibis time, ihen , the pressur of the .money ket is So toevero,laild consequent}, bcmgbt LAIR!, dunk L and witt;:sell thef'same (Oita as weir i n of my 11tIghbeirs. Please call and see. - •- Novind)er 29, 1854. j - F.D. ; : Stetunis' welt M 116411011 :161 , ' glifelh - fIRE =bombers base s a geb k - :. ..,..L nielf , to persona. who way be in fil l above Anted invaluable es, at tht *bl& they can be at the liik HathWesperienced the 'egotism* ring the fete elaz eitly receounent Weibel% having' *tent , th e prceirving at which Iv i t po ! tioar to them, not to do wit *age *ow IMO to itt,so' In . aatone Making to 10404 1 . slike4 Prienc ntet t'' titte, with the chaser •O • ' ' /Intateele, Deceaber Ip.-18114.' J•, • . ' , WM be "PalIA at: 'Me tlga l,alieriber„in ...IFew)l6lfoFtton. Rd)" iry belt, it. 10 4400 , 00Datt,to 38 ; cowe," a 'lnt im. ofind of orgheepoi lot of Hogs, lot -of Iltening $ years okt,l - - 4 that 'quantity of RaYt-' 1 9 1 1 1 e • itaitpu. 4tto hone_ ) 3 ' 14104:t0n_t0n.... vi le mbieb li:edepte# to knirint en tbe 'N 4 # 311 1 4 10 .44-L 544 7 4 PPM"! 'ilri n ti 4 / 4 014 : 41 ylt 4474 aty to eel►; one ‘ o w pit Pt heal, OeS ,rt. eolloPeace "wril 1 1 0 # 080 4/ OMNI ihists s- P la lilito ' " Ovia.t.ta:td.76;t. ilith SZS vii with !lie County Andito6.• CONTRA. • pßeata of 1848;.::.':.• Et per neatest 4e Collectors of 1 BY B ooeeatfonii. Coneciorittit '1854,. . ... ..; By By • Itefunaßng Orders" 'do., .By. County Orders Redeeined 1854, . 1:0„ tractulrent Roney received ikons ( • trasurni,.,„ • It. • - 44 . ( 11854,. ~ .. Bf it,tessurer'e per cent5ge,.........„.1 Nekoosa in Isvaettry, ... . ..; t ■ $19,51_2017 - - • Ave' . - 1 aNrras. , ca. siioes paid Tronaner and ebalEed al:dainty. . 112,90 By Sir r tent metabad an sllo.lb;dillet- ; ' tto, '•• - 4. • • 10 !ItYVOLehl .•••••• •• • • • t 10 •° 0 , . ' 1.2M3,00 ',tAStIRYANITARY 13t., . 1855 To'sitOunt-doe 'front Collectors, 18&4... T . ...SW/.95 o,deveral • amounts of Notea, 'Bonds, ~ ..d • I • l i Jac ginenta as per last Anditor ' e reilort, t !about_ • , ......; .... ; •.. _ t O , OO iTo amount received on Jtiditnenta; 18 .‘.`,:;216,24 Vi!'e certify the foregoing to be a true s tatement. } 1 .! • • - A. WILLIAMS; • ~ ' .. . A. CARPENTO, Comni*te. ), ' :J. W. SMITH; 1 1.: Atten—Ww..tt. Caossa wt, Clerk.- entrunisakmene Office, Montrose,lan 112, 18Sr5, ?'mac Sit4:=Pi . riklird t DOORS' VIZONT Id c ustomers, and be haptly to *it oz( all hat from our large stock and esteosive lasortosint of them. ' . f " CM 1 • , il • I THE I:IIIDiPENDiON:. ...., The'Largest Relig,ous':Pa per in , e World. .Wiled 61 - Pailt;es of Can regateOpal • Mirrihes in Arem- fork aird , ii 'no. ; . I • Aniong the • conteibutorst to its Cole as are icy, .Item 4 Ward Beecher, Rec. Georgeitt. leheevei, D. ID.; ]fit; Charles' L.