r A The Post niddleburc, Nov. 2, 1882. J. CROUSE Editor A Propretor. State Ticket frovernor, JAMES A. BEAVER, of Centre. . lieutenant Unvi-nwr, WILLIAM T. PAVIK3, of Bradford. iaWcrvtary of Internal Affair, JOHN M. OHEKR, of Duller. Judge of Hiipreins Court, WILLIAM H. RAWLK, of Philadelphia, Conirremiiian-at Inrp, MARItlOT BUOSIt'S, ef Ijuicanter. Oounty Ticket. CoiiKrven, LEWIS K. ATKINSON, of Juniata ronuty. Assembly CHARLES MILLEH, of Pen n. Associate Judge SAMUEL A. WETZEL, of Reaver. Prothonotary JEREMIAH CROUSE, of MUlilteburjf. Register & Recorder JAMES M. VANZANDT, of Mlddleburg, District Attorney HENRY II. GRIMM, of Washington. Jury Ooiuiuliudoner LEVI FISHER, of Bellnngrove. They'll do no harm. Joseph A. Lambert swears by Heaven: 1'U cram the heads of the voters with charges against J ere Crouse in. mu Sunday edition o.f The TRIBUTE and Mon day Circular that he will be beaten to death the peo ple MUST believe them." Citizens, did you ever hear Jero Crouse charged with any offence before f Vote for those maimed soldiers, Beaver, Atkinson and Fisher. ATKINSON ON REFORM. PHiUDr.LPniA, Oct. 2Ctb, 1882. L. E. 4tkioson Esq. Rcpublicno teeath distriot baa respooed as fol low! 4o the letter addressed to hiui by tb4 Philadelphia Civil sorvice Rcforift' .liaociation. 1. I favor Competitive Examina tions. 2. I Jo not favor the spoil eys. tern. 3. I do not approve removals t r p-utr reasons but. inefficienc, cx piratioo of term, Ac. I consider good cante of removal. 4. I do not approve of political assessments either in the form of what are called "Voluntary coutri bnliona" or any other form. I do approve of the laws of con great couderuoing them. I bold that memberi of congress, through committee! or otherwise, are not justified in refloating the public servants to pay contributions wheth er specifio amounts or otherwise, I woold not have an officer removed for refusing to pay a contribution demanded of hitn. I d ) not think it needful for a party iu power to levy political contributions on sub ordinate officials for the sake of per petuating its own supremacy, I will support the Willis Mill or any other equally thorough measure for sup pressing political asHemtneuts or contributions in auy form. Engage ments which occupy my entire time render it impossible to writo out at length my views of civil nor vice Re form, I am opposed t j a life tenure bf appointive offices, but I believe ibe terms of such oflicials should be defined by law, and removals made for otbor than political causes only, with the right to secure roapoiut went of the incumbent if elHcieut sad the terms of oppoiutmeut Dot generally to expire at the beginning bf a new administration. (Signed) LEIW3K. ATKINSON. Vote for tint glUut sold ii-rs Iuvu, tireer end Hrosius. LDMBABD, BOLENDER? MYERS k COMPANY, WIIOI.ICSAJ,!; OlIAJJOItN. TorniH oiinIi in nil viiii poult I valy no fi'tint --prompt vtif.v, Te agree to 'pull the wool over the eyes of the people," "belie them," "Deceive them,' "Cheat them, " "make faUe chtrfes agi! nth .fere Crouse," especial' ly, and run the, risk cf the penitentiary, throw aivxy sclf-repscct and common decency for any reasonable sum of money paid in advance 'For a small advance above fixed rates we will hold back Ihi Till BUXE to the last hour, fill it with false, standi rous chargt s againut J ere Cause ; we will covenant to run the Prolhonotarts office the next term for nothing ; we will guarantee a com plete deception and cheat the people of Snyder coun ty more completely than they were eves cheated. Citizo r.s of rinydir county, they lmve bonated in Itnr-rooms, on tho stroots and in the ulleys that they will deceivo yon, let tho cost and con seUn ces be what they mny. VK bulieve you are freemen. Citizens of Nuyder county, nre you as blind, stnpid, ignorant as Lam bert. Mtors, Inileinler A Co. (lectured, by their lutii'iiugn and conduct, that you aro f llttve I liren your pnblio norvnnt