I r Mil VlllTl l"f "Ml V' "i. M .'ay,' - 'I-"-- - - I ' - .-j.-- .... ..... . ........ .y THE! POSTi faiddteburg, Mirch 2, 1832. , iifm Hnnff rntiTi.-r Conns ol kaTi.tar Vomit r bal.l tbs fourth Monday I iMntir. alar. 4 rtovlsiauar, ssd Soeoail All conimnnltialioin, liminens lot tr Ac. for thi olhVe, to secure prompt ttontinn should bo addressed s follows: Thr Post. Middloburg (Snyder County, Pn. Advertiement eoninitinicfttiotu Ao. mint be handed fn by Monday noon, to secure inser ion in next issue T1II3 PAPER Mwaram mmim .H nitty tit frwl b t or.o. p. itowiaxturii HmaAU (is ESravi HEW YORK. We here printed bills or advertised for the follwing sales : The heirs of .Vu'liucl Mininum, lo ceased, ollor Kenl Etate at Pri vate Sale, in Perry twp. Daniel A. Fnhrman. nlfer Real tate nt Private Sle in Adam twp. Usury Kern offers at Private Pule 1 1 1 Central Solel at lleavertown, Virnituro Ntid all, or for lent. Joseph Walter of Franklin twp., offers hit farm at Private Hale. ''ridsy, Mutch 3, J. C. Rowemox, will (II Horses,. GK, Farm Imple ments, Ac, in Centre twp. Thuradriy, March fl, Michael Hack en lerg will soli Horses, Cow, Farm Implements, fcr., in Franklin t v i . Friduy, March 10, John Hower. will sell Horses, Tittle, Firm m ele ment, Sic, iu Franklin twp. galurdav. Marh 11, fetor Unrman. will tell II nrso. C.iitle, Farm in- f dements. Household Good, Ac, n Perry twp. Saturday, Msrc.li, 11, t'rinh T. Matter will toll Horse, .liile. Fnrin in plements, Hoiiuhnkl Uood, Aw, in Aiddlccreck Iwp. Mo nly, March 13. ."Nannicl facken lMru will anil Morse, Cow, farm nplemcnu, ttv. in Franklin twp, Tss'Jay, March 11, J. D. Miller, will i-ll 7ores, Cow, Farm Imple inentii, Household it.i.id ,Vc nbout 1 mile South ot Drei. hsch Church in JiifTiilo township, Union Co. Tuesday, march 14, John Mover will sell Home, Farm Implements &c. In Franklin twp. Tusodny, March 11, Samuel Snook will sell Horses, Cos, Farm m plement in., about on inlle West of Pieavertown. Wednesday, march M, George How ersox will Bell Horses, Cow. Farm Implement! tie.. In Franklin twp. Tburt.lay. M.irch l't. Il'illiam . Vo.,. ling will hc!I llomci, Oowrt, Furm inplenivnU, iCv., 2 miles Went of Aditmibiii'K. Saturday. 3arch IS. Fetor Onrmnii will aell nt i union a larire vmitrlv of .Store ClouiU in Perry twp. 6ottir.iay, March 14, ShcrifT will (.'l JCoal A'-lato at tlie C'otiit llmui: in Miildloliurtj. Momlay, M.nvh 2 John ll.IVler will ell Horp, f.WH. Kiii-iii uiplri mpnta, iii-t lmkl Ciocda, Ac, in Wcat Reaver twp, Thnrxday. Mmeh 23. If. Zoiclor will oil PonMinul Property in etcliim grie. Thumduy, March 2-1. 7nnrv Aihoch will dell HnrcM, Cuile, Farm m lilenienla, .iiMehold (j hiiIm, Ac. in Middlpcrcfk towiiNliip nl: it J mile East of Uiiitncr Htaiion. tnrdny, March 2-"), .S'linun yucken. burj; will ncll Ciiwn, Fnrin In. pie tneiita C'C, in Centre twp. Tuesday, March 2. Dnvlcl Mover will fell llorxea, ('own, HofH, I'nriii luiplpiiieiitH, Ac. in Monroe twp. Trim your grape vine. Tlie blue hit ils are here. " . Ftoth maple min" i now in order. Court in progrc proceeding next week. The miring bonnet it already agitat ing the inlndi of the lu lio. The knowing onei predict a good fruit crop next tumnier. Shingled roof ahoJ wutor and ah'ing led boya are apt lo ahed tenri. Twenty-seven Lutheran chnrchea ere erected in thia Stole during tho pkt year. New potatoes, strawberries, toma toes and freili shad are already in the city markets. la many con mica of the State par tic are being arreited for carrying concealed weapons . For aged men, women, weak ickly children, without a rival. iot caune headache. Drown' Hitters. and in 1 1 Iron A true assistant to nature in re tor Ing the system to perfect health, thus enabling it to resist disease, is Brown's Iron Bitters. M. B. Roberts' Embrocation will not cure all diseases that human fish is heir to, but for Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellings, Burns, or