GRAND 1882. Hi For sain by Julin .A. Moutz, Mid 1 eburtf, I'n. Juu. Siitli, "J 1 Selins Grove MARBLE WORKS! D. R. Stratford, nt Siliiixtfrnvo i.rimri'.l t fiirnl-li MONUMKNTS, OR AYR STONES, iNDSDILDl WOBK f ft'l kind.' In t wo.'t u hnliou.l le flpn writfil H t of (ho Eest Marble utmrf noil.s. All wuik narranlcd t rive eall'la. il o. eTl'lea'. rail il 1.1 evamlne 1117 ma'ertal to brer my b. luri- puii-biKlnx eleewbir.. Jan. A, IW. & SPRING OPENING ,r-e ( SELINSGUOVE, PA., The Largest Variety of Diess Goods, Black & Col- ORED CASHMERES. FINE SCOTH and DOMESTIC GINGHAMS. SniS,SATINS,PRISTS,4c fKIOSBEKY, S in endless variety from tbe cheapest to the finost regular made. of all tjnuliUos and styles, also KID with laced fasteners. QLOVES J jAtHM. There was nover such a fine and luro variety of Laces shown in thin county as we are ready to show tbia aeaaou, IIIJTTONH, KIHIIU12H aiul l IKS, all of tbe latest stylos. & I "y iAii:it larffa variety pricoa than BEST! Sofflffii mi Fur All. DAN IPX O. It y.Ut IS Tit Ksm-K ,rlra to h uiiim-i all l. II. at Mint tlir. til .iiit.on nf tha Kir hi t li rlm-r l'lrl ti i ft Ut of April, h- tia- ittM-iil In bin n- liniM. n lu S1ina) Urovo, on Wtcr Htr"ut,uluvi: fin. Leather Store and Fin hiring Shop, Wtir will !. fniiinl Rl all Hum ait M-frlni(nl t II III ml nr Flu in In (I Ntiirk, cMtllltiR nf Hur bt'. H'l, I'l'P' f. K l nl H! Skim, M'rriH ua, laliilnK". rM.ilrttrA fcn., f lllhrriiliitfthllot AHI prlcfU. 1'lu ii:ri.riii i( SiiiK hiikiiri. Kriif ra,nl ijutliorn lit luvltnj, Initi.rt punbaNliiK irwnnr. Thirty flvirri ft prtpllriklTnnr qtitllllM bim lu ii.l ttitt qiillttfMuf .Stoott. HHlttiyr litvicliauRu fur Li-mIht 1). O. IIKIIOSTHKSSKH, Jan T-T6I 8oliuiH;ruvo,.suyiirCo., P Iltii"lflf now tnf r tli I'Ui.llt . Yuu oo niftka mon ey ftifttr nt work r-r u tbftD at ftovlb'nit !. 4)u IrI not DKKlii W will vtart yuu. I3 W nl Uiwrl inii nl home ly tli ln1 urirlAun Xvtt, wunivn. Intyo nl lrl witntml erwtir t work fur u. Ni ! tit tlinn. Yu rti wi-rk In PMirn tuna on It ur kIvp your wliolo lnilnthn l'Ulun4. u cn Itvo nt bomn nndia the wirk. Ntiothor liUKinmm will pmf you nti lv n well. M one emi Ull to mk nnrm tr ''V 'nrnttlni( nt no, OiMtl (n til nnl Utiiw froe. , ioil fit l, nnl li'iiiirnly. AJdr Iuum n Co FrIvatesaleof REAL ESTATE rPIIE nn1erniiit'4 otters at privnto -1 ftlff, tb fnUnwIiiB il inltril Itesl hftiit fo H : A fr'wrm pliu .ti In KrankMn tpM Hnrlr 1 lullv writ vl 'urii( eontilu' A ore a nf th tnt lluiv plme Uml, w1.rftn r 1 Tftct- m K'xl I'ftino ilv UI'.k lit'U, ititrii, Kntl ott r ouIimiIIIiiii4 ull .it k,,I wkii-r onMr llio, oMir, ii'iwinic wainr t-n 1119 inrui liirivniic tinintf ir.'u ir-l tit ni it'0 Irul' triti rurih lu ft lilgU full til vuAlvlftil'. Ttir'jiH itliv Aittlr, JU.-stl'li W Al.l t.U, !'. 