for eihteKn yenis ami you did not discover that I was a "roMxr", an "extortioner" au "oppreffor of the poor," au unfaithful tervunt, before this Who nre thtso men who i : .... . I i. , i i . . i . . cuiiniiiiiie mm iinu nnu ny wuai motives are luey moved to slander von and (lerume me T All thn pnoplu of this county are nssniled in the lulac and malicious cbnrgcs and you ran well pnrdon 11s if, on inquiring who tlyj autliois aro and what tho moti von which prompt them to such des perate inonmircs to injure mn aud 1.U LT you, thut wo nro driven to the nuplensant dntv of naymu (he truth: Lmnbutd's motivo is the procure ment of bis WINTER'S I'ORK AN1 MKEF. If bo wus n decent m.in ho would give Krocger his Voto ood locpectttblo aid through bis paper in payment for Pork ami Href. Hut soo what a price ho must pay for his pork and beef. He inunt go buck to tho Vomit he fpwed out two years ago and eat it eat it I 1 O, Cioator of ninu, what a done 1 t Is this a timn 1 He admits, by Lis support of Mr. Krecger now that two years ago be slandered and vilified him, or 1 lint he, Lombard has lost tho lu.it vuotigo of 8olf-rcHpoct aud comm. mi ducuncy. I ntk you. citizous of Snyder eouuty, is this not a fearful prico Ho pretends to mold your opinions and control vour action Ho a iir- ehatenli'e thin if, nugtatefnl wrHtch, notorious liar, maker of false atlida- vits, Belf-noiiilomnod monit perinrer. nefarious xcoundrel alio not lon ror ngO tttnu tho likto lrimnry Kli-etion attemptO'l w!li .ir,.r r,f mnnoy .i debtueh sworn-election oniceig nnl thub DKI'E.VT TlIK WILL OF I UK l'KOTLK a moulder of public opiui'iu nud conduct T Citixtis of Sny.lor county you cannot iiflord to permit this prouinptuous. gangronous bc iv- engor to longer set limine! t up n your louclior anil lender. Kx-Slicriir Kolonder in now aud has boon opposing me for sovural years. Why 1 What for f I waH bail on every Liconso bond he ovor prose n to 1 for tho approval of (he Co u it for a uumber of years I wns his eudorser to the Filht National Hunk of Suliosgrove I went nn a JIOOO OJ note with bim at a precarious moment I appialod to an execution creditor to withdraw his writ when financial disaster bung over his lend with touts he nppnaled tome to persundosome of my friunds to go on his official bond when he wan last elected Sheriff and I did, and ho swore bv Heaven, nud all thut it. saaied that ho would bn my fiieiid bouceforth ( waited on him for more than ten years for moneys due me at bis request I wont out and solicit ed votes for him and spent my own mouoy, and now he is traversing the conntv denouncing mo and soliciting my Republican frieuJj to voto for Mr Krecger. Does he lovo Kroegor so much because of hi personal worth an t pe culiar fitness for tho position bo S9 'lis f Is he pososso I of a spirit of dis interested benevolence which would siuothor the least spark of uratitu le i I See pje (it place 3 from top of page, CohIb incidcut to tbis judgment aa it eiaius on me rvourua . State tax .BO Enlianro -'o Filing AMe .1 Certificati and sent .3 Filing aid rnteiinpfonr (4) receipts containing antLorily to Prctli to ci tor tho same of record Search Ansigninoit of judgniout Snlit-factioi Sbff. Costs on execntion John Limbort paid to ShorifT for tho Prothy's, use l.oo .15 .20 .15 3 J5 .85 4 no 3 80 Strilo off search L. H. LEE & RRO. vs. ALBERT AKIJOUAST. ban!, Iloluiider & Co.. huvo ULrroud to aiva ln'm Sir Voles." that, "Lnin' HuuJrcd Ropublicun l"sllo- pil1li illlsl, lot UIMl tllM- Will')) tlM-0,MiM nro tlelivi;ru(l uud holi to tut- THE Jt'RY l td I acedunted for ull Jury fses that caul tiitO my bands. Ilnlf of the Jury r eollected by esecutlon - ask . Hhcrlff Uoleuder nt this lit another Matter of uetfloet UMu the rt of Ibe CcuutUstoners' clerk thut he does uol 'eeilMt the Mhvrtffs py over their Jury fees because the eUrk seems to h the boss of the concern. Howe Jury fees era not paid at all- i,le may see for themselves. Sir Myersafter swearing by all tbnt is holy and sncrnd Hotravc d the I cop e (f Snyder county; belrayol Uulnsha A. Gio.v, renoum-ud" stales, munsliip and pohcN pt,d, llingj quit tho law aud retired to piivato life, nud we havo iiolhing more to say, exo.