Oj column one ymr, 'L"!""1! One-hair, column, one year, One-fourth column, one year, N J On square (10 lin0 1 insertion 7 Eery additional insertion, 0 Profossioiihl and Busine card ol not more than A lines, per year, o.0(' Auditor, Executor, Administrator Md Assignee Notices, 2.R0 Editorial notices per line. t5 All transcionl advertising less than I months 10 cents a lino. All advertisements fur shorter pe Hod than one year ro payable il th lime thev are ordered, and it mt paid U person oidcriug them will oe neld; .nspontililo Tor the monev. l. O t .V "the broken tie. BY MIW. V. tm Kl.A.Ml I've given tip thy frlend-eotp, "t ' hard, a hitter thin lint mine's a nature far too iirou l t 1 ' , ... .... bear negleet g oold stinir; U is one ludre l.ncm adl-d to tlie ny 1 have learned, Tlmt the holiest feelinrs of the heart are ofteties' rudely spurned. Hal the tie l,.v .leath been severed, I would have bowed mv heud ' And wept Bileh tenrs an ronsecrate the memory of the dead. I could have looked beyond the crave, and smllhitf. kissed the rod. Which, when it smote me. bore time up, near to the throne of Hod. Had misfortune fallen on uiee, hu.i m- cold world iiasmmI thee tiy I would have proudly stood I lie tet . . . .. . 6rJitdheviUmlndid dnred toeVn ntkii nr jtni.ri fuiriinii eve. . - i pollute th;- inane, ' 1 wotlhl liaetavSt the blunder bnek to those from whom tt eiime. n ,,, t ...m ..L ........... . rareweu. i wumu n". .;. ........ memory In thy heart. It lute faded down tlie mriunroi' time. . let It ill pertee depurU Let It slumber i" oblivion -it Ihih hiht Its charm for thee; j Its WHtihiK llht could never shed one gleam of Joy forme, (io! but believe me, while I breathe this laid farewell. No thought of bitterness or s-.-orn shall In thU buHom dwell, Too proud to tie neclented, I can yet lie Just to thee. And break the eh'iln affection f-jr'e I to fetter thee and me. The future ne'er mny brltiR again, a.- In the jHith you stray, A heart more faithful than tli one you lightly nut away. Therefore iu HiulnenH, not iu wrath, do I Rive thee luwU my claim; Withholding only that whi. h ftam on memory's pn thy u.iuie. THE DT1NU ffldinci. We were weejilm; round her pillow, For we knew that she must die; It was nltfht within our bosom -It was night within the iky. There were seven of us children, I the oldest one of all, Bo I tried to whlspercoaifort, Hut the blinding tears would full. On my knee my little brother Leaned his uohin. brow, and wept. And my sister's !oii', black treise- O'er my heavlnu bohoiu swept. The shadow of an awful fear Came o'er mean I trod. To lay the burden of my Uriel Ileforc tho throne of Jod. "th, be kind to one another," Was my mother's pleading pruj, r. An her hand lay like a suo-v !! il.e On the baby's (oldm hair. Then a glory bound hur forehead. Like the glory of a crown. Ami In the silent sea of ib-ath The star of life went down. Her latest breath was home away Upon her loving prayer, And the hand grew heavier, paler, In the baby's goldeu hair. tu ru pot. REBEL PRISONS. BT DR. R.' ItOTlIUOeK. Of those who escaped at the same time with myself,- eigbt wero cap tared tbe first morning aftor tbuir escape, four got away some Ueoty tuiles, while the romuibiog tbroo I tvo never siuoe board from. My unsuccessful esoupe gave uie one aJvanlage in prison 1 It brought a flaltoriug notoriety, which lead to my bttifig tuaJe a confident iu any pUasof escapo formed by those, bo wore aoouuin ted with iut ads venture I lulely bad iu trying to cs upe. I wot sure to bo posted in ail luoDolling going on in the atoukad sod tburefore, ia my of.it.lon, increas ing my cbaoobs for eaooessful es wpe. During July prison ore continued to come into prison at tho rate of tWt cue thousand per - week. Tbe&o with faw oxoeptions, bad pre- 'muaiy boon robbed of their ovot WU ll,l 1.1.. .1 I.. ,v,na I n - "tancoa, bad neither shoos, stockings, "or Jackets nothing but shirt and Ptotaloon to cover their naked ness. ambers of tho iu mates of the .prison bod boon prisoners nt Dell "and, and various other rebel pi is- 0,i for a year or uioro, aud of ne in that time bad trot no ad- 'tious to their .wardrobe, toioept as thi.ii- ii..i..iuit v i.iiii.i ,1.,. ill VOL. 19. Ii won common to boo prisoners withont b its, shirts, shoos, or pnnU loooa, their only rovoring being a pair of oil tatlcrol drawers. In this manner imm became so burned by exposure to the siin, tlmt tlx ir ekies seemed tanned nltuonl time ilor ,,( 8ole- leather. j Tbo R,.nt ,, )0 cinifi , i , ,, i.t-ihon at tin lime !. I none of th t' inn-1"":" r,iv. , " initi'i')i', b'it were pl'in ;. 1 iiilo tbi Joplhs of prismi mixu-y nt oiioh. . Without the ad iiiita;;es of xpyr , ,Vf r- ,vil1' '"'J me.i'is of c t.n f foi ts, tl.ey w tin uvt inti P' ifiii to stniKbi tin. I iie!;i n di.sp n J 'tl1 1 . i ftml die. tomo twenty of my coej. , pn'iy .l'L-1 dli-.-is; tn m ji.f U II- 15, a 1 1 1 .''.bo'lt sixli'un Vii'lts oi l V.-SM n vii'ti'il tl ilosp ilidteiej :uui ( I at.iivHti)i. fiu d.iliC.le si i n i-'i 1 , , H.lt,, 1 I I'ith'.Uhle f 'o ' f the in U in. W .out nti y 'i'ii'i - ;l ir ! . i" 1. vA-i'ed j iHWfty io tt mere ik. Iilon. md lb-Ally V..,, died. A eerfjo'int r.f my ee;i:pt". iino i:I DV uii i. il:e t ilnnmr i ue lid !..J flltltl. il 11. .. hd ImuiQ mv.nlo.-.lLvl ' - - . . foi many j tuis j Jhe m.li:i'ite m.e.il., u !). ivm.iM eelnim. " wijt 10 Hlj)n(lij.u ,1,.,,,!,,,, t priim. b i' .ot.ra-it t fii s:-nl Arn Ii i was e it oil' fm ii tl. .), t,.1 with n pr 'per iMuii-ioiiM ! i i b. IV.o I.j 'im t oof.i' oT I. ''in nla"o, he eont irrilly ei'.tvo I a 1 1 of,.eii b'. urd iu p; 1-ou. i llldJ'ht if snc'.i llioiri. il t'.iei,- ! pliica In would i riiotiiA 'a ei u fi t I ro 1 pippjr,. an 1 n i', i f. iu tiiu 1 a hot .li I ok, w'i'a'i B'j.ru i I () n i while t) revivu life and anblt'.o ! within In. a i but irraliVillv ! strength fjro.v fiiutor a-j I m )-e I i 'i . 'ole. till tm iliol. tu thi-i maimer (bey dropped ofTtako il m-iy it pr.ivu t-i yiu I not n.'ieo able ti mo il for b.Uhiii. : If you liappun to be in a fjrnlV ill ovir priso'i j ono day you wonl I Ji it has to m '. a last s da-u iilun j Vet I always f i.ee 1 myself to creep jnioii I and feel a little pal.u trying to see ti man t'.jnl:intf bis fjj.l, the uexi every o irtlil.v b p i tns p m.i I iy. ion wy h iu Is an I Iuiuim to the brook, 1 ueetlo in yours, or a liltlu urm try lay be would lie a c e pso 1 1 op.-ne 1 tli bo ik. and rm 1 in 1 w. land Uko a sh iwur-bitli. T.n ef- I iiij; to twine itself around your neck, The oiiih'y (iflU .Vew York w!in i ... . . I il will be reo illucto I, ci ilj into r. i" ' nou .it the s i ii i t.i n i wi d 1. .v n j I h" Ii'iid redi'iiK-ih the '."ill red me I in nu u'j.u- by dii'u ov u- j sorv ui's : ail no i t'ul tr o luin f Oir r r.i e i i i i 1 11' : in lieu .- i ! in ! ' ' reiv worso, in ilea I of hotter For i. en of the liit dotuiruoiiti firm id iu pris m, rice an 1 bams wore o j ik ed, ami in tlie o'l.in.p, from cooku I o u u i ik 1 1 f 1 1, oj ) ii ) i illy other j del t.iii n-utj .it ill siu.i, ' 'il th -: looi tuui cjiK'JI wis 0H1M tarruiii dirty oittsuJ by tb 1 h.'i 11 u'j.l rieu uover boinjr clean i 1 t ,riru CJj'tin. iia I from the (lios w ii 1 ciiliero 1 1:0 aud in all dosai'ipt.t 11 1 eatables at ' thai time of the youi. Tee robels sii 1 tint iron wire i- jo suaroo that t;ny couhl no', get it to nonsl111.1l sieVui t. e'oin the rieu and boa mi. II il they nosseisoT a liiinti.doof iiir.mnitv or foratliouuht. ! they mibt have wiuuovtu I thu.u ia . Ihrmitjli tuo priHoii. pies: ut ad a nit. ;t! -- viul. Tiio Hi.uple rniton scno -1 i 'lo si-Ut, whij'a I will nit enlarge (cdtoboforso irreit aluistavo of'npou. dirt that tliov rii,it'.i-j- enro l nnri It was whoti death Locarno cim - 1 - 1 thou ;ht tua lUitUr aftoi . The whjlo prisou wji rov 11 Kf.riu . i.'