The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 27, 1882, Image 1

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goo tr f f 10 Wnes) I Ifoswrtsoo . 75
Et t mi uo:i.ti iiwnim, mi
. notBioiethari 5 liniM, per year, 5.00
AaAitjr, IHoontr, Administrator
Aivcw Isortces, 2.50
aVlitt.4 nottaM per Hn, tC
All tpvawrnent advertising less than
9 moitlh 1') cents line.
All advert tsomontw for a shorter tie-
jot. tha Anayeaf nra payable Hi 111
m they are ovxieroxi, anfl II not pain
, bo perswej onUtrin them will nnUI;
wvaonsiWe.for 'he mouet. , 1 1
P 'o eJ, tvyr.
. Wrirt"8EFU3E0." ..
,owleyonf woJBiftnMIO! halt,'' .
Until 1 prove where lies the faolt,"
Of which you bitterly rtoense.
Ami eensuvw ms when I ."refuse " ?
To risk oij- lot wltb on who hint
"Of '"woman' slue" la public print
Yon talk of "falsehoods, " bold, unjust
Of "cruel Jest," and "loss of trust,"
Of" "scorn for scorn," of "woman's
Then wonder why I can not prbe
Yocn "spirit proud." Such word but
prove . i :
Me right when I withdrew tny love.
Yott'flay you're fooleJ like other
'" mvfj '. ....
The learu your tenon over az&ln,
Until you find that manliness,
Would ne'er iuch bitter taunt ex
pr; yor conure. one who aaw revealed
Those "faults" you thought so wollcon
If you such charges now can make,
Yon'd double thetn, or I mistake,
When onoe yon had 'uoatii your con-
Some loving, gentlo, trusting soul.
Who soon would learn when 'twas too
That Love wat clone allied to Hate.
Accept my thanks for favors done,
And luarkl the laxt the greatest one,
Wan when you thu exposed to view,
Those "fault" I ng hud seen In yon.
And thus compels me now to choose,
To tell you why 1 did "refone."
for Tt Post.
At an early date io the war of the
Totted states, I was C.nnpatiy Pby
iciao of Coiupaoy "C" 78 Ut. l.
V. Iutue mouth or Snpt. 180 1. I
and el von meu out of difi'xreut cnu
puny of the RK't- were lift at Joiia's
Mill 18 miles west of ChtUn tf ,
aith two weeks rations anJ ine li.
ciue, Tho col nel thinking at the
ud of the two wt)ks. wj wjuI I he
cured of the cliilU aoJ he woul 1
send an aiubulanco bifslc, and if there
wore men, who wore not' Wbll
nioiib to join tho lU'Kt. tho aw-
liiilatice driver fho ilil luke us over
to lli import, at hii:h place.
liad a (;o;ier.i! li pi tul established,
tint tho w!l men w:r t j tiu the
l'iKt. which was campn I on Look
out Mountain, After the U'-'t. It-ft
tr the top of Lookout mountain I
(in J Dr. lldftHttcIt oonimeucedto ileal
out the Quinie to the men in ordr
to get rid tf lliosa nnoyinj chills
Id about 10 days, we bad the chills
ftiibduud. suJ iu two weeks the ma
jority were well, ublo to do any kind
of duty Well tbatwo weeks puttied
and we. aw io ambulance, three
weeks passed, and no ULuliulunct:
made its appfareuce, we became
somewbat alarmed because we were
iu formed that a company of rebel
cuvelry bad been raised or enlisted
iu the valley we were quartered,
and tbat we were surrendered by
the most bitter rebels. On the 28.
of Sept. a few days after the battle
of Chicamaua, this company of reb-
1 ravelry come into the valley to see
tbeir fa mi I its. Tbuy soon foiiud ns
cut Bud e were all taken prisoners
of war and the same day we were
marched aorosa Lookout mniiniaiu
to Ringold, and there put upou
board a train of cars and taken to
Atlanta, at wbiob place we were
giinrdm by private citizeus nutil
Doxt muruing when tbuy took ns
oat of tbe Stockaid io the inorniog,
'be Rebs, took everything from us
we ba'j.. They even took the shoes
from our feet, bats from our beads
we lis J nothing left, but what would
barely cover our nakedness.
Ws were man-bed to tbe Rail Road
sod we boaidud a train of care and
oon we were -on our way to llicb
0'iod, arriving at tbe depot In Riou
fond, We were formed into Hue to
b marched, to Lib by prison. We
ere indeed a bard looking crowed.
One would tbink suob a speotuole
WM calonlated to excite pity, bnt iu
this case it exoiled scoffs and deri
too. Even the 'children took tbe
tons of jbeir eLlers, and one little
fellow, about sis years old. perched
lultaotly upou gate, condensed
in single sentence of, "We bare
"t you, yia d d' Yankee you" a
"bole volume or rebel bate and tri-
tepb. If we did not then believe
On . i.. l ,i . . , , . . . .
iu nst4iat description oi a
J'nkee,.w bad occasion to obaoge
our opinion when wa arrived at oar
. . - . J ' wiuv inn ivmivu iiiuf-ir I- f-.t-v
wniuatltft tWbiU aUadiair In froilClraeW Io boot or. tmjonel mtt ooa'w:!.! . u.--a, ..I uaj
, . w . . . ,T j
Si I.iKl,. an ..a S
fisow mm wuwtr rortj, J1!
