The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 07, 1882, Image 1

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    ,Vivortllrior lint".
Oa oolttmn one yerl tOO.Oti
One-hftlt column, one year, 80.00
One-fourth column, ono year, . 15.00
On square (10 line)l tnsortion 76
Arsnr additional Inxortion. 60
Prrafnaiiinna.1 ami KnaliiM CAnl.a. ot
not mora thiin 0 line., per year, 5.00
Auditor. E win tor. AdimniHtrator
and Aanignne Notions, 2.50
Editorial notices por lino, 16
All transient advor lining less than
I months 10 cents a line.
All advortUomcnta for a shorter pe
rlod than one year are payable at tha
time they are ordered, and II not paid
Vaa person ordering them will te neld;
Mponsioio lor ine money.
U - - !
The Bridal Veil.
"We're nmrrtotl.they Bay.and you think
you've won me,
"Well, take this rell from tny head, and
look on mo;
Here's doubt to distrust you, and faith
to believe you
I am all as you sec, common earth,
common dew;
Be wary, and mould mo to rose, not
Ah I shake out the flinuy thing, fold
after fold,
And see if you have mo to keep nnd
Look close on my heart see the worot
of Its sinning
The pant Is not iulno-1 am too proud
to borrow
You intirit grow to new heights if I
love you to-morrow.
We're marriedl I'm plighted to hold
lip your prairies
As the turf at your feet does its hand
ful of dahteH;
That way lies my honor my pathway
of pride,
But, mark you it green grass grow on
I shall know it, and keeping in body
with you,
Shall walk iu my spirit witli tuy foot
We're married, oh, pray that our love
do not fail!
I have wings flattened down and hid
tinder my veil.
They are subtle as lightyou can un
do them,
And swift In their flight you can nev
er pursue them.
And spite ot all clasping, and tipite of
all bandit,
' I can slip liko ixkIkuIow, a dream from
your hands.
ay, call me not cruel, and tear not
to take tue,
I am yours for my lifetime, to be what
you muke me,
To wear my white veil for a sigh or a
As you shall be proven my lord or my
A cover for peace that is dead, or a
Of bliss that can never be written or
If yi'iir f'M?s torment and taunt you
If your fear harass and haunt you.
If the world seems dark and dreary
"Wait a weoatid dinna weary."
If Hio hopes you fondly eherish,
Diuthcd to eurtli seem H'.iru to perish,.
Wait with patieuou for to-morrow
' No man's life is wholly sorrow.
If your plans don't work to please you,
If the Fates should vex and tease you
' If you oan bo bright and cheery,
"Wait a who and diuua weary."
If God irlvos you leisure, take it
Tis his girt a blessing make it;
111. I.. Kim im uililu1.itlni
fcJorve his will by patiuut wuitiug,
' Or, If work. Instead of leistiro,
Pain, instead of longed-for pleasure
Howso'ur your lot seem dreary,
"Wait a wee and dinua. weary."
Far The Post. '
' bt on. a. rothhook.
Here ho turned the oflonuore over
i . . . ... .
10 me prison ponce, wuu a nuort
epoeoh, in which be statod, that thoy
bad boon Impartially triad, and
found guitly of atrocious ra ardors,
and thai ho left tbeir punishment in
te nanus 01 ma prisoners 01 lue
Btock tdo, they being in euoh cases
provi Jed. lie then tamed, and fol
lowed by bis guard, loft the prison.
The police formed thorasolvos into
a hollow square around the gallows ;
the rope were arranged, and the
guilty mon ascended the scaffold
tops.' '
Up to this time the mardorera did
Dot mwi In vanta tlA rtrrwuwwlinira In
ft serious Ught, but rather as a joke.
VoTor dreaming of this being reali
ty. Ieavs was then given for them
to speak, whioh they did, protesting
tuuir innocouco, pne or two calling
upon their companions to do thoir
duty, hioh porperly interpreted,
meant that they wished to be release
h the palioe. ' . j '
The ropes were adjusted about
their necks, the ' bags wore drawn
Orer their bees, tbeir arms pinioned,
llUflhlftif AiljinnA tnrAilA.l tha An t I'm
mr, tha, drop fell, and fire of the
eoQviet hang tlanggling ia the air,
l. At m .