11, '2. MM IIulur, l'l of the lafost patorna at lower imj Alirre uIho I'icae rail and ex amino poods and prices wbotb er yoii wunt to pnrcbaan or oot. I I rturhy tt t.n d'infrtiaeinc It and Lay yonr Macbinery at Riehl's Implement Store, i:i.iAsit(ivi:, im. Back Ache M txi.rrT a i.wiviuh Hi i. ,rnt. lIVltlTllh WHTllt. B tATIiiNa. Mm, --.,m. Mlfort M til POSITIVELY CURED I !." if' n I Mtlllllil F T V .Inter T PnUiA'tr. TBI V vntr t .17 M rinm 4 11 nun k.t A I nmi orii t o llmrrf i'n ' H-p't r'. V I HI '.Ml. Ii'r y I M Alhn K, t 7 K imf t . 1 ir T. ni ' MtlHtTI M ( ). .U'l. "II Bliarf Hit T o .oi. I 1 n. S'l I" 1,i 4 4p, I am offering tbe larKCnt utock of Farm Machinery )ver offorod in tbia j RgnCQn'S C3DCID6 county, aiooDUBt wincu are tuo ceieuratea , v m. J Porous Plasters. unampioii itcapcrs lYMotvers which cvory fnruaor knows ia the moot KubalontUl mfiohirifl before tlie farminir public. Roirember there ia a Rood rotaoo why there are over 300 Champions in tbe county -there is a reason why we told more Champions lust yr tlmu all oiiiora oompanioa comuineil- there la a reason wny we Rot three car-loads of Cbampiona ia Snydnr county tbia year when farm ers bny Cbnmpions they noed not bo afraid of not gutting repairs at any timo other nsents who come arouud with new nmcbinea will toll you here is nothing in that, but don't boliove it, for they want to boll and af iwarda you must look out for lopnirs clsowbore. Tbe Champion Coin pany have in use tboanauda of Henpers k Mowers and have complete re pair manufactory ample to supply tbo demand. I also offer tbo well known EMPIRE THRESHER & SEPARATOR, Hagerstown Clover Huller, Farmers Friend and Monarch Grain Drills, with or wifbont Fertilizers.' Ct'LTIVATORS, CORN-PLANTEU9, 1'I.OWS, CnUN.3HEM.r:U3 nnd anything farmers want and attach ment to all mnrhioes. I will sell to farmers on any time almost they may dchiro, eicept ('ornplantera uud Repairs for the Champion Reaper arn strictly casu. Call ami Rive me a trial. 8 to re Room ono door North of iocklor s Hotel and opposite WsgonBcll- crs Drag Store .1. 1 s. ltll'JLll.., April 27. 1883. i. . .. . m nwiiMrnr ir. j. n. nrrmii'. mnnim. wl.l lnj ."of "l nul.l V.n1 10 rf.n l..r hU boo, f ll.'B. of bt. m-. b.lnr. n. ..ii ,.. . i.... . ....-i thium mil Raulur ononr or lolor oflMl lb nuu ooil . 4iu.ui ImnntrnilT. lt'0 ll'llf tan Oll ilOllfi O. mnH 3.. 1 " o,.d7. "13 rrilaJf. .rV oU.r, .lur'jan.. Ilwluo. 43 Milk ht., cld till Sop tfmbfir. v - v . g.MUEL SCI1 RAD KR. Centreville, Snyder county. Pa., In Aicaot lor I.ANCK h YAK'IKUM In. t MIFKLINHrHO. Po, All r '"" wl.lilnic to pronii'a MIINI'MKNTS, to Mil. HTHNr.M, la hM tnrlhln la th Murhlo lino iinuM not in to eoll " Mr. (Mnndor ana mo IV Ik ouU Iroio I'Moot, Jonti, 'l.lf. GOID. t i rent f nc ta mnko mutiny. Tli- tvwh ulwt tkn n WnutHtrt ol lit voixl iib inp for n.klntf ninnny turn brn oiirfit, nriuy i.noou p wtiinv, vlilln thi lu ( li i r-'vtt fucu otiaurci r ntnln lb in' 'rty W n -nt itiimy uinn, wi iun, Uiy -u l lrU t wurk l r at rlkiht in tlic.r -wn lon lto-t, Any ono ran l(i tho wmW roper I y fru'n tl,o Urt dti.rt. Turn I-upIq. w wilt V in on ihn tn it ins .'rUlo'try vk hx imIvc outfit InrnlcLf l lro. No uiii wbo n- 3 .