• Brace, /ars. - Baistiet Iklieher !Stowe:,kNitleie 31FrilEb," and 0 3 .A .1 4 10 4/er cel'ebm" 1 11 7, ttriespondente from all sections elf the lo'ntaii ; from iEngiaini, France, . Germany, Switzertm , Italy, l , and, ithe Hely Land, contribute to enrich th columns of ;this joyrnal. • ' 1 . I/ In salditien to tts being the targest; is ale& the 'cheapest religious paper an ' the world ; 'and being isubibibed solely with the view of ttdianci g thecause 1 Of neVous u'itliit is sold'it the- most p ' . Its pro 'wit/tont are entirely independent 'of,thelpaper, as a Omni of support, (being engaged in sue tile bus"- Ottss) and . are.: determined to • •spare no expense to puke it unsurpassed either in the varlet - , richness, *extent of ittli matter; it will be sold the follow lowing,. - 4 '• • — 1 : / TERMS .—S 2 per annum by mall;' te, by ear-. citil tier, Af.paid in advance; If not paid ` w thin three Monthey 50 cents • wni be added. - Orders for the. pa per, msecanpatied- brthe money, add ssed to the Ti ttlibr, , and • pre - paid' "Il i be cunsid - ' ' ' Nom it the Time to Subseri e Whether you wish tor the paper immediat 1y,..0r at a future 4late -We are• daily receiving suisscriptiOns to begip with January-1, 1885.: Those ' sr* to icaumenee thou should send In their nem early" s ind thus insure the reception of, the first suun rs of l ol- , nate Seventh. - iADVEIITISLIMIT/3.—/e. limped num r will%,be falcon- ". ' ' . '. I - ' ' :. 'EXCHANGES -- We will exchange with any "paper skhielt*ill give this advertisement two i ttu ' Along., n ilud i ng'tbis notice: - • ' ! ~. • lar.ollice, No. 22 Beekman Street, N , -York! - : ~ . JOSEPH H. LADD, Flibrtsheti • 0110 V 14 NS . 4:7. 'o4ekuparlat 4 5 it il!: N ; ROP t A-. of. . \ • ALL. §TOVES AND TIN WARE F R TIIE - I PEOPLE. - Itt AA , TOODRUFF ikELDRED4ave. constantly on band a la* and well selected rustcuinteitt of ,tin ware; Reels and Chain for weßa,. pump, cistern pumps, kc., ifyilnutlie Rams, Japiutned wares, 14. d pipes or,all sizes Le., Am, Job work done pith neat ness and , despatch ; all orders promptly attiended to- L , ', ' , sTOvns&x.ipt - , , ~,. kept constantly on hand, a large asiortinen of stmtes qt the latest improved and approve& pane • Our experience in the business enables us -to meet, thcise that. we •,atti.safely r warnuit to give entlie sadsfaca4n, Amoigat ottrnnmeions stock can be found he Paragon air tight, .': Star of the West, Elevated ' .ter wand, " Clitdon,: ' 1 - 10Ven. Atlas, I - ".. Cultivator, t 4 ''Phoenix,- - " ' Fire FIN 1 " States; I.e.t-::: - Wester n -Queen, " :', :," . .'• ' Premium. ; & .ili. WOODSCIIT. I: - , - S. 11,, itp.i 1 i 1 012 FAO P MS • 4 4 1 : ROPit CO's 1 'i‘ NEW GOODS. A Prei/t Arrival, of Eno .Goods, gt ich • ti'e 1' . -striltsell very cheap. -- - ,- i •WEhave :large stock of Staple and .1" cy l a ty G t oods, with* We *al sell cheap. all d e:amenc.- i ' litaMly4isisie tiotbibmg..:! .. ,1 i Ye,are AO! prepiii4 to clothe all ~ . ge ti le , 4 . _loiiiit 'etfli., .IY.s st,tax a ,iancs. nom, mit * If iil ini rail LOW . 'Call and examine be ore. pi-. .thasing.l Also, a large stock of Cloths; imerel; ~it.aos„ scitinetts. Tweedectc.te.— fn fac t stock " rod itoas one .b.emnpleps- We liiitita 'O4, ' "thin tor 4sw rtraMissatts to our stock: All kin& " roe taken In ,xchange for goods at cash prices. , - I Meattire*Nor. 23.'44. -HAWLEY k _wyrr. 1- .. . .. 4,, .