-VlvorttlnBT HntosJ 0 column ono year, , tO.OO 0 on half, column, one year, 80.00 One-fourth column, ono yenr, 15.00 On dquftre (10 linen) I Insertion 75 ' rry additional insertion, 60 tVo'eemonal and Bu.ine. cnrd, ol tint more than 5 linen, per year, 6,00 Auditor, Executor, Adnnniiitrator mnlaAraijince Nntiee, 2.fi0 "ititorial notice per line, . 15 Ml transient Advertising less than K notith", 10 cent a line. ' All advertisements for a shorter po- I J than one year aro paynble at tin line thoy are ordered, and it not paid - no perwin ordering Diem will oe ueld; n-ionihle for the mono. Podtry. Net by Creed, Dut by Faith- I not know the trp that I nhnll . And N the tunmand wimlliiK I may make, To wh the jjoaI that may bo near or far; Put in the distance Christ uhlnen like ft star. A bridge, prlinp, may li"lp iu oVr A Htrcani, Or nt the test, aford limy nfer em; This naff, or thut. In need my limb may ntny; I only know thnt I ran fee my way, Your stepping "tones though firmly plucoil they be. May prove the womt of HtuiiiblltiK block, to me; I acorn no aid, refuse no helphm luuid, Hut pre" right onward to the better litnd. Your maps and charts, though well and clearlydnvwn, May fiilu to guide me a I Journey on. liuild or remove your liindiimiks an yon may, 1 know tlmt rHratht bi-fore me Hi the way, 1 hunper not for systems and for creeds, While rteiidfiiHt faith can witlxfy my needii I tread the path that Ix-tter men have trod; And hope, through. CMirlct, to find my U.mI. God's Rest It In the evening hour. And thankfully, Father, thy weary child lias noma to thee. 1 lean my aching head Upon thy breast, And there and only th'-re I am at rest Thou knowext all my life, F.ach petty tin; Nothing In hid from thee, Without, within; And that I have or tun Is wholly thine; Ho is uiy soul ut peace, For thou art mine. To-morrow's dawn may And Me here or there, It Mutters little, Kiuue thy love Is everywhere. Tor Th Post. REBEL PRISONS. by un. h. noumiocit. In September my last eft'ort at (?aio log liberty by tunnelling was made nud at tbo 6ame time was frustrated. Fifty men comroencod a tnonol on a grand scale. It was ooarly com pleted, and was one of tho uiont per foot things of the kin J ever devised by the priaouers It wns commenced at tho bottom of n oli wall, aod two moo oonld walk abreast from one end to tbo otber. Oua of our nnrubor botrayo J us to the rebel quai tormastor for s ping of tobacco. Another of our companions saw tbem conversing, sod getting bobind them, heard him say or propose to toll the quartermaster something important, if he would give him tbo tobacco. He ran and imfurmed us in season for ns to make onrselvos scarce. After the tnonol was discovered, those engaged in it were naturally enraged, and, soUing the traitor, printed on his foreboad, with ipdia ink, aod noodles, indelibly, tbo lotter T. They were proceeding to woree punishment, when a rebel guard came into the stookado and carried Jiim outside. In spite of evidenoe to the con trary, have but little doubt be was rebel spy, who had boon Bont in qfltb other prisoners to bolray ns. Piligont inquiries-wore sot on foot to nd out who had punished the trai tor lb the manner dosoriob. . To accomplish this, we wero threatened with being starved into submission ; but the rations, after boing stopped for twentyfour boars, were again issued. Humors of ex rlaoge eontinned to pervade the prison, men, crazy with tbo idoa of freedom, and home, wandered up and down the prison, clinging to every rnmot, like drowning men to straws, Tbe etoitement was made worse Ly tbe extravagant rumor circulated around camp by the rebol quarter master and tbe priest, who was said io be Win's oonfossor I The exoite - inect increased daily, and men