Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, January 11, 1855, Image 1

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Meet 320cfrp.
. The Snow-Shower.
Standhere by my side, and turn, I pray,
On the' lake below, thy gentle eyes;
The clouds hang over it; heavy and gray,
And dark and silent the waterlies;
And out of that frozen.misi the snow.
In waving flakes begins to flow;
Flake after itke,
They Auk in the dark and silent lake.
See how in A living swarm they come
From the chamber's beyond that misty veil;
Some hover awhile in air, and some
• Rush prone from the sky like summer hail.
All, dropping swiftly or - settling slow,
Meet, and are still in the depth below ;: •
- Flake after Rake
'Dissolve in the dark and silent lake.
Fiere delicate snow-stars, out of the cloud
Come boating downward in airy play
Like spangles dropped from the glisteningtrowd
That whiten by night the milky way ;
There brozder and burlier masses fall;
The Sullen water buries them all;
Flake after flake,
All d r ow n ed in the dark and silent lake.
And some, -as on tender wings they glide,
From their chilly birth-clond, dim and gray;
Are joined in their fall, and side by side,
Come clinging along their unsteady way;
As friend with lirnd or hisband with wife"
Makes hand in hand the pasiage eflife;
• Each 1-z4teil flake
Soon sink; in the dark and agent lake.
Lo! While we are, gazing, in swifter haste -
Stream down the snows, till the air is white,
As, myriads by myriads madly chased, .
They fling themselves from their shadowy !nigh
The fair frail creatures of middle sky, , -
What speed they 'make with their grates so nigh;
• Flake after flake, - • -
To lie in the dark and silent lake. ,
I see in thy gentle eyes a tear ;
They turn to me in sorrowful thought;
thou of friends, the good and. dear,
Who werw for a time and now are not;
Like these fair children of cloud and frost,
That glisten a mornentond then arc lost,
}lake after flake
All lost in the dark and silent lake.
Yet look again, for the elends ;. •
A ghuon of blue on the water lies;
And faraway on the mountain side,
A sim-beam falls from the opening skies.
But the hurrying host that flew between
The eloud.and the water no more is - seen;
Flake by flake,
• -
At rest in the dark'and silent lake. .
"Ales 4 1 0 shefehets.
AT an unfrequented watering-place on thi
south coast of England, dwelt Mr. Bertram
Fitzsimon, a,poor crehition of an aristocralie j
' familv. But though poor; he was proud. Thi
family was one of the oldest irEngla:ud. ' O l t
course he held aloof froth the gentry of the
wateriniz-place, except the ftnv who were un
questionably rich.
There was one exception to this`, howeve .
Mr. -Edgar, a young man, Offive-and-twent . ,
of wbom nothing, literally, was known; was .
welcome visitor at the .Rosery. He ow
this to having been the fortunate means . f
saying , the life Cif Bertha., Mr. Fiizsimon a
daughter,. who would, most probably, hate
been drowned but for his exertion's.Wha'
more was necessary-to procure hiin an intri•
duction to the family ? No questions we
asked abotit his pedigree,- • They saw he iv
a gentleman in manner_; ' , they knew that I
saved their daughter from , n Watery gray
and neither Mr. nor Mrs. .Fitzsimon objet
to his visits. 'Hie became as•oreOf the.g
lv—and.Mr. FitzsimOn 'soon discovered th
he had money at command, andswas not lo
to lend it. Fitzsimon on his• part, was ii
loth 'to borrow—a characteristic which. hi
man nature will sometimes retain in spite
the longest pedigree. ' . ,
There Was ,soplething peculiar.about
Edgar, however, Which' the Fitzsimons
long perceived. In spite of
. his cheerful .
his extensive acquaintance. -with books, a
.with the wider page of life, and the o
p .
' .nesS of 'his. mariner ? there Was a scrutiny-l .
his lo o k, a guardedness of expression, a
list er to repel, irquiry when anything.that hac
the appearance of even, leading to it as
attempted, that was not, satisfactory. ' But
the strangest thing of all to the minds of both
.2,1 r. and Mrs. Fitzsimon, was the insensi ' ill
,ty he displayed to Berthals charms. is
question had been much debated.. Mr. itz- -
simon's hope of succeeding to the family es
tate was remote. The possessor was a •
of his owa age, and between totem i
were ee
• younger- lives, with a claim .prior to ur
friend's. It Was. evident: to him that Mr. -•
I d
gar, was atall events rich • He had, ho *
W 7 •
ed three hundred pounds ofhina, and the l
t e
hundred was lent as as the firs
Mr. Fitzsimon saw that this would not
1 . a
bad Match for his daughter ; Mrs.' Fitzsimon
coincided it his . opinion ; but Mr. - Edgar i
showed no signs Of falling in 'love.. It is Prue . 1
he - accompanied
,her in many a walk over the 1
sands; that he hd overeomeler fear of boat, '
ing; But according to Itlis. Fitisimon; there
was no love in the busineas; and the husband,.
- eliagr'inecl that he should have entertained the I
thought of a .condescension' which ; Wei not
likely to be appreciated, coiled himself tip - in
a -more rigid exclusiveness than 'exer.• i
The most Unlikely things will sometimes ,
happen'in this world. One mornine., news
- tame that the Fitzsimon 'in possession', had
broken-hisaeck in a steeple chase. NV thin
a month from this time,'one b,y 'one, the ree
intervening lives departed this earthy. e,
• and Fitzsimon found himself ovrnero two
- estates. All was now bustle at the to cry.
Fitzsimon proceeded to Herefordshire to ,take i
pas 4 easigni and -.Mrs. and MiSis\ Fitzsinion . 1
were Charged te prepare fora speedy dOiict- I
ure to the metropolis.. A week pasi4.— 1
'Fitzsimon returned to the l'orisery tineonduct'l
his wife • and daughter to town. Ti le 'day
came; and Edgar called to bid them .0 0 (1.
bye. . Refound Bertha quite alone. - •
'You will. be glad to go to Londonj i ., 4l said
hei•after the usual greeting, had been ext , mug-
- - • ed; '.l'ou have . not, Spent a season' ithcro
' i ),-et r
.. .
• 1 \ o,' Answered Bertha laeontealky.f
`You have muelitosee then,' said 'Edgar,
'- 4 - a lidw Tfire. - and ,a very different oriel trottl
_that Which you :lave...hitherto - led- in this 1'6.7
tireinent. ' ).'Oll will find.nauCifto amuse you;
much . to delight the eye,ilie sepseali[natiell
• to adinire :in the' hrilltiey_: of lashiOa; tile:
- works Or ar‘ the display of genius, the thee.;
\ tres s the aapera, and 'those litradions for which
..- \ the metropolis is famous.' - . '•,--
\ 'Yes',! f!!...ia ::;) ,!,.. - a fiiiv.t
\.•. , - , '
• i „ „ . • • .'1
.. i
. , .
