a ' The Posl niddlebori, Jaae 29, 1882. " irCROUSE Editor A Propreler. State Ticket Novrrnor, JAMES A. BEAVKR, of iVtitrw. Lieutenant flnvemor, WILLIAM f. DAVIE, of ilrmlfor.l. Necretitry of luteriinl Affairs, JOHN M. niJEEK, of Hutler. .luliCi' of Supreme Court, I l.l.l AM If. IIAWLK, Of '1tllltlellh(a. f Viiirrwaaiiiaii-at-Lart-'', MARMOT DH08IUS, of .nnraster. County rFlck;t. (.'otmress, U. V. WAGKSSELLER, of Helin-irrove, t))'tta daoUtwB of tba lMlrll Coirfaraaa Assembly ' CHARLK MILLER, of IVnn. Associate JmtjfA SAMl'EI, A. WETZEL. of Heaver. Priitlioimliirv J EH EM I AH CROUSE, of MiiMlcliiiiv. K.'irlster & lt'erler JAMES M. VAXZVNKT, of MiiMlehtint, District Attorney I1ENKY II. ;UfIM, of Washington. Jury Commissioner LEVI FISHER, of Scllnxtfrove. Tho nomination ol Marriot Bra silia, Eq., of Lancaster, for Con-cress-man -at -lsrffe, was a larse piece of spontaneous combustion with all I the force. feITcl aud merit of the ft. m . .. . . .' I . i jom uursuau nomioauoD oi .nay 10th. Ge ieral Beaver at Chicago. Tbe following le'ter from a brother iun iiuwiuK wii. oioi ioi of Prof. Joseph Miortlidje of C in. oordville, this county, showa that (ienural I3eavr did not betrav bis ooneUtaenU at Chicago, as has been' . . asserted : To the Kilitor of the Pre. 8iu : When the Republican Com mittee of Centre Couuty met to elect dtdogates to the Zarrisburg Coo ventioo which was t select delegates to the National Convention at Chi cago in le80, there was no possible misunderstanding as t General Jieaver's pobition. In tbe first place Centre Connty, by rotatiou, waa en titled to a delegate to tbe National Convention.- This being understood it waa gonerally oonceded by all Ho publicaus that (Jeneral lieaver was our repreaentative man, and would best serve the interest of the pirty. I wa a member cf tho committee, aud a lilaiue a initmo mau. rnor to tue tueetinz of tbe Committee I called ou Ocnrnl Heaver, and stated to him I ache. This pnts both wiuits of the that I Ixilieve it was th desire of the' party iu a bad lis. Wo all know Republic ttiH of our county thnt he that Ueucral Btavtr would huvu should rvpresent us at Chicago, and boen Dominated if the bosses had ask him for whom be would vote in : bot-n ngaiust him. We fall knim the event of his appointment at dalti- thsl Chailoy Wolfo did not gut a gate to Chicago. Io 1'upliod ; "I 'siugle vote for liunteuaut goveruor, will vote for General (rant 1 trill 1 although tbe big boss i-h ctionHtro J not go back on my old oonirjiti.lbr." for bim. We all know that Tom "Iu the eveut tjiut Ooupral (irant Marshall got a two-thirds vote and shall bo withdrawn or oeaae to be a jot neither Q iay U'r Cameron evjr candidate before a nomination sUjII asktd a mau to go for him. The bave biHU mada, I will vote for James (1 Blaine," llufore the d.ile . gates were elected to tbe llarribbnrg Convention I stated to a caucus of the Blaine members of the County Committee the above conversation with General beaver. We did not believe that Oraut would be a for midable caudidate before tbe Chic go Conventioo.aud being anxious to serve General Beaver we oonoluded tbat we would give him the support of his owu eountv and send Heaver! delegates to tbe (State Convention nninstrncled. was at that tune as 1 am now a Hlaine man. Last year I voted lor Mr. Wolfe t but I believe General Ueaver is tbe cboioe of tbe great waaa of tbe Republicans fit Pennsylvania and waa fairly nom IfiJUMiX by tbem, and I am oneqmvo abtJIy afMl enthusiastically in favor of bim for Governor, and I assert tbat, Uia sUUtiuaot, tbat ba in anv wise betrsyad hU eoustituente at Chicago is UOtjUavliawdly falae. Yours trulv. William SHoaTUDoc lMUtonU, Pa , June 7, 1882. TaePebticAlUe UoiteJ States 8anator Cameron daoies the absurd story published iu regard to bis otteranoee on tbe tariff qtteetioo io tbe following let tor ; "Washinotom, D. C. Jane 5, 1882. note what you say about tbe WW0 Wb Is now going tba rounds poncrnmg .aatato alleged remarks aupposfMl Jto bve been altered by pa, I did tot aapMM that