The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 30, 1882, Image 1

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    tKlvortl-aln a; Itntcx
0, column one ye.r,
0iit-hu. column, win year,
0,o?-fourtli column, imn ysar,
Dim ouro H J lino) 1 insortioa
C,-irv additional insertion,
. -.': .1 ....I II...1.. ... l
ffy"pniiFiim iu.j ifn-i iirn vifti ii ii
n,it mor than 5 lino, per year, 6.00
dililnr, Essen tor, Administrator
unit awikkov ihio, x.oi
glttiYtiiil notim per line, V-
A! tri"clent advertising lent Ihitn
f month 10 cent a lion.
All advertisements for a shorter pe
;,vl tlmii one year are navahlo at tlir
(mo they r ordered, and il Mot paid
ht uerxon ordering them will oe nelil-.I.-
1 o o t r y
Plt'il b nothlntt I" an oil woman
A she serubbod away tor hr dully
"I'm better off tbau my neighbor the
afraid of robber, afraid of fire,
Afraid of flood to wreck hi mill,
Afraid of oiii"thing to eros lilit will,
1 re nothing to buru and liuttiintr to
Put a bit of pork and a barrel of meal.
A lions that only kM off the raiu
li easy burnt and built up ajfaln.
ltleiwd be nothing I My heart Is
I slug at uiy washing, and sleep all
"Messed be nothing!" the young man
A he turned with a auille to IiIn smil
ing bride,
-Hunk are breaking ond stock are
There's draad and bltteme All over
There are broker groaning and bank
er cad,
And uien wuos losses have made
them mail;
There' nilk. and aatin, but want of
And many a woman would fain be
Whoie little children nob and cling
ltr the daily j y she cannot bring,
lllmsed be nothing, for you and me !
We have no riches on wing to lite."
B.emed be nothing! If uiau u.lght
Fur lie who hath it huth naught to
Nothing to fear from flood or flro.
All tiling to hope for and ile-Ire;
The dream that in better than waking
Tile future that fftetlsthelougliiKiraze,
Uetter, far better, than aught we hold,
A. far as thi mining exrecdith gold.
Or hope fruition In earth below.
Or peace that I In outward show.
Down the vlata of the a'e,
tjuiiitii and siiiut-rH, f'loli uud i-ae,
Mari:liln onward, nlow and aole.iiii,
tio ill never kikIIiu cultiinii
lleru the lion-nt. In-ru th kuwe
With a rhythmin etep vtihliuie,
To the K'ave.
Like he rolling of the river,
iiiiii(on and on forever,
.V.'ier renting, never mayiiK,
N'tver for un itwtntit nt Avltur.
lVnr and, lord and nhtve,
t'l'auU Hoou lo mix an I iniii;;le
Iu the xr.iv.'.
! ity cannot, nor can p!ean'ire,
1'ura moment break the uieuHuri.-;
Tliey are inarching on to doom,
They are moving to the tomb.
All the isrowd, ail the brave,
uou to level all Uitinetl,ii
In theajrave.
Niiicejthe morning of creation,
Without break or termination.
Ever on the line moving.
All the love and all the loviuir,
All that mother evr nave
On to ulleuce and to alumher
Iu the grave.
nr no bribe the bond can weaken,
Here noaubtitute la taken;
Each one for bliuelf no other,
Son nor father; no, nor brother;
Love the purest cannot aafe;
Each alone the roll mimt answer
In the grave,
Wlln flAlllm.n.1. tl. JK 1 t
uululauul .110 ureou proceiwion,
That ah all know no retrogression
U'l. ...t. .i i ..
"j i-Bii ue me great director I
U.I , ... (rnni ana grizzly upeutre,
nint th. ui. Aa...
. ...... ut mauiaij gave;
K'ath, the mighty King of Terror,
, in ine grave.
V ore born; we laugh; we weep;
Wn I ..... . ...
"oiuvb, wo uroop, we uiei
Ah! wherefore do we lau'h or weepf
Wl... .i .... ......
no we uve or die r v,
"bo kuQwa that aouret deep f
Ala, not II . . . . 5.'
hy doth the violet spring
UltMon htt lllltllfkn Alia I
. J . J ,
w'y dp the radiant season bring
v .UuuK,i him MmuK.y ny r
w"y do our fond heartc cling
To thlnga that die f
vtollI through pain and wrong;
we flghtjand fly;
We love; we 0-a. Auj tuen er- j
ht(lni.-lAn .1 .... ii.
ximi wa no.
" We, U all thy song;
cnuure and diet"
Bid tbo pastor: "We never used
lO Retain, mnna. In It.. ...l.'l..i!
. j """I'; iu mieuuiiiuDiiua
but UteJy I have arrsngod lo
Ml - .
- ..v ur iuree oi onr most prom
'OSDt Inan -. li I . . .
u piony gins sianu in
'eitibnla while tbs peoula come
'Mo th '....1
j v. uu yntm uiuiivy
Dd lbs box is doiojf quits wall."
'kss a I)0KIU man to run a
-"cu m well astoircus.
