0 /:,,INDEPEURIT,-,RtPlialettit . .1 CHARLES F. READ AND 11.. Ii: FRAZIER, EDIToRS • - 1 MON 711081.:, PA. illnrrday Snn uary 1 8,- Stlo.l - • REPUBLIVARI IdEET/PIG-:, . I - f;'- . ' On Atotiday evening liti-, , t; January . 15th, an adjourned inectitig ! if the R e ptititiean . Par . ty -Of .Siisquebainta . comity, was_keld in . -the Court 'louse, at Mont roe. - - 4 iarge niim ber of eitizens were in attendance. "The ine l t { ing wasorpinized by tho appointment of the folhiwing offieer*.: -- . : Robert Griffis. President; Janies 'W. Cl - ilian, 'John' nritddmv, Luc P. Balwr,r, aid ' Hots Charles Ti . agley: ViCe';'t''r'&s,WntS i.. : and -. I O. a. Hempqe.ail.and H:- :IL yrii4er,. Secre taries. taries. :: :.' 1" . --- . ': .. '- • .. 1 - .. 1. . Thu Committee appointed at last, theetill ,, , • not having finhdled the preparation ofthe fiil- . "ilreiste the . people of this'State., Was continu ed, to report at an. Adjounied meeting to be held on the I first... ..Mondav eveninn. b of nekt ~ r - • , April t' ourt, I, .• On motion; a' Central 'Cottpty. : Committ i ~ was:apPointed by the Pres'ident,--.viz: Roa 'Chad .s 1 1 F. - d, Peter. Decker, Gilbert 'Warner, • . Li Canfield,. Amos 'Williams, Wm: Fost ~ Vin. C. Till:lay. lOn motien4o. Mott,...jk, 'G. Z. kimock Was added 'to the Committe .. .Judge -Wllmot was • then called for;•-imil: responded in . a poWerful aitd etTeetive appeal in behalf of the came of- freedom' of which the following is' an antperfeet-report.' . • ' - • Judge Wilmot eomnienced by-saying Iv.; had suppoged that- this-was to , lie a ineetink fur the transaction of business pertaining` tb the orptization. of the . frermen .of,..Slisquc hTma county, rather, than for speeat making, but he was always' ready ie. give his v 014.. ..• , . for the canse. The more le exatninetl - and •-..(i considered, the more be became convince‘. 'l, , 4 * of the beeesSityrof OrgraliziU , r a I've dons pac t, 'to use,it 11. T Oeltishi. ! purt ty at the North. H e woilid have re j o i ce d ,t 4 ed the great:body.'l , Old fee 'the great Democratic Party, Atteonte tht g e . t hei , hi.; :the Ic.rf .ll l honest ili;d, , ichanapion of free' dom,. as its traditions, by 1 col?litY, Are the teachings of its father= ; and by t h e ne.m i! desire thi . ..sticcess tt{ it claims, .it- c ought to haVe done. .All - tau I some fathers of Democracy W(.‘r<l!oPposed to thei: l 'f . the di'.he"est . irrel increase (4' slavery, --:a , T s were 111 the -reay of the party tacit and parties .10 the, earl (11, - s of the!hair ha.ui ii the t r i iu g r Republic; But, now, a treat interest at thel; 3 . e" r t. '' r3u t t h e 1 11 "" `elolt,) South, -the-'Slavc.. power With its three mil -; eentlle'e:(l both th .li6ns of slaves, has dr:m.li :the • Deinoefatieli • If any:beds', party. ti - em ,\ proper pOsition. The efforr: is going: to-',.figl4.: the .1, has been . 61.1Ceeill.11. to draw the, Democratic ) . wf ol / 1 (1 . - s; 1 -2:, Pl:9 l g up' party from the principle's 0 licpn ~ h blicanism`, On tit - rptcstiOU, I:the ;into the support, of ore of the mostinfainous % helped 'the ; So.itit!: to tl systems.of tyranny in the WOrld.. 7.110 Whig, 7 warks If t' . party alsoohongh not naturally a pro-slavery for freedom, them , 4 partn has been drilwn'into;,the . same Po..4tion, State eon: Velal , 1;-vi,:i`oll .by its rmion will; tbe'S.outh. . The existence UAL!iwben al anti . • 4 at - Jgressions this great SlavF Power ; ;we're nidign? s int have ren,lci•ed it neeessarrto•organi:ze ;in an- j cued in 11 ,, Neimulha tagonittle trusted tlie day wouldl p i er; v it d gin • Come wheat then;--will be nO party in the Free i vct,ther i e States, that Nvotdd support I against.the ilia , the frierds Of freedom will act totzethur. • But th r e';act Were' where -tali Free• Soil men go now? Some !to 'say t 6 the 1 will say. 1-tai)cl 'lay the old . Democratic part,- - 7 -miscalled Dern!g_r4ic.,fOr, rp . partyt hat I,- dornina:iim of the Slave 1 . '4 Aver, and 'ties. iu s - laveryextenSiOn,,is 121:titled to the name of D. a inerac.,y. .firo w eont-ist itwin mil , :II snelt a part ? There are very few who claim that the DeM'oeratie ; party is tlicT party of frc'edem. To say • that .. lho.Demoeratit party of to-day is the. • party at frcedOn, is tO-belic historV,and shut, 04 eyes 10The niost obvi44i facts. - -• • In Susqnclanna" Count vi he believed. the . pfople to be almost UnanitrOnsly in' favor of ! Free Stid . rrirrilaes. .The, rapers O - f the • . count} both profess : those, principles. Then why jang,le and quarrel ? In 4 Vtadford county it is. not,si, there.aet together for free m, except asmallbodyleit some three or ,fife' hutdred. The' rest. ; Tieing United in i principle, are uniteciin action*. Both ip a p < see the mitter.of the old putrties hay-::;1 - _. - under prO-slavert intluenFeS, in the Light If the people. of StAcnellanna ' 1 ire united itrprinciple, the y 5 .. 124. - 1111d in action. - lie had confidepce in of the • le, and thought:l6'r peopi. Jl.l"br 1 id have confidettee in - each •other,fl,, may di ter in :the mode - 4 , ...,f..areornplisiiirik; the same' end ? . . - , but should : no.t . ,thervillre 9 , -rxrct stands the question With the did or;- ,If. the memlierS of_the -Demo cratie , pirty of- Susquehanna :county are for freedom can they desire to keep,-up their. toaneetion with a pro.slavery party? Is the Democratic party Of Pennsy-lvania opposed to the r. , ;( , .si.ions Of slavery? - Ifas it ever unfurled the bartnCr of freedoin "in this State been , the niost serr tic tutu= ion of ilavery—has yielded.ready:essenf tilt its •requirements.' 'What 'party gave us Polk? The Democraticparti. And his ad •ministratiou- added millions 'of square Mites of yew terrifory—territory :that. is to be cursed with slavery, and, as he now.beiieve - S, acquired, with. that object. What party gave Pierce,. and what has his administration dine for the cause of human freedom ? Look - - atl the, re teal of , the Missouri Co niprprAise, , , ~ . . .42t. .a r sacred coni_pact kept. inViolate•for more ;I vented the repeal -.e:.!f the,•Missuri . Cornpro, ' thitu - thirty yearS,• for'an answer. How 'then it-Misc..' .411 Jctl'ersoti s acts and writing were tan •the4ernocracY of Susquehanna, if they are ;.in favor ;Of freedurn . Lel us. have such Pres, for teee - ilbninztipiain a connection with such ' idents again, and all will be well. Opr'Goi,•-• ... .. '-' • ' i _ • -I ,• • i a.'partyl_::TheAr v .may pass Free-Soil- resolu- i • l ernment pniist, again use Its power to restrain tio ns at-their County ConvtiitiOns, but in' the JlSlttvery, but hot interfere:lli-lib it in the Slates. :State ~ :Conventigh, such resolutions will he 1 ,11,T0 vffeet, -this, the - freople l fof the I\Orth• must EtniOtheved., ' - Those - who hold Ipositions;of iri.: .I ,u ni Ic. - ''..: . iluenee. ;in ihy Tarry; are, in; a_ "great degree ,PI 11e• belieVed be had . al ways_ been a consist, . ..... . resporft4hie for 3ts..aetiOn.-.i 'rave the Deriro. !cut friend' of freedOm, in i id•-•truSteiil he ever , cattle It-aders, of this,ootatty'dUni. their duty ? ishtiuld 111..