The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 05, 1882, Image 1

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    . . .
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Oi rnluinn miik re:. VV"
Onrvhivlf, minimi, una jrnr, A')0
Oiio-Courtli column, nun yt:tr, WOP
On nattare ( 1't litifl I imortinn 7
Kwrv additional Inanition. ft
FmfSmaioniil and Rn-lneM partial ot
not more than 5 lino, nrr year, 8.00
Auditor. Executor. Vlminlntrntor
ami Aasienee NoticM, 8.(50
Editorial noticed per line, 15
All tranacient advertising left than
t months 10 centa a line.
All advertiaemcnta for ft shorter pe
riod than one year are payaMe at tin
lime they are ordered, and it not pnid
la penon ordering them will ie neld;
'wwnaible for the money.
The Last Hymn.
The Sabbath day wan ending In a vill
age by the eea.
The attoredlxnedirtion touched, the
' people tenderly.
And they rone to faoe tha minuet In the
Klowintf, Ihrhteil went,
And then htiKtened to their dwelling"
for Ood's blessed boon of rest.
But they looked aoross the waters,
and a atorm wan raging there ;
A fierce spirit moved above thetu,
the wild spirit of the air,
And it lashed and shook and tore
theiu, till they thundered, groaned
and boomed,
And alas, for anyressol in their yawn
ing gulfs entombed I
Very anxious were the people on that
rocky coast of Wales,
Lest the dawns of coming morrows
should be telling awful tales.
Wheu the sea had spent its passion
and should cant along the shore.
Bits of wreck and swollen victims, as
it bad done heretofore.
With the rough winds blowing round
her, a brave woman strained her,
And she saw along the billows a large
Vessel fail and rise.
OhI it slid not ueed a prophet to tell
what the end must he.
For no ship could ride In safety near
that shore on such a sea.
Then the pitying people hurried from
their homes and thronged the
Oh! for power to cross the waters and
the perishing reaoh!
Helpless hands were wrung for sor
row, teuder hearts grew cold with
And the ship, urged by the tempest to
the fatal rock-shore sped.
"She baa parted In the middle!' Oh,
the half of her goes down !
God have ineYcyl Is heaven far to
seek for those who drown f
Lo! when next the white, shocked fa
ces with terror on the sea.
Only one last clinging figure on the
spar was seen to be.
Nearer the trembling watchers came
the wreck tonned. by the wave,
And the man still clung uud floated,
though uo power on earth could
"Could we send him a short message T
Hero's a trumpet. Hhout nwayi"
'Twos the preacher's baud that took
it, and he wondered what to say.
Any memory of his sermon? Firstly?
Secondly ? Ah, not
There was but one thing to utter In
the awful hour of woe;
Ho he shouted through the trumpet:
"Look to Jesus! t'an you hear?''
And "Ay, ay, sir!" rang tho answer,
o'er the waters, loud and clear.
Then they listened, "Ho is slugiug,
"Jesus, lover of my soul!''
And the winds brought back the echo
"While the nearer waters roll;'1
Btrange, indeed, it was to hear hliu,
"Till the storm of life is past,"
flinging bravely from the waters, "Oh,
receive my soul at lout!"
He ould have nd other refuge. "Hangs
niy helpless soul on Thee;
Leave, ah, leave nie not." Thesingor
dropped at last Into the sea.
And the watchers, looking homeVard
thro'.thelr eyes with tears made
Said, "He passed to be with Jesus in
the singing of that hymn."
Riches and Friendship.
A certain man with vast estate,
And generous mind withal.
So freely spent it on his friends.
He soon bad none at all.
Its fickle friends discovered this.
And then their Worth thev showed:
Tbey left hliu, nor e'en paid the debt
V gratitude they owed.
EmLwIL. . 1 L I
-w iuuk , hit in ii if. ii. rinn airitiim
iuob richer than before:
And these who then received so muoh
Came bow expecting morel .
