h e Post 7 1382 J. CROOe Proprelor. JJ1IEX A. BEAVFR, 1 lenfHinnt (tot-ci-nnr, William t. iAvn;?, dPPrAdrord. K-rUry f riitriiil AITiilr, JOHN M. OUKKIl, - JiiiIkc Of Nupiviiio Court, WILLIAM It. KAWLK, of lMiiliwIt-lpliliu Coiijrn-iiHiMMi at Imw, marmot liuosifs, 'of jtui(!Nt-r. County Tlckot. Ciiitfri'., 'it. F. WAOKNSKLLKH, of HelliiKrovp, 'eTakjaetft deeleloeef tha Martel Uiimn Anwiiilily CHARLES MII.LKIC, of lVtm. Awuvlntft .IihIith BAMl'KL A. VVKIZKU of Hi-uvrr. Pritliiio,iry JEUK.MIAII t ltol.sL, of Mi l.ll. lnir. Kririxtcr it Uocoi-.l-r JAMKS M. VAX. A NUT, of Miililli-lini JMwtrirt Altorury HKNKY II. iltl M.I f Vf llllll'loll. Jury (JoiiuiiifKiiiii.T LEVI FISlir.lt, of S.-linirrovi-. Twi Nurtli C.roliiu fitrtmn um ! o imforUMo firtiiuii on p'.utunn thia aeaaon. Oni of tUui iedd liin crip for $tO,o.t,, iiy.it.ut)n ,f that atn Loin pndit. Tho uliiur ono oleired $Vt,W on I'm uvuu tulior. The nrttunt is nu I U Lj liiu Li h' aMoa for -Ulun evur known, and M tho crop of dint y.-r vti it f til iro thoro whs oo oi l stuck t u:i mi l tho uow rrop bruu'lil vury it.d prioua. Tho high pneo of mont mid bratl dravo por pojplo to poUtoea, Mo.) tho roault was th:it While thoy dru-al in tin Xow Tork mirkut nt thu opouin of dm Maoa lust ywur ut $1 pur Lirrrl, tbi yeir thor brought ii,r.() pur barrel, ou tho'North (Jtiroliii coast, With Jota of Ulci. Yfisin F HAtofi. Thu cliuro U, beeoDitilu time and aj'iiu tuat n considerable pir cenUj of tlia pm ioaera are drawing Oovomni Hit money to which they havo uo bIm.1 ow of a title. la order to oip.im the wiodlora a proposition lia. bt'en made to puldirili a list of pousionera ia every luctlily, mo t'uit ppn, may know who thoy urn nod wlntlia:- their r eoord N i iht. Th:i H c r- tvioly a roamniHlilu pmpoi.ti.,11, lu objection ia ma in tint it w 1 1 1 harniliatti tu i Tatar us. Tiij U nl- ard. No uwi win Ini ihi ri'it tn draw a nion would te (ihIiiiiuo I to have the fnt k 1100, and tho moa wliuboar tlu auaiaof Iio:ioimIiIi) trounda ura tho ra at aasioai to re id tho list of favoritoj a od npimo thi noworthy. For korootirae the PliiU dulphin J'rct baa boon oxponing the ndnltor tion of drtigN, uod Bhowin the tx IravuRant juices chaiyod by phar-njat-iuU tot filling proitcrtptioua. It ia anid that clmrgn of fifty and aixty ciita LaTO boon made for filling preamiptioua, the material for which did not cost ovor five or tea i-enta. Kul tho yroutuit iujpusitiun of all ia the followiui; : It Sulphate of atiopi, gr.tin, i. Lili!liid waUtr, 011 1 ue, i. Clmrj;o Bevcoly-fiverniU, Sulphate of atropit mII at ni;;ht centa a (Train, und aa for tho oliaie of diidillod water it ia not nwoaury to my anything It ia evident from the cxpoauroa in tho I'rr that great n forma could - be made io the drti baatneaa. Again the postoflle dparl(aout ia r ported paying rxponaoa, aud it la auoouucod that tha laat cjaarter bow a profit of one million dollars to be turned into' the treasury. Three tiuea before the department paid for a brief period, first io 1810, from which healthy condition it re. lapsed tbroagt a reduction of post , and again tn 1850 and 1851, : hen a aeeond reduction threw it ack again. Then again in tho first ear of tha war the eotticg off of leoy southern rootoa and tha atop ! age of development in tha north oaed it to pay for a abort lima, ''toil now that it appeara to be fairly -- - i vim' t(OB of the ooaotry nadiatarbod . . 