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curling her lip; into one of its many phases of
'You Fill Also find much —2 ' He nes
ed. "But FIY should I render that tasteless
to! you on 'which yOtlr heart is • perhaps set:"
There was ;ati expression on his' face as he
said this; which Bertha had remarked before,
an expression ;partly sad, brit more stern.
No, no, tell mc,' cried' she, for the ! first
time since he had entered the room seeming
to be cogniant of what was.passing; tell
me what else Shall I find ?' , -
I`ToO truth' that is hollow and insincere,'
was the notlwithstandinm a fair out.
side. DO not think that in ,changing this:
wild life ana t ong rocks and cliffs, and with the
storms of winter ever and anon raging befott
your eyes, that all will be gain.' • ,
4 1 would .', rather remain here,' she replied ;
have been happy in the midst of nature.'
r' And are there no attractions in the world
that alaini your affection
replied'• Bertha, artlessly, 1I
shall never forget the friends thlt I have lov
ed here; and least of all, M. Edgar shallll
ever forget :you P she said extending her hand
to him. Ile took it, but with an abstracted
air, as if his 'mind wait bpsy in' another diree
thin. ' • _
Miss Fitzsimon," said Edgar, after a
pause, "Ivo lace spent so much tithe togeth:
er; and interchanged so much though; may,l
add feeling, that I AM confident enough to say
to you whatll have not said to your father or
to M.
:.. ',l3erthi.blUshml ; but no, he icas not going
tol4ay what ;ishe expected. ,' • i
You haveguessed there is a mystery - bent .
. a
. , .
me; lie etantitmetl—r` you have.suspeeted it- 7 4-, _
and you are I atti,-d man who, frOin
my boyheNall; have • loved truth y and sought
after hones y. Where they were wanting,.
either in m 0 or woman i l could See no vir
tue to coin
their absence; "have liV.
4to be‘dc +iyed by one who' as destitute
of lidtit. 13 t what have yoU to do with this T'
he 'adde'd, n '.r a short pause; -`. we,will spe w
of something' else,
':No, no' ;pray go on; exclaimed bertlni,
so interested; in what Ilad already fallen froM
Edgar; and . her face so full of expression,
that he thought*she -had - neveV.looked' half go
lovelY before. I
, f
(~ It:Is niotig, story, Miss Fitzsimon ' but II
perceive you partly guegs it.:' ,__l loved a we
man whom E thought liioes*e (1 .of .a heart if.
true as her i face was beautiful t: but I haki
judged wroiligfun:r., : • 1' . .. - -i., *I.. --e-6.0 .;:ii.t, 11
discovered My mistake, I ,Withdrew from so,,
ciety, resolved to devote myself to `those af
fections which books, the study of nature, aiiki
the widest phases of man's- life supply. It
was not, long howeverrere I found that my
heart wag alive•enough td appreciate a mote
kindred*.love:.7: ; •
. 1
Edgar patised, and turned his look steadiVy;
on Bertha. Jl . 0 --large, expressive eyes, were'
veiled in an instant by their'searee less
lv,lids. A. behutifill Llu h. spread over lair
face, glowed fora moment - ,, and immediate&
passed irway2 • 1,
tßertlia,'. Cried
. Edgar,i drawing 'closer to.
her and: - taking her hand in his, - ".have yqu..
never suspected that. I lohked with no coin
mon admiration en your harms, or.that
garded withja deeper respect tte, more .eh
gaging qualities of your nature ? Have y4u
not suvected Chive morb than ordinary re
gard-for you'?"-
-‘.Yes,". replied Bertha,' for she certainly
.had .suspeited it.. . ! •
'Have Yon never dreatnt that I dared even
to love ytiuf • • !-
Yes,'She had' dreaint that too• though
she saw . no great daring ihout it. '
I loveyon,' he said, iyettoKith my whOle
heart. Du I 101,' a in; vaiiir •
As, he said this he drew closet . to Bertha,
.whO Suffaring her bapd t`O - remain in his, "pd.r
mit.tedbiin to fold his other arm around her
waist. Test then'fobtst4s were heard upOn
the stairs'. - •
Do in Vain ?'.l, repeated Ed . pr.z--;
He felt "her. •...artn timidly placed upon Lis shoulder.',." 4 You will not, forget me?' cried
"Never l'' replied Bertha. -
I .
IA motitl(passed, and the Fitzsimons . were
settled in.LUndoti. It was the height, - of the
season; had, 'Bertha, found herself(m. a new
world intfeeo, exceeding in splendor and beau
ty: the wildest paintings cif her imagination), •
; One morning, sOine,tiso . monthS after her
arrival; mehauieally turning oVer
some sheets of -net+ music, and running her
fingers:alp - ng the kqs of her instrument, the_
door of the;drawin g tc:om . opened, and the
servant sinnouneed lir:Star. Mr: Edgarr
followedi • . . ; '
Bertha:, rase, blushed, stammered. Edgar
perceived her hesitation: He .advanced and.,
held out his hand. She placed hers within
it, and the . : courtesies of meeting were -/ex-t
-changed, but somewhat stiffly. , ' I
' You tare altered. Miss• - Fitzszdoti,' said
he, after lii time. 'You have lost the ruddy
health you brought to town with you. 1114—I
-add, too, that in other respects I see a dem
enee.'! ! I . , i
There i Was- a melath
noly in the tone i in
which he spoke that went at once to the heart.
,Altered 5 es, shel was,much altered. -But
whatever she might have. said was interrdpt
ed by •thc entrance' of her father.
Fitzsimon had alwaya held his head high,
but now it was higher than ever. It seemed,
indeed, as if his chin had usurped the position
hy natur4 allotted to his nose. As he stalk
ed into the room, Edgar at once saw what
reception liC would have. Prixicediug to the
piano, , Itssimon . took his daughter, by the
hand, an litilding 'her to the door,,motioned
110 out and closed it after her. '.. :
' 'Mr Edgar '. Said - Fitisimon returning
with an' .
air ofd, i ' ,
1 with au air of:\ aggificrnce which almost
I made our hero sn iff e, `_this .is very unseemly,
I sir; %e.r.)"ins,leco its and improper. • You
I should hate writt had you wished to !Sec
me, andl :would_ win
m '
; gly bare • granted you
I audience; :but to take tee by storm, to insist,
: as it were=—though I. hardly think your pre
sutuption Could intend that,--n forcing :Mc
to an inteiyieW=this is, I say, thpst in4eCor
-1 oils, most iins.ceirdy: _ :\\ I
1 1 Edgar iaa not taken aback; heltr i oi his
, man, and expected nothing better frO him.
