a. cilnmn one rear, . . mvwi 0,Uh.!f. Colum, one Jt, ' . v,,v .. kiw, Ai.kim .mi In. till tCTeouare ( UV lin-M) 1 itviertim. 73 -ionalait'l Bimihwcmw 01 ..j more than 5 line. Per year, 5.0ft Jl(ilor, Ktcutr, Administrator aril Assignee Notices, 2.80 tlitrtriul notice per line, 15 All trftnorient advertising less thau 4 lll)M ID cents a line. AM advertisements for ft shorter pe- riml tlran one year lire payable at the in thev ere ordered, and il not paid , . 1 . . 1 1 be person Druon mem win am uoiuj jeaoiHtbte for ilie money. Poetry A Printer's Protest tl, why don't people forrutheir a' AnJ unlst. on weir o s Why tbey make Bush crooked c's Aui sucll confouuileJ u 7 Why do they form such shocking e's Ami r witli ague utsr Tti 'lr k' b'e are too uiucii fjr any printer s wits. What a human eye Ii without sljht an I without a dot. l't aro suoh curl on, or oked tilings We recognize them not. K ought to stand for ktinsednesx, Hut floiiis In well for kick. L's and ui'a nre inischievioos. While n' Just raise Old Nick. (V nre rarely cloned at all, And p's are shaggy tiling. y' might as well be spider's leg.a, And r mosquito wing. Some people make a passing Who never oros a t; Others uwe the self sams strokes To form a u or v. Wsget strangely mixed, X' seen, on a spree; Y in a skeleton on wire, Z juikU, how w swear at 1 1 cV yet, Ju.it think what typ gnt From drivernof the (ilill t Tliny oall us Miuh a aandeitu net, And ncriuhlt on at will. Wll, they will norlbble, and we uiil.it owear And vainly try to please, Till tlioy go back ttuclioM und le ira To iiuike their a. b. o'h. A Life' Loa. II V FUKDX.'MCK I.ANOBUt')OK. 1 loved hhn In my d iwnin yeare Fur yearn, divinely dim; My blitlit umile, my ill lent taara. Were everiu jre 'for him. My ilrca uiiijf w!i;u ttie d ty bewail, Tiie latent t!3'i;!it 1 h:i I, evir Btill eo n lovin.x p:iin To uiuko tuy d irlin jfl-.i 1. Thy d"erno 1 ho l.i'?ed the oo:n"e'" lii wiles That uther children wiar; To me hiii face, in frowns or it;nile , Wus never aulit but fair. They enid tliut Miifi wan all his n ml, Ilu knew 110 thought beynml; To me, I know no living houI Wan hulf ho true and fond. Ah, many a love wan mine ere n v, In life's citprli'loua May, And many a lightly whispered v v.v Tiie bree.es bore awity. Vet, looking bnuk 011 friends betr.iyed. And eweetlicarts left to rue. Myxoid can say, "In Mliine or Hhido, At leuttjlie found lue true." In love's eolipne.lii friend ddp' i'.e irth, In griat ami feud and biUe, My heart haa learned the sacred w jrth Of one that cannot fail; AuJ coma what must, and come what may, Nor power, nor pralee, nor pelf, Wiall lure my faith from theetostray. My kweet, uiy owu myself. The Old, Old Horn 3. When I long for saluted memories Like angel troops they come, If I folduy arms to ponder, Iu the old, old homo. The heart has many passaei Through which the feelings roam, But Its middle aisle U saored To the old, old home. Where infancy was sheltered Like rosebuds from the blast, Where girlhood's brief elyslum In Joyousness was passed; To that sweet spot forever. As to some hallowed dome, Life's pilgrim sends herviulon lis the old, old borne. A father sat, how proudly, By the hearthstone's rays, And told his children stories Of LU early manhood's days; And one soft eye was beaming, From child to child 'twould roam; Thus a mother count her treasures, In the old, old home. The birthday gifts and festivals. The blended reeper bynin, (Some dear one who was swelling It Is with the seraphim,) The fond good-nights at bed-time, , How quiet sleep would come, And found us all together In tbe old, old home. Like a wreath of looted flowers Close Interwlne eaeh heart; But the time and change in oomert Have blown the wreath apart But dear and sainted memories "Like angels ever coine, If I fold my anus and ponder Oil the old. old home. f It yoa most dabble in shares. If v plowubaraa. N olbsr kioj pgyg to rtjnelsr d.rtdeod' ft VOL. IS). MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, Holout Talri Tha Mexican's Mi3ti'i3. Tbore wm Caslilian blood in the viios of the dnik faced roao who galloped into Taoa, in New Mvx'xco, at the clow of a beautiful dsr in mild autumn. Mis physiqno was faultiest Lis' restless ey ta daik and piercing, and the np'ifled brim of hia sombrero disclosed a lofty fore head. A grott mustache, alne long hair were blon boliiud his etrs by the win W, added to his personal adoronient. This m m was II mil Mann ij, a wild and restlesi follow, fmn ma, anions other tiling, for tlio emu mary tu tuner iu which Le swept ri vals from Lis path. Almost incredi ble stories of his love niakiui; nre till told iu tonsuf New Ncxico and Arizo'iH, and the inenucnt per- son baa bis deuJs at Lis tongue's end. Lot ns rocord hit List act. Stim'lit to the most promioeot drinkiiiK hoiiHn of the town rode llenito Miirmij') on the. evening afore nisntioued, ilu found tiie usual louniers about the bar youn bloods of rank iu tbj turrito ry, ao l bis frionda and aduiiiers. Ilia first act was tho treating of! tlio crow J and wben the liquor had dHsitppeuro I one of the loiionrcis said banterinly : "'l'oiuorrow niht the beautiful S'UioriU Inez becomes the North erner's bride. Who amoiiif ua has she invited to her nuptiuls ?" The young ma' In e I at M 11 iiinjo a be pnke, as if Lis word were uJJiussud to that iuJividuul alo'ie. The Moxicin'H faco flushed. 'N it lleoi'o Miirunjo I" was Hie trntinj renpouHo. "The son jra ih freo to cho iho whomesover ahe mnyi but those who are asked to the mar iiuge feait d uot alleys attend '' Tiie worli couuiuil a sublln me iniu', an the apHnker's 1 k aud ti.o o anner in ahicli they eio spo- Ui 11 iiiil.Ciiteil lo ira niMitors. As the liiht words fell from hie lips Muriuiijo, the Mexican, drew 11 well tilled pure from hi bosom . and tossed it up tho counter couipiuioua excluued staitlud aad inilicHiit l'Miks. ' .Vh.i tikes my tracer ?" tlio d.uk skinned A I nn crio 1, d liinlh'. Lis eeeu iiuiiu.lilli.t I Iim nni-il in m liicea . . -.i- - that surr inn lad him, " Thirty ounces i-f gol 1 I Some snnor covin t bem, and Joes, onr barkeeper, ehall hold the vollow stakes" A moment's si'ence auec elel. lieu a young man, who had en tot ed the place iu time to Lear tho of fer, exclaimed, "I will," a he elbow ed hia wav toward tho Mexican. A slight cheer w uit up from the crowd, aud the liuud.souio reprobate turned smiling up ui tha youth. Ah ! is that yourself, Seuor Iglean he exclaimed, extending hi hand. ' You must be one of the disap pointed ones." Tbe young msu blushed deeply, for it wus generally knowu that he had ouco sought the band of the eonoiiia. who stood so noartho altar. "Whether I am or not that does not effect the wages," bo oswered nettled somewhat by the Mexican's words. "I cover) on r purse -thus, Marmajo. Those senoia are wit- nesses. And Jose, Lore, the stake-bold er 1" 'Si, ueDor." "Good. Now Jose, let ns Lave tho best liijuor that your bouae sup plies." Tbe wager was sealed in draughts of tolerable god liquor, and lioa to jlfarmnjo withdrew from tbe con vivial cotppany and remouuted bis lithe limbed steed. 