The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 04, 1882, Image 1

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    (, -otumn one year, IfiO.Ot)
Lhair, column, T'.
-Xftittrth column, one year,
U iiiiwre (10 1 insertion 7
ry additional insertion, 10
r(lfeliniani ftml Bimhmm ciirtU oi
not mon th" 6 Ii rv), per rear, 5.00
Vlitof, Executor, Administrator
Cad Ami Noticed, ,2.50
.Uteris! notion) p . , W
All transient advertising less than
onthalrtcant line.
All advertisement for snorter pe
j than one year are payable at th
nt they at ordered, ami it not paid
t Mrton ordering them will be uold;
jporuibl for the money. .
Tht Day it Done.
lit day I done, And the darkness
Fall from the wings ot night,
L a feather la wafted downward
Prow an eagle in us nigiit.
Lm the llrht of the villa
Gleam tnrougn tne rani ana the
Ld a feeling of sadness couies o'er
TThat my heart cannot resist
filing of sadness and longing
.That's not akin to pain,
tit reoeiuble sorrow only
Vi the mist resembles the rain. .
line read to me eotne poem,
koine simple and heartfelt lay,
but hall soothe title restless fooling,
And banish the Jhoughts of day.
.it from the grand old masters,
Not from the bards sublime,
hose distant footsteps echo
JTurough the oorrlders of Time;
ir like strains of martial music,
rhelr mighty thought suggest
! endless toil and endeavor;
led to-night I long for rest.
ad from some humble poet,
iVhose songs gush from his heart
showers from the clouds of summer
)r tears from the eye-lids start;
10 tbrongh long days of labor,
Lnd nights devoid of ease,
U hsard in his soul the music
t wenderful melodies.
Lh songs have power to quiet
fhe restless pulse of care,
,d come like the benediction
f bat follows after prayer.
Ion read from the treasured volume
he poem of thy ohoioe,
H leud to the rhyme of the poet
be beauty of thy voice.
lthe night shall be filled with mu
sic, Lnd the cares that infest the day
ill fold their tents like the Arab,
nil as silently steal awny.
Tkt Put.
rebel Pitntm.
'be food we received was barely
loiuDt to sustain life, and wits
using the inmates of the prison
an almost starving condition.
found by personal experience
observation that, when hungry,
b will a dopl very ungentcel hub
to satisfy their crnvings, aucb as
iog no bones reincted bv ntlmra
I koowioor fhem like do, strum.
eg with each ntber for itrtiay po
pe peelings, even picking up
ne, (which had passed tbrongh
stomach and intestines of some
) and washing them in the
f or River, sod boil tbem a few
utes and then would sit down
eat (hem. 77orriblo to bj told,
never the less true, in fact, any
ft and everything of an eatable
uneatable nature would be bun-
and used.
Ine day I saw an Irish chum who
possessed himself of a bacon
9 with a little meat on it, but,
emaggoUthan meat "Wheat
you doing, Jim.
parrelling with the maggots."
Pet, itb a oomio lear," ''to see
have the bone." Mo brush-
be maggot off, contemptuously,
went in for a meal.
?r rations at this time consisted
half loaf to each man per day.
! nuoket full of beans boiled in
tj gallons of James River water
Mob a email quantity of bacon
peen boiled for the guard, us
eontaining about twenty per
of maggots, no doubt owing
pretty of aaltt There., might
been a small percentage of salt
t the fuctwas not aeoertaioably
e eeese of taste. Only through
hioh conH give no great
f to the palate could one see
listence in the soap for snob
be name with whioh this oom
d was dignified. It was issued
times twios a week and some
mot at all. Tho bread was
"P087. and of a good quality,
ur poor daily half loaf could
dosed in tba half shot band.
osuffloiency of food was the
t of the prison authorities -to
regularly i sometimes we srot
to from Saturday morning
Monday night Tba general
was, that tba bakers in tba
all drank, or they bad no I
rni,i!i.. . , . ,
wqaisiUons, which exonses did
W rtoouoba, aod atill they
wn u piaoa oi rauoo.
a them poor aubatltaU.
e tcived aay bask raUoaa.
If I
VOL. 19.
We were all divided into squads
of one hundred men and over eao
squad a sergeant was appointed,
who drew tho rations for his sqnad
The bread was onanted o it to these
sergeants by a rebel ofllonr. and
brought into prison in a blanket.
The fact that these blankets wore
infosled witn vermin did not detract
from the tremendous craving of the
appetite, at the commissary's, molis
sub, pics, and sugar were Lopt f-r
sale at exorbitant rates Jolusses,
one dollar per pint. Sugar, one dot
lar per ponnd, onions twouty.flve
to fifty cents por piece, butter and
milk could rarely be bad at any
Ueenbsoks were hold at n premium
by the rclts, culliog tliem aliinpliiH-:
1 1 1 1 . . I
ieie woruiiess irsnu. 11 was notice- Ulog witli all diiiucuco making in- f .t!.ve,l out by sui.l rcsnliel 111 tie
nblii t lift I IIipv uluiu-'n-l n tF.ii, t ' .if . .1 nii-i.... t 1 1... ,..U... :. 1:.... 1. t . ' . . . .. .
-J - ' '
hesitation iu taking their own script.
On the sly, oven at that date, rel'cl
officers would buy up greenback at
the rate of three dollurs for one.
Fellows iu our conditiou developed
somo talents, which under other cir-jdog we put on strait f uvs, mid nil
cumstances, auJ uiuung deceit peo-j denied having seeu Ins dog. lie !u
plo, woultl have been cousidetad jcame very angry threatened the
dangerous. Five dollar greunbncl.s e hole catnp with vengeanCf, and
were altered into twenties, ones iiitoisui 1, hu would not ixsuo any Ml.ons
teus &.o. Urokon bauk bills of ....til 1B f.,,,,,,1 i.i- ,1,,.,
Norlhean States were parsed by iih,
sod wore received with e;,'oiuo8,
.llil .Vint I Mill' Ailtll .n. ...... Ml... ..
.... .
- ",,U "ut-j viui.uK
eu iuu, uigner uouoitjiiiauou ami
i it n ...f :.. i
I'""" " iin'iH. vuniiieiitiiuti iirimii'inai uiglil. Hot tillbtllij t l Cook tlm
wus worked up into heavy gold
chains by iugeuious Ysukees. Iu
fact, every ineaus, however dishou
est and desperate, was resorted to,
all for the purpose of obtaiuing food
Except in some rare cssos, we did
not swindle the rebel guard, which
would huvobuen to our own disad
vantage. But woe to the unsuspect
ing citizen, who, iu his greed of
giin, seduced tho virtu jus (?) gr ty
Hacks to euublo hi in to trade over
their posts with the Yauks.
I had a fiuo chituce to become
fully acquainted with tho disposition
of tho guard belonging to different
iltttes I found the Alabama- and
Ouorgia men to be the most intelli
gent, while tho runk and file belong
ing to Virgiuia regimeuts ft ore the
most ignorant and vindictive.
Our sufferings were becomiug in
loose for want of food. All our
thoughts and feelings bad become
concentrated in that of hunger.
Even home was associated ouly with
the varions descriptions of good
food. Often we would say. If we
only could get at our mother's swill
barrel, we could surly get a good
meal out of it. Iu my experience
there wire three stages of hunger ;
Gist, the commou hunger craving
oues experietioaa after missing bis
dinner end supper t second, this
passed off, and was succeeded by
headache and a gnawiug sensation
iu the stomach ; theu came weak
ness, trembling of the limbs, which,
if not relieved by food, was followed
by death. Asa general thing we re
ceived just enough food to koep us
huugry, which may seem an odd ex
pression to the reuders, but those
who have had the experience as I
had, will recognize it as a truth.
Under suoh treatment men be
came, indifferent to everything, ex
cept their own miseries, and found
excuses iu thoir horible sufferings
for any violation of the ordinary
usages of humanity. Differout
minds are effected in different de
grees by prison life, which is iu hu
man and uuatural. It is the calm,
phlegmatic man as philosophical bal
anced, who is best calculated to en
dure. Snfftring tie vtlopfcs real char
scter, suffering is the crucible of hu
man metal, aud pure indeed must
he the gold which is not tarnished
or turned to drop by the beat of un
mitigated affltolion. TJuder the uu.
merciful and inhuman treatment.
It must indeed be real wbiob never
forget itself, but stands firmly upon
its pedestal to the last.
I was mixed up "right smart," as
the reba generally say.
Our rations had become reduced
to almost starving quantities.
Ooe evening at about suo'set, the
rebel Lieutenant came into prison oa
a trading expedition, and his small
dog followed bim, our hunger knew
no bounds, and five of us concluded
if wa oonld manage to procur this
fat dog and keep bim secreted nn
,iu toe KieaieDsat woum iojh iu
mii.i ih- km him. ...d
. -1 . I - , ..... A t .1 1 1 - At..
'pMpMhiui forth dinnr pot This
W4 M k8W WOUid be a risky buai-
ness. Bat the hunger roost beep
p4 la so wet. a sr.
This dog come into prison ofteo
prior to this particular evening, and
one of our squad had very often pet
ted this dog, so that the two bad be
come particular friends.
We bad our plane all mnturcd.and
iu a short time John went out of the
tent to find the Lioutonant and his
favorite d g.
In about tn minutes bo came
back to the tent and the dug with
About dunk the Lieutenant It ft
the prison, and we killed tlio dog ns
soon as possible put It in in a few
camp kettles, and bmii .1 tl.u LtttN s
with their contents under our LI mk -ots
on which ne nlq.t.
fjjinelimo after ditik tho l.ieiiten-
nnt rumo into prison hunting bin '
...... I
- J1'. .4 wm ,uu ! M iuu BIMIIU HI
tho prisoners gave the Lietiteiint.t
end slioie they
tltg. -
I. . 1 1 i. - i I l
The Lieutenant c tine to our t"iit.
st-ked us whether wo had seen Ihh
After ho left tin, we coi.cltido.l we;Hshl wo find llnn'mau it celrbi ate, I ,
might iih well go out and trudu for ,
.1. 1 . .
Mourn 1,1111 ii ii ( w.'ti.l, hii-I tiinkn I'le-
piatiot,s to ceik s. in,, uf tlie rue it '
. . .
meat iu dijliuie. Our mouth in !
the mean time vvatero I at tl... i lea ,.f
u.uv,n u'.,"u g iiieui i,r a"1c.ill.-iiIIJrwii,i)i.iii,1Hiil Wvttl.;
small of salt, a.,.1 ot w-.od , ,8,,1( co,)llp. ,Klll ((ij(i(i piinJIMlu .,, Ur cohllllU,.a t,,,, ,,lU.
euouah to cook the meat wo In. 1 1 lju0i, t , VT,utat ll0 ,)j . -It 1 ,. k lii-r. but a i ivernnient nur-
intended to prepare that nil.t. Tl.o(i.m llf .., M (11KII,ui. ull, ' u-vor wis itl.oa.d, and hoclieeiied
meat in th i pot became soft asweMlhur i?llt wo Uvo ow ,.,,,,,.,, , ,v as I r.illu.l out.
thought, ond everytbins " 'tl.e en of Au.- ric.-, medienl Heienee. j "I haven't tlie least doubt of il,"
readiness, we did all eat, '"! which 1(,y bo d.v.ded ii.lo three1-".! H,o p ,seeUtfer, as ho heaved a
sullHUed. This meat tinted belter . , ... , , , ., !.:.i.
and sweeter to us thau any meat
ever eaten before It was relished
immensely by nil.
The next nioruinr tho guard wcro
wade acquuintod will) the wonder
ful loss of the dog- It was a sad
sfT.iir the do was missed bw the
Johutlies from bis accustomed
To tie CoiitlnutiJ,
Foa tub P T.
Medical Science Ancient and Modern
Aioonj those diivoted to raolici nos
tho lirst uftot; the do truction of the
liotnau Kmpire was Salerus the
next Moutpelior, nn 1 then tho uui-
vorsitius (f Vienuit and Paris. .Mi-1
ical schools woro also cstablisH.!'1 i hough tho means for
about tho same time iu Todu, Milan, jnequirinff wofk no one seems to Imvei
Homo and N.tplo t. Tho medical do-
partmcut of tho BritiHl colleges at
Oxford and Cambridge were eslub-
lished through thu intluenco of
Linacre who bad travolled extem-ive I
lv iu the South of Kurone. Cbeinis-
tiy had now mado considerable atl -
vancos nud as it d not be ro-
coucilod to the fi-ileuio Theory. the!,ua Iali"U nrt. nn 1 we find two of!bind, tlm sllig itors gathered moon
inedioalprofession were divido.l into '
two sects, the G.iloiiiats and t:henists!,'ius ' ,efl,r l' two 'ot. mors
rose, Paracelsus, who declared he;of Winthrop. )uo of Hicmu w:.s Oov
had discovered the Elixir Viter or!0"1"" clioilt' n" 1 "olu llli' wr"10 BuV
universal paunoea. The Cheiuioul jtlltl ooiatunniciition on med ci.m foi
I'hysio.aos, uotwHhstauding tuP the Ilo;nl .Society . wuic'i li.i v..;
failure of tli Klixir of life, still "' "ativo niember. lio. l of the
maintain their existence a sect i ''r,J pnysiciuiis were either pr.ln-
the taut aud most Puys of'ul,", or UttJ uuo" instructed ot
them, beiug perhaps the learced and
scieutifia justus Leibig The fol
lower of Ulua formed thetiiselvi's
into a sepurate school wUiolt they,
denoiuiu.tted the llippocrsteau
Their Materia Melica was simple,
aud derived principally from the
Chemist euibraoes the most power
ful and d.tuerous mineral agents
Notwithstanding thu opposition the
(Jboruioal physician experience th.-y
increased iuto a numerous autl pop
ular body of men. The principal
s-jots iu medicine during the IGtli,
oeutuiy were thu O.leoists, Chemists
ud Aunt imiats. These sects each
contributed to improve medical
soieuoe and perhaps none more than
the Anatomist. Th anatomical re
searches led to au explanation of
tbe circulation of the blood by
Harvey i absorption by Asseli, Reed
book and Bartboliu i tba relation of
tbe lungs to tbe heart by Malpege
and other. Tbe mysteries of Cbe.P
ioal theor e were cleared op by (be
genius of a Boyle, and the master
mind of Sydenham rose like a bright
- . -I
UU uivr lil.tlitiiBi i".. uTic, vtaruuiuiiivuivt. v mu ui . . .. ,,, .
. . i . f iv. i. '.. . .1 , . . i . ,ithe wnt of th mill men, and th
touch was bat tobiatfy Dnrlug Doston the expenmeuts which bad
Us ITifc, cwatury UvslU aarauJtlkb i ia Xulwjr aod HoCUnJ tcoffipQiitor set it op "m.lkmea.
he doctrine of Vutra. mnthcui ttict,
or the djctrioo of applyiug m tthe
matical calculations to the functions
of organ both iu health and disease.
It is astouishiug what rapid progress
wne rondo by this now and imposing
About this time tho chemist ad
vanced the theory of fiver which
shs supposed to oriiuite in an ici 1
coudiliou of the hmiiours, ami there
fore to lm cured by nlkulies. The
duct rino of the mathsitiatifiiins an. 1 1
rhemiels absoii d tbn nlteiition 0f':''"U 11 P ' ll.c pilot, h lim ni l
medictil men III till tlie otlnr i,,ielH:lr,'l'M-"'i W,,J u-'v"'r " ',u 'u !
I I j : t
were neatly vnniiili,l n tl.e
uiidvt of litis eiijromuif nt of onin.
i inly imi'lio ii ii.ii'i.i'is and
Von lIc!niOnU'r,iiv 1 hone
neii 1-1-I Irs r mm tl i I.him h,,j
IU IIIU iOI IIIII '.II)!: ( ' 0 l)U Sl'l't ei ,!.
vit ill .U.
Tuo lenl .1' d ir
Ult'J IttHl S.'OU UiOjt,,, WW tll.S.t'1 till '. it..', ' !
.llUi'llUDH of till) lioiiy ,Vi", Jl-.l lc. I
mi. I MliUltied by mi iltikt)utn tiuii
I'tiniMpnl. Tliiih after tlie ii".'lnitii- :
c;il dortiiiie of llipji ) r.i'.i-t lint
cloo 1 fn iu ax Hie roek of ki-h, for i "". lil lt M "O'n! Inn' I m r
ip:irdi of 2 I centuries Stuhl eiic-:d'. 1 c in fhe it at k.'tii'.lu. dni.k
eee.le.l in il.-u m iti' itin- its error ' ''ifkey. r elinv p ior tvibucktii',
and Niilistii'itiug a n-w tlioorv in its' ,!rl" 1
pl-icn, Anion tlm f ill i vei 1 of
'llt, whoso writin g me quite!
n, ri),H
In tlm after part ,f ih..!
centilfy tvi liml lliielli-itle
ll illlinliin. mi 111 i ..f i,.,.. I
,,iHo v f , , i r,,.r t10 fall .
r f ,,.i ,, ty ,.. W(J ,,,.
, .,,... ,1, ...
P,0C,1MI,K "iTIioriiiI.oiit tlm ii.i.ii.i.i.l.r,..
of the
fuil"iin. I liu limb ouiuru 1111 replri,,s
volution. Tlri Hen uid till thn en 1 of i k' o" that, Htianijer. S juio
tho Cmt quarter of the l', century. f"Hers woul 1 thinj; I am a lior, wlieu
aud the lust from ll until the pre !
sent time (I SSL' j Tlm in
thellrnt pin cannot however,
ter our vanity at the prexeut day ;
for though frtun tlm siiund of the
white mail's fontHleps upon Ocncvito
the bunk of thn James river, and up
on tho Plymoth rock, tho inarch of
intellect has been upward aud on
ward i yet our prtfi-NHion for a lon(
wus cramped iu by circiiHtances tiiuo
which tended to devulope tho pto
fessions of I.uw and IHvinity, while
ourou propiifs us rtlsrdid.
Let mo run briefly over tlm his
tory of A in-irican medical i-cionco,
promising only to notico tho more
prominent men and events rotund-
thought that such labor would bi
npprosciated by tho profession iu
United .States. Tho physician
of Kuropo could see but little nt
tractions in tho wild woodnof Ameri
" u"1 ,"nco- 1,10 c,erv ,'if,' U'
mOBt lonrne.l persons in llierolonies
except the governors, had clmige of
lhl,H0 ''"b" ' in dealing out medi-
ropoun institutions, ami uc0"idiiig to
their practise was modi the same as
'Europeans of tho same ugo, Miip-
piu aud Morgiu of Philadelphia,
were thu most euiiueut ueu iu the
profession iu this couutry previous
to 1 70S. However, Dr. John
Mitchell of Virgiuia, bad written
much ou the yellow fever of 1717 to
1712, even before shippiu and Mo.
gau became si extensively known.
It was from the suggestions of
Mitchell that Hush was It I to the
fiee use of pu gatives iu the yellow
fever of 1773. Dr. liush aciuired
most Celebrity of auy physiciau iu
the first era of American mudmiue,
ud the whole of bis popularity
seemed to rest upon bis success in
tbe treatment of the yellow feyer of
1793. Mercury was first used in
this country, in iutlitmutory com
plaints by Dr Douglas of Doston.
But tbe mest itoportaut event to be
noticed ia tbe first era of medioiue
in this couutry iath introduction of
the practice of inoou alion in 1721
by Cottou Mather. Dr. Mather
..!.... . .1.. t,..:: I
PA, MAY 4, 1882.
but with tho exception of Dr. Hoy
leHton.tho whola medical profession
boadod by Douglass opposed it, end
public indignation was so,(igh thai!
'"lr. M it'mr and lr. Ilolehton, were
both in d Uigur of lofting tli'jir lives.
i ''tat I iiiii'. I
A M ss ss pi Pilot's Story.
Tlui i ii:i (..r, alio n ia "il1
'h bi' liv. r for tin fi s1 timr
in iyn life, mtiim-.I i c i i,isiiiii l
"Mnny nlli-itnis in the tivir
a r . . i 1 1 1 1 Hi . klruu;i;r, lifler It It.
"N )l HI I1MMV I, iV, i.iiu'i t ''
o ' 'i t' Vim r ilioic i.i-lc-t
' l'l,.l' " :H til' l. 'ib
I ie ' la ii.. l.r -,t
' I ,t mii' ti ;
i in ru .; i,'' I . , .:
h'm,,',')i hi'lMlv,
,. . -in - i i i
I a l--! V-i'l I linn.: I win
rii.'ii thi'n, iic i tt lm itiM nf
'"' ii 'l'1""1 I .ienger
"I"' '"o-t ,.frai I to t!i y... i,hI:
"ut 1 Tl' "'' ' el-v-n imti Ir.-l ul-
I I Ii i m il.i 1 1 in Vi.'kHl'-u-,'
tl' tl Ml to .n.v Oi l . int.
'U'o, oiv a !i ,t n over
lire 1 t Vui."
-Will.I don't d.ubt
the Htrai ,....r.
"All I I've io.liit'1 .1 lo;)i,f '.on on
I'm b'liiu tliu solemn tuith. Thin
UNi'd to bo a panitlihu for ulli;;ut.iB
and they were ho thick that the
wheels of t bo bout klllnl an uvui ie
of forty-nino to the uuilu 1"
"Is that so "
"True as voHpel, mister ! I nnn.1
to uliuoHt fuel sorry f ir tlm cuhnihI
brutes, 'citiso they'd cry out o'm
most like a human beiu. Wo kill-
od lots of 'oiu, us 1 sai l, uud we
hurt a pile more. I with one
C tplaiu nho ullus can ied a thousand
bottles of liniment to throw over tho
wounded ones 1"
"Trim ns yon live, be did. I don't
Vpt;ct I 11 ever Heo another such u
kind, tdiiiHtmn man., And tho ul-
ligtilore got to Uno tlm Nancy
June, and to know dipt. Tom, uiid
lli.y'tl Httiui out un.l rub tln ir tiiilh
iiieui the bunt nn' purr like cats, uu'
loi.k up innl try to i-uiilu '. '
"They woul l T"
''.Solemn truth, Hruii;v-r ! And
oi ce htu wo grouiidod on a bur.
, with sn oppomtion bait right I
got under In r stem, mi l jumped
her eleau over llm bur by a grand
push I It loi kn liliu it i ig s'oiy, but
neve: t jll a lie vet, 'ind I never
i I t ,.
HI. Hi.
i I wouldn't
jy you cut.-d J t.i
I here was
Uu-Ufler a wLilo tL j pil t c h i.i i; tl
Our inline tin out and a
crowd of alligators took a tow line
and hauled us fo. ty live miles up
stream to Vickuburg."
"They did f"
"And when the news trot aloiin
. B
tlio liver that C. iiit. Tom was dead
every alligator on tho river diubed
his left ear nitli mud us badge of
inoui uiii.' aud lots of 'cm pined aud
The paHsenger left thu pilot bones
with thu I'eiuaik thut ho dilu't
tlouht tho statement, ami the old man
gave thu wheel a turn mid replied :
"That's one thing I won't do for
love uor money, mid that' make a
liur of myself. I was bruog up by
a good mother, and I'll stick to tho
truth if this boat don't make a cent.''
Tbe man who goes to a Vermont
caudypull and doesn't eat enough to
make bim sick for a week, is consi
dered out lo have had a good time.
Tbe editor wryte, "The shower
lust week were dot sufficient to meet
NO, 38
'hfsictnns. Ae
illir hl vrn'"i"nl norrl.'ix lo Hi. ilil'ii
of H rrlon rlaimty. Air e,
. uiiii.ii n a it 11 1.
n. 1 1. nAHMinuKii.
BARB23 & nmmi
oil. r 11,. ir ,nr. .. n .rT.-.. tl ,-i it..
l U. l-l, .1 M .in, 1 1 - .v 1 tin 1 Ir-.1 1
-l i ti.--1 nun H..U C, 1 1 Amir. 1 uii.ii,-m
" I'l l.)-,
I .!. "..s:ii.!u:i.
1 ' tCUiitd.N AND I'llV-li'lAN,
Mil llrlmrt... I',.
(il.'.T. Ill-
V-.t. '.
' '! I ,.r'-.-jr .111 I
I I" c ' .
n ly.
j )b AiAKA.M) l.dl IIKOt'K.
Fi otnonf. Snyder county, P.i.
i In. In i'i.iI Hi ii nrn i ' .itn . f i.,v. i , n,
1 1. I SH K -'l.ul. I-;, j r..:.-. .1 -h .1 .
in .I'll.-. Sj.-i.i.i ..l,.,. '.r. ,
n-ii. T, in-1 II.
P!i)3;rlan It furrrcn.
rf ii, m;!, V.i ii.i i- f
' 'M"r. '. oi v .-. tnlt. in Mi
orii ,ou i-nnn. Jin.a ii ;.i .
J) ; J. o. v.'.(iN!:i:.
i I'Ti) .h Lm nut) Nur fin.
, l-T-t l.. .rof....i'iiMl . -t-n,-,.. In 0,.. i.
"I A Ikiii li.irti nuj vi-'ii.i')- A i.'.fi.'Nuir.
J) ii. .i. r. kan u'i:i,
; physician Ar.'i) succorj.
I'ri:i"t.i, S'lV'liT 4'i.. I'.i
(lllff. I . , ,, ,,t,,, ( f, . ,,,P
ti ... .
W Kill. II l III.IM'K,
' .Vin;"iiv , '1111,'n,"l.n 1 l)u!oc (.r iiuctly .n.ln-l to,
; .il, -,.
Krtit;willi Smiltr (a,, ',;.
riftr lit pnf.ttl innl .nr. -lnai t-l Hi. i linn
ut Kr unit villo -in vl'luit . a ut. 1 1,';
J)U. A. M. .SMITH,
nilr hu .r)fflinl - ri. t.i tn olllisa.
ft AtUmiburH ntl il. mil .
Sei'l. 4'7i.
Soliiisgrove, IViiii'a.
Jti sic '.v a' ft Vcace.
Q i:. cibAss,
Jii-lln- ol I lip IViw c.
Kratiur, Snyder County Pcnn'a.
All t'olloctlum in-l ri-iul.Un.. .rimit)v
Vt l,'
Miss of lis te & CHveyaaci'f
llaicvrSjifi ikjh, Sn;ihr Co., '.
AM nn,.n I -1 1 i . v ! ar .li"iilin n.1
ir.uii-ily hi Ion-In I t.i. Tulluo tlim . itn.l rrnill-lun-. in. .la, ,M.,y id,' in;u
, us twi: o'f tii i: rn. 1 c ';
joiieral (."7.ll(t.i-r .
Mihiii.i:iii hi, snHir iiuunty, !.
M..i..i nii.ii'l .ii i 1 1. 1 r, .. , ,m vin I
lU'.n.u.ii'i will I., in iiiu .r -Hit-.l -r .11
i'.i. I c;l .im u.4'lt).
' r 11 W MINK If, Km,..
,1 ; 1- J t's nn-; or i iu: i-kacic.
-I.iekii.i Town-hip, .nyler I 'o. Ph.,
Will kII.ii'I I i nil Iki' iiik. o. l-.i.ul t l III"
r-iro .let mu no m ..t r.tii,a'jiu lur.u.
! '' ' 'u
i I '
Justipoof tho 1'oiico,
( n 't in't'l on hii) )i, Siiii l r Hi., I'll.
V:l t .i ll t. ti -1 ii n . rn'ru'thj
j rtt .Hi l-i. nwit l.-' ii. I'.i.l.
niil,'- . i-lrus.. lii.Mi.iiii;, "iiy l.r t .o. I'.i.
Mf. 4,'J.
J. H
irtiii.ii oi' t:ii: rntt i:,
.V CJon '.'j iimi,
Ci:.M Ili:VII.LU, Hnyilvr Cuuiiiy, l'
llollenlliina an. I .11 fan.ln.aa In il.a
luiiifoui Jumn-. ut iu. i'..u wuu. .n.-mir-i to
I t tiiiri Doilt!. Ap rJl'lii
JUI1.N K. llUUllKS, Ust,.,
Pouo Twp., Snyder Co. l's
Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer,
Troxlovillo, Snyder Co. Pa.
Will prnniill)f to all m.nn.rot Sail
D.ii ii.rt.ln.nir In th.ornt-.. ilulLitl'in. ui. j.,
Mi, Artlol.iko., wrltt.a. (Julf n,T-ll.
yy.M. II. HARD 1X0,
Ac Coiivoyuncoi',
FAEEMONT, Bny Jcr oounly, Ts.
Collx-Uoia .nS.t p.rl.lnlDi lo It.. gfib.l'.c will b. .tli-nSrd lo
.l.burl Dollo.. , Ar. if is.
Justice of the Teace,
Koaoertown, Say der Co., I 'a,
ill klDili f H.ili.otli n.d. oa llb.r.l l.
Jrtiui lljr .It.uOi to III I'.iiUsii tatruM
Is liis sars.
Jsa .,':.
Published every Tlmrsrlsv Eventnaji
JK0KM1AU CAOU8S, ftx.?
Tonns of 6ut)f nptwtt,
ahla itMn six months or f2.6(TnW
paid Within the year. No paper tfnv
continued until all sVreafsires a -a'
pnid unless at th option of til pirb'.
8ulsrript(niis nntslifa of fn cOUJiff
HirPcrsonsliftinB and irslrig psper
tlilrcwted othiK liei'iirnesiibiicribeMl
and sre liable fortbe price ofthe paper
no longer from Dyepep
Bio, Indigretion, want of'
Appetitcjoeaof Strength
lack of Energy, Malaria
Intermittent Fevers, Ac.
TEPS never falls to cure
fill theso Uicauoa.
!Vstfltl, VitvtnrVf f, 8fi,
T.tot ( HIMI Al ;.
tlfnlkmrn - F"f fn I hs,v"
l niirrttifT rrrfn.m lyapiu
ivt "tiM net no itlivf iIuvihr tried
rvrrv:tnii whit h a tn ttmmend.
C'lt until, At 1 1 ?iat ft tit? ailvii e n( aj
ffifti'), vrbn hail bn betirf'i t retl hf
HnnWK'ai If. l-ll tK, I trifl 4
I "ll If, itti tn.sii Biirjuiainif retuitt.
rrrvi.-ti to lakfliK 4rlNt I stuff
lilt rns, vcryt!iiiit I arc t1irpaJ
n, anJ 1 iiikrrr frraily from ft
l uruiiiK enMihn In ih ttomach,
ulutttana tin 'ten rail , SiiilI Ub
Imk Hsiiwn'i snn llirrtiMft, all mf
Irutilrlr arc pImiictiiI. (nvniany
lima without any lia(rall r
.lt. I siu 'M. tidily ait-tihcr
n. Mr. W J. Ki.vam,
M-vcM.k St., L. lklUtV
nnowN's iron Drr-
TErtS nets llko n charm
on tho digestive organs,
removing oil dyepeptlo
symptoms, such ae tast-
j ing tho rood, Dolchlng,
i Hcnt In tho Stomach,
! Henrtburn, cte. The
I only Iron Proparntlon
! thut will not blacken th
tocth or givo hoadacho.
Sold liy alt Drupgl.ta.
Brown Chemical Co.
Daltlmore, Md.
ff that .11 Iron Hitler, .r. fy
llrown h.niitl i n., lijltimura. and
li.v. initial ml line .nil tml
ar. vu wiaypcr.
Uecauwe they have proved themselves
the ltnt Kxterni'l Remedy ever ill
ceiitfd. They will cure asthma, cold.,
voiikIih, rheum. ttiKiii, ueumliiv, autf
any luenl puiiiH.
Applied to the Himtll ofthobimlc
they are lnfulliuble in Hark Arhe,
Nervous Debility, nud nil Kldusy
troulilfn; to the pit of the stomach
they lire u sure cure for Dyspepslai
Itlnl Liver (Nimpl.tlirt.
nre pillule, f rii-riitit, and rpilck n
eiire. Ill-ware c.f linltntlnii. that blis
ter innl burn, lie! Al.M'OCK H. the
only l ieniiinu l'oi'ou I'lunler.
.Inn. S, 1S3 r,ni.
riiiitN.,1 o
II .1. .i.Hm.
I l.y iu. u- I Hi.- tn .i
! t b'- li p ut 0 v.l). .ml ..rin.iiint!y nir lip
ll"ll'nV ("i"l l ejci-..-,. of .uu kin, II.
N' iiini l ii, . ,11...... it,, .
.hi . .1 r ii.-n.-a .1 M.ll .Uu.., ol sn.
oriijr .... .-I umnoi-jr, u I
III Hi. la ml,. .l.,.nn, ,, vial .n, iarilllur. o.
I imo, oi l n .i.y i p 'lla.nas. Ili.l li.a,l lu In.
. ...hi') in i'ei.aiiiii.tion m.i. a iiriiiiiHiur. Kr.v.
m tl lor c villi I. mini. ml. I. r. bv
I'. ml. I li I N V 1 1 1 1 II A I'llH ia .1.1 .1 V
lii, oran t.ii.i Kir by .Ii drumim., or wiir
l . iii I.e. i.t mall, .oi' ulu, uu r.o.lnt
ol eric, i.y ml.ln-aiiiiK
F.J CHENEY, Druggist.
lr Summit SI . Tt. Silo. OLIi;
K,... Av.ut I ,t iu. i i,h, .) t, i, i.i,
March, a. .,
Cunt ion !
Notice In bcrcby civen that I ave'
purrhilneil olio liotaia, Jlnm-y, (Irgin;
innl Mt i.f liiiriieH uhicli lm vo left in
Hi,. iM-Mi-jnn of A'libert .'inunniiin Slid
nil pt'i'-ui.a sro hereby cnuiioned nut
tiiiiitililli- witli tlie r-imic at tlien-r'lil.'
tl Ka'KY .SI AIII..
f will ninl! (iron) t' ronlpt fnr slm fi
ttirisilila- It Jin it, tt vtlll rut)V Tatr;
!' lalrai. tuiilra m li T ftloli-.ira, trftvtlaj
ilia ikin r. ti, . li r ml Imhuu.uI i Aim lairuo,
tkn I -r irixlii(tiiM ft tuxurl.i'.t urowOi ut hair
o n Imhl tifj4t or tin 'oih 1.1 .. A 1 n
cliMH 3c. iiiui., UfcN AMKLr UU.. 1
huoUy St.. N Y.
I n. . iv.rtl-.r li.tlna lii-.n ..rn..i .nllf
. ur..l ol lb. I ilri-ail rllH.-., Uoaiuaiiliiii, bf a
.iini'li r.oi.tly. la .mlotii ta m.ko ItO'iwn I.'
LU i.lluit-.iirtatvra th. n,aaua of ear.. To .it1
liu il.nlia It, ho will n. a oo.f of tha iro
Mrlpilon d, ( eL.rii. )llk tha tllr.o,
lion, lor .r...rln anil uilug tuo aia., wbl.-U
til. IT Hill Suit attir. t'Mr.fur Ooaa-ra. COIUa.
Cim.iiiiiplluu, A.thina, llrniarrilll.. SO.
HaMl.awiiUliJK tb.Hr.iorli.Uoa, III plaits'
All bNTLEMAN hoiurf.r! for Imoi
N.r.oo. IIKIIII.IT V, MIKM A ri'K ll K
CAT.aiiSall thooAorta ol vuutbful laSlaor.
iIud. will lor Ilia i.k. of aHtrliiK httw.nltr,
austi ti. to all alio i s.4 It, tha ro.ia anil it
i.itloa I- r tuaklDa tho laapl. rtiuwi b U.H
h. nai.ul.S. . Sul.r.r. l.klag U ptofl. bo
Hi. .rlv.rtl.of'. .ftarlouoa oaa 4u ey aai.
tlr.a-lDa Iu parloatowoS-loneo.
r.s is, it.
leeo on hand alt kinds 0
T Blank $uch a Sot$, Sum
tno , Warruntit Leant, Salms.
HU till!., lAft