CHARLES READ BA-T. 1 1 .1VRA*itrt '' 0 EDITORS. elect TEE FIRST FALL OF SNOW. IT JAMES RVSSELL LOWELL The show had begun in the gloaming, And busily , all the night, Hid been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white. tvery pine and fir and hemlock, Wore ermine too dear for an Earl; . And the poorest twig en the elm tree • Was rigged inch deep with pearl. • `• From sheds new-roofed with Carrara, Came Chanticleer's muffled crow; . The stiff rails were-softened to swan's down— And still fluttered down the snow ' l- k °l ' • I thought of a mount inistreet Auburn, Where a little headstone stood; ICW the flakes were folding it gently, As did robins the babes in the wood. Up spoke our little- Mabel; baying, "Father, who makes the snow?" And I told her of tbe,good'All-Futher, Who cares for us below. Again I looked at the snow fall, And thought of the leaden sky That: arched o'er our first - great Sorrow, When that mound was heaped so high I remember the gradual patience That fell from that cloud like snow; Flake by flake healing and hiding The scar of the deep-stabbed woe. And again to the child I•wilpered, The snow that visiteth all; Darling, the merciful Fath4 Alone can make it fail!". ' Then with eves that saw not, I kissed her, And she kissing back, could not know That my kiss was given to her sis er, Folding close close under the deep'tang snow. ar We find the following exquisite little poem iu the Independent, by GREY Little lily Is my Nay, • • With her brow so pure and: pale; 'Slender Neily, thoughtful Nelly, Quiet lily of the vale. Lilc, lilt, .4n-#v blowing, In th . e• dusk y, dewdrll In the ..,1330 all lowly growing, Hangs thy snowy, tiny bell. Psten "to the spirits, _liell3- 11"ltisperin ,, in the leafy dell; Tell us what the angels tell ye, Nestling in the floral shell. • .Quaint and wondrons little angeliag, White-armed; floating, airy thing; • Art thou not a &Aver changeling Stolen f!om the elfin Icing?'i Shut thy waxen lid o tender, On thy violet, azure eve ; Bend thy form o lithe and slender, decy-laden lilies lie. • -• . I Sleep, thy Saviour' watehesity thee, Tender truant from. the skidsh Sleep, all evil powers fly - thee, Till the dawn thd; Lid thee firma. • 144e3 -40 NiefAe,s. THE HOUSE IN THE FOREST A TALE OF SECOND SIGHT Abridged from the German of It is nearly sixty years since the events I now about to relate took place. 1 was tlien in my third year at the University- of ; Gottingen. and ti, \ merry. idle, thoughtless. lad I was. Of courFe I bad my acqUaintariees; both among the - students 'anti the townsfolk, ibut.there were only two whom I could eon. 'fide in ; one of them was a Seotclunan, named Macdonald—the other a German, named Lau renicerg: They were both students: • - It wash summer vacation, aid we three resolved 'to make,,a pedestrian tour 'together. So, after Some disyussion, use dicided on vis iting the great Thuringien forest, and one fine morning off we set. We had - scarcely got be vond the town, when Macdonald . began to ; ! . urge us to return, insisting that one- at least of the party would never see Gottingen again. His evil prophecy scems to have been found ed 'upon :what 'appear - 6d to us a ridieulous . whim. He hirriSelf could 'give no: definite reason for this Strange assertion. beyond an inhate'conviction that such was tO'he the fate of ohe of us,---and that one would be Lauren, berg. The predicted victim joined . with us in laughing at the alishrd idea, 'but was, not withstanding, evidently, more impressed by our companion's words than he was willing to toWI4, and even I was,much Struck with them,,. for Macdonald was indeed no Common pm:. But it soon all wore' off,and we contrffued . l our journey cheerfully. On the third day thereafter': at the town of Gotha, we made the aequaintance.of .three other tourists, students' from Jena—one of ,whom was a Pole, one a Frenehinatkand 'the other a G.erman. They, were making :a sort of pilgrimage to the differek placesve t i - .markahle tbr events in the of Luthert ,bad been at. Erfurt, to see his cell in 'the de ft= house there, and were no* going to -Eesenaeli and the Wartburg to .visit the Pat-i - - tnos of • J tinker George.' noWever, on henr- Inz that we proposed marching , through the Thuringien.ti,rest, they gave up their original plan aiia agreed to join us, forsall three were fine fellows. • . . -The following day, finding the road rather tiresome, we struck off into a footpath arid iplungedinto the forest. The solitude. SeCIP-. ed to deepen as we proceeded.- Except the.. • almOst. inpereeptible footpath, everything be spoke the purest.state nature:.. The enor-. mouS pines that towered over our - beads seem— ed to be the growth of ages: = Great red deer stared at us from a distance through the glades, J os .if they 1 . - Inid :never becOre. seen such ani mals as and then bounded awapin herds. As we,puslsed merrily onward, the glen- in Which we found our%elves gradually opened into a plain. But the footpath had tong been losb sight of, and we htid no idea where We were or.which way to turn in Order to find a— for. the night. Ne - erthele) ; ,: i We pressed on as fitst as our . failing limbs would permit 'and after three Or four, hours march across the wooded level, we . were reivarded a by coming on sort of road. It - was, indeed nothing more than the track of .hoofs upon the turf; tali - we-were in ee4tacles at its - ap pearanc4...• • After pursuing , it for title an hour, we saw before us a house amortig.the treey-7, It was a elteerful sight to us, and we gave .a shout of kiy. We soon reached it. It was a long huilding with , low walls, htit4 jery. high atehed roof. one end - wa.s a • trine tOf ro;:nd tower , ißg which teemed tngelts older than rat of the .structure. • It might , : at • one have been much - higher than it *as theu, rbutin itr actual state . it's,l rt the,a y built • • 17 4 ' • • • ' • ;• I • • , !. 7 CU' 1 - •I ; • . - ; ~ • . , I . .• /1 1 . 1 - s r ; - . • , - . • • • 1- 1 1 • • + : 3 . . '. l A • • . . 1.. . • . 1, . • . . - • , . - 4 _ _ - • . . . r • • . . ;• • • , • . _ •.