tbera was $ny man of conuaoq eaoee iu Pennsylvania wbo would aci Jb. kf that 1 said each a thing, aa, lltfrefoFa. J do oot tbink it, .rorth bilat to tfoopU eayself about Amj ig fit e4 lb pttar ba-d,tv of turn itfn xwBiiiiaia ib M9 9t Mw4 to be pal apoa Me 4afwoave, ao4 iiwefon, I thall uol f.y ouy uafUftuf iu vhiek it 0UiietJ by tJ gHtutlt4 nf the tnlrlit I BBS-" f.aaarO'SS aVi i ,-- -Tf Mr. TrtCRftrt, of NortbomboiUod, in a speech before tbj Republican Ntata Uonventioo wuicn me "V Harrisburg, on the 21, lost, Mid tbe following i This convention bee very properly reassembled to ooraplete ite own an finisbsd work, end if it hue not tbe riifht and tbe power to do that, I would like to know who bee r And in spite of my learned friend, lear, wbo is unavoidably absent to-day, on account of sickness in bit family, I tbink tbat a body wbicb made anob good nominations before onn be trusted to make anotber. Hut I am nut ty tbat one of onr nominee, Torn Marshall, did not bave is good au opinion of himself aa we bad of biin. could bave tilled tbe bill well enough but for bis confounded rood esty a failing which is as rare as it is unbecoming in a congressman or a Senator. If any roiscbif-fmNkiug democrat tries to make you believe tbat Don Cameron owus this conven tion, tell bim tbat yon bave juat call ed to preside over ite man who is not onlv for James A Beaver for governor, but for James O. UUioe for president from tbe crown ot bis bead to tbe soles of bis pot uieUl hoots, and wbo looks upon Doss Wolfe, boss Mitchell, and even Hot Cameron and all tbe other bosses aa of very little account in comparison with tbe continued supremacy if tbe great republican party. And it oc curs to me tbat tbe parly could spare them all for a little while just now, till after tbe election, with great advantage to itself ror then we should bave neither independents! nor stalwarts, but ooly republicans who loaroed the battle orv of freedom i iiodor Ren Wade, TtiaJ Stevens, i Simon Cameron and Abraham Lin coin, aud whose Hug has uever trail ed in National drftiat sioco the com plete orgaoizntiou of the pat ty twenty-two years ago. If the people could ouly realize bow transitory, and of small cotiHrqueuce both big and little meu in public life are by the aide of eterual pi iuoiplea, there would be uo party auhittius growing out of personal friendships or per sonal hailed. Hut of all political tantruma the most illogical and the most disbolically unjust is to oppose brave and gifted cundidule. wbo is i . .1,..;... ..r ti. luo ""'.u.uiuu. puny, urt-mioo duujo f'n m- ', v -,iim , ..tf fuar or hate is also for hi in. Audou thu acconut to be willing to band ovor tbe destinies of the mtiy to au or gMittoo who policy we bulieve to btt lerD,clon(, ,f not destruclivu. TLo ri,ut tiul)J to bb0 j.our Uoallli tv is wueu the obnoitoua fjllow hi to self o tinea uu f r eleutiou, I jul l "shamed to allow Don Cauierou or even his oia duddv I uou t muau bis old grand daddy to lollueuoe uie half as luuuh aa oar sore beaded friends uio inllueuced by him. They bave even p:iiu't el Liiiu to driva thum out of the party, fur tho pre sent at least, aud to put tbem iu practical opposition to tboir liftdoug convictiouH, uud to milk them elfi i eut allies of the democratic partr. Salvaliou by proxy is w hat most of us will have to depud npou, but damuatiou by the amuu process is a trirle nnreasouable, aud yet this i the dose they offer to our pure and noble candidate for governor au.i his worthy oolloaguea upon the re gulitr republican tii-Uot. Through Don Caiuurou all stulwuit aro to be aaroooii, aiu uy iihu uu maupenn-, euts. e.neciully u hi u bus thu truth is, no mau ever lived who was biu euoujli to own a conveutian of 2il piclsed m . n of thu republican party of I'cuusylvauia, aud it is calumny Dpou tua biiiio, tua unuuu and popular govtai uuieut to audert it. There are men iu this convention whom eveu tboir wives do not own exclusively, aud yet they are asatiba ed as the sole property of oue poor, inoffensive, fallible man. If it If