Plf 100 snin, awxire.
I the prison gnie, sprang at Iho time,
V beiortf the drop Ml. broke tU
VOL. 20.
od his hands, ran swiftly, was pnr
sued, beaten ovor tho boad with a
dab, nod rocaptared, whon tho ropo
was again adjustoJ, his protestations
of innooaaoa wore aaho edod, nud ho
was pushod from tho drop, and h;ing
with his comrades ia gailt.
Thds endod the losson of rotriba
tioi, that p-it a stop to ni ird rj ia
prison, and broko up a gn of
bonnly jumping dospor 1 )ni.
Lot ma bore record, ia j 'is tioi to a
man who has siaco mot a similar ftto
ia rotribution for crimos committod
against Union prisjnors, that I and
many others ot tin prisoa woro
goralful t3 Cpt. Wirzo for tho pri
vilege aflfordod nn, to onablo na to
give the aconsod a fair, im partial
trial, 1 havo purposely avoided, in
these pngos. hooping nnnocossnry
odinm trpoo the head of ono who,
though goilty, 1 havo go.)d reasons
to suppose was only tbo exocutivo of
a syt'.om dovisod by men high in ro
bol authority, and from whoso ordois
no inferior could dovh'o
There never wjw hanging cm-
ducted in a niDro orJoily mannor.
Thore was no clamor of voiooJ, but
silenoo onddoooiu n bofitting such a
scene. Thirty or forty thousand
men wore its witaossos.
Thonco forward raiding And flank
iog were of raro oocarronco, and tbo
polico became ono of tho establish-
moots of the prison. That tho po
lice done inuoh. to pnnisli otTunders
and preserve oi'Jur, cannot bo doDi
od. They wore montly of tho class
donominatod '-ronsbs," scloctod fir
thoir physioal rathor than their
raoutal qiiaUQcations.and in eomo in-
stanoos became a greater ovil, thau
that which thoy woro institute J to
correct Thoy loviod at i apin all
traJiu! stands, and occupations in
ho ptiion, ca'g Hod nnn ovor the
boad for small faults, and whippod
thorn upon tho buro bick, with a cat
of nine tails, most of whom, how
ever, deservod the punishmoot in
flictod. Yot they would not tolorate
any iojustioo dona by otuors than
thorasolvos, uoloss they wore wull
paid foruot arresting olToodors.
Iloserving to thomsolvos tho right
of doing iojustioo aud cotnilting
abuses, they govornod tho camp,
and coiTcctod all olhor abuses but
thoir ovu. So that tho polico force
bocaino a regular nuisance and a
I am sirry to rocord, that iu
Florouco (3.C ) rjilitary prison, wlion
I wh aotiuf etiiuf of polioe, this
kind of polioo foroe bocamo for a
while, dogradod tools in tin hands
of tho robots, they whippod won at
the command upo i tho bare back for
digging tuunols, &o. for which duty
servioo thoy woro rowardod with
extra rations. -
I havo ontorod thus particularly
into dotaiU whioh woro noodful. that
tho gonoral roador should have, and
that bo may roalizo in soma degroo
the posiliou of a prisonor at Andor
sonvillo, and to show, that anything
orginally dovisod for oar wolfare
might bo porvortod to oar misery.
It was ia July that I first notiood
nogro prisoners among us, though
thoy were, doubtless, thore provious
to that time. Scarcely any of tbom
bat were victims of atroaious ampu
tations porformed by robol surgeons.