• .11e beAeved his principles are in r gave they- taken the-*ts.i.e.Kori - they should, no dangler now..i, .l! i• ' ••• • • ... . 1 . . from the print:ivies -they - prOfe'ss in the State i .11 tbirigsg(qotraslibey bare (lone, we, slrould Cure'., - ,..errti (*!1• - lie believe f i Ifia• • •tbna:woirld present i ! the i ispecilaclo of ..a, nopritral Ito, :•. Avtrieu - 11ert• nine-toil tbs of •;•.L P..opp . l;::)f.',P..eriii- ''l, pul.ilic i ntriining Within itself the/worst syS- i sylVittira Will belling : 4) the Privaoln,part. y . ,.i tem. ••01 - . * SpOii£4ll lon 'earth,. • He belieyeS But • u - uw, ti - br.trukiluie .IStato Cutn - clitiOn :'Slavery, if it had the.power, ;,Would. manacle i • "amid endorse- Pierce,_ lic•ittglits..s . .aVery aOd r i the'freeliabOr (if th'n North./.;When alai - err - •, - , i 4i 11?-- --.-. r' -- '''' - 1- . 16 '.•,, :- ' 1 _' ' • . • l'ra . hd . ChriStianiti c4fliet.,l:3Vhieb . ,- goes ' by the i • -. ate 'man , w_bO_ is.lOand, is_rt,,Slayse--I.s..uotti board 1 1 1 .When' thElinterests Of Freedonrand.'• :-. lie A ilavti TAti:Lo, wile 4 his"-peduilidei are trau /-11 Slavervi are' at Virtu Col Which' muSt, Ageld if 1 • '.' • 1,-;. • :the - -.. a'• • ----•• • i , • J . - ?•, .. ~.. Russia -::- • : 4 • 1401,d4 . ,ic . ..p ! - Ilot .p,o. a. ....oui2tge to suit- it wri o; be safer to, praela nin n thAt ioiit - J - iftie -bomlige cif IstAb it - eiaA - isi ' tile . Ctai! is - A -- Aie'siioi ' -- in - d'-;lsis - aiermnini.--' I •,„ 4 -- ot ts c or t nllety, that. of the African •Slave, l , !Atli-ht . to 'be •ov,tribtown- Ilki t • b . ) . pel'm hi 0, Wl4.**.:,biit4lo l a.4iiind.. 1,:,,:. --, . ... ; r I - II Suutb Gl:labia; tb4reat triah'ei the . titili:,, Irf K i.7Bi)4l: ; :lor, t„y ;. - 44 - AiwAys - beeu i..pra,l I ration 4. ii‘iiepen4itee;thit AIL inAtikiiid 'ire" -, • ilrtverY:, - irbr.iriv'vptr , ;f. - ' .- 1 1 .••••: -. 'n'3,tr.ltaistr„.!;, , ;:l ' ri-c- L ., ,lrd fi* e '-t -, ••• 4 4 il'i,ii t - 5 !:-. j : -,V 7 -;i-,,,,', -?.!'t1.4.,'..-;i:-„.4 IN 7---- t• i- • 1 • , w . 0 ,,,, w . /p. m _, 'r•ll4.- • - i - I '''. L N rth'lthd - ti %i ieftie • 'il Alvah' A of Fillmore is an example of tiffs,, Both par . i would, proyibr,99,Ate.4l.lo ..010eC1a,..., ~,13_ WA.- . ... , -4&,it.5 - I -z- Willill - w...‘ -,- , 1 1 ,- o , eer or 'bon, t e i ion Ke e - (lava he ebfri4V pro - -kavery, bc - ..cmuse, as; other ytTni'woiltibi set to your grares. -It svh4 thought that women's failure liO:sing . .•, ~ I,_ I a and Free-Soi element 7 They base been J . ; strong enough to shatter an old and nuwerful •; they' mould tell ynti 4 tt is neeera. ry to`sustain,i We are now strong, if sycimould use our i bass erodld terminate all' fin-they attempts on .. . i will thug ~..z- . • l \ . t , j , v organization, id ; rQugh• zind purpose i a - new 'one .1, ''''• • . • I a national erg-Adz...l6m. I As ,f Slavery, was I power; We may be oretpciwered hereafter— their part to cmulate the met' In the , • '4. ; - ; rational and Freedoms seetionhl I The allo , -'•-our -children may be the mere tools-and tin= er walk , Pl . music. Buy failiti'le tel 'reek% What,lno4asfe been tha pVeili.results i it , i , t• . e ... / i . 1 • 1 . -.1 - i ; ..; . ..s. - 1 i n N 'el.._ trlts throne itsprrealreet I '1 e ) national Titesithai is reslly, h sectional po, derlings Of the Sotitht ; , ; 1 • soundlng,s iso deep Water, they ha e _east of this new'*tyT; Ir, ltlassa s eg. ? 4 .1 ; 40 I 4 I windward:and t;.it wpota It ' d ' a `' bee t sition--a de.sire to". p; peoWer by uniting Ti. is th'p. bditst of utfr free institutras that 1 theil• '- ltead o, the 1 w itl.e. the sectional institutiO of' slavery.---'• ,every- trait nfiy aspit‘; to office. But 041 e y, sen,: . • irith better suet:es& A. Femslet,eor,, • n " d . 1. ",. 13 % e° 4q , ,t re? 1 .f, mv„t. 1 94 1 J 01 4, ll I -tni • rec oil tee tleon y one nying 7 it.tiw ' Ski' •tioid will lathe 'rah tb'e men of the." no man `an obthin ' ee under the - Qoveni. .t 'ttai,a , . 4 , c./ ee ./ a ` e d H era id 1 li me . 1 1 r. eN -f -, , , c _ F4a , .. net ~. , (ay s It. 4 1/ , stand its )nembers,cl..let ? I read an extract I.North only nn a ,pro•sli t tNery bat-is. tnioni. meet whp isnot pru-slavery. lle would vete . posct ‘of the Misses Maddern. sisters;? and from the c.orrpontlent of the National Ent I 1 ; ~, . ' • I tl L South,•not a P lave re- (an Abolition a sa. 0 • • n . -" 1 ‘, Ss it lit obi such! :t basis,'we cannot,i tore the opinion that thcrc is ostrnas- youpg: la„diLs of high respectability, i . . iA ) t Nose ibte-,3d ISete I Ding-- ' • • • t h y: Ml'should dare spe kif 'E I i', - ` f 3 S iri concert troupe I Tlie st rit4r is stated to•be .7_ G. Whittier, co--I accept. •Shotild t )eoLtatie party .c•s•cr i tic in cot 4 Whoa j i cent y•s site in u.lo as a „, , _ ._ .. s i , , . ~ .;:. , t (liter, i PPlllie, of the Era, and a distiremish.• its -onnbetioi ' with the South, then lie would I flit or dlt dh. " 1; ' of freedom. loud 41ough to be bear i tan . 'it ti ev playing to prow ded at dto .ed Abolitionist - 1 '-' vl ...Jaasae..usett‘c win?, na il', 1 ' j have nfelenee in !h. So of the Whig party. 1, IN ashingion. Ile must forsWear the love ef • ion able audietices in that city and in Detroit- much as any Otlitir man, is booked in ifer-1 ITI ' W hat is NV:lilted at this day, in hisijudgment, ! free principleshe acquired in his ;, euth, 'Mr , le company number eight performer 9 and I, (slice to its po Ric; particularly Sol Free. : i. is a•J eat Ficedoid parts in this country.-- 7 the sake Of office. lie must- fix.swear his re- tl. t'e - rexeeukiO t i - e said to be rernarkabh it i I . "C. 1.. map[, tC oldie emghU di:strict, is an old lib - - I , • 1 p ) ~. t , ilistrtct, nation a the eleventh, Contain itt the tburth; ' ,- - 1 - • 1 1 \ j , ,f 1 t ertv man rite :ace!' DElirwr 'n the Wo otter Any 1 , Ky. no matter by whztt. time it may, ligion, fur to say that slat er is a divine ip- i perfe t it. 1 .• - . • 1 . 1 . o ro - 1 l. i . be ; called, twit mutes with the South. must . stitution "iti to deny the religion of the Bible. i-- VOA' lit .tartling innovitioti. to •111 lie .-Yo • ; Batmen in - the t ird, and Burlingame in the filth dis -1,41,1 1 1 1 , , .1 be prisuei ter. 1 1 i He would (rive his Land tii all who would ' Our p cellar rro , l 'ee to dal in i'sound- I trial, are ono Fl l ec-Wvni. N. I'. RANgs,,jr., is tel -1 , _ c' •'t 0 0 1., r , p e g.. , i ,,-. umpliantls I reeleeted front the am oath district, ag,ainq If the People b ; this district mould un•te ! co-operate with hint in the gt t eau-le of ho• 1 itigrinivili and tinkling eymb.dis" gnu wneic the combilied opPosidon of the Pierce Demotratsy and iin the' -raise ofi freedom, li belle% ed tYcy I man rights, whether foriner fi•iel or foe. Ifi man) 'tof our "rights" base, , gone befor Ijl Bin ; the I'Vldg4., Of art=, .of the sixth, and Iran, of the ; IL I' l ' fl 'ld - i I • i • 111 • don' f 1 • ' ' ''' ' couldtexe tztte ian in uence as mou eiluse we have the same objects to aetomplis 1, ire after I , met eL es disco iiii,,tl.l. , , I fir t, we ba‘e n veil definite knortledge. ', Gardener, ha Gin ereor deer. stands openly i 1 . the State to change its old position on this .1 will necoMplish them if re can. , If men are II A.