-,--I—_ , ... , ! position te.gloi l glorify party at the esperise of pribciple," " - n ,' 1 . vi on tiara liStzength" pr. .0 0 i lIRESPONIDENCE. - INDEPENDENT REPUBLIbA • , 'Whoever latun4 to ' -''''''' p. • Pm*. ent, uniop of the o —.....----_. . I that molly aro afraid that the influeneea of Wishin , g - ~ fer the Republican. _ . ,_ __--_-_-_- __-_.:-.--, a , -._:-.:-:-__:...... - --.-_-_-__- --- - - - - --- -- r = 1 nests of Slavety-c.tterision, In*trs, in effect, to pro- 1, ~ 1 , toolbar° , !extended to Ilarrisbuig, and that die resi- A Wore in Behalf of the Poor Children of ' id, t • i• CHARLER F. frAD ANo n. rt. FR AZlnr, Eonotts. 1 mote the forthier lirog . rr . rs of OM Slave rower, Thk- i , ..,„ ... . .den o. ...e'..ditor, fur a rout of w i nters, t at the , - ,__ __i,.. _ _ ___ _______,.___,... 1 000116 who alipreelates the value of organization, and I '' IL ' Near xorz. Ii I Latter plate his dostro c;sl his ant fender ' -- - *= :- -.---- ---- ---- 1 " . - the maitre aml extent of the -Combinadon that Free- 1; It, is Opt easy for thow who enjoy the comforts of ~. .‘ Y backbone t AioN TR or.,E, Pl. . I 1 . •• I ',.. Ila quiet bnme in the cointtry, to a --- ppreciate thewrints ; .?.! 4 - )n: 1 1 ; 1°88l h ie for hint t° 4 ". d " l l' fattligh4 when -- , ''the have to oppose, will den A 1 y. g !Ince at um : to ~,.1..._, ..,,, si col4lontlid by party ,discipline, But there fis one _ Thursday. January • .1, 11.455. 'Sailers , history of the „action.sf oulaational g o vernment 'for t a , 01 stutorn,, , . of the pow in our great cities. 1 Thi •thing al,`tiut Width there Is no reistake : if thelDcino- I I J-, especyly truo of poOr childr,n.eiVe heai 0 I , ..,„ _ _ -----=-- ----=--:---:- ---"- -7:- - -: - - 7 . 2 --- --- : -- r-7 --- - --- • = r7 :-- the hfstfii* iierfi, IA he shffinient toithhw that .the lat 1 cr 4l / c 0 . .,„ to abuse Mot denounce ..intcreiatts, as To the Patrons of the Republican. L seetfi is actieg on "a „regular systetn, and that, %own illbousands of strong, able-bodied meeltrinits am ills; fn. ,. ; it bps dtine for the last three 4, fclir' months, its pat -1 licharg. , d flout employnint, and, afier wandering , •I ronit will be Mostly coofited fo those not of Amen; Ai was announced reecral weeks elite;; in he neceisary for the accontpli4hment of the purpose ior 0, `• - :, I can' birth. : 1 , potter ef ily and without succet , s or a m hole day in quest of , la . - 1 4 ro , pectus for the puldleation of 'a new w eekly pa' per ,I which,that system was iletilsed, the whole Ihilr, tbaythey return . to their statues to t00..0t0. mica hey to be called the !gib p. ;id, ni B , prtl.diedn, the" snit- I the South can be roncentriated, almost as one man. - sn' ere been consid'erable l eo dsitv excite' d here" sure ;; talcs fill :our heat t. with sympathy. We - lamenethe to , scriber has associate,gimqc:f w ith Mr. 11. If. Fral',./. i The acquisitim of ; eatetsilte territot itys, in the as dm authorship of the letter Mill this tOW nship, thnes," and %%Del,' fain gi% e distil euiployment. in i:!: editorial moung. ment, and custom require's a 1 latitude as the Slat c t ot the %Mem opposition of "Itra publiAtill in tile last,Dent al.' f ivritten frilto here But who thinks of the children I The little boys and L., . . , 1 ; forntal iutroduction and a bad' 'statement of lids I thy; Smith to the Wilmot t I'roviso, and to the admis- r',l , , at au, • It. must ha% e ;teat by one of the broad -seal E ‘. passage of the 1 girls, toe tendtr to bear caposme to the storms of l ite ; ', . . . l ' view q. - j Finn of California 'as a ftee;',State, the mocryits. There IS one llyii S lOWndlipf of that ' 1 winter, and )et living a . Imort nithout fire or fool; or Itos well known that he has alw,i . 64lted with the Fniiti% e - slat e law, the violation of the Missouri Coin- kind, whe halt for severall yeara:been a Itunksii drum many t , f them wander homeless and friend- i Demcratic pat ty*ln •this county, haying for several preniise, the Proposititot tcilitequire Cuba, by force or I elet""T'l- 1 Mei., and doneithe errands in.thia part of the' 1 less thrmigh the streets, shivering with the winter's yeaapublished a Democratic paper, and over Abets put - chase- I -to organize; Indian Territorit.‘s, limn whichi for! theliontiose Regency , among his sort exclude all Fecc..sua I cold, seta pleading in tears for relief. Wheit Labored with zeal and honesty of purpose for thelad- the Indian Shave-holders May , th e irh I but no One before now eer su i Spected hint o parents pro out of employment, they cannot get total '' vancemetit of those principles which he believed to entigrants--to re-opett anctiegalze the .Ifrican Slave for-thepapers, as his literatare heret'ofore II be just and conducive to the honor and prosperiti• of trade, with all its horrors,'all these point to a single al 'Mule and are compelled to beg or starve. They I wh'ollv ionfinid to two straight l lines at, right' are net t :timbered hylitmdreds, but by, thonrainle, I, youl:nte _ c c r i . , •, _ 1 the country. But an importsint et-14s has sowed -c- object, steadily pursued- he supreme control of the in these parts, bound to go ; ma titudes of flermait erui4r.lno are constantly i , ~ , I P i „ 1 , 1 1 the recent ejections have decided that the old parties. Sias erY interest in '; the government of the United i thil As Alitru•as Dan/ arriiing t in New York , . a great part ofwhom settle in 1 i ~., tinder whatever name they may have been brgani - Ird. States_ By . adtoitly notnging Northern politicians, i 1-_-__ .:..11..._.--_ - -.= I - city with their families, thus overcrowding; the t are a ttaupereeda t an d a ne w an d - di,:tioet organiaar and playing One patty :mai Ist the other, the eh:lmph. t the sotriol, ,!' narrate errant houses, and adding new - victims• to the tion is required by the pcoptc. For. a long series of ens ef the South have; generally managed to carry 1 1 .. 1e ; ; f atilt' distress of the rx7or. . pt have the Freemen of tee North submitted to their measures through. " Their success has indeed -, e , , . 1 . 1 ~. , , I 31, hot can be done !or them ? Who will offer to tlitOndies who, drti6ses', have l the domination of Sonthern emagogue's and i North- .been wonderful. t . , . c- • , plovid for the-;e suflerit , eteattirt‘s 9 If theY re- 1. i I ent Dougbfaccs, WWI foi hearanceceases to k a l : ir- If aov one bad prophesied a year ago 'hat in a few 1, - , ' 1 , ~, ' • I York, their tifin is almost inevitable.- toe: and had it not been far the•l eccett course of our Months the Missouri Conon omise would be repealed, li n ' n "? i i i . NC I% il feve 'd Tent i ptation is doubly powetful-cold and liungty, National Legislators, in forcing upon us, l the crown- who, north of Mason arid DiNoll'S lin---el.cept Tuve, vtz:,.....1nt Nc3traela ittie jui. traitor, raw Duegitt 4 ould have believed it? Auto the) ; are driven to the commission of mime, andf be ing act cf their two, I ',. lot elptssing the threshold of childhood many cf them " vet, despite the intlig,nald protest of the northern pco- ESE . , , .ity-•:we might still have slumbered on • itna. - are'; to - :- .. _. ._ _, ...... t .•,..- (,. . bees ine ;mature in every i:peeks. of iniquity, 1 : what might have been the final result. But the pee- i'll..ltlu! deed vies dotte. And what shall pre . ve - nt 1 t- $: 'e7 -- -7, -- . ' 1: .1 ,• - S n!e, will,say, let the .wealtity citizens of the me- ' ahrto f .- aliOn'tii° ll ` 4 Y i' l fit.vor of §:lntl , . )If -Of the North baVe at hst tittered their Yarning in theitLriti.„'r tilons'.n."militeing hronght to a 'similar sac-:.! , -- ' tro lii ..build AFylueis for 'them and take care of % ..1t0 Isi . ,- of: : s'•curse te-cilecti..(ll ) ,r c. , itlettt. , , !t,erVti. ;tS a a yofee thatl, cannot be wristakeo, i'md deelarCd their e.-es:-"til issue! .Nothilitig tot.' a Speedy, deteimined,•l , 1 • •t, 1 So 1 in , . i ~ 4 North..; Boa own toot. They have done it: Tilt •'; a no. i • ;;-t,lte . New Turk. 14iritir sity- •,-It, sw a t v i inents id. ti ~, decided; unswerving, acid uncomwonilsing hostOity and 'r united. oppositionttby ble• ''''' ' • • '• • • • - • •i t ' 1 61 I , es . ln the grea war ..„ , i. st , 9 „ ty :i mit of thristtan activity and self•denyingto.Mer. ; R ussians . 