The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 13, 1882, Image 3

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Middleburg, July 13, 1882.
All communirntiona, business let
ters Ac, for tliii office, to secure
prompt attention should be addrfwsed
m follow: Thr FoaT, Middleburt
gnyder Cbunty, Pa, Advertisements,
coirmnnlcatlons Ac. mint be hftnded
In by MortdAT noon, to secure Inter
Hon in next issue
arms )mttt rovurn. rke Coona f
I'lf I r rnartk Moo.laTl
f rinmrr, fay.
HMir or dmmw,
r Fanrttarr, "t. u Hymnr, no. nwaa
Jocal IVew, Aco.
Farmer are harvesting.
fans are flourishing.
Ed. How about that birJ f
Adjourned;Courtloliiy, Thursday.
Its too warm just now to attend funer
!. Tlie corn la short, but hnstha right
Moat of the hay baa now boon ao
C If. Dunkelborgors houae it ready
for the slate,
No business man should be without
printed stationery:
The war on potato bugs and cabbage
worms it progressing.
A Ore nt Lewlsburg on Monday doJ
ttroyed several stables.
The Snyder County Medical Society
met here to-day, Wednesday.
The brick-layers have commenced
work on lllttcnmyers building.
In spito of the potato bugs thore in
promise of a full potato crop.
Grand "icnicln owul's grOvo. near
JlcCluro, Saturday, July "J, Soo J'ost
Tho wheat crop throughout tho en
tire countiy gives promise of a largo
j'ie d.
Beware ol all unripe and imperfect
fruit at this season, if you would csctpo
A number of our citieons aro in
nniring after the well-faro of Uriah
Lcnp-yenr docs not occur until 1831.
But girls able to support a husband
should not wait.
One of tho most delightful and pleas
ant places to spend your summer is hi
our nuiot and heulthv town.
John M. Troxel, of M.iClnro, hail a
stroko of apoplexy. At last accounts
ho was not dangcrouslyM.
C. C. Set-bold, purchased the Dww
property. In this place, at dlieriil's
Bule.. Trice $1100.
The biirtl of July is over fornnoth
er yean and some timo will elapso be
fore the next legal holiday.
few people are to poor that thoy
ciuinot keen a pair of horses ono for
clothe and the other fur wood.
Clever imitations of ten dollar green
backs are in circulation, and our read
ers should be on their guard.
No. 205 drew the Silver watch at Op
pculifliincr's on tho 4th, Joseph Erd-
ly, of New Berlin, is the lucky holder.
Congress will soon adjourn, tho Mai
ley trial is over, Uuitoau is hanged,
and now what will furuisb the uow
for the papers T
Don't keep your money in thehniiao,
if you have any, but take it to tho bank,
whore the faculties for its safety aro
Letter than at home.
The ladle of Fremont will hold a
Cuke-walk and Fottival, for the bene
fit of the Garfield Cbmet Band, Satur
day, July 29. See totters.
Rev. J. O. W. Herrold will open a
subscription school, Monday, 17th
hibt Mr. H. it a ripe scholar and an
experienced teacher.
Jaaeob II. Rhoades brought to our
otloe a he n't egg measuring 8 and 6)
inches In elrouiuferenoe and weighing
over 4 ouneea. Isn't that a whoi'I'kk,
PHOTOGRAPHS I Positively the
last week at lieavertown. tfoeure
theut at once. T. R. IS orris, tho an
coiupllsned artist will remain one week
longer. Lruliits and poittloweii pro
cure a life-like picture before he takes
leave of you.
Now that the plcnlo eeaaon draws on
pace, tho small boy who hat boon lay
lug otrtlnoe Christmas ahould lose no
time in enrolling himself in the Sun
day School which promisee to hold the
first plonio. . .
D. Wltuierft Son. of Raleiu, are en
tcrprlsrhjr merchant and are doing
a good business. They flud their
store rooui too small for their luoreas
l(lg trade and contemplate enlarging
It. Success to them.
Prof. Dill hat declined tho Profess
or's ohalr tendered liliil in lleldel
burgCollege, TIIUu, Ohio, and he will
eoiutuunee to teach in the Freoburg
Academy, July 24. The elt Ixens of
Freeburg are not willing to lose so
sminent and popular a teacher.
Dtsamitk A laborer ou the rail
road at Blue Hill was carrying a ean
f dynamite, foil and an explosion
followed, and at a matter of course,
the uian wan blown to piece. There
Wasnt a ieae big enough to hold nn
luqueet upon. This ooeurred June IP.
Kloee & Smith will open their new
store hi Aduuisburg, Thursday, July
l!ith. Will kiM-p lit store a full line of
Dry i-foods, Uroourlut, Hardware,
tyieentware, Notions, An., &o. at gen
erally found lu w well apielutw coun
try store. , Tbev are esaullout business
r, of rUlluegtove, lias redueed Bum
iner Clothing lowest prlrw. Take
advantage M tke rednctlon aud pro
cure susrster wnr at ovutandear-
Mies Annie O'Rourke, of Philadel
phia la ylxltlng Mint llovslo Cromte of I
Mlddleburg, and will spend a portion
of the heated term with Minnes Fiwinie
and Mamie Wallace at their father's
country rosldeuce near KUdi fluid.
Chan. E. Sampnell and his bride re
turned from Cnpe May and other wa
terlng placet "taken In'' on their brl
dul tour.
J. Hercbel Arnold, a typo on thin
paper, "done up" a portion of Perry
county 4tu of July week.