Pl' have 41sed this freed= with,. your leave
b - eforp, Mi. Fitzsinion, i .said he, t and poi `tko
aiffereuceihat two months can have made CO,
render it Indecorous now. lam not chang
ed, are j•dn V
t id ii s •. n • .I 1 ,
Chang . ejaculated ritionon 11 amaze
ment at the _mania ;reckless itopertiiumne.-
- I Charged i ,Clipd ,Ileavena! am I .to lie; aa
dreitied iii 'this low, faintliar. Mann a, and 4
erked ifl pngi chnfired r
, iV ,
r, - PR-ggr.DO . I A - 0 :.g•,d-eillt.::Aß.,
' Remember, slr,' replied Edgar.- alei
and resolved to !give no -quarter quarter whin,
foundt none, 'yon are still . the, man- ;w
daaghter. I have Saved from what - wOuld
bably have been death; still - the- man
has clOneene the honor to became my de
in a pecutnerysense; -. • . ' ;
. i Sir
,r . esclaimed .Filisimen, insulted that
these ren "viseenCes
.shouldjbe regarded. oth
erwise than as faVor.aconfeWed upon the per
son who had • saved the child end lent. the
money, 'you are gross; you are. evidently an
ignorant man, who has forgotten himselfand
his pOsition. There,' continued he, writing
g i n
upon a card, 'is y agent's address, mr.... Tak e .
your elaim to hi and let me never see i you
-in this - house a . With these -words he
issued-from the room as magnificently ss he.
had entered it. '.- 1 • •
AllCthis was nothing to :Edgar. Hehad
ganged the man beklrei - But Bertha! - Was
she changed •toell Again he had set his faith
upon a woman, and vies he deceived I - 'Weald
.prebably not steal to see him -agia 1
He pauSed,"listene&—no sound. Why; did
he expect it? • He had marked her hesitation.
He saw,- the bluSlt of confusion with which
she welcomed hint; as if
was too proud
to Meet
,him heartily, yet too .young tto be
wholly ungrateful; Was she coming? No!
He took - his - hat, descended the stairs, iwrapt
in sorrowful mood, 'and in a minute - ; More
found - himself in the street.
And had Births' forgotten him 1 Isiotqnite.
Her confusion ati meeting him, was :in truth,.
only natural. She , saw the insult her father
intended, and ainiost stink with shame at the
double ingratitude With -which . the fricad.of
a less fortunate period was treate4. Thelhall
door had hardly 'closed behind -him aft,ei. his
departhre when she dispatched •• her , servant
with-the following note : • - •! i
• - ' •
•"POkR MR.. EDGAR :=Whoever else May
be ungrateful, do not doubt that there isLoue
in this house who lam never forget you,
long as you valuel this assurance;, belieVe Lit.
FAgar . walked Moodily along. ' He thought
of what
,unadorned merit has to - suffer in this,
world . ; rand as his thoughts grew 'warmer,
and thiA , indignation rose higher; he - walked the
_taster-. Bertha's Imaid. Would much rather
have been. Bertha's mistress. A steal-Li-en
' gine could not
.gek. her to; walk out of what
she ectuliclureil a ;becoming pace, nor Could
'all the world' harm.. ... 4-er 141* might have made a little More haste
had Edgar been a lord,' Or even a.' sir,' but
as it was, she saw', him: grOually increase the
distance between] them till he •entered t the
' Park. She pursiied him,! but in vain. It Giv
ing up the pursuit., she resolved to return
home ; and, as Bertha had ordered her on no
account to come baek . without havinadeliv
.cred the hiter, she further resolveeto tsar
that she'had done so. . • ,
-and in; due time 'she betook 'herself - to •Ilier.
toilet... In legs than an hOur she wa' dieSsed
for the evening, and. the' carriage being an
flounced,- the Fit4simons drove off to : Lady
Harriet Temple'o. • There was a dinner par
ty and also 'an eveuina.. party: they joined"
both; :hut what }vas fir. Fitzsimat's L•Onfu
sion to find himself sitting cis-a-ri.l tot his
friend' Edgar ! Had the fellow lent her, lady
ship money too? No; he was too tnnelt sit
home. to be there, on tolerance.: Mere than
that, there was an evident deference Sid to
wards 'him, and-what!-erasit:possible that
BetragTitzsimon heard aright!—' LordiEd-
Mv • lord your lordship.' .- • .
Aid; Where,. ,and in what incognito , has
. my
. fifful. - cousin been for the. last six tnontlis
'What have. you been about, sir ?'• deranged
_Ay. .
'Looking for honesty and truth '
I replied'
Edgar, . • .
I hope you found them, my lord r ,
ed Sir:Charles Wilmot; with a laugh.. .•
an: not nure,' he answered; perhaps,
yes, pOssibly, no,' .
Did his eye•wander • toward Bertha as he
said this'? She thought so : and het heart
beat rapidly. She thought of. the letter.--=
She rejOiced that; he had received it !before
she be...ime acquainted with his true position.,
Not furl the whole world would shh have
written it had she believed Mr. Edgar to
have 'been Lord: Temple. And yet,lwas it
not strange that he, should -not- addresS a sin
gle word to her,-;---that his eyes•should! net be
turned towards' her ; that after dinner he
should neither seek, her . out to dance with.him,
or asV . her t 0.64 oneof those airs which had .
been such favorite with him- before ?Hours •
passed„dway ; and finally, Mrs. FitisimOn
bale-her hostes4 goodnight. The littsband
and Bertha folloWed the example. Lord Ed,
-gar : Was 'Standing beside Lady Harriet.—
Fitzstmon bOwed 'to him, a most gracious
bow; which the lother acknowledged; by the
slightest inclination of his bead. But on, Ber
tha he•did not waste a _glance. What could
it have, meant. ;. ;
We shall behappy to see your lobiShip.'
said •Mr . S. FitzsifrOns, from whom, alOne the
invitation could ix)me with any grace.: '1
.` 1_ shall do myself the
- honor of callin6,' re
plied his lordshiP, ina tone tinged,`asi Bertha
thought, with sarcasm. Buthe tock no no
tice of her., . • - - -
, •
Bertha slept little that night, ~a;nd the
morning found her pale and weary. •
, - - - , ,
It Was at twoo o'clock as her maid' 1 was
about to give herself an-airing in the - park;
which she did about the same hour gerterally,
to disembarrass tier mind for a few moments
of the afflicting . duties of her position, that
the .hall door opened, and Mr. Edgar gave
_eard 'to the 1 porter, inquiring for , Miss
Fitisimort. nu 4 Lard was handed to the - maid,
which, When the maid read it, produced a re. 7
volition in hit. 4mmoror that no permissib le langu_age can express. - Turning
. round, and
bowing at eachtep she took—lost in a 'ouzo
of Wonder and tUltniration, she led hint to the
drawlog-rown; and was about to huriy to.her
yonag miStrass,l when the though of the let
ter occurred to! her. -Fortunately she had,
not burnt it. INlithdiawing it from her - pock-' ;
et she presented, it with a triumphant air, as
if . she had been pursuing his lordlltip ever
since yesterday land run him down at last.-- r ,
Having performed thiifeat she rushed ate
her young mistress, who immediately fell in - 1
to .a most delightful agitation. Pins, were in
1 detuand ; frills and, bijoilterie ; and ere Berthai
'as 'presentable, ten minutes lug, passed:
s : • 1., 1
' . } the meantime Lora Temple bad Opetteai
the I , iiiialt; and attributed its; profess;
sioni:br . . 817 to the diSCOVer a L# l # he was!