it be possible for us to devise some plan bv which our craud ortrauizatiou can be reuuited with its forty thousand tuaj n ity, it is our very obvious duty ohitr(e from the army Mr. Brosttis en to devise it. reuardless of the wishes tered the law olttue of Tlioaias K. of aiiy one man, or set of men. Tbe j Franklin, of LunuaMter, itnd waa suu snooess of tbe party is ot more ac- 'aeijuently admitted to the bar of that count than that of a thousand bosses, count y. l-'roiu early life he bus been or a whole pack of wolves, with Ideutitied with the temperance cauxe, Charley at tbe bead or tail of them, 'delivering iiiany lectures and athlress- I am for Blaine and Beaver all the i time, and I may say without profao ity, tbat I don't care a Beaver dam who knows it, and lent sure tbat most of vou are imt as iudepoodeut. if not quite so stalwart as myself. Being sort of aocideutal president, I dou't feel tbat 1 ani under particular obligations to any of you for tbe place- 1 will try to deserve it, now ever, by acting fairly. Mr. Taggart'e speech ie peculiar to Mr. Taggart and highly sugges tive and characteristic of the man. He eaye some very good things with a flippancy tbat don't hurt tbe troth or force of hie aayiogs. Wa owe it Mr, Taggart to publish bis speech in full. One thing ie very clear tbat Mr, T. baa no . idea of attending a funeral this next November, Ground baa been broken for the oef orphan's borne at Huntingdon. Ac eJJigor fourteen feet in length was tatea Ja Jyhe Saeqnehanna at Wilkaebarre and acaeXad a sensation. TbeOarliaU isanafactorioj; oom peujr ie now building 730 ears or , jJi'orliTl!H,Kim and WtsUUMj.Ua.albaflfcmijk- judge Agnew leaves the Independents I xbe venerable Judge Agnsw.nam- ad before tbe Independent Couven tion both for Oovernor and tbe Su preme Judgeship, last Saturday pub lished a letter in the Philadelphia Evening Telegraph, in wbicb be said i 'Tbe power of tbe Independent ticket can be felt in tbe defeat ooly of tbe Republican party in tbe Slate. In tbe language of my letter to Mr. Mapee, 'Ibis is inevitable, for tbe Democracy, who are wise aa serpents, will take advantage of division,' Democratic success gives tbat party a four yenra' lease of powur in tbe State. 1 bis includes tbe Fresideu tial election of 1884. Now, wbo taught you tbat tbe defeat of Doss ism, by a deep-seated schism in tbe party, is not fatal disruption, or Hint tbe death of Itepitblicauism in 1882 will be followed by a bappy resnr rection in 1883 lou are not tbe first one whose 'foresight is noteqnal to bis hindsight' You will find tbat many beaide myself will regard your trsgio heroism, simple enioide, to be puoisbed by a stake through tbe body at tbe crossroads. Could you not tell ns something of tbe other side tbe humiliation of Republican defuat, tbe heartburnings of clashing leaders, tbe bickerings and animosities of factions, tbe re joicings of tbe victors, the stimulus of victory to future ff rt. tbe trans fer of the "spoils,' tbe advantage of tbe possession of tbe arsenals, and ammunitions of war, and tbe strong holds f power, and the control amen possession of tue State gives over the election in 1H81. Your quackery would use the knife, tho' you endangered tbe Union by the loss of Pennsylvania. It reminds me of a case of malpractice tried be fore ns, wbeo a heroic surgeon extir rated the liver as a huge tumor, bid he kill the patient J Certainly, A Democratic victory in 1881 is a reversal of the Republican policy of twenty yours is danger to tbe doo triuu of protection to the system of national currency, the revival of free trado notions, ibe resumption of i Honi'boilisiU, the renewal of Uossism I in the bontb, and of many daugers wbicb, wbun vou were U common- seuHrt Ufpnblican, you once saw D. Aii.new lieaver. June 8, 1882 On To Denver. To tho weird bounty of the I'ocky MouuUius resorts aud health giviug tpiulity of its sparkliug waieia and bright bkies. as an iuducemeot to tbe tourists aud pleaaure-seekere for a summer trip to Colorado, must be uildd'l this season