"Are yon fond of driving ankoJ
the writer of thia anioie of Prink
Eimiii, a fuiuoii mountain Dtage
driver, as he jumped upon tbo auut
at Li aiJa oo the coach that wi a-
tiout to atari from Oiinuinon to Ilubv
Camp ia the Klk Moutititina
"Ym, 1 love to be around borne,"
''You inunt Lave Lad aouie udon-
tare t"
A. few." rapliol Frtn;,. qnit1y.
'WueiediJ yon firnt. bu to
irivo trotter. Yon ak Don Mace if.Jo-.'t want your h ir ' 1 l.ea I
be remembers Frank Knn " lR.l np. Tim paammers were or-
You milMt havo soma roll ri.lia."1(ero-l o:tt iu lino, with bin U no.
'Yea, I've boon chilled to the luiir-
ii. l ....... n. i .....
...u K.
now traveling. It wan two winters
aj(, wnon mo mxeoveries oi
liifitins bex'an t.make a noine in
the world. Mi n would un lertj"
tmrdihip to reicU the mountain
Oue morning I had a fla'o load for
Ruby'Camp, From algn in tho air
r .....I.. .... .; l 4i.., ,. '
........,. .u. ......w
nilit a blizzird
would roll down
ith fn.Ht aharp euou-U to tm..e ,
whinky iu your breimt p-ckut. I
nut on f.ix lavera of rlutliitu'
I '
l.';f .,11, ii. ,....n-..
-i ....... ""--
. t i , ,,
next buckskin, a suit nf wo-I!....
i : 1. !.:.. .i. .a - .1' inn '".'",
up to my are. I wore throo jmiia
or aoei.s. a pir nl orticn, ainl liiu
lliii.nel lined rnbber boot oveMhrni
I wound a fliiniK'l ni ouml
my head at) 1 forelnad, and pulled
my fur cup down to my eyebrows
A pair of goloa piotii lo.l my nyes,
ud a niiilll-r, which I inniini;ei) to
biciithu through, covered my mouth,
checks and dohu. Heavy fur 'Livuh,
euciiRed iu rubber mitten, piolect
e 1 my hands. Oue of the stae
company hud lo kj up on biiNiness.
it) 1 bu sturtu I (iff with mo in the
inn: you nooupy. lie wa pretty
amII bundle, I up. and aai l ha Jidu'i
vaut any of hi icuu to l i Jo a hero
ue aoiildu't (o,
' Before wo piiiBsd Caellfl tuonn
taiu tho Idi.zird wa on us. h cinm
hhi inli.n over tho baro lucks and
till utl'll the Htl .ltol tt'eo Ion I II'
than if a million Ute.a were aweep
in after our eeilph. It whistled
around the couch and over the hot scfi
ftiily raising tho lurncj. from t Liu ii
I nick 4. eicluH formed liiu'ua from
i heir iuuiiHis, an 1 si lea were white
with Klmtuiiin frost, Thoy lower
ed their heads to tho storm and
pliiuod bravely on with their load.
"Are yon Cold, Krauk "' iuipiiro 1
ho bosa with clmttorin teeth.
"Warm as toast," aaya J. Tho point
of my nose was the only sunsitivd
tiling about mo ; that tinned as if a
oonl on tire had come iu contact with
I'retty soon we cumo to a boo l
nrouud the mouutuio, where wo ha i
a little shelter,
"Pull up a luinuto, Frank," said
the bo, "I KUus I'll tfet in with
the passengers." Every man inside
was stamping Lis foet as if Lo Lad
served Lis time in the Old liowery
A fearful howl arose when the
proprietor opened the door, sod
dove ia amour tho Lalf.frozeu,
craioped-np travellers, llotweeu tho
gusts I heard the lively tatoo kept
op until we began climbing the hih
raugo to Ruby Camp. Then ouly
au ocoasional thump roacbod my
ears. When we arrived at the sta
lion I Lad to help every man out of,
the OoauU. Nearly all bud their foet
bands, ears cr uoaes bittuu re juir
iug vigorous applications of snow to
restore a Loaltby oiculation of blood.
A little rukbiug of voy own coso set
me all right (Frank's nose is rather
long and thin), and when I eutorod
tLe bar-room at the station, after
seeing that my team was properly
atteuded to, I was ia a comfortable
glow of wurwth.
Frank,'' said the proprietor, "7
don't see bow you got up the moun
tain without freezing to deuth, I
should Lave fallen off if I Lad re
maiued outside another half hour.
''Were you ever stopped by rosd
agents i"
Yes, by the Allison gang. That
was dowu in Texas, though. We
bad a coach full of passengers, a
heavy mail, and big package of
niouey by express, I Lad the money
nndur my cushion nud the mail bags
piled np (behiud me. We weie
stopped io a place where the horses
Lad to wli, us if geuwollj Ibu'womau," i eiol.iiuied. "IH yo'-f - ,.,!
" ' - - - -- - ' ! '. .' ' . win WMI mm.
0f,& .