- 1 . ' • ABEL TUBRELL , - .is :jun received from New York .a full awed mild of .2kWlr GOODS,` , comprising i k finis ride variety of Darns; Mimosas, Cussucatit, ..0u..4, si e lisilsiiark GLASS-WA ac, FaItiLY6ROCY3O Hass ita r 4 istnnTS v UrSICAL hiSTRCJIESTS, • isric Nortoss o lswmar, l'Enrratns, as-n ALL trra -4 rascr Gimps, which will be 'sold extremely low •fiW dish. - .Having recently sustained' a loss by , of tit , least five thonsand dollars, above intim:nee - mid goods su it •isavedi I fancy I have strong Claims for the .p nhq - or my friends and the public generally. 1 milt o man to 'give tome, neither do I ask or expect 'clonal T profits' in consequence of said loss: will re good's al lOW, a tot-lower' than can be botight elsewhere ht this towirti or county; All I ask is that . pa)ronage L trim 'l.ho pnblic which will enable me with ind try to .slowly but wally riplace the loss sustain ~•saitt haw being „thelayd earnings of a life of tun' tall fitore-se ate -lower end of the burned. • cut lhattatieet, &few doom below die corners. i - ` ABEL WIMP& 1 Pitiattise, Decembe r 14, 1864, .. ; • .;.! 'r ; =,-, . „ =1 to4Ert•- * 41fAlieni, the pTices for. anetil'e 1 4. l omOdp Alai* iin• abort notk El Nisei of 0 acing, a lot Colt mole two nri see inneunced in the foreign iutel• on y v c the'arrlval of every, steamer, that ''Setopoi • Ispot taken "—bgtlhe ifolidays. wrwtoming, and we hope a great =ay 'Useful,' Ornamental. awl } Fancy, t w till ire fakew from the.store of .F.. 11. CHAN= a_ where . A.W . suPPli nikrbe fouP 4 •fotgowk `i gathroliieria l'lnderale‘ eves, Haifa itthiek and C 0121 14,... Failliilin e...::oll4.4tert,lrolCaivi listher; ul i mi l 4,lleel l e l i D a'r ui ZIP: Wriditg is Lifgelk av 4! 0 ! ails, Fanci Melia, solna, OW • ' tO . iiizr.rfet oreeigke to this =dot. Fancy ' nada, Blots ;In .great:Warletf—omemg 'them hem Pa4',, rtaelte p, r 0 Books—Life all'. T. Ails - Tiews, 1 , High Life in New York, LC. 'those LOW who ,wimt :sajetilogniiiii bstan- , llal Sw•tikis ineletramt, season; will find atmas: trtifol, Mildigll4,l We, *vino, Piramethy or g FglegliK 1%1'4 , I.`. . • '- --. : : I, ~ ,I._?, Those of the sterner au ean be supplieil wilb- an; extene* coihr-vlstlotraslCoe-tha`elosit to make. th ame k v , , , can,igke and alli `.Our gdoileisli ho tholPtu with Omura; -and If we ban 410 Imimore4l we.** Ash ',Ton A 'wry mom OniStitaig And 1,0-! , . pylCelrYes4 Rme--, Y.B. Ma p , :A: . - 101 0t"N r Dye. Ds Mg. ~, , Dilniting EN, T.Airilla nova. . i 1 , Il ‘ n secured ._. -Atr i a' . -=-ADIVABLX- C . HU " BY ' :1 1 . 1 414 B ER-WORKII74 for Busquebanna And *verak mantles, resiketruily Invite all Bettei esalo , emu exandsie and raar the mer 14_0 , thiti4indi: hrreedon. • ' We pi4opese - to famish ~ aad: i T i t ilr e fealvith4annue that wilt *ohm ate nch bog* 3-byea-Short: it thus u Upeiher dieu—ohel thollygl .e.xtrphitely . espiagr-imileistail t,' ,Olepitut r!frisk`g"'NitiWisiZ t i t t PriitilY - ';‘‘ :the :, eausetend it la ihr eie, vetoubt it NU the demi - lido Ilium li altraiiele'lis a ~wt aillliolltileopwitio*andusidly dUit .