The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 13, 1882, Image 1

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liaeient advertising lew than
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rtieinenU for a shorter pe- VCT , 1 0
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NO, 47
My Mother's Qravt.
.hilmrdewilropufMl Ths prison had a vocabulary of
- ahuttrnif flower ; Iik4 nUn word peculiarly its owu, wLicb, if
not new in themselves, were novel
in their significance. -
A thief, for iusUoce, was termed a
f love thy grave I "Bunker," or a "hair shave," the
Irt with Its blossoms, blue and letter term originating in a whole
aotua custom, which prevailed in
prison, of shaving the heads of those
who were caught pilfering, oo one
side, leaving tbe other untouched.
Thus they would remain sufficiently
long to attract universal attentio n
and derision. The shaving was a
less punishment in itself than its
final consequences, for a fellow with
half-shaven crown was Incky if he
escaped a beating or a duoking every
hour of the day. Where a thief had
the boldness to steal in open day
light, and by a dash, grab and run,
to get off with his booty, he was
was oonsi-
U thine glorionsly and alt.
Nave me, are blent.
Lr thy head ; when shall It
Above thy child 7
Leet flower, yet must
lit leaves to the coming
know I
(other, 'tis thine emblem ; dust
Ii 011 thy brow.
otild love to die ;
L) untested life's dark, bitter
m erst In childhood, lie
Aud share thy dreams.
Lust linger here
I .. . m t . . . I "
htne piumage 01 my termed a 'raider" which
. I dared nr.d ivrsila almvA Hi annul inrr
burn the hopes to ciiiKiuooti . 7 ..
With bitter tears.
Uunt linger here,
ly branch uon a withered tree,
lout frail leaf, untimely sere,
ut down with thee.
U life's withered tower,
ooiiiiiiunloti with the pant,! tur.t
Line on thee, the only flower
In memory's urn.
lien the evening pate
pike a mourner, oil the dim blue
to hear the nlght-wlnds wail,
Around thy grave.
perns of the Latest Styles.
hate a coquette!
It he rogue In her eyes,
blonde or brunette
I hate a coquette!
finger-tips Vet
lie depth of my sighs
love a coquette!
the rogue In her eyes.
leu a bang
could hang
Iffor woes
lien she uud I
tet in the sky,
list same bang
list same Kosef
now the time
oioets rhyme
the fun for half a dime,
now they aeek
cottage meek
9 board is dollars six per week,
the cook within the area 'II
riu the cop with tender grace.
her mistress grows maliiriul
(lie summer watering-place.
lie lovely dimpled maid
glass of lemonade,
her chaperon most dear
for beer.
will tie man at Coney scoop
iarness In his clamless soup.
he Cripple Soldier In Court.
The articlos stolon were usually
cokio;j utensils, or 'blankets, for
tbe want of which, many a man died.
Either epithet, "d inker" or "raider,"
hurled at a fust retreating, culprit.
would insure a general turnout in
the vicinity, to stop the uffunder.
If tho thiof hl sbrewduoss, aud
was not to closoly pursued, he often
assumed with his pursuers, and
joined in the '"one and cry,"
Woe to him who attracted suspi
cion by undue htste wbon audi a
cry was raised i for although his
errand might be one of necessity or
mercy, he was sure to bo hurt be
fore it wai ascertained that he was
not the offending porson, aud his
only cousolatiou was iu the fuct of
bis iunoceuco. or the thought that
his head, if some sorer, was wiser
than before.
JSoeuesof violence wore continual
ly enacted iu the prisou. Jurdors
that thrilled the blood with horror
were at oue tiinu of frjpiuut occur
rence, of which we ahull speak
more particularly iu cotniog time,
perpetrated by b.iuds of desperadoes
who jumped Uucle Sam's bounties
before they were retaiuod iu the
firm grasp of military vigilunce, and,
wheu fairly caught, rather than fight
were taken prisoners voluntarily.
Not an hour of the day passod
without some terrible tight often
over trivial matters Ukiug place in
the stockade.
