1 ,1 - i Oa column one year, ,. . fW-W One-half, column, one- year, 80.no One-fourth column, one year, 13.C0 On square ( 10 line) 1 insertion 75 Every siMiliovml insertion, 60 Prnfmu tonal and Ditslnes Cnrus Of not more than 8 lino, per year, 6.00 Auditor. Executor. Administrator nad Assignee Notice, 8.50 Editorial notices nor line, 10 . All transient advertising lent tban t months 10 cents ft linn. All advertisements for a shorter pe Hod thrfn one year are payable at til) lime they are ordorod, and il not paid toe person ordering them will be neld; MDonsiuie lor mo money. Poetry Let The Cloth be Whlto. BT WILIi CAIlt.TO!. flo set the table, Mary, an' let the cloth be white! The hungry eity children are ooiuln' ' hore to night i Tlie children from the city, with foa tarcsplnched an' spare, Are coiuin1 hero to gt a breath of Mod's untainted air. They como from out the dungeons where they with want were clmln'd From planes dark an1 dismal, by tears of sorrow stained; From where a thousand shadows are luurdorlng all the light; Bet well the table, Mary dear, an' let the cloth be whltol They ha' not seen the daisies ruade for the heart's Ixdioof ; They never heard the ruin drops upon a oottAge roof I They do not know the kisses of sephyr an' of briwie; They never rambled wild and free be neath the fovent trees. The food that they ha' eaten was spolliM by others' greeib; Tho very air their lntiirs breathed was full o' poison sccdH; Tito very air their souls breathed was fullo' wrong an' spite; Go sot the table, Mury dear, an' lft tho cloth bo-wliito I The fragrant water-lilies ha' never smiled at them; They never picked a wild flower from olTItsdowystuui; Thoy never saw a greensward that they could safely pass Unless thoy beeditd well the sign that suys, ''Keep off the grass." (tod bless the men and women of uo- blo brain and heart Who go down In the folk-swamps and tuko tho children's part! Those hungry, cheery children that keep us In their debt, And never fail to give usiuorof pluusure than they gut I 8et well the table, Mary; lot naught be scaut or small ; The little ones are coming; have plen ty for 'em all. There's uothlng wo should furnish ex cept the vory best To those that Jesus looked upon an' called to him an blesHod. IIAUPKR'D Wkkklv. Fo Th Post. REBEL PRISONS. DT DH. R. ROTtmOCK. The Battler a store or goods eon tainod bat few varietios blaok pop per, nnground, turnips, swoot pota toes, and bakers broad. Tea dollars in confederate money for one dollar in greenback was the general rate of exouango i and this was obtained throngh the sistors of oharity. who visited as, doing nets of kindness to the suffering, bringing clothos and food, carrying mosr .gos to oar ofH cers, prisoner the eity, and bring ing the reply. To people bo cleanly we mast have boon object of disgust Tbe Tormino, visable upon all 'prisoners oonld not have been pleasant to re find persons, unooouetoraed to . snob miserjr. Oar dirt begrimed, half- porsons must Hate been re- olting, yet no word or- look from I -' . . 1 . 