The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 09, 1882, Image 3

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    Cldilabnrg, March 9, 1882.
i.' . - AMaM rnrl af
.Ti.r Coantr r hald lh forth Ioday
rri.M.r. hia. aa aBlar. a"
fit ea day nf Wi"i,
All communications, business lei
ten Ac, for this olllce, to secure
rompt attention ahould be addressed
as follow: Till Post. Middleburg
dnfder County, P. Advertisements
eom-nunications Ac. muil be handed
In by Monday noon, to secure inser.
Ion in next issue
mm DAPFn
v r
ymrim Aiii'
We have printed bills or advertised
for the follwing sales :
The heirs of Michael Mininnm, de
ceased, offer Real Estate at
aiat Hula, in Purr IWD.
Daniel A. Fuhrman. offer Real s-
Ute at Private Sate in Adam twp.
Heury Kern offers at Private Sale the
Central fotet at iieaveriown,
'urniture and a.l, or for rent.
-Joseph Walter of Franklin twp., offer
hia rami at rrtvaie Halt.
Thurdy. March 9. Michael llacken
berg will aell Horses, Cow. Farm
Implement, Ac, in Franklin twp.
Friday, March 10. John llower, will
aell Horse, Cattle, rami mpie
inent, Ac, in Franklin twp.
Saturday, Maoh It, Peter Oarmnn.
will anil Home. Cattle. Farm I n
plementa, Household Giiod, Ac,
to Ferry twp.
Saturday, March, 11, Uriah T. Matter
will aell Horse, Mule, rami im
plementa, Household Good, Ac
in Afiddlecreek twp.
Monday, March IS. Samuel acken
buric will aell Horses, C'twa, Farm
implements, Ac. in Franklin twp.
Tuesday, March 14, J. D. Miller, will
aell ore. Cows, Farm Imple
ments, Household Good Ac.
about 1 mile South Etsl ot Dreia
bach Church in Jsuflalo townaliip,
Union Co.
Tueaday. march 14, John Moyer lll
veil Horssjs, Fttrift Implements &c.
in Franklin twp.
Tuesday, March 14. Samuel Snook
will' sell Horses, Cows, Farm Im
plement Ac., about one mile
West of Ilea vert own.
Wednesday, march 11. Oeor;re Bow
eraox will sell Horse. Cows, Fiirm
Implements Ac, ii Franklin twp.
Thurtdy. March H. irilliam H. Wood
ling will aell Horses, I'm. Fiirm
mplsm ants, Ac, 2 milca Want nf
Saturday. March IS, Peter Gar nan
, will aell Mt tuition a Isine variety
of Store Goods in Perry twp.
Saturday, March IS. Sheriff will aell
Real Etat at the Court House in
Monday, March 20. John H.Pcler will
aell Horses, Cows, Form impte-
tnenla, iouseliold Goods, Ac, in
West Beawr twp,
Thursday. March 23. H. Zelglcr will
aell Personal Property in i&elius-
Thursday, Marcli 21. Henry Sheh
will aell Horses, rattle. Farm iul-
fileinenta, fonsehnld Goods, Ac.
n Miildlecreek township about 1
mile East of Kramer Station.
Saturday. March 25. Susan 7acken
burn will aell Ciwa, Farm Iniple
menta fcc, in Cemre twp.
Tnesilnv. March 21 David Mover will
aell" Horaea, Cowa, llo:s. Farm
Inmleuieuts. Ac In Monroe two.
Choice tobacco and cigar at Barber
fc Haasinger's irng Store.
PenpK, who Hit are already getting
ready for the change of home.
The firtt of April, the great annual
moving and financial day of the year,
will come on Saturday.
Barber fc Hasainger Drugiita, ifid
dlsbuJg, Pa., keep fine sponges and
vnauiois sums.
New swindles are continually goilen
up and the less our readers have to do
with strangers in patents the betidr,
Dr. A. if. Smith of Adamahurg Is
hipping a great deal of ore Ac and
consequently gives imploymenl to a
large number of men.
An effective medicine for kidney
disease, low fevers and nervous pros
tration, and well worthy of a trial, is
Brown's Iron Bitters,
Everybody at yldsmshurg is busy
work plenty - and fair wage. Tak
ing out ore and lumbering art) the
chief employments.
. Abner Jowel one of Snyder county's
best farmers and esteemed ciliten
started, with hi family, for Kansas
where be owns a good farm.
" Ws wish them suoceas and numer
ous warm friends in their new home
Vr. Howel Is an honest, industrious
: nitn,, apd aa Jtoslleut neighbor.