14 rd, ..;.' lOW not 'l4 .E4r. , ..„- !AA...
(1 , 41;1 or vr..c , b, fill new he had 'given 15e'rtlui
, " :$: • -
4 11 - • il
the Benefit, was now.el _ y rtg 'list' ter. - It
.ii•ateld painfully upon thk refined sen sibilities;
•I; • .
Of stieh.a man, that so.Oung and behutiful al
tirltthonkl display, s .uatronly daft, and!
That he should pretenit w, adar es 4• l hi m as ! ,
1 dettr .11C, Edgar.' 1 : L whole .thinilwas ev-i
ideritly got up. Ind& diSgnsted s ' he felt !
*Otis affair. with Be Was bowl utterly!
ac att. end, - Whyishould, he trciublellier . for'
4 .
att ifiterviewl No ; her*ouldlnot. i .!"
''':•!'4l4 Bet:awls-as de exciting td the L'f4rawing
tOont, Lord. Edgar 'waif! descending - to the
14114 and just as our teroine, , entered the!
drattitig-room his lcirdslip 16nderetinto the!
.!.!'.Wiltat did all, this moat 1! Berthifratig furl
lien Maid. : --The maid vela ei.jually pttizled.'----!
PasSlhg rapidly from mil thought td.lanother!
Bertiat'a mind'at last tui)ted td, the' fetter. -2
f!Ytilt 'are 'certain you.gake-'it tb Itini" yester.'
day,,t she !aid._ "if YOtilfailedyou ihava l
-tll's • ! '
!-, -1 - L.
,- 1 ,
.. . • !
. 4 ,t)h,cartaircmiss " ito r sponded thiit maid
Withia most determined 1' reiiolUtionilo• Stick'
to it,,.q . .
Bht jest then Berthreff_eye fell . 6 some
. ~
scrips_ of paper, which ilat,rerstrewedittpon the
ground. The suspleitax, flaShed- adtoss her
Ithruk that _these were thif;fragroents 4t - her let
ter :hial thatit had not ' ri delivered yester
i • !
day„:"i Her Own hand- ' ' tit:lg soon ct nvinced
lier:l4.the former fact. ut-ning to her maid
a ie
with* fi rm look that mid her the • more •
trunk the deathlike paler s!of Ilercc, sluff,
Oici; ‘ You didnot deliver/
yester ay 7- 1
i i
",No r responded their, aid, L afteria pause 4,
that every emir,*hilst ; Bertlui
t;loW,ly reaseended to hell chrunbet,ltit short 4
Ty afterwards descended tothe 'garden. •, !
. ! IX *as not Iwithout pain that !Edg4i , came .
co the conclusion that Bertha, ujaslculating
Lin& sk:ltish, like the rest of • the w orl d. - • The
Ope!7,ibrie, which -had bound hikn to', society
4:ltSrOokeit, and he Celt - inclined .t •"aliiiire. •
that;fitith in high things ' which had sp ' lenno l 7
bled his character.- Rail Was lbef,vinping to
thli,•:and 'he: entered one 4 f
a le arbor.4 . l in the,
gardo,-.- and • ; -•contemp lxid - the heautiful
ihrtihs and flowers by whit: 'he *as s,iirround-;
0:: 1 ,,Illere- was no-one n r him, andhe - ex. ;
elaiid. ." Nature, thou: one a rt tale t ; true!
1 1 4
in beauty, - true in fidelity to yonr destiny.
It is' i '4utniner, and you wear titt, live, ofj;y
+-blight, shining; Smillitig; fi lling :the e -0.
with heauty,..therheartAvidtz.ladne -•!W• 4 4
1. :„. 0 „,;.;.--,-,!-alar -again you[are nae.tnes tinie
frau* to- it—ever faithful to' the marriage vow
'hicli has botind you to the revolving year.
Mari hlorte is, false ; woman, beautiful and
! I:.
falsd!" - ' • ' i
i....Ai; he looked out upon-the seem
„is mind
wasilfio deeply absorbed iiith•these thoughts;•
tiitithe did it'ot hear the! footsteps ! ; 'that api
prof che,ll They paused; cattle !on again ii Ht.!,
ele,'Paused again.. He: heard thenfi not.=,
4 . l tgaitt they caine on, and some one !entere d
4tl-sitt dteiva. - The rainlavas..iTu•t7-ir 01k...i,,,i,
~,.,:,.,.,,,,........;...,:,...: r....tvu
. iv itc aonte. iffe. rose .
:041,!:Stepped forth. i • i . •, 1 . 1 .
Good fleavens,! whatl voice was !that ?--!
Wh'ol. was it 'pronounced !his name iii,, a tone
so lOW and sweet, that it ei , ti l ei-I to tOu ch his'
. .
ier...Yilleart ?I' He turned i eladvlhad ris:l
tin and was, Standing heffre :hint, she 'rzlic-.ed!
her .i vCil a little 'and he Itelield Bertha,- her;
nice . pale, - and her lips. dive_ riag wth erno-!
kind. :-.t 'ln wonder he ttudtd. back '' her.
•'',! ' :NI . iss Fitzsimon,'• h i l..,aid So ft lV when .
t i l
Shellvid sat , down agai ' ‘ !what - Cities this :
mean? or. do' I meet 'Ytt:! again 14-. acci- L
dent3'••• ,.. : . ! .
'..5.(,,' she r eplied, reed ring herself after,
a!while, and ::loosing 'her! na• front 'his. ' I
limiseTollowed you ; I i., le!. on !:puritese.— ,
You ;.dace received a Jett ' from line.l
'Lli.have. !td acknowle , that hot)dt,' re.
titrited Edgar. ' coldly -- , 4 very ! thotight of
.140 L: letter chilling him lint! : instant:;
.!.• , I.ertha remarked theittange..! Shg could
he Idttger control her feAg4. . lE .
!„! q ua h a y ' e wronged n' She! exelithnctl,
hiirs.ting into' tears. t-: - 1 *I •i • '
.1 ! '',Wronged - you, L I.lii:Fitzsirnon !;' I be
.li.eVeon the contrary, tt .1 have ev corn
plain.' • ' 11 .. . " • 1: : ,i•
tlYett b..-12. - ...-N a.....4 . -1 ) .....,..,...,....3,4 . uia1au 5 .
nersetc, 'that I have . c i eseended, ' i iiut of.