'Day after to-morrow, eenors." be aaid, with a smile, to the few wbo were able to wisb Lis adioux from the porcb of the bouse, and touching his horse geutly with the spurs, be was soon beyond tbe boundaries of tbe town. Oue by one tbe drunken revelers left tbe drinking place with biai'os too befuddled to tbiok of the cov ert threat so illy concealed by Mar oi a jo's wager. Tbey did not dream of tbe blow tbat was hovering over tbe young Northerner who bad en tared tbe territory aud won, over Ika atdnravllnna f msntf nktivA bsddz ... j . tbe band of tbe Senorita Iuez, Beautiful, wealthy, and good, Ibo inaiJeO a desoanJoot of One of OoHl' aailsJ fvaljwsfs. U4 lodg beon the belle of of the country ) Irf Jhe weird lljht. Nnry welled about Taos. Her fithnr'e lirrfejfrom the bruised lips. They Lad hacienda, arta'rniiu with cattle, and. Jorij? boeu silent, and tho hands bonwtinir of silver luiom of ureat wealth, would io course of timo bo come hers. Thus she was tho rich est heiress in the territory. To all of her admirers S'lVo lilcb nrd Coiupton, from the States, she turned a deaf ear. Tlio bnudnome MarniHj t Lad courted her smilis in vain, and tho youthful Ilean ha I poured the story of his psssion into Iter ears, while she loved tha Ameri can alio Lad won Iter heart. Thn bride'a father had invited "fli 'ors of tlio territory, and (ha wcnlih and beau'y of tbe i nuutry worn exported locriicotLa occasion. Hut Mur-i imiiii f hn disniinmi;tMd attitrtr h ul i 1 .1...- th.ti'.i 111111 u nices in gTi.i miu j Irflean that tho Auioticiu would not kins Inez on the wo I lino; ni'it. . It whs setting d irk on tho niht of the e.l lmjj wtien a m iuute.l mounted j brandies ; u. an drew rein under the brandies; . . ... ... f a tree that stood at tho ede .f i:cnno," hu exo! linind, I f iney narrow Mexiciti roil, n w ne a broad biitiiuiiid soiubrero that slnd- id his face, but tlio d irk mtiMtaehn that almost touched Lis Hhonl lors. ... 1 il, 1...,,.! UiH ... u proclaimed In identity. It was j,.niU, ,,, j0. TIih coil of a laii.it huntf from his saddle' pimimul, and ho seemed to be awaiting tho approach of some person from tho aout boast. Immnv-j able as a statue, aud s viking not 1 ho fat upright in his mi libit hut his eyes wero rettthiMS and full ofuvety was yjt to como. Unto the auxiety mi l expectancy, lie was bienst torn by Iho roe't and hi mis, lttw t IV ai d p.ivc l.iti one twl.l be not liir from the homo of the happy lliHtcited something that attraete 1 1 1 wi en the ees ih it m id h .i Htag Million t a. A few moments' gall pi .lat uiijo's utteiitioii. hnatchiiig i( fi r b n k till ho Hit do.vti in the would Invo brought hint to the eagerly lie held a locket in his h ind i l.orse ear tr ick. house ahcady ringing with the Mejieab with Spanish blood di I n il intend to visit the mat lingo board. At Inst lis started and uncoiled his lattat. Then the tretd of a horse bee oiio dis itictlv an lible, and a miuule Inter an obj t uppiirol in ur !" he full fir ward upon lita victim i the rnooiilight that ehimlmred in the .tin picric 1 his lips to th.i ! t'i 1 road not far away. t . II. In in.'. m.! , i i I i' "Al mo J" mutters the wab'her, us v, onj iiiiu, hit his t Ir " r toilished, aud then with the Iiili it , l,..:..i. I i: . f L m I,.,., I I... I '-li! In ll.o ai'utiv of (ho 'tl vi!i' I r is well. Nowf.ltho thirty oiiucis ... T I . ...1.1" I which i(-!Hiu Hiaiieu. I . . . i! .... f . .K ' l no not hmiu in coniiui.i in ni- ptoiich. apputlitly uuo inscions of II.,. .....ui.lK... ,,f ll.A il.llB .I..VI iileselteo l....i ,.f V.iw M..;..,i uli.is,, i.vrH i f t . 