1 9 neuveu sons sisters snowed inking or disgust. -. I have seen them bending in pray orinoflloos of mercy over al est naked creatures, whom disease d filth had rendered indescribably loathsome, never, by word or look, bowing other fooling than pity, and making tho object of tboir 8 feel humiliation or shame. heir kindly address of "My poor WIJ P fell pleasantly on the ear. I VAT aaa a ao imporiumuoa could vox tnom, adldonoC remombcr of haviog oard an nttoraooo of impationoe om thoir lips. I may have been rejndiood, at first, against these utors of oharity, bnt certainly their U were truly - christian, worthy of tation by all on like occasions. I have said, gangrone, diur- and sonrvy raged terribly in Pi notwithstanding oar Improved DiliUon. U was aboat tho third week of Uy at Charleston, I was told I oorporal Thomas, of my com- 7. whom I have mentioned in ng pages, lay dyinr, "X found is brave man lying In the hot eon, no shelter ot attendant, W he, I oonld tuive lived to get VOL. me nntoia moorings this man endured, who once had refased to purohasa freedom and life as the price of treason, retaining clearness of mind until the moment of death. was bnt one instance among the daily o warring ia prison. A yoang soldier, who at one time had been elork of company I, 78tb Regt. P. V. died daring the same week at Charleston. In his last momonte be continually said, I should be willing to die if I conld havo enoogh to eat, and die at homo." Thus longings for home afld 'food and thonghts of death were often bitterly crowded togothon For convenience in issuing rations, the prisoners were divided into do tachmonts of thousands, and then subdivided into hundreds. There were sorgoants of thousands an 1 ser- goanla of hundrods, and a chiof aor goant ovor tho whole. These di visions wore to facilitate ' the issno of rations, and tho sorgeaots wore soloctod fiom among the prlsonora, and were often choson by tho pri sooors thotnaolvos. Much trouble, first and last, oc- enrrod in prison from tho robols no- vor being nblo to count the prison ers eorrcctly, Wo KOre ofton connl oJ, bnt with no satisfactory rosults. Ttiero were, thtonghoat the prison, so many hungry mon whoso wits ootuod to sharpen in proportion to thoir haaeor continaally dovisiog ways to got "extra food," that it was not strange that tho rebels frcqnent ly found themsolves issuing more rations than thoro woro mon la pri son. Ily jadicioas management, Ingon- ioas Yankees oontrived to belong to two or more squads, and draw ra tions for each without oxoiting sus picion. Upon ono count tho robot .Sorgeante found thoy bad issnoJ fivo hnndrod more rations than thore wore mon in camp i and oven by ex orcise of tho groatest care in those countings, they would ofton be cheated two or throe ' hnndrod ra tions, through tho doxtority which prisoners had acquired of shifting from one squad to another, and in this way being counted twioo or tbroo limes, . Once, whilo endoavoring to count ns, Colonol I verso n was so bafllad by tbe tactics, that ho disntissod tho matter for tho day, good naturodly declaring that wo woro "hoavy dogs" At last, in dispair of finding ont tho exact number of Yanks ia any other manner, they raarohod the prisoners oat into an opon spaco of ground, and kopt as standing in line until coanted i but even hore, where any cheat seemed cortaio to become doteotod, and though threat' enod with punishment if we played Yankee tricks on them, the men of the rear rank wore managed in each a manner that, in oar dotachmont, a little over nine hundred men, con trived to count np a thousand. The officers counting ns mistrust ed something wrong, and reoountod as twioewitbout detecting the cheat bnt expressod bis