THK lOf4Te "5 ZX'itea , Pr pw, 06 - Knaiin AdWro MitMtol wom ear Kh . 19 ajl UMntm adfrtUtag le Uu Month 10 cmM Km. All sdvrtteemoirts to a snorter pe ioai than on year are payable at to Sim thsy era ordered, ud II not pld !iiM ordering theni will o usld; wmnslbl tor th mmv. Potry Keea SItfpY L lovwOI jrots ft la Ivwofgtaett tytkM fom tnoi from fold en .tad dleeovee that thine ar not what tby Ma ; . If flakl nMortaM ehould rlv you tb Hp , Look bsr sqaer la tb fee with a tiff upper lip. If folks pass yon by with a eynlcal tin fine clothing jroo cannot appear, f H.ver b Mat down by trifle Ilk that. Though ragged your Jaokt and nap lee jroar bat, If yoor heart I ell right, and lrl your head, Suppos that you can't show "nary a fdW Tby ba dollar, yon kdh, and that' thbst (rriP. Mtthm tqaar la th f ao with a stiff npper Up. If your girl should forsak yoa for torn othr fallow. Don't act Ilk a ealf and foolUbly bel low, Por girl handl their card with a g ambler's art, Oft playing th due with fellow' own heart. Let them play a lone band a while at th gam ; If It' diamond thy eek, letjthem work for tbe Mine. Ther' a good fteh In th a a vr did nip. Tour loek may yat torn, kp a tlff upper Up. So my boy, when yon buffet the -wind and the wave. Remember life' voyag should ever be brav ; Though tempest may gather and breaker may roll, Keep your boa lot deep water, lookout fur the shoal, "When the waree are dark, look aloft to the stars. If the esl Is wrecked then ollng to the spar, Heed the Old maxim, 'Dou't give up the hip,' "Who anchor la hope, keep a stiff up per lip. Peleet Tnle. Utah and Nevada Two Ulnars - Their Stone. Tell A. fam veninffi aiuo ft ooorl of tniuing mn, both straoger to ob other, met in th rediur room of tb Walkr oa at Salt Lake City, TJ. T. Tb conversation turned oo tb mineral development of th Wt, and prntly on of tb man rmark4 1 "If joa vent to aaa minio oo a big aoaU Joet go to 8oothrn Utah.' HojiIJt " aaid tb otbar qai- i.nri il. Tt .:. av.l T " n ut. uw dh aura uiu. mm am eoaoelji with, baa tb deepest baft and tbv.biggaet working to IbawortJ -How deep r aaid tb littla man. "Ton oaa't maur it, ocean if w atopped work long eooogb to aaa low deep tba-baft was, it would atatarialljr JoWrfer iVilb tba bnllioo product. We dropped a lii ono and raaTad it ont until it broka with iU ova weight. Wbeo a boy fall down that abaft ba ttrikaa tba bot torn a grandfather." "Moat bare obi payrolL" Wa qeed to aend tba money down to tb band in ease until th workings got ao dp that w didn't gtltbawiotaraoooaot aattlad ootil way aloog in tba apriog. So we ttarted a bank and telegraphed th mmj ordara. That jtm eeved a ao awful wear ao J tear oo th tegee, Tba miner lit down tbr and rear their families. They got aa undergrooBd eity bigger 'n Bait Lake, with a regal eharter aod onicipal alaetiona twiea year, Iny pobliab two daily paper down ware aod a literary magaxioe," ''I never beard of th magatina,' aid the atrangnr. "Of aoorae not, it woald ba a year ld wbam II got to j on. Beaid by bold a fair there every year bava boraeraoing every Bator any. .Finaat fonr-mil traek is tb orld. lit with aKjetrto light No ad, no dnaa, alwftya ia tba aadiboe Perieet paradia for apati Wha do f think f that for a suae r . aeniaia awaafer, who was a WutTk threw kU laa anreleady er tbearni of aebair, and ligbt lit JL3 &n VOL.1S. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, earat tone s I don't think aaaeb of f oar ml. Tea work too much foramaltreenlta Whan year mine play oat joa bate a lot of old machinery on your baadoj aad where are yoa f Ton amine after primitive method, lik all Dw oountri. It takek iperi e aod heed work to tackle the in dortry io tb propar sbspe. With year min joa moat b oo th gronoJ ia peraoo, aod have any amount of mo to look aftar this depsrttnaot or that New I hav a bigger min than yoor. It ia looateJ in Story Coaoty, somewhere ia the nortbreo part, I believe, aod I ruo it qoile np to tbe baodle with one or two asaist aot. "Bo deep might tb abaft be t asked tbeolber. "it might be pretty deep if I ! lowed tbe men to roah forward aod overdo tbe thiog. bnt at preeent tbere is no abaft at all." "floisliog work op V No, no holding work not if I know it. Yon oao fool away a great deal of good bard coin oo hoisting work." "How ia tbaoder do yoa ran your mine V HOa tbe asmnt plan. ir. Tbat'a tbe latest and moil improved method. W hav a big map of th miu bang ap ia tbe compaoj'e offic. mad by on of tb moat com petent artiata on tbe coast. Now wbeo we have a good map of tbe lower working we dou't need any work la speak of. We pbotoj rapb tb Savag hoisting work from tb top of tb Hal & Norcroa trestle work an utirely new view and oall it by our nam, th Bullion Brick 1 kaep a man ia Virginia at 1100 a month to superintend tb lo eatioo and write weekly letters, and I ty in San Fraooieco in my offio oo Piu Street and levy tb ass. mota every aizty day; that 'e aa often a th law all ws J m tb Pridut Board of Trustdea, Seorty , Tree uraraod everything more eepeoi ally Iba Treaaurer. Of ceorae, I draw salary for all the uffiot. and when ( get throng i tltawiog salarie I turn th reat over to th agent in Virginia to pay off tb hen Ja. Uy not amployiog aoy bands be eaves onoogh to pay himself. My regular income from that mine is 200,00U a year aod never a pick atrock io tbe ground. Tbi is what I eon eider scieutifio mining, air. Yoa gst tb silver ont of th pockets of tb stockholder end leave tbe argoo tiforona and oriforoue deposit iu yoaralaim fr yoor cbildreo, wbo ean go right abend and develop tbe min joet aa aoon a tbe publio quit patting np which isn't st all likely to happen. Aa soon ai a mau cr p on tb gam he die, and the new eomers all bav to learn for them elves. As loog as people are be ing born io Nevada and California my mine will mo on like a chrono meter elook." '-But,1' aaid tbe Utah man, "my stylo of mining keepe a lot of men at work." "So does mine," qsolb tbe Golden Oate chap, "Tboaaande of men are workiog day aod night to pay th aaeeawaents. It keep lb country as bnsyaa a beehive, and tbe speaker eanntered into tbe telegraph offio to order aueasmentNo. 36. 'Halt Lakt Tribune, TbeReediog Railroad Company baa decided to pay off ite out re mortgage loan oo tbe 1st of July, emoautiug to some 119.000,000 This will be the first step toward tbe reorganisation end regeneration of tbls valuabl property- By tb measure that are now io progre, tb interest charge of th road's in debtedoees will be reduced more than three-qaartera of a roillioo of dollar, and otbar great advantage will reeolt that promiee a speedy r torn to tba prosperity wbiob tbi 5 reat corporation enjoyed ia other ays. Tb oattle trad of tb Kaosa prairie, tb Indian Territory eod and Tim ia attracting atteotioa as on of tbe colossal induatri in tb country. Th driv from Tax aod tb Iodian Territry tbia eeaaoo, it ia Mtiieated, will not fll short of 800.000 bead to Kansas City, St Loaia aod