T3:t . i FOOT .Middlcbnrg, Aug, 31, 1832. ! I Arttommunlcatinmi, business let Urs Ac, for thin olllce, to soenre tirompt attention should lie addressed M follows ! Tilt Torr, Middlehnrp; 8nyder Oyunty, Pa. Advcrliiiemenls communications Ac. must lo bunded In by Monday noon, to securo inser- tion in next isstto i 1 t 'i - ' - Jocnl Nowh, Vc. llen-mul weather, i fuilding continues bridle. Hneik Ihioves are active. The full trado is looking up. Jlfosipiitnes are itill in season. Heal cstato i rnpidly mlvanclns in price. The S.tloni Sunday Fchool picnic was a success. No moro Russian refugees aro to be Bent to lhi port. Vconor predict a fair but frosty September. Daylight is declining ami evening lengthening. Tho bricklayers havo commenced work on 'Squire Gilbert's house. Roasting ears and com soup are now popular tablo luxuries, Idleness is worse than hard work to thoso who ' aro unaecustomo I to it. Miat tho nobby youth lacks in brains bo makes up in rings and chains. The much needed rain camo on Fat nrday night and lasted until Monday morning. A Union Sunday School Tic Nic will be held at ytilamahurg oil Saturday Kept. 2. James Mit'-hol nnd L"vl Artley, brought to our ofliee n. corn ta1k measuring 15 feet. Middlccreek went on a high old bon der on Monday morning last it was full and running over. ' Everybody agrees that this season is one of the most prolific of IHps that has boon known for many years. A permanent restoration of exhaust ed and wonixOut functions follow the use of Brown' Iron Bitters. Middleburg Cornet Hand will furn ish inusiii for tho Methodist Sunday Hclmol Picnic, Thursday, at Milllin burtf. Mr. Word II. Mills, of McAllister- vlllo, will ro upon tho "Leetnre ptnt fornis" this fall, and may abundant inccoss attend him. A young man of this place pays : "I eat 22 cars of oom and a few small ear bctodos ; then I wiis'ntvory hungry for corn cither." Tho Teacher, Normal iiHtitute which was hold in tho College at Free burg closod its session last Friday and lias provon itself a grand bucccss. Dr. A. Sr. Smith, of Ailam."lur), will pica? Accept our thanks fur fa vors. Doctor, that npple whs of ex cellent quality, highly flavored, but not altogether adapted to tr courting llll. Tho Centrcvll'o Cornet Hand passed through our town on Saturday last to attend the 8mith Grove pio nic. They executed a piece of music and did it wen. The published lUt of causes for trial nt Sep. torm puts tho case of Tho 1st Nat- Iktulc of Selinsgrove versus W, F. i.Vkbert'et al for trial at next term it baa been taken oil'. if your friend who is visiting you, don't get noticed, blame yoursolf for not sending tho information to us. Wc wish all such information but must ro ly on those interested to furnish it. The cattlo disoaso now so prevalent in Rorks county is said to bo w'orso than the ''rinderpest." A largo num ber of valuable cattlo havo died, tho end is no( yet, and farmers aro excited and alarmed. The person that Annovs tho minister or lecturer arid tho congregation or au- uionce by oontinttally backing ami coughing should either remain at noma or take a doso of Sines' Syrup of Tar, inid Chorry and Iloarhound be fore ho loaves it; For sale by John A. Moatz, Middle- The Lewistown DcnncnU and Sentinel Das Leon enlargod aud othorw'wo im T'oved. ...,. We congratulate our neighbors al ways wish -them finanoial and Journal istic sttecesa.bul continuously rotarnlng political disaster go on brothorn. Tho Bcavertown ilro Insurance Company bad insnrod Wm. Huglies' liouso. The next day after the firo the adjuster was on the promises and ad justed the lose sustained by Mr. Hughe. Tho building was not entire ly destroyed but sustained consider able damnge. There is scarcely onv Jieeossiiy for addjng that it it woll to insure in gooit, homo company ueh is the Beavertown. DruAHiTt Accidekt. An omploye (wo were nnable to ascertain bis namo) on Nolan Bro.'i contract of the new railroad, mot with a terrible accident on Sunday. He went on a little trip t'pthe river a short distance with ome friends, ami while tbero produc ed sooto tiym.mil, rr nitro glycrine, md while endeavoring t? how tome of iU properties, by way of illustration, he probed stick b it. ploded, blowing oirina vt bb bind Frccburg Items. Tho rain on Siitnrdny and flundny revived llio drnoplnir face of nature and fanners ran now prepare their ground for the fall sordini;. l'rof Hummel the phrenologist en tertained tm the past week with very instructive lectures. lie spoke illl minutes every mornlnfr to tho studnnts of the Academy, and on Monday eve nlnx be bad a laro audi. men in Hov er's bull listening to bis lecture on "Love, Courtship and Marriage." He Kwdl prepared with charts to illus trate hi subject. The band realized ftt at their festi val and they will soon npear in their new uniforms, ltev. WHinpolfCoiiflrmeda class of 27 catechumens In Kreebnnr on the 8rt, Inst. The luw class nhows tho np-pn-clat ion In which lie Is held by his people. 