0 /:,,INDEPEURIT,-,RtPlialettit . .1 CHARLES F. READ AND 11.. Ii: FRAZIER, EDIToRS • - 1 MON 711081.:, PA. illnrrday Snn uary 1 8,- Stlo.l - • REPUBLIVARI IdEET/PIG-:, . I - f;'- . ' On Atotiday evening liti-, , t; January . 15th, an adjourned inectitig ! if the R e ptititiean . Par . ty -Of .Siisquebainta . comity, was_keld in . -the Court 'louse, at Mont roe. - - 4 iarge niim ber of eitizens were in attendance. "The ine l t { ing wasorpinized by tho appointment of the folhiwing offieer*.: -- . : Robert Griffis. President; Janies 'W. Cl - ilian, 'John' nritddmv, Luc P. Balwr,r, aid ' Hots Charles Ti . agley: ViCe';'t''r'&s,WntS i.. : and -. I O. a. Hempqe.ail.and H:- :IL yrii4er,. Secre taries. taries. :: :.' 1" . --- . ': .. '- • .. 1 - .. 1. . Thu Committee appointed at last, theetill ,, , • not having finhdled the preparation ofthe fiil- . "ilreiste the . people of this'State., Was continu ed, to report at an. Adjounied meeting to be held on the I first... ..Mondav eveninn. b of nekt ~ r - • , April t' ourt, I, .• On motion; a' Central 'Cottpty. : Committ i ~ was:apPointed by the Pres'ident,--.viz: Roa 'Chad .s 1 1 F. - d, Peter. Decker, Gilbert 'Warner, • . Li Canfield,. Amos 'Williams, Wm: Fost ~ Vin. C. Till:lay. lOn motien4o. Mott,...jk, 'G. Z. kimock Was added 'to the Committe .. .Judge -Wllmot was • then called for;•-imil: responded in . a poWerful aitd etTeetive appeal in behalf of the came of- freedom' of which the following is' an antperfeet-report.' . • ' - • Judge Wilmot eomnienced by-saying Iv.; had suppoged that- this-was to , lie a ineetink fur the transaction of business pertaining` tb the orptization. of the . frermen .of,..Slisquc hTma county, rather, than for speeat making, but he was always' ready ie. give his v 014.. ..• , . for the canse. The more le exatninetl - and •-..(i considered, the more be became convince‘. 'l, , 4 * of the beeesSityrof OrgraliziU , r a I've dons pac t, 'to use,it 11. T Oeltishi. ! purt ty at the North. H e woilid have re j o i ce d ,t 4 ed the great:body.'l , Old fee 'the great Democratic Party, Atteonte tht g e . t hei , hi.; :the Ic.rf .ll l honest ili;d, , ichanapion of free' dom,. as its traditions, by 1 col?litY, Are the teachings of its father= ; and by t h e ne.m i! desire thi . ..sticcess tt{ it claims, .it- c ought to haVe done. .All - tau I some fathers of Democracy W(.‘rtne.reliable role. 'State are a, million of , dollar s I Mary expenses; consequently -tit t • the State debt .cat• be paid, ow . morks eolanierieed,,-witlit.' I 4 la Se jof taxation, or any change tiv.epbliey- of the State. . the, public works for the -year dollars:: As to the sale of the Ithe QOvernor thinks this should .!v upon the price ofiiTed... :14c a sale except at a fair -rate. tor is decidedly opposed. to the ton4ge duties on articles,tranS, 10.1earta. ns • thipi.ta.-!i• he E stipulations of theeliarter, •upti therefrom are needed:4. debt of t,the state is now . j on expreises some' surprise ..1 appropriations should be' times ,: h' the. North -13 ranch ciao office the sum estiniati4d o cOmplete it was f5772,090.;- . - - , c tk1,206,594-.72 have been ex. and. 60,000 :more are needed This ix Owing to the raseally the Work-was done, .!'rocks, ad Stump' haling been plaCed of the Canal, r and coneenieti ley (dirt, The . . Governor thinki it early •itit the season, and, I d inuchio the, revenue, of.the is-front the Delaware Division •,==4the . expenditares -only ;week, and we with -a boa .A k eeoriihtgi cues' oh the ,the erc ferrtid th provi r ded ,no.t out any iinerc i,in the legisl pet profits o were 7:30,60 depend eutir j is opposfd to ~ The Clover repeal ot the i ported-A.ver't aceordhlk tb and the. s reve [the State. Tne - ft:hide's 900,537[ 94. The Crove that so many sary, When 1* ea .1 a neee4:try 1 Since • t 4 . 