were xpeoting at any moment to be called out Many were called but it was to that bourn or borne from wbenoe no Jtftlif etnrua many were releas- VOL. ed, but the horuld of tboir freedom was the grim messenger, dootb i At last, after repeatod minors had pro ared the prison for their pnrpoao, ordora carao for cortain of the de tachments or ninetios, as thoy woro termed, to be ready to loavo tho pri son. Wo woro told that there was a Federal tronsport floct (T Bavanoah, waiting for ns. To all in prison this seeme t tbo lawn of freedom, and tho most In- orodnlous bo'.i 'Veil. Kentucky "Joo,"' wbo always protested that sverythinfl was "Jreadfal onRarfon in Dixie" hecame a oonfirmod pon. vort, and bo had exebango on tbe brain. Kvcry ono tlamarod for a chanco, and foaro'l to be left out of tbe cxcbanRo- Ninety afior ninoty went out of prison rejoicing, nud 'ainnty cboering. It was cheering which brought ear a to tbe eyes, so pnny And weak lid it oomo from tho poor, weak, starvod mortals "but tho hollow eye grew bright, and tbo poor heart almost gay. At they tbougLt of seeing borne aud friends again.'' never hear that song without rocalliDg that eeone. Men, who lm i been brought by eufToring to the torv vcrcro of idiocy, or who for months had boon smitten with al most hopeless melnAcboly or dispair. as those sounds oatnoat last dimly to their ears, like remembrance of a dream, their glorious import j "go ing home." burst upon them. Thoy staggered to their feet, and woro carried, by the pressure of a donso crowd, outside tho prison, foebly cbooring, rogardloss of tbo presence of the robots, joioed in tho ohoruB of "Ually round tbe Hag boys, rally onoe again." My ninety had got orders to be ready, and I was in a tremor of ox citoment, when ono of my oomradee sent for me, eayinf he was dying My heart sank at thinking of tbo sufToring, dying men who must stay behind and porisb. My hoart al most reproached me for being glad whon companions who bad stood by my side iu days of battle and suffer jog dying, with none to care for thorn. without siHtors or mothor's baud to suotbo them, without food, aod with no shelter from tbo pitiless rain and sun. I wont and saw my comrade, he wu9 stretched 00 tho poor remains of his blaukot, dying How oficn the poor fellow, trno to a stubborn Scotch nntum, bad ralli od, nnd tried to live I "I am lad yon aro going homo Doe," (His generous heart hail room for iov at other e good fortuco even io death. wish you to soud to sood word to my mother' ' tell hor I enlisted to light against roboldom aod slavery for div adopted country. Toll hor all about mo ! Poor follow 1 1 nndor stood him ; ho wished mo to toll bor be bad done his ilnty. Comrades in battlo I can testify that nana stood nn in iu'ht uioio manfully than my dying companion he who so ofton had sung, with pathetic voice, the song, Comrade, will you toll me, truly, Who shall euro for mother now?" I now understood why ho sung that song with so moch fooling- lie never befuro bad spoken of his mother. Poo follow 1 onsbrinod in tbe hparts of comrados, you Ho in your naraolosB grove among tbo vie time of Anderson ville, and 'Who will care for mother now." I took his poor, tbin hand io inino and plodgod him I would do all bo wished. I forgot his address for a lime, but in the dolorium of a fever I recalled it, though many otbor forgolton things were not again brought to mind. I was waiting for my torn to come to got out of prison, Kvory sabtor- fage was rnsortod to, to go with the lucky ones. Those who bad moans bribed ; those who had none "flanked," and were rewarded oftimes with broken beads, for others became desperate at tbe idea of .being cheated out of tbeir chance of going home, aod tbe polioe exercised any thing