Euooursgo your children to read the
home and oounly 'papers. They will
thereby acquire a store of general in'
'' tslllu-anna which no sninnnt nf anlinnl
ing can give them, and without which
, they will be mere "hewers of wood"
for Wiser parents' children.
. Whsn a man (and pretty well ad
vanced lo years at that) can dodge by
bouse fourteen times In one night,
until the coast is dear so that he can
1.1- 1 I ! . 1. - ,
www mm u", .vi.a mil, , u,i,
If) is a si 'hat the mas wants to caw
, tin tiisliiai.iuy dreadfully had.
A wadding la talked of la this place.
See eandldat cards la another col
The price of wheat la changeable
so la the weather.
Sellaairrove la to have a new paper
which will be neutral in politics.
The German Reformed congrega
tion of Mlddleburg elected Rer. Daita,
A great deal of ribbon, in bows,
aaahee. etc, will be worn ou white
dreaaes this summer.
The matter of Improvement should
be one of honest pride on the part of
every citizen.
Dr. G. Edgar Haaslngcr haa been
appointed Poet Master at Mlddleburg
la the place of J. W. Dreese1, resigned.
When hungry, the carpenter can
dine off one of his joints, take rabbit
plane for entree, and hia plumb forde
aert. Not original.
The eounty commissioners are hav
Ing a gallows built of their own, on
which Jonathan Moyer will be execut
exl on the 31 Inst.
Misa Julia, daughter of T. B. Biblg
haua. who for the past year haa been
staying at Shirleysburg, Huntingdon
county, Is home on a visit.
Relsh'a barn. In Muffalo Valley,
West of Miminburg, with its contents
hay, wheat and oats waa daatroyed
by Are, on Saturday night last.
A Berks county man picked up a
quill toothpick in a doctor's olDce and
used It It turned out to be a virus
point and now he wears his tongue
hanging out The vaccination took.
Samuel Wittentnyer Is having the
old cellar cleaned out and enlarged
on the corner lot. which he recently
purchased from Emanuel Hchoch, on
which he will erect a large brick build
ing during the summer.
The remains of Jackson Rampsel, a
former citizen of this county, who
died at Bellavua Ohio, passed through
this place on Wednesday, destined to
Centrevtlle for internnent
Mr. Soinpsel waa a gentleman of
excellent social qualities and unques
tionable Integrity.
A butcher, of this Burg, started at a
3.40 wait, with two dead calvea, to
meet the western expressaud when he
reached the station he whs minus both
they liau J it in pea out or tlie wagon .
a clever fellow bringing up the rear
i:Keu mem ui ttuu orougui llieiu up
junt lit time.
Will some of the thkoi.ouiax tell
ns how many colore Joseph's coat re
ally did have was it uu over-coat ?
or nny other facta and particulars
which could possibly interest, or
amuse, or edify and what was Jo
seph's color? Ac If the gentleman
answering is nulor-blind w won't tuke
him ua authority.
A Safe Blown Open.
The residence of Rev. L. W. Craumer,
of Jebunon, was entered by burglars
on Tuesday night of last week. They
gained entrence through a celler hole
at the front of the house, and soon
found their way through 'lie hull and
parlor Into the library room, where
they begun operations on the safe
They first took the precaution to bar -
rlcade theOoors with furniture, so us'
to guard against a sudden surprise by
the Inmates. Tliisdoue, they ransack
ed the secretary und book-case, and
were rewarded by finding small sums
of money, After breaking open u va-
lise and securing a box of segurs, utlohmeul in county juil for todays.
the same time overlooking several
boxes in another part of the room, secret. Ho haa perambulated cen
they commenced work on the safo. 'tral Penns) Ivaula for a third of a
Three hole we e bored near the knob
of the safe door with a drill, and these
were nlled with powder. Before the
match was applied, in order to break
the force of the explosion, the win'
dows were slightly rised, but even
with this precaution the sound was
heard aoroas the street, and the house
was shaken to its foundation, the door
having been forcml from its hinges.
The burglurs hastily opened several
drawer of the safe, only to find them
empty, and then fled. When Craumer
and his son arrived on the scene they
fr.ii n.l th mnm Rll.l with ink., t, J
!wa8te baBket n flames and the light
of the burglars on the floor.
No ar-
rests have yet been made.
Irvlng's "Rip Van Winkle."