(no lull to in t.Uj in.-nuy rapidly. u tun rot our olmln ttm in tlm wirli, or onl) your iiro inoinuQir Full ln'orm.tiu ml nil thtti Dofrlr! nt fruo. A-Uroia Mtiumjs h Farmers & Dairymen USB ONLY TUB "Wonderful Churn" OKORGE OAUGLKR, Agent POUT THEVDBTUN. HNV llEH Ctl., PA. Tbo W.iD.lorful Churn hM booomo Iho loor. Ito anionic lornian ml lUlrjtnoa anil ban up- ilnnti'il nil othi r. It If iIidii. In H cm.Mrno. llio. iur -bio anil oheap It .loan bottor nnil im to rapbl vrura Iban an, o'bor oborn ovor In--rnioJ III. ilio rMlutt nl an otpononi-o I b nil. It iaKoa tunro ami to'tlcr bmtor, anl rv-ry furtnnr'n wllo who uiiail It in-ur toMtliuimy to li umrlor merits. A'Uron tba aent nr 'urtbar f articuura. Jua ii, IWi, 1 H--.-m.wm..-.mrr-Jl4- I I 03-Mr. ll.Hwiin'lortl ol riilliiitiii-u, Iihh iiinriiilnct iiic-l it ksiIvo lor Ilit ('lire 1 1'lr. iil, i:., vlii'li hlyUly i-cr-ttiiiinlcl. Mitre Curo 'I'ry it box J an. l'J I'll Z ''A'ilA'iV lj lioli..yciiyla.toaii h I I hfA'- p"' f ' ly ih nrc UiKiicul IA ll.r i alia B.i.1 h fiittorss ti ojtiiU! CoUr to Grey or Fads Hair V .irlttr I Ila'r li.iUam It fintlv netliiimJ an I is warranto! to prevent falling vfihe luttr nml 19 mwvcdati(Jiuaitdi..i.i. ;iu i N. v. PRINOIPAtUNEl 'Im biiOliTLUTi yUH.fc.tBl atul n airLiTJ-tlir.llT Una to St. Jowdo. wbu in iiwa,crT-vAirblaoa,Topika,iN:a. HtDruk.M iMuurl. KauT-uaTyun, jjjum, Utl, M, Mexico, Amaiui, taoa an4 Tci. OHI TouloT!aTu7uptl3f7inTnbTirt l.n. Miunrapolli an4 at. faul KalHwall rvputed aa tba uraal hcaajliCaf ba tka kMt 00irlar-SCl" Railroad U tha Wurlil ttm fTt HI flaaiaoHravi.. Jjgr KANSAS CITY X: t2aXAU TZZ? ""y&S Tlakata via tklX.r C )TX nj vihi .in Calakratail L1M ana IraTallna a alt at all ufleai '"ySiV luivrf, luatoatl b c. a. 4 t2yV '' VVIu'ortfii.UooX'AJjJjV Far. blaapli.g Cara.JrJy L PAiJEOJIl'S Gi.iGHiiTQMC A f upcrtiUvc Hfilth an! Strenjib Kutortr. If y hi ir mtS.i' lc or fcriitt r, wrn nut will cn twrnV. tri niir ri n dn I y f -mtfyurhumo h'' t d.iiit ti-y I'ABki inu!H 'J t ic. If y n ;r, miiuuor or LuMneu man h.itmiij by Mi.iinor anwuic4M s, dom4 take liii 'iotiNtu .ut.nti.bufiw: I'. k.r'i(ii).'4.i Tiic If yti havn l'utiunitttt( lypAtaf KbnimA. liin. KiJrvryt'omplaiiiu, titanytli nki t- Iliitin-1, f f Mn:th. K el, Uuud f nttwi kpr'b ;ingr Tonic wi.l cur yott. It is the (.icilcac lUttutl Fut Umt fe-ij Us) Utl &r.if Cstrcxf Csi-ah Gurt Ever UwJ. If VTiumnwMiiiiffawny ttrnt "go, disunatiou or nay nieac or wcAiku and mjiiiit a uimiiiaiM i.iVn Oinuk-i 'ox 1 nc it will iiiti-rat andLuill Vf't upborn tht duM Imt wiUnvv.r httoxicati. It lua -c4 hiuijuds of !i; it imy ua yuors, CAITTION tHrfuat all mtrfUtiKk Pvt. r1. t)lf f er