The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 30, 1882, Image 3

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Ciddleburg, March 33,1882.
JLiOvnl IV own. Sec.
Truth ami 8i1 Oppeulielmer ere
twin brother and If you doubt It, go
ntt arte his Roods.
J. R JKivcr, Ctq.,' Iiim our tha nka
for hie fcrthful and succinct acrniinl
ftlS elecaUon of Jonathan Moyer.
"Thionlf elentUld Iron Medicine
that 4om Dot product headache, Ac
bat gives to the system all the benefits
f Iron wttlinnt lt bad effects, li
Srowu't Iron Bitters.
A medicine of real turrit, prescribed
by many le I'lln.? physicians, and uni
versally recommended by those who
have need it, aa a true tonic U, Brown's
Iron Hitters.
Trof. Oullmette. the Inventor of the
Frtnah KUney Tad bearing his name,
vas oneof the most noted medical men
'of hi day In France. Iti cure of Kid
ney disease are most marvelous, and
'axe said to be permanent.
. William II. Itlpka, Millwright. Port
Trevorton, U ready to do all kinds of
work iu hii line of busluesl at abort
notice, and guarantees bin work. lie
la au experience mechanic.
March 80, tf.
6. GoliNtelu & Uro., dealers In Dry
Goods, Clothing Fancy Goods and
Notion will open the newest freshest,
cheapest, flunst, handsomest, best
tock of goods ever olTered the public,
atMt. rieosaml Mills, on April 14.
All are respectfully Invited to at
tend our Grand Opening. Don't for
get the time and place.
Public Revle.v.
The Primary Class of the Union Sab
bath School of this place, under llie
leadership of Mr. . II. (lower, will
Itlvs a ruhllo Review of their last Moyer, brother of Jonathan, also uu
Quarters work in the Iioomlder senteucn of death for the same
of Ilia Lolheran and Geruui'i Itelorm-j crime. During this time Joseph Mov
ed Church, on Saturday vouiii Apti' er, another brother, was peruiilled to
J st. Tue fulilio are hoartly invite I to bavea brief parting Interview with
t id. Doors upsu at 0.3) oVock I'.
M. Eterci I j beiu prjuiitly at 7
c'oloA, P. M.
Cai'ily R uieri.its i ln;it Iover spent
tha whole of yes'erd ly liie '27 inst
with our borough M-hoola. lie was sc
rompanied by I lie I'reai lent hii. I 8ec
retary of our 8o'io ! b urd -!! or- .h
missal, the to scliools went n iiel,
and short addresses were msde In' (lie
dire tr pres i', hv tin) On. S io't.
by Mr D. It. Ilothnck -Koveral sc'ioi.
ars recited deelaiiiMtioiis oo CHll.snd
both schools joined suiting exeri ii"
e. under the lead f Mi U'ciel. the
SfJlciant leai'her of llie pi iniary sclinn
The Ci. &tlp't. e(trfoei hinielf sn'i.
fled with the progress an 1 atic i liriLM.
with tcachcis and pupils, iu boil,
.farmers, your a'teniion is rrspeet
fully called l Ihu Oi.iiml nnd Im
proved Wiard True C'liilbd I'lows.
That'. .,u.r-. .i...
nor mean, in' liie e.npioymenl of Kh -! better. I.N voice faitering but once. i.s!f "" ',"'' "'" n ' '"''
e.t,,.ii,al skill in prod .ciug ,.othetoM Crial, they had both ninned. '' 'Ur "IZ ' "! ' I' V T
. .. 1 . lt-elanl Ii I .minds, cju licte I tli
only the htfl.Usl rui...nig.i,..H.t durable, u-ed 1, m to "tell all the truth. a,, tl, , r .lilH wJM ,,.
now ouereo uiU ir. ii-uc,
uu liie iinipir.a sun ui'iicriiiiy iiiiiu i
edtftfJ bd plow, h turns a furrow bel.
ter. offers less reiiUnce, aiveii'4 n .r '
comenletelv ll.a.i ant- oil !.ill...l
plow in the uiHiiel. 7ho coinpiiuv I- of.. 'liable men wlit.i "lis-"
tegritv and linam iul ability is u.,qu,a.
tional.le. Ex-Sbnill' ..lender has a
. ii. .i i
4iitr-load of tuese plow on hand in llie
v -t . r .1
F..r.ho..e l,e.e cte.y farmer l,o
ueaires may inspect ineiu
183 Broad St.
Uarrisburh-b, March. 21, mi.
Dxar Euirott :
I was handed a
copy of your paper, alooj with others,
oontalulu a notice of my having been
plaoej In au Asylum because of men-
tul derangement induced by over stu-
dy. Please say that this la a malicious
libel manufactured by my enemies for At the Eust end of the yard, raised ahue, as nervous debility, inability,
a purpose. I never enjoyed better seats had been put up to mental anxiety, languor, lassitude, de
health and a more prosperous bushies.! seat 1.4 persoiiKCoiiifortably.and those pression of spirits and functional de-
then duritirf the past year. I was on-
ly ones Iu my life I.i a Luu.t:lo Asylmu I
than only an hour us a vlsitor-ti.e
ou.i.u.iuii turn arr.vri. at wrrt,
.av tucra wurn iui.iu.ic. iw .uuuiu
beat hu-apj and ua.uijsrs oat who
should be In.
Kespentfully Yours, ,
i 11 if mii..tik-vtRE
J. II. KUltibNKN All E.
sissss . si i I
West Beaver.
T- nirn n Pa.t - A a .nut. a if
formation we have to announce the
closiuK of the Kaliietzer Academy, in
West Beaver township, which took : , " ' """" "V ' V .i . T I ""l 'H. d lo deny Ibis report, no mat
, m. , . . t der announced that the Execution . . .