Flesh Wounds it I'M no par. , Sold by all druggists at CO cants. Those who snnor from an enfeebled na disordered stale of tlie system, ouu take Ayer a . Fsrapsritla and cleans the blood. Puree out ihrt lurk. ing distehlDOr ' that midarminea Lhm liealth, and conetiuliooal vigor will re turn, Tbj- following- ara the amount warded the doctors and nurse lit nt tandaiM cm President GarrtelJ 1 Dlh 10.000 i. Anne snij rt iiillou : each )3.00Qi yturn JhtyUai, uiu l"0" '.'' ac'u and Cvuiuu. the i . . There wfli he a iptfih or he Mail route froiii Micfdlebur fo JTlftifnburjr In a ahort time. - . W. t'lsh, lia Itrrn nppoinled rimt-maRter at iViddlecirek, P. (). In stead of Tobias Koitz, - fvalguud. A Kood appointment. Tlie len pliiRites of a npwpiper bt- flee are bore, poet, cranks, int, cock roach, typographical error, px chanpn fiend, book enviuer, dp llnqnent siituicrilicrs and the rhari ho always know how lo .-un tha pajr belter llmh the editor hltnclf. Ki, An Infant child of W. F. Krcamer, of .lillerlown, diod vory auddeuly on Tuesday iiijiht a week. Tho parent had gone to a wedding and tho infant was left home in charge of a nurse, who, it is said, gave it nn ovrdre of medicine, with the abuvosnd result John C. lirlm. on of o.ir former, ratenK'd friend (Jenernl Samuel Helm who moved lo the Iomtiiiou of ('ana da sonic twelve year ajo, (a viiiine fiienil and rrliitinn In Snyder county. We are plcined to cehim look o well. He do not know lluil hi nlleginnce to Quoon Victuriii hn hurl hi view or ?epubliciiiim. The First Arrival of Spring Clothing at U. C. fiiiti'lius' neadynmdo Cloth ing )ppot, Market Street, Micldlchutg. The Luteal alylu good juH from the factory not thrertdworn, inoth-ealeu, out.of-tyle good, but new tiaht out of the factory and tho tailorhop. Come and ee, nml bo atouilied at the rcinnrknlilr tow prices. Tho Standing Committeo met at the Court hotie, iu Jiddltburg, no Weilnesdiiv March 1, and fixed Katur il-iy May 2uth, 1SS2, for the riiiimiy I'.ieclion, Ji'hn II. A-nold was elected Rep rcoentntive and r. A. M, Smith Sena toi ial 1'elcgntc lo the next Stnto Con venlion. IlAltuitn Si HASat.xuKit, riiyicinn nml DrugglHtH, Main Street. Middle buru;. rvMpeetfully Invite the Attention of tlie public to their atock of Freh Prutf. New Vnintn, Oil, VnfnUhcH, lVrfuincilcH, Slu, Ac, Ac. The saving ami ndvnntnge of belni; able lo procure' 1'reitli Drug i plain lo all us no other good di'preclute ho inceli in value by iif-e art Itrut;. All arc re- ((UPHtl ll t CSII. A It.iV Ilntr. Aon of Ininh flnn- er wa ln 1 1 v li'irt on Fridar in tlie f.il- low ini; m.tnuer : 1 he team of Mr. FA. 9iirlruir win iitiiug tho Centre school liou-o in Wheat'iold Iwp., jpil a "chool was out, whoti ft lot t lad got on to li b, .irry Clomec sat nit - the nxlo with hi b.iok to thi borie anil v:i Rwitiui'.' I.i- f.ait againt the wheel when thu Hpukc cnu.'hl him in.l iluo.v him ir mini Iho Vlaiiiliinl. tn itin ' hi kn.'o out nf joint n i l I. ruin ing il l.ii.lly. llhiimliiltl Timn, Mix Jones declare bbc "will not agiiin iicconipnny ntr, it non In. in hutch on a i.iiny dny, wilh her new hat on, unh'H hn llrtl procure one ol Sol. Oopeiiheiiner'a Celel.raled (.! mer Unihreila which me tho l.ct, cheapest, I. an. licit umbrella iiuw iniini.fiict.iic.l", Feb. It, 7eath lo rat, mice, roache and Hit; Vav.h m' FxiKttMiyAToit. Ihiru. uniuiiiira and houaelinld e'earcd in a inc'c night. No fear of bad smells. Hot nml chenpct vermin killer in (lie world. Sold ovary w hero. Aarch. The store of A. V. Watson, at Co- v;rnvc Mall, which l.nd beeuchxed for aeveral week i n w uguiu open Vh 2:1, 2w. jtiidillcbcii'sjr Market. C.ISItRUTKO WBLT ST Bimonton, Jiarber c Co. ORA1X&SEEDS. Wheat pr bushel 1 20 1 ifi 71 75 4.1 1 00 4 CO Wlioat. No 2. Kve do1 ( orn lo 'Hta do Potatoea lovemeed per bushel rnoiwch. Cherries, pitted Cherries, imputed 10 a tt 25 8 