The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 19, 1882, Image 1

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    VclvortlInr HntoM.
Oa colunfn ono ycsr, f fS0.0c
On-half, column, ono yosr, 80.00
One-Con rlh column, ono jronf, 15.W
On squnrs (10 linos) 1 Insertion 75
' Every additional inasrtinn, 60
FrotWiorml and Btininms cards ol
not more thnn 6 linos, tor your, 6.00
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
and Aasifrnce Notice, 2.IW
Editorial notices prr lino, 15
All Irarwcient advertising loss than
I month! 10 cents a linn.
All advertisements for a shorter pe
riod than one year aro payable at th
lime they are onlored, and il not paid
tos person ordering them will uo neld;
moonnible for the tnonev.
A Tomboy.
She eoMies ! lie
and (loo
uomen 1
with song
She leads her train oVr luwn end lea !
And fair and (rue her wind blown
Her fleecy eearf, her carob-as dronH,
Her sweet girl-voice, that blrdlikf
Her merry laugh, that tireless rinx
High o'ver those booming sounds ol
All hall, wild queen of madcap court I
No daisy chain will thin gay iilrl
K'er weave to dock her dancing curl ;
No wreath entwine of hud or hell,
Though both, she wots, become her
well ;
Not hem to gtioss of joy or grief
liy coiiiiUik of a holly leaf ;
She tetrti not fortune's siuilu or
Py puffs of dandelion down ;
No necklace frame of rowen gems.
Nor fragrant, flower wrought ilia
dems I
No poet she to tloscaml dream
Loug, lazy hours by haunted stream 1
If stua'l the brjo'.t she'll lt"inl li.r train
And leap it o'er nnd back again ;
Or if her boys will look awuy
She'll wade it, maybe I can't any,
Her boys all boys around her pre
For love of her sweet wlusoiiii'iie s.
And dogs that bark for very glee
A harum-scarum company t
She's o'or the sea, ehu's won the wood.
This dainty bud of maidenhood 1
riiose Joyous penis, 1 trow, lienpeak
The gay, Iflad mirth of hide nu.l aeek.
As hiusl dull and hrackeiicd kIiuIh
Her Krtcules bauds in turns invade,
Little she recks of rents or shreds,
Hat b)ldly breasts the brau'Mo u h
'Tis she has bivdo them rig the swiui;,
And wood the tires unhallowed bring
'lis "lie the torch illicit waves.
And leads her troops through murky
, eaves j
'Tis she hath croKsed the pine trunk
' Tha rocking, bridges yon dark lin
What Joyous cheer mid-wild halloo
Hounds on her host to dcrrin-do 1
'Tls she has taught those nlmlilo feet
To auatter wide the windrows sweet
On fragrant hay-riuks led tiio foe,
An I long hours at onus laid low,
Yt Farmer Hwan, who from the stile
Had watched it all, ne'er ceased to
"(Jod bless her purty face ! She be
A regular tomboy, sartiulee '."
After All.
The apples are ripe in the orrhttrd,
The work of the reaper is done.
And the golden woodlands redden -In
the btoout of the dying sun.
At the oottage door the grandtdre
Sits, pale, in his easy chair,
While a gentle wind of twilight
Flays with his silver huir.
A woman is kneeling beside him ;
A fair young head is prot,
la the first wild passion of sorrow
Against his agod breast.
And far from over the distuuoo
The faltering echoes come,
Of the flying blunt of trumpe ;
And the rattling roll of drum.
Then the graiulslre speaks, in a whis
"The end no man can see ;
Hut we give him to his country.
And we give our prayers to Thee.
The violets star tho meedows,
The rose-buds fringo the door,
And over the grassy orchard
The plnk-whlte blossoms pour.
Hut the grandsire's ohalr Is empty,
Aud tho oottage is dark and still.
There's a nameless grave on the bat'
Aud a new one under the hill.
And a pallid, tearless woman
Ily the cold hearth sits alone ;
And the old clock in the corner
Ticks ou with a steady drone.
A darkey's Idea of 1 leave is one
immense melon patoli, aud do dogs
The Louisville Courier Journal
has so great a dislike for slaotf that
it spell galvanized "girlvaoizod."