° Ido occasionally sintain\a ilettat of this I pktiged ripin . st he ,Nebrasica fraud and . the fugitive 'b 4', 1 t- Bat so 1 ' , , 1 h fur the t i • j i t qixestuai o f tim.,n, ri g ht:: 1 ~.ong as i honest, they can find art true patin z vt.. ':fancyour forees do not reti, 0 from• , • • ' 1 1 Lihre la ne; 1143 ast Inger:, has been evidently th4t, of a Pro-shivery Whig, hut we RI - teak now only of his 1 suppot,or ( s lavers -- ' leads t o poliq e al teccess 1 , friends .of rrt.v•doin. If :ny man anticipates the i; cuntest without sonic of the -lylushing : present paSitiot. Blown, Liet.tulant (.o% e rne..., 6, a , ~.. ' .i, • i • • . ...., \ . , 1 Fiec-•-loil Donee at and Ftntionist. -Of the Senators i i t, lie h '' ''' ' ' and place., asraniunis men w iii support it. The 1 oemg leg ott uy some 0, „. id= on. can • ~onoee ot war. If the evemy mine. I i , ; . 1 ,.° and repro etitat re_ elected, energh i 4 14110W11 to be , lii•tors f the lag 'few months. is lnetruetive.. l s top?,Th..... thouelit h. leouhl—he knew ho •ountei iiiine. If they attack our eirlrettchtid .., , tolei atil certsin that a reliable maul wilt be chosen to . the 1 - nited siat . Sen9te,. and eflectual pro% i.iis ht cint , trqueitce (if the Nebra4ta on trogc. the :, coulLi stoi.) l . He could sity. we will part coin- pwitiott4; mid l i r cou ). 1 ji aiit carry OW pul -1 ' •,'. d in the W ., ti I t" 'I ' d ; L mato , fot ptotect ng the inhabitant, afire Mate agatatt ' IlepulAiean party v• as olgallti/P LS . Isallr. Fitment :ac e go \} Bern .iii gaunt and pit end the } pre ss. Me give up our le l eitunate I the eueeite silt • hunt." I 3 has 1 •1 1 t heal.Tl tarty' .'s a -7 II 1 • shallh i • c i • l•f II d I • 'k I'. t ' 1 '• an um orn, v riumi la pLonct knee 'rat . utit the sax wL, e en, 133 men sintltle( an t te eeti sl. Thus liett e orieii the Knoss. Nothings of . I ". was there as bete organized an Free. Soil led into, 'a pro-slavery l organization. 'We and .by a s'igorous charge drive theri from ' Xl . .i - ssaelinsett . How spoke the ? I. will , . , -.- . • . - , principleg. The Whig harts 14 there Llis- 1 need not' fL•ar that. We have broken down their iteedleS and their lace-. If they ; ttriiit \ leae a reeolui on tuont a hnom -I\ odnilg -eon., I • ' \of 11 lb .h - • ; handed. He lielres ell the Republicnn part? one pro-'.lavers organizition, and can anothl. I.a surlirise lukerimiciniae L and take posse&sion ‘Ltititet qt o )., J .IS:ISL I.llett , t of the Wttct to lle,the hope erthi• country in i• .. , \ " Resoi4 , d, T rat ue hail With hope and jov the rt= of onr beeeelies, w c send furaeine. par lie into , .„. . , . - . I 0 t , , ceut uriiiimil -II e-ses of tee itepamiratt party in tee 1556. In the oraniiiition of Ole part) in their Itinwdom, -Aloe return ‘vitit hts i t ........ t 4aNvi-s si.u.s Of ;Maim. 10-•:1, Indiana, P , 0n..)11 ania, and 1 1 this county lie 1..14 deer ly s,) inpiithized, and' Ohl° and 'etre t tho.e Nietorie4 , tre a foreah idowin and their rtifies. 1 f.their sharp shooters pi 44, • ' l ' . . • • ; , i of nth cs soon t come, b 5 ninth the ill. e State* .hali . Nvs aii\ htni to i-ceiall tat to in it. It it should off our ',' bosom voinpalih els," and Usd o4r ereseitt on'e soli phalanx of oppo-itiott to the iu,•grese. , t - Cl7rr happen that the I'arty \ should be \I 1 este3 fine linen for their per,oilal adorn meat, wc '°"' of ' l4 l°T. , * to the apport -4,C pro l ttlas,ry mca-nres he 'in up storm their breast works, and produee ; - . \ • . . ' 1 i Owl unbrolten . testinions of titled and should oivise it. Ti ,11, lie could see no wonteiti rotundity of chest by paddinet our , 1 1 . 1,. w-Il the • i i 1 • h , 1 .t , tpLLL i not tan., ? 1 ....0ut iun te, uit growl 4 for, 4isdru4t hag tilo-e u Ito have joined rests:" it, fact, hostilities ha% teen sp uh- this noribere Know .Ntithine inn " t ' seinen r ant, , in it. 'I hent may bs• ambitionc and bad nun' 1 1 - ..lrr' .1 to'. evasirez itn, L. It 4 , such an, extent, that a . mated u,itli tl c sentiments of So e Ldi en and . , 1 in it. Tlitre always h.ls e lie(li (401 in 111(7 lade 're.pos t '. would he very aceeplable, in , Abolitioeisin? Will the South enlist in h ern , , F • ~, ..J. of .0e;:t tsar 41nd Abolitionism that she Democratic and IVI;:4 partics e illiele_fal-! order' to reerult our exhausted enertiies. rP- - 1 1 t , 1 • „ 5 may exelude from our councils men who. likt! 'll be• men in (1(1 • ',- who desire Pact, gc , , suili , I im t ent (t.tip •• the party crAr 4...xpres , ttair , - kt,•.‘p them :I Alahltaiu •,1 • E -Jai•••, 11ftve hd .1- ie sen-. to: ' Did. th.c.- do to . 1 1. i .,mtpt I:was to' lie old . traek:--- a ; star4l tri 'your ,lo with the IVltigs;: lie wot4d,,i , r.y,, ,liat carries ont yonr prin. .. 4 ,,,otbin gi l Pe rhap he was, ..ztnit and. While slavery has; 1,, ::11 '4 - tin:antic. Istrides over this i ~T.:i t'''. - - - ~ niteripg provinces and subduing ,ie!Diamcit-ratic riart y has. been the, frecilohl. - , : If he had . selarated :hint-, , 1• -?.- - •:' .. opt the rartyi.oftreepom:he regretted ,illotw'ill the next 13410r:16re . Convention , iljat party, nominate Pi end of freedom: 'for IPresident ? yiliefilritv . fl,arty. Whitever , .1 .:: . ilumtes.with thre Soljth..'.tliete will be no ..Free . f suilnotrunati,!n. The nhthe of Democracy! will nut 'bind the S6uth tiNttotelor - freedom. ! 1 ThOse w atiV hOlOpe thinT• from. :::-.. organiza:. . ~v I tion. cor i ncettd wittt die' S&ntb, will he - diiap ft ~ ...,j : j '- i c , : !; suL•11: istmid 1 _ ; I ; ;••+t [ • , •continent. rty se; RE united Ilunpstj' .1 ) man. bui;Riteg„artthe :slavery ter st, to control the s i etion our coi-ermenti I' l N•S'as , 1 - i'e'l3ev( i .Jl •• ; t - Itl . 1 13 "tt 'r " . rdr ;different thotights reeve ; 'lir. the. ininds of Our .1 - ar ,n of n_ependeec khows the gr, •prii iciplcl for. which ;they If:ought • and tritiniphed. 'Ttx ction of the' 11GoVerntrient on: tb :slaNiry quekion then,' liana the W,rititigs and 'acts of our 'great, raen . "I I 1 d • -at ton . t, that .a,-.xvery was then ; con.' sidered gat ,evik s.ou;ething Jo - be • restrained. 1 1 anAl not [ cherished', ',and .st7engthened. • Now the whole thing Ims' been - changed. • •;' . L not only; i oxiks •in':liansas., ..where Ns top .it Would tieVer; go, but it • there :eteires tlte Fankion atd support of Govenitn, nt, the. late eleetfpn i fliere ' Slavery trit r niphed, / , not fairly, but.hY fr.aul and ‘ l .iolenee at ;he I ballotbOx ISlavery IS:always extended by i . violen'ee,'. And -yet, govertim • t, instead of aiding freekiont, ali4 Slavery.. - A President like Jefre.rson or ..Stadison soul MEI /oses.G¢l lielievj inen - wlai have united . ()Bean.. §y .in !m \ !sincere kae l • Princi.Ple,z. -There linen in' evaty ; party: had been driven out; heliel - ed it Woutd: ty for,th.laSt twenty' of - the pe0f,16,; .whc; hlarties.are l holiek. [lie ; Dernocfatic party; fittleS of frcedori . , Ito the wor): quick.