- A.dveitl4ltt x CVxt est. Oi column on year," i IflOJW Ofva-haJf, cohluin, one r, 8O.00 One-fourth eolnmn.oiMj ye.r, . HUW Cneeotiare (to llncsll insertion 76 f rarv additional insertion, SO Professional ami Dtialne card ol not more th an 5 linw, pr ysar , 4.01 Aadtior, Executor, Administrator ud AMifpiM Notices,,' . Sartorial notices pr linn,' AH Iranaoiant advsriiain; than wMnih 10 oents line. All edvertisemcnte Sflgffl-" aatDPbBBDBO-'- SNYDER fJOUNTY. iM Bron ordering tliem will oe ueld; wwottathis rur ma itiunav. Poetry How. Rise I for ths day I piumlnjr, " And you ll ilroaiiiittir on ; Tbe others have bunkleil their armor, And forth to ths flxht have none A plan In tha rank awaits you, Kitoh man ha some part to lny t Th( pant Mild tlit? Fut urn nre nothing, In the face of ths stern To-dny. Bis from your dream of tlio Future, Of galniiitf soiuo hard fought llcld ; Of storming soma airy fortren. Or bidding situ Riant yield ; Your future has dcml. of glory. Of honor (Mod Kraut it may !) Hut your arm vill never IxiKtroiinr Or the need mo great a to-day. Rise ! if the pant (lutniti you, Her sunshine, and storms forjjpt ; No chance to nn worthy to hold you As those of A.vniti regret ; Bad or bright, (the U lilVli't ever ; Cst her pliaiitoui arm away, Nor look back, nave to lenru tlie les- IIOII Of noble strife to-day. Itine ! for the day in pawln ; Tlie eotiud that you scim-ely hear I the enemy marching to battle ; Ariwrt I for the foe Is here ! Stay not to sharpen your woapou, Or the hour will atrikeutluwt. When from druaum of a coming battle You may wake to fiu.l It pant. Auki.aidk t'ltorroit. t ut Th Poor. REBEL PRISONS. BY I) II. It. HOTltllVJK. He was my companion from An napolis lo the western part of Penn sylvania, and lives to-day, shattered in health, but not shaken iu the re aolulion to live aa long aa possible. Hergeant Croaa, another comrade was a man of opposite tendeiioioa, with something of chauirefulnets in Lis mooda and disposition. Ha waa. perhaps, as noble benrted aad brave a fellow aa evjr stood at a gnn. Elatod or depressed easily by good news or the reverse, hi was Dot the tempoiaiueut t endure the horrors of prison lif.i He s ink uu- del it. and, I behove, would Lave died if I, and several of bis oomradus wonld not bate talked to him every day, we encouraged hiiu iu every thing; at times we almost give up in despair, bo might at last die amid the despondency and gloom of tba prisjn, but be ralliod uu J come oat victorious. Hassack, died while on bis way up North, (bough be got bis parole, be was shattered iu tniud and body, bo roused biuiutlf at the prospect of going home, midetbe effort, and died. Ireoollsct asking bins, at one time, what be thought of the south ert chivalry. 1J is answer bad in it food for thought, which though it miy be indigestable In these lenient times, was the spirit evoked by th e barbarous usage of prisoners. "I bava tuado np my mind," said La, "tooue creed, political and re ligioos, t govern ray conduct wbon I get oat of tbis prisoti tlilomma " unri..i ..... I :.. i..t t I i Bit u vtoua la vubi i a iiiijiiiitiu, 'To bate what (bey love, and to love what thy bate." I shall be euro, then, to bu on the right sido" If 1 the future is to bo a repetition of the past, I think bis crood a sate one one for Ibe guidance of the North. 1 Bat lot as charitably hope that, now the great uiorfl cause of south ern iobaiaanity is remova l, wroug ideas may alsobo rovolatioQi j 1 aad ' mpplantedby oewooos. At Florence the difficulty of CBcnpiog was in ' creaited by a deep ditch, already described, encircling tbo entire prig .' 