J. C. liufllnitton, wife and little
daughter took in the eastern half of
Snyder last week.
Mima Elite Walter of Centre spent
Sunday but with Mlae Ida Heaver.
Mist Llxzie Showers of Centre spent
a few days In this place last week.
Mrs. Laura A. Walterand Miss Kate
A. liolender of Akron, Ohio, are here
on a vlatit.
D. R. Rothrock, O. B. M. Arnold
and Miss Mollie K. Rothrock paid
Union county friends a visit lout week.
Mlsa Martha Herrold of Akron, O.,
who hot been visiting friends in this
section hat returned home.
P. C. Moyer, Jr. of Freeburg, paid
ut a friendly v lid ton Tuesday last.
Beavertown Items.
ItKAVKIlTOWX, July 0. 182.
En. Post : A few items may be of
Interest to your readers.
On the evening of July 2 while John
P. Wetzel was watering his horses,
one of them In turning away from the
water slipped and fell getting the
head under the body in the fal', and Is
supposed hud his neck broken and
died very soon.
Aaron Preeae , ton of f leo. Dreese,
while ascending the ladders to unload
hay his hold rilipml and fell to the
floor breaking bis right fore-urm he
is doing well.
Judge Lupfer In having another
bark slnni puf up 80x120 feet He ha
now over 1000 cords of bark In hi
sheds and still more coining in.
The Troxelville Cornet; Hand paid
our towu a visit ou the evening of
July lt. The harmony aud time dis
played in performance of the different
parts, and pieces of music, n well us
the uble way lu which the drum ma
jor handled tho boys In drill -array
ed in their beautiful uniforms, each
one having a brilliant light on his
cap. All go to show that the Itovs
are progressing uml are energetic.
We are safe in challenging the county
for their eipiul for the time the bund
is in existence. One old man said,
"Ale de baud hat auver an guter boss
spider. Des isuuvernow de best band
do ich 'uiuieriiuawicli gahart hob.
Coiue soon again boys. li.
SiuciDB. Oil Friday morning last,
about 3.30 A. M. David Coleman, re
siding in Franklin, arose from his bed
and went out of the house aud remain
ed ao long that his wife got up and
went out to look for him. Plio called
Clutrlca Specht, next neighbor, and
they instituted a search for him he
was aoou found about ono hundred
yards from tho houso hanged by the
neck and dead. Mr. Coloman was
sixty-five year of nge a quiet man
who went about attending to hi own
affairs strictly honest a consistent
memlcr of tho Kvmicelical Church
and it la not positivily know what
led to his self-desti-urtion, but finan
cial trouble is supposed to have been
the inducing cause. That he labored
under a temporary aberration u no
doubt the proper solution.
Card of Thanks.
Nkowash, Luoas Co., Ohio,
June 20, 1)483.
Ed. Post: We desire hereby to re
tifrn our sincere thanka to those who
to generously aided and sympathized
with us on the occasion of the death
and burial of our beloved father,
Michael Duukelberger, of Washington
township, Snyder eounty. Pa. May
sympathizing hearts and willing hands
solace and aid them too when the sod
hour of bereavement comes Is our sin
eerest wish. John Dunkklukiiokh,
Maiiy Mknokl,
Sabah Swartz.
Kind ol Students Wanted
Purlnif the 6 weeks session of the
Teachers' Normal commencing Mon
day July 17th, In the College building
f reeourg. uur worn is hihioiui. Wo
do not offer a general academic
We devote the.tliue to the tralnln g
of teachers.
We ask no student to attend the
school unless he ean receive more for
bis time, money aud labor here than
We Invite all those who want to
learn to teach.
We wont those who have good
ability, gooa iiubiu, ana good pur
We offer such our best help and en
ooiirageiueut. We can assist them
V lien qualified to do good work as
teachers, wo can help them to post'
Our great imbllo want It that of
goxl teachers.
for particulars, address
F. O. Moyer,
Freeburg, Suydtir Co. Pa.
Cradtes I Cradles I
Buy tho old reliable Leldy Cradles
for sale cheap, for cash, by J, II
MARTIN, l'uxtonvlllo, Pa,
June t'3.
Pr. I. Orler liurber respeotfully re
quests those knowing thomaelvet In
debtad to hlui, Individually, to make
settlement before August first nnd
pay the amounts dun hlui lu money
or secure payment or tlie same
by uote.
Jl. mtlKll BARB Kit, M.
Too muoh Ice oream will kill. A lrl
died from the efl'U of U In New York
the othvr dy. Young men should
paste this fact in their hls for reference
wntu iney srt nni on us rrram ex
Free ol Cost .
All persons wishing to test the mer
its of a great remedy that will positively
cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Ilronchitis, or any affection of
the Throat nd Lungs -are requested
to oall at J. A. MoaU' Drug Store and
.ret a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, fttt of
cod, which will show vu what a regu
lar dollar size bottle will do.
If you have the proper regard for
your personal interests build up and
sustain home enterprise and home in
stitutions and both will prosper. If
you have property, insure it in the
fleavertowo company it is tho cheap
est company doing business in this
county it is as able to pay all losses
at any company in the United States
it will pay as promptly as any com
pany can pay it it not a wild-cat in
stitution, but conducted on fair busi
neat principles by honest busiues men.
It Insures country property, only.
