The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 30, 1882, Image 1

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    Oa column ono rt-,
Qno-hrvlf, fohimit, cm TMr,
Onftdimrth coin-oil, ono ywtr,
On IqiMM (111 Hnm)l Irnnrliiln
A'arr addition! iiHf?tfinn,
frafM4ontiUKl Unaine curd ol
Audiitor. ExDcnlnr. AriniYniainitirr
. u 4tijrnM Nolli, 2 .10
BdkMttai n(ic per lino, I
AH itdvnrtUiiij 1cm thmi
4M)nttM 10 cent line.
, AM iirtuiaincnU for nHortcr pe
fia IfeMM om jrmr r iNtitblo tth
Hmt CtMf Ira nnlnrml, mid it not. iiil
ftmum onlortn them will oo nchl;
rMrwubl for tit. innnev.
WtT lT.
BT.DR. It. ItMTItnocK.
First public -.eutiioent of tbe
booth forebtdn to prhtouor cWiliz.
4 tMnga i Second, the inflexible
WioUr wai in general comrand of
tell tho Oinfedert pmoni, nn 1 re
celred order direct from tbe chief
ctora in tbe rebellion.
Wloter afterwards dial of dieoane
contracted tt Florenoo military pris
on, tod thru practical jmtico was
dealt out.
Mr. Chrietian, tlie rebel mail agent
related to me an instance of General
Winder's sorority, and raoroscQosn
of temper. In lome battle oroiioil
Richmond, a Brigadier-General wan
tiaptnred with ctber priaonere.
Winder a too J glti.og orders for
the disposal of tbe pr sonem. Tue
BrifsdierOeneral, in fawninf tones,
' Mid, "ah General, what aro yon eo
ing lo do with mo t" Winder turned
ftroMd abruptly on bis heols, re- Epb, especially, gave bira trouble, oo tbe parole list, an 1 Anally su n
plyiag in bis sharpest tones, "UangjEph, Epli, stick yer stomach in than nxtned courage to mako application
Several times I bad conversations
With Iversoa sod tho Adjutant in
relation to tbe treatment of the prig
( oom, and in regard to slavery, in
wlicb my natural hnatineas often
got tbo butter of my cantion, and I
xprensed myself pretty freely. The
Colootl defended tbe nso of a dead
Mm, saying it was copied from our
prison regulations, aud very gravely
attd that tbe Federal treatment of
rebel prisoners was as bad as theirs.
.'Tbo treatment," said be," on both
ides is cruel.
He instanced tbe treatment of
.prisoners at Fort Delaware, aud said
'ono of the boys of bis regiment
lisd teen there, and that they did
not got enongb to eat, though be
admitted it was through the ruacaU
tty of the officers in charge of tbo
listribotion of rations.
-They bad tents," said I. "yes,"
id ha Angrily, "but we dou't bavo
nny for you, nor for onr own men,
od closed the conversation by going
oat. Some of my comrades, engag
ed in writing on tbe register with
no, said. "Doo the oolooel has got
bia mad op, and you'll be sent into
he stockade." Iverson stood just
Dutaide, overheard the remark, and
coming in at tbe door, indirectly re-
' iroved tho spoaker, by coldly saying,
, J Mvor think loss of a man who has
convictions which are not changed
by bis oroumstances.
"I can trust such men." There
wsre no men among tbe prisoners
v. horn tbe Colonel bad snch con
tempt for as the ''Galvanized Yun
fc.tes" He treated men with sever
Ity when tbey intimated that they
Vihd to ' take the oath."
II wonld soy roughly to them,
you are traitors on one side you
: will turn traitors tons the first
. chance yon get, I can't . endure
'jmi who doe not fight from prin
;clphj. To Union men, who be
'. JtMiged to southern states, be was
" " tj vindictive and harsh, often',
lifg them d d traitors, asking them
' 'sometimes what tbey were fighting
, linst their country for f
' ' Tbo Colonel's estimate of Yaokes
Integrity and intellect was a very
f low one. U was very much preju-
dji'rd gsJost them, and refused to
TMMlhat the general physical and
mental condition of tho prisoners
as owing to long suffering.