!!l'.'t.l. J J ..i, . ., ', L
V" -
W It i
to ne, tine-lM with got J lace in a
most extraordinary manner, donbU
lees tome omcer ol toe Dome gnarn. oD dt? who knew not the way a of
and sneering, aeked If ttiie wae thoee who were before Ibem on duty,
"Faleotare army of reernit I" "No."0r when eome contrary eecexh wa
replied i. nnderetafidintj the intalt, I pnce)d on duty or eome one of the
"We are not i but here tbey come i"
pointing to a detachment nf dilapi
dated rebels coming around a corner
with tbe ebodling, uotnilitary gait
wbiob is peculiar to lbs Juhunios.
Tbe otfioor road away without any
mors attempts at wit Iu the moan
time, the sidewalks were liued with
citizens who came to see the "yanks"
as tbey wonld to the exhibition of
some strange animal. A very few
exhibited any pity. A few women
mostly Irish or Oorra in gave ns
food at the rick of tdeir lives. We
were finally orderod into ths prison,
and there went thro'i'i tlie rero
mony of anothor search. Kvery-
thing the chivalty took a funoy to
was confiscated as rontrtband, we
had nothing more for them, they
had takeu everything from ns at
Atlaut.v Hut 1 did see tneui take
from other men, pocket-knifes, combs
needles end thread, left the prison-
ers nothing but what they bal on
their bucks.
Libby prison was at on time a
Swp and Candle innunfuctnry, three
stories hijli, the ro mud were larire
and poorly veutil ite I an 1 dit-rust,
ingly tilthy. The dost an I tobacco
juice of years had gathered in hill
ocks nud ridgjs over tho floor,
rbeao murtiuriti were indescribab
ly foul. They bad been filled with
prisoners who h 1 1 j 1st been reoiov.
u.l to m tku roo n for ih. an I h i 1 left
bubind them all tho oflfil of mortal
maladies, weakooi an! wounds
I here bad boou no sweeping or
cleaning, but into oue of ths rooms
we wore forced, oompullod to drink
in the snlficatiu nir.tb i tiint breath
of which cnisel me to shil I Jar. The
room in which I, with about two
hiiudrod other Uubu Soldiers, was
placed, was to filthy for description.
Here f ir five d ivs, almost snlTjcaN
itig from want of air, nud crowded
room, I remains I, having rations is.
sued to uio only twice a day, io
taiviun' quanlilios, on I ' poor in
ipulity. iu fact uot tit for nuy bu
mau being to oat. No. medical at
teuliou waH given to tho sick, nud
i be horror of our situatiou Seooiod
moie time could be borne. To such
i degree were wu crowded, that we
wurooblio I to arrange oiirsulres iu
tiers, like pins on paper wliuu we
slept at uiIit. c-iuiitaut iutnrforence
ith eaohother's sleeping room caus
ed such coutiuue 1 nranliui ua to
m:iko uiht nud day more like tho
ubodo of fiends than oue of humju
At lit ouehundrol nnd thirty
were taken from this abode of tor
ture, nud seut over to Uellla Islaud,
which is ritnatod on a bend of the
James River, about half a mile west
of ltiohmoud.
Tbe river at Ibis point is very
swift of current, an I full of fantastic
gronpa of locks and little islauds.
covered with luxuriant foliage among
wuiob tho water dashed iu sparkling
foam. Three bridges spau the river
between the islaud and the city. Toe
islaud contains some foity or fifty
superficial acres, risiug at the lower
extremity, tow trd Iticumoud, in a
goutle, sandy plain, and upon Ibis
was situated the prisou camp, con
sistiug of about four acres of tbe
lowest land on the James River, al
most on a levol with tbe river, aud
ooueequeutly uubealthy.
Ueyoud tbe prison grounds to the
westward the island rises into a pre
cipitous bin IT, there crowned by
strong earthworks, which command
ed tbe river above. Tbe prison
grounds were surrouudod by a low
board railiug. around wbiob i nards
were stationed at iutervals of fifteen
paces. Tbe guard regulations on
this island were very stiict Tbe
guard bad orders, tbat no conversa
tion should be carried on between
prisoners aud guard, end tbat no
prisoner should come wirhiu three
feet of ths railiug or e.uhaukiueDt
wbiob eoolosed . the prison, But iu
spite of all tbe rules aud regulations
of the Johnies. the irresistible yan
kee spirit of trade aud dicker pre
vented even tbe most virtuous gray-
back guardiaua of tbe prisou. Trad
ing over tbe line on the sly was oue
of tb professions, and all io a short
ttanat liana intA mira n 1 . a a .ii.l . I I
tbat Iwaiuess. Tbe gnardlwdsUiot', , -
or bwvouet tmv one'
i.n it t ,
-' w 9ummm swaesv eesss-w "
eomelinio beoa-ne very riky, enpe -
' peoiu T when tie Rdarl wa pot
Joh ale's who bad been cheate I In a
sharp trading speculation. The no
Kotiatioos between ns su l the John
ies was Conducted on a diiforeut
plan, from the negotiations of Him
United 5tats aud a foreign o niiitry.