-pt that two years uo ba deuoiicod Kieeger iu iinmeanii c. loruisaud no he loves him wuut u happy dis-poi-ltiou can uccommo .Utu himsulf to auy and all cireuwuUooes. CALVIN STETLER AND HIS CHARGES. This man is traversing tho county telling the peoplo that Le was in my employ and for thieu years helped mo to rob you. It becomes necessary for me to explain some things, but if J wero to to.l you all the truth it would ftrike deep at his integrity and blight him for life. Although he goes about charging me with high umdonieanor iu office, with injuring the peoplo, I cannot do him tho injury to luy bare the truth. I cannot, I will not do it even if my success depeudsuu I' u 187tJ ' enjpl'8d bim for a couple of weeks and paid him 84'.).0l I then employod hiiu for a year and paid him Muo.ro I employed bim for another year und puid him SUOH.OO, In tho full of this vear he talked ubout being a candidate for Register & Recorder you will' remember he hud boeu noundidute several years previous aud had ronivod 180 votes in the eouuty I gavo him as my opinion thut to be a candidate would be a nseless waste of time and money. He, however, persisted. I doo't kuow whether it was earnest or for the purpose of Kettiug mora money out of me, but in talking over the mntter of bis candidacy I remarked that I would rather th in iJoU, ho wouldu't be a caudidate, and wheu wecaiuo to settlo the third year he charged mo $ lot) 00 and I paid bim. I paid bim in all eevuuty.fi vo ceuts less than One TIiohu,hU Doll Art and hold his receipt for payment in full. made no deductions for his time ho bunted, fished, pitched quoits aud played carJs. Why 1 could not employ him lougor : will show you the record where be nuglooted to Lieu Docket over Four Thousand Dollar which weuld havo been bouud to pay hud uot employed two persons to go over ull tho Dockets !or me miee years ami put tbtso oases on the Kocords his negligence would have i uiuud me financially. Iu the case of the Commonwealth against No, 4 Feb. Sessions 1877,- Sessions Docket No. 2 pugo 3'J5,' tho grand Jury 'found a true bill a capias was issued the county commissioners tery wisely con cluded to pay the record cohts and save 9a duys boarding in jail, lockage aud pay the record costs in the end their agreement to do so was tukeu to the court and by leave a nulla proiteyui was entered. While this was transpiring a friend of the defendant cuino in pai l 80.05 to Mr. Stoller. Stetler culled this clear gain, handed one dollar to Captaiu Uurdiug ho returned it and the buluuoe .',05 never saw, J have iudubituble proofs "" "' ero( lor mis statement, mi may ue ttie case lie refers to when he churgee that ' chested the people aud be has porsonal know ledge of it" bo sure ho bus personal knowledge of this particular case. WILLIAM MARKLEY .CI .15 .4!) fnd John Lirabert wns rbargod forty nine cents less thau tho legal fees for the services rendered as shown by the jitdgmnnt. John Limbett bss been circulating that I over-chargod him for publish ii'tf bis Hotel card, with paper, my Hill against bim at our late settlement km 812..r0 lifter the Primary election three years ago be presented a bill for Forty odd dollms and I paid it without asking any questions ; after tho General t'netion be presented another bill which after deducting my bill amount ed to Wi. mukinir in all over nmuvx Jo came here a strangei and IMILED bim fur a bill of Furniture to onnble bim to no into businoss be is now paying me by defaming and slundoring mo. (JsTo. 40 Feb. Torra 1879. ' Summons ur I Assumpsit. Snmmons served soanswors Attorney $3.00 D. ROLEN DER, Ebfl. 1'ioth'v 3.55 Fees 2. 