"' He would sometimes say in my
.. bearing, of some poor ceaturo who
,'had bad all bia humanity starved out
' ri bim. "Now look at him be does
lot know M much as on of our
iggers," I ooo overheard a con
: t-rm'ion between bios and a citizen.
-Thos Yanks," said be, pointing
'. to,aqasd of prisoners, "sr just
Ilk bur nigger you can't trust
".'.toost pf them when out of sight."
I' Jlotlclqg that I beard bim, with true
' gtdtlcmaoly instinct, b stopped in
; , hla remark.
1 . Wben I got a little ahead of htm
. bs MJ remark, h would say, "Sarg't.
'3row re th qoggoadest stubborn
xau I Dsv goi," or, "you area
" heavy dog," and tbsav closed tbe
. onvarsatioo by walking off, and
msaring to blmaelf.
i ."Adjutani Beynolds osod to de
lCJxtii tailing huroorou incidents,
'JbeV'ooid ovor Balmio hi favorite
et.ii UrUliUiruUonaanda thsy
1 Cutest wiM aaylngs. Unlika moat
w vCsULtl KM ira from tb negro
. . . JS .1 II -
it wit cmt droUwy - whsa b was
mimicking tbo "South CnroliuMns."
I will not vouch for tbe truth of
the following incident, which be
wan-in the habit of relating in a
manner which would luist hive
mide mule liiiirh. ' I wns out tbe
other moruin he, "and saw
a guard drill that knocked all mj
ideas of Hint perfiirmnncn. Group
of nion wero atnuding around their
huge firos the moringa were quite
Col 1 when one of tho South Car
olinian officers cumo np, ntid push
ing nway a big fat follow who had
tied a tarred rope into bia belt to
make it reach around him, said.
Epb, git from aforo me, for I'm a.
cold," and procoeded to warm his
rear by elovaling bis coat tail oa bis
Then looking nronnd npon the
groups of men, he said, "Now boys
git into two ranks like tatcr ridges
for 1'se a twin to fling yer into
four rauks.1 After gutting thorn in
to two rank, he gave tho or ler to,
rightdress but the lino did 1't suit
Tnis Enh endoavore.t to do i but
whon bin foet were in line his stom
anhjprotrint'i'! wiy 1 when
his stomach was in line bis feet wero
in the roar rank, (totting vexed at
this kind of lightdrexHing, he pnllod
out his sword, and diotv A crooked
mark in front of tho company, ray
ing, Gol ding it. if yer cmt right-
dress, come up tor that sr scratch
I'hey did thi very svtisf ictoiily,
wben he commenced to drill thom.
The first order was, '-Two ranks
inter four ranks, donblo smart, right
quick, git, git !" Bnt in this man
oeuvre thoy got mixed np so bad
that it wasn't tried again. Jo then
commenced to drill them in tbe
manual of arms.
Tho person addressed as Eph
seamed to tako unkin.lly to tLin mil
itary drill, and his Captain addressed
him in pathotic tones of remon
strance : 'Epb, Eph , I've told yer
four times to bring that ar gun ter a
tote, and yer hain't done it yot.
Epb, yer have aoted the plum dg
gon fool !'
Addressing the Sorgoant of tho re
lief he said, "Tut this 'er Eph on
guard near the swamp, whero Rey
nolds won't see him.' And, taid
Reynolds, "without seoing me, away
went the relief at route step, with
arms in all kinds of position but
the right one.
During tbe second week out on
parole, about thirty men belonging
to oue of our merehantmen, captur
ed just off New York harbor by a
rebol cruiser, where brought into
Iversoa parole 1 the officers, bat
turned the ooramon sailors into the
prison to take thoir lack with the
prisoners, The officers, who bad
enough to eat and good clothes,
thought outside life about tbe hard
est of anything tbey ever beard of,
and were ranoh surprised when I
told them I thought thoy ought not
to grumblo, when men inside the
tockade were atarviug.
Tito officers, Lieatonant Luke and
Lioutenant J. Long, were cap
tured while trying to escape from
Columbia, and were brought into
Florence prison about this time.