.i. 1- ..- of misery which ward, caanot ox pviiuj. nod wbiub uovor wau btforo, or cvar u.'aia be uoou. At nignt yjil wife aw.iu.mo 1. your eoinuBuiiia aud fri iu 1 d v ia b vo ir 1 rw . sile. hu lust wo.-Ji jf tia on. trenty for Too l. IJon t tiiUiuothur bo- I die.l," sail a dyiu oa.ura la ttm ; 'It waul 1 breuk her hoart tn know what I h-tl sutTareJ," "I a;u gl i I u'.j cm n)t sue how droa If.tl 1 shi al.v iyi loved to soo m 1 el.; m." "Wish my huuds and f" ValT anot'iof of my ; ooiurud-when hu kuuivbe most die 1 'cibiiot u- to din uo'dirty," and as 1 wa.1'.ed Lis wan, pliubed face, and bras-ui 1 tVm b ra Is,, bo smiled, spukft tlie ' tamo "mother," and died. His sensitive ti vttire bad eer sliriuik from tho vonuiii, llltli aud dirt of 11.0 prison, s coniiMiy to bis formsr Imbits of oloauUoos-; aud g'jntlo breeding m was nnxiotu once moro to be cleiu tiod dre. Sad duuth buds woi V beheld all aroaud. Ou (he dump, bard ground many a mother's darling, many a father's proud h ;i, bie.i'.hed away a life wbleh .shut the light from some household iu some heart left sadtlirobbiugs, I mu gU tUtt 00 m.itlior knows all the partioul trs of the uiiseruble life,' that proooedod dealh il this nbouiioablo prison I u.iva beoo qistionel by many motbors, who have lost a dear boy at AudeiBon villa. If I seemed uncotnmanicatiiu, aud. did not desire to answer their .pio'btioo, and tbould theso pages meet t'aoic eves, lei wheal be assui'td It in.la nor I' a Silrtlili T III lull 1 llllltl. . 1 ' ihiMwith lliein, or ihat my, I u i t wait it 1 1 f ill, but it i I tuo u. I MIDDLEIUJRG, SNYDER COUNTY, ne lj Jutiiiliii-r mimiry whinli dmpaos. rorsotmlly I cnro.1 for' Hu1c fur Spoiling Children, wdnll only brinj lliom nonror pangsinono of tliorto, ns I ovi r plurel Imti Try forip t ft" miu-li ns possible of sorrow. littlo eond liioo in iMttri'iis ; but tlmt you worn yonntf yourself. There comes to my iioo now,! ihonsmnlH of poor fellows, iu liope-'ti When tliey tnutse tbeniHclvos tor sitting in the s ift twilight of lbis;;f t-i olooi'inji lifu a little l"iior. t ttirint? htpuitiIh. look on snl liin'jh. uVi:iin-, listening lj the illij,'c ! e "btirch lull, the f:rr of one win lie I --nisir-i'ilv ntwi 1 -it V i 1 1- ' s.)nvil!e. VM!ii firf t ni t I ) h'. nc-1 i niiit inea, hg wi u eLik !t li ! -i.l i fit m of .n,i Mtu i) iu liujf ri' (.-j vi oir :if pt':nrinoi t,:r y.vi, there wa4 lJt liUln ii( 'jone I ic.l i f iiu liiilj.'. wliie'i uil'to ilo".oi' sl-trvition niii IhtIx j 0i'v v!'1! I'-it'i 1 mtT.:r o'in 1 ivli il:.eiiii ii'miii ;ii fidiv lTot t.c v f i i 1 h, M.ei'.s icre tno, dit'ie.jll 1 1 h i o'oUiuo I iu pri !, n I'e s; !t, n ho wf t i XM W " t'l i-i i m It: ine. s.i ir.'j a noli- of liin villi ho::i : il.'sei i'e 1 1 wiu.liii s!.p ero-n I tii; nvir i,". wlii.n l,e p'l'is .l on i.is iv l.i n,.;!,,,,! ,,i ,.',., i ., Un,( ;), ' ,, , !, v!;ll i 'li-J i:ii,!'M' n;r . r.i I . in, w-ih e -t'le"- I !i, 'il. in ln-;,i r'.'e mm :!" I - of re. If it ,..: ! ;.! e i i , T to d 1-ver.bv p mriii.f e ! I v . t i fiu uiry tin ili-ery. t wo il I ti;- p i:l ". ! m V he i 1 -in I pci-M.m whi'e in ,,.) t,. I d . .11. ..: r 'in -iidin-l ,io- ;,. II." ic t-.i'.l lie.' lii'.v ;n the r ov.Miio'.'S lie re.ll ;o her ..,e i,,, p,.(.,J t.ii.) re 1 r'l 'ci;.' 1- bliin,- li.o ; and .u i, '...u vo i) 1 look at . 5 I li .'. ' If. a 1 I til .1. ! l eu v I j i.- ; I ...'i I '.. 1 t !,. h.'i n.viilithi'r t'ui.vi i(. d.i' i um 1 eht.