Beautiful skin, and fair complexion,
robnat health, and powora of endur
ance follow the use of Brown's Iron
Gravel, diabetes. Hrighla disenso of
the kidneya. and all diseases of thc
kidnoyt and urinary organs perma
nently cured by Prof. Ouilmclte's
French Kidney Pad.
Wo know Dr. C. O. Hirner person -aly
and tho Millions of Dairy took
ho has given away, havo not only elo
vated the Fanners in the 1'nitrd Slates
and f'uropo but also in China and Ja
pan. Catakkii Relief in five minutes in
every case ; gratifying, wholesomo re
lief beyond n money value. Curo be
gins from first application, and is rapid
radical and permanent. Ask for San
foul's .adical Cure. Complete for $1.
Sino'sSyiup of Tar. Wild Cherry
and I (out bound is pleasant to the
taste nnd most reliable remedy for
eouuhs and rolds. (iivo it a trial.
Price, "" and 50 cents per bottle.
For sale by John A. MouU, Middlu-
The Distuinguishinj Charm.
A delightful fragranco of froshly
gathered How em and spices Is tho (lis
tinguishing charm of Floreston Co
logne. June.
"H'hen I publicly testified that had
boen cured of a terrible skin humor by
tho Cuticura Remedies, i did so that
others might bo cured, and do not re
gret tho time given to answering in
quiries." lion. William Taylor, Bos
ton.. July.
Great Demand tor Bcalty's Org.ins.
Realty's Hoethoven Organ is meet
ing with wonderful sales. Nearly two
thousand were manufactured and
shipped during last mouth from his
factory at Wmliiiitfton, New Jersey.
A special ton-day oiler is undo to our
readers iit anothor coluni.i.
Freeburg Academy.
Tho S iinnv rTerm of tho Freiburg
Academy will communeo July 21,
and will conlinuo eleven weeks.
Special attention given to tho instruc
tion of teachers and regular lectures
will be given ou the subjocl of teach
ing. Tuition $5 to $7
Boarding t?,M to $.'1,00 per week.
WM. II. DILL A. M. Principal.
DaniklS. Bovku, Tres.
Beauty Regained.
The beauty and color of the hair
may be safely regained by using
Parker'a Uair Balsam, which is much
admired for its perfume,cloanlineH aud
dandruff eradicating properties.
ftllddlebur? itlttrket,
Simonton, Barber & Co.
Wheat tt 20
" o. 8 1 W
Corn M
Oats M MS
Potatoes 1 1
Hotter IS
OiiIdiih 1 00
Iinl 13
Tallow "tl
Ties 35 to So
Pea Coal .....8 7ft
Chestnut Coal 4 (HI
Hlu. kHinilli Coal 0 HO
Kug Coal IH)
Plaster, per ton U 00
June 87. Uto. F. lloluios and Miiw
Mulialiv C. Mattis, both or Helins
grove. June IS, by I). K. Hover, J. P., Hen
ry V. HtflTon of I'lilon Twp. and
MIhhAiiioIU Iteicheiibuch of Wash
iiiKtoii Twp.
June 87, at Mt. Oariuel James Curus
of ScliiiHrove to Mia lila M. PerHlug,
ot Mt. Carmul.
June S3, hyltev. PimiiKler, Harrison
Knouse and Miss tUuiuiugcr,
both of l'runkliu T wp.
Juno 87th, by ltev. J. P. Hhlndcl,
David Jortlaii and Amanda Koons,
both of this county.
July 8ud, at Slin4?rove, by Kov.
W. A. Haas, Charlfs 11. Hauipnl, of
Centre and MIhm Hallle C. Middles
warth of Midillcburg.
We wlhh our exteemed young friend
Charles and his Intelligent Utile bride
a pro)Hroue voyage nod a smoot h sea.
May Kaoe wreathe her cluilu round
them forever, and plenty always In
Near Kratservllle, lut week, Mins
Catharine ICwIg In the l)J your f hvr
June 81, In Wm. )huvor twp., ilrs.
Sophia Haloes, In her ill ywtr,
June 80. In Hmf at Vwm. I )iaj..i (.'..
Jn"l Krtililor, svd it.' .ii A i.iomli
anil Jil ilav4. IiiL.'L'.u.l ul K..ii.ji.
K.;i' O., IM. I
. T 1 . ..sW
iVA.'m fTflSIXiJ
want 1it -Sfi WihTV1Cti
a -f.
1 I I
I1 MOM' Ml-W
TTrlrtitii, 7n v , tonrth. 4ft Inn, 1rtilh. VI
Km Rty'e Wo. 9000, Hwj -5) tictavr Hunilrfn-i
. WIIW1 W Urgw BeiHll and Myilc B.N.
V7 K'"1 1(1 ril'l Vf) PrMffl TiyTfTVA
. IV iuu bW uuialU ll.ibi.-
11 CIAL. Ifcl 1A UI1I.K TO
l Til 13 INiST.
ini'wir'iiiiiiamwn Oirn tn'ol-iri-l pmnfir
I i III s .HrfFHl PUK 1 II l .-. I ' f k'l ...
'm mrA - tv.itt .ntin rf,-, t. N-w, if
i vtj I s I ni'Tii, lrn, .. ..ifnyotl I'.n Ol:iri
West End,
MrCl.l UK, Ph., July in, 'S3.
Mil. FllTm: Not HeciiiK any news
in your valuable ihmt frmii our plni'i
for u long tiiiie I thought pi'i hitpH u
fc.v lines froni In re, nii-lit Inti-rr.-t
?ouii of your iiiimy rem lei x.