. 9 2'p,:: J
'Do you ilrivora always slop when
ordered V
' Yea if we ilidu'l wo'J ffnt bnl
luts throiiuh our hca l-t, or nnimn I
for lifo, without rooeivitij? any com
potisBlion from the company orpasa
How dij Hie L'ar.s? nporaln "
"Alii vtl nlo id t ttm Ilea 1j of til"
leu in with a piHtol pmuted at mo.
Ilis confjJurates ramad alonjMi le
of tli ii ooiinh, oovniiii thu pm.'ii-
Ur. A.lnon koew me at aihl
He eboutod, "H.n I np, IVnu't ! '
witu t tlubiloh nay of my
horne," I r iiliej. AM ri 'lil.
nl,d thoroughly e.juc'ml. The nh.
lill'l Utnlil I 1.1.11... I. ... .... :..
. .
ti,o boot, tiikiiiia.iuin n iweW. un.
jUllll aed uim to throw tho
.n bw, ... ..,. ,.t
,lmt , jf ..., r,. .,. . , Vi, ...
havu to ot tli-) b.i yo ii'n!f "ritnu
thoy rtimhed up. to4e. tint b iH
loan, cut Uhmii iipou. "f.ivu we ot
.. 1 I ..III. I . .. 1
no i mil w iri'i n. ivinr. I
.,,Hi' i,, li.onHnn.N of dolUr 1
iWaawil'D upon f iulv burned inn nt
,, ti bllt . , t , ...
'coolly iu tho ejo."
I ..
IIIU Ul LI1U 171TI III! W lll T'in II tl .
. ' . . " .
hilellUli HIV Ion lura. '.'t.iii I i it."!
I.,,;., A, ..., ollt) ;,, t ,,,,.,,
ay 110 ,d. "W mo i,
nil) colli'' Dow.
I'mtik ; in
ton mtinKoi yon cm
drive on ."
'Iid yon i.ver meet with an upiel
ou iiiiihii iii iiiiiiiiii, r-iti is :
'J 1 unt I II I I a ti'i iililo ol.ine
ill nu'ir jrud ('.innou a jcar u '.,
tho lilth of .liih'.-c."
Here Frank Kiaspii.1 the b lit of
his whip and cm ved the tip of thu
luhb over thu l.tu.luis' Ilea In. 1'hc
him lie of tho wlrp was hi'iU or
nuniijnted. Tiien. wo id uhuiit h
docn silver bands un it. u tue
broad band lit thu bait tlioro was
the inneriptiou of sevoi iil liiiiis.
' Hehliiiii hiitiillu tl,i whip wilb.
out thinliin, of that ihI," and
Kiuuli. Soeiu thut I was iuti-inHt-od
he con tin ii. j I :
" A'u had a lul l of ninsteeii im-m
enj,'i'is iui,lo hi, 1 outsi lo thu c ..n'li.
and leu heavy triluk in tin. I' ' it
U'o weru join fro u Silver Ci'... :t to A utt i.ts. lim fovor !
ianuou Ody I hid tho best six-' (i u . i t . :s .l-s.-riln 1 by a .'orr.e-. .
hursoout lit on thu li'in, and felt a ni i:i. u in tlilnir of I l.n ie'i'ii :
pli lo iu driving, although I knmv "And it !i In ii i.i him s ir . 'v ;
1 sl::;::i; I:::!:.;;;';:;, ifcizx
ill soiiio places. At luy sido nut a s!'.i 1 his m at all into lattei;
pretty .ittlo lady and on thu end of U,!!; iXitiZ
tho seat was thu wifo of ono of our Minus hoofs . in I min is t ie n u:.-;
director. Thodi.ector sat b.hind JJJ jj;; ',;.
his wifo. All went wull umil w!s:ik him till he reached hi.-il.-.ali
came to tho tip of (Irueuboni 1! in u. 1 !, , ,, , , ...
1 " Ii i in till i nIiu'IIihI I. nn
I ho dt ivo down tho raiitfo for two T rt il coil, end Hi n it,
miles and a half is olio of tbo mo-t J.'"'",' 1 '"l',' , ,i,'f ,
isiiooli I in. eiirtli nil ilou u noun In,;
perilous IU the Hockies. Iu places And he Ii. s lieii.'.il Ii his gravest. ua.
there ia neaienlv i ii.,.
to keep you from foiiirf over the
precipieti, and on thu other side is a
a all of ruck About biilf way 'J.hvii!
is u poiut culled Cape Horn. The.
road Las boon built around this
rocky poiut and tho turn is so sharp
that whun the lealurs of a sitchorsu
team Lave rouude I the rook thuy (
are cut of the driver's sight. This ;
place is the dread of all the drivers
and teamsters on tho road. Thol
descent is nbout 20') foet to the mile,
and when ouce you stirt there is no
stopping uutil you reach the bot
tom. Of course I was a littla anvious
when tho leaders went ovortbe brow
of the raugo i but my whuelers
powerful and gatuo, aud trained to
obey every word of ooinmuud and
touch of the whip, whilo tho others
were steady and fast enough to keep
out of harm's way. .1 the coach
began the deaceut ( placed my foot
ou the brake with a liriu hold. The
heavy load required extra pressure,
and I gave it steadily. We Ladu't
gone more than twenty yards when
wbeu thu brake broke f Iu au iu
stsut thu coach was ou the wheelers,
aud they wero ou their Lauuohes,
snorting and using their fore legs
like ploughs. It was uo use.
The loaders wont in the air like
wild horses, sad to save themselves
from being crushed the wheelers
sprang to tbeir foet aud joined iu
the race. One yell dims from the
nen on the couoh, pierced by a
simultaneous shriek from the wo9
men. After that they rumaiood still
as death. The little woman grasped
me uronnd the waist 'ut tbo first
jnu.p of tbo horses, hoi ling my arms
as if in a vice. For '(i- l's snk,
lai.d lakw Uld of the rod by j.oui
ai lo. Our onl v hope of ntuty lie
iu my tijinjr nhlo to euiJu tbo hois
aa." She tin wound her arm, audi
handled tho ruins as bunt I cml I.
"D iwn we plnntfed, tho ft ufli
nwliiKin and rorkin-j lil.o a to..
w'"" '""" '
ziKZW. to break the vidorify of d;.
-.cent. I tmned my heal for an
..I ft 4 . .. I.I 1 . -
I I...... ...... .. ..i : i i.
-.,.,. .owar.i ,im oirecjor i,h vim
h,i I f,,iut" l. mid ha In I n!l ho
ilten l to in Loldinj; h.-r in tin. .'.
I'her,. worn plicc whom tho o'lt-
i'rtid,'uir thu r nl wny lul lijiii
L-ronnloT. nd in hj-i.f.. !.,',!
tho wheehr very ti.M,!y r.u-du'
collinion ...v,r 1 ti-ne. faiil.v b.itfie. I
lll-T Hill biil.tiifin;' Ihi fit.-., nn ti.i,
whttid. At hint thu Iioi k.. .1 n, ,1
nroiu, I 0,p H ,rn. ii-i 1 t'n r.i I truvo
t t
i '
bu t t rit when tl.ev nv... .. ..;
. j a I
di,.p out (hut t.,,.u tlia P,l
I' "lllj
an I home t ) tlx,
Oil Mi, no I 1 1 1
driver humi oh men to siv hiu sulf
by XwMt drawn ntV by I'm ho. -e.
Wliun tln ! i l:r w rn nut of h'M
iiiotind tU r ek it t! mho ihr,,ii,.,
.I .t 'I.
nie i.iii i ini'ii' h ivii t i i li't . . w...
I . .
tn m. So look n t uner ltmhii .m
the l.i.eswith my ri-l,t h,l. n I
was reily my left avoni. 1
her holy. Thu ala4- hv!,!,, I and
iicl.iiilly nn ! alie-lH. l';,ti tbunli ,
l jimI, hImi n'-tilo I down nfjniii nn I '
'..I.. . : ...
Ill'lll I 1 V lll'l lil Vt !. d I Kit, I I... I-
liml. Him 'tl o I ilown nmn niil,
o -
went on I. mei,,- d . in the . ,.-.
' tho love . ivhr. .. tin. I.,n -avh .
" l"
or tin eo bun lie 1 v.'ii
In ful'O I
"v.', mIivv, Mkmia. ;h i, I did htl il
,' a"'J .vJ J oij.' I. n li to cire-s ,i;,d
ini'Mni au uietu lor iu ni ;i.i. 111
''own biTi'Iy, tho pel -npir ili.'ti
, pom in' o it of iu.., nl'.' !, it
v as
" liu tho di color (jot in an.r
lei itnd the iuci lurils of tho ri In loj
other member of tho coi.iptmv, (hny
UKkeil :
i"'i iinii 1 '
u hat h ill i .1 1 I ii
'tli vi It : hi a check
for a
ilDd," said tho director. They
guv inn 1 till c;iee;,, 11 11 1 1 in, pa"iiM.
llIH pll'HCIlted me ivilll 1 lllid 1 1 . i 4
whip, which I sljtiil (.'.my us Iju';i
I drive." j
W hilo I'latik nn with o'ir pnty
two (icccimiiiiiH oiti uri e.l when c n l
niwM nn I ciiiir i'n w 11 culled for, au 1
l''iuti !i
ip ili 'ii 1 liati Nomely.
!''v,'r l,llllii'11-'' "". abaliiiij.'.
' Tis Eisy To On."
If I had strength to hold a pon,
' would writo how eay an I daliht-
ful it h to dm. were tho last urds
J"f the colohrato I nurgoou, Wm.j
nnter ; an 1 Liuis XI is rte rd-
! a s saving with with his las',
breath. "I thmjht dying L id leien
more diffi mlt.''
That thu piitiliissno'i of d i itU is
owing t i soino benumbing) influence
sitting on thu aerts ry nurvo may be
iuferrul from tbo fact t but uutowaiil
external surroundings ruioly trotiblu
the dying.
