'Vflve'rtWntr Flute Oa column one ysr, I'iO.OO One-half, column, one year, 80.00 One-fourth column, one rmr, 15.00 Onasatisre (10 line)! Imortioa . 76 i ?er additions! insertion,- SO Frofowionalsnd Bii.iiueaaCftrdi of . not mora than 0 lino, per year, 5.00 Auditor. Executor. A.dmiuitrtor nad Aiwignee Nuttees, 2.50 Editorial notice per line, . . 15 All trsnaeient Advertising lets (linn I months 10 cents line. . All advertisements for a shorter ne rtod thn one yenr are nsyable at tin time they are ordored, and if not paid tae person ordering mem win oe new yjsponaible for the money. Poetry PRAYER. Our Father Oo-l abore, O hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, In earth ami heaven the tame. Give us our dully bread For by Thy graoe we live Forgive onr trespasses, O Lord, 'Al other we forgive. Into temptatlon'a power O lead ua not we pray, ' Inineroy, Lord deliver n, From evil's wicked way. And thine the kingdom Lord, And thine the glory be And Thine the everlasting power, Through all eternity, A men. What the Cireus Did. We were a quiet and sober set. Little accustomed to noise and fret, Deoent and modest at work or play, And oh I so prober In every way, Before we went to the cirousl We wentto church, we went toaohool. By the very most orthodox kind of rule, For we were a people of good deoent. And rather phlegiuatio of temperament Until we went to the circusl Alas and Blast 'tis a woeful sight. The way we are changed at the time I writel Father is awnylug against the breeze. Hung by thetoes from a high trapeze, Xrylng to copy the circusl The boys on their heads, vlth feet In air, Are riding wild horsea on each high chair, Or down on their backs on the side walk brick Are balancing tubsforajuggllngtrlitk; The girls have painted their handsiuid face And got themselves up for an ludiun race, A they saw them do at the circus! Mother high, np on the table stands, fiwings the baby with both her hands. Swinging the baby with many u rub, Aud brandishing him like au Indlun club! While baby himself, Inaterrlble fright Howls Ikle a Zulu from morn till nlglit, Since we went to the circus! Alas and alas! I can only say, I wish in the night, I wish la the day, 1 with wltuiuy heart, I wish with my head, I wish with my ears, which are nearly dead, I wish with a sort of mute despair, I wish with a shrink that would rend the air We never had gone to the circusl I'orTUa Pout. REBEL PRISONS. BY OR. R. BOTH ROOK. I remember, at tbie time, the bis tory of on day' exertion in trying to get tome food ready for my hun gry stomach, which ia ao illustrative of the difficulty generally experienc ed, that I will relate it I opened the programme oue morn ing by getting ready to cook 'mash.' The wood consisted of eome root a which I had - "extracted" from the ground the day previous, and con-, aeqaently waa not very dry j ao, when I waa atirring the veal the fire would go out, and while I waa blowing the fire the tin pail would tip over. I worked three or four hoora in thia way without auooeai, when I abandoned the task oa ac count of a rain coming op, potting the wood into my pockets and hat to ieep it dry. In the afteroeon it cleared np, when a comrade and myaef, impelled to the aame purpose by a common hunger, went to work jointly for 'our mash. But after nearly blow ing the breath out of our bodies, and getting the fire fairly nnder way, the wood got all, or more properly peaking waa all burned op. And, while we were in puraoit of more wood to finish oar "soald" (for, with our moat sanguine hopes, we did not expect anything more than merely to scald the meal,) eome one passing along stumbled, and upset the ingredients of our musb. and we arrived on the epot just ia eeasoa to save the pail from the bands of ruthless "flankers "another term for thievea need among ua. Ruefully we looked at the composi tion on the ground, and then at each other's faces, and went to bed thai night sadder and hungrier than We got up, without breakfast, din fcer, or supper. The next morning, lo sheer desperation through hunger A . . a . a. w wuion w nad not got . so thoroughly accustomed, as we aub. ill VOL. 19. of clothing for a Johnny cake about the sice of the top of my hut, and ate it with comic voracity and I con fess, with all my hunger, I could not but langh, the whole group waa ao exceedingly comical and at the same time ludicrous. One of our numbor, never to fat, in about a month after our capture had become a picturesque combination of skin and bones, during my stay in this prison (we all lost strength and muscle at a rapid rate, at the end of three or four months, I oonld lap my thumb and finger above the el bow joint, not very much of a Del toid muscle there to see or to foci.) Well pitcb-pioo smoke, and dingy blue, surmounted by an old hat. through a bole in tbo top of which bis hair projected like an Indian plume. Aa be eagorly, but critically broke pioce after piece for mouthfula and, aa he tormod the process of eating, demolished it, his critical eye detected a substance foreign to Johnny-cake, which, npon nearer examination, proved to be an ovor grown louse, wbicb had tragically mot hie fate in Indian men!. The reader will query, '-Did this auoct your appetite r l can assure you "not a til," for we ate it down to the crumbs, and hungrily looked into each other's faces as though some one was to blatno that thero was no tnoro. . Cooking our bacon was generally performed by fixing it upon a sharp stick, and holding it ovor tbo fire i by those who were lucky enough to possoBS the implements, or utensils, by frying over a fire i but in a gient majority of cases was eaten raw. which was also the popnlar way of eating fresh meat, when we got it, as it was considered a cure and pre ventative for scarvy. But the custom, I believe, to be more owiug to the scarcity of wood, than from any sanitary provision or forethought of ours. What was prompted by necessity we made a virtue of. by seeing some good in every extrome into which we were forced by circumstances. I, for one, was always too hungry to wait for it to be e lokod, especial ly when I bad to build a fire and find the wood. A favorite dish was prepared, by taking a pint of Iudian ruoul, tuixiug it in water, and tbo dough thus made was formod into dumplings about (he size of a hou's egg. Those were boiled with bits of bacon, about ss big as marbles, nutill they floated upon the top of the soup. Thus made the dumplings wore takou out, cut open, and the soup poured on, giving us a dish which was a groat luxury, although under other cir cumstances we would not have in sulted our palates with such a con coction of eatables as those were. Sometimes we made ooffbe of burned bite of corn bread, by boiliug them la a tin cup, which was greadi ly drauk, without sweetening . or milk, i This waa our introduction into the living death of Andersonville, which, in spite of its comic sido, had not one gloom of comfort to illumi nate the misery of bondage. Sad as waa tbe introduction dur ing our first month's imprisonment, t aforwarda became iuoxpressibly worse. If any of tbe men tunnelod out of tbe stockade, we would not get any rations for twenty-four hours. We became ao hungry that we did resort to desperate nieana to get aometbing to eat, bad we done some things in aa enlightened community, we would have want to jail. Some of the prisoners, who bad been confined ia those reble hell holes, were reduoed to mere shadow. One fellow come along one day, be observed as eating, be said, bow are ye," aat down, and looking first at one of our party and. then at another, to ascertain no doubt, bow we would take things, he gradually helped bimsolf to Johnny cake aud molasses, wbiob we happened to have at that particular time. With great coolness be gave a relishing smack to bie lips, aa be used np tbe last of tbe molasses on tbe last piece of Johnny-oake, and said. "Those lasses ars good." He was a Kantuckian, and naturally a good deal of a follow. Nature, at least bad stocked blm well with shrewdness, Impudence, and dariog, qualities not to be die pisvd U I jcU a place. MIDDLEBUliG, SNYDERIICOUNTY, Tbrongb