4 vMiiaw in fuU bhwt, it ia hoped Tht Duly ol the Hour. Fvcrjr man bas uo opportunity accomplish aoxo apeeial work for the 6 ivnni-orcout Of tho political priuci -iplon, an 1 if ho i proporly invosted withanunsoof hi obligations to bin State nnd nationality, be will bo olort to tako ndvaotajn of every far oritbld irap'iUo bjtli aa rogardi him self aad ni,Tbbor. No man Uvea who may nit havo a controlling power ovor am other porsou for weal or woo. In ovory community thore aro imm who can cootrol tho tnasiies, whilo others arenot so wide ly gifted. Tho olo'pioot exposition of our principles at tha mass moot" inga ia not always ablo to convince mon of the noteuublonon of thoir otmition. Thoy gather at thsso uoctings with thnir miuds already surcharged with proj-idiao, Thoir antagonism is to strong that argu nipnta havo no mora offect than moonbonma oa aix iooborg. Men on cither aide of them may be ewayod hither and you, by tho tido of enthu- inHtn, but they aro unmoved and go away, not only unconvincod. but with thoir opposition intensified be cause of tho argument. A few tuo mente (juiet reflection leads to a ralro frauio of mind. Thin ia tho op portunity, tho goldon moment that should bo 8)i. 1 Jwilhilljtho intense nous of a deep-so itod conviotion thnt it ia light to say to that neigh bor, "Aro not thoao your principles t Aro thoy not tho aamo that ban cliaraclei i.od tho Hepiibliuau party from tho bcgiuiiing ? Wherein do they d.ir .r from thoso of last yoar, or for twooty yenra past T Mothode for accomplihihiug cortuiu cu'la may change nud bucoino ipiualiouublo, aud havo a ton lniry to provoko an- imoaitieH, Initmimt priuuiplen tmirer, Mualtho fouu lation ba roito l up because a alono haa been dip'acod iu tho coruico Or cvuu more upropoH, ahall every Tuntigu of tho old tiiue-honorod ediliou bu removed an I replaced by nn uumhtly build ing that will i tun I for years at the luoiiiiiuviit of political folly ? It is uol a though wo numo with an empty pitcher to tho cistern, Thoro is a tuomiug fiillucrfj that ia Almost iu exhaustible. Tho rosoiircea of ar guuiont arc uulimiled." "Tho fath ers, whnro nro they t" Tho uamitH of tho lioiiorod dead, l.inaoln and iarfiol l, ought to evoke our iuoor ent venoratiou fur tho priuoiplos for whose muintainnnce they really aacriKcod thoir lives. And ahull wo count tlioso things amall that cost M'lfh a piioj t Cut this is not tho limit. Shall wo bland by and ae our neighbors go unchecked, who would till thoir hail 1 4 with tho treasuries of our past victories ; tear the laurel from tho bro ws of our bravo vetorana ; dmpoil their gravoa of tho memeiiloos of the filial and fraternal regard, and carry the Hpoila ovor to tho ouomy f This ia tho meauii)4 of every Kipublicau veto that f iiIh to plant yet higher tho prond boast : "We toil for thu public good. Every veto that is not c.tat for (lonerul JJeavei and the Republic tu ticket, is a plain and clear revocation of past faalty, aud devotion to principle and duty. Do wo kuow of ono who has purposed in his mind to inuko thia sicritiue Do we know of a Republican who has conceived that it will bo for tho good of tho party, at sumo dintant lime, to place Mr, 1'ultiHon in the Gubernatorial chair ? Thoa it ia our imperative duty to Hay to tho erring, not that he iu an Arnold or a JudaB, for not yet has the doed boon done, bat aay, you are makiug a grievous mistake; 000 which will bring eincer oat regret, whoa tho r 011 It will place the action beyond control. Thore ia another matter of deep interest that en tore into this iudirid ual (teraoual effort, which becomes oiniueutly the duty of the Lour, and which oau bo reached by uo other meaua to well. Thoro are hundreds of young men who will cast a vote this year for tho first time. Thoy aro not on tho Aasoaeor1 books. Perhaps thoy are not fully iinpresa ed with the high privilege that the fraucbiao confers, at least they have not tho experiences to ehou tho wiles uod bophiatries that will bo aaed by the leoiocraoy to ontrap them. They naturally beloog to the Itepnblican party the party of pro gression and must bo cared for or given over to the opposition. Thia we repeat is every mans' work, aud can no more be delegated to another than the depositing of oar own bal lot io tha. box. Look to the poll list and mark well that DO name fail to find its place there, and that none are unlawfully erased. Oil City baa a fourteen year old burglar. 