The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 01, 1882, Image 1

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    4 i.i , '
rt. rYilitmn one year, .
One-half, column, one year,
One-fonriu column, one year, .
iOiiqra l'nmi) inaertion
L gery additional Irmertiun, ,
Yrornwionl and Business cards ol
I ,otmorthn5lin,pjrer,
imlitor, Rxocutor, AdaiinlstnUor
T sad Assignee Notices,
.i;.tia.l notice! Der line.
I All traneeient advertising lest man
" mnnth 10 cento a line.
" r. - . . .
All SOVerMaronii'lius ivr m auurix-r jw
irnd than one year are payable etth
'ima thev at ordered, and if not paid
he pertoo ordering them will be neld;
o.ponmble for the money.
Our 0wn
JJf I hod known In the morning
How wearily all the dtty
The worda unkind ' -
Would trouble my mind
T Mid when you went away,
I bad been more earefull, darling,
Sor given you needless jmin ;
But we vei "our own" ,
iVItb look and tone .
We may never take back again.
r though in the quiet evening
You may give uathe kiss or peace,
l et It uilght be
That never for me
lie pain of the heart should. cease.
How many go forth In the morning
lu.t never eomehoine at night I
And hearts have broken
or harsh worda spokeu
That sorrow eon ne'er eat right.
Ve have eareful thought for the
at ranger,
Ami aiuilea for the aoiuetiuiea guest ;
liit oft for "onr own"
The bitter tone,
hough we love 'our own' the beat.
Ah! lips with the cure impatient I
h I brown with that look of soorit I
Twere a cruel fate
fare the night too late
To undo the work of the morn.
a!"-" " ""at"""""""---r"-"
kr TM rr.
Oo the night of the 22nd of Feb
ary, twelve hundred prisoners
jere taken from Relle lelaud, nod
aroheJ across the bridge spsniug
Iraee River and were hudJI ed to
Itkor into the Pembertou building
the City of Richmond.
At about 3 o'clock in the morning
I were put oo board a train of cars,
it where we were g ing to, do one
ew. The first week iu march we
IiveJ safely at Amuricus i.fter
rds called Audorsouvill by the
Isooers, we were all formed into
ie aud marched half a mile South
the elation, we aooa saw a large
bckade loom up, iuto which Me
e driven like cattle.
he stockade was mtde of square
ber, a fitot atjuare.tbe pieces were
n feet long, aqd wore all put np
end live feet iu the cronnd aud
feet out of the grouud, In this
nnor the whole stockade waa
ced, on the outsido stoops were
lit for the guard to staud oo, and
sry teuty feot a guard was sta
!Ve were there about a week when
oar surprise the train brought
thousand prisoners who were
ily land d io the Auderaonville
ckade, at tbia rate they shiped
m to this place until 'they had
ceutrated fifty thousand Union
nera at Auderaonville.
ur ration were poor io quantity
1 quality from the start, and was
uuog worse every day, I must
forget to mention the intereet
peple took along the rout in our
t a smalf station along the route,
oara stopped io order to take
and water we noticed a crowd
b citizens, who had flocked
the surrounding country to aee
captured Tanks. They were
?Uy women, 1 who were ourious
imeo,of the .female gender
Iratght-akirted, without erino
X aid invariably addressing as
fyoo'nna tanks," one of the first
iiren 'liAoog the women was,
I jfla'ani Yanks got any eno-UT I
sttj overooat the seoood day
,were on the train, my previous
nenoa toid me would be a use
vessel. .-1 have refferenoe to a
j-qnartpaJL It came into early
nd; for that night we cooked
h. Maay wry faoee were made
Via tare, without aalt yet, fur
weeks and month after, we
l glad wi)en we got even enough
uab,,,.. ,
11 along the routa the eitizena
li flock to the 1UU Road Bta
to tee to wonderful Yanks.
)e of tbeee eitisena were well
iea i. out tne majority were a
I looking raoe of human beings,
aa a wtuerea wok oi proma
aged,noticeable among the mid
and youog women at the
h k indoaed, I have no doubt,
Se disgusting habit ao prevalent
of "dipping snuff," as it is
1. ,Tbis is performed by dip.
the chewed and of a atiek in
t and rubbiag it among their
! M goma. Tbia habit may
untti for from the tat that
VOL. 19.
they have no nseful pursuits to
onpy their minds. '
One of the teceeh ladies allowed
that some of the Yankees were real
"pooty," and declared she would like
to have one to keep. Whether ehe
meant te have one as a plaything
and pet, or to keep as negroes are
kept, I know not Rut the keeping.
( think, by power of attraction,
would have been difficult, so desti
tute of attraction in charms and per
son and even in conversation were
most of the secesb damsels there
congregated. We done a consider
able amount of trading, we got hoe
cake, bisouits Ao. Rut they would
not take bills of their own beloved
We could get ten dollars of their
scrip for ten cents in silver.
The guard would relate some
strange story of exchange which
tbey said they beard the officers re
late. The general impression among
our men at that time was, if they
kept quiot, and did not trouble tho
rebels, their treatment, when we ar
rived in prison, would be much im
proved. Although I informed them of the
manner in which prisoners were
treated, they could not be broiigh t
to believe it was so bad after all.
So liable are men to deceive them
selves with false hopes and expecta
tions, that the rebel guard informed
onr men that Auderaonville waa a
beautifully laid oat camp, with
luxuriant shade treos filled with
birds of all discriptions. and a run
ning strosm, iu which flail sported,
tbey swallowed the whole story un
So groat was their confidence,
that the rebels might safely have
diapeoeed with a guard for a majori
ty of the prisons rs, yet the vigilence
of the guard was iuoreasod instead
of relaxed, as we neared our destina
tion, so that escape was impossi
All along the routa, at every stop-
pint place, men, w men, aud child
reu flocked to see us at to a show.
Kven in the night, the "Southern
heart," was encouraged by a sight
of the captured Yaukeea. They
came with, "pitch-pine torches" to
oaloh a glimpse of the detesUJ yen
Due talkative biy at a station one
eveoiug seemed very curious to see
the yunkees, whom be had been in
formed had horns j but we told him
we bad "hauled in our horns" consi
derably si Doe our oapture, whioh
accounted for their not being visi
ble. The little fellow said they used no
lights in that part of the ooantry,
except pitch-pine i they were rather
smoky, he acknowledged but they
would put up with that willingly,
"rather than not lick the yaukees."
We bad some talk with an intelli
gent Lieutenant at the aaine place,
who acknowledged the worthlessness
of their money, bnt said they intend.
ad goiog on to fight t out upon the
resources of the country. The Con'
federaoy, be eai d, bad a year's pro
visions on hand, and would fight as
long at their means lasted.
"Well, then," aaid , "yon might
as well give op your cause, for when
your resouroea fail you are conquer
ed, while the rosourora of the North
are, if anything, more plentiful than
before the war. Every man yon
bring into the field ia taken from
the produoing powers or the coun
try." .
At that instant t be officer of the
guard came np, "and forbid further
oonversrtion with the Yankees.'
Of course all conversations were
carried on from tha ears, in which
wa war caged.
While atopping in a small town I
gave a aeoesb three dollars . to get
me some drawing paper. He re
turned, after a few boors, with two
pages of an old ledger, on aide of
whioh bad been written upon, I was
rather angry at soon a return, when
he said, "yoa need'nt flare np, old
fellow, 'tis the best we'nns have."
fonnd out I eould not bave procured
any better drawing paper, it J bad
tried myself,
The next day we arrived in Maoon,
Georgia, where we baited for a time,
kfaooq bad quite a prim New England
look, nnlik any southern Tillage I
bad kr seen. It reminded me of
Aagoet, Maine. . ,
Tb weather was rainy, driaaty and
euffooating on the last of our jaewMy,
and a gloom per Tad at oir l&owgbts
During the whole day, through
aaiiety, as we neared our destina
tion, scarcely a word was spoken.
We arrived at Andsrsouville as
already stated the first week in May
1804. It was raining severely when
the train reached the place
Even then we did not imagine to
what kind of quarters we were to be
consigned. The ' guard aoswerod
our interrogations as to whore we
were going to put up, by ironically
pointing out some comfortable look
ing barracks as our habitations.
Suddenly the wole scene changed!
A ferooiou-, round-shouldered lit
tie man, mounted upon a bay boree,
surrounded by tbe guard were to
take the plaoe of those who bad ac
companied us on the cars, came rav
ing swearing, and tearing round in a
most extravagant manuer. So re
diculous appeared to us bis gestures,
person, and looks, that we burst
into a roar of laughter ; w hereupon
be turned upon us, bristling with
rage, "exclaiaiiog:
"By Got ! you tarn yankeos; you
wont laugh von you gets into the
pull pen"
It was a gratuitous propbocy, af
terwards understood iu all its hor
rors ; aud tbe threats of enptuin
Wirz had too much significauco in
them to bo laughed at.
Tbe recollection, even now, of
the light maonor we received so
gross a monster, causes a shudder
when I think wl at action our laugh
might bave prompted ban to.
I was selected out ou account of
my sergeant's nniforni, when, asking
me, if I oould write, I was furnished
with paper, and told to take tbe
names, regimont, and company of
my car load of companions. Whon
it was done, tbe naraos of soino thir
ty more were given mo, making iu
all ninty men, which was called a
Detachment," 21,30.
Tbe other prisoners were similar
ly divided, and placed under non
commissioned officers.
The newguard belonging to the
station relieved tbe old one, and
we wore marched a rLort distance
where a curio us-lookiug structure
loomed up before us, as already do-
This was the 'stix-kade," which
was to become our future borne, or
-4s we halted before tbe head
quarters of tbe prison, waitio g, like
so many drowni ng rats, crouobing
in the rain, tbe guard, in answer to
our questions as to what kind of a
pluoe it was inside tho stockade, re
plied, we would find out whon we
got in there.
They said prisoners tried to es
cape sometiinos, hut the dogs always
caught them.
Never, to thoir knowledge, had a
man escaped, except one, and be
was drowned while trying to swim a
pood to get clear of the dogs.
This was a crusher to tho idea I
bad formed that tbe stockade might
prove a good place for escape.
As we waited tbe great gates of
the prison swung open on their pon
derous oaken hinges, and we were
ushered into what seemod to us
iiedos itself.
Strange, skeleton men, in tattered,
faded blue, and not muoh of bluo
either, so oUoured with dirt were
their habiliment, gathered and
crowded around ns j their faoee
were so begrimed with pitch-pine
smoke and dirt, that for a while we
oould not desoern whether they
were negroes or white men. They
gathered and crowded around ns to
ask the news, and inquire from
whence we came t and in return wo
received the information that tbey
had mostly came from Relle Island,
whence they were aent tbe hrat of
Tbe air of tb prison seemed
putrid and the hearts, bnoyed
with expectation of good quarters,
sank within them whom tbey knew
that no shelter waa furnished be
yond what could be constructed of
All my former experience of pris
on life bad not prepared ma for suob
unmitigated misery as met mo every
where. Qur poor fellows, who bad
so confidingly believed in the hu
manity of rebels, were now depr ess
d by despondency and gloomy
forebodings, deeunea to be m ore
than fulfilled. Of those of our Com
pany who that day entered these
prison gates, only four paired be'
yond them again except to their
pitiful, bastily-made, almost begrndg
e groves-
Tv 1)9 Continual
"Wo Must Save Her."
There is no olass of roeo, not even
soldiers or sailors, more conspicuous
for courage and aelf possession that
afirsman. If a thing can be done,
tbsy know just how to do it Ob
stacles are overcome, which seem in
surmountable to otbors. This inci
dent which occurred at a rocent fire
in New York, illustrates our state
ment i
A woman standing oo tho sill of
ibo open window of tbe fourth story
bold ou to a telophone wiro with
ber left band. She was Initios and
hor clothing was disordoroJ. SUo
fanned borself with her right band
and waited for assistance.
"Hold fast till I come " shouted
a braway fireman, and a score of
brave mon and boys rushed forward
and dragged a ladder from a hook
and ladder oompaoy that had just
Iu an instant a ladder was placed!
along side the building. It reached
to tho third story only. A cry of
dismay wont up from tho crowd.
'Tush up another," a hundred
voices yelled. Firemen jumped up
the steps two at a time.
"Can you help a tuinuto t" tbe
loador asked.
"Yes ( but for God's sake hurry,''
was tbe hoarse rrply.
"Come on, Ron, "said the fireman
to bis companion. "We must save
hor!" and up be wout, step by step
to tbe top, and his bunds just reach
ed the woman's feet.
The crowd held its breath in sus
pense, but the wouiau lookod calm
and colloctoJ.
"Hold to tbe wiro nnd stop on
my shoulder," said tbe Groinau.
The woman did as bIio was told,
and as tho brave follow went to
move a step down she souiuod to
swoon, and apparon tly lost bur bal
ance, but the fireman on the otbor
stop below caught ber, and she was
baatily carried to tho ground. Tbe
woman w as saved, aud cheer uftcr
choor wout up.
Pe arlt ol Thought.
Ilnppincss is somi thing to hope
for and soiuotbiug to love.
Kvury man is occasionally what bo
ought t o be perpetually
it ii a goo 1 thing to leurn cautiou
by. misfortunes of others.
Asecret is too littlo for one,
fDoiifib for two, and too much for
Many mon employ thoir first j ears
so as to make thoir last miserable.
Faith builds tbe bridge of prsyer
that, spans tbe chasm of human
nee d.
Let no one overload you with fa
vors ; you will find it an insufferable
Qratita lo ii a fruit of great col
tivauou mi ait to uj !oa 1 1 among
g rose people.
t is with happines s as with
watches the less complicated tbe
less easily deranged.
There are more fools tlnu sagos ;
and amoug tho sios thurr ia more
fol ly tban wisdom.
Great deeds need to be tested by
their spirit There can be no saintli-
uess without humility.
Never does a man portray bis own
character more vividly tban io bis
manner of protraying another's.
We judge onrselvoa by what wof
eel capable of doing, while others
judge ns by wbat we bave already
We do love beaoty at first sight,
and we do cease to love it if is not
ao eompacied by amiable qualities.
.Instruction does not prevent waste
of time r mistakes t and mistakes
themselves are often the best teabo
ers of all.
Tbe virtue of a man ought to be
measured, not by hie extraordinary
exertions, but by bia ever y-day con
Nothing is rich but tbe inexhaus
tible wealth of natnre. She sbowe
ns only surfaces, bat she is million
fat boma deep.
"Friends," ones said a clergyman
to a number of people who bad on
to red bi cbnr eh to get ont of the
rain, "I have often beard of the
oburch being used as a covering for
one a sins, bnt this is tbe first time
I ever beard of it being used aa an
A man'a bat is always large
it baa been aat upon i at
duds it ia cresMsa.
least, be
PA, JUNE J, 1882.
Rammy, Rammy, Ram.
Mollis bad a little ram a, black as
a rubber shoe, aud everywhere that
Mollis wont he e migrate 1 to .
He went with her to church one
day tbe folks hilarious grew to ses
him walk demurely iuto Deacon Al
lou's pew.
Tbe worthy deacon quickly let
his at-gry patHioua riso, aud give it
an unubristtiiti butwueu the
sad brown eye.
This landed rummy iu tho aisle l
tho duacou followed fa t, and ruined
bis foot ugaiu alas that first kick
was bis last.
For Mr. slioep walked slowly
back, a rod 'lis said, aud ere the doa
oon could retreat, it s tood hiu uti
bis bead.
Tbe congregation then arose and
wout for that 'ore sheep. Sevurul
well-directed butts just piled thuui
iu a heap.
Then rushod they straightway for
the door with curses Ion, and loud,
while rammy struck tbu biuihuost
man aud shot him through tbu
Tha minister ha l ofton hoard that
kinduoss would subduu tbe fiercest
boast. "Ah!" bo says, "I'll try that
game on you."
And so bo kindly, goatly, called :
"t'omo, rammy, rammy, ram ; to
see tho folks abuse you so, I grievod
and sorry am.''
With kind and gentle words lie
oaiuo from that tall pu Ipit dowu,
saying: "Rimioy, rammy, ram
best shoepy iu tho town,"
Tho ram quite droppod its hum
bio air, and rose from off its feet,
and when tbu parson lit he waa bo
noatb tbe biuduiost seat
As bo shot out the door and clos
ed it with a slam, hs named a Cali
fornia town ; I think 'twas "Yuba
Dam," IturUwjton ItmrLeyf.
An Incident ol the War
Charley Smith wasooo of the "old
Jacksou aitillory,, at McAlvey's
Fork, this couu try. before the war,
aud wout out iu Captain Jobu R.
Miles' Company C. Forty ninth rogi-
innct, Pennsylvania voluntoors, as
di nmnier. lii in only a littlo ovor
12 years of sue, mid but 4 feet!)
inches high, of u li vely disposition,
be soon bocaiuo tho put and sport of
tho regiment Among other antics
which tbe boys uuod to get huu to
perform was that of cackling liko a
chicken, in which he arrived at a de
gree of perfection that duliad any
ordinary ear. It is relatui that
duriug u drizzling raiti he was un
der a covered canuon, engaged in
his favorite aiuusoiuout,wbou Ueuor-
al Hanoock came along anil wonder
ed whut tbe h 1 those chickens
were doing there. He lifted up Ibo
curtain aud fouud that ouly chiokon
boDoutb it was the littlo drummer
boy. who without taking time to sa
lute tho geooral witu a specimen
crow, mado a suddou departure for
otbor qiturtors. While at Savuge
Station, Charley Smith was captured
by the robels, Juno 29, ISijZ, aud
was iu rabul prisons two aud ono
half months. At first ho was allow
ed to roam tbe streets at Richmond,
and made himself useful in carrying
little articles to the boys iu prison,
but having hit a desorter from our
army with a water molon rind he
was sont to Relle Isle and more
closely confined. Ooco his cackling
proclivities brought a rebel officer
into camp oo a diligeut search for
ohickens, and Charley had to per
form, io order to subside tbe sus
picion that tbe boys bad been forag
ing uftor rebol poultry. Mr. Smith
now resides, or did a few years ugo,
at Williamsport.
A young man whe thought he bad
won the heart an 4 now asked the
band in marriage of a certain widow
was asked by ber t "What ie tbe
difference hot ween myself and Mr,
Raxley 'a Durham eow t" Oo naturally
repliod t Well I don't know."
"I ben." aaid the widow, "you bad
better marry tbe cow,"
Why are pretty girla like
eherriea T Reoause they make
puoker your lips.
Why is tbe discovery of the
North pole like ao illioit whiskey
manufactory f Roosuse it ia a aeoret
If any man say be b aa seen a just
man io want of brea d, I answer that
! it waa ia some plaoe when there waa
NO, ri
I'htrsididrts. .
mi sic-i an inn:! nefcorj.
Iilt.ra till prnrmlon.l Mfk.t to lh.lil'n
.1 Hr.T.rtowa nJ loinll. Air.e,'IJ.
i.omita lurniKa. o. t. iijimihokh.
IIA thrlr prof.lrnftl ..rvlM In th. rliltnti
ol Mlilill.hun ami iciniiir. iifltc ( il.nm tut V..UM lloua., la A IQol'i . MM'. linn
I vi. , imi.
Mi.l'ltcl.nrp, Pa pfof...nnl trtim in th. eitu.n
nl MlJUI.OUfii.o.l tkioilf.
Mar. ti,'7.
Fremont. Snyder county, Pa.
llrailual..! IUHImnrl'ciH o( PhfitnLna
alttl urKtnn. IMI.rl III ftrol.Ml nal iwrrlo.
to lb. miill. Hiwakl fcnuilin ami u.riaan.
March, IT, lM. tl.
Physician & Surgeon,
trrmmil, Snil,r (imufi, fi.
Itn.ra bm prnfa.alnnal i.rTler, tnlh. til li
ORlr. on Mala .trot. Jan. I'i ';.
J) It. J. O. WAG N Kit,
rii)l-luit Hint J mp on.
OfTm lit prnfitMlnntl urtr to h ttffo
ii Ati tin Durif aini viritiiijr. auk. ft,MHr.
f 'rut rrllte, Niiydrr 'o., I'm hi, prolloDl t.r-lc.i to II,. ullle
.V7iii.ilrwe', lirt ii.
Prof""lonal bunlnua yruiupllr aitantl lo.
A"rii zrrv ill, Suiilrr Co., '.i
tiR.ra M prnr.-aliinal a.r-ls.a to th. oil liai
ol Krati.mll. an I liiniir. A iu. 2i,'l
JU. A. M. siimi,
Oll.ra kit prvfraalnnal In
of Aiiamaiiurn ami -Iciolly.
H.'t. I.'U.
SoliiiHrov', I'onn'tt.
Justices of the J'earc.
Jiimi'i of I lie I'rarr.
Kramer, Snyder County Penn'a.
All t'oll.otlons asil rauilltanca uromiitlr
asil rauilltanca
al.jr i.
Jstice of Ili3 Puacu & C3H7cyaucB r
llf.uoerfirinjx, Snyder Co., I'd.
ail nminlal rmalixna -taking ilapnaitlnntanil
pruoiptlf att.ntln-l to, Cullaolluns anil r.mli
Uu . ruuiitljr , May li.' lain
f 1 onerul Oolloctor .
MiiiuLaiii'Hii, Knyili-rtoounty, I'a.
Sianh,l allauiliin (iitul I olli.u ulall aim
li.uiillaaoea will iw inula iruwlly lurall
uullaolluua u.ail.
star. 2I.'7H.
Y1I. W A UN Kit, Ksq.,
JoknonTowunhip,SD)dorCo. Pu.,
Will altaail lo all baaln.aa .utrual.1 to lit
aar. ao l oo iu. uusl rMsuuaul. wruia.
Uar. li.'-
Jutloe of tho'l'oaco,
Unioit,Tuiiiwhii, SitifU r Cu., I'n.
Will attanl t) all buatn.ia rnlriit. to lila
oar. on III. moat r.taonabl. i-irua. Inl.
oittoaaMraM, liuauuua, Say lar Oo.P.
Mar. 4,'.
V CJiiv'iiiiti,
CKNTUEVILLE. Snyder County, Pa.
OallaetrOBt anil all bualnaai partalnlni to th.
ottii". olJuailo. ol lb. will l. aiuuila.l lo
at short nolle. Ap r SI'Tt
Feno Twp., Snyder Co. I'a
Justice of the Peace A Conveyancer,
Troxleville, Snyder Co. fa.
Will attanil promnllr to all naaaarol anal
aaaaparulalaeto tk.orTlo.. Uollaollona mill,
Uaaxls, ArualM k.., wrliua. ( 1 aly n,l-u
yil. H. HARDING,
aSc Conveyanoor,
KRBKMONT, Bnyd.r oounly, Ta.
CallMtloau aaSal bnalaaas parlalnlna to lb.
oaiMuf Jaall.. slik. ras. will Sa atliin to
I short aoiioa. Apr. tl'IS,
Justice of the 'Peace.
sVecitsr0MM, Suyder Co., I'.
All alalia rOallaalloai asltaa llharal iaraaa
rrauply auaaua lo all kaslasM .a II as 14
Put'llMitd'tH'try Iriiirsdity rS-fc
J-XBEtflAUf OttOTJflH; ?i
feYmif of SucVrttdotV f
Two'rbtr,A os ttA a'xxi; r.
al.14 Within six motiths.rf fJJMi. .-a-paid
wthlrt the year,- JTii fnVfr tfV.
coiitliitted nntl( all' rrerirw e-e'
paid dnhtn at th! (rJMJbh of tha pUbv
ButTirrtmrmtt& Hit ttl eotini
jitYABL Iff ADfAYtCi.
tsrrcraOtia MWiiit mid' ttsiritc parier'
4illreMil 'jo other t'e frn)ilfii'nlrtj'
and are liable for the pric of the paper''
Brown's rot tittttt
n one of the Very to fonie
medicines that are hot com
posed iriosiny of afcolro1 cr'
whiskey, thus fccornTrrg ar
fruitful source f intcrnper'
ance by promofirtg a desire'
for rum'.
Browns ron BfTTER
is gustr mteed' to be a fton
intoxicating sd'rrmlant, ancl
it will, in nearly every case
take the place of all liquor
and at the same time abso
lutely kill the desire for
whiskey and other intoXK
eating beverages.
Rev. C. W. Rice, editor of
the American Christian Rt
view, says of JJrown's Ironf
Cln..O.,Nov. t6, iMi.
Gents t The fooluh wast
ing of vital force in bntinra.,
pleasure, and viciuui indul
gence of our people, makes
your preparation a necessity f
and if applied, will sate hun
dreds who resort to uloorur
fur temporary recuperation.
Brown's Iron Bittern
has been thoroughly tested
fur dyspepsia, indigestion,
biliousness, weakness, debil
ity, overwork, rheumatism,
neuralgia, consumption,
liver complaints, kidney
troubles, &c, and it never
fails to render speedy and
permanent relict;
Allcffs Pons Piaster?
IIituiih tlioy lutve proved tlirtnNelvsa
tln Hi-nt Kxtirir'l Kt'iunily wrrin
rrnti'il. Tlny will rum Uht hniH, Pnlil
viiiii;Iin, rli.'iiuinliKiti, iiwuritlsf iiaf anf
any Iui-hI piiinn.
Ailii-il t:th uniill of the hark-tlii-y
nr iilfiillinlilo in Hark Arli,
.Ni-rvniiH l)i'l)illly, ami all Kidney'
troiilili'rt; o tin' pit of tho atoilltvntl
tlii'y urc n aure euro for
mill l.ivi r Coiiiplniiit.
nro painli'HH. friirimt, nnd iuiek tor
cum. Hi' ware of imitation that tills
tiT ninl linrn. AI.IX'l K.'K'K the
only (ii'iniitH1 1'on'tM iliulr
Jan. 8, mi. Oru.
uraf.a ar. as
nlr- robbrd v
lif M iriliiULa).. hiililnaa an,l b&lih Main. a
tl.alr vImiIm
tit lb. ua. ,.f ib M'aal
whli'h pnalllvaly and parmannollr ourM Ira"
.'ln, icauaa.l Ij .inaaaaa of aol hlnl(
Mi'niinal W.,kna.a, and ail dlaaaaaa that fol.
Iw aa a a.iiunna. al Sall ahma, aa tuaa ul .a
ara f Inn nl maraory, vnlraratl Uaali-iila, pals
In lb. bask, Oliunaaa ol ial in, parmatur. olil
, anl iuaf oib-r -tla.aaaa that Inad lo In
aanii, ur roaaumpliDai autl a praioatura ra..
rami lor airnulara wlih taaiioifiulala fiaw b
Ilia IN VIUllll ATl'H la atild al 1 prf
tail, or alsbniaa lor by all itruvarlala, or will
usa.'nl Irs. ha wall, aaourely sawl0,oo rMlp
ol prio. oy addressing
F.J. CHENEY. Druggltl,
Ia7 Humsalt HI.. Tolado. flala.
Kola Ak.uI for tb. (Jullad btata.
Mar.b, lo, InM.
CJunt ion Z
Notice ia lirely Riven that have
purrliHuml otto lioran. Bnuiry. Onran.
ii ml set of luiriieaa which iiave left in
the iMSiSMtion of A'ulio. t iinnftiimn and
ill pnreonH lire liprnby cannoned nt4
tomeddie with the same at their peril.
I will mall llroal th. rawilnt lit a aintala
siUibl. Halm tbat will rma. Tatr.
Kr-t-klca, ,m,ira hail Mlwaaiaiaa, Uarlas
lb. aato aoli, and IwaulMul i alao lslrao.
lions Sir urcHluoluK a luiurlaoi arowih ol hair
a a baM haail or ain oih lan.
aloalaa-a.. .lamp. bi.N V ANUKLi- aju IS
aarolay SI.. N. V-
Tha autaarllaar ha-lnc ban uortaaaaall
oura.1 .1 ibal drail rllaaaa., Uoaauw. Huo. by
alaplaswanaaly. ta aailous to tnah. hoowa la
bla l.lliw-tuflarars lha nasuol sura. To all
who ilaalr. It. ha wtil saod a win. of tha aaw.
aarlplloo na4, Irraaol ahar(..)alih law iliroaa
oo.a lor pr.pano( ana aaing lb. aauM, whl- -Ibay
w II I a ad a aura Caar lor Uwaiaika Colas,
tuanMMaota, Aalkaaua, tlraairatlila, fca.
rariiMansaiaeui.rraaoriirtion, will pi A. WlUMINi IN faaa
Wllllamaburgb, M. x
A (IKNTLKwaNwha.aB.iwSros-ya.raaa-iaa
As.roas DEUI I.ITV. fliliMArUB US
CAY, and all lh..SMIa at yoaihiwl aHSsaarav
ilea, will for II". saha at sa Sofia tauwiwaass.
aaa1 iaa to all ho aaad II, u. f-wiaw m 4
raolloelor aaaklan llMalaapt. i.aaail, by hloia
b.waa.urad. Hunar.r. aaahaan a ptaOt by
li..Sa.rila.r'. aurlaM aa taaaiii e.
Sraas In prlaotaa-ls...
"n vusravA, tavaoar t.
Fab. IS, ly.
WE kttp on hml mil AiWa y
Blank $ucK Xmt, Su Ma.
mony, warrant i.ttmar-X
and letU,;, . .
ja.a. Joo eber ,uit man. '
. av u iai
iw 4,n
. ,1