„ ' C.TIARLES . F. itk:lip Bdeet PASSING THE ICEBERGS. B THOMAS BrcuANIN RE fearless shape of brave device, Our vessel drite's through mist and.raln, Between thedoatiug"fiehis of ice-_. The navies Of the noilhern main. • These arctic ventures, blindly bled, • The.proof of nature's oldenforce, „ like fragments of a crystal world - •° Lengshatke i fil flow its, adeecoUrso,— These , arelit; buccaneers ;that fright The middle sea with decarn, of *wrecks, And freeze the south winds in their flight, And chain the gulf-stream to their deck*. At every dragitta.pnaw and helm - • -- There stands some Viking as.of yore; Grim heroes from the boral realm Where Odin rules the siketral shore. And oft beneath the -sun or moon • Their swift and Lager falchions glow; While, like a storm-yex'd wind, the rime -Cotnes chafing throng some beard of And when the far NOrth fiashei tip With fires of mingled red And gold,. They know that many a blazing rup Is' brimming to the absent bold. • • - tip signal here, 'and let us hail - Yon looming phantom as we pass?— Note her fashion, hall and sail, Within the compass of your glass. _ See at her mist the:steadfast glow Of that one star of Odin's throne; Up with our flag! and let us show The constellation on our own. And speak her well; for she might say, If from her heart the words could thaw, Great news from some far frozen bay, Or the remotest I:squill:tax ; • , Might tell of channels vet nntold, • That sweep the Pole from sea to sea; Of lands which God designs to hold j A mighty people,yet to.rhe; Of wonders - which alone prerail Where day and dark/Jess dimly 'meet; Of all which spreads the arctic sail; Of Franklin and his venturous fleet:— flow, haply, at some glorious god , His anchor holds—his sails are That famelms named him 'on her scroll, "Columbus of the Polar World;" • , Or how-hii•plowing I.L:irqnes Ireflg,e on.. - Through splintering fields with batter'd eh Lit only by. that spectral 'lawn, • The mask - that inockinidarkness wears; Or how, o'cr embers black and few, The last cf sliiver44lnasts and spars, . Ile sits amid his frozcn crew • In council with the noriand stars. •' No answer—but the sullen flow- . • Of ocean tearing long and ..• An argosy of ice and The voicele.s - s North switigs proudly 4qo s.keiziKs. MAl=Col_,il WARREN TUE OLD` *AN 7 S LESSON 'Malcolm, I wouldn't go out to-nigh --- Cotne, i stay with me thi; evening' 'Not this evening,. Alice. I pfromised must keepmeet some friends this evening, and I must keep my word. will he at home in good season.' - . . . .., ' I had hoped that I should have your com, pany this evening.\ - Come, whyean't you try and see if I Cannot make you as happy as . those companions : whom you arc to meet ?—, Just thiionce, Malcorfii, ,0, this einee. r ` No, - no. Alice ' lam going out. *, What—. crying I Now what's the use of that ? . u't a fellow go out once in h. *bile - without.) v... ing a crying; wife?' i - - . . • `I can't hk.lp it, Malcolm. But - hcre---I isS nie 'before you go.'- : ' . ' Thus spoke Malcolm Warren and his y unz wife. / Malcolm Was a Young man, tw4ty- Seven years of age, and la carpenter by trade. His wife was .one of the sweetest disposition ed girls - in town, and she made one of the best • of wives. She loved her . husband/with the whole energy of her pure soul,.and she knew that she was beloved in heart. Her two Chil- dreg, a boy and a girl. often saw, her ;bed tears when they'were alone with her itit'the snug little sitting room; and the Isly IN old enough to ask, what made his mother cry ,butt ,but• she dared not tell him: .• . - - .: • 14 Malcolm Warren owned .the little cottage in which he lived, and he had paid forii all out of his own h a rd earnings, while Ali( had borne her share:of the burden, bypurcl 'log Ali( - had the furniture. Maleoliyi was stout, mail an excellent Workman, ,anff.: he had r neveryet seen the hour When he needed to lay id! for, the "want of work: l A better 'hearted 'y uth lived not in the town. -and when he took the gentle Alice for_ his wife, there was ma y a t i ) fair maiden :whose - bosom gave . place o a kindly, wistful envy- They would not ve robbed Alice of her prize, but theyenly,i S op ed that4their lot might be as fortunate. liy, then, should.a.cloud •come upon that home?. Why 'shOuld Alice weep? •• Ah l - for the sane reason that thousands of our fairest daughters (weep. Fokhe same rvt4on . that . hof tears are ever cryingo.ut' their sile4 appehlfor - inerey-4ears that run,: and - run until hey._ make a flood that fairly Shrieks' as' it. lts I Q over our laacl. !,. •• ,„ ' • Malcolm 'Warren 'had a high social - 11 tore —his'society was prized by. all who could se chre..it-Larid he had been indulging -in . the false smiles . of the - wine. cup.: Fur thel last,' year.be had been allowing his appetite *gam • strength. .At first - it was only .an t0(2.410nal glass„'- then 'a glass or co once in a ' ile,'— • and then ' one or two •glasses a day. 1 But lately he had - gone so, far as .to :spend his earnings away from horiae, and fur nearly` twO . months past he had spent ail his Money iwitli... his jovial nompanio3s. !Alice saw all this, and . . sheltfie* full well where it would .: e nd I if it .. was; not stopped,". She 'knew her husbitrid'S nature,:and she knew how, surely he w, fal len. - She had - whispered totito her fear,i'2and: be had tried to laugh them off as idle wliiins. • .Shehad prayed to him : to stop the fatii Ca reer, while liwet. had .Strengtk but hei : had been offetidQ. - bause 'the could think that he woidd,ever boom°. a .drunkard.. ,$e .Alic was afrald'to speak all her .-fears. -. Yet she NW, with-a clear-eye all - ,that` was -. .Coming,-- She. saw -the broad road upon which her dear' helb,vecl was travelling and her heart naicach. ing..:. She..kuew that even novr,•,want was star. tug Acta .intlie. face l -. ~ I t was autumn and •. I bi .1144 asked .Aialeolm ; .fo r . -money - to t buy -*miner . :tileithing. for berolfand ehildran, and be had to give her, • Only a day bOo.re he had brought home 3 ':- bucket full° ofillOur 17: • - • • - • ' • 2 ' • - e pt . • • - I 1 • ..! ; • e • - : ." I . 