It was said that none of tho prison
ers were oaptarod oxajpttho wound
ed. Tboso ia the pi-isoa woro mostly
New England men. Somo of them
bad boon captured at tho charge on
Fort Wagner, whou Oolonel Shaw
was killed, and at tho battlo of
Oluatoo, Florida, I observed in the
nogro prisoners a oommondublo
trait of cleanliness. Indeed, I may
say, their clothes wero, on an avor
ago, cleaner and better patched than
tboso of other prisoners ofthe stook
ado. '
Tbrongb exposure to the son and
rain, tbey wore much blacker than
the common Southern negroes, and
many wore tho exclamations of sur
priso among tbo guard of this faot.',
"The blaokest niggers I ever saw,''
was the common expression on see
iug tbom.
I have said the nogroos were most
ly wounded aud mntllatod whon
thore bad been a ease of amputation,
it had boon performod ia suob a
tpannor as to twmt and distort the
limb out of shapo. - .
Whoa a negro was "placed in a
aqaad among whito men, it was us
ually aooouapuniad with the injunc
tion, addrewod to the Sergeant of
not, lick him, or report him to mo,
and I will knock holl out of him."
I novor know an iniUuoo, how
ever, whore a sorgoant required of a
blitck man, any sorvice not usually
allottol toothers.
Understanding that tboro was a
major of colored troops in piison, I
htiutod hira np, and found Major
Archibold Hoglo, who was formerly,
I believe, a liioutonant ia tho 17th
Masskiufantry. IIo wascapturod at
Oluetoe, after being severely wound
ed ia several places. He informed
mo that be foraiorly lived in Molroso
.I.ibs. !:'ince bo camo into tho rebel
pen, bo bad boon rcfusod all modicnl
and surgical treatment, though tho
prisonors dotailod 03 hospital
Stowards had covortly alTotdod him
aid, and dressed bis wounds. Ho
woro bis uniform, aud fiooly Moclai
od biuuolf au ofllior of noro troops
a fact which all ofllcors ot nogroos
wero not willing to owa, by reason
of tho bard treatment received
therefore from tho ruboU.
Ilia was an instaoco of tho fact,
that a tmo gontleman roraaius tho
eomo amidst tbo nioil squalid misory
and accumulated misfortunes. His
intercouse with others was digniflod,
com loous, and urbane, ns if iu coiu
inand of his regiment, there woro
many in prison, as tboro always has
boou in our army, who profeesod to
doppiso negro troops, aud have a
contempt for thoir ollioers. Major
Iloglo was, atonotimo, I was inform
ed, compellod to moss with his cc
. . . ...... 1 1
of otuors amul all tuo accumulated
misory of tho "prison pon," Such
wero uiy improssions of Mujjr Ho
glo. Many loose statements liavo boon
mado in print indicating that ollicors
wore as common am mg piison irs at
Andersonville as oolisted men. With
the exception of Maj ir lioglo, thore
woro no commissioned oflicers in
toutionally placed iu Audoisouvillo
prison. Otbors woro thoro by their
own acts ; but tbo prison was inten
ded for oulistod mou ouly.
At any timo an olBcor of whito
troops could bo eont to Macau, or
somo othor oflioors merely
making a plain statomout of facts,
which looked plausible to the robs
groos;yct no always mnmiaineuiwotiv0 of ic, would kcrp tho
his gentlemanly loaring aud self- , croti Ar i cry wai posto I at va
respect, ond commanded tho respect I ,.; ,,iact) Wi;b men in position to
So much is requirod to bo said, 0Sd igc You can buy n box cf mutch
there sooms to bo a grent misuuder- ea to-day for live cent t, while Sulj
stauding in relation to this matter mou's throco of ivory uud gold
und it is my deuiro to writo such nJ
history, and givo snch doscriptious
of tho different prisons, that thoao
who wero priiouors at tho timo with
myself will be tho ones most rea Jy
to teslify to tho truth of theso pic
turos, crudely drawn with pou and
Major Uogle, at ono timo, was en
gaged ia tunuolling operation, in
which plotted to release all tbo
prisonors in tho Btookado. It failed
Ihrough the treason of somo ono in
tbo secret, though it eomo mighty
noar being a success.
slbout the time I bocamo ncrpiaiuted
with him, au extensive plot was
formed to break the Btookado, Over
two thousand men wore plodged to
risk thoir lives upon an effort to rc
loaso the prisonors of tho stockado.