'Reading and Lebanon are eon doc ted by Ulepb one- Morman miaaionarioa ore prose to'ljting io Franklin coantjf With tome ucce"' There is io bond in tho Pitteburg revenoo district about $",000,000 worth of whisky. It ia estimated that Allcgbony concty'a new court houao will coat $2.0)0,000 v hen completed. The observance of birthday anni versaries seems to be gaining favor iu somo country districts. Adam Yocnm, a farmer wbilo driving cattlo off tho railroad track near Muadvillo, on Saturday, was killed. Crawford county Lns a fisherman who caught one hundred and eighty three bass with bis book in one day, . V. MoClueky register nnd re corder of Indiana couuty, died last wetdc from tho tfTects of bass ball ploying. Kucbaol Oarber, ngod thirtj-fivo yours, of Montgomery county, drown od herself in a stream about a foot docp. A Marriotta gentleman, who owns ton acres of awamp land, contem plates going ioto the frog raising business. Ou Monday Iticbard Korwin, of Allegheny, couuty, while felling treea at Woods Kuu, was killed by a largo oak fulliog on him. George Eshmau, of Sbarpaburg, tr ied to separate two muu engaged iu a fight aud was bitteu iu tho fin ger, causing a gangrene u welling of too arm. It is wonderful how many lives are aavod by tho use of whisky. Thomas l'luek, of Bedford couuty, wae bitten ou both foot by a cop perheud suuko, und whisky-saved Lis life. lionny Laucks has been ia tho lleadiug jail sis huudrod days for vagrancy. Uo was at ouo tiino con sidered tho bharpost uowppuper handler in Heading, and commanded a good salary. Joseph Darlington, an old bacho- lor of Luwrouco couuty, labors uu- der tho delusion that an effort will bo iiindo to kill him by poiaonod food, and to avoid this bo subaiets oil com pinched by himself. A ppurk from a North Pennsylva nia locomotive, ou Sunday, tho 13th iuht., set fire to the roeidonoo of John Ktrohmyer, at I'erkahio, Ducks county. Everything wna destroyed. Tho family was at church, and ouly tho clothing worn by tho members was saved. .Additional I .,; 1 In. Constitutional Prohibition. A M'ries of public iiD'clint; in the ill-li-rcht of ('ohxtitutioiiitl Prohibition, w ill li hclil In Snyder county, ut the following iIiu-ck : llr.Kce'h Half FhIIh, Tunday evening S.-pifiiilicr lldli. t Port Trevorton, Wediiesdav, Sept Fwlturtr, Tliumdny, Kept. 3It. Heliii'a (irovp, Friday, Kept. S'Jnd. Ili-uvcrtown, Sat unlay, Kepi. 2Jrd. Troxilvillc, Sumlay, Hi pt. Sltli. KrnUTville, Mondny, Bept. 2-'itli. Midilleliurg, Tiii'wluy, 8cpt. JiOtli. TIicm) rueetliiKs will roiuiiu-iice ut luilf 1 Mint M-vi ii (I'l-lofk, P.M. 'oiuity Convention at Middlcburg, WednemlMy, Ki-pt, 27tti. At rach uifclinif he'd In the county an Auxillinry :.iit-titiitioiial Amend incut Association will 1 formed, nud nddreuM's delivered by a repremtnta tlveof tho State AsHoelittion nnd otl). ers. TIiohc who favor a continuance ofjtlm liipior trallloHiid linnnsn Hjhtein, are invited to attend nil these nieet vi, mill to tliorie who are opposed to the prohibition of the manufacture mid mile of intoxicating liijuors, ex cept for legitimate purphen, a rea Houuble HJuouiit of time will be (riven to defend their cause. Torn out, ftorytiody, IrrewiHtctive of party aud bear the diHeinwioii. At each meeting, delegates will be elected to attend a couuty convention tobu held at Middlcbiiri;, on Wednes day, September 87th, eomiiiu nclng at 10;l, a. 111., and continuing during the day. During its scvions county UtiHociiitioii will be organized TliK SIOVKJIKKT IS K.NTIHKLY NOH 1'AKTIHAN. The publin, without distincllou of ', race, jiarty or deiioiuluatioii, in cordially Invited to favor these meet lugs with their presence, Influence and money. The piuttors, and nt leant two lay men fiomeuch fliurch in the county aro rcciuenlcd to attend the Conven tion at liiddlebnrg as delegates. Will the in in inters of all denomina tion, nud others iu the county who are Interested, pleaim make thorough auuouiioemeut of all the above meet ings, and lend your aid and inlluenoe to make all a suooeaa T Dy order of . ElKCUTlVK COMMITTKK. Cut tfils out, and prenere it for refer ence. Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, or auy affection V tha Throat and Lougs, are requested to call, at John A. ifoaU' Drvg Store and got a The tramp nuisance, despite tho great demand for laborers, is on the increase, and the huy vagabonds are deperate. In some portions of the Slate they fire burns and dwellings when their inpudent demands are not complied with. Look out for a man who goes about tho country necking to repair sewinic machines, which are slightly out of order, lie lakes the machine and be nldes making the repairs cleans it and works over it until (10 or 15 worth of work has been done. Then he pre, eota his hill and if it Is not paid threat' ens to ttdco tho machine apart. Ec. Tho delegates to the Jcmncratic Convention of Monday last nominated the following ticket. 0)iiKrcs T. J, Smith, AVj , Middle burg. Assembly J. R. Sweigart, M. D. H'ont J leaver. Assoc! nto Judxn Michael 8. Sohroyer, oeiiiiHgrove Vothonotnry A. Krcegnr, Franklin: ItpgrnlertC Recorder Miles WcUcl, reinihitrove: District Attorney F. E. J5owor, Enq. , MIOIllCDUrg. Jury Com. J. O. Ooss, Wost Beaver The newest swindle upon farmers is as. follows : Sharpor No, 1 goes to a farmer and mnkes him an offer for his farm at a high price which is usually accepted, and (V) or so dopoxitcd to bind the bargain. Then Mr. Sharp's friend comes along and oilers (1,000 or moro in advance of the first price. alien the furmcr goes to No. 1, nnd by paying n good round sum, say (."MX), secures a release The enterprising follow who wanted tho hind so badly at tho highcxt figure nrglccls to conic around, and tho farmer is about (I'M) out, which of course, is divided by the fcbarps. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. Tho UwT Salve in tho world for Cuto, IJruiscs, Wiims, Soros, Ulcers, Aalt Rheum, i overtures, reller, Chap pod amis, Cliil-blntns, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively cures 'iles. IlUguaranlod to givo perfect saiiitaetiou or money refunded. Prico !! cents per box. For salo by J. A. Joatii, DniKgLst Middiehurs, Pa. Hope for Drunkard. My hiiHhaiid'had drunken habits he could not overcome until Parker's (.lin ger Tonic took nwoy bis thirst for stimulants, reMorcd bis old energy of mind mid ncrves.iiud gave him strength to attend to huaiiuam, Cincinnati Lady. Sept. I WAGONS. n.EORGE K. SPECI1T. of Middle VJI turn kouIiI raapm tfnllr Inform tUaimblle that ho Ir 'ra.ra.l ti b.illd now 1 Dugt'ii'H, Farm Wagnna, Spring Wagoua. Ruck-boards, Sulkies, s1 lo all klo l t,r UKI'11114 at ahrt notlca ami In tha boit tyla ami wurimanxutii. llv. klw a oall. baot. . hhih II -(i- rPllE examinations of applicants for m. H. Hinl. In uji.'r county, will La bflil l lhrtliii- ami pUrt-a r'4'ISt-j, vit: livi,Jla, Mnilay bapl. 4tb. I.tu,ll. Wil Tarry, Tiifily, K,.,l. Uli, CroK II ').!. llnlop, WrdnomUr, ti..,t. etli, torl 1 rnturfiU. Cliaptoau. Vhurvlav, K. il. Tih, Kobfi r'a. Mourn, Friday, Nnpl.Hh. Mliamnklu lltu, kuu. batur.Uy, tab, Kralirt ia. IMavar, Moo.Uy, S. pi. nth, II a.-rtow,,, fiosv.-r Wtl, TiiMMlaf, K-.i. Iib. I'i.Ii S. II. Adaiu tni...lv. s.ut. Uth. Tr,ii.iwll... Ouli T 4raay. tiapl. Ulli. uirrvilia. Mule' bu ana I'rai.kliu, t'rl lay, Hotii. ISih, C kA iuik. Wail, jii, MatuHay, 8apt. Itb, Kri-t.nr. Mlil(llrciru. Muuitay, Kapt latb. U'a.ial'a. Pann, T"lty, 8apt. Wlt, H.l-m. farry, Wailu.aJay, rwpl. SOOi, Krua ml. Tho aiamlnattooa will haviu t u am a... pllranta ahail Im aiainluad Iu Ilia llt.trlcl la which Uy luUnS tu o tr.lt. lilrwUraand friauat at vJucalioa r eurll slly lavilad. WM. MOV KR, Supl. ol Stboo'.i, Fnsborg, P., Aug. SI, Mwl. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTK'K Litnn or adiolnlitratloB on tha lata of A.Iain Waltar. Ula of Franklin twi. . Nn. tier to , !' IMd, ka?a kaaor graatad Io tha aubacrlharr, all paraoBt lailahtnd to tho laid latrara rvjuaiiua lu niKa luunaillata pay uirnt, and lhM bavin claliaf or doman.l. aiialnil the aataw ol tha laid daoadaut will uiaka kuoaa lb tatoe. without d ly, to JOHN WAI.TKH, jaaaMiAU waI.ti r. Aug. 10, U. AdmluUtralura. I'Aftll 1 n Laituo: TiTtTtn Chriimoe S, Ai6 Ckrwaaoe X XlUllll with tba Pmin.a'a MAUtatao. Tba uiuat niaa. Lifloient premiota oyer Klea, and one ol ibe beat luauaiinea puhllahej. Ooly Kl oeata a year, beiuple . ol free on rMefpt of avoaat Uuin. AlJKKTa WANrKII.HrailUiiaiiul.,1 oouipleta outfit, Inelndlnv all Itba abrouo. Money retornal If not aalleued. fi!AT'A MONTH and board la rour owa v X I cduntr. fleaaaat bailueia. Addraea, MAOAZINg, I'lil UUelpbla, I'a. SHirill.-Vaj. NIIORI'MUUC I 13 MILKS VROM IMIILAUKU'HIA. School Year Cpem Sept. 1 2. Fliad rrlra aovera avara axiienaa. Iuw,i.a Ac. Ho eiireohere. No luoldantal aapnee. ne aiatnainatiun lur admiMloa. Tblrtuan ex. parleneaI teeehera. all men and all ttraljelea. bolal opin rlunltlaa In apt a tu Jen la to ad yaura ripllly. Huaclal drill fur dull and beokward boya. Vatroni or atudaaU may laatanyttudiaaorobooaetha regular Knajl l.n. aalanllBe, Itaaloea., Iliaaaleal or Olyll Konla eerlua Ooarae. Hmdeata ruled at aia.li a. demy ara Bow la Harvard, Vale, aod vaa oibar Oolleuee end Polyleounlo HouuuN, alalia baa aeyau char bea and a UuiMraiioa rhari.r whh h prvhlblta the aala of all lutodo .tlnar drmki. Kur near llluaoaled Ulr n ar addraa the Prinnlnal aad Fronrt-tur. MWtruiM 11 KIIOHTMIIIIK. A. al. IHarvard Ui.la.r.li. UraJuale, klella, Faau. Au. il. I ut. AGE-NTS WAMTKD to hell the rlob new book Treasury of Song lha HOME OIROI.E. A Hk uakeal loewd Oetaa abaaaa Iron Ik wkale raavliat r MBele. lieaal eoet 7 I Here oaly ft an. Mo book Ilk It, No Uuwpeiluu. I bale la liaaieuae I luiulaeai alilaaae aay i -A Ueaearr ol Pleaaora of plaaaare tu, aierr kowa.-0. H.l many, U.U. "A perlaot uar vol ol eieelleoee aad ekeaiMaaa.'1 U, A. fella. f ' cH" 1 laaaiaa aiwi." W i. atoav Uardoa. U U, "iu avSteaia will Wi ..alai AltomeifS-At-btw. JACOB (ilblllHT. JAMS A,CUUS. GILBERT & CROUSE, Attorneys-At-I jaw, MibOLKiiuna, pa. 0(Tr thrlr Prcfl!loal Mrrlnm tn th Pah. Iln. AIIUulnti nira-txl to llmlr er will r- cl firomt mitaDlloD. euaiallallool In Kn I lab anl Oarmau. (lot. U, 'H. yM. K. IIOUSWERTH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. HKLIN50HOVK, PA., Holtafltlnnt n J ill nlhar laval bunlna- rrooipl ir aiisDnaa u, uooisiusiiuut la tugu UooiSIUIIuut la KoUDh a(. oarman. )ttt t, 1MI. II. DILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Iinouhurg, Prnn'a All bnilnaw antrnitM to hit ear will l proBiullf attaodtd to. Sept. S0,'u, 'oVbRimicu, ATTORXrAr.LW. Murbi Ut., Stliwujrwr, I'd All prnfeMlnnal buttnemi prnroi tly attandcC to. tiooaulMtluBt la Lanllib and (iarman. t ab. ll.'M. J . AVCNDEULY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ni htUbtirfi, UnylirC , Can kteoniultt-d In KDKllth or Oarman. Jau. It,'), L N.MYERS, Attorney AtLnn, XtldriUbMin, Pann'a. All rrofaolnnal kannnit anlrnim,! to hia ara will rooalra prompt attantion. utniiiuiioiu ia tannin sea "Jar man. Oct. I0.TS. E. DOWER, AIIORNEY-AT-LAW, bluVUcbury, Pa. Cnllartloai mad. Uoniullatlona In r'nutUb I.I una is. 'Tti.if. sod ttaroian. l. Rcnooa, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Berlin, Pcnn'a. rrofiiiatonal bnlna antrmttd 'n IMa oro on rc-ive prmpi altonlloii. Jrnia W.'.'i. QIIAS p uuiicn, Attorney & Oonnsellor-At-Law. O0 In App' llnlMlna; on dooi Norib ,of n.llllllil IIUTILl Sellnsirrove, I'eiiu'u. Uollaotlnbf and all. other nrolriilanal bnal. dim I- eiiliflltsd and will receive careful an J prompt attention. April, 'Jo. tl. T P. CltOXMHiLKIS, J e ATT0BNEV AT LAW. Mifiliiiburg, Pa., Often Mk profn, lonul nervtpei t bepuhilo. i;uiieoiiiitii ami an on er pr'iirr..onal l u. noil antra Med In bin eara wl!l race I to proajpt alleollou. Jan. J.'UT. rn J. smith. 1. ATTOBlfKT ATI.AW. MIDIILLIIUKU. SN YfcUH UO.. HA OPore till Profo(lonal Karrleea to tie rnbll Oontsllatloni la toKlltb and liaruian. P J. It. ZELL12R, " A TTOhNKl -A T'LA IT Mifflinburj, Cnlon Count), rn All builnxfl entruatad to bla rare all! well and faithfully attended la. Win r,r.,n attbeaoreraloourlat) Nnvdar and ijVlmn. countlaa. Dan boeonaultad In tba Ki.allrh n, Onrnan lanwiiaea. Oot. ratf CHARLES IIOWUR, ATTORN EV AT r.AW iJsliiiHrove, Pa Offrre I, If prnfrialnnal ferya.i In tha public. luiiioiiiiiii a in an rue-prurcattniial b.ini. nil animated to bla ca will raceiva prompt attention, oiflce tmtduori tv.ulu ol tba Normal School. JaB. i, T. J M.LINN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewighur. Pa OiTore lila pror-rthiBal irrvloaf to the piitaij t'olbetliine and all otber prulcialunal iuT uvmm wu,rur,vi tu i,ia caro w in retona A.W. POTTER, & N. I. POTTER A Tl ORNTu YS A T LA W. Bolinsgrore, Pa , Otr-r their profejoiialervlcea to tlie pulillo. All legal huliiane oniruilol tu their oara will raavlve prompt attentlun. Uiaoavu Mala bl. juiy e. n. JJOUACH ALl.EMAX, ATTORNEY A T L A W. rSellikwf i'ovot Xn. AM proleralonal buflnoo and rollectlnif an Ituated to hla s ire will he promptly alieu I. ed Io. Un he ooaaull. d lu tnll bor lorma. OHloe on Market Square, lieu ar, el. JJ U.GRIMM, Attoruoy-at-Tjaw, AND LilbTlilCT ATTOHNKY Fott 6N Y0E1I COUNT V, Frccbni K Pa. Coniultatluii la.uotb UoRllib and Oeraao tiBKUKU- Oi t. 0, l'.. JOUN II. ARNOLD, Attorney nt Lnw, MIOULCltUliO. I'A Profeaalooal bualnaia eotrnated to bit eara will vm yifuuiiiiy abirUUBU IO. J THOMPSON liAKEU, J-EWIHMUBO. UNION OO.. I'A. Can Iw oonaulted.-d In tbe tcnxlltb and Herman .ao-a'-. oiuia uaiariiMi Mmin, opno all Walln kl ... I . 1 -1 . - . ' II Wain, builtn h Uo'i btor'e. l-t WM.AN GKZKIt, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Lewisburf' l'o. Ijn''n h" Prur""'ool rvloa to tba publlo. wV..vvh,.rM aim wi, nun pruieeaiooai uuel BOM auttualad to bla oara will reoelva prompt a tuition. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3RHN80R0VK, 8NYl)E COUNTY, Ps Bapt. Ik, '07, 0. SIMPSON, ATTORN KV AT T.Atar Selinsgrovo, Pa. uoora uii prureteioaal tervluee to tba pulilla- ervluee to I A'd to bll aai aa.i .mill. iiiui'1 Vt all Br Will hO prouiptly attend ed to. Ibb. ir,'r, CAMUEL H. ORWia, A TTOBNEY A T LA W, Mimiuburr, Vn Co., rn: omo aeit door t Telegrapb rrlatlai caie G EOUOM B, IKSfEB. Justic?s of the Peace.' Q IS. GLASS, .. Justice? of Hie Pfitce. . Kramer, Snyder County Ponn'a. All Collaedosi aad remlttaBcas promptly made. Mar e.'slir. DAM SMITH, Jstice of th3 Pmcii & Cweyaaccf Beaver tyring, fnydcr Co., I'a. All nmietal bnalneai -taklni dapoeltloatBBd promptly al tended to. oolleetlona and remit, la uvea promptly made, May .' IMS pAAO HEAMSR, JUSTICE ()FtHE PEACE nnd General Oollootor. a MinnLnni'Bo, Soydrf oounty, Ta. Spettlal atienilen pald.to onlientlnoi of ill kind niHimini win ua raaaa nriiHiollv lr all tulleetloaa a.ada. Mar. 11. 7. MEK B. MIDDLESWARTII, JUSTICE OF TnE PEACE AMD CONVEYANCER, MoClure City, Snyder Co., Pn, Oollatlnoa asd all bnelneaa partalnlr to tba scire of Juitlreof tueFi aee wl!l lieailemled to " n"ic. July ij.'7itl Y1I. WAQNEU, Knq., JUSTICE OF THE PEAC4, Jaokaon Township, Snydrr Co. Pit., Will attend to Bit hatlaeaa antratta-t to bla rare and oa tba in nt reasonable tarsi. Mar. U.'m. JJAVID 8. SUOLLY, .edJurtiOO Of thoJPoKoO, IVnion'Towufhip, Untnli r (A,., i'a. Will attend to all Imilneia rn'rnatad to hla oara on the moat run n Vita t-rma. I'oat-ofBi-a addraa. DCNiiona, Mnyder Oo.l'a. aiar. :. J 11. I1AUTMAK, Jt STIC n OF THE PE ACE. Nc ConvoytiiH!er, CENTKEV1LLK, gnyJer County, T Colleotlnni and all hultiei tiayielnin m f i - numo oi j ui-iio oi ui reace win us Btt-ndod io at abort notice ap'r 7!'?o JOUN K. llUOHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peon Twp., Suydcr Co. Ps JAMES MIDDLES WARTII, Justice ol the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxloville, Snyder Co. Pn. Will attend promptly to all manner of Im.l BeaapBrlalnlnitto tueoini-e. Oollectloni maia ueeua. a riu iea no. , written. (July M.'IA-tf yM. II. UAUDIN'O, Jl'STHT. OP THE PLACE Sc Convo.viiiii'r, KREEMONT, Snj Jcr county, I'a CollaMlnna and. I a..inin. .i . oltleeofJuaticeuf ibefoaca mill bo atloi.drd to at abort notice. Anr.27'7ft. A. WETZEL, Justice of the :Peace, Ikarertoinii, ,Suyhr Co., I'a. All klnda of tlol'oetlont made on liberal trm. Fromply attenda to all hminrai antraited June .0, ;il. io bla tars. DOUNBEKUER, 'JUSTICE OF 7 IE PEACE Porry Townrhlp.Soyder County, Pa. BLOlIectlona, Oonteynnnltia, and all other bur 'peruinlnif to tba o.ll-e will be promptly Ben led tu. n-a ioneer Vrou tmoeyllle T E VI KEPLElt, Notary Potiic Snncyor, Conyeyanccr Kpai bsiaie anajiisarancD Agent. noena uonni and Mortaraito prepared and a x'uii) uneinir attrnuau to prompt it With n'itllie-( and acnurrfia ' 1 " spoi- .il uttut,on Klven to buying and aellln Ileal K.tetB. omoa In Preemont, SnydorOo I'a., V. II. Addroaa, . pleaeaBI klllli, Sny d AU.a." J. r.OWEKSOX, . twice oj (he Pence if- Convcyim Pennscrcek, Snyder Co., Pa. Colleotlnni and nptnlttannai promptly made Oonyeyaoclni; neatly and obeaply eiMutad. Al"" '"l. eaaaaeBeaawaww aaiaawaaaaaaaaai Philadelphia. Cards. J. S. FARNSWOIiTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co Importors ot Hoistry, Notions, Wliita Guoiis, Emfcroi ulTilS lit!DlSrltmiSDH!2 UOOflS SC. IN o. 511 Murkrit Ntreet, PlIILADEM'IllA. T. H. Jnni, W. II. Hhalhley, . if. Hour. (mat. 1 3 'it. T. U. KtflOblel. QAV1D WILLIAMS, lacufieturora, and Wholoaale Dnalori In tdlt, JJahosanr, Walnut and ltmraood LOOK I Mr; CZ A.ica Pioture ti Pbotograpblo Framo soia ao and Wi ircb Street rillLAUKLIIIIA. I'A. framej llapalrod lu tha beat manner . All Feb 15 il orauobea, WM. MANN. lilank Book Maker Gta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER. Vi Iiolusialo aSc ltetail Mo 629 Market Street, PHILADELriHA. I'rouiuliiem. One HAlUn Pric Alarketl On All Good In ffnret. Apr. GRAYBllL & Co., WuobaiALl DaALBae ia WOOD AND WILLOW WABS Oil til. .the. Widow Mhadel, Hroouia, MiU HfiMb-a, DoltoB I apt, drain llaae, fly. lieu, Uuoketa. Twlaee, Wlcki. be, , . rBlUialpkU. lab, ,'07. TACOUK. UIKaELk oo., v WH(ILtrJAI.E IIEBI.VRH la) Physiciatis,'Sic. J WIN FIELD SAMl'SKLL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Ontrevllln, Hnyder Co., I'a Ofl-rebla rfoailoBBl leivlcee Io th I Hal Io, Mef(l,'l. , IT. 11. UORDNKIt, rillSIClAiV ASD RtinuEOV, UKAVKnTowpt, Pa., Iiflert bit prnfaailonal earrk-ol to theeltlrmi of Uuaiertowaatidyleiolty. Apr., '. I. vrikb nannKit, e. in. OAsmao a. BARBER & EASSIHGER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, (iffor llirlrprnfeaalrnet aerelnea to the clilren ol blldillebura ami rlrlnlty. l Hr a few d.uf Wettaf tbe U'Urt llouae, to Aro. Id a I ull.ln t. IK.I. , Iftsl. DU. J. Y.SUhNDKL, ' BURGEON AND M VRtCIAW, Middlcbnrg, P Often hla r rofelonal aerrlcea u the eitlieo of MldJlaburgaad vlciaily. Mar. ai.'liT. )B MARAND UOTDKOCK, Fremont, Snyder counly, Pa. 