wo did n it send Kmbasssdor over
to make treaties, Ac . but every man
dons bis own business, Anv one
wishing to Irsde would hold up. at
a esfe distance, some article of a
lAmiitini, fi.ln.A hmLmm V!.... il.i
, ' r ? '. .--''y''M Hut i traeiu the im -unlihU trufi.
the artcle was to beomtfWssd oheap,l:,, . , ,.
,., i .... . . "i written n ii'aliUf Imrters on s ich
nnlil the sccesb broki in by mour-1 . , ... ...
, ' 1 i on I oiimrv siir ill, inn I not tr i !
ng io pi ice. jtha hiif irv a- I tin exr.iruil in tin.
A watchman bing stationed near of , H ,t Bl lrl(, , fr,,
ogive warning of the of;,H mi,ltv ,. , f
the rebel officers of the guard, trade r H , , , f , , , v A,,,nj;
wonld in thiswise commence an I ; w ,., ,,.r ,,,,,, f,h .
I ....... I a. 1 . ' ' '
-I" K'l'ii-i iu L'u;ir i, mi l
verv often her.n..i ll.. ,w,.l
along the hue. In this in inner a
wholacitard wmil.t l. f..,.,m
virtue, by the-e icked Ynnkms.
Iligh-topud ysnkee boots, brass. t nt
tons nnd piuckbeck watches wore the
fascination of the rein, lint tin
regular cominodituis nf train hi the
yankiie l le were niticlen of ololhiug
which could ill be afforded, bono
rings ef prison iusnnrs(ture, watehes,
chains, and Jack knives, brain but
tons, ooiuhs, &i, A jack ki.ifu was a
tempting thing to hold up. If yon
did, you generally struck a Im Io.
Kven CominiHsioned nlhcers would
violate thuir or.lers and trade for a
jack knife or a paii of boots. In ro
turn we got h oe-eaki, wool to cook
with, apples and wometiuies p ilnt-m
and tobacco. O 'casioti illy oili.'er
from Iticlimnu l ca.un int.. prison,'
aud traded for clolhini;, an I wore
mean enough sometimes to walk oil'
aud not pay for what they purchase 1
jf'o bi CoHt'umc I.
Down in Florida.
The St. John's nv.,r is a qnoo'
liver, says ft Kl.uila pormep indent.
It is about 1 VJ c il a 1 ;i fioio r.nir
to ten luiiui. wide, . il l nveries
about a foot deep. I i tha cnutre, of
course, the channel gets to be ipiitu
deep. Somuti.uos it has a depth of 4 I
fuet. 1th current runs about a milt,
a duy I persutue it would tike
about 1 5i) days for a cork Io
from the source of St John to ite
mouth. It is s ill for fifty miles fr m
its mouth, and biackisli for 10 J
miles, ll is full of shad, cattish.
frogs, toads, eels, alligators nud
cratvfish. I don't know of any fish
or leptile that don't livo iu the St
John's river.
C 1 this n river " I sai I to an
old alligator ml lor who was fishing
for catfish off the pier ut I'alatka.
'Why. it's a great bay. It's uo mole
a river than Like Erie is. Like
Kiie runs fastor than thu St. Johu's
river "
"Thar you's wrong agin, stringi
She's neither a river uora bay i she's
a cow pasture. Don t you soe the
cows standing all over the river '"
The mau was right, All the cows
in Florida seem to congregate io
the St. John's. .There they stand iu
the water all day loug, slushiug the
mosquitoes with their tails, while
their beads are under water eatiug
grass. 11 is a strange tiling, indeed,
to see droves of cattle fueding along
a river with their bun Is under the
water. They look like a lot of cat
tle without beads. Thay will put
even their horns and ears under
when the grass lies deep, aud keep
tbem under sometimes two minutes.
They get to be as a npiiib ions as a
crocodile. A submiuariue cow pat
tureisan institution only eujoyed
by the State of Flroida
Young man, the road op bill may
be bard, but at any rate it is open,
aud tbey who set stout hearts against
a stiff bill shall climb it yet. What
was bard to bear will be sweet to re
member. If young men would deny
themselves, woik bard, live bard, and
save in tbeir early days, tbey need
not keep their unse to tbe grind
stone all tbeir days as many do; Lt
tbem be teetotalers for eooooixy's
sske. ' Water is tbe strongest driukg
it drives millsi it is the drink of lions
sod horses i nnd Sampson, never
. . .,L:,. .I.
wiuo oua fuyacoo- mwti w
i.oi . i. . ;..s aii-
v .'.. w .y w-f.t ar.rr r'r rrT
t )Wi9t
1 "'.
lMaJic' Saie.ia3 iO eit and ModeM
BV DR. It. n. OK MlDDI,K3l?nr.
Able mid the soroll of psst tim,
representing man an I tlringi as
they were,-ia imfollol s t ut, d.,
eye by a ripi I I o m'it h l I i
review tia t!ih.r w'ii ?'i htvu pml
forevor. I f..r t'n pinln-.i v nl I
be lo firn li irt tl at tot ir pri I or
vanity. I fiiir v i iii,i. -i. .
kingaul pri ,v i.t cni-il. v'n!
dolors sit brli g in lirVi-s
over a plan Ij f ica t'la a I n'uii in of
thoir merits nnni the nibli. 'if
nnjii the pibh
tio I'liiir rt m a.tndlil.,..iil ,.....
I '
l. n... ... i. .r.,.
"T mo ni if IIIIMM J I I'.'l Ml lit!
. '. . .
1 1, reeks, or li iw tin liiulin art w i
i . i. . .. .
. "
-iap.ei!w,ii..w mo .so says con -
solto l the oracles for ii.Hlrncii,,..
HI pieseiipliou. Nor need I refer to
...I . , . i. . . .i
Hit, u.'li.i .1 ..f I'. .. .... I il..l., ..I
jlt.t.v v.ti, tti....... ..... I....I . . ..
....... j .... .iv. n . hi - Kl.l'l II V-l,
lirt riMa. iliv J .mip.i i aoinil i I i. .1 .ii ,
..'.tll.riltl if ,11, t IV NM(JI. ClilH
e-upii ioi. I noH I
the fon t I at i in of
nit u! n
tho Alexin Iritie
sciiooi, an i pour o it, 1 1 -m I
ii i . . ....
neropumn as .,.in in tlie
seliiiiue daring the reoi ;n of Ihn 'of ,,,ttii n l .io n i i .. v . vi , -
I'tole.uio t nor neul inf r u you ; , , fl -u ,. ,. ...j,
tint from the fouulatim of th it ,1 ,,, t, r.,,,,,1 tl t, ,.. "
on'iool aontinnol foil his divi 1 . f ir ,mt i tt. vnl. ..... ., ,
lUrtlicd man I nail nit. on ,-r tlio 1 1 I ll Iih,m to it i.i v n eiiy
ii.ti an iu. iiry to burn w..Mim- th tl,.,t Nuit'.-i log no I d.ndud ...i .i ti.t
Scisilian pysician, or S-ripionJty vvi do'urnuul t n i lV..o in
of Alexandria were the fust g,-.ut : li,01,t .,d f,m, in p,.,.eh. The
proponlers of lilinrl refotn I j very hills tli it i on) nrooo I linn he nt
need hardly rovia-v tlfl hut n-y of ! itt. his ears an ecu i that slartud thu
iCnlsus. ArchiHithin. As -leiii i In -
... i . . . . i
uiair tiocinnes or su.v m t.ul it
v I'll I bo deiii'i'ilo 1 1 out ii' i it i an
examination of t'io in,tt i li o of
Tho uhou, a p'lvJicit i of hooial
seutiiuent an I eiiinlel ?imv. ,(
'ho art of . Afi m . )i,s u.
1 1 -pii n -,, j,, j i. :n ilf
.t ill IllM
CJII'I'ItT i. ( f l'uv i:ih. tiuies
d ii kly ii i t j ' . ; ,1 fame beiun
us. About U'is I'm", too I'nit i u i :
and 12,)nyotlnti.i or :-ljis "i i s ' 1 1 jU
bi'Ci'iin k'iu Vd, h'i no ul),ri i ;
aoioug their nin nbuis mi l
s ipnr-
ior men. In wit!i uicli
sect. I my mniitiou tlni wull knowu
names of Aretm on I Aiv'iinn m,
Tho loi uier in nt suoaossf il tioysi.
iii in of Ins titbits. The
writing on
th scrod of thu pist is so plain, t'l i'
I may coiidouso euongn lo-uaikH iu
a short pnrio I to f itn'ici an onlliuu
genealogy of Me Iio si I'uil M ipliors,
And to s i i Hi it t'lst i oi in voi o
desm ving of u otic i, I il mi I only ro -f.-r
to thu fict, tint (lil.tii. a p ipit of
the Alox in Iri sit s:i i il, a i l t i t
next on the list of grsit -u in of t i-i
past, uotuilly wrote two hnn Im I
volumos, whioli ivore text buks to
the profusion for twelvo lino Ire I
years, Sesttis, Sonn nn I I-. npui-
ous. from bilotiguu to liio j io., of I
that name was unsl mist louuil
mm to Q ilen. doling t in ro gn of
thu Emperor Anrelins. lint me li
cine bugau to extend the bonudries
by whicli it htl hnretofore bunu
hemmed in. anil we find tho Ara
bians disputing wit'i tin (iteeks
for superiority. The first euiiueui
Arabian physicians of whom wu have
any account, was an Alexandiiau
pt 'est culled Ahum, Two conturies
after Abrun, erupiou, of Damascus,
became extensively kuowii. yet he
met not a little opposition from
.llkheudi who apptie I geometrical
proportion an 1 musical harmony to
doses of medicine. About tun same
time. Itbszes, the chemist, nourished
aud was followed bv Avicuuna the
most populsr physician of bis times;
and whose works were regarded as
Authority till about two centurion
sgo. Following those, we sue
dlbnoasis, the eminent Surgeon,
oinnmaudiug atteutiou and wielding
popularity almost ns great as
Aviceniiu. To the seal of the Ara
bians we are indobte I for the writ
ings of tbe Greek physioi ins. li it
here ends the soienoe and rtfeu of
tbs aneieuts, and we view through
dim clouds the rays of budding
seance iu Europe, How painful to
think that these-, men', brothers of
one irrofe.slun and age', bate h per-
attd revile I" each Mhor
.irrcrvrj 111 opiuioii a aaao i utt yioiy i- , J , - - -
Jaml .t ,v. ..r .! .... JnurmiinenT.' so ws shall alwavs' kotoW
.swrsry ruv opiuioivs s ika t i ua giort i
.... ...J ...v.. ..c...
)f4 aV(asvaibs)sf fsof millwli
jirarry nnrirvw vi tun unir;iay iuvukiuuo I
. a . . " J
l'A Al'lilL 27.
f human being Imot in supplication,
are remombere I ni more t but the
name nf fippoorsles, a Ualen, an I a
A'vicenui. are wriftnn In fi'iry c oonals
npui to at ex'ern d Immi'-r 1hHm.
over the tern plo of funo, 12 r i u tun
fall of tlio -H ir id 1 i i i il iri r -i
12th. canturv, to tho loili Ivirio"
"n wnppal in tho n it. I;ral'l
iuoratiie. can so I priucip itlv In to.
Ii'i ins a'i 1 pili'iivd lull iiiiicus not
nernai try to b i-xi ni'i") l me
The frut i l-'t I mo in i 'o b it 'iu I li"
mire. rii ail itit,i'i .! li ii a va'-i i
e I in Ivinpo i i tlis IJ''i c-vii'iiv
prepared flit p-i'ilic mil, for a ri .i It
Hiibuiisxiiiu to pi (( -i-1 nfl s and lin
titles or I'oct-ir mi I I nils hoe I nc
lllidb i into iiiim ; thu pi ienili i i I,
ever tin iv to t!i- n liiiila,'i of t!m
itfh il alien of the lll-i-ies, ixeli-
tiieuiselvKS t. I pieveu. a rt,iri I nf
knovln j.le, ilet . ,i ( i ,- t i i iitdsMO'i
of O lieu mtii a uioru aid . I i i! irt
preLeudiur to .1 I eViOMon.J by
SOJI'I II It ill l tl..(M d HI llO' f
Ill i i.i 1,1-
i' 'una, 'I'l.inl l In, r-ir II li
ll'O ioeed Hito Ilie (n iclim .if In,,
: lliiivm mty nl !i
' '
In. IVilS IO- II-
; , bl (j.,,,,,,,,,, .Vll.v. AW Ml
1 tluj , ,tl v ,.,, ,,, ,
ij..:,,,,. Tins w ,h .ini.ot .!..
uho. tor hi ill 1 1 1 .
III In I h
n o alien an I moo o t ill hi
.oipeii I of toe I . . -1 - o .
i -t ti i.:
Ii a:.i. -
cl uie I
Iio .vevei , w il I tin -'
iMlo-.i oh of Ins aM.
, -,..v ,i. r,u.
I il li i
hi mi Hit. H i I
lilmsiilf ll. tint ,ir n i ir
I "
1 tnilli. l,o I mi.'Oi. 1 l. t,. I n
o o
' 1ZV 1Ul,iiks from their Itlhsrv. u,.d
M....,.rM i .i,,, hIi.ipU f
i million of
Hlaves. The di.x!itig
gionls nt a
, , . . ,
, ......, ,,, K..,.u..i tun fou
raisiuio iiij oars pu-n oi eirin.
-no luviMiiiiiii oi inn pruning (.reus.
"I'.e:. no
i i . . .
lUi'.n.iligs mi.! play
a'-s i : ' ' I'.iiitt ea'ig'it
! -i . '' : -.. ne . as i n igin-
. .'. ' i . in i st irtn I
i' I'I M. I i l t ,-r i-i i I of llilelll
gelioo. I'ueu tliii Ol Hi I is. tlin Ro-
j fouiiaiiou. an I tint ni t of iirm'.iu
ipivpmt'd the public nun Is ot IJnrott
jor Ihn truihs of sciunco. ilur.ijiH
j n,iw pr,.pa,,id advauejl mpi ,y.
