The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 26, 1882, Image 1

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    A.tlvot4M-in:r 1 1 n ton.
n Mlmnn mm Vfitr.
n-hnlf, column, tmm ynr.
One-fourth column, oue your,
One squnre nnimwi io-tuou
Krry edditietifd inrtioti,
FrofeMionid nnd limine" curl ol
not more than 3 lino, per your,
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
and AMine Notices,
W 1 . 'I ..tin., MM lirt i
OAlllOnitl IHiv I"' ' .
All tmnscient advertMnir, leva than
S months Id cents line.
l ll .J...ll..mnla tnr m. tlinrtPr tit
wioa miiui una ,- -
Ittne they are ordered, and II not pa1
Vae pinion oruenng mem win "
-wnniialble for the money.
mmmmmmmmm m
"Now I Uy Mi Dawn to Sleep "
When fiulrittw lt faint my
Of the rony tlntMl day.
Titer gently strata a solemn thrill
Through the evening air no hIHI,
A from each hearthstone, furor in-iir.
Itine the voice of chtl.lren rlenr,
As In their perfect trunt they miy,
While frotu their noiny portH thoy
And twinkling etara In wnttdor peep;
"Now I Uy me down to sleep."
Not alone for childhood fulr
la weant the simple prnyrr;
Bat even to manly Ktrcnllinn.1 prime
Rhall come at Uwt n uceilf til tinu.
When 'mid life's lnUtles sudden irionm.
He heara the nearer etep of doom,
And thoogh atrong with Huhwoii'h
He knows the coming of tlint hour,
And repeata In tone moro deep;
"I pray the Lord my soul to keep."
When the form that now bo proud
HliaU with age '' lowly howed;
When tlie hair, now Murk iih nlht,
8hall with winter Known lo white;
When the heivlhlow time in keeping
To the eyes with norrow wci-piut,',
And vainly tried to eull the punt,
Slipping from Itn grnxp lit hint
Then faintly from tho Hp ahull break:
"If I ihould die before I wake,"
Not for a little ohlldmh dren'ti
Should ba told thin ximple theme;
Not alone for quiet mid enlm.
But the bivouac and lleroe nliirm;
Wheu dangers round about tin hwoII,
And when puano titid plenty dwell,
From age and youth nud tuutihoud'
At life1! clotting evening time.
In nooentH soft and low should break;
"I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take."
N. Y. Mail Kximikm.
for Tke four,
By dk. u. noTiiiioiut.
Golonol Iver3.Q bad loft tho com
mand of tho oainps, nud wo wo to
miserably starved nnl naloctol,
having, oftoo, tho mockery of un
cooked rations issnod ua, tvhon thoro
was not a chip or stok ia tho whole
camp with which to cook.
It was dining ouo of tbono period
of extra starvation. w'.ien wo hud not
bad food for fortycitfht hours, when
the strongest inoa amou tin,
through weakness, starred uod
foil endeavoring to walk, that a wall
dresssd oifloer fro a tho aity r j 1 1 u.
to the entrance, a it waj tor.n id,
when rations wero nsiully U-m t l,
and made to tho prhouors tlie'ocou
gregated, waitiug in kipos of roojiv
iog rations, tho proposition to go
out to work.
The following as near as I caq
raodlect, wai tin s i n a i l sab
lUnoa of his proposition.
"We wish yon to work down ou
the islands, nndar gaard, as prison
ers i it is work which any of yon
can do, which, as soldiora, you can
have finished in a reasonablo tiiuo,
you need not lake a muskot t thoro
are none coin polio .1 to go, but those,
after what have said horo, who
will not go, will be made to porform
the work reqairod of thorn, wothor
they like it or not.
Ia return, wu'll givo you ration? of
floor, meat, boons, runt, and tobacco.
Ah wall do I rouieinbor that tho vory
maatioa of fresh meat, and dour
m enongb, almost to . orazo mo at
that time. rotuotubor how wish
'ul and longing thoso poor follows
Yet I had soon so much of their
aoaiUooy and ufToriug. that I was
ot preparod to hear thorn clamor
they did to go out and work for
It was a crool temptation. The
iwiowa nail uooouie ouiuimu,
I P11 knaw not what they wore doinrf.
ipwdaaold Uelle Island prisoner
If ending at my slihv
II Soma one onuht to speak to
tUU ,lhawM nr with hull.