• • . . . . . IEIEI Well, ,we wine up to the door and knocks 4 It was Opened, after a, short delay, .by ii :)Ityjng girl.' . I The evening shadows were dos in in; bat s even by the. imperfect : light We '1 had, we could sce she: was very heautiful. NVe asked-i(we could be accommodated for. I . the night, and.ahe answered readily that :we could;,. bat that *e:ShOuld have / to sleep in one room, Alid 'that. we ISt be- content with a 1 • : doe supper; ; *el afterr, some talk,. we tint in; !all cdad, to get shelter except • Mc- Ponald, I nlUil i. vcould fain' have pushed onto. A rnstadt, Wlnchthe girl told us" was. distant only twO hours . walk. .' On entering by a short passage, wejassed Into a -kind Of hall. • Here wed heard- the,Vretichman, who had pr ', . Ceded ushs_ay ; .! '.Conic along, my beauty, an • • shOw us the .e amher, where we are to :dee -t—_ for I suppo cit. iS there we are to sup too. I have been trviii , ,!tili the doors, and. not one .Of [them Will open.'i, • • , . , - , 4 : This way: rt .gcntleme,' said the * girl • disen ga ing herself frorn Laureaberg, who had tak en hold of her hand and openit , one of the doi-s. , • :. .; That fis your graaniother, I suppose?' . ; sal' McDonald, pointing to a figure bending 1 ei . ‘4r a small fire which was expiring on the. .1 h i erirth. ‘GoO&,:t•V'ening, my good . woman, I[ l y,ou'. seem .to be chilly,' and as he addressed !the, e' latter werdsto - the crouching creature,- ha-blade a step xisif he would approach; but' sage. girl, quickly grasping 'his arse, whispered in bisear— .-: 11 'Po not dlitiirb (her. Since :thy father's death ,she scarely ever. speaks to any •one but . nie! She is • very old and feeble: Pray . ;lease hee l : alone.'. :- 1 . • : • . - 1 • McDonald ihreW a penetrating glance at, i i the'gi.-1, but said:.mithing, and he and I .ful . I lowed her along ..a passage, some twenty pac i•es in. length and pry narrbw. - At the end of. , r. ..p „.. ~ i it. was..aataean; and, this opened into the lclunnber ;we were - tO occupy. It was a round 1 rootn, and we initnediately guessed .that.] it. fOrined the' under SiOry of the toWea' .we had • remarked. The girl brought a lamp and We found that the fUrniture of the room consisted . of a table and schnestooiS, a : large press, a 1 heap of matrassesand bedding, a feW mats of . plaited stiaw, and a . pie-. of fire-wood. - The mO s t curious thing about the place., 'however,' was a strong pole, (f i r rather mast, which stood MI the very centre, 'and seemed to pass dirt, the roof oi'llie'rboni.. This roof, which was :Ida considerable distaace frOM-the floor, was. fi,imed (a. thing :I hid nover seen befOre) of. luilze bushes supported upon slender': branch- esof pine. and 'apPOrcd -so rickety as to threaten , every.tnoment to come down about otn-head,L ~ 'On questionin the gull i Was' . told that the, mast supported the : outer roof, Which 'wis pi - sible t‘nou4li: • • • - bi the' first place.' said IlitAter,.• the Oer-' ; , Duni IrOrii .Jena, wlia! - We . had. selte.,l our selvt , s, and the &ink.: sebraed to wait for or der-. 'is this :,u innot is 4 not:- . i - - • . ~ . 1 • : - Lloui ( . 1 :n see; gt,lttlettien,' replied she, 'l ,, ,v' the .seantniess of theaccorinnodati o ns o t.i ka t, it ~is not exactly an imi.i Nevertheless, you can L make yourselves at itome .as if it was, and Welconic.' ' ; ..: i .: - .. '.. Iv "ood. i 'I Ilea ni : the fi r st ' ,Lice ; ha!, e you any .w alert, . , .. , . 4, Plei - it:Y. :We s i ll a c.2 . ,. 1 )0d deal to ifr for. esters wia,.paiss here ofted,•and•soivOilways have a is. uPPly.' . , .t,' - ' • - -.. ' 4- Where. is it 1' •rigked McDonald. • • ltw l eloin the ,calak.' .. .' Very well,' re.t4neloi he. ' I and tWo more of us will go'down.!4ind help you bi-ing' uP•a dOien bottles Or KO - if you will show' -Us -- the way.' . " - 1- • T , . , . .• . ` , Certainly,' said ..I " ' ' tegirl. While McDon. aid; and tWo of the it hers we absent with her; I cOntriVed to I.ii;ht ti." fire, and the French man, on ',examiningthe • press, , haying, found that lt . On tainedp 1 1 'tes, knives; and for s, he 'and. the Pole: laid 'the table, so'. that when, the, others, laden With IpottleS,'.r;appeared, the . place hatlisomewhatlola More!, cheerful look., 'TheylaVe 'nofhild tintelodrug our wine, at„ ,Wlaispered });LcDonah4to me. ' • ' Pooh, imy friend returned 1,.‘ you are far, WO suspiehts-. Tut will Stnilo to-morrow at having had such idettS,' - ;i 4 , • ~ • We shall see,' s: be. : I. 'J ' • . , Presently the - girflbrought to .some bacoil„ some eggs, and a pi+e of veniSOn. These we cooked ourselves, Stayingour appetites in the meantime', with . bread and wine. Then Ave made a hearty.supplr, and be'earne very men,. rv. Ritchter and the 'Pole piid the bottle vigorously, while La i tlren berg and the French. titan:vied with *each Other in sortteivhat equiv. oeal gallantries' to the damsel. -1, As • .11 , r Mc- Donald, he wore. art'. expt*ssiou : of mingled resignation, vigilance', and 'resolution, which made me itincornfor4ble, I knost not why. When ive had supped, s- ,' a few pipes ) and linislied our wine, we begat to make our bed.,. A'S We !were ie oceupied„tlo girl came n.ull in; and offered to heft) us. We readily 'COM sented, Cori we tivere fired enough. In a very short time she,!' had made - sic.- beds on the I i - I- • . : -, f !, • • I fluor.4 .Why-, do yOa lay [them all-with the, heads to the.middle of' thetiooml' asked McDonald, pliiserVing tititt, all the pillOws•-were ranged ,round the mast 4 ht . a .eirele, and as near it s possible.. i 1 , ` , That is the kay ! alwayS do,' said she,: with a careless `oir. !Butshe-did not succeed in conceaiing . .t. certain strange, expression which her 'eatures aSsumed. for ' a moment,l :and' w hich 1 1366 1 1 . McDonald and - I - Tel nark ed, without undersganding it. We well under stood aftetivardiS whatit meant. .. As she was • retiring„,tl . e Fertchinatt and Laurenberg i as sailed her , vith sormOather too Sive jokes:4-- She turned - and Ica4 bn them a look of inch's- ble-indignation, land .seortii" then, without a word, - she passed Outlet the 441 r-ti t -Id ciosedit, behind' her. '- . = •. - .- ,except .14cDonald were soon in bed.