00. , Tbis made tiinnelling diflbiilt and . , unprofitable, as it carried the tua !. ' Duller at onst but just beyond the .' . atockode, where getting from the " ditch would, oodor any ordinary oir ' cumetanoes, attraot or draw the fire of Ibegaard. and made escape au kaposaibility. (; - 4 Yet men get out, by bribing the ' sentinels, and makiug their escape, : with assisUDce, over tba stookade. ' One lacky fellow, who wss the poaeeeeor of a watch, with several other, ' made bia escape in tbis 'manner, and aneoeeded ia gettiug ato tba Federal lioea t elurwords cost bin) in the North. aooiiaoUlly, on the train from Thiladlpbia V Pltuorg, and be .' . relxi tka nartiouUrt of bis duu garoiM aslfouturaa. u oiaiadoa Ml i wifcU of'era mho a . . WW I.. mekWPittJ. (u4a Pty w tablishiiifr hiio M their leader. travelled nights, and elept ia the woods daytimes When set upon by dogs, they killod an entire pack tf Iber, re sumed their journey, reaabed the chain of mountains iu North Caro lina, and travelled on tbe teblo lands of these elevMioas. At tw or three different times they m it white men, aad, knowing it to be impossible to trast them, although thoy. in each oim, protested thit tuoy wcro Un ion mo'), ilia alt9rn itive 1 iy Iwf.i.- tliem ofkilliu tin n, oradistjdu ( o' ilioni ia S3 no o'.bnr int iuur s ai uot to on liugor tlioir o vn sifjty. Tburofoi'o tbny bunknd su l gng e l tbom socuroly, an 1 left tlietn iu tbow.jjli t) thoirfito. if .n ill, but to save tbomiulvos Ibry woro bound to got them out of the way. It wai iudool li u-.l lint no other conrjo was left t) tlmm. bu dosper ate mon, w!ij lit I ud irod prison iuToiug, wore in im ninl. 1 1 torn P'irizo under sito'i ciro imtanco. I wuh I rema n'l.ire 1 an I (u! 1 givo tlin in in 4 na u'e an I tin full lutaiN of his ejj.iu j, ai b i n uratod it to ma. It il)ie vn 1 1 hi pjt o i record. Jy urctiti him. in tin in inner iloiTib.i.l. wh ouo of thoso singular ooiuoide:inis which ar stran or t'ni the i wuatio.n uf fij tion. Mtny suc'a cainci lonoos and meetings occurad in icy prison life I will iustance a few of Mioni. John C. wboru I b ive m mti no 1 iu the ne piges.was au ol I e imrido iu the en gineer eorpi, in whicli I first bocoiiK ao Uintod with him. From tbe tiiue of my firtt cipture I had not seen him until I mot him at Antlers invilla. Tvr mou w 1 1 u I had knowu at Boll Isle very inti ruituly, mot again during my stav at Savannah, and tbe bjo mi I tiui 1 1 stw tlioiu wn when we em'iir'ce I o tbo llig-of truce boat at C'l r,u.st.iu I sat down ia tba only pi tee I c uiM dud, looks 1 aiou 1 1 at tin iui i to ras.au I thnit I djtoHol si ne- thing familiar iu his face t thinking1 liiiu one of my c wi il acq t liutano at onco I nouoiUc I biiu, when, to my surprise, ho claimed to bu oue of my old Hell Isle usHociutes. At ono time, iu Floreheo, a Ger-1 man mot bis brutiior, wbo u ho bad not seen sineo he loft hoini in the old Country snun livj yens bif no The month of Ducumber wis col l and gloomy, its chilly wind wailing through those long, bitter oigbts, like a re juiom for the deid. The first whitoued groun ?, which lay like a sbrowd over tbo pi inou i tbe various dreadful form of del pair, insanity, disease, and death i tbo ahivoring, half-clad beiugs, wandering with plaintive moans and chattering teeth up and down the prison, impress me now with terror, aa one of the darkest times of rav prison lifo. can never think of that time without tbnuking GhI with a full heart, for deliverance. As it is the daikost just before dawu of day, so there is gloam of cirowniUtious somotunos proceeding tbo light of happier days. Tbe rebel adjutant caiuo iutocamp one day. looldug up clerks to work upon a register of the prisoners, a copy of whioh was to bo sent to our government in return for a like oomplimeut conforrod by I hem. 1 wrote my natuo and detaebmont and banded