The build mg was filled by the parent. to obM.rve 1U t(muui y J tUa ol.ctt. ! '" I l-roinme, I ttoul.l
dent and iretdal teacher Miss Minnie,. .. 0onversal..i belweeu Mr. HcIi.kIi sn.l
Strunkmadea very Kood present- .0 cal t.oned a mH,,-r' w
uientof th, children In recitations, di- T Ikeawav f. r !ons o ' '- Mi.l.llelM.r
alotfue. alntrfna fto. and they certainly '. , " t!7.r '.V.' T. , wben in to I.i e.ti.,,, vvhe.her
a .i.i. H..i. ..crcuor.
a..vA.......I .....llo I ..I .a
mpiartTiuiy, tiierv is .11 inierest taaeu
lo the cause of education here, but,
until we se (be sessions prolonged ta 1
ten monins, insi4ao 01 nve, wiucn. 01 about one hundred and seventy-live
eountsneani more taxes, we shall fail ' spectators, Moyer was brought from
to reeognlae ratal aud true Interest, his cell to the seaffold, aocompanied
The exerolses were bronk'ht to a clone by Sheriff Keichly, Ex-Sherilf Uolon
fUr an unanimous voU of thanks, by Uer an d Uevs. Heed and Kdmonds. He
the audleabe. to the faithful teacher, walked across the yard and upon the
than wtuyu, the County has not bad a effo.-J with a firm step and compos
Inore isalous and palns-taklng servant. I d de:ueanor, and stepped to the front
Toe townihltf U congratulated. of the nhttform. llelinr aaka.l l.v Ilia
In the seleeticm of Messrs. A Auristus
j . , . t, . ,. . ,
Unjhj and Aula 8oook , direotors,
Sa?tVUt0 Z?
that Hey viUt give sarnssi. attentla i
ina seieaiian oi lnoueri as na mara-
-d tha saaion lu- .1..1
. feiVSCTAtOll
the tows Tiinovnco
Jonnthan Moycr, covlcted at Den.
Term 1833 of the Court of Oyer and
Terminer of thlscounty, of complicity
ii the murder of the Klntilere on the
nfht of Deo. 8th, 1877, paid the pan
altyof his crime, March 24, 188.
Our small borough literally swarm
ed with people from all parts of the
county and from adjoining counties.
As the hour for the execution drew
nigh, access to the jail was scarcely
possible, nnd those holding penult
who arrived late and even the Jury of
Inquest, could barely efToct an en
trance. 15 THR JAIL.
The prisoner had been neatly shav
en in the afternoon preceediiiir the
execution by Calvin Ktetler, and e
pressttd himself as prepared to die.
His ikp1 mother nlso visited hliu In
the afternoon, and the Interview be
tween her and her condeined son was
heart-rending In the extreme. The
son, however, comforted his mother
by protesUug that she had done nil
for him that a mother could, nud by
declaring . Lis w illinirucss to die.
Moyer also requested the sacrament,
which was administered by Hev.
Reed, of the General Couutll Luther
an organization, afterexpress caution
to Moyer that If he whs in any degree
untruthful, he would eat an 1 drink
unworthily, aud condemnation would
surely follow.
Moyer was engaged In making spir
itual preparation until mi lullit
when he retired aud slept soundly un
til about 0.30 A. M. of the day of ex ?
cation. He ate a hearty broukfaxt
about 7 o'clock, after returning
thanks with his own lips.
Hetween 8 and 0 o'clock religious
services were livid In the cell of L'riah
Jonathan iu bis cell. This ended,
Hevs. Keed, Kduionds, and Herrold,
proceeded t Jonathan's cell. Your
correspondent also entered, and was
welcomed with a lon' and hearty pres
ureof the hand by Moyer, who said:
"I hope to'meet you in Heaven."
Uevs. Edmonds aud Keed then read
responsive services In German iu
which Moyer joined. An Kngll-1
hymn wustheu sung, followed by one
In Herman, lined by He v. Edmonds,
after which Hev. tilace, a Lutheran
mlnUter who had entered the cell in
the meantime, led in a fervent pruyer,
nil present kueelingun the Jloorofthe
cell. Her. Shlni'el entered the cell
near the clone of the fccrvices and was
tt'.uiJht overcome with einjli ju.
I'rlnh Moyer was then admitted to
the cull of Jonathan, and this the last
earthly meeting between the unfor
tunate brothers was enough to melt
a heart of Hint. Uriah broke down
....,lf t I,-.. I
.... um. m,K rem.,,,
t. i imi; nuum ioui nn urnqu
,,ls ' b'lliM had beeirstrickeit off him."
Urlu" promised to do fco, nnd said he no objection to Jotl It ban tell-
"B '-?'"-. llie brotn-
f. fc1-' repeatedly.
V'"' u" "' wltli-
" ' . ,, . '
umn, and Kev. Heed.
,. . , . ,
Lr.uh was taken temporarily to the
M ()f Urut., Krb h'o ,s umlt.r
sentence of death for the Kintzler
murder aud u hettvy blanket liuuir
across ItU rt'll-wlinlow, tj fchut out
tlie Kia'hts in the jail-yard.
The scaffold which hud been erected
by Htetler Uros., was placed at the
west end of the Jail-yard, and was 13
feet In height from beam to bjuiu utid
0 feet w do.
were soon iilled with spectators.
jcut OF Ixgl KST.
At 10.28 A. M. the Jury of Inquest
fla lnt0 ht) Virj The follawillir '
gentlemen qMiposed the jury :
Win. If. Moyer, : tralvln Stetler,
I. T. lthoad'ss,. Thomas llerbater,
('apt. Ifwla Miller, Jacob Uartman,
John H, Orwtr, Irvin Hr.tybill,
Charles Holeuder, J. It. Keeler,
Henry Preed, J. 11. tjtadon.
The attendant physicians, J. Y.
'Shlndel, M
1). of Mid llebnr,,-. und!
"' 1,"0,,W""V OI
re- tt,HO e"'"1reJ- ,
T Cl 11 1 1 , r i . . . . ,.
W SJ.V S III lUlljltll M 1
wouU b- U(H(J(jJ horedfter
Ma-a W SS C VArrUbUi
At 11.83 A. M. in the nreience of
'sheriff whether he had any statement
to make, he hesitated, when lUv. 151-
nProrJ-Jt r,l responsive
services lu Qerinan. Moyer re.idl i f
responss. In o,i,e.t with lt9v.
Rear! and th Hhar hT Ti. n.n
!;""." " ... Il ., ' "Vi ".7: ' baltntf
Mover ennks In i-.ihatanna fnllnnra.
'I have some corrections to make,
evening towards sunset, My brother
was along. Saturday evening ha
imeiintntf t-uuitferj toiti me. I was
along to Dlirn tlliUII. I forgive all my
enemies. (After a pause.) Hut I w5
with people at work pleasantly when
. i . . - "
uioy were nmruereu mat l nave or- ii, .i,,,,,. ,i ti...- i...-. i
ten said before. (Another pause.) "'''"""' Hiiise i,,,u.t come
There were not more than two when hnitld apply eeily, Itnprovrments
they were killed, and three when they ( In the buildings and extensive nddi
were robbed." linns to apparatus have been made.
Moyer then shook hands with the The Plain exacts thoroughness .ml
minister, and the Sheriff The prls-Lj,,, , ,illprAl M)rritio,v,
oner s hand, were then pinioned, he Normil, ,,,,, ,vcr m.v,.t
a nw tone with the Sheriff. He then
returned thanks to hi spiritual ad
visors, particularly to "Unit her Heed,"
and said he was willing to leave "this
world of trouble."
The Sheriir, at the Instance of the
prisoner, then Inquired whether any
one desired to ask Moyer any ques
tions? I'pon this, J. G. Moyer, n
co'islii of thu eriidcmued man, and
one of the principal wltues-es fur the
proseerrtlon, propounded a number
questions as to the posit!.)'! ,,( the
lody of Mrs. Kint.!er, viiii the evi
l -nt motive of" litiui; Mover's
tatement asto the Cue utid iimtiner
of the killing. Moyer showed no hes
itation or confusion In answering,
but his questioner persisted in worry -ln
the unfortunate muii and disgimt
ing all present, until Mr. Wundeily,
the only one of Moyer' counsel who
was present, arose and protested,
amid murmurs of assent from the
speetutors. In reply to the quMiou,
was Krbl here T Mover aswered. "He
was not present when It was commit
tedthere were three when they were
robbed." In answer to the question,
Pid l'.rl) know anything about it?
Mover nodded, and said, Tri.ih will
tell." At 11.33 the Sheriff told Moyer
he could have live minutes more, and
i mluute later nnnouncrd that Moyer
hud nothing further to say.
Til it nitop.
At ll.M the Sheriff adjusted the
i noose, thu prisoner savin lirmlv
"Good-bye," hi.i last Words. The
tvhite enp was then drawn down over
nis inee, ami win imp pprung at 11.0
A. M
Owing to (ne of the supports not
having hi vu removed iu time, the
doors did not fall at once hut partly
sunk, and fell only nfter the remain
ing support had been removed. Al
though the delay was only momenta
ry it prevented the breaking of Moy
ei-'n l e - , ami death en-u d at I i.'i'A
or V minutes after the trp vr
sprung. Th
had a fall of U'J inches. After Moyer
had been pronounced dead, a collec
tion was taken up for Mover's child
ren. At about 11.-15 Mover's cnfhn
was brought in, the body was taken
down and laM in it, uu I thus ended
the Ih'st J in 1 ei-i nl hanging hi Snyder
county, nnd would to tjod it v. ere
computiblL' with jiisli that It Illicit
bo tLc Uat. SI'Ui'TA li'it.
After the drevid sentence of the law
MiU'l twn exueilteil, the renin hi were
given In charK'e of Joseph Moyer, a
I brother of Joint', ban's, uu l by him re
moved to his resilience in A.lvua
:iowiisui. - ue nmer.n ,om pia. I
. ( f l.l . B I l I
tJ ,n jo,, j,U Mover's garden
A Card.
TliHtikiucr my friend., for tho court-
I deuce manifested bv t limn in reeom-
,endiiig me to the plea eandi-
,,,. fr Asaoeiate Judge and lor the
.upport prof e.W, 1 l.ereby withdraw
C. C. SF. I '.HOLD.
'S3. Mid llehuiv, Va.
Marcl. !
The wnndiy fill cuiaiitn rem
1 edics of the pre-cnl duv, are '.hoi tlmt
t'onio Troui (ici niiiny, or t It'Ufi (ui
mite mere. I ne nini icccnl 'ro ..rn
tioii laced upon tl.e n.aikrl in
'"''rv. ' HeC.UEr 0;U.V.N IN-
VKiOlt ATOI., which li.n never been
known lo fall in rurinif a siin;le ease nl
iinioteiicy. spermatorrhoeii, aenkness
and all ilieue resulting Ironi self-
raiiwomeiils of the nervous system
For sals by drunninls, or sent free by
!"''' " '''il' "fH'e price. 1.00 per
l-ox, or six ImxeS for t-VOO. address
V. J' PHKNKY. Toledo. O. Si,e for the United States, tend for
A Card.
Ma. A'lHT.iM : have been inform
ed, thai il is l-im! tiiciilnted. thai 1
bed piomis.d Mr. Alfred U. Vhoch
not to be a ismlidslo for the Letisla
lure, al the ci niini; cliition. J sin
. a
I WOUItl 116 4 04 I II I U t.l ill .1J 110 ul Ulrl
fllltWilll lltllif lUt'lt a IliiVM 11(11 111. Vil
Hiiiiouni'td uiycell'ssa candidate, hut
I hate iioi.k encnuiHueineiil to do so.
I'lirie is clearly inilhiuu in this exprea
niou 1 lia 1 could lead lo ay tha.
I had made a promise not to be. a can
didate. Yours Itespccifolly
- - a
Annoyance Avoided. . '
Oray h lira are I oral'le hut limit
.i,ti .urn npiie irnili'il ll liiiuot il'Ki
i'.,'. If,.t iirevenis the s.u
Lce S tsj.i!itit is
. , , , ,, 1 ' iu! i
premature nppe iraili'l) Is l.nnrtj leu,
" I
j . ... ;,,. i.., tt.-.. -tu .
'i. I.VB. Vt-IIT :UUJll F it
M!.jt.UlJviit;edttUl Ue, Wk
. . ' '1-1.1.1
The Bute Norms! fVhool of this (lis-
Irict, at Moomshurg, Columbia county!
APr" 3rd. 1381 It I now closing lhe
niiwt prosperous Winter tertn in in
iiiiiorr. i b aiieiiiiaitcft lie., inm.
- ... I
... ; .
'" ' Al,liti..,,1
teachers will be In attendance to men'
appreciated h now. Tho .Viiilinv.
and Lsckawsnult llliMimsbiirit rail
roads lirkels nt half f.ue Ii.
students iu this school.
Jnrrh HI, 't2 4wr.
There is no use in iliueinjj yniirc'i
to death, nnd buying nil tlm t jn m,.,.
icines for Intermil ue when von cm.
be nir i1 'f rVrr iiMil unci, ilii 'tt u.f t
I'illious disorders, e. d VM
m wr'l n nl n,r ,.,.. i
! si , ,
tin- ii! r, 'lit""! HI". M iljifti tit
t ;
met" -fi
rrnm li T.ivrr r.ntn.
cure every hme. If ,,.,r .?...i,t 1 lU,,.,, ,,,, ,B . ,
dors tint krrp the I sit. send It .'II lnIl,'r,,""B ,h " ","r
, ' ' . I.i. r.l i'1'r-s-.f ;in I f nff ntl iu at Ctelcura
letter iii French Pad f'. , Toleilo () . n i 'bii us su(,, u,t Ktt ,.m ur.
and il will be sent y. hi bv rrlurn insi' ' ""I'l It .
ti 1. i... i t i .i . .1 I'tmr.'l sr i"f nils ht sit i!.iniit. Prti"
.. wr- ...w,.,,, ..Hi ii.iii.iM Knnrnnu'Cii
to euro. Dewnrenf coutiterfciis.
'enlh lo ruts, mice.
roaches nud
I'tRSoSS1 Ibmis.
vrnnnries and lioioeholds cleiiied in n
initio night. No fear of I nd smells.
Hest nnd ehciipest vermin killer in (lie
wo. 1.1. Sold everywhere. Vrch.
- .
A I.nrce Stock of Trunks, Salchei
nnd Vs'ics to be snl.l nf n grent rcdnc
linn. Give me s call nml be convinced
MUX. H. MARX. Helin grove, r.i.
Pol Opnenheimer has HKIItTA'l)
nr. I .
, n . I i
A lug lot nt l.uni fools sml shoes
to be sold si barniins nl
.rj t. t t vy t.
HR!'. H. H Ha s Slurs.
c i- . l.
r-i.'iins(.rnt, i ,i.
" '
I jul received let of F.lmir
Pools to be closed out with the oilier
hick ill a grcni reuiiciiou.
M IIS. It. MAHX, Selin.Krove. Pa. I
Society Belles.
Onneconnl ofils renvirknbly deli
cato and Instil. j sociclv
I....1I.m imi lim I In llmir I.i-,i1ai.. i.T
Floreston Cologne. Mnn-li.
.a -
Nol (be rp.iu.tity or quality of food,
but n lull is diuested in ikes llie - un
ity in Mi'.k. llut'er, Flesli and i't.
"'ee llirners I),iirv Honk.
.HldtlU'bury .Market.
cossicTri. mmi st
.Simonton, Harbor .Vi Co.
Wheat per bushel
U lieat, io2.
live do'
1 0i
1 1.'.
' i '..rtl lo ,
! uts (lo
1 OJ
4 .'jll
loversicd per bii-lu I
rutmn h.
Cherries, pittvd '
CheriicH. uupitted
I lui kl erries
hried apples
Spring t hieksns
Putter, prime
Oak Ties
I'ea 'oal
'be.-tnut Cnal
I'Ktr foal
p. 1 r.
' (
4 (hi
..ticlitorM r'iii-i
In t he eMute of John ) I., t be ( ,
11. Miuller, deed. - I 'oiniinui 1 'lens
) l.f riiier lu.
fl I'K ni'itei!(.'M1 Aurtitnr sprninl
I n.l t. ll.a aalit llri bana Ci urt "m makn .11..
(In tana I'mrt "m makn ill.., if u,a . ala. rriuali.luu In ll.a h .ml. ..I
,,-i rw , i, nn.nrr B.. .luiuaa .n.-r a lur". ur
.aul ilr.-'il.ln and a noun llinan I. aallv rl.ll I. I In
I lir ainn, ' a ill all fur III imrii.iaa ul Ina an -
t-iiliiiiiiatil, al lea ufoi'M in Nnlinariivn.
I'a. OH
lle.iaily Um .i.ih .lay .f A. .r.l A l. !.:, all
I iiVIin k A. SI. h K alul vie rn. all .a...-a tit
tl.t'-rtal, ara rail.rail luba (irnaaul bli. 1
llmir clalluf.
n. A U.KUAN,
Marrh n.JSaJ.
At Public Sale !
The undersigned, will nfler hI
sale lluil tiiliuible Tiinnery, Invellint!
and out .In uses, ivnterri)tliis ic. .i
mite at Adamslm!-, 6'uydei county I'a.,
Satniday April 8,
late the pro) eily of the lion. II. L,
lluudciib.iNli, deceased, Tiiu
is located in the town nf i4dan.sbtiri;
on llie principal tributary of the Mid.
dlecrt-ak uliiih etlords ample water
pimer for twice the present capacity .d
the liinneiy, aud surrounded by s
country nell-stit will, bark -timber.
Hie linildiiig end machinery are com.
Iisistively new, aud consist of new
Park Shed Ox'JO ft. a new and si.ln.uu -Hal
buililiiiK covers llie Yard, I'ir.t
elsss llryhiK Loft Ilea u House, i.le
IImiihc, Ciirryimr Sion sml attach
ments, tiln. -stuck and 7air bouse.
Tripple (Jeur
Knieka Talk Mill
Pump Gearing cnmplele, 21 Liquor
vats. 8 Pries Leeches with a cuimcitv
of lo iokIs bark rncb.also a two.alory
Dwelling Home.
summer house aud all necessary out
liulldincs. llie principal stream
fotmed tiy the larnu sirimrS south nf
atrhiu.sliurK runsihroiinh the premises
I si.Miiin..iiia; .una iniiMign inv iiroiniie.
'"ud furnishes the Hnest waler-power
'"J,'1,"l"r "y 0,",' C'!,",!ry'. , ,
' rale to eonininc t It) o'clock A.
uhi i,'ii V.f u -hi V-
.rC-.ll.WD kUOail U
j. V. RAL'DfcNBU.SH,
il. Ui UAtUiaMIUdll.
Onn. W. Hrnnrn, is MaraVU rrnMn
H. I., anna I h 1'i.lina. liaa., fklnnt ..... I
.- i -. .
nrrunn rmirari ana I u'in I
r.r'.' r":.::!!' "
"" '"" ' fr six sira ritii
. .t i
lit r
un rlii.l all
H'ntTR im .rv'.mvnt.
V It. I'fsn, Sffsnt fif tlsrpsr k Urni M irh.,Hlv4 Rn -.Buhl a o.'.te'.l oi
lilt n-.U"ll. nlil, h hR'l l,a
t-l n l mlvrh ;i.IIIT vlnl . Id.
Ilnllriir anil Cu.los-S Snap (th imt ak I
e.n.) ilrnsl.y. im
il. . its-mopii. A.i.mof P. vc, lit rt.n
hten tMh . ana fitrct rf Mi III 1t".,l f"
sins ilural'iin . l,t Cntli'ura linf
i: 55 I'M .
tlnn. Wm. Tf tn, rt'.f, l., .r'nnn
n'lT "iif I ..r ih . tut mi l .!,
lrltfla i . h I I Im 'fl f tMil ifoi-(..l,,' l
fortaetr tar yif lr tnnnv ,f M ,i.,t. .
li'ii piiiln'n an I m ot n i) I )t litll'K, n
anil a f nrMf tn m. '. (i.rtils..
tr Ill f'tlnlott SI. C'lri'pnill
ll t.f I,, r l.'r' .-Ml I. wnn rt.r., nl
Willi ptil t il'S rKl.M I iM Ml'li'ti f .r '
N i a ft.-.i. I.a.tll 1. t b,i. with a i.abi.'I
' 11
r ''J'! fJ 'V.'"5- , . .,
-t r ..i .,,", r m ii
. -f h It i-i T I f..t i r i t utiflf.
l.rnn .' . . I
' I nr.. N. a
i . en
.crt Mi palj hi
I v rr. i .u "- " i -1 ' ' l
''i r.i ..I !,, iialr
i.ll I lf il
i.f I'lrn .-. lli-t l ti.ilt.aimU hn.a
lara li.twa, 1. I'l-Ti'-l-n VKr.
Ilia ll ...I INirlilw.., nr li.t'la. I'- Tlrt H'
MtiH'lAI. T'.lllfT H'iS, V.'..J C' T'l'IH
Irii.e sai, r.m.iir Sn.r. f : In h.ra fur
l ir'r. ,nl i ni l n Joo. Ir l n -In I
I ..' t t L-a n,vr1 r .. ...
"v. I
4 iTl i,,,- 1 : a.,
I'lsar ha s nn l voir, t.ity hranlblna;, lanl
bra.l, i. inai I .ii.U, 1.14 ami lia.niu,
,luUai,, .. .ni.a. tt u.ii.k aru.ius
,,A"" ,L 1 ,'MK'
' 51 ""'U l"'ir lis... la ra. If to fly n(1. tya-
i ami n.aa rn. er. larri.rl mil
I I -.ari.t. nr ins n ? IUiii. ai
, , llK ,,ir , ,,,, ,, ,,, ,.uti.
I Wii.h 1 1 h I. Amarl n l-uia, ( ana.lit fir.
J' "" 'i'1:"" V r.'"1. "!'"
li.r.l'a Kaitfal I u a I iliAl.i nl. II. .a tulila
K.'i c.l I'mr, .mini... i ijir.u a..'!
i anl.irl' Inti-ilur, III oua i..c ia I if il. .v.iil
Wl t.h.-i k I'll ! I F.l!,
v N r.
rl wliii hriilh it litl-smi.
r n tr I.I til,.
7. It I I. K I lui IM. ?.
'I I- U II MllJ.llM (Hla
t I.f l h l tn H ll t.ll.vr I'l.ix
lir- h-r t r I'm n. W .k
tl'H4 H'.ll llltl IfllUlttt IMI.
I rit p 2 1-otiin. unjvtry
I "
ariti. p.itn nf lr. II. K. n ruin tin.- jj
can i l i I-if i ii 1 1, I im. r cirrlol
Mivtnt i mini 1t riiltr by pruiia tUoUs4ti-t
ftm-tiiy rnt - till lil'ifii't r.i tt. iruat
he Hill hr riiiitlri'it0l nn-l i rot., . if j ,t lie
i iii'liiatu it.ui. ur UfUi 1 1. 1 illfitlri,
hlll'l'lll 1 ' X.
I is';iNl;i t urr.
riTnn I '1 is r : .-i.iHiiiit
75 I t- H I- I- II' N M, ol .Miitil?r ur
-II C 4 1.
it il ti tr -Wnttiu iy.
in b; Mr, siMiin-li tit lrc toil nnl norvx.l
tll'0 Idllll Vtltll I'lH-llt I'l llltll'Dll JtH 1 I'MK II I-
ri rj 1. im 4 ililiit-iil. 111(1 vii u p Mit r- nt.
li'ni'K, rtlt-l Ii t I I tit it'll. 'in ill hi
llhi infini r-i. ui l tli-' lum'li o ll.-i'irt tifliiie .
1 'I It" OMt I K 1 1 M III I K W" l II.K ill ltr an
vt i d U k u u ! m Li e! L
St a
a i-w-
lfl II it!'!"'! a lll.ii ! in ur .ui I nil a
,1 ; ramii.Uia r nr 'i .1 rvanoia tie- c.a ."
u U. tli" I'lia lr in Inn., ami It la I'l.iliim I hy
N u.auy .1 liin UI. inlu l .1 ii.i-ii "I II. I'll ly in n
2. Mr. f-.-li "-Ii ."ill i imi.' I.l" inn I .ir.n. II. -
al.a. .Mr. .'li'ii ': wl.l lia it t-ra IH f. ttni i-auc'.'
u w I.i. hi h win rnpr .ant -.i.l. al nl. i.i..t
; ut tlu(, ul uli:U4lK Hl .1 alio. I
Mr. i.oi'ii, iii Vii-k 11 ,'itj f in hi ttitt ;imi-
I.Vr tie Pus
.hi. II 1 1 III XI II I'l
1 I tin II 11 . 1 ' II A II I. ... l. 1 1 I.i II if I'.lin Hti..
na a 1 i.i.i ti I . r 1 1 a I. ill -re '.. .' . Al 111. '
al. Illy, i .. uU'li 1 hii 1 11 .-r 1 1 . . u una Mty urn
wa . k. i.w.i Ntl'l dil-nt-'t I hv ill. tl IIU'l.1'1 -la-l
n i. ui liter 1 a.)) atraiiKliino
11 e 11 iv ii'-kat.
I l,Ol llOIIOl il I'.Va
I I'el'rbj ret 1.11 I h-inlis to mv frini Irt
I l.'r M lav rs -u .1 ..p .''.a trymll a. 11
, AMj iHta ur l'i..ii..iii.il4i y
' cunr-t.
A I - l',.itiu nllon..Ci' Joii'i 1) irtl.
'all.. I Mll.let.uri,. a. . o .'a .-., .1 lai
1 i.'r'n v
, a III l.rlnn iiii.i i l .,,! h.nnr.lar Mr.
, a III l.rlna In IM ill-rh.. i.rila ililllaa rl
l-atlam a i a in I It a aiel ilia iirnear uu illil all mi
"" - .."-i- i- . - ..i-o,.. ....
a linun ' illo Uar.a ul July suit Ilia ai.i.ruf il
. l'uu'
IlilTOIl Po'Tt Yoil will HII-
J.ii.iuinn in yinir ii unr, la.naa tl Vain .nil,
. .Ml l ilainira'-. .mi.i. ni.nlil.t. i .r lia.
.11 r in i Hi '.ritr. tlr Va.inli hi tiatn
a latli.ttil a.. . a f. inui 'I'tlnr. I, .n I iiliy.
Ii ,a i.aa . a I ilinr .1 rtuni ilinan an I amii-y ur
ltriu..nan a ieiiurt .hi a K'nUtn .nl.liar mi't
lat. a i-a ul Ii aoara uitrlia our aiui.i'hy ami
"Km Ksn "
I )iel it. At toriM'.v.
A III. Tost. Y'UI willobliiH host
I nf Hnuii.iln,m by snniiiii"lrii It. II
Hrliuni, K. . ul lrai urj, f ,r Hl-'iiot Allur
iiaf t'SIDS k WsaT II 'AVH,
Veasotilltj .llll.
r, I'onr. 1 etuil'licnns i,f Kr
ir..i!:.l, A. Wai'.Ki, Uu., of lira.
vart.iwii II I iii i . a nmtv nan.lliUia : ami II
Ic'imiiatait nml nlanln.! la n.i)ialila i'l aitiulnla
tarlna tha o fna m AMnnit Juilat .lib liuuur
lu kliutall anil lb
I?P1T01I I'
J Mi.yan, nf I
ost : Announce lletirv
Hnnn in naiiifi, aa a
fir It.n i. men nl Aa.m-liiln Jind-a,' M-, M
pnapa.a al Ilia qua ll'irallnua linrnaa. - y In ilia.
i. p
rharua II. n ilnlina of lh -ffli-a ill. t tni-lniiav. A
ilallly st... errilliab.y In tiltuaalf ati.t iu.iai:u..u.
Hall SO lllillaht CIIUlU SUSS MUII4 Ko.
allll'.V CJlllllllr4sSi'.
J.e.ib Kiseiiho-t-er. of 1'isnklin,
ilirimah bii rnanv Irian 's riaiiaatlullr mn
mlla hii uaim In Ihl KniiuSttnan rn ra al tl.l
r-rlisar'tiiin fur. tun t-.unm..lunar Mr.
Kiani.b'.air la an l.ilallljfint eitlaau s touoil
hauuilioa.. au't'a. una.
Mm ItsrcnLiei-ii.
r. rest : Annonnn.. Hoiiert II.
Hurlnk. of I'mnhlln luan.hln. ti a tult-
si.n oan.ll.laii lr Jarv ll i u ula.1 mar II a la
'laarn Kifianilna.i, surliiu ni l lulill snnt
.una atsQ niaiiilns ill lb oitiir U llfioa
Iiudi fur IUI slSoa.
Mi in. I. at HSKK.
f .nultiii, V
uuuo" Is hereby Klve that I
purchased one horse, IluuKy, Orirmi, I
- .
all persoiis are hereby cautioned not
lo liieddl Will) llie s t-na al. llieir peril. I
HENKY or.VilL,
Trunks! Trunks!!
SAM'-'M). ichenxvill uoit start for Kansas?"
.1 ll '-".Yr.vt week-hut I intend to go to SOI, OPpEjl
11 FJM UK'S, Mifi.SQiovc, iia!. to f i.rd.ase two No. 1
trunks tar inijfinll' ainl.icitv ; uml tjnu svr, must buy t
Wtlise fur Joi' and a t unfile of Xalclul.i for the g;rls--
I ran Oui better good at lower in ices ut Opponheirty
r's than antwhere el.iC."
$ ',00 HE If S VV trill be paid ly the Manufacturer,
if ijnn liun one nf Onenlu inter's ( V. braled CitSlMKP
l 1 HHELLJS and it is vto'cu or li',rrotrett a ml. i7't7 hi ,
t. fair i-ha live) don't come hum ; inside of a week vf tiA j
')Wii iii rcrd.
1000 tTinbrcVns in slock fur the rain; sc ismchcap
reduced ta the very LOWEST PRICES-
will sell--botnid fn sell, if w onhf t tria'inal rusts did
firiht- Duii't delay or iou
which ijtjix will rvi,r c
lb. 0, 183J.
liv.rl -lilliini
Ht.Tfl ulrc-'T
I reit -til't 11. tlJn
r tit (ry
rl in fianr;
1 arv li H
t 1 I. h k'vvii
rii:t p.iinlic-
An -I hn .i ... 11 1 1 1 Ttr; tt ni 0 iei u
t n.ciir 11 1 it i-i tirw.'tt Hi.
w r .r 1 .'t "'1 1 I I 'i iiii'tl i s
"n- th tl f ul p y iu 4 it r-Jtifl lir 1
11 1 C 1 e em- nl
T 1 ii Hi" l I ( il vi" r 'U - I! m
. v m i'ni 1 i 1 ift 1 r i-.u i s v. 1 . .
iii r I 11 nt hi n s, I. it me 1 1 11 U , r I 1 1 t l "
til. Ii lM irm, I t , 1 1 1'l 14 I i t ! I ! ttl
I r tvltl'ti), mil itii .ii. Ktlsttlloit
lltr I I Im-, 1 11 (In il nit it itf 1 .11- K 1 lilt t .
t '! n Ii tt 1 ill- III 11 r. 1 1 ; 1 t il I
I'tlltr, I I th llff . l ir Is !
I .'I'll Vrl4't-,Nlll "I I:!'1) 1 I l' I" t T
(', liifl-l r nnl rnii r u-.ttit ti.'i.rr
n l nr t f i lv int .ito -tl. " . 'tmi ief r
h-t, If r'U r llcfiu; I r i Ititun'n
'.Vrikn-N Isfilt'-tprti r , .1 ti, I aft o tl.l
Kl limy, Hi t I In , r t'rlury j m
Wl limit "w !l ivtill Dkltli uJi', lf
II14 1 Wtlllii
rr.or. (ii ii.mi:tti:'s
Fre:io'i Kid 107 ?a:l,
wiii'ii iTitrs h v a us' nt;' rn in.
t-k .tr 1 ul't I ir I" t ' I'll, l rl I- f 1
.'. 1 V.I.I I I I ' 1' I. V II ,11 111 M I..1 ..1IIH
i i.a'i,, n , v.e t. i , I 1 1 4 . I f U a . Il r .
ralva Oei I'. I I'V rel irn ui ill
i TH-I I 'M M.1 I'.l l I I . I' v I 1 .1..
I j j 1 1 tr. ilt'D.IW V.N, Linger, Tl'u, ",
, aiy i :
, .r,i, 1 1 . 1 It. a. t - 'a 1 ri're't. Kin...
j I'.i.l. n.irp I um ! In in In llirm amikn'
i , , i ,.n li ,. I,, n ui y. n il bv ',..t
.i t.,ri n, 1r.-.r .lita llnriKHl tlila u na I
aulln.r t mil . t a a n 1 .i1' 1 V ,ut l -'" J " '
" lit! '.It'll: Dl l ll-t. t F . T l'. I) . nya :
'I .11 il a I tnr il.i' m y.-nr. iv . 1 i'li'lvi .n. 1
Kttll y lloniai. hi 1 -.r i hi -. .out
i n .'.nl lia-. I w ir.t'r. lv . 'I .'nriunuir. ly
cu nt 4I1 nr ara I 14 'r -I. 1 1 11 111-1 a a l- u Ii
11 1 Inn. Poll ur ie, . '
S t "I -i X. 1! I ' f r. ;T' .' a "'l :
'I u.ini.'i-.a vra.1 a .it rir f-.r i.i mr.
a. il. llriwlii'a l. mi a n. .Ii- K .fn.y.. Fur
v.aa l .1 tuna .1.1. ml ,i.l tu -nl nut .-t lift I :
t' UH rnlaul ma ll. In , Imi 1 hay il. va m un
iv l-mpuiirv r llil. I a a Ian ul I'm',
ililllin lli'a Kl'liinv 14 1. a I aaeks, aiel I
ni. lo-i4 1 on uul ily .-ii' I -MRS
IIF.M.K. IKH'i IK,T.iW,'
t'.tr ira 1 ii iv 'I a, 1 o m:i ..a I i. " ro. etri
-,,?ZZV ti".
Knlr ra.ia un I as. nurn.l in una m it .
il. II- 'I It I K.N, Wbeivasla irrrrar. FlnlUf-
In tiiraa a.aa a ia p i m vian Iv iu a I '. aaar
Ina una ul t'rnl. Il.ilniin.i. a Ktluav Ceta.'
11. r- K I K -I.I Nil. M 1 1 . I'r .!'. I .-a r -
i rl . ,
!'' '' .'
atii'ii pauillnx lu an otasr ler Mil-
iiay I'.i.ii a :
ralva.l m.ra l.n.iafli nit nun uyiHii I
I a ir" "iia ni 111a nr-i u aa l a i ami i ra
uialaolluu au Kl.i lay ro nal, aa svar
! "''' ' .,, ....., ,. , . ,. ,
1 II A Y a Sill (E VI AKfcU. I tuajIM., Hanoi.
ml til i il I Hal' i I, a-lva Imllar a ....!
ui. '! i.
"Wi Ara nrkln: .1.1 1 I
Tii'la. un.. -til'l ari lio. '.B
-aty l.tla In inur
nl au . I rn.jUt I ru s
tiirm iviry lUy.'
Prof. Cnilailic's FroaoH Li?cr Fat!.
Will i"tlt,f'-l.' iMir- "I Arfti". Juinil-
AaJ'trt AfiUlUtU', lllIitiW '.Tr, .l.lHitifl,
nV.WIt., ftl ll 4ii ( l lit" I. iv HI.I l .
-l lit I. I'llitflV) I.) Illtll. r mi I I If
t'rif. l'ltlliiMte' I .ftjtl- l l !i K 11 ti fttl I
litv-r, ln li until Al '"r!
I l(l.Ni II I'A It id..
MttrrliUMjr. I i s OiiU
The Coini.ii.sioni rs (ifJiivder conn.
iv, five nnlice lluit they ill iitti ml nt
l in i r ollice iu .Widilli'l.nrj I'a. for llie
purimae of holding tho Ap
lieals. ' For Ihn dUtricIs of Adams, Prnver,
Ilcavcr W enl, t enlri',1 liiipniau, 1 iank
Im, .lackaou and Miiidlcbui- April 10,
1S2. i
For the d-strii'ls of .li.l.'lecierk, j
.Ip in roe, reuu. I eny, la IV ttent, ha-
linl!i ove, I'uiiii. and W'llnllliulun
t ill 11 Iwl
Apin 1 1, l-il.
Appellant will be beard eno I d.iV
until II o'clock 1'. M. .11 persons ill-
,i .... , . ,.
tercstcd iiijv attend il the...' think plop.
JollX XT.UZ.
JOHN .If. MOY Kit.
(ntnniisi.mrs n'llce.Mi.ldioburg I'a.
March 3d, 1MJ.
A.tlll.tOi,,e NlLl!0.
rn rf l. 1. ...:.... .1 A .. l: .
' 1 1 r. iiihi.m aii;ii..'i n uoi.or .pyoillT
1 m t.y u.. nr. . o m s...r i.,i,
i.i,r,..i-1. m an i..r u. . pa ....... ,,r
u 'l.hiii m ..a.ui iii.-ir riaiu... iM r,.r,r
a, ,4 ..u a..u .im.a an
hinia. Hi lnl.,..i
e.".v.-.. "'""' "a.
assikn, iwi. ' "'""sVa.!;,.
will surtly luxe bargains
S. Oppeufceimer,
Selit:..gore, Ta.
s j
In the Kstateof John Oelnett. decd.f
To .lamb II. "itnitt. Oonn II llluffa, law.;
.'oaa.h it dalnal', l a.t nnu ty, Mlrhlaia
le I. O. la Muulti lln.ut, tail. r.nth Oaloa. t,
larrt t.p dnyrlar I'.. Fa. arolu r ako bis
lr til. sur Han 11 Tiili HI b0.l l .1o..tai
to l'. Ilannali Muy.lnr lul jonalbaa B.
hnyilar bar bn.'.an.l t'irr tap., Snr'.r I'a,
p.. Kn,iaih hni-t a tt.r, b. k..IoI kit
but. ao I ft. In. r arrv nunta'd 4:.. ea, Calif
iti.ruiia a TUorusa itonina wi.oil r i i.mrnat l.nlaU l o Fa. a lea lo lual. a;
fraoii abtii.rnii 01 tiainari. ttooiiunf, iiaaa,
Amaail. K..ul bant. ..d., tinna
ilui rt In. Vt a.t 1'irrf lap., Kiy.lar Uu. fa.,
caibariui anil Martba Uuuattnii whosra Min
ora in.l ha.i fur ibilr auarHlas lao Knilnta of
ur.inlil I. II, Juinila . Pa. Ilaln iu
llllal ilMianiUila ot llilmlt Ins ot US
luauahluul Pnrr Ho)di. eoiinly, da. . atad.
Vi.s Bra kimbf cltnl to be sad sppaar bs
fori Iba Ju.luaa cf onr Ori.bana' llaarl, at la
lifpl ina' Court in ba bilil at MMuabsra oa
11.1 4 tb klumlar ot Maf A, II. I Mi it u u-oIimK
In ii s forinou i. tbio auil tbira io am n
ll-ll in 4. n.l.aJ, al lbs aalaitl alsll
laiu.a vu i.i. .ua naai r.a.aia oi aa-u aoi.
uul ixa It by ia IBi.yiat nu.y sai
I bf.
i.i ia vosrt, sua ra.urna.l Of ibl
siil.. rouaiv. i-r ibuw lauaa at.
b. li!T . C
.1 thnw Sanaa h thl
ab. . id lul La aolil. A. ad bai a.,1 IaI. nut
Vi 1'r.aai lua Ho.. Juaartk O. ttncU. i. fti
I'rr.liliot ul our iaM Cuurl, at AlM'tlsu I
Una wril Say u Marnk A, II las I,
btVID llll Vt ..a.l....L.