4 r . • • ** I - •' 1: .! • *. I . • , • . • •, . • . ,•, . • I * 1 • . i • • I • ".. *. . • •.•! • I •- • 111 - , .• - • I•- - - • „ - ! . ) , • • • ; . , 5 •• • •• -1: ; • ).! ,•.1 . !1 • •.! • •;. - . • 133 H. H. FRAZIER, EOITORS. • 3 •. instead:of se' nding borne albarrel, as-he, use d to do! He ear inoneT, and where was it 1 Alas ! poor Alice kne* too *ell, : ; When she loeked at*leoltn's force, she saw that its . ; matt'' • berfuty• vas-slowly i bitt surely . eaten • away, 3 late - blue 'ees were growihg dim,i bleared- -. ii . , bloods ot, the' like fair.' . chtfek's *ere. bactim." • blotted, and the llPs looked dry and craekei No wander she knelt down .b. 'her bedsidfi a ! pray ed. It was now Sitarday evening, 3 5 Maleo . thf was going put. :: He was t",) nipet rit, f his • friends, and Alice knew thift he was to rm. ' them; at •the..taVern.. He had worked only days. during the pastiweek and he had the •Pay fur these three day °' work in his poOk et. That money wsis neeled at • home, tint Wherei would ie. , . be . on the. 0 - forrow. •; • ' MalcolthA do not wolly .forget your fond,lloving Alice when - yt . f are gone!' --1! • But3faleolni did not an wer. He kissed his life, however--kissed ernot as he used to 'do, ;but kissed her mere 1- because she ha . d asked_ hinf.to--and then lid le ft his cottage. .After, he had gOnc, Alice Nit down and wept,. She Ciuld not hi , lp it: - Het darling boy crept by her side, and placed..lii4 aims about her • neek. ' He asked no questiims but he 'asked her not to .cry..; His little4nifid seemed tO have iseme idea;of the comihg of a calamity. It mast have been vague, ibut it . was clear enough to prevent-him front forcing the dread thoughts upon, his- mother.l Once; more he asked her not te.ery, and then his: own little •heartlberSt, and.the mothe and child wept together... Ilia was another drop in:the poor wife's: entiof affliction. o,llow pilpable now must•he her hfiSband's co, se when even We, ,Iprattling eliild saw and knov the ,danger 'l--.. IButzshe could only 'clasp hiin and pray more fervelitlY: ' And.. tile !Hull boy, when his . mother had done praying, chid, ' Amen.' It Wass dear,' cool et ening, and as Nlaleolfri [Warren stepped out into the street he- seeni 'ed to shake himself aS though he would shake ititr_the ; influence of the dear place he was leav ing.. But he- could - riot - wholly do. it, - lie • could _not - drive front': his fjfind the tearful countenance of his forid andOtithful wife, nor could he forget the lobk of earnest simple an: guish he had noticed upon tle Glee of his child, Yet het, tried'• to3erashl,the tlibughts that; were thus skinging into Wt..% - 4 1,,, ) ,0uh I' said he, as the image of his wife - foreecll itself upon him, 111.'5 only a little fun.and fi§lie... Whose be. i.iness.4s Ur ' Get out, wi t h„-our nonsettst.'. • Ana dins specking the young husband and fatherl i clusea hisi hands as though he would hold- on" eix4l the 'feelings . hit had tried to ex press, itrul then .he hastenedi on. . ,7%.:: loigtif he feaeh'ed. l' . ..e 6veen, and here lki l ;' connd his ' ' - - ' 1 • * • 1 1 1 C.Q111, / nions. • , helaugh ano the joke cora ro Nice:Van (1 ' ere long- Mali:oil - I - I forgot 1111 about his. borne. ~ He..'izlt in the btr-room; and his sharp vit made food for mooch meri-iinent. • - .•• ''Who .:iiy..:3 there'sflange in the howl?'— cried :a young ufan„-rliS. he r• r ai sed . th g!ass .fo a t his lips'. - -. •; ••• , - • •1 • - . • It';' , - .s i . raven's croak,'l said . another of his eetnpattions: . '.,`Here's ponfusiOn • to the idea.' I! .-. ' l' - --li -- ' • ' GOOd '.% exclaimed 141(.4 to .Warren, pois- . ing his glass. ' PoisOn ion tlic•towl—nonsensel leak at old 15nOle Adam, nd-tv.. He's used it all his lifetirne,andliere he.9S the oldest man in town. Conie,.here's to Code Adam. . - The person to whom 3lateolin had thus al.: Inded -Wasan old white.hairep . man, who stood at the bar with* glOis of r* in his band.--L -gis eithe was Adam Stanfbrd, and almost ninety years had. r6'lled ore! his frosty head. His` form was hentli and his ,1im1.,..1 trimbled, but Still. he liVed atid his Mind was yet clear., He beard the; remalit.whichl the .young ear- - ! penterl-nade,• and tiaving• i'et down his, un', .touched lignor,;be turned aid '4. , azed.upon the ' youthfulspeaker. '•!He kneW. Malcolm Weil ren well.. i! 1 - . - .1 • : . , , 441e01m,' ;'he 'said, ec)me with • me.--'•• • Come,alune, for I alone wourd speak with you. fenne l ! • '• E .. . , There was something veri , deep and ineen ing in' the old,..inan's voice, 4fid as turned • to ward the door,Xalcolm 'arose to follow. • Detain 'hitti'hot, - said Adam, as some. of his cOmpanionS!,sOUght to hilider him. ,• t_Why shopld Igo with.*ur he asked. - 4 TO please std old man. I_l mean -you no !harm; htalcolnt f Conue.'• -,,•• - ' " i Poising alit 'Of i t he door tbey moved across the street. Near by was the village churi:h , yerd,*nd tither Adam bent his Steps.. Ar riving ,at the gate he passed in: . As Malcolm hiitated to enter, the old - man said ‘Ceme, folloW ine ?" - 1- , MSlcOlm welt, and soon. Ltood within thb village. church-yard !.- And this white-haired geide!was the Sexton, who fir more than sil ty YeiirS had ihade thoSe begs-fur theehildren of immortality. The pale:, moon shed lits !beamS.upen.the'plade, and the chill air sigh-, ed mournfully among the weeping will"Ows that. grew by the hedge. iThe gravestobes stood up like spectres abovi - the faded grfs.s, and here andthernarose-alvhite.rhonum nt, like some mOre powerful spirit that orate ed the "sanctityofthe place.. 