Tho reasons whioh provoked fights
were not often plain ; but one fact
was ever apparent, viz., that ban
ger and privation did not sweeten
sour tempers, or render the com
mon disposition at all lamb-like.
A piece of poor corn bread, pickod
np in the dirt, a little Indian meal,
or a meatless bone, which a dog or a
pig of Northern Stites extraction
I . a
polloe- wouia turn op uis nose at, wouia
provoke violent disoussions as to
ownership, in whioh muscle, rather
than equity, aettled faota.
Some of these personal encoon
ters ended in a general fight, where
that kind
k t Tea : that's what the
van said.
m 1 1 will when I am dead.
a that's short a leg and arm
need to give the oops alarm :
nrink drowns weary pain, I've
fcelus a fellow mvewutl bound, all who were desirous ol
1 ...
sal ' to quenoh this cursed thirst T of recreation took pari.
fas whole rou'd hardly durst I It was quite a curious faot that
k sue that, though Judge you when ratios were scarcest in prison,
uu.uu , . . , i i i :
empty sleeve bore chevrons I senco ox iooo, some Mtouo iu
hen i beating eaon otner.
i 'em in the Devil's Glen! "I've not bad any thing to eat to
old Teenmseh thanked me, too; I dav. and would like to liok some
varmint as has,' said a Kentucky
fellow a gaunt, half -starved, but
never desponding chap."
I'm your man," said an Irishman,
and at it they went, till Kentucky
was beaten to bia satisfaction, and
Will VA vlnrlr .h l.l.ia.
pnlyfor my wounds, I say
kn an offloer that day.
polor-sargeant, Reckless JoeT
i me, of course, but how'd you
t-yon led the "Bummers Ownf"
Colonel! pshaw, how dim
lepers get! DUohargedt Noflnef
to your bouse at onoeT To dine?
an once more 'mong other men!
J"k I'll try to live again f
Nx, i ,
rode that mare, the kloklu' roan? acknowledged that "a varmint" who
-yes, my uoai it s really Iilm! hid Oorn-dodrer for breakfast
was 'too mnoh' for on as hadn't."
Tbe writer, seeing no fun ins
muss, kept out of them, forseeiog
misery enough, without broken
head ot nose to nurse.
Vlonists have an uniquo method I The creat mass oonld ill afford to
Jting "aarroundings" to learn to expend strength in such encoun
Nistanee from tbe earth when teravand it was usually easy to keep
Vingiq the air at night A out of them without sneaking oot
I hout is given and tbo seconds I have often, however, seen men
Vanted until the echo from tbe mho were weak with disease, and
nd is heard. From the time re I weak to such a dogree that they
M for the return of the aoand I oonld soarcoly stand, engage in . pu-
asy to oompute the height of gilistio encounters piteous to con
template. I call to memory two at
miul Blralflinn men. whom I ODCe
Cbioago belle was to have been - niraed in fightiujr for the poa-
this week, bnt tbe ceremony 0Mi00 of a few pine kuots I Bare
,ea stA.lHJ .4 lL..,.t . ... a m . . a .
i-ww fvw)ftMjufji4 luvrwywi headed, to a uromoff uo.oaroiooitja.
'-.a( m a 1 . . ...
wioer, wno is now vary neany their olothes in tatters, they bit and
want lortber tiraa to redaoe Uentohsd. and rolled in the dirt to
if to ftibUflg weight . :., altoi
I left them, their hinds clutched
in each others hair gazing into
each other's eyes with the leaden,
lustreless glare of famine stamped
there a look whioh I cannot de
scribe, bnt whioh some comrade of
misery will recognise.
The strong often tyrannized over
the weak, and as we see in all gath
erings of men, the atrong in phisi-
osl health and iu possessions kept
their strength, while tbe many Weak
grew weaker and weaker, until they
were crowdod out of life into the
small space grudgingly allowed
them for graves.
Kiob man stood or foil on merits
different from those which had been
valued by friends at home. lie
found himself measured by different
standards of merit from those need
in any of bis previous walks of life.