44-- Sit:ouch to f beery I:extension in wIM - 04•C'er guise it may be Pre- We have already' tie nia.s.S*B of the y and night qt the (rinitot, • ~, oho c edit our cities, which. would pot num* 'ili'•6s to , dented: Eye: y effoit Li - r.trf being made for the es- begun it. Bighti 'should eettainly have mt. bold moo' .. ,:; ,„ ;1 • it would Ct:••til,il wet tal:e! the f •alitoutr 1..)f :slay- i 1 I lavii.ig . , 7.:Eque, ,, Asylums Ita"ve been built, - anu they arc -tin t , s -, info edzisideration. • 1 • ; ; 1. .. 1 litieal. part tablishment of Slavery in the new Teri holies bud _determined chainplops'os wrong. If we 'have tot so:' ''• • . I • • : •;•• , ; •,.crow-desi full.- Every possible means is use, ;tolsave .- ; s.: . .1. ~ , ; 1 ; ~.' , ii, 1 , -Detniivrati (loes it not behcsove every fliend of needem-eN'erc direct :o self-in erest in the subject as our.oppo'nents, • ~.••_ • . 1 • t . ---tieVl 17 tinoiroa, Intent ver ot; dill` twrin!syl=l i hi,- e • uunt . I 1 i i ' : . . ~,e . ,„i gvn ~.....no destroetion. It would del tilt von t• •• ',,,,•:: .;• man who , has the least spark of inclto;entlenc: rentitin 7 we have the lagliet• motives of philantio , 4 and jos- i • ,• i. - f our A///o/ling ai.d ~..re I tiu:el • bw . d.. f I vanity ._etititst from the Ftitirth Disriet of / ~ di sit , i , / ,) eat i i.st i, :iti ink in his bosom, to contend ;against the t'Stellsion of flee. We may y l ot aNrakr'..fruni . n tal , ct seconity, and ;I to vl F' i .! .:l ' ata. = . . • I . I , .. '.. , 1 ~ o ;:Petintsylvaolii, died at hisiresiilenee h ' - il;rank- 4 staill;;;;; eltildt en, r, : t. liz‘t . .u . u.. yorstinaces in the , fort, on Tilur:dav, aged libent . :3:3 . .edrs. - - • Slavery in this great and hOlipY. Union ? .The rile'.; , ' find our: goverothentirrecoverably suirenderCd intoli I 1 ' ' , I city,. Clad in r.eat attire,. rece:n . o vt..-, •••ses frain the Bi- t ; L' •-• t • • mil la on t •dential election of I kW) will; in our opinion, ilcisl.e. I the hands of those Nilo:, will use it as .a iniglity instru- ii , •"' #i •• - Th • ;11 •ei ir .'t • T. 1 .1 . 1 . vwi1l saltp ;lo in- ettilittrv." blo, mat sivs.i., beaotiful hums ai r - vai , c :n nil •: ,] -'• L l°( I 3. 11-. .• , , .s., . ... the contest-decitle the grzat and import:tilt oltes..! ille:it nt iii.. poiletuiltion cf wilng. •' • . •, 10 oporat ton, w•lien free ; 04:14 I r win 'lie sub- . ' . l', - , tl i k .- •; . • . .4. ; .- Thero me inaoy such, but they are !M; •Ititu coo I . lion whether the North will lotto, r sueenlnb te Se itb- I W 1 1 '' d 1 the I I c air a. ~ gree drat t_e t.n",:e has cone When a . ' ' 1 -..... • ...tantiallv'. - c 4 stltblishi•il - between the r e Vilited - ev it a bly: t; . _, take no, more. Thousands 1P 1 etti it aro .e_ tatgactucti .L.'-• •,,_ , ." • •, 4 ~.. . . , ~, ..!. „ ern domination and influence" and yhether the . 4 l - inth 1 ;top SI 1 ' • • • • :Antes' grin the brit 'sit 1 rtivine;s, a resant :ong short tittle t • , '. i _ 1.,0d,1 I.se put to the rapid ad% ative.of the stave . • •'. • ' .• • . css•vt,o., Het et , it is the csinviction Of nualv 000 d t . - •A • r '-• • ' with her slaves for a great portion of her rsoireSeitta-_' ', pouier, 'and dutt c letreetually vinciimultlit.ll that td••••ct - ' mid 6.11 ick.- soli.t:ht. by .the provincials. ' • nifty:lnce ; • tion, shall -forever hold the balanee of rower.' It is' 71-f • S J ' men in New York, that the only may tO sage them i.: , ;• - ' j , .! ) ; ' 1 /. / . r . • / an.,..• rf t• hirer, Presldetit notst be elected in lis'rati. to find 1i0..n . .t I*,,r th;ot in (it e COtihtre. Accui•dingly, I 1 --Tit n !..entoerzittc State,Cyntral,' ovnintit. their l'9w. admitted, almost uolver i sally,l that the North must he .'l.ei to.: begin In ma hal Freedom's forces for that One eolith s • a Scilly hat . ; been f • Ourt-•tl, called. the "Children's ''tee hitY •• ii•suerl a eni; col l .4 SOte• Cl4ention, arrayed 47. inst the . Sotals iit the net Presidential !•• .. f* ' . 1 I g-rt. 1,1 ce/i let. -..- , Th t .,' to carry v election, with • a very fete exeepdsons, r.r.d is it ;rot • ; . . . : Aid .4elety," whose Main ol t i;.•et is to colleet ' these - t0 il ly li •lii at ll:trrisilti-w jni%.,.4th. time that we should preparei for this cootest-th4 we i . find heroes for Wem in 1 ympliii tee 17t5 , e,1 a series ot ..e.--, _,• _ -.; . '7' : should orga'nizr, and defend those principles Which • 1' • . , % pular Sovereignty .• ~_. . , • • - • T. ~,,,' it-ttuns thtti-,ereus . • l' '‘.. . tnstauttot the coliutry, fir away froni'tice, and crime, midst-ant, 1 aioutti•it know Nothingistn.. - Mies (T that i • . ►'C• 14 • - 1 . •-1 • .. are 1... 1 , .• a 05:7 111 6. 1 _ ore of incalculable value? For We Mar it ' xpeCaoeS liven The crashing ivelgl tof of.pot•ition chat is thought, The children are of both fexes, of all nationti, anti . :; t ... ic 0 7 I•c? Itli.l 1,!-Il i ts t.1,..n.... 4 . , . i , ~ , •!„ ~- , tatioilte at the North. The action of our late State'ThFino- . 1 vaxviri ti•oin the ageCif tin tof f- •• • •11 ' .41 of o 1 to bear .ant Southern outn.who dares' gives ut s .. ~.o. • ,_ i . ...ii.. to., rids .l ; --a trantsia Ihttelthe:ein, reccittly anon:tea pri ,,,,,,f e ... erotic Convention ,ia r‘itising to give an exptesslon, t•teratter totto. natural -entiminits!of the heitit lo farm ' little bo3 a and girl!' 1 1 ...." 91.t.• I•ec" bent ni&- .., a* and - ,in Litt! ,Jl`arter .9essionstol' Craw tl,pl county. - i; • ( , n1 6 1 ; just after the 'passage of the Nebraska sehenie, grows; '• of r , .nitro liaS,piov A , too lII'-cl"I oven for Col. Ber.-•, huntittis more haVe applled to h e c . ou t a way,l hot the P.a., :as ar 141.01r:ix cum:inetnig.' , tli ciriillion li z ilsl. rs'; i ton to bear. lle. h'; Surrodered to the Sldvoty.l Society.could . not senil them for want of appli*ation I e; 1.1 50,;.-';1 \':ti; diseliarLit ti 01l tile', ground ,itlitit tlit.,;• .II. ; w feat's t o the that a portiOn cif file North site farbLIPIC • . 1 , 1* esttonsimusts, aial 1. w reeognizes the 0 itteiple of froutihticOuntry. - . They are often ',mind out by in- i, idlonet• is not instil tabl'e inaler art44: . -knowit ~/ . / , •to the acts, and will sustain the ;dralinistratioa, hovel--'• • . / , 11.1%i. tio t er repulsii . e 'they may bo to those 7 who arc. hor.'rtql- I popular,' soye . .eont*, as ciPour"-ficd be Ponglas and ..tlentore as apprenticos to difet cut trades. .. -, ~ : 1 -:!lftw tit i hlis c.'olninori%venitii. ; . i / : • . • . -. • is ton, sit , 'Opposed to the exten.i•on c•f,Slavetv. And latOrktili, I -1 : 1 " al:ioN to- tho, L fullert es.' tent. In fact, he goes furl In October hod, a ioung mau of toy acquaint:ince) I- , 1 •• :; NT } 11: I.! ..1. lit." l • orta iir:ltnt•hll)ettiot•rtit-attribute!:. J'irpurice. wiry did not our late Cotirdy Cone,mition 1 ,,,,,,- 1: ,-, F ,..,, _ ther to...in they 11;,iyeAl1 's '• • toolJ fort: - 1,0v.i 1 . .0 N • Toil ' 31' .1 '....,' Ver. dope, and dee . latei At. opto T 1 :. i 4 , . from Newo t . 1 " I '; • I, '' and • tiLc... liii ;Ct line's to the - want Of' 'confot'enee re- , -' \ tions condeninin.g the action of Congres:s f in f4eirg• . , .i., ~, :. ‘ i 11 The s Society 101 l that .;•• Kansas 114.1 It.,i_. , :ipti..d . to adatistdon-'-hayt four.il hmoes for then a. .it went t4peet-• . . 1 ! 1 :2.1 ii, --,a,tio-r 0.0111 the 't...'aletisni of 1,11.1"., •1. t: Pelick. and: ; • • ' the iotorti this odious law on the peoPlo, in , 1 to i their i, iag ' last week- • the, other:rec t Lisites-With,or without slavery ai kg IP .'''fid 4 similar I "liiitataiii • , •.:. ;•r• • tit • ~,.) •• ~ the Ott nip') the •knti l ,Nebras:•ka call Anti-t • •.• ~ .0••• I -.es.; -44.1 1 4 0 t. Its yi tto tanj•-ire ni • • MY oaertsin writing thi , irticle is to call ch. , tt '''• ' i! • ••••••• 111 prayers and pcti;ions ? Lzlit not evidloit that the i ---.? P •• s r .__ this . , ~ r t ica I, ..c o .o. 1 ; - • t a en, Vierot: eantla.lat-2s it, other States! I This is , ;, ; • .• - - • eali - will 7 aye power-is e ierting its i s o sesee even i n mi l. own gross, nor evel'i by 'chow of the Constiration, but by tionof • the nmrinclA oil.] )fry?: lulls of Susquehanna 1 4 ec idt, l'i.. lilt; • b -C.) k . t..ftli . - •,\ ••t•i• tj t a_ it... u t. ; ,... ,A..,0 • e i -.' : 111 , r 611 thi 'i; hi ant Lrior ard ..iii - terior, both to C wil. e t nintv to the foet ill•it they can obtain chiltire l from - • ''' • ' • • county, to some extent? :And is it rot the rimy ~,t- . 4 . Virtue of a. ..g. 7 .. _ .. .. 1 , i .i. i f .„. ~ P ; i , •;,..., , ..„, . , • .Haying . l.) .. , . • i• - :‘ - ...ry true Republican to array himse'lf on the side of ' grin and the4Coostitutior.the itilier i ent tight or file .