Hlockberrles ' HiiHplierrie l)ried apples Soring Chicken Turkeys, liutter, prtiae Kit ir Onions lllo .0 Ird 'fullow 00' Ouk Tie K to COAL. Pea Coal 2 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 Chestnut Coal llhieksmithCobl KglT Coal MIDDLEBDRfiPKODDCE MARKET. OOSSS0TSD WSBKtr IT M. W, Dreene. Pot a toe do 100 Butter per pound W) F.ggs per dozm sn Tallow per pound Ot) laird 1J Cherries 04 SeeedCherrie 1 liluekberries 10 Kasherriea . . V Dried Apple " 00 Honp 4 t o bides 7 to 8 ' Fell. 19, at MoClure by the RV. IX M. titBtlur. John H. Ucnm to Miss Ma rah Jaue Hplgeluiyer, of Decator MiOlin Co. ra 7 niijn Jane teriier 1 SI yetfr i motrths lUWf tOLlf iyfA " .."I'.tili nr:W?: t: . - . J oU.lvur J iJ.f. :tu-.i if W Mmm,!" -"7:'?!.'"f "? -UMW"- " , f W conatni i. r..i,n.. WJuriiiM, ..K. it ia I'HK". (tcict kLm. m Wru.. J ei.-r i'Vfr oiaks nitning 11 I!: .I.VV " . LW'lt ,viii.ri.,ii'-'kT ttt.l' ofce iri CLOSING OUT.- CHEAT 8A3QAfNS ARE OFFERED. I iiifnrin hiy friend i cnlomer thai will remove on ot about tlie Oral of tpril lo another place of bnai-' nc. thy a Store, in order to start with an entirely new stock At ilia New Store. I will for the next two month soil over 1000 pair of tfoote and alio", ftl great reduction in price, for much les money, than they could be bong hi before. Everybody should call find be convinced Hint we do what we say. Parlies already a.ualuled With u know our way of dealing and other will pleo call and examine m fWk and learn my pi lee, flo will be p!caed lo eo fou w bother you buy or tint. Thanking you for past patro nise ( Ireinnin MUS.R. .1ARX. Selingrovo, fa. Jan. 20, '-. Society Belles. On account of it remni kal.!y deli cate and lliim fnigranco society belle are loud in their prnie ol Florestou Cologne. March. A lady who went Wel hist week wrote liack lo n friend, saying "ho lost all her fine clothes just hcenmo she had purchased a wnrthles trunk which would not atand tha knocks", and ad Is : "if you Intend coming out here, the first thing you do, go to Op. penlieiniet' Heliosrove, wbero yon can gel trunk, sitchel nod valice at the very lowest f rices and of the very boi quality. '. Feb. '., '.sj. A Large Stock of Trunks, Satchel and Valise lo l. sold at a great reduc tion, (iiic me i call iiti.l be c.inince.. i limirfil n f. ' .... . -- - Sol 0.culieiiitr ha lH'.OI '('.'! GOODS TO LOWEST PRICES. Co nids'c Truth mid S.il Oppcnheimer arc twin brother and if you doubt it, g" and price hi g.nid. A big lot of (iuui .'out and shoes to be sold at bargain nt Ml. R. MARX'S ?lore: Sclinsgrove, Pu. . ... It will pay evei vbo.lv lo examine the iinmeue Slock of Fuiuitoie sale bv the Pot.ular Fuiidluru innu VV. II. I'EI.I.X l.cwisl.nvn I'a I jnt received aimllicr lot of Kbn'r Boots lo he closed out with the oilier stock tit A great re.liKtlnn. MRS. It. MARX.Mclinsgruvc, IV To (hose that would like lo buy a new machine tlicap Ac, I any buy the "Sigwnll." I will ell yon a C drawer, drop leaf, cover, lock and key, and nil tho attachment iu hoc for $Ji),tX) and a plain machiiiM just a enod but not so fancy w.MKl-woik for 13,ik) I am a Sewing Macl.iinr .taunt in d l.ayeol and will -ell nud v'.ou'l . y..u l -iel, am Iho VVIiito Sewing J.i.l.lj.i A cent Feb, C. C. Si ibohl. 0, 'M. 4w. Wit invite Iho iilieulion of our rend er to Ihn it'lu'iUii'iio'iil of. the Jluck-tf eyo M'l'g Co., Mai ion.Ohio, in another column. They oO'nr ra.t iu Jucciucnt to cum nn honest living S I. 2J, out. . (iniy hair are h.m.in.blo but iheii premature nppiMiancc is Miuoyit'g. Parker's fair fal-nin prevent the an noynoce ly promptly reloiing the youthful color. Man li. Auctioneer. Emanuel Stciniiifrcr. (.O'er his service to tha pcoplo of Sny der county a an Auctioneer. Mr. S. hn had cousiderablH exierieii e ns an Auctioneer. Iii P. O. addres i-i Mid dlecreek, Snyder county, Pa. Fob. Ill, Ow. "82. We have received our first invoice of ainhurg edging mid Inserting. The pattern are handoino and Iho prices very low, . Dress goods selling now at greal'y reduced prlcoa. . In Carpets wd have a largo Variety at the very lowent prices. A full line of Silk and Satins. In black Cashmere we have now a full assortment at price that cuunol be beat. 