The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 29, 1882, Image 1

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ftj rotnmti ono Vrtar. ffitM
liii-hnlf. column, ono vcar. 80.(N1
One-fourth rolumn.onn year, lo.lKi
nt iutre ( 10 lin.n) 1 insertion 7f
Erery additional iiuterlion, SO
professional and Bumuoha cards ol
not moro than 5 linen, per year, 5.00
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
mid Aii((ij(ie Notices, , 4 . , 2.50
Editorial iM.liocaj por linn, . 6
All transoiont advcrt'iaing Ios Ihnn
I month 10 cants a lino.
All ftiluartianMinntA for l Vrt,rlnr Ml
lind than ono yee.r nre payahi At th
lime tlioy are ordered, a nil ii not paid
4 luMnn rrr1ni.ti',r tVimn r-lU I1A inlil
wnonsible for lha monevr .
The Irish Girl's Lovq.
Well, Bliainilo, what brought ye T
It's dead, turn, t thought ye
What's kept ye this fortnight from
calling on ma ?
H op tlwe I Don't be lj in' ;
It's no mm deuyin' ,
I know you've boon w.iltlu' on Kitty
She' onld and she's homely ;
There' grrl youiiK and comely,
Who've loved you inuuli longer and
better than she ;
Put, 'deed I'm not carlo', :
I'm lad I've no share In
The love of a boy who'd love Kitty
Away I I'm not cryln' '
Your charge I'm deny'tn', '
You're wrong to attribute such weak
ness to mo ;
If team I am showln',
I'd li&Vtt ye bo knowiu'
They're shed out of pity of pity Kitty
For mane and con-sat I,
Wild pride overweighted.
Cold hertUl a,and brutal she'll ft: id ye
to be ;
When ye she'll bo trottln',
HUe'll hooii be rerottiu'
tUe e'er cliangod her name from plain
Kitty M.teo.
What's that f Am I dliramlu' ?
Yvu've only been uiu',
Just tryiu'to text theutTcutloii lit mo ;
Hut you're the sly divil !
There, n ow 1 l'lnse be civil
Don't hag luo to death I'm not Kitty
Yourkissea confiiKeme
Well, I'll not refuse ye
I know you II bo thender and lovln'
wid me ;
To hIiow my cothritlnn
For doubts and suspicion,
I'll ax for first bridesmaid Mi-- Kitty
Kneel my child, for Ho. I N lnrc 1
limidln lovit, l:tt itt in four ;
Kneel before him now In iirnvor ;
Tliauk hint for bin uou r tut e ir. ;
Pnilae liim for bin t-iiiilit-;!i'' I
Every inotumt on tliy l.m j
Ak for llk'htt'k know his will :
Ak for love thy heart to fill ;
Ak forf.rith to Ik'iu- thee on
Th rough the night of Christ hi Son,
dK HIM Hpirit still to uuidii tliee
Through the Ills that in iv betldu
AiK for pe.iee to luH to rut
hvory tiiimilt of thy brent :
Ask In awo, but not in fear -
Kneel, my child, for lo I U lure I
tor Th Post.
It should bo a eonoral. cheerful
bopefuloesi, that builds uo oircus-
lles of exohango, or spoedy libera
tion br raids, but boos bona evn In
tho oirenmetancos of misery, aud
dritYS ouafoitaud oonsilatiou from
the thought, (hat things can bo no
Worse. Tbore mast bo a kind of
uodUI "don't-care" sort of tockleas-
Dew of the future, combined with
doing what yon ' oaa to comfort
yourself bow, which is, after all, the
preservation of a soldier in thousands
of cases. There is a kind of armor
Of indifference which yields to cir
cumstances, bat cannot be ponotrat
d by them.' As soon as one ' gives
way to melanoholy despondency ,' as
taoasands naturally do nnder such
eiroamstsnoes, the losse, . of ( saga
baa's life in prison ' is ' not worth
purchasing, ,. ,T , d ,.,
, The oooasion of eo much sickness
tod death was found In th oauaa
feumerated, ' with' tho insafHoiency
In quantity of food, its unsuitable-
Bsss ia quality, and the absence' of
Th beating nature of Indian corn
fcealtbeoob ground along with
eov B), also bad its effects in pro
ducing an unhealthy condition; of
things " " ' i
wlthoWJeing IbtoV 'feoWfcllow in
SIS last aiJoJeS.-Tha nilfinn. In.u
ol tBtmly tot nelp," tut' ' famine-
wiosea moss' oi ;ss men, ' their
bontV Ii' yiW tMsiprptrutling
tarong h their flesh, were enough to
MolU to plly ahd eoapMilon hsarts
u prooseded by a mild Kind of in.