1 I : . I. l. .. I Were 1 inteuu'i iiii'in ii i ill vii.il iiif .'lire of the basilisk's nibs. ' I know tis hn the hated Amen-! . . . nun! I.ihsi.I .Manual', as le lias l - Iv piepii'H I the I ii'iat f r the thio.v 'Would to Josu that Luoti was here to nee this deed. The b iv iiIa ivh oriiUl hiuidolf on Ho uo of ti,0 oord," l T.nnn was the sneaker's brother, a boy whom lie bad out seen for sev- nil years, but whose imago was en- . i ! .. .. i i.:.. i .... la.. ....I son whom he had ever loved. Near. 1 s. but no ono ever lirard of tiie er and uemer cmu'i tho lassiici'H brothers nieeting.and Hich ardO i n; victim, galloping slowly 0vwr the ton.tha Amoiioin, oovur beuid of narrow road, now in the moonlight, hia cucapo. and now agaiu almost lost among Young Iglean raked in tho staked the shadows. All at ones tbo lariat money, won luiiug whit had bucouiu dencritied a circlo above Marmajo's sotubereio. then it was shot toward the horseman aud dropped over his head like a noose of death. The uext ruinate tbe Mexican's ftoed darted forward, aud the victim was jorked violently from the sil die, us the exelamatiou ''Jesd, pity, fell from bis lips. Tbe infernal noose bad pinioned liiaf arms to bis sidj, and a siuilu of malicious triumph crossed Mar- lusjo's face as be locked over bis shoulder and saw tbo objaot whioh bounded over the groun 1 at his bane's boels. Through tie oliappi -t'al and in the unobstructed moon light the Mesiom urged his steel, which seemed eager to escape, as it wero, the dreadful thing the lasso dragged behind him. "The thirty ounces are roino I the lassoer exulaimeJ, looking bink i and thou be laughed "Marmajo kuew when bo bet tbat tbe Aioori cano would not kiss tbe senora to night." is borse did not seem to tire. Over the gently uq I ilatiug oouutry and iu the golden light of tbe mom, be bora bis reckless rider, whose heart beat fat with devlitb tri umph. The spurs, jioglini io their I sockets, ever and auou to lobed tbe bloO I sUidttJ flaull and the W I Dili sang mroiigti tue ri im nuir. Uoiinciog oer tlitf wri-r MWat jbtill. tlte la'rtddr' Wdtltfl (,II'W I .l.tjaklf dl tfrtiiWdtli ltM looM jL'VV which a f moinnnti aluca Lai re seniblod arm.ijo'a had been bat tered into a bleeding pulp, Oo, still on 1 Was tho duvll never H')iii)I to draw rein f The win I b!o v back tho froth (hut droppu 1 frout tin h irso's in "I'll and now and thou it full like R'wnv fl ikes upon t'i'i victim of bis mns ter's revcriKn. As .Vaimji cuull not ridu to the end of the aorld, he iloppud at 1 1st. I'pininu l ir lei's ofahtrenn that rati tlii'iuih the (MUiitty to tlio 111 iru ptet nli 111s Jil the rujir ihiiu Iim.v iviri. I'lie moou. hi'i up in t'.in liO'ivils u'lmn hi it in.r hm t irl i. ivi tin . ... . 1 . ;. .... 1.1. iif ni 1 lie 1101 izou t 0111 lis neiiinn leu uprn the w iter tin 1 th wild llowerti that heautilied the, b.iiiks, j Msi.ti ij dismount" I, an I with a li.uijis 1 look walled towuid lh' vicinu, victim, "Will, my love-niiMn'j .1 "Wi ll, my lovo-niiMn'j A udi i- 1 otio rd I m? w il I 11 t e-o 111 te i Jbomty in your face woio aiu Ij loo', at you now " A lnn.lf,.l nifihl nad tho la'S.iei'e when ho htood over tlm mini whom ho hud di n'ed at his Lot He's hi-t'U for Iwouty miles. The seiii- bl.itica of humanity was all that with- 'llu juurney. and over this tlio .loxican Mo ped with a wil l cry. lie had discovered Unit the Iniial had dropped over the wrong in in! lit another and 111010 teirible dis- I )m glance nt. it and he Muggeicd to hia font with a one long, loud a gonv. piercing hho'it cry of tin tiling For a mn-ni nt to sway to nn 1 fro. ; then with a civ of Icon, mv broth-' joyful past came over tl.- dci n i ( .1 .....111 i.,nj l,.u I. .mnis fell . ......... - n...... t.i,., ill u........!.l..jj I. ii.ii. I V 111 , ,. . . and by ho unlimited tin 1 ei .M-d lite Hlrc!llll. llKI Oll-Cl HO lll'l illllL'ied at Ihu lieeU of his Ihusm1 ... . . .. .... ,u 1., ,,. I.i j , r ma i.n.l In, w I ,i : ". . in-.' like a in i 1. nan. All this Willie l-'ichardlJ .mptou was lookin 1 1... ...... r i .. .,.,.... I,, i I.. . I I I ,.' .'i'" 'i"'' - .' Maiui'ii i ha 1 lost the w a.'nr. With much anxiety the loungetH of Taos waited for new ff.nil the if.iiHt. and whe.titdid nolc utin lin y ...t...- ; I...".!I ! mellt. "He inu-d have ridden off with his luo-bor. who pasee,! throngh Taos i in i ni i ini tnv iiilll Hili.l lino. of Marin ajo. The stars might hava toll him mill.. that Marm ij i was not ouly ilorerbut a a lioi I Thoughtful Thoughts. No man is wis at all timna. S nito with the worl of truth. A wbiapor aoparatoth ftieuds. Heware of trenuherons ftieu Ih. Charity is the band of porfuct oess, Kveryor.o musl bear bis own bur den. Neatnesa and ordor ore comtnou dable. The Qrst froa 1 itn is tho free Jim from aiu. MoiiUl gifts often bide bodily de fects. Modesty Las more charm than beauty. We siw a giol many sooJj tnget a few flowers. There are remedies for everything but death. K very season of life has its appro priate duties. Fa are the orator who know wben to stop talking Striuj Ictiliga ntteriy ftd to bolster tffak argument No principle i more' Hober, as there la none more bolyf thiu that of Info o'lodietioo. j i ) f . a., A,.jtun , i wui-U ..1 can beat good wife! ye8,a!b,tHl - bJ huabani. t .v l'A, AlAROIl A Fjncral Prosesi'on. Sullivnti, alio lives on Knst Mar. rimao St. shot his ne.,;l.l.oi a rat in ,.,Hitl nJ ,,, ,,,.v :1(ir. buck yard tho other mhf. nn-l ,., ,,,,. v.n,r, ,, t,(. -f!r. enily the hext niurnintf went down Cniiin (.t;i t cviTpwh"i-e, and bioilht the coipii! itdo tliej Th it's Willi''. house, tliiiilin it niiltt crmtou I'l iricl iu tlio no't;!iboi hood if L f mi tho held f lidl hi. Ilu th ui'!il ; lie bust tliiu, to il 1 s to put the ! lofunct deslr..ver of liis eh-p into 11 ltir.i M.iniil.i ei.r.r h.iT I.T li v.:i,ii.- 1 11 lo hiiVe in III" IioUhi-. hi. I II. ell. i Iho. he went down tow u ulti I' bienKf 1 -I. j titil.eil Willi I. no aiiulii I t ii.oil,' , , . . 1 ,ii- Mucipole el n i t and wa'cli bis eh nice to t'tiiiek it into the nv-r u hi Iu il in a rubbish heap mi tin-1 bui.k Ilu hid i: ir.l'v fr.i out ol I tiie h.in-:e wlieii tin In . . , 1 . ' .. . . . ". .. u 11 n.is tiki ol w iionl liM noun 1 1 1 1 1 j 11 1 v h'i iu t 1 1 uuttur iu lnul ! ' ll. ll.i. .l I b i ; if it sonio ci' i"ll lie nr em I I sen iri! " "I'i ills f . eh f Mhihi ll,..'r,i ' 1 1 1 olieH if . yon er iomg to Hho.it 'iv. S ll lis, o. . i ll livan ; I'm .1 fi i i.id of v In r." ftc. 1 le. 1'itially "Mo ,-fi ien I," with a littlu mora cho U than t'.iu oilii 1 s, aetu illy sto 1 1 in his w iv. all I M.i 1 : 'Ni.w, look Lern, Sn'livin. This ain't going to do. You'll hive to sou'!'. Y ul nin't goin to In;; a ' : ole box of rigat s by me wi'l.oul leaving 11 tiaui,ile." "tell yon I haven't got unv ei U'lisj li.nv let 11 p.' beg ' I S I 1 . v iu. "No C'ars ! N..W tli it's to 1 thin. A le. let M M'e Yin " and li" In 1 le a 1 lb f.il tho box. Ma li l 'be 1 it and in ai ly got it npi-tt w In-n Sullivan Tnere ! I, to thiMM ! ' paul ! Sn! Imiiii "I' you beltei uifoiiu.i ymi ! I'd loieli inaiiiiel's than to iuli r- 'rapt a fiiiininl pioccHsiou !" And the heaisn moved rapidly awtiy. ,.!' ' ''.'': m. il.3 Loil 3 n i "' I'J'-'f th.'i- 1 iy V b ' i f il 'H ei.'i i . ,t i ' li t ,lice it'tti-.n .1 mi ' ' 1 1 i - nit in cha i gu I i. i' I - i.t lie n n I !;" -' btlltl I- was b.ht. It" V Isle '" il-Ve l tl lie el 'H he pi ep u I I.. Aril., lint. II il I- I Hi oil. nv H i old .' Whv. I IK V er n-ke.l ,,.i,v. I i i...... ,.i t i... ,., " nini u ' i i'i Well, What , , o I thliill " .. Ir. I LT li-s In 'll. H l' ' i ' l, ' li ' ' ' as a n. ail 1 hi l s a s hbn will Ian hii itieki t g.,od and hlout I t get- ' 1 i l and hlout f ! get ting lo t ' i ' Wbafa the c.,lf of his hair ? 1 II air. I.. .-S ;.ee.' I I III t I'l-'ieV.- ever took no lull I've heal I 1-1.' '' "1 " l" t " I III 0 hlH I'V How bit tho t.?:iii til hi i ii " "Are they Mil" f" I don't know : Hii-s ii Iho timo lie over hut himself." "Iid ho wear ll bat T cup ?" fnvt I don't know, he gui u illy gies around bare-liO'ided, an I int. sasjnf Heiitiunuital heodiuea broiling he'll get Biiii-strnek yet.'' "I low was ho dressed." ' I know ho had on h i no vlolbcs.' uas Iho hesitating n-ply. "Docs ho wear oaals (" Sometimes." "And pauW t" "Ves.' 'Was ho barefootol !" "I guenH so,'' "An I whit's lai- name?" ' llu's got loUof uamei, I guesn he's called .liunny mmt of anything.', ' Well I guer,a we'll know him. -aid the soiguuut, as he laid down bis pen. Oli, yu'll Invo to knv hi u if no gets in here. He calls names and howls and ma'tes up faces and .,.,,'H i.nnw him fast enough. I'd lut him gut lout all he wanted to if I owuod him. hut tun sueuM to kind n' waut him back and so I came to tell you. If yon have to lick hint while he's here, just bond him ovor a chair and whack him with a borsi radish grator. Ma has tried every other way and this is the ouly oue that give satUf ictioo ." A iriin staa ling io a store door od.lHtiu Ivimie call1 out to a oon :j try ui m sitting un a wagon t "f.iw are my ton o lining mi ' Y ur brotliei'j bay uiulu W doa b it all thi res', of 7 ir kinsfiiJ L- aud kicbing ' x n 1 '., iss'J. No, :w M vnm s OalJisli Eoy. M.iMiij 1! oil t' c ua!l, 1 Mai:i .' mud in the I1.1M, M,,!,;,,. - , ,.. liiws ,.f tnv ko i!!, Mul.iii r tr iuI'Ii-fnr us nil. 'i'ha' Willie. it,,. i',. 1 Shouting till histbroit ! s "'. Making nil youtbV b.itlei irj roar, Ml this mi .-vu :. . That's VVil'ic ,i li n :, 1, t . it .1 11 1 1 ,- S! ubliinu' out hi- I " n 'u ' 1 1 " 1 ' ""Mi. t t 1 at in,.' hi tie b"'v In - i m, TlmtV Wiliic Ah ! Uv heart N i-re nnd wid. Tl i'lUit'-' i t my " iu :! ' I ''I. ' 1'i'ier 1 iw 11 1 1 1 1. ne er li I, .Ni'Vi r lia.l a li.i ii bad, 1 As V, i:ue. I 1 1 ,vh 'tl I'll.MIeil ilowil t'i sl ill, An.i lii-iinn- nr. hiii. I in.- er.'i ji. Asking 1 bid bi i ail t . i ;, Till'll ill felulel" love I Wei p, Tlieli I l.leov I In. Id t.i ebi'iip, .'.!;. preeioil" Willi. - lint lit .-1 Kit F.xnt:: A Great Shrink. 'Why. M.ses .n-!:h-l.n.-r on t'i- li.Al b',1.1!:, hell, n lite lll.o I lies.', f .1 iM I." Hiiid u ronntiyinun to n a-b-ingtoit hi t il' .l. I the ottier d i "Y.i a. my li 'ii fii-irt. I ktio v a ' i. bout dot, at. I I lis Vi.il vv I. n n'l ill III 4 1 - I hl'lll'lll. I i v l-clllll.l.H hcIo ii.l.s I'lie diU' .h fu' ! Slut v dlnpoll Vl'lf It'll o ip d IV i'. I (. Von I, now il.it b g "lit in Jones, d. g it petider T Y. il, I.e pil". s t H' l iol of lloelvhi llllel I lt Week llllt t,'" out i.niihptee. Ho in trunk dree tin lOvery night be Hchlei p onto' si lewiilk. mi I i fei v night it rain i),,,,, KI)H ,,.'