-H br - rianization enlvi wreak (limn the•bul- 7 1 . Cher arc noino• nt-ne.iice it the next-:. vanii I 3: I.l* , 111 the peotdc Of th\ the outilig.;/ thr.1 4 . 1 a 7 1 thk: State I.elon in, :thathodvi - ; jit ; 11/; - ...resOlui;inis,,against I...o:triea a iii'ihrs ;f o that soleirin co' 1 1 ,ciii - ixvlvatila iadifTei-e/ - . • Iher:a understood t'!( be ' I,,lficracv of . 1; tse \\ht di Rm\zTJ.at); tilg in V jorit in Eho exp • 114 1,i1. r - to .0 `7 1 :rt cr. v, ~ i .. . At tluii close of 34(14,e Wilmot's ti:ce.elii which *as received with! frequetu f applause, it Was reP,olvd that the .'proceedings` of tlit4i i rneetini.; I,c publihed in the Free-Sollpap;:rsi 1 . of thiS ccingressional District; whereupon thti' meeting 4djourlied .to the Ist Monday cvei fling of next April Courti. 1 - - 1 • ~.:________......_2_,:___.,..______. - . li. Cli,eeley on Sham Deinocruy. , 1 The Trtc York 77/ine says, in its isSuo of Friday, last, " That whited sepulchre which . 1 ; .plenisli the 'exchequer, and concoct ifeW tar calls, itself, the Democratie party, hats become .' :•4 1 ,- ) ,• - - • , . i• 1 ties,. .5 Let Us therefore have- . an ar nistiec. the 'abjeet impl'ement rind servittir of , tic 1 111 •flii:' Meantime,' perhaps ,'we inav ((let fa Slave POwer.• Virginia, the C•arolinas; filii-t :- •-.. '' I ' • • ; 1, . . •", permanent peace, by returning, in the Matter bama and Mississippi, Select and nominate i . c i . " :- i‘l i '!• ! : n 1, r , , • of Lirt)Ss, Lo• trIC prarlatVe 11` . . 10.11.. ' :':1: . the Denieeratic Presidents: those -Presidents r• • -.'- :: ' ' • - '' :•,..------ - t - T ':- •i-4 • :2 know whit: mule them—those who want to I .44 0 -.,..,..• 4,, To i tim • ,„4,.„„-:-. , d the 'Pee '*ri& • be Dtnni',i•i•atic. candidates hereafter know al- rs -- 7 . - '. . -'"- 1 ." 2 ~ • ~ i - • i : :.: - statutions.: . so Ih4 1l must square and • . 1 - i: .- /A •O7/,ti speerd cH M • .. if .. - li it i,f , their vo . tb, . by the South Carolina standard, I •S l m-iliC'on'qii74,- lit the 110 use of Rcpres nreriO's, . - i - ' IP , or there h. , - no chance., So lone , as the atave • • .-. •... - 4 ' • • .i. • PO•iVer. a iiiilt through the Shain DemocratV,.! it.„ . ' I:'said • Know Nothingisro i: - a . ilonde• ' shall nil e our Presidents and contro • I. • -l the scri - pt', thinn-.: Is it not? Se:nicely m• re and ik' . • / , • . mo'r e iyar iantNoneuss were mingled t 'or, e: i lic'T Federal Patronage ; we shall have 31illitais-::lA,iiii, great d rl i nla ti s t . in the ;Yitcheo , .. cavil- ; : after .31„tilions squandered on purchases a .7dr4.lii i 'than hilvo beai 'fused .t.c:f.• - cether [iii .this slip. 01'• ile. , ...irt or jungle" on our •Southern ~ li.iloW,,Niithing organization. : If it e ek lii. li•ontier,• On 'flirts and armaments, on.-ships consistency,r- w ill he the. fiery Co2tsis elle,y itl • . • . . , Almlitionism. I will not, disetiss - 4 1 - Oirtk. and batteries, but not hinn; or 'next to nothina !! d . • • • • 0 o' plai,e,!butil will examirie.it in its " carlyl breath • Upon iJitprovenlentß to : advance Industrial' } i ng 4,ri an d a i„,..,, w hi . .,:,, i t , stitt i i r t , was' , i rom i ll ' i i prosperi lie or promote the arts o peace. d tilt: naPna w f " • ;land - ti had • been pOunid ' T . i 1 . -• •We 11 : ;pc:111 t...e \mllo pretend to be Free. '•. rivil-,1::.: l'',r,;v.: • Soil men, a vet adhere, _and try i to• per iI , think, 3114 Chairman, It iti an e ;for .to ; Old "tanker suade 011ie .$ Co adhere .to the . stip x poe : :thift 1 KnoxV-Nothingism is . !ine . e, , i ertilAion'on Ithb. surface. It.penetrate.....sir,..to . ' ;11 _ pxaraine• into the 'truth of these :., - ' •'• - • , • , - 1.. „ 'toes-cry wrii - of noritiern soeictv. it itit;oliitito•! 0 1(1 ; , It' 'ill'• 7 Y . th - Tonnu l 't - rue, act ac- • with the: love i'...t' power - and the struggle; v .inaki.: :Greeli - .y is•• • pr s :ttv tmodantliOrity. labor'to iidjist rind:pfoteet ,its relation 4., with,- - ~• , • -g .n , . „al inat'..4S With which 6, is acquallitt•d. •-.• • , f'oe.loi -- ! • . • .. i ,•'!! - - . • • - !•• ThitAl.mi riltV lids pliWed the love of power . ' • , ,_ , 7 - 7 • _tior, the satisilietion of . our friends, •in YY.crY lininanhr , !at't• Thcfftrnlzg"l' ic lo ;bition ] haveslialien a,,;‘,1) the oldest lust irtitiorT, who iiiliiits•f'ro r ient ingifirics as to the sue ., • - - i- I • ' • • - ! ani Oilelic:suby,...rted the organic - iiirnisl i,±. F.p. 6emi - ,f*t!.e.•it• 'Paper,' we shalrpublish, in tiro Or ;• i ~:. - ' -i• i • 1 , 1 . : , . 1 . , ..... I.c:it t existanee. .maarcity ints oeen its ,o,'"sprinz, , three wt eks, a s,tatement , ,qf the number Of , and the ,i . ' - vor'd has entered - to. deStroy It, for •• . subscriliers Fwe have obt:fined sine,: the lst of fuen:Prefer despotisin to tmareliy-=;*militticin , •. . ti . : . Jinitiar•.;'' At • •preient. - W . O will nierel- met', ; -ot tanks, .Or ,itTerene..., of rat'es, it woul 1 iiceM, • . •• `oar l ' ',• '. ,; , : i are , eskent"iii to rt ne peace of ; societ V. re tbiS, i !ion. that p list- is incisitz. , -ing, in a very sat- ..., 1 •-%': •-" • • •., nOwtiver: as lit inns. the al - nbitki - 4) Vol ina:L ': isfitctory :maliner ; and that, tip- tor the time •.,'• 1 ' l i i ••e • • T,' , ;AI y' h tersi.tte resoivC to ilaVe.inio2cno'S ..:CSIL:C • .i Om. , , . . of this 371t.nig, rilthough, the - Republic:lll'llas is : id:: ,i,,,,i 1 , 1 to f t h e n „ rt h ell i K now ..N . ' ( kl i j r i,T.' i . beil sent to the subscribers to the Register,.; orgiinizati!in They hare pot .the row 'jell - I§ i in its plitee, ins no case luis any person. in the I-Triyi7c•ahrits ft7ppointed to ocean;/ this p j 4iti4 i (xiunty rkifused or returned it; except three or i.3',',4ilier"ruile they wOUld ;trample ttulse of , . • own racel Into the:statusof inferlM-s.• l -: four mo - fill'in :Montrose; and as they are a . inotily I .•, t ",i i . ' I . • • . j. They are to oft pure, to , o thilanthropic, tOelhOl l V the hardi , st of the hard !Hunker Denicterat,:s, i t t ,,, s l kll .. J ‘.r .it'iis_*ll;.ihi'f). to -the.. black inan.; oat we are i.Orfectly satisfied to exchange theiri '' th4.'Will.',dii , frinichise the white. Thb` i h Et- - • • , , , i for theT w ree-Soil men no have come to.flil I,iopOn', shill not be an nlieii ainollg the ,•-tiow - - - 1 their putter . , - - - i - :. 4 . drift4 pf the -North.; but the deseendclits bf t 1 -----------7f-------.7-------- \ . rtlio,'si , kallani men who le.ft litnne and IN sane - • ~::::•,- ,•• ~ ._ ' tit: ':. to•stritomic for strin• ,, ers in 1 str to .„, --H'llle Wash;ngtoa Union saps of the • • it. • •'':'-' -'r , ' '- ,'- 1 - . 1!. • 1 lan ; and . Wl'o sum iced covered with Wdun S. inaugural address of Go‘' Gardner of' 3 . • , 1a51 '.'! 1 " .. . , ' oiti upOn t r the field will your blood , i‘ . 11:iti clitis'etts.i ."The address 'cannot fail to satisfy I..wr: filied;:tirt!tand thein,:sliall- be-made ;' , ..g.rialii: • the' lar. , , , ,,rist expeetritions Of the most ultra :. , .1 , :-.. r}3144 slaVe. You will not I:4Ve• • NVI/iid 01• , 'S . :. Qlitionlsts: It not only dent.)::4e les the Ne- ~ • , y0n!;.n0ti,,,,• . I.i:liii, I 'i • i. - "•• I'. ." ' t • 4 tiiiie . V.s !