The Post MiddleburgrJuiy 13, T382, I. CROUSE EdUoT Propraior. State Ticket. frovwrnor, james A. hbavkr, of Ontri'. l.louti-rintit (J'ivirii'ir, WILLIAM T. UAVIIM, c.f Hr.i.f r.l. N.eri'tury f InlHrtml Albtirs JOlix M. OKKlvR, of UuIIit. J it lico of Siiirmi' ( !iirt, WILLIAM H. UAWLK, or l'Mhi-l. I !liPPllt!lll lit U:r&; MALIUOT BRUSH'S, i( I. w i"t Juiit.v 'J'ii'ltiil. B. V. WAOKNS.'.LLKK, of S"liiiHur'iv.', So'Joctlo devlr lun nf tli Hl-trld I oo en: Axsi'iulily niAKI.K MILLER, lf I'l'llll. m AhWuM .IihIi" SAMUEL A. WETKKL. of Mi'iivor. Protlioimlitry jr.iiKMiAii cropse, of MiiMklmr. Hi'UtT il lli-fiirdi-r JAMKS M. VAXZANDT, of Miildli lmr', Disfrlrl Attorney HENRY II. .HIMM,' of WhHliitiKton. Jury CoiiinilHiioiii r LEVI FISHER, of SliiiKrovi'. qavraJa as Reformers ty running a tbia ticket for the purposa of pro moting Potnocratio access. Tbe difloreuco ia lo Ihoir cruilil for persistently trying to wonkeo the frankness, of tbo Indopooduols of present National Administration bo. l.oropnrcil will) tbeiu tna iu fa the people. TboBO clnrifos ara The Truth About Removals. Tbe Democratic and Deputy-Do- mocratic papers of Pennsylvania are 72 lopundonl limdors of '82 aro political tort Its, trying to do now by indi- rc-el i jn a hat Ihuy tbcn did directly. Tho romilt of 1 1 10 ciiuipiiign of '72, tjlorious as it wan, was not apparent or probable until tbo early Full. Wilb nil tbo direct aid Hint tlio Io- Icpondt'iiU thnn Rrtto to tbe Potno- cruts, assisted its limy woro by tbo bons Republican nnd In litpuinluut pupors of rbiludfilplii't, wo carried Hautham r by DVOOO majority. Wo mo no olT, now, tb:iu wo were iu bll. Wo bnvu less to four now from a tbird ticki.t limn wo bad. tlion, from tbo Independent vote cuiiivd over bodily into tbo I'umo- cralio ranke. Ci mm aud M' Ci.imik baro sinoo then bocoiuo Democrats, as ull tbo Independent leaders of to- lay will eventually bjcoino. J ly ad hering Rteudfustly to our ticket wo hIiuII triumpb, now, as Kloiioimly on wo did tb n. All tbut in ntiodud is a hIioii, courageous fnilli in tlio li'bleouHiicss of our cause, and an abiding trust in tbo good judgment of tbo pooplo. Charlatanry ia poli ties wits a fitiluro iu 1672, uu it will bo ia 1S2. Good graaioai, what ia Roing to become of ai all Even tbe New York clog catcher are oo a ttrike for fifty conta instead of thirty centa a a bond. They boliove tbe laborer is worthy of bis hire. always tnado in a gouenil way and without roard, it only be stated , for tbo facta or tbo truth, as the state merit wo append will show. We have takou tbo Treasury Doptrtuiont as tbo oxmnplo, for tbe reason that tho Democrats and Deputy-Demo- eruta ba?o ma lo tbe greatest noise over tbe obanjoa ma lo tboroin by President Arthur, and tbe exhibit undo there will bo borno out by an oxtminution of tho nominations undo io tlio 1'ont O:Ti:!0 or any othor doimrtmuut Since O.rtobor 10, 181, ll" nouiiuatioos tJ Treasury offlciuls have boon sout to tlio Soiiato, and of tb'iso HtKtt.uii woro on account of ro wovaU. Tliua in tho ill innan U of oflicosin tbo Treasury eixtoon ro movuld bavo boon mado. Wbat Do. raocrntio papor is there in Ibis coun try tbut ii honost aud fair enough to make tbmtitutoiiibnt to its readers? Such a statement would conviuoo Iboui that tho I'mxiduut has boou doliboratoly '.ibusod, and his oppon onts bavo resji to 1 to tho moauost of all devious to ana'ilt ouo in wh sa general policy notliing cih bo found to attack. .Sixteen removals have boou inilo in Ibo Treasury ; twonty tivo wero in conseipiuuco of roHi0'na- lions, twenty by expiration of tuna, Mtornctf-M'Law. Justices of the Pen e. MM II.UOVII. Ikwm oaniiT. GILBERT & CROJoS, Attorneys-A t-Ijaw, MIUDLEBUKU, l'A. Tbo uuuaU of HUlVeriu aud priva tion conlaiu fewer otauiplos of hov- .! Iminu 1 LJ 1 fT. irillitil HlllR IIIAPA J a..u... I. if .I.. .Mi llnf.ff.nnn nkllad I llV oxDoriuiK-ed by tho urtic ovploror . ' ... , 1881 and 1882. Tbo Republican pnity cf PonnHl Tnuia is now patiug through u trial very much like that it wai culU ed tJ pass through iu lh72. Lit us look back at the cuudilioii of tliiiiL!.s politically, in tbo latter year, whuu llartrunft was our candidate) for tiovoiiior, with a State ticket, in eluding tbrco caodidulus for Cju grtssineuatdurgo. From tbo time the cawpaing be g in, iu tbut year, wo bad but two friftidly papers iu Philadelphia, tbe Ki'i.niiij JIulLtin and tbo Ifurt'i Aine.rintn. Tbo Prfnn wns tb-n bit telly Lonlilo to IJ.wuhanivt, as it ii dow to liiavtii, and supported J;cckai.ew actively nntil election. It vuu vouoiuous ia its hostility, and all tbovilo slanders upon IIaktiunpt. which then obtuined circulation, Lad their origin in tbo colurana of tbut paper. It wua, at tbut time, tho principal rooming piper of Philadelphia, aud it wci.t ov. r all the railroad, iuto ull the tuhteiu, middle aud Lortbweuttru couutioH, aud we bad not a siogU duily moru iiig puper to circuluto a'aiuut it. or to counteract its iutluoneo. TLo Jtiyitirtr was tilber ii.d Doreiit or Loclile. uud tbe Sorlh Aiirttn bud an almost exclusive tnercuiitilo Long nud bis comrades, Tbo com mander's diary, found by ougiuoor .Uelvillo, portrays in simplo recita tion ntylo, bow tbo party died ono ly ouo starve I an 5 frozi to do ith, after having ubbilo 1 day after day on mi iiiHiguiflcaiit quantity of ulco-. bol and finally searched fur uourish metit iu tho bkinu of miimuls that covered their feet. His diary chronicles tho death of ouo after ano ther of tuooro.v uud then stops fin ally us ho uud tho only two remain ing moujboi9of his paity receive the cold embrace of duatU with tbo tbomometer below zero. Soventoea yours have passed since tbe war closed. Tho Demo crat ia party has held coutrol of the IIouho, the only chamber which ran rcduco taxaliou, during six years of this period, over ouu-third. Tho only reduction of taxaliou made during tbra pciiod wua on tb icjo and quiuine. Neither reduce I tho receipts of tho revenue, tbe buiduu on tbo people. Iu tho elorou years during which tbo Uupublioan party bus controlled the lloase since tbe war, it bus remitted taxatiou to the amount of $230,000,000, reduciog tbo rovcuiio to tbo amount of -07 OHII.O JU, uud proposes now to strike off upwurd of $25,000,00') of tuxes, aud may remit as much more. tho croatiou of now oilioos, and tbo others by promotions and transfers. Of tho 113 liomii.ations ma id ull voted for Oilfield i and in tho Chi cago Couvoution only 10 woro frioud ly to Grant, tho othors being fur lilaino or Sherman, No romoval bus boou made because of tho preli minary pruforunco of auy mau. Tho following comparison of re movals by llayos, Garliuld and Ar thur, dining tlio first six months of their respnetivo Administrations, is from tho official records as compiled by tho New York Coinmcrcid A1 rci tiurr : I'.MIKIl I'itK-IUKXT IIAVK.4. iteappoiiitmetit 22 I ciiii r.x piled -H Iti sigiiulious 0 ! onu a's II Promotions 1 DeatliD 2 Uejected 1 Tbero is one placo where tbe bog is appreciated. At Marseilles, Franco, acoording to oonsular reports, ham sells from 40 to 00 coDts per'pound, being nearly twice tho cost of any othor kiuJ of meat. Princo Charles, of Gornsany, is the groatest emokor on rcoord. By the aid of a design of bis own, a triple- barreled bolder, bo smokosthreo strong Havana cigars at a