On thu day that Lord C dlingwood
hro ithed bis last the Medituireaimu
was tumultuous i those elements
which had been the scuuo of his past
glories rose and full iu swelling tin
dnlations and seeme I as if rocking
him to hhi.ip. Captain Thomas von
tu rod to-ask if ho was disturhad by
the rockiug of the ship. "No, Tho.
mas," ho answerod, "I a'ti in a state
that nothing can disturb me mote--1
am dviug, and I am sure it must be
consolatory 1 1 yj i ai l nil tint love
me to sea biff o ) uf.jrt.ibly I a'0
ooming to an cud" In the (junr.
lerltj lleoieie there is related au in
stance of a criminal who escaped
death by the breaking ol the rope.
Henry IV, of Frauos, sunt bis physi
cians to examiuo Liu), wh reported
that after a moment's suffering the
man saw au uppearauos like lire,
across wbioh appe ire I a most beiu
tiful avouuo of trooi. Wbou a par.
dou was uiontioned the prisoner
oooly rnpliod that it was uot ortb
nskiig fir. Those who Lav been
uj.r do Ih fio'U drowning, aud sf
lorw ir 1 1 jst io I 1 1 o im.ii itisues,
- ss - rU'i it u.o d iu salr bit lit Ue
V A,
Alioul tha Biitulicr.
Thia wotlt, tihilil'in, 1 hIiuII thnw
yon thu IritcliiT. Ho in niin'i nil v n
k'ooj Hum, hilt MOIIlctiillCi lrn a : t . ?
weib of nlioiii.: it.
thrref l.. it i4i,i..Mt that ho
,.,.,,..;, ,'v.
ui(n .t, lU,v)
iri 1 ii;
; vvjf ,.),. lVl.M . ,,
;,,.a , ,,,.,.,,,..
j ' Tlll, ,,., , , (,, ,
111ur ,, ... ,,v ir ,
ll-i I iU j
. . I
fiv .i:!
i-l II '. MI f '
'r!llT ,..,,.i,r .,. ,.,.
4. ,.J-,., ,,, l,n Ut.ow
,., .,,, ,,,, f l5:..t.
T,, I,,,;,.. ,,. .;;... ,i,,v,, .,
,,K ., t , ,,
iM,t ,.t. ,1H . ,,
Il I
p oi i-:,.,;!,n ., i .. ,i pir.ii,. i
: .
1 l e
il i i I u .1
It h:IM Ihm ! Hli I '. it
i, tl
hi 1 1 him IV. irl'f i, itn.i
o'lt if til'
s !!. t v."t
v.-'. i'. uf I'..
,.N;, . (, t , j,,,,,,, M.
; .) ,' ..'t ,,MUU
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I) i 1.
. n.'l f .i
tli. i lii.i-
'..t i r .
,i'ii!Mi;.ii-; v mi in i;i i -ii i .,'
' . . I
r t.i
.1 1 1 ; Ii it Ii i d n4 I, it
v., , ,,,
,-r.,! : v n-'n-v.,, a!
, M.,, ,
l.'ltle. Hi.
I'l I In f lie
tuoiii, i.i . iiiie.n-r en it.,- t v mi
.. ...
iiv ' ii' id i'" rs :i ii r 'i ir ..iii.i
vo . . 'M
lino b on. t i tie.
i I u' ..
r i i jii.'
i:n il i.i'v
Ml IS the
-t r.t.
I V C...H -
, t, s . .... ,
I. I Ilk.
;,,,. .. i.,, .... ,
li l'l !ll''4 lll.l Il'iII,.1
,,., ,,,,.,1 h,
I'.ee to iij if v mi w l it
1 1
Tlie I' iti-h-r n ii .'i r!
Icons, II I!, so ii.' i.f !; I
, I I i" c il l hl.oi.M. i
fioui him.
!Shn leilcl..r n i in liu 1 1 out a p n,r
cilntoiui r, ut. 1 will at onco cut him
jiitl'. I f on (.'o to him fir a ii hi it 1
of eleal; thi) c!l itici s ale t!i it ho Will
rut you oil' t
il is sa; 1 lim buie'i'ir will a.s
mii ut ll i-t. a'; nil' a co .v ,i i him i.
I'his is a iniss-tiili.
If yon H'.k fir a leti !er si 'i!;. tiiu
butel, er mill sin-tin.', c it, a :,,,.
fioin thu I'oii'i I uud in. ii ii ,i.i', I. is
i it i
I. i
1 . 1 1 IS tin'.' I f .1' .'
.-. . , .. i:-..l. !.. . :
i.. . I ' . I I It I'SJ.
i". '.. i -el 1 1 . t i ii ! i ;" "a
ill. Ii ili'lief t.i i'. i ... .i ii I... '. ii
, TI. n butch, i i i !..:' i.-:.t fi'.t.i tho
lei; r. Tim lull,! , l ... ,'i ,;. 1
' little H.n.'Le, who i h" li'i his ha
i con,
' T'i'. h ll -'i '.' hi' h " i . v t ,
I l it of .1 calf t. he i I i i I M'll il, uii I
i thu e llf k ti l li it a a n I,
Iu p is', prtsmi . or fui urn. i'i i.''.