but a pro tecting infloenoe upon the unlucky beads of flankers, I went at last, rejoicing at what appeared to be tbe day of doliveranoe. As I passed rebel beadqoartors, J saw sergeant Cross, who, it will be f remembered, was one of my captors, wheu I escaped at one time from Acdersonvillo. Well, Cross, "said I. "Tbors are no blood bounds after me this trip homeward." The sergeant shook bis bead (it scums to me, sorrowally MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, when I rocall it just uov.) to eco ns thus olatod by dolanlvo hopes of "going home,' downed, 0, iu how many rases, never to bo realized I Wo reached the depot, wero divid ed inlosqnmla of sixty, aod crowdod ioto box curs. We were full of hop'V however, ood.tept Faying, "well, wo all will havo room nnougu soon. Oar rations had bfion previously pI'?od in oaeh car a prre3 of crn- cako abont tho shapo and t'.ro of a1 brick. We wero told thene were mir ntions for threo dtys' journey. Ooo of ray comrades, S. M derpcr kly resolved to prewnrva a pieo of bread to onrry home ns a enrioalty ; but buuper got tho better of the poor follows repolvo, and I saw tl;r last crumb disappearing bcfjro t!m afternoon of our second day's llV. During tho first dy, tlroo men diod io the car wbero I wa. My bread lasted nio two days, as I was carbfal not I eat t"o much at a time, yet it was considerable troublo to havo it abont a man n person a con tinuod tomptatiun to myself and to others. Wo arrived at Micnn the after noon of oar first day's travel, the vigilance of the guard was hero redoubled, and the fact oxcitod out suspicion, that there was to be no exchange aitor all. As we passed through Macon, one of Sherman's men pointed out to me the ballet marks on the buildings, and f on cos made by our advanoe just before bis capture. We had been suspicions, that wo ware going to Alabama, but our boarts rose within us as tbo cars took tho direction for Savannah. A negro infonnod us, that "Cap tain Sborman" bad (taken Atlanta, and was making for Motion as "tiht as be can oomo." This loolo-l liko romoving ns to a place of security rather than au oxebungo ; still, wo wore hopeful, that we wero to bo exchanged to prevont onr capture. As wo noarod Suvaunab, and cbangod onr guard, tho ofiioor of the now guard camo np, and wo -tuado inquiries of him as to our dostiua tion if we woro to be exchanged. tlo ropliod by candidly stating that wo wero to be pluood down on one of tbo islands, uudor Cro of tbo Fad oral guns. bnvcrril men woro ehot, on onr ronto from Siiv.inu ih to Charleston, while trying to escape from tho c:r. Wo caught sight of our flout in tbo distanco, as wo parsed over tho bridge loadiog to Charleston, and onr hoarts thrilled with a iuvaj;o kind of joy, whon wo heard tho shell from our batteries, shriokiuf,' over tho city. Wo termed thorn Gilmoro's errand boyu. or Oiliuoro'tt morning reports on t'.iu condition of rcbuldom. At last the cars camn to a halt in tho stroots of Charleston, and citi.onn nogroos, and soldiers, thronging tbo stroots.poorod cuWoaaly ioto the cars to got a look at tbo lanks. It op pearcd to mo, then, that they woro a baggorod, caro-worn look. Tbo only- hopeful faoo of tbo group was eomo old ucgiess, who had kept fat and jolly on tho idea of Uuclo Ab's coming soon. Ono citizen said to anotbor, my hoaring, "They ore all foroignora ain't thoy This rilod ma nol a little, and I replied, saying, yon rrfcolloct tho Plymouth prisoners who passed through those streets in pril ;" "yos, poifoctly ; a vory Une body of mon," said he. "Those are tbe samo moo ; yoor government has starvod all som bianco of mon out of us i" "yon aro a foreigner i" said ho, looking snooi iogly nnd critically at my dilapidat ed wardrobe and dirty