- \Ve had, howeVer, - onlyiralf undies.sed. As . I SlcDopald,lhe drew !toot before - the fire, and; Seating hit*f, buried: his face in his, hands as if in.deep thought. f almost im. nt'ediatelytell asleep,;indmust haVe slept long, whep I w oke the: fi re was imo. But Id id not awake et ;myself-Lit was 3;foDotiald that ropsed me. lfe (lid ;_the tame t 4 the others. Re had; thrown Itiniselloiildsbo; and spoke in a whisper, *Nth ; liOwever, a 4 Our head's Were ;clt,sc; together,: was audible to ; all. 13r.Other4.1;said 9isten ; hut, for your jii F e.4; MakC no, nOis.e,;Und . above. all 4o not speak. .; Front; the firSt ;motilent ;we. arrived at this Louse-1 ftiaredliliat was not right ; now 1 sure of k. 1: It • seemed - to ire odd fhaf.,;tive solitary - women should inhabit so large a tobse that,tlulgirl 'phould have been. so!reikiy, ;Or rather GO : elisions to receive ; that she. shOuld *we abOwti no fear of . . six young men all strangers to her; and Isaid mvs . clf,l 'Sh-r. and.- her grandmother do p - • ' . MEE Mil : 4 '0._Ei*,.2 . 0.0{N,..-*4,D:: gtidmti-AaMmtii:4-C:cawx.Gly I . •nOt live herealone; she 'depends upon aid if' nekvssaPY, and that tdd is not far oft' ' Again ljam used to read the eharaeter in the eouu-., leaance, and notwithstapding her beauty, if .eyer treachery was marked 'on, the human fatee, it is; on hers. ThOt i . why make 'us all seep in One - room ? Hittte others are empty our beds 'Would be 414 well on the floor in thOn as irt.thi4 one. However all . this was: t l tre . su:spicion., But there is . more. ' You b l w me examine the windows during supper, , 1 e - ouldthen , open the outside shutters ; they; haVe since beet' fastened, and what is: Morel -the door Isl loeked.or barred on us and will. MA. yield. '. But, what i more important, my. et - Ir, which Is Very quick, caught the sound •o f steps in the .passage--:heavy steps, though taken - on. tiptoe, .steps; • in -short, .of a man, .Oti `rather, :l should' sa), , ,- 'of men, -for there were at least 'two. I S i tole to the door and dilinetly ' heard whisperings. Now, What do i p u think of all that? I Speak one at a time, I - . and 10w.',..: . l' Bah !' ‘thiSpered the I Frenchman . ' I think I ). nothing of it. It is quite common to fitsten . the shatters outside; . and• as for the door, - ; yOur frielid, and I were: rather free with thel girl- last night, and she may have loaed us' in 'for her.-further security. As for the fiat-{. steps, I doubt if you can distinguish 'a, man's frclm - .a woman's, and the whispering's were .probably the gir and the old -wOman eon-. versing.. Their voices - corning along the gal leri, es would sound like whisperings.' , cl This explanation WIISiSO plausible, that .all'' express themselves satisfied with it. But; Mellonald resumed—arid this' time bespoke in :a - ,whisPer so forrible;•so.full of mysteri ouS• power,. that it went iaraight to every heart :. ' Brothers,' he said, 'be •wise in: timr...4 If you' will .nt.vt listen, to common sense, take• warning freins'upernatui•al sense: have pin' ever had a 4iin presentiinent of coming evil ?, i I know yon have.. Niw Imark. I have at this. Moment a sure certitude-of its approach.' .I know, I know that it' iyou continue to. lien here, and At ill 1101 listetlito rayw ords, neither von nor I will . ever see another :tt'.. I know' we 'shall certainly: die thefore the morning, ,'• Will - 3 1 ou be advised ? !filo. yonr blood be'. ontyour own heads?. s f.n• mine, I furgive:i ._ it You. Decide-,-re F ol.l el' - These Nvor ' & - , the" ton . in . which they were, ~ attired, and, the elm ractlr of the speaker, prti.f ilu4‘d a prOfound inTrossion. As for 1 - te. I, i-huddered ; I.'but it wales at the idea of: the] tinieatened 'Material ci,mger than at that.of am i - .&.tilt in.fluence licverirA.tonnd us,, ;McDonald, and filling the place with its ttivs - . • , - 1 teritalS presonce. j . Laarenberg was the nr,t to speak, or oath or to Whisper. ' MeDi,:Add,'. said he, ' I reldl r in:;seif to - Vour guidanee.• . I innacdiatelyl i said, •And f;' The otl',ers foilowi A l th e ex.,l ample, and MoDenald_direetly tout: - the Qom is and chi liimst.if. 4 , Nise, s.tid he, ' but irial:e.not the sliAtest noise. Coilett yoursolls chit 'pay atb•::tion to :the , -!ightest thir.2-.' I:eare - your slioes take your •swords. - .A it isso.aark,-there ! wih'probabiy be eimilli-,l i n. We-must bare waiehwords,,,therefore. I Let them be Jena' and. Ofitti'veli. Also. to avoid our bfludi , l ,•I , . efie'ouriterini.7,!'.each other; seL,eaeh of 4„.:, if it, 'ecniies 'to a' tight, keepl .eallin! , , But-schen Il b'Eli-sr,i t e . n..l 1 believe the attack I apprehend I will come fran the do ! - ,ri, Let us range - mir- r sel 4 i[s three On- ea eh side •of it. We. 'titan ~ , \ Gottingen will take the 'right ;,ide, you. from Jena the .lefr. When thk open the door-we ru.:ll into th6r,passage.- I will _lead My file,: ,in and, do,' sai . he to the ..}Trench-l man, ' lead -N'uurs . . Wh n fog hear me eryl En ;when ! follow -. 'lnc d{ 1. stri -e for yo Ur lives. 11 this was said in, the 1 'hi- - - I - di , - - L .aellOwest whisper, - but liberately that we did tx We toi.k the places a. 4 , our: bared swords.. Fo an interminable time— heaOng nothing.' Of c, nu! eaeli other, for' the place At•tast, our excited ears I tiouSly approaChing. So. (loor'and was , ',exidently l , • , W a Itonute e beard' the sore one in the passage , 'asleep now Tell Hanst leads beat quick. ' The some minutes'; .then sudc hea I,a cracking sound ara es that e.;Mpitsed the rot stant something fell to •crash so trethendons the", Seetned to Shake. Then withdrewn-4then a key dooti began. xis open. "Ate Donald,; as . he doshe7ll sprang into the. passage / the .renehrntwand the ot by oor cotne4de's..side ' A all, as we made in after retreated - preeipitatelv in 1 we had sects; the old w night. It w illuminati Which blazed on the beard ' Bu l recheo t` ;.thundered struck down•A man larmei 'A ks les !lir.deurs . r quittin g Gerthan foi -the heat of the m ot ri, shOuted some- of us, 1!: inept that these nun and ,not tali war .frry. -Laurenberg, , as he dtove the enemy .atined witth a ' Bursehen (':cried he age . i • weapon twiee•through the ` Je4 !' y;lled ftriteher, t he interih'sed to defend h i by aiblo i % frinn!att iron • I t.. genii add, d he With,a roll sailant at - liS, feet. Mean .1 had , sustainql a fierce at bens; who , , on st;Caring the arms, had rushed out of o log into • the ; hall. • The slightly wounded, and it us, when. the; Others cam This deeidedithe fight, and , victors; . We had . wined the vi all the robhe lay abou wounde4. breath... At this_ instant, %ions night rushed into t herself on.thebOily of th len by . ibe . of.Lanro hand, on his hea r it ; then eheeli. to ..hii:n3o,ut..b. lie is detull' cried eke, starting to tier feet. ; `Y9u• have killed_ my: Heinrich—my beloVed Helarich 1.