him t became initiated into all the mysterios of tunnelling, and other modes of escape from pri son. I commenced my first tunnol with bim, and become conversant with all his plans. One day this man sail to me, that about all tbe wny be know of getting out of the prison was to "die." Tbey carry the dead out but it is bard word for tbo living to get a aigbt. I did not exactly uudorstaod him, for I knew be had to tnuoli of the game character to give np iu despondonoy; and as for dying, I bad no idea he thought seriously of such a thing aa long as thero was any kick in him. You can imagine my enrpriso, to soe two comrades soriouely lugging poor uiuy out on a stretcher oue morning, with bis toes tied together, which was all the ceromony wo had in prison in laying out th dead. t I took a last look at poor Billy as he lay npon the stretcher, and said, ''Poor Hilly," I little thought be would go away as be had planod it. He rnakos a vory natural corpso,' soul oue of the boys i and sure enough, he looked tho name ns in life, only his f.ico was a liltlo dirtier if anything The next day I was startled to hoar, that after Billy was laid in tho . . . uuau-uouso, ue toon to uis legs as livjly as evor, an J vv.tlko 1 aw.iy. Ho never was heard of ia my pri son experience ognm, and probably escaped to Shormau's army, which was then in Marietta, Tunnelling was porfortridod in much the s imo manner wood chucks dig their bolos. First a holo was sunk about Ave foot in the ground, then wore com menced parallels, tho holo sutllcieut ly lurgo to admit a tunc. The lubor was perfonnnd during the night, and the dirt curriod off iu haversacks and bags, and scattered around camp. Tho mouth of the tunnel was cov ered np during the day to prevent discovory, which was moro litiblo to happen than othorwise, from tho fact that great iuditoeruouts of oxlra rations wore offerod t epics. I was ongaged in digging, duriug tho first week, on no loss than four tunnels, which were all discovorod by the robs, before being fiuishod. Oue of the great lustruinuuts of death iu the prison was the dead lino. Ibis line consisted of a row of stukos driven into the ground, with narrow ooaru strips ouiied uown on the tops, at tho distance of about fiftoun foot from the stockudo.ou the interior sido. This lino was closely guarded by senliuols, stationed above oa tbo stockado, and any person who lisp- pened to touch this dead line was sure death, as many anoonsoiously did and as ia the crowd waa often unavoidable, no warniog to any one,' but sure death. An intance of this kind came to my notice the fourth day I was in prison. A poor one-logged criple placed one hand ou tbe doad line to sup port himself while be got his crutob, which bad fullon from bis fooble grasp to the ground. The rebel guard put a bullet through hia bead. In this position he was shot another time through' the lungs, and laid near the dead line waiting ia tor ment during most of the forenoon, until at last death came to bis relief. None dared approach bim to re lieve bis sufferings through foar of mooting with tbe same fate. The two guards loadod their muskets after tbey bad preformed this dastardly and iuhuman aoL and Krioning with satisfaction, viewed the body of the dying, murdered man, for nearly an hour, with appar ent pleasure, occasionally raising their guns to threaten any one who, from outiosity or pity, dared to ap proach tbe poor follow. 7a a similar manner men were oontinuully shot upon the smallest pretext, aud that it was nothing but a pretext waa apparent from the fuot that one man approaching tbe dead line oould have la no manner harmed tbe cumbersome stockade, even bad be been inclined so to do. and a hundred msu could not, with their united strength, have foroed themselves out of the stockade. Frequently the guard fired iudis vuialnatuly lute a orud. 1 Si. 9 CIS On one occassion saw a man woundad and another killed) ono lying nnder bis torn blanket asloop, the otbor standing some distance from tho dead line. A key to this murderous, inhuman practico was to bo found in a stand ing ordor at robel huad-qnartors, that "any sentinel killing a Federal .11. . . . - .. ouiier, approacning toe Head line, shall receive a furlough of sixty days i while for wounding ono be shall rooeive a furlough for thirty days." iuis onier not only clloroil a premium for murder, but encourag ed tho gnafd in otbor outrages, to inhuman to rolato in soy civilized community, against which we had uo defence whatevor. Men ianocont of any inlontion to infringe the prison regulations were not safe when lying in the flinto of their blankets at night. Four or live instances happened within range of my observation at Andersonvillo, and there wuro doz ens of cases which I heard of, suc ceeding the report of guns iu the stockado. Scarcely a night or day passed hut tho sharp crack of a musket told the murder of auothcr defenceless victim. Mcu becoming tirod of lifo com mitted suicide in this manner. They had but to get under tho doad line, or lean upon it, and their fate was sealed iu dentb. Ao incident of this kind enme U my notice or knowledge in July. A N'ew York soldier had tried to es- capo onco or twice, by which moans ho had lost his cookiug utensils and his blanket, and was oldigod to ou- dure the raiu aud heat without pro tection, aud to borrow, beg or steal cookiug implements, eat bis food raw, or starve. Lying in tho ruin ofton at night, followod by tho trop ical heat of day, was torture which goaded him to dospcralion. J1o an nounced bis determination to dio, and getting ovor the dead lino, was shot through the heart. Ouo can not bo a constuut witness to such scouos wituoul beini: n Hooted in them. I doubt not ho saved him self ly such a cotirso miiuh trouble uud pain, anticipating by only a few wccki a death bo must eventually have s n lie rod. Those jiuhiimau and barbarous orders were issued b by Copt Wirzo commanding the prison, horrible indeed to think of. Under the tortures of such impris onmont, where its continuation certain, is a man blamable ia hast ening or anticipating death by a fow weeks or days, thus savin? bimsolf from the lingering tortures of death by exposure and starvation T God iu bis infinite mercy only can an swer it, and will at the final judg ment day, when the prison victim and bis unrelenting foe shall bo ar raigned bofore Him who nototh even the fall of a sparrow 1 To be Vontinued. CnEEKLx Thrift. A neighboring editor who probably has some rea sou to coniphdu speaketh ia Ibis manner We like to hear a man re fuse to tuke his home paper, and all the time sponge on bis neighbor for tho reading of it We like to hear a man oomplaiu when asked to sub scribe for bis borne paper, that he takes more papers than he reads now, and then go around the oornei and borrow his neighbor's or loaf around until be gathers in all the news from it. We like to see a man run down bis home paper aa not worth taking, and every now and thou bogs tbe editor for a favor iu the editorial line. We like to see s meobanio or morohaot refuse to ad rertise in bis borne paper, and then try to get a share of the trade a newspaper brings into town. We like to see these things, it looks very economical, thrifty, progressive and cheeky. Ex. A little boy who wouldn't run to tbe store for bis mother until be bad bad a drink of water, pleaded in ex tenuation of bis disobedience that "even a river couldn't ran wbeo it waa dry." Why is Baro urn's show 'like a dog's tail 'Causa it follows ' Fore- paugl ' A lawyer is about, the only man that evr made anything by opposiug 4 WJIMSUS Sfdl, . 4A HI TA, JUNE 15, 1882.. Blood and Thunder Novelist. Tho other day n stout womon. armod with an nmbrelU and leading a small nrehin. called at tho office of a New York boy's story papor. 