Tbeinan had by this time, howe'er.
A lesson great been taught;
-wiva lie awisv iivih sjmi s w mj
vim tha large sum of uaughtl
whea we are rich and arreat:
whv wiura huh wm
They leave us to our fate.
he had learned what nit I. m,
hesj Mends are 1st reqne,
Of Whom we think the leant
T out to be the best
I Uw;a cea '. La atoaviaiinn a
Auv r
VOL. 20.
ror Tha Post.
by Dn. n. roth rock.
The sitastion was pleasant i the
green gran, to wnicb our eight had
been nnnsed for many weary months
met the eye with refreshing pleas-
antes. The sitnatioc was better
than we bad anticipated, tbongh we
were disappointed in not being plac
ed down on too iitands, whore we
conld see the flash of friendly artil
lery, or perhaps the dear olJ flag,
for no one who baa not bad such ex
perieooe can understand tbe longing
of enr hearts for the old flag, and
for familiar sights. Rot oar gteat
eat disappointment was in not boing
pnt into onr transports, and taken
to oar homes where oar wives and
little ones were awaiting as with
raptaroas hearts, and joyfal sntici
pations, and indoed, beyond ex
The fair ground proper, when
seen under favorable circumstances,
mast bare been a boantifnl spot
It contained an area of abont forty
aore,snrrounded by dense overhang
ing trees, interwoven by ivy, lanrel,
and honovsuoklo, forming an almost
impenetrable foilage. jtside from a
distant view, we were not allowed
any of the enjoyments which such
shade and beauty eoald confer.
We were placed in the centre of
the Fair Ground, with no shade or
habitations, except saoh as we might
construct from oar governments or
ragged blankets j bat there was
coel breete from tbe ocean, and the
sound oi bells and the rattle over
pavements came pleasantly to oar
The sight of green foliage refresh
ed the gace of miserable men, for a
long time onased to pleasant sights
and sounds. Tbe night of oar ar
rival, three "bard-tack" were issued
as rations, for twenty.four boars, to
eaoh man, and we were in the third
heavens in anticipating saoh luxar
ions rations each da.
That night, after devouring two
of my "hard-tack," I lay down to
rest with tbe remaining one in my
tin pail, under my bead, for my
morning's breakfast. I foand it
impossible to keep my mind from tbe
bird-tack long enough to got to
sleep, supposing some one would
steal it while 1 was slumbering ;
tho thought was maddening. Yainly
I endeavored to divert my mind
from craving hunger, by repeating
the multiplication-table. It was "no
That bard tack was so fascinating!
Hanger, and fear of losing tbe bard
tack, got the better of the oontest
with sleep, and could bear it no
longer. Arousing myself, I devour
ed that 'infantry square,'" in one
time and several motions, not doue
in the regular order of tbe tactics. I
never remain bor of enjoying any
food, however luxurious, as I did
the bard tack.
mention this incident, insignifi
cant in itself, as illustrative of how
little it took to elate or depress men
in our condition. That nigbt, how
ever, I met with tbe great ui'sfor
tone of my imprisonment. 8ome
vagabond stole my little tin pail,
which, I may say without exaggera
tion, bad been my best friend during
the preoeodiog months of my cap
tivity. It bad been such a oouvonieooe to
myself and companions, that few,
who have not been rjrieoners, can
understand how great a loss it was.
Used by one and thou another,
sometimes it was not off a fire dar
ing the day, except long enough to
change hands.
I was redaoed, by this misfortune,
thence forward through my impri
sonment, to the unpleasant alterna
tive of borrowing cooking ntensils.
or eating my rioe, flour, or Indian
meal raw. It took so little in pri
son to make one's oireurastanoee in
describably miasereble,thatthis real
ly wu m sad misfortune. It appears
you will And tboivea In all places.