*: , ??.in,e . Society at, a trifling expense. Thu only I 1 - '-- ~1- , iv . rtiii . r . :. 0 . e . 1 ~.i 1 (ter, of antl7.:lS, of- ,1 , n.‘zimit, • fended the Alts-sourl e :1;1.11e:idol by 4tchisnn. , 0. F. Ur. "Frecdcnn and Jil;olit a.7.:41c.1 Siarrro (,),,i 11 - r ioTi•-• i ._•te- :sot ereigilt, pns.seio , eil bc•fore the Constitution charge is the railroad 'fine f t'm New York to Mont- i •t . it, ...,: 1.t% Ins Inilenenclent course its his ne"%v:nosition, them alit Is assuming-, is rtt •the; duries of an oilite:f cf a • ~ - - , wiii made . .;_uot .iirrctitlett-s1 to the federal gore rodent TOse`,D(Tot, on the . . I:'..ntlgil.n.l. train." , The im . ;y..Ceao. . , d ~ . , ~ , i. -. . • :rat . ri' le 'are th- fr Alti I•v ' do sik .1-it dof v•o-k: • toot a f trn c 1.1 Tr t 1' 1 ) !Y e '''' It stated the t the s Suothern I)tonoeritts t o dile and public journal, hi!' deems it inettpctlient to etlarge-.1 when , it " ~•a( . . ~ ,-,-,', ~re are„ ._ . Inc 1 ~. the - .. i • ... , a ! ~ , .n. s. r, a- rat r, ; ~. ;._ . ~ to 1 • ,• - . 0(ili ' . 'SS are clamor lig tiave , 111111 Ws.- I) ' c••• no I rx. 1,,, ) ..r o • . .... :. : r-r t naho .••ii!s vitt malse thstits.elves nodal in domestic .• • , ,: ..3i,; •farther upon the course he intends to pu: Sne,lns he I.. ....lat'''''•" .- .. t ; • ' 1:1 I.sitt . ;,;t ' • i . tbeirs.- . . Iswell aware that the fesponsibilnies to bths•-eticoln- ' abtoy ; Frei - Ail:lr Srot...rot:pity, then. aecoidirg tollr. Berl :. • 7 . , • r i . , . [ - ~ • f . tT..giVcs the peolde of tho 'territories not only Con- ..111 yoo o,l;c• the children al.• . xpeetcd ~ to do - it;! 1 --•, I MI • is lititik l ey . thil min wito retfrilll is - .771e I teted are of ho incousiderable. impol tat co. tsufliee -. :to say, then, that in cot - att o, st i tig 11,. b lini bi e llii t i i s tt•l of tin-the.otcwanirs,..but, of ours also: and the fioni a . ' 1.. - t•e% olent•d i csire is 1.,,,P10te.- tbc:it s if elfare,•!: yaliell frton the Co went at 14..nunitti.141rg, is a trey 1 4. ' Ile -cditotial masalg'oment Of the Rept-1,1:e a•. • , ills oin• Pt,oP!e ('f.' thits,,Cotifeilerrey ati lat%e no voice its the audio gi% e them pi orer attention and insit:ilctioa, 1 yrit iiii; it lorg ]tilt r It'll reol;:y to the of the If. 11. I ... • i i .-- _s•l:t will be to furnish a paper which sLall; be h i de, qtrastion of titr.itting new [ntembers to the sister- I sioubt not that a i.:Ti.•,•• 11.111/ber might be taken in- ititititiiilot'es . of the 'o4ent, iinbllshill a few :;•al:11 :le, . elicie.,- i t, an advocate of Education ar..l Ttluptirance, htutd of Statestilt,i,hoeve chases-.-lieing a part to the families c,f our eitheas,•and thus skveil from ,i(laY1;s1If,1•1‘. ;"he ; itenils glying :a pvtliplete ,tiles its ...nd :which shill be accept:ll)lo to th•• itoptailican 'or cf the yniteil ;States. territory-has the tight to de - '- s!.411•1 inv . : and pethatts fit.m tutu ll . ho yot:la 1,, 11,c..parr4tiv.p Of Gni VOA /.f .,. . : • : . ;" - eNult,l t:l r il. i i I,' . Ll• :. •5 .. Free.Soll part' in Sthwraeh.anna comd v. . /told admissicin. Lel : that doetrine be proroulg:itod' fad and grow up to atiotri Fpviety. - . tronitoe. ' ' ; c.- 411 is a. singula r but'olenstirtildeltto . t, that (. •-• I , . fs We therefore earnesils solicit, ana aA: tbe L .. .. - :ltd ttete , hpor. : aid! 'ice What' will be the yonse f ..- .. .., I ; It is esneei ,Ov io, •••••to," • t tins, •' li , .;••% ' •-• ', - " • " this - • ; T '-• -.. i 1 verni‘ont„ tr esii, fin, latia!tendt.r. l froitii the. • for- '•: ,' ' i . Z ".. , I'l ' rt 7 l l l V 4 la; it 4 lefrigt. - nes a- dun •hri-t 1)06r-toe f...unisi:2: • •• , .r.Ow 11101 e 1.3 - 11 ever befoL ..' -P.-'-.: • • 1 - • .I - • 'c;,.l- ''•' '. • operation'of ~ ,, . .14:friettils vho so roblytriumnted at q' l 9 ll e , '• -, ~,,• •• . 1 •‘ - • .-,. • t,•• : i • ~, , , - r". ~ E . e St.S,, i Is ialeapel iiot% ; nil .... , Louts t(tan iteel. ; ".' I" il s a T o• lt-ie s /to she late elec.tions tb aid us ia extending the- : iv -Ida- . tau system !of= Polyczanty;'w 11 be (lain :irk at Fathers and mothers cane to the moms of the mutton': or pork. J. ,T14:4 editor of thi hitel.l- . - 1 • • 1 •• or,ibahli lion of the Iniiej, , ei,ikut RepirUican,• assurinz them "ti ••• Soviets- amt. y-Ith fear 'ill e c... • 1, the since • - •:11,., , . Sles• i ly and Polygamy -..1:1 e , o . , • t . . :.nil trembfing old ' v_ee- • getiller ilays :We ii.t . 7..c. / .. to_oli time '' it _t i . .that on: otmosi exettions -h .1 rsot be yap ing to ClaiSt . in - Thilat!Cr: l( 4 . the 7Ci. , L . 1111 1 m - la - vr, and of all otir ' ofre,r to part r 411 t!1•,11' bets.. vd Children. becatise they. I tougjit,,tit tour toots .:1 Fitaita.l recehtle, and ' f "" cA , I. . trend..:: It in es-cry r.:•speet ;Y:,.0.11:....tit.1 thcir Patkonage. ideas of -.ILIA ;; ap.d.if °mi. hriog a heal institution in, . car: :o: fi'cd and t - 16;11(' 1:1E•Iii. 31tilly malt:111110 have i'•' stnltliCs” are .botti. , ,lit by the doze at eight. Cii'antts F. 1r.....n.. a Territcit-r1 without. this IConf.-!eracy. can olligo 'Us 'To Paients, and after to -go ary whore and' ilo ;my- i cent's. :',- ir i .11ovem - I to reel•i•••t- an..,1 chit ish it,ll".•hr tot the ollier I" -. ! tiiii?:z. II ti:c-y . may. 1;...A elle:lsh the !MN. , of livlng ill a_ 1; t '.,' . ••• „ I - I •• • Rich The I -7--:‘:7 an Irttilvitt,, , Ol itit uxtravagapee tA , i. :, • Bitt this - - i,j,torit., , . ;..1 . ••!artkol fez To.• I,e.ldli t - •,•. tit ; `;'"-`3ll°il,3o_le Lit:l.W. :j 1-.•"" '.1."" g' .S'g'"l'.lll"." .)Get r has i•reyailed in the totottry fur! ss r plie Cone. I ,''' '' '' . l ' ' l . . 5 . ii.11 . 0 p „.., vets rnight ... if canted but in practice, 1, , t ., (1 - to t..:_:;:-.l:cire-, if the srei,::: ••• ..II 5t.:..: 11: , ;7: entcf Nei: an iilll6riiti ,, huti,,ty, .1111 Netr; - York hil,; - wri ; teti I ,' ' ',7 ''''"; u• . of tile. l' ts:Which ithat rti%Vt.T iroui,l disappi ovel slum I. ` - n k • i ' - I a letter : : stittlia ILIt iiiV:111161111t of duties-raid ; .. :•: ( 1.- - - ‘.- -•.i - - • - Lf- _ . tlinl (ti 1;1 EMI ci 410 lilac- tind,2l-'J lica t. C55.1111,1.1-Z, IT. y- 1 , , .. . . ~ , . .. • ~ , ; ma l l:,, an cal-lci r t• at , p‘...-.1., then, to all mho read : tbe'llepublican it rutty be .prorwr briefly toi.lin..e to ; ecet.t if.dications, there is:. no of on the - part. * and it 1 1 ; 4 i're,t' tell artifieial flitts'er4 for thtfilirst guar- . toe causes widch have led' to its paLlication, rd ,al !of tin; Shivocnicy, toPlacini the IndialtS, art polithial these lines, to do NV i llat you can in this cause. • ,You .1 ter Of the ettrrer.t o=ral ly.ear Wits altiikt 0.0111 - ile 1 • ! ,„. t.etr'.4 r. int.; )-01' OtC tour NC; •t • ' •I'' . .il V chi =c t '. i + 4,i ti said- I . 0 „ ur o nln t . r t s s, at. i.a . in some-degree to indicatll \ the course of pol tical ac- . and social- equality with themselves; for they pre , n'IlY t i - C l''''..., tile . ..a,ll . ollth. 0....1.1...04 ( l in 'fallecikt...l iron. -•. ~ torn In 1.40., whieb i ia the present Ibis's of pOlitieril i.fairs,• - I 1 1 . -•ese the orgiminatiOn of f erlitorit•s tutder the Von. t e ndet suffetim.r: children (tom a / position of the great- , i.l ' . . . .... „; .. :• . : • • - f t...1' ,f , : t • • • ii• ---lhe lialuiitiet ot f tlie '.' e w 1 1 .4. k .Cr ) ,..st;il-. ctthe .1 deem it iny, dirt to f.ursup. . `l trot ('l'idiaik'slavehelder&with a view to- their future r i.. ' est peril both to body and soul. The expense. will;-. ) • '. - - •. 1 - •I alaCe , :tre said to he in the nei ,, ltliorhood Of slit in „A • The Constitt-,.tion.of chi United States is without . :--, a i...l s i on . as F.: Lata . ; au'd ii is pieludde that ere long. ..bdbut trilling, and. the satisfaction of having reseuedh • c....iin 1.,.. . ~, . 11. f . 1 ''' •i* nue tart assets: in Lite Ssup of tile hits bet doubt one of I the noblest productions of litif an. wis- i-One indiaii, nith his foCic of titian chattelF; will "One !t4 .there little ones" I;•cLY be a'Fourt 4 vf thei' ' l ` '°' • rare` . , dont, arid we fondly imint, to the operation of C'l , l - 1 have.:a Vepresentatictn in ICont.ress rald a.t vice in f a ~ , s••reso, t , . .. , sweetest retleettonialtd -a joy* forever." ,;.: , . : .. •t" ..I I inlildiiio - fixtures, i tii I i 't ac.i.tier . „ N.:titled . 0 . our t 1 ti -a 1100 000 • This latter'stim if reltlizetl. will 'of .:Itli 1 Government and the m.civ:th Of'our Country )inder.it, 1 f c '', H,, i. ... c_ 4-. .. • i t :: - i 'Secrets • have aker.th Lpplied for hogs rind . girls. t ' . i . ' '. . „; . ma ii.g, t it... AR,. t.