I.leferCucc . for your rank; ! pretend atpart. I
had not played ; to preqe a letter,: in or
der !,,to present myself]; a ' dili'crent light
! fro : nil that ' in which- yo,iviCwed . me, and
iliat3 : supported this.. cry hy, address
. 'shigiyou in your •feigne, me, when - 1 had
heeotne aware Of your L one. t No, X have
not ! ;done that. I writ, pon the thStant
: shame at
~ ingratitudit i with
iN . viiieh yotir-,--friendship, ! less . prosperous
;hour'.' was : repaid. M ryant! - betrayed
;1 - , il She failed to deli that letter: until
iaftCr! . yeur! true positiot ';been regaled
itt?': us. ' ! : , I : ' •
i: i 1 Goo d . Heaven '.' ex ed . Lord • Tem.
iP l o.l . 'i -----1 -'
. . 1)
! !!!!1,: do not ask you
!plied, Bertha, , with a it
iptide. and: scorn. ' Not
IWitl! any other aim but!
'hoist an imputation undi
:liv.e.l - You'll pardon msi
. Perhaps I 'have the greaj
4idekation; since it nugh!
thai t you would have sq:
Ot, She arose to dl
11-taiiiiid, her. ' You are
1: said she prou:
appnared nothing inor
Init4 go, and suffer me
- 13ut oh I Bertha!• is
.03.0i'n to he said 1' •
Nothing,' she repii.
'_."But, by tne, Berth,
Ifie,*ere as easy to sa
Ottgla to say. You . wi
titteinpted to place his
Lilt she repulsed hint.,
ielainaixi. 'Good II
so Oruel, so relentless.'
tP7.11 around her • bu
. 1 133. the happy hour
tdgither, Bertha
!‘-They are passed,'
leer large and beau
dm from his gaze.'
'But not the memo
'me; at least--which tl
'they wholly dead in v
at her ; a tear started
moment, and
s Look baek--:
!edi7 to thelast hour
Alit be forgotten--
tof, me Go bask at
,yotti life; "Bert ba'_
en9irerlixih o. ij.
4 1 ,0 1 1 ilbeut c l6ia
t, ,
~~~U ~ ~~
r 1
; I.
I i . i
chore ill,' ra
i ' expeessiOn of
I fulloyea yiju
to free dtyself
ich I 'could intit
ness, Imy iqlora,
art toyout con
. bc..n •exiipeted
his cii)lmi4tiOn
but r A4,..gai• de*.
,: • •
tc. a gentlqrnan,
than *hen E you .
t .
One.. Let . my
4 . rt.' I.
all ? i E s nothhig
would tiOS said
knot whit .we
caw . ) Ile
ound Sher
Berth a4' he
you leruniot bi
•in 'oldeol his
;she. reiribved
•O h ave liti,orit
• •
4ertliii, lifting
to !withdraw
the 1
end ed. T'Are
?' ite took
r, eye, utocid on
ed off upon his
k he exchiltii•
together. Aria
never tat for
hich her
en raVit"
i 1855.
it his,in..a d: pressed it with alla loier's
vor. i • i.
.• ' Belithadear : .BortliZ love yo l u, !..
Tore Heav a; I love nothing in the World
you. 'Be iterous--he honest! Have ;
es.stsed :to , eSpeet me ?' - -
' Noi' s e,replied.
' h Nor to hive me Bertha l' said Lod Ti
-i •
• His 'Am Was . tightened round hof wai
her hatid rie4l Contentedly in his . ; nay,
thought . .o ea that:slightiy—very-slightl3
it even tdrned his pressure. AOitt s,
suflered he self to
. Itlereseated, and gradtta!
her cheek me nearer to his. •..
Nor. to hive me 1' once more . asked al
hero. ; i
-. I H
, - ". .
You. are Dane Ssi t •ift,';said the cobbler, i ' for no other man would del such an act as
h' 'this.' _ ' ,'; - . I; - •• ' '
u t. is.
.• ' •
'; ' '; ' I am,' repled the•Dean,l' and wilt further I
: .1 • befriend you if-you deserve-it.. Now, good
elti- • bye, and be, industrious.'; 1 4 ; .
. •
,1 -'• Asy, your reverence,' rePlied the cobbler..
iSti ; 'I ;can't part from you thatoway. * Down to
1 1
my cellar - yen must coine, till :Nelly and the .
adder sees
- your; or Lgivenp the - money..-.-
tea- the honor of the thing 111 look to'--and, be..
iy sides, I have a -- duty Ito ;discharge. Come,.
yoiir reverence' don't Ibe Ashamed! it'll be
ur no longer a! cellar while- yOur'e; in it, bit a
11. charming room; ; and -for the same raison, you ,
•41S; must get drawing' room treatment—btAtde - S; - •
late I have an ould custom of the country -to ful
lcd. flu. : ..- ••- - , -' •
4-. The Dean whose 'curioity was excited to
knew more about a man Whorri he looked 'up
as an original, suffeied
I q on hiniself to be pm.
;1 veiled upon, and •deseendedl inte'the cellar.-.
li • After the cobbler had !introduced Nelly' and
the De;iii to each other, helo l isPeted . to the.
1'1: - former; into whose; hatfds he . thrus!. the ., ten:
Pe- pound note ; and, in a few minutes she return-
I- L-4 1. e
d with a bottle ofClaret i I -
j ;
r,lti . el 'What's this?' exclaimed the Dean.. ..," Do ,
. . .
'Tel You expect_ the to drink, with you 1' . ,
lit'f 'we have an ould and holy.custom in this ,
te - country,' replied the cobbler,. ' that..the :man .
tits - whOgets the money a4viiii giVes the trate;
i t
because you.see, sir; nettling' prospers when
his it's not `done.' • IIC * - •
t'l(ie • The Dean rec o eived it glass, and drank to
it° his ' prosperity,; atter I which he turned his
1.. steps homewards *considerably whined, and
ri''"' • not ,a little Mystified by the rather eccentric'
ti.i!.- conditet of the Crispin. Before' he went; how
;-,.- - . ver, he enjoined him to came to the Dean
)ll:t . ery ' eve rySaturdev -at ;an ;appointed hour, to
t 1;: pa'y him his weekly instalment of half a
he croWn. . . , ; 11 • - • -
to Accordingly When the day and hour-came,to - - - ' 1 • ! 1
he presented himself 4t: thel hall door, stating
I,i : that, he wished - to' sce the! Dean Upon btisi-
I , ::•• ness. -. , t
, - - . • i !. 1
T . ee ' l '
ha ' sle-o)u2oyu'otilheraselaussuir,' ari re e ti . i e tp ril i eti sup t p lie os s . :r t s h a a n t p t;— r.
11 1
1 . ) -t'" Swift could. have , any busniess with you, uii- - .