Chicago markets. Tbe estimate ia based oa oeairaot al ready md, and loeludea only a limited porttn of four-year old Cattle. Too aver ige p ioa ootrct- ad for U $13 for yeariiog aod 10 fvf twogfrolia . Tba Child on Via Doorstep ''Did sbs leave aoy children " Yea, this bit of a child." "Aod who'll Uke her V Idootkoow. We are all very poor around bare, sir but maat find her a plan otawbrfc God help tb little girl, fur she's all alone now." Tba asxtoo hai call I at th oi l tenement boat on Lafyett alreet east, to talc a body to tbe ptuper 'a field tbe body of one wboae life bad beeo worn out io tbe trea l.uill of banger and liepir. Nobody know that tb mother wa dead hardly auapeoted that she wa ill, nntil tb child appeared at tbe neighbor' door and aaid t "Would yoa b afraid to com ov r to my bouse, for ma ia de id ao I fen keeping awful still, aod I'm afraid to talk to her whoa h w jn'l nwr." Tb mother had beeu dead fonr hour. Loi.g ooQi;h Iwfore day cam tbe flame of life bud bnrned low and died out, and that cbild banily aeven year old, bad been with tb corps through tb long hoar, kieaing tb face and calling for life to return. Wben tbey alt ed if aba bad any frieode abe boik her bead. Wben tbey told her abe was alone in tbe great world, abe looked out of th window on the black November day and aoawer d t " can make three kioda of dresses for doll babies, build fire aud carry in wiod, and Ml work evr ao bard ifaomebody will let me live with them." Tbere wa oo fitoeral. The re wa no need of a aermon there. Tbe line of sorrow anuul tb del womao'a mouth oounte I f r in r in heaven than any eulogy man can de liver, Tbere wa no crap. In place of it threa or foor b joent- bearted woman let tbere teara drop on tbe white faoj and whispered : "Poor mother-poor child." The child's big blue eye were full oi wars, uai iner wa hardly a tremor in ber voice, aa she nestled ber warm cheek sgaiost tb lips still forever, and aaid t Gojd-bya mt you'll oome down from heaven every niglit at dark, u a won s you, ana you u lake roe up tbere just a suon as you oao, won't yoa 1" Tbe landlady locked np the bouse, aoq ma emu went noma wiln on of the women. Wbeo nigbt came oe ioi out or in noose aod away from those wbo Bought to comfort her, aod goiog back to the old bouse be aat down on tb doorstep, hav ing no company but tba darkness. An ofScar passed that way, and lean ing over the gate, be peered through the dark Dees at something oa tb tep and called ont t "(anybody tbere t" "Nobody bat a little girl," came tba an war. "Whoi it r "It a a little girl woos ma baried to-day." II opened the gate and went oloser, and as be made ont tb little bare bead and innocent faco, be aaid i "Why, cbild, aren't yoa afraid P "I wa a" raid a little while ago," b Mid, bat just as aoon as I asked ma not to let anybody hurt me 1 got right over it Would any on dar to hurt a little girl whose ia dead f Tbey could be tookon couldn't tbey f lie offered to go with ber to ma np. tbe bonee where ah wa to have a boo. for a te day and Ukiug hi band with tbe utuv'st coufldenoe, she walked beside bim, aod aaid : I aiot goiog to ory much till I go to bed, wbeio tbe folk can't see in " ul bop every oue will be good to yoo," be remarked, a be put hi band over ber curly bead "If tbey doo't they'll uever go to beaveo will tbey f "No" Tbere wa a loog pause aod then ah aaid ; "But I gov tbey will be, I Can make a doll oa of a olotbe plo add a piece of calico, aod I guee aoioif body will be glad to let roe live With 'em. If yon eea m Over no tb atep out other eight yoit ueedu t be a bit afrai I, fir ain't big euougb to bnit anvh'ijy, sveo if I didn't' wit to ry all tae Urns ?'