Tbe lose of fortune at borne
oooid aot have eo affected my well
beiagor ."good stand ing'' among
oompaaiona. From one accustomed
to confer favors on others, I be
came dependent, and begging and
bunting, often for whole days, for
tome one willing to loan me a tin
quart) to eepk in.. v . . j
Oa the momlog following, the
peopUcf Charleston name in flocks
to aaa in weak '
jT c
out were not allowed to trade over
a ... . -
the guard line with the prisoners,
Others, actuated by pity, watohsd
for chances, and, when the ri gor of
the guard was relaxed, threw cakes,
potatoes or some like luxaries, over
the guard line among tbe wretched
creatures who gathered waiting for
luck to favor them in some mannor.
ine looa tuns mrown in was,
however, but a drop in that Mao!
strom of human roiscrables, who,
actuated by hanger, struggled mad"
ly among each other for its possess
After a lime, this fue ling of the
ooramou prisoner wassloppe l, and
tho women were told to couSue their
manifestations of pity to tbe uoapi
tal, which was situ iteJ outside of
the prison grounds, in oar rear.
Many a poor follow, who otbor
wise would faave died, lives to bless
tbe women of Charleston.
May those whose hands wore thus
lifted in pity never be stricken down
with that hopeless hunger which
they sought to relieve J
The next evening we received
rations two hard-lack per man, and
a rarity of about two ounces of fresh
meat wbioh last was, so far as I
observed, eaten raw throughout tbe
camp at one sitting.
Thus it was that we were inclined
to be pleased with the change in oar
situation, in spite of disappointment
about exobange. During tbe first
two weeks, I bad not been fortunate
enough to get tbe means to con
struct shelter.
One day, whoa wood was being
brought to the camp for the use of
tbe prison, I accosted an oflloer,
whom I saw around camp, and re
quested him to get me three stioks
from tbe wood-pile, that I might
construct a shelter from the sun, by
raising my blanket upon tbe sticks
oi wood.
Contrary to my expectations, be at
onoe kindly complied with my wish
es, and I was made happy withthe
means of constructing a "shebang.
Upon subsequent inquiry, I found
this oflloer to be Lieutenant-Colonel
Iveaon, in command of tbe camp.
He bad very strong prejudices
against yankecs, but was inclined to
do all 'within his limited power to
bolter the condition of the poor Ood
forsaken prisoners.
At Charleston we obtained a kind
of brackish water, by digging shal
low wells from six to eight feet deep
In a short time, so easy were they to
dig, they beoame so plenty as to be
annoying and inconvoniont to the
pedestrians around camp,
Plenty of water, conpled with the
fact that, about twice a week, we got
a small piece of soap, caused oloan
faces to become more common tban
ever before in prison. Tbe inconve
nience above moutioned was so great,
that one could not walk around io
the evening without being precipi
tated into a well.
Tbos msny a fellow took an ex
temporized bath, in whioh his feet
and legs, or head and
tbe uncontemplated benefit of water.
Undor saoh disadvantages, night
walking became unpopular and very
Eaoh morning, about sunrise, shell
from the guns of tbe Federal batter
ies down the harbor would begin
to burst over a prominent steeple
of the city. Tbe report of a gnu
which sent the -missile could not us
ually be beard.
Theso were termed, among the
prisoners, Qumeres morning re
ports. Sometimes a sboll would
burst over the Fair Ground, whioh
would be received with great en
thneiaem among the prison boys,
and with demonstrations of applause,
snob as, "Bally for tho swamp An-
gel," &o,&o.
Some days the bombardments
would be very aotive, and we eould
bear in the eity the dull thud, and
tbe nipping, ripping and tearing, as
tbe shell penetrated or burst io
As may be was di
vertin-? tonstoseeand bear thaaa
evidences of retributive justice going
on among onr foes. If one had fal
len in onr very midst, have, so
doubt our boys would have oried,
"Bully I eo welcome, always,' were
these evidences ' of the nearness of
friends-, " - .