- old- c eit,ti, equa _o a sco,c of i. . , . i :abeitit teincel the toortgages ,lieltl tsly the th- sea ot; L.F. an, evidence i , f its parfcction. Illtt. an I?lpartlal ; ' , „No . itiierst -freentan. lit.t .n . f- IIL it- f•• ppose . the free qc s 0 1 - - - aild I would &faille serve at.y:wlin are .disitosed -tor; -: - . . • 1 - , - reetor4, for money acl;canced.' • . gillect isi . examination will show that the action of the (;cvern- , the . Sorth to have .colonizi4l a portion of our W•estean i v''''Fa' l ',t l l'Pli. 9toll- 1, ' 1 il e it merit has ettanged . somcwhatf,inee the. time when it' teriiior,.. &mi, having 'irlit-lied a Ikpublican form 1- - I '`. ' d Lses .e le the ' rindson of Gen- t ..' - .: • '.l4,y:adiire:. , 3 i 3 linion Thco.gira! - Sevvinfiry, • Str; 1 -h-led rimy) ..c.) t „, g . _ , . „ , , alto Jit *as' administereti-by the :patriots of the Re lution, 1- ; of. g6i-em.-.Cnt, hating, ,ty excluding Slavers 'fiOnt 1 3 :ork:Cii.o• _ . . -• 111 ' fl y ri a i ais J i •-o sc x.. :: rend Lafayette, and the only; is desecru- , . . .......,____ , . •- I antof the Illustrious dt. , ceased Is now in WaAt- 1 and it ; and the , growth of the country has been ttended i , ainont: th,ri. evinced the r belief that "all men tire . 1 ' .• • . • , •, .. ~. , ) ~ I . .• I , I at tent, . . •- ( . i ntr. ,t o n; I:ecently lc visited! the too helt.ses with more than an equal • gron-th of a great eve t•ttle .7 -* - 1 1 icreatc-d. free ar.ti equill," havingt•Mbraced the Cliris' t• 1 ''' - •'• •-* - Fo r , tli. :`''P ul "" n •, : : • ' :liie.. , F --,• of Cori.lre'ss tail was' introiltmed to menthol's, i istcnce of which ourfather,s deplored, and whose cm- I • - -..t • 1 f 1. , if ' ,1► d '-, , the'. L'ott ' I J an T s eat o, t .t. 0113.01 oent,..t. en,u io f .. • Anti-Slavery Ileetin&i at Susquehanna De• ; - - - ' islands ; pot. i awl °tin:N. - • After ',Making a ttair of -.the': , ; tent they curtailed 51.57 faras layln their power. ' - I I ,r(ov,garev, std having all', the other rec i nisites.-stip-- • ' . i . 5 . 5 " t (lOWA', Silvery, that monstrous esotic in - a free country, !p e v. -- t,lle - ni til be now as tug admission-into the tn. ! - 0 . portimi f Soilthiat will return to i ranee. i ; 'Pursuant to nottee, a large, - and respecta-c. . . „, 3 . . .; . , • them, - i • instead of being jonlouslylconfir.cll to its orig . inal lim- ' i „;` , , l i' i . '--1 .'. • . '., „, ~ ,; ef the citizens of UFguehanne, Depot and vicinity ilEi, 1 ..;_th e ' w„,:iiitlgtott Unioh', the, Organ of the ' Th, : , ~wou c it te ,s.asocriey ever Cuer.. „li e-qta . t ~• , , , v I u l ,„ • •col 11 .. 011 ,- .0 ;.••••;') Do '" i ":4 11 * irli . i,Adnomstratton, is Ju it tt : A ;midi, ditoressed ' its, or abolished, in pursuance of the polley of the''; tliev.~ Ito have the ! race whnse naiural flAits ; z t ltn "''''' at '''''' t per ok Drctimber 1741,, . hu ' t atd L.I:! -Hindi; i abtfutl the, Know . Nothings, as theiN. Y:.Tri- - men wbo framed.tle Constifution, tow receives the 1 ...... 0. „,j ; f ur ". sc . ; f on , train!' led nr , oa..it wi . th them :in : day er'lthlg•elitiriti ' Was ChoSen Presideitt, Sedate . Gristroldand. Nathaniel litilit.. 1 • The' I. nioi l'• is parfiettlari2i savage. up."! „„ v i6i fostering case-of the C4t-er ,, rce , .t, ar,d.,ah-hn Jr' . t 6.-+ i . 47.,„-i-,; , , arm naier:l trt•tat voice with them in mat:-• strong, se-Ic:.< as'is; el*ident to every relle:ulaz ot" - ' . in , . the. laws : of the emir: Irv? ..Nobisly believes they. Ilill, } - : , 34., Vice. : Presider.ts, and Dr. 11 A. Tinglef cool iii Know Nothing . Ab;dition ' Slavt.! Stt'al- I „I - . t h e l server of _t coat i the ei.tire' - colitiol of our n..tior.ill of 1 r.-oithi les.cr iv:cotn.:iv. , Il Ir principle Of poPular sotc- ;if ecretary. Cliarls C. Ilutleigh, that eloquent and 1 cr...-0 (Tate x h ..ort.„-jtist rt, s'avagei . . as the Tri.• I I:.:Lbt, , • fairs. Is it Oc t ; then, ihe duty .of the per , de of they. sr , i __:: - • i h .* ' . , Th ••- i .gn ty to E‘'lo aca • C prme:ple- would then ;••,; . - ; r tried!friendof freedom. beiog in attendance; was the 4., home '•ufron the Santa: ili: :N. SlaNi,e.if...atelier , z. •. 1 ... 1 1 • t • .hilts" !• - introduced to tint audience. and inoceeth_4l to - aft:. I;' j 3 , . , i l , , N.twth, as they lore „their counity and. fre dorn, tai. he ;,,,: t .-. 1 , ,1 . - . 0 , 0 • 1 •‘1 -. ' f h . - - v. :a. , Ni•l'.:tr.n; esttation; or t ose who arr. ' . ~• . i A t ute leaelter - ssConvention met inthe i '', a ri a ' ' unite against the thrcater.c.-d do ±i. pion oft ie South, iq ri • ~ .'' .-- • , ' ~,,j .; d . ,• _• • , -3 •• g i' ' tire-the r‘ectin in a r perch of untritual .powe4 ; 1 t.• ,-- - f'-' ' 1 beauty, jrnd eloquence, He spoke *of labdrine''selt'S .. ._ • i , realm, el cry nett c tolean.. ~.r. iiespetuatc a syt- , ; Pr,o3liYl.erin Cltuicli ,at 'l4Wisto s n, Pa., •on' as Yel with as much 1:n=1-nit.. as e•on ern men ersubine to , t t.t . which ' • • - • - 1 .• .. e places the n any tinder the despotic . ruhf ...- • i • . - 'r " , . '' .., '' ' I Tuesd'ay of last uk - dck; Pret: J'. P. Stoildard ' ' l d '''"' effect that object, pad 'At use lire Power tlicif possess .of : n. few, care nothing .f such a principle, only as'its . longllt \ aet in the anti-slavery . cau t ,e, to make the:North 1 w 1 , • 6 1 -. ;le' ' a -'•'. ' 4 " tg' 'W ' i etc tempu at) • l;tct4.. A large tobring back the.government to the true* kepublidan . ~..- ' ,: nr , w.,1 - 'i: . 1 , 1 . .e ni.:y serve as a ell IT.I tOb ,CSI,IIC the North into ~ •• , -• • • , number of neW Inenibers . a'.re .enrollea, sev , 1 wheth policy? I believe such to be,o - feiri.cluty : and to aid; !:„, , , i ,,,, t ,f 1 11,5, „,1 , ,,1 1 i I. ,-.. 'I , ... . 4/ 4 00, EC.ICSIC:. ... ~ ; Ftiuth,•and of uideting often : with ri:huke and dentin, 1 ,- I 5 I I: • t ; ersi reports submitted and disvnised, and all I i ,"' L ' l4 as far as pos..-ible, in effeeth7 EUeh a ninon was one ~ . :;; ; ; • , • • pit.tion ; but that. now the slave-holder had comp Of, f ' fowl. NN hateser th•:! motit" • that intlnet , l Ir. Dotdon, to •-•, • . • .tittlsses•L made em a- varlets - ot prattleal edita- ! n . 'Of the; .103.diPZ 1110tiVeS• for estabh.,ll:lg -11 4 Itttptitli. ~ ;-. - , i -., .- 4; , • , • . of 4 . 4 . • ~• 4 , i hi -aid, and thelFugjtive Slave I.aw and the repeal, ,;, .i . ~-„I„. I , s r ~ :,. i . ~ -.! l eas i .• rherautgate i ro aosuro tncory . state....togins, the • 1• 43 the. 31i "Doti e, ommonilse 1,.a(1 aroused ani eahici , to tiro tt . .pn.s. - Int; all.latlUnneaaa? a cry Jai ge. . , CUL • . .. , \ • • The old partieQ .:are ali:ead). been de.no-ed by the i • 1. ,: i ,; )1 , • : 1 • , I • k I II I ' • 1 15 I act has been fatal to Li: -far re; and hi it he has lost •-• . • • .• . • • f' ' , .. to, 1 _ . ~ ~ , , feeling in every nianly heart. That the question nolt- • .t-4 The latt - .st ari•hial from l einEgence and rstt ern ot ti.ousand. i!- . ; ---, ! ; eoulel. Europe ltrings: f o r tl acids; 'who. I litve ;ia the North' was`ot whether We are all fr,'e nirp, but. nollitng of impt - trtiret. tfretn: the: si-at of War. I win', debar ef the pitorl.c.,.- T i h:-.- - f.--., cat' mass of Northern I,• i * - 1 t lO.T:;d been ' l liis adinit eve, •but are as emphatically 1r• • • ', men perceive the prils to which tile free I: "tuitions I' -.1 .. r•.•.: 1 , t - • .- I :nhether v.-e• are all clam=. 111, , : illustration of *cieil The ',mites were tnaking but,slow progress in.. rep oli I tl.M4l.st hart when It istirsoi r. ..s he.% s. it. fu r tau .. • • of die country are . esposed, and hare deteilmined to t * 7 ' 1,. : i cl '- '''' 1 •-• ''' '•''. ... .. ' • •• • •a al.rcligiotez libdrty in the beautiful land of the five,* the siege of Sebastopol, anti reinf4reements; of I neig.ll 1 . • I who; lie via :tat; I • .•. - 1 - ,; .; . . unite for their preset vation. The formatioit °fa great ,I * -1, •,: ...., :( ~ :.. •• . .: . was such as to almost make the audience exclaim, Tet EJA6riisli, French. i ittid T kiriii,,h , ).roops were .11.ta party of freemen, at theNortb, - in oppositit l r e 1 0. 114_1 .. :, 1 .3 -:I 1 ---- 1 .- i --:- . . ------!-- ..,. ...- -. ! . i'C i s fight . .slaver l Y! At the close he..wasj i loudly sits . hat...tgning - toilitl the besiegers. 'the IZussians 1 • . nt Anlnctsra.vral: ..11.550 Tnt. liNOYr 50T03".014.