distrust in a kind of a stage aside, saying, "Yoa'c Yanks aro tho doggoodoet follows I ever did count" Tho robots in this transaction re minded me of Cnffoo, who, being asked by his mastor if he bad count: ed all tbe pigs, repliod, "yes, massa, aU'oopt a little speckled one i be ran'd round so I couldn't bount him." Thoy never suaceedod to thoir likiag in making as come out straight, tho boys would always got the better of tbe roboln, and very often ia ways that would be beyond their ootnprohoosion. About this timo Colonol Ivcraou dotocted lha sutlor in two ofl'onoos ; first, of roooiving groonbooks iu pay- moat for goo Ja, a cr raiual ofTenoo ia the CouforJoraoy, and saoond, charg lag the prisonors oxorbitaat prioos in trading. Wboronpon bo confiscated the greenbacks, to bo naod to obtain comforts for oar sick, and forced him to conform to the schedule oi prioos in tho city. Tbe olio wing wore, with little variation, the prices ohargod in Confederate money , Oread, one dollar per loaf j Sweet potatoes, ten dollars per bushel. Three fiat turnips, one dollar t blaok pepper, tea dollore per or T inj into consideration t' ' ' sr. MIDDLEBUItG, SNYDER COUNTY, were laoky enough to have money, inert were, .nowover, only very . ... iew for innate ones woo bad manag ed to conceal money, and get into prison with it Those who had been captured during the summer in tbe vioinitv of Richmond underwent strict searches. and were robbed of their monev. watches, and other valuables by tbe authorities, who pretended, that they would again be restored when thoir Imprisonment was over. Whatever may have been their In tentions at the timo. I nevor know of bat ono instance where such prom ises wero fulfillod, and that was ia the case of Colonel Iverson, who had taken away greenbacks to the amount of many hundred dollars, and when the prisooorsworo roleasod he restored the money. The great majority of prisoners had not a cent in tboir pockots, nor a pockot to pat it in if they had a cent. To snob tho sale of tho doli eaoios moulioned was nothing but an Aggravation. .'f potatoes had sol J for fivo oouts a bnahel, not moro thun ono man in uandrodof tho prisoners could havo porclaaod a peck. Aftor giving ns bar Mack for a fow day, raw rations woro IssnoJ ia prison iu vory small quantities, in winch tuo robols socmod to havo adopted a plan to make variety toko the placo of quantity. To ba Continual A Shivering World. Tbo last startling novloty in tho way of surpriso which scientists have iayooted is a machine for moonuring the shivoring of the world, and thus another botiof of our inaooout youth has boon romorsotossly shattorod. Inatoad of the world being a groat big, burly, robust sphere i mm- moth cricket-ball swung oflf through space from the bnt of timo ia ono hngo, compact, donso mass the earth is of a sort of jollyifish impoe taro. Its skin of soil liko a plate of blancmange in tho hands of a gen tloman who loves uacobns not wise ly but too woll, shakes inoossantly, Tbe earth, in fact, hoe got the aguo, and nobody yet knows the caaso. 8o gingerly sasooptiblo, is tho world to motion, that if a man standing firmly ptantod on a gravel bod, npoa two foot, only places his woight first on ono log andvthuna the othor, taking care not to disturb . . .... . ' nis pedal extremities, be causes a porooptiblo vibration through a radius of thirty-two foot Some days the earth is compare tively speakin?, quiet. It does not shiver o mnoh. Suddenly the fit eomes on again, and it shakes away, as if it had got cold in its very bonos. 