Rough native force or talent show-
ed itself by ingenious dovioes fr
making tho most of little, He who
could make Indian meal and wator
into the most palatable form was
' looked up to." He who could cook
with littlo wood, and invent from
the need a firo-plnce in which to
save fuol, was a genius I The pro
ducer of comforts from tbe squalid
cru le material of life was respocted
as much as hnngor would allow us
to rexpoct any thing. He it was
who got a st trt in the prison world,
and managed to live.
It was desirable on tbe psrt of
prisoners to follow some trade or
occupation which should give to tbe
individual means to purchase the
few desirable luxurios which could
be obtained of those who oame into
firison from among tbe rebels with
permission to trade. Hy this meth
od there were hopos of life, even if
existence was misery. Yankee in
gouuity was consequently taxod to
tho utmost to invent "from tho
rough," some kind of business that
would pay an onion, a potato, or au
extra allowance of Iudiau meal por
Uuder the fruithful maxim that
"necessity is tbe mother of inven
tion." it was surprising bow trades
and business startod into lift). Had
these men boon placed in a forost
where raw material could readily be
got at. I bolieve tbuy would have
produood every "itoiu" of a city's
wants, so well were we represented
iu the trades.
The strivings for life were piteous,
bnt often comical in their dovolope
meats. Soiuo traded their hats aud
boots, or a slyly kept WAtcb, for
beans or Hour, and with this ele
mentary start began "sutlor's busi
ness. Another genius developed a pro
cess for converting Indian meal into
beer, by soaking it in water. And
"sour beor," as it was termed, speed
ily became one of the institutions
This boor was vended around the
camp by others, who pronounoed it
a cure for the scurvy, colds, fever,
gangrene, and all other ilia the
stockade was, heir too, and they were
many. You would at one part of
the etookade hear a voice loudly
proclaiming a cure ior aenrvy you
approach, and fiud him vending
"eour beor," another proclaiming
loudly a oure for diarrhoea t he
would be selling "sour beer," and so
through a loog catalogue of evils
would be proclaimed their rem ie
dies. One day I waa almost crushed in
a orowd who were attracted by a
fellow crying aloud, "Stewed beans,
with vinegar on to urn." Tho vine
gar turned out to be "sour beor."
Stock upon a shingle 1 observed
a sign whioh read, "old Brewery
Bier for Sale, by tbe glass or buck
etful, hole sale, retail, or no tail at
remember one ingonious fellow,
who. with a jack-knife and a file and
a few bits of wire, was engaged in
getting into tickiog order "played
out" watches, that had refused to go
unless they were carried i and the
ingenuity be displayed in coaxing
them to tick was' surprising. In
one instance the watch tinker men
tioned made for a friend of mine an
entire watoh spring of whalebone,
whioh sot tbe watoh ticking in such
a tremendous manner, for a few
minutes after being wound up, as to
oall forth tbe admiring ejaculation
from the seoesh purchaser, "Qosb,
bow she does go it." Tbe watch
stopped "rund down," as the
amazed Johnny afterward
.... . Aul.
watches except so far as they were
tradable for Indian meal, hog, or
hominy. ,
Another occupation war cooking
beans and selling them by tbe plate
fnl to such hungry ones as could af
ford to trade for them. Various
were tbe means of "raising the wind"
to obtain a supply to carry on tbe
trade. Often some article of cloth
ing, or buttons off, the jacket, were
traded for them. But a more com
mon method was to trade the but
tons or clothing for tobacco, and
then trade tobacco for bcana for
those addicted to the nse of tbe
weed would frequently remark that
it was easier to go without a portion
of their food, however acaoty, than
without tbeir tobacco.
In prison one thus paid the pen
alties of bad habits previously form
ed. One accustomed to the bnbit of
taking a dram of aoraething stimu
lating each day, died in prison for
want of it Habits, like chickens,
"come home to roost,' and were oN
teutbe millstones that sunk thoir
possessors into tho hopoless misery
which wotit before death. Thus
when only about half a pint of beans
uncooked, per day were issnod,
sotnotimos with a little baooo, men
would lay aside a few each day to
trade for tobocco.
The modes of soiling wore various;
but tho most common way of finding
purchasers by tboso who bad but a
small capital of a few pints of beans,
was to proceed to the priuciple
thorougfaro for even bore wo were
compelled to bavo paths unoccupiod
by rocumbeut in on and their "traps,''
through a goneral nudorstanding, or
side of I ho brook they were issuing
cooked bonus. Whereupon, ascer
taining beyond a doubt the truth of
this, Frank and myself sat down and
ate one good square meal, we did the
anmo at supper time, and finished
the beans for breakfast next morn ing,
and lived at least one dny with
full stomschs a circumstance that
seldom happened before or after
wards in our prison experience
Thus ended the bean trade, and de-
solved the copartnership existing be
tween the firm.
After rations were issued, there
would be a general meeting of a
deosely packed crowd, all trying to
trade for something more palatable,
or for that which they had not got
Some would cry out, "Who will
trade cooked beans for raw beans f"
"Who will trade wood for beans T
"Who will trado salt for wood ?",
while some speculator would trade
little bits of tobacco for auy kind of
Tbo Ihsuo of rations we? ofton a
moment of fearful pxnitemout A
crowd of eight or ten thouxand, like
a hungry pack of wolves, would till
tlin snncri I t-fure tha frnte-wnv. all
I o .
scrnmbliug to get a good look at tbe
rations Usuod by tho rebels, as
though oven tbo sight of food did
thorn good.
At ons time, during snch a sceno,
ono of tbe detailed men, who acted
ns a teamster and tboso so employ
ed were always men that wero loud
est in blaming our government and
"Old Abo," and woro insolvent and
well fed wbon ono of tbe pack of
hungry wretches put his hand out to
clutch a fulling crumb from tbo cart,
wo should have continually trod on ' tho toamstor boat bis biaius out with
ouo auothor. Ilro iJay, as wo 'one blow of a club. Ho was tried
tormod it, was tho scone of most of
tho trading dotio in cimp.
Tho venders, sitting with thoir
legs under them, like tailors, pro
claimed loudly tbo quantity and
quality ot beans or mi!i they could
soil for a stilted price, Komo would
oxulUntly state that theirs had pop
er and salt "on to urn," aud some
times vinegar was criod out as ono
of the virtues possossod by tbe ven
dor of boans, and tbon thore would
be a rush to soe, if not to cat.
Sometimes I bavo soon on Uroad
way from fifty to sovonty voudora of
beans, who, toother with small gam
blers with sweat-boards, on, which
could bo staked fivo conts, and has
ty pudding dealers and sour boor
sellers, .all of whom sat on tho
ground, looking auxious, dirty, and
hungry enough to made the hardost
part of tbeir task a resisting of temp
tation to eat up tbeir stock iu trado.
I cannot refrain from narrating my
own experionoe in that lino, it was
so characteristic of experienco com
mon to those who engaged in like
Frank H. and myself possossed a
joint capital of an old watch, men
tion of which has boen made, and a
surplus of one pair of army shoes
for went bare-footed, disdaining
to abridge the freedom of my foet
when it interfered with business.
We invested them in beans, which
were, like those usually issuod, pos
sessed, previous to our possession,
by grubs and worms. Tbe terms of
our copartnership were, that he.
Frank, waa to do tbe selling, while I
and a companion named Cross cook
ed, bargained for wood, and transact
ed tbe general business of tbe "con
cern." Aooordingly Frank showed
his anxioue faoe and raised bis tre
ble voioe shrilly in the market-place.
The first days' sale brought us about
ons pint of extra beans. The next
day Frank's hunger got tbe better
of his judgement and firm resolve to
be prudent, and ho ate up near half
our stock in trade, which was vexa
tious t but I could not reprove him,
seeiog how cheerful it made him foel,
and how sorry be really waa. Be
sides bia full stomach gave him rose
colored views of tbe morrow's trade
Tbs morrow came, and Frank made
a "ten-strike," selling pft all the
boans I oonld oook, and was beside
himself at the prospects of our hav
ing enough to eat "right smart
along. Tbe next morning I invest1
ed largely in beans, in all about
three quarts, wet measure, and bor
rowed a kettle that would cook about
half of them, and paid for the oon
venienoe in trade.