tho attractions of the X tliooul iliniug aud Industrial Exposition, the iuturostiug features of which are new, numerous, and varied. This grain! exhibit of min erals aud goologic.il specimens, ton gether with the best productions of tueohanieal aud iuduHtrial skill, opeus August lot for two months. Tbe go id news reach our table, iu Ulieiul foim, that the Chicago. Kilt- liugton &Q'iiuey XKtV lMIROUUK , ., l"l'llu uio.iao, leoua oi ot. Louia lo Denver, will bu open ad foi through passenger liutli ion July 21, thus attainting all iuteudiug visitors to Colorado, a direct, eljgaut and C'juifot ta'le route. Wheu ready to go you should ask yoar ticket agent to ticket youjby way of the ' U irliug ton R-jute, ' tae ouly through line. THE CANDIDATE. Marriot Hroslus was born in Coler- j ,sW ,'' aiiiH township, Lanuitster county, tu mill lifer receiving a ooiuiiiou liool education entered the ltw University nt Ann Arbor, Milii(rau Itefore completing his uourse the war broke out ami yomiK Hroslus enliHted, In 1HU2, ns a private In the Ninety' seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers serving millitntly as u soldier. At the Imttle of Heruiudtt htuiitred, Virifinliv, he was shot In the rl'lit shoiililer uu it l yt partly disabled. After his ills- I v ou that subject. He is un orator of flue ability aud was honored by liehiK selected to deliver the oration at the unveiling of t lie monument at Autie taut two years ago. He has never held office exaept that of liot-ary public and Hohool Director, being at present a tueuiber of the Lancaster Bclioul Hoard. Deer are reported unusually plen ty iu tbe wilds of ttantiogdou Co. Tbe Philadelphia and Reading eoal aad Iron company pay annually flGO.000 for taxes io Schuylkill and Northumberland counties. Italian workmen are rapidly cut ting down tbe faoe of blue Hill, op posite Sorthamberlaod, preparing tba bed for tbe track of tbe new railroad. Walter H. Baker, aged i years, of Kast Bethlehem, Washington county, got tbe rubber top of a lead pencil wedged in bie tbroat on Fri day, and eboked to death. Tbe wbeat barveet commenced a vaek ego Io Southern Itlinoti, nd An engineer of to express train on the North Panns-lvania railroad put DMU ou of the window, wm caught by e post, crushed and in- Stantly killed. Are you low-spirited, "dnwit-in-the month," and weak In tbe back T Does walking, lifting, or standing cause pain in the small of tbe back f If so you have kidney disease, and Prof. (Jul imettee's French Kidney Pad is the only remedy which will cure you rap idly and permanently and without fill ing your stomach with nauseating medicine. How Women Learn. Women everywhere use Vrkcr's Gin ger Tonic, because they learned by ex perience that it overcomes ilespoHdeii cy, indigestion, weakness in the hack and kidneys, and other trouble of the sec owe Juimutl' June 1. -. . - Parents who allow their children to grow up with scrofulous humors burst ing from every pore are guilty of a Kreat wrong. Think of them pointed out as branded with a loathsome dis ease, and you will readily procure them llieCiitictira temedios. NOTICE OF TAKING OF DEPOSITIONS William Holtzworth,) Alias Rubpoetia vs. In DIvoree.No Mary J. HolUworth.) 07 May T. '83. VTotice is herebv civen tbat tbe De 1.1 poUloaa of Itsatian eathaaart at Ilia l.lhaliaat will ba taa k-fnra ioha H .Araoia, CoanBlHloaar appelated I'T I'onrt, at tta ! o r. t. Iinwrr, K. la tks Horoaaa nt Mlilill-kara. ouFrldat .lulr tl. Iwtoaaa laa hoar- ot to A M. and 4 P. M . of MM ill., waaa aad wb in rttiKncUol aad all olbrn laiarattrd m &itaud If lbv bm nrmiar. Jokm ii Anmt.li, UotnralKtoarr Farmers & Dairymen USE ONLY THE "Wonderful Churn GKORC.E OAUOLKR. Agent POKT TKfcVOIUONSNYDKKCO., FA, Tha Womtarrul ( burn b it boeona Iba favor- MW.r'?"' ".'! IT''S: od. ilur Ll and cbai It iloaa lnr and ..ntad. it u tia ikMuci oi aa ti.-r..nn..i """' '"" mora ami miHr Duutf, h i ! lo lt tuiatrlnr m.rlu. Ad lrat tua aaront tor lurlUar (laniculari. Juu ft, IM-V. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. niHE nndrrsigned ofT'trs at private X Sale hl farm aituata In IVnn innalii, Si.yilar I'uuuljr. I'., oa tna HuIjIio Koa.l Ik. Ina Iroiu lirbiirK tnl ori Trvriuti, aouut two ollai irom ntllu-nruva, euatalnluK ll'i Acres, mora or !, in a blub atata of ealtlratlon and aBdar saod faooe tlia toll fartlla and proituo llva oonvanlaut to Markot and nabiml I al j il'ilnn tin HiM.vrr Mil prupartv, lauiln ut A .1 Ki.linr and mhan, wbaraun ara aractad a twu-atury ilonUm- lluiise, Uiir.li Ciiru ad all necaMtrv oaihulldlnaii l'i a iiol itn ul rapiit a uaver iailios wall of wtar at tka 'l.nii a Young Orchard, eomprKliiR tha baat artail, and In liaarlns. TKUMn I.ASV. Kor urlUor prtioulri eall on or a.l l. SaMI'EL. V. WOfiOI.IKd, Junaai, IBM. b.llnfaruva, la. CJA.UT10T. OTICK is herebv piven N tbat 1 hara tlila day purbaaad at pr'rata aala ot Hairy W, 1 r i'r tha lullowlas propany and lalt tba lama In liU iMttiaMton durlOK piy ruaa.ura : liow,! mini, ' llfMniailJ Htm lltfil iik, haalnit Macular, lot ol I blr, (:n.k sinva, labia, llura iu, ( tiiitx ard, blnk, Maud i na. tui ui ruunry. am ixiioui ara Lataby ButldaU uol tuuiidUiu witii tbaraiua jUSfcPH II. I'LSH. Judo ia,IM. DR. CASE'S RBGIPE BOOK. A (.OLD WATCH TREE. A naw and ravli d Million of tbli In. valnniila lMk."oiitlnliia: oarly 3.iJ yalaa b'a Hrolpa-, baa I i-t baaa lua'. 1'iloa. band. oiueiy boui d la olotli. ai ikj. In kaan napar ovar, aUoaiilp. 8an. by imll, noaii.aid, t any addraaa on raolpl m prlo-, Wa oltar bo par eaut dl-cuuol aud i. Mly.r Wateb, fraa, ta Ahbdiii. Wa al.o oltar a t!.l Watoh. fraa. on ai oooilitioea. baud lur circular, alviuy Ivil partloulart, to J. S. O I1LVIR a (1U Publlihara. P.O. Box 31 Horn 8t., Nuw York. J una IMw. Nancy Harts&ora AT CHAUTAUQUA. HY MHa. NANUY HAKIHHOHIV. lomo. Kl a; va. lllu.tratad. Pitpar eorar, 5u caot" b.un.l Inolutb tu Uadloatad to ail mawoara of lb- O. I., at. C, ad all otbara who anjoy 'ha haaoruaa, aida oi Ufa. Eraryon who will ba lotaraat-d In tba da llnaatloa orebaractar aa appilad ta "Dr. Via ou," ' Mr. Haard." ' T.,a .luhllaa Moaari," and otbara wko karabaaa tkara. It baa baaa roBouaaad tna otnal b inoruut bonk ol Iba prf m dftf, ! U for ilt oy II bookilUra. r It will if mallsxi oa ro lpt of prlo. tMod ii wrunre) aw J. 8. (JUILVIK aOO . Hubll.hara . P.O. Hoi iri.7, Uoaa Sl Maw Vurk. juaa ia,a. Shsriffs Sale. BY virtue of a writ of .fl. Fi. Fa., laaaad oot of tta 'art al Uoinmea Plana of Baydar aoaaty. Pa., aa I to aia dlraaiad will oa aipraaa to raono Bala, at tba Ouarl Hoaaa, ib uia DoroagB w aiiuuiaoura, aa Saturday, July 8th, 1882, at I o'ahx k P. M., tba following daaarlbad Raal tavawa, io wn: ja aariaia lot oiBroaau aitn w-v. iniv.ii i' HHiumaip, ivaiyuar JW.. M m , anagni nana uy Aiavy, am oy loa Ol cbrtatUBB llanlar. WoalU ky Markat Hiraat. aad Waal kv Pablla Uoad. aoaUlalas IS (sal la daptk aad eo laat la width wltb Ibaappar- irBaaoa tnarato oai'iBsioai waarooa la araataa S obb ass hall stsrf trams dwallleg Uonse, new Brick office, Stable aad otkar satballdlaai. ataan, takaa la axaeation asa to ba toM a tna pro parly ot Jaa.. w. uraaaa, iu ii iuvi.1, nnn BkS'f offlaa, Hlddlabiir, P Jbbo I, The Key to Fortune Iu all Avenues of i.ire. JULIMilR WRIGHT'S New Book, "PRACTICAL LIFE." lakaadaoma OlBaM,aar 400 Slaouaalag aiuiviauai uanara, ivuana, atuaiuaaa, laova, Aarrtasa. ala. Mav.Tha. la. nrlar, D. D., aayi I '1 aarqalU asllfblaS wltk Ita adnilrabla rlawa ana WBoiaaoaia avfsaaimaa, at oagat ...rt bouaa.11 Tlaa t awtral aajtlaa, St. Loo I a. Ma., aaya ait la a taonmifhly sootf aad baaalifal boob." TtM Iwtwrlwr, Ubicaipsaayat "It atrlksa Bt ta iaaolwort aaa oat iroiu aor paw." na aMaajra; uaruiiaa awyaaaia aayr. "Iu laaaoaa B laugbl sad swiufvad la aary kouaokold. 