8o far, therefore, from their being any wondor whon the ahivoring gets worse, as in tbe case of earthquake that buildings fall down, tho marvel ia that they stand np at all. In the course ot a few deoadea, when science becomes more advano ed, we may learn that the streets and edifices which wo doom to be fixtures arq tearing at tbe rate of a million or so of miles a minuto, and that all that we deem to .'.be 'mate rialized solids is imperoeptiblo gas ourselves nmong the.nambor. Why are the Germans like qul tbey nine and gentian f Uecanae are two tonios. The latest style of batter has tra ces ovor tbe forehead and real Lags initsbaL Fruit jams are manufactured in hrgo quantitios. Jim jams aro solf maJo ia small lota. Jinow high can a lady lift hor skirts with proprioty t Jaet a litUa ovor two foot. An nndertakor may know nothing ef the soionoe ot pugilism, but he can lay oat a follow beautifully. Tbe greatest comfort in old age is the momory of a well-spent life, al beit some prefer a bank aooonnk Ont west a man is eonsiderotf no body until be has killed a man. In the East a physician plays a like part A New York woman tsesred a di- vorceiat! ti r 'rr'-j. Thle b lf'-t(" t tic?- Geornta Hospitality. As I got beyond Rossvillo, in rid log ont to the battle-field of Chic bamaaga. it began to rain, and the way tbe thunder roared and the lightning flasbod, and the flood gates opened, was nppallinff. A far mer just over the Georgia lu e be k- onedmoinout of the wet and there I struck, from one o'clock np to dark. It was a steady storm. without a break for a minute, and, as there wore no sigos of its clear ing np before midnight, the man said d better stay all night II looked that way to mo, too i but it was a log-house with only ono room and only two beds for the twelve of as. There were sis children, some half-grown, tho farmer and bis wife. an old woman, a son-la-law, a young woman and myself. It looked as if some of ns would have to eland up to sloop, and along aboat nine o'clock beiran to cot nervous. Perhaps the man noticed it for soon aftor that honr bo said t "Strnogor, we'll stop out and look at tho wonther." Wo went to tbe bnrn, and, aftor a look at the horeoa, rolurnod ami found all Uio women la ono bad, aud the light out. "Shako off, and jump into t 'othor bod," whispered tbo man. I followed directions, and I was no soooor ia than he followed. Thon camo the young man, thon the old one, and thoa throo boys lay across oar foot tho upper one resting across my knoos. It was impossi ble to move or tara t but ia tea minutes all wore snoring away as if that was their usual way df goiog to tied. I board tho old dock etriko olovon, twelve, ono and two, and waa unuiiy uozing oil WU00 some - a t, , . m . ono opouod the door, walked in, and bogan to nodross. The noiso ho made arousod tho farmer, who oaro fally called out t "Who's that P Me." "Who's met" -Jim Bakor,. "Oh, Jim, eh t Want to elay all night T" "1 reckon." "Woll, strip of! and pile la between tho fust two on tbe front thoro 's only four of ns lying loa'thwiso." Jim piled ia without anothor word being said, and was Boon auloop, and, as I was sliding siiontly out to finish the night on thofioor, tho fat uior sleepily quoriod : "Is that you, Tom J roll oil yer batos, and slip in hore lota of room' loftjret I" Weather Wisdom. Some time ago a A"ow Jorsoy man of soionoe gave the New York Far mers' Clnb tbe following woatbor facta and probabilities ; 1. When tbe temperature ZiU auddonly, there ie a storm forming south of yon. wnon tne tomperatora rises snddonly, there ia a storm forming north of yon. 8. The wind always blows from a region of fair weather towards a ro gion whore a storm is forming. 