BSC Under an nneoutrollablo iui-
I got upon au empty band
Fu eommsooed to spoak.
Wait," aald au oflloer. addrtwning
PX0U1I leave." After this he
"All those who wWh to avail
oamselvea of the opporlunily, may
Dtod gal tkolr Irins. and U rady
ark to leave lit prUou."
oowexi to mo, ud sajlnj, Wow
paowlbUn to y ar Mmid.' h
a ahurt diUutd nut of
P. titUa oa his bursa, wUara be
am near what t al.t.
I U tlutn, 1 tu 14 1.. .. I.. .1 ... t
I avr did, uor wball,
P lta t'toh aKWiVa tt'
r0L. 'd.
robol odicnr Ins honorably stntod
what ho requires of yoa. You tin
Icritnnd that ho wieltos you to dig
'i!lo -i!s for our enemies, though Lo
hns not cijunruly said no.
Howovcr honorable it may bo for
him to maI;o tlii proposition to liuii
ry, nufforing men, it in treason for
von to Rrcrpt Ms offer.'' 1 then
spoko to thorn of their Home , of
Lhoir fiietidn. of the cause, and the
iniilo tlicy would fool when, some
Jay, thoy should ngitn stand uti.K r
tho dear old tbg. trno ncn, not
Iclosodby sayitift. "I, toi, am
starving tit in tho work of our eno
miecs Vol can boo writtou all ov
er mo "hoojc iinpriwnmont,"
Wo aro furnishing, but j'a'.riots :
that if thoy aro bound to cmtioiio,
litis worHo than brutal treitttn:iit.
wocau dio, but will nut bo disuouor
Is thcro ono man ltoto, uflor uf-
foiing for so ijlorioui a cause, tha.
will band himself with traitors ?"
No,-' No." No," "(io on," enmo tie.'
iitiHwers, liko n person of victory,
from tho lips of starving won truly
victory of truth over do.tth.
It was taid somo did go out that
ui;ht, after dark. 1 did not noo thorn
'O out, but can only wonder that
the dosiro for lifo was not strong
enough to prompt moro to go.
Many, who had clamored to go,
when thoofiieer first ma lo tho pro-
lO itiouto tbein, etmo up tome.
and, with tears, tltanUod mo thank
od mo for kooping foo.1 from their
lips at such a price.
I'oor, noblo follow I Ono -of my
company boys was among tho nam
bor, and said, "It wa tho riht kind
of talk, Doo." and toars ntreamud
down his shrunken chook3 ii ho
said, "I snppottol shall dio boforo I
got out of tbii phco'of t )i nit)Lt i but
I had boUor. for I could not loo!;
futhornud luolhor i:i their ft'u aft u
being a traitor." Poor, noblo foil tv;
he did dio uot a wobk from that day,
and. as his pal f ieo r'n-n uubi 1 Ion
to my tuoraory, I can soaroo but ro
priiauh mysoir, that words of tnino
prevented hira from saving lifo at
oven such a priio.
"My oirolioua I coull barely snip
pross." said anothor, nt tho thought
of tho slars nud stripjit.aiid I would'
not go fjr a bri'jt Ii-u--;r jh iral d
commission in thoir rank.
uiagino mo ns nu orator, clothed
iu piuturctjuo lags, and my faco an
dirty and blaclt as it well could get.
by cot haviug any t j waub for
si:; months.
My wardrobo consisted of a pair
of pants, remnants of a s'jirt, which
hung in tattors from tho uocicbaiiu,
and au old torn bat. which lookod
liko a lottor A, rout by a dog.
My pints wore fall of bulos so
many months ol fiuunt ot uio.ry. A
dooontly-drosso 1, bottor fo I pris -ouor
would uot, perhaps, h avo af-
foctod my comrados by words so
It was boeanso I was ono ol tltoni,
sufToring with thorn, that thoy list
ouod so oaruostly aud rosjwndud so
oloipteully. Their hearts woro light
and uoodud only a monitor.