1 1 Sheriff Rolcndor 2.44 Potter Ajyettrs for ltft. Suggestion of judgment for want of nffldnvit of dufence judgment entor ed by I'rotboivtitry ou suggestion. Sntibfaclioii entere 1 on Appearance Docket Lien D ckot fatisfled. Cal vin Stetlor then clerk and in the third year of bis elorkship Vt-enl the tml theso costs were taxable under the Fee of 18dS, the act of 1878 did not affect tho lritb'v until 1S7!) .Inno 12. and Ho tsxed them fivo cents (5) too high. See Rierly's I ok ! Wiit 151); npp. 50 ; C'ei tilicnto and mn 30 j (tttryof judgment .75 i taxing costs .25 j 'utisfactiou 20. 3 50. When this judgment wus satisfied Albert .Yiboipet. tho defendant, paid mo ONE DOLLAR roit M. of my cost, and his f uller druw a nolo in tho sum of 4700.00 to pay thn debt and I signed it as Rail. Did I wrona Albeit Arboimst Wns it wrong to tako ono dollar when I was legally ontitlod to Thieo and a half dollars t And when I became bail on the Seven Hundred dollar n:ito which paid the judgment did I not favor him and irron; my family and my ollicial bondsmen f Iu the face of this, knowing this ull, and I do most soluuily ullinu tho truth of all of above statement, is Albert Arbognst uot doing mo a wrong aud at tempting to practice decptiou on the people wheu ho circulates thut 1 overciiurgntl mm I Ex -Sheriff ISoletidcr bns bocn using this and other chnrgos against me Now lot oh sen how he stands in this caso ho served tho eiuuiuous made his return in his owu hand writing ami charged 2. 14, See Laws of 1S78 pugo le7 sixth place from top of pugo : Sbff, for seeing summous -IS Cpy of summons .25 MihngolO miUs8cts. .80 ShiFs legal costs I cO Sheriff HoKuider has been nffirmina: tho fitatoments of Albnrt Arbogast aud for this rj;inn 1 call tho attenti on to his chiirjH. 1 will not ussail him, but ( havo this to say that au elimination of tlio rucorila will show not only heaitless overcharging, but snob ollicial uogliguuco us would uot ho tolerated on tho frontiers of Tcxua. In tho beginning of my public service I sought the counsel and advice of one of tho oldest, ami most learned of the legal profession ut this liar respecting Ibe taxing of e sU und I was inxtruno I tli.it it v;n niy d ity to taxal rosis i.ciJoni t a j idtuiiuil an I on sal is aeli n i.f thoenmoto reciie iili sn Hiiioimt n viih legally taxnlde on the parttcilar judgment that the Prolhonotniy was legally entitled to a fee for taxing cobls uud ifhe ...;ir..ltr ..l..k. I l.i. .!..., mi wan llanlil upon ins otlieial bond to tho pat ty injured. This I lenrn is thn practice all over the state. I do here declare that I never received ono cent of illt'gnl fees. liL'NDUEDSOF CITIZENS of this county can bear testimony (hat on tho satisfaction of judgments they did not pay tho full amount of costs a largo number who will say that only half the c itd were detiiMiided numerous others who only pai l tho Statu tux niiduno'o! i. y fees nud in : : ii V who paid no fueq aud 1 nid thn "lute tax o it of my own p eket I i)0 MO.Sl' SOLEMNLY AFFIRM thut I havo ineveiy ease where a poor man was compelled to pay costs within tho liiht ten years iimile hii ubateiueut of olo fouith, one half, aud iu u Lumber of iustuueus ull vt my legal fees, , Prothonotary 's fees nudor nets of and 178 incident to jmlgments entered ou LiouJ or siuglo bill by coufushiou or wuircut of .'. ttuitiey. rrr-s. lHfJH. lCnteriii',' judgment on bond, ic To I 'i rr.l,"ntt' uud uni I ;i ) Filing note or hood S"i Taxing eosts other than protliouotury's "3 1878 7.'i ' 8.1 to 20 lo 13 Every search Filing und entering Kueeipts 'Jj Suggesting dentil of iiurf, or (liiiilnntlon of record, or substitut ing u t hi nyf vueli 1.1 10 Filing and entering usslgninents L"i 11 Entering suTisfuetioii of judgment 20 11 State tax 60 CO siu-riir r, n Filing und entering guarantee of psyiuent 2.1 15 Filing uud entering release uf lieu . v.l 11 If represented Ity attorney, then ntl'y record fen 3 00 8 00 Filing auy paper not relating to nny-suit ponding, not