- . elavery-estensionists is ; inevitable, and to- tin. p.ariy-; , .• .k ' , New " . . 1 - s i landed... . 1 .,.., i . - - ptitVe a lintlre. foripidabia .foe than their enc- • , 1 , .; The llashitrgten train and the liamptthire •*, -_. •. 1 • •• . ~_, ilia be proud to belting.* 'is • ' . [I. .. i • v.,e lat..; •niev i lent which occurred a coin- -11Ittru seem to have tOlticiPated. *"i I '}' Patii•ut i:Iiic:11 mar b' e l ormidered : the especial o-11.-trts • ' "whilst i ' II; :'. i i It is objected that.thik; union of the ft ten of fret-'; I.i.- V 1 - '.• - - • ..-,' ".; 1 ince were in iearch of it hall forllr. Purleigh fo I !_..:.'..- A 3 u d,r e of •riv:4tleut Therce r l a e troth making savage *war on !: i ••• d , ' I. tI : ,-.• in .NTj,wJerse •.1' • l c . , . ~, y. c tinge( the Ju- •. ... dom w-4!not.be.pertuiti ‘ mt.- It will probal i tly contin-* lure in, desert to he*remembered.' - 'rhe Metfte -1 ryi that the sidewitilfs must belift unincum- mlt 1 the Knots.ii.Cothinisi altd both alll seeking to inset 't' lie asinag ei the cause 'LI-laicli fetid:teed it esists, that , Ist trustees wer applied to for the Methodist Churelt. lies ell by- good , kiir artieb4s ;of ittreliandize or I:the order With the t ams character of . the old tart- c is till theElaceryquestioniS sat"of.ictorily (reposed of, 1 r ford Convention- - 4 Patriot says the ?cork hare declared the llartfe :The request was refused, on the ground !hit - slavery tii i flie.; . Pen,onsiltave :i 'right :tb Like their The sooner that result is elfected, , the Bette . ;hat fronr ! '`sag a Divine inititution, sanctioned by God hiniseli- g lOotis into their I.4.lil;dingi, acroSs:tlte side Walk, present indications it.wp be t rne ; years lience„l .Ini Is there another church outside. the Southern prix- litit ;they must tit'kel each' pactai4 as Soon as clays, and ili*at. Is 1 • , I -. Aelligent freemen will pot be infleenced byl tilt:, Uses,. • be, regarded in.thel ithouse, where.a majority of her trusteeft hold stleli I „aided from the !ea t• PlaCino• b iter era -, , ; , t, 1 loads tion of permanency, which apPlie.3 with equal force to ni i it abominable doctrines ? Do* you Wonder that si=gner eit tile' sidewalk at he sitnie tiiite Was. a vio. all parties, but, now ilia:, the ties of party pire thrown -.: • . --.,. •- I - hanna Depot Ii soinetimes'ealled a hard place 1 1 ,•••: . ' la:tiljn of the law, at, .the.!sitlitwalk and tifr C et. .1 . i intelligence or r. qtr •off, will. be found battling on the side or freedom and If the To the honor the the church I, would add that. ohly • - 16 . 1tine'r to the publi: •- .- - ' thotmi , .-; • , Matti . 3 . _ - n hinuanity. • -,t • -. C' 5 three or four o its . members are. prwslavery-fh 1 . ~._ . 1, ,•'' 1 " ! , , ti e Order referred - t , . ~. ,1 1 - 7 , -,-k.ongress Ma:, tot expeete4 to do much With views such as the above, I find rlystdf act- 't . • I pro-slavery member's being trustees.- . r ; • : ritifity of treas , a t' .I 1 1 011..rtfter the Imlidalys, and thi4 expectation jag in concert with a large hod). •of }'re Soil men - „, ,-, Yonr4, ' i'RErcaLICA '•• t . 1 . • •1 tempt at een-gove * .• of*Busquehanna County, and can only pramise tb..na ~, tut , peOi•lte' tlot 1 , . ; •In qarnest, and we may look for "tunny times. that 1 trill endeavor to fdt: My allotted - place in 'the 0 . . 0f1 i ki .,,.: anti it * ..For die Republicatt. ' •.i • 1 T 1 - i - . , • trn • .1 0 chautptons of Slavery 'claiiri that the re • Ttepnblican ranks,•for the'adrar.ceutent of the great.. ,-. :. ',7, . , tne siipervision-.,v ecnt elections at the iSierth - ,fhave .not pro aathle tllatunit:ea Ug-: VI .'1 :' H. ' - 1-1 7 'it ' i2 . 1 "" i 'General . lii ' erc6 tl nhaneed a verdict agatitist the ',Nebraska bill, , ittnYof course they! intend to gtion extending ibiti, area of their ppt institution} if they can. # l lp expect that all trite, Men ;in Congress, Otifitlent in the suPport . of a frtfeconStiueneY, , 1 lbe bold and -* . 1 ' ' r • 1 • NI I. . tin,' it.. , dtni,, in tam. advocacy la the right., _:.., ; ~-. ,•• •- , ; •• \• • 1 : -; - ht •i ttg • Daily• ; , ' .g- • Ili : ',The Cy Press, peeetiftrevl4tll, shs's that a thorough itivestigneion estaldloities die . ..supremacy of Chic a,, 'toss a gi-ahi poet over Ail otlrer ports oilthe wctrld,`• g Accord It o - to tlte-6tlculation of rho Daily 'Bess, the grain' port Of Chicago eicceeo th,Lic of New York h ,,. 4,298493 hushelal; tkoso-4,)f St. Louts by rt'ore than two hUndred and, fifty . per cent; ((Lose of Uthyankle nearly Riot. hundred'-' c ar ,it•lt. Tuining t 4 the!great.ioanarics of ti. kopc„Cititi,ago nearly dotibleS St. Peter-sherg, pa , largast, and•e*eeeils EGataiz: and Itirailis oriplitiltieli .5,446,r2 - 74 , 1ielit. I ' • • - 1 „, it A HINT TO Torrt.A.a..rEnrounEns.--At i the receut i ' ~,..-, _. _.. annuall exhibition 'of .the Susquehanna A i m . demr—a I . The " ° ` invrie ' llt - • - ' • nabliche4 wa , very creditable liffitir,\ by the tray—it was: curious to IP. • ' ', at - i . ' witnes'‘ With what etstfimiastit the audiene ebtereti, 1 54 P it1 `' .64,e1 " ' N'e cspecitilli with the -feUt °heti upon Ter , .11,4 1 t, .,1 of religits likri Tb e _Oc• . - _ .: e. . 4 1 that retigous fair .iesion. But a clue tO-the ori , in tl' dies 'eve •c - 0 •e' P rg Pl. T ,a - , 4 ' el .iletroastrations„ might be found. in tifhispered re- i vir, • t- 7 ati'• h is ''. raark of it briy who satin tiicdranglit of cold stir, near I err-tuent; or, oth the open, ri v 1-r, ....Said he, "When - dia l - t girl geti, I 6 ` e ,. ! tn . ) , "P ervi • through "v 4 4ogileP lont,poitittion.-I • o v in g to rhe'er i-P iace ' pr,i, any f like thunder, ea az to it , ctrin fly feet," I. ct," ' .! ! i ' : 0 _....." - ,•. - • ."'" -:' , .1.,:;"' i ,:,A. Ma 1, —The lii..souri.J.egi.slatilre anis met acid .1 ile.s, deeiebra ' Iganized by eltio au Anißeanie 'See- i lon'a' e la Pr.( "he' Y J i retarr of,ftbe Senate; and .a' Whig, Speaker Of - the !louse. Mut y big members we resolv ed not to vote for Any one. for V,' .Bertntoir, Who is mot in favor ct titit &bra-Bill ,sitd s. :11 , 444 to _it tepiA, ,--.-. _ . .1 i .. IE e1 , .:..-' ore of 'tile EMEaI OM . ;'onvention A triatonctic 'con lAt °thin gi . :m . should, and yet swill itne light. : I eaiit complimentaty either td the twin of the American peop:le.— i tioi who hare united together in jih almost every State, are indeed i ewe must conclude that out at- i 0 nt his proved a failure; ithat; ) ite - trusted to take care - 4 their i P ',Sooner they arc btought under d leontrol'of some wise bead,, like' •lfette .. - . . . , ..kcnritx, January I, I itis'.. I r , I ~. Mutsu. nun a. a - RAZIEt —Eitclosed You will in i one dollar and tly cents, for which send me the Irk- - • Oitui , the Know-Nothing pap:id 12 . I publican for one year. In this iownshiri we are nOir itigtim, In its declaration of :pi in:: 1. ly all in faviir of the new paper. We hve long heen iilidl pr.otest against all otridfjoicric! a the opitioi that keepitig up old parfy names ni' ni holding it . as 1 ,- .ai di ril d, rao ' tira !,l dibtinctions, where no hisue offorinciple Was invol4 . ed, !• r . 4 a (Irakl i on b etween ene bl...iraii. was but an engine in the hands Of corrupt and i 1 - • principled politicians and demagog,ueS, to ! carryfout and . over which no political gOV; ' I O m= power can r i,,,i tti ni k i , th eir sel fi sh schemes, at the . expense Of the piiblic I 1 , c , eXert 1 o i pr control, at any t i me, i n „y .. good. A papCr of the kind you proPoSe to •puldi4b, 4n n . ..' . .. that shall sustain .Northern -interests and ~Antericiin. - t • i -IP .... • , ; . rigid!, cannotlfail to be co , rdially received by the kse:o 1 ,eript, bi Francien limel Pio of tkis eoutaiY• , -• ' ;Dominican , entitled ti.': i The ord liwi lb . -(rs are becoming few wait' Fir lc' neia de San ViCeilte de Chip I between in t 4 - part cf the county: in !fact, 1 diiotot ii t," Los just been .diseoVe i know a` in in this township among the AMeilciOt .I , ante:matt, und it i's said th 1 eitizeur, that do not heartily' appme of *o'pr : hid , I valtrable - triateriale :fort lees upon which the -nvi•piper is married. Reire ta ; 13fesiee und,Cireopul Am .' ' fore the Democrat has been;taken * a Consideiahle if l' . : - : .