aUy or idiooy, wbot ths ibMdiid
ot fM; irylol !tb b3y, Md
M) ua f protide ht its
i,w -f worse lLn ourselves.
-"A . a
VOL. 19.
gave food that we might starve our
roIvop, while, whilo that which we
furnished to auothoi would not
preservo life,
i If you allowod evory siok miu to
diink from your cup you wuro liablo
to bring upou yoursolf tho torrible
infl.ction of co.irvy iu tho mouth,
which was as much to bo dron lod
is douth. Kvon gratillcalion of your
keonent hutnnn sytupathlos thus bo-
0 uo tho potont 01UH0 of Helf do
truction and sutronu to hliu who,
indulged in si groat a luxury,
' The torriblo truth wan, that in
prison ooo could not attempt to ro
liove tho tnificry of othora mors mis-
orablo than yuurnulf, withaut placing
biuisolf in greater peril.
Was it not wonderful that tho
crios of dyiug, famished men were
unheeded by thoso h wuro bat
tling with fate t prosurvo their own
if there wore some who turned
oars of doafuess to dintroBHod touos
of ontroaty, who forgot the example
of tho "good Samaritan" in their owu
distress, the fault and sin (if sin or
fault there was under such torture
and condition) were surely not upou
their own heads, but upou the heads
of thoso who had crowded into our
daily existoucoso muoli of misery as
to leavo uo room for tho gratification
of Liudly sympathies, nud had
drowuod out the liuor sensibilitius iu
Clio struggle with dispair aud death
for self proHot vatiou.
ilij.:cts of pity ratlior than of blamo,
they wore not ullowod tho luxury of
pity nud sympathetio action, yot
many there were, Burroutuled by
and Huileiing a cutest torture, who
moved like angels of inuicy amoug
Hufl'oriug oompauioue sliiukon by
fuiiiiuo and ditjeane.
It is a toi-'ildo thing to fuel ono'e
self Htarviog ; to brace every uerve
ig linst tliu approuch of duath, aud
summon to tho aid of the body all
its HOiflshnctifl ; yet mon, in spilo of
the neoesijity of ho doing in ordur
to proMOi've life, assinted and soot hod
one uuotliur iu hours of sickucsu, die
truhs, uud lueluiicholy ; aud such hud
a reward iu the couHciousnuos of
duly performed, of unsolluh duvo
tiou, snrrouuded by famine uud
deulh tho Liltor cup of misery
pi hhoJ lo their lips, yut having
still care for oluoi'x, under citcutn
kIuiicus of tviul wheu the thouglitd of
ni'ittt men were tinned upon thoru
sulvus, aud oblivious lo others' woes
amid their owu misery.
Mont prisoners, being only sold
iers temporarily, have at variance
two disliuct elements of foeliug, ouo
spiiuing from their habitual aod
the olhur from tholr temporury mode
of life ; oue springing from peaceful
aasociatious, with the sucluuious of
home, or the luxury of tho business
activity of city life the other from
the more rooent intluouoe of the
camp aud battlo-fiold.
Theso iuoongruaus elemonts aro
in constant antagonism. One mo
ment it is the soldier, improvident
and careless of the futuro, rockloss
of tho present, laughing ut discom
forts and privations, aod merry in
the midst of iutense suffering. Then
it is the quiet oitizou, oomplaiuing of
misfortune, sighing for home aud its
doar onos, dreaming of seclusiou and
peace, yielding to dot pondoooy nud
sorrow. Aod this is perhaps for
tunate, for at least there is loss dan
ger that the prisoner shall become
improvident wilh the one element.
or a miser dead to every, fooling on
the other.