•hen that the hive 01 pow.*. tile brzisiLi t!11L 1,•;;,-;, ii. nrges theT , Atoration of the . ..! : l 't . .i.. ,• t , 'l'. '.... r l . :' 1 '' ' • . ': . ... 4 i' 0 : -I' . - . 'aIIIPI t 1 0 ri , to l De masters without t 0,... p•atri,fr- Mis:Te Iry line. In its remarks . in relation to I clial''i'clatiOn.withottt the unselfish antagimisin the habiqs; corpus a nd . the trial byiti . ..rx.,••aucli.i.•t - .. - rtiali - kloict.:,. , 'as' it4h , titi, - rep t. , , ',dation-4v weaVe every safe- l'anhizailott ai,the. Nortl--.. !Int, : there ii 1140 IN Party. Om El in its r.;:‘.,..spirimen, - I !''' --- ---/ . .... !,,._ . uard ronnd (those prithal birtlk:righ . , ttie i!scnn . `-'-il * rnii cif n" :l "9'!"iarfrsharal.'ter imPlier4ed 511 abolitionists will i- ,,, -a :roeomnendati n te I: 4 ' 1 I l le Ale#l44Poend strut i n Eurn4; the 1 rupture aiid chaos df the industrial ren4io4s, take aetion . againStthe fil•=itirc-slave-lal ,and .: , and thearin'ed - co)fisionsef Government 4 have ! sin:h.-K.604 will array Massachusetts swellcln cast ,tbe emigration to this einintiv. 5 i . _the:general governinent ' •.! . -I The et war,lfanine, and the pressure of prcp iUlation agaiist ;the wall, of "subsistanCe4 hate 4 ..0 - 7Governor Gardner, of Massachusetts, I:panperizeil ihili4x. ! -Front! the PenitsYlvania ; , xasniangibrated Jan: 9.1 llis inaugural 'l`-'lt Gal iniker . oines-,the Cry, , "Do .not tepid] u - - : ldiiiri -- ) . ti Coal " from the navigation ,:!-iiiter dress related principally to the foreign PoP . -!!! , ' t !" ,- / -4 1)(i: not repeal Che t navigation- laws - ;' lation, the,dutiesof Americans towards then),' es / • • ' - ~fr tri tlie Spi . tin . ers and weavers, " Do!not te and the ! dangers to be apprehended_from. ! A u d e ,....o e iatiff:,, - Why , this cry- ' The . y say, a .. iIICTiI. •j•.. - . ] l vil ;that, i!foktlictii, lice labor Mast,. be saved: frOM ! -. Ile further recommends ,the repeal ! of tifefeottipctlitiOn With the pauperized Libor of Eu ,miconstitutional featur e si of the liquor; laW I - rope,!ior it must - itself be ;pauperized : Otte '; seclion has been long and epp.ressirelY - 1 - axi•d and sigiiifics his willingtieSs to sanction - anyt l;to 'shield Tie ' other- from' competitioi; 1- 41 it to act to suppress intemperance:.' e-i-.--11_,-itat.4 lel& is about to be pierced through lie alludes to the aggressions of srayery, and I 'Die IktiOr' market in `Europe is chokedialrintisi the legislation by congress on/that subject, I teil) trhn„gililation, and the wages of the libOrer , and stiliiniis whether sid,ditionill legislation . is ! is thpipu i 3Oik pittance. The greatlyine.retis; I tilig_r4eion. to the United States is Icro - d- I not nee'eSsary to protect the- cardinal ri.lits l' ed: ,- b - I int all this pursuits of IndtistrY in 'the pities. i -i• of the liabeas corpus ainithe trial by jury..: i!!r 1 -4-',, :._--! • • 1 - -Lilv . vitPltii, -enterprise, and business lOf the 1 I.!/"! - I 'country liaVe • not, expanded in the ratio of 1! _ :laver . ): e were d hart pre- .alreadY'..been comMeticed in. this and - other 1.. countic.s.i . to obtaina repeal of the law creat ing the'. :sifliee/of .C.oinity- Superintendent:of Comm SOools. .this action is prematUre.'. p , .7 , fip s lC . haVO yet hardly had time r coyer iirliether'the office - will prove beneficial or not. IWe should give it.a fair trial, and thQti if-no benefit is derived from it, should be.aholiihed. Rev: James the Republican eatjdi 'date fOr:t.7':••S. Senator froin lowa, 'beeti .elected to 'succeed A. C. Dodge, " of Nehru . s= kafor,, the-fult term lion' the fourth of Iltiallth next. . • . - - • zar;:t'We, 'are undar obligations to our ilepres4tativr, Alersrs. Lathrop and Stur deyant; and to..Elhanan . Smith forvari ous, pulic documents from. Harrisburg. COVNiy SUPERINT4NDENT.-411 "CfrOrt has . . preSs,.having held in as long as po , Eible,, is at tenth out in lull 'chorus iqg on Lord; R9_ Oitberto not a 'Whisper hat been he a g ain - sc. the Counnander-in-Chi - ef _or the - officers of the '4lrin,v generally. But at la,t;.: tile , bonds ur :Menet' are broken; and bitter,atie the salism, and bold - and .than clering l , dtniieiations, upon ; theinisrnannge:. roAnt eimrtton n the ("rinvi • ' ilmtmgratign .to It .. --, ;.-- . Pi • - i ---- • - i - . threatett4AOjanperize labOr here. It is 'against. j pended jin i thii'p.rophetie danger that Ilahor is !kilt hp, i to 2 ' finish ' 'it, _and gnashing in hate and blindness. . - Aye,`tir, 1 manner in wl - -a social tiflbb*ut of mightY, import - isi loefr;tit-- i toots; trees a :fling:4c: fore. itself upon 'the. northern. hnitid, I ; in the botton an grimly •dem ands sot:aien. Laborlblind i a few in i hes -: and :staggering; is lifting its hand airaiiri . i cap- - I will .be. ready .itul, ' and demanding a remodeling. of the ', in- 1 ultimately -, at ,duStrrial' itideltinol,.and - a, readjustmeti4ii,"the i State, i! - r .relittrons t 'hetweet: them. • There 1:,-, in f.tr4th, I ‘ '. The receipt ..sornettino or sotial philosnplty in this gnpw- f.wert.l $1435.3/ hNothing - n)sganizittion. It 14,:t0 - .SOrfle extent, I 733. ~ j'lalfcirlsuitig in the form 'or.proseripti ,ti - 'find 1. Goveiltor.• 1- fan:ail:OA* to eskape siting 'n-forin - a Pi4ii,l. i lure of _;he d: .. ' Will . tliSOutli, then go . u nto this net:Organ- lan irierease o / izatiiM be muse it is pau pertsrn enlistedLt 4 ,linst- Ithere'liee lint xi-cifirilt an. charters, and the eStablishnieUt of i - he . thiults w a Sy' r ifem Of sneial. slavery • , Will she gc Into ienrl -': It wi lit '',.ii*tiso of its .Abolition tendencies . 1' :iDol eeiYing ollie ilthoy ilot:oxist z . Has noel t ite'Malentis Whig I . .nest. ~_i •. I Ipartlyi di.tinited'heeausO of the Alikslcfp - kk- The' Ree,i 1 deUeips Orlits'florthern wing ? ' - WM: thii;4ing - -answered th' Ittl4 l .lessillbolition fetlin ii under it_ neui.igati: '' ' The ;Mess -:tzattOn ? l'i! *Will - those nOrthern DerOuerats ~ license law, 1' Whi)tbarOnned their partly beettuie tUy - .;:aid:i of the liel,-isl! I -. it was allied . with _slavery be More tuoderate i as •• the most , •At)iiiitiobis63 . in the partyue'w - I.' Do ti§t. such I The greatest . ' ' -- ' l 4"h '' - 'the-want .1. i tilat . ollo.k,,toake up the northern. 4ti01,t7•:,..0t - ist t big 'cortyl - Is not it'S•ohjietpilWer at4Phiee?. . The (.7 , 4y, 1 181114 tint, thep,,.._§pie_optiti all eleMents" . or ft•mo t titnent i l I..stiefigth ',hick pan carry . lit iato,poyi# ?i and ineittor#l43. 4ti -Rii:! l 4 l oV.-. lie ; eli.:nients., flOting 'aboti - fail Ate, ~si- J tumeft da it I -. .