el U CUARLE F. BEAD AND H. D. Fit MC;oNTRO . S4 Thursday,, February 10-41@SS. 'A -Sharp Game. : , ._ . -1. -. . . . _ , We understand that the County' reaxiirerli in many counties in this State, ha+ devised a scheme whefeby they hope to get cont ( inued in office beyond the term for which ey were . elected, although the Act of. A • mbly, ex sil . . preialy provides.that "no county reasiirer - . shall serve in such office, for more find- two - years in any term of four years." / To 1 ohvi .- . lite .hiil 4ifriciAty, as WelEds to prevent such a \dune 41 file political r•hignPter oft he county - . Ireasnrers as would be likely to retailt from • •an election by. the people next Fall,lit is said that a concerted movement is going On among .-. a portion of these official; the-objecof which i s pi toprocure the enactment of a sic• lair, ek ,' tending the term of office . of Count Treasu- I ' rer; to three years; and continuing _. h e . Fres- en: incumbents is qhfeejorthat per - o _ of time. -- !, 81xiuld the attempt be made to get *Ai h a meas. " ' tire before the 14islaturc, we - don t -not-it •• :will iii i iiet.the Ai ebinfit are it descry ' These e • -genticmen,L with all--the:ir enterprise, ate.:, %year too lap.. Judging from recent _disclos ures, a law of this kind might perhaps, by us , ing the necessary appliances, have been ear- through list Winter, but 'with ent reforin Legislatuie - it, would 'be • The manner in aliicli the la • Treasurei used the publiemoneys furl loaning , them- out to an ext . . put front SIS(KO te430,000 of into nually in - his own poeket, will be apt to,sug '' gest to our legislators the possibility ;that a ~.- general change otTreasyry-officers would not , . prove,detrimental to the public intefesta.— .' But we do not wish to insinuate aYthing ' sl,,,nainst the County a'reasurers,,agains whom we k\now nothing, only that tho.se who are on gaged in this movement show l a reprehensi: - ble eagerness for office. In this ins' tance,. however, they :we surely doomed to disap,' 1 pointment. ; - . i 1 SLAVERY IR KANSAEL—nerill Stringfel low, of western Missouri, has written the pro - . slak-ery members. of Congress, a letter, which .: , they hare published as of great i i nteres to the 'lliouth, in which he states that the soil f Kan - .. 1 sin is admirably aidapted. to Slave la r, but : not at all to Free—that slaves Ire hel at. a _ higher price in Western 3fissouri, ser arated only by an imaginary from ) inary line fro l lians , than else--that the chief staples pf that whole - region are only produced _with! profit by the labor of bondmeri---that the lands of kanns are worth;, 5020 to $5O 'per. acre for ilaie culture, while worthless for any'.other - —that slavery was already planted inic ansas • (in defiar.ce of law) before its bite traf mph, - under the lead — ol-Pouglas—and 'that : .tho. en tire slave-holding interest of ,We'steni Missou ri is - altvo to the importance of - securing Kan ., ass for- a slave State, B;c.' In view ofithe ef forts 'made by the South, the N., Y. Tribune - . urges the North to a,-more prompt . ad' gen ' erg effort to fill the territory With ttlers , . . i - rgr Greeliy's 11 7 1/4,90 dilntunar fo 1855, .- classifies the 84th Congress,-as far asi.hosen, asfollows4- S enate—Whigg,l6.; Deniocrats, ..... _33; Free-Soilers, 1; total, 50.1.11iuse of ~ R epreserttatiTee---Nebraska men, [33 / Anti- Nebraslut, 118- ,total 151 - of whomrd lium log to. the same nutioiity, 51 are Wit' s; 47, republicans; .32, Democrats; and 21 Know 1 Nothings.„ i - ' . : .. .13y tt4, above it Will be seen that t e Re. publican Party, though tailed into bei g less than a.yearngo by the Nebraska o trag.ei; has already a larger tepresentation n the '-: ilopte i ar branch of the National I.e,gi Lure" . , once teen Re almo st omnipotent sha .DO , rnocracy. The- strength- of the ' Rep Miceli party as yet lies mainly in the Free Westt. but it is rapidly gaining adherents from ong the people throughouethe North, and, vi - e may r j r confidently predict that it will -be trong enough to rout the cohorts of Slav and: their Nkuthern allies,,in 18.56. But t -effect ',. 1 -. sodesirable an end, the, friends Of Tr edem - _ : murk labor w ut ceasing, as We t t they _ f _ will,, tt; pron3o.:-.lhe harmonious and knited action of all the opponents of slavery !eaten- ' f , -1, eon. : , ar The Flog of Our. Union forth - New • Year wines out with new type, a new dress, ' threnghont,.and knew and elegant h. 'rig. 4 willco 4 tiinic to giro the same large ount ef original•and entertaining' sketches, ton 0 51 and 120Vdiette% and fresh spirit will he i&- -. parted te its editorial department, wilielywill be as heretofore under theimmediatentrol '.'arid - ewe of Mr. Ballou. Sereial nekr - and „,pOpub4.writprs hare been engaged. fiar the' year t and thb Big will be improvedl in all :departments. The same care will be ;; v., ser ed in=excluding from its columns ere thing Of an immoral or -indelicate nature, 'no ~psdns4 O r eapense wilk: -- he spared to m -e the r -Flagan. elegant, moral and - reAned - amity journal. Ile first number for:the Ne d Year . eommenees a bzilliaidand taking - No ellette from the peeof that favorite novelist , , d 'ad ..ptiTablii: Writer, Lieutenant - Murray, : . titled illiklien Witch, or the African Quad oon, a Vile 4 the Slave Cast"- Terms-of , ' Flag . litefieryear; A. Wit* ii 6 Cl estu t, St., 'Philadelphia, publisher'ingent.. - ' ItgeTtae Ear . riaburg Daily Herald of tram 30;0* the following as,the prorninont. tan. didates - bi ix. k Si - 6140i:: noll. A. o..;cur, . . lin, . Secretor* --of :the Coromonweril ... Es. Governor Johnston,. Gen. Sireon eren, ' James Yee& Vos: - ,lfort: David Wilii‘ot, and isiu PrOfeasor Tiffany. 4 11901*Ye th rA members trOic dux' 'on iif, Oa iiikatewep with us: hii Jud ge 'bunt -**Ouktioilir the man tor the prosi • at till'a orlaWpfaurtional a ff airs. Set 'or it spayita4#tiiiin be a cloeitled friend * free. 411, and *tot *livelier 10$1,1YkrPi'°3eri, Ctertin. ..-i 'Air"' imor Girds ,of , :liaaelaAu , setts, . daring Wm 7.anappinctinp,, iwo,re an ea ,te eat ofAtaatiaufWanufanture, Ero7llPle shosa WA'S hOnleAttde,r 4 ° • - le - Editors' Convention. EditOr,Ottud Publishers isf - -141xemt county met at SOanton t Tanuary.l7th, (Frank lin's bitth day . jiind - otgaaiied an association to be styled thg North; rennsylrinia Typo : r. 7 1, 0 4- Soc4V; ** et wilt! 431 t:the 17th or Jatmarv*-; - and to'be e•liMp* ___ • , •tors„ Publisheri, and regular Journeytnew Printet.s.'