Here soomod the ohoioo before us, to
dio without an oft'ort, amid all tho
misery of the prison pon, or to dio
with our hands uplifted to strike
one blow at our enomics, before
death, in an attempt toliborato our
selves and starving comrados. To
no roasonable man did this appear
at that time to bo any bopo for lifo
but in that way. I went into the
projeot. I am willing to oonfoss at
this day, having fall confidouoe in
oar ability to aoboive the desired
result, aud with a fooling that it was
bettor to dio in suob an attempt
than to die a miserable, loathsome
dooth by gradual starvation. Aot-
ing in oonoort, wo set oursolves at
work, and dug tunnels op to the
Stookade i then the tunnel branchod
off at right aoglos, running parallol
with the stockado, a shoulder of
earth being loft as a temporary sup
port, bo that when a rush was made
against the walls from the outside,
it would bo thrown down ia the
places thus mined, lo this mannor
three portions of the stookade walls
wore undormioedat lost, or at least
I have reason to suppose so, al
though I was .engaged hi digging
aud englueoriog uu but ono of these
places,- - V.
broak through the South side, noar
tho gato, and capturo tho rosorve of
tho guard nuothor to broak through
on the north ei lo, and, making a
circuit of tho Btookado, cipturo tbo
guard thoroon i nuothor parly,
breaking through on tho Bouth-wcst
side, near tiio gsto, was to capture
tho rcblo artillery near boad quarters
and uso !t according to circumstan
cos, and in alio as sure capturo of
rebol oOioors, as nas possiblo t while
prisoners oulsi In, undtr d itad. woro
to cut tha telegraph wires. This
achiovod, prisouets wero to bo lib
erated, rations equally distributod,
tha can seized, ammunition and
arms placed in tho bands of "Iho
organiati n, nul fion, raidii g
through rebel country, soizo npon j moots nnd rescrvo hor frown for hor
horses, mules, nnd other transput--jhotnn nnd llreHido? U i slio a call lo
tation, and cfl'i-et nn cscapo to tho' a wifo who comes down to brcaktssl
Onlf. Such wero our plans general- iu ab.iminaMo curl pap.'rs, a soiln.l
ly. All was pronounced roadj for
the grand assault, nnd wo woro
waiting with trembling handii, and
expectancy, when a proclamation
was read iu prison, nod posted iu
conspicuous places, etnting that
such a plan n kuown to bo organ,
izod, and tbo commandant of tho
prison had full knonlodgo of nil its
details, even to Iho camo of thoao
concortel ; aud that, if wo persist
ed in carrying cut tho plan, there
would bo great blood-shed which be
wished to avort. Such, in substance,
was a proclamation sign-id by Capt.
Wire. Wo had hcou bolrayod by
ono who, wo supposed, fivtn every
U40 it ; twico bbi'ts-wiTo tired over
tha beads of prisoners iu crowds,
whilo while (lags woro placed all over
tho prison au ranges or their artil
lerists. T A.; C'tthii:. ,l.
Tno Contrast-
Tho ltttrliiiyton lituvkeyc thus
disooursos in n "lay sermou'' proach
od for the bmetlt of those who me
porpotually coutrantitig Iho present
unfavorably with tho past :
"Pearly buloved, so thoro aro men
in urlii)(ton this very Sabba'h
morning who sigh for "tho good old
timo'' uhou our limes surpass those
of Solomon more Ihun hU days (ur
passod tho years of l'lgyptiau bon-
Jsouldu't bavo bought ono match.