tirou, Thus, according to (be theory of tbo anti-tobacconists, bo will burn Litn- bolf up in triple quick timo. Kgypt, tho oldest of tho civilized countries in the world, often torn and dis-mcinberod by war and then renoriraniznd a victim of its rulers and a prey of its neighbors for ccn tut ios before tbo era, is to day an object of attention only bo cause it has another war, It Booms to ho a forgono conclusion that a military occupation of Egypt by tho Kuropoan Powers will have to take place. Lugliud is already perpariug to bring tho Indian con tingent as her portiou of tho forco, probably bocauso it is thought that the Sepoy's will bo less oll'oudivo to tho Figyptians. Olter th-lr Prof-xlun! l" th Pi .. . ... . . . ... . ...... .... Mni , 7 i I clr irnuil ttDttuu. Cuulillonl la rn. in the WOrU Ool U, 'BU Q . K. GLASS, J nil Ire il Hip rrncp. Kramer, Snyder County Penn'a. . All ColtTCttoa ss1 nmltuncu r'o'T'1 mt 4,'.tr. VM V.. 1IOU3WEUTH, ATfORNEY-AT LAW, .SKi.i.vsouovic, Pa., Uuauitliuiii la r-ononu Jaa t, 1ml. sllnnleil t. ormr.a. II. DILL, ATTOaNEY-AT-LAW, LrwMurg, Prnn'a All bailnOD nlrd-t.l M hit rr will It pruinpllf tleadea la. J Q. DKITRIOII, ATTOimiT-Ar.I.IW. Murk't St., St linivjruw. I'd All r rf"l"nl I .r.imrtlr t'rd.i. 10, IvJVDiUliniluai ID r.DMIIDII Kliu . rrmwn. 1 ub. IV.'W. I."- WUNDKHLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mi'lilti'iury, Siiytl't C cn ueontalkd In tollli or (' . Jr.o. 16,'mi, N. MXEUS, A ttorne y- .1 f- i. Ml.l.ll. burn, Piim'a All prif.itinl lnMinax ntru.lej la bit or will riv iironipi Htttintion, UuDimiitiitiar. toniiiu r.uo uvrmnn. IKl. in,'T, A DAM 8MIT1I, Jstic3 oftli3 PeacQ & CoiiTcyanccr Ileaotr Springt, Snyder Co., i a, All nmi-lnl hinlnfM -Ikklnn dpoii rromptiy r.ttnu.i to, uouaouunr tni rtmit Dlm iruiutlr Bd. Nil l,' H7 I SAAO HEAVER, J USTWE OF THE PEACE and Oonernl Collector . MimiLsnrno, Snjiler oonntT, ft. spo'liil MtnOno tM to (inllonilour uf ill kind KomlllftOOvr win m mi pruiopii i,r all Mf. II .'79. uIImIIudi u.ii. JEK IJ. MIDULESWARTU, JUSTICE OP TUB PEACE AMD CONVEYANCER MoClure City, 8ny dor Co., Fa, Collcotlornnl all hnnlnM tMlnln to tb om- o( Jimtlo of tho Fi'c will 0ettn.l 1 to l sort doiio. juifM.';ni. Physicians. Ac. J. WIXFIELD BAMTSKLL, FIIYSICIAN & SURGEON, Centrevllle, fsnydcr Co., Tm OfT-rohti rmfMlmisl i.l view lo Hit plbllo. Mar in.'tJ. E. 1)0 WE K, AHORNEY-AT-LAVY, AlidJIcbury, la. An idea of tho rapidity with which the unoccupied lauds in tlio west are being tuLen up isgivou in tbo re port of tbo (rand Forks Land dis trict, in tho rjorth-eantem siction of Dakota Territory. Tbo district was cstablisbod in 180, with an area of 2,137,110 acros of ti liable land, of which amouut but '202, 2CJ acros re main. Tbo eettlomout of this luud rcijuirea 10,30 freeholds, which iu dicuto a population of UO.HO" poopln. l'hu estimate 1 product of tho luud thus Bottled for tho present year in over eiuht million buxbols. Collo-t'onr nd. CoDiultatlont In Knet'rh ao I Herman. June 1, 'Tk.lf. L. SCHOCII, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, New Berlin, Penn'a. Profrralnnel linrln-aa utrtiatotl .o hla Oaro will reralva prompt ettohtloo. June So,',!!, niiAd Yd:: waonkr, Fsq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACC, Jaokson Township, Snydor Co. Pa., Will attenl to all bnrlnepa entrntel to bla care ami oo tbe utort re0Dlle term. Mar. li.'M. rAVID 8. S HOLLY, .. Justice of ttioTl'caco, L'niuiC,Townhii, Siiytlrr tv., I'a. Will ettonl to all bu.lnew rnirarlod to hn Oaramitlie noil rntnonenie inrrai. .