A little Southern boy, whoa asked
if bis fatbor bad a good ruulo.mourn
fully repliod, "Ouo oad of biui was
A Jersey veteran is claiming
pension aud seventeen years' arrears
on the ground of "obrouio luziuoss
eontrso'ed in the army."
' Boston bas discarded 'tress" as
leroiotoe affix and substituted ' tri.x
' We oooe knew a seumsttix, whose
mother was a tuilorix, tbat beouuiu
quite pootrix.
"Hannah," said a landlady to her
Mrvaut, "when there's any bail news
always let the hoarder know it U
fore diuuer. Huoti little things
uske s great diuerence iu court uf
VOL. 20.
For Tha Post.
by rtn. n. rotiirock.
Rations far oneh man per tiny
woro for ft timo as follows : Two
h on pod spoonfuls of rino, twoof flour
ono of bonus, and ono of hominy.
I rotnombor it more pnrtionhirly,
as one of my oomrtdo. who actod
is spiad sorjzeant, usually divided
tlio rations with a ronunon spoon, (n
tea spoon.) ometimos this estimate
would fall short, but rnroly, if over.
Wood was isuod in quantities of
about one peice as latgo as a comiuou
;lub for twonty mon per dny. Audlliim, but ho did not answer. 7
theissuo of wood was very irregular i
Somotimos we would got uo wood
or wooks,
Thoro was however, a good ojcuro
fjr this, for all tho wood, hid to be
brongbt a long distaneo on tho ciirs.
nnd then broit-'ht in toauis to the
prison grounds.
As thoro was a scare ily of rolling
stock iu tboso parts, this was a bet
tor ou tela i could bo found at
Audorsonville, where tho prisoo was
surroundod by a donso iuo forest,
oontaiuing no ilnubt thousands of
acres of bevitiful timbor.
uny of tho prisoners woro desti
tute of cooking utensils, and could
not borrow, nnd eilber f' ont want of
strength to run round, or gelling
disconrngod by failuio, after re
peated rebuffs npor application for
such favors , the won Id cat their ra-
tious raw, or go without.
A young fellow belonging to s
Xew Yolk llogt. Lad nothing iu
which to draw his rations, bnt a
boot-leg, into which he had filled a
wooden bottom. Ho had no cooking
utensils, and ato his rations raw
from this boot log, without a ppoon,
lay after day. uncooked, sometimes
slirod up with somo water.
This miserable bfliti-; c impel on
tho ground uear Ihe place 1 occupied.
lla sonroely ovor l.iy downat niijht
without wishing that ho might never
awako. It did, indeed, rcipuro more
courage to livo than to die. At last,
nf tor days and night-i of lingoiing
totturo, his prayois for death were
Near mo, ono morning, I found
his cold and lifeless form .lrotc!iod
upon tho ground. Ho had died, his
eyes closed as if in sleep. I noticed
something clasped in his hand, and
stjopod to examino it. h was tho
likcunsi of a beautiful girl, nnd on
the back was written in a dntieato
foiuulo bund. 'To William, from
Saruh" a wholo history of love.
disappointment, and death, in brief.
When I retlecled that each man
among tho thousauds dying around
mo had histories similar in their
griefs, and loves, and longings for
homo, and when 1 considuro l the
bittor paugs of the dying men
uncarod for, among worse thuu bar
barians, it seemed too in uoh of hu
man tnisory for contemplation or nt
teranoo. Ouo day, wbon somo Sister of
Charity came into tho prison limits.
no vory agrooablo task for a cloan
ly fumalo, one of thorn
apology for not having got somo
article which sho bad undertaken to
obtain for ouo of onr nnrabor, that
tho firing was so boavy that it was
not safe t3 venture down in tho part
of the city wboro suuh things woro
sold. These kindly sisters attended
to all aliko without evor inquiring
onr crood, or appearing to think they
wore doing anything moro than a
duty. Qod bloss them.