' desa through Abe servants?' I -
Luc cobbler, and it's ii
, 1 conic by his own
(.3t rl' un ' ll ' lc t el l y e . n , t' i . f l - y r- ci e t il r e e . 4 .. -
, fuse trii , bring the niessagOhat you. may find
I a slippery stone at his doer} You . ought to
; ; i'
`te know him, I think. His revernee took a glass
. day!
e? of claret with me. this Week in my own
. .
,ied Place. If you know \she i the Dean ',is, re ,
'ra i. • l -r . - u don't .kneW Who.' ain.' -
, 011111 t. 00 ,
: With some diffieuttythelmin went up and
-."a . delifered his message; when, much tohis
surprise; the Dean immediately desired
hC Mall to be shown up tel ti drawing mote,
i'; - wher e - 1 1 e happened te. be sifting. -
, • • I , •'F' - Well,' said 'the Dean, , ""liani glad to find ;..:
i tt , z i a s t in V t o q u ii a , re . likely - to be punctual in V9tirj
I touch Me at an CI tftli.o..- r.,„ r x:, i'l.e
-g(l's l'ill.a pattern to' the iieilh
- -• I
et, netb rteltetelY, the hAtilef I - !. 'Sir,' returned the eubbier, " you Will find I ,
oOrer I get. However, svebiha'e. Lellere as regularly as I Saturday comes.—.;
There's the first half crow . ii.l -.. - 1
,- ; ' 'I
.thug ire
t 1 . 1 . e l i r •e . 's .
11.`i:i.F,,.,icalindis: .pareptielt-iti;.
.. ' "That is very ., right,' said the Dean ;
.• ;loth. i
i ; lag like punctuality -apd hpriesty.
hatiT asked Deazi. - •
.fasting d Che erer are t ,
The Dean, who was rending, then resumed
•or - ing out our salvation. i .
i t
hel h? 4 his book, feeling naturallY certain that thef
it:P. Man tioV; that the affair !between them had r
*C haven't ;time te pray mucti,
` iwe,
I been , transacted, would, Of curse, - go about I
e ca jt j i u m P t l f l l fi ts a t t i l l t d ' — pr n . : v for fasts h h isibus t i b n l ess i but ld h in thi s he l Waz
: mistaken, fur I
, 1
' thotvilt the Dean ' this is a char; i
b '; )
I.t,e try him furthe . What t die
•• 's;aying, .the liar ..-r you s -ork
out. get."! •• -•-
• plainersir ; my faMily's g ow.; 1
fie; einpleyment goer down ; yolk.. ,
an , dlzne svithout the dietioni ry.; i
ii; said ; the Dean, " suppo. e a.;
o enablc you to lay in a quilnti.: 'fray, why do you wait'?'l'asked the Dean,
4 at length ; 'hare you.not Paid the; money l'•
-- • , 'No doubt of that, sir' replied the cobbler,
1 i ' but you canno. tfuroet the 4 old costorn of the
acts the
t- c, country—the man- that getsl •moriey al-.
1 ways gives the trate.' I ' - 1 - - .
1 Oh r. exclaimed the Dean,!' You shall have
it; and as he spoke, he rang..lthe
„bell. ' , - -
,gi '4o t h h n i , s '
i ' t Sir,' said the cobbleriiOreply,' 'I, though
and all :the neeessztry mate 11114
fees, let me ask, - could you id at ,
. .
ne Swift: write a ball:al l—
belliod, both country and city, I gate.' , , .
40 .,. rsaiienee and hear onkrny at); 1 , 4 Anil won
: 1 bi. a poor man,got you a bottle; of claret,;
. -.. and'You, who are a rich one, offer - me a glass
-. -. I of whiskey' - I expect, sir, to, get'as good as
• - - i I . 1 ••"
'shall too,' replied tlie'.Dean '—
;ijr7h l n-' utdtS ih .an 'at d rn: Y a O n i. l-"‘" be tt a .ia d;i7 if eil l , 4 '7 . bo . t i t sr l:
1 God i b I es:t .c h il e °°N D %sli azi telle :!:7 l)(hi an 7 ; """ean rat d e -e — n'tY t p l tt'. claret-is worth four shillings, land your week
ting doWn. Wpod andl his halfpence he sirjedli yv inStalment is only half .a erown—begone,
11TC from ban •rupte i v ;! I . Would have clo4ed 'you rascal, and never let me ISee your face
mystall ohl fer ;him.. But after all, he de': again - . . I' could hfford to LEND j',,i'ou ten pounds,
,privet; Me
.Cif a N g,e l ed berth of it - 2.. . .
; • ' What. berth!?' ]asked the other,
..;• ' . but - I could not afford to ben - Ekin upon Y . Otnt.
~_-. 0N principle.' • .!! I
... '. • :
6 Willi, sir, the ;birt h of ZOLICITOR-OEN 'll-, ml d• -
Al., that . , haa - in my eye at the-time; -: . 1. le era idea, however, i,oes on to say .t t
tint ' the 'cObbler .whose name, We -think, was ar
faith he Stop ,cd iny promotion.. However, ker, proved himself to be - an honest_ma , and
dIYil `may eltr i e;f 4 thilt — l can- Immuer the . pleased the
the moneyrinlrpiestion; which
leather still, if the Work would only conic in. ;pleased. the Dean so Much i : i that - lie . .came a
warm friend and suppbrter Co l him sand sent
,.' The halfpence are coining, ,the nation's undoing •an end ofyourplowing, your buk.indand brew.. 'Pled not !to aid him with !MEIJI his,/purse..and
counsel, until he had the, satt i stit on of ,teeing
J . 1 • -
- J 't
ki '. . -
''n short you nr , t. all I to o wed: :uid to ruin, • . .
)%d„b o d y ca! , d ew ! .. . has witty protege antridepeade t andsiespitct
The Dean ega' ri to feel more than ainu's. - ! .. ... able; maxi.. •'• ' . ! ,
Meld in his. t.with the\ merry, cobbler, suit
after sonic fu ther conversation ; he said— .
, Well.i now; Yon.. comical rogue, do. you
, .
know-De/in S rift?.!,. - . '.,
' Not by person,' sir .; that's at pleasure than`
-before me yeti . ; but I know-him well by car-
Teether.' 1 I , ; ' -
sounds: •
cooks that say more tlut wor
tore : expressive than ati f tieul
•ee months after this, L rd ]
'nd Bertha sat again ; tt t tat
Awife. .- : ' -M. '. V.
From the //Win Nation.