'Is this the place whore they fibt Indiaus V sho inquired of the sentleman in cliariro. "Is this the locality here tho brave boy charge np tho canyon nud spoods B bullet to tho heart of . tint diibky ro lkin ?' and she jerked tho nrehin mound by tho ear and br .light her Umbrella down on tbo dsk. "We publish stories for boys," re plied tho young man evasively. "I want to know If theso are th premises on which tho daring lad spriygs npon his fiery mustang and. darting through tho circle of t!i thunderstruck savages, cut the captive's cords and boars bim away before tho wondering Indians have recovered from tholr astonishment f That's tho in formal ion I'm after. I want to know if that sort of thing is prcpotratod here 1" and sho swung tho umbrella around her head. "I don't remember thoso specific acts," protested the young man. "I wautlo know if this is tho pre cinct wboro tho adventurous boy jump:) on tho back of a buffalo ami with uuerriug aim picks off ouo by one tho blood thirsty pursuers, who bfto the dust at overy crack of hix faithful rillo 1 I'm looking for the place whore that sort of tiling hap pens ?" and Ibis time she brought tho uulueky young iu ma tromeudoii whack across tho buck. "I think " CJiuuioiioeJ tho dodg ing victim. "I'm in search of tho shop iu which tho road agont holds the quivering stago driver poworless with his glittering eye, whilo he robs the inalo passengers with an kdroitooss boru of long oxperionoe, ind kissos tho hands of tho lady passengers with a gallantry of bear ing that bespeaks noble birth aud a hivalrous naturo '." screamod tho woman, driving tho young man into a corner. "I'm looking for the apartment in which that business is transacted 1" and down camo tho umbrella with trip hammer force ou the young man's bund. "Upon my soul, ma'am " gaspod tho wretched youth. "I want to bo introduced to tho jars in wlncli you koop mo uoy scouts of the Sierras I Show me the bius full of the boy detoclivos of the prairio Point out to me the barrels full of boy pirates of tbe Spanish maiu I" and with each doiuaud sho dropped tho umbrella ou the young man's skull until he ekippo I over tbo dusk and sought safety in a neighboring canyon. "I'll teach 'cm," sho panted, grasp ing the urchin by tho ear uud lead ing him off. 1 11 loach 'em to muko it good or danco. Waut to go fight Indians any more f Want to stand proudly upon tho pinmvdo of the mountain and scalier tho plain be neath with the blooding bodies of uncounted slain f Want to siy 'hist!' in a tone that broke no contradio lion t Propose to spring upon the taflroil and with a ringing Word of command send a broadside into the richly laden galloy and then merci fully spare tho beautiful maiden in the cabin, that sho may become your bride f Kb f Goiog to do it any usore f With each question she hammered the yelping nrchiu' until his bones were sore and ho protested his per manent abandonment of nil the glories enumerated. "Then oomo along, said she, tak ing him by tho oollur. "Let me oitoli you arouua wuu any mort ramrods and carving knives and you'll thiuk the leaping, curling ro sistless prairie fire bad swept with a ferocious roar of triumph across the trembling plains aud lodgod in your pantaloons to stay." A lady pnt her watob under ber pillow, tbe other night, but couldu't keep it there beoauso it disturbed ber sleep. And there, all the time was ber bed ticking right under her, and she never thought of that at all. 8opbronia f -Can tbe weather pro phets foretell sudden rata storms ii Summer ?" Tbey oould, probably, ii they knew tbe datos on which Sun day sohool picnics would be, Glass sllugla woiks ate to l slailed at 1'ituLuig. . JiM PH'tti NO, 44 Tho newer Arithmetic. A new nritbm tio has boon gotten up in tho west. It in a product of the Ihlrott Fft I'rcnn office A fow problems nro given below. In one lot thoie ore four calve and in another two young nu n will i heir hair parted in the ccutru. M many calves in ull An alderman who has an iifTcia' salary of 101 per year, spends !l-( to bo elected. How much Woil'il ho lose if ho didn't soil bis iutluct.ci to rings and schemer t Mary bought a comb for ten cents a spool of thread for six rrtiln, and i paper of pins for seven cents, Sh handed li e clerk a firlf cent picc witb a ntove- ipo bole in tbo rim How many cents did sho icceivo ii cbungo f A man ordered n Ion of po,1 nm! received I, MOO pounds. How niucl more was duo bim, and how i?id hi ;o lo woik lo get it 1 A woman I ought eleven yards cloth and paid for it with butter, giving threo pound of butler for n yard. Thero nas a stone weighing li vo pounds in tho centro of tin crock, and the denier cheated her i yard and a half iu measuring tin loth. Who was ahead ou tlm' trade, and how much A f.mncr's wife had twruty-tMc bens. A preacher comes to stiM ver Sunday, ami sho cooks u neck piece of corn bctf. VAw many hein has hho left f A boy can turn eighty cents a day aud beat tbe old man out of hi board at per wek. How iniiel will ho huve nfter tho first gimn! "ggregiilion of gigautio woudeis leavo townf tVlbeit has niuo marbles and Aaron steals four. How many are leftf -laron drops a dime from hit- pocket, and Albert swullows it. What was Aaron's profit on the whole business T Hunting a Fishing Locality. Boy-H, do you livo around bore V "Yes, sir." "Then you must know tho host fishing ground "No. sir, Wo novor fish in tin ground up horo." "But do they catch any fish in that lako over there V "I never saw 'em catch any.'' "Mow is the creek V " guess its pretty well." "Dou't thoy fish for trout hero ? "I novor oxed 'em what they wore fishing for." "Is thero any gaum in tho woods! "1 never saw uuy, but in near sighted," "Do many pooplocomo boro" ''J guess so," "Any scenery around lieief "I guess ho, but 1 forgot to look and see," "Boy, what bait do you uso here to fish with t" "Well, wo'vo got four school ma'ams fi out Gruud Itipids board- iag ut our house, aud that other muu over on the hill has a deaf aud dumb coon, a tame beur nud a putt of a busted 'Undo Tom's I'ubiu troupe. I guess its purty good bin', By the way, the old man is putting up beds in tho barn au' cussiu' him self for uot plautiu' more onions" A Krooklyn lawyer who has the reputation of seotuiug pensions for men who were within twenty miles of any tattle, was waited upon a feu dirs ago by a man who thong it I a deserved something fr ui TJuclu S ir , when tho following conversation took placo : 'Did you go to war T" "No, bu was iu camp at Elmira for tou days.'' "Were you aCCidou tally wouudod T' "No." "Have a heavy lit of slckoeas 7" No." "Get cbronio diarrcehoaf '' No." Contract rheumatism 1" "No.", . "My friend said tbe lawyer, as be looked at bim iu a fatherly way. "soma ponsion agents might bs dis oourajed over your case and refme to touch . it, but I ahall at oneo for ward your papers for a pension on tbe grouud that you were broken of your usnsl rest during those teu uigbts. Call again in sixty days for your back pay, Qood rooming, air next 4 Fai nt bauds are oountyi asarss iu Bi fl CLOTHING ! i ; CLGTHIN&J 'Klt ANNt'M. . . ,-fthfn tTi mohthsY'or te.tWi'fiwvf prtd i(Mn the year. No pnper dit continued imtil all rrertfiire - psid unless at the option of tho LUh lishe'r. . 8uWrfp((ons r.utlrt'e t1 (he cOtmtsf PA VAI1I.R IN ADtANCS. ttfVrsonfl lifting ffnd truing pai s addressed Vn others bCeomcsiiLseniiort nd tfo liable forlhe tiie6 of tbe piper PLAIN TRUTHS Tht Mend ii Hit fonndailnn of lift, it rirrulatrn thrii(l;li every art 6f Ihe Uxty, Mid unW'M it is rate suit rich, rtkhI livallli I imxM,iMe. If ilisvftkC has rntcml tin- nystrtn Ihe vnty wire and irirlc way lorlrivu it out it lo purify ami cniich the blitod. These ftim'pte f.irH stc wilf known, anil the highrtt mimical authorities aijrce that svMm,,' hut trim will restore the Mou.1 lo ii natural cnntlitinn ; ami alvi that til the Iron preparations htthrrtnt made blacken the teeth, raine head ache, and arc otherwise injmionj, Hhown's Iki.n liinraswlllthor Mihly ami ijulelily aiiniTalr wilH the Hood, purifying and strengthen ing it, and thus diive disease from any part of the syttcm, and it will blacken Ihe teeth, cause hrad ache or constipation, and it lively tut iiijuuuut. Saved hit Child. 7 N. Euuw St, 11 ihimow. Mil. reti. w, iHfWi. r.ents t'r'n tlie priMnmm'lii li 'II of fiim.l m.. I Ikin' Inn lltriNKS ns a tonic An. I r.--slir.mve f,r niy d.mlilrr, ahum I w thnnmiglily t'-nvni,-. il mi w.i.liiiri .o.,y will, ( .n .utiiili.ii. Il.ivini( lo,( tflree tl.iutilcrk tiy llm ti-irlM.