-onv omit a MrM, UUHUOHe, enjuer uo.t e. War. 4,'WI. H. BORON KH, I'lllSIMa PKAVKIITOWN, Ti., Onr hlr rrofeioal wrrloef te the ellUeaf o( BravartowoandTloiDltr. Apr. , '!. I. osita nAnnrs. . rw. aaaiisia. BARBER & HASSINQER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, liRrr tholrrrofeiHrrnal rervleet te toe itltltefi o( .Mllidllabarw a. Tlrlnlljr. Iifflee a few donf WMt at tbo wnrt lloare, lnrooio nniinin. uri, o, loxi. DR. J. Y. 811 IN DEL. 8UR0EUH AND PIITRICIAIY, Middleburp, Pa OReri hlr pmfoaalnnal wrlnw le tbe eillieu , oi oiicijituarf aoa tKiaitr. Mar. fl,'l. )R MARAND UOTUROCK, Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. flrailtiateof tlettlmnreUolleceof PhynaUaS ami Kut io. .oilsri bit prolaiilnnal aarirloe to tbe piblle. 8plM togllib end uermea. March, 17, l-l. If. J J. SMITlJ Physician & Surgeon, Ircmonl, Snyder County, Pa. I liter Mr prolexfonal itrrlorr telle falll Ofllce on Mais ttreet. Jeneri'lu,. Au American who is traveling iu Huropo writes as follows to tho odi tor of tbo Duffalo J-Jsjiretm : 'Let me tell you ouo thine;, my friend. The ciiculatiou, amounting probably to country uud tho people tbut to day I'lOO a day, und this wa4 coiii'med to hao the kust to complaiu of, the Philudelph'u, It was uu ticelleiit mobt to bo grateful lor and tbo leant paper but its reputatiou iu tho Stato wus that of heuviuesH, uud it wus next to iiiipuShiblo, us vtus found on trial, to get it into ciiculatiou iu opposition to the I'mi. Tbo AV'tii .' JS'iUilln wus a de voted Republican paper, uud did Ub good servicu ; but it wus au eveuiiiK pujer, aud Ihfiifjl'O not capable. uf competing with the Wia, which Lud tLo Ueid lo iUelf as a luoriiiug paper. Tuu couse juouco wua that tbo party had no lueuns of reaching tho puoplu of the Stutc, through the Dt WH-piiper press, tXi'Lpt by foiciu tho llutUliii uud AorA American iuto circulation ly rendiu' gratui'iiiuidy iuto the several coiio-' ties for dintri'jutiou. Practicully, tho opposition to JlMtrKiNrr bad thu Geld to iUelf, so far us Lewepa pm were coiiCLined, Tbo ludopundeut Republicans of tbut year Lad u Mute Committee of their own, witij A. K. McCi.uuii us its Chairuiun, a roomy uud ostenta tious l.tadipiurters, und o regular or L'uniatiou thlotiLrhout tbe Stuto- Jt bud B'uong iU itctivo workers such iuuu as A- O. Ccktim, Jauu K MoOUIIli, TllOMtS M. MtUHIIALL, aud various other geiillornuu whose cauio were as familiar thcu us thi-y areiu the sarna cot, ruction uow There was, Lowuvbrouu diflerunce Letweeu this n lepmd"'.iit bioto uiBut of iWi an J Hat of J 872. The loaders of IHTi wore jut as vk'Uus, lualigoaot, iiwlicioua uud uulrutLfol io their opposition' lo tbe legului- Cirganizatiou a those of 1882 j but the former, Lilt profoesiog to Le lodeotMiilvbt were opealy aud da tidtdly fur the DawoeraU, tUl and Xtoul ticket, inaUad of. as bow, playiog into Democratio bands to feur for u iuy a yeut to como, aru tho Uuited Slates of America Total L'MlKIt PltKSIOIiNl' li Reappointments Term Expired Renguations Itoiuovals New Oln Orifiual Vacaucy Transferred Uuaths M. Thomas A Sous' anotion bouse, Xos. 130 & 111 8outb Fourth Strcot Philadelphia, wore totally dostioye ', by fire lust Saturday night. Tbe building was of brick and stone, five, ntories high, and had a depth of iU-l fuel. Several adjoining build ings wero damaged by water nnd falling walls. Tbo building and lot nia valued at 82'HV'OO. Thorn is an iusurauuo uf $1',U I0 ou thocontimts I ho origin of tho lire is tin' Tho linn will resumo business nt -;oncn, unction Bales being held iu the Philadelphia Kxchuti'. o. P PLItlClI, Attorney & Oonnellor-At-Law, OlBoe lo App'i lluiMlns one duo i North Jul KrlliiNrovr, I'cnu'u. Oollertlona ami all .nther profi t rlonul bol am la anlloltoil