1). H. Hot brock Is very popular with hl pupils and patrons. He is a wliob' suiili'ilti'aeber. ti-n. Heaver in company with Messors Simpson, Kekbert and Wnueiiwdler visited us on the 2:1.1 Inst. Tln-y vis itdthe Musical t'olle.' and Free burjr Academy a number of citizens accompanied them' to the Academy where the Oeticral made a neat ad dress to the t-tudent.s and expremed bin pnitilU'utkm at seeing ho many in atteiiiliince. On the inst. the students of the Academy surprised l'rof. Dill by pre senting him with a valuable book. It was bis -tot li birth day. Prof. Koycr also presented him a work on teach ing. The presentation speech on the behalf of the students wi iimdo by Mr. KIhciiIiowc r, a student from Frankliu township. The iitlilrins. were appropriate nud tlu response eloipieiit and nlfuctln. l'rof. (-'. Hiiiier, teacher of penman ship, bus left us. He mud" a piod imprexslun here inul wo trust he will soon return a;ain. We have 8.J etuileiits on the Aemle. my roll. Wi iimj itiin::t. ('harm of lieautyan elegant llilm. Instantly ehanes the skin however Sunburnt or Freckled. Hold by Har bor & lla-siiiK'er. Ralibars nt Work. Last Friday night tho residenco of Sherilf Morgan on -I'.h slrcct was en tered by a thief or thieves, through a second story window by means of a ladder. No property was missing in tho morning except a suit of clothing belonging to one of tho SherilV's sons, containing about $!.." in clinngo in the pockets. Tho suit was discovered out, ido near tho house the next morn ing with the money missing.' A neiudi- boring house, occupied by Mrs. Sol. .valtek, was also entered, by forcing oiion a lower front window. Although all tho louver rooms wero ransacked nothing was stolen. A puiso belong ing to Miss Maliek was lying on the dinning room table, but tho thieves did not discover it. Tha rooms on tho second Iloor wcro locked and con sequently wero not entered. On Saturday night tho thieves got into tho renleuc.o of II. . M isser by going through a back window. Mr Masser's panU wero taken from his bed room and carried to tho garden ivhcro they wero rifled, tho money in them, amounting to four or five do) law, taken, and tho papers left lying on thu ground. I.s.it year about this timoascrici of robberies was com menced in this place, aud this looks as if llio frame thing is going to bo tried again. Sunbury On:ili; "l!idtpi" Hair dye Hold nt Barber u HasHiii'-crs. Fatal Accidsnt to a Landlord. Mr. Daniel Fisher, nronrintor of tho hotel at Allonwood, Union county, met with a fatnl acctilonton Tuesday eve ning, August l.'lh. Ho wont to tho huiiNO of Mr. irbucklo for tho pur pose of visiting Thomas Arbuckle. who is ill and confined to his bod, and on starling to go up stairs ho mistook the door leading to tho collar for that load ing up stairs and foil to tho bottom of tho collar, a managed to crawl up tho Steps ogam, when bo fainted. Wlion discovered it was found that ho had four ribs broken, was badly bruis. cd, and injured internally. Ha died from tho effects of his ibiuriea on Thursday morning. Ho was about C'i yoars of age. Sunbury (hitilU: Ladies Cull on li. ii H. for your Toilet Articles. OnuAX Di:dh:atio.v. Tho dedica tion oft Im new Organ of th F.vuu. Luth. Congregation, Ituv. D. 15. Rood, pastor, will take plaeo next Sunday. Dedicutory sermon on Sunday morn ing by llov. Karly, of Danville also a Missionary Discourse, on Saturday evening by tho same. On Sunday evening preAtdiinjf by Rev. J. F. Waiu- IHilu ot t reeburg. Services to bo held in the U. li. Church. Try our own Condition Powders. Harbor & Ilassiuger. Sol. Oppenbeiiuur's clothing Ktnpo riuiu will bo closed on September 14 and 23 holidays. On all other days during September you will Hud invin