- ilisn.t.r, untlrr Ilia ,.o of rminrnt liliysii i.n,., I w.it iuih lot tcliv:o dial Aiiylluii ciiiilil rrst Ilie pntcrrs ut the ,lj-.rA,f.t tun. fii my nrr.it ,uriH.r, hefurv my tf ini-.n. t'-l lud l.ikrn nncliMlltrnl finnWN'4 Inn III, ihms, she hrnii to mrnit mul now is iiulr r.-Hoird to f. uttier lls-.illll. A lillh (Ultyltli-r brMf of how ki,;n ,f Cuiiftuiniition, n, when Ilie tibyiiinn was rinMilr, lie iiuiikly siikI " lanirt wrre to. fiuii.-.l." mul when iiifortnril lli.it the iltlrr si,ii-r .is taking llM'jwN'tf Ikon llinms, r .iislcD "itin la a guud tome, Lit,. 11." AusiHAlt PniLI-a. TtnWsTnMTtiTTrRl effectual ly cures IiysKpsiu, lin!i(:cMion and Weakness, uud renders the preatett relu f and hcnclit to persons mflennjj from inch wasting diseases aa Con eunijjUon, Kidney CuuilaiuU, etc.' WHENCE CCMES THE UNBOUNDED POPULARITY CF Heeaiiso tbey have proved Ihi-uihclvprf the Hrst llM. i iii l K.'iiii'ily ever in ei'titi-d. Tbey will cure iistlinm, r.dil". youths, ibi'iiinutiMii, inirritlxin,' it n I1 any lni'itl pains. Applied to tlie Hinnll of (lie liaclV they lire iiifalliable in llm k Arbe; NervoiiN Kebilitj, imil nil Kidney trundles; to the pit ut I lie r-tinmeif they tire a Mife cure for 1 1) Kpepxitt and Mvi r Ciniipluinl. AI.U'Ui'K'N '( UitM'N PI.ASTKItrf aro pninlesH, fragrant, mid ipilek id 'lire. Kewure of imitations Hint blis ter mid dnni. f.et AI.I.COt;K H, the' only ((outline pnrtms I'lnMer; Jan. ti, lbS-. lini; Tlnitii in, In liyen I'Mimi .v.i. in,, , inu.. n ! haaltL reflorai hjr Ilia uo ,il tin. Kra i! GErtMAN INV1G0RAT0R. whl.-li imHlvi1 and .rra anetifly curat Ira-' l.ency llt..k,l h, ( y k t n.l ' Mi uiiniil Ua.linn, anil sil 'It.Ci.mj iillt (i III at I P0l ll('. ttl Hfl I Cn tlllMM nf irny. Intt of maiiiury, uolvor.il Umltu.to. iwin in 111a utflh, illinneim ol vmt .n, wrin'iluro nltl a tea, iml many otmr ll.-einne, tl.nt I, ad to In nliy or riiaauuii'tliin ami n i.rninatiira irravs. ami ti.r niroiilHm Willi to.llllMiilsl. Ire l.y mall. 'I tin I N V IIIHli .Vi lli! I. a .U at l i. i' l, or.l l.o sua for 6. br all ilniKKltlt, nruli i.tni ficol.j luull, aaouralj taaK.il; on racalrt n irioa sy aililrrtaliiic FJ. CHENEY, Druggist. . funnnll S(.. Toiailo. (iib; Hole Annul lur tut t'ultuil bUtat; March, In, 1-1.', I Will limit tror.1 fit a' Fvrrfnl f,.r m. Imhlii' (.'klra, l'iniilra nail IIKiielira, liavliiif ha akin a. ill. rlaur ami lu aulllul : !.. In.irim- llmt U'lll ra.,ikv 'Imv. llona lor irmlilniiK k lii turUnl Kniwlli ol half in a luilil haul or riiniiiili Iu, i.. Aililiatt. In., oloaliikis. iHinn. II hN VANIIH.fi In it Barclay til. N. V. ' TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tha ailvartlaar havlim bnan narninanlla o lira, I ul that iln l iilana.t, riirauini lluii, l,y at anuiua raiuaur, i aiKinua in maiia known lo, hit lilnw-aiilli,f,.r. IIhi maaut ol curn. To alf who iln. I re II, ha will aan.l a ..,( of tha prh; niiiniou uard, dm. ol rtiama tua ill rue. Iuih tor prauarliiv anil ualua Ilia ina, lit. fr hav will fluil a aura Liiaa- lor iTi.iai.. a-..i.iat .jliaMlXpllou, Aatliuia, It hill,, N. fartlat miahlna tha Hraanrliluo, will ilattf ail'In ta.H'.T. A. WILSON f IM I'aau St. I Wllllalatburgk, N. V ; ERIORS CF YOUTH. AdKNTt.KM M tio,uiter,t for Taui-a trout Nervoua UK, III 1. 1 TV. I'KKII A I IK 1U CAY, ami all thaarlaota if yuuihlul I n ,1 It-r r ' inn. win mr sua irku vi twn,-rini( uunianity. k-nil fr.a to all who naa.l II. ilia rasina ami n' raolloiilor matin thaltnila ramailjr I f hlnK he wateuri-d, Hullorara al.hlnii lu irulll tf tha ailvartltar'a axuarlaupa aan J. ma i,w aa. iiratalaji In rwrlnateunil laiina. . , JUUn U. UliUKN, tlUcdaf SI. If ; Tt . rb. It, y. kP oh ha ml nil klndt rj " " Martha $uoh a$ Notes, Sum ItionSo, Warrants, Leases, Subjoe nasydce., ao. FATNIfl TaUX M&tVlit P. a-3r I av at k. a at- sTJtJ-s iw. a. Ii aauuaiad at uumouuiad. -rkSthaapast tagiuat iiuule. S ISO utwatda. Kami lac 1 lUiialralasl Catalagua II lor ititoiMatloa ahit pUcaaf I I . T. P 1 v t m,si w,