- andlasot it 0 444414 ' 4.4 " i 7 4 .0 181.1 -4'' ti -trt i winestersemeicoonoi ih, ter .7 AS. v. 15 =I 3.11. RO. £ l O. 'APS at, Siscrithuno-corastr, P*. ' , ,- r PIE 1111 . VALUABLE FARM - . FOR SALE. rrillig'subseither offtii for sik therigtuilleFens asstßotel reMu "SUi gtl craned and osteoPled yin Summers dec and kingknowittikthe - RS:PLACE." • Bald-Fang is situatedin'the towtrablii °flew YIP nit t re i ttr iuinni aiel l i n t iT, ! I :A= 44 *6-14-41: four Maar from' fin junction with' the "NeW Tork k • Erie.st Groat 8et4.1, and 14- tulles from the Pena it 'gm . ..M1."0' 0 4z.. itttoliissidatatt4Oscrlttoiezei SD acres woodland. - Ifitlsedt Ims a lasting , `lttslnuss.rusmingthrettglOnsd `a never f int* suppty'of wa ter.conveyed - In 1 pipei to the house, buns, and pttle-mila.:: It Is- weD fenced and under. , good cultivation, is well adapted to grain grew hig, and is pectillarly, , fi _tted, for growing stock n or for dairy puitussei. r • Asa' upon it the large sadam._ venient dwelling now occupied as a Hotel; two or chards of choice fruit treat; *0 Urge hate and'esir." siege barns' ; ono large barn` .with :two chttle yards; ample Sheds and an arvangementi for ; feeding stock;, three smitil hey _and grain barust;house, brick smoke house., huge' corn Itottie, iota 1 other Aid . buildings nece on a large farm:- ::.. . . • The well es~reputetiOn of the Rotersts lucrative be:Jetts .r , , . . • • Terms of 'payment Made easy. For infMmatiow, , address ' IL'L. SUTPHIN, ;: - ' Businnere, Susquanuma Fa• ,Ntsvember • • itut CIL • -.• MOO :: 1 32,11 1 1 .ana 4 iwAIR, Aft •••e - w•Nriv, and „• 233;07, 897,95. .. 4,&t.. late- f 4 8 ,06 •• • • 62 , 00 452„11 . 4 4 24,411 $19957239/ FOR SAt.F., I AT GREAT .8 . FARM ' . - ‘ - itiliAINS ' VIE iutzwribers offer for sale; on 'the meet liberal and easy termS,one of tbe best located farma for nuthins I money inl.Corthern Pennsylvania. The ',said farm 110 situated on theliewEnirg- and' Oweg4ilurripilce, bed -miles eaat of Mount Pleasant village,-and twelveflyun the N. Y.. & E. R. IL, also aery conirenient*situated, 4 to Churches, Seboola Grist-mills, Saw-ihilhi, Black: i smith ah'olfs,Lc. It eontains.one hundred anti aim . * one acreN• one handred 'of it udder i'gooti,strite of. cultiiration well' watered anfflgekal bindings, consist: ing of a gcical franked house, well finigied off, and very_ conveniently arranid. . Also two good barns and, a. good barn abed' we ll calculated -for l onveplence. tlYir large orchards'yielding from 500 to' 1000 bushels aa...-. nuil,ly, tunatly'gralled fruit of the:best quality: -The , farm is well adapted to grazing sufficient `fo - lieep -.a ' large stock. ' ,Fdr... Price and terms apply to 11.`1P.