• ; I eatent. but of late theei._ trot tw.n tasnift.siell thaidis• i: 1 • ' " - • , • , ' • 1 orl patsy, rau tem in A Avent o it cor!iiitts en° atlettrfbiAt ' ira,;••,, ', i - i.'' : 7 ' MEM E.IN; S t N 1 • !: snid that al sOeets*ith long and thick tinkles. British gatl drawilifr4iiii the Webi aliiedffort:l3s in the El M . e.xteo, the MIME County, f men; writing as beta ngles. tics: sweep ig feet riso}is atc. Lein ludics ; to augn .t. ; . with tnt the i25u1t.4.41 • Amin. erect .eleel ion 1 ' _ . . . . . . . : thir P4per. If we can . uceeed :in making. the Independ- ' ent RePubihr equa i the sanguine expecta tions of our riends,lweshall be abunduntfr satisfied.',. le substantial evideriees we . aTe daily Tee c'iv n g that! th o,p' ropositioa l to est+ fiOr lish an.inde ndent IFree•Seil paper is qr- Ti e ably' receive i by the people of Sitsquehanim . 1.1 County, .ind the friendly mtice oflour bretilt- . rat .of the • ress, are 'alike gratifyitig to us,l Your k'i feelings and good wt•Thes are ilp ii preeiatell; g ntlemen, atid we will t i ryiio- me :- it their wil inuatiec. . -. : • From Mt cAtg the notiees.oe our; enterprisei we select thc follOWing, the first tW•o of whi - , 1 .11, being from Japer Published in the ' Wilt 'ot District,' w uld seen to indicate that the t 'ide is setting st ongly. at fitvor of a union of frce.- 'l•'. Men, throii , lio.ut tlic District. . i- Ntiw PA ER AillONTßO9E.—Messrs. C.iF., l REA') and I. 11. 'FRAEIEtt have issued a ptos-' ; '' I peetus fir a newspaper to -be published.] at, 'Montrose . , he first number making its appear - :nice abriot thl2 first of 'January next, to he; called the tidependent Republican. As 1r..! I'F. is noW . e ne of .the.editors of the Regis l fer, we-pr'esum that Phrief will be - superseded] by: the new -one. hi.their prospectus, the' eilit, ors say ; " Our ol shall be la Slave:ry, E great - quest i Oregon, Wm:L. Currey, Mar. 1857. 3,000 I Minnesota,- ,- Willis A. Gorinan,lMar. 1857 - `2, 500 1 New Me x ico"o D. Meriiwetlier, Mar. 1857 • --2560 •. . • •i t ,I I Utah, , ,• E. J. Steptoe;' - Mar.-1857 . 2,500 Washington, Isaac J. Stevens, • Mar. 1857 ;2,500 jeet is: io ftfrnish a paper . wrtiehl 1 Nebraska ' Mark AV hard, Mar. 1857 2500 ilependent, ilZepublican,.rightd Orli- Kansas, !.`.. And. IL Reeder Mar. 1857 2,500 . .. iltiention, Temperance,. and • ll It I ' .. a , te. 1 , tuns f ati lt ; da-, , y and - , which . riliali, i. L . legislatures of the States: -, - i - I lilt foil expr . essing, tlie,.. : lnti i i Truk: or MEI:TING. .. • . , ... . • . he Reptiblieltu or -Free, Soil ptirt‘l 1 By the' ftillowing table it will be seen that the Leg.. 0 1 . 1 • 1 islatures of twelve .of the Stites einnmence their 8..5-ialtint ialtint k..,: i ntiq. - • ... t) ' . i .ions in , J , anuary : - ; • fornierly. acted With _ Orpositir I I . . 2 • 711"'s of IfectiAff 'os),,tals. es, ornelof 11 ‘5 'Hieing pitblisl t ied p t't 1 Stal". - '', l ",„' -; • , 1 1 c anti the other a W big „. i . Alabama. Fif-K1 "I Arkansas* 2at onuay in .0 ov. - awntgomery, Ist Monday in Nov. Little Rock. we have seen old issues gradual; i California,. - Ist linit4 in Jan. i tiaeramente.. - tr, -- and pow . filulina ours'elves auitii Cenneetient," . Istlr echreStlay in May,llai-tford. men t,.‘i!e are •wiiiing to Mille .111 1 i lk/awure,' - ' . - Ist TuesdaY.in Jan. - -Dkover. he gri..iit tlttestions that : agitaiii t1i6.1 6 .71 : 0 r rilghif:. Ist Monday in ;Nov, Tallahassee. ... - Ist Monday in Nov. Milledgeville - . -. . . •. . i' -I I Indiana, 111inois,.' .•. 2d Monday in Jar..Splin.. .fi dd . . ctia 1110 pOlitie; of the North is id- 21 Thursday ia4an. ‘ 'lndianapolis. , nding. I. Party panics 'may, :-11,r i i i i kwa,' Ist Monda.. in Dec. • lowa City. -- ~ in suttee degree retain theiri shL i K I eli - t-u ' kY ' . • ' Ist Monday .. in Dec.- • Ft ankford. : 31 ..nlustanti,* 11 )d d M r entlaylitydn. . Baton Rouge: but party leaders are fast- I+;inl, i :na p, AN cdnesdsty m Jan. Augusta. • til Tom" to masses are fusing `into I Marvland, Ist Weane'sktily . inJan.Annapolis.: N ll:iiil)i),.riiif -ii s h a ll b es t ena bl e ib el 4 I MaS . sachnsetts.lst, Wednesday in Jam Boston - . . •.': tit t Ip:it; 19'111'61)1es and resist ihosi.. 1 3 .‘ i i i i e 2, 1 : 14 ,,L",', i • Ist Monday itiJan. 1 , ',Laming: - Ist Monday in Jan. .'!gackson. enerOadiments so fatal to the free V i N -- fi:;,, -s „ - , r i,Y '' I.ast Monday in Dee., Jeffefson, 801 the eutnitry. Those. xvitulta, i N.llampsbire,. lstWolneSday ininne.Coricord. " aim in view,- shotild have no !hest-', New J ersey, 2:1 Tuesday in Jan. Teenten; • . i . vuild.battli ig _ s id e 1).), situ, 4;1 New York, . Ist Tuesday in •Ltn. Alt:an.r. _ . ;N. Carolina, 3(1 AlontiaY itt Nov. . Ralciih. their -oil)ieei. Certainly' .Northern , ohio . ist3lntlo- in Nov. Columbus. - t 4' trail' unittre pnrt•T: " well as.(l - i Pennsylvania, Ist Tuesday in Jan. llarti:Sburg. Slat''i' Ind the: political 10:47 of thel-lasit I Rhode Island, May - and October. V Pi ovidence. , ' . S. Carolina, - 4th Mott:lay in Nov.. Columbia. '.. tielle. its Ilia pitrty.or ga:iiz,urloas iitdin , r l'oree with the latter, - .W I" 11 .. 1 Tor I t !, messee,7 Ist Minalay in Oct. ' 1 Texas,* • Deeembcr. Austin. , -- " Na,ltyille. . servient to their plaits, 7 -,-.Bifini/ , .2tl-Thurstlay in Oct. Montpelier. i . / \''•••rrnortt, I i 1 Arirginiti, * , •Ist Monday in Dee. Richmond. .. - ; w6 co i ls i i ,„ Ist 3londay in Jan: .- Madison. *ln the States -markedlwi:ll an astetisk . :1 ;0 . 1 - ,,..,-.1, ; : latures mut biennialle. i"' i ' . . . ;I I ) • 1 Al7-:l• - 7: nelv. Paper, ue-r9t l , ts or the I : tint hlicatt , pzfrty, an; ly called the Inilrpe il do it t Reil ie NI / I AlOd 'at Montrose, corn t b Ist of January. 11.feisr: I Present eilittyr. of the .I?..ey' Wer , ,,i 1 kt), :1!'(`; the projectors: .We ndant queee , s, lot- their enitse! 1 a just one, atui the field need: , st hearts .an d willing - .landsl , Tioga 1 it ior. , such childreiitor the time being, have. their- ; 1 duteieil,: ..kell e 'said'iand. for the btriiefit of said The Republican Party. - Infants. - bat for no - -other parpoSe ; and thlf,' !„. The results of the ieverel fall 'el eet ions- go i. pun:lir:et r -liail„ aequiee the absohrte,title II ! to t , hcw - what men can do When they dare t ` ; `-' the perehase, and be entitled to a patent from ' think and act for therriselc es - on great public I T , 4 e , - ~ , , the Cnitei./ ertatee. •,.' .. • ' - ' ! questions; and, if we inistaKe not, arc an earn- SEC. 4. .Ai;d be 'it farther enacted,-That the est of what they: wi j ,q(hir wliet"'"ruPle t e l k '' register - of the land office Asa!' note all- such I emancipated fi-om the i_. , ,noble.honds imposed it. al - Plieritiens on the tr;tebooks and: plats of ;by ptrty leaders: 1 • L 1 his other!. and •k,e• - 11 a register of all such eri-- . ' ! -In illising a•weird/t - it: .is 'rood policry t ale Of • `' Ithereof to the:. Gener : tiles, ant make return - i ; keep,what IS,giiinecl. : In' faet how van success ! ;:ti Land otiie( , * trer - ether with the };roof upon ' 1 •Y be expected otherwise ? "It is no I •se, Minor- ; winch . 1 . , ~1 • -.. r, ~.... ‘, . , ....-,,, ed. .. r Per- ; i hint that the North :?h< 1I 1 Mr twhat I ~_l(!ti.„ ~1,,.,_ ..t..,_ _las l i r.a.,,v 1.1N•t.,. )131l.:1 .1 timi SEC. 4: .:Ind be it farther enactea, That if,.. f n '.". I been 'gained for freedren in the late contest. ''" a Y But it cannot lie (kale witlirdit' a permanent ! the t. . . e . lja . 1 rOreanization of the anti-slayery forees. II in be a erillingtogelber oflold plc i ' at rine' 6ino illine• the affidavit as' required in se`errud section of this act, and 'before,' the ' . ..... r: here. 1 ex - oh-at...L/4 . i of the five y l erirs aforesaid, it skill: roer4t- r , .;lie' t .'''''. its peoved. after due notice to the settler,, to et the of the freemen's her , )). 1 ae.mi . prostitution ..,. „ . i * i the sati'shie" tion.ortheyegister•of the'' land of- '• , I N, ] iii. l ita ge' to the curidlit;g et cite. class while 'T . '' flee, that \ the person' haVing filed such afrida•-!• ! e l : other groans under a burr.en - of c•lentis , r. t -- 1 :lift tit shall have aetuallyhatiged his or her ;es scourges. • \ i i• idenee, "Or eh:maned the said- entry Tor More • 1 - Organization m ust be met with erg/IT/La, . I than six months at any tire, then'andin that --- 1 -7--- : ---, -- - • I I .i that, turn ing the. engine of pirty against itself. :tits of the Russian% on the pale. ~ 1 foiling ,,„ . . .- -- e... 1 ; ; I cvetit,•the 1/m(1 , 0.i:1401A, ihfill'reVert. , .ha . -back ,•! ma the al ch eneitev et I. 1(0..0111 with , ',to the Oevernmetit, Mid - be disposed ot . as a•reaseandextent of power iin the ; i tl own w eapon .. '''''"'.'""'