'loan call when you come to our place. 8." 1FEIS, opposite Keystone Hotel, S'elingrove Pa. Feb. 23, 'c2. ' Public Sale: The nnderl'j?tmil aulxmrlher will of fer at l'ublio Hale at hi late residence in the borou ;h of Slltisgrove, near the Missionary Institute, ou Thursday, Miroh 21, ISS3, the following desorlDad v.duabla pro perty to wit : One Family Oarriaie, (Joe iiftf, x single set heavy Harile, fitmtbvilvi' Huddle, baud V iru HUeller, UoublA hand and horse nawer Apple Mill and Cider Pre, one horse Truok Wagon and May liaJOer. .one liorsa wieu, Cultivator, Harrow, Hrluotone, Worklieneh. I.'irM Conner Kettle. Cider Vinegar, Tubs, Buckets, large Itutcher a Meat JthN-k, large vuicuu Heater. Wood and Coal Ktove, Cook Stores. Table. Cbulr. Itoekinir Chair, bedstead, Uureuus, Hi)iiar Cup boards, lyoiinge. Long Writing Desks, Olamt artdother' lloolc Cusea, 8ecrei'y. Bhot mw, 4x aa. , . Marcii 2, mx It. ZFtl I ftir, U-Hf4 Yn Ma Fjj.( iii KliOlilPTSAND EXPENDITURES FOU 1881, -''.-- ...... . . 1 1 . . . i Tabular tinfempnl Shewn ('the, aivo't of ('ottntfai LShtto TutTsM$c.vn'ili Collect erf, Cdtnmisxivnni Exonerat ions tind.-linouttUVtilstandiinl for the year lXdL KiKTBtrr. Attama, Hoaver, Heaver West; Cbsiman, Ce6t Franklin, . Jaftkaon, MiJJhcreekv Monroe, Middlebur, Peon, Perry, Perry W est , MelinajfioVO, ' Union, Waahintflort. l:oii.fti TOM. I K I in K. Swart t, uSuionel Uiichtna.n jleonard J. Man j.i inntbau Mroub. j Michael Yvialer, jClmrlea lloluudor, j fH'i Klintrltir, ''atil Ililnimi'i, John A. ('ochran, Jacob Steiningcr, tlin llarnM-, Itcnben Ibibb. !eo. P. Ziimneraia'ti. 1 1 lib Park.. ' Fjlina Wnfrel, 'Henry Dock, T lal Tabular Stattmrnt of the Collections an t J'x n ratio is of Uutstttrnliu 7'i.yi-s oj fSStf and previous te irs fcr . laditor m Hetort. Jftnaan I IS.Sl. liip.Rirr. Ib'iivor West, I'.i.n, Rcnver Weat, Krnnitlin, Mi'Mlccfffk. IVtin. IVtry, SvlitiArnra, Uni..n. VVushitigt'jn, A.li.iiis. Heaver, lioaver Wcatt C. t.lie, I 'hapman, Franklin. Jackson, Mi blh.l ui Mi.lillecreek, .1A mi oo, 'en v, I'ertV Wet, I Vim. S llnsgrovo, I li ion . Wasl.inglon, pmnio rinr L'vnri mm quu LiAuj O: At I.I ions. ! . tOIid.ll.'HWUitli, co. And'r ft'IOO ,,u,j,, Hiefeulm. l ItlOil ( Sainu.l S. MiHir.T " " PIUJ j. II. Arnold for iiuilil'u' state tux 7.10 l'ltolltoXOTAHV. Willinm Mniili for ilock-t i:l OS F. I liutter for Med. Uelter 1 1 fill Frothi liotarv'a fee for H-J Wi "'J ia ;in.V Jfitv t'oMMt;!'!:!!. H.'lirv llmninel fee for HSl 21 10 Alviii A. L'lsh do ilo SliUHIIK'S Of I LK. Deiiiel Pol.'iuler. fee n turnkey 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 i 1 1 turors for Hl ;l : n no .' Ill) l ee for r.'iiioMi.k' Malln.l.iSlmiii to llarrii-liurif I .Mil. Asv'm Mt I p,.es ju (Juai ter S -hi-i'iu I i .Suliu' witin"..es in oyei'i. en-. 77 t TaUiiin TnouiP Murri - Dl-.'IMll Vl'OH.N ,'s I'UK.. I'. pei ... ): f riigoui the per . .,....1 . .i i.. (: ill ii oi iiiu?i-r ini'i(;.i.,' it. '; Ktt-iise In ntl. tilling Sup'. Court io the Homicide cuses 01!l -ial Fees 2Vi i"J Mif.' -'.() Expenses In attending l.r'.i aiel .Ion. Mover's cuie before Pur il.in llou'rd 40 00 Co.IMH.;riNKIl Ol-l'li K. (i. C. liutellus for expressiiife l'. I., liutter. T.n Lieu Ite ord election blaiil;, nnd b.ui.ls .lohn Itomirf's Hillary. N.ldays. .lohn K.-it.'s salary." 00 days. II. S. Wetad's salary, 7M days .1. P. Aurati l, clerk, salary I.. X. M vers, counsel 8 70 141 l:l '. .'ill) 217 .11 111.'. 