. - i
_. E
i! r 1
It happened that the - Dean was one..
passing throgh Patrick's Close; wher he
pied a 'cob ler hard 'at work in his' ,:tall
Poor Cris' ioithoUgh half naked, was ing
away 'like a lark, and hammering' an
tt e h
of an old st 4 with• an apparent - light ' ess
heart that astonished the Dean when e e
templated . .lthe merry wretch's °brio' s n
, i ,
ery. i • ' 1 .
to b very poor; .but
`Friend ' Said the Dean, pausing -in
walk at th Stall, and :addressing hi ~.‘ y i
seenithen you cent
be very ni4ry.' •
' It's! not mirth air,' replied the co hie)
'-I'm siiigiu' for the children in the eel ar
low.' ' 1
'Rix is that asked\ the - Dean ;
underskandl yOti.' ' .. i
' Why, - sir,'man;
said the 'whenever.
poor thin are hungry. And have nothing
eat, I s:ingroll songs for them, in. Otider
make the forget the hunger.' . I.
; a
`What am4y have your - •
ii :i
-( :
:‘ Not, minyVsirHonly twelve :e-r thirte
or,so4but pl4se God, ',there's a good tii
comiti'4--Nelly,, sir, has her gifts—ard, •
tween you l and "me, is ,a: valuable subject.,,.,
her Majesty--;4as for znYielf, God • heti, me
, ~., 7
I'M obliget„tol keep laninaesitur. away t
leatnep as veto as I ean—Just :is you.s 9 r 4
sir, at the eel of this old shoe: • - 1 I
'And It v 9 I you . nO prospect; asked t
Dean, 'f
of 1 )proving your condition inl - liq
1 1
'lf there be (such a prospect, sir,' repli
the cobble , `j have not been able tocitteli
glimps'e of t :Vet ; hut I safipose youl hai
heard the nto'v• l i erb-Of our trade, sir—once
cobbler, alwayli a colder.'
' Th4.proverb is a . bad.- one,' obser;Jti t
Dean, f and strikes at the very root of itllu
_try.' I
It (iota
as inthistry
borhood ; I
work, the r
one z:oinl;')ri
world befo
ourselvies f
4 -110 4 . v is
' Why, 511
tncans i of
true intleedl
but w • c mal:
part; sii e
sing.' - !,
. Oh ', 1
aeter I nil
you mean b
th' poorer
: ___ v
in' up, and t
may undersi
Weil, thi
friend vi-ere !
ty of leather'
fur making s'
them V 1
`Could D.!
Ye . pebple o
At this lime
What' do
ou :uow about asited the
' Why,!that
and hie pbopl
he's a true friend. to Ireland
, and an_enemy to all oppre
)ricoth high :iaen
4rtd rich riton an
d;owmen, and thick men and tnt
poor eu, and free men, and - .. ;
1 .
14. , 4 ), and that man, and, all meu
- 1 Vilbich nobody can deny.'
`Faith,' he tiddedf, ''lf ho Wanted. a earre
i l
ther, and ftitito me for one, he would h •e;
no reason Ito inplaln of it.' ,
6 Well, :iow said the Dean, you semi to
be a merry, h nest felloW, and 1 this f ifyoui
( 1 )
were assiled improve ) your mn ton, that
the assistance ould not 16e thro away up..l
on-you.' ' 1 • . •
' Well, I thi kno ,' repli the cobhivr, 1
nit a good d l.of tno• n- myself: How 1
esty, indistry, and- ood umor runs in our
Twiny; but, wit Wj‘r other, poverty in
_sista on being ielat •4* as well as the others,
thld sticks;to us li - -ay.' ' •
1 'Suppote; now; sad the D'ean, 'that I lend
you the 814 m o vten ands, to buy leather
and comMenee it alioe king, will -you. prom
lie to PaY, l l Me t the. rt: half a .e.rown_ a
Week? ; ' ' •
Witt suffer 7 • and
'1 can (ntly
present tigte,'
_find k (#34 I
' Well, then,
7 A
yOu my word foritat the
• tho fabler ; but you'll
t ilea d 6 •Deita,, r ing oil
ere ttri3 ten 'Fenn * for rat
nt,) i p].99
- '
which'l give, trusting you. will make good
uso of thern' ,
. .
- HOW 'DE SOLD WS .P.AP. . ' --:.A.11 Out anal, out
Democrat of one of' the th u s ; in this county,
was very :anxious, (as , re:sonie of his neigh
bors) to find out som thing AbOut the Know...
:Nothings: , . it was I s habit ici 'go out ' when
';he suppOsed . the rethivn ware `to have, a
'meeting, ;watch' rl the li. N.'s,',and :follow.
them; ifhe can ,to their Liidge room:'. -The
;" members" lad been. :troubled in this way.
1 !
.fur some th e and many narrow escapes from
deteetion e chronicled. TheY finally deter"-
.mined t clisguile themselves lAA they might.
pass ; tirough ' the line of " watchers" un
-knoo. Our democratic friend had. 'a son
whp Was a faithful ineniber,of the new order.
9fienight the disguised himself has well as he
.; ..ulitand ;sauntered forth 40 iproceeded:to;
Wards the 'place of meeting. He soon:found
• that he; Was full Owed .by . hia ' father, -
therefore kept oirand.paskedthelphiee olnicet-
Ing - Without. turning in.... His ather ; folluwed..
him, 'close 'at his heels, for half 4 mile at. least
When seddeuly the son -• jinnped a , fence - and.
'w, cid 'horde acrossthe - fielda,
,- 'tiiPon'' reieliingi
home, he took off his disgUise ' &seated litm.'.
elf before,the; kitchen fire receive his
father,'Whci came in, puffing and bloWing ev-.
Wendy - Very much , fatigue&-: MAW'', John,'" .
Old: theAttier. to his son, .". 10 4rif -km li ofs
.6eenr Oh said -the,190,•:, Outvolioo out .
'hur4ini-KTiOw-N4hiiiii.t.." . : That'aliot:#th4ii
I have been:doing,7,'replind' the father. •'r i.l
ii.Ulaimi one of the rasintliOtifOrOl than a : . talk .'
but couldn't catch him 1"- , P'int . cePter. rriOsi. 1
. . .. ,
r yn 3
4 ,- A'kenius'in' Brookl - ! -.; hi ven t e d
an India - rubber- iscidek. • ,The ' nly. objentton
to.,ltti airongetient, *lihttkyou,rolitoblill AaY
* l O /ClU c.B et . ta fg ER MY- - Out -**Pf 1 40
Thelakme 0Ner,tic41.01 1 46. 1 40 , It 4 0 ,i,, i ii 4 .
other thior< ' ' - ' ! '. . '
. ,
"ItWas Buit.thE4 did it." •': - •
Smiles the text from Which IPreaefv•
• was: •
ed amo imposing sermoli, on Friday last-in;
our sister City,: ihiffalol and the text =was` the'
sermon also, and the text and . semen'. were
the last words of one of God's erring_ crea';
tures. . . 1 • • '. '' •
There Was no organ with its 'swelling, notes
dying away in lengthened to Open, tiai
services, there were nod •Itrithents . -of ;joy - and
praise with which to .continue the worship of
God, . there was alto ' benediction sweetly.
breaking upon the ear of the 'devout Worship- --
pars as they rose)frOm eushi t oned*ats,to leave,
the house Of -prayer ;,• but the.service.vas im
posingly siiletnn,- and it sank deep into'.tho
hearts of the awe stricken asscinbl v. ••• •
' It. wat the" Court.cifDeath." .; There stood
justice, stern justise, in the person of.. the ex-.
ecuti.veof the law, and
.in hind - the
rant' which commanded .hint to revengethe
injury - done to the peace and dignity,
ety ; there were the men ofGod devontly: r ask
inci offended Heaven to purify the blesid-stain
elfspul. of the trembling victim; there was-_
the platform, the.gallows,• the rope,Alie . .drofi r
and, observed of all; ;there stood the, cringing,.