face, which bad boon goiltess of washing for tbo three days of our Journey. No I boloug to Pennsylvania Reg't. I proudly repliod. Tie seem ed much shockod, eitbor at tbe fact of our dirty condition, that any one should not bo ashamed to hail from a bordering state of robeldoui. It was just before sundown, when we formed iu line, and marched tbroogh the book street of Charles ton. Tbe effects of the siega were visi ble upon every hand, but wa were informed that the dsmaga done was really worse than mere appearances Indicated. The sjgl made only an rsgnlar bola Uwh the exterior walks whereas be Interior of the buildings where . shell bad ex ploded was often a mass of ruins. It woo no figure of speech, but a rulity,tlt grass wus growing iu tbo streets of the protid but doomed city, which firnt raided itn duliant hand against the l'edorol govern ment, ono of the best fovernniroto tbo sun evor sho)0 upon. Tho shell and flliot from Cilmoro's baU tcries had a rivilixing inMucneo ever its pooplo, for in no phicn wero wo so kindly treated by citirona nnd soldiers as in ('Imrleston. Women and ehildron looked pity ingly upon n, nnd such opreiottH . as "Poor I'cllowrt ! "Too n I V Ac ohowoi.1 pity nn 1 sympathy fi.v otivjha- b"-n brl.on io two place, and condition, which wu had no'r be iniy d icl.r"s bills Imvo nl.'.iyn bun fore ospoHcncod in the ?o".thern bitter than tho other oxpecs of confederacy. What the id.!-, was j th" 'H"- Tito d-nlist bna booi. forn-in IhiHwi.i,.. was q-iiie n tc Hi o'U cf my palate evr I 9 a 1 a i I .... : torr to ns pmr wreb-bc-s. br.t ;l jwerit down on unr part with ft tfood jonr-jgrneo, only tbo nsa;o aslonimd n l.t 11.!. II... I ill -i,.,!, bitrib lllin mui I.IU 'fwi- raoncetnont of a njw era lo the an- n.,1. 0f tho coufiooaiont iu soolhern pitsnns, tmr batteries tbrnwed shells and hnrd shot over into tbo city, which niado tuo citizens howl liko erezy. To ns it was good music we did not pity them touch, because they too, should roalizo what it Is to bo concerned in an ntij'Vit unr. I noticed that those citizens whose deep betoken that they belongod to the bettor classes woro often a sobor subdnod look, which, during my ox porienee in tbe war, I bad observed as tbe result of much anxiety, men tal enfforing, and loss of friends. I addroseod one of tbeso as wo were waiting on tbe street "oiu t you folks abont sick of all this fight ing I'1 "We are tired of it dreadful sick of It." said ho, whilo he vainly tried to keop back loars that ran down his face j "but wo nro going to fight you' un Yanks as long ua we kin." Finally, just as tho sun was setting io nu ocean of beautiful clouds. wo arrived at our dc8tina - tion on tho "Fair Orannd in tho ! rear of tbo city, where about live tbousaud of Andorsonvilo prisouors woro, who had precoodud ns. To lm CoHtiimi'iL Wanted A Job Vcslorday a man camo into the Doomoiong oflioo with tbo air of a man who wants to wing hi way to a hud of forgotfulnoHS nud plunge in- to tho depths of oblivion, .tfti r he, !'l.t I ii,..., n r...,t ,.r, i.,, I i .,.(., an 1 htu:i his Lit on tho c-ootit. )-(, mill inqru u niri, rn .'-.-n-nij, eaid . - vl (liltcy ; l-l't l.f ur.-l never em- "I'm a tiowppapcr twn myreH.jl'iwd iti.ii.ity, m'tfU l th" Iidn tKuow bnt vou tt'i;;K wnnt a Kood man on tho Ht.ill. hou.i body toimw boon proparc.i lor y.-av. n, ie. writo np the end feature id lifo nud I"'""? J-" Tho loorobe pon - farniah the (euiful wail, ne t were. d red, too mnro ho be-MMie oiiiiuc - I-ifo in full of woe, nr.d io my inti-jO'l thai ho on;:ht lo Wrw. a ('hn:. - - mation every paper should have n ,'t"' -UiuX v';,:,!' ''" woo editor. Iain well fitted fi'i' tijatjbiio witu Ui.-.L-r woidv nu l t.