.; The 'A)llowitig Orniers.rof the Ast. sociation?were!'elected'Air the asuing gear ir W. P. Minet`i of the- Wilkesbarre Times, President; G.W. Reynolds, of the Carbon dale Transcript, Vice President; and C..E. Lathrop; of the Scranton Herald _, Secretary.: The next annual meeting will IDe held at iVilkesbarre.. .The following are among the Resolutions adopted by, the Convention: , =nous lIIE - Roolred, That; from and after the 'close •of our present vtdutnesOre will receive no. iubsetiptiim:So our; respecdve -- pi t ipers fora less sum than $2 per [ Y sal ved i i jwhile we would recoMme Cd,'as far i as practicable, .the;soloptial of thiadvance system in : t payment for su*riptiott, we 'deem it advisable to I leave every publlper to" adopt arch 'course as 'May seem him rooitiPtoper--desiring to express, how ever' our fiena.cotitictiott that the advance system is bestfor all Oneerited. • "Weiolvei4 Thattt:tve adopt the following schedule of • !icest: • Adreitisementsp6t exceeding one sq. oft° lines /1 or 3 insertiTna, $1 00 -r o ach -Subsioluent Ausertiort- less th,sa thirteen;: 25 ihtt•strrttionth2l: - :,:. 50 Do.] 6 . wont Do 11: ; ,o • 3 51) • . 1-9 " - • •.5 00 1)o: I 1 year,. . ................. 6 00 Merchants advertising:by the year, not exceed • ingfiwo entatriti, with occasional - notices, (in . • all cases confined to their business,) • 10 00 'Administrators' atild:Execulora y notices each es tate,.. :... — a 00 Auditor's notices, :, • • - • ......1 50 Professional •or .h 141n74,eia Cards, 'not exceeding-8 lint% ' Pei 3 - .ear,4i . • - 5 00 One column, per year, • . 50 00 Half cilunm, per *sr, - .•.............30 00 • , .. '4 • I ' 1 ' 4108 WORN; , handbills, per , 59 copies or less, - ' • ' • ,1 7 13 5heet,.....,41 .5011-1 sheet, $2.50. 1-2 sheet,...;.. , .3 501 1 sheet,..... 6 00 {Every additinial 50, one fifth the above prices. Plain cards, first hundred, ' $1 00 Each additional fif1y,......, :.. .. ......... 30 Circulars, on fancy paper, first 50, '2 '5O Every additional 50,......... • . 1 00 4 ' 1 . . 4 ! 8L..4-‘76.9. • • • r pros: mpossi e State 1 his own , nt that est 'an- One quire,' . .. .. . 00 Two, quimr.„ 50 Three (intros 300 Each additional quire; 73 Per one ,„;• 4 15, 00 Of" Blanks keptfor sale at our offices, foolcap size, at one dollar per: Wm. P. MINEIt, rilkesbarre Times. '• Wixcneorsti, ',Luzern° - Union'. •43: 11; RicuaßT. Pittston Gaiette. 0;11. Itsrsotos,LCurbondale Transcript. .Att.sous drAn,taig,. Spirit °taut - • - C.I E. - LaTtutoe,-, finckawatunt Ilerald. REsolred, Thatall. Editors in Northern Pennsylva nia who desire to-finite with this AssociatiOn, be re quested to publish' these. proceedings, and attach their signatUres tp the schedule : of prices, and insert the same as a standing advertisement in their resPec tire journals. r . • • IS:113. WTNCEIESTER; President. - C. E. Lana/arc S';cretarv. . • Greek:v . 's, Almanac for , 1555, is one of tlfe most valuable of this well-known series of tumals, nhd contains a variety of Useful intorMation which is thus _placed , within the reaehof every of at a very cheap rate: Be 'Sides the statistical tables.exhibiting the gov ernment of the United States and .of the aev eral• State; theirlp - opulation and extentj.elec tion returns Sie.*c., it contains 'artiel6 on The' War in F. trope," 4 f The' Know Nail , ingq," "Agricultmd," "Slavery legislation in the 'United States," Treaties," dr.c. Single ,copies 12 1-2 cents; $1 per Dozen ;. 0, per hundred. grceley. •S; McElrath. Tribune Low fir does t he reeSoil sentiment of the regular ;Democracy extend'? The Ifer9d,' the organ of the party in the 'nelliboring _county of Wayne, says in speahing of the late convention in this county, " To all the resolutions and the- address we heartily subscribeicreipt that part depreep ting the passage :pfthe Nebraska - and Kan sas Lifts. - • - Fpr!l44.ll.epubiican. 1 • - 111issia. Enrvons--.I noticed iti your paper of Janua'ry- 25, "a t' , omrnunication !Signed , S. A.. Newton, taking ; eiceptions to your editorial of the week before, touching the County; Su perintendcacy. , '. • • • For - one,. I thought ;that editorial to be well-tiMea,approPriate, and suggestive. And 1 ain still nnable M see that that thought' was premature,' eVeril, after - carefully reading and considering his remarks. Ido not see that his views are either new or comprehensive. Ile says that-'Citizens have long complain ed.against ithe arbitrary ehametei of the law,, and undou btedly the' last school 14347,.. being mere rigoiom, apCreating ax unnecessary effiee,..as they I- ju ge, has ripened their com itt plaint. into action • • , • . ..,.: , , i It is admitted that (certain) 'citizens ' have complained against a school law from the first,—ut thcingh they never lack' for pre texts, o her :citizens have thought, and still 1; think, that the real cause of complain is, that it imposes a tax. ;'... Well, what 'wou ld these eitizen!lhave 'l_! pq . they expect that a gener al schodi system can: 4e estabiisbed and car riea int 4 succeieful operation Without Money 7 They know better; hence until- sonic more sadifacip ry reason- can be assigned fur corn plaiuini it will lin theught, as it nowlis, that they 'all 4 driving #t ' the deltruetion lof the" school -slystem Cati . .rity.,.. ! -'. • Again, says Mr.:Newton, ' Siri, sometimes we see gangs 'tit , the fi rst view to be impend ticable.,4-irnposaiO4'.: I Ilad he . 4 .seen.itiii,a , in- that light, when , 111 4 ttimi was" befdre - ihe convention of airee ''' i' 'Sf' a . f last Jun e, lore on! tl.e fiti4; on ay o as a ,candiClat*tor 4,1;0i16ee of County Superinten d. eat,' lituSelf? :.i- ' ' • • n t he .But, say i. - s ;,i'll re Superinedency of this, or a • ' - - .. . • ny 4her O prity in the State, is a' ask a grcilt :dial tr ilafge - 1 ;?r_ one man,, and 49 anything like iii)fjusOft.' t ' _ 1 i . A4thiited. - . Ilut, does' that prove th at it is sa Jaatt4e.isary, *eel' ' Shall our courts of justice 4 ribon4 l e4 as inmeeessary, _bneause the busitioaaiall !be too much Lw.One'terni O•n i sequeptlyiala3O, business ,MUltt lie over whereby [some I:' fired one go& unredeemed, . 