T k l aatatatMl of im swaiaiaUjl aai iiU In tWM,aiidki,iMV.jr 4 i.irill fiudt ylflttfAtWMa! Klrarf awn, BiaJ ffJT etrUf I lUMMC C. H, I. tVkt. t aa4aWaBHakari. artKAT SAVINO rt'TINQ tHLLAn lUb r I. POTTER. "Ei;kWL LUItlCLL. , M F iVwi 4 Otn'l Minawr, v iiM. i.. tliUo.lll. CUicacu, ItV lunch a: il I.1.I11 i i .rraiua kal delightful jM-iluma aarxailiiiyly piiMiJar. Ui Thar lajiatklua; llaalt. InuHupu. aanac rwaaa. ton vavMitia and look kit aifiiaMra of mrt Mlla, -r ln.l ar aMlar k ,irtli.y MMya.yMk H41ln.ib.i. i.AH .a paimi ai iiNd tia, fizi CO GRJliXD 8PMJVG m OPEXLIVG, at MRS. R. MARX' lOT stor. It is with pleasure that I issue this my spring advei tisomont. to my na raeroiiH fricudn to inform them that tbe manager of ray store. Mr, Louis Kahn, bus just rotnrnod from the eastern cities with a full supply of SI'UINU CiOUUS, and I point with feeling of pride to my fust increasing trade as an ovidonco that my offorta to pleano my eiiHtomers are meftinu witbsnccess. I Lavo now on band the LA It (i EST ANI CHEAl'EST STOCK OF HOOTS AND 81IOKS ever boforo carried, which I am sell ing at the very lowest price. My stock embraces different qualities aud prices, fioiu tbo largest Men's and Women's to tbe eiualloNt Infants shoes. The s cret of my (.'rent snecwia is (juick sales and small profits. Tbia mot to shall make my phics of linsiuesH tbo tho most favorite and beneficial Itoot aud Shoe Mtore for buyers in this Conuty. I roooive new goods every wo k, which enables me to have always tbe lutobt btyloa aud loncbt prices. I also offer groat burgnine iu Tranks, SatcheYs and Valices. Again thanking yon for past favor. I invito the pnblio lo como and sou that Mrs, MAUX'd STOKK is the best place to buy your shoes. lttuiyootfullv. Tours, 11 ICS. K. A1AKX, April 27, 1882. Eby's Huilding, Selinsgrove, Snyder (Jo. Pa. W. H. FELIX'S Populm,T FiorroDfrLeire 8TQRE. Lewistown, Miflin county, Penn'a. Iiicil ni'4 l Ivr.v lTiiil, litrlor, Chamlx'r, l)illllillr l(Xrlll, llllll, ftlltl IvitllOll, to HitiL Lh3 moans ol'cvery cinoii. Painted C'bnuibur Suits, from m g'J.'t to $5". I'url'tr Suits, from ' 440 up, ull walnut, covered in Hair olotb, llope, Uaw Silk, and l'lusbes, of any color. tValnnt Chamber Suits, with Marble Tons, from $45 to 1125 Bodriteads from - - . $1 to $50. It ireims, Stands, Loungos, Chain, Mattress of all kinds. The won. dorful Woven Wire Mattress or Sprinz Bottom the beet mad 4. All goods kupt in stock and on hand, roady for sale, and at CASU PRICES, that will convince all, that you ean aavo money by buyiug where you get the bust, and always get. what you buy. Goods packed and deliv ered, with the best of care, to It. It, depot. Call aud soe the the immense block. No trouble to show goods OUUMOl'IOi Good Goods, Low I'rioes, aud to pluuso all. Ordurs by mail will receive prompt attontion at all times. Yours Reppeclfully, Jan. 27,1881. AV. II. F12LIX. Great