Tho Quoon of b'hobj thought Solo
mon's wisdom and greatness wero
buyoud oouiprohuusiou ; what would
sho say could sho only havo behold a
yard engiuo of tho Burliugtou aud
North wostorn narrow gaugo Tho
weight of gold that camo to Solo
mon iu ono year was six buudred
threo bcoi-o nnd six talents of gold,
bnt with all of it bo couldn't buy a
common bard ooal bass bnrnor. He
had fourteen chariots and twelve
thousand horsomoo, yot bo conldu't
telegraph to Hiram that ho wanted
a co dar raft ns soon as it could bo
shipped, and ha couldn.t givo bis
mosaongor a borso that could trot
in 2.-30. Tboro wasn't a nowspapor
nor a printing press in his kingdom
so ho didn't know what it was to
write 'dimee' and bavo it printed
'dinnors.' Thoro aro conveniences
to-day in tho county almshouse
that Solomon had to go without. We
can buy a watch today for twoaty
dollars yes, for five dollars that
couldn't bavo boon bought with h'u
kingdom. J'o haven't eo many
wives as he bad, but we havo bolter
ohildron, roach bolter, indeod, for
whilo Solomon had the theory of
traiuing ohildron all right, ho never
put it into praotico in his own fam
ily." An exobauge puts it in tho folio w
iog terse lanaruago t "Tbo idea that
a person must savo all bo makes to
got rich has ruined more persons
than it ever made respoctablo and
usoful members of society, No
more pitiable objects oan be found
ia any community than the men
that board np all they make and live
only for self.".
It is said that a pair of protty eyos
are the boat mirror for a man to
shave by. 'Zackry so i and it is un
questionably the oase that many a
uiao has been shaved by tbem.
8nientiQe co to Japan ' tf dli
Who Shou-J not bo a Wlfo.
His th it worn n ncU to boa
wife who thinks le.oro of her silk
dross then hr children, nud visits
her nursery no oflener than onco s
lay f 11m that womau a. call to bo h
wife who cries for a hhnwl
when hor husbund's notes nro being
protested ? Has that womau a caii
to bo a wifo who sits reading IHn last
novel whilo lmr baslviod slati Is bo
f iro tho glass vniu'y trying to pin to
gather a buttouloss shirt bm.n '!
It is w.nmii a call to bo a wft
who expect 4 her hns!in I to swallow
dilute 1 colToc, breud, Hinoki'd
tea aud watery p itatoos bix days in
sevon ? An sli t a cill to b'i a wifo
who tlirts with every other man
drosuug-grown and shoes down at
tho hool H is blio a call to be a wife
whoso husband s lovo weighed naught
iu the balance with her next door
neighbor's dimask curtain or velvet
carpet T lias sho a call to bo a wife
who would tako advantage of con
jugal wcaknosi to ixtort money or
exact a promiso t Has sho n call to
bo a wifo who a journey for pleasnro
leaving her husband to toil iu n close
Anxious to bo Posted.
At tho second battlo ol bull Hun a
recruit who had j. ist joined a Now
York regiment turned nroun 1 upon
his cn;Uin as nu order was givuii,
ami nskod :
"Say, Cap, what aro you going to
do no V
"Movo by tho 11 ink lo tho loft tf
tho regimotit,'' wai tho reply. j
"All right just aa soon movo as
After tho coiupwy h id hold its
now position for a quarter of au hour
there camo nuothor order, and the
recruit askod :
"Siy. Cap, which way now P
"(r.iing to ndvauco."
"All right, I'm with you."
Tho company moved foiward with
tho lino nnd win presently hotly on
gaged with Jackson. s mon. Thoy
had not been ul it over live minutes
when tho recruit slid up lo thj c.;j
tuiu nud Shouted ;
"Say, Cap, holler as loud n you
can and let's sio it I cnu hour you."
"V hut in thunder do you moau f
Hack iuto liuo with !" bhuutod the
"All right, Cip, a'.l. right Tho
reason wanted you to hollar ws to
see if I could hoar your voico whon
you ordorod a rotroat 1 It's all right
I guess I can hear it it thorn robs
don't bring up any moro gnus."
Tbo extent of our publio land poo
scessions, aud the possibilities otlho
dovolopuiont by emigration, aro in
dicated in current tews despatches.
