Penns)! wants State Teacheri! Assoeittion. 1 This body composed of Tea chers and Conn- • ty Superintendents, and friend's of .Education, . h e ld its fourth semi - annual session in Lewis- . - town pa, On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs.: with a large number of attend dayorlast w eek ' a „,,, and those from this city spen - in the h i g hest terms of the Unanimity,. zeal and earn estness which characterized - the :session,, *l . of the cordial reception and s hespitable enter— tainment afforded by the warm-hearted citi zens. of Lewistown. • . • Carefully prepared reports; were .presented by Cominittees; on the ,follOWing . subjects: On the importance of the study of the An cient Langilages; as a diciplinc for the by Mr. 0. C Davies, of Lancaster .0n Phys iology, ma branch of Common School Educa tion and " on the Ventilationfo School Hons..- " by Mr. J. N. Lootalia, J . "on the Co-education .of the Sexes . " Mr.. J. H. Brown, of Philudekhia; on-NormillSchools,' by Hon. %,s. V. Burrowcii, of Lan'easter.t.ll Several of these reports elicited animated and iprolnged..discussion.' , Evening addresses on 'various important ed neat lona! topics were delivered by speakers from Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and othertowns. in the State,:aiid the session 4sed with a corn plimentary entertainment, 'in honor of ai l the occasion, by the ladies o Lewistown. Among the resolutions odepted, was one recognizing the necessity df,enlisting the local press of every county in the cause of ethica tionoind requesting the cdizoi-s ro 'provide an .t; educational column,"-to be! devoted to the subject. ...The following preaMble and resold; tions, offered by Mr. A. N: Brown - . of Schuyl kill, and relating to a rising and valuable in 'stitutiou in this city, were unanimonslYadopt- - ed ; . • • - ;`• , • `i • "Witreas, The principal nations ofEurope have wisely provided Schools of Arts and of, M.incs,wherein to(cducate youthin these :im portant departments of national industry; and Whereas, Such institutions are equally do' manded in America, and especially in.Penn,l- sylvania; in order that our vast Mining, agriL . cultural and manufa_ctoring resources may be readily and profitably develOpecl ;° therefore, • ' Resolved, That tlits, Association has learned ',with -the highest satisfliction,,of the establish -. meat in Philadelphia, .4 - the ". , P v teel College of the State of Penn'sylvkinia,". wide% comprises in its ot-ganizatioti., a:?chool, of M - - Mug, ofEngineering of Chemistry and Mt; elianies, and in whic h these artS. o .and the sci• ewes which hear tire - Ai them , are sv stemat! ally anti practicallV taught to the students.' The.o.ssoeiation adjourned 'to hold' its, ne' session iu rttsbur, in Augtsti next. • Farmers Creed.. I BELIEVE in mall farms ,and cation.' . . . . I believe that the toll loves toy eats as iv as its owner, and ought,..theretbr, Obe IMEI I believe in large-erops.:*which 3eay . e lind better than.-they.found it, it - inking b , the farni!r and the, farm rich at once. • I believe in gOing to the bottom of .thing and therefore,in deep 'plowing, and enough it; nll the bettir if with a still:soil plow. 4 believet - ery . ftrmer should own a glx:), fawn: believe.'lhat the b!..i' i lertllizer of , toil is a spirit of industrj\ ,enterprise an i telligence. Without this, iitue - and gypsbi bones tu4 green - nmure... marl" and gt! will be of little - - - . I believe in good leneetgQod. barns, farm houses, good•qoek, 6160 d orchards, children enough to gather Ithe fruit. I'believe in zu clean kitch'e neat -.wit • it, a spinning piano, a deal; cupboard, a 41 ,dairy and a dear conscience. / , disbelieve in farmers tha t will mot imp, their firins, that grow Poorer every year, ving cattle, farmers' boys tUrnedinto ch. and ,merchants; and farmers' - .dan:dxters willing to work ; and in all; .tlrniers that bar - nod .of th - eir. .vueation, or who drink., key till •all honest men are ashamed of t . • I will also add,—l believe in sapportin County and Slate' agrienitural Soe!eties - 1 believe in baying a well fillediagriau libmrv. I beliei-e in, supporting . the agrieultur: pers , of our State , paying for, them; re . them, and eireutating .theni ain)iig my z 1.0r5.- 7 01eio Cultivator. ;' • ',67lzEN..±-,Tohn MitChel has drawn fi.onct The Citizen; and from life. One reason for this Step is that hi t . •igl-4..has been injuriously affected by'lAs la, hnts73•nil another is the conviction that• the ie.: tent, to which 'has been-, personally fideri tifiefl with the paper, bas; been to its influence and prosperity.. Ile coni . that helms been greatly disappointed nr - the Ami.*: - fig 'find.r .emper of the American people-tindinrtititem 1 • - much less - disposed than he hail 'magi:4d, to -x-r• '- oTicE- het e s eu r j t° 7 ' l 9lll S r: . 4encourage the free e4preSsibn of opini 'n . up-. ill: order' of l sal e 7 l i b ss n ti i - ect ii c :frem ba th t e ° o - rp u h rs sm uall 's eCeottrtir an on all .subjecti. The Citizen loSt abo ten . Szi.auehan na public sale by ven thousand subscribers in- 4...ousequenee. r • the doe, on Saturday thel3thstlay se of January o next,atone Proclamation of his. desire, for an "Al bum^ O'clock P.- M. the interest df'lli n , rr dec El en. lt ed, in iin that - - Ilarford township in ,said county , . w°lll4 late of plantatilm • well stocked ikvith fat neg oes•" ;certain piece .or pareel of hind Atuate in liarford town and several thousand more followed when.fie 1 zli ri ip i as: c o ll i•e , aforesaid, d tie be r ln s ti t fd on the North by lands of Obed commenced the war uponAelibishop itiwbes. by lands of Orlando Ntrartrous ~ i c on" the South hy: the -Stanley Road running to Ilarford, tt.r. M . ,. itehel declares his remain and on the West andiNorth-west br lands of Amos li in entire obscurity for aticast futir years; Tiffany, containing. ' eighty acres or-thereabout., with it He will still contribute,lowe.Vci, to tae Cit- Lem pou e t n i t . :, rt a dwelling house, barn, orchard, Y izen, mainly on literary, topics and always .i..e.. e l na wrt re h in en t-cm7d be . h g eld . under his own - signature. I , The 'paper will be Upon the premises, L a d c te re :ri c is °Cpl.. on t ctLay'ef.sal'e. i • „CHARLES TlNGLEY, e _Ex u 'r. wn : conducted hereafter b) Mr., Clenahan, who has been cOnnected with" its editorial depiirt; -.n-r"'"";,,:Pee•l I;;, 1 8 5 4 . - . . • Whitt from the begi.llll). no -N. Y. I Daily 1 . ' Miditoes -Notice - . • Tinze.- . , fri HE una7sigtied haring been appointed by the il Orfilla.teti.Court of :..Sustpaehanna county, auij a x u e nt w t i o o r n . to ti d ist L rit c lute the tiskets in . the hands of 5.1.A.,.-!1 of the ' . .d,and - Babcock, a d n ecesied, :sL W iErl (*. ha d e I t e e ttir d im. of Alllfd bill :. on Ifsaitl appointment, at his °trice inliont e ros u e ti , ,e 4 - t.t hi4 li a i s ..— i day the 6th day 101 l January next, at one O'clock ° i v ; oreign i . l t i lit i ar n terruici . Ova} which One. find place all persoria i estate of said decedent will - ' them, l , a rc.4el g ti ims 2 4:::r : . b cl ib tr e l i l n h t( a ) -: 2. e . ; said fund : ::. e e J. H ed . FRAZIER , fr°72cominginupon 12„ 1854... , ; ' Auditor.. I o f t h e - ; . ljt.-cembpr w 4 • , i "r-i'r 'The Committee on COmm - erec House of llepresentativ . e l s have will soon fePort,Pa .veryl important 1 the subject of alien paupers and echidi linderthe, prcivisions of this bill; . no' passengefS:h.all hereafterlbe admitted iiort the United States, ,)e.i best ihe tertificatc :Of thc-AiriCrii*Pinasuli place from which he comes, that he. h i 4' , ,d. 'one year previous tothis , departur an in mate of a jail or ivorkhonse, and has not, for four'icars.previously, beJ, rioted of any criminal offenee except ~ i , e designated political Critnes.. If al ..,,,,, t. ,shall bring such persons without gal' d cectifteauts be shall be• liable and . i rikmtnetri. The vessel - in whi person arrive shall be Subject to fO The introduction of a bill like this doubt, give rise to a violent oppositie as the necessity of this Measure. is admitted by t the American part of otr, halo'', it.must ultimately become.a Is . . • • PCI-vcalzArten,OF 60iLS.