1 or . soine c- 111 1 1 , 1 4 t On* , r : i!nwitipped rof OP'es M lll 4. 4 ftAid , e o i4dar :big i'huliFmeees; 42 61/ .4 1 4 1 1441 2 / 4 ied.ig BB iu the vommn- ' iiiiy bicilise 4 4 PiSit do all t 4 I, a 6 r now& ssii7l; tli iPe d4n e 1 00f i lto: Wages and -tio ''it fll i d ri tisicer r...-.": -.i. v ~. _.: Bit, ... I f 4 4tt - irafliari '*iiiim.i- tame.: 464: .6 ) ftTio ~...146-q4k#l4o:44ollPeillit"fiellt. 4 s er q" Ae 4 4 l -it.AavO apits, A!k: 11 ._!i., IP: Wien, it las beeti're-reak•4l4.''6im t l- ~ wintint; The L ittrineeipcito; bemv4Sc'hiii itteuMbentl ',•.'-:...:`'''''?;'' .. '- ; '''' f --' 7.' - :=', '• --- .....„ .1. i ,....., ~, . ...„.,4 ~ -. , ..t! t ,i ; i:k . ;_ , t4..;:i .i":" . .;,t ,-.0....; . Z:: , - . ..- : • ES MEI cannot perform the duties! Well, a. nun :Roght ursirestAiserlasta - kte) - 44,t:an 'his. childreh out,' bectse their mother ca* not' do all the 'house st*lr,,ithd do it 'Ai if justice.' this PO:~t'- . his argtitncnt-ainounts to to-too for Aint.LL I )nsteed (tine Sulierintendent, iiother is need .. • -. • thoughts•heneficial4that smite one Or 1 Ones of the school law incumbents shall visit : n the schools?' Of coqrse,..)%fr. Nevgn. r nigh eelf,that,'"end — tliie -1 4d ' law' contemplates - it, by "mihing it a pert of the dircetoes dutiei. - Did they 'do - it? Na, hot to any - extent. Why ? No inclination, ho necetsuy-qualification, no pay. - Bui he it not 'able' to SCAT the =tallest traeo pf_lenefit - our schools "have received' from the Superintendent iTho anal 4st trace of benefit' is not seal by - - him. Others' -visions are not 'so obtuse.. •11 are patience Mr.- 'A *ord . fitly spoken apples of gold In. -pieturesi: of 'Bread . cast upon • the wateri,•shail return after many dup.! • • 4, • - lias the Superintendent visited'ond school Then, as contemplated ..by. thelew,4 so •• 111114 good ha; been.lone..-It( does not stoplhe*.' 06' bas visited manyl'aUd; as Mini :teaeliers,hX46••• been instructed and; encouraged, and - .en lii, `finitely larger ninnloir sehOlara Have been rejoiced,' and taught the.important lesson 41*. A man of 'literary and sdcntific licquireinenti • • ill.txmde!kend to visit thein,-and h i p; though ibr shert time, one. in their. inidSt".. That 'the cominen-school house, is a place where_ hike. will go. , - . ;. • ..•-• • •Accerding. to his: calculation, t ere are I •,.. about 240 Schools. in !Mir county ; and the Su- I •Perintendent cannot v6it-till in one term; :MO • '4o the ' examining of • teachers' in the mean titne-• ' Let• him commence his examintioni by the first of November, and the 'twe weeks' stork will hare been completed by • mij• - • 'Ole.; which is about the time sorne of schools cornmence. .(Perhaps some schools .„ • cOmmenee earlier, if so, so much 'the better.), liy the middle of March, when all thii. school's 'crose, will count over 100 week-daysl _ schools per day," Will count over .goolschow,4 f 4 .the Winter, oren..: ltsome of the smaller Sitools:shall go•ovettill summer, bCfore ceiring a visit, it will be vastly .better heretofore. But': Shoiild some of the • be consolidated, whereby. the number *ill'be • • , • • • • lessened, for wickserite are asking, arid which might to . be done,!it will - not he impossible:for Ousine.is man to visit all the winfrilschoolst 84 much for' our' In some counties, tl , cre , are not s many Schools, in others; they commence nMeli ear, lier,,and are kept open- free and six loontlis, - . • which will afford ample.tirrie. • Hence it foes . • not appear to be impossible' or even im practicaole, for oneSnFrintendent to a eciurif • . ty any county. ; •' Come, now, Mr. Newton, you are a man wbO can devise ,ways and 'means. JUst take . held 'And • helpfix np' these, school Bistrictst so that thanuir.ber of schools shall Ibe less and be quite as pleasant,intercsting and pre4 •, titable, -, in e - ,e aggregate' as ' they new -are; • len ; an try to e t ankful that we have him; keep your hand in, and per: . haps, as 'fortunefavors the brave,' yOur tur n will come yet. But that $3OO 00 weighs heavily iipon the minds of i citizens; a sum nearly el half what Connecticut :appropriates arnuallyi ' to; education.' C9nginre Pennsylvania to' Connecticut! Why not compare' Susque-i hiiiina county to the Russian Empire. But hoir much. is this enkinous surf', when divid.: ed:toeach school,in .our county ? Less than ,' $1;2250. Kingdoni coMe! One dollar an fiyik cents-to be paid for educational Ipurpo fee; Why, it may aiuount to a al4lling a faMily, fur a whole vat". And that, too, ; to he; aid to a common sch o ol'Superintendent; , .anian of literary and scientific tunuirements is' to visit our schools, "and be, so long,!‘a corn. panion of our children ! Oh! JehosOphat P ;The full amount of benefit which that of fice au3 possibly con ler, 'and even much gr•-it er, at. not one - dollar expense, could !be ob tairied' by a 'properly !constituted bc'iarii.4,f i J: visitants,or inspeetore. l l • IC - Mr. Newton 'never acted; pre-maturely before he did in penning the aho%/e. In whi4ll , ,township can be topic! a sufficient num her, ef persons of the necessary qualifications, to constitute a ' board of visitants : or in, . .w s . specters?' - Haying foond them, who It flo the, can serve consistently with other' i busi. 'nesf i ;nuitters,. or that they will witho u t `ou - e dollir of pay ? Men Cannot be compelled to iiervefor pay, much fess without it.]l- And met 0f,..". literary and scientific acqiirenents - ,' generally have • busines4, chid so (4pies their timei:as to leave none in, which t 4 ride about the to;i•tiship visiting . schools . , • ' S. T. SCOtT. IME • " , Eros-Sommuticos."—Much has Leen Said -in this newspapers at - various times aikeut• secret order with,the above title whi'ehit.srt ed in iPhiladelphia and has e' e n ded to,clncitt• - nati and - ether cities; • One who - prof -esa4kii` to ti member ofit giyCs in' the Mew" York Tiib4ue the following as its creed.: I.'f Opposition to all forms of tyrannyio - ver the 'Mind or body of roan 2.' either nature nor the Constitution ofour country recognizes the Irighlof mtut 'property in - Man. 1 o. Prin4iples end character,' and itat the birth placei.are' the true standards of Tialificatious for ;citizenship: 'No more" Slave 'States : shouhf be admitted into . theUnion,.andi Awe should be neither slavery`nor iniehmtari, e 36 oept or thdpunistirnent f4r•Criiiie, in itt.)f - ter riter 'y of the -United 'States. The Papal poWer being a politleaV despotism' tinder this garb i)f -"religion - ittsupporters:shouldUbt . be permitted to hold,Offusar in a free couniti.