- c - 1. ! - • Ipo • i!tiqon and j hence corn Gaston, rove] laurels in tle'llistory"Of - i*arth C4rolinal or x-hoi like Porter, whom .I...OitiA, Tana loved to honor, graced the Senate Hall? Will thd Whig party of the South go:intO kt - I - Isisli thc Wliigs of the.:South; .why did i you breAk up yOur.old party organization? Did voti notdo it :bemuse the:northern. wing of it Nt 44 too fnueli abolitionized-1 • Did not • the northetn MeMbers say to you, '' let ni t i.agree ' to disagree:--ittpon 'the 'question of: slavery,l' ';trtd sooner:thaniagree : to this, did , ; you noribreal• it up? Will you now enter • into a n4w oi4anization Avjth these tame men, and mgrtie toisagrce upon the tun' subject If your devot on to the Constitution and the South Made OK ,bi•eak up vour Old party cirr -1 . gamzation, wi i ii ) . ou.trarnpf e upon that:Lich:l:o -that in johling. a:new one?: I mow- asji. the. • W I ligs Of the Sont It, and t hey are gallant men, whether!they rillll abandon and break nP their • old parti.:, with its saints, its c..onfessor4. and its whol; army of martyrs,' and fidl Ittbj6A , -, j ,.._ , and Derpless tutiolte elutelieS of this Ili4 oil ! der, wit 4 its'iast of paypperism, and its futtn•e -!,,,i•ni,,,1iq.,1,,,,i :to ,;(msolidativn ? WM the : demoer:4.y of- the' Sonth go into this trder? WO.l do e 4. 01 ,1 en their ohl cause off State rights: anil the Ctitistitution ? .Will thedesert* their old. flag which they have waved i.,ct often ..in ale I.loencli and over the field, and Juhave: , illinnined even In' 1i.i1...nt, and ferment . in this m w -order ? T:he - mernher from Alas-telitf,: • set:splr. 13N.K,• , 11the.ch:Onpa;tt of the . itiow-, .:-. : Nothing tv Itee4te:e it wits not Free Soil. Ilas!he be .. 1 c on te pri?.. , .,ta.V , r 3 ). or met,' the ...04.3 144.01111, : ;Inti •N:l,vir y . ? 'Shall the South contrao this allianee J. w Idt.a picture . rises 'up .: . [There stands the set Ipxnred.geuius of soetalism and , prozeripfion, , P ;Inning hate against the Staab, with Ile., ':s , .:Ititr-taba oferoaneii;atlon in Uhl,. front: ;'while the. Met It ri front Massachusetts is seen in the back-pound fly.ing wildly with MAD-Jr , rence frtim s 01 , 1 Oak hearse of.-.:slaver i l .,This fi iotscps :light .d i nP with the lurid glar.J,olia burning i.onvt.n# in Charlestown. If tit pie , lure . be iteal;Wi I the South be :dragged into . :it ? lf iuch th re bC,.l* pray: God, thitt the painter *maw e 0.4 in charity, what .the painter .: of the s4riiic t f Iphtenia did in skill, thrdw. li • d Malltil QV(' tte features of the 7ietijr!: j - . ; .. Mr."(hairr. 1 - 1,1 have di-Bussed thiS ne'W orriltii--..tion viihlas much impartiality as:l mould bring t dear upon it. I wish to.wouad ',no *cm , ;lbw. / 1-ohld t,ive the South and the ; clr.racter of (114 peoPle from danger and (le moralizn!tithi. Sik: sOcialisin:th;cs - not threat - ~ e n vs. • Cape al and labor are not in ,antago t nirm at the omit ; nor is our:society shaken, : with theist:lf , of classes. . • . ' . • i ... Th- Governor's Nessarfe i , o• Lou long t for iiiiserlion in our paper: this u'st 'therefore , . content ourselves - • ° thg mgt-go>tne.reliable role. 'State are a, million of , dollar s I Mary expenses; consequently -tit t • the State debt .cat• be paid, ow . morks eolanierieed,,-witlit.' I 4 la Se jof taxation, or any change tiv.epbliey- of the State. . the, public works for the -year dollars:: As to the sale of the Ithe QOvernor thinks this should .!v upon the price ofiiTed... :14c a sale except at a fair -rate. tor is decidedly opposed. to the ton4ge duties on articles,tranS, 10.1earta. ns • thipi.ta.-!i• he E stipulations of theeliarter, •upti therefrom are needed:4. debt of t,the state is now . j on expreises some' surprise ..1 appropriations should be' times ,: h' the. North -13 ranch ciao office the sum estiniati4d o cOmplete it was f5772,090.;- . - - , c tk1,206,594-.72 have been ex. and. 60,000 :more are needed This ix Owing to the raseally the Work-was done, .!'rocks, ad Stump' haling been plaCed of the Canal, r and coneenieti ley (dirt, The . . Governor thinki it early •itit the season, and, I d inuchio the, revenue, of.the is-front the Delaware Division •,==4the . expenditares -only ;week, and we with -a boa .A k eeoriihtgi cues' oh the ,the erc ferrtid th provi r ded ,no.t out any iinerc i,in the legisl pet profits o were 7:30,60 depend eutir j is opposfd to ~ The Clover repeal ot the i ported-A.ver't aceordhlk tb and the. s reve [the State. Tne - ft:hide's 900,537[ 94. The Crove that so many sary, When 1* ea .1 a neee4:try 1 Since • t 4 . 04. r again warns the lepijls ngei!s, to ilia appieltended ;Alf relief antes eireulation. Theio 11 . • ,4e. #itlitiyawits tho. preseut lawful tor. bank& or .re.. pay .:them out after'.Jaue. ri • ratiOn .Lasi- it. appears hil•caot: • - .- 'gxPect4t.iPir:of its projectorti: k l.: rkleoinniend4 a i , eyisireof d eotaraits:to. the ollardianC:are. r • • .• tare the systkurt sacred our 4tstitutiOrt4, I iira . 4l.4tok:,to : llto',4negesa of tilis .CP°Pl.l)gtiit 410.14i -91;s r rectiaitnientii.the, erection. of ia.4atiakadept..e.§.4paretoeOni.. Da-4,1'11410 of . fride'peaderoi = '-, , 1,,,, ...4410 - Aoldit - ioN.A.a-4.. , ceiv*,,tAt...-zr.iv..1.:0p_..: . • - Mate - to - tee' 'attetilleif - 6Tthe le gislature of the : ti:hc - ile ria4 r e;";;f - v - o - tea 7 ; f t i 1 exultingly ; to the history and i urces ictjtred - du ly- elected povenior,.ferk of diet 'Stete*waras the people aga f thil _, Ot - three years, fror_n the thir4 Htinqw ' N. °Ailing conspiracy , rand ore. in ut tl it3 " u . sion. , ‘if : , , , , Jonli . arT, A. 1") :: is ; d. .-,t. , 1 1 ft e t N, , AY Okeit uOA the labors or in Thx ., el 01 .. Ititer,djournef-y , V" 2 „2•• --. !I 1 ;,iiiit ilbrakiind Beneficas lithe d*inies'of nations as 'n t a,ftti l iail h° „,. l ,; l :- A r t i o ar n .:..;'* -- On motion'efl4r, Deitste i 0,: e'Ai'Atiento the' eotside*ibti of the; ligui it it* i9Alie trillow of hgatitiat 77 , Nkith• Gaverenes Meisa g es 1 'V ''' ' --'..- .he ` ) 09t,',.w , spixiutinut , d smile ,?t, We.,:c btiheitii,, - thr''''''the rnes.agei l vet . o ' ing the bill -: tir extend , er ti,atioial noeindividual , -1 mg the charter of the .Idonesdaleiliank, th ' piOsperifStk: '''''- • e• 1 Y e ns IPCre' 12. 12. Thi - .sx, PENNSYLVANIA-LEQISLArInt , • l'uesdtty: serprat - Officers of 'the kmate were qualified . ..by • the .Speaker.; llattuners.ley, .(Whig,) , .:Chief Clerk; Henry Tettibtine, (Dein.) Assistant Clerk; and; Nelson -NV eis1;11, (De rn:) John Fu liar, John Ewing; and' John W (Whig';)_ Transerihing..:Clerks. : *; .111q;Seeivtnyyo£2.0pSntompp,,&*.l.wis, int'Oliteo;lintl - pf6sZinta - tli returns:of - the:, held in, Alto, severni ConintopwOlth fot GovernOr: • . • .Atler.the transaetkin afsatinemiseellanious ibushiegs . ,. the death .Of SenatOr ...Pont kroiL teas -announced, and..• the. customary 'resolutions adopted,..wlien the',Senate adjOurned. - . -• ' -,:-,.. in-liclionei<the,Speaker, tumonneed• the Standing . cominittees: --tl. '.1.:! - LathropTis.',on • • ! the;toininittee. on Agriculture, and also. , on I 110ad5;..&e..! 11:ij.. Stti rdevant is and the Corn - - f ' „ i Mr ,S mittec 'on Canals and , Inlantl'itivigation. r, 1 - .The State ire Slast,Opol. .. Steele: offereda..rOsolution• tbr the . ap , i Th c ;, fol i ol ' v i , erip . onSaie-tak pc,intment of a committee to'iopen :and . pub. 1* t. i. en frorrt•the ' mull the cor 1 li , dt.the returns - of the election of Governer 1, t • .. .i_ spoudence of the Alrincipar ;Lent On - papers ; at the last election---agreerc d 4e, .