- shivering outcast Who was to ekpiate.his crime •
by yielding up his life as the last- lesson
,ho.: -
'could read,to evil-doers.., That'eriminal was
the preacher, - robed in: a (nick. of white,. girt.
by a. black sash( and.on hid ;brow the- fatal
cap. 'Daring his dressing for the' grave the
distracted man cried. - out:.
"Great God! Ohl my .God l.what an end
have come to! Merciful . God, look down On
Me! Oh ilLord haVo mercy on, my
.. soul it
was runt. that diclit." - . - - '
To. his dying mot:nen* 'did that tet•rfied.
man proclaim-that his inurdered.wiid.did'nOt
otTend hint in anything, that he loved hei and
'yet tinder:the infernal spell; . .
rum "had int
.brued his hand in :'her blood; tiutt — hand
with• which, three . 'short Months before, he
hadpledged her,his loVe and protection.., •
We have never read of ti more harrowing
scene than the death of Parry. • -He.Shrieked
with, terrea; and his cries Or nt,ercy Were
cons..; But he had been guilty of one of the.
foulest; murders on record,' and he must 'die;
the :safety 'ofsociety: demanded 'his lifer
could not escaple• his fitte,. and he 'stood with
4ii'eVitter . about his neck, and.the hatchet was.
raised to Sever the cord 'Which:should'.lannch•
hint• With his sins 'fullblown, • into - eternity ;".
and there; lookinginpon'the terrible:o4'sta:
the dreadful future, - did he raisei'his voice and:.
utter the fearful warning against the use, of iii
toxicating 1 .
Will the world, ,hear . heed:. : the words'
•of this despairing lean? 9h.
.that I should.
come to such an , `11(1 . ! It was rum that did.
it." Will' thosewho daily limit an enemy= in.
their inouthspto steal away their . brains listen:
to this voice from nuirderers gravel,
r ‘:Telli
them to 'leave liquor alone ;lit' has been, the
death of reel"' . 'Weeping and groaning as Wo.
grave opened beneath his feet, he. screamed ; .:
t Godly] [-) Goa forgive 'tie ! - Christ
assist me to pass-through this strnggle
• This is no fancy pith*, but drawn,. word' •
for word, from the sceneiin the pr ;on.. - "k -
was rum that did it."—Cleveland
- •
A writer in the Washitigton!Star, after ei—
pressin4 the opinion thijt a i k recent appoint=
men of a military Governorrof Ptah. may do
good, but Cannot-overcome . n
diffienlties pf
thq case, proceeds thus to. ilhistrate those . diC
easy:, and 4t, thinks; effcetual:inte, •
• : • So. long long a.q..the legislators . and juror's of the.
territory, the main elenients in , all _goVerit,„-.
ments, consist of Mormons; as they -
Brigham Young will control:them as he pleas..'
es, rind. will - be real iy;:to . 4 4 intents and
GoVernor of the Territory;-....4--onan...--
iipoirs Mormon Legislature ean.pas any;.
they please, over the vot.d-ot the legitinia,to.,
Governor. ' A 'Unanimous Mormon yirry . :can
find - any- verdict they pleask!in violaticni
•'veu to them liy the court;
le nee ieh ; con trots- the. finding •
the publie.ojiinion there, in
line. The . military; 'of. -,
control the enitainenta..olOne . -
:.ts - of ;the t r 3ther.:l7o .illustrate.'
tse tha.Ooverfintent ahnuldico#:
and, trial :of Brigham - Young,.
.:g the *20,000 :sent out *to that-
lerritury• fur the - erection of Public
Of what avail would- it he.? -1-Would MOt°-
Duni' grand - jury find a bill: against hint
ifleund, wontd .a Moithan.tarverse jury
. - con--,.
viet the . head of •their chure4? Suposa
judgment to,civic
him, ;how could, the Government ' rettli.ita .-
Truit.4l An, execution and, levy of his •prop
erty would ftlitountlto .nothing, as none -of \.
the faithful Wont” dare to:hidl against.
Ac TS. in the bands of-the Government or
getiilc purchiser, the property Would' be
.ueless. It is the knowledge Of this 'alisolute
irnmunity frein '
went that eneritti-ages thei . in,:their . ; defunieii -
Of the,. Governinent,'
Now for the - remedy. • -
',Let ..the territorial organization be a6aiikik
Oil or repealed.; Ditide
4 i riphicaliy 110 assign - Cash • `division rOped.tively i to the juriadictionof
ifornik. Oregon, Nebraska - , rind .
While :planwill ' . ..eo r ropletOly
;Mormon Church of civil 'authority,, and - .de5 . ..-.
tr9y-ler - power to' harm . ;_everY eitizen•itiid - in- . -
habitant will be seeuro-in ;et - 4,0y right and. ...
privilege, conferred.bYll.he-Oonatitution. :They
Will Italie the. .beneilt.-W?- f.•' - .14 •
thel'iTritorie :wh:sh: they' heleng,:tit4
through them. to'COn'ieii.94-I'‘..
, „
Tilt WAY !TO -BtiltaT Y P Syhyi.itylt,-
i3r:Grinies, of lowalii his
thus ilescribCS wants thefirhiStit4
over which he 'presides
She wants egueated tarnterit
ies, engineers, are,htte, rnetallnrais!*,,and
geologist,. She' needii, Innen' Owed
prnetical clutie's'of 'life, who' havn . conquered
prokKtions,, and who Ail :ahlti to, in:k.
part their bawl** wrnnta
thrMf4r#lfh9 Alan be rerni4r; W. 1 .0 4 Pr*
elyles of vhemistsy wi untied 0. agrio4Ao,V;-
'irith'edifieei vol. - thy of so fikir - 4 .- I.oal;ifid
engineors and, get-41)05th whowill'Alevelsig'
her resources, ', and tints augmn tto-.-
and'hifTiness otheritititenN .
only atipiilied- by. :ibie`osialtlishrtienttot?a,
oolurl et-applied 4 , oletuys t
Afor‘Vbetr4oro..* rsifixtioletallit
"igisityt Aribi'be appriirifitiTtO
practical *eientik or rolytiebnid
. ,
1 •
The Mormon Difficulty