aoJ will reovlre oaralul aoJ prompt iienilua. Apr.ll,' T P. CRON'MILLF.R, ATTOaSEV AT LAW, Milllinburjr, Pu., OKora Ma' prof' Mlonal rnrrlrw I berelillo. t?iiitartlnii ami all nOer prol.Mlonal i.u.l Co.! ontrortoil to hl oire will rooelre profi t alteulluu. Jen. 1,'OT. J II. IIAUTJIAN, JI HTICE UF THE PEilE. V CJtl.Vt5'U.IICOr, TJKS lllEVILLE, Snjder County, l' riolleottnna and ell baaloeri rartalnlnii to the onioeulJuatloe ol the Peeoo will be sttamleil to I at abort notloe ap rai ia II. 10UN K. 11UGUK3, Ksq., J JJCST1CE OF THE PEACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. P fP J. SMITH. L ATTOBWRT AT LAW. MIIHH.KIU'Rd.SN Yr.UK CH PA Ifarr lilr frofnlcinal Parelrer to tbe paMI uonruitatione in r-OKllre na uaruao. CO 0 II 10 21 1 I 2 !l frroi.vA;ivir...iiF Mifjllnbtinj, Union County, Pa All bunlni'M rotru-ta I to bli rare will well an. I falUi'iilly aiten ll lo. Will pra. llo it too aeverai eourta u nyiier aDt aiiioiotnn omitio. Ilm ba einaulle. Iu tbo r.nHll-h or J"rniun lannut. Oct. ... 'i;'tr en Total U.MiKIl PltltSIIIH.VT A It I'll L' it. lleappoiutiut'Ut II Term Kxpired ! UuHigiiatious li HHiuovals. . . PuatliH Promotions . Withdrawn. Oaigiuul Vacaucy. . . . i Total None of tho appointments of Pres ident Arthur have been for 'personal' reasons. Tho thieo changes made Slaudiugou this side onrcont rover- a Pennsjlvania wero oithorfor sies ut homo contrasted with those which liai.itis sud ineuaco every reut cation iu Kuropo seems lo mo but tho uutiouul ctkrvesceucu of u nrui..iriillj ililimuil utli ' Tho DroD'ibitioii to inereaso the pontage rates on mereliau bio smells very btroiijj'y uf a lobby ' iu tho iu tei Obt of tho Cipi tbs companies. The country would receive ilh much impatience any iticreaso on the pru rient rates charged for morchandiso Hont throiii'h tho mails. Tho wisest course for Congress to purniio is to permit tho present postugo rates ou ull classes uf matter to remain nntil the revenue of tho eervicu exceeds the expenditures. There will be ample timo to try experiments of free circulation of certaiu classes ut the expense of others. 'I ho house of representatives at iVashiugtou bis passed tho bill au thorizing tho socroUry of tho truus- u ry to receive trade dollars iu ex change fur stuodurd bilver dollars until July 1st, 1 -H 1, ami repealing all laws author uiug tuu c-iiougo of the trade dollar. c.mQ or becauso the lung sorvieo of tho iuciimbents uiado tbo changes desirable, au 1 notwithot ludilig tho clamor ruined about them by a hos tile pre-s, wheu thu (juobtiou of con- lirmutiou was raised in tbo Senate, so couvincmg wore tuo roasuus lor change that tho yeas & nays wero not culled in any instuncu, an 1 tho vote was almost uuaiiimuus, thu Inde pendent Republicans voting with ull other Republicans, uud uioot of the I'eiuocrulio Senators, for conliriuu lion These itro plain truths from the oPacial record, and they show bow falso is tbo olamorof tho cuuiuy sgaiust the present Nutional Ad ministration. Puny, weak, and sickly eluKlrnu, need llrowu's Iron Iiittcrs. It will ntreiiglhen and invigorate them. Busklcn's Anici Salve. Tho Divvr Sai.vk in tho w. r'd for Oils, Bruises, iViirus, Sores, Ulcers, .Salt Uheiim, Ftvur,Sores, 7o(t!r, Chap ped audi., Cliil-UaiiiH, Corns, and all Sliiu Ki'iiplious, and positively cures Piles. It i guarauted t'l sivo perfiiei satiHf.ieliou or iiioiiov rufuudoJ. 1'rieo cunts per box. For sale by J. A. JoaU, Druggist Miibll.'lj'irg, I'a. Tlio peculiar action on tho kidneys and urinary organ of apara'iis Is frc.