• - -'' '''''- i A' veto thessage . was. recleived -'from the 1 and frOm private-letters lately . .a 'r ivy' d' - froUL . , .., ;,, tso. teriler,.o . ii the biii--'authOrizing-s:libscrip- 1 the Crimea: L.. -.: : . . . . r . . . tion's to the i Brod' Top . Mountain .flailread I Extrac i 4 . oin t ,.„,_,.. . • : I Co..;i by certain. inunieipal.cdrportitionii :and . . - i-' •- . "`'f, in g - ert/cit Pithe rniei!, Dee 21% ~ th&.,fine;stiolOhen recurring,'sli. 11l the bill,pas,.:, , , -11106 is:no tisedisguiSing the matter...We '. .net Withstanding the.objectiens of the Exect.t. 1, arc not sPeliking , from. 60r itiii ",correspon• !jive'? . .. , . , . - -.1-, .. - -..... :' i• ,denee . 'only. We / are not...savit 2,... what we i . Mr. Fletcher moved to „ft4tpone 'the. bill ,;•thinlc , 4 16111 '. IV e'saY, orrthe veki e ce of. every .. , . reeeed in t 'is country, ntr,y, tbr..tiw,, present; winch NVaS agreeti. to. ; . Setter 9ita has ..1 ? '4 ; e1 1 1 Wedhciday I t cin • 10,—In; the :Senate on i' ai:l.d V. , cello tne.opinion- - of aline i every ex e:Aed iperiend soldiei or. -,, molion of Mr: - Darsie, the ;Senate.,'proc" Welf-inforinct gentleman, when Si.say: thql (he itc; blest on . thatE l to the . cMisideration. of. the GOvernor t srmeg- 1 au act re i.--1 land .ever sent frari then shorei h s :been lae- I sage vetong — hill, No. 878 entitled , , :. 1- "h" -cd't , flit; grthscS f'' i• - i' at iv . e . to certain penalties.- I '. --,.. .. . ''' . ! r ' -f. - -.--'.• ' m ' 4lan aYen 4 eitt• Ineonk . - I,'ending the consideration of. m ud ', t h e i petcney,', lethargy, aristocratic ba . efir.,..offiCial Clerk of-the n o o s e o f R e ~ -t.., t • • - 1 ,-. fi r e • 1 indiffer,ence, favor, sement and, prtsen a is Cs 114, S 7 k stupidity reign,Lrevel, and riot n th e ' camp ; trotueed, Who - informed the Senate that ,the 1 i - t - c -,-- a -- . k.---i n .1 before ;Sevatoilol, i Mile harbor f Ilalaklava, . 1i0.u..w. bad appointed - a cornMittee iri the:hospitals; of . .Suctari,- and how‘mneh'. keimjimetion With a - s:iinilar- eOmmitttri of. the 1 .f o ' r lilettrerliotne .‘ye de net venture t -say. - - We Senate; to . open 'and..publisli'; the. returns On the pas.ziage orate_ veto me.4s3;ge ender d.e , i l say i o t i r i l i t e l a t rs tlie greate.st relueta ce- - zno one • the: election - for.- Goverilor. '.: '. . , - ; Chief. Officers, .who. landed . on. he 1 tie of' consideration,- the yeas iverel.4-,nays 15. The Speaker ..ittinouin. , ,ed that. he - had.:141. , . SiTteinber,- and 4vo been in essentiv . en gaged, ln all the; operations of the l A* are ti t ! i-, o ii l ted Mr : Buckalew; 'as the . teller "on the ii . even ..agn - 4 - inte<l•'l,vlth the .face lor , their' co '1 part of the Senate to count the .votes . . for the rnander - ..-='- 1 : - - : . .. I .. . .1 flad the -eye , of-the General 'fallen. oft ho On motion-of Air..B u eltale_w•t he Senate ad-''; ' jourtied. i . ~, .! ;i.confw:Fon in the. harbor of Balaklac.a, bit t110:• 1 In the House Mr. Avery Of Warne, offer,..l impassable st'itc of the road from that.. mei , of 1 to the Ovinp, cli c :the miserable leonditillit" or ed it resvintioa that a special: coinmitti>e tlie ekri five be appointed. to .prepare A prohibitory' ,1 the camp, on the ! state - of the trenches,. iittprt4eted stale -of the rightfltuik betake the; liquor bill - for the.consideratiOn-of this House 1 at tLs early day as practicable.- • ,- : I battle Of Ink - et-Mann, and, before that,' on tire;;' a•. i eircuMstanees Ander ,which the:fatal .ebargei • After stone : discussionMr . Frailey moved the ;J udiciary . (.4.linniitteo instead of the s pi . .. 1 of .11ahild - 1-11 took place; we can 2, hardly 'sdp:. i cial committee referred to in' the Pose Vutitat 'se able 'a marl asi!:lrd,.. ItigliMl eti.itial res- 1 - e, , undoubtedly ir,, 'Tout have pre ventd:suck ' °lotion.. Mr. Avery thOught there were so ! errors and riegleets. We only echo theleel-I many. eonfLeting interests in:the liquor traffic, re f er _ i tag of every letter from the seat, of war'. !iv that any :bill involving them should . be the officer, and the )I.ivitte alike we 'find a qiii: r4 4/ 1 to. a. special .conotottee, - i.o that all the iii-1 tercsts might; fie ,duly and carcta n y prov id e d, v et, r,:srgned, , unini t ia3siened convi - ction - that' for ! : 1:. . _ . . : .; 1 the whole titr.tir4s brrrYled in ihn ino t . he . . . - . _ though it was proper to refer any infrae timi of the liemie laws-to the committee- on still the Ciiiestion.cOntenlplzittd had 'a tinned sjfth • a magnitude'and importance th a t it ought to go before a. :;pecial.cotionit tee duly. appointed for that purpose. The vote of ,last o.v.tober . was nOw, standiEg before us,sl a memorial n the - subject, and the' voti: o 3o,Poo voters' could nut heiproper ly dizr:regarded. The Course' of the legisla tuN Was looked to with deep interest, and tWwhole cNomunity was. intently. Letit on the;'eOurse about to be pursnc4 o n this g e c at, queiption.. Mr. Franey .wished all this matter c of pro hibitiOn aught go together, to= the" Judiciary' • - Ci . . . . ItrEyebter mOved pOStpone the .too.. lion fOr the prek:ut, which.was agreed to:: Mr. Steal front . .the •Cornrnittee„ Appoipteid fur that purpose; .made report" respecting. of find publishing the - . votes 'given GoVernor at the: last ;_l e tot ei. election , whiA was agreed to: and Mr., Stel . was appointed ihe part of the Daugherry, Off4ed. - a,' resolution that I . the report 91 .the cumuli tteetb,*traine, tns l on the Main Line: of theTublic Works be re. , 7 fered:to tlie'Coniittee-on Ways and Means; whiCh was agreed - fo. . Mr. Foust moved tz. - ;fer. the; bill relative to tN sate of liquor u t i Sunday to a Iselect- Cotinnittec of three,- was agreed ,to.i--- MaSsrs. -Foust,. Avery, and ~Clapp.. were .hp pointed the COnituittee; 3.1 - r,,paughtirty read to pace a bill 'to sex.!- tencl tlie time for patenting ut lots, Beaver, Erie, - Franklin:- and :Warren &Inn: ties • .)I . r. Boat :4 sorgleinent to 'the act 'lncrrici riltiii;* the Leek 1-fayett and ;Tyrone. railroad l'nlpany, Mr. bill boss a bill•toineorpOrate the 'Western Batik of l'enusylvania. • .. Str...Donald.son a bill tilative.to Abe . - rOaci law•in this State, [. • . Stehlev a supplement to the set ineor por4ting the_ i:lotrunottivealtlil Insurance pany_ ot Trarrisburg.• , ' Ball a hilt to . pritlejfur thc:.sale of theinain line of the public -7 , moved to refer...the .4tune CoMmittee, with that pOrtion .4-the.Go,vero - Message relating to the' swat!: Agreei to. l ' ' - • Thuriday, Jqn, 11.--The Senate: 'r as Cl 4 to ti,rder at ,11 o'clock, by Alr. / Speaker-1104- ter!) After the reading of the joinval or yelt3- tertiny, the Speaker laid before'_ the' Sena e the:annual report of, the State Librarian, wih tiaecOinpanying documents : also., a commit i=i cation from the Clerk of the ,Select Council of the 'city of Philadelphia, enclosing a, state- 1 nient "of the Girard College; - - - -, PSTITU)S6.. Mr. Price, one from eitiiens of Philadel phia fur the repeal of the usury laws, Mr. Crabb, one•oflike hiiporf. - • Mr. Goodwin, one of like import., , • Mk. Brown, , three like import: Mr.:Goodwin, one Trcim the Kensitintoti. Gas Company, ~praying fur an iherease Of Olip.l - '`,, Mr, Walton, two from citizens of ilfonroe county praying for the, incCirpdration of 'the Stroudsburg Bank. Mr. Piatt, eleven petitions ':;from citizens ; of Bradford and •I.'ioga counties fora new county, 4S . 