Delightful old Rip Van Winkle,
whom Washington Irving and Joseph
Jciferson have made one of the most
famous of American character, Is Just
published, with other nf Irvlng's clinic
eat "Sketches, In a charming little
red-line, gilt edge, richly ornadmente
volume, for the marvellously low price
of 35 cents, or by mail, 40 cents, by
The Useful Knowledge Publishing
Company, of New York Ci'y. They
issue an edition of the same, bound
In plain cloth, for 25 cla. postpaid, and
another, new in style of binding, ap
propriately named "Uiility." for only
13 cents, postpaid. These volumes arc
issued especially lo show lo the
book -buying millions Ihe character of
the literature and quality of workman
ship, with the wonderful economy in
coat, which the "Literary ?el.llion"
propose to produce, a large Number of
standard and exceedingly desirable
works being announced to follow rap
idly, equal in quality and in economy
of cost. The red line edition is cer
tainly one of the most exquisite little
volumes which ha ever found its way
into the places Ihe famed low price
even of the "Literary Revolution" far
in the background. The books will
csrtsluly sell by the hundred thous
and, and ought to sell by the miilliou.
A postal card will secure specimen
page and catalogues from the publish
ers. The Useful Knowledge Publish'
ing Company, 102 William Street,
T '
Court Ptctttflftss.
Court eovened, Monday, Feb. 97,
SSt, Hon. J. C. Bucher, President
and hia associates Hons. Hiram O'Slel
and 8. II. Toder present I. B. Hel
ser, BenJ. Moyer, John Dnrn and E.
L. Buffllngton were) appointed Tip
is tub orphans' court.
Returns to Order of Bale) Estate
of John B. Smith, deed.: A brain Gar-
man, decd.t J. Frederick, deed.:
Chaa. Good, deed'j
Return to Writ of Partition eatate
of John Gelnet, deed.; Isaac O. App,
Petition for Partition estate of
Jams P. Kogar.
Petition for Order of Sale estate of
John Miller, deed'; EtUabeth Sayers,
Guardian appointed : Philip Ap
ple for minor children of Adam Gar
man, deed.; Jolin Het trick for minor
children of Jacob Beaver, deed.; John
H. R trick for minor children of John
Miller, deed.
Auditors' Report : If. G. Deitrlek
distributing reserved fund In the
hands of W. A. Fisher admr. Jacob
Fisher's estate-F. E. Bower dint,
funds In hands of Ixiuisa Wenrick
admri. of Ac, John II. Wenrick, deed.
A. H. Dill distributing funds In hands
of Geo. Si'hnure and Jamas K. Davis
Executors Ac of Col. Henry C. Eyer,
deed. ; I. B. Wunderly distributing
funds in handa of M. A. Pfhaler
admrx. Ac, Dr. A. M. Pfahler, deed.:
John P. Cronmiiler distributing funds
in hands of N. T. Dundore Adrm. Ac,
of W. O. Herrol.l. dec 1., and ill the
estate of Dr. Isaac Holtenstein, deed.
The following adiniuitrutfr an
counts wore presented and continued
MM : Accounts of
Hiinon P. App and Solomon App,
adui'ra. of Fred. App, dee'd.
Dr. J. Y. Shindel, adm r. of Eliza
beth Merit.
Jesse and Paul H. Kuepp, adm'rs.
of Henry hnepp.
C. G. Snyder A Jos. Graybilt'
adm'rs. of Benjamin Snyder.
II. C. HhalTer A J. O. Shaffer,
adm'rs. of Jno. II. Shutter.
F. Arbogat A Gustavus Arbogast,
udtu'rs. of K"l)ffe.i I'.i-keltnun.
Jacob A Sauiuol Wetzel, Exr's. of
Jos. Wetul.
Samuel Brunner, admr. of John
Henry Brown, admr. of Hnry
Thus. HolTer, admr. of Teter Hchle
gcl. Jesse A Paul II. Knepp. adm'rs. of
Cutharine Kuepp.
Leonard Buyer, aduir. of ul. Boy-
Philip Hilblsh, guardian or J. New
ton Herb.
Isune Hingaman, admr. of Susan
nah Hingaiunn.
Samuel Moyer, admr. of Henry
P. M. Sehrader A Matilda Swum,
adui'ra. of Harrison Switrtz.
Ailutu Smith, admr. of Angelina
Auis A Dnvid Gross, adm'rs. of
Juoob i ross.
Tim following Tuvvrn Lrcensea
were granted :
' Jacob G. Smith,
D. F. Kerstetter,
Jucob Miller, West Beaver.
F. E. Hniley, Perty.
Abraham Lacy (tuny) convicted of
assault and buttery fined 2" cents.
pay costs of prosecution mid impris-
I Abraham' nationality la
his own
century has no trad or occupation
heartily dislikes work-gets a nieul
fro, the country people w henever he
' i huncrrv can read well-rather ner
Lmptory in his demands for charity -
Lettnir 0ij -n, toevili. Prison life
sets hard ou him.