- - --you have killed my HeiaNch I itletld;•dead, dead Still speakia,V she di appeared, but retlinl ed almost i n*tant l y, with a pistol i n each handl I . • H !'i 1 , ‘• MOINTR - ; ()SEii TRURSDAY, JANUARY • , -t:. ,::- • . , io distinctly and de-, k lose a :word. •• !signed us,, grasping,': a time—it seemed e .stoOd..still, ' and l i rse we could not see: WaS quite 'dark.H-i heard footsteps tau drie one.eame to .they stening. In about istener whisper to, / ' They must all. be. to cut - loose.' our 9-e was a pause' of letily we beard .over long the furze Litish• of r and the,.:next - in-1 the ground with .1. '... - ok...whole hous.!' , , 1 we heard a . bolt i ,l was turned. 'The', ' Burschen P. cried lit wide ajar,'and{ PurschcA ! cried 1 • , II .xt :moment he was.d ursclicii.r.oied well ,„ 1 , .!1•1 t e robbersll o the halt, 'where; otnan the pretrionlsll ed 6v a large; fired li.. . Here we ft; clit.' l l IMeD„nald, a he' l ` d witti a hatch : 1 id the French!' tan, ' mother - tongu . 'in Jena I Guilin en." !Aim* o in our excite- il 1 ~ Titour pas.F-werds:.l - Bur achtui." cried 1! into a corner one oft kiagger and a swontl. n,l as he passed hislj rObber's . body.-= 1 Is his left arm,which 1 i s head, was brokenl bar. ''And Cottiii-1 ar.las he laid his as-. 1 trliile tile Pole : andi aelt. from three rob. ries and clashing ofi. le of the doors Open , Pole was already! Tas going hard with .;I to .ouis .assistanec4 we found oursel 'es i 1 ' (TR his lent. i furgel e 4 vr etorv, I repeat, and - ' • ' , the. floor killed for 11 a moment, to take.. the girl of the pre .e hall, and . threw .. -man who had• fal erg. She put her he 'approaehedi her eve stood sti BIN MUM , 'lt "*.'•:is' 'you, young sir,'• said' she, „:calttily mid ai , ,llbei l it;ly.:',- 4 I saw yott ;' and, as the spokti i lsbe covered Laurenberg with her.. N'ti poll, hiking 1 ' a cool a aim. With botindlife- Donal!' Ihtvw him, if before tlie.Vietim=hut the geticiouS inortinient was vain..l She fined, and the! ball. gra*ingMeThiniilo; shoulder, passed thrcingh poor Laurenberes: throat, ;Ind lodged_ iii 4:400r behind hint. ; He stagge ;t1 ied and fill. f We all 'stood thunderstruck. `lTtiti life - for his and :nine' said the girl. With. licseiwordi she - discharged her 'other pistotinte her boom, and sank slimly onithe corpse! of her levet.. - '', %.' 4. 1 , I .ktielt. down beside my friend and t*ok his lind; - ,leDoiiiild raised himiup'a little, supOrting him Ind sitting posture. He said ; ' Mir pocketbook+the letter , 4my- last wiSh.' Then ;tie -{sassed my hand. Again he said-.--. .'Farewell,!dimirades! farewell, my brethirs! Itenienilier:tne to : my m4hei-and Anna:l b :— Then ::,be: pri.‘sSedlmy hand aghin4-quid sol be -died. ' ', ; I need !t - .N;ell hilt lightly on lie:iifternvcaits of thatiiiiirerous - night.- On'exatninini .. ,• d , field 4(:.l . iattle, we found 64; .the re - litters were dine lin nuMber,- and that ..twol besides fleinqieblWere dead. We . ,bound 'up ,the Wounds 'attic Others as we could„ and secinr, , d thein forAhenight in one othe roemsirtf ter fiistening the windoWs acid providing in i , -1 , •i . cverpro,,s ible diviner against escape orgat tack: R4tirrningi to tho room; where :we bad . - snpped,•Weifound that the thing 'which bad, thilen fretOthe roof with si4ll a! crash,, Was fill emirmnitSiring or circle of iron, bigger than d cart:iwh i cli -it was lying "rt our beds, the dia , t being:exactly in the . -centre; of it, and I ,er% 42;. milit.. found, to su,tairi it .I:vlien hoist (id .0. H a d : we not obeve,, l l Merionaidet. +,oice ,ve telrt t aiiilyl should MTh' ve been erti. l sh. -i t . , 1 &Ito lleath, it.s it was plain tummy a' victim I 'hid . alrea`di been-for, the infernal thing Was ! 4tainO:withilikoi.i, and in -sonic Places wire patelieS o air sti j eking to It. I-. I. Th 4 jo,uiiey to ArnNtadt -in the morning, the iiikrlitiw i with the burgordeister, the ref ereneo tolllW. rural amptman, 'the !expedition of .that that fiiiietionarV to the scene of the trage dy, the, irt)Prl-sOnm / ent *of the suriving - rph beni,theii:trial,cohvietion,and execptiOn,l*ill not thitaih :Frotn . the letter to Which -Lau ": renberg reftlrreu I with his )gist breath, :and widelllwciireilrid in his peeket-book-addreSed: t • , I to me, we icartied - that - MeDoaald's present'. ' nients WET Ci ',wicg hilig on the writers inlnd more ;than I he was willing shotild Ibe known, .tintil ; alter itlie !anticipated Catatroplie, , i, if, indeed, any f.slipiild take place.l . Neit her need I relat'e to you how I bozo: the news of 1113 - 0(.:4111 le his mother and: sister; ; or him Anna Inthre'e yeiirs afterwards became iloy wit - v. !IA4 to miry 'comrades in thatclisastricius tour; the Vrenchnian rose tohigh rank in the s - ervieet of Isidr,ol4lll, and felh at IWaterli*. Ilieht4 Ni,:ti. :k i!I CA in a duel. ;The Pole Oed amid the ,b.1 . ; - ;ddy.4hiws of PruS.7 l , iati Eyiau„;--. Of ll4D,mald's fate• I' know nothing. When . I n. , tiih,(9 . lt,•) oottinged• eteri"visitit* . Aitna - and ;liei. ni(Vier, he was gone: I . :: j •' 4 \ He ~liad- [hitt . his rooms the previous d'ay - , 1 with atstralgkr, an elderly man, dressed''; in ' , gray. ; - 1 liel never 'returned. 11 made every ' I inquirt; all 'around Gottingen,,lbut could et no tidllig.4 cif him. No one on any readlhid! 