01 :i.in in) 2 0) .1. W. M. Newllll for legal service ou stale tax appeal case '.".'"i H'J ItKl.ISTKIl AMI ltKl'OUllKll'a (IKKICK V. Mann for Uecjrd Hook. wm O. W. l.rlmrt. for freight Witteiuiiyer 4; Soli for writing fluid ItoAP. .1. A. Smith for ilamuge iu Mid dlecreek tp. IMwurd Miller, do 'buries Keek, do S 02 81 00 20 00 SO 00 10 00 41 CD John Hickel, do ('. I'axlon, dnmuges in Reaver ti. A. H. Howersox. do l in no P. M. Teats, et. ul road ciew foes i.'t 0'J Fkks in i.mmonwk!,to Casks. Coin. vs. Eiuauuel Ettinger, et. nl. 8-1 1" ': Malinda ShutuAry " I'rlah Moyer " I oiumisMionera of Co, " I iscur Kish " Jotin Troup " Joseph Kotll " Thomas Morris " Peter liiiiKuman " Caroline Stroup Mary Delhi " John Erh " John Milllsoff 117 Oi 03 27 GO IS 8 IS 1 00 7H it 10 111 7 711 1 72 8 on 6 00 .1 St " j tar bar a and Thomas J or dau 8SU ItKIDOKa. Hussinger, Walter k Co.. lumber furnixhed HoworsoK's bridgo 'i0 81 04 Ihuae Dreese, rep. Dreea' bridge 2 OH C. E. Parks, et. til., inakluw road taking old briilge Apart and constructing tem bridge at Mohock's mill 84 37 C E. Porks, et. al., taking dowri , part of Ixing bridge which was not swept away by tlie 1 freshet 80 '0 A. Hatier, for rep. Melser'a bridge li 1)7 A. ilouiig, tor hauling at Schoeh'a - bridge 62 II. Herry( drnft for Hnhoch's ami ) sing's bridge IS 00 Wi L. Hassliiger, rep. to Hower- sox's bridge 1 2f U. Derry. rep. tain, bridge at HchM-ir mill 0 75 I. . Koinlg. et al fbr haulirtj at Hchoeh's bridge ( til 18 J. H. rtiti'th, fortllhrVjf approach to Smith's bridge . 8 60 IT. Herman, for Oiling approach ' to lower Belinsgrbve bridge 8 05 ti. Erdlcy, for Oiling ApiWoroh td i lower HellfiHgrovti briilge 3 00 Erdly, et. uL, do do 7 40 II. Htiwlon, lumber furnished at . Oroae' liridge 7840 S. lloweii, et. al.; repairing , ttrotni' bridge.- .. i . , 88 0.1 3. M. uck, rp' t KAiifx bridgo 'im C. li. Parks, ot. ul., r-p. atrkaioch's . teinpornry bridge. ' gJ.'J II. J. tfairs-liY, fifr labor tt lrtwef Ugro1 nriOj.fi, I. OLLII I VII 1'osntr I Hill 073 17, IIS!) Oil 7!1 00 r.io to s is no 1LSI Mi llt!!l H, 7HJ4.V beck, fliiO.SHi '. 771 S!1J 7 .' M3 2 V 121S 11 sl otr l.'iti.l 8't1 41 oo; 4' oit; f.'.U fi'.t! (i.M i l"3:i fit 12.27S il KC(J 0: .):) T 7(MI 07 1 1.V2 7i iMlti l!i 202U 1 1 ! A.ss.l.l. I I CMinlf Atat. II 1 I H TnrA!l.l I I I Coau i'. . I V4a. I .i.i, . I rn.rith I :t. . I I Cf.l Tt I S rT. Ctl T NT ATS. C'et I t t Joseph N. Il'iiut-H, I 1M7S 105 4", 18;, b Samnel C. Fisher, " 1 12 40, I William Mtuck, i 1S7!) ISC 41' 17103 f, 3 M -J. W Ivaenhownr, " ! 2"'.l 00' lit 1 SO '.'luistiau Waltor, ' " 40 2ft, HO f.V 7t' Isaac U iw. 1 14 oi i3 72 i m K.lward . .lovcr. " , 70 00 fi t KU, 4 11 i'larver II Pine, 1 ' 7.120 So IS Kim Peter StetT.ui. 102 07 0:1 S Simnel W SVtt, " ' 182 27; 174 OS 7 02 Elia It. KwnrU 1 S 4 1!0 OH t'Jl Sti, .'t : l-amnel Hichnmn. " 201 22 10110 lo (K? I.iobn M Snook. " :;isr2' no77 MS , Mielmi I Ycisley, " 1 20S 27 201 01 01 Havi.l M. Swarlz. " 1 17 f: 14S 4:1 2 40 .Midi I jSlnimlmcbir, " 312 0 1 270 00 : Iohn Ueichlcy, " 3 j S l' lit 37 1 13' Jieoh Steininger. .' " 3s 30 31 3 1 7 0 Christian Walter " ; S-'S SO 212 3J lohn A. (iochran. " 37 no 33 IS 8 8.V Geo (I. Hornbryei " 203 0s 2 Hi 77 I ,-Tolin It ( ir.K.n, " M OS Hi 0 M( tin Ilnriu r, ' 10S S2 1S2 00 I Harvey II. Pine. " SlOls 401 75 'Aaron .-erhrihl, ! " 210 21'. 202 01 7 0.1 I.Samuel W. Wall. i " K70HO S72 of, Total if Villo'i 1.S02 2"i .i':i brl.I-e. 11. V. Keefer Itro. erecting II (Ml H.'lloell lltl.l l.oll''- bridge's over Peons ci I, Sell ..-ir SiKlO Oil " Long 4J .I" W. D. iift. f..r rep. luniiinn and laboring at l'nxtonville bridge .1. liouiig, hauling ut Hums' bridge. M. Fr.iu.ie, rep. l'axtoliville briilge. II. I tt, storage of Schoch's bridge .1. S. Mei-er, rep. Sfciser's bridge M. Kwiif. rep. to food' bridge. D. .s. Miller, rep. to KutiU's bridge. V. II. Dive-e, blacksinithing to l't 4u SU 20 2d 8 ''- 3 tic. ml liriOge, 1 ltelij. rifich. rep. to lower Seiins- irn.ve bridge. . I ll.. - ..........I.... 1 I...F.....h-., I,IW-..IIJ I.' .1 touville bridge. 