Roads In Perry, Beaver and
confirmed .nisi.
For cause a number of cases on the
Trial List were continued and others
settled. Jury Trlal-W. It. Backus!
use of Jacob C. Arnold against John
8- Rice Appeal Verdict for defen
Jacob G. Snyder against SunburyA
Lewlstown Railroad Co. Land tlum
ages Verdict for Plff. for 2030, 49.
Reasons for naw trial filed.
John it. Rine against sutne. Laud
damages Verdict for Plff. for 1970,
84. The Treasurer of the Company at
once paid this claim.
ienry Ke.sler of this place met
with a very painful and serious acci
dent on Saturday last. He waa one of
the men engaged in moving the house
lately owned by John Faust to a va
cant lot about a sqftare above ihe
the railroad. A the m -n were engag
ed in the last act, that of taking the
roller out and letting the) house down
on the foundation, the weight of the
building struck a' lever which flew
round with great force and struck Mr,
Keuler hi the side. Stliuiujrove Timet,
. ' n
We are pleased to note the spirit of
improvement manifested by the peo
ple of i4damshurg six or eight new
dwelling- bouses will;be erected thete
during the coming summer,
James A. Auten, son of Mr. William
Auten, of Chillsquaque township, and
half brother of Prothonotory Auten,
died on Thursday of lost week of ty
phoid fever In Dodge county, Nebras
ka. SUNBURt QAtttTTat.
The citizen of damshurg are at
present greatly excited over the proa
pect of having a railroad fi wiil. that
ulav U the Ore-beds, julh of thuir
uf tnuir
. '-.'
town, ,.. . .-
A Surpriit.
Poa.T Tmtronr)!t, Mtroh t, 'M.
Mr. EiitTon :
I wNh herewith to
Inform ynu and the ptildic of the do
ings of i he people of our place. They
like to take the advantagt. of thrir
neighbors and esiecially in their ab
sence, and that is what they did In
this case. ' OnSaturJay morning I left
home to be absent for a few days,
when behold, ' on thst-yery evening
they invaded our house to the number
of alMtut 20 poisons or 'tnoire, and by
the appearance of tho honaa. on my
return home last nfght, they . must
have had things their own"wy, for In
one of the rooms stood a large clothes-
basket full of provisions and along
side of it bag of flour, canned fruits
glass-ware, lard and meat ; in the eel'
lar were potatoes ; and Mr. G. had on
a pair of new shoe just what she
needed. She also rericved goods for a
dress and oilier articles not mentioned.
The things thus left in our poM-sin
on I he occasion am tun led to at lei
f 17,00 fur which we wis'.i t'liidk
them in this public mantu r, riyiti:
thai GimI's richest blessings may n-l
uti tint douor.
A pure strengthening tonic, free
fium whinkey and alcohol, cure dy
spepsia, and similar disestes. It has
never been equalled. Brown's run
fitters. S'' i
Ture Copper dist, lied Rye Whiskey,
tiK medical purposes for sale at Bar
bcr A aaatugcr's Drug Store.
I inform my friends and customers
that will remove on or about the
first of A pril lo another place of busi
uess.'s Store, In order to start with
an ent'lrcly new stock at the New
Store. I will f ir the next two months
sell over liHHI pair of ioots and shoes.
at great reduction in priees, for nnu li
less money, than they culd be bought
before. Everybody- should call ami
le convinced that, We do what we say,
I'm ties already "uftiaiuted with us
know our way nf.'dtvliug and others
will please call and examiuo my
stock and learn my prices. Il'e a ill
be pleased lo see you whether you buy
or not. Tbaiiktug yon for past piitro-
imije. ' I remain
JlfRV R. .VARX. Selinsgrove, Pa.
Jan. 20, '82.
Miss Jones doclarea she "will not
again accompany sir. iiiisnn irom
church on a rainfduy, with her new
hat on, unless I
first procure one of
Sol. Oppeuhciiner's Celebrated U
mer t'mhrctlas aliich are Iho bent,
cheapest, handiest umbrellas now
m linn fact u red".
Feb. H, '82.
7A'iilh to rats, mice, roaches and
nuts; r.Mtauss' ExrfcutiiVAroK. Harns,
grnuaiies and households cleared in a
single night. No fear of bail smells.
Hen! and cliciiwst vermin killer in te
world. Sold evprylicro. Jarch,
The store of A. W. Wnlinn, at Cos-
grove Hall, ahtcli had been closed for
several weeks ia iiuw stiiin open
i b. 2II, 2w. '.