cible Sol. behind the counter and lie will bo mighty glad to soo all who are In noed of anything In bis line, Sol. bus a itmilo and a good word for every body and clothing for all mankind in general. lttlHtllUIS PilIImI y In Tululnufn f,A-t week and while there wo "put up" at the Union House kept by Mr. Tli.ui.nii Tl... wero amnio and inienll,..! unvuiw.. in oentr.kl I'Miiiirfvlwi.i.li, .....t m lnoina.il 1 nun nl tlu ,n.w i,.....ir. able landlords.. We reooniiikuiuitl rluyder eountlivus and the pubilo gou rully to give hiui a call h"K l":l,M;1'ii to IX t Ker,- ' PERSONAL Tho, A. Walter has returned to Ak ron, Ohio. F. (. (Mass railed to see nsoti Mori day last. J. If. Arnold, F.si., made a Ihimihvs trip to Freebug on Monday last, Win. F. ('rouse, paid Itichlkdil friends A Visit lost Week. Lizzie Stahlnecker of Centro Co., Is visiting Mlddleburg friends. Charles Wise, Allentown, Is visiting Middleburg relatives. Miss Alvesta Wetzel and Mrs. Laura A. Walter are visiting friends in the eastern part tif tho State. Rower C. Harton and Miss Sibbie K. Harton, of Shirleysbnrg, I'a., paid our olllce a visit on Monday. tietieral Heaver, the next (lovernor of 1'cmisylvania, visited our olllce on Wednesday lusj. Frederick (toixlihine, of Spring Mills, Centre county, ended nt thiV olllce on Monthly lust. Mr. Hurry Swinefonl nud wlfo of Mifllinbur, Is visiting bis father. Al bright Swim-ford, mul other relations at this place. Rower Harton of Hlicrleyeburg, To. who has been visiting relatives in this place fur several weeks returned home on Tuct-diiy last. Mr.H. mude n hoUf friends while among ns. 1. H. M. Arnold, who 1ms been n(. tending the Freeburg Teaebers Nor mal School, which cl-s.d on Friday last, -Is now atleudini the Freeburg Academy the balance of its term. Mis Sibbie Harton will remain here for u time mul instruct a elass in piano mi I orK'an music. Miss IMrtun Is eon-co-h-d an acetitnplished mustelan mid has bud Very eunsiderablo i-xpei ieii--e as a teacher. Oeuerul .lames A. Henver, Col A. C. Simpsiin, H. F. Wuen-ieller.und Win. F. Kekbert paid Midillebnrg a llyiutr visit last Weilni-Kiluy. The Oi-iiend wiis iulroiluced to tpiite n namln-r ot our cl'ieiis. The luipresnloiiN left will tell In bis favor in November next. The Pbilatb-tphlans, Misses1 Annie O'ltourke, Kate )cnrl, Mary Crouse and Lucy Flood who have spent sev eral week alternately the guet of Mis Ressio ('rouse of Middleburlt the Mism-s Wallis of Riehlleld, und Mr. & Mrs. H. F. Cnmse, Seliusgrove, have gono luck to the city of Hroth erly lAve highly delighted with their visit to their "country cousins'' nud according to Fair Hanks they go home largely hciii-Htted by the pure atmos phere of the country their uvonlupols increased, respect ivcly.sevcrul pounds. Central Hotel. Midillebnrg, i'a. JACOR tl. SMITH, 1'roprictor. AUKIVALS I'ull WKKIi:MIMI AHI. Win. Reaver, Reave'rtown, Fa; Siiinuel Wetzel, do Woorgo llackenbrnugh, Uichllol-1, Pi. Jacob Oilhcrt, Middleburg, I'a. Tlieo. Waller, .C Wile. Aaron. Ohio. Miss Harton, Shirloysburg, Pa. Dr. Reichaid, Milllinburg, I'a. Samuel Klioads, d- Uobert Wilson, d-i Frank Wilson, do Win. Foresiuatl, do Mr. Cox, do Mr. Siecso, do Ih'. Reieluird, do Hitter, Selinsgrovo, I'a. Win. HolstvnYlli -V Son. Ccntrevilln pi. (ion. Ilerrold .t Wife, Clianuian, I'a. Simon Ilerrold, do Mr. Mctscas, do Oeo. Long, McClure, P.i. lleuevillu Long, d i Phil P.ckman, Suulniry, Pa. Itower RartoiiiOSixturisiiirleysburg 'a. John Stitzer, .1illtlnbiirg, i'a. Mr. Oberdorf, do .!.!. Linn, CUrlislo, Pa. S. II. Young, Fusion, I'a. J. L. llaldeman, Jillorstown, 'a. William Jones, N. V, HuxEc Hotel. f Neur tln Middleburg Depot,) TIfKO. SWINKFOUH, Proprietor. AllHIVAtS KOIl WICKIt UNin.Na AL'li Win.' Wanor, Lowijl-iugh, Pa. Ooorgo Callpct.er, du Frank Cliarlos, Hartleton, P.i; Clooro Charles, -Aronsburg, I'a. V. II. Hunt.. Lewisiown, 7'a. Master C. Jir.nton do (!. W. tilaco A Lady, llortloton, Pa. Jacob Shelly, Richiiold, Pa. . W, Portline, Oriontal, Pa. II. L.Noitz, Mi K'ees Fulls, Pu. L. 1). Lull, Philadelphia, Pa. A. A. L'Uli. Reaver Springs, Pa. Robert Spaid, Franklin, Pa, Philip Simid, do Adam Shnniora, do ilenrv Slalncckcr Cenl-uilln P.. James Reaver, Middleburg, Pu', Win. Itmii-h ? ' .1.-. ' --.....( . . Wm. Snyder, da Jacob (iilbert, Esq. do Hon. S. II. Yoder, Olobo Mills, Ta. 1'hilip ToaU, Riidilleld, I'a. C. S. Siviuul'oril. Seliubgrove, Pa. J. R. Foiklcr, Eso. do Reuben Moisor, Mciwni-vjllo, Pa, W. II. Wciull, Fremont, Pa, John Haiiiillon. Mel 'I ii r P., Samuel Gordon, Solinsgrovo, Pa. To boil corn on tho cob ; Tho usual method is to romovo tho busks ami cook the corn in salted boilin-r water. twenty or thirty miuutos, According to tho ago of the oom. A newer method and one in every day use At a popular hotol.ls to boil the corn In tlia hunk. The latter imparts sweotness and fla vor to the corn, besidos . keeping it moist and louder. Tho tinhuskod corn is put in salted boiling water, and when done and well drained soma of tho outsido hunks are removed, and the com is seivod witli tho remaining nusKs auoul it, or the cobs may be taken from the busks before sending to tho table. If some ears of corn are left over from dinner, cut it from the cob and reserve it for niakinu a tea dish, whiuh can lie verr easily and ijnickly done when needed. Mix tho coranp.with two well beaten eggs, a little Salt and pimuur. a leacoiiful nf sweot' milk,' a mii.ill piece of butler. Iiruit.il bw iiH-tMMiwwun.u . -iu , -I- A Into friend to tho wonk and con valescent Is Brown's Iron Hitters, Tho gfcatcal improvement In farm ing was mado by firners Dairy Rook. Over fit'O Creameries and thousands of Farmers aio living witnesses thereof. A Vexed Clernyman. Even tho patience of Job would bo exhaustotl wcro ho A dreachcr and en deavoring to interrsthis audicnccwhilc thry WeroJ keeping up un Incessant cntighing.makiugil impossihlo for him to lo hoar-l. Yet, how very easy cm all this be avoided by simply usln.n Dr. King's New Discovery for (bnsuuip tlon, Coughs and Cold. Trial Jottlcs given away at J. A. Moal' Drug Store. - - . . . Tho State Normal School of this Dis trict will open the Fall Term Sept, fit'ii, ISs-J. All who aro looking forward to teaching should avail thnmclve.i of the advantages there nil'-.iiled. The thorough training received by i's grad uates caused a demand fur them fti exceeding the supply. The cchool nivcs to every graduate, rtlml no other in tho District can give, a n i t, 'no- HsONAI. SrVNI'INll by its Dll'l.iiMA. and free Tuition to thoso who Crml'i- ato in two years' Normal classes allord tho best drill for academic t ludrnt. Students having a curd from the prin cipal gel half faro on tho L. it R., and vending li. R. For Catalogue and par ticulars address tho Principal, D. J. Waller, jr., Mi. I)., Hlomsburg, Col umbia county, ra. lug. 17, i'-w. iiimi.tii ritrsr.itv'Yu. om ro'i r-i-itot iiiivi. sciti i i n-iMM;iii:r. ii4gsi:l i.t i:i.KrMiiiiis. Sol. Oppenbi-imer, of Scliusgrove, cads the u-iviinco column of progres sive business men. n grasps every new, good thing the moment it ap pears on tho market. Tim latest is the Scratch-pocket shirt niado of the veiybest material in tho very best manner ollorcd the public at the very lowest price so constructed (hat perspiration may bo '.removed without breaking llio luisim tho iriy mav scratch to their heart's coil'cnl with enl inconvenience or attracting atten tioncombining other advantages peculiar only to this particular make of shirt which we cannot at this time elaborate. Aug. l. A Valuable Addition. eranso it is beneficial to the 6i a! and adds to peisminl bemity by m storing colur ami bistro (ii gray or faded hair, is why I'arl.er's Hair Bal sam is such a popular dressin-'. Au gp.sl . . . .. A DcliijhKul Novelty, Lad ies preli-r FIoicnIiii, Cologne be cause they find this lasting romlhm turn oruxipusiio perlunicj a delight ful novelty. August. iflAL LIST. SEPr. TERM, 1832 Mr llolmo. ts.TIih Keytn M. II. Am. Juhn W. Su.-ka aii.I Sirili liN wlla m. W, A. blmilor 4ii. I w. . Ilftc-Hti,. A. II. Irjo.-ujii. k oo. . K. l. a Lln-la II. Hohl-.i.-lc. I'l-tnr Wrllr. I'ranklln Wollor. utinol Knri-toliar v. I.ovl ri.., Mil notKei-i I.OM SwuiiKar Uouu si, Mcin v. Y-irkl'-i. M. A. '' Ii. I'dkivi. luo M. A-', I. Il-i AH. ul MIII- .if -.n llnu'i'iol k I'o. v. Willtmn (l-m ly. Mr 'llif Trinteo ho, m. Tliuuiisaa. ,iiiior 5, l-o. Tli. s.-ho.-l l'tl. I'Dl-'S Vwp. j. Hubert W. IMnitlrmnn Tli s. liu I l'it. Vulon T. v. Cliii. V. I lolnl' I-ji in. Siniu-I Uciliimni.4. h T(. Joliu fc 1 : 1 1 SUoti. i,m t. .lohn Mi.ililsiM--r . Sumu- I lloii"h -M-li. Tii M-'liiiol Hut. I ulna l'w. ti. (loa. It. llor MI'I . An-tm ltnnml Tt. A. Inn Mllrliol. P.rv Ti-wd-IiIi- vi. I'bapin -n 'I'imtiiilitp. Smtiu-I I, i lo.i. II. Kllno vtf.Moo. M.-yur. Aaioi 1'i-ler H. W. M . M--ur-r ii-o . ra, Injun Selil. ii-l, ilnlt. n 'lloo to 1'emr M-liicx -li 'lu.ri. KOriil-h-M. Ilolmoi k Uxlior uiukO.il. Jsni-KH. Siultu k Wi0. r. W. k .Hoh Hoffman VI The l'rO.loli M. A. Niiclttty kd. T. W. k .1 vnb IIoHiohi k Ilonrf MaelirtsLt vj- TIis l'i)ii l.-i M A. So.-lcly AO. .1. ill ll N. W.-llv. Julio il-oi.-i- r. Krtt--Kor NiMinurH v. Th rouiiA, (lannl Vo. The X. ll. A N. II. U. H. Ilu. VI. f. .1. iSuiiucli k Un. Tl aiiov enu'BH ura m lufuo ami for trial at Keutiiuiui-r Term A. 1'. J. i-'torsK. Aus. 17, lull. rrni.hunuury, cjiiuKcTrii wnmi.v n Himonton, Hai-box Sc Co. Wheat. " No. a in Rye OS Corn mi Huts ;. M Poletoes 10 Rut tor an Fggs is Hniollii M Lard r 14 Tallow i Oil Hpring Chickens per lb 1-! Old ' H Ties ij t.J VJ Pea Coal 2 Oo 'hiistiiut (Vml 4 Rlacksmilh Coal (I Oil KggCiutl I y.'i Plicster, per ton 11 00 AIAlMMi:i). AiiK'iist 15, by Hi-v. K. 1. llrowu SfiHH Kuinia Uooiiiinir of Went I'errv to Kdwurd H, liockciilrokk of Hieli licld. A 11. Silth, by Kov. J. I'. fchbidel, O, I'. MeAfoe and Minn Juno M. Uiil, both of rrunklin twp. AiiKUHtiW, by KeV. J. P. Wititipolo, JIIhk J.IiIh a. Uow, Cah'lii A. Artley, both tif Mlil.lleoreek towuship. jii:i. Auimt 14, in Mlddleerewk towiihhip. Mary Kllen, ibtiiKhter of Daniel and Harah Ami Duukelberger, aged ll months and 7 days, AutriiHt U, at MeUervillo, Ada, daugh ter of Jonathan and Harah Howum, Kfc'ed 8 yours, S months tuul 4 duys Aug. 20th, in HelliMtfiitvft, rtnllle Ppsi I barrutt, ngod, 1 uur, 0 moiitliH H days. t.j . 1 1 " i j9lVJUfiOX u leant itaiun, wa will li uil yuu by plum mall usr S.mk. Hana vbloli In .4 aWorblun lnlara.1 to .vary r-ailar nf Itall 1-ai rlhp anui.ur, WMtur, Mwy.r, rrarepanr. mudvwi,,! mwi hvibuiiui, rarin.pi i oyni .ail UaiiKliiar hi pa n.ir.l. .varytwrif ! nllll.4 It iDlaiaatiiK, anil lo uay it may I irv. IIm alai.laK alun. o tirtuoj, ttu' Utl I . REDUCED 0iieiilieinicr Clotliinnr prices to a iiomitml lisrurc; in order to ituikc room Cor his FALL STOCK. tSiini va'uy before: oilcrcd in Sum mer Cmoo(!s, mid no Ionht nbont it. iuw is tho time to btiv. Ioiff elo lay, but va nt once. aTI'iccm ix low oriiiinai cost. (roods mast bv sold or irivcii a- way, and aro now sdlinirnt such prices as must command tho at tention of nil. S. Oppenlieimer, 8cliiisvrove. Au;;. it, t -on i-1 i -In milt ion. flli:ii:AS tho lion. Jornpl. C. 1 f llurlier l-r.nl li-ul .1 u-Iuo "f llio .1 n.ll i-liil ilti!i ivji ii. el -,l tii r.niiillr. - Mij.ki l i l-'il mi l M illlii nn-l lilmui li'Noil mul Snin'l. II . Y-i-l'-r, hi-N. Aiu Ul .1 iiftutiii In an! t-r nv-lor o-'iimy have 1-i-ufi-1 Ifielr rd i-i-l I'rnrln., iNi. llio luliilnv ul .Inly A. i, l-'J, t" ip. -II rc--to. I -r in.. ImLllnn .1 mi nr. IIiki. i-nnft. a o.'iiri nt I 'muiiinti I'le.n, i-i-uit -if i ijfur uiitl 1 im'hii m r antl ilPneml p.mri ni iunur pp-'I.-ih- f U-o i-cuh .1 lll'UplurK. l -r llio i-.iiinly ul ny.l.ir; --a Or- 4lfi ill-ill l-iy, (ImlllK till) IMlt llay Of Sl' t. II-VJ-) Jinl l-j:,tl.ill iRp WMh . N-iIip l Ih-ro'i-ro lian hy lsn to Hip Cnrn nrr, Ju-tlosa m ih -p mul t'l-n-mi le In mul Inr II.. oiiiihty nf sny-l.r. t-i a-nir In tluilr prior -.r n Willi iliolr mlK r.i-r-ls. lu-ium-Oiiiiii. ovpfriirit', ii- Mini i-ltipr ipinciiii r-.iift lo o, lii'i.r. i,i iliplr -,i.'l,-r un l in lh, lr ! huff fiprtin l.i l,o ,1, n n n-l w iliu-.-ci iin-l,pr r-iili ;r- i---il4 III 1,'h ill' ,il lli'l I illii-lfl ftp-illli uiinoi i miv i-or-on.i nru ri-'iilrr, t- Ik tlifn ioi-i ifiir. nilcii'lln.' mil n -t !r-.iiiin Hlthi-it Ip.iti, ii il-mf pill. .Infii-'i-- itrn i. -l-nH,i I I-- i, in ii .l In -Hii-lr iilKiinl tiii'a in llio iij-j, tfnip ! i'.kio rfH r-i-'ii'-ly innn'Mi. itiv n un Ir- n, i, ,u l mi l , il V. I'.-i Si.. .-. IM'i -iifli-o hi M i,..,il,,ir.', His li-li -l.iv i-IAiii;. A. ti., ona iiu-iiMtu-l luiii'lrsa an, I elsl-lr-lu. HA VIII H til III. Y. Sli.rlir. A D.MINlsrit A l t IKS' NOTICK.- a V l.i'ii-.pi ! .ilmlLl liail-n im tti. .tnie nf .1-naOian ll. Artant. iIpppumi'I, lute nt Wai-lilt .vi 'l',iwii.i;ti, snyii.-r n-'un-y. I'.i.. Iiavlim tm-n ktmiiu-Iui II, o un.lpr-Ui.o.l, nil I ppp,,u kin-mi, k IIipiikpUuii lii,i-l tc-l l.i i-iil.l etato nrp rr.i,ii.i,l t- imtlip l-t.i 1. .ii-im iiipiii, wliil.) in.. I iittim i-laliai hI.'I eroi. i.t ILoiu duly aiii,pnil-'nl,-1 l.-r Ki ttK'tnPiit lu .11 in Al II IN It. A li Hint AM r, HI'iTAI I . AliMis t, Auk 17, Iwl, A.linliilstrKt-.ri-. Wiiiiicii tor and HOME LIFE. How 10 Attnln U lU-ilth, I. If" an I I i it '! V H'lturi llifvy taprt'vrtit -Lu .1-0. liotv, wli ii, itli'l iiut to un. 'l't!iin(-' Ac.,lntH. Cnroul the o.k. JUnrrtnuo i piirpuito, ji( tton unil I'loiinunjri, Mr;li 11ml curu ot otithln.n tltHtr I'hv-ii. .il, ttitcliflctuul iip'1 iu"rui train ing unit hi m i'i: Mtt. in! it ml . i m I ht I no. 'J' 1 1 it Lhu lluttlili. M-tm ari-l U-iitn"ht ul ili.-iiHHri. Kt-ruut tf.b 1 1 f n work, t-nrli-f.i'o mi l iitiP' rvHtl'-n of tin ftmiiaiit ibvli tKf .t.ti'J t'tinUi im linju rtunt ln' tiuti u tint I ittlu r j, MnlljOri, liUHbuUitll, Wltl'l, lOUnlf Mon IHi-1 l.aiheit. Il nih i 1 1 rl nu(ht t ktitiw. N ln,' lil o II t wr .nil Mfixl. h.tlU at ., Moii'l fr olr tiUrn uiiil icnnH. J. W. ZtliJ IA.H ( I)., UU Arch tit ., i'tiiU laI tilB, I'u. Auk. lt.vm. VALUABLU FAEM AT PEIVATE SALE. O fPIIE iinilciHi;;noil oll'eis nt privnto X H.- hip f.ilin .ituato in I'. nn i.mr.'l.li-, Hi.y-lpr i-vunty. Ha,, un im full!'- It ki! Ipk.I inn from I'KoVt.rK lo l-,iri Trevpi inn, auoul t0 mile, ftoib p-pliiArvru, d nialnltiK llll A ci mi, mar. nr Ufa, In a IiUIi itai. ,1 pultlVMlnn an-l unur iie.nl l.jnp.i- ll, . i i,,ii larillu an.l tr.iil.u'-llvo.iuiivci-laiit to Murl.rl. ami .N-ol.nnl i al luinlnn ilia H . .. i -p Mih .rr,,.rty, lau.lx i-l A. .1. I'l.lipr an ! niliun, uligrpcu aro .riKlul txo-aturj iI-ivIHuh- iloiise, Hunk lliin an.lall noPo1-. try oaihull'llnna In a ffnml .tnl. of repair- n.r.r failiuM Mali ul wnl.f al in. ilnor A'oni fj Orcliiml, oomprlllnit Hi. hHt rlcll -, and In UaMn. ( f.K a; t k.asv. tor lurlU.-r i-ilioul .n oll us uikJU.aiii t-A.Ml'tl. r W(,III1,IK(1, Ja B. XI, lssa. 'llii.Krui., I'a. ALMS SUBPOENA IN DIVORCE. William lloltt worih vh. Ma ry J. Iloltz wortz, lu thefotift of ('onl 111011 i'lenii of Sny der (!o. A I. Hulipot mi In Jlvorce, No, fit May Term, I8s3. To Mary J, llolliWorth- Kenpondenti rPAKrj Dotiuo tbot you nro reipiir- J. pil Mi amipar In your nrnuer iippirni lfrrir. imp ,liii!o al Mlil.ll. laira, at a Court nf tJniu mm Pli-aa tliar. lo ba field fnr Hi. laid Oondly nl Hnyd.r on alnu.i.y il. Sbiu say nl fitpl ,11. it, In au-r llu i."iiHliil a( I lie r-.tMloppi anil lu bow pin.., If ur y.-n h.p, why llio all VI Ill lam Miiltaworlll, Jour hintuad .houlS uot la, (tt turi'.d frntoi IIh, buuila ul uiairttnii.y, aiirpPaliiy lu Hi. a. ia or Aai.uiklf la aui liaaw anadaaM laoviaa-i, im u.n-ki lull nut. UAOU If KIt;ilt.T, Hll.rlU, Bbprlfl'. oOee, UlJJIohuis, Ail. in, A flVKfTCI I Ws.snrlifiii'1 AnmiTI ixurxiXiXOi Hi. tiiiio.i puiuiauiiui.1 no uar Jlouki and HIMpii anil a Mb. tiaolnat W irnkflif mu Animp. no mr Jlouki anil mnlPii ami a n. tiaolnat llra.a, aorlk 4li to .v.ryU.ilf Uo ki ll, a r lain qaaullly ul llvukl, wlikiu .olj Ul 4 a.ka. i Threshermen Read Now Monitor Jr. In tho New Monitor .Jr., all Iho defects cf otl er mael.iiuR Imvo been icmovi il ami it in how conci-dc-l the ni"l i i Iiet llid'cr ntVoidd tho Amer ican f.irmi r. Tho comphcatioiiM of i:i ii Iniiery b-ivt- beou Himplilind thus) iTi.iliiii; tin; .Vniitor liifhtor ruiiiiii;;,', luuu cuiuniou;i, more duiablo, per fci'l in its work, aud chuipiu'. -I. I. I'.INOAMAN. AiiX'. -1. ls . Ill the lieitl- r i-Cthe i -till.- i,I .l.niii Hi;. ii inveri, ile, ,t. fPill'J un. T-i signed. Auditor np- I filnt". I l-v I-,,. Ii.-.-,i..- I',,-l ,,f Mi,-.,.r . -' t-1 , l li.irll I'. !' I iW,, . ri n, I,,,,, I, ,,( I". H. llniiKii , I . I . I . - j ' , ,.f li, ,i ,.(.,. ; l!,iir,H l ,!..,.. I, i,i, vi! t l, . ,,,11 . ).. im, r- . -.1 t.;. . it.-., t-i V 1 1 1 ;-'.,, (, .mi I I l.-.l- , -i:rr. 'I-., i, i.i i',.. :i ...r. .,i in ,, ,n. ".l - I'. M.l ,. ( .1 , V, wh,.i r-. rl, r.. j ftr, i... '.In . I t . i--. . -ul y ..ir . u ,.r I- I .!.. i.irn .l fr,.in i.Mtl. ii Iln4 in iii I .1 -in!.titi,,ti. I L. I,- iu I II, Anil, I?, I'-J A i.ll'. r. notice: in PARIITION. Ill Pi" !''.sliit' nf 1I--IO V H . !. i t. I.ile .-I Mid.le-er.-elt l,.-.!i'.!i!;. ,1 . I. T , Mini Plli Wctiol, wi.I.i. Ili-ry N W.-t, p'. i II-1 V. pt . I. .'"r.i!i 1 1 . t tii- i r i i.' l II Kiinii. il ,ii',", nil -. su-j '.-r fi m.iv Ar-H .. Vt. I. W). ir.ll-tf, Kul.t i ..i,te ll- l.l.THI... .I,,,,u U' t --I I .'I! -f :li. '.,: r- p '-iiil, ri",im , rr"kl -i Mi I, i-ri.n.-t,, ,.l- a-l-i, in -I .iniii ,p K. UcI-p! rp. I t-,' In I'mllii p. i!l".nirt .'-lr an. I ii-iil fnrp.cnt:i tli-ir llPtiry Wil -I. .Ip . a-,. I. ml hp-, lipr.iy n-'tliip. I tii ly vlri i.. uf a writ ..I Iii.iii-ii..ii l.i.i i,l ..nt II,,. i-,,:,fin-illli.( I-'. y.lpr -. ii-ii ) , un l l,i I'm .Mfp,"!,.. ti-1 an l:,.u.i. t will '.. -ip',1 im. i!.p mel-p- .,f Hmiiv IVpi-cI, Mu ! v I :-i!p, r,.pK l..a ii -i.!.. Si.i.ii t -uuiity, l' , Ip.o . -I, mi Mii.niV, H" T. 8 lvj. i 7 -.'.I ., W , .11.1- in.l... ii nil .ii r i.i iiail-n i. n.o ll ai i.i..ip.. Hip phi.! ip.-,pp i. v ',o'i a ii I h tin ii- yju u.ay alt. ml II y.-u think tpr. n.ii in in li i:i.i , '-iioriM, Auv 17, Absolutely Pure 1 lili l.-w.ir li. . r ii'(. i. A nilrn l ! 1-it .117, -r-i!tfiit ami wiini-.pompii-1. ip ,.. ... 1 n- ii.l -nl 1 1, ir 0,p i-i-llniiy Mti'l. in I .11111, 1 l. .,i l in .-ii,.. ll'lnn with Hi. null', in. I.. ,.r .- 'f.rti. li,rl w.'i.dil. al,ini-,ri -I .,! 1 I ,. I S ' l- I'M v IN r-.i lOlVAl, I'.AMN-I I'oWIIKK i n . I.'l Wall Si. N. 1. Ann. I-', ll-i ll. Selins Grove MARBLE WORKS' D. It. Stratford, id Seliiis-.'rnve Ir. in.-ii.ir. il l i l.iriMi h M()ISM;;lI-:NriS, IHO SUILD1 WOBK ot utl U i jkJ.i itMlio nt wtjt it h dun leuiLUBt ilc Ci'llH r..rkr"l tiai f tUo Host lrirble nt I'.nrt nntlio. .ill wm Ii nurraiilPl t- slro n.itl l.. .n. .i-i'loipo r:i an. I ptinnfna i- y iimf rlal an In ar my rt.-oi Uifuit' uilirvaili: nlii-nburo. .Inn, (i, Is.x. 4- . J . -ip iiWai J. JAi, ? ii e.'i i ... i .. ...... ... , If I ,.l .1-1 I.... p..,.,l I r . , I i'.,l 1 ..... f'J li ii -. i i ... ii,-- i i p 7 i I r.-rr m, I lp-. 1-, i !! t 44 -tl... ,..r lr.ll."'tv.'i li. I--...1. . .1 X -t fi ) -i - i '". c p.i.i ' .-.f-un. t Fl II C. -. i l . t'r l, .. I 111. v V i iin'lnei tic' licfiro ll.p l-iiiill.-. Yon can imii.n men i-y I 1 1 1-r ot w elt ..r I,. lii .n ul aLvih'n.- .!-ii Cn.. lul u.'t nepua.t. iVe nil) pt.nt y,.u. il'.'ni.r it nl Ill-want. Ill a-1 hi II..HII- l,y Ilu imlil Irlrnn. si.ii, ni-n.on, lyi anil null wani.i.l ov, t . U-ro i .!.. I.., ii j. ft., ii n.a t!ine. Vuu I'll rh lu i-ul It. .1 -ri or var n', ,lu ltl',t-ithe l-naluiPi. .iu ran ll6 P i-iw,,, nn-l .In Ilia wnrk. N-mlior I-ikhis.i Kill ..... yu n.--ti ly aa wull. ,v una nan ell t- 1,, i eii-rin.-n 1 puy by 1 n,.'ni-.liiK at un c,iiil Ouifli ami tpruu treu. .M-ij. y m.i.ie unl. c:i. ly, ail. I li iiinrniily. A.Uiuji t :va . l'u Aui unl.-, alalna, BUY THE BEST. POUT AC0 8 American tiumij am. -ii n S-wyjaiJVO -Ja ' 9 . aU.;. A V.-'.HM J'.llj't, .-I P'alJ- I CUiRAHTEEU THE BEST. rrlwVwEaiVbakn STRONG 6TEADV LtCHt. PX Tii-"rt cuPAprfn than liAti. Ily lonrt I,xiclPni r,, 5!,"&l'rt lf make tliu liy.sr i" :' JiAv-lt,a' -i"1 vjvx,ir one Ibul rdl-:- und lowrrs llie wla-la an eft own in cut. Kully ticket l-lat, A.OO. Ulinil ilam-'auutai to tivo l inUe. MU lT C'allTI. I ilrtl ' " ' II ' " ' ' ' ' and Farmers This. Clover HuIIor. 1': nvi-r Spriii;; i, Sny-ler Co, Vii. A-.'erit f -r Siiv.li-r n-i I .liiimit i ronntiosS. a'KK O'-Ji.V PpraWlfkiCT "Mn A mi . 1 r -tm r i a mtm jsr. LiiiiT-tsnaairiQ mm hom 1 V? p-- :',r..'3iiV; mm rnpi.ily nuporAedlng all othertf Whoiovor Jniroduood. Pi'r-n&u'ino.l Vy un iirniy of hupp 1 vut'iiriaricrs to bo tho Cifc3T Trio HfW I'.CifiZ l3 positively ' Iho Oimplofit, Canlont Kunislnck Moct Rollablo, ami Most Dur.tbt'j Cowlnrf Maohlmf cvr-r 1'ivontod. It zotri'.or ul'-hiy, Qulr-tty, and v i.iiu.,i .'.vit'.i is, iho operator. VuU Info. ..-iv.tli'.ii, Dcxrlptlve Cat alo(,;uc9, tt.,f.cc on application JOHNSOV.'ollUv X CO. Ad Hiii. 1 iiquro, H.Y. JOilN R ZK( II MAN, UNDERTiKCR, Tfi.i li'illc, .V11A r comity, Pit. I n i-in lUlnrf In all Ilu i,riinohi. i-nuiipily al "l.l"l Mar.h 1:1,' 7. NOTICE CF P'iKTITION. I n tin- l - i.il.. - I ;,. A rl-nst. ,t.-f I'- Sr.r.tli .l iii,, api...... -i.i..-. -l- - A-li.,,l-i, SI-,,.,., A'l--i.:., V. s. ' Ariu-anPi, I in A 1 1 t..i i, j,r.ii o...u.t. Aninn.1 Am -i:at, i l.i i-i i.i .:nr, fmi ,,.i ,rH nii.l l.. f r I'.. I, r.tl'ir'lliin .l.-natNnn Krl. li. In-mil, l.ttr mi l l.v.l ri-rpoii i(,ip. nt iVm. An. iy tit l.tnnl ! siii.Iit ...Jul? I'a..- .1. PI, ... . . I ......... I .1 .... ..... ... i.nn. , i.c-i ii.. i ,v vlrlili. nr a l lll ,. ni.l .I.Ul .i, j ,.,.l ...n ... irliani 1 "' I ! -. niiil. ;;..! I, .Hrr.l. t I'. ul un In ,n,.,t i i ,. , 1. 1 ,, ,, ,,1.,,,, f Vii- 1: .1 I, I, .!. I... i tVrr,' i.. , Sny , ''' : '" v- " .s.-1-.nii..p llli, . - -. M i . ,i , ,, t.i n I' l-'ii ii l "I !'! I." I I lit .1 l-n .,,1.1 .l..l I "lii'UM Ul.) illtllll.l II )l)ll tlllllk 1 1 ! . I'AVIO 1.1 liMI.Y, Shorlff. I .llll. N.inr,r. in pauiition In ll'-'in. iM. f-.i' I ini,'.:-T. il.- ll..-.l;lle 1. 1' l!ll.!(ilil In l;ilias. ih llruKK-r, n.-w 'l. rry l!i u unr, I IIpii llt.wp'. all ra nil. u In ii,,i I. r i-' iinlv. ' a . S-I--H llruuuAr iii-i-riii , rrt'i,' .1 ill. i:cnrv li-i.tm. rn.Miii- at e I - tii' . .1-11 hi .1 1 .... .l"i,:,tlia,i I'nmtfur rp-n-.lnif, 1.1 M iium,,'. I'n I ..i 1 1 ... ItMli ii.a. 1:1 Ik. i.l .-tii Id i.me-r l:ilPrinrrio. ivilii r,tpr Slrnu--i r 1 ' 1 : . i.t 1 irl 'iil.il, 11l.1t ( n.. I'a., I. '.n,' 1'ii.u.ir r, "I Hun Kp,i lumnl'- , ir.'iiiiii, tii-- i-H-ii.-iiir m-iilln iiour Moatli lni. Ii '-it.ii a. Hin It l:rimnir ml, rtnnrrl.il an!i IhhiII'I ii,ruiiiri rl.hii). nt iiripiiini, ,lu 11' il-i I'.i . .Ii iirt?..in i:..nnn an-l fl.iirV t tl '.ni ll'in-p li-lh i-f nlM.in ri'i.lp ut rortufiu I'fHlf.ft 1 e ti. an . I'.Plii rind IpkmI rp-rori-iiiu-tl.ti-.-I flnl li'i.'i lirimuni , liita nf furry twi., tfnyilur ci 1111 1 , I'H- ilu-a:i '. I. Vi.il nr,i liproliy ni.lli.c I tliil l.y tltluanln) rl'i'l Ir i"l I'l-n Muni mil nl I'm I iri Iihih', r .irt if ,-iny-lar Pninlr, an-l I 1 lr.--1 -.f tln.l un 1 1 1 u 1 .-ill i n I, M l i,n il- i i. nil.p nf tiiiiN.ll: liriuutir. IiiIh ..I I'uriy t iwii-nip. snv .1. r hi., In, ,1. mi. i'.i, ni tl i-MyiAV, nM'l' 1.. h, I -a 1 l-..'k A. il. Iii Hi-ike :n nil I in nr v.ili-m-i.n nt Hia H. il Kilntu ul imi ii'.l I iii.pn..p.. WtiPn :i-.l Hli-ia y.uuiayat li ml ll r-il i'i'Up ) i. 1- t. U.W 111 Ml' ItjM I.V, Mierlfl. Ian. :, 1 NOTICE TO HEIftS. In ( In- 1. ml l-T nl I ii- estate i'f Jonn-i l.i-. 1 l-.iil, .I 'l-'.l. T.i linili l l:!pnluri. Sli in 1k.11, IC.-i !i-'.l I'n.. I'a : . illluni Kton. Inn. r--i rmikl ' , t 1 1.-. .1 "llni ... n 1 1 j. I'll - Ii.int i 1 . 1 -u 1 1 1 , 1 r t , .still ,. t'l.v.ka-i u . li-inn.i ; Oral. -I'll Kt.i-nli'ift, ( l.'i''in. Si.),lnr In,, Ilu: I- inill.lli'l l.lni-ni. -t. '-fiMi.in.l"i.li, St-tiui I. U.I I',, . ': ;.ll,ll:.II.M I hurt. -1 Oflitlil .all, ' S.'i'in N ill I'd. I', : -win I.. K. iiiit:;trlt ..I. I In. Nurlli'.l I . . 1 . I ,l,'.iin L-ifr I I.. 11. ;. r 1-..11.. t - . 1 :,. -prv. Iiit.ruiunt i-l ivlit. I .nn Ikni I'- I .' L-rl i n., Iml. Han lut . I-.' or 111 1 n 1 ! h . , 1 ' . -.u-.ttr, St.ul.ii .1 il, Nr'MvUtll I ' III. MpIIimIUI f-ii.l 11- e t-p. In i,-r'.i; 1 11 fil 1: - p.npr llir.nn S':.uikvuil-ir, .'il.rk I'.. .ni: n -I'.l. r. Wllll-ii Shai kwulinf. il.ry S'nn li.v ilor. In. orinurrl arliu l.itrli-. tt llii-r -e 11. -pvIIISi Slim a p:tr, a miii r lii-.priii-.riliil nib lin-i-ort i l.ir li.i r, win- i 11 lor l-or auarilliin h4 wril llrpTi-imn, pl.iiiiiiikui, Surtit'il Cn. I a f Jnm't nil iiiliiiai'p-, n inlie-r win hii -er ti- MM 1 Ml vi h o. M.Pnli lfl, ul Shaioiitlu Norlfr.t rti., I'a : Mary 1 leiiimi Ininriiiirrlinl alib tlra. llnUior: Mlahitrn ','ituiii ir 11111I wit turn 'llniiuaiir l.niti uiiai-ri arli i-lin liula Cr il,lr nu irillan 1 .11 Mpller, all ol xiiauinkL i N.-ribM t) , r. iry Kiiiporanil Aanri ifTap. ImIIi wlimrtf a. 'I fiaip l.-r lh 'Ir n un Mln 11 11. II. I IpObfiartr i, Slnli.'.kln. Nn, tii', I t'n., I ... I.rua Mu-l- kpy, luio.inarrl. il mini llvnry li-i-in, .,1 sit riitu rtuitli. 81-luiilklll t'u., I'. ; llalra .nl IPgal rp-rii.aiiliiirpi ol .lonii hli-niili-ir!, lata of t:Dinan ti. Sny-I.r i tfflmy Pa , iloS'fl. You a. bar.'tiy i lloit iii b an.i ui.ar h fura 1I1. jii ium ol imp rriiliam' i.ort, at an Uriiimriv runrt to I. hviil nt ntt.IOel.ti ra m tlioJOi MniiiUy ufsarit A", l. Iwl.t lao'iilffck In Hi. f ir.iin.i i. tl, mi an. I llior. ((1 i'fn,i ,.f r.lrli. to Uki lu. Ilunl Kilafa nt ta il J-llil ri-i iite.rt .l..'0H..l,fct UiPlat nrntiPil vai(ill. -i but nun It bt an Ininrlt rful HilHil tJ ib,i ihiiI Court, anil r.iuruad by in Ml., lift . f rulil lounttf. 1. .bow paulu Orb III. mto huolfl not Im toMi AnuBaririaU IKiti Wilol.llrn lion. JuipuU ). Iluoief, ti. rr.ilil.nl M or til l ( i i-'l. at MMillMirai Itili i'lli dy l .Isly A l IWA. , A Good Salary am' Ifawllna.tnPMp. M ftlr.r tiKM I ful .. Innug win rap.if. iia no Mi.aai na ur - any M.a ol il e-k,i.iy . 1 r'i..Mlti, . 1 jo... oil. t' i.d.r PiH-cl.1 ln.1 (i6u b Mi 1 W r I "I'll M'VV awwji-i'ilw:-'..-jatff-i9i.'i 1 1 r