Tbe people of Charleston seemedJ
to have got aoenatomed to stheia to
--- 1 1 1 '
er portion of the city, the boys were
unconcernedly flyfog tbelr kites. I
oounted eighteen kites while one of
tbe beavioRt bombardments was go
iug on. Fires were of snch frequent
occurrence, resultiog from shells,
that tbe fire department became al
most as important as that of the
military. On tbe first week of my
confinement at Charleston, out old
enemy, the doad line, was introduc
ed. A negro, saporintouJed by tbe
"irrepressible" white ruaa, wu soul
around camp,turning a furrow with a
plough and its mule attachments
This was the lino, to overstop was
doath tbe prisoner.
None but those prisoners in com-
paritivoly good health bad been sent
irom Auuorsonviiio. tot quite a
time an effort seemed to be made to
rolievo our misery ; but tbe groat
mass had boon starved and opposed
to sun and rain too long to be bene
fited by anything short of a most
radical change.
Henoe men died about as fast, in
proportion to tbeir numbers, as at
Andersonvilte. Scurvy, diarrhoea,
aud fever swept the prisoners off in
vast numbers.
Tbe place dignified by being call
ed "tho hospital," did not contain a
single tent, the only shelter boing
bore and there, blankots raisod on
sticks, whioh were inadequate pro
tection from rain and sun.
Col. Iverson, who, I believe, was,
for a time In command of tbe pri
son, made strenuous efforts for our
benefit. A sutler was appointed for
tbe camp, who was not allowed to
ask of prisoners higher prices than
asked in the city.
This was a convenience to those
who had money, but tbo great ma.
jority bad none.
To be Continual,
A Perjurer Paralized.
A colored man, named Jamns
Price, was on tiiol before Ksqnire
Allen, a jastioe of the peaoe, who
bad an office on the Macon road, be
tween Oerinautown and lkrtlett,
Tenn. Price bad been boating a
number of women in the neighbor-
hood. Isabella Jackson, a colored
woman was put on tbo witness stand
to tell what she knew of the matter.
Sho began bor oviJouoo, but was
soon after akod by tbo JnHtico :
Do yon know that you oro lying ?"
She answered ; "Yoa. sir."
Theso wero tho lust worJa Is ibolhi
Jackson ever spoke. She appeared
quite independent and to some ox
tent impudent when first put upon
tho stand, aud after her last remark
a number of quostions woro asked,
but tbe woman made no reply. Be
lioviog that she was shamming, the
justice directed Constable W. II, Al
Ion to escort the witness from the
court room, but when ordered to fol
lowtneotaoer she did not move.
i wo men or her own color were
then told to carry ber out of the
room, while in tbo act of carrying
hor out it was observed that she was
in a helpless condition, She had
boen parslized in evory part, hor
limbs were motionless, her tongue
bad no power, and it soon becamo
apparent to all present that the hand
of the Almighty bad been laid heav
ily upon her.
For two hours or thereabouts tbe
woman romainod in this passive
state, after which she was plaood io
a wagon and conveyod to hor homo.
She never moved or spoke afterward
but on SAtarday evoning she exptrod
no antidote applied during tbe inter
val having availed in affording the
slightest relief. Tbe incident is
.verified by Esquire Allen, before
the woman appeared; and also
by a number of persons present at
tbe time of its ooourtenoe.
Pat Maloney kept a ferry 4ver
one of the email Western streams.
A crank whooped- ajpd hollowed
one stormy night for Pat to come
and ferny hint ojer the river. As the
boat neared the shore he apologised
the Pat forealUnf him out snob a
Tbat'a all' right." said- Pat. 'l
make me livmg with this old teat"
"Bat. rat I have not a cent of
money io pay yon with."
Out and bo caber that's .it
said Pat, at-be quickly pulled for the
otner spore.