‘''' do ' s - n "' " e `'`'''T" - 1*.. 0' hrr 1711i,!;c lands- •iie 'now by law, subject to • Russia within the Pllst fumy r.Ye'rs, ! tile ensueto 4letion,,i unlees that a r,eion i s jue,gl '' L . " .• ' . . . - anapi , 6l to the General •Land Ofliee. sr...ireely any greater along tit line ; matical and sYsteinatic. - - Every woodsman .• ~ SEC. 5. :l'.•lct be' it,fur(her eittictecl r That .ir: imi l ubi a ji P r irvin c es, and in the ' direr-.' knows bY experiaree that if' he would file 'a : any individual, now• a resident of anyone oe heCisOaii, than in Nerthea.-aerii Asia; • 'l r a Well knoWn; fiiet, that ti',rr many ' k :tree in the shortestispitte eftitne; he must.hc !the States-or Territor e gin and go through with the'oper/rtion sy'F,:te, ic :3, and not a citizen of . •„ , t there. has been a continued migra- matically, ile: mistkrike no false blr.,-,vs.--• '1 the United Sl:ltes, but, at the:time of the piti?;e snip?, of this aet„ shall have filed a deelaratiote .:olonist's from Oehoisk to , the shores ,Just so in everYthiUg else—system . is it:ills,. of inteittion as rep Stag, and .shall. become. uired . ?bv the naturalization., I aeat i les e.-Sea, This progres of. taus-s, pensihle ; and the Only' 'practicable and }:rope; laws of the •United Asia,Within the past five or tr,lit yi e l rs, attitude itir the NO'rtti to assume- now . .- is, to a citizen of the same betl.)re the issuance of .n suCh . as to rival in extent-the t spread resolve itself into a great Republican', party, lthepateer. as made and provided for- in this repuhlit'an sway on the opposit9 shOres with free soil and free men as its great object:. act. t. , 11;ill be placed upon an equal footingwith l•riui'... Ressian steamers ply; tr., , ith6 1. " In inimy of the _., h , N - Orthern States the work is • raid the native-born citizen of the United States. ; r zi l, and upon the 07.115, RUss aa :01- a lr e a4 begun. Ptirty, names here been ' • s i ; : 6 7, A n d be it ) (wither exacted, 'Tht tu) . l ex plotl. :1.1011,p/11:e between Thi,bet pad • aw „-. y along . with the rubbish or a dead pist, individual shall be:permittedi to nialto more 1, tai, and:build forts along the Steppes, never, we hope, to. 4 resumed, It is time / 6SiOrtalieS Live krossed into•Maehiiria, that Pennsylvania should..do soinething; or s said, With des"gns is` they doinot- s hall we Worship'at - Whig and - Democratic' t to etineeal. It is the inteiltioti of s h r ines, and reterillee to - thud on Whig - and than one entry. under: the pilovisions o( this /let ; and that the: Commissioner of the Genei. , eral Land' Ofliee is here'by 1-'quired to pre-' I ire and issue rules and reg, lations,„consist-.1 _ealotstO,eross over to the ; northern Demoeratie altars ? •Is it''Marily to, stand thus ;.gut with this act, as shall be necessary and ,• of Japtiti, whither,. there can ,Lbe! 110 upon techinealities while the best -interests pro Per to carry its proVisionS into effect ; and . Russian doniinion•would scut t fellow man are hourly ei`iisliek bv the iron. heel .ot_ i 1 j Oppression? Manly ?—tliere is not a spailt . l '- •that the registers and -receivers of the sever it land 4.rfliees shall be:entitled to receive the • recent ixecounts published in hill pa-. of 111/mhood about 'it ! Noble'? it is ignoble,! same 'CompenSation 'tbr, any lands entered uti t 1 ' the mo'Veinents of the Russitinfi in ; ',11:1' 7 base and cow aid's= 1 . !WC caneot persist in it i de .. ay ., .._. is of this act that they _err - . , ~ i e' prO‘lz..lo 1 . - •,, . . , , r—of their Military vrorks and (internal if We are men awl in earnest. - '' noW entitled to reeekve wheathe . samc gang- V ition—le•ave no doubt as to 0 1 1' de4igns • The freemen' of:Susquehanna County have I . • 4.. 1 • i • • , ~1 :I. r i' ' 'll itil money, one, half 1 • 1 A . :int....cr.:lt. !-, It was even rumorro unite • titl-y ce eine, is. catirs.... w -already organized a Republican party. • •-e)1 ito be,l I i; Th -I i. i• • . s personmaking the 'epplica- pla.. , y Le.„ a few Months since,•that his ;.and' ! ag•nt r •'are Wide . awake, cletermillA, and* in earnest'i: I ton, at the time of, so doing, and the other: had -obtained iinportant adval.tags in that the lafe victory shad be proved the pre- I half On the - issue of the ceriltitetteday the per— . This7does tart appear.te belthc fact, cursor of still more.' brilliant ones to. come: ' soil to whom it may be. issued : - Provided, , til9tlgit We ca ti. hardly suppqse these, They have...bui•ie4;the hatchet of partizan war= , i kozreerr - That all persons,&tering land under tages Will be long fortheorningl i fiire and are arming iu . the spirit o . f '76. • The tile.previsions of this act, shall; as near xis 3 leave it to our countrymen-10 jtidge , Whig . s and Democrats had Just.as much PI May be przietiezible, ite . making such entrieS f ter, in the event of Russia Jaafning loSe -and no more to gain there, thrat they • be clinlined to eaeli alternate qUarter-sectieni •• pry of'ilie ti de of Japan, . America can . `etniiiii . a disiaterested speetatiir. 1 NI, tit fOr them to determine Wlnittier, We haVe here in TiOgat They did not stop to en, !and: to.hind subjeet to Iprixate. entry :' :la,. - -r •P quire whether thelrotten creeds of old parties might be reSuseitated ; or whether their chime-. .! iiroiri"tled fur ther,iTtiat nothing in, this act, ' ',Shall I.re so constrUed as te impair or inter. litt•pt the unequal conditions of rivalry es for public plender were better under the; 1 - is re iii any.` 'manner.: silt with existing e hast6:n trade, •wlf:ele aloue lZusidri in Patronage .of the t ; Old, Or the \' 'w. .T hee .-., 1 pre-eMption right : . .grovided.. further, - Mlat' e titj u . n i!mild offer. •We shall ' t ; I no.. I na.te wet ,,,, no t , 'is' a bode, impelled by mercenary" •! i . 1 ' ' f this 1: •shalt - be 'So . con- . tee Provis.ons 0.. _....s :lie_ ; - l ir 'Mind to fraternize With our 'lAtitbertit motives- Thev 4:ted, as 'became men : in. ear.. ••,, , 1 ,rued as . to',;:iittlierize. the class of persons ibur l tibLiP.Nve , cut know their opiniOn,— nerzt in the Work of freedom to °PPlseSgeti I ) i'ov'ideil for- iti_ the foreeOing part of this-act, l(l'aiifoitrian, Dee 1 . 1 1 ; 1 'I, . i humanity. i - ' •." - • I I N. r lio may not' own. one e '-hundred -aud -sixty : "._," • ' r• 1 • 1 I• " 1 ' • .) il 3 . If tlali-e Who acted. a prominent part, 1L " , i :lens of eine, to . .enter; .at the rate of four ' l ' 'ir' • • MI acid focials drink ' , .. , , atrii;spr:oN' ,134*.E. ,.,-i ..," i '' in rioga were in earnest, let . them. prOve. it I.the , teen and one half cents per acre, any of cunt,;,l :Mu t4otil washes :mu potuelis, arrel . y b organ izi iig without • delay; Or shall the ... public 1 - 1 4. .. t d; u n i i ng tits pt. .1 1 -‘ ). r . farm sins_ . ititerious to . the teeth.. "- If a ta th is put , al s. 4 I next campaign timins:unprepared for its trials entry at - t e e m i ti n n i gn , Fac e: pq...aoe i , " ...4er, v inligar; lemen juice, tit(tatiarie need,• ' I and einererenelesl 2 ---rTioya Agitator. ' '' in a Ife\vi beers the enamel: will'be eiempletely 1 :L. : ;; a.quatitity when added- to - what they , mar destkovo, 0 that it can be renuived7 with ' noW.'!own : equal 6 ooe hundred and sixty . th e flegeeniil- its if it'were'deilk. _Most. Inve -- ; ..der.'\ll6 Or she _shall cultivate the; ftert. ! :., pro% i t explriebeed!what is commonly called teeth on whole or. .4 part . thereof, • . 1 edg, The j.explanation of it is i . the !acid ofthe frui'that has been eaten. has soy fall ,sOltened I-: the' name! 'of-the tooth that the ..lea.st!;pres 1, sur is felt by the exceedingly IsimPi A nerves whi•li pervade the thin Membrane "vhi.kili con. nects . the eatimel and .than bony part tit' the too le StiCh .an,.effect efinti4t { hol ., produeed, wiMut.injiring. the enamel - , I Trile, ]it will t. become hard again, when the acid has / ' been ref Itbved by the fluids of the mouth; just' as an rgg sholi,thathas been !solicited 4t thls way, he lines luirdagain by being put iti tho' water. )., • , .1- ' -NV ien'the OA of sow - frith on on the teeth-sub. aid s, they feel as Well as, ever,' hilt; they aro no as wel ,' And the:oftener it ii repeated th sooner wilt ` the -disastrouS 61)1sequettees • be mataife l ltifi- - 1 u:lipencleal Republican i,.; flip ti 11,:r tif, lA' piii,liilied in.:Munn%) razio. Lind (harks. F. Read.. luaintanee with thes'e gentlem to a.s.stqe the public that" they paper;worthy of an extol:it tnedy puhli-11:d Deny in(Montrose. Frazier nrw4 c SusOchaand Register, whiel lie united - with- the .new pap Orzette. .1! met] %Try fi g ' ltr•BKitV I It • } A P Pla3.:—gotl ii 3 nel havin , g :C4. -that this best way to . pres rvo applks in rotting is to pack theta in It, ;the edi. Of the - Albany Knieker4cker tried the perment. lie says . that they; hive kept tbr ree yearii,And they Would - keen 'to 411 eter. ty, if dick, waited for WM to oatjhein.