04. r again warns the lepijls ngei!s, to ilia appieltended ;Alf relief antes eireulation. Theio 11 . • ,4e. #itlitiyawits tho. preseut lawful tor. bank& or .re.. pay .:them out after'.Jaue. ri • ratiOn .Lasi- it. appears hil•caot: • - .- 'gxPect4t.iPir:of its projectorti: k l.: rkleoinniend4 a i , eyisireof d eotaraits:to. the ollardianC:are. r • • .• tare the systkurt sacred our 4tstitutiOrt4, I iira . 4l.4tok:,to : llto',4negesa of tilis .CP°Pl.l)gtiit 410.14i -91;s r rectiaitnientii.the, erection. of ia.4atiakadept..e.§.4paretoeOni.. Da-4,1'11410 of . fride'peaderoi = '-, , 1,,,, ...4410 - Aoldit - ioN.A.a-4.. , ceiv*,,tAt...-zr.iv..1.:0p_..: . • - Mate - to - tee' 'attetilleif - 6Tthe le gislature of the : ti:hc - ile ria4 r e;";;f - v - o - tea 7 ; f t i 1 exultingly ; to the history and i urces ictjtred - du ly- elected povenior,.ferk of diet 'Stete*waras the people aga f thil _, Ot - three years, fror_n the thir4 Htinqw ' N. °Ailing conspiracy , rand ore. in ut tl it3 " u . sion. , ‘if : , , , , Jonli . arT, A. 1") :: is ; d. .-,t. , 1 1 ft e t N, , AY Okeit uOA the labors or in Thx ., el 01 .. Ititer,djournef-y , V" 2 „2•• --. !I 1 ;,iiiit ilbrakiind Beneficas lithe d*inies'of nations as 'n t a,ftti l iail h° „,. l ,; l :- A r t i o ar n .:..;'* -- On motion'efl4r, Deitste i 0,: e'Ai'Atiento the' eotside*ibti of the; ligui it it* i9Alie trillow of hgatitiat 77 , Nkith• Gaverenes Meisa g es 1 'V ''' ' --'..- .he ` ) 09t,',.w , spixiutinut , d smile ,?t, We.,:c btiheitii,, - thr''''''the rnes.agei l vet . o ' ing the bill -: tir extend , er ti,atioial noeindividual , -1 mg the charter of the .Idonesdaleiliank, th ' piOsperifStk: '''''- • e• 1 Y e ns IPCre' 12. 12. Thi - .sx, PENNSYLVANIA-LEQISLArInt , • l'uesdtty: serprat - Officers of 'the kmate were qualified . ..by • the .Speaker.; llattuners.ley, .(Whig,) , .:Chief Clerk; Henry Tettibtine, (Dein.) Assistant Clerk; and; Nelson -NV eis1;11, (De rn:) John Fu liar, John Ewing; and' John W (Whig';)_ Transerihing..:Clerks. : *; .111q;Seeivtnyyo£2.0pSntompp,,&*.l.wis, int'Oliteo;lintl - pf6sZinta - tli returns:of - the:, held in, Alto, severni ConintopwOlth fot GovernOr: • . • .Atler.the transaetkin afsatinemiseellanious ibushiegs . ,. the death .Of SenatOr ...Pont kroiL teas -announced, and..• the. customary 'resolutions adopted,..wlien the',Senate adjOurned. - . -• ' -,:-,.. in-liclioneie tlie ekri five be appointed. to .prepare A prohibitory' ,1 the camp, on the ! state - of the trenches,. iittprt4eted stale -of the rightfltuik betake the; liquor bill - for the.consideratiOn-of this House 1 at tLs early day as practicable.- • ,- : I battle Of Ink - et-Mann, and, before that,' on tire;;' a•. i eircuMstanees Ander ,which the:fatal .ebargei • After stone : discussionMr . Frailey moved the ;J udiciary . (.4.linniitteo instead of the s pi . .. 