Most prisoners, in such misfor
tunes, are apt to indulge in a kind of
post-mortem texacnioatioo of their
pretipus Jio, i djsnect that portion
of their, past - history, which is sol
domontagonljoi without n-fiving' at
the obnolusion that "present' misfor-
. .J' .i
tunof aronoriy in air cases aue (
somt radical error U their oh hvae.
Ulsforttinorrender soraa mth rnrV.
oome oVutiouV'tLVough failure' and
misfortune. H And SUon.' retracing in
thoir1 lels iro bouts their paths of lifo,
question . the sorrowful spectres of
perished hopes which haunt the
crowded graveyards of tho .past.
Tbey draw frous the past nought but
obldieali ties' t'fbey cat iato the body
of their blights J life'an J hopes, and
seas, 'to learn of wUl dispose jt died.
Thhi is ratioual it is instructive nnd
ooatago but. , pufovturiatoly , i
nokpleasact i better
the oornse of tbw dead rtast. tc en-
to lingo tbelpiit 43book with tusjw'
glazd oyos with eloqnont lustre, to
breathe into tho pallid lips tho Wont
ed eoboon of a familiar voioe, which
may discourse to us pleasantly of
loug departed joys nud of old happy
hours. Thoio is a piteous Consola-
tion in it, like the mournful solace of
tuoao who, having lost soma boiog
ucor nud dear to them, plant tho doar
grave with Mowers. It is thii in
ward self which ia nil his own that
tho piisou leisure leads tho specula
tive c iplivo daily to anitly.o.
After a voyage of memory over tho
ocean of tho past, he returns to the
sad present with a better heart, and
endeavor, from the newly kindled
Atur- which have arisen above tliu va
pory horizon of his prison lifo, to
cast tho borosoropo of a wiser future.
I Luvo spokon of a mild kind of
iuwinity which precedes death cansod
by starvation and brooding melan
choly, in which the u.iul wonduis
from teal to imaginary scenes.
Several tuou of my company, woro
instances of this kind. At an early
date of their iiuprisouiuont ouo of
thorn lost his canteen, which was with
him, as commonly was tho cane
throughout the prison, tho only ves
sel he bad lo carry water. His
blanket wus also lost, and ho wns left
destitute of nil hlieUer uud of every
comfort except that which was furn
ished him by companions who were
sufferers in common with himself,
aud not overstocked with necessaries
and comforts. Gradually, as he
wustod awny, his mind wandered.
uu.Lju imagination ho was the pos
sessor of theso luxurios which th"
imagination will fasteu upou when
the bjdy feels tho keenest pangs i f
hunger. With simple sincerity he
would frequently spunk of sniuu lux
ury which ho imaginedho had par
taken of. Suddenly a gleam of in-
leiligenoo would overspread his luce;
ho would speak of thu prison, and
say :
"This is a dreadful place for the
boys is it not f I don't enjoy my
self wheu I have anything good to
eat, there aro so mauy around me'
who look hungry." uud then guying
iu tuy fac, mid, in tho sadost mod
ulations I ever hcuul iu human voice,
"You look hungry doctor," aud theu, I
siuking his voice to a whisper, add - j
ed. "O dear I I'm so hungry myself,
I do nut kuow what to do.''
"Poor, poor follow 1 ho soon died
a lingering dcalh fiom thu efTwU'.s of
starvation uutl exposure, la tho lu cid
tuomoutB that preceded death, he
S kid, as I stood ovef his poor famine
pinch formed, "I'm dreadful cold
and hungry, Doctor." He uguiu re
lapsed into a sluto of wouderiug,
with tho names of "Mary" aud "Mo
ther" on his lips s aud tho last faint
action of lifo, wheu ho no longer
could speak, was to poiut bis linger
i.:., : 1 1 1 :
lo ma yauiii, yasjiug iipa, IU muio
entreaty for food.