1 . • -: 4 olio *le voice !Sci!deep, that it seettidd almost to eon - te from orie.of•the:heigthorin,i graves 4 not long since 1 yo4.poinied- to me ai4 an - example of ,how long atnin might livelwho smiled upon the wine cup. I, You. pointed to Me .as tine who had outliyiNl all my coinvanioetc and y+ . t as one- who had ;always quaired at the intoxe ' eating .bowel:" I Perhaps you spoke truly, big ;you did not Speak:the whfile 'truth; for the ;whole truth yon did not !show, and now 11 !have brOitglit You : hereto Ihisper that truth into goer"~ • Malcolm :1 IN erren gazed [up into the old • maw's "face, 04 as he saw - how solemn was the. expretisilOnj., that . rested ; .there. he forgot 'the bad coMpliny he had i left behind him at the:taro-4i ! and his thoughts became seri ? 4.#119. • ' .•1-•1, . ' 1 " . • , „ .° , . •• 4 kileolt0; resumed the *stow . ' 1 &tit Joel(' back now iritoithelpast, and- see a. score jof. young men`-ratan commenced the rat* of life -;with me. .We went to.sehhoi together, and together we: sat in.'nhuich. 1 .We learned to !love the excitement ! of the intoxicating c4p, ,and !we - thought not then ,f 4 the (lingers we k - 'were'eourting.4 Years passed on, and _l' saw - those tWentymettsl i ik into the arms of dell* and-I lihriedthem l here , ;. -.Malcolm- 'War. a l ren, theyy Atli slerp. -I ! drorikariis'"graved!;-. Ille *4er =other I [sair .-. thetit,..iittl, and '4lt , length I Was Ititt'aliatie, of the-party who were .wout 1.4 assemble aroand the bar:roona fire I' . ' AI: lisp grow (*taped froth the • young mew's . ii*,7,00 a shudder -, rati , . through- his h 1 1 11 1.(4:1 . '• - I''' •- - • 'i • i 1 i - . ' -- • • • 4 .4ittme 1 . 110,e:roe -,- 1. . -, 1 - • `.ATeei4e, 11 1:the•• old: m* . :utteret 3 But this IS 04. )914 Maleohri, Theie were wives El ''.- 1 0 - .05.6.6k,1 . . . children 1; . al/ and that died, and th . too, lie here! o,.how!well can I temembe the bright eyed, laughing, loving 'girls, w \ used to play with us when we were bOys ..., And how well can I remember wheif I' tw them standingfit the altat---and when eY turned away froth -the place they we : hu shing brides. - But A few short years a I begart to gather thent into the fblds o death. They sank .down ;with biokeri arts'and crushed hopes! Smile of therri 'veil to be grey headed, !but theiegrey hai : came down in 'sorrow to the grave!--! , S•O that grave ther----the one with the dark grey stone., He 440 sleeps beticath - that , mound Was once the 'happiest 'youth in the whole village. He Was, a carpenter by tr,ade, and, he built the hotse in which you iwer• born. - !le usedV Tatter tund 'shit. over . the wine!eup, mid he thought not then of. ltartn. I once heard his young wife beg of him to re- main' at - home with her ; but herefused her. the i.roon; She told; him that she wa cold and, hungry, and! that her children needed clothing,. but he heediAher not. A few r shert yeari afterv.ards bliat: wife's heart broke, and -she died, and her - children. The husband and fathei I found one cold night lying byi the road side, and he was dead! These are their. graves, for I buried them all together. I You can see the wife's gritve next beyond the!vey stone of the . husband's, and those two 'little .! graves !are :where lie the fraien boy, and er l46 ' . . - . ! 1 The old man drew his ,sleeve "across his eytilto wipe away the tears.. and while he did. so Malcolm bowed ihis bead 'end greened . i mOtiiiitidly. i . I .Mide.n .1 r , he said, ' there! was th Var t. -, n:' onre a full. regiment of stout so4liers ,l;) low ed 'Napoleon Bonaparte into Iluisia. There were!inany other regiments went also;, but of this one in partieular: I . have read. ! Of that IWhOle company of ,men only 'one; soli tary !individual lived to return to the hoine of his. birth. All the rest died on the Way., They were starved mid frozen, and ! t hey .(1 rop ped by .!the way-side, Now suppose ;Some thoughtless y Outh should point to that single" living sOldier, and Say that antidllie . eternal snows of !Inside therle was. o danger, beemise that hint. lead passel:l;o)cm all and still lived ! Like that single fragMent of theregiment do' I stand liere - a living man.. , - - 1 - The youth gazed u;p in the Ewe of the aced Speaker. And new emotions were Working up. on his feattirCs. • ' .. , qane,le.,lll,,i 1 wOuld show yon One morelspot ,befilr e we Th'6 Old= man iedned upon: his 6taft r and trinv4l sinwly on antong the graves. and in volmilarily did , the you s iti t0110,w4 Llt.leng,tlE they ''stepped by a „spot . wht!remwo 'graves lay side side. The slabs were of marble,. and : 'they glistened] brightly in the ninon . • • `Miticolin spok - e the sextili, hi a deep whisper, ' 1 remember well when . I Made theseltwo graves. There was no sorroW.. to fill tht - beds which here. I made, fur th4lwhe. slep'bere, died amid th sweet breathings of pOee - and honor. They, were goial Virtu ous people, 'andwhew they were our townStne.wmournedi "flit; onr village had; lost two Of-its most noble spirits: 0, I love to eutneand stand over those grave 4, for knoWithat God smiles upon "them 1 There is no taint; nor _dishonor here. Malcolm,'do you. Übt know who ri!st in those two graves?' The youth did notismswer, nor did be raise his but with i one deep,- wild cry; he Sank 'down, and there •he lav across - both graves, weeping midi sobbing like •bild.- ~eeping )ing like a child.— il-iiIPATHER and - Irt.rri.sit slept there! •' t For -. a' while the man gazed tearfully upOn;the-,r.eene, and hen he took the tearfully by; the s arin and aroused him up. • - 1 •1 . Qinte, Maleolin,'l he whispered, will go amity. pow ; I can I.show; you- no nnire. - The yOuth followe'dlis guide outfrAiMthe entirely*, -in& after the gate was closed they passc..d on to the street. Here' Adurn Stanford stopped: il'utc, Malcolm,' e said, 'you can return to your companions ltt the tavern, but.let ine pray .you '• never u my name again as you did this evening. W'hen . you again think of poor i.id .Adam StanfOrd, think only of what he haS• told you T. I the churchyard, think of what has seen, and of what he has suffer ed, and of that you!nlay in welcome speak.' •Tha old man' tined 'partly. away, Malecilm sprang forward and caught "hint 'by the arm. . • I . • "Uncle Adam,' be uttered, in choked and .broken accents, "?.); forgive me for what I have said and what l!have . done. cannot tell yOu all now. I cannot speak; but I Shall go to the tavern notriore. 