4. Lirrus clouds always move from a rogion where a storm is in progrose towards a region of fair weather. 6. Camulona clouds always move from a region ot fair weather to wards a region where aetorm is forming. 0. When cirrns clouds are moving rapidly from the north or northwest, there will be rain in less than' twen-ty-four hours no matter bow ooli it may bo. 7. When oirras clouds are moving rapidly from the sooth or southeast, thero will bo a cold rain storm on the morrow, if it be summer i and if it be wiutor, thoro will ben enow storm. o. xna wina always bio we in a oirole around a storm, and, who'a it blows from tho north,' tbo heaviest rain is east of yon I, if it blows from tbe eosf the heaviest rain ia south r if it blows from the west, the hoevU est rain is north of yon. I 'i Jrs av At a restaurant on a Virginia rail road a travels threw a piece of pie out of tlft wiirdow .and bad 'to (; 300 for broaklcj tree rib of a boy HsdUm k?--f (Iraa'lo'wteJ, tti foe---' f " ."'-.-:. . t '3. . It t-:.; 5f " 1JA,, OCTOBER 12, The Power of Artectloit- Most men are easily led by tboir wives if affection not harshness is manifested towards thorn, Thoy cannot bear tbe least appearance of slight or of dictation, but are touch ed end soothed by the appoaraooe of submission and affection i and it if thus that strong in her very week- nees, woman morally conqnors by stooping. , Hor strongest hold upon bor husband ia bor love for hiru, and by its means eho may subduo him to hor will and pleasure. Hat, though we thns strongly rooom mend tho reality and tbe man testation of affection, though we plaoe it first among the duties of a married woman, and among the chiof roqniaites to matrituouutl felicity, let us not be misunderstood, Affection cannot be too warmly displayed by a wifo, but she must display it to bim, not at bim. (food breeding and delicacy alone would require that fondness should bo sapprossed bo forn witnossos j aud ostentation ton.loruojs is nsually thought to bo anything bat genuino. It cot only caused bur who laviohus it to bo die-, liked, but tuakos him upon whom it .8 luviuboj ridiculous. A wom.m of tact, or a truly luodeet woman, will uover make tho mistako of parading hor lovo in public. Whon tbo boys of I'okor Valley, Nov., scut ono of tho boys up to Ne braska to 11 ud aud biro a proachor ho had his iustructious, aud bo askod : "Can you give siuuers right from tho shouldors 1" Tho clergy man modostbopliod that ho thought he could. "Aud do you pluy a fair game of soven-np t" "-Mercy, no l" lie was horrified at tho thought "Woll, 1 didut kuow," ropliod tho djlugato. "The boys said how if you played pokor or sovou-up or wanted to ran a swoat-boArd tho salary would bo only (500, but if you was ono of tho sort who squared off at salvation and bad a claim ia heavou all staked off aud a shaft goiue down they'd mako it 8800 aud throw in tho rent