In tho name of God, is tho re no
retribution tor such murderers 1
A boy fourteen years old was a
drummer in my company, a fino lad,
with as big a heart iu his small body
as ever throbbed iu the breast of a
man. Uo was a silent boy, who
rarely manifested any outward emo
tion, and spoke but Boldom, but, as
bis comrades exprossod it, "kept Up
a great deal of thinking," He was
liked by evory one with whom bo be
come aoquaiuted. I observed noth
ing uuusual in bis conduct or man
ner to denote insanity, until ono alp
terooon, about suudown, t one of bis
comrados noticed tho absenoo of a
ring commouly .worn on bis little
finger, and I inquired whore it was.
"Wheu I was out just now," be
said, "my sister came : and took, it
aod gave it to an angel."
, . The next . day, . as tho sua went
down, its last rays Humored, it eoem
ed to me, caressingly npon tho dear,
pallid face of the Uoad boy, . t
' His paiu and sorrow were ended,
aod hoartless men no lougor could
torture him with hunger aud'cruol
ty. tibame on such devils in the
guise of bqman beings.'' '"".,
JJut while the minds of many be
came unsettled with idiocy or insan
ity, there were other instances where
a vivid consciousness and oloarness
of mental vision were, retained jo
the very verge of that country ''from
whence no traveller returns.
. O, A. another . aod belonging, to
my company flftoen years' old 'the
UQateJykik islooly sou of a widovod nf)t,lmr rail
o light aisw the wealth of m iturnal iiff jotirffj .Kivl
been fondly hnvMitf.t itirtW H
hbuvaii V w r
-Ail tti Jifli4
tnent A soldier's life, t one thus
reared, in at best hard t but l
plunge ono so youn an 1 nnmuiiH
toinod even to tho rudiments of
hardships into tho nnpnralblod mis
erics of Audersouvillo, soemod
cruelty inexpressible. Ho w w just
convalescent from a typhoid fever
wheu enpturod. Iu ptisou he giad
ually wasted nvay nnlil ho died
The day provioai t ) his doa'h I saw.
conversed with him, tried to ouconr
ngs and cheer him 5 but a look of
premature ago Lad settled over bi
youthful face, which bote but little
leir.blatieo to tho bright, uprossive
look ho wore wheu ho onlisle I, Ilo
was perfectly suio, and conversed
with uuoommou clearness and meth
od, as th ongh his mind had been
suddenly developed by intonso suf
ferings. His faco boro an unolmged.
listloss expression, which, 1 have
noticod in prison, bctokoncd tho loss
of h pe. He spoke of home and t
Ids mother, but his word woro all in
the samo key, iiDnntonoiH and
weary, with a stony, numovol ex
pression of coutitenunco. On a faee
so young I never snv such indes
criblo hopcfulluess. It was despair
poti ilied. And whou I think of it,
eveu now, it pierces me to tho heart
is was a liugetiug death by starva
liou uud exposure, with uo rel.el
from uumitigated misery.
h seems to mo that (lad's over
lasting ourso must surely rest upnii
those who thus knowingly allowed
iiuudreds of innocent young lives to
be bloted out of oxisteuce by cruel
ties unheard of before in tho nnnals
of civiliod waifure. It seems tome
that in the future the south, who
abetted so great a crime against
civilizatiou anil hnuuuity, against
! (Jlii'if ti niily nu I even du . ncy, must
i-taiid coinlenrnurt"'s,by-tno public
oiniiion of tho world, until hIiq has
done ''works meet for repeutunee.''
'I'd In: C'ntUim,;!,
All He Knew.
At llio l.'uiou l)epot the other diy
an oll man who had borrowed a
match, then n chew of tobacco, then
a postage, stamp, and lastly besought
tho loan of a k.-y to his old
Mitcliel, emiio baek thut'ifth tiinu and
i.uid to the tttru'.iger whuiu ho h id
most anuoyeil :
"My fi'end, can you tell n.o how
matiy tiuieti the huniau licurt Leatn
per miuuto 5"
"No, sir 1"
"Cau you tell pio who first discov
ered the circulation of the blood f
"No, bir !''
'Do you knoW whether tho pulse
should beat seventy or 709 times a
miuuto T"
"No, I don't. All I know nboat
tho hur.iun system is tho fact that if
you bother mo two Boconds longer 1
shall oxort a pressure of 5,000 pouuds
in tho endeavor to ruisu you about
six feet from tho Moor 1"
"Just so just bo," growled the
old man as he sidled oil i "but don't
try lo pass that off on mo for physi
cal scieuao. That's nothing but
what any boss could do !" Dttroil
t'rcn 1'reu.
The Wrong Fur.
A very excited colorod brothor
bunting op an officer patrolling High
stroot yesterday, aud said bo bad
long born the abuse of a man of his
color who was thou iu a houuo on
tho next block, and added t .
"I doun' waut to broke do law,
but do time has arrovo when uius'
crush dat pussou to do dust I" t f
' If I catch you fighting I ahull
have to take you down."
"I can't help it, sab can't bolp it,
nohow. If dat pussou makes his
disappearauoe on do street while I'm
aronu't de fur am gwioe tu fly, if I
die for it lie's slandered me, an'
Izo gwine to k-rush him same as you
would a tiger I" . ,
The officer passed on to tho end of
his beat and returned to find the
orueber with bis back to thu fence
and a woman lending him a wet rag
to bind bis bead up.
i "Lst'a see You are tho roan who
wi going crush souse vita? "lob
sorted tho offloor."
"I spools I aro-'N - , ' t,
"Uid be come out V
H Bpects ho did." "
"Did th fur fly V 1 '
- "Deed, sah, it did t but do Iron
bio' Kas dat it was da wrong fur I De
onofy Booundrel refused to oe erusb'
-Mnd now f"
tWetl. lse cwlno tt c"uVhialod tfp
ft; XiftfzSX
i,td fc, f boctus to ewim srfts."-'
l'A., -1UNE '2D,
Minor Trials of This LitJ.
Trying t ro-i illect Iho store you
left your umbrella iu.
fj-Hifi.j puu';uifo.
Lsin cm e,
First greina sp t on now p inta-
J l!U.
Shirt b-.ittnas foitu I wiutin,; ou a
;ol l morning.
M i putjji,
Hugs. ,
l'loa iu tr ) vor.
Unoitt books and inagizinon.
(Jotting 1'iavj I.
I'lill birb-r ih ; w' yn :ira in
t hurry to bo sh ivj I.
ouso hunting.
1'iauo pni'itioing next room,
Afifordoon, M ite, violin, nox'
Newspaper wilh fivo snpplu
mcuts. Trying to inl-iroat lha girl who
rants the other m m.
II m l org un .
Trying to talk t vi "O'i, d nr ! '
"Oil, my P an I ).i iiu'l tb it '."
Trying lo s-ivo money.
Komo'uhcri i f witt a fid yn
ma lo of yourdj.f whou tigiit lait
Tu ubling up staiis.
Tuiiibliug dou slaits.
liickoty ch lirss. ,
li'Mithery steak.
l 1 bill ng'tiut you forgotten.
Trying to write homo bemuse it U
your duty.
Atm.mphoru "f stovo-hoatod rail
road car.'i iu winter.
fold feet,
Having your ask-box stolon.
S ilum.i'i or v mi m who argues
that you ougtit to like thu "or that
Koiir fi'ii'u 1 givin ' diroctiom to
Botuo place at ii'i mi.
Invalid who will tell all his com
ludia rubber shoo sltiuk iu tho
mil I.
j Umbrella turnj 1 wrou.j silo o:it
, by tho win j.
I Kirecraekors a iu mth bef ro and a
tnoniu hi toe mo i' .iirt.ii or .inly.
Waiting fir your o!ni atoru of
yo'ir big h'oii'H.
Sale it ii m and wotuvi w!i snom
iu a hurry for you to buy and clear
Oog'i and cats at night.
Hole in pnckiit discharging ten
cent pieces dowu tioilbol-leg to pave
ment. Corus.