-'v.'.i." or ' t i i 1 b it 1 .10 iiin'iid " whiil hi Ii die. hit l-i.st f iiut w.ud-t v.u-i.', as i he pi ie.nl his i ol worn II, bio in mi j h in I .-I k hell n d l"i fm" tu . lui ,r iwiylli'iii io iat iinuh lunger. I have tried t i livo by t l it L i ik hmhnd tonus from rsiiliu. X.x'XIV . ...... ntj.l ivhrei I ooncl.t le l the lut-.t verso, i looked np. siiyi-j' eothiny. bit wiihovoi ilie pn'. I eii 'n.' b. iui'ue u a'nit.h ,if .rlil lllliSH. AS thonoh that !h.w I m i-.i i ro I t j bvo fi .n d.iv tJ 1 1 listing spirit w is bis. Shortly uf tnr he beeioio deliii.ins, uu I d'el tlmt uitrrnoou 'em m .-fi vieli-n to 'ha infernal hull IimIo of An .let son vuio Tbo common mode of prrpnrin- bodies for tiie rnve was by lym;.' tho fvo I'liijo toes together, and f"':,''"rf l hande oho over tin il'ior. If tha dooeisolhil a hi', not lie;)' 1 by others, which witi '.seldom the case, -it s t.l.ieed up - ou bis face ; otherwise the hhiiv.Jle,'. ebuekn. the utieloid ores, Hiid, 'droopiu;! jaw, fta they wore cairiod, 1 1 Ala,? ' twou as 1110 ; wioiii 1:10 prison, rem., hy hu keeper wi.'I t.ii luv,' a piMiir.i s-j leamiw.. iioom li:'L' with dea'Llv viipors, wan crowilfi 10 La,i iuL t.ii.D o it of Liu trm:k. cou.ho tr;l.' el to suiVouatiou with living vie..i,,luL.o ia ici oilt-d- to have sl.ol, uiii... uri.ui. kI.1i. lit iiiilo with hie , f... 1 .Vi,;,.,, I, la 11.1,111 of. tims ; wiiou, sidu by side with bio, diuli wal'iod niib the p.-isonur, i was limn thai iiihuiuaaily ly shudd.ir- iiioa. U.-o i ed at ild o V I eviiol u) I bul bnigoous. aucuitam id t J s u- .... . 1 , I1"1'1 our nuueriug-s puiem . (heil, uud ultarud eonipluiulJ lo too laulUontles, viLne'j wi.i bcur out an j10 st.ueUi..aU o.r made of Ander- sou.v.;.e buawiingonu mieeiy L'udur the iuiluoucd of proleftiii fiom vaiious rebel boiu'och, iuou. woll jolu, jtuou-iits o. pro?'i-.ag a uivorca : were set to ivoikio ei.iugo the slock j Where tiieto's a will t'. 'tie's a waylV"" feel that you cmil I love tho iul... uud iL-ain ua effort wus naidu toii ii ;i ri'H fcOi t of a buiibuu 1 ; you are ""i n - liil iii the uosepooU of the Hiooa ;j A m.iteU uafa Wl.?a 'all tbo old but these ud'or' alrd "simiiuf ouos, ifiks uie williog. to relievo our pitiful coudiliou uevei I tMar.,vmu i rotouvl to discourage seemed to be e triiud out, buk wuio rather the ioult of fe.tr thai 'diteitso would uprcad iuto-their uu riioi-s outside (hepiisou limns, 'iaooe ci-, foils, too, wji'O bo en ubsudotiud, uud Hi sit ore re-lapped into their old condition, growing worse aud worse. If yellow Jauk gets into this hero place," said tbo rebel (uiirtertDitsler to uomo of tie. "It wou't leave a gitiftso spot on yer i aud 1 can't say there'll bo mutiy left if ho don't." Medicines were issued iu scuuty (inaulitios for a wLilo, iu July aud Angus!, but they generally seomad lobes plujed tut commodity in the southern confederacy. The) received uo eflloiual medieiues udIohs some ship would run tbo blockade, and Uue.ieSiin) guarded well bis own interosts. These medicines were variously orudo in kind, and small ii, rinn ti y iltoodroot was use 1 sh u asU injrool snmaels ri ie wei ! 'b- only neid owl hi the iiimi'ifui ' I A(IIU. AllllHll 1 I' f I OlttOM Utftl l" V a a a, I " t "'is given ;.s a mmiieine for !di in h 1 . 1. 'Ml t r ' V : ,""' iwluil. mm I wolo c:riul, o llm ' p jsou entritico wboro niilinines tt'"te isne 1 " I The best uin ll.'ino iifUT sll. re.-. io'iA 1 :t mtjL'1 Hnreoi, civ ,1 iy fo" th"si, wrctuliei, f i.i 1. :m 1 I ci i r 1 fei.ll olio of Jhe ii.-i.Ms ro-n Ii "t f'r th iu d" -ti'' lin'inr mil wiki'm u,u I, r(-:iit fi in i'wii:ii :ii ut f i"d .1:1-1 V to lie eol I wu'er sho'Ver bitln. tikea inii'iii. noon mil eve '. I M.'ii.K '.. 