Mlddlcbiirsr iHarkct,
Slmouton. Unrhor & Co.
Iwiiest per bushM'-'
Wlieut. Sot. '
Rye do
t;irn fid
loverseed er liUkhtd
' f.",rpj,". P". ,
, !",!, r":, i''l'
I Irj. :! lipple
Siiin' ( hlokeHt
Mutter, prime
4 00
6 Oil
4 00
" e
Pea Coal
Chestnut Coal
Blacksmith Coal
Egg Cool
aT. V DreesOi
Potatoes do
Mutter per pouo.d
Kirn Der dozen .
Tallow per pound
Itrd 4
SeeedOherrie .."
4 toll
7 to 8
Rasl terries
Dried A pules
Feb. 21, by the Itev. J. W. Hueklev,
Miss Ella M. Iiakeless to M. B. Weud't,
both of tShaiitokin Hum.
Feb. 10, by the Rev. J. F. Wam
ttole, Misa CatJiiirlue Hnvtler, of Kicli
tleld to Jacob (Shaffer, of Oriental.
tVI. t bii'ih'e Rev.' J. F. Wttintmle,
Miss Kllen fl!o to Theodore W. Fish
er, both Of Ukwlitia; talou,
Feb. 7,"JsJbt Aftrand of Ijewlshurg
ami Htm MoKgie Ieitxel of Kratzer-villa-.
' ..
At iVllnfMasvr1"eb. 20, by Rev. S.
R. Ochaenford, Menry Deark and
Mary E. licnnaii, both of Kratzerville
I'a. . . . .-
Feb. 13, at Valley, Douglass county
Nebraska, of typhoid fever, Washing
ton Miller, a uative and former resi
dent ol Washington township, Huyder
county, ro., ageti ai out sa years.
March 8, at Troxelvllle, Sabilla, wife
or I, i roxel, raged 83 years.
- Marehe, hi Mlddleereek twr. Jacob
JUovw - bumuymn. , .
Jl is contrary to our custom lo re
commend any kind of patent med
Icne i but sfter we have seen the g.-eat
ellects of Rorknts' IIousk ami Catti.h
PoWPaas upon tne horses in the sec
tmn, Hmt have been cured r.f the
EpixiHilie, as well aa other diseases
we deem it our duly aa good cilir.ena In
lecnmmend it In all owners of stock.
I Fr sale by John A. Moalt, Middle
bury, Pa.
Society Belles.
On accnunl ofila remarkably de'l
rale and lasiing fragrance society
belles are loud in their praises ot
Flore ton Cologne. March.
A lady who went West laat week
wrote bark to a friend, saying "she hwi
all her flue clothes just because six
had purchased a worthlesa trunV
which would not aland the knocks"
and ail. Is : "if ynu intend coming on1
here, the first thing you do, o to Op
pcnbemier's S linvrovp, a here yop
ran ti l Irntilis, si!'-l els m il n'ici
11 t lie very lowest iiiu .in, I ,.f ill.
vrrv best rpinlPy,
Feb. 9,
A Large Stock of Tumi", SnMie'
ind Valises to I e sold at a ureal rcdue
lion.' Give me acall and be convinced.
M US. R. MARX, Selinsgrove. Ta.
Sol Oppenheimer has REDl'Cf.'D
goods to iovixr trices. Go
Truth ami Sol OppenhiMtner are
twin brothers and if you dotibt it, go
and price his goods.
A big lot of Gum flouts and shoes
to be sold at bargains at
MRS. It. MARX'S Store:
Selinsgrove, Pa.
It will pay every body to examine
the immense Stock of Furniture for
sule iy the nipumr rnrnmire man
W. II. FELIX Leaistown Pa.
I just received another lot of Ehnir
Boots to be closed out with the other
slock at a p,renl reduction.
MILS. R. MAKX, Selinsgrove, Pa.
- - -
To those Ihst would like to buy a
new midline cheap Ac, I s;ty buy the
"SiEwall." I will sell vm a
I will a. .11 ,t..ll O .
,., ., ,. r. ,,
cover, lock and key, and all
drop leaf,
the attachments in free fur t'Jil.Otl and
I a plain machine just as good but not
so fancy xv.umI -work fur :I,IM I am a
Sewing Machine 1)ent and have soldi
, , , , 1
anil will sell and don t vou Torget.
am the "White Sewing Jaehinc
Aitent. C. O. SeebolJ.
Feb 9 '('' 4V
... .
invite the attention of our read-
l" auverusemeiu oi inn nuca-
,j.,eje m i g mi., .iiai lon.iinio, in auotucr
column. I hey olter ran iiiiluceiuciils
to earn an honest living.
S t. 22. dm.
Aiinjansa AoiJsJ
r ... t .... , .i.i. !...
oiffj imiiinii- iiiiiiiin..iii i.iiv ii,-ii
premature appearance is annoyicg,
Parker'a fair JalfJum prevents the an
uoyanca by promptly rettoring the
youthful color. March.
... i o.
Auctioneer. Lnmliuul StoumiKer.
tifl'ers 1ii service to the people of Sn y.
der crinnly as an
Auctiouner. .wr. S.
has had couni'lcranle eipenence as an
Auctioneer. His P. 0 address is Mid-(llecret-k,
Snyder county, Pa.
Feb. M. ilw. S2.
We have received our first invoice of
.unliurg e.linjjs and Inserting. The
iiatterun arc li iinlsoinc and the prices
j , very low.
"mj Dress good selling now at greatly
7.1 reduced prices,
j In Carpets we have a larjo variety at
460 ) very lowest prices.
I A full linn nf Silks nt Snlius.
t' Jfl Ma-'k Oashitmre vo h.iv nw i
ll)bk A
3 "or ur su, ! munt at n u i; c.iii.h.i
S I in bent.
" Vc.ipn call when o:l cive to our
b (.1.1.0.
I s. li i;is,
, opposite Keystone Hjlel, .Vi lin.,j;tovo
l' Kb. "3. 'K'
Editor Post : Announce O. AL
KHKII Hi!H(l;H,ot Mlddlalisrg, san
aidats Inr Aiia.oiilr,
In !7 Mr, snhimh waa alsrtaa ani Mrvaa
onalarin lih era.tll tu hlm-alf an I nnnatliu.
sef ljai rtllliant, ntlfa mambar at-
I kti plan, and haa Ik iin of Ms
tallow cnsmlxra, and tba haada nf lirpartnaaia .
Tha o-THN ari a a haln altial asil
Mr. Ki-kimli, bnllaln tlllia atlsk nl lha maur
II If vlal.lad Ithoiil a nnm.ur aail ai tint
eauillilal. S'nr o si raaanna tha pnpl av
up tkn una-taittt Ida, ana It laelaliaa uy
u. .. nt III. lal,.inlM.i mbam ..f Ih. ., . . . Ilia.
8 i Mr. Mrliusk b I.I hava kia tarin. Ha-
0l al.laa Mr. H.'horh IU ba a ra ill ta tn iianpia
hums will rirtant will at; at hia Hst
- . hi uu i. na.i jima,iM, ! u,u,a i.iiniiini.
J I a ril H.
ri'niToa Post : I'leas announce C,
Jo aatam.n, of MM IIabura. aa aullsbl
aaniUitat lur Ih ufriu ul tt.rll,
air, lulil la qu.llnml latit IntslUitaai du.
cliarua nl tii duilaa bal.tnstsi 1 1 tnsui
and la th irmisk Niuii'ln.i. Ilalasnaarn
at suisirtars if Kausbllnan nt. ami maaa-ar-a
iiunaat, uprlulit, intalllsant, itaraararin'
d will laaaa s aiallml ulB ar.
W T Bsavsa.
Tr. I'ohT. It-pnl.
licana of Sr.?
ill dar, SASnsi. A. Wstiil,
Kao.. nf Has.
rarlowu will inak a alms aandld tta t and II
uotniuata.l and alsotml It 4tabl nf admlula
tsrioK ilia o Bo nf aueiat Jsil altk huaur
to DiuiMii ana to paupi.
1 J laalamai.tsr s Ik ll ot
MANY HKAVER, daaawad, lata ol
t'rankiln Tw-, Hydr osnty, l'an ,
kaf Ins baao raBtdi lb uaiiaralnnail, all
paraonl knuwlim ihiuMla In.labiad taaald
aalat ar raquaaiad tn niak liumtdlal pay
manl, whll lb ma liavlna slalias will praaanl
Ikaat duly tksailMlad lr satilaaiant I
Fab. I. IMS, txaau or,
A MOSTH FOR TfJ Vfill Yiin Vita, l.JI,a. and
CON iNGERSpLL,aor,.',,"H9;
bubl sS Truth VKHstriuus,1' tin mt utnat
pnnnlar MKW HOOK I Ih Said. Ilnth a
It Lsiw Psi
hUlrLOald a f wit H II. Ktwtaialy wanlt
' ".!'
i vti .s.'i.ui
It uaw ran a. ytw as t.aa. aXSe lor tlr
Ei.n.ra a t;n.. sit Ar at
InUI. Pan - SUfk S, '. xi.