I noun liiio tbo Ij it liei'. ,'ln'-
I fit i.i .''. '',
Wis.? Wards.
The firo of vauit is fad by the
f n;l of lit .
Charm strike Ih i !n li t b it uierit
wins the h ml.
Stiive for the bait and provido
against t!i i worst.
I'oop! )'s iiituntioii i on only bo
duci In 1 by their con In tt.
An eil'irt in i l l for tun hippiucHs
of others lifts us a'u vo uuist'lv-s.
Falsehood uud fr an 1 shoot up in
every soul, tho pr j 1 1 't nil (limit
It is bettor to siy. "I'uis onu
thiug I do," tli in to h.i) " I'buso for
ty thing I ilnV'lo in."
Lifo is full of blttar I'liMins, the
simplest of which that onu man's
fall miiko forty mer, la'i;;ii.
1'rosa i ve your coiihui iico aj.vays
soft and sensitive. If bill onn sin
force its way into that tutider put
of tli3 soul an 1 d veil e isy there, thu
road is paved with itiiipiiticH.
A tnudor coiiHcinca is no inosli.
miiblo blossiiig i that is a conscience
not ouly quick to discern evil, but
instantly to shun it, us the eyelid
closes itself iigaiiiht tho nude.
Fight nguiust a hasty temper. A ti
ger will come, but resist it tdoutly.
A spark may set a house on lire. A
lit of passion may giva yon causu t
mourn all tbo dsys of your life.
Xevor revenge an injury.
Attend to details, for life is made
up of little things. The garment
iv e wear, ere skill a id iu In -dry ha 1
wrought into beauly uud Illness,
was but cotton or woolen libers. If
we gather up and fit with skid aud
care, the fragments uud libers of hu
man tbotigbt and uctioo. our char
aeter aud lifo will yiulJ both joy aud!t,e f phosphorus -. u pUiu-
. -
no, r
Chains ol Cold.
AH r.v.'i, h ivo lluir iniprndiui'
1'iMPi.iii in il.ii tlit wi'l lord cf t!
I e:,ni'M,
'I'lli le HO hleiln T in il ilit tl in
I'll 1'ilHll.
N.itiiin oviO'islirs p.'is-ii n n.o
tii'in m l.'i.ivi
St i,.l v I in- "i I if V"'i i i. ill I i , ii
the ff.ll-.
IV '.v tin 1
Vlli'f lllrl !
1: ii t'..
' Itv - !r t
I I.. i ;
il i e hiiii t i
I,, d
'. l,t
I III I' '
" f.l'l, 4
t I it III lli'.'4 I !
11 I I I V.ll.e,
p! I"'l'e prnrti,
i- I i i.
p., p
I' ll" M tin- f..i'c
.1 it.
l I . i i ( i i I i !
it t.'f iri 'i ii i.f i'.
ii. r ik :i J'lii.c.i ii
1 iin
ic.llv l,.!:.r
I :iH :
lil'l I.'.
if ll II. I
Mil l I I
tini-ii v;i.,'ii mi' h!.i-. i', -
'I ll.' I'll -t VI!.. M Hi I, ' I
i.f I., ilsii ii i, !: I., nt
su e fi ll at h' ii. e.
I here in imi i. in ; s i !v . n
I'll' ' e u e to I ,j .ii-!i I 'l p i-r I
lliei t I hi cfrniv .
It. Vi.lii i ..ell il iv to tl e o' j i
t';( ii i'l li'i;.-, 1 1 I I'.d i.iiti.u, wi,
tin. I no. iictlilli .Lul l.
'lo ? of i'lt iiii-i i v co-its f '!
'ir f.-n in .1 i!i I I ii.. H.H,
l!l it l.. l,. h ;,..,.. 1 ,t :,H
I i ii '. e 4 ii . f i
li e I' in J
' I'l
t. .( i
f .'. I.
tl I
In I,- i's mi !,i
If in Uhi. ;
r i 1 .. r.!; ii- I
ON 11
t'l it
m in
.1 -
cm In- ut I mi. !
V..' Cllllll ll. to I KM. in cniiviiic
hflvi-S li.'W I'l-Hv wo in IV he
pi use 1 with iu this world nf mirs.
Life is full nfl iltcr Inm iri. t'i
s'tnti'i'st nf wliic'i is t'i it mi , mil's
': males foi I v men 1 tt - i .
till,.-'. H"!
t .-mil
r ti h tin r.t.t i
I'd I it. 1 ' lO'.n.i Itv wh
UllplciKlll' to I'll). I ii .
h it is vei
i'l'.' I.
Thu ll r.M'li is r.irm.i 1 nf II
i !..! in i I I) i'l ..I! i v f, ii li
tin lit of hahit to li'ir 1.", into vi te,
id Year.
, n ' . . ..f 1 1...