.,, ink a voot ofery d me I'er foil night der lailice run him j in." ! 'V'or In in,' di'U' k. ' h '' !'i,e mil l.'ceiit i xo'is ira ; mv I dein gloso vos pretty i ii ix li I I'lle." 'I'I No SI p this Tuna, e's ii g.il down nt I.crtist.in ,o Ins h i I Ii i 1 luck with but b i- at I ist been mm I ;e. " l e I V I'I h. I S!i.' w is f.uir tutus i'iii;age.l. Her tii.-'l loer d.e I of eoiihuinptiiiii, In r Il I id H'lin'il p V, her ll ii.l as ' drowned a. 1 in t'-e hpain of tio , ai m. Tiie v ung melt of the Iiwii all b. 'i:ii' nl a 1 - I h r. but the ot ll , .. i r , i ..... ,i 1 1 mi ".'" .. ...I. I . ... : ii. r l,i li. f nil.. ' " 1, s f,, and h .e eo,,S"t.'l. w if, I I.e Illel' l-lan I. II I'l" uilllia-e '. hhould take place at olic. Iho obi l!it P'liitt t tint Pil- 'll w Ih'I ( .... , . l hey wi io uia lu ono ur tic eh lent. Wllnout d"lay 'So tiial's the ;mii7 j li v. ii it '." asked tl.o liiau fio'ii Iho suburb.-, lif- ; lr eagilly heauuitig tho foi tni mi l featuieH .f the tweiityfotir in livid i lU in (h i Ii i - I I il i 1 w.t l il l ;)t ,i imi V loi'li-i, ii iother wiili an ato in vet him. o thir l with a look of b niu v i !utty irra Ii itiug hi cmiite iitniee, iii.dtbo otl.etsii.duatir.gdif fi rent blages of wri'tchediH-Mi and misery. ' Well, nil', if you've got any coniuijii, uveiy-day juryu.i'ii i.i lu.l ulioiit here. I u'UcSH 1 Jon t cho to look at them." A boy who had been watching through a key hole the antics of u couple of lovers, ran down into tin kitcheii to announce hi discovery to bin mother, "Oh, it'a such fun !" ho exclaimed. "What's such fuu V a!iud the old lady. "Why. to see rister Mollie and Mr. I'ippa play lunatic asylum. 'd'eUow citizens," said tbo street comer orator, stun ling on a dry goods box amid the gluro aud siuoko of many torches, "tuy posi tion upon this question is a peculiar one." And just thou, whoa the box caved iu and let bim dowu in tut shape of a letter V, gripped by the neck and he la, the crowd ialDtu thought it was. "I take my te' die rooming, said a oollored preacher, "from dal l. ..t, tionob the scriptur' wbar tb1 see' i)Btl l'aul piuls his piatol at d jifbiaua. sMkattSMMMMMRSr TUB l'OMT. PiiMUhcd avery Tlmrsdav Evemnte JGHKMIAtl OROUSK, tn.r Term of Rfflisrnptmw, I W(t IU I'KM A M.N CM. P.iy able vitliin Kit inov.lh, of .'.oOiiniif purit within it. fenr. Ni. i.nper -h I'liiitinrted iit.tn all aricnriiL'er 1 intrf unless at the option of the ,n r- lll rfpfinn MiOnrt j of the conn) f IMY.tHLB IN Ai AM K. tejrl'i rst.ns limine a id 11-nj 1 anor 44ih'Pri .11 oilers I e 'tn sin hci intra linl nre liable OnlJ.e (iriee ol Ibe paiier STRONG FACTS! A pT'nt nnnjr rent lr are asking hat anirtil.ir ItnuLIrs llRowa't Iron llitirRS i good for. Il ill cute Heart tiisr.isr, Tatal ysi., limply, Kiilnry Iiisfa, Con sumption, Iy.H'paa, KliruinAlistn, NcuiAtgia, ami all Mini'ur discuet. Its wonderful Curntivr ,ri it utn.!y Is'C.msc it uiii.cn au.t tn rKlic tlio M.hhI, thus lC:inniii at tiie faiitiiHtlnn, nn-l by buililmp up the yMim, diivcs out nil LiM'ase A LaJy Cured of Rhcumatitm, llll.nion-. MH , M.iv 7. iHH-v My t.r.,lili w.i' 11.11 h il...ilrrf.l I'V t. Nfum.ili.rn In n I r. niiiirni r. llt-fH lli'.'.vn' Iri.n I'lltrn Bml I Ln rly Ii4a Klrensltt cnoun In at ln'l n. my ri.uljf linuv-hol'tiltilir,. I m ii.iw UM.is Itiell.irit tM.liteaiid I m irv ,,n.iK lrntUt fluilv, and I iliffiliilly rrLoliin.ru. I U to i.niir.l n.v .