Lieutenant Iong, was captured in
tho same battle . with soma of my
oomrados, and as I was personally
acquainted with hint, I slyly gave
bim olothos, and went to the Colo-,
nel, at risk of being sent into tbe
stockade again, and interoeeded for
good quarters and food for thom,
whioh were given.
Tbe last of November, order
came from general Uardeo to oom
raeuce making out parole roll for
tbe aiok and wounded prisoner at
Florence, who were to be sont to
Charleston, at the rate of two thou
sand every day or every other day,
f, with otbors, went to work npoo
those parols. What a joyfal day it
was to those men, at last tbey rea
lized that they wero going home,
aud with trembling, eager baads
tbey signed their parol of f-ee iomi
I was at work making oat these
parole rolls, wben a poor creator
oarae with tottering steps to the
table, sod tried to sign his name,
"You'll bave to write my name,
aid be j ''I'm not tbe man I was
wben yon and I were oaptured at
Lookout mountain," I looked np
and reoogohwd. fa this shattered
wreoJa of humanity a sergeant who.
belonged, to otfoopaoy O of tbo 78tb
liegt. P. V.
I left my writing to another eleik
while he1ed the p tor fallow to ray
log but, aSl gave dim warm driuk
aud foo 1, and m blanket to lie on.
The poor fulljw tried to thank me,
but broke down, crying like a child.
Ho was not very ooberent in his
speech. Ho could only say repeat
wily. "Do you think wo are- going
homi-f" I answon-d him of the fact,
and loft him to resume my duties.
Afterward, when roturnod, be
was gone.
Hti must havt dio I o n the way to
Clia-hxton, as I co il I never SHCer
tain that he re ich 1 ho mo.
Day 'after day I wrote on the
parole rolls, trying to see my wai
clear to got away with the sick and
wounded. '.Von ere hourly dying
before bnadquartors.
The rebtd mail agonl, repoatedly
said, as be saw the poor follow-,
come out, feebly trying to cheor np,
that it was the saddest be over be
was Intrnmqn'a1 in gotling
several of ray comra Jos out of ni ison
it my own behalf, when was told
t be oontqutod ; or go back to the
stockade, I almost gave up in dis.
pair, and thought if 1 d not got out
along with tho i.k. I will g it o it in
the futuro, if I ouly kjup up our
Aftor q'lito a doliy in transporta
tion, an order caiuj from general
Hurdee, . to bavo fifteen huudrod
priuouers ready for transportation
on tho afternoon of tho next day.
The names were placed ou rolls,
giving rank, I company,
after which the prinouers signed
their namas. or ma le their marks.
Tlieso rolls woro iu triplicate, nnd
each roll contained, I believe, about
thico hundred names, I.iko our
Army rolls, no erasures were allowed.
Whon tho order caino, I nuked tho
Adjutant if I could put my name
down on the rolls,
lie turuod to mo, and then walk
ed away, muttering soiuotliitig, and
I procoeded to put my name down
among the paroled nick ai I woua 1
od, I theu male out triplicates for
tho rolU, containing about tlnoj
hundred names each, and anxioiinly
awaited results.
An officer comraonood calling tho
rolls, each man stepping out into
line as tho names wore called. The
decisive moment at length arrivod.
My name was callod.
I laid d wn my pen, took my hat
and stood in line. ''Here! ere!"
exclaimed both the Adjutant and
Colooel, in chorus," what does this'
mean !" "I thought you told me,"
said I, with foiguod surprise, "tint
I could go homo with this squad,
Tbe Adjutant laughed, tbo Colono!
looked pleasaut, and I took courage
"Well," said Colonel Iverson, after
a pause, "you can go ;but you urnst
confess that it is a d d yankee
triok." When at last I loft, on my
way to tho cars, the Adjutaut said
"I'm glad for you 1 1 iutend you to
go soon,
I expect next yoa will bo telling
tbe yankeos what a d d rascal A I
jutant Reyuolds is as, and bis pre
dictions became true I am telling all
about bim in these pagos.
