Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, January 25, 1855, Image 3
TH iiattiNetlit REPUBLItAIt . 1103101 DAY ' PIMUSISP. gnat Miglinget AT Z"la, AT $1,40, ran anwtm. Ii ADTAITIL, Iteseirat Advertising 0 4. 146 ge (16 'fee or UM) one week,. 7.`. .ftso byre • two 0010 m ," three weeks;;;:...l,oo o ,,esonale - 44 ' ' one month,: g o e square " two months, . - • 01,23- one „ par e three immth5,......0,00 O u se' KW! " six months, ;(5,00 Oae atmare " one year, For two or MOre Squares, Insetted by the year, a deduetionfrom thelhave Prices is made. ••' , •Teiarif ad. Terdsers wilt have the privilege of altering or dKf." , di / 14 1 ,144 4 r advertisements without additicand cards, not eteemling five lines o w "' at $2,00 per - ' ..Job :Work. . Mai li,sitpue - a with . good eeeorim Maim Materials, and all kinds of Job Wort ,. maim* Potters, Psmphleot ke-t wili be done kOltt* I? and ProloPUT- • ' i.: Amna' lreitthrof tbs Aitrioniturdiksdetr ' Ismuul23, 11155. -, , 1 'The Society, met at . the Court House, and was called to oidei by . C: Camay •Esil . ., President:. " ! 1, - ' ) ... ite Report of the last Manna Fair Tao read and adopted. this _,t, thektiocsite•f - :EielittiiConattlittee Ir is then pdled f00t.,, and they - reported tbat they handiLvd!timiiina:Aiojitstlyx the' aecotaltit of the Treasure 4 and ii)!lnft. a, balame in his hands, January sth, '55,-ofsiii 17. The Re: port was adopted and ordered to tits recordt the Report of the Treasurer was then ' _ ri as follows,,,and adopted and ordered to be published.:. , Geerge Fuller, Treasure; in account with' the Susquehanna' County AgiieUltural Society , Jan. 1,1854. - . Dr. ". To cash on hand . $lB5 70 Oct. 46 " rec'd for Mem'ship and rickets 288 03 "State Appropriatiim. 100 $583 73 C r . I • 'Paid l'or 'Premiums xwarded .*4)244 00 " orders to "Ex. Com., to To W. H. Boyd Tor Work l9 rez " Sohn Thomson , ao. 5 - 60 " Polieet • 15 9 0 ' " D. Brewster for 'lumber and work 39 VI 7" D. D. Warner for work 9 90 ." Montrose Band 20 .N ." I. L. Post & Co. for lumber 2315 i Chandlerfor silk tor banners 6 .154 . " M. S. Wilson for - Nails and Iron 8 48, -" S. H. Sayre Lumber and Nails '100.57- •" Incidental Expenses for Fair 7 21 4‘Trazier &Smith Printing BM 14 50 'lame & Day " '" 2 is) $516 56, f. in Trea.s'i's hands Jan. stll, 1,816, $6B • On ,motion the_Chairman appointed Geo. Walker, Henry Drinker, Abel Cassedy,l Committee to, nominate officers for the en.iu ing year. The Committee then retired, and lae:Sodiefz , tis*ened to remarks by the Presi. dent, C. Carmalt, and WilliaM Jessup. Tho,COinmittee on Officors tbcn repOl,l , 1. 1 • ' For President, Hon. Wiffin..Th tossup.' „,, vice pres. Stephen W. Breed, - 1 . Samuel Tewksbury. Treasurer, George Fuller. Rec. Sec'ry, Samuel FL Carmalt. , Cor. ” - Thomas Nicholson. ... I Alfred- Baldwin,- I Daniel Baker, 1 ' David Wakelee, Managers, 4 Stanley Turrell, , ' 1 ' - F. If. "Efolister, - E. B. Goodrich, Col: Rufus Smith. On motion cif Ilon. Wm. dessap,the:mee 'Of Henry. Drinker Esq.. was substituter*l !place °ibis own as - President, and the report as amended was then adopted. -: The following resolution -fras that offered by S.F. Carn'ialt.- 1 Resolreil, That the term ' '' - oteniters 'of a fantity" entitled to admission to the exhibition, be construed to mean the female members Of his family, and his minor male children,- 'which was adopted. . 1 Hon. Wtn.:Tessup then offered the fol!cw• ing listexilution : . Molved, Mut the Sec. be Zirectedto pro cure to be printed 500 copies of theConsti nation and By-Laws, in convenient forth for eirctibtfien, at the expense of the SoCiety, which was adopted. Geo. Walker then offemi this molution Jlesetrat, That the Constitution'so tend that"the Ex. Committee," consisting of throe persons, shall be elected, I. to serve 1 rar, 4 to serve 2 yeap3, A. to se , rviliq Dice \ member of said Conn: to be 'elected. *an nually by the Society, which was amended by aaai« and that all . pro:if:awls for elect= ing a Board_ of Managers be rescinded - I -- which res. as amended was 'passed for the first time, andillaid over to the next meeting. The Society was then Scored by some very interesting remarks, 4 1 Caleb Carmalt req., Hon. Wan: jessup, and z.thers, relating to _gapping, manuring, and other , important subjects. Qa motion , Aim meeting adjerls: 'Prom AieVerr Vork holloppiderit. • ' ARE WB . DRIPTIIRE It is often asked, If, the the North are s immeasurably'superior to the South in Intel /Agent*. morel power and w'4Mltb, why has the South gained Political power so rapidly fur the past fifty years. until ?he -no* controls thezlicy. of this nation*? - mammon is twofold t 1. - The North is a onminmityiof tries. Byery man is busy in building Up his tome, and enriching it for his , children. Ow 'Northers people are educated to in, tassel,' mirA slbeir own business. But the Mouth /wan different state of aacietY. &tie labir sets free from industry a large Asia Pr laell/ who/ being • stoorats, not 4 , "singe done, but b,y the organization of SOuthetir - qty, have . any degree ofleisure to attend / Intl:etas!. is" then, a very afferent aptitude for institdtiebs.; AA We see . pti t thiadeakaAte power between the North and South. ' consumm ati on tt re ) cr na ste sta initlimatats- Northern lextlety is deinomtie; SOUtheili, ) tton . l4* , . 0 1 , rL . y . the differen t - to malice sections of COntederita 9 delt1 7 111 :" 43149crati41 dtjacierae".l6 " P ' of whitth has iolons Pm:awned the Peacelr"' poem, tat 'd arls*: I. , tAn tautoefacy , , _ _ and eau. Peritf and perpetuity ofriastautia " , prodicia-bet ii,ll"et:it -absorbs In *mg' oetetaaaa, *di GO! , Z.' castrato 4xower,- never distrilvithip ,Us North atranahtend : ty; the - 80 tI a 4 et' .i ► o...altathntit `only. c - a4 li e i _, . i , i h A. 'dehtl i tM ijse , frit " um .. . 10614 jo i rjr: ''""al alumni, 'JUN.:it/1 makes theo o l"..,"' .;;;Wlnit atwlu7a7trajuipiring in &Mk" — lwarelinnt, Productive,. indeP01ide111.....6.14 thitt j. r n - g aill i t * n i pm in taiga palasto: men do 1"15°11en easily -- 't, -.---- - .tit °. ennead their full knowlieligeof the eeetieque The South an easy tit* in --- , near; ats Ei hok i est vihtot7 they have iiron.—ii ties er - Pinetk elements, and 'Yielding ' 131/iviifitofitinAlstrontheniat alia * t o aii ": 1 , effictireti.l - 711e- first_ reason for the gradnal barna,. is .. imideiit.........a in ► liirro:i \ lalitaioay- W' the Seetivj°l"ti°ll","l,-seti; ittlafiln to 0 1.1- ,relythen, lita X tbelleutit A°..= lll4°4ll M, .. t _ . 1 1.11 " I carer }; /did 'fiistivel lain ',AK, *lk , -- . !' el naturei-is- better adapmu,s3A: wia-.7-r-1 2 , • :, - -'-' " • ' - , I MI tkeland the retentkneef pirourdeu is a dt , mocmcy, poW• er ! but dispersatit artiong , abuts la 4, second MOW 4 10 7 subIIketidADOIMAII4O I "/L ttldlialkrPl.. lll Cd.. Each msti !blues; 1114 lea s t 9 wri t' • ' Kb intsilor,idei and. off'. our dr ii* sic to. rifi kingdom it. family( - , It 'allot the sordid /O ft bf money: his Tiot i s rtapint acrariciout-selfiall spltit of „ mem It k a national' divtltiii to • • .•'• the indiiidnal rurd.4l.6mily productive; indnitry: thit of ilia grow", sometimes, to bet an twifeliness butte! endlylan aver•cenceen Yar ode's own athritil, and it riegleet fin; re,' Mims` -.germ a nationatiarlicy that twill legit *if room to work and a certainty- of acquiriag, Now, it is thril i ugh! this known kelhtg of 'the, tliatihe South has contrived bribe and sedneeher from fidelity to her oafs Mtge stwed principle& ; - kilos - been subdity i said; ; YOu shall hare leisare and pieee if Ipti will only sequiescie in such maim& measures. These measure. 'were subtle Osig ftU t favor of ateolutisip, and.egakst republic:al:km. At, each aggivrip sire step the . South hits been fiercely met at ; first by the indignantlNorth; but, as a,,thief• quiets a deg:with a bit or poisoned inettl throwe to him ap :he tooth have mat :to thei North a tem p tation tieeniistiy Seductive to y men who art &en tot industry. "Thus, Air' the sake of; peace,' Tor the sake of aroklitig agitation unfavorable to commerce , and -pro ducilve industry; `'the Niirth' las gradually yielded sterrhy step, until new, if- new slave &idea am"earveil ont of karts:vs there will be no iritire to The balance of Power will change. The South will be able to cotitrol and dictate peliey Without circumspection orl subtle bribes. That day is not far oft When it-, eolniis, what will the North dot So soon as her ennection with the South be. gins to be•a practical and home annorance„ and touch the interests of the North, she will , rise up, like Laisurus,heund hand and foet with grave eloth0; and demand that 'she be loosed and act,fnie. In that day, our Union will be like fiai- before flame. When the Union pr motes thritt,ilta value', is beyond all . computing.,=! When it is -rgaisitt thrift, it will • be found tha t its `value will ba less than salt without itS• , savoy. It *lll be cast out, and trodden ut@er Riot of Men: , We are , marching as iftraight upon dison-, ion its everPent3le did, mid blindfolded. • For .peaCe and I,Tmon Salmi we are giring the' South an advantage; Which, wen once ,recur-: ed, they will use to gen the North to in. evitable rupture... Th . t men who •council peace and acquiesce now, council disunion::• and belligeren ' eslthr. 'Their words are!, smciother - thau oil, ;but idle poison of -asps isi under their tongues . is always so. Mcn will not foresee: . Cur fathers did;' their dren have not the gift. We . shall probably go; i on, and when the work is done, and every: omen and .sagacious prediction come to pass 4 then we shall wonder; , and , repent, and build the sepulchers of the ten that now we exe; mute.. • •• =1 "if.ANSAB Mit SLAVERY. Tlie WerelKtia ton Sentinel publishes flail procedings of a tneetihg - of the citizens of L 4 fayette County, Missouri, held on Dec. 25, whicilit was resolved to withdraw all patrot age froth such steribi:ats on- the. Missouri River as shal I woman ; to carry "abolition:4 emigrants into lianSx4,; and at which it . w votk so send i filly Delegato; to a Convention of.the Western .Counpies-ef, Misselxi, ea be holden on theSth of.ltarnary, to 'devise ,other measures to secUro ths establishment 44 very. in Kansas. , The, Sentinel takes especial pains_ to indose . 'this - Lafayette County meet ing. It says: E . " We aTe itiformeOhatamenr, tiite astern den of the meeting are the most prominent and the wealthiest citizens of the County, i which it was held, men deeply interested, al slaceliolders in the issue at stake, men who can exert a saltitarY atria wholesome influence on those wind them, and men of that high toned chivalry Ofcharacter,who are sure to a& tomplish the wOr4in which they are engaged." From the str* d resekitious adopted by those , gehtlem o . of " i high- conedrre selectthefellowitOsi specimen orate whole Whereat, SlaVelphiperty is now 'held sad owned, and slave labOr is used .in said Tern tory.OfKansas, and the controlling influence, and thereat majOrity of the citizens .there are determined' tuistratain their tights of prop. erty therein, having so decided by an over whelining majeritOr -in the ream h erefore,: . Resofvedr, 1: That slavery no* edists in the' Territory of Kaifsa& by the free will and choice of the citizens thereof, and that we will use all lawful! means to aid and sustain the people of saidl'erriforY in protecting thetti- . selves turd their ro'fierty from any encroach ments on their right/1, by Abofitioa societies •or their e.misszWiea- • " Ilatlaft,,With ilsor beautiful and fere*, chins Kar and rich' groves, adapted as she is by soil; tlirtrate and-profinetions, - as well as her location, tothe profitable use of slave; la bcr, ittvites the citizens of the Southern States. of this Union, W.lth - their slaves, to 'her settle ment and cultivation, and especially to the ' young . and enterprising sons of the South, we tifty, that they wilt fond pleasant homes, with the means at load of acquiring independtitiee Au& tea)* and tit:dive uwinpun them to settle and sceurethely claims in said Territo: witiMat • delay;" O in. Washington centempurary is thorough. 11y deli bled :and elated vith these usrAgu land doings in l -end arguei Ifrom othex 'similar.: Movements in laissenti,i 'that the itiumib -of Slavery in Kansas iscer=, tain. It says: "It is vell. l knowni to our readers that ; luxe all along conteinled that the South would n t only 'triumph in the maintenance of thi p i 'plea involved In the NebraskaZansui b I, but derive a prectiCal benefit from the a pliestion of these Prineiple& We have ar ed.that the, soil and the &mats! , ill' Exams alike a4Ert4 to the Aire institution of slavery, atid . we hay:: o.ineditnueh encouragement in this opi n ion front' . the firm sind determined ecinduet of the peoll,ll of the bordering States. i 1 *i * IWe consider' the clues tion so 'Ong invol4in doubt and uncertain tyi AS pow finally ed. We see in the fu ture the Teri: torY of Banana, with her fertile au% her 'delOtful nliOnte,-Iter Itch pn;idue- Alone, :knocking*, dip .4kor of* Union, to Ograidmitundepa,sidivelaring B tab) --- to demand tbeapplioation of the great republi v* PAW& iniiilited“ hi- the Nebraska tri `llmiN7ltat:lo timilieorde belong the control and a 4191410 of °in gout:mm.lo' and -• • :11 • - ~. -: Amt . ' tiiios large iii;..ifte* tigialkdi Arwm which a' _OMM amiliatt 'alai. etchwied It. these i.i, ! - • esough_to eitiOckineke. t o. i the ' , :, 2 . - '. - • - ':Cidliike4.lonOilrthe eitetii . ... • , . k i . ..titiltitriwitA' . but - 24110' the 21 rtoiloid -- 1 tittle:cat, Vrimhiii-iiid -the tarOlhmi.' ' -.41)&0, four membersiit'ConelMas 'him that* ilhlieledlilatel:itsve:pahlithed Ito the word aft- iiiite:eitiat. from the Pen or Geb:Striceellc*of lirantoari t rook% that i Slavery not only - Ades's:id wilLesist it Ka_ , b 4 4 4 ,tirtatht.-*M - -- . POit . fiicre , ',-. ...AY ,e - •irn, also .that at. W ashington the leadhlr, Southern: 'Matt- ithltditietilidithe Shivery , pmpliganShi, haiiii *the !lighted lipiirel. .0010.te*: &hat . tOisiiiiite ':,to - thewydesigns,' frOmAhe NOrth. .. i That some .feeling, Mk the Subjecrex ' ism_ at the North, they adroit i . anof they con , cede . that it, will: increasefora ham; under Oa 1 diad* . ft thaf, 'Kahan* is .h 0 4 .4 'be"freici , as. thatlearce4 Sid cautions son of Neio.agland t Edward i.Everett, assured - us. it, would Still,*lt believe that the excitemeOtiasthiy tall it, Will have sufficiently died care y •be tie i the zest Tresideatiat elect o n; hi eiable.tb to: rule' the .NOrth i as their. alwayi have diiii; through tuTty divisionsaiml aequiesciogdo4h . faces.. - - Indeed, • the friends -of Slavery' and I Slavery (extension at the Capitol were- eVer I so excitant now. - They„-t and knOir I :that*. th is moment they.: .wnl. ; every AN_ 'went of the Government ,; aad they ,do am. doubt ' that 'what .is '-_happening in ICamWs; .gives tkeMa new I'm& papa* lease of pow. ... i.. : . .. i- • . ~ - it.A peasible-that t h ey are right, .bat it ; Is .•. 1 : also possible that they ; are, mahingapradp I giotte' inistake.Triefirns '' : I, • I I I ' ' Pare* Sew* 14i:sr:You; Jan. 20:;---Tbe West news by the: learnda, at Bestrin. from Liverpool, '!that 'Austria has declared .to Prussia; that if peace iit' Europe , was not secured by, the first of-January , Prussia withd be compelled to _fulfill her engagements tollie allied Powers, • and winild be called unto furnish two him. dred thousand . men within Nixty days. 'The Russiani, it is said; on reliable authority, had I assumed, a posltluti Mirth dr spbastnpat, and were tnetnentarily expecting an attack from the. French and English furees; Wrrissat I , ‘ meknc, PieetSoll, was, Fen Tuesday last, chosen United. States Smuttor front Mi ssae iusetts on, the part of the rlouse, by One Hundred majority, The Senate _does not vote till tlfe.3lst inst., but the is little or no doubt of its concurrence. NOTICES. Citasift, Burleek's Appoisituataitd: . . Ow. C. Deasinas, Esq. will; Providence pertnht ting, lecture in • Bark's], on Monday evening ?.9th inst. and in Montrose on the three following Evenings. Tuesday,' 30. Wednesday 31. and Thursday, Feb let and atEnsq. Depot Feb. 4th evening. .Cott. 'I; Id hnnklin Sunday eve Jan.2l st by the Rey A. O. Warren; Mr. Edward Corsiwallof New Milford, to las Conleiia J. Finch of Franklin. v Also at the same time and place, Mr. Edgar A. Tat Fleet of Benton, to Miss Cornelia M. Finch of Franklin. A strange oneness of fortune seems thus far to at send these Ladies. They entered this mortal state of existence togather,and they hare entered the Mani menial slate' together: What other events mar occur simultaneously with them, time only will ahoy'. . 1 ' ,/ At Great Bend on Tuesday the ltitir hist by 'the Rev: J. B. McCreary, Mr. Isaac ItYintassoii of Len ex, to Miss Er za A. Farms, of Harrold Pa. • t(eb Goo - di Cutter bet little worn—for the at AcuArmAl - .1.4 suarkr Monitose, Jan. 25,1855 COFFINS ! ; COFFINS! COFFINS Prhe Subscriber has on hand ready .made .1 which may be had at reasonable prices. Also on hand a lot of Superior window Sash. .HENRY WARN Great Band Jan. 15th 1854. PUBLIC SALE. Will be exposed at Public Me on the premises Of the soiscriber,in New Iralford on the 15th day of Mammy next„,at . 10 o'clock A. IL, the foll Owing property, to wit. • 11 18 Co! - a number of head of cattle, a lot JWS, . young . ~ie, a - ',Sheep, a lot of Hogs, a kit of Poultry, °n al Cott t rtri [coming 3 years °lda one first rate Worth* wank, quantiv a Hay, one Churning Machine, o two horse - Wagon, one Sleigh and Bob, one Cut r,- one • two horse Harness; Dairy Fixtures and F ' ing 1 Utenafta too numerous tor mentiou. Farm, which is adapted to Grain or. Grass. Terms 'HI be made knOwn on the day of sale. • • l' New Milford Jan. 23d 1855. -G. L. : COR N. • VtaILIC VENDIIE. Wilt be exposed at public sale on the farm iot the subscriber in llarford (noir Ira Carpenter's) oitTues day the 20tk day of _February next the following prop. ertY to vit. One: pair of heavy Oxen, ten Cows, nine Yearling's filleen'Sbeep, one covered Carriage;.kc. kc.,t Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. N. Terins. *llight Months credit will be given upon notes with tamest and approved seearity. . • " . • - TINGLEY TIFF. TUE thrimErratarEN T. The Largest' Relegioye Paper in the . Anted by Pastors of Congreg • C7Carrch.q in New-rork and Viebit Aniimjg the contributors to Its Columns are Bev ' .' Hen& 'Ward Beecher, Bev. &gorge B. Cheerer, U. 1).; Cluuttes IL Brace, Its. 'Tartlet Beedher' t owe' "Birdie Irtle," and many Other ealetentted wrlterk- • • ' berse_sp . on .. dents taxa all sections of the 17nki itserjand, It nion , England, France, itlermanyi SwIL. ..and, Italy, ant, the Soir Land, I;ontribute t 8 etricli• the edemas 4 , thisniMd. 1 ' fnddition to its being the krgest, it is the oheayiest religions paper in the world ; being pubiWied solely with the Tien ofedratuing e cause. A - 410o= truth kis odd at the cost price. ate pro prietors are entirety Independent of the paper as a meini of support, (I:Wind ;engaged 4 n Inereac ise b n 6 " Iwo ;and are deterniinedio spare no e to make.' if tnsartiasse/1 - eitber in the satiety, chum, pr eztelit elite matter; it'will be sold on Ott kelltrir ;010_11- TERS.-42 per annum by mail ; $2,50 tier, if paid in advance , if not paid with Months, SO cents wAI be added. Orders foi Per i accompanied by money, addresse Poldiaber , and Preiadd aM be wadi:rel. . . 14 1; oucis - the 7Vrize . to Substribe, (Whether yea Irish for the piper innstmiatid, Ifutare date We are daily receiving cube Ito bag* *lib Jitteary_l; isas. Those who' tO mminent* then Ad send in their names Early, and ,timaimmre the reception of the first rannbeta of Vol. Moe 'Seventh. • • ADVERTIBENENTM—A limited lamb* wfil be EIMIATIOES.—We it6ll exchange:44ll*y paper tddelt WEI free thisttglatisemeattan Inserdatts, eluding this notice. I ' Mike, NO. 22 Neiman Street, Not JOSSPIT B. LADD, Puibther. 0 PDX SALE. , ' • 171sabscrow easiest sale his at and Lot alatate in the ilorongii 4 et Yasuo*, tea Nada rant et the Court Houle. Tema—one. half down' andilnkrestablder in five yearly payimmtll!ln-, )(oaken, whatisary4 :tsSl.° ',... ,-- ' • ' 1 1---- , . 'I- , . raociANAirsow. .; r . , ~ WI itartiest received s • seeeirsi aterdoede stitch byre been be Ras Ai Seweetirdeee,-easdidhereestass fairies wantettleek Wede* Yern.ol2l,oete, Beeler, AV, Wacd.Olier t O relit liiiiita or ir= 4,114 to to* i rer ikeW etidit e Iye tor seiligeode at ik . ley, ley et he a re. elides 3 ' 'all* ar111 1 10a; ailed ani : - • :",' II A: TOM -• lansibeni. Jemmy I, ice. 1 . - , 111110C1111 'sad fiageh Plaid Shaw* Doc Pamsektiliikillashirke., it. tarmislierk +POW,' 1 tee i IL 1 Altirowizeiv . taiion? _ untortri •,- A- ; ME - -7-7- - • _ . 1441110,411,0' 1 . 11010,11-1111pMEAIRMAJWAN1144 , t='''' '' -' TO ORDEL ''''' "---• -- 1.; 1 P friliiitieribirvaiddeeddlr immisse.. o. 44 • .4.:i ifultOmiri. Ma dm la imenillhaOhe siplipliond Ar. 64 __ load Aloe . : c an=rooebrol Moo NO, Tide* amigo got lot ask' gnat litabot, (balf illikbeklip Mao, Ao4 - ad ' -- Alto, tok tometokeitot alotly t io* wink toitsietiog ist port of MOO% Thick ino "Boob 00111 800 MdlPW•lllitti_Booti; wi s l[irer ri Ensio o di vow:Boob, POW. Lid Busith* If. Lessiner4z Gat 1..... , `, Ikamei . ed , 1 44- 41 Zke. -, L i h d- Awill Ire — i4for coals $1 don is Weight eleowloooi la tido' otatitic i 4 , limns doge" neauP , ~ * -P tiobeall, setilegoodoo, lbws JIM door 101/14 4IF tbe Odil telloiro Ibill. -- - I - , •4 RainimetAminitcoa .Ribtribikti tO wore tibia i time Ito ilott" antr"refiesinotint.r, atutlkd Sir raoli 'Whops by AAA otteadoo to both*, ilk t ootAtioitoodbottom tithe mow - 1 0. 11 ~,1•4 N. a „Being . somewhat hi *ant of the "One talk needl)4ltoonehi be mreekl snook In!de* ;Odes =abet pNwitiip, tbe propriety, of than indebted - ad). 14 stet *tug the acme hmatdiately. Xoettnea Dee.4l 1884. C. IL /1111310.14 ' t : , 'z . I ... MUSIC : filitsic s " !, ,; • CIESIMPROVED 11.13:LODEOft, toorikj• PAO *solved bir --: . -go i iwi ---- 1 mic i - s D. lotariiVoioe.liino* liOlcotleon and.Guitar—oorne very beintlful ill . . es plit , abthshed4oold by - 1 J. LYONS k :IN. ; - ••' Shawls. . • ,_ 44 14 0 0 0 kik alit %gibe loola crytheap; PafsineCiAmaral k Dplainiat at ar , ..t tl y, • I,TONA at. r WEI owned by- , • " gopPlY of rir° o i n !" Witoris a ~ p!1,1 t'111:f Moroi/mit tt slangs-per 6 Ithillingi t t by NEW GOODS. - !;' ifra4lll:N ii O-cic wyck - art/L - LArnitor - g . 04?'4 . " lonualy Ist ' , . • • terShawls stud DeLandi, Q11.11.414G off *Lead bargains. Call cat K-14aakiltr! lat , A; LATIL11011; co' ViritiTED•at V V'. Aliparyi yea Orsiin i Grain. ' COlrti lidadt t a , ll the • 11 . 1 ~O t z e. .s t pflrigialtrt •%. • • L AD STOVES *NI) 11N. WARE FOR IT E . ; . • 117(7 - 00P,RUF),OLDREDhaVe Constantly on N= well selected astortment ler - wait.: endi Chain for wells. pumps,: ; eistiten Hydraulic Hams. ,Japanned wares, kid pip of all sizes Ate ' ite. Joy !mirk done wi th n tit; nevaitini tietpatelt;all orders' promptly, attended to. BrOVES.VPIPE -t kpt;'eotnttantly on hand, ti large assortment of stoves *" lattfat Immlived end approved pattern!. • Our expatiate!: in the business establat em to see* , that -!vreran safely! Tarrant to give entire = c i a lt.our munerona stock; can be found the air fight Star' of the West, Elevitai NeisrAf fo d, - Crtoton. 1[43'4r4 Atlaiy Cultivator, " t Fire }l7, Three . - Western Qneen, " • - s. stoonarrik. e. m • • , ITURTir..S Island fah at j & jCO'; 7:lEotrose, ;annul: 1, It 55. • 'L NEW 600bil. • z . Al*" Arrival of .Nem 'Goods; SO lack will sell very cheap. vifT4 have a large stock ofStaple and Fancy pry i• .Clisodx," Which we will sell cheap. Call and etaitlao.: . 'lllgikdirvaliade telothing. ' t now_repare4 aecordkjg so the latest' Style.. WS HATS • I*Z STOCK, WHIM WS WILL SELL MIT Ow. Call and examine before ur 'Also, 114 large_etock of Cloths,-Caitim re*, Jeans. Sotinetts, !Tweeds, ke, &c.—in net, bllr e k in tkis line is complete. We invite the a of cami 'emissins!. to oar stoat. .Altkinds 017 nee takOn'in'exchangefor gondola cash prices. Xolgrose.NOTi 22, 'M. I IIAWLET ktO . , - , _,,-; ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.. trritE is nereny given oast in' pursuance o r . in _ oil/Cr of sale issued Son the °Than a,tourt ot Susipi e herina county, I will, on Satu rda y the Cali dav ofJanuaky nett,';expcise to Oublie sale, by vciihmi, att that tertian piece or par..*l•sf land,late this estate of ciiiiiis It weng, deceased,' situate In the tcenSthip of CllgOrti in said county, banded on the riorth and east lai hnds of James Schott, oh the south 14,the milord ,ind Owego Turnpike and on 1 tlitest by Uncle, of Agues Graham, 28} 'of land, all, ; which is improved,tand on w ch th e ,'Lls a barti and, other aPpurtensinces. Sale to beheld Upon the preinises at two o'clock 1.. u.' Terms orpa, ent matte knOwnoii the day of sale: i - I .; • ' ' J. Y. CIIITTiLVDEN, t itd 4 r. 'I; COBS mai sis us. ,‘ The temperance Sable* is min mg Ticni . i and contends that total abitinenee Obit all,that inttisicates is the _surest, safest gtuud for the PeiSple. Ahluilmli the pr oprietors of -the above fiskonlirere among the 'Ureters of- the ate Ire, and lit4t algood Onion of their: goodd, they made out to,eave' one thing—that is, Principle, utich they count worth . . a , pile. They now have a smell stock of Groceries, ' Toys, COnfeetionaries, Yankee Notions, PerfntherY, he, 0.40 they offer to the public cheap Sir csith.— Oysters got sip 111 all ways to salt customers. 'N • ..,This Saloon may be found In the rear Of Lyons ik. 1 ClAndler's long buillthig r nift on Chestnut street. Gime one and all, and seethe Owe wherewe 14e I „ . IL ° 'P. POIRDILANI & C.lo'.' ' giintipse, December 1241164. i i, lIM r rila ) gelectillits won l 4- 1 3 11 1. 4 1 ° 1 40 ' ;.r • 4 1 a. !Mends and the public, generally that Ws mock of' ob& it no* complete v,, eterylinurch: 1 1 1 1 ttnOot for paatimire e he 'inmate,* owning GOOD GOODS 4 . l7:LOair I"RlCES4llprinerit sah of 'Mc patron*. • iltospectfuni, V. licastAm, November 2fq1(44. ,"orld. r too' nal ~ • ; . ' ' : ' lll°_, l .' ,i i: rsrsaiies,...... . .-.. . . Trani 40 to 92 tents rea•vartt. te1a11u,....,f -front 10 to 23 venti pei,A'rata. 1i51a5,i,,......,...,..5.....fr05k1e se 100 its.) periiard. Panta . ,.: ' %..trom . 4 0121 l'W perqUlL Siteetwi.. % .._°. ..4.. :time* ' 6 to' 9 ets.yerirard. Wooten goods and Jest* an•overy Tiuiep• from 1$ cents to . 0,00 per yard. i ' ;, 1: Ready-nsade Clothing. li, .4..Ti117 112* stoat. Ilaihtg porehitod 4,,Din• i : tithe, when (he pressure dr the Mbney nfstrk is so 40.Vere s - ,and consequently bought Low s I th - ri can *WILL.. sell the rahte tmite as cash iiiymy; r my Theighbos. , clime Can mg Bee. : I i , November 21, 1954. 1 Y. B. CHA D • , 4 . and( -, Soaks Stationert.' I - A great variety of Books; a fear fancy; ' ; Maps ofNebreska and }Cannes; Nape of Ettivope Show ing the seat of war; yoelMt Diaries and#lne l tfatehs, tbr SO. ;TheNews 130, 's ° 3 ; mei Life in:Now 'reek , 4311611 t er ke.. at , . 12 three tba pa to the at oar ME ! . , a 4411 Mayville* Firofiripot , 1 ' __,. l - _ l Sates. - i r__ig subscqbers have snide arrangerl4343o p ar . ' 46 te pftws shosnaybe in want oftbiln, the *lire *i= W hivaliable Rafts, at the,unin prfer +FIT elui be obtained as the wo ..—.4w.s.— no, experienced the be ar at eedhisdri ft , late Olgrop ourselves, artiarould earn ,am reelem tcrothers having eduatile boefra and .. !!)4 . 2 priserihrsetirtleh would be4l4ronnee, 'to Area, not do wiehout'inte.l 1. ' " igio-17r. nr,4o Mita 1150 So $5OO, and sr - i.e:en': to, and to purchase, the ce in kOle, 'dee; pdoe, he., Ind threhh theta on' brt po tter lice, ivith - the internal erowsentere - al; si4 ' e . . iDbaser; , , 1 - IEIMITLEY *, 6 ). , or at a i)retistie*ltiB64. • ... . . . ~ -- • , i . - Atiiiitelos Bratfre - i . A' the - " ' iiis 4 taulerdigned 'haft 'bean Accoginted . Atel -4 hew taidiettita* the duels Indite tan* dr th neeign. eft 103eorie IL Pride. 101 extend AO the, ee of the sod epPnintatent at Ideal* htlten ' on Fri day die Wei day td' Jemmy nest, et c ite ' 41 * 'll.ooloo6,iat wldch adore; sad pt ee4; *IL " .4011 yews thaticidina,orbe debarred (nap ng * neet add lited. ' lA. CILLIIIIMIX, dad. f ''.; DOltsedter - ig, tea . i.. - ht, i I rojAigthrignevoire. - ' ,- ,1 li, , 1 , Alliatteogirrifiar . I- 1 .1 1 1111 . astatmount aweembrin * t lum* --,*-:- iliihobiimhoissilior It taltalfail VOr 1 Fileßsied,liatie_doosi . - .e lord* ,m ..evl, , . • io; Iss, Gairsidarthe 12* diy 614 ig TO lidocir.fa4btabredbosi. - 'J , I I DO. Itt i - iiin. ' 1 N. NEWTON; ibilhor .1- 5 - ''' iI 1 • 11. Sea /410 4 / * 1 4- .77 ; t Arups at 40, LTONs k e SOX Dozen ,Socks e t • A. LATHROP k Yankee-1%44; IletodfdliaatiOilV, Woks for thikliolidayi, li 11..CRAND .;4 Mil is• - ... -; icAl i r , : ewe IW ' ' WW I Ith9 geOlik ell ale Mai - J.F.I f ilinx,r, 0-.ll...rtgror FOR the..ttoridaya , A trelerloor Ctiocle of I—.A:roeiktalgaide of Fartunti , • 11 - • • 11Y PEzw4 - O AuF l z, Thii" The Gain. of Fashion and Famine, "1. • The Frame of The Lamplighter, • ' The Game of Pitts, Uais and Cmisequettees. TheofThe Old Maid. = " The Gahm nf Rohin • The .dame of Speoulatiotity " ' The. Game CenendruMe, •A. The Game of The Yankee.Pedlar...-': The'.oante of Qtialities. ' The' Gime of snip, Seep,. Stiontm: The;Oame of American Illptery. rcir2l4 at ' - • - CHANDLERS, , i I ti? - FlOrtr. WHEArk Inckwheit flour at ~ • Douai iber ,• ; CIIANDLEWEL , i,_' , ' • -' ' .rricß/93_ Islaikk: i fliracuse Banat ' - - * : . .2.. .: t: ‘ , l• . ; . ,-. CIIANDLEIrti ' - • n et : '0,1854'..: ' 4 - ' * '' ,- . .. . j 1 ABEL , - . r .13*A'S ust received Xtitr. I TI F J CPw ork a fun amaorti 11l Isitfpt lei NRIVI - GOODS, - eotripriailw:a fits rate •ranitity of Davis, 1 MAMMI ER ES, CHICALS, 0 Divirrys:rs,i , GLass-rAttr.: FAMILY Gnocitura, MA PULS Tolt tOHTS, i tr. XOAI,CAL Ixstactimrs, TAN = .I,oknacksiii Jahlextlo.. r, PEntI74IEII I , ASP 'ALL. soa rs 0 - FAsct 000i$S, 'rhiCh liTiii . be ' sold extremely low- fa cash." Mavlng - reetfia . tit- sustained a Wm:by fire* of al ' gt:l least live th4/ T lusand dollars, above insurance, and • saved; I fang I have strong claims for the mitre -of my friends and the public genemlly.:* I ask no m 4 , to give to tie ; neither'flo • I.ask or expect additional profits'itti ednsetimenee of said loss. I will sell goods as low, If not lower than can be bought elsewhere m .this town or county. AU I ask is that patrMut : from the: public which wlfl enable me wiih Industry . slowly but graduallY reptiee the loss Slllltained-"44l`` lour being the hard earnings of a Ilfe of'aoxlons toil. Store la the lower end of the burned district; o Main street„' a few - doors below the earners. ABEL TURRELL. Montriose, December I.4,:issi, '. - , 1 THE NEWS. .AATE see announced in the foreign intelligence qt 1 4 the M ri val tit every steamer, that "Sev.astop6l is not laketi"-41&the Holidays are eominp, and wig hope a f great many Useful, - Ornamental,. and -Fane ythings IMF oe.faken from • the store of F. IL CHAN CLER-where a goi;4l supply may be.thund !tar Santa Claus and all his friends. . • . • 1 . Embroidered Undersleeves, Handkerchiefs, arid Collars, .Feney Taus of paper, wood and leatlteK China, Japanned, and Tin Toys. Writing Peska fdr" Ladies and Gents,:Ftrney Clocks, some superior to any:ever brought 'tiathis market. Earley and use ir .. Books. in greet variety',..amang them beautiful F.' per ..11-ii:Ae' Gift ire`tiEe---tife of P: T. - Barnum, Ni s- Soy, High Life in Nell York, &e. • :. iti Those Ladies who Want- something more sub tial for th 6 inclement Season, will find some bean Plaid Silk.,.Delain, Merino, Parametta, or a Splen d Shawl. :. L 1 . •• Those or the sterner' Sex can he supplied with In excellent coat, Vest or rants, or the cloth to le the same. I Please 'call, one and all. , Our goods I . be Amin arith'ple.isure; and if we can do no mole, we will , all a very merry Christmas and hap py New Year. ReSpectfully, F.ll. CHANDLER. Molar*, Dec. 14, 18/14. : " - • DAIRYMEN, TAKE NOTICE! .TtE;suhscritterti hay secured the sole right o 11;4f,75' ' AIAIIIIr , ABLE CHURN AA D BUTTER-WORKE,R, for BnstoteNanms and several adjoining tiounties r respectfully invite all. Butter k nr) era to einioine and TEST the merits of -this new il valuable iitrention 'We propose to furnish each , all of you with' a Oncast tharuill - prodnce as m _ butter . tri as short. a time any other eh e that will completety ere die inatermak,-- ras& and ',Pork in the scat, !Witting it petfeetly thiromsth ihe butter and fit it for', use, willtdot *moving it from he churn. This Churn is simple in its cornstructio n. - entifie in its operation, and ends cleaned and kep in order, and can be easily attacked to any props rtg Power.? 1 ,•• !.' Por further Otutkoltrt: ikplAy Pentonakroe by let ter to JAS. c_iirsny,lLL And J. N. nrofesioN , Ararat,. SUNuebanna county, Pa. . • 1 PACTS. FOR TEM PEOPLE. . TRE sub s criber is carr y ing on the CHAIR.3I.-4K MG BUSLY.h'S.S. in alt its various branahed at the Chair 'and Ware Shop in Ilarford, where mini be folind'.4 'mein. *tidy of Windsor and llocldng Chairs than at any, other establishment in the cou . ; also Flig and Cant Seats, &weans, Bedsteads, ". I es, Settees, Tables, Atinds, ke..-4., - all of which ill be sold it thekiwe:stprieds at retail, (et: *hoe k, with Short nodal.). All work warranted' well miule and or grd material. Short credits and small profits will be my motto. i• rar dentonstradon of the sh3Te facts, pleis‘4call at my shim in Ifarford Tillage. .1 A. W GREKWOOII.' • .Harfool, 'Octobifr 1% 1854. • ' 1544106 i • FAR3IO /NM SALE.• suintqcibei wa/ act as agent tor bitying and ell -1.. lag Estate—Farms, Bongo' : and Lota+lo. bated In thtsghehanna County . , Pc -Al who wish to' offer their proper(v &reale can dive a minute deldrip tion dttieir FarnOt or Lots as tollotits c . Nwnbei of aerestir *PRY 'improved, and bow watered, bolt ings, orchards, gritted 'or. common fruit ; other fruit trees;'and the nearest point to the I). L. & - W.,111 I • and. Y. it, B. RI R. 62 tarims on the list 43 unsold. By calling on the auttsciittey a minute description, priee.nud •t••-•-•te be ' - • Ping...6wTortitlke it; 4 &Oil; Rest of II MontnnieZA. usitst Toy lowa. A. BALD SlisqUehanna Comfy as. 110TICE h'ereby ad i ven t n Yearmance or an lat til rAitstittblv' " pasf ell October itth, 184 f, ti plication. hi beep made to the Ctiurt of Pleas of said ecrapty,:u) grant a Charter of i. tion to. the "rnten iegular Baptist Church Crijihlr' .S. 11. WELLS. ef,en!tlx.r 1:414334.. Disc"sis liirei • 1 pFp spin k the Tailoring 1 ) 61 11 4.0.— s principle therefore, who have enough of tke• right principle tc:oencourage hew intinatry and Weskit' Ma services., jwill please take notice. -Ilia olte4 art be to please 'hog* trho:etttploy hint, and recetrela ward fotl fThOP Amer lagneeY Xotre 004. Montim.,:Norktahr 2111 434. •' _ . I 1• ' 1 . NOTICE. .• ' 1 , THE trabscribcr hayloft purchased the ebti lnk- rest Oldieold welt known, gristliill, adledfSum wws met's 1611, w . - illve loot:WA . to his old customer?, and in , that he has given its thaionet re- Palrinlii l a nd It is now' doing maks sun irdtk and nide* the airs. id Lewis A.. Timpani, (whose row ntatiotras *Wei stands ascend to none In theconn- Cm) itnd 'with, Pitststy or water, with:which we ato (*- .roved at SD flows, we trust:ihst we" may, reel* our , . Phalli etitut{Be PatrObige• : TILI:grinIEAS `` ' 13Mmters, peaismber lf, 1814. • - •' 44 , :tiTeirleil *TOTER. - PIM subscribers bogloare to Warta the el, f r -a- of Brookly* Sok triol*y th at tbey have j 1,1 caked *lot of &Goo; 'Alai h '- the offer for kor Ot tin can be pineto viol &Ow ere hi the i t - .AL5O— ( l. lot of ffrOVE tfirLood Elbows I different *et, at-suoutfaebootra riot, WANTED-41M ribn i .Copper o '..igißirss, change for rreinhetgoods,,,l ' -' au stock of - .ter Eautwbkjust receivtu Asole kirk - b!810111 ,WEMPSTEMX • . ' WANTED; ... bost:e.lll °eats, , maxl bah: Drleu,,sppies, 2,000 boatel* otCorn, 1,000 bush. Bue.loo4cal, 10004111/a. oinYe, 500 " Beank -118011fclaidajvivirtridies,ai the bigl mess, In esenangst for gOotbOkY' intporn i : _ , *DOWD. WITH 4:11 AD. 1•. .Take Xibefee,. • • - P , irons webted - to A. - 'A L. tip e+i- "Itateprbealt-stetatabrare *it lk81111!a veep acceptable A. • goatqlsie,, licirember ill, 1884. tir 1111 to the , at Ids " s. multunr, - nide*. st; - I • IPAltat F OR ALE. =sk. 3rent for ride the 111VMerlilligk Mite reeently - oWnOluid'oecerined flennikniti tie -Week and Inuytirri as the • p SW V l itsituated the ownship of Nei 1111 4 '. tenth, 1V +Erectly; on the Hoe of Delaware, Lack:wettest WeaterellalliOad, lber!rdileit' from fie jtinetiori with the Xeir Torlt:k Erie if Gieetßend, and 11 nines front thebepot. at. Newt Milfied.l , 7lt eontihnraboutl4olBoaeres' ltnproired, *cm , wall ;watered, bait a "Whig groom fiteutitig throe& I t eleetet. 6116 / 1 5 41AY a water .cOutreyed eattkthe. &dir e hires, Auld Otde;yarda.: ebeed:ezid, Ilindit4.gbod M ayan* la welt adipted tii troll= ' *ld pecalhof film& - , for.fgrovring atoeit Or foil Our Pose- Ase, aeon lt the-large awl cote. realent,dvreliag ;tow *caplet ens fldtel t, dile* of choice finit.frees,p t busehorse inr , "`s° Via: octe Inge bard' " ittwo auk' yarilsf isheds:andrall is for fetiftni hock thl, Well'bay end, grain butler lee hook Nick anakehouse; large corn hi r , m and. all other out. ; blaring* necessary on a r bor,' . ! lit estahllitied reputed° of the Miter wire/ a /a ' tire Erusitula T -It • Bammeralusquehanna-po., X r antler r, . ,: ,::-: EMI =EI FARM: FORiSALEI - AT GREAT BARGAINS;' ' THE Subscribers offer'for sale ; on the Most liberal , acid iasy terms One of the bait located farms for midang money in Northern Pennsyltania. The:said farm situated on the Newburg andrego:Ttinmike, two 'Alen east of Slouut Pleasant ri age, and twelve fro m the N. Y. kKa R. alio sere conveniently situated', to Ehurches, Schools,' Grist-tnqpi, flack; smith shops Iti• It contains one -humbled, and sixtr . one , acres, one . hundred Of it under algood state of cultivation, well watered and gOod builtings, consist= ing of a good framed house', finismet.; off, and very conveniently arranged. Also tiro good barni.ind good lima shed well calculated tbr cont;enience; tiro large orchardsjyielding from 500, to ioOp buihels-an= mostly,grafted,fruit of the best quality.,. The farm is well adapted to grazing iyillicietit to keep 'large stock. For priee • and terms apply ;to 11.-F. EATON; or td ALFRED LAKE, On the proud:mi.' Harford, -DtAc. I 3; ias I N . _1 - A :NEW GOODS. 1 . • . • TheMibstribers hero taken and fitted up the new , building on at west side of PUblic AVenne ; tirodoors - above Searle`4Hotel, 'and . are now rcOiving a large andlwell selected assortment of i I" Vali and Wintr Goods. . . I Their stocls is almost entirelr NE 111, having saved but Is very few goods from the! late destructive fire, and comprises their usual variety of /../.1:r 0001)8, Gruceries. Crockery, Hardware Drtts, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Ilyestutili, Moots; Sluies, .Lesithers, Glaze, C? Jewelry, Watches, Silver Spoons , °eke, Yankee, 'Atar'Atari, km. ke. .We are thankful fo the patronage hith i, bft‘triwed upon us, and trust that our cus lonient,i and the public generally .. , will not:fail to give us a call in our , o tele location, F6nAtnt that are can supply them , p ith goods on ai Savo tenants: here& tofore. '1 MENTtEVA SAD z. Montrose, toyembet .1844, •. and:More Sew qlo.ods. 11; EVERITT is now reeeivirig, new and, to x - a. • mrpohm Poo& rirr Me Minter Trade, itj elnslin new' and, elegant ri.rirtment of Trench rilies,':..ilferino and easlanere i Plaids ; ifern-} ey cend.Plain .De Lanes; Para:lie:lan, h'roehe; Squai.el and Lent' S4attle, all of new Mal best and will be *Witt 254ier ent: Alan last ••esir l s prites.ri Alai> a new whits:lowa Riehßi6bans itnittßoareets,l IVide Silk Ifelreit fur Cloaks! Silk and rlivet Dresn -7Vitnnangs, 4fehai'r !fetid Dreissoi, &e., general assortment of other Sun% and I'ANCIF Goons, as nsual, /which' having bought Wider the present presahre of theft.* marhei, will be sold' at eorreiporeting wid reduced 1 .NOreinber 27 111.44. 1 - • , MEW A MU, CII EA.HP GOODS, i. I liMa In!, at the Lowest peieer , ilinti will be soltlie caraingt , - el nenrtlytrz avrix • ilweet,•ootober 1.1,,1854. I , , !„! tlotlhosi Cwisimere Oid Vestings. A 100 ancrtment and at pera lower than we hive ever been enabled to offer .thent heretofbre. det. 11, 1854. 7 -- bress Goitodiu A giatt variety and beAutiN Istvleo. and almeist cheap as doiod btdeAretl. r.lntitßolrs k co. -j Gibsim, October 12, 1854..1 , I Black - S#lk. A good quality for dresses at 81 cents per "rant October ft 4 1.884: 81.1111C/Vill & • Shavvlse Long ate watt 'bream, and silk, very hind. some styles and et extrersely , kw. prices.. , eleb3lier 12, 18.54. & C - Broehe Shawls ; , theip er , tt‘ ever before beautlllil patterns and fine quitfity or fr--t Biobe Atral;i. tupen'a mar - - nfiteture r at St. • ' V. itnitOWSCi CO: G'biam.*tetier 11, 11354. . • _ - Bay State filattwhi, the; Limo* sm.; tii:incr arAuTT, and- NEW . 747" Tralai $7,40 each.- ITRROWS & CO. Gibson, October .11,- - . , = 'Ffirpetw, • • A gOod handsome - TutitefilS, ttt berj low Prices. , 7. . ' U. BURROW'S k tx). Gibson, October:l2i ISt4 •• • . flnUalo Itiebes, • Lute lot ,of band some itebej, Itart tient voitt4e, TruEnzi diessed and 'very superior color and qUality.:. tDber )2. 1 U.' BURRO WS dr. at. -• o wr ?Irn.LsitArit t• oitss •p Lsol GO mp 720-e -and ire.irtnaci - Locke MU tppertanttyto say that can -Lwow the most tiintutiful acid splendid pitterneof Parlor and Cooking Stoves to Ile found in the county. -Among them can be seen the Retailing hint awl Gothic Parlor, wood or cold, entirely nevi and tietidedtyltretty stoves. Prices front Ste to ten &Hank /Of Cloaking Stoics we think iitieedielas td say mai* only to remark, that, we are se3AngOem at our cornier prices, and judging Tronal the rapi d ity of aarsates.we' believe the public are entirelf satisfied With our pikes and the quality of Mir wares. We linte it a feir fairs lefo. it the "Clinton Airr4ight Elevated Oven guOre i " acknowl edged tote the best cooking to now in . Rus sia and -English Store Pipe at old - prises and Trim min,* And Tin waretif all di.ictiptions at The very low tat4i7. DICKERMAN, wdfo M' rd, October .3;1834: • Po Mar Patent Medi!lse Agency. :ELITRRELL; bas just reeeired „ IL new supply- A 2 .: 4 . 111 1 thermiar,PATMITMSDIC6M3 of the ay, incluMag Dr. ayne'il celebrated Medicineto;lntslea MartaCtie Ointment, Tanner's; German Ointstibnclii-, ers Ettraet Rook •RoSe •Forest Ninej te. ke.i 4 an 80 ? IN' an direct =l l l.ont - iba-ptvoralotors. - -,:Also, CV is 1 , 71,94 canapAcPw...k4lehelip n 4B the 2E cbeapt es‘. 41LL !Itncrotle, December e, I ' Bif .1 • , -. • ,_ , itoAsnamice to Wake Money* • .:- 1 ANW A EVE -.4.ArDi HONOILLI3LE:ICM , 1. .I'PLOYALENr., . r - , . - sulnienlia. la desbotia of „ uisiqrsnostot4n jsetv r ig esaitounty4ad town. 1 ft - Cukn: - A a frim BCto $lO only will "tehaireta, And any ng Re ea ellietent,:etiergeete: ' 'ilia naikelreh to Ike 4ellers per . ay, law of the seats new; emerged are _ ' twitatihet suat,,,, , Weil infotipi k uen will be g!YelLtilyi44lEPrim'kwiti 1 04t)'-: —l'— i ' • its-A , ;.,Z1AT04124 -- ',' - ''• , l' , ifox 601; ttiti,tbottst'TAL.; lbeii.*Olie N ISTOVIISSI • ASID e:mntricts mar. A Ant Pad, or.iSlow CcabiaNiend Cent -6AmtivOn MAI RAO Ida be lAN clutilt tii**o *at , 11 0+-` Ai* iron saki, lii4wrouslia; Sauk Mat l'alL(** , tern e FAliek • Bullet/ tioor loe.Oatetiisgi Twit lEcirrei Witgiiitlkrkea s -linpriirsdPo, tonna, sans first nee Tcasiiiis Ursa, Strut liVagon Springs. The alanciiirith,nnicii4t*r art i cles -in that line4:ol ;be soil cinp. 440 till At taise No ars. . _ - MI Oakes IVOTIFB Is hereby eyed that lett*, sestaii . um. the esbittryf - Atontnitry‘t, &mum', of Ig# oo o4 oll rusilt,te W!ln thesubeerib ,er. Idinpemoniitn_ line isaidestriteArs tq s ectiata,ktate#t,ind,thquie hating ehatot WPM 0 04 141- filtate Pesent, 41014 thalfiie foie* , thinant.l" -; • CRAMS ITAilrti4 l 4k • . . . ••:' ' ''': IFATIKAIrc r 2- 4.-%•;...1..-:•:, ' ft . )43ii - te . ifftAncl . jitt . lo), ~. li .'64'l. of Ne ' ~ .. i , _ O4 , ~ . kir , it • . V 4 L • " 104 9141044' ,:t ----u * lilt _ -']. . R ~~~ n.'+ Att. VOW ' ;, i tti till At t ee llait / .°' • . AL=UtillitOP. OM iiii • - W,ATCHNftWA I 4;IIOII flout and skaatinefuttevar, 1 14.+ 1 1 ',lise Watchei4,f4s!)*ltid li. . ' C*trles 'Tillitaseit"..)lo , "- ; , 7 1 laris-renioiled ids'abbti titim'its 'kegler .JLI. the basement of Searles Itotetito the gime': Imikling,in tba - e*xit UM. bin customers wilLba:Mdtect von b di 1611 44• Pii4rell or ‘ CliFicil, , Ifornseor. .4* 1 1 taasonalgCbdum. :' - i ''t •rr , 1 t'lleasetbdir - ifi intnd Art Ibis Is, th e shop in Own • Mame itbe thini! Is. stogy,ft.o4 _, i , . ,' Arojilko , of .t i iiiiiiir:-. i ; - ~' ,: Clipsy . - : _ Tlit.Nrc ink; of thigtilksaff bit thoi,Ni l if '''. • L.LY destructive fi st! In ilentlusei 13 don Inf ' , atere.htiete -and newly; lb off lay ,havez Doe .?_ bbices9r, given over to -despair; but; ha, 0- lakes-1v a „ store room in the lower part of the to ;first door. ' I noilli of Keeler's Mite', trite which`. I haier i ttlaosid this: • mall atoek saved tmltt the lire, and wig ini s the elYarde 'of ik, my short time ill up the store ftw i an emir* -7.• i ' nvr. - B t o C,k of -goods ,- In. mit Prw , ent ite,, ~ locs_tiout 1- ; Iva ; be napp,y to see ano wait on rity.oni customem: „ 'and the . public generally who vi.UI titer nie.with - di :' call: I have resolved tb "nht&ofreitir I e'stitpt.!-1 - .1 eni- tielertnined tb keep a-tD111:18 n't.Q 11; and in -; e r :keep a good assortment of krogs,M ".' i i ) , ( 1" 8 ,04 e.. . Oily ~Dye-atittre,Grocerits,Gl4.l~df ,4" In4rtii. : , fir - wry, l'ankee, Yotiinis, and ' ali s is 'of 'Fan6r Gdat o te: &e.; each as Ilieirt betrelhe tiii, whl • dertiurtil tho,earnlngii of a life theiittl an hour.- Montrose, Nov. ea;-1884 . : ; ARIL till/. - t ~. N- Will every' Man, indetJte • i remember not in` this ran ti by-60.116m to me the intbunt lityrOmber 24 18544, - REMOVAL. Tr MLR St_STODDARD, since t h e , malt, - ..111. be foundin the B ISEif ENT ' EARLOs . HOTEL. Notirithstanttrid the `niiyirecisdeittid sej pidift- with rivitieh our stock of Boo ts' - "went off" on the morning of the lire,.te• MR1101: : souse on, band, and sbnll . soon be wellisn - - • • }OMURA ST DRAlipt• Montrose. Noveinber,lS. - - . - - . reoTirtzt ' . l , _ . rirllE subseribert being severe *Orly' final "dmi. -, ~ I. late ' . disattrotui' Fire,'have. rera. , tri .isithiwbat 'little rmitaina of their siock,.to the riesribnildios oat .i . .. the Avenukoppasite W. J. & B..H.eurord's.itow, • where they will be Ilutypy-to see all 'at Mends sad , customers, and hopes nrtbe einirte 04. - tabbte-ten dag r • to be 'Able to "greet them . with safer NE -'-- ,57+ociv OF (100:bA , .= .._ i I __ .- ---- = - - =-. We _ trust that *lame or bin. customers who bassi - been long in debt, ril remember dud ti r t. is a &Oa - of SPECIAL ...vr*m Anti! rs, and "do asl th ;wotdd he . . ''' r done by . . • • I — -% - BEICTI , &AEA: O - '' ':. • Montr os e; Scrverni• 14".. 1854.1 --- -: • -y-.`- - k t ) -.. , - DIJ3BOIIIITIOT. '-' ,*. . _ -.-. Priirceparbnership . heretofore . ' 11 1 . k tilatler th- --- name and Arm brltewolls Bro . tb rs, liq the Blind and Door bu4nestr, is this kr - by at .. " t. - sent and agreement dissolved. , - ' - I. i'- DILBBRIt W IISEWBiLi• ' Tomo-she*, Jelly I,!er•d. - .II . K.F..Z XLIL. .. ~ _'.: • . the subsen'ber. °old rpet4fully tie! dhn attend** • of those MO with. oViirclOuse_anytir g his Utisreig.; .' . - .. . butinews, inch us •- - ' - _'• - ! Sash, Doors, hnttprs and,B in - . , Clibinpt _- 1 11.1wir rat-lowa As --;- ' -- Butnti,A,„Trib 'ef4, nild Bectet li t - .. Bedstentig., Strynis. Clinirs . Spttees. Also Ronlyanaiie Coffins : Pain ' end Glazing; :. if required: .. Counfrv. Prodice and ! l umber - taken - 111'C eschariv. Tv. 1 * ready pay: •. .. : ',.,. . ..; . z - _ •,, , Lanesb§ro, Julyls . , 11351. GILD iIT,IiEWM. - THE troe 1111/I.OW NO • GS ss __ • KICICIt_trOt l'Eltrall4 'NM-%. - ! ! 11. *int, .;rerr tiortunkt ely,-the eh e t,t t . throw, (tont its orbit, and ann shines ottitt ea.; bling the " FicturtofArt u -to work at Of -Stitt and shade in his Taal satisfactory *tor. its New StrieltyinSt - Itnecidered, cbmpriaes escry thing neat and dekirabte in Oa Daooerrecktypet arid he asks.that.sriu r 1 nolillotet via& lie has also some _ recently pnbliahe d Bookkirblelt' • will be Yore to ease thaw.. who wild gtiod reading:— - • ..- Odd Fellcnis' 11A liirintrtdre Fa- ' •• • alr'W: B. D: Ikea not lake iyiet; • fo e'i•2s OHS° , era& -27easewhoiteish serth trash lino fisentihro...) debit Cirtovee Advert AS ruiturcN wnotuftishea the birds l itn. an extra coat for *biter, has not matte vision fer man, I have _ft:eluded' to self to attend to %hat department; ~An thinkpropee to • .once that ail'ald • peds, that need ew APlNitek glwie# 3 fashionable or - u ashionable, can lukv supplied an thei tastes suited by, nIY shop: (I ' l 310 P •w• *- 1 • NEW:76OOIIS, e4a3E, AT MONTROSE DE MO ceared z rew supply- of 4E44 oW Goodsich Ibe sold Ter,. low ;or j Q . POUN Ds_ cl tar at. -IL of kineas, T.qugistitp excbangis Also, snutv of Butter at l 6 (teats icharge for Goods at JC. L ' . rilitosE wfAi, •-Change fbr call and crucia l thmselres. Fe es may at all dal' Monfrose.Depot; • _ ' P i Pli r., - PUTILIPSII _ _ _ ._ ~... The Greetd" niprorement cf 140 - 4 - gei—G; il. Malan s' Dottble:Aeting- toll Irtfhil--;' - = _:, For e and Lift Pump. - - -"-:.,:-r-'-'-- ,' . )( S iati T noi qnt iibOve AU lAEA , ~m .arial:. I LS- AifiesStor ' : - thaNtrW&unt •-,_ b : ~. trater.- 0 914WAL ea x01 ittanikiiid iabo i . ''' . el: I nd. - i !NOP; in i,abillaritl§44; Is- is. wkOriiX,„. l t: iiiekdft =NV -or sere . 4 rtost; s.' gielatfit sir a tutit's lik tirof. , t taii Willett , IS ,:erri, rat of ferip , 4ln draw ft_tiat tot*_, allastAii;and ' - rry it to any p a r t of • ..',ll " is superior. to- o ther r 'amps for; e _rilin, VA* ?antler! itziek. Tart* Ito* Wailts and , . _ufaetating" ' - ts Of ill kinds. 1 ' HMI orders antst be ,atittreased to!Atiri 'Was. *Pet ra+ who huk-ther'iole 41 1 1 . 2 ,# 11 ePontr• i 1 '', -.- ' • _-tsdit, '. • : Atilterairifkoes sto w 1; oat tci"sity to:totritiendi 11VV abait - ilttduomoid the tie _ . ceivialcod4ur -Stow with eastlif 'foetid aanmillent 46110, who* . py 4,0r.01d tnisionierweiwel,4 going to sot pods lower then per foot. leowthen too am liwoom'e& • con =Jam :Willtitetf , . • - , _ _ Vicente - i ~t , 4_,- ~,.,1 . 1 : •irmiCE 1 Wolk given Wl* t— c 2 4l l4ol/4 • 111 id& thewilholiptiea;:itoote -.- Val* Notifilate otelsonAthijohig rented t the eobicribeViethek didate.so4 ll 4l44 l steSO Arm pou,il . tbest:*.dy ittesfed;!9r eettitirieot,; arid. tito*lll4 . : P<t l "l -4 17- 1406treliftvetled to melte lierotAat '' -'4 t: 4 , 11145 ! atm: ai r g 1 404 treill# ig i f ilOr4i4tlitt.of#lefftibilk,fit q . ;, , i; e ivin - .oe - byt ~. lbs_tatmmit : , . 0 , „- irtikow , ..„ ,,, - 1 ,7., T. g.fAs---', MEM . , ~ ;44 1 1 . , site In mi t tipt riVkli"-:f1447141444it f + ~~. ~f~, f~¢ . _ oNg, isfr 4014 4 1.1 - . " 11 4: 0 .4110;t.A-;" ned4 • tett: t • ELL. C=E/3 it u sinur7ar Fes,.: tiierefb pon re, my 1.1 g mode AR intrioust„ 'tilt wants g has Pit rik• and Sumner oc Susi ; od Neje OrleaniSop • — 4;f.C. LEW/3 1.. or one ;ob.:: ea Sti6i44.''';-. • 'classes, Fi4b, rery Orap at Groceries, Wanted, of Eggs as 12 coats r goods at J. r er pound, ist Kew Store'. • • 1g to porehase, for cash,. - rr Soda to Weir interest to • in stoek of Goods, flied pieta Art barter of au kindsithitAgLeit P 6 e"- sbe relied on' - slam IsincDiiil 't' •Stit - 1.!olp . I . :,:':' ‘::,:::--..',1-:.:t‘:;.•.- - Ikai -- Gat ltholtbehapr ,Irof MEI IS 11 .~~;, El iIIEI CM BM El2l irft l l: