The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 01, 1882, Image 3

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    J - I . IUJ !
Hiddlebofg, June 1, .1682.
.,ier OnntT ld on Ik foartb Monday
Jf aWry. kley. and SapUbar, and Seoond
MmM afPa bar.
All communications, business let
ters o., for this office, to secure
crotnpt attention should be addressed
M follows: Thb Post, Middlebnrg
Bnvder County, Pa. Advertisements.
WlCfUlOUS aDi IHUBa DO iimiuuti
In by Monday noon, to pecureinsor
tion In nent wan
Local Newn See
Standing Committee.
Tha following is the Standing Com
siitlee elected for the ensuing year :
Jdsms I- I. Manbeck, J. F. Zeehman
llnnrv Froed. Adnm Hmilh.
Beaver IPest N. U. Middlcswerth,
H. M. Ulsh.
Centre Dr. J. W.Sampsel.H. C. Samp
rhanman-J. D. JIM. A. II. Trout-
man. ......
franklin Jfillard K. ussinger, F,
n aihfVin.
Jackson J 8. Yearick, William Shollv.
Jfonroe-TIieodore ifummol J. P.
Middleereek-J. R. Keelor, Harvey
n(;M!burff .Juhn F. Aitollor, C. C.
T.n! U Hnndricks. IF. g.Htrthl.
Perry John It. Arbogast, Levi Kepler.
Perry West T. P. Derr, Fraud Arbo
Belinsgrove-H. J. Duck, n. T. Parks
N. Houser. J. D. Dover-
H'Mhincton J. A. Hilbish, Jeremiah
June the month of roses.
The Infant School
Friday afternoon.
will picnic on
Dr. B. Rothrock is visiting riiiladol
phla this week.
Market street Is being gravolod
Our young friend James Deavor has
gone to house-keeping.
The past few dtys have been very
fine and pleasant.
John Kelnineer ana A. K. (fill nro
creeling new barns in Franklin.
8imonton, Barber & Co., are erect
ing stable, wagon-house io.
L. Bender and family of Miilliiiburg,
pent last Sunday in this pUco,
Boisterous boys are bad enough, but
boisterous girls are too utterly uttter,
- - -
P. IF. 8pocht has tho mail contract
outbe Middluburg-Millliuburg route.
The copious rains recently have aid
ed the grass crop and brought forth
A new timo table of tho I'hiludelpld
and Reading Uilroud iiu.u- iu uuo
ther column.
quiro Gift's house and office arc
being painted. 11. J. Cfrossgruvo
doing the work.
Mis Martha Hen-old, daughter of
exMayor fun-old, of .rfkron, Ohio, U
Visiting Snyder sounty friends aridirol
Mrs. Sarah Asters, widow of A-J
Tillers, E10., late of this Iioro', residing
at Winfiold, Union county, is lying at
the point of death with a cancerous
tumor iu tho stomach.
Tobacco and Cigars in ovo.-y con
Ceivable quality, quantity and price
(Spanish Cuban-Spanish E ng I is h
Dutch and Amorican cigars. Con
neticut and Virginia best brands of to
bacco atJacoba.Smith'soouuterin tho
Waffle iouse.
Editor Post : Throueh vour Daner,
I desire to express my warmest thanks
w the party, generally, for the hearty
support aocorded me in the late can
vats for Jssemblyman.
Very Truly,
A law of the United States revised
statutes will tuake it lively for any
Dire who fancies he can All up holes In
punched coin for the purpose of
passing it off on bis unsuspecting
neighbor. The penalty la or
imprisonment for five years, at the
auoretion of the Court or both.
Dbooratios. At about 0 o'clock
on Tuesday evening the three Sunday
oonoois met at the Court House,
where they were formed in line by
vr. J. T. Blrlndel, headed by Btetler'
cornet Bond and colors. After pa
rading through town they proceeded
to the cemetery where the decorating
ceremonies were gone through with
A ueat address was made by CoL R. B,
narber, of Mlffllnburg, followed with
prayer by Rev. Herrold. after which
short address was made by Father
ouinuei. About three hundred and
Arty persona took part in the exercise.
Hereditary Traits and other Eisays.
By Righakd A. Pboctob. Price 15
cenU. J, Fitzgerald & Co., Arblishers
W Lafayette Nace. Now York.
Among all the popular expositors of
ocience In the English language, thore
U no author who excels Proctor in
charm of style, in breadth of scholar
hip or In the faculty of making even
the more arduous problems of scionce
asy for the intelligence of the general
reader, e is seen at hi best in the
admirable collodion of essays named
above, forming No. 83 of the series of
cheap reprints of popular scientific
works, known as the urn bold t Libra
ry Tor sale by A, JC. GIF!.
Court convened, Monday, May 931,
1R83. Present, Hon. J. C. Bueher,
President Juriire and Hons. HI rain
O'Nell and S. II. Yodcr, Asaoulnte.
Tipstaves Jno. Mohn, Henry Hum
mel, Adam Wllllard.
Orphan's Cottrvr.
Guardians George K. Mover for
Charles P. Morr. Bephnres Ueinbep.
ling for Annie M. Whltmer. Mlolmel
Miller for minor children of Barbara
Krouxe, doo'd. Augustus Dinger for
minor children of Susannah Helges.
dee'd. Andrew Komlg for minor chil
dren of Mary Romlg-, deo'd.
Decedents'" Estates Return to Or
der of Sale, Jonas Miller, dee'd. Re
turn to Inquest, James V. flogar,
dee'd. and Order of Snln awarded. Re
turn to Order of Sale, Elizabeth Nnyrx.
deo'd. Auditor's Report, John C
Shaffer, dee'd. Auditor's Report, J.
Frederick App, deo'd. Exceptions to
acct of John U. and Francis App,
Adiurs. Icono t). App.Ideu'd. Audi
tor's Report, Jos. W. Knight, dee'd
Auditor's Report, Peter Schlegel.dec'd.
Iiuiuest awarded, HenryMoyer, Jr.,
deo'd. Inauext awarded, Leonard
App, dee'd. Return to Order of Hale,
Dnnlel Kemler, deo'd. Auditor's Re
port, Angeline Rothrock, dee'd. He
turn of Inquent, Joiia Klrteiilmrt.cleeM
Citation to Administrators of John
Bo wersox, dee'd., to file, account. Iu
quaxt awarded, KulMrt L. KowcM.duo'd
Order of Sle, David II. Snyder, dee'd
Order of Sale, John (lelnett, dee'd. I.
B. Wuuderly auditor to tllntritiute
funds In hands of Ixaao lllngamau
Ailin'r &o. of iSuMUiuah lllngamau,
dee'd. T. J. Smith Auditor to dis
tribute funds in hands of Henry
Brown and Duvid Heiiuhach Aduirs,
&e. of Henry Heimbaeh, deo'd., ion
tinned. Exceptions to Recount of
John Moyer Admr., Elizabeth Moyer,
deo'd. 11. II. Uriiuiu, Auditor to dis
tribute funds In hands of Wiu. Hard
ing Admr., Aduiu Uarman, dee'd. F.
E. Bower Auditor to distribute funiln
iu bunds of Fred. B. Herman Admr.
io. of Jonathan Bowerxox, dee'd. F
S. Simpson, Auditor to distribute
Imlimcf In hands of N. I. 3c W. A.
Fisher Admrs. Georgo Fishvr, dee'd.
(ieorge Schnuru Admr. ic. of John
Schnure, dee'd., discharged, having
executed the trust, &0. 11. C. Shatter
appointed Trustee of Dower fund in
estate of John II. Shaffer, dee'd.
Administrators and Executors ac
counts continued MSI.
(jt'AltTUIt Skssion.
Tavern licenses were granted as per
published list of petitioners.
Petition to vacate part of public
roud in Middleereek township View
ers : rii! liii iiiibisli, Joliu tiuudrum.
Dunlcl (lariuau.
Public Road in Middleereek town
ship : (ieo. B. Bcufer, Isaac S. Long
ucre und Sam C. Kessler, viewers.
Publlo Road In Centre A. K. (lift.
John Dorn and J. R. Keeler viewers.
West Beaver, public road, order en
larged. Viewers P. M. Teats, Daniel
Zieber and Jacob U. Snyder.
Commonwealth ugalust Elizabeth
Kerstetter iturety of the peace Eli
zabeth Mut charged with threatening
to burn Cutliarino Troup's house and
barn. TheCominou wealth called sev
eral witnesses who testified that ordi
narily Elizabeth was not dangerous,
but when she would get cross she
might possibly, be dangerous Eliza
beth elaborated her own caso, was dis
charged arid the county pays the
Sulllvan-Ryun skirmish fS and costs.
The (iraud Jury recommended u
new, eheap, iron bed stead for tho jail,
and the repairing of the iron window
sawed out by Oscar Baker.
Common Plkax.
Isaao Beaver Assignee of II. I. Ro
mlg vs. John D. Roiuig Assumpsit
after deft, closed his evldenco PUT.
moved for juggmeiit of NON IMtos. to
which Deft, objected motion allowed
and judgment of NON 1'ItoH. entered to
which Deft, excepted and bill sealed.
Chan. Hower vs. L. R. Hummel as
sumpsit verdict forPllT. forf5.
Eliiw Wolf Extr. &o vs. John S.
Wolf ScL Fa. BUR Mortgage verdict
for PliT.
Oeorge B. Benfer vs. John S. Beaver
Assumpsit Verdict, for Deft.
JI. E. Austin vs. Hiram O'Nell, Guar
dian and W. H. Shaffer Assumpsit
verdict for PUT.
Jesse Knepp vs. Peter Relgle Tres
pass verdict for PUT.
A large amount of miscellaneous
business was transacted for which we
have no space in this issue.
What Shall We Do With Our Boys and
. Girls.
Evidently the first step In family ed
uoutioii is to make the boys and girls
tit to do something, tua next to una
them something to do.
Hound mind, sound morals, sound
UcKty are not accidents, nor are they
entirely providential gifts definitely
bestowed at the beginning of a career
they are the products of training.
A work that practically meets the
great questions upiiermost in every
amily, has just been issued from the
nresHof J. O. MoCludv tt Co.. (Phil-
;. MoUli
aeliilim, Cincinnati. Cliicago anil tst
LoiiIh,) entitled
Self -training, home-training and the
steps or tins training are iald open
clearly in tills valuable book.
The various avenues to success in
life, the multiplied ways of reaching
honest competence are delightful iop
trayed. The book abounds in hints
how to make money, and how to keep
money hints that are revelations.
It may be confidently said, that
tins volume in a luiuiiy would tie a
nucleus about which would crystallize
usefulness, Uurift, eoonomy, money
getting, until, in every instance, it
would bavfaasured a hundred time
its worth. -
If tills book were studied, and lived
up to, the next generation would not
possess a pauer or an idler.
The publishers want canvassers ev
erywhere to introduce this valuable
work, to whom they offer good pay.
Do not be dooeived. Insist on hav
ing (ho gonuine Brown's iron Jitters,
mail a only by the BrowuCUsruical Co.,
and Wka uutLuiwUe.
Oill Edge Butter which brings 0 to
10 cts. per lb. more and yields one-
third more besides ; you will get if you
follow the advice of Hirners Dairy
To be had at Simonton, Barber & Co.
SQUIRE N CSCO IT. Sy 1 vania, O. ,
writes: ' have boen a great sufferer
for 15 years with Brlghl's disease of the
kidneys. For weeks at a timo was tin
able to got out of bod ; used various In
ternal remedies, but they gavo me no
relief. I wore two of Prof. Ouilmotie's
Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now
know I am entirely cured."
It is said that there is only one thing
in tho world that is sure, namoly death.
we can now add another suro thing-
Sines' Syrup of tar. It's sure to euro a
Cough or Cold,
For sale by John A. Montr,. Middle
burg'.Pa. What gives a healthvapnetite, an hr-
creasud digestion,' strength to the mus
cles, and touo to tho ucrvcsT Brown's
Iron Bitters-
Are you low-spirited, "down-ln-the
mouth," and weak in tho back T Does
walking, lilting, or standing causo pain
in tho small of tho back f If so you
havo kidney disease, and Prof. Unl
itnettco's French Kidney Pad is the
only remedy which will cure you rap
idly and permanently and without fill
ing your-stomach with nausealiug
. - .
Men's suits as low ait f .73 at H. Op
penhuimcr's. If you want a Silk Hat givo S. Op.
poiibnimer an order and you will gel
just exactly the thing you want.
Straw Huts in every coneolvable
style, quality and price at 0punhcim
Trunks, Valises, Ratchols to put your
new suits in. and Umbrellas to keep
the rain oil" them, at Oppcuhcimer',
You can bo fixed up from your heel
to tho top of your head so that your
mother-in-law wouldn't know you from
a Congressman, for los mmiey, at Op
penhcimer's than anywhere else iu
Christendom. Go and see. April C,
Sol, Oppenheimer tells you the quali
ty of goods ho soils you and nover
mis-represents anything ho is related
to George Washington and held tho
cherry treo whi'e Georgo did tho cut.
ling with his littlo hatcliot.
Sol. Oppcnheimcr's good luck bene
fits tho pcoplo of Snyder.
Jfo purchased Sinclair's vast Spring
Stock, iu bulk, at the lowest eitsh
price and is the rcforo ahlo to sell goods
cheaper than havo ever beforo been
o lie red iu Snyder county. April IS.
Spring G.iod of every Variety,
Style, tjuality, (Juantily, Price, at
Oppcnheiiuer's. April (i.
7 years in business ami yet Sol Op
penheimer has nover told a lio nor
over-charged a ringlo one of his
thousands of customers.
Onohottlo of Malt Jitter equals in
nourishment fifty bottles of lager beer,
alo or porter, whilo free from the ob
jections urged against malt liijuors,
alrohnliu 'tonics," eto, A purely
nourishing food-
It will pay every body to examine
tlinimmctiKO Stock or Furniture ror
sale by thn Popular Furnituro man
W. II. FELIX Lewislown Pa.
Permit No Substitution,
nsist upon obtaining Flnrcston
Cologne. It is pro-omincntly superior
in permanonce and rich delicacy of
fragrance, Juno,
. -
William II. Uipka, Millwright, Globe
Mills, Is ready to do all kinds of
work in his line of business at short
notice, and guarantees his work. He
is an experience nieobunle.
Much 30, tf.'
Bark ! Bark ! Bark I
I will pay seven dollars eash per
cord for all rock-oak bark of a good
nuulity, delivered at Middleburg sta
tion, should prices advance cull ou
D. R. RoTiinocK.
Faded Colors Restored.
Faded or gray bair gradually rocov
era its youthful color aud lustre by iho
use of Parkor's Hair Balsam, an ele
gant dressing, admired for its purify
and rich porfumo. June.
Middleburg illiirkct.
Simonton. Barber & Co.
Wheat ft BO
" Ho. 3 1 20
Rye DO
Corn - M
Outs.... , M
Potatoes 1 10
Butter 2H
Ku-irs 14
Onions 100
lMTi 12
Tallow... 1 Otl
Ties 24 to 50
Pea Coal 7 A
Chestnut Coal 4 00
Blacksmith Coal 6 00
Kirg Coal 4 00
Plaster, per ton 11 00
Stetler of Mlddlehurir, and Miss Lydiu
is. iteuinger, oi juiuuiecreea.
May 10, at the residence of the
bride s parents, by Rev. Father O'Cou
uell, W. II. Bower and Odessa Cook,
both of Bedford, Pa. .
May 10, In Washington twp., John
Crag, aged 78 years, 8 months aud 4
J-l I I-1JJUU-.-I-
Beaver Springs, Petin'ii.
is aaifinaoriug
W, U. 1MI
iv kt ak
and buy your
Riehl's Implement Store,
i:ijm;kovi;, ia,
I am oflcrinp; the largest stock of Farm Macbinory evor oUorod iu thm
county, amongst which ore tho celebrated
Champion Reapers & Mowers
wbieh every farmer knows in the most aohstsnlial machine More !m
farming public Rotrotnber thore is a Rood rosson why there are over IVK)
Champion id the county thore is a reason why we sold more Champions
last year than all others companies combined there is a reason why we
got three car-loads of Champions in Snvder county this roar when farm
ers buy Champions they need Dot be afraid of not getting repairs at any
time other agents who com around with new machines will (ell yon
there is nothing in that, but dou't believe it, for they want to sell anil af
tei wards you must look out for repairs elsewhere. The Champion Com
pany bavo in use thousauds of Reapers It Mowers and have completo re
pair manufactory amplo to supply tho domaud. 1 also offer tho woll
Hagerstown Clover Huller( Farmers Friend arid
Monarch Grain Drills,
with or wifhont Fertilizers. CULTIVATORS, ( ORN-I'LANTKUS.
PLOWS, COUN.SIIELLEUS and anything farmers want and attach
ments to all machines. I will sidl to farmnrs on any timo almost llioy
may desiro, except ('orutilanters aud Repairs for tho Champion Kroner
are strictly cash. Call and givo mo a trial.
Store Room ono door North of Foekler s Hotel and opposite Wagcnsoll
era Drug Store
.1.1... KIKlIh,
April 27. 1882.
at MRS. R. MARX'
and S0
It is with ploasnro that I issne tbts my spring advertisement to my nu
merous, friends to inform them that tho manager of my sloro. Mr. Louis
Kahn, has just returned from tho eastern eitios with a full supply of
SPUING GOODS, and I point with feeling of prido to my fast increasing
trade as an cvideneo that my cfl'orU to ploaso my customers are mo6ling
with siKwtiHH. I have now nn ban d tho LARGEST AND CHEAPEST
STOCK OF BOOTS AND SUOKi over beforo carried, which I mil sell
ing at tho very lowest prieca. My stock embraces dilTcront qualities aud
prices, fiom tho largust Men's and Wonion's to tho smallest Infants hIioob.
The secret of my great success is Quick sales and small profits. This mot
to shall make my place of busiuess the the most favorito and beneficial
Boot and Shoo xtoro for buyors in this County, 1 receive now goods
every week, which euubles me to havo always tho latest stylos and lowest
prices. I aUoolTor great bargains iu
Tranks, Satchels and Valices.
Again thanking yon for pant favors. I invito the pnblio to como and
soo that Mrs. MAUX'S STOKE is the best place to buy your shoes.
llesyoctfullr. vours,
MltS. It. MAItX,
.April 27, 1882. Eby's
Tha SUOUTMT. VUlCMksr ao4
awSSST Una to St. Joaeph,
polau la
Afehlaon, Topeka, Uaal -
sas. Haw at ail ao, ArUuaa, it
tana and Teiaa.
Laa. MtoneaiKilU and 81. Paul.
Ir aooeadad to
MaUunally reputed aa
ba Iba kaat aauloeaS
naiuc tba eraal
Baltroaa in tha Worla for
ail eiaaaaa or travel.
M 11 I' paw'' ""?a, Urn- PnM. Ht
tiaiiavi.IU. C Uleaao, Ua
For Sale.
fpiIE otidorstgiied offerc at private
aaia, on raaaonania lama, uu i wu gium
Dwelling House and Blaokemitb shop
and complete eat of Toole, alttiata on Weal Main
Mirael, Ul DULKMl' K( t, PA. Tha outbuild
inxaara all good. Tula la a No, 1 aUad for a
good Ulachamnb.
for further uartlrnlara call on nr addnwt,
May It, 111. Mlddlahurg. Pi.
Centrevllle, Hnyder Co., Pa
ll(orahla profaaaloaal tarvloaa to Iba publlo,
Atar iv, 'e.
CVIMrV iW Ti'l)YlNi
I r . W aUJ Ml
win vaiuuuia mionnaiiou iitanuy aanu
bl oUa- Ul W JC, IOUJU A Jlcoe. Mat.
I 1 W M
l i J
BaTl'ATkw Ka.Uallaa.OaJ-
a AUewnoaattoMBTnoa,
VffX Id Caloa SvlRS
xrfvDapou. ysy
Thronsh K2IX.iXV Trrtl.
Tlcktu Tl thilNr raA yon will
Calabratad Una r"SCYS and trayellns a
aiaataUofflMalnJOJJv luury, loataad
tha U. s. MjC'ApC Gy 4U
S Vaboul Hawa olVJJlv.
S2S Slaapliuj Cara.XVif
Machinery at
Building, Kolinsgrove. Snydor Co., 'a.
Public Sale.
nMIH ondersigned Administrators
-Lof tha ratatniif John flolnalt lalo of Perry
towimhtii, Nn, tor ruiuity, I'a.. ilrn'raafit, will
i.lo.e to Publlo Halu, uu tha (ircintaoa of ilt
lata ai-iooiii, ou
Saturday, Jnly 1st, 1K2,
Tha following dvacrlheil valuable real eat ate,
via :
TRAUT No.l-Sltuate In Porry Iwp., Hnr.ter
rnuniy. Pa., bouiiiloit North by Huila of tha
tii lra of Mich.. I Arbuuaal, ill C .I, l.y
lamia of rtituou Millar ami K. II. Waavrr,
Huiuh by lauila of Ilia llolra of John Troup,
uecru u4 waai oy iraei mi. a, oouiaiumg
8ixtysevun Acres,
nsra or leaa, It balim tha Old llunaatcad, bar
tug Iheraoo areuiatl a two atory
Stono House, Log Honso, Rtoou
Spring IIoubo, Log Barn
auit all other neceaeary outtoill'tlnira-a vail of
. Iruii troea-oon.iilent to wobool,
auit Market.
I TK ACI no. t HltuaU aa aroraaalit,!
vj .wm: uu. ., cu utii u, laiii, ,., iirurj
Ittiah. U'aat by lauila of J. O. Franklin aud
William tloo.l, North hy landa of Ihu litlra vf
wlcuaal Aibogaat, uvc'J, cou'alulog
Sixty-sovon Acres,
mora or lata, whereon ara ararteil a l.orl 8TA
",, JT", "' --
White Oak Timber.
TRACT No. I rllltula afordaalit. nmaateil
bouuilaat North by laml of Joaoph MulMir, hlaat
by lamia of A. (I. a (I. W. Ilornnnrniir ami Iha
llalrauf Mtohael ArboKaal, ilec'd, Houlh by Iha
aanio. Wwl by lamia uf Audruw Kerateltur, all
iiunctt 1.A n u, couiaiuiug
Fifty-oue Acres,
mora or laea.
Halo to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of aaid
day when dua aluwdanca will ba given aud
turuia of aala juaile kuowu by
.'one I, IU.
The Key to Fortune In all Avenues of
i,i re.
A haaitanme volima. arer aoa r.. dlaauaalmi
Individual Ualtura, KUquella, Uualueaa, Lore,
Marriage, alo.
itaw.tnao. iwyier, If. u., aayi I "I
mejulia dallghtad with lla admirable alawa
and wboleeoraa auggaatluua. It ought to ba la
avirj uuuew."
1'halratral Bapllat, St. Lou I a Mo.,aaya
"11 la a tnoroughly good and baaullful book."
Tha lalarlwr, Uhlsago, aaya I "Itatrlkaam
aa thaaoiiaaw ana boat from bar pan."
Tba PUtalHeraj Ulirletlaa Adaoeata aaya:
"lla laaanna aaed to ba taught and au forced In
avary bouaabold.'1
(Hear lypa, arllatla binding, mairnllloant fall
Raga oolorad platea . Prlcea low, Tenna liberal,
alaa rapid. AoBDTa WaaTaU KvaarwHaaa.
Send for part luulara in
. ,, unimunv A. m nv. i..i
phla, ra. Oluolnuoll, U., Ohlcago, 111., or ttt.
awuia, ww,
J una 1, tta.
A O IlOltNllEItQUIl,
Parr Townahln.MaTdar rtoanta
I aOollaollona, Ui.nay aactLg, and all other baa
i gaaa parUlBIOaT to tha ouloa will ba nromuiia
Z. OaKs TmI 1? oablravnuT '
(50i1 J!CWI
OvrrA 'Itllln
Win Until m tl,l.
e snirj
B't In 'rne
r i,b nl
rtritci ul1o
Anil ku I'.u .i.u i ir ttrrrrtttn wkss n.
4 cwrtlln In llrMllia.
r row y tn iii til t1 i I iliiiiiiilns
una lhl will pi T I hi Imt rM lit m
le o.0 if
ThutthtPrt fHof Tht'ftl lmv
? will I'lWIIIVKI.Y an.l PfHM AWKMl.Y
rl. Itlnlirlra, S)rii), MrlHlil'si llnir f
! HIilNi t i, lit nut Ihsm-4.ii1 irlriilnn
nf fko 1 stIh, I it n met i Inn of Htm Klilnry.
t'Mfsirrn fit siiiirr. iiiffn i;ninrr4i
i rin rain ita tn iinrii. mm r ftnts).
Nrrvnna lanrMs n1 In 'l illirtl rn
ol th HUflilrr ml f'rtnary Mr una h)lirr
cofiiruftieii h nritftia iiiia or utti)rwp
I n ipi ttt ii you mrm m nermfc rrom rfini
wpKHnF4), Teiiitirtt(is). or inv lttaa ui Ibff
KltlDy4 lllller( of t'rl.iftry ttrnt
Without llnwlo nsonoai mtJtal im, bj
myl wrlOK
French Kidney Pad,
li iiiftriirlt tnr Plt'K. (It'll. MKTTK'H
KKKNiril KlliNt V Vi nl ik m iihr.
If lift h nnl not It, PA'iil .'lhl n J Vuu will tm.
Hit l'. by return lull."
Jl HUB ItUOIIANAN, l,w,tr, Tulmlo. o.,
pT :
"m nl Prof, (lullmaits'l Frnrh KMni
PmtiAar.l ina of l.nriii.iitfo In turf unclo'
I'm. Mr cnb ht l 'n kIvi n lii I.f the l t
IHKliirn lni'urall IhirlDK nil lliln limn I
uttri unlulil k of ana (ilil vui Uig( (iiuii
of mon.-T .
OKiiltilK VKTTKU. I. r .Tole.lo. f ,
'I .ullKie.1 lor iliroo f Km wiin Si-lmlr m l
Kl'lfli'lr IMieilil, Kill ollMH h4t
on irntrh. 1 wrr titirnlf iml purinnnfintly
curw.l nfinr rlni Pr..f. ttuliuictiw t to Ii
KMriPT I'. I fonrwMkii.
H'U'im: N.o.NiiorT.SvimnUU. wrto :
I liri l i rn,l Mtl ror I .r l& ),ra
with Mrlnlif. III. nf th h lilntyi. ror
wrli lit tlrnw mi nntU to Mltul or b. :
took l.ftrrnlani uifi.ll. lntf, liut tliojr ka m on
ly r llnf. I wora two nl I'rol.
ilMllini-HK'a Klilncy l'.l alt waakit, anl I
now know I umi nil lr ly rurail.'
MKS. Ill I.I. tN It.ltinil- , T .lal.i, (1., t.y,:
' r'or voara 1 liva tnan ponitiia.l. Kuraftt iirl
ol tin it mo i.i my twit, wiib 1. 1. urrlio. n.l !
mala writkiirffa. I wora i-na of iint'ina ta'a
Kit'tiPV anl wat rurn.l In ona iti.o.tli.
II. II. OKI I.N, Wbolarala ilrvoar. Un.lUy.
(i , rll. .:
I auriarait for 'ii yanra with lams hack an.l
In Oiraa wvaaa an 'rnianaiiily rit al l.v weur
lliK ona 01 rroi, iiiiiunoii Ki.tnoy rati.1
ii. r. nr.r. ti. M. n. nr.iuul.l. l.n.
port. 1 n.l . , wio n aanillns In au ur.lar lor K lil
nay raoa w uir .
1 wora una of iha nrt nnaa w tm ami I ra-
falvail mora banefti fioiu II than anythlna; I
avar uao.1. In laoi ittaf'a'l. lva Latter Mor.eral
atUUotlou than any KMnay rainaly wa avar
KAY a NlltietlAKKK, lruio(lit, llannU
I. la. .Mo.,
"Wa ara wortilnaT uh n llralv tra la In tnnr anl an.l ara haarloit ul ttou raaulia from
llioui erery day.'
Prof. Gnilinctle's French Liver Pal
Will l'onltlv. lr rnfn Koyor aoil Amir. Ilnnili
Aifiln. Anno llftka, llillloiia r'evor. .laiin.lira,
llyalirymii, anil all itlaia.i a uf Iha I, Ivor. Htoni-
a.lian.1 ltloo.1. I'rl.aflM by mall, rioml lor
Prof, tliillinolli-'a TraatiM, on lh khlui ta auJ
l.lver, (rva by mall' Aildroaa
t uracil fa. ii en,.
March J",ly., iiblo.
For ia bf Uartxr Uai,l grr. MlJJla-
burn, ri.
7 ho irrepressible
has Just returned rorri pUt
chasing, in . Yew York
and riiladc)hia.
Immense Stock of
Is able to meet the demands
vf all clauses, and to sup
ply the ici tnt.t of pco
plo from all sec
tions of our'
He is Now Ready
to furnish evenbody willi'
E I 'Elt Y-lhl Y SU I TS,
in fact he keeps const unlit
on hand A FULL LlXE
Furnishing Goods!
low as $275.
Straw Hals,
io Hats for Littlo Ms!
Read. Read.
to be given away,
will present a SO LI ft
WATCH to any oneofmtf
customers holding holding
ihe lucky number- The
watch will le drawn onthef
4th of July, 1SS2, at mtj
tore. For every $5 00 worth
of goods sold I will give one
Friends, neigh fors, and all
tho people are incited,
generally and jar
tioularly. to call
and examine
tho stock
ho mmmmsL
Thankful for past pair on-
t e 1 earnestly solicit m
continuation of the sama-
S Oppenheimer
it W '
.. .