- I: ATON, or to AISRED7I I AX.P., tt?n. the promises. - _ , ' Ilarford, Dec. 13, 1854.. . ' J . . .. • The.subscribers have taken and fitted tip' tic new building on the estside. cif Public AVenuo r two doors. above . SearTe'itMotel, and ;are'- .now receiving - Ostia and %rat:ideated asUrtment of • ! - IPairsintd Wlsitek Goods. Their stock is Wawa entirely NEM' having saved but a very few: goods from the late dutruCtive "fire,„ and comprises their . usual.vatiety . of .D.B.Y GOODS,' Groemies, Crockery, linittware •Drugh Medicines,. Paints,'Oiht. - Dyestuffs. iloties,:ShOes, Leathers. Glass, Jewelry, - Watches; f Silver - ' Spoons. Cloeka, Yankee Notions, dm Sze- We are thankful for the patronage bitherfprpestbired_ uppia ‘mi,:and :treat. lhat,our • cus torneric: and the pubße generally* sraktmt,fail- to give call in our neeilocalioe, cenfident. that we caa puppiy with gOods on u fitiorable fermis gs here wrote. • - - • - Bongt& READ Morttrac. , November 30, 1854. More and Mare flew 4104 ids. t w *-* g nil full Hi., supplies of G is''' , ( . I for, the e • il lFinf " ilr a air• in cluding anew and elegant susiorhneitt oi r irenehlife tinoev,: liferiaii ased,Caahniers , Plaids ;I,Picifd, 'Fa.; 0 and Plain Pe Lanes, Paramettas, Br6e, ke; Stuart and Lony Shawls, all of new and best aOlen; and will ne l be sold at'2s per cell. lesa.tban last y.c ei, Priem—. Also a new assortment of Rich ßibliOns nditowiets, Wide Silk Velvet* for Cloaks and Ma tills:, Rick - Silk and Velvet breve_llinunings;‘ ohdir Hewl Dresses, Rioolets &a.; dm., with age intsortment of 'other Si .I,PLi r ILIA,F.IINCY GOODS, OS 1113141,-WhiCtl . ‘ haring . bought under the piesentpreastirit of the atilt: . markez, - ,, will be 'sold _ At correvontig:iiiid ieduced 'prices. , ,' , - - ---' - . t New Milford, Sorel:ober t 7, 1154. • NEW :A MID : le IVRA.P GOOpk , InOrGITT loweift,ptiew„ sod, will be sold ae -conlingly. • h AJ. BilitlloWs it,CO. Gibson, October-11, IBsg ' - Cloths, Ca.silineresttnid Vesthaigs. A. large - tissortin6t•and It prices lower than we have ever been enabled to offer them heretefrire.. Gibson, Oct 11, 1854; . - • . Dress: Goods. _ - great variety, and beautiful atyler: and almost as ellearras•cauld be de..alreil. C. BARBO IVS• le CO: Gibson, October 12, 1854.• • A. good quality . for d nt:sea at43l centaver . „yard. • Optober 12, 18b4.). 4. _. - U. BURROWS 11: - 00.- - Long and square, } wntd; brocbe, and atillt, eery some styles and at extretnelr binipricea. '"- October 12;1854. 17. BURROWS . a-0X • - Meatier than ever before known 4, beautiful patterns and fate quality of 84 Ihneho Stank Lapenli man ufiteture, at 07. • v spluvws i t C 0. ., ibson. October 11;18 . . , Bar State SbawtA, ' The. 141.0h41' SIZE, mast n'eitary, and S tir TERNS. 157,50 each. U. BURROITS &Mk , October 11. 185.6 - • - ,Carpets,- • - A.'good issortment and lands:awe n016'4114 atiterY low prices. , . I.7..BURROWS &CO. Gibson, (ktober 14, 1854. •_ ^s• •' • ' liatiralo Robe% d large 1414 tuatilsome Robes; sputa t em whole; Indian dressed and very , superior color and qxoity. (kitcdler.l2., ..t#. BM IRO OUR STOCK _OF. STOVES W TS NO CO COM.f.LETE---and,we wrong: talmthis oPportinhy to4say that , we Min 'sliMr the' Most beautiful and mlentfilipattdrus ot Parlor wad Cooking . Stoves, to.be found in tdaeomunty: Among theni can be seen `Ale _Eevolving Irrent and _ Gothic tom; for wood , or coal ; entirely new.and decidedly prettygoves. * Prices from five to Iten dollars. ' Cot Vook,ing Stoves we think It ntiedtess easy-mttetiono teii•estiari4 that we are selling them at our foriner prices; Mid judging flow the rapiditc of our sales, we believe the, public are entirely mti4ed with ;our prices . and. the !Matti of &tr . -traria. 