Tight bods,
Dull penknives,
Uotu irk by friend : 'Oottiu' old
like tho rest of us-"
Man who will talk behiud you all
through tho play.
Door bell that won't ring.
Crowded Bloumboat without
Third clasa hotel with first-class
Railway station aolToo.
Peg iu shoo.
Heading your own lovo loltors
wheu it was very bad aud yea wore
uot expected to recover.
Mau you one.
Man who owns you aud duos liko
wiuo. If a Republican, a Douiocratia
If a Democrat, a Republican
Slippery front-door slaps.
1'en uou est when you want it.
Miserable pou whou you get it.
Thiok iuk.
No cuvelopos.
J.uty"eggs f jt broakfaat.
Ioug sermons.
High wind blowing hat off.
Counting week's salary after jam
Fly in coffeo,
Fly ia tea .
, Crying bubios on Car or boat. ;
. Kulargod, shirt, buttou-holes at
ueck, letting nock gear down by the
ruu.. '
Sight of steamboat smoko-slack
moviug off wheu uiuety suceuds too
late. ' : ' ' . ''
. Or roar of tratu wheu ninety eoo
ouds tod lato. ' '!' ' ';
. Man who shows , aud epils iu car
or boat.
' Periton who oalls whoa you're out
and leaves no address.
Wn Ui--Im.w tnmm lit . air1
IS82. NO, 4fi
magiix.inn, "to bo conlinuod.''
.Slainming windo v blinds.
Trying to think of si man's nann
you havo forgotten.
Trying to rcc.illect whorn yon pn'
it. Now York Ornphio.
A Sign Wlrcli Congticrcd
A Wayne County firmer, who ii
much iinnoyed by trainpR, ramo l
Detroit a while ugo and had half,
dozen signs of ".Siini'lpox iare!'
painlttd to pout up on his liotihw hikI
grounds. Although ho hal ot e oi
either side of I ho gte, they had lio'
boon up two horns l efoioa lovi
passed belwoeu them uud al,ed fui
Didn't yon sre thoso signs on
the gate ' ' deman.lod the faimcr,
'Yeh'r, but can't read."
Tliu next one said ho was near,
lighted nnil tllOllyiii tho liiyiiS rcti"
"for sale.''
Thu third had smallp x and wui
willing to mil so the f imily.
Tho fourth had been vaccinated
and was reckless.
Thu fifth ha I a remo Iv lo hell.
Tho sixth, getting a ay with a
Cold bite, turuod to his beliefaetol
and said :
"If you want lo brat tho bovs
knock doun tie 'jo signs and put
up one reading, "iloip wautul." It
never fails to keep them jogging
straight along,''
The fin uier followed the advice,
and ho ha-u't had a call since.
The OIil Vel.
"Judge, don't bo bald tu nil old
vet," pleaded a driilikurd w ho was
uiruiguud at the Central coin t, Mon
day looming.
( "Weio you iu tho war .""'
"I was, jour honor.''
"What regiment f '
"No regiment. J b1 ashed around
"What army wcro you attached
"None of "em."
"Wuro you in any battles ."
"Heaps of em, your honor."
"(ivo mo Iho name of any oue
"Duuker Hill,'' was thu prompt re-
"Hunker ill! Why that battle
wuu fought over a hundred years
ago!'' exclaimed thu court
"Of cuiusuhhu was, your honor
of course she win."
' Do you think I'd be menu enough
to unit you go light ou mo for hav
ing sloshed around iu any of these
liots of tho l.iht fifty years ?"'
Tho Busy Cobbler.
' Let's see let's see when did
Christopher O'lumbus dio ' qucii-.
ed a brisk little mau us hu entered it
shoo shop iu iliclii(.;au avuuuo yes
torday. "l.'au't you come iu dis cafuitis V
replied Iho cobbler us he ceabod Lis
"1 would like to havo you tell mo
"Ybcll, I likes to oblifjo yon, but
you sue my sou Shun ho lukes all
do tncusures iu a pook, uud like
euough ho kuows if Col umbo vhus
"lo you kuow who discovered
"Vholl, I oxposs I do, but I haf so
mauy customers nil der time 'dot J
doau' keep truck of names no more.
f ait till Sliou comes in he kuows
der wholo crowd, J'Vea I'rc
m .-p.