it to tbo officer of the guard. Ia tba afternoon, an orderly came into prison, and in i iirel for oie. I aooompaoie 1 biiu to tbe Colon el's quarter's which was a log bouse, ia which was a fire place and two or tureo pine tables. At one of tbeie sut a youngish, rather nndsr middle sized man, dressed ia gray, Ue looked at roe with surprise, aud said, with something of pity ia bia voice, 'My poor fellow, can yoa write f I took op a pen, which lay apoa tbe table, and wrote upon a slip of paper a simple aentence sigoiog my Dame, rsuk, &c The Colon el drew it towards him, looked it over a moment, and said pleasautly, '-Very goodi that will do. Go into the prison and get your trspa, aaU 1 will set yon ' to work." "I bava bo trsps," said L "No cookiog dUhee?" 'No." It appear vd to strike biin aa very strange. kWe)l.n aaid bo, "I'll feed you well out here." ul caunot agree to do writing,' aaid I, "except for tbe IWIBUl I ' lie ka ke.1 . at tae with an angry auasJ,aUia:y, ".YlMtOif. ...... . ' tt4&jJkB C3 I foreaea does it make to von 1'' J eaid notbinj "Well. well, vonr van. ketism shall be respeoleJ, air, aaid ho, something I did oot eipeot from him, bat after all the tyranny placed over uk, we sometimes met a Rental- man among the rebels. Hut they latAPA f.tiat an.l a- - I. -a . , r."u,4"r uw0Di "'"i- I signed a parole of honor, agree ing not to go beyond prescribed lim its without a pass. That evening I got a gloiious supper cf frosh beol au 1 white bread; of which, however. I did not daro 1 1 cat as much as I inli-d for fear cf tlio como pjaocos I nlept in the Adjutant's cabin be fore a fire, ' and - Certainly thought myself altogether a lucky fello. I'bo not morning Adj it ant Kovn olds uf the lentb Georgia, gavo me from his war I -robs ashirtaad a pair of drawers, whioh I couriered very clover in ono who had s poor a sup ply himself. ! ho, apologetically, "I did Imvo i u?e a lot of clothes when I anno hero, but givo them nil a.vny to the bloody yanks who wore run ning aroun I th ir" (pointing to tbo prison) "like yonrsolf." I soul my former wardrobe ir.lo tbe prison to ono of my coruru cs, and thus disposed of my vermin, or modt of them at least. Still I had no shoes, or any otbor articlo of clothing, except tbo said drawers and shirt, but thoy were woolen and warm, and I tinglo 1 all over with pleasant sensations from haviug again a full stomach au 1 warm clothes. I wont at ouco to work in iliiu r up a dead registry. This registor allowed, when com pleted, that over eevonteon hundred 1 leial soldiers, prisoners of war. lm.1 tiled in Huh prisou Kinco its os- laldihbment, the lust of September, Tho prison had never numbered over liiteou thousand men, aud a portion of the timo five thousand would huvo covered the nnmbor con tained, therein. Many of tbe dead were maikeil, ' Unknown." What a b'lidju of sorrows, disap pointed hopes, and uiinoiies wcio emhodiod iu that word. Tlioir' uauies, their hietory all unknown, uncared-for. thoy died. Some moth er, wife, fatbor, or sister mourns them, or vaiuly waits for tboir com ing. Kiel sound of footsteps at the d oor may causo their hearts throb with expectancy j but no more iu life shall they behold thoso facos which ouc gladdenod thohousohold. 