"TbatWIt. well, if you have no
it doVt caller wbjeb aide of
" w e-
if I
A Discreet Young Lady on Her Trav
els. "May I open the window for you,
iViss " politely inquiiod a gentle
man of a yonDg lady on the North
ern Pacifio road, as he saw her tug
sine away at a snsh that bad not
recovored from the proceeding win
JSho glarod at bim a moment, and
gave a reluctant consent.
"folks can t bo too rnroiul who
they sposk to or accept favors from,
sho remarked, after a long pause
"That's very trne," replied tho
gentluman quietly.
"Are you a Boston drummer,'' eho
"No, I am not," ho nnswerod.
"A hotel clork t '
"No, not a hotel clerk t"
"I am'glnd of that," snid nlo. "1
novor lot a drummor or a botut elm k
sponk to mo. Mny bo your an nctorT
"So, not au aclor."
"That' first class," sho exclaimed,
showing bcr dimplos and becoming
more and more coofidontiitl. "If an
actor should epoak to mo I'd dio.
What is yonr business ?"
"I'm a barkoeper, and I'm travel
ing West to get a territorial divoroo
from my wife."
"Oh, I'm eo glad," giirglod tbo
girl. " Reach down my ealcbol,
there's a bottlo of whiskey and a
pack of cards in it. I'll p'ny yon an
odd game of California Jack for 8
a corner. I like to meet gantlemen,
and 1 know 'em when I moot em.
AaV that baldheadod ohnp across
tbore if he's got a cork-scrow, will
you f
Great miooral doposito are found
to exist aton tho caitoru shores of
James, and IluJaon Biys, in British
AtnoricQ- Rich anlhruoito oul au I
iron bodii lio closo together. Pro
fessor Boll, in bis rocootly published
report of oxploratious, thinks the
James' Bty, region may turn out to
be another Pennsylvania. The sup
ply of god m ijaoiforous irou oro is
doomod to bo inexhaastablo. Ualonn,
gold, silvor, molybdooum aud cop.
par wore fo in I on tbi nist oust of
Jamoa' Bay. This undoubtedly
the finest mineral region iu tua
Dominion. It lion botweja tho CHh
and 53 J parallel of htltu lo, and not
so distaat from LiLo Saporior as to
pruolu.lo tbo i loa of chonp transpor
tation to southorn markets.
What kind of a field is older than
you are f Ouo that is pasturage.
Tbo papor having tho largost cir
cnlation the papor of tobacco.
A man who was formerly a niht
watchman refors to it as bis lato oc
cupation. Tho business of a telegraph com
pany is eproad from polo to pole.
Jay Qould, So is that of tbo wash
erwoman. Tbo avorago ago of every fish,
fowl and animal is known to natural
ists, with one exception. The except
ion is the age of a spring chicken.
A wag soeing a door noarly off its
binges, io wbioh condition it bad
boen some time, obsorved that when
it bad fallen and killed someone, it
would probably be bung.
A Lexiogton, Ky., youth, who
wont to work in the eonotry, wrote
lo bis girl, a June gradaato, that be
was raisiug a calf. Imagine his fool
ing when the girl replied . nI am
glad yon have beguu to support
A man in passing . a country
churchyard, saw the sexton digging
a grave, and, inquired i
-woo la dead T
"Old Sqnire Bumblebee."
"Tbat complaint 7"
"Mo complaint Every body sat
isfied," answered tbe Sexton withont
looking up,
A charitable man writes to a news
paper abont the duty of helping the
poor who ask for aid, would op by
saf ing t 'If you oaa 'give nothing
else, you eau at least give the ap
plicant a kindly word. Tbe printer
made it 'kindling wood,' and like
Shakespeare be builded bwtter tban
be knew.'
A abort time ago two young ladies
ware accosted by a cypeey woman,
who Ibid, t-Vl fora'ahUag
1 . t Ahem their
NO, t
I'lttfsicidhs, Ar.
Viifr'Villi, Snyder To., r
(lll.T.I.U liMfanatiilial Jot ICO. Iu III lilibllt ,
M I ft,1.