1 of .11ahild - 1-11 took place; we can 2, hardly 'sdp:. i cial committee referred to in' the Pose Vutitat 'se able 'a marl asi!:lrd,.. ItigliMl eti.itial res- 1 - e, , undoubtedly ir,, 'Tout have pre ventd:suck ' °lotion.. Mr. Avery thOught there were so ! errors and riegleets. We only echo theleel-I many. eonfLeting interests in:the liquor traffic, re f er _ i tag of every letter from the seat, of war'. !iv that any :bill involving them should . be the officer, and the )I.ivitte alike we 'find a qiii: r4 4/ 1 to. a. special .conotottee, - i.o that all the iii-1 tercsts might; fie ,duly and carcta n y prov id e d, v et, r,:srgned, , unini t ia3siened convi - ction - that' for ! : 1:. . _ . . : .; 1 the whole titr.tir4s brrrYled in ihn ino t . he . . . - . _ though it was proper to refer any infrae timi of the liemie laws-to the committee- on still the Ciiiestion.cOntenlplzittd had 'a tinned sjfth • a magnitude'and importance th a t it ought to go before a. :;pecial.cotionit tee duly. appointed for that purpose. The vote of ,last o.v.tober . was nOw, standiEg before us,sl a memorial n the - subject, and the' voti: o 3o,Poo voters' could nut heiproper ly dizr:regarded. The Course' of the legisla tuN Was looked to with deep interest, and tWwhole cNomunity was. intently. Letit on the;'eOurse about to be pursnc4 o n this g e c at, queiption.. Mr. Franey .wished all this matter c of pro hibitiOn aught go together, to= the" Judiciary' • - Ci . . . . ItrEyebter mOved pOStpone the .too.. lion fOr the prek:ut, which.was agreed to:: Mr. Steal front . .the •Cornrnittee„ Appoipteid fur that purpose; .made report" respecting. of find publishing the - . votes 'given GoVernor at the: last ;_l e tot ei. election , whiA was agreed to: and Mr., Stel . was appointed ihe part of the Daugherry, Off4ed. - a,' resolution that I . the report 91 .the cumuli tteetb,*traine, tns l on the Main Line: of theTublic Works be re. , 7 fered:to tlie'Coniittee-on Ways and Means; whiCh was agreed - fo. . Mr. Foust moved tz. - ;fer. the; bill relative to tN sate of liquor u t i Sunday to a Iselect- Cotinnittec of three,- was agreed ,to.i--- MaSsrs. -Foust,. Avery, and ~Clapp.. were .hp pointed the COnituittee; 3.1 - r,,paughtirty read to pace a bill 'to sex.!- tencl tlie time for patenting ut lots, Beaver, Erie, - Franklin:- and :Warren &Inn: ties • .)I . r. Boat :4 sorgleinent to 'the act 'lncrrici riltiii;* the Leek 1-fayett and ;Tyrone. railroad l'nlpany, Mr. bill boss a bill•toineorpOrate the 'Western Batik of l'enusylvania. • .. Str...Donald.son a bill tilative.to Abe . - rOaci law•in this State, [. • . Stehlev a supplement to the set ineor por4ting the_ i:lotrunottivealtlil Insurance pany_ ot Trarrisburg.• , ' Ball a hilt to . pritlejfur thc:.sale of theinain line of the public -7 , moved to refer...the .4tune CoMmittee, with that pOrtion .4-the.Go,vero - Message relating to the' swat!: Agreei to. l ' ' - • Thuriday, Jqn, 11.--The Senate: 'r as Cl 4 to ti,rder at ,11 o'clock, by Alr. / Speaker-1104- ter!) After the reading of the joinval or yelt3- tertiny, the Speaker laid before'_ the' Sena e the:annual report of, the State Librarian, wih tiaecOinpanying documents : also., a commit i=i cation from the Clerk of the ,Select Council of the 'city of Philadelphia, enclosing a, state- 1 nient "of the Girard College; - - - -, PSTITU)S6.. Mr. Price, one from eitiiens of Philadel phia fur the repeal of the usury laws, Mr. Crabb, one•oflike hiiporf. - • Mr. Goodwin, one of like import., , • Mk. Brown, , three like import: Mr.:Goodwin, one Trcim the Kensitintoti. Gas Company, ~praying fur an iherease Of Olip.l - '`,, Mr, Walton, two from citizens of ilfonroe county praying for the, incCirpdration of 'the Stroudsburg Bank. Mr. Piatt, eleven petitions ':;from citizens ; of Bradford and •I.'ioga counties fora new county, 4S . 