0, God bless pau ! God blesS you!' . •. • . I . - . • The dock struck pine, and Alice Warren folded the hinds of her little boy •tc.igether, and brulelpim say his!prayers. Her.youngt girl Was asleep in the' cradle. The first words of the prayer were uttered—`Our. Father who . 'arviin heaven,'4—, -*hen there carne .the sound of footsteps . ppou . the - plank walk in the little 'ront garden.. . = papa,' said the boil' . letting his hands drop :Upon his PiOther's knees, and bending his ear to listen. -. Bht the Mother dared -not - , sspilt. , At length the docirl was oppeyted, and •the husband entered. -Alice cast her eyes treinb. ugly - Up, and she saw the big tears! that were rolling down the cheeks of her beloved. Instinctively she sprang forward and clasped her armslabout her Itusband's neck. 1 ,' Makailm she cried. !. 'What has happened ? Tel me—O, tell me MaleAilm Wat Ten wank into the chair, and as hedid so he dre' his wife down into his lap. H `Alice-0, Alice?' he uttered, sobbing and, wee Ping as he spoke . 'Can you forgive' me„iiir all that has passed r The gentle wife Was bewildered at !first, nay, almost frightenntl, for the bpeedl • of her huttbOul was so wild and , incoherent she fear ed hia brain was tufned. But ere long he spoke again, and he spoke he kissed her. He *as more calm' and his voice was more low, lie told her *here he had been+ -anti he spoke of the t'esolion he bad made.: He did not tell of any trtal he was going to make, but he told , her of the iron will that had en. tared his.sonl. Thi4 night of his temptation had' passed, and the day of salvation had dawned. • A 'few moments More and the husband and wife Were upon -their knees, They . trfed to prig aloud but mild .not. Their - -emcikions wen! , too - deep krluttehuice.--too and thriUing for speeeb. A =intent thff attn.. dad ibere, then wept in siletme. Thellittie boy icrept to the spot. and . threw his; tiny nuai-A , Al 6 xT TR().. THURSDAY JANUAR , i.Vg 'F. „ irmS about the "neck of! his parehtsjor esen his young soul had caught - the spark of new ife.that,had been breathed into existence within his happy home. ' z On the n6.st,, morning,- - -'llaleolin :Warren; arose a better and hapPlir man: was ealM no w, and told Alio all that 'hid ~ trans. pired the .- night , }adore, :and when liWll9 all (old; they prayed as redeemed.sotilsalone • 1, can pray. 4 ti Days, weeks and months p.l.sseif :nway, - ottd;3l.lalcolin Warren became.onee mete the handsome' youth that had been 104 and aerislu.Sl by honest friends in times Vtie by. Twifio*ers of afiltetion bloomed his hearth-stone, and the angel C.fipCaCe. and Jnacle a Innie beneatltlis•r64., .;i.. wondenod nciti:cei) : that old Adam Stanfotdwent.no.more tc( the tar. bdt. the. story of .that nightis lesSon in jhe:; village churchyard beedme denerally. knoi - n, and other men-tookit -to their i i learts, and :prcifitted_ by it. - It•was.a .seed sown in ii,lfertile spot, and the fruit *IS abOdant: thelgo4d.old sexton never gaN'e his . bxample LiiraiP On the side of moral ruin, hui. to the frtsC.day of ,his life he glorified in the Arum) had, helped to work, and the lastluiurs o his 'fife- ;were cheered by knowingi thatl son) of-the hbppiest families in the Villa - 0 bi hiinforlthe joys that daivned upon them. Speech of Mr. Zacharial4 Spicer ' _ tin the qUestion, ' Which enjoys theqreate# anunui :; of Happiness, the bachelor or (lie ntarriefniunl' 1 ; Mr: President and Gentlerneri—li rise;to vocitte the rause Of the married Map. r, And ;i? t hY : shOUld I not I I claim to know some! thing tihout-the Institution ;. who says I de nut Let hiM 'accompany me , I 14,cttrike eon, front hint •with Willi and sev4iiteen chill dren, and decide. - 1 i *lligh-its the Rocky Mountains toiterilbov4' (fie' .Ni..i;isAppi Valley, does the chaiacqer of the Married man tower above that 4614 he'll clot.; '\hat is a bachelor.? Whatiwil:i Ad am befOre he iot acquainted witli ;Elie ?- 04t but a poor shiftless,. helplesS,• creature !No more to compared. Rath; his afterself, .than a mill-tini to the grg4 -rearing cataract of Niagant. [APplause] GimtleinCii,- there waS a time,' I tilliSh 'tc , I too "was a bachelor rind a more. tniso•able creature you 'would hardly expect fq:d. Every day I toiled 'Marti, ; ; Old at iitglit I Came home to my comfortless garret, 14/ carpet, no nothing. Everything !was-in a - altitter, and in the Words of the poetsit (• i. • Confusion - NN as monarch of all Stlrrryed.' !Jeri!' 1:4 a pair of pants-there a dirtiy pair of bi;ifs.; there a plax.bili, and here a* pile of 4irtY What wonder that I took ref: OFe at the gaming-table and bar-romni r i found never do, gcntieroen;and in l a lineky tnonienti I Vowed to refirm. Swr4TIV .-had i v : 1 • ; t.le promise 'passed thy . lips, '.when a .mock ivas i iteard at the door, and in cane . Susan Simpkins after my dirty clothes. 's' . 1 Spicer."says she, 1 wasliedt; fir Yoe sis months, and I haven't' seen the, first red ceutin the way of payment:. No} l l'd -like to Meow what yoti are going to dtii4xiht it ?' • I felt in my pocket book'. There Wa4tioth• itig hi it, and I knew it well enough.? -"lSliss,Sirnpkins; Said I, 'it's no qsedetiving ) Intren't got the pewter fur our 'sake I had.' . •• There' says she promptly, de 't' wash . ati - Otb n er;og - fo'r you.' t • stori,' said I. 'Susan, I will doWhai I can for. ,1 i 0u.! . • Silver and gold I ',nOne • but if Mart and hand will do, they are at your, Sttrylec.l , -1 •- Are:you in earns •t,'_ says she,lloolting a ! Never more so,' says 1. Then' says she, there seems to be of getting my pay , any* I.6ther way guess I'll take tip with the.otrer.? ;We Were married in a week-- ar.a -- iirbat',l .thore we haven't repented it. No more attics for the, gentlemen. I live-in a Odd house, ltgd - lave somebody to mend inv. J, clothes.— w .„,, et' poor TO ImerotHe . oalrefOr.," gen. ile*n.