bereiniie for: provided for 2-1 15 The feis for services not herein speellk'nlly provided for shall bo the same as for similar services. All fees (or services of prothouoturies under tliis act shall be considered due uud puyable In aivance. Hl'I'RKMK COURT CKCISION;. . A prothonotnry who willfully neglects his duty, Is liable upon bis official bond to liny ono who may be thereby injured. The protuonotury is entitli-l to the f"o for taxing costs. Tlie party lor whom the services ure done is responsible to tho prothono tary for his fees. He may sue out nn execution In tlie tiuuie of the pluiutitl The prothonotary may demand and receive bis costs Inudviineo, Ho that every citizen inuy be able to tax the eosts on n jinl fiueiit w hould of the Fee Hills of 1HIW uud 1 have given both to aid you ii . .. ii....t ithuut in your WILLIAM SP.VNGLER end JOHN LIMUKKT No 104 8opt. T. 1877. all Ibis the reeords wiil show. Vote for Hoa. OtwrUe tXr whole esNMty ticket. Entered Deo. 4, 1877. I no costs on this judgment are taxed under the Fee Hill of 18G8 tie new roo Kill was pasted in l7S. .IOIiii I ilnihorl. no vor paid mo ono eeitt of .'hIh ou tlii4 or tiny otiioi-. uli moiit. The swum return of Shff. Eiseuhait, made I'ec 6, 177, to Fi. Fa, No. 101 Deo. T. 1H77 1 Execution Pocket No. 3, pugo 185, being the execution issued on the above judgment, shows thut thebaluoce of debt and iuterest duo and the costs were pai I to the Sheriff aud uot to me. Thst be was not overcharged 1 give the truo status of the judgment us it appears on the records : It is en t urel iu the uoial manner on the Appearauoo Docket and on the Judgment Lieu Uouket the note filed uorUlionte wiiU iul issued aud there are Four (4) receipts filed and entered, respectively, May 23, Aug 18, Au&. 20, and SenUmber 25. 1877. aud ou Deo. 5. 1877 an of the judgmeut to the use of John Limbort is entered. Dec. 4, 1877 Ex cotion was jsue I lo No. 101 Duo- Term 1877. As Rierly s book, entitled ."County and Township Oflloers," is in the bands of our citizens aud Justices of the Peace aud contains the old and new Fee 1L1I I refer to it aud here tax the costs in this case that the peo- Wo will dispose of the Writ of Execution. I charged on the Writ What theFeeli.U alloftS i ItiUer end . bliog Praoine. writ oiua 76 cents Bee pitge 03 pUtoe 13 (row top of page. 2eents ' ' COcotU The Homicido Cases. i , . Mny 10, 1E82, Hendttitur from Snpremo Cunrt nreivetl and filed by which it sppmrcd li st judgment of nun pt wits inlurod in the rase ot Umii .M,yi r. Maj 12, Exrmp'lfled Record sent Governor. , ,. do rertifiy thut the nbove Is a tine nud comet trnnscript of the re cord tlmt the rnlries nie in my hnnd-wi iling, made on the days , above stated, und thnt Ibe Uicuid us untiled ou the swd 12th, day (if May 18?'J. , JOUN II. A ItS OLD Jacob P-Aurand arid his statement m tho THIfcUflJ3 ruspecting tho Docket , - When went to thn Com nDlco to Bee the M tnn b ll asketi Mr, An rand if be kne whether this bill was seut to Mr ('ronse or to . the Com. office by Mr. Mne nud he said he "did toot know," lie raid O'ti he hml examined this bill and nsked bim why Mr. Uloiise vss notoLdiged with) it and bo said he "did uot know,' He said he ' knew nothing about tbo matter until some person cau e in to bunt up -tanlters'1 He - "did not know w hether Mr. Crouse paid it or not." o disclaimed all knowledge of tho Docket. ; ,.i - Now einco the mailer would ecem as if ho bad tiog'ecl'd I4 duty, and in fact from his own showing ho hnd neglccUd his dm b k .ws all ah Hi it. The ('oinmissinnurs Hoiuig and Krebs may vory itadil.v have forgpt' ten all about iK Mr. Crouse never denied getting the Justices Docket, but was nudur the impression that these parties who have ransacked bit accounts for cighticu yeats to find something to clmrgo him. wjth, . badl refereiico to a Docket which Mr. Crouse got from SbolfT Kisenbart, to bq used us a Mechanic's Lien Dockot. Mr. Crouse is honestly- of