Tho Duudoo Land Company of
Sootlar-d is to buy 150,000 sorts iu
Arkausas, and has already cloKcd tho
purchase of 4i,000 acres of timber
lands. Ia MiouP3ota a cats has
boon mado of 50,000 acras whereon
to colonize a nnrubor ot Danish
fumilios, who aro on their way to
thoir now homes,' with others to
follow. Such facts givo ono a vivid
idea of tho growth and vigor of tbo
Wost and ooiuu. Juo story id
spread with eter increasing swift
ness and fullnous in all and tho
wonderful drama goes nn with a
constantly accelerated iutcrost. Tho
movomont of emigration iuto tho
South and Southwest is peculiarly
significant. It was long ago pro
dicted as an inevitable consoquouoe
of returning tranquility aud ol edu
cational and nows facilities and
sanguine mon see the dawning ot
their day of triumph.
John Sanndors went from Kon
tacky to the West forty years ago,
swearing that his betrothed, whom
he loft behind, should not see him
antil he was a millionaire. jLast
week be balauceJ bis books infJon
tana, and, finding himself worths
million of dollars, be set oat ior
Kentucky, wboro the. twain were
made oue. The groom was 08 and
Iho bride CI y'oars of age, '
Keep your band.and heart full of
good thoughts, that bad ones find no
room to entef , . -
J...4 HJ i! --!! '
To repent witbont mending one's
1882. NO, )
The Newer Arithmetic
AVbnt is tho exuet number of con
stables, and bow many law suits can
a wido-amiko ollicer provoke iu u
year .'
A merchant who has a stock valu
ed at S8, (HM advertises that ho will
disp iso of t at one-fourth of!,
flow mcch docs ! o iniiKe Y
"A plumber who di es sixteen cents
woitu of lepairing dot-ires to c-hnr'i
for four pound-! of Redder iu hi
bill l'leao FUggcsl how it call b
djuo without injury to hi system
A citi.eo has n cow hicli civet
ix quarts of milk per day, while hi
sales foot up tiino i;uait4. There it
nothing for the ntudetit to find ie
this ease. Simply tin n on tho vn
A grocer has a borso which ho ns
m rls can trot a m.lo in 'J.l. II.
puis him on tho trvk uudcr a watch
aud liuds his bent gute to bo II. '2 S
What was the ditroreiieo betwetui
the grocer's eutitu ite and the vtutoh.
aud why did ho Wullop the poor
horse all the way ho n o ?
A fnlhir at lii.l doulh left .12,()00
for the benefit of his only sou 14
years, S months aud 1- days old,
the money to be psid him w hen 21
years of ;o, with at 'six per
cent. How much ranoy did the
lawyers leave for the boy T
Ho Wan tod a Position.
A man applied, not long sinco, to
tho mayor of Austiu for employment
on tha polico force.
"Havo you had any experience ar
resting desperate characters ?''
"N'oiio of that iu tnino."
"Aro you a good detoctivo ?''
"Not much- I'm not bharp
cnottgn for that. Iho reason Im
out of money is bocauso somo scoun
drel picked my packet."
"Well, iu Iho unrno of Heaven
what sort of scrvico did you expect
to render on tho polico
"Well," drawlo d out tho applicant
"I thought you might nocd a reli
able, steady iiihu to report any'leak
ii'is iu tho water maiuu." 'lsttt
t kuowed riot ott you wero a
t'hrisliau, sab. No man iu do drng
bizuoss Vcpt a follow ob do Lord
would hang out sich a siu as ou
han got. Hit shows you am a Chi is
tiau fust, and a puouuiixnr nfter
wards. I was jest BjVUiu' it out.
Hit am da best advicotbar I got
in a drug btoro.'' & ?
"What sign nro yon talking about,
I'uclo '!'' asked tho boiuewhat bc
wildiired druggist.