I loft Florence that night We
were placed on top, and inside of
box oar. We travelled all next
day, and arrived at Charleston
about twelve o'clock next night. Tbe
wind blew bard and it was bitterly
cold, wben we were ordered off the
cars, and bad ration of bard-tack
given us. Prisoner bore and there
lay dead and dying, a borriblo
spoctaole of southern barbarity.
tt seomed to sad, when so near the
promised land, that tbey should die.
It was very cold the next morning,
when we were on our march to the
dag of firuoe boat but what did wa
oar for that t
Were wa not 'going horns onoe
mora to see friends, and tha dear
old flag wa had so often fought un
der, and whioh. God willing, wa
wonld fight under again t Tba wind
was too high and fierce for tha flan-
of truoe boat togo, and reluctantly
wa war obliged to leave her i and
from thenoa wa were' marobed to
Roper Hospital.
. From bare, however, wo were
ant to tba workhouse yard, which
I have described iu proceeding
page. For two dsy wo waited
bera patiently, but at last losiut
oouroge. Many lost bop of ever
fcstlioj out of thia place, and luany
lay dead, and dj ing around us.
The rebel uomniissary came in the
evening to tba work bons yard,' I
inquired of him when we should be
sent to our transports. Hi answer
was encouraging i and in course of
conversation ho asked me wheu I
bolongod to I'enoHylvania."
I inquired what part, "Allegheny
connty" wa. the reply, I wai art.
oa nted thero, and soon f and I
knew soveial of his friends and re
lations. He took me and sevcat fiicnds
out with him, and gave m quutor
in Uoper llonpital, which wero goad,
and wo enjoyed very much. While
at this hofpitAl t onine vpgo laice
One of them was addressed to the
board of Fbysioiaus in chargo, ask
ing what disposal wai to bo tnado
of the hoppital if the City fall lutoj
Federal hands.
This letter wa datod just at tho
timo of onr first attack on Charles.
ton, and shows that the rebels wero Bnt tho best medicine for t hi
not so confident at that timo of prisoners, was after all food. But
withstanding the assault as they nf-! wholesome, nntricious food was bar
torwards woro. der to got than medicines and tin
We had been in Clmiloton throo consequonce of not haviug food ovei
days, anviontly waiting, whon tho 1 120 to 10 men were carried out of
fog, which bad been very doo-c. J tho stoekado every morning dead
cloarod away, and orders for our re
moval, togolher with ambulances,
camo to tho ho-ipitnl to move tho
sick to the tlag-of-trnco boat.
Those not ablo to walk wero
brought out and laid oa tho si-1oj
walks whore some of the poor fol
lows diod. HoOf, one of my cjiu
pany, diod thus.
"It is bard,' said he sorrowfully.
Thoy were tbo last word J bo uttered.
Poor follow bad a family at borne,
and was almost ready to go and see
them could not bare up nny longer
under tho cruel treatment ho receiv
ed from southern chivalry, Shaino !
Sbitmo !
Whilo these man lay gasping on
tho sidewalk, a woman camo to tho
red -headed Surgoon, who superin
tended their removal, and anked per
mission to give tho poor sick fellows
somo soup she had for thom.
Ho rebuked ber severely, saying,
"If you have nny such thing to give
away, give it to our boys, down ou
tho Island. You show," said ho,
"What side you are on." Her reply
was, "Anything for humanity's eako,
doctor t lot me givo those poor
starving follow something to eat."
Whilo she was thm occupying tho
attentiou of this Confederate fool
and tyrant, she had Bont somo chil
dren around on tho flank, who pro
vided tbe sick with soup and gruel.
Tbo Surgeoa raved whou ho fouud
out, that he was eutirely ont-llanked
and out-wittod by a woman, who
had more bnmano feeling, than a
whole regiment of such fellows like
the nabob of a doctor.
A bont three o'clock that afternoon
we were again on tbe wharf, oeur tho
flag-of-truce beat. What a joyful
moment I yet it seemed too good to
batruo, we could not reulizo tho fact.
Wo, who had boon so used to being
dooeived, were iuaredulons to tho
last moment. Very, very often, we
heard uews, that uow wa wore to be
exchanged, bat sad news in a few
days later knocked tbe bottom out
of all tbe good new wo beard a few
days soooeri
A we stood on tbe wbarf, the
commissary whom I have meutioned
came np to me, and shaking bands,
said in a tremulous undertooo, "I'd
trite anything to be in your place,
going to Western Pennsylvania.