•ll used_to be as' thin as a weasel.; Now 1 and as pluinp•as a pOrkei. It , conclusion, gentlemen ., if ;Von Want to be • a poor, raggedfellow, l wittiout a coat to your track, or, a shoe to your Piot ; if . yen want groW old before your time and 'as Miconifi!rt ablel generally as' a hedgehog,-rolled qp the Wrong way,' I advise you to remain t,uC if you want to live_ decently at d:reit:meta hl)7.•get married. I've got ten daughters, gen , ilenten [overpowering applauiej andlitht may : bitVe your pick:, • . . :1 • ikir.,Spicer sat . down amid long; continued . The generous pmpoSalsrulth4hich he!concluded gained hire five sons its lau:. ...'l ! n L/11E D ONATION Or THE AOE.-4110 coal CS- i ,tatea &Mated on the 22d Of Decnthet at She- MOk.iti,. by..l, udge !Hl feu stein; for i lie benefit Orthe - 4estitute pour;-of New Yoo,:Philadel .!pnia;. Baltimore,_! et l e., - .are said . to be -.North o!i.t !intillion and a half of dollars . 1 anti when . fuillt developed- will pay a rental giiater than Theinterest on that amount. - •P',. ~ • ' i . t,ho land donated embraces 60q flares ofl !,the-er,t best anthracite in the ShaMokin- re. gi4ti.. . The largest portion is:,tocatd.in the! Miiiediate vicinity of the town ofShaMokin, itid.'js .susceptible of easy delielo nietit, and loos every facility .of tmnsportatio .4ioae by. it l i , :**ts of two tracts-the one fiecij to .be! . deV4.lopecl to the , poor, Mr. Marstali cit t uper- InteXideitt of the mines of the evetiat rnpuu- I ~ * )CS 41;4!he, region, says; is capable : Of p,roduc og I , ,000 - tons per annum, Wheqn-pperly .. !,desfiloPetl. The- other tract, !'he hays will ! , -)"144.1 103,000 tons yearly.. Both,. i the same !peilf.m Says, - will bring a yearly revenue Of 4CW);090.--being $. per cent. on tz. l o than 0 :ngli'oni and- three quarters of dolct.rs.l The! S.eit.itmc.l tract is to be devoted to :th4 Tree 4114,4, and African Colonization; titeProceeds 'to :lie divided. equally. between these !cibicete: [0.4",0fi these tracts has already h.et* leased, and `kill the coming. year be pUtltifopera. ;tint; ! - . . . 1 . , p, ,I!,, 1 . I,lle..eite. •of The. college Corers ' an area of. tag*re!s °Alm eminence that overloOks the *rrbiniditt 7COuntry, and presen - ;views of ' isOiassing beeeiy. and loyelin . -..• : ..;;,,. It c9m., is 'bin the - adiantage of pure air, e cfllent wa- Itent; i and fine scenery. At -this] nistitutiolt !stiidents are -to: Lc "educatecl!freei.of charge, ;apt one trOm each county in Ppuasih*nia is - Ito ihe atapported, •at the same tiMai•.(l.oo of !c*inadditrien:totheeduo,tioa. - -4--fifin..fleg, .; I ';'l , l ~. - • _ , . . .f: _ 4 r- i . . • ,Feteigellifieence is a GracianiEfOrse Ilar otoi i•epublio—we cannot be, tee ' Ou*: ful to iejOidi its eniranoe.—Modisogi. 1 '1.:;-li • * _ • H. i' - ~/ . . .. ..._ SRO i : COOPER'AND RUFFLE'S. The lartisburg•--Correspondent fur • the Pittsburq . Uilion,•". Vikron,' describes the •rip-' pearanSe of tenntor CoOper.while on a .visit to' the 8 r1,.. " 6 Chamber.7one day -recently, Which is ecidedly rieh:' ' t ' , . • . • - " This aftentoor„ Senator. James Cooper Made his apPetirinee,iti the Benate Chamber of the Ca itt }l ,:lik , lng:saiblaaid and winning as a Fietich ilancine , nutster, - anci awmged Nemv much in ihela la .Ireau..Brimintel style, - .His coat and . vest were of the finest. texture, and made-Up 'k.o the top of.the fashion c ula Paris , . But the If utiles. on • his . wrists, Coming down la. the laincklei of hi 4 hands were the most Ale eidedly,killin . g little things you ever saw. . Will, illtruth is; these "ruffles tool: cry body do 11.! Even Mr. Grubb, who • dresSes exceedln,, i ly !well, and * With Much" taste , . too, when brought in contact with the•dandy cni j.every ted, Seat 'senator, didn't look, the leust French. . I Cannut say that . I dislike ruffles When If: e them on a. lady of la.hion or a lit tie, , .... • , mils, le.iuse I think thent pretty n4ll . Semew,ha I)'ecoming; but king . me if I like to see th9n, !on the wrists of a. man, whether that mini bei, a priate citizen ; or the repio sentatike, in a Democratic State,- of a very' decidedly - Dlemocratie constituency, such as . Settater ~ oper was sent to represent. !I_Ttp: less I niu , h ix, istake-the tone. of remark 'around • me, whil't Mr. Cooper Was in th.eSenatelthiS• afternOn those bit of quilted linen 'did I not. aid his •ca se much,' if he is a candidate for i.e-1 election t i the. Senate..-- But,, after all,,as the IMM old lady the by 4 n thing,)l it Ecel the trim Rifle.' , .• : 1 • Thee Ike arms la' the hands . , of good marksthei deal certain destruction' at an inf.-,j mense di: take, and the wholesale slaughter 11 of ; the llussiaii _ gunners at :the batteries , of' ; Sebast4ql, has won Ibr thisweapoii of death 1: the sotibriplet of 'King of Fire Anna; !, So' dreadful 'is; this fatal ball that the RuSsian gunner guest to . his station at an embrasure as to certain 'death: - i , The be rrel of a rifle has, running the length of ,its inner suthce, spiral!grooves or- chap nels—he.Uce the name of rifle, which menus a Title- oe grooved gun. One object of a rifle barrel is o.give greater preeision to the ball, bv:cinnnl imitating to , it „a- rotary motioLi.--- This ntOtfon, it receives on its passage ont of, .the gun, rot:ided the 141 bi;soerow . dedJfito the Wipe •aa to fill up partially . or_ entiti4 thee - groot l es I and the more perfectlY.the'-ball fits - into _the barrel the truer its course, and the less Windage 'there is.; that is, the :less space there-is bet Ween the ball and the bar= red forth l strength ofthe- powder to i..