Sunday afternoons woro holidays
among tho negroes, thoy wore dross
od In thoir host duds, thoy would
(look about tho stockado to got a
poop at tho yaiikoes. Thoy notod
liko bait Rro children, aud tho
Johuios bad considerable fan at tho
oxpuuso of tho darkies. Tho soaosh
artillerist would point thoir guns
at tho nogroos, as if to shoot. Thny
would run scream, so that you could
boar thoiu at quito a distance.
Doring tho last of October, two
ailiaou prisouerH of our numbor
wont down CharJoHtou Harbor ou
thotubol flag of truoo boat, oxpoct-.
iug to bo paraolod or oxchaugad,
Oue of theiu was paroled, aud, as
no errangouiouts could bu mado for
tie disposal of tho other, bo was
brought buok. In sight of the old
llag aud tho frioudly uuitorm, uud
thou to bu dragged nguiu to au
iiuprisouiueiit wbieh wus to ond
whou ot bow uo' ouo know bow
grtial a dtNappoitittuuut I Tho poor
fallow piuod away, lost courage, aud
soon died, another victim of tho bru
tal barbarity of the robols.
llutter for hint if bo bad iiovor
sailed dowu tho barlmr with bis
ovtmpaulou, with blgb bopoa of libv
ty, that pi eA ut tnoruiug. ,
Ab.t tins time It as rumored.
thai tho yellow bver bad ma le its
apperue iu tams au-l in tho
My. tvi so sny ru
among on, that wo know not what
credence to give them. Tho bitter
pntt of October wo were told tlmln
removal of tho prisoner would nt
onco bo commenced.
A mimh'.-r of cases of yellow fever
had occurred in town, nnd linmnii'r,
tin b.-ss thati tho saiiitniy condition
of thy city, demanded our removal.
I would liavo been willing to re'imin
i. ....... ..
oeniinl atul l:l;c tlio I if:kr, nn, ou
;!io whole, our condition an liable
to lio at nny other plnco than
bcro. A dotachmcut of prlsoticis
wns sent r.way tLo (ir.t cf October,
and about two thousand cvciy two
day: woio contitn'td to bo scut oil',
u ilil tlio camp w s elo.ol.
On or tibont tho seventh d iv. till
tho rem iiiiing H.ptads tf tho pii-oti ,lti" .'ohiiies camo r.l -ifr nnd altrre-1
excoit lho Lospitul,j,,,0,.,t.or '"' l'''l"-I''i wltl a l-j
wero ordered to be ready to tuove ! ,uor'liul:j:! "l ' rMi. lb'n tbarj
on tbo morrow. ienrs," J ofcoiitMi obeyed, I wishol
i ... n ... i i ' i l - . . I r i .. h . - .
iio.)i;i li.i.iv a piiit, ot rav Den:i, n
of uncooked Indian
Midi, and n few spAunfuhi of lie.
xcro it'LUtc 1 to each man, for three
daj 's raliotitt.
VYt- t;ot no wood ti :
cook with.
That evening H, IJ. C'rccn nnd my
self cut into fltna'l pieces tho sticks
used to raimi our blankets ou. uud,
obtaining half of a cautecn to cook
in. comtuencud to prepare our ra
tions. First, wo boiled tbo beans, of
courso without salt or pork ; ami,
as wo had no moans of taking them
with u?, and woro hungry, nto thciu,
for convenience nod lo keep than
(.rfo from thievos.
Then wo boiled our rico, nnd, stir
ring up tho Indian meal wilh it,
cookod a Joauey-cuko in our can
teen, -111 arouu l ut, .'gathered in
auxions groups, wore men tngnged
in niioilar occapulious, nud tbo cau
salitius buopouit.'g curiously
laJicroti. Mou wcro continuuily
fulling into tho t.ha'low wells around
tlicm. It buiiig tuo-laBt riiht, tho
prisoners nsod nit.-U fuo! tTs tiiey had
libtrally, and indulged quito freely
iu pitch-pino torebtu.
Kvery motannt or two might bo
heard a 'Vhuj ' mid , cpljsh," which
proclaimed that' domo wuuleritig
stitr had fallen from its orbit iuto a
Tlio position wss tnoro;:
and couiicid than dangerous. I hud
been not a littlo ntausud at enc-ing
others precipitated into wills, and
ha l msdo up my mind that I would ;
keep out ol' thorn.
How fulliblo nro n'.l resr.lvea !