- ipicnlly uol'tund ibiriut( tho snaion Prof, (diihou rocoutly proved in tlio ca of 11 io Kmpcror ll'illiam and olh ers thai in combination with malt und l'iiiiine it is uu iibsolulo vpecillo for di.Ht aies uf the liver, kidneys and urin ury urans, UU method has bono adojited by tho .V.ill Hitters Conipany, and this urent German food is now composed uf malt, ops, ipiiuiue hark and asparagus. Mnlii'-d Tin. July. How to Savo. All hard workers are subject to hiW ions attacks whicli may nnd iu ibing- roiis illuesa. I'arkcr's (bilker Tonic will keep tho kidneys and liver active, und by preventing llio attack save illicit sickness, lois of timo and ex pense. JhtrnU I'fu. Juno 4w. J. ECKUERT, SURGEON DENTIST, KIKHMITH HMICK, Ntliatyrwt, l'enn'a. I Prafr irlonal bailnwr prowptlf nttenSeil te, Hl .1, '1. pERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Kratzerviilr., SnyiUr Co., Pa! Justice of thp Peace & Conveyancer, Li kmaarriiieaoj vihoiit. An.,'? )R. A. M. BMITU, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OUcrr blr prfrrrlonal rrrvlrer In thee It lun oi auauiLiiig enu ricieiij. 8 t. 4 '71. F. VAN BU3KIRK, SURGICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIS1 Soliiisgrov, Penn'a. TAMES MIDDLES W A RTII, Troxlevillo, Snyder Co. Pa. Will etton'l promptly to ell manner ol borl nw) pirmlnlru to theoiru a. uonooiioni nia ia lieeda. Artlole.ko., wrlttan. (July OT,';-ll V. J. R. ZELLER, nil A IM.f.S IKUVK.IJ ATTOtlNEV AT LAW. Selinsgrove, Pu (Hlrri. Mr prof. Ml..nat aertrna 'lo tl.a pul.llo. t. oil. ciioii ri.ii an ume i.roii-fK.nai biai i.ei entruntr.l to bla rae will rvoeive I rompt nitoutlo". .ihi'o two doora iv'Ulb ol the Koruiel riobvul. Jin. , U. J M.LINN, ATTORN EV AT LAW, Pn Hirers bl ror.'Wli nal rvleaa to the pnl.lU: Con. etioiia aO'i an utLor pioioii-iotiai i.u.r tivi ei.tru.lon lo LU are wlil receUe ettaLUun. Sop. 30, 'HI. A. W. POTTER, ti X. I. POTTKI A 1'lOKNh YS A r LA IF. SollnsgroTO, Pa , Odor their profoinlonal aertli'ea t. the publlo All laal 0U"l'ia. eniriMlo l ii lunir win raooive i r'.iiipt etteuuuo. tiruoo uo iuaiu bu J GRACE ALLEMAX, A T T O It -V E Y A 2 I A W. HilillHI VU, ll.a All prolnrilonal boliiaaa ao l colleotlus an truitfl.l Uf ilia care win oe pi-oioi-ny aiian'i til lo. t'ao lie o ni.ult ' I In l-rjil'b or llarmaa. U.Uja ou .Urbel s iuara. Ool. T.,tl. "Who is this man Hroslus I'' flip puntly ink tho Independent and ll mocartio pipers. Why, Le baiU from Lancaster county, and be will be elected as congressmau-al-large, and tho Republicans of tbut county will give Lim too thousand majority. Altheaonual commencement ex eruiaes at llirau College, reueully, Mrs. Jsuioe) A. Osrlield was eleclel to Gil the v;oey iu the oollegs 'Oiiie A -Ha I A protty soubiotto. wh i sen rod Ler early triumphs in Ha n Francisco, ap' poured at a Now York theatre re' uently and ma lo a bit. Whuu she was called before tho curtain tbo act ress expressed Lor delight at tbo warmth of ber roeeption, and do elared that she folt as much ut Lome as if she wero ia Lor dear ' old thoa tre ia San Francisco. 'Indued," she said, ''it seems to nio as if I Lud one foot iu Han Francisco and one io N'ew York." ll'herenpon a fellow in tho callorv shouted iu a Htentorian voiow ! "Uiva me a ticket for Omaha. The audience screamed with luuub ter, though tbe point where the joke comes ia is not visible to tbo naked eye. l rauxiiog a tbird ticket. Tbey 1 board creaUd by tbe deelti of Ler bil the OiaulioeM, theu to occupy bualand. Oeieral and f.4ifrt Mrs. (iar Ifyou aro troubled witli : fever and ii)U0, dumb nunc, billlous fever, jaun dice, dyspvpsla. or any discaso of the liver, blood and stomach, and wish to got well try the now remedy, Prof. (jiiilmutlu's French Liver Pud. A your (Irugjfiit for it, and take no itbcr, and if he bos not got it send 1.50 in a letter to the Fronch Fad Co Toledo, O., and receive unu by return mail. NOTICE OF TAKING OF DEPOSITIONS William Iloltzworth,) Abas Hulipoena vs. p in iivuniii,rsi Mary J. Holtzworlh.) 67 May T. 'HI VTotine is hereby givon that tbe Do i 1 iltlona ut wlinaaaM en tbe part of the l.liielient will be taken fc.lirt J ibe II .Arnol I. 4 "iiunl.uner epvlaU'l l. the IJoud. at ILa ornreol r . K. Jior, fcil-, le ibe Ib.roueb ol ail'1'liai'Hrtf, our rmar joir 11, uatwaen the boura ol lo A . M- and 4 f.M.uf aabt ilar, wbeo ami wbna reaiionileiit emt elletbart lnierelail nil euemi u tuer iaa )R. J. O. WAGNER, riDslrlnn nnd Bar on, Offers hla prnfaMlonal eartlooo to Ihe eltliast or AUiio.oortt nnu ririnity. Aug. a, evti. )R. J. F. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Onlrellle, Snyrter Co., Pn Oflera hla pruleaalosal ia r loar te Ibe pablto. e as. y.M. U. HARDING, Jl STICK or THE i;f 1: ate Convoyunt'iM'a FKEEMOMT. njr der oounly, Pe Collei-llona anSel bnalnaai nartalnlu to Ihe ottleeof Jni.lleeollbal'eaue will be alian.b d to at abort notloe. Apr. 27 '7a, A. WETZEL, Justice of the Peace, llt'tnertavm, Sttylr.r Co., I'a. All k lr.l of I V.lctl..nt meile on lllieral torma. FromtHv etieuila to ell biKlnraa entrusted June vo, 7 toiiiaeare. F. S. SMITH, O UORXUERaUR, JUSTICE OF TTJE PEACt Perrr Townthln.SnTrlerOnantv.Pe. nOollentloi't, IU nreyenolnn,enl ell nther bar eateriitiiuK to tne omoe win oe nroiopti) I .. 'I Aoe eaar Trnu tianavllle T EVI KEPLER, Notary Public Surveyor, Conveyancer Rpal Estate ana Insurance Agent. Heaver Springs, Penn'o. Will elan rrenrl it few dei la Ihe nelnliborlng tower each we. k, Mat at, 1M. isaac i:avi:k, Surgeon Dentist ! MiddleburtjSnyder County, Pa. Omns is rsASELis anan Hero IivnrT thine belonprinff 16 tbe pro J-J fe.aioii ilon a lo Ihe boat manner. All work warranted. Teruia oirHiarete. He will alo atteml to bortneil eary two woaki at lleotruTllle, Troiel e, Denver town A'tnaiioure: and Peitonvllle. T ' . - --J llitels. Morteftuea prepared anil e I ne etunoeo i with naalnaaa en. I enoarrecf. Ileeila. Bonda an kinita nf oonveranolne: etun te prouiptlu I Si.ila) attention iilvon to Imvlne and rellln I llonl K.tale lilflce In 1'reenionl. Mmlerl'dl fa., V. n. Addrera, Ml. I'leaannt Mil In, Soy. I t)o.. Hann'e. Au....'. I Q, S MASSER, J. UOWERSOX, nut ice of the I'tttce b Conncynnc Pcnnscreck, Snyder Co-, Pa. Oolleetioni end Ronilitenoea promptly made Uonrol anting neetlf end obaaply eimuted. April 7, 'HI. Ph ilariclfihiu Cards. The Eiimoarilner En, Unri'iiaibiiry, lti. Proprietor. J. S. FARNSW0RTH. WITH II. (JRIMM, A ttot'ii o v-at-Iaw, AU DUllliiX ATlolINtV H)a hNVDtli etit.n i i , I'i 4 i bin u I'a. Coniuliatl .n In ;b.ah KokIIiIi end Onrinan LaDHuaM"'. Ovt. B, lv.. j UU N llTAKNOLi), A-ttrnjy ut Law, MIUOLKUIIIO, l'A I'rolaul'innl hualnaa entroatel to hla earn will be prouip iy euroue.l to. JONES, HOAR & Co Importers ot Hoisery, Notions, VnitcGooils, Embroi icrics Gents Furuiscmz uoons &c. 14 o. CM Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. , n. Innat, A. II, Hoar. I Mar. l'7. J THOMPSON UAKER, Vt.loi'iio.v-ivi-Ijiiw, I.LWISI1UHH, UMHil 1)11., I'A, Oan ! eanaultil'l In tbo Kniillab and Oarintn lenKnaK-ie. nin-ia on nark. I Ntr.:et, oppo He Well, Hiulib a Uu'a store. QAVID WILLIAMS, Menulaeturen nnd Whol.aale D.elari la tOENTREVILLK HOTEL. bill, aaiiOKaiif, naiasianu uosuwvoo (i.aiemri. wenver-i.i LOOKING GLASS Pioturo St Fbotograpbio Fram e Mot. 230 and 13a Arid Street WM. VAN (j'EZER, ATTUUNCi AT LAW, Lowieburg Pu. Ollerabli prof.xlonal aerrloe to the pulillo.'ihi .naeno en oinar promiaional null aaa