-eape. It is estii Intel that when the windage is only I•2othot the calibre of the gun, one rthir - d', of the poWder escapes, and of course its strength is lost.; - • . , . : • . ~ •1 • _: The 'great object therefore to be 'obtained, is a perfeet fit to the barrel by the ball,: thus to give the rotary Motion. and to stfve the I powdiir. . . . . i -;. • • • - Ar, reneli gunsMith invented a rifle which ,! had its qeeCh pin project wedge shaped,' a 'bout two inches into the barrel: The ball,.a conical„ shaped one, was then .dropßed into the barrel, and a few heitvly blows by 'Abe mannerroVe the_ wedge or'pin into the ball l so as tO il the grooves in- the barrel. ' -Tlfe. i i l nie ball, now so famous, is -an ini r proxerne tupoil all balls, inasmuch as it makes the poWd .r slug or spread the ball, instead of ~. the rutin er doing that work. - 1 - Thei,,bll is oblong with a conical point; in its base ft, has a conical hallow running half or two',thrd'a the iron the ball. A•Cup made of beet iron is placed' in the orificeof thishid! tv,!which at the'instant of firing-is driven 'iy. :die lowder with great force into the hail, thu spreading it or t ;..”, ,o as IftitA course out to ' featly slug or fillihe grooved barrel , - -- TT -7--- This. accomplishes the whole object; it saves ; •;-‘,. 44 riming it destroys windage, - thus econothis ng in ri0w0c5,....4 makes-thd ball perfee.ly ft the barrel so as to give the ball a complete rotary . motion ankeertainty of i di. rection, - : Thus the M inie inipriliieraent.;--uit, ing itsi n me from a- French officer named liinie4-i a tninie ball, not a ininie rifle. The conielil! s ape . of the, builet gives it greater weight' o .. .metal than a round one affords lesi reoistan !xi the air, and greatll increases the distanee it'etin be thrown. This shaped ball however, ;has been - used for ,a - lung time :by sportsinci 1 . . , , . A Paris eorrespndent 'of the New York Tribunesome-months.since, Was witness to experiments - made by Major Slink himself with his tail, and Sal - that officer plant three in balls...,neeession in a tai getthe . size Of a man's . hat 4 the distance of three-fourths of a COI day long, It is':no shins hay and the n The;Pi origin to bred and who in oi the elude officers, its perfet plisht i. .Ikrald. .-, ~ . , r.:.....e_...........- . T _ r'arlh el folloWing anecdote - of canineln telligeh and temper is related in a French • 'Count.de N—,iiviiig a short dis tance fro 1 lisle, possesses a Newf!mndland'! dog, t art er)Y called Castor, 'but, within the;, kit year .Iktenschikoff. . - .A: few days ago — the ;, Count' le his .palace to proceedio Lisle,. to:il carry .to :he Receiver -General's o ffi ce a par-il eel, 0 . nt ' ping notes and other-securities to, the nran nt 'or forty thonsand franes: When starting; 3fenschikoff appeared re ohred - to:, - Aeconip,' y his master, who Was at last obig.'l ed to i . , t him back with his cane. : Wheiy• the den t arrived at Lisle he foUnd 'that : he; had Ktst ,is l parcel. Much - alarmed; - be prn-i eeeded t..searclifin. it On thti.road by which he hid. Inc, ' There, at a little: distance stood? 3 .nsehikett gently wagging his tail, • but ,n;:;,t . . ary; .to . advance, from his.reminij, scenoes f t he , Count's cane; ln .his' mouth': Was the repioUs parcel, which he had pi4ed.., up, and . - asifilithiidly earrying to his. master; le shuffii `shnuidel bavin just of et eat, , ARE) Mg2CgQ." 18, 1855. when shO kissed the calf, [(by . ian!y yoltng• lady does. the same hit a matter Of twite.'_ , . . What is a Minie Rifle 1 • 1 • , - aelount received from- the, liar. in ~ a !)s loud in praise of the 'Millie 1 . !pd-this 4cer said he could do it all . .and teach . anv luau. to do so.. . :to be wondered at. that the Rits-. 0 a horior of the French . ehasseurs, ball: , 7 sat popularity of the rifte . ow s'. its the skill of American sharp'4ivoters, -trained in our new settlementstikL ur Indiatfand other wars have shown ; 1 neY of the *rifle ball. in picking off miners and prominent Objects; but; - tttin, we itnat , ine ' - has been'ticeorn.; the : hands of the'rrenth.—:- (here. you sees young 'lady 'cliatwiseil .. alLthe henseivurkltipott hermotheea fdr the purp ose of sitthig.edoiva anti tOk: . 'or-gctag'intii the' . neigh4cniS up y.irar mind that shalatil - 110* aar.vrats: I : • . • - IFEAZIER, 41.1 SMITH, PIJ , .. .. , i t ' +, London CorrespoOfienee!or the Boston Post. 1 , 11 t I Duke of Cambridge Crazy. -. i: 1 , • li i ims IDEER CONDE& ON ,FILE FIELD, OF-DATTLF. li 'NEPOTISM IN .TIIE DRITISif . ARMY. 1.. . I . Lndon, Dee. ls,; 1854 .,- The'-la s t steam7 Malt ) ! have. taketi ink same. rumors regarding the uke of Cambr' i ldßeWhich were then jiil t . begitming to he current . - its 'they...hare p - or itssukned an intelligible -ftrrh, though not pub -1„ ielitlrepeated, and as the Duke has left the army invalided,„ It' may .bO...intOestjiig to state '*hat, they are. The. Duke's appointment as . it general of divishin wainot a popular one. 'le ls,but a younglman+tonlY 35--for' audit it position.: has see t. 3 n ) SerViee,' has, never:: botn 'handed excep at Oto'bhartt (last -.year,: hnd at the Duke. o Wellington's pngeaut fu: . iiera , and has no fitneSstbr-hlilitary life be kond a kind of obsitiate: 'courage itthereat in rill the descendants of George l lll.Sl But thVU,I he iS the Queen's oWn cousin; and as he b as ho absolute- fitness for; the place, - his co : mints; . 'pion Wile signed at tliedlerie'Guards. • 1 r' ; Tie- was,not mtich missed after.hiS depart ure, , except at the roval.dinuers; .hor much Mourned except by - hiS thmily 4)1 voung. t Smiths,' whose niother, like the kitzhe'rberts I and Jourdans or the royal geeeratipn precall lng, thOught a leftl-handed, marriage-with:a I royal duke preferable to honest tratrimonyl in .poverty ; and lnastnneh . as his ,name had. .been dilly ge;ettedl in_ all Lord Raglan's d"e',;, ':,shate - hez , ','there has 'been no little rejoicing .at Windsor Castle aver .another - hero of the!! `Brunswick blood. 11:idness,like iourilkr twill Otir, howickr, and the young scion” of roy'. alty proves the purity oflis bihod by getting ~ erazY like his . grandfather. It seems that m soe , strangenesS )1: conduct wasimticed :if Ater the. battle of the Ahltd in the Duke of Catnibridge, - but no kin: of ai Alecided . eharaeJ ter appeared anti!after the defeat of the' Rhsi i ~sians at Inkerinap.l ; . Riding, across t Jpg a wounded Rte ie battle fieldand obsery iiati endeavoring to shoot , instead ot running himl t, the Duke . 