opinion Mint the Docket wan paid as be claims. If it was not Jacob l Auram) us Cum. C'lei k should have seen to it that bo was charged. . The Comi uiissioDors did furnish stationery but of such poor quality that the Court directed Sir. Crouse to got bis own stationery. All thnt there is in ' this JOHN II. ARNOLD. it was neglected by sooio one. Centre vi li.e. Nov. 2, 1882, Mr. Crouse i Two years ago when my creditors rushed on 'me and compelled payment of their claims joil satislied the . Aickste fir all your costs amounting to between $20,00 and ?W0,00. Vou knew thut I Was ia distress aud Jou gave me the light kind of sympathy. ' A Your friend, DANEL COY 1L : Great SihsBd Up I MR. HIGH PRICE KILLED. Lid of BEAVERT0WN, PA C0LIE3 OUT OF THE WRECK UNHURT AND WITH ONE OlTTHE' LARGEST LOT OP STOVES EVER BROUGHT TO THIS C0UNTT.7 Healers, Parlor and Cook Stoves, &c. r My prices will 3 suitf you. Givo me a call before purchasing elsewhere and be convinced. ' ' S. C. WRIKE, UKA V1CRTO YX,'PA. Nov. 2, '82.3m. WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE TO-MORROW 7 O Pool's Signal Service Barometer II' i:ni( TIIKIIJIIO.IIKTI'I' (JIAIISUVEP wziiZi t-iit.t. vrJri! i l will 4ioct od iiI'Iica.m uurrsctly ihiji ubnuitfttiAwaftUMr UtoSlbnttff 5l uT-V rlirV (s rtir0t'on"'ov,il,IM''" BMvimiiorn, Furwirra mo plan Utir w rk t' V U W nourtliiut UiiU (irtxlitUoo. hMtft tlwiCB Us yont In MnsTtsWH)u. m ftTZTVW: IN THE WORLD? U ,-VlirM , n l .rvl 'l ua'I'iisrui.inMlur mm and li&rvuiotar r put in a olly flutUiad walnut fram. wiili ttlfwr niai "4 tnmuiaig, mtu.. mkiaK It a baanuful a wall a tuaful or IV dniy "tlliu tl.ora. A trial vtit cneincr you. Onlarato wi.l arr.d sou aainDln ong.ifru'vati rM,U your pUo. fa k4 ord-r, on raoupt oi 9 it or 1S '"r Anta ara urnkiuc frorns6loaw Tarroajr. IiLii Lhe tinner tn m: 11 tu I arinrri. luerchaAta. trto. U. 8 PiMiire Ntaiupi inkwo it iu cod ontfr, bat Dtoc If IIm si t IsTraJuablf Um rrrJ. Act uta naitii'il vvt rv w lirrri Alt1naaaUw.lri iAU9 1 ( f,arjtf Jtfittiinrneht nr the kitul . Vr. (erto tho Sinynr, Kt; IN atKmal lnkv r :i. i:iy hut.Tim I oua in U rtUvuur iruti ityfe, Luunry ana ia tMraw r4nd for 1,'irrtils.r matd fsMnnsi Till.UllOXKTKH VvORMi in iiiv HiinurswrfOi mn vfrv vtii antl sMouOsa lVPaTOi maatur, Ceuntr Ulatl Vint StaU i.ainlv,awfi nmitwy ati r rlr.i tf Mi riB Yi.rLur rr.i ixfgrmd l.ttsr. itt oiir rttk. Tbia r.H muUc a Itrinttii til nud very tavfal lrewBt ItrAU U ll AT TUB PI UiaC HAY AUU1T1T. I (lad Fuol'a tiaruruutHr worka aa woll aaooa that roaia ifeM. too m On ituvxrytima, ajt.Cuaa. II. Kuukua. bUtp'Twilialit, Baa Krancla iiaroiua'r r,iTM in sjhI order, and miui aay iliai li.atnairnaBBisn rorfH:t atu(aoUott u ? ntttpt. It taoeMlymatjaand woudarfullyrM . S A I at two di'llara. unci. VtVUtn, BalC a. Pool' Harouiatrhaaalradr auwd ma many ttuioa it ooai, la Inraialliaa TfEWAKu mr WnKTIfl.KWPI witiiout our Trad Mat Iu and aualura cm m Attic; KZ wiu-raat'S Ptrf ttt S HtHnbU. HilllMbUf TMm IMITATIONSI. MaMrTnaiST iiuio si J. A. IfooL mt Ut bk ol mm i Fmv lnstrnmn wirni llwtd. II ruil tifthul rcoiviu mm mill mrnaa rout uwimj. ttie instrumsoi. vsiin II M um NOTICE TO HEIRS. I Court L'uolomutton. n the rntute of Ku.iolpli lnier.lute V !.' K.l,i.A8.,tl1? ,H!,n ,JtT!,p,J i" ' ol leiry i, rtniicr t,o., tfo it. 0,,t nuirioi oiuii..ii( oi th cotlw i ! tho 111 V-KtllHt loll I ili'sire Unit all limy fairly unlortuuil this, and to wake If. plain you must bt-nr In iniiid tlmt Thur is a wide dilToroiire between costs TAXKU and cuiits IIKi:kivkd. Tlio eoxts are not the Mima on nil juiliimiitH, for this roaxon: Home J u.l lt luentH lmve oiiif, two, thren ri!ilitiH, ilniwti with aut'iorlty to I'rothonotury, to tlio (inil enter; some with oiih, two, three iiu.l an hlrh us six aMHi;iiiiieiits llle uml puttrs.l: HiiirHtiiiir'leuth of plniutllT niul suliHtit utiux Ills Kxnuu tors or AUiniiiiHtrjitors; entering it reooiiiiis.tiiod of bail; u ruluuss of lien