—n. write ) Ao . iaon Agiicultural Gazette say; Ih. I May talk to a - boy by the hour on the] tagc of stirring the soil and of deep cul inasinueli as it, admits the air more •-, . throughout the substance of the soil, 41 by facilitates the chemical proees.s the soil and its content's are fitted - a plants; but no . quantity of verbal • Lion will equal iu its force, Either-Upo ,dkrttiuding or memory - i .the lossoti staiject.which . that swine boy would lf, after having d fig a hole, in -- the._ • ground, lie were told to put, into: it the earth -he bad taken lout of it, :2 remaining over, -which he could not • itiplecie„ . would represent more disti l him the bulk of additional air tb duced into the soil I its ; disturbe.l any • aroument unsupported I y thil ecltthf 10, - • • —The Free-sOlers - . • Itilialutehusetts%as• .out bled in DostOrtipee. WWI, fur the purpose f debating the proprietj -a sustaining an in ,dependent-orgeairatiou o4tha pnrty. Speech es were made . 14 PuirleaFancii Mama and Stepheil a 4)bilppB, in for of the mote mein, When in i t djourntnent t a fortnight -was resolved upoa- 1 , 1 . ; • • - I.IIOTI • ES.; - 'wire:and Ifni U. A. Ritey tendert their grateful io,the maPy friends !rho favored them with their preseticer*ltheir gei r erous offer ings on the afternotA and evening -of Thursday, De cember tBth; ever praying khielbe blessings of the God of *race majlbo Abe eXpertenced recompense of their liberality. 1 , ; EB Commi IVY. A. Counsel e•Mereantil The tan Apieulrty January . 234, 1855, iat the Court Rouse, at Which time an election of Officers r r the ensuing year will be held.' J genend attends lee . Is requested. . CARMALT, Prest.. Cit. 11. Jtssri, Secy. f - • , I - . • '! 1 'tun/To • a Inil , l4w-lailfopi On the tiOtit . ult., by Md. A. L. Post, Mr: WILLIAM' CARPENTER of Greenfield, LlZ serne cOunty, and Idisi At.sltn* JANE KIRBY of the formes placte.. •- :. i ' N,L . NJ In rßridOwater, December- 28th„uy Rev. John P. Deans, r.lTudmasiVsnsEit, formerly of Bingham, ton, N., ~ate of Toronto4.,W., and Miss Emma NEWMA'.' of the forniey PLO. • .. • In Providence, Lizeine Eeunty, on Christmas day, by Josebh:jßarlow . 'Esq., M. NATHANIEL WINNEOTT. to Misslli. i .Enc.t filth:NEl. , both oflloncsdale, Pa. / On -tile I, st of Jaitu.ry, Vy, tile'. sa t c. Mr. GEortnE WILLIAIIS 4s scranpla, to Miss' EMIT. T. CHAPINS of Wyoming. i . i , . i . v ln Ilarford Deeeritlier 2Cdt, by Better Sibley, Esq., I Mr. JCLIES AyARNEi to Miso MART 'WASHBURN, both . , of J- - t..s* 1 py. ‘ 1 ._,, . ~ , . , . . .: • . .4 In Le.nos,•suit dui- evening., Dec. :list, by Re v . A. 0: Wartken, Mr.. Joni: Lotto of Lathrop, to Miss ELLEN MAXON id* Leilin. L . : 1 -.1, . . , if BY-the mine; in West Ilarfortl,J at Union Hall; Sun- - day evening.' Dec. Itlst, Mr; GEoßoa M. Auntie!' of ' Richtnond. l'or'. IL, tO Miss 'HARRIET J. VAN 11.0USTN . of .New Milford. - • : . : ~ _ • I'v. Ili Jessup"; on theist inst.,. by Rev.. 11. A. Riley, I ArGESTI'S BISSELI4I.II.'D., .of Litchfield, Conn., and - .., Miss St - sAN llELEN,'!youngest daughter of John Rob ., ertson,of the former place. ' i .• • ... .: At the Rail.RlA.llouse, in Lodersville, on the 28th nit. ; by . the Bev. J. 8.". 3lcCrettry, Mr. BEN ny A. MEtt - 1 FQN, to miss:l;Hrt,rtrE B. Fant.r.Ett, both of Newton, Le rl, zerne COuntY,. Pa:l , i,l ., , . ..- t 1 .10n Sunday ,eYeniPg the 41st ult., by the same; Mr. : I DAvin'T. IlouNn, to 'Miss JENItE M. IloratEto, both • ! of Great Bend,: Pa.;: . ',...i , \ . i..; •,. . . Caleb Weeks F . • F . ' ' ! --- 4.112/I:#I,E,.IIARESS. TRCSK MAKER and Car- o li r L. riagc\Trinnner. Shep . n't li6 dwelling house. In •. 1 nearly. oppoite Halite Driukefs. . . - I I _____•,,_,,, _____-_,_\_. ~_____ _ , -,-- - PIItiCLA:II*TION. he l AliTriiEliE,ts rhave just t-l.teived a new stock of 411 L 1 l- WinterGooll.hich htive been bought at the • ; lowest priees, and whereas lam in Con; Oats, Otter, great want of, Cash, • • ' WM)len Yarn, ,Eggs, Wood.tfour r,s'S utter, feet ) long ; ) or -anything- else t Ikeep a poOr man frOm of i starving,4 am bound to ••se _`goods at a •Very low figure f for 'any of the above rti .i. Just call and - id ,• take a look, 'that's hll ! y , - :I ; .S. A. LIONS. - . -' '1 • Laneshoro,..Januar 1,- ISZip. , • , _,.._______ ___ 1 ID ROCIIE and Scotek Plaid Shawls; French Meri 1Y I 1.) nos,,Parametitas, DeLais - , .k.c., at. - \ . , int . i •Lanesitiaro, danliary 1, 185 7 5:1 ~.- i S. A. LT \S. tri 1 ,--- ----- 1 -- -- --- ;, • - ,- ' 1, lin Me Orpkani.'; (our! . •,. , - • . . . • to, , •' 1- ' Au r ittoes *Once. • , '• rr HE disti-ibutitiii!'of the assets, in the hands of Ira . -I 'j -_L Niiiiols, Adthinistrator of the estate of William `• • Baker, jr., deceased, will he apportioned. among the r •ptoPer clainlants by the undersigned, auditor, at his office. in:Montrose; on Friday; the 12th day- of January inst., at 10. o'clock lin the forenoon. '. • • Dep. '20,18:A.',•' -• Ni NEWTON, Auditor. i ME ov ,:, i - I MUSIC ' • ' IDMINCE'S IMPMOVED MELODEONS,' more just i received •by ' • • •. J. LYONS SON. QMEET MUSICo—a new lot ter the Voice; Piano or la Melodeon and l Guitar—some Very beautiful pies= are iea just published±sold by - I J. LYONS & SON his- ; EEO Shawlg. . • L nn. ! A flqr 111'o: e 101 :Itat be 4.61 re•-it (herrn! o u r llarapiettats,iCahni , lyslaine;at gre;t.:i.larr.n . at - - LYONS•& SON'S. • esh suppli-sofAiroctries opened by • 1 LYONS S, SON Mc) taws at 3lshilling4 per gallon. 6prraps at 4, SA: 6 siiillingr, by I. LyoNs sos. • pa *EU' GOLDS ~t. RRIVING ex 1,57" reek LATtiROP ". JanuFT Ist2 - I • ; • Winter Shawls and DeLanes, cIELLING off at! great bargains. Call on , - bu d j January lat lA. LATHROP& a_- -eye 6000 Dozen Socivm., ICILT ANTED at • . lA. LATIIROP d. CO's I V January lit `! • • ' Grain i Grain: Grain. nEail kinds, ak&d at the highest prices bought by k../January Ist" LATEIROP-& CO's. tsses ' ry‘tRKS Island Salt at . LATIIROI'k CO's the Montrose,4anuary 1 j 1635. • ----4 As not, 0, been nit he .n eon , Oh as cap the re to fine eh such j eiturc. - • MuditorTm Notice. • , THE undersignCd having been appointed - by the Or. phau's Court or Susipehanna -county, an Auditor' to bear exceptions to acconnt filed, in the Estate of James WatiOn,-;decensed, will attend to the duties of his. Said appointment, at l ids office in Montrose, on triday the- 12th day of 'January neat, at one o'clock in afternoon. • t 111 H. FILAZIEU, Auditor. - Iri December 19;'1854; - Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned haring been appointed an Awl-. itor to distribute the funds in the hands of the assign ees of George d. Pride, ,riu attend to the duties Of the said appobalment at his office in Montrose,' on Fr - day the.lllth day of JaniMry next, at one o'clock in the ifternoon, .at which time and place 'all persons will reknit their claims, or be debarred from coming iuupon said (rind. A.,CHAMBERLLV, Au& r . December)), 1854 1 ; ill, no ; but erally popu- W. ME t " -you advaii. • , Notice to Atollsters. - ivation. DE Building Committee of the Presbyterian So . - piety of Auburn Feurß.orners will receive prO- It'fFet l 3; posaiti, ou Satuitlay January: tith, 1855, at 2 o'clock O. d there- t at;the hottse of Dea, Bushnell, Aubern, lbr butftl. which !. •ing a'hurch Stlifteu caking $lOOO. Each individual h e th o d in, hia4lropusdit, is requested to state the size of the untrue. Chuye t h, the manner sue aterials of which he will . obligate himself to build' the' house ibr the sum afore. , the uii. . I DAVID.BUSH.NELL.! on that 1 MINOT RILEY. • rooeive. -s 'CUA S FESSENDEN. , nrdened Tv "ain Tl kkme w i ll Drum.. 4 " g of the Susquehanna Canty io /04 T eachers' ,'Arsecitt u " ' uon e— in Jessup, on Saturday the Bth ;turn to • day of Junimity, 1865 at ten o'clock, eti to i Some 4, ch . . 