The Hiiml pii nin mi tlu Sltli Inxt.,
ciinio off a kiii'cchm, nit I u m : -li tlx weu-
tlnT Wiih a littli-dimipiii t he o Tt -ri n
the at tiMidmien was very Kood. The
proeeeils are to K'i towards purrlias
IniMiitH for tho tiiHnilierf, Tho band
is doing Ihn'ly uti'l tlioy furuiHli iih
with some excellent uun-ic occasional
ly. Tho farmers are oomineiu-linr to
luirvcht here now, you can henr tin
reapers lu every direction. The Inir
vext will b pit il in this end, the
wheat ecrlally is very well filled. In
npltH of the old croakers la.-t cprinj;,
who tried to iniike uk believo there
would Ij no crop thix Hiiiunier. Corn
is a little back ward owing to the lale
prlng but it looks well nevcrtlic lc.
Our old friend J. M. Troxell, Mer
chant, ut MrClure woh taken very ill
about a week u-o but he in sluwly le
coveriug. Mope he limy noon bo uble
to be about nain.
lilacklii rrii s are not ipiite ripe vet,
ho the boys don't cuiue in with any
large Hiiake Htorlew, but think we will
haveoue by next writing as they will
be ripe by thai lime.
I will now htup, not wiMihig to take
up too lunch t-piu-u with my trtic.k,
I hiiliM-rilie myhelf.
Yours Ui;hpect!u!ly,
WlitiT Kmkii.
The ipiehtloii agitating the people of
tho went end of he county l, whether
it Is jKiHhiblo that Sol. Oppc uheimer.
the great Clothier of Svliuhgrovc, Pa.,
cuu sell such an hiiineiiM" ipiuntity of
gixMls and not tell u lie not even a
little, white one.
Wetlnexday Sol. visited our ofllee
and we put the question direct, mid
he ufllrmed that it was true uml said:
"1 tell you how I do it-1 have two
hundred WIIlTK VKSTS. Procaland
MantellleM, warruuted, bought ut bot
tom prioi'sanil I represent theuijunt
as they are I am s.'llingTU15NK8 6i
VALISES AT COST and chow origin
al bill and I sell the best lifting, latent
style DRUMS 811 1 UTS at the lowest
prices ever before heard of In Snyder
county and I guarantee every young
man who buys a shirt u gox ife.
Men's suits as low as $- 73 at S- Op
penheinicr's. If you want a Silk Hat give S. Op
peuheimer an order and you will get
just exactly the thing you want.
Straw Hats in every eoneeivnlilo
style, quality and prico at fppouliuim
Ynti ran bo Hxod tin from rnnr lieel
1 ou can oo nxeu up iroin your m 1 1
to t he top oryourliemt so uml your
' '
inothcr-ill-law WOllldll I know Von frolil
r t i .......... ..ill.,
a viiiiiu""'iii, iui iiinv, i.v .
nnntieinmr'a Hum nnvwliero elo in'
Christendom, Uo aud see. April o.
Sol. OppenhcimcrV Rood luck beno
tits tho people of Snyder.
7e purchased Sinclair's vast Spring
Stock, in bulk, at the loweal cash
prico and is therefore able to well goods
cheaper than havo ever before been
offered in Snyder county. April rt.
Spring Ooods of every Variety,
Style, tjtiality, Quuntiiy, IVico. at
Oppenhcimer's. April (.
. ii a . a
The most wonderful curat ivo rem .
edict of the presetit day, are '.hose that
come from Uermauy, or at least orii
mite there. The mosl receut prepara
tion placed upon the- market in this
country, is the UKE.VT Oi'UAAN IN
VICJOH ATOlt, which has never been
kuown to fall in curing a single ease of
impoteury, spermatorrhoea, weakness
and atl diseases resulting from self
sbuse, as nervous debility, inability,
menial anxiety, languor, lassitude, de
pression of spirits and functional do
rangemuntt of the nervous system.
For sale by druggists, or sent free by
mail on receipt of the price, tl.OU pj
box. or m!x boxes for S3.U). jtddrcsa
K.J. C11KSEY, Toledo, o. .Sole
Aue'il for the United SUlvs. tend for'
. oi ' - -
It will iiav fverv lo.iv to examine
IIihi, KioJk of Furniluie for I
...mi Hie l'..p.iUr Furniiuit) um
u'. 11. Luwiwlowur
r- . i l t Un iaj , rnilMty ili'h .re Ct-'HM, t.n h in 1 1n- Mi'.h'nnl .!. prt. w t
M li iln-t iirrnM-l I. 1h ini.-et tll n-nun iniHnr., fi' .M, nn tvo.
tUi,f "M it ii,farfr in pf"-" if lit - I r.ta rii'n lt 1 tn roit.rt tj.
C A 1 .1. -re lit i'i rnfii -ni hitr.-Iii. A w i:..i li, t r- . ki. V : -Ha1
ffTr.r y d !, rt N ) i f-li i i finr'. . f. r t fr ..'. li jl
P""' ni n i i.t of (, .,...! i I r'aricl l id i,.tr ..t mV '-t -w it
In-U Oill.Mi lu. l.uuU.'-fx of ti.iir ill . 'Mh-r iv-t-.i -.?. ll.U I. 'tan
Address or call upon DAK! St. t.