Wl i!e creeping ou hands and kncop,
and not tiiinlun; of tho proximity
of well-i, I win suddenly pr"eipitaled
bead foromust iuto ouu u'oout bis
feet doep. ,
Cross cau'rht mo in tho aot of
scrainblitig out, uud, so I sat rub
bing lho sand out of uiy hair, nnd
trying to keep tho wnlur from rnti"
nitig down my back, ho comiunncod
to poko fuu nt mo. "lieu iu buthin,"
old fellow 7 Uottot elaud ou your
bead, nud lot tho water drain off.
said ho, roforiug to tho moiature, el..
ovatiug his toroh. so as to get a bet'
tor view nud stepping back ohue,!-.
ling. Suddenly, splauU wont some'
thing, aud Cros was invisible, ho
had disappeared iuto tho rucess cf
tho earth. It was thou my term to
Thus wo mado worry over our
ruisory, which ordinarily would bavo
dampenod tho fnu of most pcoplo.
Was it not as well lo laugh ns cry.
Tho morning dawned, and fonnd our
rations cooked iuto a mysterious,
black-looking subntuueo, which we
culled Johnny cako.
Wo full iuto liuo when tho order
came, ia a hurry to sou what fate
and tho Johutiies would do with us
next. Wo wero spoedily marchod to
tho nor t hot u cntrunco ot tho Fair
O round, whereafter going through
with a good dual of the usual count
ing, wo woro packed on board of
box cars, and went slowly on our
way iu a northerly diroction.
As tbo cars woro leaving Charls
tou wo caught a glimpso of the
Federal officers, who wore embarkod
ou board c f box oars, enrouto, as I
afterwards understood, fur Columbia.
Along on the railway, for quite a
distanoo out of Clmilootou, wore
families of white people, living iu
box cars, htving thoir beds, aud
kitohon furniture, and nlovi.s stored
iu thoHO box cars. Iu these thoy
lived. This I noticed iu nil my
transportation tlii-oug!i dixiy.
.lae :n no 1 other p tints it was tpiito
as cvun'uon ss nit lue iiouoia nj
ltaaottt trvU bear Charleaton
rioirtico was unmarked br f xtraor-
ditir.rv r.ecnnenr. s. ' Thrro weroj
"ovimI nion ohot by tin; gtnrd, whilfl
tying to cfc i o by jutnping from '
the cars wl.ilc in mntion.
At every sfopning iihloo those of
our tiU'obor who l ad died dating,
1 transportation wet o loft nl-mg the
I rou!o fir burial. A dickering
i trado wai k t up along tho way I n
I. .. .
tween II. o k'um I, ult.i woto stalinm d
'on tho top of 11, e cats, nnd tho ptis
otict .
.At ot;e luce Wl:c,10 Wfisilopprd to
t iku wood f.u lho locomotive, while
viarilance of tlio gifird wis rvid.
,y got !V tiso 'Hi nnd crt;'
under the j 1 it i i.i of the depot, nid
was much eh'i'Mined wlipn f)0 of
o i.u po.m.. iin,.i'i me I'lrettinsiane.
It v.-mitfl ilk us pilch when we '
M-rived r.t l'lorcncc, nnd rsi:ii:i;r,
furiously, horror upon horror -it
11 I
l ire of riitirilietmilil.
7'k c (''
iwwiiwiiii mm . mm,i i
How 1 ng did Cain hato his broth
er ? An long au bo was Abel.
NVlmt is that wo often rotm Lut
y-t nuvor borrow Thanks,
Why is a dirty man liko flouncl ?
I'eeaitHo he shritikj frotu washing.
Why is an egg like a colt f Ht-
eaubi: it isu't lit for uso until broken,
-. ,uiib ,.iiii.u in iu, uu mi
VI,.,i it,,. .. i :..i. : ii .
, -
pack of cards .
Why is a shoemaker like n fuithl
lover JJca-ajse ho is faithful to tU-j
'',H'- . '
N hy is a dog's tail a groat ctuios-
ily ' Uecuuso no one over saw 'H,u-
fore. " ;
How wan r.ulh very ntdoto I,Via ?
Urciinr'c id so puih d Liucars.?.? I ed.
on his corn.