6 friends' ht Jessup are req4asted to pro. s Suita ble place where the meeting sty be held. intro..; The publi c are carnmuly solicited toltttend. Ce.,than— • • • . • Per order, *.c; • wwipic. New mails" and a twaboree Pleasure riage f»' !Fie thesp b? A-. Twovi,,r,; 1 , • H • Sheriff'. Sales. - ' Y 'Mite of sundry writs of Fi: Fa.' issued cut the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county and. .to. directed, I will expose to pulillo sale at the' Court . House in liontrose,_onSatutday the 20th' day 4f - January next; at One o'clock e. u., a-- that certain piece or parc4 of find situate, lying and being In the township of Auburn, Susquehanna conn ty,bottedqd and described as fellows, to with On the north by hind of Samuel Swaekhanuner, On the east by lands iu poslession of Ezra Kennedy, on the south by hinds in possession of i Philip Ihrackhammer and Henry Carter, and on the West by land in possesslesr of Henry, Carter mind John Brown, containing about 300 hcrel more or less, together with the appurtenan ces, onel framed house and barn, one log house, mime tint trees, and about 20t acres improved, late the matte bf Daniel and Frederick Swaekhammer. anothqr lot situate in Auburn township, bounded • north by lands of Wilful* Shoemaker, on the coat by Rinds of Patrick M . Galvin, on the south by lands , of Ezra Wennedy, and we by lauds of Samuel Swack I. - hartimer, 'containing 90 acres, more or less, with 'the apptartetutriCes, a house, smell orchard. "and about. 40 • acres improved--late the estate of Daniel Swaekhate , : Takin pi. execution at the suit of A. Lathrop, vat. Daniel Swackhamrner. •4I O--All that certain piece or parcel of land situate to Abe township of Jackson and bounded as follOwsi to wit: Beginning at a post and-Atones cot- e nerlcin this line.of a lot in:possession of Truman Per ry ;I thiaCe south 45 degiess east 105 perches to 'a Post; thence south 45 degrees west perches pall ly- by lot formerly surveyed to - Virilliam B. When- ' ton(to aatones corner; thence north 45 degrees Rest 104 perch& to birch near the creek; thence north co 4s ri ti tai egre ni 4s B pr a t cr. _ be the same More p o orcb r thili e reabo s to d u te ts, place of beginning, or. less; with the appurtenances, one small house and one logYttable and about 120 acres improved. TakenAnlexecutionat the suit of C. S. Bennett rit. Al. IBowen. . , 080--rliyvirtue of a, writ of Vend. Er. and directed as above, I will &lima! to sale at the satire dine mind place, all, that certain piece or parcel of ;land kititate, lying and being in the Township of 4us q ueluuaria county, hounded an d describ ed ' IAA follows, to wit ; 011 the north by land of Amos Simon Barnes East by - the Belmont & Oneage Ttihipilie, and on the sonth and west by lands of Si mon and Amos Barnes,.containing 'one acre of land, more,nr!` less, together with the appurtenances, oile ironic(' house and barn and all improved, late the 114- iti‘ 'of Ira*Williatus. Taken in execution at the :alit of D. A. Lyons 5: 'higher ;vs. Ira . t .F. P. HOLLISTER, sten:. 4erirrs office, Nleitt;Ose, r Dec. 27, 1534. , id do appoint year 1855'; for trose; and for , tsrof Loner. hanna County Isdey evening 17 - An iti g l;t A g alu. BOOTSA SHOES, READY MADE AND MADE I - TO ;ORDER. ; r PILE liubset iber would respectfully announce to his citstomerm. and the' , puldic in general that he is again prepared-. for the', Boot and Shoe busine,ls.--- Having just received frOni New York . ti choice lot of Srilu avia 17pner. Leather, Calf Shins, Kip Skins, Vic., all oak--tanned. : Also, do ttssot tment of Ready-madel wisyk, consisting in part of Men's -Thicle and i Calf i Boots, Boys tkioti", Children's Strap Moots, WoduM's Enameled UniOn Boots, Polkas, Kid Buskins, : Silk I4sting;Fox. Gaiters, Goat LICE! Boots, Emurteled'l'eg ged Boots, Misses Kid Lace Boots, Children's IlUan Ifoots,•*e. A:c.4—which ;will be sold for cash chrapir than tali be hOught elsewhere in this market. Be- . p4iring . .lotte neatly. .1 .. . ! Plea* call tind_examine. Stor.: first door east of the Odd:FelloWs Hall. 1 Brodiass 'mats from'!" the time" mail the tiinc' foC "rest" and "refreshment." Grateful for past. Ovors be hopes by > strict attention to busineSs to Merit alcontinuance of the same. - , 1 ! ./ ~ N. 13; Being somewhat in want of the "`one :thing n L , edful;" :(money,) he Would suggest, in the mildest manner possible, the propriety of those indebted-call i..t and settling the route immediately.: Nuf ce4.L . 1 Monit - vise, Dee. 4, list. C. Si. SIMMO.Ni!:. 1 ' -- !AILL) 111EADV. ~- I STOVES AND TIN WAI?E1:011 THE 1 .I. ' , 1 I'EOPLE. - ' : 1117 - 001,?RuTY kELDRED have constantlyMiland 1, ; a large and well selected astorttnent of Aims ` Ware, Jteels and Chain: for welks, pumps cistern nuinpi, Sc., Hydraulicittins, -Japanned wares, lead of all sizes Se., Sc. • •Jub work done with Cleat-. ' , l despatch ; ,till: Orders promptly attended to. STOVIES A: PII'E •.,_ !i utly On hand, a large assortment of stiwes moved - ituld apploved pattern's. ;Our bushiess enables us . to select those 1 lr.l-ant to give entire satisfaction. 1 stock can be : found:the - - 1 Star - of.tlteWest;. Elevated 'inton, - ' [Oren. iiir iess i lei.t min : . 'f the .latest xpe.dence in , hat we can saf. Anionrd oar limo, i'arag n , air tirdit p tea World ' i . Atlas,.. • I'hoeniv. Three fttate., plot., " i • 'From S. .t!..11:11,73GEFF. negiateett • Notice. IP' CIILIC notice is here";: given to all p Cerned in the following estates, to wit Estate of Sheffield Matteson '2(1; . deceased; man Pcr-ry, Administrator- 1 _ . "' - .. Est:cue of Hen ry'Benson, jr„ decd; Almetla;Bei ; son .hibulnistratrix— - . -, •• ' 1 Estateof . 'V th 'I ?told, deceased, Mincer , Hall - a an ~r I' . , ,and Glixrles Chamberlain Administrators— • ' • 1 •• . , - • That the accountants have settled their accounts in 1 4,31' 0 „,,, !the_Re ,-, ister's office - in and for the county of Stisque-. 1 ...;.•_:_r_ 1 ,,,... lhanni, and that the Same will be presented, to the 1. 1 , 1 •i', 'Judges of the Orphan's Court of said County, on. ' 'vitt; srn; ' Wednesday,, the 17th day of _ JanuarY next, for con• I . il frit.Mds . • firmation and allowance . , - . - ' . ' 1 gonds , h now co - JAMES W.CIIAPMAN, Register..-.- i fp t pas•ef.t., vOrS„he iti - - Register's Office, Montrose, Dec. 1ti, , 11351- ' .. iA T L - 411'', PRICES,• , . . . R espectfu. ~ , . , . - . 1 ----- •' - 1•1/440Tilie. eetu GuaTdian's Sale. :- • it. Montrose,-.ovember 29 - , ftom OICE is hereby given' that in pursuance Of- an'', r —. ..;,:'----, -- 7 — D - ---- res ii ..I_ll .' order ?f sale issued by the Orphan's Court of ',. pinith4ti,,, „Vol. Sitsqunhanna counts' the interest of the heir:. of Jli- l " ram y. Mott, late of the township of Forest Like in 1 tuid4 „ .',. - • • • fromll9 to., -said pounti, dece&Sed, situate in the townxhiP 'afore. .I)aciinaLis,u4.,l . . . - from! '4 tia, 12-i said,lwill be sold at public sale by vendue or -the ,s,,h„ t i og ,. - . . f rom 1 6 1 , 0 ! 9 et. premises, on Thursday the 18th day or January next, i'' WOolen ' goods and Jeans lin every' varig,. at 1 !o'clock in the afternoon ; described as follows: Cents. • t • i s 3 „ o r ard ,. 1 • ! -' ~ .. 9 , per T On the west hy lax& of Isaiah Cater and otherland of f.i,, • -f. „.. Readrinaati CiOttitiagii, the 'said decedent, on the east by lands of !Jottn S.. i. i r ' , A i-ery" large stock. Havinglpurchasil at I3irchard, and on the south by the Ridge Road, con- i ihne, iihren the pressure of the money Tnlirket is , tainhig about 50 acres; anct known as the ElishaSlott ! stliere, - ;•and consetpiently lioughtl tow,. I think I cal, lot, With about 34 sexes improved, With a dWelling i . 4„rul wilt. Sell the same quite •as a.slitny of !my, i .- ~. . I • house ; . barn, and orchard thereon. ' -- ' . - , 1 tieighkors:, Pkase call and see. . .i ? i ter Ara,- -Tv-msru Tv-ms ade trumin On the day of sale. :• • ' 1 1 , ; 'SoVentber 4i R :',./554. ••• .I.. ' CITAIk.:DLER. 1, •''' • i f NANCY iorr, - • i;: - Guardian of the minor children of Hiram F.Mott,,deC'd. . I. ,' _ A - 4i.r .i i . : s •-: Books and Stationer* . - ; -at variety of Booki; a' tewlfancgl/2•, 1 IPA, Cloc.ks -,4- rINIE s ifccetnber 19, Isr,i. 1 I I ktapi.of Nebra.qica and Kansas; 31Pa of Et*oPe, show- 1 IS ' • -I- trig the sent of war ; Pocket Diaies t and lilunutacks, ',tire Chai ' for 184.5. 