'seen bin .'pr his companion pass. : His becifts and:. things,-.Were sold some itwo or, ..t.hee inontli'S tiller. I.bought everyihing I thought he Wired` ler, in - order some Iday.,torestOre ; then': to him.. But he never appeared ito , I claim thetn, and se I have them Still: - I,lis ... •.. ~ • , - . aw,oro runup.; in my study .between Lauren ! berg's - "and-ini own: - , .'1 : : ;:l • ! As egttrdS . the old woman, I had - alm§st forgot4ll,itei :Say that wefound her cloths, but - nO r t llei.Self..- . Hence wei guessed that some .i.lne! rie! the gang had personated the character .riirid McDonald reminded 'us liclw 1 the girt had . prevented his. approadiing.lwr suppo4oeltitive, and how he had got no 411-: swer to: his address, the man in disguise tie; ing prOliatily afraid - that his voice might -lic-.1 tray. liiM:.:; : ,;: 1 ii :• f . il. .o . . • . , ~ , 11 . . SPPIYVAL COMMUNICATIONS i ' 1 ' Doesik.44 has had a visit rrom'itne Sp: . 'I of his• ileeeakid dog, Pluto, accompanied- -• ! y the ghh'Stal ;f divers' -members of the Cani 4 e. end fel - mei race. The mysteriods yisitabt I. was endowed 'Walk the p.o_wers:ed. speech, aid 1, •di se ouiA•diti; iiis astonished quenddiu . full. .4 ~ i ....- . , a 8 ,‘ tl ! .. _ ~. . . I!, ' ” Kti'pw,' f .te eit of earth, that shadriwy horits t still If thtOug yciur streetS, harnessed to inta i I. ,gi hie dtlaysl• MO to' incorporeal. express wl. .., r i.ons,and•stqf toilftilly draginnuMerable three - I ',cent' stages.•- they stil lire in ycitir Stabile; I igraze in . Ant pastures, and diink • at • yottr. pumps4•iltiters, malignant thotthunsed . p, i'still lasli 0111r:unreal sides with their enttitlg I 4 hips, Untilithey become oVer . coMe with gll - ire, iind'iiieiously kick , over their S,pecti, I) i trac,clefitnet, racers still haunt the. seen 1 •()l . theirifOtt'uce . triumphs--shiln with feet ' . . i ;shod: rfso6(l' le inside track, and 'scornful •.. i ;turn, upltholi goblin noses . at the fltstest cart, 1, ly-timeron Iree 4 .n - d---transparent-donkeyS w (r -ilcomplacently their celestial fars,:sind . •.bru,' h air -With unsubstantial ' tails, ,Swi,ri ~ full fi,iWo,.',•Ulthough unseen, pretid 'at in ' li 1 , , ~, 1 ferocioUsly piiiWl about your streets, seeking l 1 livhid they 6.4 devour, and, eZ.preSsitig Wi. h 1 1 inaudible 41 1 uats their , Paradisuie satisfi' - 1 tion—beidd'.pigs squeal under . ; fortnle„s,l ~'gates4)ogi;; still follow With unheard treaid their diettitly Masters, _waging their, plae phantorn :.tads;. or searchingg. thrbilgh thlr shaggy i hides with - sat age teeth for spiritnal 'ficas. . Poleeata; invisible still ; - haunt, 'yoili ' 'barns ; - ipeatilitig fur ' airy chickens, find, ghotty.r46,,,i;:ilt unheard-of nests:—then stud ing; and; giving odor id'yOur ;cellai.s; appaii iions .oIT depa..rted eats haunt pulseless tnici,• and in Sruul.l Parlors phantomkittens' clutie' their gublitil tails. Henceforth 'pet every ma;4l take heiid, lieu In taking off his hoots he . kicic his deat:'cfeparted - Carlo ;;' and let every niaid=j -en lady hestx?w.lter.;,elfintier faoritc rockint; ',a chair in.w: add pertnrhationi lestthe cus -I _lon .be already' occupied' by efunci, Tabtor; alitter."-SpeCtrtil litter. ; • • I: Whefr`i trr• darling Phito hwtspOhen thuit, the, company lift' an to disappear.. , A ' mist Seetned4radUally to elivulop all; ande,ooe liff one thq:l4kl i i::4l: f rozu ,ik-mortal vision-, 4114'1 Soon all 'save- Pluto bad .vantshed ,frOn'tziy Sight, l'.11u„. Only retutined to !give me .or last.assOrant* that the greed of theAvell..knowe, Indian 'fitentiont by 51r. Pope lis !,rue*lt,co firm,'V. belieVeilf that in the: happy hunting ground i'lierilftek i - .., • "114 40041 dog shall bear hit con - warty. . ; ;. '•:• - 3 ;;; '1•: , -•- • -; • .3 I W)3yiireinuietis like pleyei,e at teu pipe Becausti, O'er are iolling ballco# thq di/Vs+ AN",[34 WG2O,IA 1855. PERSON LL ' PEOLOICE OP WASH. , • LNOTOS. From `.`The epublican - Court," Or Amer lean Society 'in the Days of Waihington," the following is .oplet . : - ( ' - From the no e-boo -of the late Mr. Horace Binney Wallace of Philadelphia, I am permit ted to transcrib a record of some conversa, tions' - with his n other, Mrs. Susan Wallace, in which that I) iy, so eminent for whateVer is beautitalnnd noble -in her sex, disclosed her recollection' of Washington's tabits, and manners.. 'On he !removal of, the Govern- - ment to Phila. elphia, Mrs. ' Mary 43inney, . mother of Mrs. Wallace,,resided, in Market street, appisite to.lGeneral WiShington's= the door of her oust a few paces further east. ; It was the Gene arattistoth, frequentlyovhen the day was fin to come out to walk, attend by .his-secretari. s, Mr: Lear and Major Will iam Jackson—o eon each side. He always crossed directl y over from Ins own, door t o . the sunny side o the street, and walked dorm He was dressed i n black; and'all three - were cocked liatii• ' S e never observed them eon ,versing; She often wondered and 'watched, as e l . a child, to see i any of the party spoke; but never coulit pe eive that anything was said. It was undeisto d diet, the aids were kept at , regal distance General General Washington WI a large family eoa li,.filight Carriage and a char iot—all.alik - reayn' r eolored,- painted .with Tures of each panel, and Pe drove the coach to very, Sunday morning, with re Oelearringe and four into' Lan&downe, the Mils,. and going to the Senate', he used six luir4s. All his servants wora',liverie,; of white cloth,- arlet, ter orange. Mrs. Wal. • three enameled very handsome Christ ehuieh,,e i - two horses; dro l i the country=tel other place-s 4 'the chariot With were white, and trunmed with _ lace Saw 'General Washin , rtoti frequenily at , • , t , `public balls.' His Manners there were very gracious and pkasaitt.. She went with Mrs. Oliver Walcott to Off ofMrs. - Washington's rooms.drawing- TI general - .v ILS present, and cattle up an boved to every: lady after she was seated. Mrs; Binney visited Mrs. Washington fre nentlY,' . It was Mrs Wash ington's custom to retinn visits on,the thir:d day; and she thus alWays returned Mr 4. Bin.' net's. A foot mtuOvOuld run over, knock londlY, and 'announce Slrs.:Washington, who would then Come overlwithi Mr. Lear. - Mrs: Wallace mei Mts. AVttshing,ton in her - moth er's parlor. H‘r manners were' . very..easy; • Pleasant and uncerernonious, with the charac teristics ofollter Virginia ladies. When Wash ington retired fronipul!lic life, Mrs.