- 7 G. The people being the legitimate amiree . peliti6al-pUwari all mss; national as Ste* so far as practicable. shotild be' filled' by 'a direct vote of, the et 'tom. . , . I laytTWOnew Mnyor of Now Vork, - aL...ingh Oetted its' Ow Rum- eindidato,; takes -iiit i d titancr,ngaiost Drinking house, of a ll -" ii eingfopez!,esl -on the , Sabin* .ind emitrary tn OA egrtiitione of mosCprons, hi hes glecFnnlied in enf9reing_nbeillenee to his: roc= inmationn; This. _reform by. *lily& aid c'W.4l..bat-tbe, Prgton.burs-agOinflt=the:tfrlitrie iituniiiii iiim b e enroicA :.f.Atlit that iirlaw- i - '4* taOro sitogerberso€ll4, !030ifor*.• . ..,fer - 2 - ..- ..- :.. , ~..i, ~, -..., i li -..,.., ! g -,......,!".rie...:7 , -, ~.‘",-..-:, - -, . :-fi.., •:4't r7-it2.' IMMI IMMiI i I- !i FROM ItARRIBBO.74O-' ,•fitaihspcoidiikaiii)l`l4Alll44444' - tet 041.Mak 01 thi "tit .. 78 ~_ 44.44 4 "Jrtite 44 Public Afinseg—The PrOss' flier,-1 1:11"jal Nature—The ` 4 1m141 Rich it trausid—Ootti-Sarfil . tHisal s, r 2 I -r ia li g t,,:',' -I' ":,":4 , ' • ,: i 7.1 j-i i • .i ~. „Hanizaanaci, an.,24: 11... . • , 1* -• 1- • • ' i P.' , I • wrap!` s anettblitto forwritd you, 44110 TriP than Pilth thilk one of the'iniost intiii4tin - atictJtif tiitaWdoiennenta or the 'aeSitirini- 4 , Was riftwii f . i!,om the Tileasury Departrorint hy the *sage Of a resolution in the. Senate and is full of icitruction--Leithibiting,itt a . t;vrt ,bilt . - 4riniPrersuisivii-mantier,ihe.syst - rii - firhich tite,TriaLsurershrive been operoin , and the *lea to which thy have carried n itpecu lation in money th y did not . riwn - ari.l had nofinoral or legal right to use. ',Eiery man -In tile Commonwealth,: who pays taxes, and liOntervited in ceking - them appli to the Pr-We r:Burixi's m el, should nOt ly 100 *II° wishes ( .9 "m 0 oc, fl rebuked:and loop read, and't rougly ezaipin this , ,ta- WC 'lt tells a simple but fearful le l —that of terv,etsion of poiver, of profitable iv iolation Of pi. ?That the Public may tn.: au idea id' the Profits of - the transactioit;iseloSed, Om kvi- facts shoald - be consideted i: The ireeicst on the public debt i pityable e l ai !the . . fi rst Of July and Tehniary iri each', Year. ! Befiveen • thsc two periods nsidera • blef sunlit of money 4aCciimu late hi'th tieasu t.yi;whielthave been loaned, fot 1 4y,tb tanks, 1 Ifitihrarie - e , ~Qiiiiptuiies, ' Brokers ',!..) eeS and . f ) Pri‘iriiii speetilators,iscattered irks:ittil tisparts OrtlieState: ' The amount - thitk, lo t ined h:s I vaiied from time tri" Citric' as %V II i bel seen -by 1 king up the columns;b l ut has itchlinti been It.ss thartJt quarter of a million ord.ollats,and has soitklines risen above six hundred thous and Mims. The 1 average amount -in the Treasury ; available for loaning pnrposes has been at Last - four hUndred and fiftv.thdusand dollam, rind the average time it iiii'l l iieen out bet'ween seven and 'eight mooths giii-ing a ' rei n klitte to the Treasurer, at 5 per icent. in terest, of:not less t an filicen thititisand dot- . m la —This is - donb im Much' reSs 'than the. prrihts really realized, fur 1 Ifivb; liot made thio'eaulatfoti . closely against the Tieasurer ; ilia it is intrugh to iitartle the , pnbiic Mind, mid, to atiraet gencial,'attention iii the ' suh jeett. \\lien it is .rec ollected that.tis prac fi 'flee, has tin license ;whatever, no' sh Wow of justification for it With° laws-of the common wealth—that, by it, State Treas:urrs ' soon. 1 rimless foftunes, as Well as those y l ch are en abled, Li; this timely assistance, tO., - arty on their, speeulationi uttess Cost thanAie r neigh -1)4, and; actually at, .the expendof- those y, Who are obliged to their tase - S pro raptly, iiiiirdiir that they n ay p save the 40 per cent , tliscbunt;! and that Under this system, an of ficer` ,of the Commonwealth, .wki 1 1 4 14ally entitled t? $lBOO salary for taking charge of the Public funds, and managing them accor ding to the provisions °flaw, is able to pock et; from fifteen to thirty thouganddo lags ex tra annuiilly, an approxhnate ideal may be . formed of the heinous nature Of the Offence-- ofthe dating violation of law it idvdlVe. , 4 and the Gross 11=41ith mid dishonesty Which are the niaiusprings of 'the transaction. ;' Had I room to do so, it waaid be curiOnsi*o trace ifie txinn4tion betmieen the deposit,i of., the public fiidds last ykr, and thesetiOr of; cer tain patties for Mr. 'Bailey's re-iile. 'on, as tsi well as tci point out the. particular 1 alities le in,Which large sums,l in the nameiof" ifterent' parties,were deposited.; but thiszw uld car rv: me beyond teasonable limits. . . ere is, gowiver, one featurq of the case whi ought not,io pass. unhotiecl.d. It is , this :!!---In i the, intik months of .Mt. Bailey's ineurtit4ey, the tunds were" concentrated, but in! the, latter • il sor•as to reach and' Propriate as poteh lona eitei as possible, acid attract every praetiai -1)1C 1 ; agency to seciire his re-elOetton i the - Money infl eft,- which nogth means eoulil rea4h, io th, , end brat this, sytem of wrong to the peode might be perpetrated._ :Fortunate, is it t t this- exposurd . lies been made ; for is it too Much to hope thail it may lie'alloweil 'by the Complete demolition-of this. Corrupt and corruptingpra , 4ticecl I No subject coald_ more tvcirthily engage i the at-r. tention. 'of ithe • Legislature trill airefortp in tbeMa nagement of a number of"; pt de partMents—the correction of evils sirhih par tizati legislation was Unwilling to ilia r. . — 7 - 7. i'. H ' 'Mohican to her Sentttolls. I 1 • series; Res .; ~\ 1 . c t he -', ofße solu t ions were p i on u 10thlinst. by the Senate of Michigan. Yeas „ i .,ts;•ays i o --all the y Republican, mhers present and one. Democrat votine i '!the of firthative-r.:=to which- it is td lie heti di. that Senators ea." and Btu.;.rt, who are iind 'rstood 10 $0 sitpporters of, the%e t zperat e _ trine of inatructiuns, will give heed.