The Famous 27 Slop
Miitanio ror mo Parlor, iiinpei,
II... ,4 nlikfl. ... tm n. mm
1.. Iin..i
.n.iii, t n
j tViw. , K .i t lii..k ,!. y''XTiX'jullLlmtV'
i.l. i nu. tt-i l-k. t... il-l .,r l . '( I,. r..vhr '"""' " valy VO.UO.
. .wil m il kiln ilii'.l. tl. t II 0,1 nVn.l tl,. i.! TKIt.lf ".-Tli.trtm, rnr Wot Oni. ftraiStanmi
l.'.-ij .liinalo. li.nUuu fi'lft finish MHl'iar m awda l.j lUnk Will, T'Vt OSw MuMf IX
-lll ;'.'! atitvfiiaiiiMfiia,l .iih aru.a.,ui ilci.ti. .r.r, H.SIMMM latur ov KI- pao..HL
. i.'. t! t? twu, Us lueau in, Bi,l.-rt on j .. wuO.
ri-tf nl MUii I jMiU.iialin:', ruaMit.K lMrfimtMf
ItaitAfft llt lulliif Ihn tinttti t: atniriin nl
t,i. ' HTniiunw ninin, wnn is ri rt I
lu!titiiir Ihn aunnti i: Mriiri
-rn(?k H-Tit, inliti, I ituxili
Tit. iiltti. I'kiimiIo. Kaaanhnnn.
htwtr, (t1t,'liuft h Vit Orsr-xfl, ! mnt i(tit
ffflBt utUuaa7 otCrsi ! Jr ut otiutotandV
iviini fntt in m wiuiwn insj ust rnasli
27 stops, as roiiowti
TsT lf'lTrt ftfrnslbislaV It -- FcntV H fnem fwitt.
i iu.i,Zba 14 Ltri..n...NI.N.tb.t.n
-).. ftniift HilMlM, IB 17 ini i iiK,iiri.
ft-luarf1ii. Mfrwl . 1- V.. JnhilwiU. umI
ffiani . tk is. - v Kt.inaj. imtt lfrttn
S rH I StintrrHI, B lflt f Hsl SM.n
I uJ
rsn. nfoM rmm II I brtlir. Hi
ifantfXW' )unt nnee ni.
llVrrfifli lliftt. I IV IntM Ift - AnUsMiln Vftltft BfcS
t r inna- mi txut imtin iHuuDtw.
C'MbliiJ Kttorlt.
l-ni. tttrw U'U.-wa fwiin Wno-l. mU fotir hltl Sirititia.
tth A'HnialsC VeJft ttlt. Mi ITflumtkrtuC.ijttt
tut rr-vtrntuw n ttt t vT it.
Irt'trttta la fntl ltt Arflf tht-Utm m.1
(.M-n TMnaTMMlMMntawl.l .'titTn t. wiiirbwkm
ietf. Tnth iMwn rna tr rinje 11m iimii
iiia:tien"frliMk of tMtl il. laid't it Um tmt
Y'Hif. Muiuiuiial k rrUUui miU irtf iu lto
to -ttfr-'l V 1 1 if T" m "T n-TWvsjsiiiir 'fawwi " trrmt.mrj'
Solid TOMt.-iTTt, ThtlU'nr? Hwr- nr1 put. 1
ff" VV S::.M.CiV; To
Fenrf l.l, ... r-ititm..t. tl Miue F.rtl- of mi..k . Wailil1
Iiv. :cwt tj.ri, hM,. pm-nl wo nunufarlrt u
T1IM11 MINO. llim
If mul'-il fmni $ m mm
l'i r.
H-f rt t row.
I ruV
t'i .! It KM) t M K trtt .
. i I -i
aili I si" " i i M k'M Woi,tl"f.
Oil tllt tlr I ti'l It
Miimi.1i ilrly. mi-' 'il y r
Ojti''A mitli i'mriji upon the
Kitliirya, r, llw, ft
l'orr ol (he S'. iii.Xt utntl
iziii'i, Ahsorlihfj. iiii'l
lJ.rjtllin .SrWoa
Ions, Ciiret
out, ami
Ths rannrol nn rt liuinna Ilia, 'nl etirlnu hn
l,)li-l.n hii'iM-alu ki.,1 n uilii-r niiiltiii'a
ml mmaillpa un, Hrrnlnla r hlnv a
liUllihllllP N.fllliitfa, l ift.,,, li,1 H.r a, Milk
l.ra. At t..n. I- rj,l, rlu,
AM""". I'rl.uri-I., .,I, iv i '.,i..,n..
Iitlnhi'a PIfu. , Wnailnn nl tl, K'.lnor' nml
I.Ivor . It lioutii a. I . am . C,n,ll ati. n, I Ilea, lit
)fU, u U all lU'kiDK n l Mcl;
I'.HI ll IOH
ll Ilia Kkln n l Sralp. aurh a Wait Khrnm,
ranrUt-, I lr. hlrttfWnriii, llirlfr'a l.i-li,
Nral l II.M.I, li.'hltiK n , ami iitliir Ida iHnr
lim iinl l i riiirliiii lliuunra a, .li,i l. in a
vr.'lu llilo ulcrr. w-i.-D aa-l.lll ly I Tl.'l HA
sua titii i ka rlinr. Ilia uraalMilo Uuraa.
- I I It I It i-
A twwt urUmoiiilo Moll inal .Tally rl- ar"
nil all sii rnftl tt.nlen" or lilut lliitn r4,ela
away l.ia l skin n I I Iraii, limlanll; allaya
liohll H' ami I rrl ti.l l 'B. M, . Italia. Mi.lhet. DI
Heal.. Wnrtu lit a.aH In nokl lor sll Ilea.