' ('M,U M,n,', mi miuuliauu.iiinlv
: iu tl uuiuhur of places
A look into a Kill's ro on mil givi:
one au i I a of what kiu l of a vvo
in in she t ill i r. b iMy bt.'C.'iuu. A
t; i r I who keeps In r cl illiers hungup
liuarlr, wiioso ro im is clean al-vn ,
will bu voiy apt to liiiiku u good wife
and it successful woman. Drier and
matuens mo u.-eniiiU tl Ij o if co ufoi t
as w ell us 1 1 Dial of otn ws ai it n i
A ui I who tlirovM d iier tilings
itiiywiieru, will do things in a I J v 1 1
ly, careless way. .1 url woo does
ot m ike bnd till aftor diuuor, mil
aim should ulways iinilio it httrsf If
ratlier tlian have a soi vinl t d i il,
aud throws her ill inn or Uonni t doWll
iu a chair, will make a pior wife iu
uiuucises out of ten. If all the
world c ml I sue horv a girl keeps bur
dressiiig-rnooi. many uuoappy uitr
riuges would bo saved. Always '-e
as ti ly about your pemou and your
room as if your (l ieu In could ultvays
see you, Uot into the habit of oidt-r
aud no itnuas, mi it sill uo ue easy
in life uftorwnrds.
How thuy pirtel: rumo ha I
been asoniuiiig o ioluess liutwitin the
lovers. Oue diy Littio'i solio N
matu ventured to refer to thuobjuol,
aud asked her:
iVtion ill t yoi se t fane lastf '
Two weeks ag t uiiiht''
''VVnat was lie d ling'"
Trying to get over the fe ico."
I'i I he apojir to be m u i ngit-it
nd "
"So gre'Iy." returned Lottie
"that it toolt all the strength uf pup's
new bull- log to bol J bi n "
' l deolara; I don't know what I
shall do, the ther-uometer varies so."
said a' Ne1 IfaveA woman. 'Due
day it is as high' as forty,- aud t'ie
next it i4 down1 to nothing stall.
t don't bus Why thy oau't in ike them
' "
;j j. -s .i a- . i il. h
wW-alr.r i.-'
i f
Will She Walk?
Will most of the fashionable New
Vork girls, now that spring !aa
come, take a throe walk cver
1on mom ng 'r i n nl to end id
en triil park f
X i. Tliev will not.
Why not
II. Oimo ni mi fnxhionable New
Yo' k Kirlt ale not male to j;ri n
Why Hi 4
II I'l H i l e I O lilieia I i I V H!i
t 'h i i I i ii cm i i i . t . .
in I nokiin to i .1 n ilf ti frit i s toe. i:
- i f H ,
I x I Ci. v nv t ioo.;'i li e
l-i r!l f
I lii'V sUl b.ljin',, ilmlli til
ii i v pi I'l 'in uti e I-. in in v . i
c i tl 1 1 .voieli .l ,, k.inji I in . a ' .
i.npei liiii'iit i us fun u ilnu.a.; it
t'e'ir i iiji!.-; hi
A li il nl i ml I o.i m i ,-
1 1 i ! . i v 1 it I i .li no .( t : in i
,lt lie .
I V I I i I .. II , ,
it.r-ni ;'i i .or -I.i 1 1 -i . tu i 0.
mi I i'l o n t i in i lii. ii d hc' .i
and I iVely II 11 i It w nl, I mine
I !..' ll i I I. till II. I t Ik-1 1 II." .--
en J
loon t I.i
I II IS 'I . h'li
ill'l li' III. I ! I i-,
li llH.
- co ' i'1 'i'i'
I., i .! I I. I: e i
i. ll nl .1 II is If,
.,! ,
1 1, ,.- I,,. , , ,fi,, ;
li lt .111 lM.
Ill I ;ll I Ills
I iil lli n .i'i I I 0:
t.i jjive i: I mil
pi ICe f
.11, II pill.
I It I l Ih I
Ml. I I
e . i. 1 ,
( Vi.i;
iv. ..
I ' i Jo!, ul ij f
ips litly
in il, i ii. i o.Om'Iuo'.
i el Imps nut) luliidieil.
Wln io who i lm i -hi t
lUey were ut home, bn-uthmg
may bo enwnr tras or esiliet and
,.,.,.!,. dust, or liny ui-ienn
Itmad vnv. or on I'mu tin nr,i kinio.
iJutntlilug St. 'atrick's duy ill tin
,,, ,u, dost, oi loey w t ie piick.-d
, uj. , ,,, t t bieutLiio-
I '
,K M,.rts of du.t.
Willi tii.v l, u i t.t.v t;..u .1...
in I Ik- pnolii! gardens ot Vienni un l
Rtiiliii ?
I 'lionniiv bo Nneii iiiuny eh g Hit
ly dresHti i It Ini t i tii,- f i ir hi n
uo lor tlni (reus or i i the hi.Uhliii i,
n-wing, kui:l':i; or i in.litig.
And lliuii '
All I tiieii at I ir o oVI.ick, they
iloiu at aootlini' g ir loo In lot opo i.
an', wliiliia larga orciiestra p niiH
llil.i'lgll Ii limpet and bogles und
lid lies and ll.itus iinihij into their
ears, an I nil ah i H vtsio is if I i vu-s ,
shrubbery, trees, statues tin. I foiin.
tains are p ii'o I ml i i in;- .w os
while they leisurely place the fram
ing uimiiaener or l lMier. vt 1 1 li i
toe u iii i-l,ing It iib:. i-oli or wit-in i
riCilllllul, WIllllO ro 10 1 of tUoil diges
tive iippnliitUM.
n I how il i they look t
Tliey Moeoi lobtiHt and lii ullhy,
and the bltioni oil llieir cheeks InoU
i i tit
as if it had struo!. I u nud had co.iie
til hi IV.
And why are they thus r.b 1st and
healthy f
IjiK-mise they live so mueli out of
doors and bru it no pare sir, nil I
iure sir is pure life an 1 pure food
Well, what is thu matter with us
that m tk-is S ) I poojile die in onu
seek iu New Yolk ?
.Ia) be it is bee nisn sin-ince does
u-it keep pace -villi i-iviliz iti it, an I
because iirivbe our clisely built,
crammed tone'liur oivillizal ion
knocks do vu more pints t tan il s. in
up, nud hands so many of us to
lireeiiwood Ciioi'-lerv, winch, during
the pant year, acu ir bug t i toe an
inial report, hai slio vu each cheer
ing su l uratifyiug evideucu of pros
pniiiy llirotig i the sale of the nar
row honsus prepared for all the liv
ing. It is remarkablo ho-v many things
are good for rheumatism. Celety is
said to be a cure for it. nud ditti
letnuns, aud also several other Simple
tliiiius. iucluding tbe e'iugof a tee
And we have jnst discovered that
the Into nf a m id dog' is al-o a sure
cure for the complaint in noli' more
effective tha'u tbe sting nf a bio.
When amsu dies of hvdro'h ibU he
is never.again' hard to colupluin of
rheumatic attacks'.
Tiers is a' ibsn named fi e in' tbe
ponitentiavy of West Virginia lis
frdie oil1 to soUiebutry else's proper-
riihliiheil every Tiiursilsv1 tvewiwf'
Tflriiis of 8iihert-iplioaV
rwo rtn awcm. rsy
able ritliin six immth or CWrfiint'
paid within the yonr. No pspr JIm
. continued until all srrViii sires a-e'
I'H Id unless at the uplitin of ilis puh
linher. nu).seriitiniis imtnlde of tlie coniitv
tJirlViioiis lining mid Mnn,' psper
IiIi-pssihI i ntli"i I o mesiilieiiiers'
mil are liable foi tl.c price oflhopsper
That's a common expres
sion and has a world cf
meaning. 1 low much stif
fcring is summed up in it.
The singular thing about
it is, that pain in the back
Is occasioned by so man
things. May be caused by
kidney disease, liver com
plaint, consumption, cold,'
work, nervous debility, -Sec-Whatever
the cause, don't
neglect it. Something is
wrong and needs prompt
attention. No medicine has'
yet been discovered that
will so quickly and surely
cure such disease as
Brown's Irom Bitters, and
it docs this by commencing
at the foundation, and mak
ing the blood pure and rick-
IC&iivporl. Ind. Dec. t, 8L
for A tnng lim I kav0 been a
lull, re, fr,.ni Inmach and hidncy
Sneate. My pictii wu very pocr
And ih vciy taiall amount 1 o.d eat
Siugrecd villi ma, I waa annoyed. .
very aftuth fn.n Son.htiantlon or
unna. 1 tried many rtmediet wiOi
no iuece( yntil I tieed Brown'a'
Iron lliiien, Smca I uad iharmy
airntach doea nt bothtr ma ay.
My atipcllic Itaimply nnmanta. Jtly
kitutey trouble fi no mora, and my
fCBeral health la ftucli.lhat I Icci
rika a new man. After ilia uta T
Etown't Iron Billera for one mnilth,
I have (Atued twenty fuiuntla in'
weight. O. U. Sutur.'
Leading physicians and'
clergymen use and recom
mend Brown's Iron Bit
TI'ks. It has cured others
sulTcring as you are, and it
will cure you.
; bVUCMOC rnure fuc iinoMiainr rv
" vt. iu'iili int. viiouvnuKS
Ilecuuse they bare proved themselves
the Ile.-t Kxteruel Heuietly evsrln
eeiited. Tbey will cure asthma, fold,
vtei'lih, rheiiiiiatlMiii, neuralgia, end'
any loenl puinn.
Applied to the smnll rf the bnek'
tliev are Iiil'iilliitble in Urn k Ac-lie,'
Nervous llelillty, and nil Kidney
I roil I iIch; t o the pit of the M cumin
they ere n nitre euro for Oypepala
nnd er ('onipl.iiiit.
are pniiileHh, lrui;riiiit, end (piie ic
cure. Ilewure of iinilution that blis
ter Hinl burn let Al.I.I'OCK'8 th
only Cieiiulne Porous Plaster.
-Jan. 5, 18;!. Or. .
livea r.iiini, .n an.) boalltj
li) tit- urn ..I il, a ura.i
CtHV.AN IMVIGO-WOR. Snltvlv ami nnnnn,llv our a, I"
l.irnry n-atual l.y at.iaii-i i.r km. ;
s. in n I Wa.kiia-i, nml ml .lUaaart ili.i f i.
,m- a .t nt-jut-nr-a i Sr-ii.nbtiaa. aa luaa of tu.
'.r.v i..., i ..,.,. a ovarii iia.n..s, D. ,
in 1 1 i.epn, iii.i.iic.n nl vNl in, istmettur,. t !
nh, ii. a. y i.ii,. r ilia.a, t'lial 1-aiTip I
amOi) ..r I'm riin..t on a'.rl a .r-nialura a-ra .-.-"S
Inr e rniiltra witlt laMiin.H.u.a . .
li..'.i. I I.h I N V Ilil'H ATllll I.I at a', .. ';
!". u- ! ooa li.r ti. bi an SruaaKta, , r w ..
i ani . lit mall. .:cuiely aSal.-l, un raoe., t
01 pur.-) kflilr. a.ltiK
F.i CHENEr. Drurjgisi.
1 7 r-ummlt ft.. To sin. Otic
fila A van I fn tna Uullud tttuai
.Varsii,!', Ihj.
In the mutter of the ehtute of Jncnt
I'-iMOiliiirl, dee'tl.
Tn Panlat fltif h ri.
Shm.kiit, Nnrih'il tin., l-.( wo lim r i ..
In ri, .spruukl- Mllle, Jrll.rti.n Do , f j ut.n
Ki,, Mtllann, t'tiar'llS- Co, T.iii.,;'M M i hrt. Illiainnaii., S .lr- .'..,,
I 'i,; t.niaiiiial Kl.ariliarl, Nl.etinbitii h. Nnb.i , I.
kl I Hi.., I's.i Juuailian Kionliart, nibatiaii.t. i, .
Mnuftii'll i'", Hi ,,Wi, b". Kloiitfi'i
nii. oLhi, Ni.rili-S 1 1.., Ha i l ari.ltna !-').'
Ilrrii'l'iu, N'nttij'ii tin., i a. i ..tare, liiltriiar t,
t.l wltii Julio I loh I. nrl nl l.uu.rt it., It .
Htrilal, laioruirtrrl il olid won .m y. -i, r,
Mieoauil nil, Mt' V : F I Minii ia
Misok weilar, IntoruiorilrS nh tl o. Vj i
H.r.iu bt-aiikwallar, lliirk t sl,Skl-r,
Wlliun. sua..-toiler. M-ry SI.m .ill ' ilr-r in.
'oriuarrli-'l with I liana. Vtll.i.r.i. ii. laen.a
h ban ."Car, a uOS -r Inlarmanird - Hi. Ho
l.ort ilanlnar, w h.i bna lur bar oaaritiaii la.
want hr.ninan, hUninnkln. Kurik'il r. . Fit:
Jaco'. euuiiKitoeor, a uilu'ir wbo bi Io
rinarillaii I. tl, r.l'Oi ban, ol Shairinku,Nu' .'il
to,, a. i nrj - uuma, . lerinrrria.l nn o
l-uth taliiora and ouo bavo ibalT tfusiUiitti
nou ori ivirinarn . tunti (tna winiam -ii(i,i .
l. ll. -oilar. oil or shainiikhi. nurib'S 1:1 . i n.
lroiior nml Aa-i ai km tnir, koih tiitoa
fiaa lor m-lr SuariilVsM. O. ri.erm-i.
Oi d llOVS lor
mnry piunp
No tli'S no., Po.r r.Sss Su. ';.y.
liiia wl,k Heurr llaiaial.or
ilooii ricbuelklll Co., Pa. Hslra Ug -I
raiirerauiaileaa of 4nsa Ckioohorl, Uia (.(
1,'lisumao tarn. Soidar coubii fa., SM
os oio bar.l.y utlnod .thol H vlrloo nfo
writ ol loqulaittuo Iwood out of the lli li-ia
CM I ol ttii'iioi' count., and la at, ft. fried
Ibataa lorioel ill kxhoM oW tbs praiol.-i i.f
the .aid Jui.aa Klaonbsri. SOS'S, la t ksvmau miffD Y, ) AT I. ids', t s .-'.-u. n
A.. oi'a iiaroilno nr vtiuolluu ot tbo
ll-al ato't ol tbd aold dooaoaod, wbaii aUtl'
bars u mof ottouS II jou to. In pruywi.
Sborltl'l offlos, M MSIabsrs, Morob l, 'r.
Oatftioi f
Notice is hershv clvsn that bsr.V
rSbli-baseil 0I hoise. BoaTk-r. tfcvsn.-
sod set of barnsM' shioh have h it io
the purUrSsbm of 6bertiilramii':i am',
all persons are hereby ctiutitintd nt
to nieiiuio Willi tl: Same si tittvi- r-Ml,.