6e .ealled 44 Fairfleki." " ' . A committee from the -Ifouse of Rerire sciitatives wits introduced .who informed the Senate that the 'rouse was''ready,tocount - the votes of the , election held :foe Governor lon the I2d Tuesday of October last; • . - • •-• The inembers of the Senate were theni . cs. corted by the Committ,eit ,,, tof the' House 'of Relirt.%:entittives., ...: , ..- : - ••• -, -- I ' Afteti'a brief:period, the Senatai again re. 'turned to-the.Senate,,when Mr. Maslow as 'teller.on the partof_the + itte'reported the tfollowinree the result the election t• '-. _ 'Whole number .Of vo es, ,-- li'' - 278,049': , . Wm:lßigler,,. ,- • : 1...„ . . v.., ~.... 403,901 ~ .• &sm Pellocic,J, : ' ; , i„.'.., t . ';.203,8ft2 3 ;` B. Rush Bradford,' -. , - '-= 21/94 --',' °l rv) ; Scattering, - - . ,:,.-....,.., .::, ..-:; . - .Ba-- : James IPollocittliaving 'received 'it` intijorSk _ qe ~ naystz.. lig .vote. Was subse quentlydrecensidered, and the, furtber consid:-. eratiom pf the message: postponed. ~, i .- •, On fh!!inessage ; vetoing the Act . rolative to. licensing of beer Fhpusei, &c„ the.,:*Ote- is •its folloivs : . . .1 . r. .. -..-. ..: . ..... . .. .. YnA.S: , :z-Nfessrif; DarSie Fergisoii,TFtenn-• iken, Frazier, .Vi,515,' Levis„..li.ielllnjgef,:iStth ; span,-skintiet.and , Taggart,-,10; ' . - 1 ~! :. -- . .1 •", . ...„,,,,,N4Ar'4....---. , :geS4s.,Brown,l-Buelca *:'7' ' :CitSS: . wel l ,ll - y. - 16 . 1)d\ti.iii.,ThildernOn,-11 oli n,Hog e t ...farniiiri.lt, Jurdot,•Killinger,..f.tel .. toe, riatt,. Price, qui , ?gfe, &ie . !, Vial on, W eery and ileiStO, S r iff:akci:--44q, .... •.-•- ,-; , c i , . 1 ,.. • .. .. Ti l% - Afe#rigeltettiing 6144de — t ent i . I tite net ro-- 'kiting to collaterat . inheritance tap,i Ye - as 1, • naP #-- ' s 'i l i•• 1 '•-•' i • . • i.l - : • .. 1 Message vetoing: the. tpinco i Orate: tho DepoSit.Bnnk - • ii;wa. ihnder eon- - sideration will :Idle flied, - :1 le,s and- horrible Manner.. 'Eretybody . per_ -. eelve -i it hi his . owo *ate, in - the! fate of his . I.cOmriates, in the ettnditiOn of the 'camp, and I . _: _m the' Impress Ofthe siege.. - Young. geatti— ' men", brein er 4 er,; 4 Inmiry; and witlisaa att.: ~ - pie it.orl) - of every !pill taryerimil)rt, were stile art the . last datd Iwearing day and night . troth- ' mg tint the threadbare clothes a id. `corn-out - bootis in which ihe3i. :landed - on. the 14th';of SA.-qa,, Tho,-10d - no means of g tting up the things left behind in, the . transp rts. What . • . becO'ne3 of everything sent to. alaklay.i-no boavlnows, but, while they are' OttingthoU satiPs are perishing for Want of hem.. Eve: -- 'plit - Ily can.i'...t . *A!''.. - something that should , ;,dohe,.l)ut thlire. is nobody .to rderit.tn, be 1 1 . le '•,. -rind j'ithi thoueund azen,' r wliat 0,.. ins. of thenz, i itre drining:.icif - their - eves a; but hand-hound, ipell-bati n ,:laward(k.... tic fi 01,.. : Do', ,'any of the,_le , ttcr „'Or' any 4.1 riaitu./2..;tal riflizzi's returned t our the war, • --- a different:account ?. Oa t e• contrary - pps it not - eotleeithin.eVerybo rs hnowV. ,4re,, liii_it doe§ in ours, that. theletters head- - elahea - t ie , flri,Yate: cite! e 5, ,and u t, pOlishek left they should;.prejudide . the is iter . 41 'the c4 1 . , 3 of liiS stipt i niors, give a fart ore gloomy account than 'any letters"that, iv . have: ,ven . ttio.(l.to publish?. _:,, - ...- tThe burden 14 foreed..npon us, I spatt L oat. , GoOd nature is - a pl ihi its way ' ' 'but . if ttilandlis,evc f • eq, it will ; he.,l.iy. anseasodable i I.4 . :Unlirnit , 4l. Ondoriance, leonnic i gleneb, - and all the softer forms cto Op. E pit; -. ctl ..- .Inglland has not become Nybat it, is by.good nituire, nor'; is good. nature the 'ae sole „mvnt of our_ social and comme The period , for:good nature i. overin thetc Crimea, and sterner qualities ust: now be: intd aetion, unless We . -mild thrmir. , away the last chance that remain for redeem th tte- f, thi i ry, !ow to ing,. : the'„eharacter .. -ot i . . ,is country, .novr.jul fearful . .jeopardY. , - §(41;1 _out .naert:.Who'wili. - ). ',live the army—,, not -from th l 7 , .Itussians # ...- though tlitty are.: forrnidable enou . k . but - frold - det,pair, Which is weighing downithe . spiritivofi',, 1 , in every :one, i andan Alter - distr "st . the ar. -ra'n,r en -, 4 . eu t of .tizq..oxiiedition:.. - . -0 Joillbe...of .:,- liiile use to send olit,-"reinforeeni ' is ' b y , thOu•''' , . ~ . iS(O I 4 - RA it./e•h 9 'ive' igke step? .: for hei r . better!: lti`cutcige,pelit. :.41.7..-it is,- thezi.m ,ch...to their 61;i:5:pee, imd'hegin, to perish - hy‘,seo lei from the itOOr- tfi l ey , lai.ed.:: : .,ll4reile receitee them. ow the - ;heoeh. wearies them, ,and.teepries:'thessi-7::i '<-- , .. . tli-enche,4 thew, 4luivers then:, andlso deittrorp,: t4err!, till a fiw siieetrat figures are altbiat -: r 0 7405. The , ..soldiers of the '• Peninsula r -. vihetakhey saw the Duke ef Vizi figtott after._ int atlamm,ttied to exclaim . tat his- flee' d 4 :thent more good than the arrival of tetis regiments. •Sneh • a head,..'orl_ coadjutors.; ecitAi l valent to it, is 'what we slant for the Crimea, '. - ' - ; : 1 - ;- -• ' ' The Southern Cotten New;Orietins . Ja . n..ol..i. :184 i • At this 'Convention being held hereto-day, -, 'resolutions were Offered and -;rofef.red, dedar -Ifig:the'neCitiiSition' of Cuba necessary 6-)r the protection of the commerce, quid for the - soci). ri,ty, Of the South4o coasts, att‘fl 7, ureng that it n mediate action' of' Congress up n' this sub. ject also recommending a recipticocal j treaty between :Spain and Meycleo; for tl o repeat of -the - laws suppressing the ski-AT t {) i;iiso in 'fiivor of o'railroad'frum Norfolk z t. the thouth of the Ohio -river. - , „ ' Mr AfanhAll of Missisqlppi • • • - _report Aottheiinstitution r Sla , ing the value, 'I to the Sim th ; 'speeches ivere made by Others, or IZailrsind 'projeet..r • . January'l3.--L -Theconvention day;:the - resolutions favor Raiirciad ;' aist ;for rethoyingihel f ,i 4n, - and , fordel3poting . the ilttrer ;also; ti:iaqualintii dricans, and otber - whit!3' 'was prevaiing ;nlsO for itnproviiiii of Mobile, andthat ittl'titvor Of le Southern retolntions faior; - ot the o tficv . piur Envie Weietreferred;:*l iotrPoosildji,mrno Meet - again - 1 ,ing; xvhen, meet yrObably - 'thes gni praoi, \/ • . ..*as 0. ensuing Muesday 'filch -the na we must'.: asant,thing to be ruin•;; ocol nature, f • virtne.;.-. ear& , i ic!kg -eiy, stoyfir.7,: i . ,ind ievena - " r thcPacifii,e; this' racifto' bisinscticatii e this 1 le* • the,' hartioi " tiestion hr` • a*optkotl.-. • . • 1210:C.V _ _ _ MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers