The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 24, 1882, Image 3

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' !T"r
tlildlenrg, Ang. 24, 1882.
. 'All communications, business let
"ters Ac, for this offle, to secure
prompt attention should be addressed
follows: Thb Post, Middleburg
Snyder County, ra. Advertisement,
coihuunrcatiorrs aYo. must be handed
in by Monday now, to eeoure Inser
tion in next issue
njn.r Coaatv at BM ob tka four tk Monday,
r Fakr, May, Spllr, BBS Ssooad
Mwday f wimiWi,
local New, Xto.
Cool nights.
Merchants are beginning to prepare
for the fall trade.
JJroken glass should not be thrown
in tbe streets or alleys.
Our town has scarcely experienced
any sickness so far this summer.
The Deuiocratio County Convention
will meet in tho Court House, Hept 4.
That foeling of languor and debility
that follows physical exertion, remov
ed by using Brown's Iron U I Iters.
The Centrerille Cornet Barfd will
bold a Cake-walk and Festival at
Kramer on Saturday afteenoou, Aug.
SHh, commencing at 8 o'clock.
Working girls are so scarce in Mon
roe county, this State, that they can't
La hired for lovo nor ruoney unless
they are promised half of the farm aud
one of the sous.
If you do not wish to bo deprived of
your vote at the ensuing election, be
sure that you are registered ou or be
fore the.5th of September.
Mrs. Jacob Keiiiorllng, of West Ben
er, lost her pocket book containing
bout $5, when she was about to gt
on the train, at Lewistown, on Friday
last. Ptok-pockeU did it,
A Sunday School Plu Mo will be
bold at Beavertown, ou Saturday,
Sept Oth. Uood tnusio will be funi
1m tied for the occasion. All are cordi
ally invited to be present.
Ephraitu Howell and John Q. Walk
er found two bees on tfhude Mountain
one day last week. Lunt week it was
snakes, this week iU bo.-. What
Crntrs Ah k ad. John Molin, of
Centre, last Saturday, caught In Mid
dleereek, (Hoover's Dam,) a pik
ineaeuring 27 Inchon aud wuitftiiutf 4 j
The attendance ut the Camp-meet-iug
on Sugar street was not as lurgo
as it was at Pullas on Sunday, but
their waa one feature about it which
the Pallas caiup-uieet lug did uot pos
ess female preuohers.
Prof. O. W. Twitmyer's Teachers
Normal Institute held in the College
at FreebtirK', is in excellent working
order a full School aud v 11 torn are
dally in attendance with the betit re
' In the Spring a relative handed
Samuel BoUner of Kramer, a potato,
known as the Puteson, which after
cutting it into five pieces he planted.
few days ago betook up the pota
toes from the one he planted and
found 100 potatoes, Wtfhrbliig gi
.History is continually repeating it-
aelf. f very one is taking the good
old fuhiooed remedy, Sines' Syrup of
Tar. Wild Cherry and foarhound for
coughs and cold this fall.
For sale by John A. Moats, Middle
- ourg ra,
Only by taking the advice of fIrners
Dairy Book is mouey in farming,
Millions are given away annually ;
bere Messrs Siiuontou, Barber & Co
bare them.
F. 8. Smith, Dentist, of Beaver
Springs, Pa, we are Informed is about
to locate at Great Bend, Susqnehanua
county, Pa. This will be quite a loss
to the citizens of the Went Knd, as he
Is a good dentist, polished young gen
tleman and a good citizen. But what
they lose, Great Bond gains.
On friday afternoon last Mr. George
(reiser, of Lower Augusta, fell from
te overshoot in bis barn aud was fa
tally injured. lie die! ou Saturday
morning. Tho deceased was about 70
years of age, aud was highly esteemed
'in his neighborhood. Smmbury Deimr
,4 Johnstown landlord failed to
the printed notioee in his hotel In
oordanoe with the law of 1870. and
when ho brought action against
"boarder retaliated by bringing suit
-against tho landlord for not . comply
log with tho law in baring notices
posted, and there is a fair prospect
that bo will go to Jail for something
less thaa six months unless the matter
is compromised. Landlords aud
i' boardinv IS All HA ksaArtAPsl satiM mam
"troublo and expense by bavins
S - awwawij tvb.s -v
' law posted in office and bedrooms.
.. Bush Netting.
A bush-meeting under the auspioos
- of the U. H. Church will be held in
Hiebael Wouier's Grove, about I
tnflss XoHh-srest of Fremont, hairlu.
Ing Satoidlay.-Aoimgt M, 18?, to eon
Unas overt wo Sundaya A good board
In house will be oa the ground. No
, huckstering allowed on or near the
fnitiH.. Alt are invited to utteud.
'" ' - ' By order of ,
J. W. Steeley, of Bannerville, paid
this office a friendly visit on Monday
last. Call again Mr. 8. we are always
glad to we you.
Dr. T. B. Uibfghaus, Miss Julia Bi-
blfc-haus. Bower Barton and Miss 81b-
bie Barton paid Mlfllinburg friends a
visit on Monday last.
Dr. Barber and Miss .Kr.te Witten-
m yer were In camp a few days
with a MlfTUnbara party who were
camping In Sugar Camp durltig last
Mrs. 8. B. Rchuck, of Shamokln Dani,
visited Middliiburg friends tact week.
Mls Elllo F.isenbart of Shamokln,
Is visiting Mlddlnbnrg relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Shanon Visited
Middleburg relatives on Monday.
Mlns ilessle Crouse and Miss Alvewta
Wotzel were to Rlchuuld on Sunday
Theodore Walter, of Akron, Ohio, Is
visiting bis old home. Looks well. and
bears the marks of prosxrity.
J. Frank Bilgnr and family are vis
iting Mtildlebiirg relative.
Escaped from Jail.
The two notorious men who esoaned
froiu the Sunbury jail about a year aio
and who got Into the Harrlsburg jail
under the names of Madden and
Russ, esnapt-d also from that Institu
tion on Wednesday night The "Pa
triot" says : "The prisoners were
notorious cracksmen. They were ar
rested with a gaug of five on suspi
cion of robberies In Perry county. Ou
the persons of.Maddeu and Rues were
found revolvers and they were hold
after being acquitted at IiloouiAeld.
While in Jail here Detective Anderson
looked up their history and ascertain
ed that they were fully identified as
two of the prisoners who assaulted
the Sunhury jail keeper In 1881 and
then escaped. A reward of f 100 each
hod been offered. This Detectives
Roat and Anderson were to recleve
upon the return of the prisoners to
the Northumerland county authori
ties. TIih prisoners would have been
takeu there next week as their term
hod about expired."
PuoMust Jotitt Caiuu, University of
Uloaoow, and other Authors. Price
15 cents. J. Fiiitfomld Jt Co., Publish
ers, 80 Lafayullo rime, New York.
Wo have iu the neatly printed work
named above, and which forms 'No.
33 of the "Humboldt Library of
.Science," a series of profound and
learned studies upon four of the great
historical religious of the world, name
ly, Brnhmsiiism, ?udilhisin, Con
fucianism and Zurotistrisiu, or the ro
ligion of ancient I'crnin. These essays
are written from a distinctively Chri
tain I'ntut of view, yet everywhere the
authors' purpose to do full justice to
wluitevcr is KHl ' and Into in tlieito
ancient religious systems is manifest-
There is not a more interesting object
of st tidy than thut of tho Faiths of
Mankind. For sale by A. K. GIFT,
Governor Snyder's Monument
At the last session of the Legislature
$3,000 was appropriated to pay for the
erection of a monument over the grave
of Gov. Simon 8nydur, at Holmngrovo,
Snyder ceuiity. Governor Ilcyt, Sec
retary Quay and Secretary Dtinkol
the coin niiion created by tho bill to
seloct a plan for tho monument, met
last Thursday in the Executive De
partment at Harrieburg, and cxaiuiu
ed a largo number of plans which had
been sent by monument builders in re
sponse to the request for proposal.
The design that struck tbu commis
sion most favorably was oue from the
Mitchell granites company, of Quiucy,
Miss. It is of gray granite rusting on
aetono base, the latter surrounded
by motal rail. The pedestal Is square
shaped, and on throe sidus contains
medallions representing Gov. Snyder
as a farmer, a tanner aud iu his sUdy,
the remaining side oontaining a tablet
with the inscription of his life record.
The whole is surmdlinted by a brume
dust of the dead Governor. The com
mission has not selected this design as
yet, but has written to tho Mitchell
company, suggesting a few changes of
ruiuor importance, which, if acceded
to will secure them the contract.
enry Sides, conductor of the shift'
er in tho yards here, met with a se
rious aouidoot on Monday morning.
While making a coupling , his right
hand was caught between the "bull
noses" and badly crushed. 2c was
removed to bis home on Logan street,
where Drs. Van Valzuh and Parcels,
of Lewislown, and Smith of Adams
burg, amputated a portion of tho hand
with tho forefinger and thumb. An
effort will be made to save the remain
ing portion of the band, although it is
tevetely injured. Ttis less than a
year since Mr. Sides Injured the mid
dle finger of tho same hand, requiriog
amputation at the second joint
On Friday evening, in the crush of
vehicles coming from camp, a livery
horse became somewhat unmanage
able under the use of tho whip, and
was turned over to a boy to bo return'
ed to the stable, but tho horse got
sway from the boy who jumped out.
In coming up Main street, at or near
the National orossing, the bone knock
ed down two women iu ' tho street
Mrs. Win. fiuits, of Logan, and Mrs.
Samuel Knspp, who lives over the
Uidgu. The women were carried into
houses aud medical aid summoned, it
being feared (hat tbsir injuries were
nil lie serious. It transpirsJ, howevor,
tnsr. tuey
only sulliirel a verv severe
shock , no uuiies laving irokeu. tit
'tulis was .
bruisod. . T
l.rtlty wovwrly. cut ami
rimir iiir uiii-ui,ir,l a.
; y.ndwroih' hiv;r...r.
moed home,
- 11 . " UL"
The attendance at the Pains camp
meeting on Sunday was Very large.
It Is estimated that at least 8000 peo
ple were On the ground.
k cats el Small Pox.
X member of the Third1 regiment,
from Philadelphia, was taken down
with small-pox in camp lost week. Me
was promptly removed, hospital tent
and all, to the orchard on the poor
house farm, where he still remains.
With tho precaution taken there Is
no danger of the spreading of the dis
ease, and the occurrence was kept
quiet to prevent unnecessary alarm.
Wm. JcIfenry, of this place, has
charge of the patient, remaining with
him all the time.
The State Normal School of this Dis
trict will open the Fall Term Sept, 0th,
1882. All who are looking forward to
teaching should avail themselves of
the advantages thero afforded. The
thorough training received by its grad
uates caused a demand for them far
exceeding tho supply. The school
gives to every graduate, what no other
in the District can give, a rvi.t I'm
FKsxioMAi, Standing by its Diploma.
and free Tuition to those who Gradu
ate in two years Normal classes sflord
the best drill for academic students.
Studonts having a card from the prin
cipal get half fare on the L. & B., and
.Reading R. R. For Catalnguo and par
ticulars sddroes the Principal, D. J.
Waller.jr-, Ph. D., Bloomsburg, Col-
umuia county, I's,
Aug, 17, 3w.
Robberies and Losses.
Wo have not heard of a singlo burg
lary during tho encampment, but no
doubt the light-Angcrcd, pocket-picking
gentry did considerable work on
Friday. IKo are told that Joseph
Swartzell, of Armagh township, in the
crowd at the borough statiou on Fri
day evening, misicd his pocket-book
containing about one hundred and
twenty five dollars, and it is supposed
a pick-porket took it. A country
man's watch was taken from his pock
et on )orcas street, but he promptly
missed it, and tho man who took it (a
"boy in blue") immediately passed it
bao and uiado his escape. A gold
watch and chain was lost or stolen
near the McKinney corner of the dia
mond on Tuesday of last week. A
gold watch was lout ou tho parade
ground on Friday last, ll had tho
monogram "R. V." on tho case. The
finder can secure a liberal reward by to Major Phillips, superin
tendent of Lewislown division. Leuu-
tuivn Vemovrul and Sentinel.
The Philadelphia Prow liss had
many commendatory word for tho
National Guard. From its editorial
column of Monday's issue we extrac'.
the following ; "General Jartranft has
every reason to be satisfied with
the result of the State encampment at
Lewistown. Barring a march neroHS
couutry and maneuvering iu the open,
a camp ( f itntructton is the hudl poi-
sible me ho I which aan be taken to
lit tho National Guard (or active duty,
and in its present state of training and
dWoipliue, nothing more than instruc
tion in camp can bo safely attempted
Few States, if any, havo a better Na
tionsl Guard than Pennsylvania."
i4gaiu : "The admirable characteris
tics which made our militia famous
in the war mark them still pro-uini
neutly. They marched to the I-otvis
town camp, they took thnir places
inured to the tedium and monotony of
mimic wsrfaro with tho disciplined
steadiness of veterans who not only
knew the fortitude ncretsury in dan
ger, but pntionco necessary in pre
paration. It is not too muoh to say
that ronasylvania has as fine an army
of citizen soldiery as can be put in
tine in the world. Perfect in drill
admirable in order, alert, quick, Intel
ligent, the destinies of the State may
be safely confided to them should an
emergency arise,"
ltagle Hotel.
(Near tlie Mkldlohurg Depot,)
THEO. 8WINEFORD, Proprietor.
John Cooks, Juniata Co., Pa.
John t'risswell. Dauphin, Pa.
W. H. llouU, Lewisiowu, Pa.
riamuel (dangler, Hichllold. Pa.
Win. WooUllnir, Ailaiusburg, 1'a.
F. K. Hulley, Fremont, Pa.
II. K. (traybill, ttiohlleld. Pa,
H. S. Ziinuiuruiun, do
D. H. Htradford, Lewistown, Pa,
Frank BaL Laureltou. Pa.
Haut. Kreps, do
John Kreim, do
K. J. Walter, Minliuburg, Pu,
A. a Reed. Pbilodeiphlu.
J. U. (iraybilL ttiohlleld, Pa. -Oeo.
Zimmerman, do
(i. F. Drooius, Fremont, Pa.
Albert. Huuuee, uo
John Knuulienliacri, l'ullus. Pa,
Wm. tteadinir. Kiolifleltl. l'o.
i. W. Kraiu and Ladles, Sunbury, Pa,
Qeorge Helgler, Waguer,.Pu.
Central Hotel.
Middleburg, Pa
JACOI1 O. SMITH, Proprietor.
J. L. Itlehl, Sellnsgrove.'Pa,
J. A. Hinltu, Kraiuer, Pa,
J. LelMieh, York, Pa, .
U. Ulrtoh, (ilobe Mills, Pa
L. Kemuierer, Columbia, Pa.
J. D. CouUton, Fixher's Mill, Pa.
Kellar, Philadelphia, Pa.
S. Edwin Long, . do
A. Dalo and wife, Meehaiiloshurtr. Pa.
John F. Willis, Philadelphia, Pu?
Henry App, rkillnsgrove, I'm.
Nornntii App, do
Ed. Iteyle, Wllltauusuort, Pa.
A. H, Mattls. Mll2&,,g, Pa.'
ltdl. Lekman. Hunbiiry, Pu,
Kob. riuiiUi, Frank hu, Pa
' Morrison, WUIIaiuort, Pa.
it oh. iwiigia, . neiinsgrovo, ja.
J. W. Btoulyf IViwMiwii, i'a
HoruilMnd Son. l.iwlJinn- i
Win. Jrihoir, Mimiiilm,, V
win. Foresnwu, , !
, it's said that iWnuni's show wift ex
hibit In Sii'nhiiry about the 10th or
Octotifcr. Tilts will be a' big day.
Nerves, brain, and muscles' gain
strength And the power of endurance
by using Brown's Iron Bitters.
free of Cost
Xll persons wishing (o test the mer
its of a great remedy that will positively
cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of
the Tlrrost Sad Lungs -sro requested
to call at J. A. Moats' Drug Store and
get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, free o
eoM, which will shdw you what a regu
lar dollar site bottle will do.
Attention I 131 Regiment.
Tho Mist ReRt P. V. In connection
with the 28th, 147th A Knitpps Battery
will hold a re-union nt Soliusgrove
Sept. 13th, 1893. All the comrade are
invited to be present, particularly Co.
"F", at which time we hope to effect a
reorgaiuation of thi oi l company.
Pol. Oppenhciincr, of Selinsjjrove.,
leads the advance column of progres
sive business men. Ifo grasps every
new, good thing the moment it ap
pears on the market. Tho jato.-tt is the
Scratch-pocket shirt made of the
very best material iu tho very best
manner oflered the puhllo at tho vi rr
lowest price so const rtictcd that
perspiration may bo 'removed without
breaking the bosom the itchy may
scratch to their hoarl's con'ent with
out inconvenience or attracting aiten-
ion combining olhor advantages
peculiar only to this particular make
of shirt which we caunot at this time
Aug. 17.
A Valuable Addition.
,'ocrtiiHo it is beneficial to iho scalp
aud adds to pelsonal beauty by 10
storiiig color and lustre to grny or
faded hair, is why Parker's Hair Bal
sam is such a (ropular dressing.
A Delightful Novelty,
Liidie prefer Flurcstou Cologne he-
cauxe they find thU lasting combina
tion of exquisite perfumes a delight
ful novelty. August.
Mary Hotmm. vn.Ttra KTtoo M. B. a.
jonn w. !n nn Nrti ou nils . w. A.
Hlniur nl w. H. Uk4.
A. II. f' a Cv. . h. P. a l.ln.H U.
I'clci- Vllr p Vrtaklln Wlr.
Uanlel K-jriUlUr vr. Lvl HiulU Bulks tn
.Uduu Si, ll, a Vok()i'. M. A. A'l.
CS.. II. faiktf). Tls M. Ac. a l.lf A. ol
Jobs llainuiel Do. vi, WlllUra flou t.
ry r innor rruivst So, vi. TUsiupitos.
Th Hakaal l)U. Vnlas Twp. vi. IloUrt W.
Th H,:m, Out. Uuloa Twp. v. Uliti. W.
Ssinanl UelnbtDbtrh to. Jchn Ik Kiln Siiuu.
John hhaiiln(r Ssmaitl IIirhei.koh.
iiisKuhoul out. uolua Twp. vi. iio. II. Hor
roul .
Aoitraw Hnmtnwl Jt. Viim Mltcbwl.
frv Town hln v. I)linmin Tnwi-aliln
8.niu-l a !,. II. Klluw ta.Uwo.Mortr.
Aiauw r.iwr . in. M-urr tin 4. vw. inse
Benirmi, ll. IWM io raur bihlli
atliori. uarnl-htwt.
lioliaw a Kuckwr u ... Jmoi S. Hoiltk a
t. w. a .Iwoob HoOrasa vs. Tks rwoil M. A.
hoolwiv SK.
T. W. a Jarob Hoffroao a Hanry Hachrltht vr
i ua ranpma iu a . noomy m.
John 8. Wolf t- JrhB lair.
arairar a Konoar it. ran raaoa, Canal va,
ltoa 8. I. A N. U. U. U. Oo. Ti. f. J. botiocU A
1st Mat. Hank. SallB'sroTt va, W- Eokbart
noiioa o.
Tka abora cauaai ara at latas and tot trial at
i-aiitotabar Tarrn A. I. iwi,
Auk IT, ISlt. PromoiTotary.
illldcllebiirff Uliirket.
Simonton. Darbor Sc Oo.
" o.
.... U)
.... US
Hutter !W
Oui-HiK 60
I-iiitl . 14
Tallow (XI
Kpring Chickens ptr lb. Vi
"in " a
Tea Coal.,
..86 to 60
4 21
11 00
'iMwtnnt Goal..,
Illarkbiuith OouJ...
I'laster, jwr ton
Aup;. 6tb, at Froobursr, William
Harvtiy. son of Franuisawl Elizabeth
tllass, aged IS years, 4 montiui and 9
Aiifr. 11th. at Iteavertown, Fietta,
wife of Daiiiul tShelL, aged 411 yearn, 7
mouths and 6 days.
'DTfin.17QTu,,L0,t. "ros win sms
aant.tamB. mm mm
aaiid a uy rvlaru
mall oar I naaa aana i.ih
U U BlMorklBN totaraal loarary roaxUr nt t b la
l!"-1 iii, ma, aawyr,,
aiudmt, heaw.l Taobaf, Marobaut, Vann.r
aoo. aad OauKhian la a. wjrd, vrrioaay
wMltDSItlauraatiBf, mmt la bbbv n mti
wrwvs lb ua.plaa: sua la lorlaaa. mi' f.n
U an. va,.t mmbu ra M. watar ISa
suvylf Is sskau.tMi. d4rM,
Kbitstobb riiBLiatiiM On
Aa. IS, iw. ImwUIibts , tlaloa U., Pa.
ob our Hook, ami !
Wi tBBfiiviim Aosai-a
tka blaaBat .oannlaalan.
ob our Hook, ami IlltiU.1 aud a flu tfctuluat-
Orias, wor Ik SIT la araryUxW wha sail, a ear
tola qasaUty l Beuks, wkkU eaa k suK Id 4
Ob BiiBdr4 of Bar (In la real plrtara. fraa
to Anu- aud ll aa.lila. la hard solid t'A.B
Bd a I cant . Unp for aarUaular.. No no..
OO., LswiBwarsa, Ualoa .. tm.
Wiliium Holf-c-worth
vs. Ma
ry J. Holu
vrorts. I n the Con rt of Oom
, iiioii l'leaa of 8ny
dur Co. Al. ttabiM
na In Divorce, No,
67 May Tenil,
To Mary J. Holtsworth, Uespoudeut:
rPARK notice that von are reauir-
J. i-il ffafiM)-r lit JiMr tftapttf p.ffiiit befor
nr 7iM. al M n;.U.Snra, al tli url of Hum-m-m)
Plc tkil i h li. 1 1 fo I!:. ,. Uaamf
a rtj.r"fn Moii'Viy in t,li t.f .,r Spl .oBai,
mwwer iariitikiiii me i.ti'Hinfr and to
"i'.. rt.y trail lias akr! tf III
law, your l tni. k..l4 Hltall.
'Kr4 rva ILu bouila of Mttbaatiy, aaraaably
!(. anMal Aantuhla m iwbBa smmHBM
fuwd, bbS kataul fall sot.
- ... . ..... iiBVtn nvtrmtv aharis..
8. Oppenlieimcr
reduces 8ummer
Clothing prices to
a nominal figure
in order to make
room for his
Rcttei4 Bargains
than ever heforc
ottered in Sum
mer Goods, and
no doubt about it.
Now is the time
to buy. Don't de
lay, hut call at
once. Prices he
low original cost.
The Summer
goods must he
sold or iriven a-
way, and we arc
now scllingat such
prices as must
command the at
tention of ull.
S. Oppenheimer,
AnK 8, Wi.
Ooiti'l 1 o!ii million.
W If K UK AS t!.o Hon. C
Hui liar l-raMiit .Tuilaa nf tli IiimI
ulal I'lmrlct ojiijIhi&q-I of Ilia roubllcii ol ?llV.ur
I'uliin ami M ill I n man Hiram 1'N"
Haai'l. H. Vo,. r, l.i. An.oi-I! Ju l'" in
and lur hnvilar e-iuiity havo I'euiil lU:1r tro
rata brarliiit, il ( lUa t ali -lay ul . ill y A. ll,
l-a-i, to in illrautaJ lor tint hnMlriir it an nr.
tiaiin court, a uourt ol OommoQ I'loa., court
oftlyar and T.rminar anil Oeoaral ouurt ol
(lunrtnr s - I .1.1. ol tl.o .o-i o .-tl-l iluourit,
lor tlianiinty of Noyilor: iq ilio Ilk Munlay,
(lialua Hi vatk Say ul Keut 1):') .o l -ouil. u
ohm ai-ak.
Noun la thi-r lor barrliy Klfan to Ibo Corn
oar, Ju.iln. of th roan and t'oOklaljIo. Iu
and for Ida mmnty ol Hnyiiar, i. apaar In ilialr
rror armna with ttialr toll, racor-l.. Ipi.
nan.. jCNnilurtioni. anil olnar toumnii rnoo.
l. ihixa tkina. to tkalr olllea. and ID Hi kr Im parlam to b don and w ita bdiI ar
in. uroii'iiiloB Iu l.akali ol lua tiioiuion-
waalth aaalB'l anr tior.on. ara reiiulrail to In-
tbn and llmra aitrndliiK and D t !tiiurtlni
witbout Inav at liiair i-.i II. .Tunlloen -ira r-
aotil to bo paui-iuil In ltblr atlinJaojo al
ui apiiotniau tiniB ..rvuaiiiy io nnima
T' B BBar my kand and aaal at lb hlier-'
I'l oOIob In Alliltflaburtf. Uia lull day of Aug.
Ill', ofjio. In J
A. I)., oos tkoaaand alickl buoJr.4 ami
A . I)., on
Itura nf adialnhitraUon ob tba aatatoof
JnnalHan li Ar'ui:A4k., lata ol
waahliatna lJaUii.. Ssydar aoanty. 1'a.,
bavlnirkaan a raaiad to tli uorianlunori, all
pamon. knoaliiK Ikaiaiialveii l Io all
aatala ers ro-uts.l In taat-almuiaillaia -ay
Biant, wlills thin lia Inn elalui. will mafant
(Sui duly aatlibiloatil Inr ttHntoiit to
JiMAIllAn it. A ll Hint a, l ,
Aa. IT, last, A.lialnU-.ratof a.
In the inatU'r of the estate of Jona
than liOYvei-sox, dooeiiwil.
TUE nnderaitfned, Anlitor up.
nnlnloil by le llrDlin' Ooart of Hnyilor
oouuty. to dlatrliiato tbu balanoa to Ibo bnnil. of
r. If., A'1iuiutiitratr nr tli titaiA of
lli.alit dnoManl. will nii-pt tba li.rll"ri In Inlor
aat al bla olhna In Mll.ljlmr on TUKIO.VY.
StfT.ltii, liNl.lNitwMntliakoim of IS A, M.
an r. jb. or day, wbun and wtu-ra you vi
Doilflnt l-i rn-.unt vonr clalia. ar r,rrr
kairad Irom particlp tiu Inaald dinirlhntlon.
i.E. uuwr.H,
Aon. 17, lass. An ll-or.
waatoii for
How to Attala Owl liwltk, l."D l.lf,i anil
HafH-r liotoaa. Ilnw to provoat tllii'. Il-iw,
wkoa,aud akat U aal. lllotklojc Aeuldanra.
Oaraof lb .lot. Marrlairw Ite parpoao, du
Ua. and plaaiura. lank Bd ara or chlldran
tfalr I'by.tcul. InbMl.otaal and Moral tr.ln
Iok and KOTcrnmant. Nik lal and bualnm. III.
Tb law.of llaalth. SIkii. aaS trantniaiit of
dlvaav. Kaprcanat. Ik lif work, .irlauii
aud obaarraUoB. of m Mnloaal pbylctan,and
oontalo. ItnporttDt iBlnrmattoB Uiat Katkara,
Mtbra, lloikauila, Wlvta, noung U.o and
uall.. Hi), a ad t.iria oaiiiit to know. Motb
in lia
n a
var pablUasd.
Mall, al rln'it.
Mou.l i,.r oln iilara nod larmi. P. W.
LeK a CO., su Arok St., fkluvlaliikla, fa.
SjaB. MM SaMkatlQu. BOW bTo. Hi
j Tav I public Yon oo mak mum
II kP I ay fk.ta. at work for u.
Sk M kx fl tn at amlk'na alia. Oao.
tot ant ia.l. Wa Bill .tart you, lililn
and upwaril. Btad at knra by th ImlaatN..
Ma, w.ia.n, bay, and alrl. want ri.rkr
ta war. far a.. Nw u tk. tlata. Yoa Sao
work la .nsr tlrna Salt or irla ynr whoto
ttai to tb ba.lBa... V n II? at koaoa
aadS th wwrk. Nolkr kanoa.l will pa.
voa aaarlf a. wall. Na on a can fall la raak
Bomtoa say ky aaua.lnk. at uaoa, 0 oatl
Ouini and tariat fraa. Moay mail fait. .a.
ly, and honorably. Addra. Tana a Co
Aagutu, ktala.
THE nndersignod offers at privste
Sal. bay farm aitaat la Praa Iwwartiffi.
fttyler ooaaty, Pa tk foMlo Raad laad-
1n from rraobura taPort Trovarion, about two
ill, irwai awiawsroTa, aaaiaiaiag
.119 Acres,
mar nr Is a kink atat of roUlyatloo i4
aadar sS laaoa U.a Mil hwtlt and irSa
ll oiratiit t Mark at aa4 Mohonl i a.1.
Join tais th HooTr Mill .rorrly, lanil. of A.
J.l'l.kar aad nlhara, witarwoa ara raetsSs
twaaorf wwauibti
Hoase, Pitnli Harn '
SBiUn BSBBiiary oulbullillnv. Iu a nd atat
oiriaH-a a.yarw.u.a ti9l wa(rttk.
Yourj Oroliai J, :
ainrlalnff tka boat vkrl.Uaa, and la Uarto.
TaUMS) KASY. tor IBfUar BalUauUr.
all os ar aaJrai.
mui'il.. winning
If- -
it .
J' .
New Monitor Jr. Clover Holler.
In the New Monitor Jr., all the defects of o(W maelilnet have boed
removed and it is uow conceded the most pcrleul Mailer offbred tho Atner
ican farmer. Tho complications of machinery hhro btca simplified thai
making tho Joiiitor lighter ruouiug, lues euinbrouo, moredarable, ier
foot iu its woik, and cLuaper-
ltuavor SiM-iun, Scydur Co, tl.
Apr. 24, Vinl, Apent fur Sny lor snd Jauisla OonntiMs.
In tho eiitutf of Ail iin (Itiriniin. de"d.
rPHH nncleffittnt'il Anililnr appoint
1 Sil l-f Hi. Ilri hin' Cnart of Hny l.r ..
In itlnrlliul. Hi Ian l In lh. tiM ( W-n.
Ilrll"(, almlnl-tralnr nl p.ll .iaI wilt
niar-t Ilia artla inpr..ld at Kfi-i'rr'a Hotel
In tr'rciuunt, c.n 1 l-inr In y, Aun.l HI, l-t, at
uo'flk A. M. t wiilh tin.. aQi pU all
claim. aalnl .hM .ulata miim h. pr.ant'l,
oih.rlr. Ilitf will l. clarrl from clalmlD:
an l lortloB ul a. laud,
11. 1I.OR1MM.
An J, lvil. Amlitnr.
In thi F.i.tute ul Henry Wi-tzrl, hit of
MitldlMcrei'k tnwiiHhip dcri'iiHi'd.
TnKlltal-aili,i, H.nrv N. Wol
I, Milan, M-ru lvl althH,
H. Kantt, d craail, all of knyilrr riunty
Aarun K. W.tft l, Wyoming:, k.nt luubir
lllaiKr, Jnhn Wai'l, l.ullolctile. C'anira'
o 'tinijr, Penoa , Fmnklm Wei..!, hli.irtiB,
Colorado, an'l H'o l K. Wlr.l iMMim In
t'artba, ., ML.ourl Lair, anil Iu4al rroauls
tlvwof llary Wau, I, ,l oa.t, that tr vlrtna nt a
writ t iD'iuirllWB l.n.aJ out r tlia tlriuan.'
1'i.url of hnvir o-nnty, ao-l to in
thai an Inott.'t will h. liii.l on th irmla of
Henrv, 'air i.l M i.!ilo,-rtHli l(iwnlil.
iiT-l'r r.iiiiity. I't .iltve-wi ..I, on MOMIIAV,
UT i MS, at 7 .I'clnolt A. M, to mak.
I a nil i. i.r valuation l Hie K al Litatl
l, m.'-I -:i eaxa i. WLcn an-l wh.r you may
atl til II you t li I it U ptoi-or.
Auu n, u-:
rlOVAL?i9fft 7A
.1. m,m.(.
a ". .. B C
Absolutely Pure.
If . . HtrfiiDtit a.i(l wboliKii(ifiii h . ."Vfiir-t -
in oO-ftl tbu Ibo orti.D-.ry fciti'U, p1 raitfit r
M,d iu rouiiiuitu witu ui Mtuii'iiUti ul in
i at. itiort w.-liiM, luiu ni n.i h r,
r. i.I Kf.i in rhstt. Iki V A Is HA K IN O
,twi)Kii nt iim wH si li . y.
Auti. I, IflttS l.
Selins Grove
D. R. Gtratford,
at St'liiiNrove i pi"nnit to 1'iniinl,
and mm WQ3K
of M klud1.- la lb. o.mmi All liac ltouia.1 do
Inn. worUvil fit of th
Best Marble
at tlMtrt sotlo. All woik warrant! li 1t.
ml lai-llou.
af l.aa call aud siamin. o) .li-rlal as
knar my prisa. lifor pa retaining . U.absr.
Jan. 1, 1.83.
uoooaA. W otlar itx elal la.lurwiot. baron. I
any otkar firm. Koooor. brl. a. Toa ruiiil
war KMFi.uvaaxT anil ooA whim, farii
ealara furulmiad in a..llcatloa. A.irt
(wltk itauii) .latins u.
li. r, Ki iwiniiiai;.!.,
MaraeijBiaa, lu. N. Y.
An. , Int.
POST At Ou t
t J-VV.
I W'lav,'B'
nix tines sjirHAfian
114a Mir t0VAr. mim. tM-.t Lvt o va
Sara ViahlMl f.t .. 1'Hu iVl.HT
n riiiM lam r .kjtjm . va tat
NLS on. tfeuit i-jalBttr. t.A U ara-rw
Ibti with au. bLmai ! cut. Vmlljr
lovrwd bttaa-et-a iiuieiat. Vtct,
Nict rimUxt, iJ.'V JM
IHacouala to iliu VritAmu rn
mvt aauujua.utf.
OtsS 1UIJ ll BajsiJ mj kb '1 i a. lw4- ! J V
11 Utt ihtj itast ts fasisj ir tiaf.LI IhIajim., aM
U tirsAiayiUa. t'isd.tsiss, Hstfttat. Li1' tf
kW faalt,!, ! snH ajska, IJk$wss sUdtstrtv, MfT
mm Kisrv'irsHSS). smis) tUi Jim mC rssjsi (?. VfV
f Vw livtt aM. H4 I all slrkwiisu VI
MM (ivauUT sfjsrrc sTr. f ) Urm-i war ilrrvWaV
1 ss rV, HUstHirfiti. ra. 2
A Good Salary jrsaH-3?
anf frBTrllnanonK1. t wliM ry uina. 1 parililnii faluaimn of Itia nn1 tMKaa, i ZI
rbl olwiaaa will raaoi. i wbn mia.a out, u. i aH . 'in.i4 4m in u. u. . an.l ralUMlIU rani bA IX viA.luk l ln. r. " ""-
in nrv -f u 1
- - - -i i -
and Farmers
.a" - A I
RnpUiy rupsraofllra all others
vvervor Iritroduood -Pronounonr!
by an army of happy;
purohasera ta bo ta BXST
Tho NEW HOMB Is posttlval
Tho !mpIrir,Ir.9!eot Muni.trkf
(Vtost ltollM?t and
Moct Curnblo Sowrl.wj MssMss
cvar Invontad
It rprnto ?u!olity, piilsrHy, and
without fa-.i;ue to thaoyorasor.
Furl Informajtlon, DeverlptivoCat
au-gues, Aatm froo on aplloatiosu
lt Unlcn Square, N. Y
And Orans). ktaasv
T'oxi'lnll.', , Siiythr county, ra.
t'n.Lrtaklnir Io ail IU braachr. rntapit B4.
in.:aw. Alar.b hls.
In tho Estnti' of Wm. ArhoRBst. flop'd.
To Sarah .Tutio Arbova.t wl.Vow, Ton.oa.
Ariia-:,, Slmo.. ;Arl..,t-,., W. H. Arioame,
Jobii Arli"t. riarab ArlMHiaat, Amnn-la
Arl'oua.t, iba thiei. laM tiaaxnl lln m lb -.a
ami La I .r iblr KUanllaa .li n.ul.iu K'lrh.
banm, lnlr. and Ivnl raprrHnniatlva.' ol Win.
Arli. kd - I 1.1a nl I'..... fa..
,l.n o. ' ' ' "
Von re -rrot y rot fl. I 0,t by vlrtnn af
writ .1 lp n.l'l .n ! .na,l u ii ol inn tlrf.b.i.s
I'-.ui I of i ;or ra.uniy. and to ma rlirutt
nmt on ImiuoiH will no bol l on lb vrn. of
Wm. AiUoja I, ilon. I, uiant Hur.-y 'wr., Hoy
ili toi.Mjty. !'.. i,n Monday l-i.n'oinarll.
ls.2, aloo'ol uka. i.i. io inula iiariltlon ar n Hi. ,oi. I..I.I Ul ,M Wfi'4
-liB anil wbara you a.y Mvaad If ymu t..iv
lirn,r, -
.101) Zt, ..1.
uayid ii ci chut, abnsr
.Vuilitor-H IVodce.'
1 lb trlowii.,n
July JT, icjj.
J AaSitaa.
In theuuittfrf thtfaiitatsol liudohah '
lruKKT, ic'U.
' To 3mSvtTt Mrwanm.
widow, lli-or IK-rnr. kll.u H'mcmtrmUwl'
.lilli.K IB l oyil. rcn .niy, I... iJ
inicrta in:.. I wKHari t'inat. .l.iia"t
.irla.ul, jLnlaufHk, J.aOjnr liywraar
.i ll.iK at -lnA'. I Di'-kUI..!,,,,, ".V.
bam liruk.rlt4.i.rf tad w i. Ia.r hu.
Lata l.niKKaf H Ui Xtwaaa, rwwna.teT
-nillana, .lao I'U.iaf rt.Uii,,,- mmmr Noith
, an.l lodlai.V.TIa Jlruar latiwTwS
.i.i.i-... v. In, -i iBiai. w.
WILon h ,u-'b i.l boat rmM-at rrTTT;
i-rarrlo. ;h.i alr.aBS M TwrmimZil
th. ..I l.ulirrw,K,. 4mlt KaTrTi.
uyuur oiuia . , uciwai.
Yoa ara i.r nllr4 ttl -a- wtrta.
arltol lauri-li'S lmcl out of tfc.
J. J'A'. IU WCBl.V.sawW.
uricE to nms.
Intbarwr oftlae u.Jat. J..-,.
hatai TfamiiA
To Iramlal t:
. .. J.i .... . "-"'-, M,MimfMtil.
ouwi ' i. r.: Ami ti k.. ...
Ilarl. r n tlo. la.. iLJ-.Tl,-
. 11,1.
llaJtnioruiaijri ,! v,t,. i im7
n'.., v,.-rt . t
i.fM -arUa iart.XtMaI5rw
bajfdnar, wfchM tr hir a larSlut SuaS
waVia., BAaaMSrtw, fc577S? -rV
u Z " t' ""' SkaaaiMu.aiwrtaiW
X7L -T4"- '"W.rirad aAa:
hd.'-.aio'i rt-o irra ,- ,, ,?T)UV
r. . ""l. "a'S v7
1 fr iimr n!iao
a, u,
I bib I arid,. Ha4 V, Km tM.I -am ia. A.
S BBaT,;WS.!?
'iti, San t ,b, aa
I fl 4tmtmd mt iu . 7 "
1 , l . .
14 tta .Him-! as
y na mm,
X.,1 by lliaOrpkana'CWrtor Hn,a ' S. " Ik. luoO. iu thak.nd. of SZ, nVna?
man A.lmli lblrul.r ol In .,. It iSJ
UI..K..I..U d--U. ..II I aitta. tk. XIX.??:?
i. ointuiaut al to oSloa I. mTTTTL ' all lurit... luinami ,m ?ui
autlMirilalu.,or a 1'rTn,rLr? Vl
parllclnallDH Io .IJ (. trlhJiio- .mm
aan. sokla Mill.. J. uwL. T7. . "
T .j 'T"i w j- r4 lmA
f.!.Uf.inil )u.. uZL
asaaawiiai 175-1?
Tii.''', o. w