'Iradnaiaol Ilaltlmoruiinllcifaof Pbyeielant end urnon. oilrre bla proiejlonalaaryloi to the publia. bpoBai i.uilrb aud Herman. Match, I?, IS-I. tt. JJ J. SMITH, Thysislan & Surgeon, frnnont, Snyder County, Pn. '; prMlniaUrTli loth rtlll ontca on Main meet. June 1-4 V JU. J. O. WAUNER, Mi) Melon and snr om, flffere M prof,-alonl enrvlcea to tha eitiiene of Adaiualurx Bud vlrlnlly. Ao. d.'eotf. )K. J. F. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Crittrrllle, Knyrlcr Co., Pa ("Iiara Lie roloii-loDal rervleee to tbe pabllo. J J. KCKUEUT, OUIIULUII UCIVII3I, UKIIKHT vi.VCK, Mintvw, Penn'ti. ProfeulonBl baatnnt promptly a't ended to, May ,!. pEHClVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Krattervill', Snyder tV., Pa. Ofiora hl prnfcislonal aerloe to tbaeltliBI ol Krataorrllle and lolnlty. A . r',' J)U. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (illere Lie prjfcolorel ii-rrlcai to tbaoltlieat r Adeniaburi aud ylriolty. Sert. 4.';i. J K. VAN BUSK IKK, JUKGICAL & MECHANICAL DENTI81 SelinBgrove, Pcnn'a. "ISAAC KEAVElC" iirrfoii fontist ! MidrJIeburg, Snyder County, Pa. orrim in KRAKRtm iibab b Uaro 1vf!i vlUiiiR bi-loiiRinrr to tiio pro -i legion itanu In tha bent manner. All wot a warrnnml. Ieimaino.leri.le. He will al.o attend to bualnaii atery two taeeke at I'cntruvllle, Trorel e, lleayer town Adamai.urn and Paatoavllle. ctiprrnn nrutm Ilotela. JIlii-iiHl)iir, 0. S. MASSER, Proprietor. ra.Tbti llnnaa baa bean Ke furalaked bb till lie kept la the Ileal ionnr!aala Mil la. Good Llquore, Uood tJIgara an 1 1 bamea earf Moderate. Blgieb ,'a,tf. BOARDING HOUSE. rilllE tudereifDea would i-peot fully la A form I he iraivlliog publlo, builocM mm, wllneiuce aud liirori in altesdaara alem tl.iuru that be baa wade ampin preuarallu-ia rev belr ai-coiuiuodatlon aad wll. euuTeeeor toes. !rtem tile patroue In eood alyla at tba eaaat rvaa.ualila raloe, lloanlluf Houea a raw doara wiatoftlieCcurt Home. ,,., . UAUBltXBKATFH. Apr. Jrtrhtor. HOUSE! JliUlleturgr, vl. J O II N LIMBEKT, Proprietor -------- - nvm mmm mu nniltl aud ruurnlrhed In tba beet atyle. Ita oenlral lovntlon makra It eon yon lout for bnelneii Tha alii. nnnnla. If..., -mm k . ... a . . . nen i periona In aiumdanoe al O-.art and all otbera who ara called to Allddleburir. Tba ta ble la ttlwaya aiiplillail with the beat In the Bir-a-et-liio liar allb booI llquora and tba Ktabla attended by orc(ull btuUerf. Terme wodaraie l'ni , nie c liNTUKVILLE HOTEL, (Late Mm. Wsavar'i.) CenterTlle Snyder Ca., Fa. PET EH UAHTMAW, fraprralo , am wan iBinra at barlnn been puronseed by tba undereieaad. Iloltaaiiiareof tbe public fat re ae. Tl.l. Inn.. ..I . III.L - . . . April, ,IiTl. ixin rpilE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLER, Prop'r. rSellnsffjove, I'a. Thla Uolel la pleeaeatly looatad In Ik aaBare,' on in veryueeirauie place for travelrra lealo? tbe nanTof aoceinioedetlone at low ratao. Per eoueatotipluii onee will be eara la tall aaata. To beet of liquor In tba be l .f.A. 0.rlle UeaUBraBllaeoejBeeileawl tba Hotel. Aav.lt.ta. BlBBBBBraBOBBBBBaBaaa MerclinnUt House, 413&415 NORTH TUIBD 8TBEKT, TUIVX TI- Terras "VfLSO per day. HF.VRV RPinV PwamV. C,W,atAIIN, lark- A nr. 11- J D. 8KLUK1MER DIAIaFB IU IIAHDVVAUC Iron, Hails', . Steel, Leather. Faints, Oflf, Coach & Saddler Ware and liANirrACTuaia or Stoves & TInxyore UARKKT TBBRT. . Iiuwliuwn, I'enn'tt ov. ,'U. . ' uo-n-e u I'-ebi"., l,V4;jrJi.ii ,ai P'"tllVJ "