I1.14 Pl.OA-01.
rnci nt map
An Ksrjnlali Tmlnl. Uat, ami Srary I'm.
atlro. r rauratil win, ilali,?iunt fl.i r "ilura
nnl iitalina lml'u. rontioiia m inottine.l
furiia mil tlio virtue ol t't'T'ci'NA, th atroal
hkio t.uro, nuil la toillap na.hio In tho tri.
uiriit ol Skin onil Nel Ptri-o-oa, and li.r rr.
atuiliiN, irra rrlna:, ami t4Mi()tlnic iho fuiu
i.lril.m toil tk Id, 1 1.0 na y oeillciual IIaI.)
I i tinm Khmuimka aro ili on'r roal rura-ttvt-a
lur illvaa.aa t ti,o Nkln rali. au llluu.l
Prlro or IITIilltA. alliAll toiva, Uk-
larno m 'r-. tl. I'Tn i ua r. 41 imr
tltlo. I'l TH I'UI 4)AI. 21 : I 11,11 UA NllAV
iai S..AI. 10. No.U i vary w)tiero.
Ir'l. W t.KKS Pol l Lit. fl a(.B.Mr.
Sanford's Radical Cura.
TUu (Jrtit Aniirit'tin litll.tmlfi
tiU.iliouof' Witch IliZii, Antcr
ic.nt l ine, CiMivlini Fir,
Mrijill, Vl(r
sum, ttc ,
I'or Hit Iinmaillalo li. llaf ,n.l pormAnant t'u-a
ol anory lunu oll.Mlarrb, Irutn ini. iiaail
l'iril ur luilnaua l. tlio Uian nl timnll Tio
ami Ilearlltht, IKiUMIl, llrouoblt!., oul l..-li.
out 1 vbauuiitla. Inilorra.1 Iy rb..ltfiua.
' 'oinuu ami Ma.llral tkrxolinut n.a
worl(l 0Bk. cmm.,L ,t tll,ui .i ,.,,.
. ' """'; ...
iinolHiilla Kaitical I'uro, no lm atarrlnl ami nliril'a Ukalar. all Inuua lack
sko. ul All JriKiuil lur tl. Ail MMnruan,
atAUit'At Cm.
WKfcKS k I'KlTtH, llonlun
cOk'tys ElcctricitY"
N rj iiiii. i in on io. uui
.l I (li'rlif o. unit.
r with llaAiuia: lial.AlU
I'lU.llNS' Vol.-
t in Ki.n mm pi.
V il..r tn all nlliar
" i:a-tara f,ir o rt PaIu,
Vktaknaaa ami Inrniuuia
nJ I iorLiir.
VettKI Sia.rk-Aimri.ia: lanlnaa bvaa lo 11, WMjuotiJ w .nm.uuirU. WI aaj
I 1ic.k r na-iiM. Nu.k-. S 1 &0 uMa.wk. Scad a.
lilurAltU 1 jt.UiKiie I' t-r tna.rni.,.H-w ao.l a
laws , Cvruluatt M. V
"Villl.iiuir. Uipka, Millwright, Ulobe
Mills, is ready lo do nil kinds ol
work in his lint, of huMim. ut abort
notice, and giuiruiiliHw bis work. He
ts an exiMirienuo lUivhanlo.
Mactt U0, tf.
Teacher's Normal School.
Teaelver's Normal SoIhkJ willbgiu
it FnelHirg, Pak.ou MtHHtayJuly IT.
1K8J, and eonthmr) aix weeks under
, , . . , . , . ,
a theeuun-
ty bupuWof paxtimlaM addrs
- l.UAiaXfcC,
I -' I . rX
Beethoven Organs.' '
Ix!kc, Church or babrmlli Wciiool.
tk.vtfU. Thlw.MKlo of a1 Hnantuwl Stni,
Wntk l.f lnm.nd.iii Ih. HKK IIIOVI M la hMi-
It l( ' K.- Tl.. r of 4h. Ornn. hiti lisjln
u.r M..,S. Onw lu-m b. .'h. i 01 'it..-. . im- un.
a'o i
wr iwsiMncbm, nfiw.ivrw";. inri-si in h wfi m
nuisj itf Nwd itiflht to dll il ot data immiirtl:.
To "Whom it May Concern t
tint the llMrthftvtsii Orvin. tim fn9t,nen-
ttnt to, ! ! ntf v pw(fl t.ltsifa.rtHin tq
in liiw siiirnwemfoi, i n-rs-ff I'twri Btfrii i m i
Mirk Aoi rftiiii firti oif HioiH'jr fwndifi c(irnD ftodi
wtUi It! tniMttal rf Hw )mj, Imi r reml ( I
hsnl twHh thit
iltsrUttsff ttirrsw tA frsHM whmrt nn tb inelni
to hm rfn1r1 lmrrs1i )!