„ Wallace was about ninetkn years of age. . . • . The recollections of 11fr.Richard Rush. on the, Subject, are n agreem'ent with those, .of Mr,-:. Wallace. That accomplished and dis-. tinguished gent eman has communicated to tne a versgraplie aecluntof some interest. ing seenesoif which lie vas in ob.erver, about the close of WaLlingtoit's lirSt administration Looking Upon the Old Congr'css Hall at the corm:r Of Chest ut and Siixth sts., afew years ago, he sayS: 'lt recalled'a scene never— no, never—to b :forgotten. It was, .I think, in 1794, 1795, t spectators cOng parts close by t tatig.)- " WlOingto Congrewt„ by go tom; to deliver scinbied in the resentatives., at, I a a boy, was among the . egati‘d at ;this -corner, and Witness a great publie.spee. ! ;, i • • .was toi open ~the session of n iit ptersoU, as was the eus.' Speech to:both Houses, as hhm, bei-, of the House of Rep: h 4 CrO*l was immense. It filled the whole' I.'l in cheStnut!street - before the State House •xtentled along the line of ;.. Chttnit street a 'o%eSpcth Street, and spread . north and south . olitediStance along thelatter. "A way-kepi 11,t 1 6 for carriages in the mid dle of the.street, 'Nfao.he tally spaeenot close ly packed with PeOple.. t I had a stand 'on the steps of One nf.thelheuses in .C.hestnut street, which, raising nknbOve the inaSs of human ' heads, enabled. rh_ei t 4 see to • adtantage.— After waiting to d hOurs, as it seemed to • a boy's impatien the earriage.ofthe.Pre-sident at length slowl drOve pp, - drawn by font. beautiful bay , h . *3l ) . t was ithite with - me= dallion ornatnents 'on- as panels, and the. merles s ‘A. il 4 ..)k,int s as u-11 as I remember was white, turned ‘up with red = -at any rate, a , glowing livery!; theedtiredisplay in equip ages at thatera, in our country generally, and in Philadt.tlp 'is in! particular...being more rich. and varied than .147, though: fewer in If number: • lyashiington got Ont of his carriage, and slowly Cro&itng thel.paVemen4 ascended the steps of the aitie, iti.)o the upper plat: form of which h 4 Pansed,, and turning. half round, looked it the ;direction of a carriage which had follo%%ed the lead of his own.: Thus he stood for a- Minute, distinctly seen by 1 ., every body. ' H. stood h all his civicdisnity. and moral grand nr--erect, 'serene, majestic. His costume wa. a full suit of black velvet; his hair, in itself bhuathedAy-time, poWdered to snowy whiteness, aklreSS sword at his-side . and his hat held in his hand. , -Thus he stood . . tu i stience.,; and ; i i - hat n - 1 Oinents those were! Throughout the ense crowd, profound still :ness reigned. Niot a s•( rd Was heard-;-not a breath. Palpita ions tc LIC• the place of sound.' It was .a feeling i finitel -beyond that, which vents-itself in 'sh-uts., very heart was full. In' vain Would an - tongue have spoken; "All were gaz ng in mute; -unutterable ad= miration. Ever • - eve waskrivited on :that! greatform—the st, purest, l most,. cialted of mortals. It quip ititateseetned as ifhe stood in Ihat,position bi - zratify theas.sembled thou- sands with a foil• view ;of the Father of their 1 country; Not so. \J - leArtif . pansed for his Secretary—then I believe Mr. Dandridge or Col. - Learwho 4ot oot.'of the other carriage„ a chariot, tlecOratitd like hid Own.' - The,seere tary, ascended the steps,; handed him a paper, probably a copy of thUSPeech - he was to de- , liver— when !both : . entered ;the building,. Then it 'was, and not till; then, that the crowd sent up huzzas,. I i ud, long, earnest, enthusias tic." . .. •• • ', 1 i ! .• ''' .-- ': ' ' nanneis of. Washington and Wansey,4'r S, A.,'an En- I ,whohreskfasted - with , thent the Bth of June, 1794, rays, awe And veneration when ! I was now in the presence of "ton. 'the noble and wise', world, as ;from styles I ook down from this truly. er on:wher public , servants, conti=nst; nor call we fix y othkr grelvt men without m a ,yast.., and.. mortifying Pr4idtiitt tweeted very ver,;Y:alaiv, iii ,4cliVe.r.4lll 1- ''sOMP I : l !gtlia , ra him re - t:14110, 1 appobend, iion, T , r i had to Eau au ,ap, ity and seemnmotlatinn.--- Of the 'simple his fami!y, Hew .glish manufacture, on the 'nothing o I • "I Was struck wit `rec)llected that I the great; Watddi benefactor. of - fhe him., When We. ; illustrious chai:ne I we find a glowint our attention On -discovering in lh diasimilarity.; _ ,thoulThtful.aniku, himself, Which;ind: served i . but it,:wu,H suit of niiickiede; peiance -of THE INDIAN STRATAGEM. . , At... the time of the Frneh,and Indian wars . , the Amerieen army was: encamped -on the Plhins .of Chippewa. Colonel .St. 'Clair, the 4dmmandet, was ahrave and meritorious.offl: ier, but his bravery SometimeS, amounted to il rashness, and - .his enetnies have accused him lOf indiscretior. In the present instance per it gips he may have merited the accusation, for 1 the plain on which ht was- encamped was bordered by a dense Sorest, farm which 'the radian scouts could :easily pick of the senti . 1 i nets withont : in the )east . exposing therriselves .td danger.. .• • 1 1 'll ,IFire nights' hed passed, and eVery night the isebtinel who stood at. e lonely outpost in the vicinity of the ,forest, .had been slait-; and ilie repeated disasters struck such dread lleinorn , the remaining- seldiet:l p ;;that no one .1-ivnukr come forward to offer to take tbe post, 46 . 13 the • cone mender, knowing; it was only ;throwing men's lives away, let if stand a few 1 'nights unoccupied. - : .1 i il ;At - lenath a' rifleman of the : Virginia corps,' i i i-i il un tee red his services for this:dangerous du-- 1 tiv'' he laughed at the fears of his' companiens, • . t kind tcld them he meant returnto; safe and orink his commander's health in the' morn -I,ng. The guard marched up scam after, and leishetuldered his "rifle andfell in: - He arris ledi at the place which had been Se fa / mild his otnrades, and , bidding. his' fellow soldiers 1 ‘ - ...,3 : 1.. , 1 Put. eigut ': assumed the duties of his post. 1 I "pie night : was dark, thick elouds overspread i the firmament, and hardly' a star could be 1 een by the sentinel as he paced, hie lonely, I Walk. All was silent except the gradually I ietreating ' footsteps of the guard ; he then . q ' stepped and listened till he thought' he heard I 00 1 joyful soe"All of s we11.."