i"., 4; i). ' TiiiiHyou eau see that tho cohIh on a jiKliiisiit mny exueeil the inntliiiiiiu (that is, limy run ubove t lie hlk'liit hiiiii wetax on u jiilKMiiiiit) whlnli iHfi.rid. I do here Uochiro tliul I never r'ci4l, duilii my rm of oincv, o.ie cut more Hiiiii iho lentil custs, and liall-iiKe my d flintier le sliuw tlie coutrary. They attempt to deceive yon and Injure inn In this way. They point to tho state tux .50. entrance .71, HiitiNfuetiuu und say to you these ure Ilie eontH but he charge 1 US this In simply deception eneli Jiidninent intiht bo taxed uncording to wlmt entrinieitM hiive been iimdo und papers liied renpmitiiiK tlio xaiiio uud defenduiilN only piiy for wlmt has been done unflordliitf tu the lVe Hill. This neeiU no further elucidation hundred of persons can und will lieur testimony to this. J. CR0UST5. , 1 desire to say to the people of Soydur coudIv that lien all my fii'm iiopleuioots, bo(s, oattle, oolt, aud fuo l was destroyed by fire you were eiouutf the first to ive we aid, lij reasou of the 'fire 1 was compelled to contract a debt which I could Dot meet and execution was issnud aud a luvy made on all my (roods 'loft me rota the lire and wlmt little atock l Uad id the meantime aocnniulated. Too arranged the psy uieut of the debt. You cbuiubd uie ho costs aud you paid the bberitTa eosts for ins without luakinir auy ebarue aifainst toe. On two oiliur judgments you olmred me no eosts. Yeu did this of your own free will aud ucoord without my asking, aud at a time wbou I was Id distress, I was, through your kliufnoss nod Keoerosity. enabled to go ou with mv isruiiiiif opeianons ni nieu anq oioiue iuy lamiiy. 1 nave all my life been a burr-working, induNtrlona man. I owe you a dobt of gratitude and will pay it. Your uueronily has not been extended to me ouly, but to uiy persons! koowlodae others bave shared it That you Lave wronged auy oua by ovsr-ouargiug 1 believe to be a glaring falsehood Your fiieud CYUUS UABKA J To Kllt.tlith Hruyurr. Mow, H nrr HruKKar, tlleu llrUKH", all r millnK lii oil tl r ununiy, l'., Sui.n lliunKr Iniaruia ttls.l with litnry 'rntu r-MU at iirln .IhI, .liinlatft Hu,. JiidiIi.d liruHKcr r- iilluKut M losinto, luliakl 'u .InIUni, K I la Nliulti llrinruwr Inifriimrrloil Willi I'atar ISirnu. ir raiililiiiM ai Orlantl, Jiiulaia Co.. I'a luaao HruuKor r- l llus Kaw tna, Fu "on ()'., Imllaim, .lao b ll'uvor ra.l.lluK naar Hontli liao.l, li.illai a, Maria Uriunar Inti rniarrltil Hb IJanlfl (laru'in iIIuik at (ultinlal, .lu nliita '., I'a JoDatban liouiia anil llaury WlUnn H-m-a liotb ol wbom railila at PorlaKS rrnlris, ftlifllilaan balrtasil lai(H rraaaiiia live, or Kul luun Itruaaai. lata of t'arry twp., Similar aounty, ra., ileoaaavl. Yuu aia Ueri-br clil lo ba ami aiip'ar b fora iba Jmliiai ulaur Oriiliani' Court, at aa )rtD-' t'wurt l I halil at Mliltlabura: on Ilia iu Mm ilay or A, ll. ImtJ at III o'olook Iu Ilia forenou... tbtin anil Ibwra to afloit ir ralnaa tu lb iba Ileal I .lata ol aaul HuUoli b llittimar, l. cca.a.l.al tba aMralaal valutloa lut Uno It ly an Imtuaai iluly awarlH by Iha tuul Court, anil raturuail by tha hbirllf of aalj oounty, ir ibow oauao why tba aawa abaubl not bn aol.l. Anil baiauf rail nut. W lna-a ihu Hon. Joatpb U. Hne'ir, .q Prual.leui il our aall i nurl, at Mlcialabuis tbli luu day ol Os-. A. U li. UAV1U UtlCULY.HIiaria. hCTICE TO HEIRS. In the Krttate of Henry Wetzel, late of Middlei-reek tow nnliip deueuoed. Tn t lltal olli Walial, wlilow, Hanry N. Wala il, Milr WalK'l, W.rab linrif nla.l alth H II. Kami, .li-araacd, all of buyHar tloumv Aaron V.. Watirl, Wy uiltiK, kant couLty' lialnwari, Jobs Wat'.al, liullalunta, Uanira 0 only, I'anna., Krunkllu Weli. l, all,, rlnn, olotailo, ami Maiiiul K. Waual raalihna la t'kribata, Mlaaouri. balra and Iva-al rauraaaula tlraaor liaoiy Wal.al( lu.oaaaJ, You ara aaiaby vltad loba and apyaar bafora tha Juliaa of our Orpaaiit1 Oourt, at as Or ubana' Court Iu ba UIU