That day proved tho ruin of tbe
said, .beau trade, Frank came back da
spoodeully, declaring boa us did not
by our stockade court of justico, (?)
mid condom nod to curt no moro
broad, owing, doubtloss, to tho fact
of his having a fow greenbacks, made
in soiling our rations.
To be VtintiiiHcl.
Natural History.
"Wlmt sort of a bird is this "
''This is an Kuglish parrow. II
cannot carry off a Iniub, like no en
gift, nor is be provided with troll
and claws like tho tiger, but b
leaves his mark all the same.
"How did be get here T"
"A philanthropist brought him
"llnissprnss between a lunali
and an idiot."
"What did he want to biitig tb
sporrow to Amorica for f
"llecatirio bo hated tbe ronntr
and wanted to revenge it. It nsn t
enongh for him that we have small
pox, yellow fever, cholera, droughts.
floods, cyclones end forests fires and
grass hoppers plngnes."
"What are the chief uiciits of tb
parrow P
"His bonntiful voico and loved na
tnro. His song is so much swcotei
than a file mxpin over cunt iron tint)
poopln hare die I after hearing it."
"ow does ho employ bis time ?'
"In scroaining, fihtiug and voting
oarly and often.'"
' Where doos be build li's nest t '
"Iu the cornices of bousne. If b
cou Id have tho uho of 'MW trevB rent
freo bo would turn np bis noso al
the ofTir. i co uldu't duuingo
troo auy, but bo ctn maungo t
paint a bouso every mon tb.
"Of what was the nest composed;''
"Of everything ho cm handle, ii
coptold oyslur cans and empty bvoi
"Does tbo bard hearted citizen
oven destroy their nests ?"
"Ho (loos. U ben Lis family
clothes-line, or ciow-bar, or loug-
handled shovul is ruiHsing ho pull
down a nest aud recovers tho lost
"What docs tbo poor sparrow do
then 1"
'o rebuilds."
"Can bo bo discouraged t"
"If bis nost was pulled down I",-
000 or times ho might com
mence to fuel down-henrtod but
tboso who have routed him out 500
or tiOO times have not euuu him
cbango countenance."
"What other birds doos he agree
with f
"Tho buzzard nod the polocat. He
rurtllshcd every TliurwUv Evening
Terms of Subscription,
sti'e vithin sis months, or f JiDifiiot
piiid within the year. No inx r di.
coiitiniiid until all srreHritrs e
piiid unit a at tho option of tbe pub
Subscription ntitm'do of the count
ItfjrIVrsoii lifling a nd fixing pnper
idilrcKxcd other liecoinesiilwriiliers
ind re liiildo forth' price oftlic piiper
to vigorously puh s butineif,
strength to study a profession,
strength to regulate s household,
strength to do a day's labor with
out physical pain. All this repre
sents what Is wanted, In the oftsn
heard expression, " Oh I I wish I
had the strength I" If you ars
broken down, have not energy, or
feel as if life was hardly worth liv
ing, you can be relieved and re
stored to robust health and strength
by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT
TERS, which is a true tonic a
medicine universally recommended
for all wasting diseases.
fnl N. Frrmnnt St., Diltlmof
I Hiring the ar I wu in
jured in the Mntnuchliy pirce
of ilicll, and have itrftemt
f mm it evrr since. About four
yean i o it drought on Lraly
tii, lilch kept me in tl us
months, nd the best doctors
in the city laid I could not
live. Iiulfcredfrtrfullyfrom
indention, ind forotcrtwo
yean could not cat solid fond
and for a lane portion of tits
time was unable to retain even
tnuid nourishment. I tried
lirown'slron (litters and now
after taking two bottles 1 am
able to get up and go around
and am rapidly improving.
G. LklKEB.
a complete and sure remedy for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Weakness and all diseases requir
ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic
tonic. It enriches the blood, gives
new life to the muscles and tons
to the nerves,
Mosquitoes and Elephants.
Thick as is tho elephant's skin, no
living croature sudors more from
flies. raospiitnns, loochoa and other
vermin than he. The pores are very
largo, nnd gadllios, mosquitoes, etc.,
worm themselves iuto tho hollow and ig too proud to take tip nitb every
suck to toplution. Thus tbo whole
d ly long thjy are constantly throw
ing up dirt, squirting saliva or wa
ter, 1 1 got rid of theso posts, to tho
great annoyance of thoir ridors.
They snore a good deal wbon asleep,
and I have ofton seen them resting
thoir hoada on an outstretched foot
when lying down. Thoy are very
human-like in many of their ways
straocer who comos along. He line
drivon away our robins and bluo
birds nnd larks and chickadees, and
tho bens are looking for another
opuuing "
"Would it bo wickod to kill oae of
those sparrows t"
"Awfully wicked. The philanthro
pists wonld raiso such a howl that
tbo killor would havo to skin the
Thoy got a piece of wood and use it! country, llosidos, you can't shoot
as a toothpick. Thoy scratch them
selves with the tip of their probocis,
and if thoy cannot roach tbe placo
with that they take up a branch and
nse that. Natives say they plug up
bullet boloa with clay, but I never
knew an instance of it myself.
The Loiulon Field.
Significant Signs.
To call at a friend'a house abont
dinner time and find him absent is a
sign you will bo disappointed,
To drop hot soaling-wax on your
finger is a sign you will be angry.
To meet a bolting horse on tbe
pavement impiies that you are going
to run.
To dream of being rnn over by
fire engines is often a sign tbut you
havo had pork chops for supper.
To pick up money is lucky.
If a man says t "I hardly like to
ask you, old fellow, bnt it is a
sign be wanta to borrow money.
To collide with three consecutive
lamp posts and full over an apple
stall is a sign yon are not a good
To lose money or jewelry is un
A live coal is tbe only thing that
can live in fire.
Query ; Can a shepherd's crook
be termed a ramrod T
No matter what vegetable may at
tain the cabbage will always be a
Personal t John come back; all
is forgiven i Pa kicked tha wrong
man. He did not know it was you.
"Marriage," aaye a recent writer,
'is like a beseiged city i those who
'em, thoy wou't bo poisoned and no
oue yet trapped one. A uiun down
in Ohio thioks a blow with a burn
door might futcb 'em, but it is as jet
an untriod experiment.
"That is all for this time. Let us
now lay away oor books and ait on
tbe steps and liston to the ravishing
melody of the sparrow's evening
He Knew the Hair.
A few days since a party of gontlo
men were togotber. Oue man, a
joker, stepped up to a member of
the party, and holding a loug hair
before bis eye, said,
"Soe bore, old follow, this looks
suspicious. Tell me. where did this
long hair come from ?"
"Why, that's from my wife's
head 1"
"Are you sure of it V ,
"Sure of it T Of course I am. You
don't suppose you would find any
other woman's hair about me, do
you !"
"No, probably not i but I am sorry
you are so aure it ia your wife's hair,
for I just picked it off tbe coat of
this gentleman," pointing to a friend
near by.
Heenie they Imve proved thetum-lv.w
the Meet l-'.xternel Remedy ever In
rented. They will cure nxtliinu, cold-,
vouliM, rlieuiiiutiniii, liciiruliu, imd
any local niiiH.
Applied to the Mimll nf tbe buck
they nre infiilliiilile In Hack Ache,
NcrvoiiH Debility, nnd nil Kidney
tronlilen; to tbe pit nf the etonmcli
they lire u Mire cure for lypejhiis
and I.ivi r Couipliiiut.
nre pniiilcHK, friii-runt, and quick to
cure, Hewure ot linltut imiH tbut Win
ter niid hum. Oct AI.U'tii'K'S. tbo
only (leiiiiine 1'oroun l'liuder.
Jim. ft, 1W3. 0m.
rTt arc an
nunllf rnliixnl a
thalr victims
ao'l health roiiorsl
Unfortunate. "I have been gross
ly insulted," exohtimed Brown.