4Jiarlypa.a(ilalla Usdjaa, aiaalkoaal rail paaa aotoraa piaaaa, rricaa iuw, r. riaa itbaral, Slar.pta. llri wtitall ( Cvastr wauis- aad lor particular- to J . ct I' HPT lat'O., PUIIadol. I Attorneys-At- Law. mn a.caooaa. GILBERT & CROUSE, Attorneys A tI.av, MIDDLKBUHO, fA. o OITaf tklr Profaatoal sarrtnaa to tha Pb llo. AIIMaliMM aaira.tad to Ihalr tars will rav oalya prp altaatloa. Cuaaaltattoaa la Kaf llahaadUaraaan. Uat la, 'SI. yM. K. HOUSWEUTU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HKMxaeRovK,- Pa.. (MlMtlnat sail altotbar ImiI baalaaaa rewpl- It a(ta (iataiaa atuadail to. uoataiiaiiaot la Mna mm Jim 1ML U. DILL, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. tjrtruilinrg, Prnn'a All bail bom aatra-t-d to ala car will t. rraniptli auaadrd la. Hrpt. S0,'V, O. DEITRIC1I, ATTORNEY- r.I,W. UmIcH St., Srliiugnrvr. Pt; All prnranloaal tafiaa-t amaintlT attaaS:i U. Uoaialtatluaa la taglua audil.na.n 10. 1 1, 'SB, J U. WUNDERLY, ATTORNEr-AT-LAW, MulitMiury, Suyiitr C , Oaa to ooa.aiwd Is KeslUk er(ariaaa. Jaa. IS'so, L N.MYERS, A Uornetf A I- , nin.iiraarii, r-aaa'a, All pfofaailoaal bamaaat aatrattad to kit Sara will ranalra prompt altaation. uoaiaitatioaa la Kanuak bdq uaraiaa. Oct. W,TS. E. BOWER, AHORNEYAT-LAW, HitMMturj, I'd, Cotlaotioat aiada. aad (iariuan. Ooaiattatlotii Kaallak (Janali, 'in. If. M. L. SCHOCII, ATTOEHEY-AT-LAW. New Berlin, Penn'a. Proforalnnai bnalna -nlrmtad o ht ra will raralvo prom pi att-nllen. Jnnf to.'). QUA 3 T IILRICUT Attorney & Ooantellor-At-Law, OSIoalnApp'a Hall. Una ona dool Nortk (l KavaToaa Hotbl. Svlliiagruvv1. I'enu'a. i I'oltanttonii and all otbar prof. ilonal nail- I- mllotloil aad will racoltacarrliil aad prompt aitaniloB. Apr.ll.'Io.tl. T P. CRONMlLLn:, tfa ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mifflinhnro. Pa flffora Ma prof ft'ftnal rarvtcai t ba apnh'lo. 1 t'ail- 4o1tartl.n. iinl .ll oil ar nrot Mltn baaf vntrurt-d to bt c.tra wltl raoalva prumin- attautlen. Jan. I.W. TJ. SMITH. ATTIR!rr AT LAW. M 1 DKLKItt: HH, S N V r;D K Ul., HA orara kli ProtaMloanl 8err-a lo Iba pabll Ooaiulutloaa ta bSKllfk and Uariaaa. F. J. R. ZELLER, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW Mtfjtiiiliitrij, i'ninn County, Pa All borlnraa ootru.trd to b; i.ro will "oil and fop'itiir... itiua lrd to. Will rra. llf at tba aaveritl urtii o Knydar and adioliilnn oinlna. (Ian bu aonaulta.1 In Ilia Knullah oi liaraian lansuaga oot. . 'Tail CI1AULK.S HOW Kit, ATTOKNEV AT LAW. Heliiisgrove, Pa (JrTrra hit prof. Ml. nal rarrrat lo tba pnblle. (.vio-ciiui.a ai.i an oiija.proiapaioiial btiai I in annuatcil to bUoaa win raoaiva prompt adaotlUK. Ofrtra taoilooia H' bib ol tba Mutual Scnuol. Jan. J, at. J M.LINN, ATTORNKV AT LAW, t.ewiahitrjr, Pa lirrara til. prnfntli'nal a. rvlr, in tha polill, t.'oll.ctloua and all otbar piolaa.lou.il t,ua. saa anliuaiaii in hir raa will racal.a prauiut attantlon. Sap. SO, 'pit. a. w7pottk, a n. i, hocTkk A TlOhNAYS A T I... I IF. Solinsgrore. Pa., Otl. r tlialr profeialonal aarvlraa tu lbs public. All laaal bualoaaa autruatad to tbair oura will raoalva prouiyt atlauiwu. UIBmvb M.lo at. Julyi.Ji. JjOUACK AI.I.EMAN, ATTORNEY At LAW. No II lira strove, All irolaaatooal bu.lnaaa aoJ toltaotlna" aa iruatau io uia o.ira ar.ii ua pruuuuy attaai ul to.- Oaa baoiaaultml In tnall-bur (larmaa. titflsa ub Markat auara. Oot. J.J H.GRIMM, Attornfly-at-Inw, AND MbTHK'T a'tTOHNKV roil tfMDKK VUUKI'Vi Frerbwra Pa. rwiBaaltatlon la ,bota Kasllah aad (lartnaa kaasuasaa. ol. a, JOHN H. ARNOLD, A-ttoniey n.t lixw. WIODLKUUBa, PA ProfaMlonal l arlna.a anlmatad tobla ears will ua pruaapuy aitraiiad to. J THOMPSON BAKER, Vttfrne.vn.t-In.wv I.E W18HHB), UNION IX ) HA. Uaa ba aaaaall.t,-d Iu ike Kasilak anddaraias iaaaaai, imioa oa naraot Htroat, opiia. aha Walla, Sutllk a Uo'aatora. WM. VAN GKZKK, ATTOSNIV AT LAW, Lewisburg Pa. Ona" bM prof-attoaal aarvtaa is Iks pablla. uaoaawiaiaiu an uiar prataoatoaal oaal Baaa sutraatad to kla aara will raoalva pro apt altaatloa. g T. PARK 8, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tJRfJNPOROVE, SNVDBR COUSTT, Pa A C. SIMPSON, ATTORN BT AT LAW, Selinsgrove, Pa. Mars kla proraaaloaal aaraloaa tu tks pablla u imaiaaaa lauiwii to uia aara will a praaapdy aitaadad la. Jaa. IT,'r, tAMDKL H. ORWIO, ATTORNEY A TLA W, MIMIaksirg. Ilslsa Co.. P: OSlas aail Sony ta Talsgrapk Prlatlaa aaea vas-ia, iaii.ii. QSOItQK B, U6NKKU. 