''Pat nr," said tho old man, point-
int to a rdacard on tbo wull, which
read : "Tasteless Modiciueu " "Hal
ar am de bout adviso iu do world
'last less medicines.' I nebor had
tastod no medicines, nohow, aud dat
am do chief reason I 'so alivo and
kickin' yet. Hut you am do futt
Christian druggist obur I struck,
and tho old mau strolled out just in
timo lo avoid stopping with his
head a package of hair restorer that
tho iuf uriatod druggist burlod aftor
"What is tho devil?' asked a
Sunday school toachor of tho new
boy who was quito small. "I don't
know what it is, but it can't run as
fast as ray, pa can." "How do you
know tha dovil can't tun fast f" "Ht
cau&t I lieard pa Bay that bo always
catches tho dovil whou be comes
homo Iuto at night from the lodgo."
"How is it," saij a sliiu vpcoimeo
to a portly Qermau friond, "that I
cau't got a big- stomach liko yours t"
'-Dot th 8 an easy r$a," roplioJ the
Teutouio citizen, "ilou'd yon effr
see do carpenters building hounes J
Vah. Veil you Joo'd soo dom pnt
no bay wiudonrs on scboioko houses,
ainM it T Dot vas da difTerenoe."
It is the little things that frot and
worry us. A thrce-ycar-old may
keep a mnn in perfect misery,
whereas no such trials would aooom
puny the preoeucs of his cigb teen
year old sister.
The tail of a fashionable youth's
coat ia very, very short. But it is
not as "short," in the majority of
oases, aa the fashionable youth him
self by a baodsoms majority.
" A young utaa. Ufaed Union baa
lately be ordaioad as aoiaisUr.
. li'-l '-''
I'm: i(ht
rubllshtd every Thrl
Terms of S
I WtVDol.l AR. '
able vi'l-in
pnid wilhii
riuiliiiiii"' .
uid u ,lioii of llio .
8ul ions outbids ol I .0 colli
t. I' r ;iim : i ft n n, nMiH prt
addrexsed Hiir:- In i uiiiis'ilier'
mid ;i r- li ible (n inc jiriec oftb-
Malaria is an almost t
dcscribable malady wl i li
not even the most Ulci i I
physicians arc nbtc to ff. 1 1
oin. Its cause is most fre
quently ascribed to local
surroundings, and there is
very little question, but ihi
opinion is substantiated by
facts. Malaria docs not nec
essarily mean chills and
fever while these troubles
usually accompany it. s It
often nfiects thcsuflercrwith
fjcneral lassitude, Accom
panied by loss of appetite,
sleeplessness, a tired feeling
and a high fever, the ter
fcon afTlieted growing weak
er and. weaker, loses flesh
day after day, until he be
comes a mere skeleton, .1
fchaduw of his former self.
M.itari.i met tuvtrff UiJ lu
holtl uimn tH ttumnn frtn,th
lH.r or the ivttrM If thrrwnva
t lo nervous diM-a.f. 1 1 hoty
' web. and entar) Irtl alMoit iw
nufiitim!!!, hut nuliittiii( lipfwi
Ittrlf, llie tlimiva nr,(ana mi
.tirr n:Hbrin lh-ir funtim f
Die livrr l'c onical'iriiia, anmhaff
orK'Uit f.iililiic lo do thrlr fimlln
work,pr-.My lirmi Jiorr-H(
anj dutolutiua anil datK arc apt
lo ciuuc.
In (id liiionloirln(;accrt.-un cnr
f.r and clnlU and frrr,
l.k.iwN's Iron lirrTFRS U highly
tucuniinciiilrd fur all i'.iwjwi rcquir
liij; a certain and efficient tonic; n-pi'ciallyinlip,tinn,ilysprpsia,in(rr-initlciit
fevers, want ot appetite,
cf strength, l.tck of euerKy, etc.
Lnriches the Mnuil, Hrcnthent tlm
muscles, and p,ive new life lo Uia
ti'vvev Act like a charm on tha
digestive i rrnini. It is for tale
nil lo ilatilvia iu inetliciucSg
ptiC'.', Ii j tr Imttle
De miro and get the ruulni
Take no other.