'WC have Morelefin of.,the "Clinton Air-tight Elevated Oven Stbve,l.ackitowli edged, to be'tbe bet cookingateve noW in Mc= Rus sia and English Stove Pipe at old prices, ind'lrint tangs and Tin tare all descriptions: the verz lowesirates. New litafortkOcitiber 21; 185.3.• . Porapir rettent iltedliticine Agen4 t ABEL BELL TUEL Lai j!iss receryed . 'knew suptily ..cli of ell the , pepulari .l Psrwr Mititcrsts'ef the day, a . t including Dr . Jayne's , - ehrated • Medicince, "'risk's Magnetic Ofilupent,-T cr's • Germart.Ointesent, My, es' Estr s et'Rech Itose, Psirest Wine,..&C. Lc., Pills of !all sort:kali' direct fro* the preprietliii.„ - Alie, Barring Plaid, Cait . Acne,- ke. i :cheap as :the &Cif) ! eg. --, , . f , 7 I,t -: -,..',', A. TURRVEL: - Xentrose Decetuber - i 1154. - -r; - •- ..- - :-;.,- ' - ------ t A Clkinticei i Make Tiltiritter., _M., A: PROFITABLE, - NB HONORABLE -E -PL THEICT: •,' ' " • HE subsedber is d !roue of having an son in• .1- wit potwtiAl44,trit*.lbo - Poion: : J garpital of fiver $5 to $lO iioli ittit beleloire4 au f l-stlYVnil like an efilciens, mirk - else lean 'esn - insike 'Aim wee to five dollars -pee day ;4-intleed.lorni of *Agents. now epployed -sre eel:: twice that sure. 'Every lamination wilt be give by eddreorlog(postjaid), 1 • _ , : I Herr 661; riknaA9ol4 Pa, post ctiisie.; '.: " ' ".• STOY_FIX:ANID.cIuiTswati lotimiti ' A -4w . raricc i 13. 2 %"" ' C' 4 1 44 i l ifil is ur•C'elVetioe t s ,* t o n hand as W il l be AllipP; re close them:Ont. 'Also; hod Elia* "Hogs;tfeuniss. puttee iilieltf Trritedlioe.: ten,- Sleds; - Clamps; !tuba Screwts, 11 )00, ,SillaaSt ,k,a; . one nod rwouoivi iiviitixi'Dexesi.imProved Pat - , taraai.erre first rote Venom Lstiiii,3 Sponit e iltriton, 413 11 . . The aboTe, ytth rimy:other ardeles lo grit brie e .'.lrDi be sold cheep, ~ now poi a t-, ~ ...:. ~...', Montrose NOY; if 14.] 4. it. CHAN:kali: -'- Allutlhaiistratorsllrouic...,. • igenctubontigiien LtlOiletteiii.teittrary, tipao,the.ostate d Akoato WrOsietk 40000 woad?, Us* , heartgamier! to thoOtiboornik or.' persons. oolibtl4 zut aiktOototoltrermaested to maim Imotedlote:po thOoehatift, claims upon taid , estate to preteoftbeoi 401jiiiitestalOr 'dement. .s, Anuttigs:•mat t eir. Barroitit xot. ,tliatcP6l, 'ESTRAT.-, AlitiCinto inelhauM abo4,, I.:fie lA'orticitimbe.p 14t, "a' dark; red, Small die te*lesseleid astrg ( 1, take her arnor- , * '< 4AX.M.14 11190 ‘ e • !- - / 4 f Mr: regliAtt rallii4ezbitern,e6oo 6 ll l 4l l 4llll4,6iiria... , W situate tor the' Borough , affrei ro xi- Ellat 4, 3) -le• and d* :.PAMSIN,V4 466C,77,1,' , C' 1111101135* 1141441 1) 1 7% • ,J [October 24.] J. LYONS 411[10$ Inn MMLWI Rt'W GOODS. Broche Sbassla . WAtOltir 4EWEiti • t : aw) and '.