- e fol liw4ng are 1 among the Resolutions , I ' • Iles' eked -That w- are oppitised 6 ie. t'ur that. ixitension of Slaiery, or the fil. , ition or th.iri _ssiOn there'll*. in : any _ orri:to • now 1 •bii.ncitror Mifitilnay -hereafter .4. a uiFed" by ihe United States. ' ' ' ' - I 'lP+olva, That we hold it to hek , :•l in the &dstltlifichal powers c.f' Congress t o., . bash • Slave'ry...tid the shive-trade in- alr'Ver Itoriee of dui United 'States and in the' Pisitiet. of I eOlfuntia.. and that it is their duti in view; of of ir , I the'gieat rid permanent' interesta of . the na -1 tidii, topais - lawa for Its inuned(ati'Ve 'Ores. i l `• ti a- • • inall Territory li and I mon]. n extmenon , sin..Fs, in" r.-Aq -Di4iier. . i ), i - ':gotolve4iThit 'our SinatOrp in;Coikgre,si ;Jy!, ittid that they arc herebi. instrdet' 1, and l iburlteprenfativ retiiiesed -toi•ot t e . r and `use iheir'Velt exertions to procifre t e'ves fisate'Of an 4Ct of Congress that ''shill . Ohl b l! it• the 1 .!) troiinetion or_ existe,nee of Slav .ri' in, 44;4 the territories' of the Unitedfita es,and espedially *Kansai and 'Nebraskaial 10 hi. tro_dil'ec without. delay, a bill for' this latter •-• t —l ee 'i ' I * , • • TurP-94 • -$ '•' . • l -I 1 1 . 1:06415'ea,, , That, the A ct of , C3qgr . ~ 'of j,ll3oo,.; L knci . in as the FtigitiveSlave .14% i‘ias 'ln thoi Opinjcin of the iieoPle of thia'Stai,ci pn ..tufis,,iteessart measure ; ,tinit it. - eopt#l4l strti ybicitiii of doubtful leonstitu dough' ;' iittit khe )104elorin6ceedin inidei- it, is„;hl, - , n'jpat, ands pr the therat,*senbe 6 t ' • pep-, Ythi of thg States, "Cruel andclespotio !mard the:Orion 'Claimed as'a fiigitiire, ant 't 't! lie Prii*lavo,ofits lionledia . te repeal"' 1I , , :-• Relialvel, Tb - avoar;Serlatorii in' go gross ti it be, - ,!4d :thpy: are' hereby :instineted,land-, our 'Repiesedtatives r4Ruested to use i, their! pist excOni4 4 to-procure_ il the , ilia ined late ie 4iiitof ihe't,lt't of 1850, tillf.)W thoFugitiye 814yq 1 ' ' re i ' ' ' ' '1 ti l' .- Anli4illaviry Ben tt otp 1 1 i , 1 Mr. LOTT, of Virarren enmity,, i tio 006'01 iiitOlthe . Itinee,. joint reetath"o , in- Itriet!tig*Oui repreientativel in Co ti, 'to fete:Ogalinktheadtnissiiiii into. the Ut, .4 every State *hoso - !'oenstitiitioti 'pertrii t AO; teityi And th.joiiiiii'every eonititutionalr,cort% to ehttek the tufv.:iiieetif 'this natiotil, esll.4=, it i Web: aleinipertiuit.yetiOlattons !iv* Holt leief!ti:t an interesting - diOnionott. iWe I, 4elliveihet embody the !;enttineiite ir ;pie*, iiiikj4itfor- the' inerobori tif Ow Legisl' lure; i inidUweeili.bittarly iiiiiy - :inity- ba hp ' iiiii`' liy :4c i l'ew ‘46ugh•faq.s ' they *ill 'nft , , t?bt iiegask:-., Theitierditit Or& Oeople ' iit °- bite, ,e4oettOn w elt tso uthtoirpearenifetiii. ol=:` dioth*theifatttre extensiontot-elaielv:itinit' ttlieUttaistuteAviii-be bniy:toithig-14-,see r dance with popular will in &kiting M. tfi.‘ 1 0 0 iiitiontiterilet!syg,ffior447 'A; " " -- ~I;tret.. ...Ifitt • •,, • 1-- , - :1 ' r - ' I 4 J, - I', 71.Pli zi ptimplimidenstfioeitha-- , 4.0* I .-. -- - 11.12welai been adMitted - to the secret Ord-Pr in New 'Hampshire; e Wm- ConOmiedlby Fogg aid most.orthose dean toflPeo ,who—in 'lBs2—asaated President !le E 4i:Jrlicizig-hostflitcrthi Catholic:olNa c%irikra tio*.tihtiften Pid* °r'...* ..l i" ga tiOnlillidged toNnit•Alowit evver; Cith oliO.by Meinut.of the most cruel tneiii, and: *shut butithat "etnigratiok which hasituadd • the;tioil of New England the home of eitterprileAtid of plenty. But the i Know- Nothing lodge! are chiefly acceptable 'to Hale % because their - enableMtn:to concoct i secret `-Bose haletbr plans for the overthro - of, the Union,- to . ; which the- 'best sears o hiaiifei fitidlall - his - !encrgies of body and-mind; Have beet unremittingly devoted. . Icithis fatis not a sufficiently powerfulpv-: ideate' of the:aboliticin character of the secret conspiracy 4 of Know-Nothings,—the !einem -stance thatbiery reeSlature which is tiontroll ed by theiti in the free States, and at - has recently been organized; has chosen Whigs to its high ofriemi, should-be conclusive - neon ev ery!.l honest - mind... ln 'Perinsylviu4a.---Ahe. 1 r Speaker of thelfouse is a known abolition lead er. 1 lit. Illinois, both branches of the ilegi.sla lature arc tiresided over by the same iclass of politicians ;land in Maine it is the saMe. In Delp - ware, the State Which Mr. Clayt4m rep resents in due Senate, both the Ipadin officers of the newly elected legbiilature are bitter andliwoseriptive whigs of his own schiiiol, and they, ,will be found carnestlyco-opptuti si , ° with lim i tirid hi 4 Know -Nothing associate; Hale, Thaddeus 4ter'en % and ,Henry Gardner.----- Noltnatter how Mr. Clayton may, leek to dibgiiise the abolitimi tendencies: whiph con trol! the secret Order. card this t6' a much grenter ,extent 'than Weyer contror the NV-14 piirt;i, now merged. into it ; ) c filet' i t that the av6wed,objects of their orgailzation I arc Ovancent arid temporurbandtha hostili ty tO the , institutions of the the Sout is 1111 und4linglii4red of the most implaelib e amt.- acter, cannot be reasoned away. ,When thp secrilt"lodgs are-broken up,i when I thepreS ent hathi and. orgies 'are-'superseded.--there willitemaire a solid and eptripact body lof abo . • 1 litiontsts and their dupes, who will at ' once carry out :th e work of the who tl ' t lead, 1 _ theta. The! factions. ' : that leave the . emoe rheydalivays go • to the - next. strongest- party. , Heretofore Ithut has been the. Whig party , i but now it isa secret Order, pledged' to - tiii3 most! inquisitOrial- proscriptions ; and i a fe:w months it Mill be the'abolition party joue.— This:pis the philosophy that teaches byl exam ple. il ' '- - i • What other evidence of the object 411(1 the danger of the new party .does the SOutliwant ? Wit ii the pe6ple of that:section of thud coun try Nyait to realize - their peril by lettingljnow- Nothings talie.root in their-midst Tor will they tat:64*e by the forelock' and protect! them selves before it- is too late? Will thby see the Oembemtie party struggling witlithis mon. ster "proscription, aid hold their hand The defe4t of those who contend against it .m ay oti conte':Rir 1 1 ,,-years, ,but, the - great,! glory of wing war is reward enongli to qbrace and Conscientious eitiien ; and the South will find that the advantages of prekent licit uiesc enee,to a doininant fanaticism ,will never corn penste' fur the disgaree and shame that, will puniih stickindifibrence.