of a cabin. It's a matter of bus inoa who ns, you see. we are bound to got hold 'o some one who can outbowl and outpreach that fel low at Davis Will if wo havo to go op to $1,000 a year and furnish him a mulo and a bar'l of whiskey." Abundant hair is not a oigu of bo' dily or mental strongth, tho story of Sauisou having given risoto the no tion that bairy men are strong phy sically, while, the -fact is that tho Chinees.who are ooei onduring of all raoos, are moatly bald j and as to tho supposition that long and thick hair Is tho sign and tokon of intellectuali ty, all antiquity, all mad-houses, and all common observation are against it Tbe easilywheedled Esau was hairy. The mighty Croear was bald. Long-haired men are gen orally weak and tanatioal, and men with scant hair are the pbilososopbers and soldiers and statesmen of the world Lvwlon Lancet. Tbat we have not boon guilty ofJ the loast exaggeration as regards tho rapid strides of tbe city of Chicago toward oommoroial power and sn promacymay be seen by a etatomont oonta ined in the report of tbe Post offioo agont who was sent from Washington city by the Postmaster General to investigate tbe oondition of tbe Chicago postal service. This agent reports tbo astonishing fact that as a dTst - ibitiug office Chicago, exceeds iu importance, JVow' York'. Boston and, Philadelphia combined. Tbe statement soqrao inorodible, ibid yot it oomos from an ouluial soaroo. Tbo rennsylvuuia Kuilron.Cors- pnny Is about to oouetruoi in tbe eity of Hullimoro a now general passonger-eUtion, al a cost of $3- 003,000, similar in arrb'teotare and internal arrangements to tbe Filbort street station in Philadelphia, wbiob is believed fb be the best . in the oountry. The' OalUraore , station win jeoeir and aooomuo lata one hundred and twenty-live daily troios of ears. i . aa9"SfSiB94?WWBSaW,Ha, . In a Je'-y tf ai-JSri hanjjr, in..-' --.t ue hiiu oi ti Trie -i clack with a i Jim trt-U ii oewllsU Leaee 4 1882. NO, S Physicians, $o. J WINFIELD HAM f 'SELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OMitrevlllo, Hnyih-r Co., Ta IXtorthU tiMfMlual WIM la lb publlo. ' Mil l,'S. J II. IIORDNKK, i'iivsici ai RrnuEo.v IlKAVKHToWN, PA I ftf M rrrMlrn-l Hnlnm la th nltlrma ortfcrtowBndtloliiUr. Apr. ,. 1.0RIM sasurs, . mn. hakhixiib. BARBER'I HASS1NGER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, of MI.MIrhunt ! lriitlf. (HSr it fKw i.ir " ,i n Loan noua, lit r.ira i ttH.iii.i, DR. J. Y.SHINDKJ,, 0URUEON AND rilVPICIAN. Middlobiirir, W Ortnbt rrtiflon1 Mr,o t th oltlicut t.t,'. . ' . Qll MAUAND UOTUROCK, Frcmonl, Snyder county, Pa. M n liiii llK. putl tui(l!u VI0 Muron, 17, I .-i. ff. tonuiiD. j J. SMITH, - - - -. - I. Physician St Zurynn, h'raiwiU, SiitfUr tntmti, 'ii Offers hU rruf..fiinkl larvlA.. tnth. .mi.i om uu Mlu itraat. Junt in yyn. j. o. wAUNEit, Pliyslclan sml Siir on. OffKr hla imrrminl Kfr,loa lo lh rilif' Pi ii .i.'uimrt( ani viriiitijr. Am:. 4,'Miir, )H. J. F. KANAWKh PHYSICIAN AND.SURGf ON. Vu(rrllit Nnytlr Co., Iu llleri4il pruttvSlosikl wrvlcot to Ilia iiylilla. IT MP. J J. KUKHKI.T, SURGC0N DCNTIST, KKIIKItl-Hl.t)(K, HrliHtyntVi;, i'tiin'd. rtofoMtonsI bail dm, iruintlr itnn1,i to, liny 'TV. piillOIVAL HLUIIANN, PHYSICIAN & SUHCEON,. Oflnm bli pro(olonil Mrvla( to the clt In, ai nraiMrviii na vioiuuy, Ann ,),'! J)U. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEOX OBcra bli prrfouloriftl rrlo to lbs c Ilium or nusmiuurg sua viuiunr. 