-thtfH tm Pea vaa Pear. Medical Scisncs Ancient and Modern Prom the Priests of different as- .. .... .... tioaa the healiog art fell into the , , , bande of a distinct class of mn- who. baviug no other vieible oocupa. tion exerted themselves to envelope in myetiry the simpls practice of tbe Priesthood, so aa to deriv emolu menttrom their profeeeioo. Human nature iuita ordinary sUU 2 aelflah. aud if very much eo, bn- roao woe aud misery are fnrg den in tbe race for fame and cropeteuce The transition of medical ncieoce from tbe haods of the I'rei.tbood to regular Pbysiciaos was not, however. ahrnpt or andden. It paased from their bands luto those of the Aslrol- ogers. presenting a beautiful inedly of eciei.oe, aod necromana. Kven at tb present day. I'ruisi nd Avtrologer. contend aith cieiric!tio. fn tbe heart f emfol ( i nv men for tbe laurel of tin. b tj Laymen havi ri-u au l ! ait To the eoligbtinod 1...1 i.f i. Vr ... 1 ji. tte 19ty c-ninry it e.uod a I jlike fable to relet the upereli. cr aod aUnrditiee of the aociente ; bnt j it i yet more etaitlingto announce that tbere era a million trace of mese crooiuoe still Inhering Us, evu epirne over tne learned theories a a . I oi moaern times, though we ie- nounce tb in 11 notice of the stars up. on tbe laws of Physiological action, aod believ not io tbe fate of coo tellationa glimmering in tbe beav eaa at certain times yet in tbia last half of the 19th century no Physi cian writes a prescription, without at the seraetiine afflxing to it a sign or igioaally invented by tlie Astrolo gers to represent a certain e jostulla tion of stars. The Astrological Phy sicians administered certain medi-i-iues at ststed aeasoue f the year ; supposing tbutu capable of removing from tb system certain abnormul inflneooea of particular cooitellatione aud to tbi day, wa see people being bled iu tbe spring aud fall to remove eerUio condition, of the system in- duced by the approach of thoae sea sou Tbe article entering into the Astrological Helen JJedica, aero gathered uudor particular sign and at certain Ktage of tbe moon's pha ud atraoge to tell. Furoer and Culpepper advise the same thiog as 1st tbe 17th eeutury. Tb an cienta recommeded eoral to be woro around tb neck of infants as a pre veotative of sore eyes, fit Ac, Ao. Aod we can seldom see a cbild at thia day, whose neck is ojt eutangl ed io a string of ceral. Hut Medical science in th early gea progressed loIy ( the vie.vs of one ge being transmitted to an other without baviog called in question tbeir correctness, Sapor stitioo was soou assisted by ored ulity, aud through tbe exertions of selfish or ambitions bigots a thous and error were palmaed npon the world for tbe eradication of wbiob gs were requisite. If wa look carefully into the past aod present state of socioty, we shall have little trouble to discover thatoertaiu costs have over prevailed. The world was uever purely Democratic distinct claseee bav always existed, aud al- wayo uiuet uotill men ahull know uo law, but tba law of love. Kings, Priest, Lawyers, Doctors aud Soldiers, all exist now a they bav ever doue, beoituae tu t m.a Uve forgot teu or oM.leoteil ihj i o mutable lawa of nature, fa.l'ue were patriots, no KiuecocMpjI'u human uature by trumpliog ia the dust the very rights of man. 11 all