1 • • 1' . I f.t ' ' . I found. a I.' The - Yews Boy, , I , Yankee StOtICP, • ' .'. i s Chairs tin : I F ,liiA Life in New York,'. Beautiful Millais, Gift 111E* Fla,% , Latuplieater. - Books forth Holidays•,.i es, Sette l', • , Am. kc.' at /. I F. D. CIIANDI.ER's. ! be. sold a I I ' u. ; itti Ahl and of ge , will be n facts, pl.* Stearir:is and Fire-Proof Safe*. HE suWeribers have Made arrangements to fur -1ni.41 to persons who Maybe in want of them, the. abo.o named invaluable Sops, at the same prices for whih. they can be obtained at the manufacturer's. having experienced the benefit of such: an article du- Jinn! the late conflagration ourselves, we would earn esill recommend to 'others having valuable hisaks and paptrs, - the preservifig of which would be-of itnnionse implartanee to them, not to do with Out one, Prices range frotii Etso to te3oo,.and ice can explain. to ans one wiAing to purchaße, the difference in stylc, size, price, &e : and furnish them on Short-no ticei with the Internal arrangement; to suit the put , chaker. BENTLEY & READ. • . Sontrose, , Deccmher 19, 1554. To the lion. the lye* of the Court of Quarter Se's• "ions of the Peace in and for the L'ount:y of Sus itiehanna : t, I The petition of A. Merriman of • the Borough of Montrose in said eminty, - reyeetfully'representsithat be is provided with suitable conveniences to keep, a Grocery in the Borough of Montrose, - and that it is' his Intention io apply to the next Court of 'Quarter Sessions to, be holden in and for said edunty for a li cense to keep a GroCery; and to sell strong beer, ale;. and other malt liqiiors -according to the act of ,As sembly of the 1. , 1th :A pril, 1852. A. mEnnksr.vs. Mcinttose, Deeem i ber 25, 1854. • NOTICE. THE-subscriber having purchased the entire inte rest of the ()bland Well known Grist Mill, 'alined Sum mer's Mill, would giro notice to his old customers, and all concerned, that be bas given it a thorough re patring, and it is now doing erase RATE work; 'and under the charge of Lewis A. Tompkins, (whose rep utation as aMiller Stands second to none in:tiro noun, try,) and with plenty of water, with whit& we are fa vored at all: times,' trust that we may receive our 'share of public patrmagr IRA SUMMERS. fiumn,ers, DeeeMber 11, 1854, - w 4 • I Fi . " Take Notice. ; I" lA, persons Indebted to A., k E. EALDwnt, I;o) tl note or book accowata are respectfully.retnin& c 4 that it will bo yery 'acceptable to ug to have the same paid soon. • A. &E. aitt,Dwnl, iliontrase, November 90. 1864. • S. SON - ac _ .4.1 r be found In S. S. Mulford's old store, Eas .13.1. side of Flublie Avenue, Montrose, Norimber 1! 1864. qvess , Goods , • ; saint. by fjl5llT- opened it rell ' 3"11 rdc" 'LYON F .S a BOK ! No; ith .1E1r4., • ` ll' • IT - A.. 1 ' • .- . f ..; . J.. - 1 1; -, , sober/Ws Sales. 1 1 ; 1106tittutioiki writ e of 'Trend.' .17,r. leintedout otthe .1..) Co u rt 4f On Pleas of. Suitittelinni t'inm- . tredi EAST ty stadto m:4 , I will ex pose to, public sale at the Cent t totitilei In Iffontrotte, on SILO*? the I ;3tli day of Jannao next, at 1 o'clock e.. 30., all that car.: i AAT here v taliapieCe.Or parCel.Of land , or village lot, Ott*, ly-' 'v v thca° 1 big aid belligfri the nOrtrogfrof f!nequehattna,p4pet, 1 goods, we can 81164111.64m)1,00unty, bounded Old d&critted alt fol. • J. P. W.•RI I lows, to Wl' s 9lt the the north by the public hightetty, .C. D. LATUr on thereast tit la b• land of .F. Pickering, on the south . :2.- ' WA ,of ,f D. • '.:Xitnber, :and on the west land l f Janice Bell Sald;lot b eing* a' 35 feet front . and 'gulping back 194 ARK, t6g,ether with thelaPprtrterianc.;_ta; one two:Ater, filantDwelling 11004, end all Imprepted, late the estate o Nathaniel 11 1 U. I 1 , - , I • " •Tallen IM k MO ution at, the suit!of C. IL Benttett Ts. Nailutniel hill . - !. 1 . . 1 certain piece or . parcerof land eit• nate, lying tuitl being in the toWnehm of Clltfordi Sue. quehenna cott'aty, bounded and tlerribed as follows, to Wit: Beginhing at the north-ea 3 cornet of Gorge Browhell jesU:d; ,thence soutiowest to the Middle •Of Loki Creek; . called; thencedciwn , tbe Bald,creek the •seietall dee es thereof to the iniddleotanOther creek,; . comitionl called the north-east branch of the TunkhannOck; thence down ' sald creek to the said .George Bnitkiaelljr.'s land; thence north 30 &trees with the'saidlittes to the place of beginning, cantair.- lug Iti aeresOclthe 'same morn !or less ' with the ap purtelianc.eecon framed horse,' to small fruit imps, li-A mostly improved; which land and.tene. meets', were CoMlemned by a juryf inquest, late the estate'of Isitgson Philips.. '3 i' t , It Taken ittext cation at the stilt f Charles ifogan agairtit'Nelgen . ."'hilips. •ill - ' 1 ri ALSO-41y a vrtne of writ of Lec.:Fa. isstied and directed a.. 4 al . xoye, Lwill expose! toLpublic•sale pt the mite, time and place,ttil that certtun piece or parcel of bAtil sitietein the township Of Bridgewater In the county. 0 f sthuluehan nai; and butted; bounded, and described ite,lfollows to wit . Beginning at a Petit and /donee in tiaot - nst line of Abraharn Kennard's lit, the south-east eornier of a-lot surveyed for JOhn Darrow,' now tiamed :hy Ebenezer Willituns thence by l said lot south' 3 - degrees east 83 perches and seven-tenths to . a post antLitohes ; ,thence by taninher lot sueyeyed for the saillohn Darrow, south, 81' degrees ,vrt*t 100 perches- td stl, pt i st and stones, the .notth- . west :Corner of slid Datreetilast mentioned lot, thence' by Unsold landsnorthi'3, degrees west 83 perches and .ij ).entbs to a 'post 4 0 stones, thente,, by said Willianit's lot nottliB7 degrees.east 100 percheeto the begtininu,. coeMiningihrty-eight acres 13f) perches an fallow ince : Ate "Ibgether with the hereditainents a d dri ap. purtenance4 l ,&;. •... I . 1 1 . - 'lltiden in Cy cation at the suit of 0.. L. Waid es. signbe - of ..t M,.-Wallace against Williath Darrow. 1 A.,LSO+lly t writ of Fi. /Ili, issued and . directed as abore,Vril expose to public sale at the SAMe time and iplaceall that certain piecelor.paneel 'of land situ ate,: lying Hint!being in the ,Itownship of :Liberty, Su:44llomm* enmity, bounded land. described 'As., ftili low.Cto witn.the north.and east by landk!cif,-Jo-- 1 , . seplr:E. NV.:,„il,ster, - on . the'south by lends of joseph ---,-- Dailey, and' , .NV l ,est by land of.Jonathati-Ritss, t 4 ntain-. ingAo acres more or less, togtither With the appu tc- .. AA TE ~.„,e nanc e s,atbbia. two acres improyed. ; .i .; I i the a Titken in ;execution at the suit of John ll.t Green , i s u cit t o k e n against (..ezi' rge Chapman. I - . .' • ' 1 ! „l' 1. , , h ope ~.g r„ - :•-• • F.!; i. " F. P.IIOLLISTErt, Sheriff, : thi ngs wi ll I i-",l l piiff'Abillec,Montres, Fa., / : 1 'l. ',' CLER—w - he - , - ." c' ' 1- ' :,'., - • ' Claus and al -- ... - .1 .-1 • ---- . - ",:t ---4 , - * ---- ' ------ : -- 7 --- ' --- ; —•—• 1 Ethbroidt • i ' ; !.. IiVIV GOODS: I. : ..,-, ' • CollarS, Fat -1 -Freelt.., Arrival of Nea l e Goode, wkfch tre , I.China, Japai ... .. 1 'f4 ; will sell ver!), cheap; , : i j . . .j Ladies and AV E hiti,•e. I a large stock of Staple and Fancy Dry 1 any ever in -11 , thieds which we - will i sell cheat,: 11.c11. and 1, nooks :in g • •:, , examine: l'i . 4 ..,, . ' . it. " , per Macke ; 1 Steady-Made. flotitina.: 4 ! Boy, hig h 1 We- aie' i now prepared to clothe all aceording to the Those La latC.St sty - 1. \V T: HATE A LEEC:E STOCE, WItICII WE . tial for this; wit.t. Sr.t.niVEltY tow. Call and examine beare pur. I Plaid Silk, chaidng. - : 1 - Aleo, a large stock of Cloths,-Cashmeres •i Shawl. Jeans; Satinetts, Tweeds, ke...l&c.—in fact, oitr stock I Those of lin this liitC.i complete. 'We invite the attention of ; excellent C .c.tatt puttkilAl;EßS to out-stock.. All kitids orprodece : the sante. . taken it eSeltange for goods $t cash prices. i be shown w • • - 1 Stonttqe, Nov. 22, '54. - iIIAW - LEl'..t. 3IOTT. .! "e "t ll " 1 ", __i .. ,___ 2_ 1! __.! _ L . 