-o miuh in prai of it, Mia, Mam K. HnnMfAn, i;j rrtkitnayii. Kidney Di sense Cured. t rir.t:;.iit'.l'ti, Va., i1. rt:ffrnn lintii ki'inry 1aiM,V fr'tn lin h I riniM ft no ilif), f I nr. )!ri)n' I ? -n Ititfi., t.it.h ntrnl ni4 cmiitrfe'ty. A thii'l ol Itiine, rrt.iv riii frmn "Cnltt ivr, l'.ii n ,irite ntnl T ! n m in ) at df ioi .li .it r 'I. I yvp lum tua Jlitlrt with t!.r hVI'i'sl rrsult. Heart Disca:t?. Vine St., If frUrnrif, P. Afer Uy't-g ilitTrrrnt fhybutns I'hI manv rniriir fur tlintatiun if lh" lic.irl tsiihiriit rcreiving art trtirftr. I watftailviM-iltotrv Idwn't I run I iltrra, Ustve tirl two lnt t anM ntrvtr ( mtul anything lhatt g4ve ttv imi. It rrlirt. Mu. JiahNiH Hut. 1'itt (lie j'cculiur tmulilct. lo which lad 1 1-s are snljcO, 1'koWN's IroM lill ll i u iiialu.il lc. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. THE BEST CALICO. tnr. sMrsox& sons MOVRSISG. SECOXD MOUnXIKG SULII) HACKS, Edciystone FANCY WKSjl PRINTS The rnnvs t nk i kint works Is eni? of the Urf.cst ntul most cu!iiU'te catab. Iilinu'iitt in I lie cuiitry. THli EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY li.n m.iMcit tlicin to nti.uii uich j erfccllon tli.il llicy can with eimfi.Itrncc nk ynU to trvt the nuahiy nf tlnir wiak. They carefully av.ii.hill iisoniuith ups, make only f.-nt col. Dii,wl.n.li arc t1iiri'ii;;lily aaJicil inln'l water ami seap, tlierchy rcninving anytliing wlm.h wi.iil I st.iin umlerclothin, T ho.c who liuyan.l wear their pints mill, tliry fill tiinfiuYiititiml llietn uienoi in dm al ility.aitiilic style and liiii.h. lie ure sml ask for their goods, anil lee that then matka auJ UkkvU ate uu them. TOE PEOPLE LIBRARY 1. ihf only 'i'. rotiMi.l v nrtoral American t.ir ri n, A.ia I ami a, ai.il oil.tr i"i ul.ir iiul n.a. I wn t.iiin1r-.l nilii.l.a miar u i.lv. Ilia tiiUoivnig ar reetnil lafttiB IB l.ilKi) I1'0 : N,i. rr:-. j:. riia Sn rt s.irnw. l.y Mar Ason 1 1. I k Ho. ,:. Kale I 1 1 tinrry. I.) May As'.ai I Is nine l"i. i l. ran l.tim. l.y Mra, lloury WwiJ 1 e. ti. Ii o. r r ll, ,ii. l r..,U v. iMut V, by Hi u- ii nr t II nl H .' Uiaiy !" 1 1,, r W I .In'. I'i.-iii. I"e. ... I i. .1 nil I'srial, ' III" auikir ..I Ii r , I li on- IS Nil ...I Ku.aniai., Iiy At.tiun"a 1 1 ii. I 1 I ' T"tn nrUi'j !." . Ly K.laarl in. it;. i) rrrli ! -. T'j'ii I I i.to-r'a 1 1 ..eii.1. lij Ciiarlai IHi-k, i a li-a IH., Waiiioa an.l Waft l.y Ml.. M K. Iim a. oi I"' ITI. r W in i ni.oi. l.y I Intla- Ilaaila lie. IMi . A M'l'. ili'rlllj. , l.y Mary l. II II. i I" l't. Nliifty-. Ina ' h "nil'tiS" aJ rtL'iiat.uio, N'i .1 IU Tiie I'llnl'I.K'S I.I lilt H V la Hi "inat pnp ular, tiruiia. It runt. 1 a au many orlmn.i otl In Allirrlnall auiliiirt. 8. I.I by alluaaa. ta.lara. or niailn i i r.' tut ol I'i .a'lta l-ir -Inula an.l .t i-aiiia lor iiuui.ia Duiuiiara. Aad ynur lieiia.Ualer air it. .1 M. i HI. VlKfc . Haihllati ra, l H. lt.-x ;a 1 hu Hi. N. V, ttti. .'. li4 uw WHENCE COMES IKE UNttOUMDEl? PCrULARI'.Y OF n tlrmnnn filnfrtnil T I Hecatirie they buve proved tbeuiselvfs thf llest Katernel Ueiuedy ever in vented. They will cure iiMlima, colds, eougl.s, rheiimatisiii, neuralgia, and any local pains. Applied to the small ofharlt tbey are lufallisliU In Haca A, lie, Nervous Debility, and H Milney troubles; to the pit f the stmuaoh tbey are a mre s for IysiepsU and Mver CompWiit. AI.lAHitT'lv'a ltKOlT8 rLASTF.Rfr are painless, fragrant, and q taluk to .ure. Heware of Imitations tliat hlli ler and Imrii Oct ALLCOCK'd, tb only Uenuine Toroiis l'laster. : , Tan. ft, Wi. Hni, r V.1' ' li a