'began to , ma his aids coming up they ing, ' he should use all hi afters! to have, hini hatig were being carried, by, th cmark 'That man is tl.t. his legs, he'll walk;' and r remonstrating .vith Lin ...r,suell . I:tuffin.mci7, ; he ire. my liprii ! • I am amazed tdil myself saw him alit 'Jim this ,cery, morning.' ;tautly taken to report th i. and remove him froth hi. :MI" English, so die. 'through on the spo .stilt with him ; and overheard him say . . . iiptluence.at fieady .. :ed !' As the dead . iDuke began to ;dead, set him on upon Lord Ms . la iiiDotithe ill time f< . ptial .`l3utriA - mei7 . i The man is not. de and talked e•f_th Measures-were- ins duke as an invalid . . . . ~ ', command. .•• . -, - - , - . . ~ . . . i The appointmen of the Puke of Cambridge , a. is the most conspic i nous, but not the only ex.: ample of those made on the mere grounds of connection and "faviir - ; others have given oc ea ion to - rt....murk. Lord'.,nean has.no-fitne: for his,plaee, and - -the suicidal Charge at.-Ba :' laklava entirety owin'g..to his hotheadedj freliFy. Lord Citi•digitn lias;been f)r year t the most distinguished tippler iii and has borne the-name Of . Blank-bottle. Car • among-all classes. 00ei equallAdis graceful :appointments Might be named; cOr roborati»g the chailge of:elioking up the high er ranks of the English army with ..the Min oin lions of Court instead of letting; pp 'finent go according toAiie claims of 'merit and. ca pacify, ~ Oar mild and, ;what it is composed of, - - 1 • . Owing tOthe indefittigahle invoifigations o • the analytical chemists, and - to their zeal i the cause ofloients4 ? there is scarcely : 4.. sub stance in the tyorld:hat has net pasSed thrcnig • the ordeal of their rucibles and test tubes, rrian theft,. we lea . 1 thatour world. is mad , pof but comparatively few substances,' '. few, indeed, that We are struck with all won de rand *as ten ish m ent, When 'we consider the vu, riety .of . form and. character into . which' this . • elements are capable cif being meulded. .. W. hat c :.ii iha animafe and inanimate creation the plants, the tiiiilll l oe ; wi:-. have the rocks, do earth,, the air; - the +ter, in 'all,, iliefr endles variety :'and yet. the substanceof which the . are eompcsed do mit exceedsii-ty.: *.Or . a: close examination our winder increases, as welear - rbat`ur tirc - c'tbtmn.., ta,ma.iless:*than 'lefty-Si: are metals, in the oinary senee - Of the word five are . gaseouS b - , ies like the air, which 'in ( .4 - .1 deed, consists of t 'o gases out of these five and the remainder pre substairiiiii.of an inter mediate character,Of which sulphur and_ char coal are the types: ..1 - Therefore everything tha we can see or touch pertaining to our worl is composed, ofone4 or t - wq; or more of th ... elements. 'We know ofno.one substance tha contains more than six of these elements; an. in 'a general' way' there are rarely. more that two or-three blOttled together to produce on. result.. Thns, the White ,of an egg is Made o six. elements ; a flint stone .of two; 'a -pie of wood consists o' three elements... - , Th: - - 'three materials a • the types of the — portin of the.*erld to w,h ch they ; belong. - Thoug r one stone differs fr m . another. stone, ind An . wo.id• froM another wood; and one flesh&On another, flesh, yet their ' , composition is iirnils and of nearly the .name • elernents.% 'lt is th+ nature,- quality, an, property of theSe Rivera elements that col isti ute thestudy ofehemestry not medicine, for t tis but a mere branch 0 chemistry, the-coin osition of all things.. p. 4: ,, analogy, the - analtical chsmist - can ' stai - .vith certainty the, jrincipal qualities hurl-rani . pesition of everything ,pliced in his hand - what ,use to makelf it,. and how it is - to be applied for, the Wfli el re and benefit. Of his fell i low man.— court ,ournaL '' . '" ' . ' .' : - ...;,, Isaac Jelin VIE 4 ' so* ziormsos.-4'What' that lzllse I'. asked Mrs. Pitrtingtonj as 14 came in with a lit e brass eagle bosom -pini, with a little brass :tar, attached hi...-a littl • brass chitin ; to his little jacket. collar. , LI took a big attitude smirk his fist, as itr,,, , 143 i an apple two for a cent; upon LIS breast, ant replied that he was, a Ktic'w; Nothing: ' what 1' said he, clOsing the mouth of her re • se t icule, in which she had been seeking .f 'r,,a pie of chalk that had been long sinec .0 up on • brick'wall opposite, ‘ a Knew Not iing ?' holdinglhe reticule tightly, as if she had c) the idea bagged t' well,: you pier child, z ,y) may not know so Much as some,but:you at , an idiMu nuttier, and though it's always we I to,be hutuble, and ;not pretend to know thin., when you don't; it isn't well to go,round brii:• 'ging ationt knowing nothing, and proviagyo u self i'fool when folltsAfitt't stipproge It,' Yit , w ar aid full enough - to do, it,, , without-you: Iketteard tbepration wiesjy,but,the glitt - [ ing brass held a Keathley% place,.a,or,erl.Y. standing, in . the toilet azrangetntat of , Imps o", Vite,, Pertlyvoa,. ,- - r I . , rEII O ME "-;:,,,-• . . - 1 . I •.',17 - • -•-. • • _ • ,- • . • - John I#Oholl and pa . Nato .. - : : *- •, a t - a i n ~. [From John Mitchell's N. Y . ittien.j.--._.. .. ; I will avow- at once! my opi ion , :_ tat _ .the - neituralizOidlA latis:of .ilse -Erni State;-:re- :quire chcipye7 . --:-! hat,. - hOWever_. eedfu i they: , l r l= 'may' have -been • for_. promotilgOpUlation and introdtteing:labor.in tine •' - thy 'dee: coo _liberal now: and th4t . nohod in tbe.i.viAt.. would be emitted. to complain- • thitleast if, Congress shoujd at. any',_ gessiO litnit.within t ails , - bound it' 'might see pi. the e atiou of Op tens' by :adoption.. ,The new la ,wOuld.aonn _become known; ' and:thew no fo ii i snierneoni- _ in,4 , here. for the.future would t o ' tho'ilsk-- or belrig cheated.., Z... 7. .: !. • . '' . ''' ...: .:--..',. • • -It is plain:enough.that in . n . ry -_ sotiereisot . ,- Sidle the nature Of its baturati tidfi l lawa (if_- it • have any - )' ninst foreier lie iv thin": its opu 4 . jurisdiction ; and. that their.cok3itioria ought = to depend upon. the,..exigenciei,o ',the lwuntry . fbr-the time being; an)d if! were aeitizen-of • the