'red tin.i . Biiilni,: l!o,il"4 e...ili.li.itiri! to. -p'loii'il '!i"i"bii".4', H In I an nie ) illilo. enel .;.t jj in", ion. without liny or the il.ipio-'iiii,,' ilt.r (j l'".'l.i pr i duee I hj n,ni'il.ilii';; iiuul.4. I do lliiiiU iU ii.tl'iniieii in preserving , ill uiv ette. nun lo taauii i -r s.nu.'t OII'll J p-ieli;' I d di.' b.'iiiii'r t'e .i"! my imprisjimirnt ii, I lb- -it! I. M.iuiel Hiie tho d voii'.'.m Id' tl'-1 ' WIN .'I I lit- Wi ;i!.ue.'. I 1 'lv ..iiit er 'i':'iii., vol I k'levv Iim u wl'ul 1 ha I that. I must not ' ii. ijivo av if I h.ipn.l l live tie- .limes it ne.eino l i no is-iluo lor mo lo -il lo tho '"In jok." to wash, nu I the water w.i- often ho lilthy tint it was - .'feets w.jro lis antiie nu. and vor I . .. 'often sjeine I in u vullo is, Aftjf tlu b ..'. I i d 1 il v.ivs .v ilk Him Ui!l v,:'i a i "I u'i.- s'i'. bi'ik up I') I f like '. 1 IV"i .-' 'i i:i. 1. 1 i i-i ' . i " day. A Trilla Mlxuti. (,i:ir ti-! ; 1 ii idi editor eot nu ti ienl dnini, on the iiijht ei ti;e .it rival ul In-: bo iu t!:i.i t utrv it u .. ' , . 11;: e.e'i 'v;t 1 wh!.-h iiioot !' n '"1 i 1 'tie the '. !. M ' a! ) I'll. S, k ; iv.-: l'';i! f..- :.l IDOI ll'.jj . 1 '. I 1 !ir 1 .'?t .ir 'll' ! ' .'. II'C .V . niij 1..i:;j. ' e mil .v f. i . r . ;A l:. :' ' fj ho-'h the Mlowitij appear od.tjii ttl!y in the rnprr : "As we n , to p.ess wo lenrn. with niiiijflod foelin;;s of brandy and sii- gar, that Junto Jumbo the uotori- 'oas H.(;i,ou;i outlaw, was shot dead j fity-Hi uu.u dating bin reign of I i0: rr, and ll.e Loml-.u otlogieal jOirden only r.nusuuted to partwiibjpiHcbii.it you half 1 , him at llio mo.st earnest solieiluiiuti latent Loo's and .( n wj h wanted to bung him I , . , over iu a seliooner, w:iero lie is now StroloLod mi A biur ' MwwimiinMMnl Garden si.ua -ile-lJie;? ovor tho back fence. How cun a mk- . ic.:,' nf n. tin bo 1 iv vvwww lying bu I yot go uhcad and ai'i wo men their ages. h is said thul walls l'.avo cart. Thetefoio don't trnut Ibem. Tb-.-y mo two-faced things. A little boy, proud ef hia jackets, informed Lis sister that ho was a six . button kid. "Tho parting (jive-4 mo pain," a i the man sai l wheu be had ft ttoubls uoiuu tooUi titlructe 1. If you ure 60 totribly mu veut that evory ulupid thing you hvo frightens you, avoid the looking g'ass. A lnwyn iu Ohio has been debar red from stealing shocp. lie I egao tis criminal cuicor by fleecicig the la tubs. JJiut to housekeepers A'ulha nev er attack furs wrapped iu a Con gicbaiouui reooru. w hi 1 1 Uii.ui ut sight. . , i 'ii. i.. 1 1 . . h L :tl 'A I'hiTidelpuU yooth. wboiel U.ti.ii H lo ph.y tho cornet, caubot I a t - 1 - I.I... a. I " If V t "I H 1 1 I w w ww . - - w mile 11..1 a it-iaca stisv imllets a .(. I.U1..S. 11..II 4 1'liVi mnj nuiima . i l'A, AUGUST 17, AUvvvs '! Iheiti t I hit b 'k wlieti nnnoy(.'t by neii.'bb H"i el.iMien. Toll them u" the f il..-!i.io,ls joii Ii';, ntnl I'.alf lii'l til"" 'f thi-y I j I jii mi mhh When thev ti'li y.ui tiny won't b''..nvn nl ln uIh f ii bonne on !ee 1 n lliiiiif. Im.'h lit ll.eet ninl let it tfo. ! nn.l st.eet. mid I lie wr.on leid olil . hen t'o-v f.ll mil hurl Picm ,p.it., wlien n l;y 15 vmi-b old ' di'lvin c )!d tin II fl tin ii Il' 1. Hid-, .,,,. ,,,1 v.if'l 1 I"li'u-W III III'! 1) Ih'-tn in stv'e tl: il il i :t d p'.-.v '". ! ir vif v-:'l'. i ..'i: .1 p'.-.iT f. .ir of U-i t.'i -i- .lev. M io '..!; il: Ihiie; li in.e i.r 1! ii-. I .'ti t ,:'ii I ;! ;e.i .: In tin', t!.. "i I'-ne I I. Li - M .1.4 ill , Ii e. ': i i i ,i lvi'..i. i f li.-.-- i ! . iivtl T M' I . Vnl lrll.l l 1)1. i. fii'lv utml I i i'h tiry ' i il. i.-lith-mi it i a in to !.o di hon- i i! if tley bi ne; on li.u I; too i i t.'o ei.-i;' i- froili Hie ;;ineni'ii l:.-ep rt i-.i.i t - t!,o u t. sy nolintiiT ub i il .t. I in i'n t i t. l1 tln 'l fiitlier mid I' lli. -M e .i.i. lo-1 !'.i . ue v I'lexoe l 1 lITfJ t'l'J'i II. .' 'll 111 i 'I On. hu tlfil 1 y iK-.-;i i i - I.l l!o "-! .1.. .11.11, 111 .t l" i.-iih: t ! I f :i lb. p n -' I'.tln i i.. u:li-l.ii.e. I'.V. (hem it in n in to Inn ;1! or k'-iv ,iv Sundni. it ik I itnil.e II. i- div ;h dull mil htui-id us ponmhh fm ; th"in Then when they grow lipjuvor to his stihsf.ietioti, nod Hum ho hii I lm t t'oni'iess lliey will nu uiii io puss a bill doin;; away with the ,.im,u v;ineo of the d iy ,il together. L'ive a uroiil and sum I out Jiiuothiii .-..t.i. . iibiint wenlint; to be let iiloue. The jo'h'ii 'O won't b.i repeated. A '.lur.!i:ifi.i 3 Pr;;;Mratio;i The other uvuuii.,,' when a le t roitrr seated his wife in a ear on thJ Mie'iian Ceiiti 'l to make lho j joui'iv y to t'hica;;i) alone, he took o ;lo '; a -ou'i ! '.iim and said lo lier .' j Now, love, it you bbould want 'the wiudow lamed heru me n n eiiilleuien who will break luoir nei'l."'. t i iieeo-nmodate you.' Yes d"ttr ." 'If Jin feel lonesome v so'ii 'liody !o talk with ab 1 vjil, Noah's ink or 1 .1 1' m't hi sifiitu to cull hi , '.e ij-et'e'iien." "I uudetstilild .'" i -ml iiilii.fi t. -ii .. ri- I. l.f j ' 'ou rou t know enon'di to !"ii'e the car ::l co m un l get yen idiuner, an.'i you had belter nk some of then to ae.-1 u.i my y ) 1. if 1 hey a&v o puy fjr y ir . unl dut bo "Von may wautioreil to pass iA"iv tiiiiii. If so. uov. of these uun l11""' ,. aj tium. If f (toy. of these gun , liotiioti will bo otdy ton Imppy to b'lsliul of the IIKIgU -.1113. Ie f.r tae to rend : ii'.c.'ul toiiivo em I 11, 1 , eeu yon -in uwmu "I Ii bu celtuin. love. "AUil 0U Clltl My IO llll.lll lll.u l' . , 1 ... . 1 r ... - . 've men mttrrmn mm yea.,. n'a livo b lPrly t igether ( I um a (domestic ti""t i J'oa Ptrou-j innocent and couQ i'ug -. you hi... onuses nd peanut i you havu novo I i a ir.m.le.J ; you itroatinm oi goumg ii . ii ... i ii i... lost iu Ol:icn;;o. an I you will be ever so mu cli ob'ign i to any one w lei .viil get yon a baik, see to vour 1 and pay ull tbo expeiisu. Good byo, loio." "(Jood bye, daii." Aud osu t it htniugn I'jiit no one biujjlu lii.lU I that cur oven spoke to i tbtit la Jy in a rido of o M wiles Lli.ey a Ui - eocfuases iu the P av er n.ci ti-a Hint h is fu' of sin wlio ivot-'d be very soiiy to ba.'e L.s eit 'Oiiieftf admit that ho is tight. A h. aidy eld 'ellow sut tdoec be caiioe ks be said, Ibeeh be bad s great many f iends be didu't like any of.thcui nod none of them liktd l.i.u. Tliere is a good deal of piety iu tbe wuild wbieb gees Hsbiug on Sunday and then slogs and whistles Vo i i ... iu a Woodv uud i'aiikey hymn to keep Ln the t'oriu of lelii'ioo. x ...... .... ..(:fl.i.n- i,...i j pi.r,,,, fcl,6uld not permit the I 1 till III lllllllB Kllli VI IUVIWIT VI.VI ' , I ... I .... .1 1. ..a .'111. ..l.i lit ,Urtl w , P... WW '""' ,w. ,.....-. ........... ... u mey womu oeioiuo u.a.nuo. 4w ... .. ....ti.. .... ai. -0 ci i''.jV V'4' i si'Qi kyt' NO, IYJ How A Eoy b,tw Wood. St one ever beers boy complain iibont the biiek biriikiii. sonl-killmj; li:t'Uliip of wooil-suwin(. All siult litlk is eotiliiwil to !ibil s, mill Ihih iu ictl fontnlitlion. Tliiro is nily on. j iv iv t.i siiw wool ieluV eneif'ii't et the K'liMH time, :tli'l i-vv ybi'dy h i' "int. wny Veler'lny nflcinoon hitlf, c.ed ( f'iin-fii.i'. .voo I wiib ll 'nt! I 111 1 il Ii' ' le'HiM ' iiei eiit.'.l hi ; e hi ;;o t! ' i'i Hi i! i' i.l ' ,.,!! Ii',;- rl mm 11 : !' lii Ii; . I n' il tl'.!- ' ' .ii ! I." . liv -I.:V Il lll'llll'eil to lb." n To i' i. e l I l. f: I'm hi li.iek I tim ....! -.hud in. 1 llv n 'n',1.. .. lo I,-- lie l n nw 1 1 i v. oil liil.e dl'.pped' . t lo 1 1 v.-l il l"ilio"'.ed ' !;! d.'i-'ie I m ;'.tl ''I but 'nil lV ii;n".t. 'iv i i.i:i.e.!'S ill M.helie ' 1 I . - iM in ? the hi.- v.iSi. Lv tl 'M t i m- i... u l I I !i" i ', e . i.f Mi'nei , I i..i li -. s lo .-Ii. .o Ii': I" v rlmi Th.' - .i lime !.. male tlie i llowii.ir; - ir;,:":.tiv.n, u. . hi; o'..l' r ;;iVoti be 1 .o v : -) '! li , ;l n . -; i I d In. I '..., ii . ' i.l.t o i nib. ! '!'il let tnj o,.i nui'i ..lo il.' Ho i ! i vol i.;. hi nhrnT' H O l 'l" Mill I.. tl. llVe ill ''I i.ului; :iit -r hn lliel ill ive .1 lie I II Ik I. ol' 1 wood oil tlid h:i-v Imrk lie It, rued , it over linn limes before it settle. l! pu l;i 0 up tie saw. . oul-k saw m ii i siiiiple yet ingenious pieeo of machin-, mv. ;liiii ivtio were sawine- woo l1 by the day have bucuknoviu to s'a id mid fiXM at tho kaw for tin hour ut l liiim without bein able to tt,, (ve ils nivslerioiis points. TlitJ luy picked up the saw and carefully rt- nriiiimd il Iu the uonrse of seven, tuiiiules, with the aid of I lie thiee olhur bi,y ), lie whs oiial.Ii d I j di.i- ivi r . 1 liSil Ihu teeth were u'i loi-.e. I 'i. J hut llie i' ue-.vo. I wii o. .01 1). That il was in pet fuel order, us far ns a boy could j'l'l,:e. Whvu I'jcko dii coveries had been nil'-, a diiKMiH.ioii uroso ns to! whether u boy coiiid saw fasloi Ly sowing ktt-hiitnli:d. Tho vote 011 this ipioiHion lias citr.;oil iu the llev'. 'ive, tllld ! iw t 10 lUO .u.lit Ur rivi;.! for acti'iu. 'J epil on Ii ! h.n li. Ho iumovo.1 h i' .ill. Ilo li.nii u '. up I '- bill. yo jitlik'd his e:ip ov, ' ,ih mis. llu hud bis kue uu the s'iek and the sa.v iu I and, when u little throe cent ili'jj dowu eli the uc:;t coinur ,.ih nut. ut, it p.l'.iHiii'j; ;oal The S'w: rushud i.iio a yard un.l a girl j v is heiinl hi 1 oauilii y T'iu Siv f-ll ( to t liu groll.i.i. LiO b :i:k was up- j set. auu the boy wuJi Itui iug down trt the coinu li..e a .-he ip ivlurU iud. l,lClj wl(l,u tiu-tim-i lc-u to wdtle dovn over I'.o f;wu ol tho earlh he 1 ii:n tied to a in ;hts.i.v and b lek into the Wooda.ioi fur the ui,;lit -- JAeb'i'. am wid us au' u.ooilg us, lie ;;us ii) wid ia iu the u. wniu un be bun iluMD wi.l us nl i.i,r.'ht. Uo 'o d-i grocery, an' do grocer oiuilus hu noda an' lies. Un 1 1 du oiy eoods u-w nu' he ban a .vole mie iu a ne. .i i iuor promiam a "uu . .. ,. i :, vtucu ho cutt t buixh ll. I'e shoe - ; . r ...omises n i.air of buts for ' v.,,,,.. v bn he Uh three day . J Oil 00 lie., t viii"K. JJ ice muu 1882. eh,. :.;es ns I Iwoulv-fivo pounds ;!' " -an' dehvets sixteen, lb" HiUpelsj u'i-ti .e lvnrrantcd. au yet de.y fudo. l'ei ,.tt. tr. l,..r iliimlia .' lun l)n li.iilil . '" 1 t or pniuls no lies le cirpentei I j,). U(- fc.,.,H w nhyals D d.Cf.BiM.iker not Otly lien but steals do cloth Wer' lie )'i troopers tl.iy times a day. a'i do man who won't liu d)sn' i h-u' any sbuw. Jl.'ot'ii'.i' G'tr l i. r J 4S ' ' Ulj 1 ifi ilty. ?.v i tria j; O I. A wiitof allaeii ueat A lovjlot. 'er. "Doctor, extuiee my tongue," said a good worn in, "and tell nie what it need." "it ucwda rest,'' re pliei. th e doctor. . 1 1 wonuor, aia au nniio iuious ' tenant, "if tus reason the world I wonder," wid au iiuji io tnious moves, is beoars iio-io't pay rent I" ' ,.j joU.j iko y, ei) ,', V . Jlnla.a I. , 1 f,UI WiL llllt X Vaa . nillUvUISI IH ll www V w wra vw w ww ..a,.,,. ,,l . I'v .,!, , ........ il I, f JO wi aa I visa J ' --aia -a ' - ' ' - rt " " "'"If PiiltHli-t every Thuisdsv Eveninn JEUEMIAa UAOUMB, Prcpf Terms of Snbsenjion, rwo nou.A us tftk ansut. Psy .lln vilhin nx months, or JMifnot p iiil wiihm the yi-'ir. No !nor ifi cuiitiiiu'vl .tr.tu sll sriBsrstfes - j'ftid unit ftl th? optiitn of the Hit HnliSnriptKiiH ntttsiil of the Count 1'AYAHLr. 