--- Wash. Unifill: Gazette. 47 . Ass De the Prue- • INC :0 , Gen. Simon Cameron. . • . ~ Tile IllariSburg Herald contains the rullOw • ing sl'Acy communication; exiiibaing the Sort of claims thc General , has on 1 the Americans and rree'Soilers: - -i: lkiit.'Eturlan :—Please publish in ydur pa-, , ..1 per the following resolutions passed tly the DeraperaticConnty Convention, in. SSptem: ber last, at Which Simon Cameron w 4 thtt ruling. Fpirit They may have beeneen •4r ts itten ...pt i tfigvh b .§iktorMthift - liWit z aspirlitit for an impOrtant'position, the 'public ougli to lmow his sentiments and the princi ides lie would ; Sustain': lkothing, of 'arse, has!‘e : urred since September to induele any one ' ' change, Here are the resolniidns :—* I;el.olved,,i That we are in favor of tlie•Ne oi braska•Kansis bill,,because it einbodis the vital principles Ur selfgovernmcnt, lwhich nevei can conflict with the interests ot.free dorn.': ..' - ' ' - ' • - 1 • Resolved,' That we are opposed to die pro:- scriHive and Anti-Republican party ealled Know:,Nothiit.9.l ; -and shall:deem it ouci'duty .as Ettitnoeratil, tooppotte for o ffi ce' all' persons knoitti to haVe any onneetion with it. f , It; ia said, also that the evening* pre&ding the election, at a DemOcratie meeting ill this borotik, , h, Gen, Cameron advocated theisame doctrines and vas gnaw eloquent in his*denutt.' ciatiUtt's (if ,KpOw-Nothings. A sttrti.A. .I , / ._ • 1 ' - - go ,rrostooridenco of the N. American,resiive , a h k tr. S. Gazette. feec fr . . Price made an tmp to:day,' in, the: Senate, upon his bill ve to bribOY, ichiCil:passed to the third, not Final, readit* last week. This, morning it received .the UnaninteUs vote of the Senate, and xiiil be sent Itii the ITouse fOr concurrence.:.. His re tharivi were aimed at the vice which' thei law was intended to prevent, and' were ealetdated to stiftle !all' ki-ho heard them, as well from the v?.kor Of thought: and powerful 'expre6ion• as thril ling truths. - - „They were liitetiqd . .to with marked !attention,. and will; I hope, be writtL, 'i out and publishednthat the kople itiay-lbe thorciughly aroused to the nature of this etne, th'p common evil it Produces , , and its' Actrful ',pr,.‘ valence among the,.p Idle servatts. ' thttil the - voters make the lito esty ; of candidates an indispensible requisite - flit. an elcetioit, our legislative.balls will not be qeeu- pied t i IT! pure men. - ' Nor will 'our legishition i.f.01 to ;bear the marks of cerrtipt.practicis. 7 - - Te iii.e it direletries..s . of application to his re . Men* Mr. Price stated the'following" 't; as Niitltinliis p ersonal ktieNiledge." He w ' las t • winteii called iipcin 'at:his lodginga ty a:. - son then a member;of the 'House, .whit - re": i questeol to ski him itt;hts , room s; trot: being I wnteno4o lin i ne" ) . l elif.ill'O-.. 01414kr i for.' ' Ilia'errand, ps l/e'sUbseq,tetly,deasred it, irasltio see - Sta , iibat AerMa the friiends a the 'CorisOlidatiOn ibill,''whicl lalisllin!}3endif4 in o i the . ailise;Ara ld agree to buy his Votc;4*" d . the"VOtes off rieo others whom. be. repre r 'rented;L Mr. , Ciei,.not yet familiar with the alitubeleasnesS; of ricilur, 05 scarcely knew to receive thGproposition, but; of coUrsG,IdG , , ellnB It, .Urging,that he and kisfriends,ltliould vote t:orlthe bill Uptinits merits . ' 'To t his the p arty dexurred,bitt he 1 fi rially "agreetf ‘ tofq for the 'bill,: and ple;dgid his . frien b cla for )t, i f„Mr. Price*uld"..proMise theMitiltq 4ogira,cachfcr [ their votes 1 l'irben this.propasttipp 14p#1 .re , [ fOsed, lie"freititirkedlhat ter iyaa" , ii:ietiOli to the t ys. bilk awl woulil appOpft, it ; ;lwt: ;ha, Bap , , ' 0..." th' F re j'ai ' 4 Lkhetii - it.t: 1 . 1 ...,t1i0 - iigti .lie migttt 4V NVelrmaite soratithinF t out:pr.* -, 7 Whpl it; is o,ioll*4libit-Ilact interview oo• ettrred in the".k.arly„pai* of ille-pession, , ere the' mail <4 - tie* ' merabers; liiid.:hecoMe 4 :19r.n. rupted,lyour_ readers may ti4j - it au `it:lea . of the iieniPt*e" of I t hO - _, 6 rl ol *;*hi:eh Asgraflle thattegislattire in - tbelatter days of ita,f .isteace.i. ! ' : ' ' r" ' , - ;thir '. '', ~•':': " - • ' . „ , . T The Demoorate le - the , tr. ( 8 . Sell"— a ip 0 ,'. ,t putting ,A_ plank f in their 'klairopry ; f Io'9o 4 lsktio4l6: Seciet: B6 tietlegor. ON - parposV i ; - .'Thifile . „ to !sa y the le4t ) 34* ; Tr : genero :to tlie Ton tiaint Sikit.y* l l* - '— vortilli.l4 - Ibr.:..iity yeat*bkii the shibbot . 11 - orlYeni4re — y. , f Vbat.litiftibtiSacheiris: l', tOitiehlitont*rein „ Oidetie kiekink'ditlif: he', vtitit4likliei ,!ithpdit6 , :ffitite Wal' . e'e.t l ri -'-,- ~.,.,..; • 1 ~ 7,,......-- .•... tin, ,i,..-7 ; t..- j -fq r.:*!,r, [ -•; - :,...4.:4 , ..,i.l.i - 1i.:1c.7:i, Li.;;4-4 vt;=.:;, d.:411,-,..i 4. . ' 4 . ." .. .. 1, 4 ‘ 1 4 04 1 ..: #ft . .; dthr iv-44f *it ;4-4, i' - i - -. 1 - ' '.--- " """ --- .". ' ' , 7. ' .., .. :lisd: __ . ..,. • - I , 4,•.\-7.4,t,'retvf"Fll2llllV.'74,4r*s- -;''Piiiatt. • —1 1 7 .4 1 44 , tke ChiefOftlie Chinese lasing .u , ~:,_ Gov. Pollock has *jinn - .thw 6 31 brillint ittasptsbibilkd an eiliet.against_th44n. ,;: .1* , pointirtentst - ANDasur G. ii.Tpi., o f Wtir s t:, - ; --/ tr.,:, • ete, Secretary Of the - • Cernmonw es i , .4.- .. ~ii , -1 , . t. 4. jit . was E.FaanicuiNot easier, A t ,; 1.-.lslitr we a= 111,00 Y e il i tilMeil 0 4 'r '. ral • J - of EC i 3 , 04 % _ 1854 1 the **stin ot r lk' :' '.. °lnt Sara o ,et ousted to $33i000;000. ,- 't i' 7 .l . 111 :Secretary of the Coin* WC ,--,. -- . :,,: fl - '. 4 44_ ?, " MON, tit" Levrisbnrg; *quay f —ThO New York Dellflieerekha lEterd , Shell :: "dent of Common . Se . These Coininittoi has again riteibliredno'ti o „-:, ! ~..