United Btates, Avbethei-nativoi adSpted, I would advoCatc,-both fur the si o.of Europe and-America; such an alterationOf the lawns would, in its - future operatiimi•j}Old 'out leie .' encoufa,gement and • a - Less tenip i ting, prornite 1, of civil liberty and, powerlo- very . subject of a deSpotin..the world;'Who 0 Oosei-to tut,: - away froni,his own: duties and , . posibilitiea towards' the country where - his other bore him: ' . . • 1 her • But for America, and e . .teropting-farnis' for . foreignerS, I believe Germa6y would not - be so long in the claws:of.thefsliabby Serene Highnesses; but for the easy 0.,- pe,tit aJand-. (if - -freedom, 7 -rather think - the cutthroat of Pecembertnight.,„have• had, his, t .. noat cur en i . .noiv. And often,_- . reading .in 'my own penal • exile, of the ,over flowing b.exoilts I. frOm Ire- - 'land, invited it - Was in Ain rica, and en.. couraged .anti - fficiiitated •in ever; .. shOn by our Engliti tyrants (making aliridgepf gold " for a flying enel - ny,) 1 - have been almost really to curse Anierica, and -. herchcaP emigrant . ships, and her easy vorlintid higk wliges,Juid . her naturalization, and the happti homes and "altars free she - OtTered of pea te 'as a pre; 4 ! ) • raj= on the 'abandonment of their! nativa land,'. and - their own fathers ..an mothers la the tender- mercies of that Imre, ttal -`ponsti:,- ttition,'.. with its suspended -II beas:-;Corp4- Act. and its pretended trial. by' jpry,.iitid its .chronic stafvatiint. and periodialaughter......- But . for American said, and i e ehear pas-. • sago . money tieross that too nay it Atlantic; - and the Black - -Balr line:,•and the .apseott.Hae, . 10 and the British .Emigration . Sc iqtieit (Mors. properly-. transportation. chlls)) In e_tpcditei e;odus—hut for all • these - fatal faCilitiei for escape, our •people 'must 'have see' their . backs to thiWall lonzago - , and ''ought it out.- -.-, - ..... • We are much gratired.tt6 notice t city of Gen. Atchison, the listinguish- 31issouri. He stlili . be welcomed by and o4,4,C,ongress, with a cordial ..hi! can "crinarcz.:4l.= ! -. Wash.- Serif. 1 . ~ 1 ) The act: providing for the rei ditiNi, of Fu- g4ive Slaves. was offensive. to t e great mass. 'of the People, But they were; 'ild they must - ' Obey it becaUse it Was the .' Jew of. the lend.' i l .ehe reason was conclusive, and. thelaw Was nforced in communities wlie -it was held=- iin universal abhorrence. The 1- aw creating the Territory of Kansas ,Prolf - 'ed. that .neue p: , but actual residents -shotild .- te.' - . Senator: , ' AtchiSOU Voted for that lay, ati .eleimed its' . a enactment . ae, a triumph. But ', - ' .reviewOr the character, of the 'residents! of the Terri. -. tiary,,it was diseoveredthathe purpo'sces. ,- 0f.," Slavery could only be promotod . by a vieilit-' of the law under-which . the. terijtory. was of:. - I ganized.' No ,sooner -.was- .s; ere' taken.th4 'Conclusionl reached' than active measure- to :- carry it into`execution.e - And Senator..Atehi- - .: son volunteered .his services to' violete a Jaw, for.whieh he voted,. and - which he *as sworn , . to support.", He temporarily . .vaceted-his--: , seat in _the Senate that he. might organize 0.. corps - Of unprincipled men- tit:.Misseuri- to; Seize „upon -1. the Ballot-box ; wadi'. Iv. : fraud, rand perjuryi,dv - er-ride the ientirocittabf, the .. ,People of,Kinsas. . ' - ./ ~ ~.. . ' - , Men whO' invade the re,'nctis of their neighbors are- treipassers undo ~ -the - law.., If ' theytear-- Off that' which bele gs to others,. they ere hianded --- us::ffirObbers . Those -- who plan 7 and :- those _who execute "the theft, are:, equally-_ criteinai. , The people of gansas-., were" robbed of theieriglitt-=rights - as iaerek . , and infinitely._ more valuable. than silver or gold,, -by. bitnds of - unprinciped men 'from • Missouri.. - The law brands diem ,es its via lators; and-public opinion, to sell asiholaw„. -holds the instigators equallyieulpable with : - the actors in -.the .fraud. ' Sen tor- AtehisOtf - planned and superintended thil . outrage %Tote the ballot, and is,-therefore, - the - , hief ciiminal., It is for thie! he will be • welixi, ell to. Wash, inaton With Such 4 cordial kind ' ess.' tut his glory .- shold be his shame;'for' e Inia briven ly traropiedl 'upOri .right's more - sacred than—, I. any- of hers guaranteed to a free' people ; -and' - ' , that, too, that VaVery mayliobtain a foot.` hold on soil thirty jeers egodeclered "forev•- • er ! • sacred to freedom l•- • ,..4//iirty .l'nerving I Journal. - ' ' • • . . . A_ -" [lgo]: ExGuert Ltird' Forth lets returnedto,Eitilitnit . froin the 'non. It is return : ere:tied. great _The London cOrntespondent: .47.4 the New YerkTribnite.*riteit; • - - ' - He is' a i rery young.Offujer, a minor, and: as it seems' not mueh of a hero. In the bat . tle of Alma' be threw hirnsele,ou the ground mid screamed, 'bun frightened—l min% fight.' ,Lord Raglan sent him word that iu-the next battle - he was expected to - distinguish,hhileelt by his gallantry, that cowardice Might ho forgotten. Alit at inke6nanii he again hived as cowardly;; _two: officers, thdrefoic were sent by thi General-m-Ctucf to castaway:: his' epaulettes, to break I;hia - Sword, *IA hick him out . camp. He t*turiietl to England* . disgraced Man, his &miry 4irona him, aid the clubsare 'closed _against him." lifitasiosaao DziAnvmot or 1,40.41,0 V, J. .Lyons iirsfuntrose, and one, of south . Ber‘itielt;lLC.,' .4tni.,°:A, S. Plum-. mei ., :as° of South ner+kiiicrd Mrs. Z., B. PIIIMMOrt fir BlociinfieK NJ J., etiharkeil Boston . a t 'Wednesday 4f list - ireelc, in lie !- Samna, Qtpt. .Waters,P gni Smyrns. The, _Usual etuborktdiolt services ! ere- conducted by Mutt, of .AO%, . lg."' hope we , mayrfind future.; rcim -remit* int con**ciali in "winAaw.,- fdrin'ic inlo l l4 atternFifett ait ocean tif.ifire betva i zi nuct,' tha:Ctiii — World.—.lefitraonv- • gar -" The ba.ttle I4kiotusgait Wa a .441 it r the Sabba th . - 153 . NO: 8 l e arrival in thi s Senator frozir friends here, in dness, that few