My physical condition a this timo
was worso than nt any timo during
my captivity. My clothes woro iu
tatters, scurvy bud rucked ray sys
tem, so tbat my toetb were bocoraing
loose in my jaws, that it was diffi
cult for me to eat tho most common
food. I knew something must be
dono. I must muko coutiauul efforts,
or go down to the dogs, (loutb many
woro suffering srouud me.
So I used to wonder around camp
picking up potato pooliugs from
tho mud, and dirt, which some
"well-to-do" fellows bud thrown
away. Those 1 washed, and ato
raw, and I buvo uo doubt they did
mo much good.
Oooe or twioo, I whs lucky iu ob
taiuiug somo turnip tops, which I
oooked, aud enjoyed bighly. Hut
ihuro were thousuuds' of buogry
imm ou tho lookout for Hu so del
icieies us well as myself, und there
fore it took coiiiiuuoii aud persever
ing vlt'oiW for us to a bibUe
once a week. This vegotublo food
checked tho scurvy, and kopt it at
luast nilhin bouuds.
The liospitnl was at lust moved
into ono comer of tho prison
Srouuds. Ono day it was rumored
that vofjot il lo soup would lliut day
be issued to Ibo sick of tho prison.
A man who could crawl was Dot
considered sick.
A poftr eick fellow ftoar bogged
mo to tuko his ilisii an J draw some
soup for him. This I undertook to
Jo, and after waiting somo hours I
grtt tho soup, and returned quickl
to the sick man. He nns Ritlin;r on
tho ground, his hands claxpud, and
his head upon his knees. 1 spoko to
touched his head died whilo pitting
waiting for food iu this mournful
It was (inito common for men to
die thus suddenly, lo my spmd I
distinctly rccoolleet, of men drawing
their rations anil in a few hours af
tnr died. I as a matter of hunger,
took tho dead mans pluco in eating
tho soup, for ho wcver sorry I was
for liiui.'l was to hungry to refrain
from relishing tho soup.
That ufleiuoon, with a full etotn
acb,I felt l:ko patrouizing every bo
dy, iu the soup line.
About tho first of October, wo
learned from our guard that five or
six thousand rebel prisoners had
'boon landed on one of the islands, in
possession of our forces, iu Charles
ton harbor, to occupy a stockade
built for that piuposo. This per
hspp, explained tho reason why we
wero not put down undur fno our
selves. I had often whou low in health,
and restless under tho restraints of
captivity, turned over iu my mill 1
the probabillies of an cscapo,
Tho rations cf tho prison were
sloadily growing loss in qnnntity,
nnd the extreme'.igmiO'J or tho
purposed plaus of the ru!o!s kept us
frequently for twenty-four hours
without f.iod.
Ilestlessly seeking soino mitiga
tion of these sufferings, it appeared
to mo possible that some dark night
I might crawl ou my hands end
knees through and beyond the guard.
There wns groat dnnger of being
.-hot, but were other terrors in
prison which would thus bo lift be
hind, 7 made h copy of a map of
Charleston nnd vicinity, determined
to try my luck the firet dark night,
favorable to such au undertaking.
My plans wero vagno and .;eueinl,
tho idea of getting to tho water,
and obtaining something to llout
upon down tho harbor in tho night,
being uppermost ; or, if I did not
get a boat or n log, to get into the
city, and (rust to somo of tho tier
man people for a suit of clothes, or
oncuulcuunt. At any rate my con
dition might bo bettered, acd could
scarcely bo made worso.
Under tho inspiration of these
idoas, ono raiuy night iu October,
making a couu laut of uo one, I
crawled boyond tho guard. 1 could
hour thoir measured trump, aud one
stood so near to mo, that I could
hear hiia hreatho. Indeod, I
thought myself pereoived, when bo
wboolod npon bis heel and walked
bis post in another direction, giving
me a good opportunity to creep by.
I got to a safo distaneo from the
soutiuels, thon rising to my foot, run
towards the uorth part of tho fair
ground, forced my way through the
deuso . foliago which onolosed it,
wheu theie burst npon my vision
with lurid glaro aud about uo, a
number of camp tires, around which
soldiers gathered. "Halt 1" came
tho sharp salutation, close ou my
left. I heodod not the command, but
run, stoeriug midway between two
firos. Haiti" "Haiti" simulta
neously came the order from right
and left. Still I ran on, liaug !