1 , :- -•. :py New Yea _._____._ .....— , _____ 3 .._____ . Montrose ' 1 ~.i:: A bMINISTRATOFV-S SALE. 4 - j ----- I ' ‘ToTiqr.. is hereby given that in pursuance of. * an ', ill order or sale issued froth the pipitin'oCourt of i s,,,; que h,-„ SMiquelianna county, I will,'On Saturday the, 6th dal :T II wONATA orldanuitri next, expose to phhlic sale,4,y yOdue ; ail i - - ,1 thiti cteltapt Piece or parzel or land, late the estate ofl i P ,LARINPA i Chat le, it . IVell. ' ..deceased. situate , itn s the township ; fp, tuna,, ofiClitlin.d in. said county, hounded 'on the 'nOrth and i „ oree was , east by 10 4of James Schott, on ,t h e! south by the.. :duly returi Miif,r,l ; '*tul . S.twego Turnpik - c -1 , Road, and on the west 1 Sul;pcena lei. lands! of ' Agnes Graham,lcontaining _ail acres Of . vember Te n l . 'ind, all Which is. improved, and on which there is 'a 1 , was ma d e barn anl i tnher appurtehancee. be tal k ! upon ! M'elyin cot tle,:i'pretnises at two o'clock 0. st. territs:olleayment :. - Titi .; mm i made hatiwo on the daY.of :Stie.. : I I . • , fore the ...h.. i 1 - , i . . 4 , . , ... J. M. CIIITTENDEti,':Etduir. iof Januale; r • !- rr, : ' • '-4 • - ; - - , i -- -, ir '. ... COME ANDI SEE. US. l - i . .sheriirs I Tile _.._,..- , I 'Temperance Satloon is- still among ' --- - ---- , i-Ott, tuel.e.ontends that tota . Gbstitience ft MO ---' 1 that '. i• ithoticates is the surest, saftiSt. pail' for the people. Su :quebaz - .4illongit the pipprietors of the abo l ve .Sarpett irere i E m si : Ei ithiu 4:1 the .541 ers of the 4ate fi t'itt, and 144 t a good-, h„,.• „ ev. , c pkr icti of their goods, the; madecett te l :save one i ei t' thi .g—Chat is Principle, , Which - they: count worth a l l J A , L , In e: . They now have a Spiel! stock of •Grocelks,,. T o j am Toys, taitifectienarie.4,. Tanklce .Notions, Perfumery, I Divorce w Afc., v; - hiCh they offer to the ;public!, cheap fir cash.— 1 dol'y retur I.3e;teri*ot. up in all , ways tO suit enstontertij . is n i,p ne nn , j ThiS:Sakion; may be foul d in the rear ofi Lyons it: L I yen the r T lndlt{t's long building, rating- op ChestOt ‘ street. I was made • one and all, and see the place whereltve;pre. 1 .1 Willi ams t F. TI. FGRDIIAI. ,iii:C.o, .- - This no ~ December 12, 1851. ; ' 'ld ~ , fore-the Ji i of Januarl 11112 Queen, MEM con- i 8147tienunnirt CounN se. vi NOME ! 1; thei.o3 , given, In pursuance oc an-iipt of General Ti ;Assrlbly paesed Octobei 3St 1&U), that an sp. *Won. has been made to the ,bowil- of Common Plelea of said county, IA *rant eb ar t e of Inoorpora tloti to tho "Union rvisfar Baptist detach of East Clifford." ITEM Prot!. petisgr 13, • f • ' I " NOTICE! ; I F , - would reTectfully iliforrn his iblicgenerally 'that fits stock of Le in ev'ery branch. Thankful I.)s selling 000.0. GOOPS -t ','merit a'snarii;ot nubile eIIASDLEII. I , . ':-; "' STOVES ! STa,v.cs i .. - MIIE subsclibers beg lebve to inform he citizens ;!.I. .Of Drnehlvtv,and vicinity that they have just re- ! - ;Ccived! a lot of Store:, which the offerijor sale'as ;low a:Silley can be purchaseiteiscWhere in the county. A 00—A lot of STOVE PIPE and Elbows of the I !different sizes, at'utartufacturer4rireo.t. ii . . t IP.42VTED—OId Iron, 'Copper, and Ilrass, in ex r ichange far Stoves or otherlgoodS. .i' .: =.'.'4% f NEW stocktif Wint4Shatils just raceived and I ;LA.: !tor PAC lOw by SMITH*. HEMPSTEAD: ' ! •-•—• 177 --- -TW A l . Oex, 7 5 7 , 7 i iis, 1 00(0mihels of Oats, 11,000 bush. Diied Apples, l :: 4 4,ti bushels ofCorn,tti 11,000 bush. Ditekwheat, I,oo4l;bnshels of.Rve, . IWO " Deans, p ,'' • pn nce ad s, in by q exchange for goods, of Partride.s h a l t th l me highest arket t t. , ..BrOoklyn, Nov., '64. SMITH &-.! HEMPSTEAD,. :-. , 'f:'• . ... _DON'TAt T BE IGETEITEB., , • - . The Farmer's ,IStoiv Re4iuiit. • %. A,IrE ii6h to ,iay to ouriendiatad customers that V 11,' we have withstood .he devottring:elenient that 'consumed our Store with; . most of; our I;(loods, and treeked a-cotivenient shanty, where weiihall be hap py to see our. old custnmers as Well as new. - We are going to:sell goods-lower than eVer, , aild*e think ten per Cent. less than you can buy letsewheti% in Su:Nue ; haniitt co. Call and see. lwAitngN ktIIAYER. .1 • . Executor's - pietice. 'OTICE'is hereby giv(in that, letteri, cstameutary . , V!, /t. .1. 1 1, with the will annex 'd, upkin the etitlate of Jarnc:s Kolit;laie of Gibson tow ship;*(leceasql, have teen graOtedi to the subsea r, andall peti , ons having doh& upon said estate will please ;present them duly attested for hot tie ;tient, and those indebi t rd to the es• tateiirt,reqUoeted to inAe heinediate ilicrilient, Gibsciu, Dee. 4, 1834, 1110;11AVit ELLI:Y. Ayr _*CE. s [ • 'Those persotutindebteit to the übsoptier ibr feis as Regt!ater, Recorder and Clerk °t i the Olphan's court would confer a favor by attlint the.ratie soon. itontrwo, Dec. 13 1834 i DWINGDON. ' FOR the A :s.Tew The Gam The Gani The Gam The Gam] The Gam,' The Gam' The, Gum The Gam l The Gain The Gam The Gum' he Gam Fur sale at & B December •, qtKS Is Dec. 20; 1 pA,S just meat o rate varietro firs-sirrrs, ISLALIi; FOR L NOTIONS, JE Faso Goon: cash. Ravin least five tho I saved, I lane of my friends togive•to In profits in co; as low; if not this town o from the pub slowly but - loss being thi StOre at t Maia 3tteet, Monti ose, OEM . it t __.._________._____--F--- , --------i---H,' DAI IIIEN, TA.ILE lift)TloE :I- i rrIlE I.' bscribrs hiving secured= the sole right th 1 A. DA ' ,rlS'i 4 DJIISTA 13 Lis' CIII7R.Y. - 'AND BUTTE. -WOIiKER, for Susquehanna and :vertu adjoining untie?, respectfully invite all Butterintaic ers to i.tx: . Oine and rrsr the merits of this mei- and valuable toventiop; We propose to furnish each and all of you'livitli a Cnutm that will .prOduce as ruttallt butter in las tihort a time laS any other churnotie that will ContiTet.eiy e,rpel the. butterin4 • wash mid 'cork in the salt, clitrusinglit perfectly through tAG hillier and fit it for use, without removing it froPa the, churn. l'his IChurn is simple in its coitstructioh,,sci= eistmc 4, p.s operation, and wily cleansd and kept'in order, and .C 3,11 t he - eaNily attached to: any prolellirig, rer.. / . .. , A ri . further particulars, apply per .onally/or t liit - 4, S. CI.',BUSIINELL and •J. N./BROXS.OX, lueliapna county, Pa.. !./' -: '' I -1 2.1 cent per yard, cent.tper yart4 • i !per yard,. - ‘er card' OE THE ing cated offer LH Lion of t acres, 11. 1 inpa, trees:at and N. fa • sub4en be give Ofticq Mont E:~lti mid mvsion ,! orJanu , Bridge piotel., i The work ui :es 0 A tte Cot 'STOLIEN. peron who took a • Grrtie .1/4Zn.) 11 .press .i:ateirn, from the store of the snb,rerther can haye orii)ortituity.of returning privately, and no!expianation required, If (lone soon; othekise esposire and prosecution will ftillc4, a, 0,4 transae. Lion is: underttood, IL TIVIMITT. • ilfOTA,..octoll 8 .1•, 11 Aistoundlug'llotociesuref IPOI !I+l2lEB la again in the Tallching bushicka.- 1 a,lThose, therefore, whn have enough of the right Orinciple to eneourige home induatry and desire his services„.will please take notice, Ilia cibjeet rill f 3 'be to lease those who him, and receive:a,re ward r hisisho7. Shop oyer ilimley st NV* Oteve. ge: troMpi , neliqublit,':*, /f 54. • 1- •-• " , i 1 7 1.-i 1 4151,t31.3C'COp!IES SEltt::ol4etip 1 WATCHES, JEWELRi, SILVERSP NS,-.- • , dse. ike. ike '1 F „OF PUBLIC AVENUE, TWO DOORS :FROM POSTS STORE, flow And sour Patent Lever, Aitcher awl La y • i . k.A piir3 Waches,just received and for sae bl, a *hall to glad to see all; our old :customers, and be haiipylo wait on , all 1 - 1 - BENTLEY it IMAM. .'' hei wfil give us a Can, feeling confident that from ow large stock cud assortmuut of ! ----- Jewelry, Jewelry. i mt all tbeee -who will cell and examine theta, i ' . I. A GOOD assortment of Jewelry, consisting Of Eli i , iT , t . - with i n , ; 4 . , A. LITIIIZOP. ' 4-1-- lII IIC 3 ' E " Il Dro P ; B".slPini ' ringer lunek. or, ) , . . , 1 - i • . _ Le. itc., justricelvcd at. BENTLEY & RpArs. • , , 1 i , - Silver Spoolii. _. . Tea, Table, Dessert, Sugar; Salt, &c., vntrranted pure r . for sale by 1 l .!, oAnEs,. _. , ~1 T .114ays with many other funey4hingi, ASIIA I ' P t * r or e—The Ovic.l4. of 4 .owet 'itme.or to: tr.ze. - . P r , . I . ;of libtis,antliChiekens. of Fashion aid ante Lam" lighter. ofGiks, Uses nl Con serinenees'. of The-Ohl Said. • • ;of Robin 11t oft. of Sk s eulsti ns. • , . of COnundrit ns. -..; 6, of l'itl l ar. b of Qualities. c Of Snip, Sns 6 ,Of Atheriean Stiortim. I . liktorc. • I .ribur • -. ickwhe:at flour a, : S. I . I A !PAL* d & Biracese i at. : • • .: , • !ABRL.TURRELL- . .. 