‘)l GOOD Rl DAmtd ;wee, T,oei4lAbleti Del . I P.; r sile.by :AAn untwasili vg mod Drugs A. Pratt stack gestdrie Drugs, Sediduesaiint_si Oh, 3,idt . my bed , :tv.litip=l tiroPerin b iT e ar Ina her -as 11 1, 63001 ,4 1 s I till Peel ° l3lllfrialti o l lmr 'Ramekins. , • • sow. we (-Brkirwsierf Id; -f9 /I *.PR IN. -,1 ` ,1 I ' VliiiilatViliusa " Ira tamed-W.2w . . ,1 1-1. OeAsseakebt oranthesti dm 4, buudlNG is the Mu' , gat iesor It!i e kw wilPbeiiiiliest 7 , Litirtt -MS*. 3r , .. reason* tiouii. . :i -- -illeisi bair In - iiiin' d V ,- affottin teMn - wheit thet: irkg :: iliptardpc: ! DTlbef lx, As: *0 k the - PeOple or sin gttolilikuipt ... 1 ..,Voina-,r. , ~--,* -- ,7-.. , I. I 3SING one et tbe greateits ~, rsbf, -us 'destivellve fire ifi'll , , e '•liacs , g` list Ivry store-Immo, rind needy all-tit::'-goods, 'I: hire not ~ .t. ;l, Inwever given nig. te des , , but entskeit a 1 ' mere ' , dim. 'in thetower 'part' , I the to /Ilia door 1., 1 0 nerdkof Keeler', ROW, lute I have lead iha 1 small sinek envellfrom the *e t 0-walla dae:tiourso °Ca very short time Ell bp ; the te irithsat eitirs 1 , • new stoek•otgoodsv , In my p - nt ne*ltiiiiiket, - I _ in will be happy to,se,e.and wait , nty. : old , taste:antes aiko.! the Public generally whe Or faver I'me. with a stall.:_ :I have resolved to "aterer , tiiirstAti'eli."— . :c raw lam detenitined to keep a,.D , e and re keep £ geotrarecirtntentertirtr - 41lafreett,Praints,:. 00ti o thje-atufrr;Groceries, 01 ' ,Atielry Per- . .1 1 0ierg,.ran 7 0e Iregiga a, oat- alt, dortirot-Amei m o t e ; Sze. te.'i aneh as - I kept Ware tha'Areel!m r * - .4e4laurtvltint *Wept of tare din e Inainhour. .-' .., •,; . g0nt 130 9;1 i 0r , .... 2 ; 18 . 54 -, -; • • I : 4 TilitTur*. N .B. wt VireTeri . Mall In 410111, . _th e • • re,ernberme.uk •., myn *used ; the *omit due ircira= c ; . i. r 'ovember 23; 1334: • s- ABEL -.- • , _,. . . •1111EMOVAL -.- I:A - •••, 1 ItEELER & STODDARD, on .the iatellm MAy v i a • .befound intiteBASS.KE 71.491 9 #l6lRLra 'INTEL. Notwithstanding the wnpreceillentatt , * pidity with :which ' ourstock , 0 001 9 11 9 1 5 6, 4KI A it4pi oft ' on -the moitlitig of ihe, ly tailtitawe' =some on hand, and-ahall sonata ituppliad satain._ , .• • HEE • : St EITOVX.,TiPi 'Montrose; tiovetnber . 1%1: • .- ''' ' ' _ • , • NOTICE • s inheekheie`being itev ftiftelre froln.tha •We disastretts Fir= Use • eyed filtith *bet little remains oc i timirstonk,lo . , neWtepadiail on Avenue,. ammeite'W. J. itt it IL Velfieluetor,"?. wbere.thiy-stal be *Pk = their ~ffleede..eng castnmers, and hope in 04 - sentf, Ceps arta to be able to - qee't 'th . em,,Sth• - ,-,94,0FA 41 r! r 11.70.VICOPVU6DEL - • ' _ W e trait Abet -*nee our. ':ll.ll6 bars 'tieenlentia 'del* *Of remember that ,tirm, 31 1 Aktins• ,- tet .irEctar.ltnirn 'n1141171, , ittd di* asi , the . *wool& tie ,done b y . ,a:4,. . it:intros; November 180. • D mompri o . T HE copartnership - heriglOnte t linos?! iambi fa name and firm of - Newell, BrOthem in,dao Saab, Blind and Dior.*minces, is thn3 day by'ret.t* con. senCand agmement,dimared. - -.1. _ tir rtzwza, LancaborO, July 11 1 54: - r- G fi NEWELL *. The aubadriber !quid respeetfall 41111/ ibetketattioti or those t0t 1 , 21 , .'" In aJalisil 1: ,busiiims; auch ; - Sash,Tioork Shutters aid lithitc) '," cabinet ware_nt: various • T and Sew. gunnttis,olo, • Stands, Chairs .Bptiium, • I ,Ayo,ilteldr-madaSoffat.: P if required. 