J J ii . BO R 5 X K R
ra'iiNici m urnur.o.
Ukavkmtowx, Pa..
itlir Ma .fMfB.ionl -rl (.t to II,. tiliu
ul U uv iun vlxit.lly . A j r. x, 'U.
. onil-M tIAIIItKH.
. I'D. IIAKKIMil'll
ifli r Ihrlr rofrli nl rntrlon, tn ih rIMi.n
"I MM, Hi-hum .ii.i vi.-ii iiy. i .tti,- r.w ii.M.r
Wert .1 tlir Court llunx, Iu ArauM'. I mIiHi
lll l. 1 IVil.
Mid.llcbuiy, Pi
otfw.lil. rr't.inl rvi-. tn Hi. eitli.n.
klar. ai.'uT.
i ui'i.r.i.uri ni vi. init).
Fremont. Snyder county, Pa.
Ilrmlu.l.iil r.ttllniiirslinll.Kii n I'kyrirUn.
ili'l Nil-unit, lifter hi, ,n..i . -
In II,. imtllr. .Nn..,, .ml ooriu.n
AUrh, 17, IKM. If.
Physician & Surgeon,
hrtmnnl, Snijitrr tuuni, !'n.
Ort.rp hi prnf..lnb.l ..rvLei-. Inn,. . .. : 11
Ort1. uo M.ln lrt. Jud.II'tu..
I'll) ilc lit n nnd Sur on,
(IIT.ra hi. prnfi.wlnn.1 Mr.l.-n. lo I ho nitinn.
m Ao.m.Diirs ui vii inii.. Aim. Vii'f.
Crntrelllc, Mnyiirr Vo., h
Oll.r. til. prul.tnloD.t r.nlc.l la lb p'ubllo.
S) limyrove, J'liin'a.
rrofowlonsl ho.lnom pruiaptlf 'leo.lc1 to,
Kmnirrille, .ViitrfiT Co., Va.
( hi. prof.Mlon.l .arvlo.i to th. cltllDl
oi in. oi Tioioiiy. Aug .id,';
Offori lil irvfrinil KrTli . tn ttscltlien.
ni nn.iii.uiirs tuu vii-inllr.
tl. ,'7J.
Solinsjrrovc, I'onn'a.
8urrMii Dentist !
Middlcburg, Snyder County, Pa.
(rn- in Fiiakrlin tbs Uirnv
livrirytbing belonging to tho pro
J J r.'ilmi ilnn In III. m.DDOr. All work
tt.rr.Dlwl. Turni. niml.r.ta.
II. will .l.n .ti.uil to liualn.iit v.ry two
w.v.b m t;oniti-viiifl, irot.i uotjV.r-
towb A.ix...ur mo I'.itonvlllr.
Tie Duaiier-House
lliii'i'ltsibtii't',' l'ti.
.Thl IIOUH hllliMI N.-furnllliail .nil
will lj k. nt Id lh licit f.nnitlr.nla fci.l.
Ooail l.l mor.,aooJ OIri.n1 1'li.riiM v.rf
fpilK Umloraigncil would r.rp.olfully iu
Xformlht lrllin publio. bualusit
. " " nmm iiia.iv i" 1 ' M a, ,nj. I aooniUTn,i.l.tliin .uJ will nmle.vnr to .u.
.ruin hi. pitroa. Iu to4 atyU at Iba aao.1
r..n.Di. run, lloaruiu( Hon. a law floor.
WMtolthaUoacI liauao.
Apr. U I j. ft i fitter.
(l.t. Mra.'l.)
C.otarvll. 8ayilar Ca., Pa.
PETKH UARtMAN, froprlate .
Thtt lonsaatabllahad anil wall knows ha
bavins boon puronai..) bf tha an4aralitBal,
Holla abar l tha pahlle pat ron.ira.
April, t, llll.
Sellnngrove. Pa.