-.i position, iih yen will pee if I may lie(;3'''H' allowed to u on, and detail my own oxpetioncu to you. I wont ujwu in - to Kacpas and Htarted a paper io a Htnall town on tho Santa Ko road, with tho aasnraooo that I would meet .,, ., ... , . , ... , i . Willi inn coraiii ma inr i luj'uiuj ui tho pooplo there. I didn't eoet loi,K wl u wm "u , , " do a b bniiineea, but I jnat wanted innJ ho ch',i,ft h,iuj3' ml1 ,l!ilho 1 to run n modest paper with pali-nli . , , iii... t ' tolcgraph none nnd ohicuolypo e-.iu torialo io it- Tho lirut week inyi , , ,, ', , nn ..nl nu,.l., .Ii.lti ( rtr.l ll.-.rt. till.! 11 I'dlVllb IllSI-lU t,Ml i fcll--tv .... : had to print that isimonn hoiuo pa , . t li i v.. . per baRf) Hint I got from onr 1-jii-lin grocer, i dih was tvn niivaoiaa i cauno bin ad, was already pi iule-d on tbo first pHe aud it saved the wear and tear of dinplay type, .Still tho papor looked mcagor and did not at tract tbo attention that bad hopod for it. It did not iutluouoo tbo ud minifitralion nor boom up tbo town as I had anticipation. "Tbo cost wook I wrote np a Iit tlo Bociid paity and gavo tho iiaroo of a young roan who was drank and frolicEorue and ehot out all tbe lights- He also abot an old mao who won "calling off" tbo danoo. "I thought tbe proes ought to bo fearleas and outspoken if tbe occa ion required and I thought, fairly, bat the yonog man came around the next day and convinced me that I was wrong. ' I was writing a scathing article on ngnoatioisin whon be came in and knocked me under the Job press with ft chair. I didn't know hiin at all aod 1 thought it was rather eocon trio for a total stranger, so when 1 got op again I told him so. Then he jam med me into tbe wood box and poured keg of iuk and a can df ooal oil on ire before I oonld have an understanding with him. Then he went away. "Tbt eveuiug he came with some friauds and bought the good will of PA,, SEPTKMBKR Ihn estnbtil'mnnt. and tho whole offlco and ntihscriptinn 1'wt of "i'' He had tbo ndvnr.tagn of mo. tin 1 bnpglit it low. I Mt Ihnt I was hiiikinj; a sneritlco, but I was nfraid I tuiglit not hnvo ntiolhcr nppnrlii nity to soil, fo I Bold. Tbe price, of courts wis nominal, but the inducements held out wero not to be h'oorrd. "Sitico then I have start"d thrro p-xpcri. nnd had three 1nr(;o iitid lof ly contested fu.hU My e -ll.ir-bot.'- 1 t'"t 1 "'r"i"r'-r IK'fM. Art H ooll IIH I entered Ihi uowepapor buNinoi'B. An onoii an I iol ho I could hoo with both even one of them has boon dosed np on nio, nnd my nose haa at iliflYr'til limes pointed arotiud all over my fiieo. "What ant now i a chr.ncp to work on eomo p ipor in c ai 1 tnij;ht say, and wlmro I will bo by myself. I can tal.o iuj-t any cor- rcnt cvonl and tinge it wilh sadnurtH. I (inn k'vo un air of hopolohs melan choly to tho occurrences of everyday lifo that will inako your paper knowu all over tho world. I will admit thut this is nn innovation in journalism, perhaps, but it will Uko, I think, nnd I know that if I cau succeed in ini bniog into my work that Bottled air of gloom that I feel, your paper will win for itself in a tihort time the namo of being tho luoHt ghastly rec ord of disappointment and grief strickon, horror-soakod romoro in tho known world." Tho manager Bobbo.l a fnw tiiuen and then eiiid, whilo Liu voico wan l1 wit!l pmoli"n' ,!mt ,bo l,,rt d..'pai tm..nt wlM ably "llt"' 81 l,roHunt 1,10 urauger went out into tho cold, bard, nn H,'iiipnthtiii world, Inking with him his loadun burden of woo and a Milk umbrella that stood iu tbo Lull Hill JV. 1 Th- Darkey's Haplisin. llo ij nn iiiilnst ri )in3 colored man !iin;s' in a htimll cabin down the "vor ; and his wife i c'-rpiil -i't .n';oodnauiied. woman. b:il '.tt -Ijai ! Some win 1; i ni'o. 1 f i . i . i !". m p"H'l'-r. Mo had now-r 1 , n - - - r, ill (tiitev : i-i't l.t- in;-1 never cm- I -iri-nv ru i uui , Miwan, nm who isri'ow oj iuijt ,S'.ih;iii, biii il'r, who .I '''" l J l" " """'.. i,r,il - - ' d-lVB a :o lo tif-o tltld w.1-9 about ! church. irif-jioic 1 tiiat ho would Love t-) bo bupti.ad boforo l oould booomo a mouiber. llo di ln't Iroliflh the idea loiieh : but ho inform- I 1 i.: :f.. it...i i ..i i -.i . , ,, , i 'i-'ty io ii'cu'iioon i J'o i.ji ;e -i L time u-uiieo jot no ilea, ono t day, thut bo'd hho to try tho w;d:r &!ooe. bi.fjiv b.i;o: p iblii-ly bnpti , . ' J ed ; nnd while bin wife w,n ROltiiii; bivulfust lendy, ho slipped don to tlio rivcrbaiik lo tako a preparatory dip. Ho rtimovud bin bat, and booti, placed tbem ou a lo ; nml M ho d 6cooJod tho bank, his broad f-nt elippod, and the convert came down on tha bv:k of tho nock. "Wliat do dolihil 1" bo commooe- ed, asjho piokod bimuolf up; but Hud donly retno'uboriu that ha wan soon to joiu tho o'j-ircb, be cliookod hiumolf and romarkod. "I'm ariliamad oh dut t and bopo de angols will 'tiCQsa ms." He put one foot into the water, and drew back with a shiver i put in tbo otbor, and looked longingly to ward tbo house. At that moment Aunt Busan began singing, "We' gwtnu up toglory, Wd'i b wine ou de earn," And old Reuben braced op, aod onterod tbe water, "Yes ; we's gwiue np to glory I" be remarked as bo waded along, "gwine on de fast express." At tbe next stop, bis foot I truck a sunken log j and bo pitched over it, nndor water, head lirut. As soon as be came to the surfaco, and blow the water from his mouth, be yelled, VWoosb I What in biases is disyor poi'foruiaoea V .In rsisioffttp, bis fool slid over 9 m I . t.S, I8S2. thf loj, nu.l nn-ler a limb. In such n inantiiT, that the old darkey wiu caught fist, lie could l.nng tir sttib of a limb, but he oonld not pu' hiiusolf forward enough to slip hi' foot out of Ihe tiap. "Whiir 1e r.p-fiTs row .'" bo ycllc- otil, ns be l.i- l,e-l tiio water hijj.ei tlmn bin lie id. Atirt 'l!l!ll nr.;' -Tcr-'l with. I )l" nn-;. i- r.r' :t n-iin;.' ; I lii-iir lb., ur.i -ir .i.' " - Wlieti tho old tiiim riali-i-d Hut 'io W:is fii-t, find 1.1 lint I live hel from tho shor. In vi ll--d t . "!!', dir. rid woiiiiin ! lii ! k-!u i mil bj't Ijivn In nt'd a riH.'ict ro on tho of (ho liver, atn: 'be went or. :iiiiii-, "I'iir'-' ii - -ii for lie- -1 I it -u IV .win" f-. . 1 1 ili- li.m.l ' "III. dire .' I'll join your bl-ick bond .T. if ye .h-ti t hi at luc 1' m-Hu-1 old 11 -ul . ii llo ntinuuled and l,ii kcl. pt hi' 'iixi-l c.i.il- r wali-r, nn i out, uti-' t-M. 't'li'H dut olo ivuii.uii I Why doti'l sho bfiir toe '' "I'lirl" !( llli 'lV n LTW ill- 'I'll 111- Mil llll'il 1 1 ". " moo the song. "It's a lie, a bi tli-liMl linl'' he yellod, pulling bis hen I not of tin water again. "Ami bi-'ll lly ii- u; t uni;. -, And play tipim a liiirp," continued tho old ivnumu oln- turned over the baen, "Hi, dare I woob'i, whoop!" le yelled, llounderiug around, pulling at his leg. "Ill- l.HWll llUHpnl III" llillllf. And ili-re l- a phicc for liiiu t" howled the old woimm. "Whon, dar, yon old black villuiu!" yelled I'nclo I!etdien. "1'i y'll ilri -iH liiiu up in wltiti-, Wid n crown iip'-ii hi- tii-iw," waile 1 Aund S-.i-inn, as who poured the water oil' the potatoes. "If I eber ijit out o' ili- liblu-r alive, I II breuk h:r old deaf head, 1 will !" growled the victim : and then ruining lti-4 voico ho shouted, "You dare, old Satan, hi. hi ! Ah if io direct answer came tho song, Hi' ; t i ll' wl l i'i- i-vil i-lii ; lint Ii-- iMiiii-d tin- vi-Try .-Ii-r- !" I'Siiiian, .iiiiiiu ! if I had vo by do wool, Id banvdut ol-l deaf lira. I y.'io 'lo culiiii till yi r even couldn't !" i.e H.'-.i-itiK.-i . nnd he niude at.i'.fiur t r- io .!.'.'. vio (-:i.