'Sick and iu prison," tboy died uu known. Another lot of goods camo from tbe sanitary commission, via Cbarlos ton, for distribution among prison ers during tbo middle of October. A gum! was plaoed over them, and a redbral officer, who by mistake bad got into prison, was taken out land parolod for tbe purpose of tak ing charge of aud distributing the K'oodx among the prisoners. Itoxes also came through for pov- cral prisoners. Tho instructions wore, that all boxes should bo exam ined, to seo that tbey contained noth ing contrul and. The Colonel cow mandiDg undertook tbo task. Tbo first box opuue l bad a little pocket bible, and on tbo fly-leaf was writtoa the name of tbe prisoner, with tbo words "l'rom your mother. '' Asjif tbis inoideut bad aroused somo tender rocolleotions of bisowa borne, tbe Colonel turned quickly away, saying, "Put on the cover again, and let tho poor boy bavo bis box jukt as bia mother paekod it," Of the Sanitary Commission, goods wero sont, ao that I got a good suit myself, and had a chance to send my drawers, and ebirt iuto prison for some of my friends, who were naked. The Coloool aa Adju tant were very jealous of any of tbo paroled mou having communication with tbe otbor prisoners. I bad now beeu out at work on the register over a week, gettiug enough to eat, if I bad dared to eat it. I bad to exeroise continual vigi lanoe in regard to eating, and noth ing but the most absolute self, control enabled me to keep from eat log too inuoh. I bad, had experience of this kiod before, whoa released from Uolle Isle, whioh waa of great value to me. As it was, I scarcely passod a day without intensely griping pains uu I Tometing,' my atomaeh beiug to Weak At this time, too, began to hav say first symptoms of paralysis, nai vfuu ulUpaud iuto a buapl whioh walkiiri-'" along, by my lege J "five Georgia," and other rebel regi- J trivinir way fro.a nnder me. and I'mnta in Una. Thair dresa waaa.dlars was for six long weeks laying np. that t waj entirely helpless. They even hud to feed me with a spoon, and attend me liko a child, iu ths 0fth week, the p.ralj.i. affrit,! rav 1 J tounge. and hogs, at which time 1 thought my bones must be It ft on sooth soil". But 1 base an extraordinary amount or tenacity of bfu. ao that wai nt last enable I to imiidI. rnct the 'Ime.iHe, and au to iliya living iiionnmeiit of sonutbein cruelty and Itarbarity. During! ny .''Vn lsw.mk oi p nolo to r')el ill til n ; ti rimo to t'loreiico, w ilh about thirty thous and letters for tbe d fToi'mit prisons in tbe confederacy. As the prinou- ers had been shifted nrouu 1 ro much sinco their iinoiNotmieiit, it was impnssi'da to tell exactly where to tako thoHO letters toi, I was Pet to work to liulp distri- buto Uk-so letters. nd look up the ll,,vo tor biiHinoKS, why not names oil tlio register. Often tho;rty at "ee they nre to roufuunded persons would be fo m l to lm dead !dumb, and can not write th. ir on wboioitpon (Jolouel instructed me to ! uames, be said, "they can llbt like wrilo to tboir friends, t bu'ii of the sad fact While thus at work, it occiirii.l to me that there informing had a )vei Icttorxt for mvHulf. until I cinin to ; W0 nddrossed tsuMaaTao letters iu formed me that all my friends 'piivnte who could uot write, as it wero well, and though tbev wi re' woh to sow a rebel who could. rather ol I, they encouraged me, uu 1 thereby relieved many suxiuties. Certainly, thought J, if fortune favors iu this raauuer, t shall get out of prisou before tbe war is over Receiving these letters rovive I pas Hiouatu loiigiug.i for homo and friends, which had been crushed for months under tbe accumulating misories aud more struggle for foot bold upon life. Tbo oflico whero I wrote nnd lodged was tho quartera of Lieut. Col, I vet son, which I have onco de sciibed in these pages. Paper was a scarce commodity,' nndt we were not oxpotsod to make a very genor ous use of it. Reynold j tbo rebol Adjutant, had before tho war beeu a cashier in a bunk. Ho was very kind to his Yankee boys, as ho termed us, aud was quite au ublo hiihiness man. Tbo Adjutant bad lakeu most of the young bojs, Irom tbe prisou, and put tbom iuto a cimp by themselves, providing them with much hotter ra tions tbua tbo stockudo