Bang I bung ! bang t rung tho ro
port of tbroo or four lilies, aimod
true enough fur mo to bear the an
gry z c-z-&.t of the bullets as tbey
whispered death around my ears.
Close upon mo, and right ahead of
mo, came the order "Halt 1" I baltod
suswering tho summons. "Who
goes there I" which rapidly follow
ed the command "Halt" by reply,
ing, "a friend.' Yank, surrender 1
luoghiugly ouiled out the seutinel.
I obeyed promptly, as I beurd biiu
bring bis musket to a full o tek. with
au ominous click, and suw uncom
fortably near uie the ksuiiui; of
tho poLWbd mu.kut
ibis occur) lu Um tUkw tLa
lII- ijw-'dl
I have taken to relate it. "What in
dog-gond-ation was yor tryiug to
do ' iuterogatod tho Johnny. ''Try
ing to pick np somo warm quarters,"
I rosponded, ns I walked to tho fire
and coromenced wnrminij myself.
"lleckon yer found it durnod
warm, when the Charleston Huards
commenct'd to blaze nt yer, old
tiors !" laughed my captor, I tried to
show my contempt by saving, "O,
that's nothing when ono is used to
it." "I reckon 'd or let day light
through yer, before yer got used lo
It, if you hadn't stopped 'bout ns
yer did.
I laughed nt him, thinking it best
to tako things easy, whilo ho called
tho officer of the guard. "Well, I'll
bo durnod," raid ho, slapping my
shoulder ns n compliment, if yer
am't right i mart, f r n ynuk, any
way. waning lor tuo oincer
of tho cnar 1. ono cf tho sentinels
gave me a hard cr ieker, aud my cap
tor prcsontod to m" a generous slioo
of "sow-belly,'' which, I couldn't
help thinking, wis an nmplo reward
for tho lisk I bad rnu. Tho officer
of tho guurd came up, nnd began to
question mo as to how I got boyoud
the sontinels of tho prison grounds.
"I'ribed them," replied I, not caring
what answer I made, so long ns I
did not give him suy Information.
Ho looked nt mo from head to
foot, seriously, for a sieoud, thon, a
tf struck with my pielmvsq'to ci-s
tiime of lags, he e ini'n d, nnd eUuck
led, ns if intensely amuse I, nnd sai I.
"They must have tookuii a mi;;hty
slim bribe.
I sloi t by tho warm lire, nnder
cunrd, that iii''ht, nnd tho next
moining was sent to tho woik-house, eridge. notes for tho benefit of Col
in tho eilv. This h.iillit.L' was of eridge students, that the ports com-
brick, which, I noticed, hil In en
split down, by collision of solid nht
or shell, from top to bottom. I u
dor tho iirehod ways of the building,
which leil fi-ottl tho vurd. Wfl'O two
riKl. lv constructed ovens. i.m,l l.v j
the tifllceiH for cooking their fond.
In tho budding were tho ipi u tors
of Federal officers. Tho windows
weto heavily grate I. In the yard
was n high look-out tower. from whieb
conld bo seen the jiiilyarl ndj lining.
I staid hero two ilnyti, eou'.'iatn!nt
in;' myself on my i:iiiniv I enn.'ii-
lion, which, in cmtiait Willi tl..
Fair tlronnd, W"re vei v eouifei'tul)!.-, ; '
thonub I was not allowed itieido of:'
... -
tho building, and I was only fearful
of being sent back to tho llaee
course. Whil i prying around in j
tho arch wins of tho building, I
found, in ono corner of a dark door
way, a bnudlo of documents which
threw light upim tho purpose for
which tho buildiug bad formnily
beeu mod, and tho manner in ahich
slaves woro committod for punish
ment. Tho following is a sample of a few
in my possession : ".Master of
Workbonno. lteceivo Jerry, nnd
put bim iu sol. con. Kob. Howund
Aug. 14, 1H50.