'Oountv Surveyor KraUirville.Snyrfer Cenaty Ptnn !at?'Mjy,,. ,ltt Ht.' Just io s of th e reace. Q R. GLASS, Jallcf Ik Pewrsi. Kramer, Snyder County Penn'a. All Collaetloat aad raailiUaM aroaiptlf ada. May VM.tf. DAM 8MITH, J.tlCS Of til!! PC1C3 & CiQTjyascs f Beaver 8jri ngi, Snydtr Vo., Va. AU offltalal k.wlaaM uklnc daaaalttoaaand araaiptlf aliaadad la. UatrMMvaa aad raaitt. aa aad raaitt Mat la.'.irt taaxsa pfaoptiy auoa. SAAG HEAVER, J UST1CE OF THE PEACE and Qeneral Collector . Minni.aaian, Raydrr eanatr, Pa. Spaolal atunilna paid to aollaollnBi of ill klad MaailluaaM III as aiada pniaatl lurall aulleetiuu auaita. Mar. tl.78. JER B. MIDDLESWARTH, JUST1CK OF THE PEACE ass CONVITAItClR, aaoumre uuy, snyaer Co., rm. rollMtloat aad all bat laasa partalatat Ik afflaaaf Jadloaattk Paass will aaattaadad U at aaori nun, jalj n.'THI. YH. WAONKR, Eaq., s JCSTtCI OP THE PEACtt. Jaoksoo Township, SoyderCo. Pa WlllatUad teatt bwalaaaa aatran! la kl aara aad oa tks nit niHiaMt lariaa. Mar. li.'. JJAVID 8. 8 HOLLY, Justice of the' Peace, Vioit,Towiuhtft, SuijtliT Co., fu Will aitand to all bo-loan -BirnH-d ta k'f oaraoatba woat rataonabla toraia. Ro.t- ornoa addraaa. Uuanoaa, aaydar Us. Pa. Mar. ,'). J H. IIARTMAN, JI KTICF. Or THE PEAC E. aV. Convtiyniicer, CENTKEVILLK. Snydar Coualy. fa Oollaotlona aad all kailnaaa partalalaa to tba offlra of .la-tloa of tba Paaea will ba attoadad to at akort notlea A p'r T'Tn jc7u'2rK7iicanKs, Esq., JJU8TICE 0PTI1E PEACE, Peon Twp., Snyder Co. P JAMES MIDDLESWARTH, Justice ol the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co. l a. Will attend promptly to all nanaar ol bail !,',. Artlclaafca., wrlttaa. loitaotiona ma ja. I.tuly n.'Ta-tr yyM. H. HARDING, JVMTICK OF THE VfcAl t; .t 0n veynncets FHEKMUNT. Hny.lor county, Ta. Collarlloaa aadal buatnaaa norlalnlos lo Ilia oSVaof Jaallnaof tbaHaaaa will ua atK'iidrd lo at abort Dot lot. Apr. I.'ia. ja A. WKTZKL, Justice of the Peace, Hrarertoinn, 8nyhr Co., I 'a. AH t lmla of Collae'lona mada on lloar-l Urma Hrouif iy alianda to all tmalmaa aalruitad juno z, '74. lo bia aara. A G llORNBEROKR, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Parry Towaahlp.SordarOoanlT. Pa. BOollaettoi a, Oi oraraoolna, and a,i otbar bua a'lpar'.ittoinn to tba otfloa will ba nroiuptly 'i i, ..noanaar i roainjaariiia liVI KEPLER, Kk Notary Pntiic Snr?cyor, Conveyancer R.pal Estate aci Iiisarance ipt. Ilda Bootli Mil Mort ! nrparxl till a wltu o!ttDBi ftitl aoeurraof. inip oi ouDTtvanoiDH aViiniisMi Sn0fltwl A ttaiit, on arlvan In huvlnv nA llln Rl Kitatt. 4mc In Krovatnunt, r-nf.lsr Oo r.. r. w. Atiurui, m , I'ltjmiitDt Mil it. DV ii o., rtiiD-i. UK. t J. BOWKRSOX, v of the Peace A- Conveyam- Pennscreek. Snyder Co., Pa. Collaotlona aud RemtltaDnai nrotnntla mada (Jonrayaoi Ins aaally aad ebaaply atacutail. April i, ai. Philadelphia Cards. J. S. FARNSWORTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co Importers ot Hoissry, Notions, WHite Goods, Embroi aeries ucdix rorDisnini goo., sc. Ho. 51 Market Stroot, PHILADELPHIA. T. B. foaaa, ' W. H. ftkatblav. T. H. ttalckul. A. rt. Hoar, I Mar. II '74. QAVID WILLIAMS, Manalaatarars aad Wkoiaaala Uaalara la OUl, MahoKauf, Walastand RoieaeoO LOOKING GLASS Pioture ak Photograpblo Tram a las. TM aa Ml Arch Street PatLADSLrHia, Pa. Fraajai Bapalrad Ib tka boat aiaaaar. Ala Ha.i(iBg ia ail Ita brauahaa, fab. , 'Jl . wm. lunn. Blank Book Ilaker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PBIIJ TER, VI lioletBale 3c ICetail No 629 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. IVotnytnet. Om ViV 8ellit rriee Harked On AU Goods In F gurei. Apr. Io-T3. n RATIILL ft Cs., VI WaoiasaaB Dsaaaas is WOOD AHD WILLOW WAR! Oil Ulotks, Wldav aaastaa, Braoaaa, MaU raaaa, twitoa laapa, rai a aiasa, ff ly aau. Baakata. Twlaaa, Wlcka. aui. No. 4.S Markat at, PklladalpkU. . JACOB R. RIRORL k CO., WMOLBSALB DBAL.CBV IB FORBIUM DOMESTIC . DRY GOOD. SS3H5J Physicians, &c. J WINFIELD BAMPSELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Outrerllle, Snyder