prisoners got. In this manner, about one hun dred boys, from twelve to fifteen years ago, were oared lor, no was a generous man. 11a had one or two Hue-looking fullowe aruod tbo oflioe whom be made great peta of. The Adjutant was very droll and humorous sometimes, and was never :so happy as when hetoatd git Prank oil aud another Viukea boy at. dauciog, or eiogiog uoro or comio songs. o bravoly told thu women down in the village, that theso boys woro Yuukeo Riild, aud at oue tima ho so completely h.nubagged thou into tbe belief, that, prompted by en lim it)', theso Secesb dames or fouls oue ouo day made a vieit to tho prisou headquarters, and commenced quiz zing the Adjutant about his suppos ed giils, wbon be, who had instruct ed tho boys what to say, had their hair parted ia tbo middle, and intro duced them nt tho headqnarteie. Tho women asked the boys "Do you Yankee girls f" "Yes. ran ma," was the answer. "VI,e e do youeus Htop at nights f "O right iu here with ths Adjutant." YVberenpoo each Secesb dsme took her anuft' stick, which aba bad sat chewing, from bor month, and sat iu blank amaxemont, aud when the Adjutant was out, aaid among themselves, "This lteyoolds is a dreffel man." These womeu a afterwards wished to look ovor tbe stockade at the prisouors, and were so lost to all christian feeling and decoucy aa to say, as they saw theemaciatod forms of bumau bodioa iu the prison, "Uood enough for tbom Yanks i they needu't bavo oum'd down to fit we' nns." Keyoolds waa a humane and generous fellow, geueroos ia bia im pulses, yet a rebel of tba darkest dye, for all that. "God ding it,n be used to aay the Yanks have g t a p iwm-f il spite gaiuut us, u'nd w) bava ot every.. thing 'gainst them, aud tho best way is to fight until! U j. knocked out of each other." 1 wluu Lad a Uauoj of aeeio tbe PA, NOVEMBER medley of all dry-goods in tbe Con - federacy, and their drill in tbe man- oal of arme embraced every descrip - tion of infantry tactii a from ncott to llardse. Soiuo of the rebel privates one day passed headquarters, aud said oue to the other, "Good quarters, aru't thar, Jimt" "yee renpondod Tim. "and fnll of them dxv'.lish Yanks." The Adjutant bond tin rent ill;, au I turned to me, an 1 Slid, "yon see how jxulons o ir f -I k are who i wo do nny kin lno for yon Ytiukj.' I have no doubt tha veisou and the Ailj't. ha I to put up with many insulting rcmaiks from rebei soldiers and citir.etM. When it was kiiowu tbey showod luorcy or favor to the starving dying thousands nudrr their char. o. "T.i tell the truth," sai I Hr.vni.lds. "I wouldn't have one of yon Yanks t woik on that register, but my lebs .t'10 devil, but don t take to reading or writing, or snob things." j This was a blank aeknowledgo- might biiH"11' i tho superiority of tbe laukees in point of lutHligenro. It was full as raro too seo a Yankee i While distributing tbo moil, of which I have spokon, the reble gen oral. Winder, mado his appearance at the prison. He was a man op- pareiitly aWont thirty years of age, ilrusHi'd in homespun Secesh citizens clothes, butter-nut coat, gray pants, tall, eparo and straight iu figure, with an austoro expression of face, a firm set mouth, a largo I'oiuan nose, like a parrot's peak, and a cold stony, stern eye I overheard a conversation, which took place on the tuoruiug of bis arrival, betwoou biiu and Col. Iversou who stood just under the cabin win (low, near where I was writing. Said Wider, in sharp, abrupt tonos, ' Col. Iversou, I can't have all these Yankees running around outside the prisou. YVbat aro tbey doing T' The Colonel explained that it wns ni...a.nrr. i.. .tr.l..- I.. .,rr..l., ...' . . ... , . , ..w..uu ...... wood, and to erect shelter for the sick. 