Reduction in U OS N H IT 57 US 33 ! f .. . . . would lake Ibig oportunity nf an- uouueing to tbe public, that I still eonliuuo in tbe Furniture Musinoss i uud thut luy stock ia full and coin pit to, uud that 11 iroan H DroHlner Caso Hait 0 '4 4 t I 4T I .1 IN IM . i ,1 l'"l U 4 If in n ta t AA Ml i ffl i : ?i ji t"4 avo I4 l "t a o xt .1 .7 1 4 ;t in fn in in . t?i u 3-t 1)1 till 4 on r or i oi 4 .0 M ;u : ' K in " l !M . M. fill 1.1,1 I'-t, Supt, IVraona Wi; thry art Prcfcrrr ta K Otlwt Vor PUitrr or Eataranl f 1ml. ' noranao that poaaraa kM tho nvrit nf lit ttmnrthanlny porrma plaptor, an4 nnitain til at illlkm tharelo tho iwwly dlatoroml pnwrrfiil and artivt. Tei'tabh conihlniilbio whhli rli with In crMard rulrrnrli'iil, anuiuiauii, owliiUvv and couutor Irritaut t llit ta. S.cond. Raranac lhT atv a itmulnf pliarmimitlcaJ prep kraikio, and ao rucuKtiiaaU n Ibo ro(caaiou. Third. TWaofMhcy in tho oily ptartora (hat relloTS pain at oncfv , t Altrth. BocanM hT win pnalilwly mradloaaaao which, utbor romoillea WUI not roboro, fifth. 1 fWanao orf faWI nhyalrlana anil dnirMata hara vulununlr tn.tiflf that thay ara an rlii to all other plaatcra or ninlk liiea fur axtarual uat, Slsth. IWkOHi Iho maniifaclnrcro ho roralml tbo only nmlala avrr gicu for porooa p'oatara. Eensoii's Capcine Porous Plaster! SEABURY it JOHNSON, Mannfartnnne t'lianilKt. Nw Turk. 'ft Nl KK HKMKDV At IJHa.-lMroSViJ A MEAD'S Hedkitod CORN no' bUNION PLASTER. Notice to Investors ! Pint Horl(i(a Ural Kalato Ihnio mad a and 4war.lel kf llo , Mm Loan and Trust Company. Il.tiaTlKdS, WRIIIiAMKA. ! h'Vl FIoihK ami Mnl-Iil KacurlltM for io. Hon nl roiarenoo iuroubo.1. Writ, tor fall pnrtirolari lo J Mt. II. UbA RT W ELI., tro., E. C. WB4Tkh, Troaa. Ooinmon t tor MaM. Wl'Okinl, lif .Marion norland. autbar if"t'uuiinin anat In too llou ioiU,1' om III tiy o in noniloil i.f tuo !' t'10 loal bunk over pnbllpbail In tlio Intoroata ol bar aax. Ni oxparlmantiba:. i(.oiii euioa -rnar. ! by Aaxiiia lo- kilvanoa of puhflratlno. I.itl knj Kntlomon oanvaafiert m iklnc Irom to 4 liar ark. K.ary Umlly oanta It. Llbonl lyiliio mania to iniart e toaiaara. Aiiulff t ttofo l'ir laruia ami cl.nlco torrltitry. I r.VK.NI k II VL.I., U0 M. nil St., riill da, Eve's Daughters SV. Voice Building by Mail! VIM! A I, llfcKWITM neoraliillr trtatoit. Im lallintiit ol icarli rorooraO and Iho folro lulalliaaii'ly iuvi-alullj pultlrnlrd tl.ruuu Irmnni I f nu ll. In.r. diiilo ramlu bofblu aluMiDK aril nOnkln. t'li'iipara id vol. o aiinu.ii arvirnl uotaa oiauia mmo lliau dvublo. HuhIuj ol tolio inula auailui. If ur and rainniki't thrttUKhont tbo outiro oom aa. lor blotter It. a a.lvanlak'K ara aluutt lioyond oumkarlnit. I'ubilo Huoikara aud A.