-.rt in iei !; it u-a-j mi-' (t'if il, m.-l jiii-t tli.'U i Ii.) P ni;: iii Mi.trV .; '! l: ,i i.i s, i.i,,, !,,,,, NO, 0 j ih; ncv(jj ,lia ,,).,: I;row!cd,;! j r.rll. .,. ;l, u W;,.K-d Mion- ; i - tnr , (( ,,,, iKi le out' " j , i;..it. .,., (. ,,M,,:. SU ! : p a'l'.l r- i-li-tcf tl.l :;,'itii'. to' ni e-:i t !h; t:tl I-.- 1'' I u .xUli ,,, 1 t- bt-r a ctj'l'on the ear nlo-'ii neatly l-)-ne-l tbe root i of her hair. "Oh, : ! I'. - an nt..;el wid wing.il on I im I ho veiled, an ho bl'i'll-'Lt her nnoliior euiT ; ".m l !'?. cwino to !Klory. nnd IV. niuo to jitio do I bund and you dnef old n;!i;;ator !- litl-1 1 7.0 initio Up to li .ibt-ii in 1 . bi:in.o jer old dsuf rara '. im-i di li'iiti.o ji.r old "1'iuf rnia !- ).;iOy n-t '.i- ooiiti ; l'ooplo who know I'oclo Hcol.f.u -fay thut Lo Bwearj fiaiii with relinb; and it in certain I'.ntt he luihn't been up lo VickHbiir,,' to bo bnptiaej, and bocomu a cjuicb miimbor. (.Soo-1 temper is like ft sunny day; it in the eweetenor of toil uud iho umootbur of quietude-, A contmiil dinjiobili jo dul u inu the baudnouiual feuturu's. A rbiludolphiit luulo has killed a mud doc, bur. it in slill a matter of doubt wbothor a mulo or a mad dog iaHbo safest thing to have around. At tho eoutthore, as imoal, ono vvave from a woman's handkerchief will routinuo to attract more atten tion than bundrodu of waves from tbe ocean. Friend "Ilello, Jim, you ain't out of work again are yon' Un faithful employo "Well, yes loot is, I'm not able to work t been in jured by premature discharge." A man gathers wisdom by finan cial loss. Liko a rasor, he is sharp er for being stropped. An exchange says i ''A man lives in this vioinity who stutes that he first mot his wife io a Btorin, took ber to tbe first ball in ft storm, pop pod the question io ft storm, anj bus y ,n orra eTur'siuco I'ul.lliihrd every Thunder Kyeoing jKnnMtAU cnousa, rror Terms of Hnbsrmrrtion, TWO IhM.MKH WAX ANNUM, Tnf n 1 1 vithin m month, or t'J.ftO if niri piild witliln the y er. Ko paper dix continued ntitii all axrerHis are j'iiid tuilcc nX tho r.plion of the pub Hitusi ri'!i'nn nntaide of Utfl CODutf I'AV Al UK IN ADVANCE. SqjrlYr'i-iiii- lilting ami uninr psper t l l.e-n-d ii oiIm ik leciifnlii(;riiiera ind at" li-tbl" for the price of rfic paper MALARIA M.xl.ui.i is nn nlmwtt in- tler.cribablc malady wliicli lint even the ninst tnlcntod physicians arc abb? to fath ntn. Its cau.oc is sw uy cjocnUy .i.tril)0l to local sijiiriuiiilinejs, nnd there i'i vety titt'i: qiK-t:tion,but this (pinion is substantiated by f;- t-i. Malaria does not nc-r-.s.i'i!y nitnn cliilb and f- ver whih- thew tsniiblci usually acconipnny It. o It nften affects Jiesnfflre'rwrtli pyiu'ral l-i .sititile, noconv vu,ie'il by los of nptK'tite, skeplessncs i, a tired nxling, ami a hih fewr, tlvc jxr son afllii.te'd j;r5win: wcok rr nnd weaker, liwos fle-sb day after il.iy, until he b toiiiis a ttiero ikedrton, a shaeJow (if lits fortih-'r self. f t it.irkl nfK-p h.llnit tnfl ft , t "l-i ni-'in 111-- li'in;n frnto. ll A -l iV vicm i. ttitwnni- fti tir,vi.ii'. i!i,ii- The lfclj nr. fli.,1 inl.-'bt-.l fi'i.it n-l nir ; .Kni' Ml. 'u - i.'i.i.iii.i lip-ill i-!(, th- ,li,; tiiv-i !.r4-n n j :ir j.if-ini lln-ii fiiii-t'n ; l-ie li,rl l nrflir li-H 'lil, jo-l --llt- ff,l.in, fiil.nrf I- iln ll'ti "V m-w1 tly Im-lin- -li.(r-Uir,$. anl (liv.nlniioii ikJ JcmiIi o I j ciuun. Tn siMiii.tn t-i being a certain it f r maliri.e and c 1 1 1 i 1 nml fctcp, JiK-nvN's Iki-n llirrr.Ks H hiylily ' r-.nnninriiilvil fur all i!im-aw r'-ju Ini; a i-i-rtr.in nd rlTiai-nt tunic; es-ji--.i.illyinill;piinn,ily'pMa,liUr-nniuiil f- ven, want of apvtile,lu4i of slrni-tli, lack of cui;ni;y, c(0. !nrithr Ibil lilixxt, HnnrtboM Ihi! musclcn, anil pvi-s new lilc ta Uio nci vu. Acts like a charm on tli ilitjcMivc origins. It i ft'r wle ly oil icsH'Ct.iMe- itcnlcra ill lueilK'iae:. JKii.1-, f I srr l-j!lu Db sure onl pet the cenutws'ii HROWN'S IRON DITTERSt ' Tke no otbep. PRIVATE SALEUK REAL ESTATE 'P'TK ntidei-ii.'iied c-tfern nt r'lv-ito 1 nl-, II.