- ' 3 p len have entered ur s ii the Wl:a ge t#o the Botts. -'' 2- ' official duties, and ,ne Admit!, which on Tuolaylast came b:r.ptrirc such highly EsVorable ausphicts, is now it 'orous sad successful °penal ~ Goveno t lock has been exceedingly riumite in , sting with him, in o ffi cial 'ties, i L men eminently qualified fo the various tious to which they have 'called, s E xi % 1 1fr . si?ect s ,,, h e r ifitStOtt .:- -' '..hifill worth will tender.their. . sel , , s ti.,ooigi --eeptibleiiiitifitgfeel I ' / crest in teas of the new,Admhtistrittl... ' Cot. is ono ofkitir finst chiss'iteri qualified, tureand edneation, to ado ~ any itosit t publie :Ilk .Jousli.i S . •vas,. is a gentlemart-ordecidell-abilit , good bi qualificatiOns; - :ifictaitrieti4 , d 'mini hers. .. , WhiN clerk -.of.the : enate, the troops a - Mend:lly his con • .. us and , manly deportment,: and the ; .ility !kith he disehargeiltheonerous it des tail , THOMAS E. , Pattutak,' it a - Pestle n 'a i esteemod'itt all-eireles;•and 'the re of being. One of the sound. ~ lailreis State.; , He ocetipied'tlie , o ', i: . o f A, tt General for alrief period d ing poi. j, von'andininititration,tiati di: . , ea its it 'tan .:and. responsible duties i stieli it w, to win the respectand:eonfi. • 'width ple general)y,and earn for hi 4. selfa red for legal ability 'which tialt:gi eitliini nenee ettiOng the first Jawy Of/ 1 mortivealtb._ limier C. Htc , perior qualifications for the . . i ' "(. pies. file educatkffial inte ,:•,. of could not have been confided . to-beit Tiiiiilar, Governor Port hair been ticularly fortunate te his- s et Lion , 45f pal iifficem,..,. ,IleAlscrithinates.:, udicionaly wiselY * an the:above appoin merits full? tifyitheconfidence placed an judgment tim..Pe 6 Ple -9f reePPYlven* - v Sileee.se to t il l neW`Aduiiiditintion.--Harrifbtergliira/d. —lt is computed that the firm works of . whieh,,during very many yeaus, most copies have been sold, are the _Bible, Shakespeare, Robinson Crusoe, and Mother Goose. —Adviees from aobe received at Wasif-iMgton represent the Cuban populace-Oil:Mai excited, and joinit% the revolutionary Cause brauseofthe refusal :of *ill!, to-sell t h eir hd to the United iStates - - --- ~-._ - •-,-- ' ~ —.The Sardinian frigate eipeeted to arrive ht New'Yerk; wit'l 4 large tiOmberioffereigh criminals on board, hai been orderedby the p. riS. Government] to be seized onher arrival. detained;d until; an investigation : can be , —At an election for toount:Amon_ late wn c ly. held in Parkerburg,- Va., (ix- placc contain ing about„thriv thonsand inhabitanti,.situateil en the Ohio river, in Western Virginia,) the. Know Nothing ticket received every -vote ba), Six. This looks bad for Mr. , Wise. - ' —;-I!he Supreinel Court of lita'ssiZliusetts fully sustains the action' of ,GOv. 'Pardner, ip disbanding the foreign military' Oinpainei r notwithstanding the'llict that no express pow, Cr is:conferred by , the'constitntion and- law* Upon the thief magistrate to disband , " except fdr misconduct. -• ,I • I s —A movement , in progress foe a mas meeting "of the;citizens.cf Lawrence, to _agi;. tate the subject So _ivital:to the: interests of every true American—the total abandonthent . and disuse of all imparted goods, the; impor tation of which, with t44t ,of foreign paupers; is evidently eausing inuch panic and distress in our. country. , ; _ . bill providing.for a line' of telegraph to ihe Pacific, from some pointpn the Missis sippi or lifis`b6uri Rivers to San_ Vritneisco, })as passed the U. S. l Senat4nd is uow-pend it:g in the House. kThe linels to be complet ed -within two yiiws -flown -thOptisilige, ;:Z'•f the Bill, and when completed is to be kept open, by-niehtus Well as by day. - . I —A Prohibitory Liquor Law has, passed the lower house of the New Jersey Stem Leg iSlature. It contains a clause providingLtbat a popular rote' shall be talcen_On it in Oct - oter next. The law goes into Aefon the Ist. of rebruary, r but if , the voice of , thi:peoplu be against it, it is to be . repealed. Foreign Paupers and Conviota We notice . -that the Hon. James Cooper; from this State, introduced in the 14 S. Sen ate on 3lunday last i the tollowin,g re.solu tions:' Resolved That. the President be and.ho is hereby 'respectfully- requestedto cause the Se «tory of-State and,Secretary . of the Treaau ry respectively to communicate .to 'the Sen ate such information as may be'eontainecLin their several - :Departments, relating to the transportation convicts and , paupers into , the United States from foreign countries, and What agency .the dOvernments to , which they belong have had in sending them hither; al so, „such information as they, may possess i rela tive to the number in the U. S. of the- above classes, the number of each that'haye arrived Within the last two years, whether voluntari ly. or throughthe compulsory agency of their respective Governments. Resolved,. That the 'Committee on the Jun' dipi arv non, tr any, oe necessary to prevent the Go-' lernments of foreig n ,countries from trans porting to the United States convicts and paupers; also, whether any and what, legisla lion is necessary to prevent the, voluntary iMmigration 'leo the toited . Siotes of - either Of the above Classes otpersons- 1•.: • This is .a praetleaL s movenie.nt tliti right direction, and, if fully. - carried ,o4::by.setne stringent legislation upOn the, subject, - ; will strike at the very rOop-of otothe worst evils- under Which our country is: now, suffaf 7 trig. We are glad to notice that it is Sena tor Cooper's intention to press; these:resi;lu tiOns to the considerat ion of the Senate to-day, and hope they may receive that early, and - fitvOrable attention from the Sennte which they deserve.-Daity • , Powder 1 IEIII Eigoeion-Two .tayes-Lost o n Thursday evening list, about I:,.O'clOak, *die' inhabitants 'of our, town were! l anddenlY aroused hy a loud explosion,:that ahnok, the whole - village and the buildings, ear. le was soon ascertained that the larife powder .nianuactory Of Messrs . Parish Silver : di, Co, situate about two miles below, the Noreygh, kid exploded, blowing to ',sterns the' Orying hiuse and glazing house, destroying the:, stock house and eoal•house; and also utterli _in the frlime,of'dne Mill and , unrnofmg the other. The powiler in `pro_ OCinarinfae bite in theie latter'buihlings did riot. Aithe time of the ekplosion.tviiiblya, aged_ "about I 0, - w i re in the packing honse, issnp piised—one a white bokilliamid Ittinadji and ilieOther.t- colored bo Y, , n4iiled:Jeio 00 °P 2' 'erl They were thimdthe nextinornigg;hav ing been - 614*n ahout One . hundred. and,fifty : badly' torn and mangled. ~.1 The,explosion took i in.the,dryiug an pla e d , pricking house. '..Th-re eo - toOssibio ,way explaining the itn tate, amp o -:t eata4 7 trophe; asthe only persons 114, (*dd . , have known anything of the • -s ioatter; thOfirt, in-• stancei.weri the twel tiny!" who :killed.