15 AUVANCI. (-IVriitii lilliotf snd tfKintt psper i.liii'o'iMl r nili t lif't'umestilisrriiiers ml mo lir lil" furtbe iirire of tl P p ier New Life h pivt-n by usin Irovvn'S Iki.in MmfcKS. In tle Winter il strengthens am! ivmins tin: system : in the i:;i; iii; il i-nriilii-s the WckkI nnili ntu-ui imILct-c; in the Stiniin r it xws tone to the mm s and ihgestivc organs; iu the I-'all it enables the A.-b'in to .stand tlic shock id .'iildi-n i lunges. Ir no way can disease be sit Minly prevented as iy Keeiuii',' the sybttm in per Int Ci'lidltion. Hhown's lie i -I I 1 1 Km rU.'.lirts Jier- fnt li i'un tlnotih tho i?Mi.i-t; M-iisnits.it ilisanns ill.' .I.:i;;"i- fu.nt iniptire iv iU r and mi.isiuatic air, oiid it prevents Constinip tn.:i, Kidney and Liver Dis e.i. e, . c. ' ,S. '.-;;, liso., rif the vcl! ktnuvn iiitn nl' II. S. l'let'ni i'v- C., Atlorin-ys, 1 I unit lluddin, Wa.shing '!i. l.i C. m rites, Dee. 51I1, C.-:ili . . I tul f iloa jiv .11 0:.nii;ili.n J have imrrf IVmn'i Iron liaii'n fm m l..nn aii.l uirvout tniul.lia, ."v! I y i virnik, with 1 .1 irMiltj. Hewarc cf imitations. Ask for Kkown's Ikon lln TKtts, and sushi on having it. Don t In: itnjioscd uit with Miinothino; recom ineiuled as "just tit gfiorf." The genuine is made only by the lbown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. Ti l C . 1 1 tMiiJMlN V.C T!ie Carpenter Organs wrrn firnt piaioifui ttirr.l nu r!y m IssOftt Brfti I .iH.ro'.Vt. I'.-ru 1 iiiiiIm ret y..iiriitli.iluuiilir I'.iii'.'Nrrii On..u ll.i..uui.a i..u..-rul Oltt.nln.vo tu.41 1 ul Woroc:io' , TAass., TJ. B. A., Will, l.i iuvii Oukii kuJ Wanrwui In Nis Ya.k ;u 7 wi iouih-win sui). London. f.UJraj SI Petersburg, City ct Mexico, Berlin, Barcelona. STninf,n nf ifenv In rvi'ry ra. I'iimbilny in rviiry l'rl. I irlHi.uu 111 tn.ty ili ull of niinufMlnn, Are t huriw.l..rlu le of Hi.. CASTOtra OUAVO. rvry lntriim.it WAItrtANTEU lor EIOHT YEARS. MOST I'. Kl.l AIM.K IIKtl.KHS (Ml Uia Crrrrrn oiutri. I.111 it nuy il,i tmiliavii llim Ui hh..w eii. . r ! ilm.'l In I'm tJ-inrjr fur Cal- ., IO Ul4 lhU: III J llw U Hi. t'l li. 10 )UU CU1 M "'"OVER 100 STYLES, lunyli.r. ii!i-, fr .iu J'.li 0Dt..l.Jua00udoer. A lirmm'i.il Jmi-uii'c rioln-i". ! flnut iti-r iui.lUliml, rt;.T fUKhi lo iuUmlr 1ur. mr. li it. it. AiMrr. (..;! iiik.0 C P. CISIQIER. V-ttilj. Ks, I S. 1 1iCiV i IW. ; , f ; '.' AMD Ar'icRI',..N MARBLE ''TONTIlV PS - w , Pomb ii'. i vases Ved, lui and 1 . Ws, . All ttiO ' . i rf ml PtiiBM l.'ir AlrtlVf WB I i-imi-iili ti ! l Mr lwbi. :"'"" ";. hiv;n, llr A, l.l.leur. Hnt eo.f j I will mill (ir. li. r-'lut T'lf Impto v.Kitniii iuimi umi m rm r. tuo mu !'. , l -t r ml laollinl 1 Im la.trun iIi.uk I r .r..i i.'lnir Hi xiirUni uriiw.li ol lintr tm a I'.ilil ui.,.1 ui' tn..th Ihi.i. A.l.lrria In clu.lav l .ni.. UL.N- VANUKLI' CO., 14 feareluy hi.. N. V. TO CGNSUKWOT. Tua artvariir l,a lia kraa iwriaaaaal ly rural ul tli t ur I ittneaiia, lluasanpilim. ay a rilmiit ra'na-lv. ti. ai. .1 iui t uiaSa Sdowb lo, lllo-ulliT.ir. Ih.' inaaui ul rum. Ta all who Joilca li. Ua III an.l a a.i at Ilia pra. ,'tlillun u. .I, (lrai.nl rhariia lalta Ik itlraa ttoua I ui' prirliin ami ailua I ha aai, vlib-h tliar wlllli.i l aaura url.,rllnha t'alJS, t'otii.imf li, AhIUnm, Dr,a.i ttlfta. t. r-iirlla .l,ll.rf il.a t'.a..iriiiua. win piaaM MM.llr. K A IVIl.SHNi tS4 laoa hi. WllliamiuurgU, N. V . ERKOHS Or VOUTH. AUKNTLEU VN ah'iiallarad for yaari irxaa Varom lt;l'.i LIT V. I KtMAIHK UR l.AV.antall tka allaaia nl aaathlaS aliara itM. will lur i ia of Mil rlw aawrii, twal lra u all wbu naaj II, ika ral aad raailoal 4 uiakluii iliaaluipla ramady tt wkla kawaaaura. il..i'l wiaaiaji it ini at tkaailaarilaar'i aierla a aa mhi a- Amibm lii iMi lal i:iii. II aara. ala in l J'JI rati It, if. j'liin ii. iHiiiKai wuwa.r at. o. a. WC fsu dit Ann; all timt oj ?Mn.ai i I ' . .. ... t . ! l.ll- l ..l..lHliW r