Th Carpscter Organs
wi-r! rat mannftvliirixl an Ctrl' m at Drab
I nU.r', VI. a,r a iiiinU-r i f y'ira tljartuiiaive
(Am i rru OujaM Wuuwa uai lii mr-l Viae liar
liviii lii-atiO r;
Worcoator, Kaaa., tT. S. A.,
With ftranrh OCii-ia aril Varcroouia la
fie York (Uo, 7 Watt FaurlMnr Stfaat).
London, Madras SL Pckrtbiirs,
City cl Moxlcc, Berlin, BsrseJoB.
Rvrataaia tf 7a In crrrj n4,
iJaraaiutj in aviTf r-rt.
Futcttlui lu e very Uetn I of maanfaainr.
Are I hiiracterlatlr ot the UTrXTTSS CUiafl
Trry Znatmmanl
rMii-vKTRa(Miiaj. but Kauy do nutaava tbam ia
ata. w ymi. writn CirM-t l) lua t iiry foraCta-
Ii'imiq aa4 iulonuatKka a W ariaara rOtt oaa aar
BangtKK In rrier froci fso.ootof loaxooaDdorar.
A boant'.mi lnori. ratal vim. ttf flaatt
vr iiuhllnbed, bit S 'UKa6 lo luwt.a
luk' jmnuaaora.
AdrlroM or rail nftm
HP. CiWEmB, Wcrcestn, Mta. 1. 1 L
Tomhfitonos, Statues, Urns, Vases
I.AM lis, for Children's U aves,
I'oita, L'tU'ls, TnlJitnpi, jfarbie and
SUIe Sfanl It, ,t
All that who ilaalra lapnrchtM toanbatoBM
laytlilnic ! tnanulutnra. tt tjia ahovaa aii
Itoaed aiarhla worka, alitinli eor al tha tiadar
lnnel ayaal, brora rkaaiax a'xwhara.
S&afl'Kl. BI.WF.N. a(r
JulyU'Utf MhMIar,Ssy Ca.P
I Bill mall (trot) tha r-Mlpl for a ilraplo
Vr(ribla llalna tbat -lll ramava Tar,
Vrork.Ua, tlMlra aa.t Hlatchra, laaVln
tha tkia and, elaar aaa luminal 1 aUalatraa
lloat lor priwlaalaa a taiurlant imwik at aalr
oaabalilkaad or ara -olh larr. Ada-oaa, la
loala . aiarap, hhN- VAN t)CLr JO U
kaielay Ml. N . Y.
Tha adrortlaer havluf bran parraaaaattf' -
rarad ol Itat ilrrad dlaaaaa, ()natun,piloa, T t
liaiil' rauia-lf, I anitoat lu raata kanwa la
hi, lallnw-ititlonra Ika maaua of cara. Ta all
ba dajlra It, ka will aan.l a copy ol Iko pra, . '
aerlptloo aard, (Irawnl rtraraa )Uk tko dlrar . I
tlona for pranarlnf aait aalna lua aaaaa, vkirh
lhay will nail a ura itra tur)...!ha, Cot4S
CoitaHluMlaN, AilaiiaMk, Braai ttli ia, AO.
FarltaantilniaaP-K-i'li.Mi)a, will rlaata a .
ft.t.traa.Ha. K. A. WlUtUNi IH roaa HI.
Wllilaraaourab, M. Y. ;
(teNIliEMArf koMtaroa feryaararra-a
ilsarvaM DtlllbltY. KM 4 I UK UK.
tti,i"ti taaanaora of yaotaut iadiaa.-
i Ian. wl
ad (V
v ia aaaa aa o. nan auwaauv.
M ka aaa i II. iha n c na ard 1i
atlaa tkaalBp:aiaa)irit. If kla,
4. t$atiara la hi a la. prk-bf
-va rirrinNa aaa ua aa or aa-.
m ia.l,v , '.. .. , . . ,!.
the SH'Kvt.1-'-"1' - i1mmmw