-. lorn iialu In m tbalr 0. mii inch rlobl, mmtulated Infloottooa, nml froui tbelr anlara.1 noluiuaol luu. utb (IriklkK ovotraau of pnw r, that tho FTr,.kd laulta or mtiuotuDy and manno. lain hiv. pl.oa to a varod aud til o tivo dolivcry. To Tofbia ol lha Volo., auctiiar lor ainaiUK or oiocutiou. too-. icaooa atJoid n IhuroiiKlii illKa-ti-d plan tur aaaail. I K al. r. il eal Uulia i l throat r raaidration, b. blaa ilil r il ti iltr.y ih IvmI n aula i lrtnel I a upon .blab irl'Uli' voi al .nort niutt bo b .aoU . I'lrou ari ul lull (.aitloul.ra frao. aiampi loaaona ooo dollar II. r.l.i.ltl 1 T 4 I..MIKI-; Volot fipoclallat. 1514 C'b atbUt BU. '..IlkdolpllU, Pa. Philadelphia and Heading Rail Road. Arrangement, of "Passenger Train .iijivii: sjTiTTi, ihhj. Traini trnv Ifrrwlon iuolloH'H Kir Hhaoiokio 11 Jl an I II W a. m-, 3.) an! ;" p. ni. fur Mt n.rme'. tan 1. Tami'i'ia, 1'itll. Tlllr, Kaadtniiaiiit HnlU loluhH I l a. iu. Trinfur llinvlm !( anulhui : I.aara Hhamokln l: an I IV:o m and l it and J t ) p. m laar l'hi,.l.lil u.tit a. m. Haailma ll:J a. m., I'oitjvlilo 1 H . m. and IU no p. in.. Tuntftua f:Vi a.m. ant Vftifi. ro Arhland a ta a. m. and i:M p.m., Mt. Carm a. n and Jill p. m. 7Viin If it lLmithuri) nt o'oWl for Ifoir York, ti Allantowa. I V) . ra. and I It p. m. Fur Na Yo'k. ii rhtladalphla and "tlounj I'ro. Ir Honi," a ,a, i m a. oi., aid I 4i.p m. For Piilladelpbla, ;.yi, v.u a.m , l.ts thl p. m. Vor H-a.llna. S.W. T 5", V.D a. ra., 1.45, t oo. and .iw i. m Kor Poltmlllo, la T Ml, I M a. m, 1.41 knit 4.'" p. m. and via 44rhnylklll h Simiii. ban Krai th al l.4n p in. I or Aul.orn, a.lo a m. For Atlvutowo, ,Jf, I 60, tin a.m., 1.4 J and 4.oo p. m lha T.M a m. an I 1.41 n m. trnlm hT through e.ri for Von, rl. Al.autoiro. For AI1.nlovn and Way StatHna, . a, m. For Kradlnk. I'hlladolplila, an I Wny Sta tion!. .J0 a. ui. and 1.4a p. ni. TrYild for HarrvAnra t- arf a fallow I I.rara Kaw York, via All. olown, a.00 a.m. I o and an p. n. I,vi Saw York, via "Hoond Brook Konto" and l'hll'iii'il. ; it a. in.,, 4.i. t,ao p. m and 13.00 nililnlitht, arrlvlnit at HarrH. I.utk I. i, .i, w,al p. oi., and li in and v 40 a m. Iiav rhl'kdalpbla, 4 30 9 46 a.m. 4 on, ,), anil 7 i p. m. I. aavo FuMavllln, a,nn, 0 0 a. m . and 4 4" p.m. I.oav. Iiaalln, 4.SO, l.n, 11.40 a. m., 1. IT 0.11, r.-.o, and 10 -It, . ni. Imii Poitamllo, via SMiuylklll a Honqna. hntitia llranrh, 14 a. in . and 4 I ' p. m, lava Ailf tiiwn, loo 140 a. ui., 12.14, 4,80, and p. B. Suntlfllt l.rava Now York, via Allantonn, 6,S3 n. m. I'hllo loipi.M. f as p. nt. . o llo.ln 7.:w n. in. and J.':6 p. ill. Laava Allnbtii.b at n.u.l i iu. KTEUMOV IIUfc('II. I.aav. Ilrti il.hurn fur Paiion. Ixlill. and Nirtlmo daily, atoani Hnn.lay, i :t. 0 4". usta, m., I.ak and 0.40 p. m.; dully. Xfo.t Sntntiluy and Sunday, t.:it p. u,, ai.d oo tatur.l iy ..ulv, 4.4And Hi, n. in. Knriilnir,Sivo orlinii dallr, areopl Hunt day. 0 10 T .o. I" on 1 1 45 a. in , i. I" ami In. 10 p. naiiy riaturiav aod Mun'ia, a. 10, n. an J on naiurday uuly, A. lo 'in I 0 10 