When a boy ftillu into tbo rater 1
what is tho fii-ht t.. .1..... ' ii..,
gets wet.
When will water Mop runum
down hill f When it gets tj the
What did J.y h i '-od! t-y w'.cu h,:
ki.'Kod tho vio!.t? 'Wilt ti.ju ''
And it wilted, i
a i 'in permit l.i':.- '.
o' !;u 1 f Hoc lUfle h'j ti;
to bo
Why iu a pair of rkatcs like n np-
ijIo r
Jioeaust tlyb;,vo both cceu-;
fcionod tho fall of man
Why mo ho
m moro iii'c iii,-enl
than hiimnns '! IVcajao they nose bianco to a Chiae-o 1 i'iu Iry w .k:.!..
(knows.) overy thing. 'rocoipt. Iu all probability bis
Wli? nio cowardly soldiers liko! vritiiij has cviu i unro c miposi-
tullow cr.udlos '(
Jiecanso whoa ex-
posed to tho Cro thoy run.
Why ia lho dia'-overy ol tho North
Polo liko nu illicit whisky manufac
tory 1 Docausu it is a secret still.
What U tho dilTeronco between a
llfbormon and a lazy Bchool boy ?
Ouo batea bia book aud tbo other
hates his book.
What is tho diilorcuce between a
donkey nnd a postage stamp Ono
you lick with a stick tho other jou
stick with a lick
If Old NieL should loss btatail.
where" wouUl ho go to get auotber
To n gro.t shop, bocauiio thero Lad
spirits nro reiailud.
A soody follow a gardener.
A printed kiu3 U uovor to ba pub.
Aa malarial air may ondaugor a
goodcomititutioa, bj bad compau
tpus ondangor a good character.
A young lady dentist has opened
a shop in au Ulinios town, and au
opidemio of toothaoho has sot iu.
Is thoro a word in the Kuglish
languugo wbicb oontaius all vowels f
Yes, uu.ptostiouably.
Mark Twain romarks that all wo
ooed to possess the fiusat n :vy iu
tbo world is ships for we bsve
plooty ot water.
An exchange puts a solemn troth
in a novel and pungent way whoa it
says that - somo men wear there best
trousors out iu the knees iu winter,
getting religion, and tbe aeata of
tboir pauta out in suieuior, buukdid
iug." i
When a woman cat) make k baud
some rug out of all old eoDVio bog
and a few onucs of Hb,v it:He4-iualolU0l. jy wet lo , telegraph SI " VFA. tum r
.trance that thoy cuuot flud .aDd aked "to toe tb orr,u.l of alStOVCS aV TllUVarC
way of oouvertiua au old Dutlicoai i.i . ...... ..I i c ..
Kb m m ft
1A, OUTOBBU 2(5.
Intcrcstinn borapof H:$lnry.
I npuMished pngo from the life ol
Ocorgo!toti. It i: the
ly snmutcr tit'jc. To him. tho mull.
cr nf tho father of his country : deitr, wlnan have von
bern r.cifol was dieniisiiud ?
"Ibiiit bt it l owhi t". ma
I'id y.u r.jtno r.tra:(bt bomr
.from school, (ii nige !"
. "Yes, nts'iitn,"
"lint i ebool is dismissed nt thf !
o'clock nttil it in now half past hi-;
How d.ics that conn, ?''
' (lot kep in."
' l or what T"
"Missed u' j"L'srafy le'p "
' iJ'il yuur t'-t'eh'T ns het onb
an hour ngo and mid von hal nut
,t(.n Bt Hi'jol all'"
..,.;t in tti idv. tlK-n."
i.,;,, n'Uy wil('.l0 yo llClt (l,
chool lo dav 1"
! orgot. I lioii 'l.t Ml t!je tii!:c it
was .uuturday,"
'-Don't .-land ou I he nib: if votn
f,,(,t in fiat tu it'.nr-r. Onto In :e t
uie. Oijrge, j.ju l.avt Inert hwiin" o ruo.
"Yes, you have, flecugo. Haven't
ou ?'
'N o a p."
"'J ell iiur tnolLel , 'iiorge."
"N nek'
"'Then what makes your Lair so
wit, my sun." '
"Swi-iit. l'un so fa.-it coming ftutu j
I 1.