Mrunient t 1 titniUiti
. If flMlfMtrMl. tifllinaTl
' itaita nr eiix in
t f.f a.t OiiMtT ovn t r Unn liwwu im tut o.lV
1u(m. Vsm tns fvwi)
HOW TO OUIKn.-riiielot tnil "!" Inf
ItaMlvitrn Onrao. I laam ml font aUlmml In n
Umri to II Im I Ha) kiLvtlaanant, utA I irflw on on
nnvliUoo thai II muM inw finoilj u frtinwil-l In
am DaiUMiUr. or I (hall tMnrn H al tba (nil ul una
rnfa im. an I ilinanil IIhi rrlnrn of mf .impy, with
nlntt frrni the or? mMM I fumnl It. alait Daf
itmk, ' Ina .ia.nir olT.T. lit try firfirtilor lo
iir i'.ur Jtumo. fort VPirt, rVwtlv. flat; rVi
NlaUnn, ani ifi wif ftaiiniHt
I r7i mra In rmil bv Hint Drnfl, rW
Mwv Crtrr, ;r(fif.Tl letter or .Ta prr fan.!.
etrM.fif Htsxil. O'tun wig aiw tiftt Imo WmwI fnmUioflr(lti
t r-T1 N r fV- rvwllltlw anw1 n in1 t-xi r1n from rlH. T1.V HK T1KAR
M L4M tufjntht rHiiriri ti w-ur Hit aitriAl .n. .
rln fn'ii tl la itaff il wnl ) rr tr1.
irftit tff tf1rrt'h "ft " 'frt tU. rfl'l fulfill it mm
I tu tLu bitii jrti-ut luuftl Ve mtulvO mtlun t 0j
lAn;r, xvamjixoto, m;v Ji usi;v, JlM n,t4.
H. Tl - f-N vfAcie,! ntf' t Mtn('f.1 fti r1'l -t frT(w1Jfr h '
lM'.o in in ii-t; itv,; . T v.n t h-t" n . fi r. jr .if ftttt !, nmt luut
iunt,,-' t . K.-i f ( i-.-i n t f1-tii. tt tt ytu tttn it Mit.tiory tfvvU
lijr o'.tiff .i..fc.-r i .t.
lilt 1,1. flu-eiiU on'er. Iti It f t-T'll, un"-'-'-
TrtwfilU, Sniilir r. un'y, Pn.
t'n 'rrtr,kln Is all It. l.raocli. a .rnin,HT at
aiii'la l lu. ftlar.Mi IJ,' Ti.
fpilF, nn.1rrH!ti.i!.l nfl'. rs nt privile
1 nl-' Ma I.trtii at.irtta in I. nn lown-li'i'. ii.iiniv. r... i. n o r I'liilii- Hul l In. I
iiH Ir.i.n Vrrr:, iru lul . rl I'rrr.irlnn, 1.1'OUt tu
lunar iruui aiiiu-arova. autitaliilbrt
lit! Acres,
mora of lr". In A I.U-h "t Uo of nilttrntr.n ami
iitlr ue.l l.ii- i o anil Irriilr A.i-I . roilui
1 1 iv.iivrnloii t- M.rkrt ami M...., ; a.l
J ! I.ia II. lli ivrr Mil roii . l . I ui.l. .1 A.
.1. I I'linr nn'l oit.rra. nhetvoa aro orvi-ttj a
iiau-iry iiwciiiiiii
I I.iiiH.i, Itfinli n.rn
a l ill n'e'Try un'inll lln. In a u l atuta
I rri.alr a novor lallin,: wall ul walur at ll.a
Young Orchard, '
enmrrlrli'K tha t.rat , arlallra. ami in larln
11.I1MS tor -irticulwra
vmti uu ur au irn-a
SMri:t, f Wl.lM'l.lN.I.
Juml, tnlluaKMVe, I A
$500 Rewarfl
llrr A lllllau
ll.. alraai'V
I ran . M la ikti
r imii
nl lu IraLte
avery i.ih
wl I. b ha- nlven
lrlerl aatlilao
Anrl hat i .rl nuia I rur t ovrrr It'UO
il aci'rllnt lo
Wa ' a t Iho aiaiuM sn I il 'Uhtln
lual o will if lua abuvo r..r l lur m
Thl llr t, (alia m ourn, Thl. Uroat Hino
.1 Hill 1'iiMHV KI.Y an I I't.UM AN KNTI.V
r-iro I...M...I.U... l-MU.r liarl.. INI.. tra--rl., I(lt) . lllllil'a lllarnar .if
Ihr lill.l-a. llrlri.llf..
l ll.a I rll.r, rr It.r li ll..r a.
I'ali.l.l. ol I'..- III . ! r. Illil. I'nlrr.l
I rlllr, I'M I It III II. r llrti k, " ul- l.l....
rriinn VVrnU. -., ii. I la U-t an dl-"f i r
ol ii, hiaiMi r ana I rlnarj i.rtn
onlr 'le I by .rlalr .ll.. nr ..lli.naaio
I. V III h-i, I' TiO. ara a (l.-rlna! Ir.i'n Irmi'i
Wr .knar.. I.iiiriirii ... or auv n..-s ul ttc
klJuo)t, Ola I lo-, ur I rluary l.r .....
Vl'i i i t.tailn DAUi .i at ma Moluo., b
Ul ajtArirw
l'llOF. (H'l f.MKTTK'S
French Kitlnev Pad,
WIlU'll I'l UFS US AliXiKI'l lu.N.
I.K v ur .Irn.KM l.r I'l:' IK. ill ll.l I: I'Th'S
rUKs.'ll KII.NtV I'Alt an I la-o i hu.
r ba I, a . . m ..I It, aa ,. tJi" auJ u Hill ru.
Mioil.o I'a.i l rolurn mail."
Kll'iM TIIK lK "I'KI..