11 21 C. It. yer, 1 1. a i., f..f I it tuber tic, iiu.l repi.irs t ' How. i'hox'h b-i & . in, o: '.V. I v. ' -i . t. nl.. lumber an.! .ei.. .. ;ij l.lleburg ini ;h !... f r. p. to Hunts' i l.rt.l r-. f tu , i i. !. Davl i. !nt. on llri Ige Itoml S j ! i'. Ri.u.'li. t'.r Mi. -ks.it! it li to p.ix ( .livne lir,. ue t . K-ek. et. ill., rep. Meisel brtdg". 0 .1. I.. M iselmnu, stone furnished MMins-rovt, t,rt.l-e. 1 1 O. H vers, huul. ul feliusgrove bruise. 'J ,Vl .1. W. Oiitigler. for repairs mid fur. material ut CeliliKi;rove bridge Ol D7 .1. Keichly, rep. K I nt ... l ill.' bridge ' ft &i) J. Morris, rep. Hums' & Hoover's brid: e. !i 77 P. K. Hlecker, lilacksuiitliiug ut I'.uriiV bridge 1 00 I . .Sotles, rep. t oiie brulu" 4 Hit I. I.oiig, l.i'iorut Schoch's nud l.onir'H bridi-e 111 (111 V. I Siv.irt! fen (foo.r brill. -it .'t Ms u c M..i r......i.i...,.r l,h. t Wet eel Iirii nc no 00 'Sclioch Pro's lor uiiil fin niched to S.-liiich's nnd 1.oii'h bridge Ml lfi .1. I lit. lor hauling at Long's l.i Litre 8 OU .1. iiiiiiiuiel Si Co.. lumber fur niched to Schocb', Long's and Sclilisgrove bridges 117 14 li. itow, et. nl., masonry to iSt'liu grove bridge 81 00 t i.l NTY JAll.. Itoswell Rot brock, M. D. madi cine And Atreu'ee to prisoners kotb, Etting k Erli " Nft 2i duo. 8. Stetier Watcbtmiu 'Jjr, (hi C. II. Diinkelberger for coal fur'd 27.12 X, S. Iniiiibin b for blacksmithlug 4 71 D. Holender rlh'tf Ixiarding pris. 1)27 fit) II. Jloleiicler Mill lor UeOsf "ail le'ddiug and cleaning jail D. T. lllioad repnii ing spouting and roof and coal Move A. .1. rijH'i lit repairing puiijp. J. S. Ntetler washing for' ii r.'p. steps in ynrd J liiilllugton for repairing John Ltmbert for whickev for I. Erb U. C. (Iiitelin eluthiu'g for J. Mover & Erb 2S 00 :Sii 1 23 10 00 1 Oj" 1 10 II 37 Slctlur A, llro. cofllu fur E. Etting er ?f 10 oo ami bourns di'iih d for rep. I. O. Marl er M. I), examining I. Erb no ut iioi sk. John Dorn laiiifor .lohn Dorti Janitor extra work rep chairs, stands Ao H. H. Keiininger, deck for clerk of s'oiirt and one dor., chiirs .'. II. Dduklclierger coal fur nished J. W. Drss-efor iimtlingTiidse. and po.-litgH stamp funi'd D. T. Khoads rep., stove ii cap- ing ehiiniieys in Wiiteuiiiyer ii riou for coal oil IfUKTH. Pitt It Jurv 1RM Feb y Terni ifwi " " ' " " Constable Retur' " " )U .10 S 00 747 61111 10ft 001 fi77 84 71 10 ' 42 38 7'i ' I 83 ft ) 43 mi sni en 110 87 84 fi Sji.o 24 3.1 477 27 14183 8tto0 74 lo ITS.) t7 01 till o5 tsteuographer . CohrtCrfcr ' Tipstaire " " Petit Jury May Term Oraud Jury " , i Constables Heturns May Ternl Steiibgropbcr '" . ('oiirt Crier " " Trjistives . " Pfltlt Jury Spfetni-ef Term Orarlil Jury " . . " , (,'oiihtable ti'i''? " Stenourtiube'r ' . " , court CrieV rt. TbmtaveS . ' . " ury ueoiuujer rcrui Jury 1M l)H 27 ' f o or I J . ti IN lySiU'lS v. " ' r risr . ; ILuar..lfa 1 l...kTU'. I III 'nam? fMtif. I rnnlf-Hit. f !. J.n. t. :. '..Hflty StAt. 40 111 7 hk; 73 8!) 12' 44 i 75 47 40 !:' 41 3D (18 24 21 no or 47 10 fl.-. i:.! 07 0T f -i :u; K l ir, Ttju'iv" 13 Ml 8!l 03 7 75 fi bh' 21 'JH 3 01 II 7s, f :ts 0 70 2 ST y 47 r.i 7i li si, I its si Ml 1) r:i3 8;: 12.7 M 4:).". 27 fifil 7 ?on' tn 1H 07 7J S4 mi 04 4 1 1 It) 1711 1 .7 l !IJ ,'itl 17 10 HSl 01 ,Mt I.', i r . t a -1, .vi -,, . . '..r si, i -i a m: 12 (o IGs 10 O.t IT I2i 4 73 24 C7 2l I OS 2 lol 4 i 4 74 t;2 ! 72 Stenographer traii-i-ribiiuf Re cur. I iii homicide cunes .1. i. Smith li.'iir.lii. Jury in liotnieiile i'ii.. I. O. ll.irl.cr M. D. for iitt'dsi I .luror Adjourned March Petit Jury Sl...i-Ilipller Tipstave l:i.HtT.iNs. II. .t.i.n f ...to... l-.ili'v uliti'tioii M.-.r..', 17 .... t oo n to oo 7 no MJ oO t i l 2.i 00 I ttiMt .1 1 lie 11.1 i.ri.l at fell. 111. l? I 1'eh'y election oi Hetnrii jinU'.'M Nov. election VV. W. Witteiiniver et. nl. eoinpt I Nov. election return S. S. Schoch Judicial Ki turn 84S 4N ti.ln !l I.' it! oo Jud'fA to l.ewihtouti SO f!!!!..).!!.