8pt. 4,'7J. ' JJ K. VAN BU3KIUK, SUBQICAI. A MECHANICAL DENTIST Solinsrovo, l'onn'o. "Isaac hi:avs:i:, urgoii Dentist ! Middleborg, Snyder County, Pa. orK'i m rsAKBLia mil Piror ijTorythinfr belonging to the pro--J foaaloa ili.no In til kMt mlDBor. All vrk warraotol. Tarmi mutluratA. Ha will al.o attaml to IiimIbmi atorv two waaaa at tjnninollls, Troiol , lieaiar towu AiUaaimric ami raatuavUta. .. . aaaaiwaaaaaawaa nw. Hotels. llarriHUiirn", X'ti. 0. S. MASSER, Proprietor. .Thta Kihim haibMO Ka-ruralikad and wi.l ihs bapt It lb ItMt faaniylTanla H;,l. Uo L.I.ura,UoIOIfafa an.lt !brK vara Hodorat. alaroli S,,i4,l. BOAEDING HOUSE. rniiK Uuileralgoail woubl raapasifull j la Xforintht IravrlllBf publio. bnainaaa Un. wltnnaaaa anil Innift I. .u..,!. .1 thmrta that ho haa niaila aio.la .rr.aratluci fur hlr aa.iuio.lallnD ill will anJaavur to an. wrvani ma painwa in aood atria at lha m...i raaaoaaoia rataa, Hoff.llug Houaa A raw doora araatorinaooart Hooaa. . OAUBIttBEATKBt Apr. M TS. I y. fcufclor. flKNTJtEVILLH DOTijL, W (Lata Mrs. Waavar'f;) Caaurvlla Ssydar Ce., Ta. rKTXB UATUAN, fjoprlata . Tkll toaa-attabllaiiaJ anSail tliaa. aa t. a Aftll. .!. W ArjIAaf yUE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOIINB. POCKLKI Trap'r. 'Solinflgrovo, Pa. rtala notol ! tlaaaantly luratad la tba "aqnara, Ti.. ' ' vmw lur traroinra luaaua "."""'' arcmuiuuanu.jin , low rutaa; I n, iui.al rpliiat.o.wiilbotuotooalta7n. Tba aatufllna.., m tliaUt ' " ,kti . 1 i"Ul"t ISaoBBaoUoa wl 'Aer.in,;. Mcrcliaiits9 JI0U8C. NORTH THITJ STRECT, ffllVA PA. , .Terms' ns$i.fiQ Por ,iw- . UENitY StAD C.W.BfAIlM, Glarlt' T a BELUltlMER . " DaTAlaBr " 11 .'J "UlUH "" ! Til 12 ,POHT. Published every Thursday Rventitf ' JEREMIAII CQOUSB, rropr s. ; Terms of Sulswrption, , rWO DOLMIW Vm ANrilTM. Pay. fl. Is jritliiii six nimitrul.or mJ.Clfnot -pnlil within tho year. So paper sHm eonliniKxl' nutil all arrearages puid nnlres st the option of Uis pub. listier. riiil rlptloim mii'Ule of Wis eonnty l-AVAHLB IN ADVANCI. ltsrrrMim IHline ami iinIiib; pnner 4illrcMKHl U) dllifru beciiniesuCscriliers uul sro liable forlhe price of the paper 3 I MALARIA Mai Arli is -an almost ln ckscribablo mabdy which not even the most-Ulcntod physicians are al)lc to tath om. Its cause Is most fre quently ascribed to local surroundinrrs, and there la very little question, but this opinion is substantiated by facts. Malaria docs not no cssnrily mean diills and fever while these troubles usually accompany It o It often aflccts the sufTcrcr with poncral lassitude, accom Ianiod by loss of appctiro, fil.x?plcssncss, a tired feeling and a high fever, the per son afllictcd growing wcalc er and weaker, loses flesh day after day, until he bo comes a mere skeleton, .1 shadow of liU former sdC M;.!.irla hrA I tijMn li human TranM, ths dwvl ilia fy.toai it Uinwnofn to ntrviiu diM'ra. I ha buov wc: V ami eufcMfl ahaortai av rAMH.brm'nt, but auWlallna avt llftclf, 0i oiftatW orana no) Itirtrrr iorm th4ff ftinclloMf ilia hwr lirotaaa loroM, ami oahaff ortfina fiilintt lo Ju thlr itmenai work , Nttlily bacoma utaonWratW an 1 ni.aoluUon ami Saaah in 044 lu CI1.U. In diMition to heing t certain tttrs ' f r m.ilaria ami cliill ami fever. 