And quito a number of tho samo
import. On tho nioruiug of tho
third day, to my great disgust. 1
wub sent to tl.o Fair Ground, under
guard. I kept pretty still about my
adventures, being n little nuhamed
of not escaping after so many trials,
nnd my comrades merely remai kud
that they hadn't seen mo srouud for
a day or two, and did not Luow, but
tbat I bad my "toes tiod together."
That day I bunted up Fetor K. who
was formerly a comrade iu tho Hegt.
and re-formed a kiud of partnership,
which bad been, for n time, suspend
ed to sleep under tho samo shrod of
a bluuket.oook, bunt voriniuo togeth
er, and tako turns watching euoh
other's traps, whilo one was impost
of potato peelings or drawing ra
tions. Fetor was a good natnrod. fellow,
who was noouutomod to say of him
self, that be could "scuiooly draw n
breath on ratious bo drow, nod was
runaiog down so fast bo oouldu't
run around." He was capable of
laugbiugat any smonut of misery,
and bodied and held death at arm's
length by ingenious devioos i and
bis dovil-niay-oaro temperament,
which nothing oould daunt, and bis
irrepressibla drollery, whioh would
bubblo np from tbo midst of mibory,
mads him a dosiruble oompuuiou, to
lighten tbo loads of dispnir which
bnog around ns liko a pull of mid
night darkness, '
How to Spoil a Husband.
Snarl nt bitu.
1'uy no attention to household ex
Give as much as ho can earn n n
month for a now bonnet.
Tell him ns plainly ns possible
that you married him for n living.
Keep the parlor for company, nnd
don't let him put his f iot iu it.
liaise n row if bo daro to bow
pleasantly to an old lady friend.
Oct everything the woman next
door gels whether you Cuti niToid it
or not.
Providonny sort of a piekolnp
dinner for bitu when you don't ex
pect i-trnngeis.
Tell him the children inherit nil
their moan traits of character fioin
his side i f the family.
Let it out sometimes when you
are good aud mad Hint yon wish yon
had married somo other fellow that
you used to go with.
tlivo him to uuderstand ns soon
ns pcs.jililo after the hetiejmooii that
kissing i) good wioiigh for spooney
lovers, but that for married folks it
is confoundedly silly. If ho takrs
to kissiug tho cook or chamber-maid
den t bo too hard on hiiu.
If he has an extra amount of brain
work niel comes homo with lustier
vous pyt torn all on a Mieteh don t
try to keep the children qriit t. Tell
them to make all the tioiso they want
J to, an I their father in nothing but
au old cross patch anyway.
Coleridio's Nates.
Mr. A. liraudi. whoso is to write
something wo foipet what, but
probably n monograph nluiit Col-
molipiaco book of about 1"
i-;ts is
preM rved iu the liiiiisb
and that it gives tome insight into
his political vie and lituiuy Mu-
lie indicates its Contents iu U
l'"z' way, and quotes n few isolated
o.tracta which ho ulmires. lleiu
they are :
Of how many pleasures, of whal
lasting happiness, is l'uiu Mm parent
aud Woo tho womb '
"What wo mui-t do, lot us love to
do. It is ft noble ehemi.itry that
turns necessity into pluasuro.
'Had i. mans for a good end I
e".!::iol i.oi.eeivo that theio be any
iod loud to eaveu through
j ":llll H'
ll.iiiulil y 1'ity nud envy l.rr
hand maids.
' 1'hi) poor nnd tho rich in this re
semble each other they are usually
nnloing nf their children.
'Tootry excites us to nrli'leial feel
ii!s makes ns culloiis to real ones,
".Meu ui)ions for the world owh.
that wutch nil night to catch mice "
Adulteration by Rule.
An Illinois tnerchunt who was tak
ing baking powder in bulk from a
Chicago firm called at hoa 1 inuters,
tho other day, to say that thero was
something wroiig with tho good
"I don't think so," was tho reply,
"wo mako tho best orticlo sold iu the
"I think wo onght lo bavo n more
porfoct uudorstunding," coutiuutid
tbodoulor. "Now, then, you adul
terate before you send to mo, then I
adulterate beforo ship, thou tho re
tail or adulterates before hesells. and
tho consumer cau't be blumod for
growling. wanted to see if we
couldn't agreo ou somo schedule to
bo followed."