Trunks! Trunks
SAMHAb. when will uou start far kuuras?"
. in-". t uri'k-but I intend to go to SOL OPPhW
UEIM ICR'S, Selinsgrove, first . to jur chase ttro Ao. 1
trunks for myself and wifv ; and ifouvec, I tmixt- buy a
Wilisc for Joe and a couple, of Satcluls for the girls-
I can buy better goods at lower prices at Vpponheim
er 's than an if where tlse."
$.100 HEU JUD will be paid by the Mnnitactnrtrs,
if you hi i if one of Opiienheiiner's Celebrated COSSIM I1R
( WIJUIKLMS and- it is stolen or borrowed and i if it has
a lair chance) don't come home inside of a week of its
own accord.
1000 Vmbreltas in stock lor the rainy season-cheap
ch caper cheapest-
reduced to the very LOWEST PRICES-
will sell hound to sell, if we onif get original costs and.
freight- Don't delay or ifou will surely lose bargains
which you will regret
rl. 0. 1SS2.
cn. W. Hrown, s MarKistl t. l"rnMsr
N. I . Fur. I.T I'stiors llt"lvalit Mnol U'I
nr n. cutlfurs sn.l lutlcii'S ,"s( ill.
Krast ,Uln mmi .1 s Kins. 'fin Us nor sol si
tl.s hsilK'r's "lit b tcrssil sll utsr M r.
nsok sn.l Isrs. as I lortis jr rsililsJ sll nl irsi'msnl.
SHI II I'M on.
F f rlt(i f1 ,ntff Htrpsr a lims ,
Ustruii viirh .ut n .nn'iii.s " wm ot
t,,.,.. ...i wh.rh pw. ii'it tioi.'ki m th
, VorJi"".? nV .'"" ("'
g('4, i:il.
h. a. lis-mnn.l, Au.lltntV. W, .!.. B.R ,
.t.'ki. Vli-h , eurcl il so la tins. I nl
nlna ,iuriioo by lit tuiiours Ksius-
,"'"- ,
lino. Wm. TTl', WnMna, Man, r"na-
(niif enrs.l nl hiia.irof ttas fsns sml ol
inersmn) tlist hat l-s-n lrll nniuonimliil l)r
for !! sn i.y mni m ii .n.iu
I). , I nln"li-in sn I is hi n.ns.i tnatianiit, si
lllliK I KI1I'.
Mrs. lioifsri. M.i Cllnlon XI. I'tsmnnstl.
iimSs of b-r slilsr's i hll I, sriui , ur. nf
Hnllk orvt alili-li rlt I 'l rs on II. Ir in
yssra. Nn flacbsaltby buy, witb a liaauil
ful tii1 of hair.
s'4M.IfJ II tin.
Frank A. Itnan Ntnan rira Knicln . Ilm
liin.naaenrt.ini A luicls, if lain. nf tl.s
lt(ri ,y tl.sCSttnit
rn Hsntvt.nt (li'n..a purlttari
tnlnrnslly and t'utirurs n.l ( ull-..t Mnap
(iha grant liin fura:i ailarn .Mr, wiitnh
i.iaial, ra.t ral kit balr snaa all aal.l be
wuulil lllPS It.
Th Concur Iroatmant in tha In.
! tarnal oi nl ttil'uioor KnaiilTsni. II. na
' bmn.1 nnr.ntr. ami ihaasiaroal o" at lu'lcar
,,, i:,,ic, si, tu raai ! ourai.
I f I'TII I It .
llniniUa ar for ! by all ilralala. Prlr
i.f t'l'TMCN. a Mnltt' at .fnU,ainall bnfaa,
fsV-.: lar liii, l. l'Tlrina Hraiti.vBsr,
lh lit .! Purinar, St p r l.ul. la tii i n
Mini isi. .r, '.e s I t rlci n a
Mkimi isai. i hi i st aoar, lai : In i.ura fur
lisriiart sa l lr ciiomar, sua. Principal
it. it.
Iiai- t, WKKKS fc POTTF.R. Man.
Sanford's Radical Cure.
Illaur l 4il ami otca, naay brs.thln, iwaal
I f t It. ari(t amall. taft and lisrini(. du
i-.ui'.i', ni illairoa. by utlog baaruiius
li Aim 11. l.'Vuti.
' Sar uii'll yniir band la ratitytnfjy nfl.
ami it'ira rut nlns wa'ar. tnrmt .arpii.l anil
Iblonil l. vanrli ur las.. S,r.mi Kauical
Cess fur I'aurrn ami b oura.l.