'Omni:l7 Prodneaan `dia 'exibange.• Tenn ~readypap- • .:h 1,19 I - -LanesbotinJutylk 18''x4..6 zERTI•VvELL. KNOW zri.oir lIVIUKED UP, A T L. ',..•ilut,.:ey fortunatily,:the' from its orbit, *Ad, Oa twoshines •.: btifig-!tfie "Pittare Mail" to work tool Abode in . his - usttal ,Notr Stock,4o . st t_tro . kFied,• thing neat ind 'desirable l *nil he aikd dint-yOu wtri lie sonto recei Icln be sere 4 P Peal° • " I Odd Fe Hakil:entratie virW: B. b. dire " tents.; 'Mee Jahn Gr‘blitt AS nature; WhO" &ran iiitleSia:coarfor idatei vision prsnan, bait Self to'attend to dial taint proper , 16Orinoi peds, :lbat need new fashionable .or =fast. -aniiidied and:their 61141 M T 4 4, in Kt.ol 04 LEWAT VO, MlZ e w i ril tVe r Zldt;itir . produce:.::_ 1 -, : __.,.......,:,.....„... 1 i ~ c ,z rOUSDS:goiti_Vew - Orleans: n o , , ''`iY.l.*. Alt 1, ,, :i 4 : -,,;:: 1,-..„.1.43,:. rrEA; Cotrelioloe9. ,, risbil ld - a -- ceilso at !II loads ; 7,1ek9.f 1 P- 1 4 • , ".._ &q , j&L"&:;' • i. I rs ;, - • rl„ Vrq4aktY 0 .11 ,ggs . laka 2 4 €6 4 40 11 1 , :exchange for 6_807. Xl_ qutqlilty.of ; idler At, fa .• • sichirgo' for G ds 4. C. L TriOSEi insbing to parch se f. change f 'orlartir, Avitlllna it . ind e: ansne . m Socir of G th_iirnsetrei." . Foie Dn er ea Fiin etkow ost alt &las lioptro,se Depot., - • -.; • i : '`'. - -IPVIII*ii iPV , •ST -- glf it Agteattet,fri=est..- 0 a i Age , a ~ a . iluukunti'i 41taia Bili44l**'' 4 . 1 ' Force and iti#4) V- 7 1,-.:ag , ;, ; :fi Whill roreitient above iat cog ! A rms or .assil chines•fie Mink; iluiiislitg; eikifeng!sOter, coollOing,,both-sY Pinup, 'waled In. atatallle.: lio . beits‘ ,finently it will last a in every variety of 'adtuattioe, - Wintoarry 1 .10 ottperior: toAothet , Witts, - titineriekAri4l., - 6 "4 1 a._ illit 140mOtknity. Wgidifitoiktr vonsumetroirwer ended a iieriettOtt , PY. WAgr .vier 01"144" ge*li to - MI P ak 1 41rier pie wax !tios I'ART 4 fW:f I . II AO"- • ;;A - 3 •i 4 4iXifibilkt4 N 4i llthe**l'T Ar th ignOur _ _ Kisitnli" 'if Oiliabr «wilt, - , twOrtd.,_ the -, , ..., .. ,i , ' 1 'ltitirkageresAthrliAlb . ctitißts uPe! $ .%.: 14 - 4 1: -ail* ailiewokipi satikktelytor elli" siii-;‘u44 taitiwe'req64ll4l- to Wake belitelitily , L. Gibson INSi. 4ki 1115+;-... 4b= - ,.1. ; ' Zii' , '''':' l. i : s ak 6 II .11 wlimum ' ,' I gri . 1 1 ( 30 44 .•!,, ,k1 4 kii 4i1 6 4 4 34' N- • a - Fite We*/ A.l4Cni . libmee:l - 2 , • 7'; • .•_ - • • , • ME a' ,a i/EiBE sitmtlismois .41 4017 REAR VZS K:t Paten Ids by. tkplaux isu :•. • iOttkikoks k the boAr4l_lwwwitterio_ emni,Asits *l-W, at ' 007: kbatiagt '612°1-184#1"13 IBMS *kr , ,IBLE KOSS4 . - Li siollifroval airbeSiie:Veiia!, 4 , 1 0*10 t WWI " • _7 *4 lan ALW =SI MINI M Mil , sig,'eatid New..`. ts'Oeipoatt4;iii VS. Nal!: ' • 0 0 3 1. 0 !:-.1*.agi theirmieft Cie And pan lb, the hig,heet pple r ItttpSlT;itio t -41F1 kffori. , ' MM •- ~. ~~~: t= ^" ~ r'. ~~Y :~ ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers