.::.'j..ir l l x m.Jl i a. . 'if) Oi fnjnmn one year,- ' r -- 1.00 (ln.luir, ealuMn, on year, 80.00 nn-tinrv eomtiin, one jw, . . n. fjwry wlditfcutal insertion, fl trvfeeelornlanl B-telae' o.rvW ol out tuure than & liuevtwr year, 5.0P Autltnr, F.Kftonenr, A Jmmi.trator . ! Airf Sotto! -M Xdifhrlal notion per lino. 16 All transolent l vrting lees than months lAoertt A line. All advertisements fur a shorter pe rt.nl than on year are payable at lb time thwy i ordered, end If not paid he proi oriorintt them will io uold; : 1. 1 - r u- - .. )BPMniHVI HVT Ml IHUIIVVt l'oetry. , At Th Last The ttmtm ( calmest when It near the tide, And the Buwpi ere sweetest at the evetUUle, And bird most musical at the close of day, Aid sulotc dtvlnest when they pom away. ,v ' MorutnK In holy,1ot a boiler eharin Live l)l(U'd close In Kvsiitiig'e robe of beha," ; ' Anil weary tnan must ever love hor bent, ' Jfor uiornlng call to toll, but night to pt cuttiee (rout Heaven, mid on her wings dotU bear . A holy frAirance, like the breath of prayer, Footstep of angels follow in her trace To shut the' weary eye of day In peace. ':'"' AH things are hushed before her as she throws O'er earth and sky her mantle of re- pose; There Is a oaliner beauty and a power That Mornioir knows not, in the Even ing hour., , Until the eveuiug we must weep and toll 1'low life's stem furrow, din the weedy oil,. Tral with soft feot our rough and thorny' way, 1 And bear the beat aud burden of the day. . Oh! when our sun la setting may we glide Like (uiuiner Evenlutf down tho gold n tide, And lxave behind us, as we pass away, fctweut, stury twilight round our sleep lug clay. Ths Lady Shoppers. i A woman enters a dry goods store, Beeps to a olerli who Uu Is nuar the door. Asks him to show her the latest style, Aud she pulls over the goods uieau while. Hue says, "I want a dress funny nelcc; Will you pleusu show lue that under piece" Oh, I dUlu't see 'twas n polka spot," That is too near like theoue she's got. Lidt piece with the stripes would just suit me, jun iu urHLLy a,, il nan uj: With a sort of a vine running all 'round. cue uou v niuji 100 uttra, nor )(i 100 light. Or a striped piece, uor yet very bright ; 1 think she'd like wlmt you showed me hint, Hut do you think the eolors are fastT Cut oil a bit, before I decide 1 11 take a piece home and have it tried. 1 bad a dress like that last fall, And the eolore did not wash at al', 1 like tho.M patterns there on the eud, I'll take a few samples for a friend, Now one of this. If you'll be so kind, Aud a b(t of that If you'd not uiiud. They're the , uteuH stylos I've seen this year. -I mtlsl always do my trading hre. I have got a piece that came from here,' I forgot the price twos pretty dear, It'sa sort of a dark alpaca stuff. I want towtvhit, I've not enough. Do yoa think you have It lu the store? My dress is spoiled U I can't give more, Will you pat these samples In a bill T I'll kno .v where I got them If you will I'll taka-thjeini home u she thinks A'ltheyUldo, You'll see me back In a day or two." H e lent Ta I e. A 'Wonderful Escape. Bl EUOIHI IMEBHON. 8oom yara ago, I went with a 2ouDg friend to pay a visit to hie jgrandfatber, who lived in Delaware 0 ountT, Pennsylvania. Oat evening my friead asked bit 'grandfather to give me an . aooouut of aa adveotur ha had when a boy C shall endeavor to relota it ia bis owa lanjraag iu nearly aa posai llo.' ' My father bad failed ia business ia Philadelphia (bogaa tbe old gen tleuun) tod badooaoladod to try hi, fortuoe ia tht weatera part of the State, Ie started first and ereoted a log cabin, and then returned for my mother, and mjielf, I was then a boyof Jen. " Ai'tUie (oae'tbe IoJiaoi were at peace with the whites, id we lived ia eomparative safety. AJl ereat' ''along 'Well votil - my father wu ttriekeadowa with fev- Ht pother, who wee at good and flobte a woiaaa as ever lired, bad to cart father tod attend U the VOL. 19. boose i and for upward of a week tie bad no sleep. Our food was very nearly gon fl it could not last mora than another day. ' My father was growing worse every hour. What to do we did not koew, I etui now see coy poor mother kneeliog beside the bed of ber sick husbaod, imploring tbe Great Ood to hafB Wercy upon os. Ob, bow she Wept and prayed ' "l)o not worry so, my poor wife ; all will go well some day i if not iu Ibis world, let us hope it will be in tbe next," aaid my father. ' Ob, what sball we do if yon dio T Ob, Ood, spare ray good basbaml I "What will become of as I" criod I Id groat distress. - "Cooie here, my eon," said my father, and let me look at you, and give you some advice before I am called away." "Now, remember, Samuel," be pnrsuod, "as Log as you live do what is tight aud just Never drink any iutoxicatiog liquor, always tell tbe truth and read your Bible daily. I cannot last much longer,' and I wish you to remember tbe dyiDg re quest of a father. "Ob. dear husband, do not talk in this way I You may outlive both of as," said my mother, ia a tremulous, sobbing voice. "Ho, my dosr wife. I feel that death is not far off. If I koew you could get along after I am gone 7 could fool wore resigned to my fute. Put your trust ia Him who sees and knows all. (let me tbe Bible Hitmuel that I way read tbe word of Lord. Blessed are they that keep Ilia Qod before my spirit passes away from my body," Taking tbe Bible, my father opon ed it to the I19tb I'eitlm aud read as follows : "Blessud uru tbe uude filed ia tbe way who aalk ia the testimonies and that seek Him with tbe whole hcitit. Tbey also do no iniquity ; thev walk in bia ways. Thou baht commanded us to keop Thy preempts diligently. Ob, that my ways were diroctod to keep Thy statutes J. Then shall I not bo a sbamed wbeo I have respect onto all tbj1 commandments, I will praise Thee with oprigbtoofe of heart, wbeu I shall have learued Thy righteous judgments- I will keep Thy statutes. Ob, forsuke me not utterly." "There, my son," he resumed, "take (he good book and keep it i aud learn what I have just, read ; aud ooco a day, through life, repeat it for your dying fstLer'a sake," At that moment we were all start' led by yells of ndians, and a min ute after tbe door was burst ia with a tiemeudoas crash. Three savages rasbed into tbe room, and with their tomahawks brained my poor father and mother. While two of tbom commenoed scalping my parents, tbe third caught me, and takiug me outeido. tied me to a tree. JJo then returu ed to tbe bouse. Ia about too minutes tbey all came out, with their arms losded with whatever tbey thought of value. Oue of tbeta went into the bouse again, and ia a few minutes I oould see bad set fire to it. Tbero I was tired to a tree sesiog the bouse burning and knowing that all that remained of my dear parents was being consumed. Ob, what I suffered then, do language can describe I Tbe agony of death ia its worst form, would have been nothing to compare to it. Wbeo tbe building was half burnt dowo my captain! untied me and told me to go with them. One of tbe three oould speak a little Eng lish. We uarohed tbe remainder of tbe day uutil dusk, wbeu we came to a bait One Indian told me to keep still, or be would scalp me ; and to make bia words more impressive, be pulled eat bis' knife and cangbt me by tbe bair. . I oloeed my eyes and thought my time bad come. ' He tbeo let me go,' aod took bis seat with the other two Indiana, i ; Tbeo tbey lit their pipes eud com messed, talking, wbioh the kept op for half an boar. Then the one who spoke jftogWub called me over, and told me to all in the ' middle of them. lie tbeo aid i .j Me make big Indies oat of yon. Yvu iikebij lujau." '' MIDDLEBURG, SNYDEU COUNTY, ''No, sir t I answered. At thie be laughed and said, "Make you like him." Then tbey built a fire and prepar ed their supper, wbioh consisted of bear's meat. ' Kaob one cat a slice off, and put ting it on the end of a etick, held it in tbe blnze on til it was done enough to suit. I was bandod a slice and a etick and told to do the same. Boy like, grief did cot take my appetite away, and I ate it with a relirth for ufler my long walk I fuh very hungry. After b u per tl.oy lit their piped j n J smoked foi obo.it an hour. I'lion the tint wax left baiciu;, and a'l luid Jowo to sleep, myself b tti" taoiu with my bauds aod feet tied. Tho next moroiug was clear and beautiful. There was not a cloud to be seen in tbe sky. A fter we bad eataa our breakfast wbioh was about the same as last night's eupper, we started ou our journey. We traveled until noon, when a bait was mads for rest aod dinner. So things went ou until tbe fourth night after my enpture. I appeared to be reconciled to my fate, and made them think T rather liked it than otherwise, wbioh bad tbe effect of giving me -more liberty. Tbey did nut biud my bands and feet now, but made me sleep betweeu two of tbcm, and the other one slept at my bead. Should I get up I would have to do it with the great est care, for the slightest noise would cause tbem to start t even tho snap ping of a twig would waken I hem. For some reason or other I oould oot sleep that night, but lay awake looking at tbe stare aud thinking of father, mother, and thut oneo huppy borne thut I would never boo again. Tbe idea then struck me fur the first time that might escape. I cuntiously raised myself to a standing position, and was about stepping over oue of tho Indiaus wbeu be gave a etart. Iustautly I laid down and closed my eyes. The ludiau raised himself up, and put bia bead eo near mine I could bear biiu breath, I think bo was looking to aee if I was asleep. Coming to tbe conclusion that all wns right be laid dowu again, and by bis bard breathing I knew that be wus asleep himself. Waitiug eotue fifteen minutes longer, I again got ou my feel, and this time stepped across the 7udian aud was ab ot to go further, when 1 heard a uovemeut. stood atill. and my heart beat so fast aud bard that I could bear it. Cautiously and gently I picked my way, stopping every step I took to listen, aud then putting my foot dowa quietly, oot daring to bear the whole weight of my body on it at once, but little at a time until 1 was suro made no noiae. In this nay it took me nearly an uAur to travel a dixkiaoo I oould ut any tiiuo Luvo douo io a few ui:n utoa. I (boa reaubod a stream, wluoh I walked in, oot from tbe Looa-lode which I afterwards loaroed thut it would break my trail but because I thought I would make less noise, Ia thie way I traveled tbe remain der of tbe night $ and aa soon as it was daylight I looked around for a place of concealment, which ia a short time I found. It was aa old tree that bad fallen over the stream, tbe trunk of which was hollow, I crept into it aod laid down to sleep. Horn long I slept 7 know oot trot when 1 awoke tbe sua was very bright. I thongbt I would take a look out eide i bat just as I wae about doing so, I was greatly startled at seeing ao Iodian pase by tbe opening. 1 then crept back as far as I could, and waited and listened. I coold bear tbe Indian walking around, and at last I saw bins pal bis bead to tbe bole ia tbe tree where I wee, and tbeo hie arm. I was about to crawl oat, but be tarn- ed away, and I beard do more of biuj. ' , , : ' , remained all day ia tbe tree t aod as sooa as it became dark 1 came oat and resumed my journey, though, I koew not whither I was going. I walked until gt tired, aud then stopped to rest. I began to feel very bnngry and to wmjtr ' where j Syuld get iowiifyi U ? D - As I was tbos resting I beard a great rustling cloee by, and not koowing what it was, thought it-best to climb a tree. I bad do looosr reached tbe first breach, than to my terror I eaw a large bear some opto the very tree I was ou. I placed as groat a distance be tween hiua an d myself as I oould. While be was growling and look ing up at me, I heard the crack of a ritlo, at the saiue time tbe bear foil over dead. In a few minutes a couple of whi'e hii itors cnue up, and while t'i"? won ex iniiiig Oct bear I dueoonde I the troe. After fctaring my etory tbey promised to take care of me and de liver ueveafa lojuvjaprlev-whiab. in the course of a couple of weeks they did, aod thus I providentially saved. Far The I..t. REBEL PRISONS. BT OR. R. ROTItnOCK. The shops of the city had mostly beoU cloiej, aa I oue of the gtmd told me that every house ia llioh inond was either a prison or a hos pital. Though this may have been exageration, it was no doubt a fact that all the dwellings of Richmond had their spare rooms oooupied by coufinderate sick aod wounded. In this city tbe infantry guards were relieved, an I a ov:ilry escort furuishe I, whj showed their confi dence in our dusire to reach our lines by letting us strangle as we had a miod to. During tbo day wo marched with out food, in I fiu 'tlly.late iu thuafter uoon, a feeble chxer went up from the advance, which told that the flag on our trunspoits was iu aight. Need I say how wildly our hearts heat at the eight of that dar old flig which we bnd followed in tat tle, unil which bad Hosted uiuong the pouceful sceues of home. The fouling was too deep to be exprussud in words or cheers. Tsars of joy rolled dowa tbe cheeks of many a stout man, whose eyes ware unused to weep i tbe voice that attempted expression was lost ia ohoking sobs Mea sat quietly dowu, teats oouraing their dirt furrowed cheeks contented to look op and see the 'old flag," floating over tbem. I eat in this manner, hating, with out knowioit it, a qniot, joyful cry, whoa a comrade caoio aloag, inquir ing "what are you blubbering about old follow V I looked up, and saw be bodu't muoh to brsg of, and replied, that I was cryiog because folks were such fools as to live under a";fli with thr e stripe, whoa they nsgbt have one with thirteen ovurs tbVm. .We hoisted anchot, loft those scenes, aod oauio, at last, sick, mailed,' m aoiated. comp any, to Annapolis. There kin I bauds oared for us. kind wo!oo:nes cheered ns, aod we knew wo were ut home at last at homo witii tUi w.u- of a great nation si'ottud au with tbu grat love of uoble, loyal buarts. Wbea I left Hollo Aland, I bad no bair or but to put oa my bead, aod ray clothing ooueietel of a pair of piculoons and a shirt, aud those were' all tater ed and torn. Tho rout of the boys were ao butter off, and some far woree tbey oould uot cover tboir smoked black aa negroes frem the nakedness aod we ware all pitob-pioe smoke I am confident oar fathers and mothers could not hsve recognised us aa tboir sons- after our arrival at Annapolis we got plenty to eat, nod the oonse quenooe were bad, quite a uumber of tho boys died, aod others took chronic diarrhoea, aod bad quite a time to recover But this was one of tbe grandest times ia oar lives- hope we may never be so unfortu nate as to beeome prisoners of war again. To be Continued A oertaio politician being called a fooL a fortnight ago, one of bie de fenders said, "No be isn't a fool i he's a noodle." ."What's tho difference," growled tbe original accuser. "Why," an swered tbe other, "the difference is just this i a noodle ie a person who hasn't backbone enough to be a fool." Tbe conceited Britishers claim we have no literature of our own. Tbey jdou't know anything about our oir u costoie, silently. . PA, MAY 25, 1882. The Newer Arithmetic- A citizen whose gas bill was f? for the month of January shut hi bouso np for two weeks in March and bis gas bill was 17 75. How much did be make 1 If a buloher-cart going at the rate of a mile in three minutes stiikes on Alderman who is walking at the rate of four miles an hour, what ic the resisting power of escli t A County Treasurer knows of s dead sure thing in whent, and be puts 1 1 1 1,00 I of fin people's ca sh. The diHtance from bis town to Ciina dt is 18) mites, and the average rt,cd of a raiload train ia thirty five mile au b iur. Fiud but they never fiud 'era. A lady bought noma tape for elev en cents, aud some thread for two cents, end worked oft a ' in.rtr with a bole iu it on tho peddler. How much did she save to buy tracts for tbe heathen t A stone weighiug twenty two pounds is ooncesled uoJer au old hat, end a tunu kicks it with such force as to soud it nine yards. As it takes two aod one-half pounds of active pressure to move one pound of dead weight one foot, what force did be exert T K man spends eighteen conts for lager, ten cents for tobacco, twenty cents for oigars, fiftueu cents for streetcar fare, end loses f l.ftO at poker i bo then permits bis wifo to purcbaso a bill ton book for three cents, and figures that hor extrsvs gunce will ruin bira in three years What is bis capital t A man has niuoty-ooe sheep, oighty-seveu calvee and thirty-Gve pigs, aud be dusiree to divide them among three sons nud a daughter, so that tho daughter shalf have nine more head than tho boys. What will be the share of each, providing three sheep nru stoleu, to calves got lost aud five pigs follow a circus away A citi.eu deiires to inivo a cook- stove t'.vonty-fojr feet and put up sixteon foot of stove-pipe without using either nxe or hammer, l'iud tho exact divisor. Q. What ie reduction of fractions A. Broakiug a dish and theu jumping ou the pieces. Ask us something hard ! (j. What ie a prime nnrabor t ' A. No. 1. A boy having lost half of bis kite string nddod forty-tfvo feet, licked two boys, clubhed a dog and full oil" a feuce Tho ntiiug was then ono balf its original leogth. What wus the origioul leugtb t A man gives au order for sevjo tons of coal and finds thut ho ban re ceived only sit tons aod 100 pounds, (low much more is duo him, aud what'U you take to conviucu tho dealer that be must send itf Q. What is dry measure f A. Measuring sawdust oa a hot day. Q What is short division T A. IjbuI'iu tba ullier bo have tliv wi rin bolo for bie share. Ready muid : The girl who ia will ing to be kissed. A man who was formerly a night watohmun refera to it as bia late oc cupation. "If I rest I rust," ia a German proverb. "If I trust bust," ie tbe Americau versioo. "I die content," said tbe fly in tbe buker's dougb t "SoraoboJy will take me for a curraut." e i A New Jersey woman who has been divorood from three husbands, says she feel eo discouraged that she doesn't think ebe'll try marriage more than four times more. Why ie a cow's tail like tbe letter F Because its tbe end of beef. "Are tbem all Bibles f" asksd a man tbe other day, iu tbe probate oflloe, pointing to a big bound volume of wills. "No, sir," an swered tbe clerk, "these are testa ments 1" Barn am bee lived seventy-two years, aod wants to live seventy years longer. Tbe foot that there will be no circusee in tbe next world appears to have discouraged tbe veteran. . Courtesies at ao introduction I First gentlemenMadame, per mit me to Introduce my ' frieuo, M. He is oot nearly so much of n fool as be looks. Seoopd gentlemao That ia wbsre nj ; friend differs from me, ma dast, - ' ' -1 NO,. 41 Physician. N'r. II. II. HORDNKIt. rilYSlMk AXI St ltbLO, Ukavkiitowm, Ia (tll.r. bit rA'.Minnl rvleal l ths.ltli.nl el Ur.t.rluas.ud vlamllf . Apr. S, '!. I.asns BAitst. BARBER &-H&S3IR3ER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, lifl.r tii.'IrprpfoMlrnil ntnltH In (ho rl'U.n. l Ml .ll.l.ui n.l ?lrl'itf. MIT!-. few ,).... r Wot .1 th Court lln... I. Atn,.M- Mt'.Mn I'., IMI. iyt. J. V. SHIN OKI, SOlttlKON AND I'll VHH'I IN, Middlrburir. OIT.r. hl nfi'wl ti I .rli . tlx of Miu.li.i.yrg ..a tlclOitf . M,r.li,'T. MAHAND HUTU BUCK, Fremont. Snyder county, Pa. tlra.lalanl tl.lllmn..i fell..,. ..I ......... b1 MutRton. nS.r. lit. rolo.,l ...I trrlo. .i"" . nM4ii B.Q4il,l4 anil o.fia.v. auras, it, ism. tr. Y J- SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, fremnnl, Sntilrr Count, Pa. llf.r k'l prof.Minn.l ttrfl.ti t. m. Oflif. oa Mils mml. Jan. J)U. J. O. WAGNER, Plivslrlnii nml Knr on. Often hi nrorlnn1 r?ldi In ha oitite. of A'Uiu.burtf .nil tlrlnllr. Ann. I, 'Mil. D H. J. K. KANAWKI, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Outre! I lr, ii)ler Co., n Ofl.ri bl. prolM.loo.l rlr. l.ili.rubll. J. KCKMKUT, SURGEON DENTIST. KcKiiKit re ui.uok, S'liiiffruve, Ptnn'a rror.Mlou.l kml.Mi proiautlf iotxl.1 to, ,MI .. .. pEKCIVAL IIEHMANn! PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KraltrniUr, Snilrr Co., V urtrra bl nrnfflonil rlo, to th. nil tin. .1 Kr.tMrlll. o I f lilnlir . m, ii'i jyn. A. M. SMITH, rtrsicu.v and summon Olfnri his prTfnl'iol tIi m l th.oltli.ua H. l. I.'li. ' JUIIOICAL, MECHANICAL DESTIH7 Sslinsirove, Pciin'a. Just ic. '8 of the Peace. Q K. GLASS, Juillcn ollli I'carr. Kramer, Snyder County Penn'a. All Coll.clluDi ami rauittt.oca. iruininlv ala , 'el.tr. DAM SMITH, Jitics oftlis Ptfacc ft C3ii7STance r tfuioei-Sjiri mjn, Snyder Co., I'u. AU offlLUI b.iilna.i .taUlna tHtiltlnni and promptly alian.la.1 tn. Uull.ollun. an.l raiiilt. tan. a. iruuiplly mml.. May 16,' in;. JSAAG HEAVEN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE mid f jonerul tJollootor . MiUDLKseHi, Nnyilrr oounty, Pa. Sp.lal att.otlun ml in oullai'tl iui of all kln.l Ji.mltlauoa. will b. ui.ua prmiyiiy fur all .uiltiutlun. U.Ja. Mar. li.'If. Y" II. W AOS E It, Esq., " JUSTICE OF TUB PEAClt, JackHon Towushij), Snyder Co. IV, Will altao'l to all bo.la.K .utruit. I to til' .nr. anl no lus lOJat r...un4iil. t.rwl. Har. U.'on. D AVID S. SIIOLLV, Justloo of tho Ponro, Unhit',Towuhii, Snyder Co., t'a. Will atl.n4 to all bmlna.f rntruHnJ to hi. ear.natn. touit ra.sinabl. trfrjit. tuat- oinp I Ir.M. Dokojii., soy lar Ou. H. Mar. ,'. J 11. IIA.UTMAN, 'jTHTICK OF THE PK4 E. At Convoymicei', CENTKEVILLE, SujJ.r Ootiuty. Ta Ooll.atloa. anil all bullosa, parlalnls to to. otfloa ol J natlo. ol th. P.ao will b. altamlail t at abort sutloa ap riri. JOUN'k. 11U0IIE8, Esq., JUSTICE OF TUEPEACB, Peoo Twp., Soyder Co. Ps JAMES MIDDLESWAHTH, Justice of the Peace A Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co. I'a. Will altaaS Bromntlr ts all raaan.'ral ball aa.. partalnlna-ta taaofnea. Uollaclloni Diaj. WU. H. HABD1NQ, JUSTICE OP TUB PfcArE c CoHveymieei, FHBEMOMT. SnyJ.r.ounly, Ts Collactta. aaSal SualB... parlalsHiS Ik oSoauf Ju.iloa of b. P.... vlil li. aiunii.il to at abort noil... Apr. !. O A. WETZEL, i Justice of the :Peace, Bsavertown, Svyder Co., Pa. AU blaal. or QollMtloa. aiail. an liberal tar., fnxaptly lmm& n all knrtaaa. tiast.4 an kla MM. 1 jia.M.rs. . 7 . 7 i Published every ThnretUv r 11WI14. JSRSMIAU OKOUIB, rrvprv ... . . Terms of ?nbeonpoH' tVTO DOIXAlU PCB AXNL'M. fMiw.. able wiUtut six months or ttJBOWtwit paid within tbe yenr. No pf IU conttntifd eatii all arrMfws a e paid union at the optioa of tbe pne - Snbetrlptlons outside of the toaiv rATAflLE iJIAUTAKCt. WlVrsmis liftlttg and usirijr paper siMressed nthsrs I ecomo.nUrtlWe. ind re lisMe fortle irlee oflhepsper BRomrs . IRON BITTERS will cure djnrcrnU.li.ultmni, mild h, kidory ditruc, lin compUlal,. and oilier waiting dimuct. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS enrkhtt the blooJ sntl punhn tbe tytKm) cbih wcakneu. Uck ef. cov, cu. Try s Uttit, BROWN'S IRON BITTERS U llit onlv Iron rrcpsmiua tW do., not coliir tlx tcclh, and will sot: c.tue ltealchc or con.tiri.uoo, M Oter Iron rciuuoas wiU. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS I Juliet and all tuflercn from new ral;ia, lijrttcria, and kindred com pUuiu, will bail it witboul aa eijiuW WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUNOED POPULARITY OF if HiH-utixti i)ify luive roveil theiusslvrs the Iieit Exterui'l Keuiedy ever In ceutetl. Tbey will Mir aHtlmia, coMs, voii'liH, rlKMiiiiHtlHiu, nsurallu, and) any luciil luiitir. Apjiliid to the small oftliebaek they are liifulliahl in Buck Ao.he, NervniiH Ilebility. ami nil Kidney troubles; to the pit of the stomach tbey are a sure cure for Dyspepsia) and Mvor Complaint. AI.LC'OCK'S PUKOl'M PLASTERS nre puinlt-HH, fniKritnt, Aiitl ulck to cure. I'.ewure tf iiuitntlons that blis ter ami burn, (fft ALLC'OCK'S. tbe only OiMiuiue Porous I'lunter, Juu. S, lb?. 041. ROBBED tkman raa sr. aa anally rxhb.nl that. iilnia h,.a proimiKa... li.ninaa am) k.altk r.MwaJI by iu. ut. ..f lUo nf..l CEHMAN INVIGORATOrT. pi'l.nry d iuia.1 L, iaa, uT any i.jUJV s. iuid.I Wa.Unaw.. ami l etaaata. thai toX. luw a. a aiiuane. al .trlf akna.. a. Isaa il , ariiy lu .. ro.ianry, u il.ara.l l...:tiiT.. pan In ib. bask, illn.n.x "I vial .a, prmatara .Id' mmv.bou inai j o,b' r -iia.M..a mat laaif la ! aatiliy ur eoaaumptina anil a pr.matur. K'at.. nana nn-airounr. aritu LatiiamiUi. fr.a by mail. Tbo I.N II JDK ATI IH i. ...II at al u una, or ,li boi.i for ,1. by all druKKltii, or ll ba .i OL li.alit mall, aannrala aaa.1.1 au im.Im ol pnoa uy aJilrrMhig F.J CHENEY, Druggist, 117 Horn mil SI.. To Sdo. Okl. Hul. Aii.bi iur lb. UulloiJ btaaM. Mar.b.iu, I Mi. Oitiition ! Kotii'e is lierrhy clven (list harry liiircliH.cd one lnre, HuckTi Organ, nml .e I of burner. wliirli hitve left In the puseaniou f A'ilert 'iiifsmsn anil nil pernoiis sre hereby csiilHiiieu uol toiiieoiiie iin me asme si it eir pern, JIK.N'KV Hl'AHL. lIMIlale 1 will mail llr'H lha rdalpt l-t s limf V.c.lolila Halm 'bat will raua Tar, Kmsklaa, Plnilra ol Hlntchr., Ita.la( tk. .ale ai.il, rlaar .ail Ivautllul al.a la-lraa-lira, for proilu.liia a lot orUnt Kmaih ol bair oa a bald ba-il ar ni '.lb lanr. AdJr.a. ta .loalaiS. .lamv, UbN V Al Nil fcLT ( CO., I aarol.y si. N. Y. TO CONSUMPTIVES." T. ailr.rtl.ar kaln bran para a a SB 11? rura l ol ibat SrraS nl.aa.a, Ooniumiiilnu. by e almpk r.ma.lv. Ip anluu. In m.ka hsnwa ta bl, lall'.n-f ultar-ra Iba in.aua nf ar. Ta all bo datlia It, ba will a.nd a aapy of In. pra, i.rlpltoa aad, (rreaof ebaro )wltk lbs itlrwa. Una. Ir praparlna and B,la. Hi. aa mm, which tb.y will Soil a .nr. fur, kirOoaaai. Twltie, iBn.Hmplloai, A .1 h ma, Hrain. hHla. Aa. Pani.1 wi,bla(lb.Pa,aHitoa, will wlaaas -B.inr-aa.RaT. E. A. W1UIUN IN fees kt., Wllllaaitbarak, M.T. EROORS OP YOUTH. A OBNTLKM N wb naBarad for ara irna Amitmi IiCIIIMTT. fKRMATU Db rAV.anlall lba.Ha.1. n youlblal la.llaara ll.a, will for Iba oka of .anVila kaa aalt,, a-n Ira. la all ba aa.4 II, Iba ra.ipa aaS it- . ra.ab fcf aiabla. tba lapl. raatady by kl.h ' b. waa.arae. auR.r.r. w.bla( ia prl by , lit sartlaar. aaparlaaaa aae Sa aa by a. 1 Aa..alaa In nrrfaot auaS tanaa. JOHN oodih, m ot si. M. T f.b.l..lf. ,4 , ; . JadwjM tucn saw wwsseti ruiii meruit, WmrnHl'tm$,kii9t I