p, ui. J.E WOOTTKN. Geu'l Mai.a''or. C. O. HANCOCK, t.en'l l'uHM'r.tTi.iket Ast. rb ffiiTiii 4i. JOUN LAUDENSLAtflJIl, BUGGY MAKER. HKMNSOnoVB. SWYOKR 4)0., PA. llavlnit I'ur. liainl th. v.011 bpr.n aland In a:inri.rovo. I.rmrly uwl td l.y 1 1 ii Hlorkar. I am priard lo r"i ti u o iaia all l.o uia dealr any tiling in my lli.c . atd v arri nl n'lf. faollon In all rare. 1 kiin .oi .lantly na hand, and am praparad to Dianulactui. al lb. hortoat nolloo. BUGGIES. eselling all my good ul tbeYELY LOW. EST PItlCE, in fnct cheaper than the same grade of .goods can be pnr hnscd anywhere iu Jnyder Co. Bee the following prices t t$SO a, il LTpwarcl. WOO and Uyward. Call aud od'n nn.ri .mw ivntvla wriih ttinaa nr aIKav ilAnlAra before bnr- haiins- L .ok or the Bur Sim on Pine Street. East of Eckbort s store. ItespeetfnllT. . LliVI HEI-I-I211, Jnlt). Buli-sgrovg,ra TrilOldinrlwiall vriia B"mwi VIM. piu,gn , Via villus. In air dirtafta fmra inifMiff ur ifnfmirr. uhl ,'(.).i,a avrof. ula. Htoiiiiiatuni.l I. mm., Vialla IHiiva. fUi.lillltlo Mndaa. UlMiaana. at vwluablo in Ganrral Upldlltv and: dixaaaa of debility of Hi. awmt A rtrn aymp. cmiaiiurir tw Injurious liitfrmlMiita. ho oOitr Itoauwf ha yuaotrod aucU auouauuiua, BuW br all iiruaklat AGENTS WANTED a ipiilvtha wld. damand for tba aaib.ntie aaoountnllh. "RKAT THUfcHA" (una- rwor oakhbld), Kxlraordlnary Trial and rioal Execution of Guiteau. Lin Prion, 'tulrk halaa, Httc Tarm. Ho tlm a to lo'.. Adpraaa Huhhahu Uao.., lii C'btat- out Bt., I'blla. SULKII53, SLEIQIIS.Ao. Ilulna axprrlrnrod fn Iho bnali .ra, I flatlar myaallihatl am lully prrpnrad In mat lh. a aut ol my eurlouiaif. 1 La hand cmplo).i ara anionic ilia baft uim'lanlcf In tli. oouniy, aud ihi-ir Murk will not lull to la uilvartal nllina. II. n. -t.claI altantlon paid lo rcpnli lef In all Ita lirnucb..-k M Imp on Mar at 'troet, a law dunr.i luulb of tb. Uonnan lla'orii vd t'l ur.-b .HiHN I.Al KtNS)LAJF.U. Sollnmrovo, April 7. '!". QrtTTTITT Ilnn't loi'al. Ix-fura aaolng UOU til .lamea Klvar Kattiemont. eaialoxua IrM. .7. F, rurry euunty, a. nnr 1 lua. MANCUA, OlarouiouBl, 1 fc,ui u uuiib ujiuui A WllMliEKFrii niSCOVF.RY. noalilvn aura fornnMOTTIIrnrrif nti and Krxa OUHO UiUt 1 chilli, llrdart from maillral nien lor lb n won. darlul our oomo In Iruin all ov.r lh. country. rrlf. pt bottl. tloo. fjaobaiant by enpreia tnanraddra.a. 11. C KKSNKNUKR fc tJO., liox ia, wiiilauiaiiorl , I'a. Forale. THR nndnrsigned offerk at private aalr, on raaaonabl. Unit, hU T WO-STOK Y Dwelling House and Blacksmith-shop and conird la aal nf Titnla. allnala on Weal Main Hiraot, HIIHlL.Klll'H'1, ra. Tba oull.nlld f naaara an rood. Tbia la a No. 1 aland fur af Houq uiaraaipiin. fur lunnar parnrniara can on or aoomat, SYLVKbTtK HOW F.N, May la, Itxi. Mlddlaborg. Pa. S66.1 week la mur own town, al out fit free. No rlak. itivrtlilnc now. Capital But rauulrad. W. Ill