— There:were about four hundred der, finished'aattitfinialied,. destroyed.: -To.' int losi atiOut $ 2;500. • Theglass in.. the windows, of KlT:tixt house s Solna Oseilhe sash and'dOcies' tleatt<7o; , --- Before' the' ',report wag the s ht could' be seen 'for initiai . 'Which'iyas followed by a.crash thattnpile the , stoutest triimble, and that seemed to the Very earth beneath 'their -- feeC The; ' blackened— Wined, and' rautihited,` 7 coro4 arthO ',pre buys presented - a l sad spetitgpi to look upon.. Wirksbaiie (Airing jan. "TiE rptiiSiLVA*li SirasaitEsi; in Kan. ass Territory; „Is' going:O . quite 'floorishiv...- lyr':'dtthe ,150' emigrants. WhOirea(thithes fr(ito Connenutvii Pa„";havif re , tuned, and the' reinainilef` are contented tend doiog,well 7 The Herald!of greedOol sagsz most kind: Of, ;Werlt.i.opo2-. iniindi $1.25 to $l, 50 tier day, „ind(lteri is plOtt of ' are' e ' dtfiag cord- wood'it 76 pimti4 dpitOn *n o .l: - s9 l% ) ,:i iidt'raft4, l Y(.44; , 'TI ""population or IlkirtOiOr he . Yinkeesettkiiiimk anititittotisitia-zttsorii.- 3,ttP*.i*Orelo-1 g0,,.646 bait** , tom . `i• 1,1:4 t ~, t ii .. itiati ~, fit rtutu*o-or,pix's -- t , „ , the kat:mini °nig, Midi. Olie c iV'Allii 01 z : Telhiithwtioil in eiti i i . ol *ti#Ccoriotti*llctoit : liiioritaieetitir4 ehiejiat -041(wilE:tici'l IO goiltolciiekirafthiV34l:44ll4:l4teo# n i - .0 161 tl f 6 tlte):3o l 4l4 hertici_w, r ' ved,rit iiftird;'"iiii itteteiftri - 01, 6:5*, ty .sts,ppflo!td to- be pcgottatect.2ll4Argltti> rite-mityibir t, ~ :•,,,7,, =I 1 .. . LateAt l i oreign . 1k .. . . The steamshipPacifia p!.l . . _jyedat N. York,' with ado* !from one , lifer. The packet_ ship" Getrge,Cannii been lost, in the Elbe, wi*, it ia .aur 160 - lives. • The Emputor ofilussia, °opted...MI6:YIN:A . tiOiiiilfiy, - 'the' T.:points *A guarantee, as inte rpreted , by, the Allies, no armistice WO heOnOtat..4 4 co - twee ly, hostilities _eiintinite .una, 'ted. $ f has forinilli joined - the IV4 ' - allianA ,4,24.4 Oniar PachaTias gone' to the :Crimea. Russians, have, - recrosiadAhe. abe;iir the Dobradgelia, and 'iaptu . the—bit .Tultseha init,llabadagb., 'Tti Austrian, re f ] not. interfere.'s A terrible in ditl i OnAt burg has caused ',damage t o__ 6,,iAMount; 1 fourmillions of narks. - DIE INkeinTRAL .iblilti8;11:', . -S in v oi State paper : will be:fimind in' 'Celatins day. It Ibe read With MO' th an comm interest, and we shill= be-krea ly ''mistakes 'mistakes its sentiments; in the main ;'- -d n ot meet eras.approval: It is a foricibl written, t ment, plain and undisgiiised,-I yitiedoWn Outline of policy on which th e new Adr tration will be - condueted;.:`i i el** a deuce. that GoveruorPot.uSt Will live la to this policy, and-we shall. be happy to. that this confidence will be. str engthened the new.maehinery gets into - - 1.-working der. . - .. . -•-.., f,1 , . , s The foregoing .ii fro , the \ i ts town _ 2L - kgralok - rue nr,thet pal n . and independent journals inth Stile, t) editor of which, Philip R., F r. I is& coat.,. -- -‘ .-.< ~ • ~:..:, ~.. - , - • , - tar TOM* ITEMS FOIL Co' , lIIIMATION. Within a week simty.ladiasof ew . ,York ' signed in ohligation;liyAlileh , hey owree to - purehaSe any `article of fpign_Ani, I,rast 4 ture for 'Wear, for.,otTlear - tM 4 .e,„.4 -•If The Secretary, of the ' informs An that within the' list iiiiii Ilie: - . HilOrtit,Kia cotton, woolen and ,lion. tibri .-: aincumom to over minify:three mi/ppiiit;:44 ~ 1 . - ! , 1 4,.......-.z r 4 The aggregate cost ' of Silks, l . pc* from abroa&fer:thipas( four )4ara a OahtiOdred and seventeen znillt;n4' or del re:_ Add fa charges - of inqiertitiO,l t ink , ti i ' . 44 AV , keepers' profitstand dress mud; charges 87 Per cent, making litaaetnal,eno 00:Oita/ler; Two - hundred and TiOmik:Ntioi.dOrtomioool - -,.,: • - qt; :, -. . r ...::,.--, .-.,-;; .-: 4... -.-- • • alias...Lk 'Ne-,;;-;-Tte pnpulni= 1 Illinois Legislattirei lava' --" liquor lavr.--: It lvas4aiTied , . ' jority. - The Chilligh'-lTrib.iii ' vote upon it, thus::- . . Rppu.);)lioa,-;.-.=;..;:f 1 .4: 27 . Whigs : - ;-i.:.-i-.7.,':,:4.7.:[-10''_:,',!.-1 Neb:Faskaf-,:-.-i. i, l'.-, 'Absent, ZWhigs,litepubli , kaites one•Abti6_Nebraska' Th , rar ,3beientific - ono . of.theprop3inpiC4.4u4e4:4 Mones::4' 3 2Keesiell:has,'beeticz lowa 'hy fire ail _SP,gAci 1'44 produces rAinier4y, 4,100,- 6 " I °s B_ the , ; ‘p,r , pwor:l can. strengtkens ,40p9tqfi . the statigica_ottiie patt.t4 ;tar 4t.lthe - iitiiiptor Mai*dti,S,CiArn aud, the•ititgi 'fiKthe first time in •histpry ? ,&iveiefr eitnnon resoeih ' d Ins of grief at thefliberril'ofirebriti 4etia . • . Nowu* Will lecture itiNew , Klift;rdon gi • A oast sad Su 'datgittlitotiaCtat OW* its* purl** dug triniao — he - the Noslq,l tium4,7 -10} o'olock, 'on'the so tifigivett. - " c: OtiFsbtimmt °fig' nit• • t he-weather, Th Susquehanna CO:Te • ethe& ailfourn ed meet in Jallagin ott. - Sttueday, F u nieUtheu oWI ce 144i *W il l:le4 • "Wraett l lt. ttreo:t i ootSe tt Bioe.; • , 40 f. 'S • :1 1 WAIERNatile • .Irimt of gin firamomoologgiftg,to aid* itougvindlta4iAlm-0014anyatra, t : 444 tkat fo* to give notice'6l4,Deli* Tips, .ml)* *elm* , bf - PtuAlisfon_ eiltatthrli O !,M, then*akieit testooriatetywin ; - _ 11 , f Err, •h A tfrot• a Z ne mon4kra ofcue ' i;ittyN* , I :lol4l l ebriOtitl§fre . e PeEk,, e 7 l l . • 1 . e • &It s t AMUltiltYrk.l ... .. A tss-mtidelicei of I& ligut c totter& 311e; - ,iirkiVettnecbiy-14019tit . Nio l .l- i t . r .1.4 .3 rd -0t...i0. i c t o:, , Aitt i i,. VAL:. . hilt ~.,. ~ii 10, ,1 a.:1 4 tfqerlil n 444' elg- 1 : ;I. 4410.41.[OgItiCir thiiiill_,...fit' S ? ''' Oitralleplak 214 . 18 kith ' ' `7i., t'l3'' . ttiVi6 jak - tierglater4.*Miii. ;711i- I r oa AtP.VPISAR.:III.4Ofit.,-1-14 Il II C. f. • *heist ms. the 7- YkL.:,r:', ''''...El.,:. • i4lays.. ME -614ibrisi ttioktiE - thitikerthat ;,;the premed :poptoz. , Firs .intk :!sv-Vosi n9,t merely 'The,Ainerk **Ace to ME , ita, ,y e;oir • . I.:ti. ;~;~~ ~-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers