The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 31, 1882, Image 1

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    . A-clvofttlnir IlnteH.
O column ono ye;xr,
Oixt-hnlf. column, ono rear, 8MX)
One-fourth column, one year,
One square (10 Mni) I insertion
Sery additional insertion,
frofomional mid limine cards o(
not mora than 5 linos, per year,
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
Mil AmiKtiee Notice,
Editorial notices per linn,
All Iranaciont advertwing loss
t month Id emits a line.
All advertisement for a shorter pe
riod than ono year are payablo at th
time they are ordered, and U not paid
tee person ordering them will be nold;
woonsihle for tho nvinev.
a-- i . 1 . -zrz
THE GOAT Al ti.Vtil!..
The goat stood on the railway track
Whence all liN mate luid fled,
And proudly archo 1 Ids sturdy Un it
And bent his horned head.
With feet firm planted, there he stoo l,
As bound to hold Ills own ;
The nrenttire had (?ot up it- blood
T was gniiiL clean to tho bono.
Tho train rolled on, 'twas time to ir",
Oh 1 why did be refin T
The engine whistled shrill, but no,
To leave lie did not clmoce.
lie seemed to cull, "fUy,ooiur.vdi's,uy,
Why huvo ye turned ami run f" t
And wondered t' they wouldn't
To see a tittle fun.
Attain he stoo l, In haughty pride,
A challenge from each horn ;
The hissing steam alone replied,
And fast the train rolled on-
He heard the engine's laboring breath,
The thunder of tho train.
Yet stubbornly, his post of death,
1. turiuined to uiuiutuiu.
Then catue ft midden, fearful shoek,
The goat oh! where was he t
Ask of the buh or bJg K'ay rook
With fragments scattered free
Of hoofs, and horns, and things per
It wore not well to note,
For iiuught butdlseoiineeted scraps
Was that pour billy-goat.
While they sat before the lire,
Nothing more did hi desire,
Thau to get a little nigitcr,
If he could ;
And his heart boat high and higher,
And her look grew and shy shyer,
While he slid up elo.-ie b.idj Iter,
As he shoiiKl,
Then he ventured to Inquire,
If her sister, June Marlur,
And her mother and her sire.
Were cpiito si ill r
And from time to tint.-? he oyed her,
As though he would like to buy her,
And his baslifullnusj was dire,
For a spell.
Then his husky throat grew dryer
Wheu ho told her that the 'tHpiire
To himself woulil glailly tie her
If she would ;
Might he now go ask her sire T
And he thought he would expire,
When she suid to his desire,
That he could.
I . . qqfjf .....
For The Post.
The dead, that were gntbered to
gather daring tbo day wero plitcod
in what was k do won as the dead
house, a rude shod frame, covored
with boshos. From tbeoco, each
morning, thoy were taken, an
thrown upon a wagon drawn bv
tbree raulos, with a negro, driver,
soatod upon tbo right raulo, an 1
wero taken to tbo place of inter
luedoad Domes woro looilod tip
on ibis wagon, tbo same way our
A'ortbern farmers load oord-wood
to haul to market. Sornetiruos tbey
were pilod upon eoeb other, so high
lb at ono or more would roll off, of.
ion tue uoaj, euoaidors, ana arms
of one or more of the bodies protrud
ing over the side and from the rear
of the wagon, or from nnder tho
dead piled above them, the droop
log Jaw, the swaying head, undulat
ing with oaoh motion of the wagon,
tbo whole mass of dead bodies jolt
log and swaying, as a oomrada ex
preBaod it, "like so much soft
It was said that from this
wagon maggots ana vermin of va-
nous kinds ooold be scooped, after
inch an exoorsion, by the handful.
In this same wagon onr rations were
bsuled into prison for as, shovelled
in were the dead bodies bad lain i
tod with files, which gnthor, in a
iimate like Georgia, npon all eat
tblos exposed, cave ns food, espoo-
Wly for thought, and when cooked,
wsu miied with everything wbioh
B. .a 1 at
waia m euonsivo ana uisagreenbie.
Doetb in prison, nnder suoh cir-
ftnttanoea, was sut always Jookod
t - .. .
-no always pioeM kf wnxto,'
trembling joy, as a message of freei
lorn spoken to imprisoned men.
Death ended all the untold misery
men had to ondnre,under such fiend-
sb, and inhuman wretches. Doath,
was tbo harbinger of peaco and joy.
Soon of tor our arrival in Auder-
souvillo prison, wo woro continually
tronblod and aunoyed by having our
scanty clothes, blankets, and cook'
uff uieuBUS Bioion irom ns. iuerei
.i ftii
tvm-n no man v teinnlntinns. anil iuiwhii iihw
few restrictions thrown in tho way
of tbo perpetration of tbo theft, that
t became au ovd, at last, that must
bo chocked. Ptea'ing blankets from
tbo boys unaccustomed to hardship
was down-right murder t for it uo
ono iutoudod tbo corner of bis blank
et to protoct tbo unfortunate from
chilling do.vs uf evening, end from
tbo fro'iuont rains, deprived thus
suddenly, ho was euro to sicken and
die. Stealing oooking utousil.1 so
ducod from any of the boys, roducod
the unforluuittos, thus deprived,
tbat tboy wore neccesaitatcd to cat
thoir scanty rations without cooking
or steal or beg from others.
Bogging was an mueh out of fash
ion and good standing in prison ah
at any other plaec. It was rumored
around camp, from liuio to lime,
tbat raiders and Hankers woro or
gauieod for tbo iou of oil t-
rages, and of protecting thotusolvus
ngaiuHt tho puuisU'iiont of oucb acts
Although thoro was uo detluito or
gtnizttiou among us, it was agreed
upm, that theso villiaua should bo
promptly dealt witbjtlnt wheu any
of the Plymouth prisoners ooulj iu
denlify a"raidor,"or vas attackod or
robbod by ono of the luidors, bo was
to call loudly "l'lymoutb i ' wheu
evory oue ol tbo boy a within boariug
woro to turn out to his nunistauco.
in accordauco with this agree-
mont, wo beard ono morning tho
rallying(ory, aud captured a follow.
who was caught in tbo act of steal
ing a blanket. Tbo boys gathorod
arouud him, not knowing wbut to do
with tbo Tartar now tbat tbey had
caught bim, lie sat down, and
gnaohod his teeth, throatniug bis
captors with vengoanoo of A band of
bis stripe, which ho suid was formed
for mutual thieving, if tbey would
iuj no or iml.ct pnuiuhuioat upon
him. Foehug snmo ruluctanoo to
prococuing against mm, tuoy were
about to roluasu biin without pun
ishtnent, otborwiuo tbou a fow kicks,
when a corporal of Company C. 78th
Rej . P. V. familiarly known in pris
on as "Big rote," camo into the
crowd, and taking tho raider fear
losHly in hand, mrJiotoJ summary
pnuiabmont upon him by shoving
half las bead una face, giving no
hood to the desporatou savage guash
ing of tooth ctud . throuts of von
gonnoa, oxoopt to thump his head
at each beginning and repetition of
hia oaths. After dealing out juatioo
in this oil-band manner, add au ad
ministrative reminder (la tho roar)
from a pair of the heaviest of cow
hide boots, tho thoif was ruloasod
with admonitions to siu no more,
ho was a funny looking b-pocimon of
humanity, Thousands of tbo boys
cheered him, naked him wotbor a
sboll bad busted and knocked the
bar ofT his head and fa co, bo all too
whilo swearing at tbo "Itig fellow,"
who administered tho puniahmouk
The incidont narrated was the bo
ginning of a power in camp to pun
ish offendors, wbioh dually providol
as with an offoctivo police orgauiza
tlon, Poto was an uneduoatod K
tuckian a man of gigantic stature
and groat good nature and a heart
as as big as an ox, and had innato
ideas of justice, iu tbo oarryiug out
of which, ho was as iuQoxiblo as iron.
A blow from his fist was liko that
from a slodge hammor, and from
first to lost he mantaiood so groat a
supreroaoy in camp, that desoriptiou
of the prison at that tinio would be
la oomplote, without a Bkotoh of him.
His trials wore often iutouaoly gro
tesque and amusing to spectators,
but not generally so to tbo culprit,
i took paius to follow sotno of his
trials, aud I must say in justioo, I
dever know him to make a wroug do
oision, though baffled iu his purpose
by ingouiona lis. Through all tbo
intricate bus, he had a talout for do
tooling thorn, aud sifting out tho
truth. Thue, at last, by common
ooosont, If auy one had ompluiuU
to make, bo carried tbum la the
SlMitana" of Big V da Uo either
wul hiiuvelf, or tnt some of bis
adherents who Ijturned with the
Justice being dealt out in th is man
nor, wheu ono morning it was an
nouncedand to our soirow we
found it carried out, that our rations
wore to be stopped on accouut of
tnen boing minsing from the stock
ado supposed by robel authorities
to havo escaped by moans of tun
Investigation led to no new dis
coveries, and after twcntyfotir hours
tho rations were
again issued m before, it boing im
possible to dineovcr tbo in taring men,
or find ont tho mode of tho i-soap .
About thin timo, tbo ruidurH, nnder
tbo loaderaliip of ono Mosby, became j
exceedingly bold, thoy attacked now
couiors iu opou daylight, robbing
them of blauliotJ, watchui), money,
and otbor property of value. Ru
mors of rightful import were oircu-
latjd through tho camp of tuuu being
murdered for their blankets and
money. Aftor this, more men raiss
iug at tho morniug roll-call, of whom
thoro could bo no reasonable account
givon. Under Big Poto a company
was orgauizod, armed with clubs,
who proceeded to the shelter former
ly occupied by tbo missing tuon. In
ipiiries being mado among those who
wero living near, no information
could bo obtained, otherwise than
tho fact that outcries woro hoard
during tbo night, uud that thors was
a sculild near i but scuned of disor
der being common duriug tho night,
thoy had taken but little notion of
thorn, sinoo, as peujoablo meu, thoy
wishod to avoid all wrangling.
Nothing at first could bo found, iu
tbo sboltor formerly occupied by
those tuon, to oxcito sospiciou. Most
of the crowd had dinpersod, wbon
ono of tbo meu, on his hands nud
knees at tho eutranoe, looking down
iuto tho grave like bolo, which
formod the principal part of tho
abandoed d welling -placo, saw a
pioco of blno cloth, partially covered
with dirt, Seoin & in this tho olo
mont of a patch for tbo repairing of
bis shattered ward'robo, bo pulled
at it, and found was fastonod to tho
ground. This excited his curiosity,
also his desiro for possession ; and
be begau to dig and pull, until fur
thor progross was arrostod, and be
started book wi:b horror at tbo un
expected appearanco of a human
hand. A crowd soon guthurtd
arouud, and speedily a dead man
was unearthed, whoso throat had:
boon cut in a shookiug mauuor, aud
bis bead bruisod iu a terrible niuup
nor, no doubt doue by a tcrriblu
blow ef club. In tbo same space,
boncath hii4, was fouud another
victim, with his throat cut-
The nows of tboso horrible mnri
dors which had been discovered,
spread through tho prison, ns if by
telegraph, aud a largo crowd soon
assembled arouud the sceno of thes
horrible atrocities.
Tho pobco proceeded to tho shel
ter of sovoral notorious thlovos and
bad characters of tbo prison, and ar
retted them. Through information,
or olue gaiuod of one of tLono, they
woro induced to dig iu tho oholtor cf
aoiuo of those arret t-id, which re.
suited iu tbo discovery of monoy,
watches, &o, iu many cases iad. mil
tied as tbo property of tho luurdwvud
Rapidly after tho porpotrution of
those eold'blooded alrocities, strong
police foroos wore orgaaized, nnder
the leadership of Big Ptto, after-
wanls a judgmont was established
soji, and there were two rogu-
lar pnictising Attorneys, who took
foes of Indian moat, beans, and small
currency la payment fur sorvioes
roudorod and sometimes, it was
said, bribed the judgo and ohiuf of
police. Iu tho case of Stauutora, a
a big bruto, and tool of tho rebels,
killed a mau, as mentioned iu pro
ooodiug pages, it was rumored that
his inouoy, procured by diokor with
prisouors, obtained hint a wild sou
tonoo aud puuishmout. Not to
digress further, tho supposed utur-
derers, somo lifUou in uumbur, wore
arrostoi.1, and after gainiug sufUoiout
evidouoo, consout was obUiuod of
tho prison authorities for their trial,
liesidca this we obtained tbo privi-
logo of oouductiug ths trial uudor
guard, in a building ouUiJ the
priaou. Th accused were also bold
la custody through th kindness of
Capt Wirse, the oomuiaodsut of the
prison, A jury of meu was emrwuoU
led, oomposod of prisouers jwt cajw
tutad, who had usver bueu iu auy
Wm yk$
eithorside. Tho trial h-ted through ricvor Ory W UCCvo tour raaer.
a un tabor of wookn. Competent At-1 A good deal of nmusemont has
tornoys woro appointod to defoud boon causod in dry goods trade cir
tho prisoners by tho authorities, iclos during tho past few day i by tho
Two able lawvors. ono an oflloer of loav inir out of a littlo story nt the
the rebel guard, conducted the do-
' i
fenoo, aftersardo ho stated to me,
that ho bad no doubt of tho guilt of iiu tho tnido. The father of theso
tboso who suffero I p unishiuont. Tholyonng men is n prominent Mi.r't
prosecution was ennductod by men etroct iiierch tnt, noted for lio 1 rt
selected from among the prisonors. I wealth, shrotvd bnsluods ability und
bit of tboso men tried, eio pronnne . great economy, particularly in lin
ed by a jury guilty of mnrdi. Ouj mailer of wearing npparul. The
tho 11th, of July, LV t, Viiv.o, ac- sons, who ore i.iodi-l.t of elegance
cuiopanie l by u guard, brought tho
piisinirs into tho s o ka.lo, wl.ora
on tbo south side, ucnr tho gate, snl
tho hoc no of murder, a gal'uws had
been orocted.
To ba CittiucJ.
Wliolotalo Farming.
Newspaper correspondents writ
ing from tbo now Northwest grow
very enthusiastic over tim mammoth
farms of Pakota. Thoro are single
farms thoro of tens of thousands of
acres. Ono called tbo Honanzt
farm, anil owned by Olivor l'alry
mple, cuibiaccs fifty s piaro miles of
contiguous territory. In t as:t
Oonnty there aro four farms with
a combino 1 extout of 8.",0) acres
Tboso big farms aro ownod in almost
ovory instnuco by uou-rcHidenls,
often by a syndicate of capitalists,
whono solo objuol is to get as much
money out tf their investment as
possible. Kvorything is dono as f ir
as it can bo by machinery and by
wholesale. The laborers cruployod
aro often imported for tho purpose,
nud h-avo ugaiu after harvest. The
wheat is sown, lipeus aud is harvest
ed aad Bent Kant ; tho railroads re
ceive somo bone tit iu freight, but, ns
far as tho Territory iu coucornod,
tho crop might ulmost as well have
bcon carried oil" by tho giasuhoppcrs
or uovor havo been planted.
It is doubtless very iutcrotding to
rido through these big farmlands nud
soo tbo Gelds of ripening wheat ex
tending without interruption as far
as the oyo can roach in every diroc
tiou. It were bottor, however, if
tboso vast expanses if woa'th
woro broken by fences, hodgos, and
buro aud thoro a homo, 'l bero arc
uo cluptoriug villagos wbcro bonanza
fauns abound no churches, school
honBes or otLor incident of civili.a-
, tlon. Tbo soil is woikod for ad
lluru is iu it, without auy attempt
at rotation of crops or any regard
for tbo future. Tho profits of t-och
crop aro spent olsowhero by tho
uou-robident owners, nud the idea is
growing that tho system is not con
ducive to t'ao permanent intvrosls of
tho Territory. Tbo Northorn I'rci
tio Kailrcad is mainly responsible
for this stato cf things, as it adopted
tho polioy of selling its lin U iu as
big lots as it could find purchasers
for. It uow perceives that actual
sottlers are more prulltablo as pur
chasers of laud nloug its liuo, as thry
not only ship their graiu by tho rail
road, bnt giro tbo road return
freights as well. Uu.piostiou-ibly
tho big farm business will eventual
ly beooino an iiistvi iu Dakota, as it
alroady Las, with far less cause, io
California. ,Tbo mammoth farms
aro bad euough in themselves, bnt
whon tbcro is added to this non-reci
dont ownership we have a condition
of things which uo bUto can afford
to have become a promiuont and
portnanout feature. I'kilaJilphia
I Yeas.
The first law of gravity novor
laugh at your own jokos,
Colorado calls for mora wouiou.
It bus tcacely a single ono.
Tho girls of an llbnoia souiioary
amuso tuouisolves ly spiitinir at a
Who is the laziest mau t The fur
niture dealor t he keeps chairs aud
louuges about all tho time.
There is nothing tuoro oalculutod
to weaVeu a boy's moral character
thau to got Lis liuhiu-hook faatouod
on rubbish iu the creek.
A Chicago editor, who wont out for
a day 'a sport with the gun aud roil,
shot a forty-tivo dollar oow, aud
caught au old hat with a stouo in it.
Wheu the wife ia dotootod show
Ing unusual affection for her husband
it may fairly bo etpeted that she will
appear before long in a new bonnet,
A Toubmoo man wrote his will od
a pajier collar, aud it passed through
the . probata Cvurl . as well as aav
oxpenso of two youcg geutlemeu
who are widoly und favorably known
aud tnste iu dreFS liavo fcr a long
timo bomo a particular antipathy to
a certain vcncrublo coat v. hich has
clung to thoir respected parent for
many years. and often tried bv
pursuasion t.i induce him to pi 11 it
to tho ragman and buy a new ono,
but tho oi l guutleinan's iuvari tblo
reply was. "You boys upheud money
enough for glolhes for von family.
Dis goat is good enu.T fur me.''
At loo'th. Loowiug their father's
fondness for a bargaiu, they thought
of a ruse by which to induco bim to
lay clUbo old garment aud get a
uew ot.o. Taking a coat which their
father had worn, they went to their
tailor and instructed him to take it
ns n pattern an to sizo und lit, and
make tho tluest coat ho could.
"Wo will, said ono of them, "got
father down hero ou somo pretooso
or otbor, and thou you must sell
bim that coat. No matter n bat ho
offers, you take it uud Wd'll pay
yon tho balanco.''
In duo timo tho sons received
word that tho coat was finished
price Tho next morning, at
break fau t, the oldest sou casually re
marked :
"Father, yon will bo going neat
tho tailor's to-duy, and 1 vt ish yon
would stop and lull bim to be sure
to scud borne my now coat to-day,
for I have a party to attend to
night." Vory well, my sou, I vill do so.
but I dou't seo what you poys vaut
wid so many goats.1'
The old gentleman delivered tho
mossago and tbo tailor's opportuni
ty had como. Fiugering tho veocr-
ublo garment, uo rouiaike.i, persua
sively i
You ought to havo a now coat, It
is a sbamo fur a rich mau liko you to
wear suoh an old garment hi that."
Thauk you very much, but did goat
is good enulT for me,"
'I havo gotsomothing," persisted
tho tailor, "that bcliuvo v. ill tit
yuii, aud it is tho greatest bargain
thai you ever ho..rd of. I mi lo it f- r
a cuutouior, but it was a iniuiit, The
price of that coat," said tho tailor,
producing tho garment, ' is eighty
dollars, but it won't fit luo mau
inuJu it for, and I'll iot you h ivu it
for uext to nothing. Try it on.
Tho coat was tiiod ou and proved
a perfect tit.
. "Yju'l! uovor g)l s ij'i a
ugaiu if you live a huudrud year,
said the tailor. "You may h uvo luat
ooat for forty dollars."
I'll giff you twouty-tivj." sii l thj
old Liorolmut, who kuow clcth waa
Lo saw it."
"Take it."
Carrying hia old euat in a bundle,
tho purohador wjut out ai rayed iu
tho coat
At supper that niKLt ho appeared
u tho familiar old coat, aud iu ex
cellent good humor. To his sons
ho said : "I u uico little ting
to day. Yen I vas at tho tailor's I
boncht a coat, a &icor.ogout. Tbo
price was $80, but I uot it fcr $2o.
1 put it en. and had uot cut oue
quaro poforo T mot a friouJ. Ho
uoticod my new goat und spoke
about it, aud I told him about how
I got it so shcap. lie ottered mo
$30 for the goat, aud I took it
made $ iu five luiuutos."
"Yes," said tho sous, dolefully, iu
chorus, "you've made $5, aud we
have lost tifty-uve."
Theu they explained.
"My gracious .' that is pad I" said
tho old man ahon he comprehended
the situatiou i ' but let die be a lea
sou to you, my ohildrou. Never dry
to deceive your fader." i'Aia'u.iU-
;A(4 Tiiiu.
"One word more,'1 said the speak
er, "aud I am done." Aad the re
porter found, wheu the word was
written dowu, that it couUiued fif
teen bundled syllable).
A St louia jury decided
1882. NO,
Intorostino ractt Concerning Walcr
cobio loot of Water weighs 1 cwt
Oue gallon ef dib tilled water
weighs l" lbs.
tuo gallon of sea walcr weighs Id
r!2 lbj.
One cubic foot ccldains t';J gal
1 .1,H.
1-1(10 inch of laiu is about on
ton wei;;ht pr ncre.
Sixty cii cubic foot weighs 1 ton
and opial -.' I gaiioiiff.
1 ho ordinary pjv-ed lo run a pnni
is S'l fn.t tj ! fee-t per minute.
J'otil.ling tho diaiuibr if nn npri.
tnre inereasoi the ll jw fourfold,
.1 tominal horce-f ovt-r for a I (il
cr rt'piirt'S ouo rtibii) f ;ol of wuW i
pe-r hour.
Ciieular upertiir.'s aro most tffir
tivo for di.K-hargiiig water, nine.
Ihey have h-hs suifaco foi
the sumo oi ea,
Iu pipes tho fiijuaie of lie dinitie-
I tor in incbiM Pipiuls pounds weight
of water per jaid. K.tamph A
threu inch ipo holds 'J lbs. pi i
Tho prcssnn in ponnda p-i
senate of a cuiutnn of water is the
height of tho column in fci-t multi
plied by 432, or for an nppruxima
tiou ono-lmlf pound pressuro pu
riijnaro inch for each foot iu height.
Water, iu Mowing through un
aperturo. bos a velocity epial to
that acquired by a heavy bjdy f 1
ing freely from the height ojuul tu
tho dihtance botwoeu tho ceutre ol
tho nierturu uud tho surface of the
Tho npproximato timo tcrnpicd in
discharging npnd quantities of wa
ter under o'pml beads, through
pipes of njtial lougthj, -a from
uinuij tur a biiuigut line, I'.'u lor tt
curve, to 110 Lt a right angle.
A man who Carried Six Bullets and
Still Lives.
As I eat on the hotel steps at Dal
ton. Ha, talking with a drumuie-r
from Ciueiuutiti, tho lituJlord cuuie
out and usujd us if na wiiuted to see
a mnn who wu carrying uU ballet
ubout with him. Uf course wo did.
aud wo wulho I Jowu to tuo other
end of the verauJuh and wore iutri-.
dacod to Col. Deitcli. I was yiu0' to
approach him slowly and grae'ufully
hen tho drumuior rushed ri'ht ut
hiiu with ;
'do you are earn iu six bu'.IoU
about with you eh
"I'o tL.iy paiu you much f"
"Oh. ti j,"
"Lauds ulivo ! bnt I don't sec how
you lived thrjnn'U it. II jw tiuuy
buttles were vou ia '
"DiJ you b-ot u!l th-eo bullotd at
oaco 1"
"Ye-s i all at ouce."
"7v Gourde ! Well, I never heard i
tho huoa uf it ! OjIouoI, I dju t vai;t '
to bo imprudent, but but" I
" l oa wv-it to ku-jw vvucrj they
ti'O Iv.M'.od " '
"l'i.te't!y i:s4.:tly."
' 1 u canyiUef 'eiu iu this pccL.t,
to-dny, ' wiii tiij (jait't riply. asLe!
h.-he-J dovu aud Lru0-bt up bil eld
l.llleti tL'LuJ U; c'U te battle
It wai a j jb put up ou uu, bat tLe
1r'.;u;e. (,ot ahead, aud ho was gu
mud ubout it tuut Lu woulda't b-it
any supper.
Tbero is u niu!e iu Lust V.'Ltt-liej
W. Vb , who has kicked tho roof iff
his stable every oistt fcr the past
week, m sdJituQ to knocking tho
squeal out of a family of pis.
A ew York papor gravely ob
serves that tho suicide of a firmer.
which it notices, "is singularly
btruuge, iuadinueh us he has not bem
in the habit of Joiuj such things "
A paictcr boic- akd to eUmate
tho cot cf piuutiu' a eertoiu house,
drew forth a pencil aud paper, aud
madd the folio iug calculation i "
nought is a cia,;Lt ; three iuto five
twice you cau't I'll paiul your hoaev
for fifty dollars."
A St. Louia pupvr had a twt-1
uuin accouut of a hotel o'
The bodbus, after read
careful:, held a mo
uouoed the paper for u
Twenty wvhuou of
tvpute by reuiiui'jg
hour without epwikit
tlte sixtieth utioute dt
1 ft HIqJ t? aXJti biUAMMMMMH
Til I V V0'1'
I'uliMphpd every Thnrnr?nv Evehinf
Tonus of Subncnplion,
l'V() iml.f.Alt I'KR ANNl'M. Ps
ahl viihin Ftx montlis.or MMt-
p.tld within the year. Mo.papor dn
contiiiiietl untii all srreitr'iK''
paid nnh-Ks at lllw opium of the pub
'islifr. ,.
Knbm rlp(iins outside ff iliij countjf
sjtjrlVrsons liftinir And nsin puimr
Ail'lressed others bceome uli rih-rs
nd are liable for Hie prire of the i.q.r
Malaria is art almost ln
elcscrib.iblc malady which
hot even the most talenteel
physicians nrc able to fath
om. Its cause is most fre
quently ascribed to local
surroundings, and (Jicre is
very little question, but thU
opinion is substantiated by
facts. Malaria does not nec
essarily mean chills and
fever while these troubles
usually accompany it It
often affects the su fferr w ith
general lassitude, accom
panied by loss of appetite,
sleeplessness, a tired feeling
nnd a high fever, the per
6on afflicted growing Weak
er and weaker, lo9cs flesh
day after clay, until he be
comes a mere skeleton, a
thadow of his former self.
ro having Uld It
U humnii rran,tn
lu nfrvoua th lnlf
Ipln it llin.fltn
m it ilin.ntpft
ck and et.foUed abaotba
It-mthmenl. Iml tubaHlinK Mpa
, tltfir, lha Hi,-miva oncana mt
l.mrr rcrforra thalr fjnf tiom
, the lir lxr"nita lunJ, aivjulh-t
Cf'-int t.lir lo du tKclr rwerai
an. I niatulultvn ami datuh an ay4
1 1 ciuua.
In iMition to being t certain dire
fur malarit nJ cUila anil frver,
Xikow.s s 11 HirrrRi U blRhlf
rucommcn.led for til dicaac tequir
Inn a certain and eiticvetit tonic j r
I cciallyiiuligetlion, iJyiepcia. inlrr
tniltcnl feven, want of appctitt, lots
tf trcnj;th, lack of energy, He,
Knrichca the blood, airem-them Oio
Biustles, and givci new life to th
nerves. Act like a chirm on ths
oVtuive orni. It la for tale kf
sit respectable dealer! ia nteibciueaf
rice, fl xt tivtils
Bo surs and get the gMuIn
Taks DO otbet.
Tls Cirjeclef Itgias
arartl nanefketor1 Mt4y aa lMat ftrat
t'eloro', Vl. , rinuiLbrfrt vtara lbaaiaCatS
. arej OaJi Dvaai ai4ukuural 0(Sc fc
Uxu l.tnl at
Vor.iotor, Ua.a.. TJ. 8. A.,
Villi :.j.a C'O-ta tai T'xwrootua la ,
Kiln lurk H i Wwl Fjw tfwlt
Londoe. - Madra St Pehirtbert,
City of Mnko, Bsrii. larteV'
,.aa af Taa 3 mrj rwa.
I :-a.uly lu -f i art,
r.i.Wi luocrjr cuuil of caeB(ara),
Art-1 Itarcl.-rlalie Ct Uia UXIBmS IMaJl
trrr Inatruru r
i -t atc t-:n. i. but i( or do d uav tan a
ti. . i. irM-l ij ma l.-trr anaaiaa
I . :e a l U'ot:jjli. M w motn aia (aa)
' ""OVER 100 STYLES,
Laa-'.c L-. n x tsvi I .. 1.9ua.eadsa
A I ut:'iil ! t.a. CaiaJ-vTW. tt Oaia4
t.-r tul.llaUtd, tKa t k UKSl M Mlaaxaf
kl'.rvet rail s-'S
Lr AlbllfliO, l'A.
Torr.bstouve. Statu Urns. Vaeer
LAM for Ohiidr n' O avj,
JV.. Unf. r-iVt . Jfnriav .U.i.l.'o'a, ,V-
alM' o wto lalf ttrb t- vaateMa
ac iu:na uai.ut. tura-t at laa araa
tivjtja.1 w.-ra,, ch vault t- a a)ajatKT
aiuat aaacl. t-afjr r-irba'lx !.
4iH Vt. bfWBM, 4r
Julj la'TJ tf Miailttiti, Stf C f
I will nail iri ll rv-!;l fr Hr
aarkaUU llolut nil alil aaS Vr.
t-'Kr-klr riutptra t Hlolrkra, katia(
111 u.a ault. ,-la-r aa I t--aatHal : a'- la-inll
Ik-a t - proa.iocf A tutwrtaal fttwat ! kalff
oaal:J liaJ c -i la-v IMrta
i )!-. Ut.l VAMlKi.r a ItalS-'
aaielay Si N Y
Tii aJtaniaar ka.lae a-aai paaaaal f
oaraal vl laai lr-J ll.aa.a. t'olMSihw, a
alia-rl-tvaaa-i ItullMl .aaat4 karai
uia ilto-a'?aAra taa muamt of tt 1 all'
aa ilaalia It. aa will al a fry f U aa,
anlpiwa aa. Hral aar. lank It I ran
iluat h-t atan'ina I aiaa a, awa-a
Ika am ai aar 1 taakv(v
etMiMalai, Aa-"
lart- -