'No necessity," said Winder, ab. rnptly, to which Iverson responded iu a tone of reiuoustraneo aud en tindy, "(lemaiil, tbo prisouors, iu spito of all I have o)ono, or can do, aro starviug '' Let tlioiu starve then (" said Winder, in sharp, angry tones, putting a stop to further con versation. Ia about aa hour afterwards, IversoQ cume iu with a pale.auxious, troubled look upon Lis hundsouio features, and walking uorvously back and forth in the oflico, gavo tho ld To.... Jl,Ual instructions to write the or der seuding back all tho paroled mou except those nt woik iu the oOloo, and a few otbors, to tbe ptiH ou, tbore to reok o it a miserable c istance. I mention this incident, as I think it furnishes tbe key to tho gtncial inbnmuuity with which prisoners were uniformly treated iu all those rebel hell-holes. To bo turned iuto tbo stockade meunt death aud suro death. Why men would cry like children if you just uioutiou tbo stockado t i tbom. It was a horror above all horrors. To be Continual. THE G30D (?) OLD TIMES. a a . . a it sounus very poetical to say "the good old timos," but if we should bo strictly tititbful, having an eye opon tho aotuul ruther than upou the seutimental. we should be more inclined to designate them as the "mean old times" especially if by some powerful freuk of nature, we should be taken ap aud not back among the days that fell to the lot of those who were men and women when our grand-patents woro little children. It ia no wonder tLot Den- juuiiu Franklin, with bia prophotio visioo, wished it bad been hi des tiny to bo born two or three centur ies later. Think of the journeys tbeu requiring days, that may now be accom lisUed iu as many hours, and with far more comfort Tbiuk of sitting iu church winter after winter without cheerful . light of a Are t eavo that whioh was kindled iu tbe imagination . by the glowiog eloqueuce of tboproacboi, as bu do suiUiJ tba torutouU of tbo daua 4 23, 1882. NO, 14 TLink of paying or fift a year lor a i o vt p iprr, aud thlok.also. of the brgg 1 lit He sheet and all its uegcr .T' "iliew. Thluk of living without a irictiou match in ths Iioiih or n carpet, or gaslight or lewilig nla chiue, or doiu without over-ilioox au I a ubrol a , and a thousand ot ter things that wo edl necussitioM It is startling to ounxider tbo innlti ta Iu of tilings small anil great, thul we poseees which contribute to oui comfot t, our welfare, our ease, oi r eiijoyiuuiit, that were liltwily un known to our itin ici iil )iaDdfatbi-if and uovor Could bivo enlored their dreams The spirit of progics consults our cuiivetiieuoo snd mill tiplius advantages in ever diiictiun. uiih meing Ibechaiuis of life, dimin isbing its pains and inviting us t.i woloomo and enjoy its iniiumeia! le gilts. f'ijsicKiits, Vr. J WINITl'.Id) HAMI'J'KI.L, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, (Viitreville, SnydiT I'o., I'ii llllnnhlii 'Mhl.ual ;iiim in th .il.llt. ly l,'2. JJ II. liU ISDN Hit, I'lileH i IlKAVHIt I'.iWN, I Mfftr IiIn irnfa.ifiiml ncrrl, i ol H.' rlowtlai.il tlnlnltr. Kin i:o, l'X.. I I.I ttlA ll'n AT. ., 'HI, n, re. ii kimii'. I. liniKR II A l II I tl. BARBER & IIASSINGER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, I Ifli r th' Ir pmti'Mli nnl unrvlcn. In llm ,-iilrnn "I V Mil mini runt! I vl.-lult V . Mlttf l limit Vnl llir Uuurl Moti, In Am.. 1 1' I ii I l.l I n w ii.t. r., ni. DIC. J. Y. Sill MUX. 8UK0EON AND I'll VSKMAN, Mid llrliiirt', l. Olleri Ills irntolons I irvl-a , ha oituan. ui Miil.noi.urit &ml iLmiic. Mor.ai.'ii;. J)ll MAKAND lionmocl Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. Urmlnaianl r.lilmoro('ollK nl fh mcUm n.l NurHoiiit. oilora lil .rifitl..n I nervlct to Hi inbllo. H..m tngllnu n.l (.orumo. March, 17, lArl. II, JJjV SMITlir Physician & Surgeon, i.ivr Spriiii.i, Sntjilrr Comity, Pu. Ortori hi. prolamlnnal rvlorf loth inlll Om.0 oo Mlo ttroat. Juno Ii ;o J)U. J. O. WAUNEU, I'liialclnii nnd Sur on, "" 'lr'.'f,...oi,.l ,,. ih. ,,.. , ui n.uumuiirK an.l vi.