Foiion ol a Puf.; -
Never pick your tooth with a pin
m uou. loss a sore. I'iujr ara biussj
however whits they look, and the
copper ia thorn is always asnociuted
with tho deadly verdigris. 1
Not loug ao a , young married
womuu af Albauy died under cii cum
staooeti of a west peculiar uuturo.
Sfho picked with bratis pio a ,"cold
sore' on tier uppvr lip aud rubbed it
with camphor, her faoe coaitutuced
to swell, aud lit furs uight her whole
fco was wollnu.. to ua tkbuoruial
sisa. . ,
u lUr bubuid was telugtspUad for
and arrilsd boel the uufortuuste
lady died, but sua could bet ,spotik
to hlw susk-via-tlM,.widitiou ol
her (huu, Krjsipelas bad " ia of
tb most viruluut type, aud death
rsaultett iu forty-eight hours.' "
-'"f .. . J
' l'ulrielr J1 roy, boinj about to; - dla
at Jolict,' vsiMsd a' priest and two
fr!ou,d to ojirry ulm out to a abed
There lis uiovsd tk board, aud 13,300
.,..111 t.llw
TIIH l(Wf4
Published every Thursday Evr-miir
Tortus of Knbsonplioh, '
iihlo vitliln six months, nr lloOlfnM
pnid within thfl year. No paprr Im
reiitiniicd until all arrearages
puid mile at the option of the pub-
kiuhscriptionn nntsido of UlO COtint
Iy Pei si 'tis liiliiij; anil using paper
.ibee. o nlli"-s lipeiHne Slliiscrilier
s:id nre li.ible forthp iri p oflhe puper
That Hrown'sIron IIitttrs
will cure tho worst case
of dyspepsia.
Will insure a hearty appetite
and iru.rca.scd digestion.
Cures general debility, ami
gives a new lease of life;
Dispels nervous depression
and low spirits.
Restores an exhausted nurs
ing mother to full strength
and gives abundant sus
tenance for her child.
Strengthens the muscles and
ncrves.cnriches the blood.
Overcomes weakness, wake
fulness, aud lack of energy
Keeps off all chills, fevers,
and other malarial poison.
Will infuse with new life
the weakest invalid.
j WilVr sr., luttimT, XV. R!
K t m yrar. 1 lin m crvtt
fiiillercr from III.nmI Iiucjm, I ',
n ,.miU.n.tiMliiii,aiiill-..iu
iVIulitAlrtl I iomM nol rrtlfl
poyllnn t niy Ii, in f.i, ,
lit,: liad alm.f Itfcuma I.utiIn.
iil.illy, Ix-il li" rijilulm.wt IcS
r, my hiil)Aml n-inn llsuwM't
1,1. N VtrilX4 p.lvvrli.r.l In lha
t' iN.'r, tmlui i .t m to give it a trial,
.mi n. ,w;iit the lliir.t .mila
ml h.vr tint 1,'it mi wt-ll in i
yvAl m X li rfl tlic i.rc.rut tunn .
Mi. U i, Curnu
Brown's ' Iron ' Bitttks
will have a better tonic
effect upon any one who)
needs "bracing up," that!
(my mcdiuuu nude. '
Heeiiu-i' they have irnvcd tbeiiihelves
the llest Kxtei'in 1 Kemeilv cvertu
I'enti'il. They wit! cure ie-f hum, rolils,
voiit't's, i In nnmi i-ei, neiiriilfiii, nnil
any li.enl p iiiis.
Applied ( the uniill of the back
they in-" li f.illialile iu Hack Ache;
Nervous llehility, nnd nil Kidney
1muIiis; to the pit of the r-touilicll
they nre u Mire cure for lyHpephln
and liiver ( 'oinplnint.