-- te Ftilit+'portieles . l so, mix Wli this apples at, oti fan% eat one of tkkr, Ithilut tkn; .3,1 ing,you - iiie , chewing a piew • Lot's wife! g_l'-1 i ce ., '' ritoso,. 'Whig; ,of 'P' hilinfelphia, - . is ei., , 8 . ker of the Pa. Itous4 - of, Reper ,tativc '. bl- a vote of 78 tO, 1 . .1 -• ; [,, . A . . I . • i i • I Governor . ' of .the States aid Territories -1855. • 1 Stales. Goiernorr•'Term expires :80s. ;Alabama, Jon. A. Winston; Dec. 155 5. ,p,1500 lArkanisas, 'Elias N. Conway ! Nor. 1856 4,800 Caflfonria,'•• John Bigler, . Dec. 1854 10,000 ',Connecticut, Henry Dutton, MaY;lB55 .1,100 iDelaware, • Peter F . . Clausey„ Aap.1846 ;.1,333, inorida, _ • Jag. Broome;' I .Oct. 1807 .-.;,500. ;Ge o rgia, :. Her. V. Jolinsorl,l.Nor.lBss 5,000 . .Toel A. Matteson, •Jari.lBs7 ' 1;500 Indiana, _Joseph A. Wright, Jan. 1856 1,30 n lowa, • James W. Grimes, Dec. 1856 1,000 . Kentucky, Lazarus W. PoWell,Aug.lBss 2,500 Louisiana, Paul O. Herbert; Jan. 1856 6,000 Maine, : Anson P. Morrill, Jan. 1856 . 1,500 Maryland, T. Watkins Ligon, Jan. 1858 3,600 Massachusetts., Henry J. Gardner, Jan. 1856 3,500 Michigan, . }Cindy S. Bingham Jan. 1857 1,500 Mississippi, John J: ' Jan. 1856 • 3,000 Missouri, • Sterling-Price, Dec.-1856 . N. Hampshire, Nadel B. Baker, . June, 1855 . 1,01) • New Jersey, Rodman M. Pride, Jan. 1856 1,5 New Ydrk, Myron H: r jan. 1857 4,006 N. Carolina, Thomas Bragg,, an. 1856 : 2,003), Ohio, • William Neillll, Jan. 1856: 1,80!1 l'ennsylyania, James PolloCkTh . I Jan. 1857 3,500 Rhode Island, Wan. M. Hoppin, .May, 1855 400- S, Carolina, J. 11. Adams, Dec. 1855 3,500 Tennessee, Andrew Johnson; Oct. 1835 3,000 Texas, • E. M.. Pease, ! Dec. 1855 2,000 Vermont, Stephen Royce, Oct. 1855 • 750 Virginia, Joseph Johnson, .. Jan. 1856 5.000 Wisconsin, ; Wm. A. Barstow,.. Dec: 1855 1,250 Territories. 11 to 1 up- . :urd ME is IA tnti- • The,tew Co-tiers.. • - 1 The IV. Y. E.rprc'B,l, says Japan, - nie of, these days, wilb.h6 , to be 'admitted' into the Union, jiiSt its. the Sandwich ;glands are doing nOw, The treatment ot the - i nfilecrs and crew of the stteatner 31i;ssissippi, I is set forth in the intcruing account we g4ve the other day ,cif that vessel's visit to Shoot, manifests a kind IY'itlispositien on 'the part f that strange people towards us, that Wie nev,er looked for on. so ;At:heft, acquaintance, ,What. is wanted in japthii now, 'are sonic Ainerican mission Ties, mute feW Yankee whaiemen to ' crowd out the .I)Utch." Ili the. catii•se of a, few years, eiviliitaiion and -Christianity' ••will come along, and ,then inake.',WitY in the CaPi. tot fur the-honoralde member from jeddO!.. Tho Japanese , are Ai ougOliaas . , 'Hwy not exactly white, ieii—hut..nei7er:niind—they are whiter than tho people of . Polynesia .-Wb. Are letting into cell' family circle, . Beside; it is not recorded that the Japanese ,were 4, in the: habit of eating men and woluett . --as the Sand wiehislaud era did in Captain Copies Ono. Hitherto we have been inundated withtbreign ers coining to us" from ficross the. A tient but it 109 y as tilt) future - was j to see `toil ereaticin coaling :to us, from tho. Pacific side, "Parthians, and:Medea; and Elam ites, and the divellersin Ittooi*itainiN and- Asia,.Phrygia, and Pamphylia, iti Fogypt, and in'the parts of Lybia, about , qtene, and. strangers of Rohe, and.. Greeks,' . rtNaselyteN ; creto, ;and Arab;Ant4,", • ;•,.• • , • • - HOXESTEAD • - The • %licking is the:bill of ivhicta Mr. • - Dawson, of IPenni4ylvaffia, gave notice in the house of i4PresentativeSparly it the. pros.• ent Session,f by imanitnoq cousent, : \that he t shOuld offeror the-nature of a-stibstitte 'for - - the'Senate homestead bill; When:its : hall Onto up for consideration s : • Strike out all after the word that,"' in; . the fret line of the Senate rtmendnient ; and", Insert the following.: "'- . Any free, person who is the head of.a fain, ily, or who leis arrived at the age - of ttventy. - \ one year* and ,iS a :citizen of the United 'States, shall, from - • and,after the . passage of - this het, -I.lc entitled to enter, at e the ;rate. of 'fourteen 4lid one half cents per acre, to - be paid at thelexpiration.of five, years:fronv the 'date of such entry, - ;orm quarter , seetion*of I ..cant and unappropriated public lands, Which . ut the time the; apyliCation is made, be' ititultject- to private entry •at-":pne.7- dollar Lind -1 !twenty-five .cents acre -,or a quantity.' equal thereto, to he lbelted in a bhdy,in coin: • fointity with 016.. legal subdivisions of the ; public lands,' avid - after" the some shall h ave , been surveyed. - • • t- • SKr. 2. And be Outlier, enacted, riat t b e Person apPying titr. l the ; benefit., of. this,act - shall, upon application t the: register of the land. office in which he ,or - she is •about Ur, make such entry,, make '-affidaiit before the - said register, that he or .4ie. is the head of a fitmily, or, is twenty-one rears of age, and, - that sir eh applieationi t s .fi t t, tirade those efiirh pjan is s; . o ce rhe: exclusive 'use anil.ben mention 4 in this act, and not, either direct ly indireilltly, tbr the use or benefit of any other iserl=on or persons whomsoever; and I upon ma kin , the affidavit as above required; ' and fiiin7 the affidavit with the register; he or - i-he theretipon;be:pertoitted to enter the quantitv,-of land &drew:ly . specified : lifo- • h( e w . crer, Tisitt no certificate shall .he , • given, or patent issuc..d therefor,•tintil the ex- . piration of live years froni the date-of smear entry ;- and, if, at the expiration, of such dine, . the per ~ o n makingsuch entry, or, if bedefia his widow, or, in ease of her - deaty,his heircs \• or devisee, or, in - ease . oft a widOw making s h ti e e r li d ej a it t l y : , %: . ,: t, l b le ai r i ti p e r i c ? ve 7 b ;d t e rw i - i o se: r , e : 4 ; l l l l4 . ( e c as9 * . i u t t: ness . es, that he, she, or. they, have, confirmed to re.:ide upon the ; iame,.and have not alica ated the :ante, Or any - part ; thereof; then, in, - such ease, be, she, or, they,. _shall be erititlo to a pattilt. p„.3 in otk.r . ciiF•es;.proVided for by law pro . ridaftirther, hi !case of the • death. or both ',father and • inother,l:leiving . to. infant ebild•OK children" under twenty ; one.. years of age, the .right and the - feti inure to the leitelit.z:Of Said infimt child 'or children, and the executor, - administrator, or guardian may - at.any tittle - within two years:' after the , death of thesaryiving'parent, and: in acebr d::::ce with the- laws of the State in -which ./.11Eitt.eArt Benivoixtieu.=—There.is no et-- • emeat - r of the s tAmeriemi.character that seeing to stand out in . border relief, than thedispOs— ition to suecor . the unfortunate,::matters • not : how violent tkwekeitement Of ri_arty strife , • or what sectional diversity of, ()pink* lilaY exist, the moment. - . that it --heeonlos : .knowtv that a sister city ha been stricken :Own . by • pestilence or by . ,firiN a-struggle ensaes2as to 'who shall i.:solite Or Rest to the rescue:. ' is indeed, a noble. trait in the :character. of our peiple, and that however -ranch ' we' may he reproached tbr lust of titti'ittisition there is.itill . a retleenting spirit -of -fraternal kittdnes.s, winch sitars tiyaive the s'elfisli didness. usually incident :to . frail battiank. ---- . A r d tiOna ' • \ -• IROSSETII WAIL:—.4IIIS.: °rotor is looking spenehes.in England . , again. liu cituttelols stoutly ,:thot..En-glond-• has put... • taal, a til`9l2mor .sho Itas-itrock tv3 , tho wrong. plotln , lays- that Oa long 41•it,tria , is in the \`a}' niallingrati Ito -expecteti , „ ilisplon to-diNo Austrta ovei and then incitVilingory.and Poland -;to rev', sdntion, . Kossuth lupus lot . the- .flotaix., forgot ting that England .and'., only :fighting for .r i ,tna sArisippraor.-40 ver . • : ‘t . I ~.. _ :~, ~. ; 4 .-~~ =:~.