Tbla not.l la olaaaanttjr la tha u.qnaro,
..4 I. a placa for tr.i.l.ra
lb. BMTor ..ooa.moil.llon. at Low r.U. c.f
aon..tniinoaoo wl II ha to call attain. Th
r miiiiiw laeowaM-tlnaiwl
oii.r WuiurV !
II U,..r imw van
. Juua U. !
lb. anw.i.
awnwaawawnawnaa, j. j . " - ' J VAN DliLr Co 'L
eST . and HOBB UFB. BifOS lfivjS
J ll H'' . a.-.lodwmllU'""! liZ f""1 'rU,'ilri hl"la . i'' r,H
J3. J41 tlow la A'..n.n ' r,,.B, oia i ;.Ha r"" l,,im,v rrvi
a ""'t" MVu,:it to a"l ilo.hin.. ''" M VT.'r'i.Sa! .ri .ali. f-'.:k. Ik..
,1 ok u,il M.Tflait-iU t uria, la- f t.utim ,T ., ;i,,t ..u t, .i-..-
IS '...a ..... ?!ZXZ.:X " 'It'J'Sa.l -..h-aV.f ITJ &AT'.lTi
.h.f.vr l. rV'V Wt. ! Br UUIDN .. .7.?f 4. IJv.
MWal I .u ,tirl-Mlkl I" !", .,.. .1- ,a aa n."."""":". i? !
I?-.. J i-ii. ait Aro . r - ,-tji-.---- Ju ...
I I ' " . . a) . I ' I . i -
Tin iOHVt
PifMMirHt every Hiurkilav Kvemng
Terms of Sutonptinit,
TVVO H.L. Hfl fRft ANNlrM. Py
sliln viihiu ii humttm, or sSTfiftirrt
fiiTl.'l within tha ir-wr. No rnifer ji.
cotitiiiiiitl until 011 cfHurn-
I'M id unices at tiic optrisi v( the imtirf
liflior. riiilscriptloiii niitcirtft rff V,f co;'if
PSfVrwuHK lillinir uud uAi-v fiinrr
aMre-Kril '.ii ollii-r liCr.iiiueiii'liKrrilors'
ami sro linliln furtlie irire of t' e i-nt rr
Malaria is an tltnmt In
describable malady which
not eren the mo taJnteit
physicians are able to Cuh
nni. Its cause Is most fre
quently ascribctl tn local
surrounding, and there it
very little question, but this
opinion Is substantiated by
facts. Malaria docs not neo'
tssarity mean chills anl
fever while those trouble.
usually ccompany it. It
often afTects the sufferer witlf
general lassitude) acnrt
jKinicd by loss of ajjietito,
.slecplcssneiw, ft tired k-elin
and a high fever, trip pur
son afflicted Rrowfng weak
er nnd weaker, lose fle.shi
day after day, until he be
comes a mere tkclotnn, a
shadow of hie former si.
MakrL OfM tiaiw Itld Iwf
tiuM hum ili ImmMi rV.m vw
di.v of lh. .ywrta M Ihrowni-p
to iMrtt.f. tli..tiw. Th.
W4Kk .lift flfcfct-l M
li' hut tuhtMir( nfn
lt.-lf, lh fJiMlt. m.i no'
liNtccr iietHm ihWr rum-ik-i. i
lif li.OTtv.Mnw luvpM, .ml nlluY
MKll. ISilittf i. rlo t 'I.-.
nlk .pr-vlily hwirte diniT-.,
.nit iIim4uU.ii .ml tkuk .rr
to ru.c.
fnr malaria n1 tliillt anH fevo,
HkiiwV ltcis tlirrCM k htcaly
riKiwwncnilwil fnr a!Mirij itquir
iii; a certain and elfiiit tuiiiti r.
revere, want of Hftrtnn,iirjt
v( Micugth, lack v( oiitrny, rtc.