men were guided by the ever bleesed spirit of loved wb-cu emauates from tbe God-bead, aud wbiou rule high above ail moral laws, wo su.ui.l uee.1 oo priests. If all men were willing to render oot. their neighbors that which tbeir uuigbhor of right should have, we should need no law yer , if all men Would live acoord- iag to tbe law wbiob ao all-wine God mutilated wbeo be brea'hed ioto orgauio matter tb spirit of iiu moitality Surely w should waut no physicians, and laatty, if Kiuga, 1'riaaU, Lawyer, aud Doeior did not anat aa a uneasily, aod tbe masses of tbe b'i uatl race were properly imbue I with ttie prinoiptl of ab eiruit justice, tb bio d Uinl oao ur oeed nut Oatain ba nnfurled to float in triumph over the fall of na tioua and the obliteration of nation alities. D it tb laws of nature have ba Viulat d mo bav oot beeo gxtwaoQ1 Itjf Iota, tba world la cot ritpli aod eoriaty ao organised tbat all tbifl profaiaieii aaaoj ew Io b PA, APRIL 20, as essential a are huaband-men and meobaoioa. 'rogressioo in society " M loo,r,M ,rf :n"r1 ;,iff "V"' of knowledge and dailv lessoning , , . e. ' . , the importance of Kings. PrlesU. Doctor and Soldiers. The spirit of rBpbli0,oi.n after hreatiiing tli- fsli,, .tin .sphere ..f Ki.i-crafl f .r Mt til tbouaan I year, is becoming: wten.ivelr dMe I. aud fr vn lht grav of Washington a vnic ba- one frtu .liking t thoir very ( .nud.ttions, tbe thtones an I e np.r f m ibotisatid yea. a standing. Veal wherever America ko iw.i, ,Rton , piitiflM i,uory have Ih- com8 Wfttoh-wrda gr iting up u th- eBM of tyrants, and di-tators. with M , terrors .j0h M i,te hBr iu e0,,o of ,,e PUllil, O0 , pril)ol Wl4ii T19 gloriona d.icrina of NMretli uttered 18:)( yenra ao. (,. bea-in to awaUo a hhv imiU i- ; jr,, tby uf!Ut to think foi lht.. L,ke re.ulte me teen in otb- er cuw.j(,u . i,t it M roy pluct u. fow t1(( u),ii;.l prfei.,u or moaical scieu.-o. to inquire bow much it has eooora'ed from the iuv i(er;M, u,e supurtitions and incan utiona of the father of art VoiltlHttttt The 0IJ Fireman. Yiis there was a heap of fuo in the old band-engine davs,'- eiglitvl. the fireman as he leaned tmclc and anrve.ved tbe handsome " Vm lekee' iu tb en tor of the (1 or. '.Vaoy tlghta ' "Heaps of 'em. I wa foreman of No. 5, for ovon years, aod ouce I figured up bow many filita we ha I per J'ar. I think tlio average wim 123. I presmnn young man, tbat I bavo been in GOO' fights." Kver got baJly hurt." "Never it was always the other . . I i a t t a i"1"' wuu K01 ,)'"v n""- "coxr i litre ua i m y i'iw uroxen. una.i crai'ke l, teeth loosened, eyua blacked soil fingers broken, but nothing ser ious, bee tins ear T Well, oue night tho foreman of N't. 7 die we I on tut ear exactly fourteeu roiuut- by the watcb, but be was a poor, consump tive foiemsu and conldo,t hive bit ten through a shiogle-oail iu throe weeks." "Those old firemen very, reck less." "W.-11. yes. We dilu't think notbiug of trip diors and woak floors io those days. I was count ing op my old scars tho oth tr Sun day, aod I think the figures wore thirty auven, oot including tho biit one between tbe sh'iuMurs. where a burning timber held me d iwn." "Di Iu t the boys used to start a blaze now ami than V "Ou, yes." "And I presume you took a hand io V t'Curtainly certaioly. I was connliug up tba other day, and as 0"ar aa I could make ont I fired nineteen buildings myself. not count ing scuo 1 houses aud obu-obes ." "Did yon ever burn any one up 7" ".Veil, I dou't want to appear egotistical, but I can truthfully an swer yea, (July yesterday I was trying to recall nemos snl dtton, (a(i 1 I lo.iitel up evuteou 'o.voi ; n ... i k-id elev m;i ,rt , .rn l p br V . iu 1 1 v , ; -UiJu't you t r f . I i Joonaoinooe t" a ot "Ob.yes. Tbe other Saturday eve oiuir I was flifUi'iuir it tip, aud I made oat tbe number of stints to be 12.. 500. Tier might b a few that I didn't get io, but tb figure are mainly oorrect" "Were yoa never am" "MVver, and I doo't waut y "i to say aoythioK about it uow. I am try iog to live ao upright life, and il I were to be II file I no ou th.e old obargea it would utterly discourage me.n "Monster Yoa are tod wicked to live !" 'lee. I know, but ooras In eome time wben I bav more time aod talk it over. Come in auy time alwaya glad to aee yoa .nd briug up these food old remioi-ceoce. La 11" "See here," said a fault-flndiog husband to bis wife, ' uust bav tbioir arranged io th ie bouse eo that we shall koow just wber everylbiog is kepi." 'WilU all my bearl, "sue swaetly aoswer.!, "aud let ua begin with your let o iur. idv lovei I bould dearly like to know where tbey ara kept," Ua loU tbiuga roo oa u aiaalt at 1882. NO, 36 Getting Whiskey in Vermont A St Albaoe gentleman whom 1 questioned about tbe working of the liqti ir law told me, just as T wa t .Id io all other prlsof tbe Stale. Dial there a uo trouble iu pn.cuiiiiL' whiskey, Hd nui 1 1 "I am in a v. r funny stK-r.-t, wbiL'li is eiin.l bv mostof our ciiix-.ns who like a tH I Htimu'snt occaxioiially Cum with IUH.'' He took me to a cros strert and 'Vm eutt-red a roiu which appear . bt a store, witu oni. ry, etc. We took sails at the rt-ar 4id my friend told toe to ktep ui yes opened. Wuuio tiitv iniunlps I nitw trn ortelte genlle'iii-ii coiiim iti, oi ni' in p iire, some ningl v, moiiih in lit 1 1 partieM, go to ih wat..r coolor, take a dunk, imy ei ir I go dv fneuil finully ai-ke 1 tun if I li.i I Nimu nuy li itor a .1 1, an I I s.l li ." "N jvortbel. ss, ' said li "i.-v-rv geutletuao who fame iu here took a good square diiuk of abiekcy aud paid for it. ' "Wvll, ' said I, the drink lunxl have be.o iu the cooler or I lit, cig ars, I know it wa not in I be cig er, for of Ibeiu wioe I gl.tod before the purcliaser li-ft. A iunl be iu the cooler. '' "Well, go aod d aw some," svl he. I ent to the cooler, lield th glasa mi. If r the nozzhi an I pit-Bno l down the b.Htou. w .ta iu aile l lor my exertion iy a M .w .if cli-ai i cold water that soon fillu l tlio bier. I m puzzled, and my frieti.l and the prpi it-tor greatly et,joyi-d it. Sty frimid took the nnptv j.'lus and drew from tbe same fuucot Imlf a glass of wliittkey. If wua puz zled before I was uow thunderstruck and after litnhiug at me awhile tb trick wa explained. It was simple: 'rse down tbe button aud wtor run i preiis up with th thumb fr jn below while yoa appear to press down with the forefinger and get whisky i open the cooler and yon "in unu li urn oi ico water. J. lie whisky comes from a cask in a bid- ( deocloeet up stairs and flows through ' a small pipe which deacende in tbe partilioo, pansus from the wull iuto ! the botto n of the cooler aud cou- I oecU aitb the faucet A Clincher. Soveral p wder-beirim ne l vwtar an gathered iu a certain KdHhIi t tvein sli t' tly after t'la HJaklava 1 b uiij'iot, to keep out of the rain foi' a fuw miuutes, and while tlitre di. I cussed the late war. "I remo ulier," said oue. "that a bullet pasted clear through O. ay a body and nover kill ed bim,'' "I recollect," said aootber, "that a ball lodged in Hill Tsyscu's I not', and never was taken out, but he lived." "I," aaid tbe third, "knew well when thedootors thought Ueury Hill's life wa going up, aa a 'iniuiu' lodged within an inch of hi heart, bnt be lived " "Jaok Jack' sou's head was pierce I by a ball, aod he livel," exclaimed tbe last mto hut oue. These remark pro duced considerable surprise and ex cited speech from all dive a tall, slim, an I sleepy individual, who w.iited till hie conipvioo bad concluded, aod tn on drawled io piping aooeuta . "Tliene fellow were a little tough, I alljw i bit Jim Jones, wbo fought , . . i . , . i oameoi me, wa soil ii lue oeon so that bis be 1 just buo g by tb skin.' "Great Huavoo I you dou't mean to say be lived, da yo i f "O i no ; he died," drawled slim and sleepy. A Ooatesvillu laly found a chicken egg a few days ago tbat excited ber uurioaity oo aooouut of it beiug blaok oo one side and white on the other. In or.ljr to solve mystery tu shell wa broken, when a medinm-sixed sewlug needle waa found iutide of tbe shell on tb dark side. The discovery opeotxl np aootber and deeper mystery of bow tbe needle found ite way iut tbat pestioo, and abe ie anxious t bav it explained. Th ocenpatiobs and profession of tbe meiuoer of Conxres i thus stated . Senate Lawyer 61 . hauker 6, railroad official 3, pro fessioual politician 3, merchant r manufacturer 3. miner 2, georn business 3, farmera 1, ed.tora Houaauf ItepresentaUve' Lawyei 195, profesniooal politioiaba ll meohaoio 1?, ditor 12, farmera 11 manufacturers 10, phyaioiane fl, rail, road offioial 8. civil ngiora i miner 2, meohaoio S, aUrgymea 1, capitalist Ullurgiat 1. Cwbltahexf every TbnrwJev Xvnmf JBBBltlAa omorjtB, rrre- Tenn of Strbemptwn, TWO fwjLUftS PER AKNt U. Puf ahl vithln sn months, or HL60ITov paid within th year Ko paper din continued uatu all Trarafre - paid unless at (ha option of the pulr lisher. MihsrrtpffArMouMid of th eoootf P.tTAIILK 111 ADVANCE " Persons lifting and nsieg paper .ldroonl t otlisrn become sularriiiers 4iid sre linhle forth erir of the paper Noted Men ! Da. Jonn F. Hancock, tale Kmidtntef Hit Nttioiul l'hr etacentical Aaaociatioa o( tht I'lulcl Sutct, uj i "Im'i ItM Miw, T -l. Mi4 U, U M tonic lit ckancwr f . arm,, Im m nwliff fa, Iu punt 1 r-iiriilwi." Da. fosKPit Roberts, Pmident BalUmors HunMcevtictl College, upi Dr. J. Faris Moore, tiu D., ProfcMor of I'hareiary, IUIU mors rhanaacculkal Collrge, Brewn'i rrm Blunt m m M raliabl xxIkiim, poiluvly tot from alcohol Ir pMaom, and fKomaMacWa a inula far w Wong Uism lwipoH alct hol. ' Dr. Edward Earicksom, SecTtUry lulumort College of I'har aiacjr, aayi i " f - U ..n i MdKiM, a ( Slt-aim ail. ana vuw-iaiMicaaj la , Dr. Richard Samnoton, one of IlaJumort'i oldt tt tad moti reliable phyiiciaat, uyt i " All who have u,f 4 li nrmita m lantiard vlnuca, and iha wrll. known chatacltrcf il.r heuaa h anakta II la ft auAc.tnt giiarantra vl Iu brine all thai la flj.tnnl, Kay ara men ho could ni t In duccd Io offrr anything alM but rtliabla aMJikU.t Kr ubiic vaa." A Druggist Cured. - i -b anno, GaulUunrn : Itruwn'a Iron Bil. Irra cured aia of a bad attack uf Indifutton and fullnt,, In th atom ack. Having mint il, I taki pltaa. uro in mommwdini It 10 ny cut. tontrra, ami ant glajto tay ll ftiroa al.r aautlai tiun to all." Oau. W. Ilurratajc, UrugtuL Hwft iImh. UJ . a Aik yonr Dragcriai for Bow?g Iron Dirrrst, and take no other. Vnt thai will convince yuu that it it juM vUat you need. WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUNDED POPULARITY OF Mitt Pens Plaster ? IWaune they have provetl tbemnelvs tlif llxnt Ktterml Kemedy ever in (iited. Tlo-y will cure ant bin a, colds, vou'Iih, rlii'iiiiiatiKiii, neuralgia, and any lot-ul piiiiih. Aiili.-(1 to the ninull nftliebaok thvy me liifallial.lf. in Kurk Arhe, Nervi.UN I ifliility, and all Kidney troitlili'h; to the pit of the stomach they nre u "lire cure for Iyne.ia ami Liver ('oiiiiliiliit. AI.H'nCK'H 1'OHOlTrt rLARTKRS arn piiinlenn, franruiit. hihI ijtiick to euro. Hf ware of imitations that blis ter and burn (let AI-I-COCK'S. Ihe only Genuine I'orous Plaster. Jan. S, mi. 6m. ROBBEDi? Ila ('.ojo...,a aod batltk ralorl bf ike Ml ..I Ik gra-t CEHMAN INVIGORATOR, which poilllvalr and MrnaBtl ur Im p.tanry (oua. Io iientai t.r not kind), Sini. Wa.kno.,. nn.l ail dl,a thai lul. low aa a a'unr al Mall abnaa, loi of ra loaa.if iaiaorf, milrl l,attid. pain In the baak, dl-i.naa ol aial , n,rmlura old ana. and many eiur dlaaaa thai liad Is la. aaoliy orovaautniitian aud a rtnatura nrava. ha d lor ironlara with taanm fra bf mail. Tbo INVIdiiHATOM iadd at Si -r 0- .l, or alg botu l..r at. bf all druggliti, or will aaot Ii mall, aooaralf f aalad, o raoalpt ol rlee . aJdr.aalui F.J CHENEY, Druggist, UT Haramlt M.. To ado. Okie, B il Aatal fur Ike I'ulUJ blatae. Mereb.iu, i-i. NOTICE IN PARTITION. In the matter of the estate of Jonas KUenhart, tltw'd. Tu panlal Klienhart, Sham .kln, Norlh'd Ho., Pa.i William Kim karl, Hiiruakl Villi, J-liaraua J., I'a.! loka K.auiiart, fttlllaon, lkr.ka Co, Kaaa, ttrabrial tl anharl. Ilhapmao. Hndr ',. Pa.t l.ntatiuel bltibart, Khsosadnik. eeka. kllldu., Pa.Jaoalbaa Eiaankart, Shanaudoak Scbuyllt.ll Ho. fa.- I.awla li. tUookart' Shaiookln, Nortk'd Co., fa I I'arollba l ar llaraduu. Norin'd Co., la I Marfi lalormarr! oil wltk John Kahl. HrU'ul tilkbart lad. Ilarrlal. la.arinarrl'd "lth Willi ua H, Hntdor,' ba.dak, he'iurlaill l).k fa Mrllnda -kaakwa.Ur, lniruirrl.l ltb (Iro. aar Hir.ut Mhaiikllr, Mark r.. Hhankllr, WllllamSkai.allr, M r? Hiianktrailar. Ia rmarrlaU altn l karla. Wlln.r.aill, carina 4kank.r, a nila r Intai uirilJ -Ilk H nrt (Jnr.laar, rako ka r.r bar nuardtan kl- ard Hrramaa, hkaaiokla, Kurik'd to. fat Jaoot.Hkaokoaiiar, a nita'.r atii kaa lor kin mardlaa H. o. Maaokart. ol Mhannklu.Norik' o , fa. Mary Ikoraa l..lrtnrrrl. olik llt. Nok'ari Ulokard lkaiaad M'lliUui Tkaaia, .oth nilniira and tako kaaa Iur ikalr aunrdlaa it. ll. llr, all of -kacaokl.i, Ninrik'd liu , fa. darV Kupnaraad Ad'.M, botk rniaor a.'d fcaia Iur Ik-lr naar.ilab B. (I. ClMabnrt, f Hkaaiokln, Nurtk'd u., Pa. I Mna o.a. . inurniarrtrd Hk Haarf llol.lkl, of luak eakailklll Co., fa. I Halre an ll apraaaotaiffaa of Joki Blaanaart, lata Si Ikapraaa imp. Saydar ooaaty Pa, daa'4. Voa ara kMrky aotltad ,ikat by lla of frit af laaulaltliHa laaaad ul f tka Urpkeai oarl of baydr aoaaty, aa ta mm ulrta kataa lai .aat will kkld aa ta aral af ua ald klaaakan Sa'4. la kavaiaa p,a MONDAY, MAY I. les:, al('alon . M , ta caaka pnrilll) or latl-n af Ike 1- al feaiaia ol Ik aaid Maad, vkee aa I kf0 kaay aiiand If yoa tkluk pf. pai. i vid aaicabe. aaartr. nkatld'l , HaSdiakara, M.afli IS, . Cantlon 1 Kotio la hereby siven that he urt-haae-d One horse. Doggy, Orgtn, id set of harnea whifh I have Uf i t i poaersion of Hoberl Hiniiaman an I II persons sre hereby rauiitMvett . taut : i.lrtk.lale whh tb sama at their n r,i, . IIKNKYfiraM u