I j;nt yonri Lirt nwiong m ie ot. ,
'Tut it ou that way whan got up
this moruuig, for ln-k. Alwavs wir,
, t , i ",
Iwutii j' U jilav I t k- i-pa j: vodi
Pitt's m. Liu Kle nit. '
1 j-.: haven't the r;lt t i t'-.
(of your t-1. itt on your arm at ali.
Oeorgo, and there's a lmrl knot ti" 1
in it. How di 1 that come t'ue-re ."
l;;! I'irf l.o 1 it ia iuu 1
'-v ' lo-iLii.'. '
"llat wh-u wtro ycu ilJ.Lg w ill:
' ....... t .-.. , V I"
rim . v, i
"l'Mt h kV0 cfI Uo i- ,00,'L
tied that knot iu tbuc wheu it wis
l on mo.
! "(icorgo : : ' ' i
j "That's tho honest truth, bo did. ''j
j About that tiiuo the noblo 11m h-:
rod catuo uloug with a ek.ato .i'.rap
and wo drew a veil over tlio dici 1.'.:'. j
: ,. .1,,,,. II, , I 1, I
do uot teem to c'uaugo to much a.-
Dai Copy.
Chester Ih-wcv, of I'.rocklvn,
nrifortuu itt!y u'lliclod with f.'n ur-'
n'ysis. -V pgo of Lis t-vt-juscrip.
'bwai a ILo ci
p M-....0 t..v:...,',;A'.',s,
' . .
tors tj sty their pr.tyou luck raid
llinu that of any minnow living.
Oi ono ocj:w:ot. n strt i ro ' s ib"
struck a "tako" of Powoy's c py. It
was tho ujiu'uoticmout of a tuJst
oxcelleut articlo ou tho lii'.ieiioj.
Tho I'.rbl liuo rot 1 :
' Tho
(aoou's specc'.i uikes uo west ion of
tho fioUerieii."
Tho sub imiuj-
tlio italio case.
fact that bo intended
tho "iineca as " .'i.
At last ho got sUitod, tiiiiaLod
his take, put ou Lis cot aud vauisb
cd. is proof read vtrl.ttlm tt lit'
i"ati'it us follows :
"But (lire.) tbo jttccn'a sp-oocb
makes no meutiou of the IVichig ; I
cau't read Chinese- TLo man who
wrote this was evidently la'ooriug
nudcr nn attack of alcoholism. I
have luruod this copy upside down,
t'other sida up, aud every which
way, and ouo way it is Ureek or
hieroglyphics from Cleopatra's nee
dle. ISoforo I would try to ysnk
antimony from this tnauucript I
would steal a jack-knife and whittle
shoo pegs at two couts a qnart. If
you aro aftor reputation, for boavon's
sake stick where you are. As f r
me, I go I know uot-where."
If a Colli ilol haa six birrcle,
how tuuuy oaut a hoi ad pibtol to
bft?o f
Tho voong wonan who SDoorir.glj
leuiuik that lam aro all Mile gen
erally shows her bin equity ty Ulir.(
(he first mat: that uiuiis LituiioU to
taletftaut . irblr.h . lutd . arrival f
lia'.oly in.iuirci for T. . . . T v Y w ' nAVV-iTwrjTTv-tv
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Ll:iii:.v AMi I I ! V I T is,
MhI litl.ur. 1
i i ..I I u,,-.r i it,.i j.
J)l. MAl;.ND liOTIlKUOi:.
rrcmont. Snyder tO'.mty, Pa.
ii i -i
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'JV1 .( IU ill ,r. i- ,ll.0 , f p. f, ,,vp,
1 ' I' I Hi, irlt,i,
I l.:' . j ... f.:i.i'i. r, I i,,rj,kn.
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I J. SMITii.
Physician A Surgeon,
I-'''--'-' ' ';' i.l'. S yt. r .,m
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I'll, l Inn nnd Mir
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DUVriflili ta n r-..r....
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Miifjlcbjrg. Siid;r C:j-t... Pa
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I iMiTisburjr, 1ji.
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Alt. 4 I J. l,
rirrtii uaktman, yr?re h .