Wlti-h llaiat. Amarti'aa Plfla, f'anula Fir,
M irtiiilil ami iMovar llliitaiima aro what San
firl'a Kailmal t!ura la mala nr. Una bull I
I Haiial rur. nn but t'atarrbal hulvani anil
Banliinl'i Inbalar, la an 4cktn lur (I, sold
WEtKH fc PflTTKK, nnatua.
flantls, t tai-itva, unit,
a.l with 1111. Halnata,
rB.lar I'Ot. I. INS' VIII..
, Till!
lata ft 1 HII'PI.AK.
N no ' bnmlrail llmai
tuprrlnr lo ail ullitr t.laa
latffuravar Pain. Vi'aatt-
vai a s"a ami innstnia
"ASTt l'M.'cBta, bold
n,a ami Inflstniaatiun.
XI l.alirt
rrt uf sdmliiiairail n ti.a rtlata of
rfb.-ra Waliar lata of l'tttrs twn. sntiiaf
!u, Pa ilm'd. tavsiiai n itranta.l in ihs on lar.
ulsna.i. ail iiar,ona knuwlnii lliaii.naltoa In
ilatitail tn aalil aaiitti' s ill t'i.aa ntnli linnirdi
at oyinant wtillo th nra liavlnic tl lm atialnal
aid aalal will raat,l ll.aiu lur aaulatrai.t tr
Jan. a, ss.. Aduilulalarior,
Public Sale.
The undersigned siibcriher will of
fer lit I'llliiie hulc lit his lute residence
in the borough of Selinsgrove, near
lha Missionary Institute, on
Thursday, Ma'di 23, 1882,
the following described valuable pro
perty to wit :
Oiih Family Carrian, Una H ik'V.
single set heavy Harness, Geutlemau'a
HatltllM, hand Corn Nhelltr, tloitliln
hand ami burse power Apple Mill and
Ciller Press, ouh horse Truck Wagon
and Hay Iodtlr, one horse Met),
Cultivator, Harrow, Grindstone,
Workbench, J,rge Copper Kettle,
Cltler Vinegar. Tub. Huckets, large
Hutcher' Meat Hloek, large Vulcun
Heater, Wood nnd Coal Htoves, Cook
Htoves, Tables, Chairs, RoeklngChnlra,
Iteusieittis, ifiireaus, tsiiu.iro t ui.
,,"ir,'' l-ounge, Ing Writing Desks,
l'l-" nnuoilier nooa cues, Secretary,
Khot (inn. Axes 4(0.
March 2, ltfsj,
A 0- laa 4 v Ks,
iiil-La-.tlt l irt V .u,..f,
I lu !.. KliiOM. Jura. ,,a
Wm -ul l.-as-atu
I . dfa' in 'I. rnaut lu 1
hlu-tratail OalAiusiia,wu&
lull InlnrwiaUisi Vr,,
.I)t lkAak0
T , ej s rv
-V t. :
& Oppenheimer,
Selinscrove, I 'a.
s l.atiara nf aitmlnlntratlnn nn tka ,lat . nf
l Al'ull HnllH, ilrn aaad, lti ol Har Twp ,
Hn)1r nuuniy, I'attn'a., kavta twn cranio!
lo tin-undrr'U ail, alt iara'.n- knowlni ihiii.
a-lva inilalitad t" said aaiaia ar r una 11 In
m .k lit'miilitipayinaiit. tabli tbus batrltiur
i lilm will rarant tbu duly asibanil.aia.l
lor lattlauitut ta
Pae. Mb, last. Adntlulstrator,
THE ondrrsigneil offers at private
sal, tha rullnwlu JrafHbl Nasi batal ts
It t A Farm aim la In Franklin tsp , Hsyd
'!, P. !( lulla wal ol Allddlaburi;, louUlua
108 Acres
sfth ba-t llni atonaland, wbarwoa srarrarl.
l istd fim.-d4.iUlnf how, barn, and a L
r oulliullilina:-wll til .ud ftalr a r lb
door, Sowtav waior t th far, ibrlv.iia
nuos iri k rd ol an s frail traaa Fsru, I
faluh auu ul itJllttun. Tarma y A Mraat,
J OS If II W Ar.Tr.K.
r.i'4.'s. aliddlaburg, p.
For Sale or Rent!
ThOairal Hotar. at BaarsVlnwa, aaar the
i. ol, laulf oupra I.y tioator 1. D.4t.iur,..
lora'ar Baa. Fa .lura Birlillns. tiari .'
Inn, Flitura ha , a.,i oaj.lata will ti toll tit
U-paroban r or kwaa o fair lama.
Fm rurtbf Id (oral lie ddrs
tilts BY Kr.B r
"' ' afilat,