1 l• • ! received from New Yorls - a nillassort r• Ar.Elll G00D.% control:44 it fiit f'Davoi4 MEDICINES, CIIESIICAL.A, 010, 3rI.ASS-VVARE, FAMILY PEOCEIIII* MATE -11441175, ; Iit:SIC:AL INSTECIIENTS,] YANK 4 I*Lill", YEIIFUXIEfIX, ANL/ ALL 644RTS lit? ,which :will be stilt] extremely low for recently sustained_ a loss: bytfire of at ;sand dollars, above insurance add4Oods r.I have istrong claims for the i)Strottage and the public generally. 1 aslOto man , neithet doll ask or expect additional sequence. of said loss. 'I will !sell goods loWer than can be bought elat4liere in . , . • ... _ r: counte:,. All I ask. is that patronage To the rgOple -of Susonatialguita:,L . lie al t icit will e nable Me with industry to . .. . .. • i Cosinty. - • .-. • .:- , .-,: iadually iieplace the 14ms sust.dtipd--Said "r)gING - one of the greatest sufferera .by the ' ruin;', lii, hard eiumingS of a life of anxious toil. .L.P destructive; fire in 3lontrose„ ,basing loet inyt ._ .ie lower:end of the buried district, On storehouse o and nearly all, of (ay goods,. I have riot-; tt•feW dobrs beton • the.cornere4 ii 1 however given over to despair,.but have taken- 1i , .:,. i 1 • ;. 1 . ,- ' .‘.I.IEL TCRRELL ' store wont' in the-lower-pile of the twain, 'firsedixme - DeCeniber 14, liiri 1. 1 north of Keeler'S.Hotel, intie4hicli I hive-Pineal* i-i - 7 —• . ---- ' -- r --- • --:•-•-.- - - -.--1- small stock saved from the"tre r andwill in the coursti. • - : • THE NEWS. .-.I .- ! - 1! IttEillirl . GOODS • , 1 of -6. Very short ; thne y fili up the store with' an entire .. Minounced iu the foreign intelligettee Mt iii )dine) have taken' and fitted up the new ; new stock of goods; In nay preent.nety customers - It iritid otieverY steamer, that "p...;.eva.stoPel :ibu on the west side of Public Avenue, tWodoors-i will be happzo'see and wait op .my old 7 d.—but the Holidays are comilqi, and we linbo've Seatie's llote4 and are' row receiVing a hirge-i a and. the•pubite generally' Who•will .fi‘vor me with tse . tit rhanyirseful; Ornr,met tai, and Fades ,;and well seleetel - aesorttnent t)f... I \call. • I•lav'e resolyed to "weer:give:lm the's:di:l.7 . are tokeii 'from the store of F. ,ill: Cil.kiN- if • Fall and .Winier Goods. r I am- determined to keep a DRUG STPREieind',.tte-;. .. ~ nt! a good supply may he found cur Saila '•• Ti i• stock ' almost lent' ly YE lir a having saved 1 ketiVa good assortment of Drogs,'Medieines, Paints, , ;,,, tur Is ere , . , 11 Ids friends. - i . 1 but a very few goods froth the. late destructive • fire, t v — ~ . ~-. , !„,. Oils Dite-stolfi Groeiries GlattAvare,'Jeteelry 'W.:. tied Llndersleevee,. Ilmeilierehiefs, find li and comprises their usual variety of DI:Y GOODS,--rium"ltllah‘ cd e'awni , • • ' add all sorts of s w at. - e'y , 'loses of paper, wood mid !cattier,- ii G N i ce ie e p, Crockery; hardware, Drugs Medicines;! • 9 9 (4 ' , .ea% ke., such as I kept before the-fire, rived, end Tin Toye, Writing }Desks ror 1 : Paints, Oils. Dyestuffs, - 13 cots; Shoes, L e : t h em -Gl ass ; 1 des ourtid the earnings of,ilife time In an hour. ~.. MontrOse; N0v.123, 1854. ABEL 71 . URRELL, ! ~., Gents; Fahey Clocks,. soine Superior, to Jewelry, Watches. ; Sileer Spoons, Clocks, , tankce I I .)eght toi•this market. Fancy ! , and ustiful. • i Notions, Lc. its; We Are thankful for the patronage . Will every:man indebted tome, please • rent varte.ty—emong dorm beeuttful flt- _hitherto bestoired ,upon us, and trust 'that our , cos- I N . B , •• B. remember Me In this my time of need,:. GO B • oaiks—Life of P. T. Barium); Ntiws venters, and the publie•genpeally will not fail to , give ' . .s , . - 1 or sending to melthe amourit•duoinimediately. -.."•,-: .rte in; ets York, Le. 1 us a call in our nru. loeatioii. 'confident that ere can 1 - November 4 3, 1, 854.• • ' • ADEL,TERREL - La. dies who want something More substan-• supply theta with goods ) on, favorable terms hs here- 1- • ~, anclementeeason, will find some:beautiful I tu f orr ,.. ,-- ` • : ! ••• BENTLEt4. READ 1, - ' ; _ . 1 --- •* 7 ).clain,: Merino, Panunetta, or a Splerelid I- Montrose, November 30,feet. • . I. ItIEMOVAILI, •• . ...- ~ I- . r EELER4. STODDARD ; since the late,fire, toy .. ... . :,, t . • , . tlie eterner sex can Le s'ilil , iit-ei , s`. , iii an 't - .. :: IX. be found itt ithe BASEMEArr OF SEARLE"! }Fore 'tid Moro - ;New G00d.4. • -rat, Vest or Pants, or the eloill' to intake It i HOTEL: Notwithstanding the tinpreeedented re -- Please Call one and all. Owi. goods trill . BURRITT is now receivin , '• 4! f Ili _; neu a nd : u i . . ~ - . . redity wah which our stock of, _Boots, Shoes, 7 itc4- - ' • • supplies 'of. Goilde /Or:the- lrinttr Tra.te; fir.; 1 Mt plenuret -and if we can 'dote) fibre; etvent off" on the morning of the (fire, we etill have eludine n new and elegant asbrtment of Trefoil -JP- i - Ii you ill a very merry Christnia.s and hap- •• 7 ..,,,,• ; : - 1r .,. ~, , i , , , i c e - 7 1,,v; Plaid - . Plaid, is Respectfully; F. IL CHANDLER. i t . ci t y...l74;f i'l L ai,n ) .1) - 'd' Latte ff s, s Par til l , iinctta-iroche, ,:i l it - u're I ~. ,i . * ' • ••• KEELER lt. STODDARD... i'l Dec., 14 - 1854. • ' • I . . -.. • - t s `Cove be 1" Iq''.l • ' ' i ‘1 'ari d Lony Shoes, all of pen;, and best styles, end ell 1 .. .7. , ... .9 , ..•,.. .113 .- . r 0- •-) • , • - . . 1 . , --- . • 1 _ i i; be sold at 25 per cent . : less then last year's prices.— . 1 , - • . -•• PROCL A 31.4.T10NJ - I . i: Mso a new assortinentlOf Ri'ch Ribbons and Bonnets. i - - - ' NOTICE!' ; • - • ~... - - a Coit4tY .s. • _ 1' • 1 il Vide Silk VeleCte for. (7:odikS and ..llatttillas, Rich j rrillE subscribers being severe su ff erers •from - the --' .1,. MELVIN, In the Court ior Cem4ton i! 1 Sit/c. and relict Dress TriMmings ,Ifidgeir Ili-ad i A- late disastrous hire, have removed with what _. • .1. - ..'. Pleas efsaid coanty, . "Fist" Dread. s Rigolets . .3:t: ' '1 ` 'al ..!...e.. Nut a genet assortment , 1 little remains of Their - stock, to' the new bitilOg on -:-.'', . MELvis , Term 1854, No; 122- - i f I 11 'of othe'r Qr.Art.r. and P.t..4:v . Go . ons, r;s• esual. which hist - it... 0 bought uhder the pre-_ , .ent presdumef them sh i . the 'Avenue, opposite W. J. kS. II; 3lttlibrd's store, :. where ;lie's will be happy to see all thkir f: 'ends and a Hr. ifelviii: Whereas a S o ubpeena hi Di-' ; ; suv . l to itigi:St Term 1554.,1 which. el W:4l ~:t.;ll4.elati', and them:mi.:ln tip , :si: v i ce , . iwasii Markel, will be coal at CerrGTotAling •- . f , and .reduced ; custmnere, and hope 'in the course Of some tendayis . -:to be able to . poet them with ali entirely/SEW pit, issued in Said cause returMtble to Ncl-1, New 3.lilfo:••l,..Nov'ember 2 . 7! 1;151. ..• • : ' S7'OC/C OP G00L.0.5 . : -- •• . - -•/' lAn 1851, UpPin the 'return of Y bleb, pleear ' - . - • I . ' ' • .We trUst that soave of tear customers' who have up Pin , • o time said Coln t that the said Claritell V. • I ' _,________ • , will r'cie . : been lone' in debt,• ember that/this is a times , • NEW A li.D CIEE:IIP. GOODS. i Id not lie fouhd an uty B.aliiwick.. i . - . ,of re.ctat :NEED rail' ts, and d0..a4 they wonkl be ..1 iee is there fore to require I..ouito appear be t , T_)01. GUT at the 1( .., and rid be sold ac- i do ,.i, hi.. BENTLEY & READ,. '- II corchnelv. BUItROWS & CO. ' 1, - - . - , , . Ages of the said Court on the tltird M 0 1 1 $1.1a V ! . 3011t1'05•' Novertmer 14. 