hinctici the Uoial, Krefiillimii tins
niuvclcs, and fven new life In lae
ni-rvi'. Act like a chami on (Irs
ilieMivs mana. It ii tut ult hy
all reiiect.ilile rfmlmni mctlkiouw;
I'ricc, $l xx totllij
Be ar and gtt the fomilny
Take no otbwp.
rpnF. timlcrsirjnpd effrrs nl rrivalW
A Ml., th. fiilli.wliiK il.MrlKit ItMl K.i.t. it
II : A farm .Itu.i. m t'raukllo twp , Hpril-r
fill M,lS'li,l"'' I mauls-
lOfl Arres
nftha tit.t lima .tun. Unit, wk.raon ara rnri
I a ii noil tram ilwi llln,. Imu... hum, .Kit i.-l.
routliulhlinK all of nimkI D. r II..
ilnnr, lluwinv w.i.r in th. farm lurivnin;
Ti'utin..r. h.M of rkolr. iralt trm Kin. la A
link uta ofoulllt.lluo. T.rmi.a.f --.-ireii.
. JOSEJ-II A'.T:l(,
h. aa.'M. aHi1labarK. Par
Centrevillc, Snyder county. Pa.
la A. .nt it I.ANte a VAKIIKII'4
iiakkbj: wokks, at .VII'rlillVltt'Rf?, I'. All iwr")n
wl.lilnir to rrn-n-a MiNIMKXTn. Ti:.
STn. t;s. In UiH anytliln In tha M.-I.i. Il"
flmuM nnt un tn n, ,in jir. Mei, an.) ...
lyln.Dil iraiD I'rloo. . 't it.
AGood Salary !
ni Ira.rllnii.tni nan U whata.C. .u."
fill l.n.o will mm w h-i - i u.
tif mn of .luc,.i.riT .n l r.H.nniit - U'a oO.r .imnl.t tbitaratri.iir. b..noi
.nv olli.r llrtn. Mueenf. nrina ' raaw.w-.
a.T aw iliv m rmt nU unoir ik.. farti..
oul.r. on aiiileatlov. Ailir.M
(with itaiaii) .tallna a.
i. r, tTwitnik eo.
Msraaarman, Uaaafa. N. To
An, t, la. . t
l'SASl'"! Mnbn.lnan n )(.. r.
BJr Kj W putille. TiiouaiiiiiH
nrjii I '",r w.iis (of o.
WUkV fl tbaa.tasithiiif alia Omti
Ul not nwil, W. oil! .tart too. li'..
ail U.w.r.U Imma If Ilia indiiMrlnra. .
ai.ii, women, uor. ana alria waalM"
to wnrk for a. Now la tha tltaa. Yaw
-r In iara tltaa oalf or air. Tour wtolW
llinatu Iba builno... Yna a.n II.. al
amldo Ilia woaa..n'atu.r bwaiirM. will bay
ou nn.rlvaa w.'l. .i..m. s.h lull 1 tank
.n-riiiniiit i l.r .avaitin kL'tiw,
II, III. I .tl.1 l.rml 1 .a . 1I...U&14. a
b". A,
Auku.h, Main.
MARBLE; 'uSu' ,yr v
' r i- .... - . '
Tombstones, RfiitutV. Prne. Vna
LAM US. for,1,,', u
PoU, Li,UU (..,...
Sltite IftinUQ, Hr. a. i
rt rlnb..l..
Jail U'Tl tf
. Mir.. rl,v""
AlHliot. who rl..-'lolnH.b.t .,!,
tionait uiarbla wowW.abo.ld oalTnl. !h. Mi?V
iH.a-i if.ri"Ja,u.vT,',,.:,?'
! w m. ftrwl the nmimm tmr a al.M ' -t-rr.ablo
ahal. mat will nmJZ '
tluaa fur nrwwaala a hi.iu.r.jT "."! . . t
t t i:i-, . ii-r.7.- rr 'i'. .vitau. i..
Aitr.lll.-ta. oaab.U ko.4 'T'.-naif