Dear, proud old Pennsylvania! thv
ohildrea can never, wherever their
footsteps wonder, forgot tbea I
At last we sailed down tba harbor
were in sight of our dear old flag
at last were lashed to our reoeiving
ship, were on board, and thank God
for bis mercy, were again under tbo
folds of tba old flag.
Uow our toardimmed eye gazed
at it folds, and we, with solemn,
obbing voices, said, "Tbaok God I
Thank God I for our miraoaloa de
Iiveranoe." Tbe link that bouod ns
to tba terrible post wo brokeu t tbe
gaunt forms, tha famine-stricken
faoe of those who survived, and tba
torturing memories they will aver
bava of those dark day of death and
despair, attest bow cruel and merci
less wera those who bad charge of
rebel prisons,
1 arrived at Annapolis on tba 4th
of Dooeinber 18U4, and was soon at
borne with my family and friends,
where upon my arrival, I was broken
down, aud barely abU to tak exer.
ti .
To-day, though broUn dn iu
health, and rosy never fully iccover
I record thtse tnffcrings ana rt mem
branes to coming gent-rations, und
dedicate these pages to the memory
of the living and the dead, v. hn in
the "great strugglo" have suffered or
died in risons, nud npon well fongLt
battle fields, for our country's pro
sol vation and honor.
Looking back over tho past. I can
baldly imngiuo low I managed to
livo through fourtoon long months
of confinement in rcln-l prisons
But I knew I must not givo way, if
I hoped to live.
Mninetiioes I was barely able to
crawl down to tbo lrookto wash m.
body, nnd tho water often
Githy, that it was not sgieotblot'
nso for bathing. But by np!iny
water and friction to the body, it
effects wero innrvolo'ts, for good
The Doctors had somo homn-ma le
raodiciues which they wool I givo t
thosa who wero about living.
who had diod for want of something
to eat.
To be Continual
Curious Biblo Facts.
Tho learnod I'rinco of Granada
heir to the Spanish throne, imprison
od by order of tho Crown, for foai
bo should aspiro to the thron, wa.
kept in solitary confinement in tin
old prison, at tho pluco of -Skulls
Madrid. After thirty-three yeais in
this living tomb death came to hit.
lehmse, and tho following remarka
ble rosoaiohes taken from tlio Hible,
aud marked with nu old nail on the
rough walla of bia cell, told how t tu
bulin sought employment through
tbo neary years of his incarceration :
n tho Biblo th word Lord is
found l.fc'ill limes, tbo word Jehovah
;,S,".r times end tho w r l Uoverend
but once, and that iu tho 'Jlh verse
of tho cxi. I's ihu. The Hth verso of
tho cxvii. IVuIiii is the middle veise
of tho Biblo. Tho 11th verso of the
viii. chapter of Ksther is the longort
vol ho ; Itotli verso of xi. chapter of
St, John is tho shortest. In th
cvu. I'Mulin there are InU' verses
alike, tho Sth. loth. 21st mid 81st
Each verse of exxxiii. IViliu end alike
No names or wonis witu inoie
thau six syllables uro fouud in tho
Biblo. Tho xxxvli, chapter of hninh
and xix, chapter of Kiugs are alike
Tho word girl occurs but once in
tho lliule, uuil luul in tue Jd vol He
in, chapter of Joel. There are
found in both books of tho liiblo
:i,58G,483 letters, 77:1.01)3 words, 31.-
373 verses, 1,18'.) chapters, and 00
books. Tbe xxvi, chapter of the
Acts of the Apostles is tho fiuest
chapter to read. Tbo most benut
tut cuapter iu tne iiibie is too xxm
L'saltu. Tho four most inspiring
promisos are John x.v, chapter on I
2d verse, John vt, chapter and 37th
vorse. St. Mathew xt, chapter and
28th verse, and tbe xxxvii, Psalm
4th verso. Tbe 2nd verso of tho
Ix, chapter of saiab is ooo for the
new convert .111 who flatter thom
selvos with vain boastings of thoir
perfectnoss should barn the vi,
chapter of Ht. Matthew. All hu
manity abonld learn tbe vi, chapter
of St Luke, from tba 20th verso to
tbe end.