" What do you mean T"
'Why, suppose you put in 11 per
cent, of chalk, then I put iu li per
cent, of whiting, then tho retailers
put in 3J per cent, of Hour ; thst
gives the consumer 40 por cent, of
baking powder, and unless lie's a
boi n hog he'll bo porfecily sa'itisd.
You soo, if you adnlteiata 50 pet
cont. ou tho start, nud tho retailer
udultcrutes as mueb ns both togeth
er, it's mighty hard for tho consum
er to tell whether he's investing in
bukiug powdor or putty s wo must
give biiu something for bis money, if
it's ouly chulk.
A now drama brought out in Lon
don contains drunkonness, a wed
ding, a forgery, it murder, a rail road
collision, a finauoial panic, a riot, tho
wrecking of a bark, nnd
nnon. TlM A'lthor evidently
tboug'it hhil iutro t iooi all tin
crimes in tho oat iljgiu, bat ho for
got the river and harbor bill.
no, y
Phisicians, V.
(Vntrevillo, Snyder '., I'n
fl rr H if ti hIuh1 ;ciMfcH to tTi r nll lc.
I'litNK i avi i iti.i:ov
lr. kiitown. Fa.,
IMtnr 111 lTnf1.l'n.! ..orvk't'1 to Hi" M"IM!
il il I '-i It y . Apr. i '?.
I ouooi riAioo it.
i e. r Id. Ir rff !. n it porvlorn n. Oil ,-ttl7',ii
ol Mi.i.iIxi iok Kii'l vi. Itiliv. i im.-o ii-k r
w.m .1 ii. r tuurt lluui'., iu Aiu I'l l i 'tiiiiui'n
I l. fi, 1KM.
.1. Y.MMM'KL.
Middlibltrp, IS
OflfMlil. r fn. -n a I .rf.i''r i tlio OtlU.D
'i M lit Cut urx s I. in 1 1 y.
Mar. '.i.'i T.
Fremont. Snyder county, Pa
Ireliivoul iMltiiiira'ulltKo n( I'l.jr.irliir,
Ti.i iiiic.i'ii. niipr. i.n iToiti."! nl iit-rvlrr
In il.o i' nil.-. .- k MiH'I'ii i.'l li.ruimi.
.Mart Ii, 17. I-I. If.
Physician A Surrjrnn,
.' . ii ' i- Sjirri .v, Si.yl' r ( i.rn'y, l'
M.'.rp liiii profr.-lnnul orv Irrn tntiii I u ili
err... i n Mitin im. June u
)U. .1. O. WAtiNKi:,
I'll) klclitii niitl Snr on
I li'r. I,.
Iin.ll K.TVl.
i'l irllii.
ti I'm pHiti-h,
f lt.l...
J) It. .1. I'. KAXAWKl,
Ci'iitri-llto, Hiijdcr Co., I'n
tiltiT'l ls r. f c in ill rrvtffj to tlm pul llc
l-.t Ullli.ll l"s III.OI'K,
.S''V;irr, i'oiu'd
rriilKnnlnmil iiurl'i... iriim.:ljr mtnaiio'l
ICily rill-, Snyl.r ( ,., ',(.
ul'r pr l r. il 'orvl.-o. tn tho r-tt 1m
I iw r rt . d r 1 1 in i. ti . i v ii 1 ri 1 1 1 . auk .2,i,'i
J)lt. A. M. SMITH,
i'jysiciAX a xi) srnaKos
OHgih l.i i lyfi'.Kli tml rvl. cj to ti.o clllfiu.
n; A'lMi.M .irK l. I n It )r . -
sit. t:;.
K. VAN 1U-.-K1KK,
yelin-igreve, I'erin'n.
MiC'!loJ;un;, Snyder County, Pa.
OKl'h IS Kl'''K'i.N MIMt TUB ltRTOT
I J i -nun .1' n t!;n iip-t N iDncr. AW work'ti .I. 1 1: iim niixtfrat .
Ho will it '.mi ;lteii-l tiimlnoni fvrry two
Tie Eiiisriitr llciiss
1 lairriKbui-"-, Jit.
0. S. MASSEfl, - - Proprietor.
.TM Himio lnjlico.i l:e fiirnnU't anil
will in-kit In i.i K"i rami. 1 1 v unit style,
iliinl l.i'iaiir, lloyt! uig. AU.l I'nnrne ary
.Muiti-ral. .MiircL II.
i) A A 7) TVJTtffl TJATT!T,
B Jf UlL'llt! U I1U U Oil.
fP;,K L" -rouM r.pcctf.iii; in-
i'tiii ii.r I r'l i-i i tii iiiiuu, nil llt'9
m. li, wiiiiiiii.4 anil Jur.ira In ftltf-n.UTiiT t mil
I'otirlN II. .1 i.a. iiiA'I'i nuiii rt-t 4fi.ii fi't
bpir i, ,.iiiui.i I .i i. in ii I will (iuiltivir to i.u.
I. -iraui In i..-ti. In n o.t t)U ki il. rui.i
roil. nbl rio, ll.i.r'llurf lt-iiia a few Juoi
fl of tho I'ill t ll'ln.
IIA1IRIKI. t:t:v'.
A) r. 'il ':. I j. l'r t ibw
( Mn, Woaver'a.)
CoDLurvlle Soyilr i'o., I'a.
FETCH HAUT.MAN, fr..rlto .
Tl. I limn .talilltht il an) well ktmwn ho
ImvltiK Laen iurcumeil bjr ilia un.Uriiliiije.l,
licit a fliare ol tbo fn t.llf ii roamiu.
April, a, n:i.
JOHN B. l'Oi.'lIldlK, FropV.
relinxrfove, l'a.
Tlil. Ilotf I la ol-vmlly l.atr1 In IM "fqntrr,
unil U very ilalrlJi- ii i l r travlor tonto
Hi HKHTi.f a.-.-onitiiiiiliitl.iiift at low nt. i, l'r
nim ii"l .h.Kiiii'i mil ba aura to call auaiu. Ti l
brat of 1 1. j ii ir hi til a bal
rfi nraluUaa Uo.lauranl Inennnaollnn wl
tba llntol. Aor.lw.'io.
..t'li'ita Bits' Clousc.
.11:1 jt. iif
Torntu --il .O par day.
IIF.NIIY SFA11X, 1'iop r.
C,W. HIM 11.1, ( Ui k
Af. !,).
J. '
Iron, Haih,
Steel, Leather,
Paints, Oils,
m n h y ii vw
Vtalll UUUUlvl O
a ,,
I.lllt'(uliiiii l.,t..r
IN( M. llla n
PublisliHl every Tbnrsdnv Jlvenms; ; ;
Tormi of Snbsonptiort, ' '
rwo DorxAns ter annum, rsy-' ,
able Xfiiliin six months, or f2JKhrnot ,
pnld within th year. Ko pspr dis
continued until all rfrroHrnKt's ae
paid unless at the option of the pub-1 -linhor.
Pulsieriitions nntnidrt of tne county1 ,
fojrPorsnns lifting nnd usiuir pltper 1
iildiewi'il Vo others liei (iuriKiilKerii.ois
ind ro liable for the priro of the paper 1
will cure dysrK-rwia.heartliurn, mtls
ris, kidney ifiirate, liver cumpUint,'
mJ ether 4itiri; UiKuci,
r.rlrlin the Mood sod purifies thr m curt wetknen, lick oi'
uciy, etc. Try bottle.
IS the only Iron preparation th.t
dnM tvX cnfurtlic teeth, anil ill Dut
C3U.C lii-ml.irlie or conMijsiUon, M
other I hjii ercition will.
Tallies nd all mflerfTt from n
Tali.i, hyMeria, and kindred eoro
piaiuu, will Und u wttliuut an jul
Absolutely Pure
Tiil i' iler nri r rli . A wrl nf pur
Ily .tr,-Uktli lli'l wlili-rti:ii-ii.. Miirtft.-n-lii'iruii-!