6e .ealled 44 Fairfleki." " ' . A committee from the -Ifouse of Rerire sciitatives wits introduced .who informed the Senate that the 'rouse was''ready,tocount - the votes of the , election held :foe Governor lon the I2d Tuesday of October last; • . - • •-• The inembers of the Senate were theni . cs. corted by the Committ,eit ,,, tof the' House 'of Relirt.%:entittives., ...: , ..- : - ••• -, -- I ' Afteti'a brief:period, the Senatai again re. 'turned to-the.Senate,,when Mr. Maslow as 'teller.on the partof_the + itte'reported the tfollowinree the result the election t• '-. _ 'Whole number .Of vo es, ,-- li'' - 278,049': , . Wm:lßigler,,. ,- • : 1...„ . . v.., ~.... 403,901 ~ .• &sm Pellocic,J, : ' ; , i„.'.., t . ';.203,8ft2 3 ;` B. Rush Bradford,' -. , - '-= 21/94 --',' °l rv) ; Scattering, - - . ,:,.-....,.., .::, ..-:; . - .Ba-- : James IPollocittliaving 'received 'it` intijorSk _ qe ~ naystz.. lig .vote. Was subse quentlydrecensidered, and the, furtber consid:-. eratiom pf the message: postponed. ~, i .- •, On fh!!inessage ; vetoing the Act . rolative to. licensing of beer Fhpusei, &c„ the.,:*Ote- is •its folloivs : . . .1 . r. .. -..-. ..: . ..... . .. .. YnA.S: , :z-Nfessrif; DarSie Fergisoii,TFtenn-• iken, Frazier, .Vi,515,' Levis„..li.ielllnjgef,:iStth ; span,-skintiet.and , Taggart,-,10; ' . - 1 ~! :. -- . .1 •", . ...„,,,,,N4Ar'4....---. , :geS4s.,Brown,l-Buelca *:'7' ' :CitSS: . wel l ,ll - y. - 16 . 1)d\ti.iii.,ThildernOn,-11 oli n,Hog e t ...farniiiri.lt, Jurdot,•Killinger,..f.tel .. toe, riatt,. Price, qui , ?gfe, &ie . !, Vial on, W eery and ileiStO, S r iff:akci:--44q, .... •.-•- ,-; , c i , . 1 ,.. • .. .. Ti l% - Afe#rigeltettiing 6144de — t ent i . I tite net ro-- 'kiting to collaterat . inheritance tap,i Ye - as 1, • naP #-- ' s 'i l i•• 1 '•-•' i • . • i.l - : • .. 1 Message vetoing: the. tpinco i Orate: tho DepoSit.Bnnk - • ii;wa. ihnder eon- - sideration will :Idle flied, - :1 le,s and- horrible Manner.. 'Eretybody . per_ -. eelve -i it hi his . owo *ate, in - the! fate of his . I.cOmriates, in the ettnditiOn of the 'camp, and I . _: _m the' Impress Ofthe siege.. - Young. geatti— ' men", brein er 4 er,; 4 Inmiry; and witlisaa att.: ~ - pie it.orl) - of every !pill taryerimil)rt, were stile art the . last datd Iwearing day and night . troth- ' mg tint the threadbare clothes a id. `corn-out - bootis in which ihe3i. :landed - on. the 14th';of SA.-qa,, Tho,-10d - no means of g tting up the things left behind in, the . transp rts. What . • . becO'ne3 of everything sent to. alaklay.i-no boavlnows, but, while they are' OttingthoU satiPs are perishing for Want of hem.. Eve: -- 'plit - Ily can.i'...t . *A!''.. - something that should , ;,dohe,.l)ut thlire. is nobody .to rderit.tn, be 1 1 . le '•,. -rind j'ithi thoueund azen,' r wliat 0,.. ins. of thenz, i itre drining:.icif - their - eves a; but hand-hound, ipell-bati n ,:laward(k.... tic fi 01,.. : Do', ,'any of the,_le , ttcr „'Or' any 4.1 riaitu./2..;tal riflizzi's returned t our the war, • --- a different:account ?. Oa t e• contrary - pps it not - eotleeithin.eVerybo rs hnowV. ,4re,, liii_it doe§ in ours, that. theletters head- - elahea - t ie , flri,Yate: cite! e 5, ,and u t, pOlishek left they should;.prejudide . the is iter . 