-' lit iMl.ilint. fjitiriil Klectioli Nov. "-til Hl .10 A vH'i .t . Payment of Avwors. no I Kef;i trnti.in of tlie -everal ll-lilcis of till lily, for il ritlNTtNu. reiniah I 'l oit-e, .'! I 1 'so luui.iliou IMSlI ori. I'1 ctkui l'roi'l.iui'itlou 414 ol 20 00 '.'O (l 21 0 I !n mi "0 00 ?o tin no '.'II oo ts. oo 0'i I I -i K H0 I. . ..... I 14T'I M C.iurl Proehimtitloii t Oeiieral Election l Whim U ion IW jS ,l..l work sl un Audit. h-'k Kei.orl ISM II II I- C Moyer. Court Proclamation H-ti Auditors Itepoit H lien. -nil Elc.'tioii Pi oclamali.ui ls I-'r ruilxli il Weiri.'k, t'oiivl Proilaini'ti t I Nil Auditors It. t.oi t Hs t Mill for briilge letting Uei.enil Election Proi-latiritioii .1 A I .tiiiilutr 1. 'oiirt i'foel tuiMt ions Aiidiforv. p. .port for H0 Not i. e of Apia i.l'for H-l Printing it Paper Hook iieiierai Election l't I.unati.ci '.'0 '.II 2 jo ?u ill ft 7 ','11 CoVliyilKNT Fi M C. II. Dunkelbi-rger e .iil for H"n .71 70 .1. II. Ar.a.l.l for i oj-.l fees s on Kellli. I. Ill'e.v.e fot'clllte t l X, loans I I I :. C. Hamilton board mid livery hire in I riah Mover's fuse 40 ft-.' W. Y. I.voti iletaetive in the cases Mover, El linger mill Erb :t'M oo Do in the ca of t'ri.th Mover ftsj II Do ex. in preTinrhu I'. Moyer cash ' (!'.' 27 D for services In I'. Moyci's ease f.iftO'J It 'js et. nl. h"pi"st on O'lMnal 12 ill J. Kohler Peek, et. 111. ill. .1. Stelti'll 7 !I7 J, K. Hughe e. nl. In. D. lies- sler l' 12 A. K. Oiftet. ill. in. onS. Moyer 14 112 A. Ilorilberger et. nl. on J. Clurlt I'll W. HnlneS, et. Al. Inlesmmi. D 'C. T. -1 0.1 I. How ersox expense ill botui . eide .1 77 J. P. Kant witites iu Feehrer ease 1 "I C. Hower for Comuii!otie- 20 S) " fees iii attending Su preme Court mid Hoc rd of Par- don tiOIHl A. W. Potter iu same r ise 20 m i I i: llnu'es Mervleesfit lil'bl-f'l 0QJi let t i.l..' SUM I Edward Hauler In'sl on temp. 27 25 1(U f IT. J. Smith slim. 2 si, 20 Oo ,t s ,(ivi ,1,, o W, 11. Dreese do li t C. Hower do ft 3ft 0. W. V'oiiXei.bi do ft 4o Mnlntaiiiing Morris bf IVui tenliury !I7 70 (i. C. (iiitelin exjiressiiKe 2 trl Jacob (filbert, fee incase of Jacob Hwab vs. Nny.ter Conn tv IS 1M 1. ftomlg telcgrains und Ex presaage K Christian Cilley for arrest of J. Koth )n is. C. Hower expense of having the record reinitted front the Huprenie Court In tlie lionit eide case 5o oo flflvester MoWen for Hlack suiHIibig . . (ST C. Hower services in U. Moyef wise o A. VV. Potter surna 125 oi. Fot Muintenaiiceof .M KhauioiTv 64 lo fisti.Hnif aidsa'$4 (rfiames Etltnger of dath of Eiuau uel . 1 5i Wiu. I'olltifror'tf L firfux scalp. -i 91 Oo Ull.ll ii (JC. llAlt fit t!.tlJ.- ery 74 81 NTfltR CufSTt, M: We. the imdef sfgtie.7 Commlssii.ii'rrs, i.tortify that the f..reif.iii(f stncrrfnt !s trim am! Correct of the illrftti'nrt for lh veur im, to tlte b.'.i 1 our know l"le. it 'if" i.'ufl.stuNmrrf n!s t Ills' It hi 'tnv of j.lmiarv. A. t . fl. joiin ur.rtY... H. N. WK'tV.M,. AlieF. , . M. MOV Fit J. I'. At ti, Mi, CI k. r.nt'.r4 TKK VSt ltKR S A.' t ot'N f. Rki'iikn Out i i-, Tri-nsnfer. in a'i--s.iiiut with Sny.bT C.inrt. fr Ilia v.'itr I""!. ' Dit. To the ntnOuiit .f I'.iunH mul State t. nseseil f'.r t-l l,.'.l -"-T Siiiiic Mtlftnti.ting f.T pat jeiir S.illo To ii:i't rer'd fr.itn Itrldi:" 4.:...... ' " val.' "f lumber ". .' ( v - .'ui. i'.l 4 ' It. II. ((iiinu b.f " I.. . M -r n o' P v iial.iti'-e line 'l":'.i i I ;'. t .".i Lt '. 7.'j : lc Itv n'ti't .f or.-r4 pni I iii it -.''...1 : ' p.i i! r.Mir. I,J", "t " " due Tr 'a -ur -r 4. in. I. ti '.;t;" ' Mnl. Isx paid State Tree, 7:i'. j ' " en'mi!ii,,bi '.''I l 'iiiumi-rloii ( 1 1 '..'1 r !'.v.l 1 1 I'M.'nenili.'if. rlsxl 'H "I l'n ..f ' ! I'Uth'in .". x.i t". " " previ .in i'iu'1 i.'.' . . I,a.'.f ' v..! ui!!" .t.. I'M Kl.iteiiienl ill llio I'titnu til Mi.tei- ; Jan '2il t.i iiit t av , I'lir.'.l.'.'incd o'r f "I T i".! M, nn. I pro i-.u v.'it 7.'' t 'iire'.i Itri'le I '...tnN t........i ilulat-. c ilue Tr-as. 