Jl I..IK llltOIIAN.VN, L)
Tule.lo, O.,
ia)'J :
"liuo .'I Prr. Ilullmoiti.'a I'r.ieh I't.lna.
Kaila ruro.1 ttta f I uiuIjjku Ii. tltrt awl.'
Iiiuo, M g ra.o bail Ui air. u ui i, ibo . hi
lioi'iura aa llailU4 ill O.l tliuu I
aulla.e.l uutul l a 01 Ami l l uul tar, a .uui
o( it. on .
Uc.ok.IK VKI TKi;. J F , Til. .to. ).,,,, ;
'I aullcrr.1 lor Ihr -u Jf. U" Mill. K0I..II. an. I
kl.ln-y aU'l oliru l. i l .u an a. .wot
... .ral-ho. 1 t.i ialr.lT ami .riitiai..nn,
uro.1 aiivr )orin Pr l. .luliuiooo a tr.ucl.
K.iluat I'a.i loaro.aa..'
i, I' 1 1 r. S. it. IT,Hyinl. . .
'I bAvalaraon aroat .ml rvl I .r la yo.ra
ilk llrlabl'a lliaoaao of ID a.l.lma. r of
a. aa al A li.uo iaa no lito lu art .Ait oi bw-l
IO..H tarroia.i uia-Mrta.. but tl.ty aavo ua ..a).
iy lu.iorAry r-li.l. I lou i f,ui
iluilmolla'a Kl'lvry fail, ala ooh, aa4 I
ttoaj knua I a.u rnur. I. eurtf.l
AIMS. II t.bLI.M -I I.Ui.aii I. la lo, .... ..
t.r yoara I b.votMiou oo..iib.l. awroa. prt
ul tbo d'.io to my lr-4, m uu l.ovutrbu a a..,l la
uia.o oj.akooaa. I aroro .oo ol ..wl mo-la'a
ki.lvejr I aU'l wa . our..i ia iuui in.
II, U. IIHI LN. Wkuloaslo litem, tla-ilay.
(I , arrll.t:
l tuUoro.1 for ii yoara aa It h laiao bark a B.I
In lUroo wvoka mmt'ly raol b. woar
Ium ono ul I'rof, iluii.uo.l a n.w.u) I'
II. kl t:L.INi. H. nruaiaUI. U.i
IhwI, luil., aika aao4int hi sn wiJ.r Mill
uay l aila iliaa :
l aroro itt of iho Sr.1 una oa Sa4 aJ I ra
tal raj utoro buallt l.wot It IIiao I
ovar a.C'1. lu ia.'I Ibal'Ai. alvo boiior .-A.ral
aAllalaotwii Ibau auj WUuoa rountUj no ttor
AY k SIIOkM AkXU, UrotsUta, llAUKl.
bio. Mu.,
"W o aro ajoraJn lloly Ira.l ru yur
Ha lo, aa l au l or ttai.ajgi ou4 roaulla liuui
Uau. svor uay.'
prur. Guiluictiii's ra'uiH hi.
Will B.lliolr ouru t'iv aul Am.. I'uaab
agaa two t'ab-, IMlM.ta t'aa.r. J4MW...o.
.,.wi li, ih4 tH al bW 1.. a4j.u.
nl. it I SM f.ioa.o. at ... .
Ki.aJ. It li.awaa Itoal.-ooa. IU a..lrya atrS
UOt. Ilv Of wail an..a
i tkuoat f 4lCV,
NaK'h X. I ' taito.
l u a. . r skaiaM It ml a i . lt s fiit f f r.d4 tMi rliia-si, tff
U flrstft'"'. I allaru., W'.WI. I- J' II
T Hint. I " 4 4tTat, tii.lU' "t"1 Ha-
f i .tl" I I. 'ilirtl Kl. t ft. i lAtT kiel hWWrrttraaIk.aM. t
EM Ittrj Ker laill. rV.ll f t ftll 4r.'ll n-t 1
Mj Ikhl IM SI t. hrwrt. C l '"tlaVfS.
J It r. lwr It in., trr.t. Ultt.srr . tv
I avu,.ro. - . v
u !
'J he irrcjirc.ssililo
has just rcltmird from J u
vhashi'J, in Xciv York
and I'hilutlelphiu.
minonse Stock of
j v rs1 1
s ma me it
. able In in erf I he tf fin a mis
oj ' u If cubscs, ami to sup
pi II I he ich n ts of ico
nic 'rum all xrc
ti in is of our
Cvit n I tj-
He is Now Ready
I o furnhli nrriilio'lij with
jt':s,s SUITS,
j: EKY-lhiY SUITS,
JUTS, ( '.?.
in fact he fa-ris roust a nil j
vn mint A 1'VLL f.i.YE
Furnishing Goods!
low as 82-75.
' 11 line, LA TEH T S T 1 L E
Straw Hals.
1b Hats for liiile lb!
Read. Read,
lo be given away.
will rst'ttt a SOI. Hi
WATCH to a iiij vm 'l nit
customers holding luddiug
ike lucki number 'liv
watch will Or drawn i n tin
4th of Julij, ISS, at m if
store. For ere rt f't-UO worti
ut goods aold 1 wiil give one
Friends, neiihliors, and all
the p oile arc inritcd,
meruit ij and ir
ticaJurly. to call
and exam i no
III 9 slock.-
Than k'a I for ast patriot -age
J taint tilt solicit e&:
corttintHitiun vf the Su nlQ
sioisixsiiftovi: ,
Apt. 4 atl