UjlU 4 Lr ! lit r!l. ) m Nlut
StIinMirrov. i"a.
i 1 i rr Jft.irx ic i.ft. i. iuii.u- .. i
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Milnlli.ii.,. 1. ll.l. I
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iLftiiuii. aj.ivv
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tO '"Set liu"i ir' ' ':-'! i. .'.' ;'". '". " . --' ' ""' ..O'.ii.iiu.uu. .
"c i,.,, " ' iiniW'Mi v , i , unit li ant Hmi w
'"Ml. ...l-vr. t. .1 -? .
ft :
.ilercha ills' IIouoJm
-11:1 v
ViiBTtt Ttunn tTitiT Kim., b.
loriu -ftii per any.
r.vv.mi-.uix. -U(k rt.i.-tk
Iron, Nails,
Steel, Leather,
Paints. Oils,
' . m aessija
Pnbllnhed every 1 itttr.Uv KvtntMef
Terms of Rtibsenptioti,
rvo DouMics wn anntm. py.
slils vitliin nix Monthr, or (i.iV)ifhnl
psid iiliin th" yenr. No paper di.
i-i.i.'iiiU'-'l until nil nrteiiracrs ere
pnid unloufl at the option of tlie pub-
riiilisi-riptiotisnuuide of tho eonntf
WrPersiins liftitig snd usine pspst
ii.ieiie. ft otlii-r. iiiiotiiemiUcnlrs
iinl me li,.i(. forthe price of the paper
No Whiskey!
Drown's Iron ntrrtM
is one of the very few tonic
medicines that arc nit com
xsrd mostly of alcohol or
whiskey, thu becoming a
fruitful source of intcmjicr
ancc by promoting a desiro
Lr rum.
Brown's Iron BmrM
is guaranteed to be a non
intoxicating stimulant, anoi
it will, in nearly every case,
take the place- of all liquor,
and at the same time abv
Iwt'.ly kill the tlesirc for
wliokiy and other intoxi
tcting Leverages.
Kcv. G. W. Ricr, editor of
th Amfrirfin ( Itnituin AV
vit-v, .sap of Drowns Iron
Cr.. 0,?.t t.iMi.
Cjtv Tt.t f x.liOi
tr ;; r,i vrtil f'rr- in I ivnei,
litn.rr, ln-t ykyth iiv'iu
(r.c f 'nr le, mkr
f jf rrt;r;Si n a r,rmiji
tr.-i if ; ; lid, wili ur hsn
rtr'. N '. ti.v.n ti '.ot
f.t us-;rj7 icCBftTia.B.
hi-s been thoroughly tested
for dy-pojMa, indigestion,
L:iiounct, W'jiknc's.dcLd
ity, ovcrwcrW, rhcurrut;m,
r.e-jri!g:a. consjo-.fion,
l.vcr ccrrp'.a-r.'j, kidney
triul!':5, Lc . and it never
fi:!s to render speedy aad
,3 a-S
Absolutely Pure,
"."! i 1 lit l l'i'Hi! !.
U I ! !; ! I :. I.. Ml ft'l M
I i. Id V .1 Mm Ii i . KIm ti
r t l r t If. -t .1 ' m -
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"(iic trr ffniTif
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Ui l i t : Jt-crnr
:l "a-i . '.t It l4twr
4'a. aV
". .0 ' Ur'-f.i'l'!
In M .. Mfii i nut 1i
iMVrfrvila."1i4 il'l ' lt V'lis -
lit i ti. (jlittWKS . tfasKfc'k itx
la.4MM. L jsaV i aa, sVj.
V'". K m-i4 T'M. 'Vll.Wlltl. SttlSM
4.1 Ik.
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Iw, Lft .m gxn4.-.iiM
lft .JV ftr W'Khft.T l'V-l im
li twkMauUi4JM f--n- 1 1. ',!,,
Arnts Wanted for
i OF Tl HilS?,
H , ftU
teWiMtM I Nftfti.
lo.-w M M fttalt. . k. tiM.-
W)ik ift. . tkw
t'Al.tlM V ttft i 4ft.ll ftOfl lHW
lliftwft. ft.
ft -"ft, M -V.. ,, M fell
?... -omt l' -I--lift,
w. '4i fcHMMk.'' VtiJ 4U,Ht
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VwtfftM fts-l VI. ftM.
anMf ftH .tt tHi.ii attili
W VMW' K . " l
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