--thou all }vas still, he sat down on, a Olen tree and -' ' .egan to .m_use ' Presently . a low-:_ . tuatling inlong the bushes caught his, ear ; •he gazed 1 intently towards the spot whence the sound • ' seemed to proceed, buy he could; -see nothing the impenetrable gloom of the fort.:t.—.— , 'he sound' grew . nearer, and a;lwelt known. : rent informed him of the approach of a I bear.- 'he animal passed the soldier 'slowly,, and then quietly sought the thicket to the left., . 1%.t this mranent the ,- moon, shown • out , right thrOugh the parting clouds, and 'the wry soldierperceived the ornamented moeca. • 1 iin of a savage on what an instant before he believed to be a : beat!' He could have shot' Nola - in a moment, but he knew not ho* many -, 1 4ther animals might be at hand ; he there ,fore refrained,.and having perfeet:knowledge • of 'lndian subtility,. he 'quickly tookZliis hat and'coat i: bung them on the braneh'of a fallen tree, grasped his rifle, wind sil'ently crept to ' Weida the thicket., Heitad barely reached 4 henW en arrow, whizzing past his head, told . tlint of the dangerlhe bad so narrow l y . . , ~ - - dd.; • . • , - ~. . 1 I[ t te r p l looked k o e r d c e i e a a re re fu d l lr an r d ot h in e d cp litn nt ,. e a d nd tw o e n lv a e. lens :Some sitting, some lyin full length t on the thickly 'strewn leaves o • the forest. f,,, elleiing tney has stor thu-stri F l, rind lit:- t 01 thinking that there was anyone within Il6iiring, they were quite. off the - guard, and trivet -tied aloud' about their plans ; for ;the ,s. . , cirr6*. . '4' It appeared •- that. council of twelvethiefs 1' - waa.novii held, in which they:graVely del iber 4, ~ nted on the most effectual means of annoying the enemy. : It • was decided thi,ll the next eive,ning, forty of their warriors ,Olould . be in rediness at the hour when the sentinel should Fe ;leftby his comrades, and that when they ILO retired a few Paces, an aim* should- si lent-e him and - ,'and 'then they would - rharch r on and messaerethe guard. I this being concluded, they reSe,•and,'draw- • 441 the numerous folds of 'their ample robes closer round them ; they marched 'nff in -Indian 01(4d/rough the gloomy forest, seeking some -More distant t !spof, where the smoke of 'their 1 nightly fire w ould not be observed .by the I ihite M ' - en; '-' • - - i' • - i . 1 The 'sentinel rose: front his hiding\• place abd returned to his post, and, taking dowri his 1 hit found that an arrow had passed prOugh : it. 1 He then wrapped himself in hiswateh: epat, and returned immediately to the ramp; and Without . any delay - demanded- to speak to the commander, saying that he, hadsonie thhig of importance to communicate. ' - - ' l'! fie was adinitted,atid when he had told all. that. be had seen' and heard, the , Colonel be. siov;ed "n him the commission of Lieutenant. of the Virginia corps, which had been . made 1 vacant . by the:death of one of bitt comrades a fc* nights back, and orderellhita to be ready wtth.a picket guard, to .march anhour earlier ' a an tt usual t , o s te n ' fatal b -o t.a ut ri - e p h o: s t : _t o be d re t t 4 t place i ambush fur the intruders. . . The Collo:wing : evening; according to -the ti d o era given by -Calomel St. CLIO, a dettich;, ' ent of forty riflemen, - with Lientenentiltlor g !fiat their head, Marched' .front. the, camp a half-past seven in the: evening towards Aho I. a painted spot, and, arranging thefiet. and coat. it 10 its to have the appearance Of a iolljier, en_ guard, they stole silently , away, and . lull I. thimpselvei among the btishes, , ,:. . .- _.- . .1 Here they lay for almost an hour • before a yisigns Of approaching - Indians Were heard.. he night was-cold . and _ still, and the risini( 1 . tn shone:forth in allber beanty.:,The iilcu - , i 1 it_ I.;genining jinpatiot of their. tutetimkrt r ; ) :4 1 : sitnatit.ini.for their clothes VE•ere..,..ltOt' SO git Ada1414.41 1 .;* -11 ed .. .9(/ 40W:-'l,is 4,k,4-, *or- • .„:, 1 shat "b"' 4 gkhai 4l y- 0 010 41 * - . 1, ? . - f.Silenear whispered Listitenantl4* 9 ” l .• .. 'hear the.:rustling of , • , , .. . , . ME MEI • , - f FRAZIER & SMITH, PUBLISHERS-YOL. • • • was this time in his ilxV-third year, lint had very. little the appearance 'of:age, 7 , - having - been all his life so exceedingly temper *. There was 'a.certain 'anxiety visible in h countenance, with marks arextreme - • . us" Mr a Washington berse two''Made : tea for i •On the table gt were tw o '' 54141' platex ofisliced tongue and dry toast, bread and bid tfr, bet no' broiled fish, asis, tbegenertil ens- - tOM. Miss Eleanor Custis. her grand-datigh t'er,lt very ; pleasing young lady of about six teen, sat next to her, -and - next her -grand-son, shingtnn Parke Cu4,tis, , about t ears nlder. There were btit'lslight IpMs of folio, one servatitonly attending; whO lad no livery ; and a silver urn water ills the. only expensive article on" the table. Sit-R. : Washington struck tne as something 41iler than the President, thongh I understand they wdre.both born the same year; she was sihort in stature, rather rqbuSt, extremely sirn. tl4in her dress, and wore a very plain cap, ith her gray hair turned up under. it." • This description of Mrs. Washington correspondi inifectli with that *in hoeportrnitby Trum till:atnteil the previous .year; and now in th i Trumbull 'gallery at - New-Ifaren. : • • I= Presently a btar of the same deseriptioa4 had been seen the night before,pas.sed, ;hear the ambush.; it crept to "the edge cif the plain --;-reconnoited—saw the sentinel at; la post —retired towards the forests fe* ,paces and then suddenly rising on his feet, let flj at Ar row, which brought the sham -sentinel to - the ground. , So impatient were the Vistinisits • to avenge the death of their comratdeiN, thst they could scarcely- wait till