1,...A. 1 ' • ' • 1 - 1 • & next,. to ansn-er slid comp amt, .e. i -1 . Gibson, October 1 • / • ' •• ' ' B ELDPT-111' t ‘ 4 l - • '' 1 I 1,. B. ~. a e ... renlT. 1 C,ltslihe, Gatti: and Irec.l lugs • • - • DISSOLUTION. - - .! -- • pflice, Slontrose, Dec. 6, I S: ! 4. • I - . i A-large assortment t :es loWer than are hake '-'1 HE copartnership : heretofore kr.orsn'unthir die.. ) ---- 1 --,-- ----- I -- , - , 7.. - 1 ------ ever been enabled to offertle;.nt heretofore. - • 'I 11 name, and firm 91'Newells Brothers, in - the Sash,. PlitOCL-2iallAT.110:1(. ; • 1• i Gibson, OCIOH., 654. -' :. ' ~ . • '' Blind and Door business, is this day by ar..teal con-. • • ,•,.• ; — .. . Im Coady e:. . ' i. •.. • 1 i• . _ Drcss Goodg. • • ' ien.l , ano vereenieftt dis;olveci. . ..,, , ' V't to:n , LLIA V:s I.r r ILI the ci.1.1:1:: CI, A g•r , r, at varidtv ainl;teiamitill ~ .tylee. and cirrus v... 3 ;. • / ' -- 's-GILBEII.T NEWELL ; ,•.; - lend V. Sliev, 1 Com Mo n -, leetitS •of cheap as could be ee.,ii-ed. IL 1317j1R0 It's .k co, ; tane,..d.m:-% / July-11, 'al. -.H. K. NEWEI.L.. --* ,?•:--* I . vs. • -, (sa id county, Ai Gibson, October le, 1 , 354. I: . . . • : • fhe sltbseriber.wOuld respectfully call the ittentkla . _, r 11. Wittr.mi. .j Tern), No. 1.2:.'„i5r,:.: -. ----------.---- ------- 7 -- , ----t- --, 'of thoseAvho.Wish to purchalc•sulthine. in hit liitti•ei:;. :4 B. lirilliant :. Where:as 4 Subpoena NA . Black Olik. .... •• • -. • busine`S_=, such as .. . - 1. - is it.sited to Att,enst Tenn ISS I, .whichiwaS • A good tiitality-for dress es at; SI cents per yard. - •• It - 'tit Ei : - Stv-1), Din,rs, -. .....e.i_0. in 41 ,--Med r . • led non, cat inteettas, and thdreon an 6liat October le, 185-1. ; I. 7 ...Burinows & co.. :.- %C. }*•fW.•-. i• -- • ; • kind -• • - !!! __ ,_ raViAsxied in said cause returnable tot No 4. Slataiii... . • • / Bureau , s; Taiiius, an() auerpturie.; • tern 1854. Upon the return of which, Proof , , • '' to thii. said Court that the sitid James E: ' 'Ch I n se nd S ettees:- - • 13....-dstvads, Staniis,„ al „ •• hull not be found in nay - .Bailiwick. '• i: 1 'Also.. Ready-made 'Coffins... Painting and - Marin', • ice is therefore torequire yot to appear bei. . , . .... edges of the said Court on the third Monday exehateee. Terms, ready pay. . ~., next, lie answer said complaint, &c. I 1 Lanesboro, July I. 1254, GIBBBRT NEWELL. • A • r i G. B..ELDIIED,'Iate SheritT. i 'OtTMe r i, Montrose, July 2 4 .1, 16'31.. I. li! .. . . IrSiFOR Till IR/P.EOPI4:. &IPA fiber-is oti the 011.41 . R. Jf.-1. 4 - - ii Ti'((; ' ,VESS- iti Ali its vatimis branOlies at and \l' e Shop/hi Ilarford,mhere May he c st, igteater v ietS - Of iVinilor and Dockiitg im at any oth establishment MIN. cOunt,y; and C4ne Sea Bureaus, Be&teadi, j..oang is T:ll.o..QStallilf:C. 4:e., all of winch Will \ t. tt the lowest prices t retail, (or wifolesale, [rt.potice.) All Work. warr.mted well made dmaterial. Short cre:tS aildsntstllprOfits v Moth); For thnnonstra • n of Ilia shOre . ''call at my shop in Ilaffor villa . g.i. . 1 r r. . .I ' r - A. IV ORE sXWQOI): . d, OctOei 12, 1851.. "„ 5.46ine,' - .I, , . 1F-411111 S FOR . SALE. •. higriler will act as agent ibr buying and Estate—)brute, Houses, and Lit,: ZuSquaanna County, Pa. MI Who iriz. , ll to r property , for sale can, p.,ive a minute aesel'ip .eir Farms or LOts as follows : ! .N`urither, of w aunty improved,and how wittcred,.build 'hoyd' Nigrafted or common fruit; oilier fruit the nearest point to the D. LA W. 41.111 '." E: R. 8,. on the liar, 411 nnAoltl. I By calling on the r n minute`degeription, price and teinn , 'Can on Turnpike !It. '4 doors weer or - 'ose, August 15, i 854. A. 11.k1,1)1VIN; • ^ NOTICE.. _!- 1 • `, eED prnposak will be receive(' by the COut.- 6ioneri of Susquehanna county . at the Cone. ri . ollice in Montrose until Tuesday the tll. y next, at t o'clock P. for rebuililing the cross the Wyalusing Creek near H. J.,Cham n Rush towlisltii. • , • :fans, drawing', iantl_spzcificationh for.the said lay; be teen itml exarninediat the Com6iirleri . ' • ' ) CARPENTEH, 4 e J. N. SMITH: ) • .t-., " Wst. A. nissioner'i. office; Mentrwe, - ) - December 11. 165.1. ; f •'. "IVALITABLE. FARM FOR SALE. TITHE subscriber ofers for sale the valuable Fenn and hotel recently oWned . and occupied by Cal- 1 ct Summer, deceased, ard 'wig / known as die "SI.3IIIIERS PLACE." `Said Farm is situated in the township of New Mil ibrd, Susquehanna county, Pa., directly en the line or. the Delaware, Lackawanna ;4; Western :Unread, four miles from its junction with the New York k • Erie at Great Bend, and 11 nilles' from the Depot at New Milford. It contains about 240acrea--180aeres i • • I ' Nato. • improved, 80 acres woodland. It is well watered, ; IL,ATIIEREAS wife Sophia is Separated bens hits a lastin„,e stream running through, and a rtesier- V V - my bee,iind board, and has hershare of all : 4iling supply of water conveyed inlead pipes to the I. property, .This Is to forbid all persona truatlng bar hbuse, barns,and cattle-yards. - It is well fenced and on ms'accoutit, is I will here:titer pat nO debts of hen under good cultivation, is well adapted to grain grow ,- contracting. • . • 114,. and is peculiarly fitted for growing stock or for Bridgeu titer, Betel:0/3r IG, 18* • • - • dairy purposes. It has upon it the large and con venient dwelling now occupied is a hotel; two or- ; - - Carles Unian, Barber. (lards of choice fruit trees; two large horse and car- T_T h retnovd his shop from its former location 14 liege barns; one large barn with two cattle yards; l the'baseraeut of Searle's Hotel, to t! c rportris, ample sheds and all arrangenients,for feeding stock ; ithe same buildiug, in the rear of the bar-room,whe4 three small hay and grain barna ; ice house, brick his Customers will be Waited. upon bm' that exquisite smoke house, large corn house; and all other out Larti..4, Professor Charles Mortis, or lit Igume/f, - at buildings ' necessary on a large farm. i reasonable hours. The well established reputation of the Motel /cetera I'lease bear in mind that. this 13 the only-allaying turratire . Inainess . shop in twin a here the thing is done :,ticatiflirally.' Terms of payment made 'easy; For information, Montrose, December , l9, 1844. address . It. ij. SUTPHIN, i • Summers, sasquehanna co., Pa. 4 November 27, 18.1.1. 1 1 t 1 I i . 1 FARM FOR SALE AT GRE AT-BARGAINS. . 1 THE subscribers offer for salel . oia the most liberal 4nd easy terms,one of the best located rums for making Money in Northern PennSylvatia: The said firm is situated on the NeWburg! and Owego Turnpike; two. Miles east of Mount Pleasant village, mid twelve film the N. Y. & E. R. R., also 'iery!eonvmientiv situated to Churches, Schools, 'Grist-mills,, Saw-mills, Black -Isinith shops & contains °nilhundred and sixty- One. acres, one hundred of Wunder a good state of Mild's-align, well watered and gOOd buildings, miusist- Mg flit good framed house, well . finisoed Off, and very ionVeniently arranged. Also-6i.° good barns and a good - barn•shi:d well calculated , for convenience. two large orchards yieldinr , from LOO to 1000 bushels an ; ;malty, mostly grafted fruit of the beet quality. . The ifurni is well adapted to , razingsuflicient to: keep a darge stock. - For price aid thins apply to. DI F: ;EATON, or to ALFREDLAKE, on the premises. Haden% Dec:3, larii: ' . • . . . Longran , Utzquare, wool, biOelie,and' silk, very hand curte styles and at :c,tretuc!ly low prices: 4 - / October 12, 185 t: V. BURRO !I'S .S; , C aroelie: Shawls Cheapen than ever before know - n; beautiful pattern and tine quality of S-t Droche.,Shawls;Ltspen's man ufieturit, • ,U. DPItHOWS S: Gibson, October 11, 1554 .. , TIIIII:.'."1kIlIOVrI*01 4 111INGS 91 ' : _,/ . . qty. Siiiie Slauss - Ls 7 , i T-T -tVE KICKE3) ET-A .TERRIBLE 11USS,11-,-- . 'But, very fortnnately,-the-earth. is not,thrown-- 1 The t..trasist ,siez, risusi'nu'Atatv, and sktv rAI - 1 fiem its orbit, antithe sun Shines on as before; eisa- I TERNS, $7,50 each. ~' • 1.7.• BURROWS &-CO. .• ; tiling the "•Pieturellan" to work l at ids tr'ade ollight, . Gibson, October I r/1.554.. , , - arid shade in hiS us satisfacterr,rintneerl„ .