41 'the c4 1 . , 3 of liiS stipt i niors, give a fart ore gloomy account than 'any letters"that, iv . have: ,ven . ttio.(l.to publish?. _:,, - ...- tThe burden 14 foreed..npon us, I spatt L oat. , GoOd nature is - a pl ihi its way ' ' 'but . if ttilandlis,evc f • eq, it will ; he.,l.iy. anseasodable i I.4 . :Unlirnit , 4l. Ondoriance, leonnic i gleneb, - and all the softer forms cto Op. E pit; -. ctl ..- .Inglland has not become Nybat it, is by.good nituire, nor'; is good. nature the 'ae sole „mvnt of our_ social and comme The period , for:good nature i. overin thetc Crimea, and sterner qualities ust: now be: intd aetion, unless We . -mild thrmir. , away the last chance that remain for redeem th tte- f, thi i ry, !ow to ing,. : the'„eharacter .. -ot i . . ,is country, .novr.jul fearful . .jeopardY. , - §(41;1 _out .naert:.Who'wili. - ). ',live the army—,, not -from th l 7 , .Itussians # ...- though tlitty are.: forrnidable enou . k . but - frold - det,pair, Which is weighing downithe . spiritivofi',, 1 , in every :one, i andan Alter - distr "st . the ar. -ra'n,r en -, 4 . eu t of .tizq..oxiiedition:.. - . -0 Joillbe...of .:,- liiile use to send olit,-"reinforeeni ' is ' b y , thOu•''' , . ~ . iS(O I 4 - RA it./e•h 9 'ive' igke step? .: for hei r . better!: lti`cutcige,pelit. :.41.7..-it is,- thezi.m ,ch...to their 61;i:5:pee, imd'hegin, to perish - hy‘,seo lei from the itOOr- tfi l ey , lai.ed.:: : .,ll4reile receitee them. ow the - ;heoeh. wearies them, ,and.teepries:'thessi-7::i '<-- , .. . tli-enche,4 thew, 4luivers then:, andlso deittrorp,: t4err!, till a fiw siieetrat figures are altbiat -: r 0 7405. The , ..soldiers of the '• Peninsula r -. vihetakhey saw the Duke ef Vizi figtott after._ int atlamm,ttied to exclaim . tat his- flee' d 4 :thent more good than the arrival of tetis regiments. •Sneh • a head,..'orl_ coadjutors.; ecitAi l valent to it, is 'what we slant for the Crimea, '. - ' - ; : 1 - ;- -• ' ' The Southern Cotten New;Orietins . Ja . n..ol..i. :184 i • At this 'Convention being held hereto-day, -, 'resolutions were Offered and -;rofef.red, dedar -Ifig:the'neCitiiSition' of Cuba necessary 6-)r the protection of the commerce, quid for the - soci). ri,ty, Of the South4o coasts, att‘fl 7, ureng that it n mediate action' of' Congress up n' this sub. ject also recommending a recipticocal j treaty between :Spain and Meycleo; for tl o repeat of -the - laws suppressing the ski-AT t {) i;iiso in 'fiivor of o'railroad'frum Norfolk z t. the thouth of the Ohio -river. - , „ ' Mr AfanhAll of Missisqlppi • • • - _report Aottheiinstitution r Sla , ing the value, 'I to the Sim th ; 'speeches ivere made by Others, or IZailrsind 'projeet..r • . January'l3.--L -Theconvention day;:the - resolutions favor Raiirciad ;' aist ;for rethoyingihel f ,i 4n, - and , fordel3poting . the ilttrer ;also; ti:iaqualintii dricans, and otber - whit!3' 'was prevaiing ;nlsO for itnproviiiii of Mobile, andthat ittl'titvor Of le Southern retolntions faior; - ot the o tficv . piur Envie Weietreferred;:*l iotrPoosildji,mrno Meet - again - 1 ,ing; xvhen, meet yrObably - 'thes gni praoi, \/ • . ..*as 0. ensuing Muesday 'filch -the na we must'.: asant,thing to be ruin•;; ocol nature, f • virtne.;.-. ear& , i ic!kg -eiy, stoyfir.7,: i . ,ind ievena - " r thcPacifii,e; this' racifto' bisinscticatii e this 1 le* • the,' hartioi " tiestion hr` • a*optkotl.-. • . • 1210:C.V _ _ _ MEM