the lientanita: gave the command to fire= - then they tvise f iti a body, and before the Chippewas time to draw their arrows or seize their- foinshawka• more than half-their number lay , demi .uPod the plain, The mit fled to the forest, but the riflemen, fired again, and killed or wounded. several more of the enemy,' They- then re. turned in triumph to relate their. exploits ht the camp. • , _ Ten chiefs fell that night, and their fall . was - undoubtedly one principal cause Of therFreach - and Indian wars with the English. Lieutenant Morgan rose to he a Captain, and at the termination of the war returned home, and lived' on his ownfarm the breaking snit of•• the Amerin war. = And then, at the, bead .of a corps of Virgintit Rifle men' appeared our hero, tile breve, and lant Col: Morgan, better kuown by the title of General, which he soon acquired by his, - courage and ability. KRBS-KRINGX.E AND SA.NTA-CLAIIik MR. EDITOR:--It would- pernaps belntet. resting to some of your-young .reader to knoiv.. who these personages are, . and how. they came 'toy bear such .titlea. They aro: . none other than our Sivior arid .Our great Krissaringle . is -an odd • way.of' spelling the- German.- tern Christ-kindel (more prop: erly Christ.kindlein) whiCh signifies: The lit tle• child In- almost every. German - family Too may .find at this season a chriat nia.s-tree glittering with sprangles, flanging full of papers, and little angels made of flour and sugar—under -it.- are' spread around all. manner of presents- for the children, and in• the midst there is . . -,minature stable, *itb. sheep, cows, - and a manger ; in which lies that veritable • KrisS-Kringle,by - -no means "a fabulous personage)! Hard by; upon • a frOwning .enimencei-you may observe .a•flock • Of sheep' with their shepherds,. .On chriat• - • mas eve the paperarare - fit, and by' the- ring. ing of a' bell the children are . ushered in witness' the gorgeous -.. spectacle 1 To their , wondering - -eyes there are. the- shepherd* keeping Watch 'Over their flocks by night,' } " the glory of the Lord shines around," ", and 'with- the angels a multitude of .the heaienly lioSt praising - God,'? .. -and - ' announcing the.arrP l, Ival of the dear little child Jesus who lies therfip id the manger, and has come to bring them - - all .these beautiful presents. Our German friends take this quaint method of teaching their children to love the Savior. But pray, who is Santa Claui ;St; - ICrieho. las, nobody else i .or, as we faMiliarly term him,'old. Nick. •• In our English ..papers and books we sometimes • see 'him.. cal led! Bel Ls- niche!, another unfortunate misunderstanding of a, )German-Aerm. He is called. by. the Germans Pelz-nickel, i. e., pick in his hide,. _pelz being ,the German -for a, hairy iskin or . hide. This - charater also makes his appear. , ante in the•midst of the Christmas festivities - , clothed in a hide; with horns and a tail; and a whip:of some sort to terrify. the children ;- but- the Christ-kindel Will 'drive him, away. t. • and Pelz-nickel; Ov i oid-- Nick in his:hide s, strangely enough;,.ol, English friends into„Santa Claus, - .and- repre sented as coming, - down the. chimney with his pouch full of presents!' • New,: ye ehildren great and small, distin. guish hereafter :between friends and foes.-,- And . if you will, Jmitate the. time-heuiarcd customs of other4ands.and ether languages,_ • try to do :it 'understandingly.- Alas, it is.not. only the .names of these eharacters that havev . Suircred, in the importation of- this• ancien t custom.. H9w", sadly has the. Spirit of the festivaLdetcriorated! Contrast the ;cheerful home scene of; a German Christmas,-and its. sweet by tnns bf praise te. the dear Redeeiner,. with the ',boisterous merriment, the_firing pistils • and - cra.elcers,, heii rewayisini.:and Tor,: elry of . a Harrisburg, is with the German . feStivals as with. their -- Wines, - they- are best kepi 'at honie.' • . I ~... ~. - ' ' met •' . • . DRA.W-BRIDGE PLAN Cif i UrETTING A virlM --One of the most celebriated bankers of Eat_ rope, at present, is Mr. 4.-... :!.., Hie chief part:;' tier of the house of "Hope & Co.".' f This.gerk iteman Was a simple clerk in the great boom'. 41d now controls, when he' was sent tO-toncTon s ' to negotiate .some business with - the 13aiings, After its successful• completion, having mean tiitne been hospitably entertained'hy'the.headt . tif the houSe i to which he was sent,: the-.Am terdatn clerk_ requested :an interview::With - Mr.. 'Baring, and demanded his I,.diughteea land in marriage.-- -..-. . ~, " 6 . ion dream,' sir,', said Mr. Baring'yo u; ,r e but a clerk%-r. •- s - . . . 1 'But if I were, a - partner in. the hOnse of 1 ope V.. .1 '- - -- \- ; ••-' , - • . ' ' Ali; then the . oasa would b ini& e rent l' - ' The clerk went home and asked: ,a 'private it tervie* . with Mr., Hope.- Without prelim- it, ary he. requested to yo taken into. the" P.M .. . ai.a partner. :, • 'What ? and without capital, and yourself wholly undistinguished ?' said . Mr: Rope. 'But if I were the son-in-laW of Mr. Bar- . ing?' - - - . , • Ah, then there might be a, prop iety in it -- • By-skilfully letting down . the two sides 4 the ? draw-bridge which might cover the chisitt in his expectations, the clerk managest:to get a wife by a for One, and 'a fortime !In 'wiffi c and arrived at his present - eminent ' nir The editor of dui ' Bedford Arum requests his agricultural subscribers who con tracted two years biota pay.four bfislielkof wheat ter their . itunual Subscription to:his pi- . per„o " bring ' on the 'grain.'-Wheat wits then-selling at fifty cents a. hushei.: : Xi* thatit Ws risen two dollars per builipl.thOy are slog_ about' Coming fiwward. . Eight dcl tars a year for a single suhgeription'to ly Paper, seems a ,pretty , high , fi gt bargain is a bargain:" ' - CoLne.;—Abpreoll tkiagtagyerk„ :Culpepper, sivoid sudden tranaltinue f,no4.4**' to ; cold; „it - has lroin the dailltaftbit , , :With The thermometer nutalle nteutATlkiz' 'abotelero,3lnd ato*diled idrzinvffiets-Alti. rooms at nearly, 100 delpi •-911 warwini are wctrth repetitlea; RE Fro, the Morning Herald Mai 1111 II