• • . s ,-.arpet,• - • i His :CeW Stock, just ,purchased;icempriaes:"evei•y• -. i i good assortment and hand,onte pattern.-, at very ! thing neat'aiid desirable in t -, 0/Daguerreotype line;., •_ low pikes: / - I• , ,:t.'I3I:RROWS & CO. \ Land he asks that you will not‘forget to call. •It • I t , - Gibson,,Octohcr , 12, 1•5•1: -,• , I , -4 will be sure to Pkase)hise who wish good' reading., , ,,, I/ .. Blitfialo 'lobes' , •• ' • 'N I i 2'.- • ,,- ..'• . ' -,'..W.B:,DEANB. .. - A large lot of handsome Robes, a part of them whole, I- I , ' f Odd . Fellows' Ilan, Mofitrose Ph:. • - • '.. • • ,• • - . , I Indian dressed and Ver y-supetior Color and quality'. , 1 1/ October ft:ISA. . .C. BURRO IVS & CO.. 1 : Wr7 W.. 4.1). dots not take pidarcs for 23 - er b.: -1 cents: .271fi.te who wish- itch' trash must go elseikeie. -' --= I .. I ' . OUR STOC X .OF STOVES : . 1 ' - • Is _vow COM P LETE:---'and we would take th i s " . : JoUn Groves ; Advertisemeinit•i . .- -'- I,,AA nature, who furnish the birds and..beasts Wah l _ 1 .1.• . opportunity to say that. we can show the moat twautma and .. T .i...s.tiA Patterns of Parlor and Cookinw.i an extra coat for winter has not made-a simitanpro....: - Stoves to be found in the county.. Anicing Mon call i viif to attend - to that d nt; and therefore I ion for Man, I have e aeluded to take it upon my -E- '- .. eputree be seen- the tlevolvi ig t.o . nr and Gothic Parler,. for .' se. wood or . coal, entire! _new and decidedly pretty stoves. I I Prices.frons Lice to en dollars. Of Cooking Stoves i think proper to announet that all shiverinfr, male bi - : pet's, that, need new apparel,.glorious ormiglorious, we think it needless Ito say much, only to reinark, that ; faahionalde or unfashionable, can: have their .wants we are selling them it oui former Prices, and judging I supplied lied their tastes suited -by calling orf.tric; it from the rapidity of ourlsales, inc believ, the public. LliY 4,1 4°1 - !,i'Y Nr°n l 7 o l'e• • I -. • -"- '• . • arc 'entirely satisfied with our prices and the quality ' - _ -- I -- 7; -- •-..--' - . --,----- 7 - "7 ----- - 7 --- 7 -- of. our wares. We i have ¶'a few morejeft" of the •••- . I • NEW GOODS. - - ."Clintott, Air-tight E,:levated Oven ;Move;' ' acknowl- . if 0..1:i, AT AIONTROqE DEPOT, has justrc: • lit edged to belle best' cooking stoVe,now it use. Ku, t.l. • .ceive a new supply of Spring and Summer sin and English Steve Pipe. at old prices, and Trim- Goeds; which will be sell very IOIT far cash or farm -- - - minas and Tin.wafe Of. lan' descriptions at the very Pr4itluce.' : .... - .. - ' ' - - lowest rates. ~ •. • 1. .J. DICXERMAN,jri 5 ratkp.s.o a -- S - e,- 1:11 w 0 ,... t for - do :- sew : • : 1 S • C P %r ea •_ gi r . _ one o:- • . Nu* Miltbid, October 2.3',.1851. s . _ tar at J. C LEE'S New-Store.. . ,--. ...... . • ri`EA, Coffee, 11Olassec Flail, ItlCtc aiteiii:ocerii;- . :. ...I. of all-kinds, very ch'eap . tit '. • .T.-G.LEE'S:... I k. NY ~ iantity* o f -Eggs at 12-cents per &Snit,- iri. -. ,- :-.. h. exchange for goods - at .J. C. LBWS Store:. '- WPM Popular .Patent Medicine Ageary. A BEL TI:1:11ELt has just .receivedi a new.supplv 1-1. of all the pcipular 1w.01.1N - r3unctims of the dais including .D'r. Jayne's` celebrated Medicines, Trask's - Magnetic Ointment:Tanner's - German Ointment, My ers'Estract.Rdek 1.5 . 0&-e; Forest Wine,l&e. 8:e.,. - Pills all sorts, all. diree.t . from the protuietopt. Also, 171t;(1, Cut!Then, &c., cheap as the cheap. • . • 4.II3IIRELL. - - • . . Be : _. est. Mon is*, December tl, 4551. ... A , auCelo I.llltice mioney. - .A PROF _ BL.F: --11 VD • HaY0P:.4131.1: E. 1..! . PLO bt.E.:ll". 1. , . • rrHE subscribe isdCsifolts - of haring an agent in: ..11. each county an •town of the Union. A capital rof from sto VO only 'ill be required, rind anything ;like an. efficient, energetlq man can make front three 'to five dollars per day i-:4ll.deed, some of the agents now emploYed are reafizingXwice that sum. • Every . i iugirniation will - be given by addressing (post paid;) . ' : .:- . 1-111 M. A, ..q)ISLER, 1 I - ; . Box. 6'41; illifiadelphis, Pa., Port Office. r i STOVJLIS Ili li iCASTINGS. lIIEAP. iA. few .13t,!rlor, Sho a l). rogkbig; and Coo/ totica, on. ' hand and will be sold 410'14 to close them ou - Also, Iron Sinks, Itogs•troiteiS, !Buttes Sink Traps, "dor ters; Skids, Clamps, *Bunch. Screws, Door Sque e„1 I,kc. - ,,oue knd Two Movie Wagon,l3•lxes, iimiroved pa • 1 i i wilts, f uerfirst'rate Tt:l i tottsio I.4„trim,-Sprout's Wagon springs. I The above, with many. other articles In that . i line, trill be sold. cheaP. i Please call at ~ I Montrose, Neva . 1 .1, '444 P. IE.CHANDI.EIni, i--4--------4----- L , Administrator's Notice. N°TICE is hereby gi-en that Icttet.s testamentary upim the eststuka . MOnzoh.Pryant; *leeessed, of Jticksou township; hie been ganted to the subscrlb _err, petsmis indehted tOQ4I-state aro'requested to make Inirnedtate'paythent. and,those having claims upon Etia estate to priesunt theniduly attested. or s'et, tleinent. --"- 01A-RLES TINGLEY, Aduer. Hanford, Nor. tn, 1864. - - - EirtICIRME. rtASIE Into the enbletiure or u subledbor, k tio u t V' the Ist of Novetoer lest, a dark red, mall size t w o y ears aril Wen Ifte owner Li reque;sted to pay charges and tike tiorla**.i * Pint4Wkillet,Df;trbel• 34, , wzi• = I= BetotiVeed Sfioea. A ttau;ually good tseortraett of- the but n:al:e, red/ and perfect for sale byy BE: & , • .Drags and nedicinen. •,_, - A fresh stock genuine, Drugs and Medidnes, Patent Medicines. Paints, 0113, Pyestuffs. ac.,,for.side Dec: It.] . ' WITXX ti ;At:Tree:mut t'olnty'ss.' • ) ituditorls;Notite. TIIE undersigned-having btien appointed be . thu Oi phan's Court of Susquehanna county, as Aditor to( disuibute the assets In the bands of A: 0. Batley and ' Emanuel Carpenter, adtnirii4tratora of noraceCetpec".- ter, deceaActl, will attend to the dutiaeot his appoint..' Mont at hi S office in Montrose, on Saturday the 6th day of January ne' xt, at one o'clock itk the afternoon, at which time and place a 1 persona having claims, against said estate T. ill ; present them, oil be forever debarred !lota coming in- Upon said fund. FDANTII. : Di ERASER, AuAltor. :- December 12;'I8114. • • ' .Also, . • .- . quantity. of Butter at 2@ 'cc:Air:per:pound, .15.. exchange for' Goods at Si C'Llil:L"S New Store. • -• /11 1 1108 E 'wishing to purchase for cash, or in ex _L change fiir' barter, will finclit to - their interest-to call and examine my stock of Goats amitiriees Ithemselves.. - For barter of all . kinds the, hilliest es may at all times be, relied on at 3,CLEE'S Store,. liontrose PUMPS! PUMPS! The arcatrst lin - prarrment of-tie,.lgen--C. : IL WillianteDoubli-Actiny Ikll Valt,:e. : :: R -iTe and Lift, Pumpi-,-, - - - -'`' , t , - t N 'improvement above ill other pumps or ma. , ..ti. chilies for lining, throwing,-and =tying water, combining . both a Pump and a Fre Engine,, Thin Pump, patented in February; 1 44, is the halo of It ,i)7 l Metallic! No bolts or screws, bout it to rust.couse.. queutly, it will last a nran's life time: :It can be . used in every valie - ty of form---ean 'draw w aterTrem tioi., sitnation, amt carry it to any part of a banding' ii its superior to all other Pumps .for Distilletten, Paper! MillA, Tannoriei4, Brick Yards, Iron Mau ! , -utheturing ostabilAnuents of all.kinds. Alt llrder§ must be addressed to Antusimboottes, . kiersville, Pa., who has the solo right -forrSusque; - - - . eounty. . 0 , . .., . ... = DISSOLUTION. • -• • is hereby 'given that. the fikto - of C. D; OP & Co.-13 this day ojlObred bY tout oil totem and aecouttrit are - cht: tho band* iur eentetioni Puy . . . LATHROI I . - S. A. WOOPRCFP, \Tint LAT] cons nt. Ti: 0111. :D: Ifoatroso Nov. 2( FAX& GOODN. T Am ;now reeeirbig a in k supply otGoods 'forth ftli trade. Web yid , ba > d at tit lowerrposid blo Floes. Call and see, J. 11,SUTP111`4% Somerville, September RT. •1- - 1, „ - • . „, 'Clover aildTlaseeittly , Reed. VOR *dr .at LW'S Sore , - ; APY:fra:Oere /- . ESE