1:kiwn's Iron Hittcr it highly ; rceummi'nlcl fur mil lncntc re jui. i Inj; ! certain and cflicicnt tonic c- ' fciallyincl!c.tion,(lTcrisi.i,lnti.r-' ' mitli'nt fevers', want of ictitc,losS -of tirenpth, hck of energy, Ha. ' I'michcs ths blood, atrenctlicni ti)d . muscles, an gives nrw life to the netrrs. Acta like s dmrai on the (1li;euivc organs. It b for tale by oil rect:Ule dcolcri in moUiciucaV .juice, $i per liytUa - Ba sore and get the gsnuliMr BROWN'S IRON BITTBRsV Take no otbw, . N PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE THE undersigned ofTere at private aale, tba (ullowlna: rlraarllanl Una I Kaiatrlo wit : A Kami altnito In r ranklln tan . Hna.la ' , P. H mil want of tlliltllabnra. oontataa ns 108 Aeroe nftha boat lima atona lanil, wbaraos araarant ail a kimmI frami. iIi.IIIi.k nonaa, bara, aad ak arnutballillnica wall of kuI oaUr saar tba ilonr, iI.iwiok watar nn tba (ara thriving younK..rrli.r.l of cholea trait traaa Farm la uIkU ilata ofeultlvatlua. larmaaaay Art.lraaa, Jtlf tl'll W A (.1 KR, I'ou. al, 'bJ. iiddiobur. Pa gAMUEL SCUUAKlt. Ccntrovillc, Snyder connly, Pa., la A ttcnt for I. A NOT . YAUOKIt'rt iaussi.e; WOK lis, lo.ato.1 at Mlt'ri.lNliriM, laM All naranna wl.liln lu imnnro MI'MI MKNT!, TUMI). KTiiN i-.S. In lol anrtlilna la t'.a Mat'jla Una ' fluHilil not f.-all to oll ob air. Molira-lar an.l aa atj lr auU L ara prloea, Juaa a. Ki ll. AGood Salary ! . aril traviillinieniii nari la ar 41 try aaonaaa ftil aloainao will ronaivn wsaajiaiiaa with a a. n miaor .lucb,aDarY aa4 rallablllty aaa auooavtl. Wa oilar aRirlal lmliiaaaau Imob4 anv otbar Arm. ttoeooaa Mlaa7a riA. T lai uir MaT aad oob wAiaa. Partaa culara laralabatl 01 apollaataaa. AwUraa (wllbiUoiii) ilatloit ana. i. r, ATTWOopat'o... Muraarjiaaa, Uaaava,rl.Y. Aoa. I, Ira. and apwarda tnada al kmna tf tl.a inlo'lr'oaa. II ao, wouaa, aojra an.l wlcla -jatim I r. rairara lo work lor ua. Now la tba air a, V.m ran work la ira tlma on If or your wi...la lima lo tba l.nrlaaaa. y(iB CKavllto al l.ma wa pMtHiilnaM saw lai.re tKa &af aW I fal'lki. Ton eaS nnafcr ---a. .VaVAaWkJ 1 tn.a.ta--;.,.,, tat am naata.l. Wa will ataaTaaw. 111 ., ao ino u, awi. nuntaar ma.ia.a will 11a , ton B aria aa wall. Nairn, san tail to iua k aanrtaoat t.a bv iifi.ina 11 .. t- .ti ' truini aai Mriiat rroa. flfon. f nia.ia rati, aaa IT, aa.l iion.irably. Add rail lull a A Da Auajuala, Malt. LKWlSliyiUlt,r?As . i .',' "'.-' ITII IAN' AN0T,(!ERICAN MAkS! i- OHTnAlNTS.'' Tombstones. StittMn., Urns, ToAee ' ' , LAMUS.forCliil.lren'sTl ayps, Potd, UnlrU, Tl.'pt, iUmlU and ' SUUe Ntultli, Ae. 'f .All thsia aha Saairatoanrofaaa frHnMnoaa .. ' aarltlLgal raanula.'lurad at.ia. alwiaa maa lloaad otarkla worka, ahoald aonaiilt tl.a asda xaw., iflvai, vwiora r nrona.ina lu liara. July li'TI-tf Mld.lle'r,yar iJfff.' I. SlI A KN. ilM . - rzjws'ajaKs. . .. I will mall (froal ll.a tmvt tut a.ilmo'la ' ' Var4al,la Halm thai kill ratnait TJTr. frvthlaa. Ptia,laa aud ttlataaiaa, 'Iraalna lliaikia a.ft, alour and aaatiial 1 alas la.tras- llum If, uriMltlJ.il ln,a-I.Ml .Bik .. . l -. . on a bald kaaj or am.mih tntv. Addrara. Ia V. olo.l.. Jo. aiMnp.llKN- VANULtA OO.. IS - Aartay til.. N. Y. - 2 'i TO WUJtATTne.X . ; Tka alrrtlaor La!a ajjaBaraaoAailw. oarad at thai dra4 itl.Mi.a, Ouaiu jiiTtna. ka m Muod, 'I aaxlv. lo iBiaha lo a aiijol JVa. Ta.aH "WiAtl't.. iia 'virartaa . -alak t to-:. r ... is; -tf a i . a.'. a .1 . 4 or toe ttnij of any aavaaabct yi a.. i , . , 1 , a iww- "arf""ir Vm "'