e.itruauol to bla oara l I rooelve prompt eiuiullou. JJ T.PARK S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, jlKblNPOROVt!, HNVUCIl COUNTY, P apt. ia, ai, A C. SIMPSON, ATTOUNRV AT LAW, Solinstfrove, Pa, Offer bla irorrulonel eervloea o the publlo All kuaiueaa eniruairu in ni sera will be promptly etuuded to. IT,';, l prober. iUHH II. ARXOl.ll, Uvutialaaloaar. Ulatisti(! appear to ahow that Osrioany suriiassos all otbei conn tria in ths eonsumptlou of roaUihoa, tba ouiuhor ostxl thura daily 1 oinjr aa grant from Uo to Cfltou par of tba populatioo. This fao t is u'tfl',, alLritniLn.l In lliat nnl..J elaaaeie I Dow , s Muaa, 1 He.lateela evil "-- rteelne;, lot ol Ohalri, 4buS CAUTION. NOTICE ia lorb (riven that I have thU day perebaaed at prlrele .ale ut Terry W, Tr.aaier tbe rollowloe nrouerla and Ull the .ana la bla Haaaalos Jarlna niv nee- ooitoro of mookintf. I u Bebiuiu tba I ?," .,!w?i.M";."'4' 'W""' '. " ' n i U Ha, lot il I oultry. All palpal nre fcerebe 1 " ''"I'' uaiii -aaniil' w.lliawm . i .. , " tAMUEL II. ORWIO, AT TO UNE Y- AT-LAW, NltTJInburc, I'nlou Co.. I'a! Orlee nest donr to Telairepk Prlatlna oalee .Jee. w, iaTl.ll. W. II, Hhelbley, T. II. llolohtn. i.Tbl Home hai been Kefurnlrhed en ' will he kept In iba fann.vUanla utile. OoihI l.biuora, Uood Ulgeis and Oberiie eery (dodcreie. Jklnreh .ti,U. BO ARBING HOUSE. rilUK UnderpigneJ would rkpelfullj tn 1 form the Irnfelling pablio, buiiofii lunn, wttn nd Jurort In fttttudriDr Ktor (Juurta llieil It h mtaila tup. riatra.tott fof blr nvoooiaiuwtailoD ntl will end Mr or t d irutn bis ptitrout la Rood itU at th mtm rruinbU rt. ilotirdiufi Hobn f doortt wtfoltbOcurl Uou. UAUttICl.UErVFt. Apr.ti79. I 7. Pr . ri'ior. WASHINGTON HOUSE! IMidilleburtTa ' JOH N LIMBER T, Proprietor The above cornier Hotel baa beea refltlMl end rehirnlrhed In the beat atyle. It central location niekee It eouyenlent for bualnea men l perron. In ettnmlenoe el Oonrt nnd ell othera who ere celled to Mldillebers. The la bia . elweya aupplled with tbe beat In tbe oier al the Her with Kood llqnorl end the Stable nltemled by earefull huetlere. Term Boderate April e, uis Centerrlle Snyder Ce., Pa, FETCH UARTMAN, froprleto . Thla longeatebllabed nnd well known he PiiiLAUSLrHie, Pa. llUIUeihereef tbe nnblle pet roneo-e. .All PBTKIt HiBTHiN April, l, UTI. Krnnei Ralred In Ibe beat manner KsKiitiOK m mi it irauouoi, b. U, 'II WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, ana Steam-Power PRINTER, rpiIE NATIONAL HOTEL. ' JOnN B. FOCKLKR, Prop'r. BellnBgrove, Pa. Thla lintel la eleaaanlly located In Ike "aqnara.1 and Ian verjdeelreble pleoe for Irevelere leatop tba eaaTof eueouiniodetlooa al Low raUa, pi r eona ainpplnii onoa will be enre to aall attain. Tbe neat oi lienor in teener eA Oialelea UaaUnranllneenaactlnewl the Motel.'T. lMo 629 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Iotnytu:ti. One trice &cllinq Privt Marked On All (Uols In f yurti. Ar, in-'2. v lKtiuMuio & liutaii Iflcrchnnts9 House. .sc -lies ' NORTH TIUHD STREET. flUL'A VK. Terma jl.CO per day. HENRY BPAI1N, Proi.'r. 0.V. aPAIIN, Clerlf - Apr.l,'l. J 11. BELUE1MER ' ' DIALRI IN . ..... IIAKDWeiltti Iron, Hails, Steel, Leather, 1AUOUR. RIKOKLACO., raiUlS, U113, 0 FORKI(rt,oMB"o",', Coach &JEIaddler Ware DRY GOODM.1 Nloyes ti Tlmvarc. GRAVUILL A Co., WaoifiaAhl Dattii I WOOD AWD WILLOW WABX Oil lltolhe. Widow Shndea, hrooma, MnU Uru.UI-., Iloiloe I a pa, llreln llega, Ply. nets, llsokole, Twlnea, Wltka. An, Ho. 4SI Market St, Philadelphia, Kab, ,'. . Oountv Hurvevop Kratztrvlllf , Snydir Ctwiity Paan ,"KU,"'U '-WMTeneiBej '.... ,.4 t e ewra tejae ai a tab tr san an au n ulbw i