Al.l.Ciit U s iili S I'LASTKRH
.ire piiiiilcrs, fiMKrimt. nnd cpilck to'
ur". ' I'm ware nf iinit.itioiis tlnit tilis
ter mid burn, li. t Al.I.Ci U 'K'ts, th'
only ( ieimiiie 1'iiroiis l'Jiihl!'.
.Ian. .1, lHS-J, dm.
nil Iff rnlitx-tl o
II.L'Ip iit I iii a
Iivph i r.tioii :'(. hinrlnorifl itnt h puaiirl
by (do ukb .'I the Kra.l
wblrti ii'wMtlrrly rel iiarnmnnntlT rnrM lin
l,ii.n, y (, iii.n. l,y mi-i,.fi nl m,y kin, I),
Si iiilnul Wsl.naii, nl ail illmtanrii ib.l lol
low An nt,iurii ! ,Sull-nliui.. im lum of oq
rruj. Ion of inarmr?. iiiiI)tsI I.tli..
In ili btolr. illfi.nflN ol virl in, iormit-liiro ul.i
uu. ol iiimy o'lo r Uro i., tl al lomt to Id.
rmiiliy urriinuiiiiiiiin uml it ir.nintiir icrav.
r-Ml lor rlreii In r- with lo.uinonl.l. Itts lr
null. Tlin IN 1UAT'K iuuM at fl l"
xt, ri lor br Sll ,lruil, ,.r m'tl
te r i-nl lro dy mall, naurala a&luJ. nu roatnt
( irlco of 4'lilr mlii
F.J. CHEMEY, Oruflglst.
I"7 Summit St.. Toiilri. Oktr.
Holt A nam fur Ilia Cultvil bUlar,
Mumti, I",
I will mnM llrol
Vi'trrtiilil.. Itiilm
th rxrnliit Kmi'la
.' i lkli a, llniilra anil lira, ! :
tlia llio 'off. rlnnr au.l In aotllal . alun In. (run-
mat win nnaia v,'
Hilda fur uniilucliin a luxuriant Kruwtli ol hair
oufa balil homl or ili ,-. a,Mo.ii In-
-.ln-. aimi, HtN- V AN fj tXF UO., I
Tba ailvartlnar kavlnic li.-ati rioriieineiiilv
cura t vl that rlr. ail niraaa, Uor.nrnt.itin, ti i
luiiil" rama-ly, tr tmiuui tu uiak kui.vt to
iiu iiinw-.uiii.rrr Itc maaiia of eti: ,. , Tn all
wh ilclra It, ho will aan.l ft anu ol om lira.
aorlitlon UAi-il, irai chaitfa iwitii im
llolia lor iriparlnic anrl urhiH Ilia ram.., . Iil.t
lliay will Mud aaura t art lur llnnalia va.i.i,
tiMiiiiHiilit,, ll.uiii-l.llla 4,0.
I'arllaaa-laalDiituaPratnrliiiliin. will ,aarr
Mr..k-a-aA-ii0vii t ana hi.,
WIUIiur'iureU, S.V.
AH KM l'Ut:M N wd.imllarail lT yara Iron
Noraoua libltll.lTV. t'Kr H A rns UK
eAY,a,' il all tlianiaoia yu'kful Indl.ora
Hon. will lot th laka tit iufl.'M huiuanlLv.
d.I Ir.'o to all wliu noo l It, Ui taolpo atol dl-
raaiiuB mr maaiair iaaaiuii raraonv i, ablaa;
ho wmi ournd. hullarara wlalilny tn rroftl L?
thratlvertUar'a raiiarlatioo giiti do ao liv aa.
uruahiuB in in-nocwinn ivnca
UN U. oUlitN, ilOodarsi. N. Y.
rev. lo, jr
K kern on hatnf all Liu (ft fj
mefc, lVarruiilt, ' Lciuc, Sub)tH
ts.itc te.r ' -,- ' '
.ia t a ,
Tya -j.i .v-w
hona-ft-Mk-rr, or.rvrm. ot inmimtcJ. 1 ii4 rt
iUtiaat atU Cu1v.miu I' 1 1 iiiKiruiatii ai (Miotl
o, " i r1-1 " Is h