- I 11. ln tli "i"l.i I'.-'tOti tl i I'lir-- i-llu In t'f.lT-klln 1 , Suviitt '' . IV. liilUi nt-'i't nt M l-l-U-ti ri;, contain n IDS ru-H tl.ii iif-t ll:i,n tf.-i.r !n-. 1. -vi i-r.-.n nro i-n-t't i..- -i f n it .. ,i w . ii h. ti iii.. I'hmi. unlit't- r -'it nll-1 inu u '-1 1 "I i- 1 -mi. r ni-ir Hi- i!-.' ir, Ii '-vinu u.urr -n Hit- t.triu tlirlr i.ii -niilll -r l.ir l . 1 .-li'.l c ifnll Iri-i-H 'iiriti 111 IiIkU .--ll 'Itlltlvm! in. V'lt'-rtiy A.Mri-t. .Hii.l-ii - (.1 i:k, t-i'. -i :;i.-.!ici.nrrf. r CMl KL ScilltADinc. Cntrcvillj. Snyi'cr cwinly. Ta.. Ii ' .-'n- I r I. N - A V A It-1 l-.ii'S I.i n:. ! :i( VI ITMMM' !;). I" ' K' 1. I'll, All I rt'"i Mi il M KST.S TOM It- '.-1 I- i; In I'i ' - l.i. In - in "!'!.! I.i : ' .i iiiilo llu-i it I ti' I I ill I.. .Mil -in Mr. 'itrii-l-'f a--! -io 1- aii'l 1 aui r 1 -e-. ' .r.t- v '-.il. & nr y av i 1 1 'iv - i 1 . , . , t... i-.if,r', ,'., t-. .w i' i . l.'H'.r.r. - 1 ; : ' 'i - ' 1- u.'. ii. I', i ii . r t 1 ... i- r i' v n-i.t rrll.il I! lly r 11 m.'i Ui).-i;ir -I'll :ti !il"Olii. nr. I i-nil 1 i.v . iV.-- i ni. Sii. ii . i.rii.fci V'iu riii w ; i.-i :i . mi - i nn 1 i..-:i h'Shpi-. I'ur'l- ill'ir. 'ihi I 1 i'. I ..n Hl'l-llt-atl-ip. AlUrA- -til '. .-irtilli ) ttli' !'u i-r n r a : I -up k i-;i.. :cf.-,ir:i -.ii. ' li..t". i. N. If. A-ik , Cm. U'N .,Klot ii w 1 1 1 -m tt n ft. mi . y-iii .-nn I'.-i v r-.in 'V li lt-- mt w .r 1: i.ir n II ir..UT.'.'.i.-!w f- N iliii T ' ' ll ""' ' Wil -lirt .!. tj' !?' ' "" '" . "" aM i e'.i--. r t.i-v..tj i I-ii-. N'.T I. -I.i i;i'f. i .i.i i-ii ' ";ri '";,-) ' ,'-; , J'1"" 'lo -I'll li.'irk. ri )...-r itii'inr-'j wilt j.iy null' IHVI' I, r i T; i B 1 . I'll ti Him cm r-ii ..ij 1 1 i' -ns uiiu t "t.-r. ci'tii !. .ml Ii .".-iri'ily. A. I. irvi.' rue:: n c III - I inr-ii, ;n.i, i m y nii ;n lift tfi .vuvi !, Allium. ' MAUlf W0BK j.i'iwihitruti, i'A. ITALIAN AND AMKKSCAN MARBLE Ttmibstoiua, StuCnen, Ul'lib, Vuses L.MI!S.i4r riilldren' (I nrev, I 'wit , Until, Wi'i' tn. Until (iii-J Slnlt Maht'h, Ar Alt tli ire whf. 1i--tff'trv-ir.-li:i! t'iriti.li im i-n I'.ltm l-l-v li -uU-'lii'ie-l iilftjn ulnvrfi'M, tiiiiitil marl lo i in, c-L-.u'il rnnuli ttie uiiitvr alunr.l nont, Wod.ri" rj-r'.iirhii m-v. I t-i. hA.ill Kl. 1-i-WKN, ilar JalH'T6 tf 'l .ti.ur. Sor I'e f I will IH&II rfr.ol Hi (..-.urn l:n.U Veiltiblc n-lm Oi, I u III riuu-ri fur, Kritlttrfc, l'lmiil iiuJ ll;ai. tn, 1-ftvlii,r lli ln -n, clr anil t.- uiilni : In.trn llimi I t irniliinli luurlni m.iu i ', ul hir on lull hud or m.ioel. In AO-. or. In clodiR 1. lump, HEN VAMUKl.t - '., U krol 8t.. N. V. TO XN8UXTTIVE3. lb Mrrttnr ktvln r6 crninfBlly enrl al ibti ijri-t CtM, I'ntfutripil-m, I t luiil rmlir. tr tniluui to 'mk know m lilt ltlow-(drri la luMti ul aari-. To all who dculra It, li will n4 a iup or Ina r, orliitloa . (fri.l rhr Iwlih ta ,trv ilont for riranarliiK anil arlo th Mm-., whi. h tbT will Sod a tur rmln l)vk, CM, , I-K. AiUnu, Hniarkllli, r. Parll wlaulitir lb PrMorti-tloa. will pi I ERUORS OF YOUTH. A ueNTLHitart whnaBrMl tur rrr, Irorn ilNroa DUIIIUITY, l-KKMATHK UN CA V, ami all la IImi of ytioih'ttl laillMiw tlaa. will for ti tab of faltrrlnv kumanlUr ! tt I all wbo M-I II, th roir ar.il ill r4lloar makloa lkmpl rml, kt klvii kawaaaurxl. Hultcrar l,kln( i firont tr UixatlTarilaar' irtao oaa d ij . dma-loi In axrlMI oafl.Una. JOliM U. OUDkN, it Oidar SI. H- T. Fvs IV, Ir. Vf ItiiK on Autui nit Limit of w - Jtlttnkt ftifh tt Soft's, S'i). (IOt, ili.