-liilty. AllK. ,'ulf. J)U. J. P. KANAWKL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 1 1'M,r,,,,,l, s,'lfr '., In 6 3S in iuo pul.Mi.. J. KCKHKKT, SURGEON DENTIST. fcit ItllKlt l" lll.Ol'K, MiiiA.ron; i'liiit'a. I'rorouloutl bajlaoii irototlr mtomloa Id, Aim '7. piiUClVAL UEUMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Kratimillr, Suydrr Co., Pa. Offer hU pMfaMlnnftl orloB to tb Una o Kritsrvlllft nn I vlilnlty. Auk I J)H. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN ,l.V svnaiutN Oflorti hlN iirvruaa-lorml a Ttri. j t.i n.V u i.-.. Hojit. 4 1.1. ' Jj V. VAsTlWKIIIK, aUltaiC.VL MECHANICAL DHNTIST Selinsrove, I'eiin'n. MidJIcburg, SnyJor County. Pa. I)KKII IN rKAm,IK MKIU Till JIKFOT IM Ailolilblirif ami vl. inllr. Ivorytbini; lieloiiijiiig to the pro J re-alnii ilnno In tho I. nut umnnsr. a il aimi ilr.ni. Il, , It I.J.d ...n n r. .11 ' Aitwork 11a will a II. n.l ,.. I......... . ' oom at l.'nulmylllo, Troiol r, llaaycr- turn, Ailaniliur ami l'loovlllr. aa UobiU. IIiii'ilwlnn-rr, Jtt. 0. S. MASSER, - Proprietor. -n.VTt" ,,!0M?" ,ll,,n Kofurnlthoilonil will .0 koit la tha llrat fonni Ivonla Nlylo. Uuo.1 l.l.uuri, Uooil UiHOnan.l Cliarxai orv Uodorata. Marco BOARDING HOUSE. fllllK Uudomignod woulJ rovptolfully in X form tho Irafolling publio, buoineor mon. wltnaaaaa a...t l,HiMl..ii.bj . Uiurla llial Ua haa ma.la auii.la uruuaralluno flu liolr ocoiua.uu.lallon and anil .n.l....- .... I. rulii hla palruu In kchmI alyla ot tho unal .......u.. rata,, uiwrmun Huuaa a few door, WMtoftuoOturt Uju.o. . ..... . UAUHIBI.DEWS'H. apr.H'TS. Iy. rntl. u,t. CENTKKVILLE- I10TKL, (LaUMn. Woaror'o.) Conlorrllo Bajilor Cs., Pa. FETICH MAKTMAH, froprloto , ThU looiOiUhlUhod aaSwoll knowa ko korloK haoo purooaood by tko undoroUooil. IMiiatkaraollbapubliopot rcoauo. anni. s.u. ytiTiiu hamtmaw . WANTED, 8AUC?..EM. . Eluciau.a. !,. . il ii"n rnmii'l. biliirtiiTi.. ri.bihbta wrryThyrs(!i tt&Mf JSRSMlAK OROUB, trv t'fSTni ' isitrptKm; rvro IxjiA.a n VEifA n nv. fay ' al vHhwax months, or 2.flrt if tt-' psid wiihin tictxr.'t No psiwf ilW cntititmd t,ntii srl vmcarV( psld nnress at the vopth)fi W fei lisher. ,. frsSpiWswisie tf ne JrmiitV' fATAUI.B I If ADVANCH. iVrsotia liltln ami ttMv, pspef addresaPd olhnwi.etloniDtniiwi noers and are liable frwthe ire Of thepnper PLAIN TRUTHS Tlis WoM Ii ths ftittficWitlon or life, il circulate OimiiRh rvcry it of ths Ixitly, nn.l unlin it i pure ami rich, pxvl liralth 1 Impouililc. If ttic hi cntrml ih trtrm Ilia itfiirc tiiiliiuirk y t.idilVi! it out u lo tauily aud nnch ihc bl.s.1. 1Vc limpttf firt ire well' tnnn, nu.l tlie 1nc,hc-t mertlcul Buthiiiilii't llwi HiXltrt? hut iron will riM..r Ilia lilo.l t.i lt natural cuuihUuut aiul uli lli.it nil the imn I'trparntiniH liitliciti' tnmlc dim ken Ihc teclli, muse liuul nclic, ami are otheiwiM ln;u...ni. HhiiWN'sISmN lltl IMSwillthnr Mighty ni riilrlljr swimllntc with the I'lu.'.l, putif) inn ami ki.ii-.Ikii ill; il, ami thus ililvc iIIm-hw fmm any p.irt of the vt.'in, nn.l It will n l til.icl.t n the li clli, cause lii-ml-urhc t i ii -I i ..in .ii , anil ii bvcly ut mjuriiiuo. Saved hit Child. i; N. Euuw St, tbliimoiT. MJ. 1U ii. (inU :tpnfl th RfKinntwU. 1; .ii .f 0 fri, tut I trtp.1 llotmn't IH.iN lllltWHo ot o o-ntfl sim! rc ftioraf.ve for my diifihtcr, whom I wa Ihormiyhly oonvlnirrd w. to.iMil.tf n..y WIlN i.ttO-tllnHl.H,. Ilavti.4 Iml thrvo ilaitlilri I y Ihr .