." I iv, l:i
. -14 11 I "t "1
. ' . .ii ,11;,' a f 'ti
J'IS. .i'l b
i i t r
i ; u,. "i.
, U.IC I
l ll"s . A . u.
I . . l In iji In..
I .1..!.'
V : i 1 1 v. i i' w ,i i i
' i, r. . . .' ii . ..
Ul'.'f .1 f l:i I I ..
.1 ! i i .s i . ' 1 1 .
- lull i i i i i i ;n '
. 1 :
I ih.
f. i.i
.1,1 s
-111 l-
i ll' Win
,1. I at. I
('.it v in i ur ii. hi r '
''..'. iv, ye i. I I i. I el .
hi II I'll it sill, ll VI, II I, "I tii it III
t I',!, tint I) i n; HI boy out nf tin well
i ;, il l's i.i c .i. 1 t. 1 ht i.lel to liiti
away with a I n pel le r, mi l .
i :; Ii t them j'.st the nl her hiili) if
i lea 1 1 ml li. I i u I n I ill' nil tin- tin
pc I II. r uli 1 h.i ckn 1 hliu i tui l,
feel into t.i' I) 1 1 io4." j
I..twhit year was it t'i it y u
bui t t ho fnln'ii .'" '
i "Wliv. thu hiuie vi it that all this!
hiil'tn-iiid. or u.n Lo u Yi tit In fole or
I If I could only talk wi'.hu.y i !d
; womiin u iniuiUo I could gut it i i
"How ?"
"Why I win bull lin' the last hulf
nf that fence when hIih w is h i.'kel
hy uco.v an. I s'lu' l liiihl up ti e man
I w, oivrct l the I'cn-t mi l hit the
date sipi ii'o on the head."
It wild .l'-ci.h'd to let thu evict dad
remain in wcclu-ioii
The follow iug tmhlii nlteiiinca of
Kolicit D.ilo Owe n, iu 1 1 io linliiiiiii
(, Hint it ii li. uud (!on veil ti uii
ho pondered by every citizen
'lIotiMclnild cares porpmly claim
thowifu's thu itiOthei's ut ton lion
no true woman nenluct these. Ho
it is the hushaiid's mid father's fust
and bouil lon duty to piovido snp
port for tho family, lint it no more
follows that a mini of commanding
talents shall tie iIoau every energy
of Lis soul to the one task of iiccu-
... .. I., i i .. . .t.kll.. I n,.i. I . Ilti.l.
. , , i
thut the hi liH'iice of a WDiuun litifcd
to ai l in the nvih iti u of htr t'"-'1
diotild be rt rioted to her parlor or
j Lair kitchen."
.... . " 7"
ll.o light of lino l,.....,Ul..p is . e
iehfwUu all around is daik.
I'uMt-died evrry Thiiinilnv Kvrnma;'.
Terms of Kiilurn; lion,
1 W lul. MRS l't:U AN.Nb'M. rny
nh!e Vithin nix m.nit'iH. (., t.'..oif not
paid within tl. . yci'r. ,'o paper diix.
i iiiiiiic I nt,!.. nil in ti?i icji' i -0
lad iinlcus ut the n.tioti nf I he pu'i
!ihcr niil-i i!.'ii'im mtl-idrt of tho count 7
I' hl K I.N ,li N( K.
rir I'ci-.'ti- li.tine it ' 1. 1 n-'iiii; f npcr ,
td'l: I'licd o olh l I c '.'llie "ilhiii'l H xrs
I'l l toe liiil.le fi.i Ihc jii ,,'i:,r piiprr.
t f till tin'V'.T ..i! i:ii ( ; '.s of
llt.iwtl's In. ii l;,U( rs is silil
p'y tin' .: It i- tii.: In lion
I'f.'i',iiMt;nn i v;T in ule ; i n
i' ' ill. J K it 1 th Iri I nil tIl'roilf;llly
si i.'M'i:il'-, i!i.' and
111 ".I., in il n in. ii!'-, ,111 I
il i' - ju t what i . i la nird for
it no mote ami no
l!y t!iuioii;;h .iii.l r.ipi.J with tli..-1)1. ).!,
it ten lies t'Vi'iy jMi t of the
(y ti'in, lii.iln,;, putilyiny
and .s'li'.n ;tli' ii.ii";. Coin
im ticin,; tho I'.inti'l.itioti
it Ln Mi n;i .iti. I ti stores lust
li.'.illh in tin ut! n r way can
l.i titr; lit 1(: ol.l.uiK-il.
I .
m r"-.ii
ll 'l,)l- Itt .,!",..!. 1
I'l M ft "t t ( r in T - it i v
; 1 .if l- . i - l i r .1. ffw
! 1 t I V. I 1.
. '-Cf . .; !r,. ,xsj
l i , . i . f a .! it
, I t f t I O 1,-n.i I
t. , I '( II, M , . .I
c I i.i ,i. : s. .,.,. -m
I "i tt.i'i itni. Ii
. --l
' i. it- I ..m
I n w in iL
i . , ,
- .1 . ii tel -
I V t lj
I 1 ' i
ful tm !
I'i(ovn's Jk'in Hi rtius
il v s lint r.iitti ti whi . Key
it ah nil il, and will lint
bl. ul. i n the ti'i ill, or cause
li -i.l.u li : and i i nl-ttp.ttioii
it Will i nn- i!y M'j'si.i, indi
stion, li .utliiitn, hli'.-i-lc
i- lli'ss, ilr.'inr ; ., iieiA'uus
dil.ilitv, w caLiic. :i..
Vtr oi.'v lt'"
Ill .1, I I....M Jk
rvj iuK. n 1 it4
If-n It.llrl. (1 , Ic ly
". . l.l'.ll!ll ilV. I '.nrtJ
. 11.4.1. VII .Uj.l I
U. SLU'SOXC- sow
t:uui:sixci, secoxd movuxixg
XiJl.ll) ULACKS,
! llddystoiie
11,.' IMiVSliiM-: 1 HINT WiiRKSh
i n.-. I ihc l.u ,;i st mid iuol ion. i Llo c.t.ib
li .' m tin' on i it ry.
Tin; LXPEKiENcn ok halk a
h-i rn.,11' I lln ni In ntt.iii) inc'i i-f.-rti.-n
tli :t llii i. ti w ill. C'litiili'iicc a-k ym; ! IM
l!ic iii..hty "f linn will;. Tiny can-fully
av,,il .ill , il . luiiin -lrU;.. ni.ii- I'.i-t cnl
las.wlmli .ire lh"i,)i'.,;l.!y w.-inlicd in
ntul M,.ii, lliciihy r.'ii.'ivnij anythiii", winch
w.iiil t -t. in unih r.l' t! in;;.
I !n c iilin huyaiiil wi-ar tin ir j rints will,
111 . y f. il loiiti.l. iil.liinl lliim in ilur
o' ility,.itti .tic t)li! and lie sure mi l
!. f ir t!i, n ; '' 1-. .m l tea that Unir mail.
ml iiccu mc on tlicin.
I 'I 'v
i i .... .ii
p n ut , ii tin i.rli nint Ain-r.ii.
y A l o I i, l tt, : il n 1.4 r ,..
iill i.tiruii.. .. i, , 1. T. I r ... I miintu
1 1' i ' I l.o uli. rme..l it,
I. i : j' I' , c
IT. i'...
.7. Il.i''p rrl Sorruw, l,y Vny AQH
I l l U 2U'.
S.i. I'l. l r l . ut.iry.tiy Muy All'
I I i i inc.
i i. I .-I I.mii o. I,y Mrg. Hurry W.m I vi. .
4 . I'ti I ;no.
II. I:;.'.-1 r- i l i Hi,', 'nl Mil',, l.t t l.o au.
I i II...I II .'. , .. y
I ii i if.' I VI I .1.' I m
l i. u ,t i, t n i I'ioio i, y Hi uibi r
1 1. ,r
III. Sum . II .ir
li.u.l I
.nn, l.y ),'1i"ii.-
IH. T. in i . ilo !. ), I, y i:irl
i ii.-1
ID. Lim I I ,l.'l' (In, in I, I ) l':;ule
I.i- .. .
I..'. Il nm i. ii. il ..(i l.y Mt M. K.
It.:, .lull
I'l IV,. il' ii', num. liy i h ,i l. Kua la
i'ti. a iii'i,-s.,,tiiij , liy .Mry
I 'r. ll
l i. N nn u l .o U I " r"n.,iiK hdiI
l.'.'luil i'l.', Nn I
rim rh'U'l.l'.'S I, 111'! 11 V l Oierun.l ,,j. ,
i.t'ir, i, ll i',n l , l . . .,i irii.ny nrl -.n
. ml.. t,v A.lirli'Hii u nl lim'.. .S 1,1 .y i,lli.
I'l-.tor-, , r i'ti 1 i r.', I,.', ut i 'J , n-.i . I ,r .
, r twi'l .' i .-.nil- tm iiutii'iu tiiiiiii nr.. A.b
, ..r it. w,lu..lT inr
.1 s mill.,.' . i: ivi., I'ut ii-l.. r,
V l. II ..'I i ." ..u ;il. N. V,
ll'l.. ;.i, llW
Allcock's fm Mu l
lli'i'iiiihc they have proved theiiistilvss'
the Jient Kxteriiel Remedy ever in
vented. They will euro asthma, colds, '
roughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, arid
any local pains ' . , . ,
Applied to the muull of the, back'
they nro infiilliable In Hack Achs,'
Nervous Debility, uud all Kidney
troubles; to the pit of the stomach
' , .. ,
they are a sure cure for ljiepia
' a, i.iver Ciiiiii'l!!
ftrB painless, fragmnt, and iiolcW to
cure, lieware or imitation unit oils-
tur and burn I et Ald.COCK'fi the''
0'nlv0-lllln.poroUi vurtor-
Juii. 'V lb7. .u.
t -' -