"That scoundrel Smith called me a
liar" "How unfortunate!'' re
marked Fogg, "you couldn't deny
tbe assertion without indorsing it,
could you t" 4
are iuside would bo happy to get
You will" readily nnderstsnd that Vu and the mystery was aoon oot' toJ luo,tt utsido dosirs to ou-
piisonera oared tut liUio abwui4-0jt4 by the taut that on tbs south lor
Iniprovod- Says l'ogg t "Parson
Jones 'a aermona give nte a great deal
more pleasure than they used to."
Indeed " replied Drown, inquiring
ly. 'Yes." added Fogg, "J dou't go
to hear them now,"
llVa .roHDKvl, lst,lusll ftO'J
vj mm 99 oi me great
hl.h mulilu.!. .1 .... m
itanrf i-al by xctfi uf any kin. I),
rriuini niiiDWf, tno an fiuaasai tail rni.
low as luaiH'a ( Salt-abui. lnai ol an.
rf. loai of mainnry, laaalluila, pain
In tha baoi, llmna,i ol mil o, pormatura olil
ava. ami many otteT llsanna that l-ail la In.
unlit or aoaaumitloa aud a Tauialur araoa.
hatnl fr elrmilara with taitlmonltia Irra by
null. 'i INVKiiiHArnn is .lil al l -T
bi, or rli Uiim for a, hy all ilruKKlsla, or wilt
Ik ai-nt liaal.y mall, aaeuraly saalxl.ou raoalpt
ol prica uy aiMrraalua;
F.J. CHENEY. Druggist.
1ST Commit SI.. Toleilo. Oklo,
Kola Avsui i,r lb Liiiu J blalas.
Match, 3D, iMi'i,
I will mall (frnai tha reatit for a tlmril
Vtinalilt Halm Ihat will ramava Tar,
r'rra klra, l'llilra anil II lot, lira, It-ann
tha .am md, rlaar anil b. aullml ; alno ln-lruo-
ttnna lor IiPmIuoIiik a luxuriant amwth ft! Iialr
on a halil hsail or im mlh Ian-. Aililraul In-
cloalna: 30. sump, DtN' VANULXK CO.. U
aarclay tsi., N. V.
Tha aitvartlaar bavins? ban narmananllv
cura'l ol (bat ilri'ail itlaaaaa, (JoBiuropilun. by a
sliniil- rama-lr, lr amlous to maka known to
hla lallow-fullarara lb- uiaaus of ur. Tu all
who rtantrs It. ba will .ami a eonv nf Ilia nra.
sarlutlon mvri, (fra-ol tharifa )lil, tha illrar.
lions lor prsparlna; ami oln lb aaroa, whli h
tbay will nml a aura Cra ..r t)onha, f nlilM,
CnnanmiMlnn, Aathma, llrnni hllla. kg.
Partial aiiblnxlba Hra.crlcil id, will I'laaia
a.lrir-sa. H-v . K. A. VIlLMOKi IN 1'ana hi..
Wllllaiatburk-b, N. Y.
A MKNTLKMAN whoroffara.1 for yaarrfrnaj
AKarvous lifcltlLITY. .PHKMAfUfc lit
OA V.auil all thsaltaaia ( youthful laillsara.
Hon. will for tha saha of sud'-rlaa huuianltr.
a-nil frn to all wbo naail II, tha rselp nd d.
rsollon lor making thaalmpla rauiailj by blah
ha waseurml. Hullarars wt.blna, to irottt by
thaatlvartlaar's axiiarlanea ean do ao toy ad-Urua-loat
In prfaoloonntanos.
juua u. uuut.n,'it;vaar si. It. T.
rah. is, ly.
W-' on haiul all kind cj
lilimkt inch at Note l, Sum
mouses, Warrants, Leases, Subjw
nat.dc, (Co.
?AYHS'8 TABJt BN0XNE3. ft Si'Mk-Armtinc l'-figfnt tVom I to M
KnrKi rt niuimiril w tmmmtaUaui- 1mI b
1 hsMprtjl l.Uginr tutailc. ft 1 Mpwafilt, barsttt (of
IsUusanttwdCl itok e 1' i r itif'nc jIijss and prir If