'H '.'t 41 7..7.,I7 K I i T.i ..nt "in.' -1 H.i H T.l of '. (.1). I J.levi.iU vr ...it' t a i . 1 i i ; ! ' ! il.w7 Liabilities in cxci-ds over s.t tl.'.'WM T.. i n ii HiiNmt i'i.r, i itr .lit'ot; i' i n t; cm ii r in-1 i.Mii.iN I'i.i- a f I IIK C.'l I i- S.WI'I'.lt : We. tlie nii.l.iit;iii"l, Auditor of said louiity, do certify tl:ut in pur-u.'iiice of an a. 't of Ac-cm- t.ly. entiil.il ",n ,e relnting t.i 'Coiibties. Tow n-ii e.." met uttbi' ;Comuilc-loii.."' IMIi 'e. Ill MlddlCbtllg; . Ill jrinuiiry. I-.'. ,,,) did mulit flint j settle and iid.lu-t the i-evernl account set fo til in the foK't.1 inn statement. III Willie whereof. We lierenilM ! have set our hut.. I- nnd -eel thi 4lh dav of Jiiniiarv . A. D. ca. J. O. IU iKMO'.Klil'l!. o vv sii:n i:, n. i )).VS I.DILl'l C.NItACH t.s 1 Cunnt v A u titor. WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUNDED POFULAr.lTY CF Allccck's rcroiis Hosier ? lieei.use they hnvS pri'vei! t!;ei:iselye (he Lest LM. I'liel liemedy ever in 'tite.l. They wiOcttre nstlimu, cold. io.i(;lis, rhetiiiiiiticiii, neuralgia, and any l. cal i'ainc. .Vi'li ! to the fiul! of the back i bey are inf.illi.il.l.' in Ha. lv Ache, Nrvni!H Debility, nud all Kidney troiil.li's: to the pit of the -tomaeli they nr.' a sure loiru for' Dp. pia and Liver Complaint. ALbCCiCK'S I'liliiMS PLAsflilis ate puiiilc , tni.rl.il.t, nud .pii.'U to cur.'. I lew a re of imita' i.ti thi.t b.i. ter Cud burn, (i. t A I.I.Ci U '!.' s, t,,. olll iielilline I'nrofis I'la-ter. I IS! Oil .Vi ! (III t no (Mil nn I no I 0 k' Jan. ft, H-'. 0m Bsisrcsm ts-rJKrj--i.n':-.;-a-a .-Trrrra HTHE BEST 1 CALICO. WM. SJ'SOVd- SOW UOL'IiSIXO, SKC0XD MOVUMNd SOLID DLACKSi Eddystone FAXCY PiFSS PRINTS The i:nf)VSTONE PRINT W( iRKS la one i f tin largest stul mast complete csUb liiliiiunlk in the catintry. THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY lis tnaUcd them to ettain such j erfectinn that they ran with caifalince sk ym: lo tet the quality uf their w.itk. They carefully svoi.t all paonousilni, make only fait Cul cn.wlncli are tlintuuglily washed in hut water Stnl nop, thereby icmuviiig anything whuh would Main umlcrclxllaiig. 1hoe who bay and wear their print will, they feel confident, tin. I them superior in dur ability, artiatic ttylc and fmikh. lie ture and sdc for their gocxli, Snd tcs that their mark snJ UckcU sre ou llieni. DMIMS ltATOlt 'i NOIICK c lit- 4 V n!'r r lni ol i vtt t. Miitvr ('. H.t iiec'tt, t v h n vfut l ilm uu lr lainr l. All t'tw-ttM k Idk tl.u.t'lf In- h'Mvil In nltt titt wilt rir 11 nt liniiitxlt ! t-y in tni Li tj lltu l4wii n rUlm uh rid i ll title will 1 r-iii iiiii lir ! tli ant in IS A III A Ml. I. W Al-I KH Jan, 6, A.liLl.'l.larKr, I. Hit ontr oi. r.ii.t.li.l. 11 " 1 -jinn ? Am-t etri l.tr.ai t.v IW'f An. r tu. e, .frtiler S'..' ilsr ul o . iw.i l.un.lr..! oaui'. 1.1. (4'lv. Ihtt lullatlis sf rtont I'm, ttt lrm : ma. rr'e. J7. Ths Ho-rst Hurrew, try sy Ani Hi..l' K tdc. J. l't.l Ih inrfj, by M As"" I1'i.iSi( in., r. Ttit. l.ynuu, bj Mr. Hnr W00J tie, 4-1. lii.r 'I' oun i. 41. lllur.1 r of Ri'il..l M", l.f lbs - ibT sf a lla.l II..) ' Ilia, y it. iro, I'io-r Wl'il' j-.nisi iu., 1ST WS Ir anil l'rl.l, . J th SStbor or It .ra 'I hjr.." .14. 54m Hswaalau, bf AI.tioo . I u.l t . . If l7. toin Vi.rba't !.ssr 1 EJvsM II rratl Cc. M. Tu.u Tia.tlar' lrta, Ij litrr llIH , , 10 iJ. jrar an.f Wft, If VlHfM . t. , Hra aua 3a. III. !" W'.mii.ti,bt fhrl'4 ftaaJ Iu,' Si, A fl'iar,. SaorlUj., t Mary 'wli H.y iopj Nlnalf ...Ina rbnlfr rrsainit SO 4 Tb rr.'ipt.ti' MltRAHY It lbs siO't pup. 'ilar, l aua Il tai.ll la many ml nr.. orla by Auiailoa mhora. Hjla ,y altut-' ialtn,ur uiili a. ru l,n ot is i-sntt fir laala at.1 vt uauta lut Uouuis auutlxra. Kttf four ua.lalar .or .1. J H. OnfLVlK k tX.' fhhkt.i 1 vu. ja, raa ir t V. I it ;. I i V - vBrwm--mmmmmmrfr aajiija'tjiiiiiiiiiiiii ' "TV C'-' X