Co., Pa tllt'ratiH taaikiaal Mrvlaaa to Iks pablla. Ma- IS.n H. BORDNER, ' PUYSlCtA-4 AMD M'RGCOIV, Hkavrrtowr, Pa., USara kla arnnxalnaat aarikMt ta tkaalllnanS at aVatariaasaaSflolDltf. Apr., 'ta. aissSASssa. . . aaaaisaaa. BARBER V HASSIMGLT?, PHYSICIANS ANO SUR6E0NS, Ofl-r tholr BfofsMlrasI aarrloa ta tks alllaaa of Mlddlabara aad Tlatnll. IMSaa afaw Soar waoiat taa taan noaaa, la araora-a naiiaiag. DR. J. Y. SHIN DEL, BURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Middltborp, Pa OfarkUpmfanloastaarlsaat tha altltaaa or niiQdiaawrw bbq VKisilf. Mar. II, 'ft. JJB MARAUD ROT BROCK, Fremont, Snyder county, Pa tradaata at RaltlnMra Uellawa of Phaalalaaa ana nariaoa. onara kta proiauinaal i arrloa to ika aualla. ap-akt KaglUk aad oan iBS. Marek, IT, I HI. M. JJ J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, fremoni, Siydtr Courtly, Pa, IMtara hit vrafaMtoaal aarvlaas talks rakll OfBca aa Mats atraat. J ass IS "Ta,. jyn. J. O. WAONER, Pbyslclasi rtnd fiar , (Iffara Ma yirafaaa tonal aarvleaa lo Iha sltlaaas of Adaaaakarg Bad flclally. Auf.a,'Wf. JK. J. F. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Cntrllle, Rnyder Co., Pa tiftara bit profMaloaal tarvloaa talks pablla. a-s. IT J. KCKUKRT, SURGEON DENTIST. lut KBKHT'S III.OOK, Sflintgrore, I'nni'n. Profaaalonal bailnaat proiaptl- attasdad to, may is, '7. pF.nciVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KraUmnllf, Snydtr Co., Pa'. Oflara bla profaaalonal aarvleaa to tha eltttnl of Krataarvllla and ylolnlty. A ns. IM.'f J)R. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oftara hl prytaaalnnal a-rvlraa to tbaeltltana oi Aoamiuuia ana ytitoiiy. Sapt. 4 'II. J K. VAN BU3K1RK, 4URQI0AL a MECH4MCAL DENTI81 Solinsrovr, Pen it 'a. 8. SMITH. Heaver Hprlnirs, Penn'H. Will alr atand a law daji i Iba aalabbrlni( Mai , isa'i. loa ua aaru wai k, ISAAC IIHAVtiR, C 7 Middleburg. Snyder County, Pa. tirrira in rsasins saaa was DaroT Ivarything belonginff to tbe pro fa aiou dona In iba bait roaaaar. All work warranted Taroia moilarala. Ha will al.o atland to bualBOta arary Iwa waaka at (;r ntr.Tllla, Tro at r, Baarar. towu Ailaaituura and Paitonrllla. HibaU. ImwSm Hob, IIni'1'inliui-g-, ln. 0. S. MASSER, Proprietor. VTbla Hobps haabaan Ha-furalakad and will ift kept la tbn Hut Hanna, lanl Ulyla. Uood l.lquora, (lood UiganaBd tibaraai vary Modi rata. March ,'M,tt. BOABDlGHOUSE. rpHB Undaraiaasd would raspsclfully In X'form tbt Iravalling pablla, busineat mea, wltnaaaaa aad jurora Ib attaodanca at oat Uourta thai ba baa utada ampla praparallona for hair aeooiuvHxtatloB aad will aadaayor lo aa larialn hla patrona In aood alyla at Ilia moal raaaosabla rataa, Hoard lug Jlouaa a raw daara wait of IhaOcurt Houaa. OABBIU.BE ATH. apr. ;.! j. Prtrl. lor. WASHINGTON HODifc! IMiddlebursr, itx JOH N LI JIBE RT, Proprietor Tka abora Mpalar Haaal kaa baaa aaattad aad rafuralahad la tha boat ttyla. Ita aaatral loaatloa aaakaa It aoaraataal lav kaalaau bibb i paraaaa ib sttaadaaoa at uoart asd au otbara wko ara sallad ta Mlddlabara. Tka la bia la alwaya aoppllad wltk tha boat la IWaiar. aat tka Bar wltk aood llqaora aad taa Slaala sttandad by aararufl koatlari. Tarau aoSaraia aprtt a, iits CENTREVILLE IIOTEL, (LalaMra. Waarar'a.l Oaatarvlla Saydar Co., Pa. PETKa HABTMAR, Praprtata , Tkla Was aa tabllaka aad wall kaawa ba kaalaf baaa paraaaaad ky tka aadaralaaad, IUIU a Ikara al Iks pablla aat raaaaa. April, S. Ull. rpHE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKI.KR, Prop'r. Selinavf-rove, Fa Tkla Oaaal la alaaaaaUy loaaUd Ib Iba "aa asd la a vary daalrabla plaaa far Irayalara 1 aoaaaioppmgoaoa win aa aara taaallaaala. m baataflloaor la Ikaaal " ara arataiaaa aaauaraallaaaaaaatloawi Iba UotaU Asv.IS.11 Merchants9 House1 NORTH THIRD RTRIET, TUWl tM Terms --81-60 per day HENRY BPAUN, Prop'tf W.BPAHH. Clark apr.l.'M J B. 8KLUE1MER , , . DBAaVKB 1 IIARDWAltC Iron, Uails, Steel, Leather, . a. Ail ' ' Mill art Jl VI". Ccach&Caddlrx.W. ANO MAKtlPACTCIaR Of I stoves & TZnuztrt : alAUKPT Ttv"T. J I i. 'li b.m wlrrt