The Newer Arithmetic.
If it costs five dollars to make nse
of ono oath in New Jersey, bow
much will it cost a man to swear all
d ay io Iowa T
A merchant finds bimself with
$300 in bad debts oo band, and be
divides tba amount to make fifty of
bia best customers foot tba bill.
How much did each ona bava to
A political candidate promises tbe
position of market elerk to 820 dif
ferent friends and after bis election
gives tbo plaoa to bia node. Find
words io wbiob to axpresa tba feel
ings of tbe 320.
If it takes eight dollars worth of
coal to one fifteen-cent house-plant
through tba winter, bow much coal
will it take to carry tea of tbe plants
through tba season t
In city of 100,000 people there
are 2,000 men who carry umbrellas
and panes oo tbelr shoulders without
refereuoe to pedestrians. If a maa
kick sixteen of these ebapg par day,
30,-1882.- " NO, If.
how long won hi it take to got roun
to tbo Inst batch t
A lady pays seven dollars for i
pair of faxhiotiahlo shoes and nn
(lores fourteen dollars worth of ng
ony for evty milo she walks. Ilov
much ngi.ny would she endure ii
walking three weiks f
It a man finds seventeen inches r
laned ropo in one pbtg of tobacc
bow many inches will be find i
twenty-two plugs f
If it ta cs a fall of twenty e g' '
fert from A "I . Mi tit trco to break
boy's mm. I cw f. r must bo fall t
break his i e-k .
O i a ccrtai i po'i' cal t cket ni
fourteen i-i.lididatrs ; i nob cuedi
late is th victim of ft-'O lies. Wlmt
is the total lilt hbei of bes f
t.rnil tWit Vri'.
'ttsician.s. Ar.
t'ent re vllle, Snyder ., Pi
llirrlil rr -ri wl'-iml jci ir- t It i nWlr
,Mj IVK3
lIIVNMi M) M il .t:o
Hku-kiitwn, Pa.,
iMIr til .mre.i..nt r. n .i thn liln,
ol U..ilon.i..l.-u,lty. AY . J.
I. imiKR n tinrN.
ort.r thrlrprnlMali nil irli? to I In ililmn
HI ill'l.ll-hulil mi l vl.-lottv. llin.-- it fun il.inl
Wif in- i.ouri tlou.. In A ru. I I'. I.iiii.iint
ll.-l.r-, i-iki.
Dit. j. Y.siiiNi7i:L.
Middh-burv, I'
(liter. hi" ). rofi... Innnl .rri- In the oitlseio
Ml.l.i:iurn n-l tMoitr.
M.r. -Ji ,'CT.
Fremont, Snyder county, Pa
lira. Ill itKi'l lUllllrnrillnllous of Hliy.rln-
ml iillum ul .riii.,..n il rlcr
In ih imiillo. Sp aki knlliik u-l usruiitD.
M.rcti, 17, I -IU. tf.
Physician A Surgeon,
IHivin i' Spriii'H, Snijiirr County, I'a
itlr kin fip(laa rTlsrt inisc iill
Ullli i on AUIoiirm, Juotl'i 'Tu,,
J) It. J. O. WAONKK,
riijslrlHii Mild Mur on,
oiTarii hi. pr.irMlnnl rrvli.-i lo ih silUrni
-r A-iaiukbiim u.l mriiiiir. Aux.t.'iwir.
Oulrrille, Nnyiler Co., Pa
oitr lilt iirnlsiKloaal rtlco loibcpublle
NrtiiMirare, Vioi'a.
I'rol.-lonl builntai iiraiOitlr in iltvl to,
ml .1, 'T.
Krtitzi rvillr, Smilrr Cuti Pa.
(IITr kin prnfeMlicil larvleti to
o KriirvllloaJ vlololl. Ann .In,'!