at Mlddlubu rv, on Iba ml ikliiU'Uy of liaeambar A. I'. nJ, at 10 o'closk In tba lorauiain, than an. I lliara lo ar. iiit ur ri fuaa to taa Ilia Kail Katat olaaid llaury Wataal, daaaaaad, at tba aiipralaad a. uallou pot uiion ll by an laqu-al July awanlnl by Iba (aid Court, and ratu-t.a.1 by tha Miarirf or aald aontiiy, or abow oauaa wby iba aaws tbuM nut ba aula. And karaol lull not. Vlinaaa tba II in. Jotapb C. Uucbt r, Kaq.. Praalilantol aur aald t'ourl, at Mlldli-bu,r, I lila iiu day ol Oo lobar A. I. iwi. J. CMiilJHK, Clark O. O Union and urnio aad Hiram O'Nall m4 Ham'l. H. Yodrr, Mqa. Aaaoalala Jndaas la and br Knydnr aounty kava latuad Ibair ara rapt Uarlnn.il. la Iba 101b day or OU, A. D, lo ma illraolad lor tha bolillna; f M or , ibana oourt. a a -uri ol Common rlaaa. oonri ol llyar and Tamil oar and liaaaial iHtt af (unriar Hi-palom or tl paacs at Mlddlabnra, lor tba eouoty ol Soydart an ika las MoniSay, , (balnn iba I lib day of Pan. las?) aud aoetluaa vna'aaak. Nolioa la llirralora haraby (Iran to (ha Ooro. oar, Juailoaa or tbo I'aaea ai d Ounnlaalan la . and lor Iba oounty of snydor, to appear la ibalr iirfiarparaoot wlih thalr rot la raoar.ia. Inqma . nana, axamloatioaa nnd otkar laaamorausa to thoaa Ih'naa lo Ibalr ornoaa and la Ibalr ka ball partain to ba dona and wiinaaaaa aad ir aona uroaaiiiloK In bakali uf tka Cans na. : waaltb aaaln-l any paraa r ranulrad la ba , thi-nand tbaia aiiaudlos asd nut dapartlns wllbnut laava at ibair parll. Juailaaa ara ra. quaatail In au punoiual In (ibalr ailaadaaae et ' tba apMinia, lima aKracailily lonolUa. Hiv. a undar my kaad and aaal al tka Sbar- 1 Ili a nllloa Hi Mliliilaburit, Ua ta'k day of Out. A. P., oua tbunaaod algkt kaadraal aa4 alkUl)lo. PtVlP BBICHLY. akartS. NOTICE IN PARTITION. ; , Iu thn matter of the estate of Adam i Walter, den'd. , To Joramlah Wallar, aad Jake Wallar, Dalharlna Inlarinarrlad wl(k Jaak W. Maanbowar i Klliiboiii ntarnirrlai wltk Aoi allllli Aualla lnlaramrrla.1 wllk WIU Ham Hbtmbash ar.d Adam Wallar all of Nay dar aouuly l'a .laaaa Wallar o( Hnana Vwas, Sl.va n t), lllluolai pavld V. Waltar af Olyla. Sumiiiaky Co. iMiio i Marv Jaaa loiar narrlad wl h Mlohaal llaakanbam, ( lyda, hai.riuabay Do. Dlil" i llalra and I sal raara. ) aanlalia.a ol tbo tualoel Adam Wallar. lata oi r'ranklls townaklp Msydar aoaatf, fa.,, t daa. aad. You ara Haraby aollAad that Wy vlrM4 ; wrlial Irninlallloa l-aud out of tba Orpkaar Oourt ol Hnydar aoanty. and to madtraaVat- , Ibat an tuquaai will bo kald on tka rrman af Adam W.liarlnia"! rri.aalla lwsabla. Ma, dar aouuty, Pa., draaa ad, on a ATUHPAT, MiV.il k, INri.ai s o'aloak P. M. la mak ,1 p. rtn Ion or valuation ol iba Nal Mtat Iba aal l daacaaa-l. Whassa4 wkara yaa may 04 i ii nd II yuu Iklnk rr.n. r. . , PA VII) HUUat.Y,MbraT. O l if, I'M - . , , , , , OA.urrioiv. MOTICK I l.avayuru is hereby uiveo that I urobaaadatHkarlrl'a bala. I ha fi,l. Inwlnii sioda tha propariv or (J. K. Hookas. l.roab M " aabibHion lownaaip, na filar iiu., fa.. nd lall tb lama Iu bU cnaaaloo durlnn luy plaaaura. Al parauaa ara bar-b, oaullon aof not tu ua'lillaor Inlarfrra wllb Iba aawai Cook Htnaaai'd natura . nluk. MadalaaJ. Crib, paak.f Hosa, Waab II ill r. (IIojU, ki ilauiu Carpal lla a, lot Uuakwhaal an. I (lorn Waah l uu.Tabl", II .It Don. Walnut Cbarrt. ball Sua. K an Chain. M bla Tup ll nau and iilaaa, la yard' I 'il. jiUi,aa, sprinkling ha. kair. Il Pu'.aOtl In. aitiuli I. lui cuiakaua. kiili huaid. :Uiw: ft vVat.t: I io a curb curcixTif for all Slaoaaaa of M Klda)y im LIVER- ItkmljiaHi anllaa am akay mant arwaa, aa.Mln u ta Uuraw arT aaat luasuaa, aMwiiiUMa tfeabaalu maaSan af auavtetaa, a Sailing laa aaaralaa aaaaaMMaja, M t lnlNrl WlaaVlaS-mt awaaua aaain maiaia. naaa ajm ai a aJa41tou,datian.ai, nalaHail.Ki4jar. Jf rVwt will atuuly raliaa aaal a'lr ,u aa p"iiLf waiwawna. ..hmm, awaaw ana aauabt mba a aknwaaae aaaxaaa aV u. "lo ey r""' r a-. W . ii t w I ii , fSl ri,la .aw.