furulab vou avarvthlnv. Many ara uaklnir lortunaa. I.adloa maka aa much aa man, aud boya aud alrlt aiak. ki.i pay. M.anar, n you want a butiaaaa at wblob yoa aan maka (raat pay all lha tlm. you work, wrlia lor pirilcnlan to U. Uo, forilatid, Sain., PATNI'8 f ASX EM0IIIE8. ft S part-Arrant tog Kngina from I Ift U tKatasi-pMweT, tiinunleJ Of mim'-uiHad. n4 CliaMrat Enginara Md. A 0 Mpavattls. Head be UWifaUCai Ctft.tiof i lT ur t'lforniatHin and mm to lie W. 1PAVNM V NONR, aWg 84i CurakiMTt U V TAWITE IMCKV vVUttt"" ORINDIrii MAClalNa Kr rsaw-MiiHa. Fawnaram. aanl iliac Ill.Mi BllllHla. I u .IrMl.n, .ddi. . IIIKTAMTKIXJ nlrvawl buiv. . Sluuma i... Fa PRIVATE SALS. fPIIE nnderf-iifiied offers at privafa 1 Sale, tho Mlowlnii i'o.-orl'ied Itral FMalo, lowli ; A oormn t.-io't '! Uud i lu A l. ama two , Sn . d.r o jiiiiii'. I'a, uu; 6 luliai rinuibMani ul Trox.ul lu. ooiuiniii H:i At-rt-s. mora or !. whorovn ara oio. ted a goe.1 From. Dwi lliii! Iloilf.1'. Stitdlo and othar nuln'.i litlnita wall ul vocd wulor at tb. door thriving j u t, on Lai.l of elude, fruit Ir.aa ruiinliiH walor on tba Inrui abo'it acrar ol tb. anov. la aiiort tnnlmr Innd, Ilia baliinr. rl'-ar and lu a hit;li ttuto ul culilvmloo Tariua i ay . For lunlior partli ulnra addrem , HAMt.1 A. I (ill 1. 51 A V, Nov. 31, IMI. tf. Triiolvlll. Ini.u Co. JENUY A. WOLFLEV, Saddler and Harness Maker Centrcvlle, Snyder County, Penna Roapa on hand, and uiak-i to ordar all klnda fUarnoia, Saddl.i, lirldlaa, Wblpa, Oolar. o, fco. all work Kuarantaad fur on. yaar r. Wolliav ana a bat a trial to rrv. that h. Bdaraunda hla butlnaaa, ISov.lo.'lt IJN10N P-ANIiNO MILL BtLlNSailOVE.SNYDtB CO., V A Kccly Wtigncr Lumber Dealers asd MAaerAOTpaia or Doors, Door Botes, Wlndowi, Fhottel Window Boxes, Bllndi, Kaali, Stair ruing. Hand UallluRi, Brack eti, Moulding, rieorlns, SOBOLLSAWINQ k CABINET TURNINQ Shingles, Lath, &o., 4c o. Ordara aulUjItod and filled wltb aud dorpuluh. Flaaaa eall aud aiauilu. our aloclt tafora purohaaluii alaawbar. YOU WiOB Sflffl fyon raplara Ikal old Pump with a saw oa nu do not drat carefully aaaulb. tb. Euckeye Force Pump, rb. Ouek.y. la tba vary luiprovemaa luFuuipa, It la eouatruafud with eir-chaiuber wblob wake It vary eeay to unaral. . Hue. al I a attached to th. baoheye Fuuip, aud water eaa be tbrowa npou any bulldiue' lu raa. of fire. Yoa can water yonr Uarden and Vara, Weak Wluduaa, Willi hu.lo, and bav . FERE ENGINE evarraady na your oaa premlaM al as mora oa tuaa aa ordinary puup. it Cannot Freeze la Mid weather. Durable beyond a donbl. Tba very pump for deep wollt. Too working parte ara leather auatluna and valvui wllblu a pure, lain lined chamber, Nolblji. lo deoay about It Tbo Iron Turbine Wind Engine lalaoaare.tlmprvem.b la Wind Engine, fell end nue tbeee pumps in DVMatlOH, of lot parlisulara adaruas W. 0, BKATTON, aUttW IwtlOWaV . OaiM WM, .- " .-Uauu.mat,e,.a. '