-r,.hl4 ttl-a-a, umi. r itt cme ,.f frititnenl nhw.lf - loth to llir, Ilia pt,.r uf thr iriu-p, hut. lo - lh.U anvll'lhtf Ctil.l arrrH my k il iiriii-a, iwh ta o.y d.niKh Irr ItrtH nliff iwt..ttlc ..f ltai'WN'1 Im..m I.i i tftti,, ,hr IM-Kn t.i oirn.i' and now It i.iiio rr-t"t-l 11, ai,tt,r hr.klih A fmli ihiurililar U-art to allow ,:ntm pf Crmilimphnn, an.l' whm the vhy-loljn rnii,ulir.l he .iin:k1r 'huI "Tnnirt w.ra rc oiiiri.l.'' ;in. ln inkirniril it,.,f llir rhlrr ai.t.-f Wim l.ik-n MariwN'ft 1h..n HitiMo, np..uatU "tlui ia o guod tunic, iVf it.'' AUWMAM I'HOIM, rsow's Iron Hirrrss ciTcrtiial- ly curt-n I )k'im.-, IinliikUnn amti -akiiru, mid rrniien the ;rr.itut ri licf ami Um lit to crM)ii aufiVrlnjy ftom such w.vslinj; liv mi m Con auuioiuii, KiUuiy Cuuii.lainU, tier Absolutely Pure. TliU itoler u vt r vtrii'a. A mar) of pur' My. trriutlt ail m1 wholi enm ih-. M'r i i hut nriitmrj hil m-il raiinnl las" wi in i'i iiii i "in villi I ho tnilltltilil't uf ln hrf W 'tHtit, Blum ttr nh 'Ki'liMt' rnwi r. rv IN f AMI, liflYAIa ItAKIKO MWKI n, Iini Wo, 1 1 hi, N. Y. Ann. 7, kN . riiii'us. ! will ma. 11 flrf) li rf1t lr rttnplay VKrlMlil IIh I nt thul will rtmm litt. Krr Is Ira), 'titilr )nl Mlolrlie-ai, If ft vilif tli it in felt, i ler n nil I nnl mil : t o In-true tu t l'r iirotlneliK lxnrUtii kp-wMi ol knlf" n ft inll l.ntl 01 Mi it(i I n Add In cn i (in it. ri niiii. iibii Tiliil'LUr a r U,, If sXai.e.ny M IS TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tle itilvrtter hnvltiK hfn prniftofill i ar. tliitt ilri ad dlfo.tMj, t'cpauiuptliMir by ft vliii('l rMiiiiv, I fu louat ti itmt. ku'iwa to Ida illtw-tiHilsri ra i h" inttniii I rur. To ft 11 wliu ilclie H, lie w ill Dfttitl ia fl"p? of lli pre. vnlj'tlou u-.U, (iron I flmrbtft )wltb Hi ttHftw Itnlia lef rullllK KIhI uallipt (lift tu, W hit ha tbey w it) 11f.l ure t hi I . ( tiiulia etUlM 4 mi Hit nt pi Iiiii. AmIIiihii, Hi ism hiii. ft,o. Fur ilea tvi.lilrifet tlm I' crltin, will iiiiar ft.t.lr. ...K. v. K. A. Wli.iSO.S ; 1W4 itftU n Wil;Um-tiurKTi. N. Y. SI IlLVII tAI VM aim ail ft oA. I l,,at a,aio lo..aoa Ascr;ont 'nKiiiuiiY. riiKMAruh iar.. I V. ftinl M itiftftltvul il vulilul I miller Hon, will lor l ift mlis ol ivu riun femnftiiltv ml (r to nil who h.llt. Hi ri ami II. Taction l r n aitlim thaamila ramaaly hf blen ha wa rur,l, Nuttarara ulitnat to profit tin' atlvartlaer'a Karlinra do ao bf Uf av-log I'' r'i tirt t onfi itanra. Ji-HN H.ia.tfcaM, 4'iCcalar tt.-M. 1., rob U, ly. PRIVATE 8 ALE OF EEALESTATE fpilK nndrisinrd flVrs at private -1 Mlo, tho foil.. mini ilrrorll.t.l Roil RatoloK II t A form illoula in Irankliii lp , Sny.lor i"u , Pa, , oilla writ ol Mlilillakuru, eoatwta 108 Aries of tho bot I lit) ftuno laid, aborroi tro oroef' il kooiI lianio tlwi-llli.i hnuto, korii, oa4 owa ' or ooti.nlMlna wall ol K.....I wau, oaV tWo -door, Snwitii wolar on tha loraatkrVvinoi oooKi.r.'linril ul oi.oiro Irolt trroi rora, la o latU out ololltollun. Ttro.fooof A.Uraoov JOSKKII WAf.TEB. Fob. it, JlldSlofcsrg, FS 1. 1 Atrcnts Wanted for lEHOEii OF TBE PLAIN?, i. W, lIL'KLt, , Kn.hrodm tko 1.1 too nd WoaSorltrl 4 if row luioo ol WII4 Mill, Nwtlkilo) Htll, Klk or- ' on. t)aH.I'a)u,l)ail. Jark, Traf J oka I Mitrorula Jut, otil oil or eoMroioal lallaa. riukioro. Kooiito, llunlo.o oo.l (IflUto. Alru bUt.iiloal work olibrllliOM nSvoiilurao. m tka rlolna, an.l Ip wo-ioia piiiaroM okJ otaltlia. Ion. f ichu wlik Imliai.tl UranS ltok lluni.t iHonlo Auroiitiirot' Nti a K.. ' 0...l W oo lorlul SUU.IIIBK U.I KMIhoI W. I. II. to ll.o lar Wa.lt lwi llnai,Mwiaal 4 ku.l-i.ano lioloroo rioioil A kr-M bona oov AkOiiia, lutolli a arvtbli.il. akkuaicoo, tlAM. Aiont'i o. iaplota wu'StMi ot nt ooS oui.y lo Oil i. Wiuaai owt arloa iwl- ov,ih' lon -i il tm r-ia.1 tr--ul it N..i, . I I emH .)., .-. t,X.f, tkit.ama.il U ttt hI'Mirr'lTrM 'i k1 ft