Oi.n thr ur.liury k luJ. nd tanniS bo
.old in e iiiipi'lltHiii villi tliu ninltlti'ilii uf In
tipr. pnort w-ikLi, ftlum or ih lull. r..w rr.
N.. . mv m i lm Hi i'l A L. IIAkli
eo win: It I'll, l.M Wll Kl. N. V.
Aiu. I), isr: l). '
TroxtlvilU; Snyikr county, Vi.
T'n'1rrtiklii In all Iti branchn prorrpllj at.
imlnil lo. AttiU IV'K.
baocet lur niklitori twtuovy
rvmittQ tn iu rtr Wi irinl mior mn,
fiir . Iviyii un I tttrl u nit lor ui rlgttt lo
itmr ttwn tH4 It", Af out ct it lh
I n rlT fr.,i tt.a ri lri. Tti bulotM will
pmf mobi ibf to tl'u "r.nrf mm
)-!, I outoi lurialf liI Itp. wlvo n-
kt attei tftlL- to w .k monty rapl1l). Yo ran
deru( yotir wliU Unto lo tb wurk. or ouly
four iir mnruontt. Vxtll lai(trmftti-iu and mil
-hiU amIsmI a nt fr. A'Mim ftTtH-wn as
i'o. J'onUou. Mv.M.
I Will fi) Kit flfrVf) r9ll for liTTtph'
Vrkrltiblr MmIih I bat will taiav lur,
aVrrrllrs. JHMlra AO. I I 1st t' lira, iftvln
tba aiD a'rt, rlaar nl laathvl ; alti to true
tiuDi lur I ru.luciiiM Mn-witi of lialr
on a bm l.'l ur n) 'th I".'- . 4ttraa. In
cUii)t .V. tnfn.t kihN VANDtl.F A !.'., ri
karulcy St. N. V.
Tbt HilTon'iar hAvIng b-as pormanaitly
iuri ct thtit ilr r ilUeftfo, CP'umiilmi, bv
lruii' ! hWij l-i tiialta kuvo In
tun lalluw-imrff rvr tha uiOAiia til aura. T all
ho tla'lro U, ba will n l py ' ll ptg
orlptioo u-.l, (iraoii bsrsta wKli tbo llra
tloni l r promrliiM of! nam h Mia aam-t w bio ft
Ibrf ii liinl aura ( It Doucb CnllHt t
n(iniitiiln, A hitn, Hi on lilila, ao ' '
Partla wirbti'it tbt Pni, win f!oo
I'hlri.tter.K.A. WIUOiS ; m Tmi hft
WIliUtsitbiirKto, N Y.
AUKN TI.:M N aaflaraS for aaara irmai,
uaa I'Kllll.irv. I'KKMiri K UK I
I A V. all tlia atxeia ,, vouikial nSIcr
iIi.d. lll I .r ti a ! ml aaSiln kuuiaiili
'nil lr In all ah naa.1 II, iha raalpa aail 'I ,
r.-lloa I r uiaalRtf lbaalaiil fcf .klr'i
La aaarcl. KaSarara m I.UIun to irolll If
Hi. ulTarilaar'a oil arlruaa aaa f aU.
Uri-a.lnM In prfatcDft'iauia.
XiliN U.tUIbi.Ofilaf SI.M.T !
Ill IS, ly.
hnahiaat Wr th t
laltlV. Vaa fa a aiaka aua
..far at ami aar aa r
i .it aatib'an alaa. tlaav
Ul liol aarial. W, .Hi 1't aa. !..
nii,i nnmii, in, imTaMWnl. i
' t ,., ir aa. N.. t. tl.. (iMa. V,. a... 1 fara lima auli ut air- k-la i
Itliualo tLa tnaluaaa. Vi a - ftta al tuaaa.1
a .!.. ..II. ,.aa aaa . aj a'
1 ,.nio..a. r arfKli. at aao. Oaa-t I
w f RovAurtar.1 J
imiiiiaadiaim.iraa, n au
,.t a.,,..,,!, AiWiaaa Tut v
I Aafaita Valaa. , v