JJll. A. M. SMITH,
Ollon kin pryrnaalnnol unrrli-oa In tkooltlioni
if A'lotDaiiiirn anil vlriDlty. ,
BOit. :n.
jj K. VAN BU3KIBK, '
Solinsgrove, Penu'a.
ISAAC llT.AV!.lt,
Surgeon Dentist !
Midcllcburg, Snyder County, Pa.
Evorvthiug belonging to tbe pro
rouinn duno In thoboit tuna Dor, All wink
wrrnte.l. Trun inoileroto.
Ho will lo tieml to bndnoio orory two
nil t ticntrvvllle, Truol e, lietvtr.
tvwu Ailaattiura nd ftxiuavlllo,
'1 ,
D. S. MASSER, -- Proprietor.
SuThlo II onto baobooa Ho-rnralikotl
will bo kopt la Iho foooiylyonU Mtylo.
Oood Llquora, Uood UIkoii oml Okomot ori
Moderate. lrok H.'
rpilB UudoralgDoJ would roKpeolfull lo
a iuiw mv iraiToiuag puDIIO, OUIIDOIt
men. wltfiaaMa at.rf Iiih... in .
Oiiurla Ibal ka baa mada araplo uronarailono for
h.l MNIII.I.MI.II.L. ..J I I I I
" " wal auu ,..u . ,u B
Urtalu bia palrooa lo ood alyla at Iko mial
. ... 1 """"""I a a io aooro
WMto(lkoOurl Houao,
Apr.Si'TS. If. Ft i-rktor.
C""entreville hotel,
(UtiHri. WoTar'.)
Cantorrtla Boydor Cs., F.
FETEB HABTMAK, froprlolo ,
Tkll looaoitabllahad a.S ..II k... a.
ka'ln baoa paroaaia4 by Ika ualaralaiod,
IUHi akaro al Ik paklle pal roaaaa '
April,!, tin.
Ik Ennrilier I'm
robllnhed every Thursday Evenntft
Terms of Subscription,
abla vithfn sis month, nr liiOifnrtt
paid within thsyesr. no psmr dit
ooiitiniiMl nhtll all rrenirs 4-4
irnid Unite, at the option of iba pub
mulm rlptlotii niiKide bf thtt Coiinll
ItPentons lirtliis and tising papT.
nldrviweil U oth"r iier.onteiiicniiers
tnd uro liable forth prick efttiepsber
The Secret
of the tinivcraal tucceis f
Brown's Iron Bitters is sim
ply this: It ti the best Iron
preparation ever made; is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific, chemical and principles, and
docs just what is claimed for
it no more and no less.
By thorough .nnd rapid1
assimilation with the blood,
it reaches every part of the
System, healing, purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing" at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health in no other way can
lasting benefit bo obtained.
tonearborn Avt-.Tkirac, Nov. y.
t kavo hn RTat anffarv? frij
0 very waak ainmack, haartbuni, anl
dy.p.ta In IMwnrillkrwi. Naarly
avrrythini I ato ga0 mo diltrma,
ind I cotiM cal bill lltlta, I fiavo
Irif d cvrr ylhinn rr ommenilad, ka.0
l.ikrn ttta pr.(.nptlnM of o ooata
yiliyaklftna. but got oo raJIW onlil I
KkiIi llmwn'a lion Hllltn. I taal
nona of tho old Irmiblva. aod am
h.w man. I am falling anock
in-ntrr. and IWI Anl-rato. I aaa
o railroad tnKinr, and now mako
my nipt rculrty. I caa o aayi
loo aiurh in praiaa ct ynar woadar.
ful anadiuoa. X. C Mittc.
Brown's Iron Bitters
docs not contain whiskey
or alcohol, and will not
blacken the teeth, or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia, indi
gestion, heartburn, sleep
lessness, disxincss, nervour
debility, weakness, &c.
IT.i only frown. Iron Pltttto nada trw
flrnwn Chrmiial Co., Jrlaltimoro. tjnaaaC
tad Iumo and trada-auik M rapr.
Absolutely Pure.
My, Imnuth and whol niutnr, Mtr t o-1
n"nilrl than Mi ortlitrry hind, nd rKiiiml b
mM Id nniiiHiltloti with th iiiultltud nf lo
tvmt, hnrl wi-IhM, lnin or prioihM j wd'-f fNi.v ill (Afcft. HOYAU HiKJKLf
I'OWDKK CO., loo Wll HI. N. V.
A tig. 17, litHt ly.
I will mall ((rao) tk raoolpt for a ilmpf
V,rlnlilo Halna Ibal will romoia Tar
frit l Ira, I'linpUa and Mlalrhro, lrTlo
tlio akin anil, rlaar and l-'aolllal ; tin In'lruo-tli-sa
fur prodoeliiK a laxurlaul nnwlk ol kalr
on a bald koad or aui- olh raro. Addrona. In
eloalnn So. fiarjip, lltN- VANDELrt' S DO., la
karolay 81.. N . Y.
"to consumptives.
Tka kavlna; bran vormaaaail
ruro.1 1 1 ikal dr-ad dlaoaaa, Uoaaoiapilnu, by
fliopi. la aniloua .i taako kanwa to
bia lalluw-aullartra tko moauf ( ear. To all
wbu II, ka will aon-l a copy or Ik pro,
aorlptloa u.od, (davul ekara Iwltk tk dlro
ilima lur proparlnar and Dflo Hi aatnrt, wbti-to
tbay will dn-1 a aura run Millualu 4'alalSf
I'oiianliiplliin, Aalhiua, Hroni KIMa, So.
farllaa wialilOH tk Hraasrliiiloo, Wirt plt
a.Mr.-aa. H. K. A. W1U11IN IN l'DS fit
Wllllamabarifb, H. Y.
AIIKNTI.tM N wkoiafforod for yoartlroaf
Nroua HKIlll.lTY. I'M LM A TV at IIS
I A V, and all tba allaola nf yooifclut rrMtkirr.
Hon. will lor tli aaka of akifi-rlaa; baiuaallr
a-nd frra to all who ooa.1 II, lb raalp a ad -If
roclloo l-.r n-aklnic Ikaalmpl rmrTy by wkle
kawaaourrd. Mullarara a taking to proSl bf
timadToriltor'a aiporlouo eaa da a l.y a'
dn-aalUK In iH-r laclcoon.laoc.
JOHN V. UUUKN, IUa4ar It. R. Tf
THE noderkipned t.ffi r. at pril
al, tk fullow In .raorttttd Ral IMM M
wit i A Farm altaal la Franklin lap.. HTar
Co., Fa, H ' Mlililburg, elaia
108 Acre
of tk but Unit itok land, wkro r rl
ad a ood frana dwelling koaa, bara, and tk
arooiliulldiogawallol good watar tr lb
door. Bowing watar on tk laraj ikftli,tf
yoangorckard orkolITlt I'M Kara. I a
blgk ut aUallltatloa. Tarpa aaat A 4 ,
Fb. M, 'Iti mddlakart, t
Atrents Wanted for
BTi.W, UUKLlaj
Embraalai lb Lla. ad Woadrltt Adr
luraa of Wild Hill, HwaTala Kill. Kit Can
aa, tlapt. lHya, Unyrt. Jaoal, TtaaaaM.
rallrwral Jao, aad olliOr awiakraiail IfMnMa,,
riiiktar, Booat, HaulariaaAUaMaav
blatnrloal work f ikrltllag adawakatw a ta
flaiaa. aad la wax ark piograa a4 alllllaaa
Ion. I'iaku wlik ladlai.a I Qfaad MafMl.
Hunli-t fioaawrala Aa.aalaro' Natiow Baa
oapi..VoaarraikotlBa.aao Rldlual WU4
l.llrlo lb Far rtl ItrMlranimaM
Fall-oak- Hlor4 I'laiaat 4 Br. ad kovk l
AfODta, (riatatUoaryikl. OM paawo. prl
J.oo. Aaani'a MaiKiata '8l M aU
tt ad o( f lor m oo. Writ l
oaaw, uan
on lf
faf , or tarn t m nttv nri-aian
N. V, THO ' PriOH U '.. fa .llaavarf i W
vol. Hk kua rvvi, now IB